Castlevania Chronicles

Castlevania Chronicles

17.10.2013 16:42:37
* Akumajo Nendaiki/Castlevania Chronicle FAQ *
* Version 1.4 - Last Updated 15 October 2002 *
* By: Zach Keene ( *

Table of Contents . . . . . . 7
1) Introduction . . . . . . 25
2) What's New? . . . . . . 61
3) Credits . . . . . . . 82
4) Legal Crap . . . . . . . 143
5) Frequently Asked Questions . . . . . 160
6) Castlevania Basics . . . . . . 238
7) Fun With the Konami Code . . . . . 366
8) Walkthrough - Block 1 . . . . . 406
9) Walkthrough - Block 2 . . . . . 477
10) Walkthrough - Block 3 . . . . . 527
11) Walkthrough - Block 4 . . . . . 572
12) Walkthrough - Block 5 . . . . . 631
13) Walkthrough - Block 6 . . . . . 684
14) Walkthrough - Block 7 . . . . . 729
15) Walkthrough - Block 8 . . . . . 788
16) The End . . . . . . . 867

::: Introduction ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

I'll open this FAQ with something I had originally written for the
"Frequently Asked Questions" section, but I figured it'd be of more use here.
Those of you who already know this can move on.

Q) Castlevania Chronicles? Cool! What games are in it?
A) Calm down, this isn't the Castlevania compilation everyone's been waiting
for. CC is just one game: a port of the Sharp X68000 game "Akumajo
Dracula" which was originally released in 1993. This game (only the third
to be called simply "Akumajo Dracula", BTW) was very similar to the
original NES Castlevania (which was also known simply as "Akumajo
Dracula" in Japan), except that it had near-SNES quality graphics, better
music, and a more modern control scheme. It was also extremely difficult.

The PSX version of this game brings you the original X68000 version in all
of its glory, as well as a "Arrange Mode". Arrange mode gives you new
Simon and Dracula sprites (done by Ayami Kojima of CSOTN fame), remixed
music, and most importantly perhaps, a difficulty control.

This FAQ was originally written for the Japanese version, but since I own
both Japanese and US versions, it will cover both. The two of you out there
that happen to have a spare Sharp X68000 lying around might also find some
of the info useful as well. :)

Where to get the latest version of this FAQ
[This version is always current.]

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The Castlevania Dungeon -

::: What's New? :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Version 1.4 (15 October 2002)
- Two new secret items found.

Version 1.3 (3 October 2002)
- A few extra secret items found.
- Some slightly improved Dracula and Medusa strategies.
- Added a strategy to get rid of that annoying Glass Knight on stage
- Think you're totally awesome at this game? One word: "NOMIS..."
- And other minor fixes. Some of my enemy names have been changed
for consistency with Concerto of Midnight Sun (aka Harmony of

Version 1.22 (22 November 2001)
- Mostly a minor clean-up update, but a new question has been added
to the Frequently Asked Questions section.

::: Credits :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Thanks to (in no particular order at the moment):

- For the secret items in Stage 4 and Stage 7.

The Cardinal
- For posting to the GameFAQs board that someone found out how to
access the Original Mode soundtrack select in the US version.

Great Q
- For posting to the GameFAQs board what the heck the date option

- For finding the Gameshark-only(?) hidden Money Bag in Stage 1

- Some final Dracula tips.
- For noting that the Soundtrack Select code is not limited to
Original Mode.

- For the Moai Head on level 23.

Nemo Incognito
- For the Crown on level 9.

Dan Roth
- For finding the value of a secret Money Bag in Block 6.

Reggie Schreiber
- For the method of easily getting rid of that Glass Knight in
level 12, and a better Medusa strategy.

Tau Ceti
- For the Double Shot on level 19.

Whoever first posted the "Extra Option" code to the GameFAQs board
- For, uh, posting the "Extra Option" code to the GameFAQs board.
If you're reading this, please e-mail me so I can give you credit.
(IIRC this person's GameFAQs username was "travolta" followed by
some number...)

- A tip on how to use the Stage 2 Flea Man trap to your advantage.
- A site of screenshots from the original X68000 version, including
most of the secrets included in this FAQ. :)
- Japanese site where I found the "NOMIS..." code. - kasa0/PS/ secret/slpm867/slpm86754.html
- Japanese site where I found the "hidden sound select message" code.

::: Legal Crap ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

This Akumajo Nendaiki FAQ is (C) 2001 Zach Keene. As Grand Poo-bah of
Copyrightedness, I grant upon thee the following rights:

1) Thou mayst give this FAQ to whomever you so choose. The key word here is
"give". If anybody gets paid for this, it darn well better be me. :)

2) Thou mayst put this FAQ up on thine website, so long as it remains
completely intact. And I do mean completely.

"KONAMI", "Akumajo Nendaiki", "Akumajo Dracula", and "Castlevania
Chronicle" are trademarks of Konami Corporation. (C) 1986, 2001 Konami and
Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo.

::: Frequently Asked Questions ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Q) What's different in the US version?
A) First, the good: the US version has includes an interview with producer
Koji Igarashi (who talks a bit about a new upcoming Castlevania game as
well as the possibility of further re-releases). Also, there is an Art
Gallery that includes Ayami Kojima artwork from both this game and
Symphony of the Night. (Nothing you've probably not already seen if you
own the Sega Saturn version though.) Also, you can save your game at
stage 24 (the final battle with Dracula) in Arrange mode, which doesn't
seem to work for me on the Japanese version. (Some of you may consider
this a negative. :)

Then, the bad: The Original Mode sound hardware selection appears to have
been removed from the US version. Fortunately, it hasn't, but you now need
to use a code to access it. Also, the dolls in Stage 17 no longer have
their Japanese voices.

Then, the ugly: the screen adjustment screen still says "Please Setting

Q) I got to the top of Stage 13, but I can't find the exit! How do I get out?
A) There is a stairway on the platform on the top right corner of Stage 13.
If you can't see it or can only see a few pixels of it, you probably need
to readjust your screen settings from the Options menu, as it should be
plainly visible.

Q) I have the Japanese version, and this wonky message comes up in Japanese
and won't let me start the game! Help!
A) Put a memory card in Slot 1, select the top option, and (this is
important) push the O button.

Q) My music skips during Block 2 of Arrange!
A) So does everyone else's who owns the Japanese version. Except for those
whose music skips in other levels. :\ Seriously, the Japanese version of
this game suffered from the BGM skipping in a few places. For most people
this was limited to Block 2 Arrange, but there were a few scattered
reports of skipping music in other levels.

(Both the obvious nature of this "bug" and the semi-random nature of where
it occured for different people made me wonder if this was a result of a
botched pressing and not a bug...)

This has apparently been fixed in the US version.

Q) Got any codes?
A) Beating the game in Arrange Mode (at any difficulty) will unlock Time
Attack mode, where you can choose to play any level and your best times
will be recorded. You have only one life and a permanent Triple Shot to
get through your chosen level.

The Konami Code makes a comeback as well, but I've devoted a whole section
to it later on.

Immediately after selecting either Original Mode or Arrange Mode, hold
L1 and R1 to access the sound hardware select menu. (Note: you will get
this automatically in the Japanese version if you select Original Mode.)

While you're on the sound select screen, plug in a second controller,
then press and hold L1 + O + X on the second controller for a hidden
message. (This has been removed from the North American version of the

Start a new file in either mode, and put in "NOMIS..." as you're
name. You will be delighted to find that you now only have one life
bar. MWAHAHAHA... sorry. Finding Meat will still restore your life
(presumably the Herb will too but I have not confirmed that), but each
time you die or enter a new Block your life will be reset to one bar.

Q) Hey, there's this funky screenshot over at the Castlevania Dungeon...
A) The one with a goofy picture of Simon in the Stage 18 background? Whoever
made that screenshot apparently used an emulator and turned off a
background to get that. So what's the _real_ way to get it? Supposedly,
that Simon picture will show up in a mirror on your fifth playthrough of
Original Mode. Good luck. :)

::: Castlevania Basics ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Well, I imagine most of you know the drill, but just in case...

For those of you who joined the Castlevania saga after CSOTN or Circle of
the Moon, there are no fancy backflips, item crashes, twirling whips of doom,
air dashes, super jumps, summons, familiars, or any of that to be found here.
All you have is plain ol' Simon Belmont, the Vampire Killer whip, and
whatever special weapons that can be found. Hey, considering how much this
game is based on the original NES game, be happy that you can even control
your jumps in mid-air. :)

Simon will benefit from finding the following the following items, usually
by whipping candles.

1) Rosary - Destroys all onscreen enemies.
2) Heart - Increases Simon's heart stock by 1 (up to 99). Hearts are consumed
by using subweapons.
3) Big Heart - Increases Simon's heart stock by 5.
4) Transparency Potion - makes Simon invincible for a short period of time.
5) Chain - Increases the Vampire Killer's range and strength. You can only
find 2 maximum.
6) Money Bag - Increases your score. Red bags are worth 100 points, blue bags
are worth 400 points, and white bags are worth 700 points.
7) Meat - Castlevania Pot Roast[TM]. Restores 8 points of health.
8) Double Shot - Allows Simon to have two shots of his subweapon onscreen at
the same time. You will lose this if you die or switch subweapons.
9) Triple Shot - Allows Simon to have three shots of his subweapon onscreen
at the same time. You will lose this if you die or switch subweapons.
10) 1up - Gives you an extra life.

And you just wouldn't have much of a Castlevania game without the following
subweapons. Note that unlike Rondo of Blood, CSOTN, or Circle of the Moon,
any new subweapons you pick up immediately replace the one you had, and you
will be unable to reclaim the one you originally had.

1) Pocketwatch - Freezes all onscreen enemies. Most bosses are immune.
(5 Hearts)
2) Dagger - Throws knife straight ahead. Travels quickly, but weak. (1 Heart)
3) Axe - Flies at an upward arc. Low range, but good for enemies above you.
(1 Heart)
4) Holy Water - Lobs in a small arc, creating a small flame on impact. Low
range, but it'll do decent damage to anything dumb enough to stay in it's
flame though. (1 Heart)
5) Cross - Flies straight ahead for a distance, then returns like a
boomerang. For best results position yourself so that your enemy is at the
boomerang's maximum distance, so that it will get hit several times when
the boomerang stops and starts to return. (1 Heart)
6) Herb - Doesn't come around too often sadly, but very useful. This restores
6 blocks of your health, and you can keep using it if you have enough
hearts. Or until you die. (10 Hearts)

* Points and Extra Lives *

So, if you're wondering what good Money Bags (or any of the other assorted
items that are worth bonus points) are, you get an extra life at 30000
points, and another extra life for each 70000 points you score thereafter.
Another way to rack up points quickly is to kill several enemies at once
with one shot of a subweapon. The second enemy is worth 1000, the third 2000,
the fourth 4000, and each one past that is worth 7000.
Bone Pillars are always good for this, if you have a Cross and wait for
them to fire a few fireballs your way before you chuck a Cross at them.

* Double and Triple Shots *

While you can occasionally find these hidden in candles or other places, a
more surefire way to get them is to kill 10 enemies using your subweapon. At
that point, a Double Shot can be found in any candle that would normally be a
Heart. If you already have a Double Shot, doing this will get you a Triple
Shot instead.

* Saving *

Unlike the password systems previous Castlevanias have employed, this game
allows you to save your progress. Anytime you run out of lives you are given
the option to save, continue, or quit. Regardless if you save or continue,
you will be thrown back to the beginning of whatever Block you were on.

* Original Mode Sound Hardware Select *

The original X68000 offered you a sound hardware select screen where you
could, uh, select which sound hardware you had installed. All of the sound
hardware options can be emulated on the PSX version; but getting to this
screen may be an issue depending on what version of the game you're playing.
In the Japanese version, this screen comes up automatically when you
select Original Mode. However, if you don't like the new Arrange soundtrack,
you can hold L1 and R1 immediately after selecting Arrange Mode to bring up
this screen. Doing so will allow you to have original X68000 music with the
new pink-hair Simon. :)
US version players will have to use the L1 + R1 code to access this
screen in either mode, but otherwise it works the same as it does in the
Japanese version.

* Art Gallery (US Version only) *

This unlocks when you start a game, and new pictures unlock as you play
through the game. I'm not sure what the exact triggers are at the moment

1) Japanese Akumajo Nendaiki: Akumajo Dracula cover art
2) Simon
3) Dracula
4) US Castlevania Chronicles cover art
5) Japanese PSX Akumajo Dracula X: Gekka no Yasoukyoku cover art
6) Alucard
7) Alucard (close-up)
8) Alucard (using a potion)
9) Alucard (w/ bats)
10) Alucard (w/ Alucard Shield)
11) Alucard (casting Hellfire)
12) Richter
13) Richter (close-up)
14) Richter ("Lord of this castle" :)
15) Maria
16) Maria (close-up)
17) Lisa
18) Master Librarian
19) Succubus (censored)
20) Ferryman
21) Richter
22) Death
23) Shaft
24) Dracula
25) Dracula (close-up)
26) Japanese Sega Saturn Akumajo Dracula X: Gekka no Yasoukyoku cover art

::: Fun With the Konami Code ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Devoting a whole section to this probably wasn't necessary, but for maximum
playing enjoyment I recommend using this code before starting each playing.
No, this isn't a cheat code of any sort, but it helps to restore some of the
neat features of the original X68000 version that would otherwise be lost.

At the title screen (the one with "Original", "Arrange", and "Options"),
press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, X, O (this would be the
Konami Code, for the two people out there who don't already know it. :)
This will allow you to access the Extra Option menu.

[NOTE: This code still works in the US version, but since the confirm and
cancel buttons have been swapped, the code is now Up, Up, Down, Down,
Left, Right, Left, Right, O, X.]

The first option is the date/time setting. It is set by default to May 24,
2001 (the game's release date in Japan.) Anyway, go ahead and set today's
time and date. For what it's worth, the time and date will be saved to the
memory card, but obviously it'll be off the next time you play the game.

What's the point, you ask? Well, the boss battle of Level 5 takes place in
front of a clock. The original X68000 version set this clock to the X68000's
clock (which presumably would be the current time.) The PSX has no such
battery-powered clock, so without this option all it could do would be to
set it to your current playing time (like CSOTN's Marble Gallery clock did
on the PSX) or however long it had been turned on.

What good is the date, you ask? One of the backgrounds in Block 7 changes
with the seasons.

Anyway, the second option is the Display Mode option, which allows you to
select whether or not your status bar (with your health, current stage, etc.)
is transparent (choose Normal) or opaque (a la the NES Castlevania games;
choose Trim).

All set? Then let's begin.

::: Walkthrough - Block 1 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

This walkthrough assumes you are playing Arrange at Normal difficulty,
unless otherwise noted. Enemy and boss names are taken from similar
enemies in CSOTN or CotM whenever possible. Otherwise, I just made them up.
Also this won't be a walkthrough in the usual sense (like my CSOTN FAQ),
since the levels are very straightforward. Only rarely does the path branch,
and in these cases both paths will lead to the same place. These walkthrough
sections will mostly point out secrets, give boss strategies, and anything
else I feel is worth mentioning.

Facts About: Monastery
Music Track: Vampire Killer
Enemies Found: Bat, Black Panther, Flea Man, Merman, Peeping Eye, Zombie
Bosses Found: Darkwing Bat

If you've played the original Castlevania this level will be very familiar.
All of the secrets are just where you remember them, too... well, almost. :)

Stage 1:
Nothing much to say about this, just head to the right. Kneel before you
cross the bridge to uncover a Crown behind you. The Crown is worth 2000 bonus
At the very end of the first set of floating platforms (where the Black
Panthers attack; right before the painting), you can whip the last block in
order to find a 700 point white Money Bag.

(One for the weirdness column: The platform floating high off the ground
near the very end of the stage contains a 1000 point Money Bag, but there
seems to be no way to actually get up there without using a Gameshark.)

Stage 2:
Castlevania veterans will be tempted to whip out the bottom two blocks of
the right wall at the beginning of stage 2. Doing so would be a Bad Thing.
(Go ahead and try, but don't say I didn't warn you. :) (But if you whipped it
anyway, you can position yourself so that you can keep whipping the resulting
Flea Men as they appear, and rack up a few additional lives and points if you
want.) Instead, take out the bottom two blocks of the bottom left wall for
some Meat.
Going down stairs, one of the floating blocks can be whipped to allow you
access to a candle with a Big Heart if you feel like bothering with it.
Once you get to the end of the mermen room, whip off the far right block
of the floating platform with the stairs and drop to the very bottom
platform. Kneel down on the far left block of that platform to uncover
another 2000 point Crown.

(Another one for the weirdness column: once you come back up from the
Merman room, you can whip the top right block from the large wall to the
left, then jump on top and head left all the way back to the start of
Stage 2. There doesn't seem to be any purpose to this, though...)

Stage 3:
Again, not much going on here. The small three-block platform at the very
end will yield a Double Shot if you whip off the last block. This will come
in handy, because you're about to face...

Darkwing Bat Tactics Boss Music Track: Creatures In The Depth
The Darkwing Bat will just sort of hover around. If you leave it alone for
too long, it will swoop down on you, but this won't be an issue if you can
keep it busy. Every time you strike it it will turn into a flock of bats;
you can kill off some of these bats if you like, but there's no point since
extra bats will fly in to replace any you kill, and eventually the whole lot
will reform the Darkwing Bat again.

::: Walkthrough - Block 2 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Facts About: Underground Waterway
Music Track: Thrashard in the Cave
Enemies Found: Bat, Bone Dragon, Merman, Peeping Eye, Spear Demon
Bosses Found: Dragon Zombie

Stage 4:
Nothing much of note here. Keep whipping at the green goo to break through;
it will regenerate if you don't keep whipping at it fast enough.
When you reach the part where the stalactites fall from the ceiling that
you must jump on to continue, stay on the ground and duck just before the
path is blocked. This will reveal a 2000 point Crown on the platform above.

Stage 5:
One of ADX68000's few route splits occurs here. I recommend taking the high
route, because it will eventually lead to a Bone Dragon, and behind the Bone
Dragon you can whip out the wall to find a strange robed flute-playing
figure. Once he comes out, four items will start spinning; whip an item to
collect it. Or, if you don't like your item options, whip the flute player.
This will give you four new items. Be careful though. If you whip the flute
player too many times, you will kill him and won't get anything.
If you took the low route, mind the gap where the large snake creature
likes to pop up and take a bite out of jumping vampire killers. You can get
a 10 point bonus for every time you successfully make the jump, though.

Stage 6:
Going up? Be careful, since your raft will get smaller and smaller as it
runs into the small platforms. Meanwhile, mermen will be attacking you and
trying to knock you off. If you're playing anything harder than Arrange
Normal, be extremely careful, since their fireballs will send you flying
right off your raft.
At about the end of your ride you'll have to leap accross a few platforms
to get to a new raft. Do so quickly, because the screen will still be
scrolling upward.

Dragon Zombie Tactics Boss Music Track: Creatures In The Depth
The Dragon Zombie will do anything in its power to knock you off your raft.
Watch out for its flame breath, and beware of the fact that it will
periodically upset your raft with its tail. Its weak point is its head, so
aim for that with whatever you may have (the Axe would be pretty useful here,
and crosses are always good. :)

::: Walkthrough - Block 3 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Facts About: Courtyard
Music Track: Wicked Child
Enemies Found: Archer Statue, Blue Raven, Bubble, Caterpillar, Harpy, Flea
Man, Skeleton, Toad, Tree Demon
Bosses Found: Wizard

Stage 7:
Beware of the trees, since demons like to pop out of them when you least
expect it. Once you get past the Harpy/Flea Man drop zone and the fountain,
take the low road under the staircase there and whip out the middle block
of the lower platform for some Meat.
Climb the second set of stairs you encounter and duck at the left side of
the platform you climb onto to reveal a 1000 point Money Bag.

Stage 8:
The mud here acts as quicksand; don't stand on it too long. A rare Herb
can be found in the candle underneath the overpass toward the beginning of
the stage. You'll have to sink under the steps to get to it though.

Stage 9:
The ice here is slippery. The large ice column likes to rise up to knock
you into the spikes, which is instantly fatal. Beware of the gap-dwelling
snake again (no bonus this time, though).
Right at the end of the level, if you head down the stairs and head left
and kneel in front of the wall, a crown will appear. You'll have to be
quick to get back up the stairs to reach it, though.

Wizard Tactics Boss Music Track: Creatures In The Depth
For the most part, the Wizard isn't very threatening. His magic daggers do
little damage, his ice columns just rise you up to his level making him
easier to hit, and while annoying, those green things he shoots just steal
a few hearts.
However, do not under any circumstance allow him to get a summon off. He
will be invincible during this time, and the summon demon's flame attack is
very difficult to avoid.

::: Walkthrough - Block 4 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Facts About: Red Brick Chapel
Music Track: Bloody Tears
Enemies Found: Bat, Blood Skeleton, Bone Dragon, Bone Pillar, Glass Armor,
Ghost, Medusa Head, Skeleton, Spear Guard
Bosses Found: Medusa

Stage 10:
Once you make it to the top, walk off the left side of the topmost platform
to reveal a spinning Moai head worth 4000 points.

Stage 11:
Walk past the large goddess statue; the left wall is fake. Jump into the
wall and continue on to find a room full of goodies, including some Meat,
a Double Shot, and some subweapons. Head back to the statue and continue on.
(Note the statue's bloody tears; they turn into blood skeletons.)
When you get to the part with the elevator platforms and the two spear
guards near the very end, whip the top block of the "wall" there for a
Double Shot.

Stage 12:
The spike traps near the beginning are reminiscient of a similar part of
Block 2 from the original Castlevania. They aren't instantly fatal,
fortunately. As you climb up the stairs, the stained glass in the background
will shatter to form a rather obnoxious Glass Armor. You can take it down
easily enough, but its shield will remain and start spewing glass shards
in your direction. To get rid of it easily, after climbing on the forth
platform up, stand on the far left side of the platform and jump straight
up. The Glass Armor will form, then walk off the right side of its platform
and land on a platform below, allowing you to pass.

Fortunately you can whip the floor at the stepdown right before Medusa for
some much needed Meat.

Medusa Tactics Boss Music Track: Creatures In The Depth
Those of you who noticed Block 4's resemblance to Block 2 from Castlevania
will no doubt be expecting an extraordinarily easy fight. You will be wrong.
Medusa's tail has a range easily equivalent to your whip, if not longer,
and she loves to jump around sticking her butt in your face. On top of that,
she fires a laser that will petrify you temporarily. Also, she will
periodically jump high in the air and toss out snakes.
If you can get close enough the Holy Water is effective if you can get
Medusa at a time when she's not spazzing all over the screen. Which doesn't
happen very often. (As usual, Crosses are always good. :)
Better still is a Dagger at and least a Double shot, as well as a good
reserve of hearts. Stay on the far right of the screen and just chuck
Daggers at Medusa. This works extremely well as long as you don't get hit
with her petrifying ray. However, since you get the Dagger at the beginning
of Stage 10, you'll need to stay alive for the whole level.

::: Walkthrough - Block 5 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Facts About: Clock Tower
Music Track: The Tower of Gears
Enemies Found: Bone Pillar, Bone Scimitar, Flea Man, Medusa Head, Peeping
Bosses Found: Werewolf

Stage 13:
Right at the very beginning, you can whip the wall to the right to get an
Axe if you'd like one. You can get several Big Hearts and a few Subweapons
from the candles on the left side, but the fact the rotating platforms under
them make this somewhat difficult.

Stage 14:
Two Bone Pillars will drop down at the very beginning; between the two of
them and a third just offscreen, you can rack up a ton of points and a
Double Shot if you grabbed the Cross near the end of Stage 13. (See the
Castlevania Basics section if you have no idea what I'm talking about.)
Toward the end you must step on a platform that will free several Flea Men
from a cage. If you can hit them all with a Cross (or Holy Water flame or
whatever works), you can rack up yet another large amount of points. Anyway,
whip the left wall at this point, and stand in the gap you make for several
moments until a 1up appears to the right.

Stage 15:
Some more vertical action. At various points cogs will drop off the
background; you can somewhat control how they roll by whipping them. The
arrangement of 5 candles contains a Cross, Dagger, Double Shot, Pocketwatch,
and something else that I've already forgotten. :) More important however
is that if you can get to the moving platform above these candles and whip
the blocks there, you can find some Meat.

Werewolf Tactics Boss Music Track: Creatures In The Depth
The Werewolf starts jumping around like a madman, tearing off stone blocks
from the clock and throwing them at you. Then it will start throwing the
numbers from the clock face at you. :) At any rate, the most important thing
to remember here is to _keep moving_. You'll be harder to hit that way.
I _highly_ recommend having the Cross in this battle; they're a dime a
dozen through Block 5 really. A Double or Triple Shot will be very useful
as well. Try to stay as far away as possible while throwing Crosses at both
the Werewolf (and its stone chunks if you have the Hearts to spare.)
Once you whittle it down some it will grab one of the clock's hands and try
to use it as a club. Again, stay back and chuck Crosses at it, and it should
go down pretty easily at this point.

::: Walkthrough - Block 6 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Facts About: Sky Corridor
Music Tracks: MOON-FIGHT, The Tower of Dolls
Enemies Found: Axe Armor, Bone Scimitar, Clown, Ghost Bat, Marionette,
Medusa Heads, Winged Guard
Bosses Found: Doppelganger

Stage 16:
Near the bottom of the first screen (just before you can start scrolling to
the right) you can kneel down to reveal a Money Bag on the platform above
you. I wasn't able to get to it fast enough to see how much it was worth,
but I'm told it is worth 1000 points.
Once you get to the long bridge it will start crumbling, and you will have
to jump from section to section. Of course, there will be expertly placed
Medusa Heads that will try to prevent you from doing so easily.

Stage 17:
Stages 17 and 18 take place in some sort of freaky funhouse. The treasure
chests that make up the platforms here tend to spew out little toy clowns,
dolls, balloons, and bats on occasion. About midway up there will be some
blocks on the left side of the screen you can whip for some Meat. (It's
not to difficult to find.)

Stage 18:
Now you're in a hall of mirrors now. Yay. Watch out for the little ones
that tend to drop on your head. Once you get past the stairwells and Axe
Armors, you can whip the top right block for some Meat.

Doppelganger Tactics Boss Music Track: Creatures In The Depth
Hopefully this guy is smarter if you're playing Arrange Hard or Original,
because on Arrange Normal you can beat it just by kneeling and whipping like
mad, as long as you've got half or life or so coming into the battle.
Anyway, any subweapon you may be holding is also availiable to the
Doppelganger. You can use this to your advantage; grab the Dagger earlier in
the level and keep kneeling throughout the battle. Anytime the Doppelganger
throws a dagger is a free hit for you.

::: Walkthrough - Block 7 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Facts About: Torture Room/Laboratory
Music Track: Etude for the Killer
Enemies Found: Blood Skeleton, Flea Man, The Monster, Skeleton Spider,
Skeleton, Two-Headed Demon
Bosses Found: Death

Stage 19:
Don't worry about the skeletal spider thing at the beginning; just kneel
and let it pass. You can get a double shot by whipping as you go down the
stairs early in the second section, just after the two white Skeletons.

Stage 20:
After you've passed the two sets of skeletons that want you to play jump
rope (with a rather spiky and bony rope, I might add), take the stairs down
and whip the dead end for some meat. Watch out for the differently decorated
blocks to the left of spikes; those blocks will send the spikes headed right
for you.
On the second screen, there's a Double Shot hidden in the left side of the
upper level wall after you've passed the Blood Skeletons. Uh, try not to whip
the wall while you're actually fighting off the Blood Skeletons, or you'll
probably not make it around in time to collect the Double Shot. Once you have
the Double Shot and are safely on the other side of the wall, you can whip
through the wall at the Blood Skeletons if you want to rack up enough points
for another life or two.
Just past that you'll run into the Monster. You can try to fight it off if
you'd like, but it is quite fast and does not die easily. If you get hit I
recommend taking advantage of your window of invincibility and making a run
for it. The Holy Water works wonders on it, though.
Climb up the stairwell past the Monster and take a flying leap as far off
the right side as you can. If you did it right, a 4000 point Moai will be
yours for the taking.

Stage 21:

I highly recommend grabbing the Cross in the first screen. When you get to
the stairs on the top right, whip the wall first for some Meat. You may wish
to go back up and down this stairwell to collect a few spare hearts.
Check out the painting when you climb up the stairs; its colors change
depending on what date you've set (see the "Fun With the Konami Code" section
for more details.)

Death Tactics Boss Music Track: Creatures In The Depth
Death is pretty annoying (but in what Castlevania game _isn't_ he annoying
in?) He likes to float around, flooding the screen with sickles. From time to
time he'll slash at you with his large scythe. As usual having a Cross is a
Good Thing, especially with a Double or Triple Shot, to help clear out the
screen a little bit if nothing else.
I accidentally picked up an Axe on the way here and still managed to beat
him... with one life bar left mind you, but I beat him. :)

::: Walkthrough - Block 8 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Facts About: Tower of Count Dracula
Music Track: Theme of Simon Belmondo
Enemies Found: Axe Knight, Black Panther, Crossbow Knight, Darkwing Bat,
Flame Armor, Sword Knight, Maid, Morningstar Knight
Bosses Found: Dracula

Stage 22:
The path splits again on the second screen. Take the Cross in the center
if you want it, then take the right set of stairs. Whip the left wall, then
stand in front of the podium for a few moments to reveal a 1up. If your
health is good, continue on up. Otherwise go back to the room where the
path split and take the left set of stairs. Break the wall at the dead
end for some Meat, then continue upward.
On the third screen (however you may have gotten there) beware of the
chandeliers. The second one will drop, setting the room on fire. While you're
fighting off the Flame Armors here, do not forget to pay attention to the
_other_ four zillion falling chandeliers.

Stage 23:
Another import from Castlevania. As soon as you climb up the stairs,
immediately jump off the right side of the platform to reveal a 4000-point
Moai head.
As you make your way across, you will be attacked by several Darkwing
Bats. It may well be worth it to grab the Pocketwatch about halfway; this
will stop the Bats in their tracks.
Anyway, after the first jump, kneel until the first bat passes. Then keep
going and the second bat will miss you. On the ledge with the Pocketwatch,
hang around until the bat to the left comes your way, then destroy it. (This
jump is hard enough without any bats trying to knock you off.) There's still
one more bat, but defeating it or Pocketwatching by it won't be too

Stage 24:
The maids here aren't too strong, but can be annoying, so get rid of them
quickly. Otherwise this is a pretty short and straightforward level. Soon
you shall reach the Official Castlevania Stairway Of Doom[TM]. Just like
every Castlevania game, the first candle is a Cross, and the last one is a
Holy Water. I recommend taking the Holy Water. Yes, even over a Triple Shot
If you need some more hearts you can just go back down the Stairway Of
Doom[TM] and return.

Dracula Tactics Boss Music Track: Creatures In The Depth
And just like every Castlevania game, it's the old teleport/fireball
routine. Try to get just within whipping distance of Dracula when he
starts to teleport in, then when he opens his cape, jump towards him and
whip. You should hit him and clear his fireballs. (If you got hit, you
probably jumped too soon.) Once you get him down to seven or so lifebars,
he'll start shooting five fireballs instead of three, but don't let this
intimidate you, since this will require no change of strategy. Repeat until

Dracula Tactics Boss Music Track: You Goddamned Bathead!
Yes, that's really the name of the music track.

You didn't really think it'd be that easy, did you? :) Dracula will turn
into a large blue demon, that is really easy to hit with Holy Water. And
while the Holy Water is in effect, Dracula will be stunned, allowing you a
few licks with your whip to boot. The best place to be is probably directly
in front of him. If you kneel while whipping, his fireball attacks will go
right over your head. Be careful when he jumps though; a simple reposition
is enough for his regular jump, but when he starts bombing you need to be
moving far, far away. That still leaves his claw attack, which can also be
avoided if you happen to be kneeling close to Dracula. (The positioning on
that one is pretty tricky though; I can't even do it consistently)
Fortunately he doesn't seem to use that attack very often.

::: The End :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

And that's it. If you were playing on Arrange mode, enjoy the cruddy FMV.
If you were playing Original however, just like Castlevania, you get to
restart on Block 1, except this time the game is even harder. Good luck!

Zach Keene
15 October 2002

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