Tobal No. 1

Tobal No. 1

17.10.2013 17:41:15
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For play on Sony PlayStation
Presented by BoredGamer
Version: 0.5
Last Updated: 11/12/02
Phase: Technically Complete

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If you are e-mailing me about feedback, questions, or anything having to do with any FAQ, please send it to If any e-mail is sent to Blublublublu1129 that does not concern a FAQ, it will be deleted/ignored, as I primarily use this address for FAQ-related stuff.

Please stop sending me files. I will not download them unless they are someone I know, and by this I mean someone I know -personally- like family or best friends. I have suspected that some files that have been sent to me are viruses (with good justification after being persecuted) and did not download them. This also means not to send me FAQs or any other material to critique.

I don't know exactly how long this FAQ will take. It all depends on moves, etc.



10/17/01- Began work on a Udan FAQ for Tobal No. 1. This will be the only character specific guide I'm doing for Tobal No. 1 for now. I may even do one for Gren Kuts or Chuji if I feel the want. Section 7 is up. As is the Legal Bit. Added most of the moves. All I have to put is a ton of combos. Also added some questions to the FAQ.

10/18/01- Adding some more moves to the combo section. Also discovered a new combo while playing today and will add that. Began work on Section 3.

10/19/01- FAQ is complete.

11/12/02- FAQ-wide update...

Reference Credit goes to:
Instruction book

Contents According to Joe
Section 1: Introduction
1A: Udan's Background
1B: Gameplay and Controls
Section 2: Udan Move List
2A: Regular Attacks
2B: Special Attacks
2C: Throws and Grapple Moves
2D: Combo Attacks
Section 3: Fighting Strategies
Section 4: FAQ
Section 5: Legal Bit
Section 6: Thank You and Goodbye



Name: Emperor Udan
Age: Unkown
Gender: Male
Height: 4' 9"
Weight: 99 lbs
Birthplace: Unknown

Udan is the ruler of a planet called Tobal. Every year on Tobal, a fighting tournament is held with Udan as combatant in the tournament. Sadly, every year that the tournament has been held has ended in Udan becoming champion... except the 66th tournament in which he was defeated by Fei-Pusu. Although he is the ruler of an entire planet, there is not much known about him. He is completely shrowded in mystery. The only thing that is known is that he took it upon himself to hire an even more mysterious thug named Nork to come into the tournament depicted in Tobal No. 1.

2A: Gameplay and Controls

The game is essentially a 3D fighter like any kind. You square off against an opponent and use an arsenal of attacks in which you must use to knock your opponent out. There are no projectile shots in here, so don't expect another DBZ or Street Fighter out of this. You do get regular attacks, special moves, combos, and throws like most any other 3D fighting game out there. The buttons are actually quite simplistic. They can seem a bit complex at first, but after you've gotten the hang of everything, it's all downhill work. The only problem is actually finding a good fighting technique you like.

Figthing Controls:

Direction Buttons- Move Character
Analog Stick- Not used
Triangle- High attack
Square- Middle attack
X- Low attack
Circle- Not used
R1- Block
R2- Not used
L1- Jump
L2- Not used
Select- Not used
Start Button- Pause game


Udan is easily my favorite character of this game because of this moves. They have a nice speed and trickiness to them that not can not only be very effective, but also added a nice amount to the fun factor for me. True, some of his moves can be just a bunch of show, but that's only if you don't know how to properly use them. You have to know a good circumstance to use each move in order for them to be effective in any way. I'll start out with the basic moves.

NOTE: Damage is listed in the parenthases and are listed assuming that all parts of the combo hit. Official name moves are also not given. Move names made up. These moves are assuming that you and your opponent are standing on either side of the screen (as in left and right sides, your character facing directly either left or right depending on their given side).


These are mostly attacks that do not require special direction combinations to use. There are some here, though, that do require you to use the R1 button while attacking (with the exception of downard grapple and run). I will indicate as needed.

Jump- L1
Block- R1
Run- Forward, forward (hold forward on the second push)

Jab- Triangle (15)
Roundhouse Kick- Square (25)
Knee Kick- X (25)

Strong Roundhouse Kick- Hold R1, push Triangle (39)
Grapple- Hold R1, push Square
Lower Grapple- R1+Down, push Square
Spinning Lower Kick- Hold R1, push X (30)

Middle Drop Kick- Run, then push Triangle
Lower Drop Kick- Run, then push X

Frontal Jump Kick- L1, while in crouching position of jump- push Triangle or Square. (30)
Side Jump Kick- Jump, right after noise is made from jump- push Triangle, X, or Square. (30)
Flip Kick- L1, while in crouching position of jump- push X. (30)


These are different attacks that you must use different directional variations to execute. A good thing to note is that in order to do some of the moves, you need to actually move before pushing the button.

Spin Kick- Forward, Triangle (50)
Super Spin Kick- Forward, then constantly push Triangle (60)
Sping Kick/Super Spin Kick can also be achieved by substituting Forward with (back X 2, up X 2, or down X 2)

Jumping Spin Kick- Back, Triangle (50)
Jumping Spin Kick can also be achieved by substituting Back with (back, up, or down).

Spinning Back Knuckle- Forward, Square (40)
Back Flip Kick- Back, Square (40) (Back can also be replaced with Up or Down)
Front Flip Kick- Forward, forward, Square (40)
Shoulder Ram- Back, Back, Square (50)
Cart Wheel into Shoulder Ram- Up, Up, Square (50) (Both Ups can also be replaced with Downs; Udan will move in the other direction)

Sweep Kick- Back, X (40) (Back can also be replaced with Up and Down)
Forward Sweep Kick- Forward, X
Lower Drop Kick- Forward, Forward, X (40)
Lower Shoulder Ram- Back, Back, X (40) (Both Backs can also be replaced with Ups or Downs)
Middle Drop Kick- Back, Back, Square, Square


These are attacks that can only be executed in a grapple state (hold R1, push Square). Some of these can be countered at different times, especially since most of them are quite powerful and useful. They can also be really cheap if you use certain ones near the edge of a ring and throw them out.

Front Grapple:
Headbutt- Triangle (50)
Knee to Stomach- Square (50)
Kick to Knee- X (50)

Turn Opponent Around- Left, Right (or Right, Left0

Tiger Bomb- R1+Square (72)
Hiptoss/Sambo Suplex- Up, Up, R1+Square (96) (Could replace Ups with Downs)
Monkey Flip- Forward, Forward, R1+Square
Back Roll Throw- Back, Back, R1+Square
DDT- Back, Back, R1+Square (Hold Back the second time) (108)

Head Grapple (Enemy's Right):
Punch Head- Triangle (50) (can also be done with Square or X)
Headlock Takedown- R1+Square (96)

Arm Grapple (Enemy's Left):
Hit Back of Head- Triangle (50) (can also be done with Square or X)
Arm Bar- R1+Square (96)

Back Grapple:
Kick to Back- Triangle (50) (can also be done with Square or X)
German Suplex- R1+Square


These imply different attacks that require you to push different attack buttons in different sequences. In order for you to get these down, you should know the moves above at least by name.

Double Jab- Triangle, Triangle (40)
Jab-Left Hook Combo- Triangle, Square (50)
Knee Kick into Forward Flip Kick- X; then, when Udan's foot touches the ground coming off the kick, push Square (45)

Double Roundhouse Kick- Hold R1, Triangle, Triangle (64)
Double Roundhouse-Front Kick Combo- Hold R1, Triangle, Triangle, Square (96)
Double Roundhouse-Sweep Kick Combo- Hold R1, Triangle, Triangle, X (104)
Double Roundhouse-Sweep Kick-Back Kick Combo- Hold R1, Triangle, Triangle, X. When Udan is with his back toward opponent, still hold R1 and push X (or Triangle) (134)
Double Roundhouse-Sweep Kick-Back Flip Kick Combo- Hold R1, Triangle, Triangle, X. When Udan is with his back toward opponent, let go of R1 and push Square. (154)

Lower Drop Kick-Back Kick Combo- Forward, Forward, X (Lower Drop Kick) and stay in laying position for a second, then push X (Square or Triangle can work, too). (65)
Lower Drop Kick-Flip to Stand Combo- Forward, Forward, X (Lower Drop Kick) and any time before you land in a laying position, push Square. Udan should immediately flip kick to a standing position. (80)
Lower Drop Kick-Flip to Stand-Back Flip Kick Combo- Forward, Forward, X (Lower Drop Kick) and any time before you land in a laying position, push Square, Square. Udan should immediately flip kick to a standing position, then do a Back Flip Kick. (120)
Lower Drop Kick-Flip to Stand-Back Kick Combo- Forward, Forward, X (Lower Drop Kick) and any time before you land in a laying position, push Square. Udan should immeidately flip kick to a standing position, then hold R1 and push Triangle with your back turned to opponent to execute a Back Kick. (120)

NOTE: The Drop Kick Combos above can also be applied for a running Lower Drop Kick.

Middle Drop Kick- Back Kick Combo- Back, Back, Square, Square (Middle Drop Kick) and stay in laying position for a second, then push X (Square or Triangle can work, too) (65)
Middle Drop Kick-Flip to Stand Combo- Back, Back, Square, Square (Middle Drop Kick) and any time before you land in laying position, push Square. Udan should immediately flip kick to a standing position.
Middle Drop Kick-Flip to Stand-Back Flip Kick Combo- Back, Back, Square, Square (Middle Drop Kick) and any time before you land in a laying position, push Square, Square. Udan should immediately flip kick to a standing position, then do a Back Flip Kick. (120)
Middle Drop Kick-Flip to Stand-Back Kick Combo- Back, Back, Square, Square (Middle Drop Kick) and any time before you land in a laying position, push Square. Udan should immeidately flip kick to a standing position, then hold R1 and push Triangle with your back turned to opponent to execute a Back Kick. (120)

NOTE: The Drop Kick Combos above can also be applied for a running Middle Drop Kick.

Double Flip Kick Combo- Forward, Forward, Square Square (70)

Pre-notes to next few moves: The Cartwheel moves are probably the most flashy you'll see in the game. As you know, to do these, you must execute either up, up or down, down (assuming your character is looking directly to either the right or the left) and Square. A good way to think of this is to push towards your characters right or left. I'm only going to list each move as being a up, up combo, but remember that down, down can apply here as well and doesn't change the damage one way or another.

Cartwheel to Lower Drop Kick- Up, Up, Square, X (40)
Cartwheel to Lower Drop Kick-Flip to Stand Combo- Up, Up, Square, X and any time before you land in a laying position, push Square. Udan should immediately flip kick to a standing position. (80)
Cartwheel to Lower Drop Kick-Flip to Stand-Back Flip Kick Combo- Up, Up, Square, X and any time before you land in a laying position, push Square, Square. Udan should immediately flip kick to a standing position, then do a Back Flip Kick. (120)
Cartwheel to Lower Drop Kick-Flip to Stand-Back Kick Combo- Up, Up, Square, X and any time before you land in a laying position, push Square. Udan should immeidately flip kick to a standing position, then hold R1 and push Triangle with your back turned to opponent to execute a Back Kick. (120)

Cartwheel to High Jump Combo- Up, Up, Square, Square (50)
Cartwheel to High Jump into Middle Drop Kick Combo- This is best done when really close to enemy. Up, Up, Square, Square and jump over them. If your High Jump does not hit your opponent and you land on the other side of him/her/it with you back pointed towards him/her/it, push Square to execute a Middle Drop Kick. Personally, I would say to avoid over-using this move. Only use it if you have an enemy with a stout frontal defense. You can use this to get behind your opponent and get a cheap shot in. (40)


Udan's strength mainly comes from his speed and combo attacks. Assuming you can hit each attack, you can do quite a bit of damage. Hitting each attacks isn't wholely important, but getting good attacks off quickly is. With some opponents, you want to wait until there's an opening. With others, straight out brutatily prevails.

First off, learn to use Udan's short height to an advantage. I've noticed that with some really tall characters (like Oliems) their attacks can sometimes sail right over Udan's head, but not always. If you can't naturally avoid an attack, then be sure to block often enough.

Don't use too many grapple holds. Grapple holds are best used when either trying to get some distance between you and your opponent or going for a cheap win. The main reason I say not to use grapples is that some of them (especially the Tiger Bomb) can be easily countered by later combatants in the tournament. The DDT is probably your best bet as far as grapples. I is the strongest of the grapples (damage rating: 108) and cannot be countered. On top of that, it can easily be used to achieve a cheap win if you back up near the edge of the ring (give yourself some room to move back) and do a DDT such that they slip off the edge. It's cheap, yes, but it's a great desperation tactic.

Avoid using flashy moves and combos unless you have gotten a good feel for Udan's fighting style. The main reason I say this is that a lot of Udan's combos leave him wide open while he's executing each piece of it. Use your combos at a well placed time; When your opponent least expects it.

Take advantage of Udan's ability to hit low. Udan has two attacks that can hit quite low: Shoulder Ram and Lower Drop Kick. I've also noticed that the Shoulder Ram can cause Udan to go between the legs of taller opponents as I did against Illgoga today. This can allow you to get far past the reach of your opponents attacks at times, especially if they're going for high-up attacks.

Try not to get arrogant. This applies to any character. Trying to finish someone off with something that "looks cool" more often than not only winds up giving you a loss in the books.

-Individual Strategies-

This guy's full of surprises. He's very aggressive, as I've noticed. Going straight out against him can sometimes be a mistake. Putting up a stout defense can help, just don't get too comfortable with the block button. I found that with Udan, the Cartwheel to High Jump into Middle Drop Kick Combo came quite handy since Chuji was often preoccupied with doing a combo of his own.

Epon is very quick and likes to use grapples. Don't block too often, but do block occasionaly. Be sure to attack at her whenever you see an opening. Also avoid trying to grapple her to death.
This guy is pretty much a tank. Try to get beneath him with Lower Drop Kicks or Shoulder Rams, but don't over do it. He likes to fire off a lot of regular combos as well. When he does a combo, block until the combo is over and then counter him with a strong combo.

Hom can be annoying if you fight him in later rounds of the tournament, but almost pathetic if you fight him early in the tournament. Blocking helps a lot here, as does aggression. Do not get over aggressive, block his attacks, quickly counter, then back off and wait to see what he will throw next. Use grapples sparingly, if at all.

Aggression and blocking can help here, too. Do not let him get too big of an advantage and definitely do not underestimate him. Do not try so hard to grapple with him.

Lile Oliems, Illgoga is a tank fighter. He does have a decent amount of quickness to him, though. Get in low on this guy. When he does his little tail attack, try to grapple and you can grab his tail and swing him around a bit. Combos prevail the most over this guy, though.

Mary Ivonskaya:
She can be a bit difficult if you're not careful. She loves to use both combos and grapples. Block her combos and counter, but beware her grapples. Being that she is a pro wrestler, she can execute some deadly throws (some of which can be countered). Just don't try too hard to match grapple talent with her.

Gren Kuts:
He's quick and slightly aggressive. However, he doesn't seem to use a whole lot of grapples (which is not to say that he doesn't). After blocking some successful attacks, get some good combos in on him. Don't try anything too tricky.

This guy loves to do straight out combos and most of them hit the higher regions of the body. Block his attacks and counter with all you've got. He's also quite receptive to certain grapples, especially the DDT. If he forces you back too far, DDT him off the edge.

This guy is a total tank, all around. Needless to say, you cannot hit him with grapples whatsoever. Hitting this guy with lower attacks like with Oliems and Illgoga is probably a good idea. Use combos when his defense is down. I also noticed it helps to sometimes try to get a little distance between the two of you and use running attacks. Don't get too much distance, now.

Emperor Udan:
He's got a deadly combination. He's fast, he's aggressive, and he likes to use grapples. All I can say is dodge or block, but don't over block or he will grapple you. If you can get an opening at any time, take it. Be aggressive, but don't leave yourself wide open. Also don't try to use grapples on him. If you're good enough, you can slowly force him back until you knock him off the edge. This is not easily done, but it seems to happen a lot for me (at least as far as forcing him back).


Q: How do you unlock Udan?
A: Complete Dungeon 3 of the Quest Mode. Udan is the boss of the dungeon.

Q: I can't seem to get my throws down. Do you have any good advise as far doing throws?
A: Doing regular throws is actually quite easy. Hold down R1, then push Square and your character will grab their opponent. Do not release R1 from here, but push Square again and your opponent will be thrown. Now, throws that involve moving are actually a bit difficult and require a little practice. Get your opponent in that hold position, then release R1 this time. Now, move the direction I told you to (holding any buttons, if need be) and the instant your character comes ot a stop from moving, push R1 and Square at the same time and you should execute the move. If it didn't go through or the wrong move was done, then you either went to early or to late on the respective events.

Q: I can't see Udan on the selection screen. Where is he?
A: You have to move the cursor off the row of selections. He doesn't have a picture on there, so you have to keep moving one way until his name appears. The same is true for Snork and Mufu.

Q: How do you get special attacks with direction pad involvement to work?
A: The key is to not do it too late. Hit the action button that you need to use (Square, X, or Triangle) just before your character can take a full step back.

Q: Do you recommend I use practice?
A: If there's a move or type of moves that you cannot seem to get down, then I do recommend it. Of course, you can only become really good with a character if you apply what you know to battle and dungeon exploration.

Q: I keep trying to go for grapple holds, but I keep getting countered. How do I avoid this?
A: Don' rely to heavily on grapple holds. Udan's grapples are either for show or to get distance between you and your opponent (i.e. by throwing them behind you with a Monkey Flip). You mostly want to try to go for attacks and combos. If you are going to try doing grapples, I suggest learing/using DDT. Not only can it not be countered, but it's his strongest grapple attack.


This FAQ is copyright 2001 to Joe Shaffer, aka BoredGamer. Any use of this FAQ for commercial purposes in any way, shape, or form without confirmed consent of the author is strictly prohibited. This can be used for personal use and freely distributed, as long as there is no profit being made off the FAQ without my approval before hand (this includes magazines). This also cannot be posted on any websites without my solid approval. Any failure to comply with said premises can, and probably will, result in legal actions.


Thanks goes to the following...

Jeff "CJayC" Veasey and GameFAQs.

Again to those on the FAQ Contributors board.

SquareSoft for the creation of Tobal No. 1.

(c)Joe Shaffer 2001-2002

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