Silent Hill 2

Silent Hill 2

13.10.2013 23:04:57
Silent Hill 2 FAQ / Walkthrough

This walkthrough is a copyright of Thomas and Cheryl Rosado 2001.

Walkthrough by: Miss_Allie and Dark Schneider
MSN Messanger:

Date created: 9/29/01
Version: 1.1


1. Introduction/Disclaimer
2. Revision History
3. Weapons and Important Items
4. Characters
5. Enemies
6. Tips
7. Walkthrough
8. Endings
9. Secrets
10. Credits

1. Introduction/Disclaimer

Hi, I'm Miss_Allie! You may remember me from other such FAQ/Walkthroughs such as
Shadow of Destiny by Konami. My husband is helping me this time with Silent Hill 2, well,
frankly because I'm scared out of my mind by it! So he's playing and I'm writing. Now
remember, this game and all of its rights belong to Konami. We aren't affiliated with them in
any way. If you'd like to use our FAQ/walkthrough on your site, please send an email to or If you have any questions, comments,
suggestions, or anything else, you can email us. I know some people don't like emails, but to
us, they are welcome. Happy playing!

2. Revision History

9/29/01: This is our first update. We just got the game yesterday, and this is how far we've
gotten so far. More to come tomorrow!

10/2/01: Ok, we're a little farther, so another update!

10/7/01: Alrighty then, here's a complete walkthrough...we just have to get all the rest of the
secrets and endings and items and stuff!! But at least this will get you through the whole
game!! Yay!! Oh, and all Puzzle Solutions for Easy, Normal, and Hard too!!

10/25/01: Has it really been that long?? Well, we've got some new strategies for you guys!!
And how to get the last two endings too!

3. Weapons and Important Items

Wooden Plank: You start out with this thing and you have to go a ways before you get a
handgun. But it's not too bad. It's a long wooden stick with nails sticking out of it. Short

Steel Pipe: Long pipe that you can use to hit enemies. Bigger range than Wooden Plank.

Great Knife: Large knife that can cut through anyone that tries to oppose you. Just watch out
because it's really heavy and it can slow you down. Short range.

Chainsaw: It's really great and powerful, but it's heavy and kinda hard to use. Short range.

Hyper Spray: Stuns enemies, but be careful when you use it, because it's hazardous to your
health if you use it too much!

Handgun: A regular handgun, loads with bullets. Long range.

Shotgun: It's really cool against bosses and big enemies. Long range.

Hunting Rifle: I'd try and save this weapon for the "big guys", since you don't get a whole lot
of rifle shells, unfortunately. But it's a really really cool weapon!! Long range.

First Aid Kit: Use when your status is blinking, and if you don't have a health drink.

Health Drink: Not as powerful as the first aid kit, so use when your status is staticy-looking.

Mary's Letter: A letter from Mary.

Radio: It doesn't work, but it gets loud when a monster is near.

Flashlight: First of all, it's great because it allows you to see in the dark and you can turn it on
and off. Second of all, it's not that great because monsters will see you better.

4. Characters

James Sunderland: Protagonist. His wife became sick and died three years ago. Ever since
this poor man has been living an empty life, mourning his beloved wife. Somehow, he got a
letter that claimed to be from her saying to come to Silent Hill to meet her. I guess even a
glimmer of hope is enough to get him going.

Angela Orosco: James meets her in the beginning in a cemetary. There's something strange
about her. She ran away from home it seems and is lost in Silent Hill.

Maria: Apparantly an exact copy of James' late wife, except her hair and clothing. She's very
happy and energetic, which is also opposite of his late wife. It almost seems like you've
known each other for years.

Laura: A little brat! She seemed to know Mary (James' late wife) and was at the same
hospital as her. They became very close and Laura was almost like Mary's daughter.

Eddie Dombrowski: This guy is crazy. He keeps talking crazy stuff...

5. Enemies

Patients: Freaky looking things that look like they just came out of a mental hospital. They
spit out acid at you or run into you if they're on the ground. Hit it a few times and then kick it
to finish it off.

Roaches: Ewww...I hate bugs. You can even step on these things...or kick them. I wouldn't
waste precious ammo on them.

Mannequins: They pretty much look like mannequins, you know those things at the store that
shows off the clothes...except it doesn't have a head or anything. Just beat them to death.

Nurses: They look like they're carrying huge pipes. Yikes! Shoot 'em up and kick 'em when
they're down.

Hangers: These things scared the crap out of me! They hang under the floor when you're on
a grating. They'll attack you when you walk over them. Try to run by them without getting

Doormen: They look like doors, but they'll attack you. They literally suck the life right out of
you. I'd shoot them.

6. Tips

There is a 2D and 3D way of moving around. 2D is default and it allows you to move in the
direction in which you push on the D-pad. 3D is "Resident Evil style" in that when you push
up on the D-pad, you move forward. Choose which style your comfortable with before you
start playing, so that you're not fumbling around with the controls.

Try to run around with the camera behind you more often (when you can), because then you
can see better when you're running ahead.

Save whenever possible!! Seriously!

Try and find as much ammo as you can and make sure you try and conserve it too! I'll put in
where to find it in the walkthrough, so it's easier.

Subtitles are helpful sometimes. You need to pay attention to conversations sometimes and it
helps if you can read it too, in case you miss something.

Remember codes and clues, in fact write them down. Some puzzles are randomly generated,
so you have to remember different clues.

Make sure that you heal whenever you need it. You don't want to neglect your health. If
you're blinking a bit, use a health drink. If you're worse, use a first aid kit.

James will turn his head if there's something on the ground near him to pick up, if an enemy is
nearby, or if you went the wrong way. This is very helpful in all of these situations!!

7. Walkthrough


Exit the bathroom and you'll get a cut scene to find out what's going on. Run to the driver's
side of the car and get the Map of Silent Hill on the seat. Go west to the stone steps that lead
to the lake. Go down the path. Keep going! It's pretty long. Then you'll get to a well. Look
inside the well to find a red paper. These red papers are save points. So save your game.

Continue west along the path until you reach a graveyard. Walk up to the tombstones and
you'll meet Angela. After the conversation, you can talk to her again by walking up to her, if
you want. Exit to the west. Continue on the path to a building with dumpsters, enter the
opening and go through the gates with the danger sign to Wiltse Road. Go down to the
Sanders Street intersection and to the Flower Shop right across from you. To the east side is a
workbench with a watering can on it. There you will find a First Aid Kit.

Go west on Sanders Street to Linsey Street intersection. You'll see blood marks on the road
and a creature walking in the distance to the north. Go north. Right before you get to Vachss
Road, there will be a metal garage door on the corner on the east side. You will find a Health
Drink there. To the north is an impassable chasm, and on the east side of the street, right
south of the chasm, will be another metal garage door with a Health Drink. Across from the
entrance to Vachss Road (to the west in front of some houses) will be a large stone monument
with writing on it. Read it:

"Remains of ___ swamp
The ____ers of land surround___
__ is monument was originally
swamp, but later fil___
Fr___ing ago, t___s
nicknamed Blood Swamp because
the _____ers poured the wat__
_sed to wash the ex___ols
in here
Perhaps it's fo___hat
Many pe___m to have s___
__n the area"

Whatever that means...Anyway, follow Vachss Road to the east. A gate-enclosed patio on the
right has 2 Health Drinks and a Save Point. Continue east. You'll reach a construction zone
after walking through a gate. Press "X" at the barricade to enter the tunnel. It appears that
static noise you were hearing was the radio! An enemy! Kill it with your newly acquired
wooden plank. Then you'll have a cut scene with him playing with the radio.

Go back out to Lindsey Street. Beware of the new enemies around now. Go south on
Lindsey Street to Katz Street to Martin Street and turn right. There's a Health Drink by the
fence between the buildings. Go south on Martin Street until you get to a metal garage on the
(Martin Street) side of the Mexican Restaurant. There will be a Health Drink. Go to the
intersection of Lindsey Street and Sanders Street. Turn right and find a Health Drink on the
west side of the street by the first building. There's also a Health Drink in front of Neely's Bar
on the Sanders Street side on the steps in front of a door. Go across the street to Happy
Burger and in the parking lot next to a trash can will be a First Aid Kit.

Go to Neely Street and right in front of you should be a First Aid Kit in front of an Injury
Center. Go to the Lucky Jade Restaurant. You'll find handgun bullets and First Aid Kit under
the roofed area.

Go to Saul Street. On the south side, you'll come to a motorhome, it's down a ways to the
west. Go inside the motorhome and you'll find a note on the sofa. There will be a point
marked on your map. Save the game here.

Now go to Neely's Bar. There is a brown door on Neely Street side that you can enter. Get
the Map in here and you'll copy the markings onto your map. Look at the message on the
window. A hole? Exit back out and go to the north end of Neely Street to find six memos
around a dead man. Read them all, but beware of getting attacked while you're reading them!

Go to the question mark at the top of Martin Street. Search the dead corpse for the Apartment
Gate Key. Go to Katz Street to the west toward Wood Side Apartments. There will be a gate,
follow it until you get to the entrance (it'll zoom in on it when you get there) and use the
Apartment Gate Key on it. Enter the double doors just inside the gate.


In the Lobby, turn left and get the Apartment Map. There's a Health Drink on the brick table
thing by the stairs and a Save Point on the wall across from it.

Go up the stairs to the second floor, since the door here is locked. Go to apartment 205 (look
at your map from the lobby, since you won't be able to see it when your in the corridor until
you get the flashlight). On the clothes dummy, is a flashlight!! And what's that behind
there...uh oh, a mannequin! Beat it to death and you can examine the clothes dummy.

Run to apartment 210 to find 2 boxes of handgun bullets, one when you first walk in on the
table and the other in a separate room on a nighttable with a lamp. Go now to apartment 208
and get a message on a table with a phone on it, near where you enter. On the wall, 3 names
are scratched it. This is a clue for later. On the clock, there is something written and you can
try to push it, but it won't even budge.

Now go to the 3rd Floor and there will be bars blocking the corridor. Try to reach through the
bars to get that key. What a brat!! Enter apartment 301 to find your handgun! Finally! It's in
the shopping cart. Don't use it yet, though. I'd still use the plank just so you can save your

Go back down to apartment 208. You'll hear a strange noise. Run north and into 208.
There's a dead guy in here in a chair and there's now a key on a bookshelf. Go to Room 202
and in the kitchen is a Health Drink. Enter the bedroom and you'll see a nasty hole with
moths buzzing around with green crap all over. You stick your hand in for a Clock Key.

Now go back to 208 and use the Clock Key on the front of the clock. Use the clues on the
wall and in that note that you found to solve it. The answer is 9:10. (It's worded differently
on other difficulties, but the answer is always 9:10, mimicing the marks on the wall)
Something should click, when it does, push the clock to reveal a hole in the wall. Go through
and you'll end up in apartment 209. There's a Health Drink in the kitchen.

Exit 209 out the door and go up the stairs. At the top of the stairs is handgun bullets. Go to
apartment 307 and see a...strange cut scene. What are those monsters doing to each other...?
Whew, close call there! Go back in the closet and get the Courtyard Key. Go to where there
is a "key mark" on the map and pick up the Fire Escape Key you couldn't get before. Now go
to apartment 303 and find a First Aid Kit on a desk, a Health Drink in the kitchen, and
handgun bullets on a caved in table. Go to the laundry room next to 303 and get some
handgun bullets.

Run down the east stairs to the 1st Floor. In front of apartment 107 is Canned Juice. Yes,
canned juice...I thought I read it wrong...canned juice... Return to the Lobby, you can come
back the way you came, or you can go down the stairs you are at to get to the 1st floor and
exit and run to the west to where you first came into the apartments. Go to the 2nd floor
laundry room and use the Canned Juice to knock the garbage out of the chute. Now go
outside to the east of the front door and get the Coin [Old Man] and a gossip magazine. Make
sure you read and remember this article for later...

Go back in the lobby and use the Courtyard Key on the door. Go to the pool and make sure
you have your gun ready. Kill the monsters in the pool and jump in. Examine the
stroller/carraige thing to get Coil [Snake]. Use the steps to get out.

Go through the east door and to apartment 101. There's a dead guy in the kitchen and
handgun bullets in a corner. Who is gagging and vomiing like that? Go in the bathroom to
find out. Talk to Eddie and you'll be kinda...grossed out. Go to apartment 104 for handgun
bullets on a table and a brochure on a counter.

Go to the 2nd floor and use the Fire Escape Key to open the blue door on the west end of the
2nd floor, all the way to the end in front of you.


In this apartment (we're in the Blue Creek Apartments now, so you don't have a map) there is
a Health Drink in the kitchen. Go to the bathroom and stick your hand in the toilet to get a
wallet with a memo. This is a combination to the safe in the other room. It's different each
playthrough, so write it down. Go to the safe in this apartement and use the combination.
Start out on the first number, then go right or left to the second number, depending on which
direction the arrows are facing. (On Hard Puzzle Mode: Add the roman numerals
together...for example "XX" means "20" and if there's any regular numbers next to roman
numerals, example "XX2" means "22" as in you just put the regular number on the end of it.)
Once you do all of the numbers, it will open to reveal 4...count 'em 4 boxes of handgun
bullets!!! Leave this room and go down the hallway.

When you reach the "Exit" sign, go a little further to the next door on the left. Read the note
taped to the locked door, and then head back to the "Exit" door. Turn to your left and there
will be a Map of Blue Creek Apartments on the floor here! That's better! Head down to the
1st floor and into the Laundry Room for a First Aid Kit. Go to apartment 105 and there is a
puzzle box here. You need 3 coins to open it. We need to get the last one, but first, Save
Point in the closet!

Go to apartment 109. There are handgun bullets on the couch. Now enter the bedroom and
you find Angela there. She'll give you her knife. She's kinda strange. Search the nightstand
for Coin [Prisoner]. In the middle of the floor is a torn picture. Go back to room 105 and
save if needed. Now to solve that puzzle box.

The solution for Easy Puzzle mode is: [Old Man], Empty Space, [Snake], Empty Space,
Normal Puzzle Mode: Empty Space, [Old Man], [Prisoner], Empty Space, [Snake]
Hard Puzzle Mode: Empty Space, [Old Man], Empty Space, [Snake], [Prisoner]

You get the Lyne House Key for this. Go back to the 2nd Floor and use the Lyne House Key
on apartment 209. Exit on the balcony to room 208. In here you will find handgun bullets on
a chair, Apartment Stairway Key on the bed, and a Save Point. BOSS FIGHT AHEAD!! Go
back to apartment 209 and to the corridor. Head north to the blue door on the right. Unlock it
with the Apartment Stairway Key.


As soon as you enter the room and get control of James, just start shooting. I suggest using
your menu to reload. Be careful of his attacks, though. If he nicks you, it'll damage you
severely and if he full-force swings at you, you die. In one hit. I hope you saved it. After
shooting off a couple of rounds, Pyramid Head will just start walking down the stairs and into
the water below. DO NOT FOLLOW HIM!!! If you do, he'll attack you and kill you. Once
he's gone and the water is all drained, you can go down the stairs and leave the Blue Creek
Apartment Building.


There is a First Aid Kit by the gate with street cones right near where you exit. Now go north
up the alley and There's the brat!! Continue north to the arch and go up the stairs on the left
side for 2 boxes of handgun bullets. Continue north to Rosewater Park. Go north a little and
to the left up the stairs for 2 boxes of handgun bullets. Go back to the path and north a little
more and to the right by a gazebo is another box of handgun bullets. Go to the other side (left
side of the road when you're going north) and find a Health Drink up the stairs under the
covered pass. Go back to the path again and north and to the right to find another Health
Drink by a telescope.

Now head west to find...Maria! Ok, now she's going to follow you for a little while. Maybe
even a long while. You must protect her and guard her with your life. Don't let her get hit,
even a little, and don't let her even get killed because then your game is over if she dies. Just
try and protect her as best as you can.

Go west and then south on the path toward the Parking Lot. On the west side of the street,
across from the Parking Lot will be a mannequin, but behind him is a Health Drink. Go down
toward Jack's Inn and in the parking lot of the inn is a Save Point on the trunk of a blue car.
Now go down Munson Street to Katz Street. Go west on Katz Street all the way down until
the end. In an alcove on the left side will be a First Aid Kit and right across from it by a fire
hydrant will be another First Aid Kit.

Go to the Texxon Gas Station. There will be a steel pipe sticking out of a hood of a car sitting
in front of gas pumps. Go in front of the big white truck for 2 Health Drinks and a box of
handgun bullets. In front of a painted garage is a Health Drink and a box of handgun bullets.
Now go to the front of Pete's Bowl-A-Rama and right across from the door by the little garden
patch is another Health Drink.

Now run northwest on Nathan Avenue. When you come to the Historical Society, there will
be a wooden fence with lifesavers along it (to your left). There's a First Aid Kit in front of the
wooden fence. Continue NW on Nathan Avenue. The road is blocked off, but you'll find a
corpse with a map next to him and a box of handgun bullets near his head.

Return to Pete's Bowl-A-Rama, where it's now marked on your map. Go inside and in the
door on your left. You'll see a cut scene between the brat and Eddie. Go in the door on the
other side of the room you're in and you'll find out the little girl's name. Go back outside and
Maria will come running up, since she was chasing Laura. Run to the gate behind the
bowling alley and head south until Maria shows you where Laura ran to. Go through the gray
door, Maria will unlock it for you. Go up the stairs and through the green door. On a chair in
the nightclub is a First Aid Kit. Exit out the door on the other side of the room from where
you came in and run south on Carroll Street until you see Laura. Follow her into Brookhaven


Turn to the left and get the Map of the Hospital off the bulletin board. Go to the Reception
Office. There's a Health Drink on a desk and a save point on another desk and next to it is a
memo about some patients. Enter the Document Room. Next to the typewriter is a Doctor's
Journal and you'll pick up a "Purple Bull" key. Now save your game if you didn't already.

The Examination Room should be locked. Go up to the 2nd Floor and to the Men's Locker
Room. In the pocket of the lab jacket hanging next to the lockers is the Examination Room
Key. Go to the Women's Locker Room and you'll find the shotgun in a locker and look at the
Teddy Bear next to the shotgun. You'll prick yourself on a Bent Needle and you'll pick it up.
Leave and go down and enter the hallway with the "M rooms". In front of the restroom is a
box of handgun bullets.

In Examination Room 3 is a First Aid Kit on the table. Check the typewriter for a code.
Write this number down and label it "typewriter code". Go to room M2 for "Lapis Eye" key
and shotgun shells on top of the nightstand table. In Room M3, watch out for the monster,
and get the handgun bullets and Health Drink on the floor. Go to Room M6 (monsters!!) for
shotgun shells on a box and a Health Drink on the opposite side of the room on another box.

Go back to the 1st Floor and unlock the Examination Room. Go through to Doctor's Lounge
for shotgun shells in the sink. Also, check the bulletin board for "3rd Floor Patient Wing Hall
- 7335" (On Easy and Normal). You'll need this code for later.

Go up to the 3rd Floor and beware of monsters! There's a First Aid Kit on the floor across
from the Elevator. Go to the double doors leading to the S-hallway. Enter the code from the
Doctor's Lounge. Go to Room S3 and Maria will decide that she's tired. Let her rest a bit, but
I kept checking on her every now and then (I just didn't want her to die!!). Get the Roof Key
on the table next to the bed. Now go to the Shower Room and there's a drain on the floor with
something in it. You can't get it yet so go back out and to room S11. There's a Save Point on
the wall and a Health Drink on the bed.

Go to Room S14 and read the writing on the wall. There's a box that was seriously locked
up!! Go back to the stairs and up to the Roof. There's a diary on the floor. I stood by it for a
second and then tried to open all the doors. Uh oh, Pyramid Head! You don't fight him
though. He knocks you over the side. When you gain control, HEAL YOURSELF!! You're
now on the 3rd Floor in the Special Treatment Room. Go into the second room from the left
in this place and you'll find some numbers on the wall. Write these numbers down and label
them "Special Treatment Room". Go back out and there's a note near the door you can read.

Go back to Room S14 and now you can open the box!! Use the "Purple Bull" key and the
"Lapis Eye" key on the box. Now the Push Button lock, enter the "Typewriter Code". And
now the turn lock, enter the "Special Treatment Room" code. And now claim your prize!!!
All that for...a damn hair...

Go back to the Shower Room. Combine the hair and the bent nail to get the Elevator Key
from the drain. Save your game in S11, if you wish. Go to the 3rd Floor elevator across from
S8, and ride it down to the 1st Floor. Go to room C3 for shotgun shells on a crate by the door.
Handgun bullets are on the floor next to the fallen door. Go to C2 to find...Laura!


Follow her and she'll lock you in a room...equip your shotgun right away and you'll have to
shoot the crap out of the Hangers!! Strategy: Try not to get too close to them, as they will
grab you! If one happens to grab you, start pressing some buttons to get out of their grasp.
As for the shotgun, remember that it's slower to ready than the handgun. Try to focus on one
at a time and kill one before you start shooting the other.


Now you're in the Garden Area. Go out the door and down the hall. There's a Save Point on
a gate to your right and shells under it. Exit through the double doors and go to room C2.
Kill the nurse and get the First Aid Kit next to where she was. Now you'll hear a crash (if you
don't hear it, move around a bit.) Go to C1 and get a Health Drink across from the door on a
crate box, and handgun bullets on the bed.

Go to the elevator to the 2nd Floor. Go to room M4 and get the Health Drink on a green crate
and shotgun shells to the left of it. Go to M6 for handgun bullets on the bed by the door and
the First Aid Kit in the corner. On the wall where the clawing hands are, is a Dry Cell Battery
and Basement Storeroom Key. There's a piece of paper on the bed next to where you get
these. Read it to find out there's a precious ring in the basement's basement. What's a
basement's basement? Go to the Day Room. There's a refrigerator in the center of the room,
but you can't open it right now.

Go up to the 3rd Floor. To the right of the elevator door (when you're looking at the door) is a
picture of a woman and it looks like she's reaching for something. Go to Room S3 and...wait,
no Maria..? Where'd she go? There's pill bottles on the nightstand. What was she taking?
Go to S11 and on a crate by the bed are an ampoule and handgun bullets. Look on the bed for
a paper about that woman on the door that leads to the stairs.

Go to the Store Room and check out the shelves at the back of the room for a First Aid Kit,
handgun bullets, and shotgun shells. Now go to the stairs near this room for a Save Point!
Go down the stairs to the Basement Level. Search by the rubble for shells. Move the shelf
(go to the left side of it) and search the hole to see...Maria!! But she's not very happy...

Go down the ladder and find the copper ring. Turn on your subtitles, if you don't have them
on already...Now go back up to the 3rd Floor and use the Elevator to go to the 2nd floor.
You'll hear the "Trick or Treat" game show. Listen very carefully to the questions and
answers. Now go to the 2nd Floor Day Room and open the fridge, you can do it now that you
have Maria. You'll get the Lead Ring.

Go upstairs into the Store Room of the 3rd Floor to open the "Trick or Treat" Box. (You can
save first if you wish) No matter what puzzle mode you're on, it's the same code. The code
is: First row - 3, Second row - 1, Third Row - 3. You get five boxes of shotgun shells and
two ampoules!!!! Now that's worth it! Now go to the door next to the elevator on the same
floor (the one with the woman painted on it) and put both rings on the woman's hand. Go in
and down the stairs. You'll find a blue memo a little ways down, read it and continue down.

WARNING!!! When you get to the bottom, Pyramid Head will be following you, so you
have to be really quick down here. There will be bends. I will tell you which way to turn so
that you don't get hit as much, so Maria doesn't take too much damage, and you don't die.
Turn right, right, left, left, right, right, left, right, then straight to the elevator!! If you or
Maria take too much damage, I suggest loading your game.

When you get in the elevator...damn, it looks like Maria didn't make it!! Go to the Director's
Room. You'll find a map and Hospital Lobby Key on the desk. You have all kinds of places
on your map highlighted now! You'll catch a glimpse of Laura out the window, so let's go!
When you go to exit the hospital, there's a Save Point near the doors. Now leave.


Go north and in front of a truck on the right side of the street are shotgun shells. Go south
now on Carroll St. and west on Rendell St. for a tresure trove! A First Aid Kit and Health
Drink in front of a car. An ampoule and handgun bullets by a construction cone. Go east now
and on the left side of the street are 2 rifle shells next to a destroyed gate. A little further east
are more rifle shells and handgun bullets by a tree. Even further east to the corner are a
Health Drink and Shotgun shells in front of a tarp thing.

Go to Saul St. and on the south corner in front of a purple door are 2 Heath Drinks and 2
handgun bullets are next to the gate at the end of Munson St. Go to Saul St. again and find
the gate on the extreme east end of the street. Go inside and cross over the gated floor and run
away from those enemies hanging under the floor. When you get to the other side, exit
through the door. You can save your game inside the trailor, and next to the trailor is a First
Aid Kit and next to the car are 2 shotgun shells.

Continue east down the street and on the right side of the road, next to newspaper vendor
machines are 2 handgun bullets. Go north on Neely St. across from Happy Burger (left side
of street) for a First Aid Kit. In front of the menu and trash cans at Happy Burger are a Health
Drink and rifle shells. More rifle shells are in the parking lot of Happy Burger next to a trash
can. Now go to Neely's Bar. There are handgun bullets on the corner in front of the door. Go
inside and look at the new writing on the wall. Oh my! Who would write this??

Go east on Sanders St. and on the south corner are 2 boxes of shotgun shells on the stairs. Go
to the Flower Shop parking lot for shotgun shells and 2 handgun bullets. Now go to Gonzales
Mexican Restaurant. On the porch of a house next to the restaurant (Lindsey St. side) are the
wrench and a letter. Now you have to find some key, but first...more stuff!! On the north
corner of Lindsey and Katz are some handgun bullets. On the corner of Lindsey and Vachss
Rd., in front of the garage are handgun bullets. Go in front of Big Jays (corner of Katz and
Neely) for rifle shells and Health Drink (on Neely St. side). On Neely St side of Grand
Markey is handgun bullets. A little south is a Health Drink, and a little more south is another
Health Drink.

Go west on Katz St. all the way to the end. There's a door there, so go inside. Go west on
Katz St. to the end for an ampoule inside the gate. Go to Rosewater Park (you'll have to enter
the left side by the Parking Lot). Across from the Parking Lot are 2 boxes of shotgun shells.
Go north and to the west on that little strip for an ampoule (west of the circle on the map). Go
east from here to the little square on the map to a statue. Search around it for a small mound
of dirt for a bolted box. Use the wrench on it for the Old Bronze Key. Go over to the east
side of Rosewater Park, on the eastern part of the first strip of east-west land for 2 shotgun
shells. Go back out (you have to leave the left side also) and go west on Nathan Ave all the
way to the end for rifle shells.


Use the Old Bronze Key to get inside the Silent Hill Society Museum. There's no map for
this section, so bear with me here. When you get in, to your left is a Save Point. Now look
around the room at the paintings and notes and stuff before you go on. Go into the room on
the right side of the front door. Look around and then enter the hole in the wall. Run down
until you reach a door. I swear there's an end here...

Go through the door and there's a note and a First Aid Kit on the desk. Go through the next
door. Go past the gate and turn left. Go straight until you get to the intersection and go right
and there's a room on the right side of the wall. Go in for some handgun bullets on the table
in the corner. Now go back out, turn right and into the "well room". Jump!!!!

Equip your steel pipe and attack the wall until you find a weak spot that reveals a door. Go
through. You'll find a door on the right, go through here. Go through the other door in this
room and pick up the key. Your flashlight will go out so use your Dry Cell battery on it. Uh
oh! Roaches! Go to the control panel by the door.

Roach Trap Solution:
There's no set code for this part. No matter what puzzle difficulty. There will be 2 or 3
numbers lit up on the control panel. You have to find a combination of three numbers that
will open the door. It might take a few tries, but you'll get it. Now run out of the door
quickly before those roaches get you.

Go back out and into the next area of the room you're in. Use the Spiral Writing Key on the
gate on the floor. Go down here.


There's Eddie! He's really sick, isn't he? In this room are 2 Health Drinks and a Tablet of
"Gluttonous Pig". There's also a Save Point in here too. Now exit out the door that Eddie left
out of. Go into the corridor and you'll find bullets as you walk down. Further down the
corridor is a Map of the Prison on the right side! Finally a map!

Go south a bit and enter the eastern door in the middle of the hallway. In an open shower
room is a Tablet of "Seductress". Now go back out and into the corridor south of this one. In
the fifth cell from the left is a box of handgun bullets and in the ninth cell from the left is a
wax doll. Go out on the other side of the hallway (the east corridor).

Go north in the corridor. In the hallway are some handgun bullets and there's a room on the
west side where you'll find rifle shells. Go north and into the left corridor. In a cell(6th from
the right) you'll find a Tablet of "Oppressor". Keep trying to open the door and you'll manage
to force it open. Now go back to the east corridor and enter the large room across from where
you got the rifle shells.

Put the 3 tablets in the large stone scaffold and you'll hear a scream. Now go back to the door
you came in through and you'll find a horseshoe!! Go back to the west corridor(the corridor
from where you got the map) and we're going to search the west side now. Go inside the 3rd
room from the top for a First Aid Kit. You'll be able to see a lighter, but it's on the other side.
So go back out and into the 2nd room from the top to go through to the other side. Now go
back inside the room below it for the lighter.

Go in the door south and to the left. In here you'll find a First Aid Kit, ampoule, and Health
Drink. Now go into the north door and you'll finally get the Hunting Rifle!!! Along with 2
boxes of rifle shells, shotgun shells, and handgun bullets. Now go back out and into the door
right across from where you are for a Save Point!

Exit from this room and go through the gate to the south. Go to the hatch on the floor and
combine the wax doll, lighter, and horseshoe and use them on the hatch to make a handle.
Now go down and walk down the corridor through 2 sets of double doors. Check out all the
rotting corpses and holes all over. Go through until you get to another hole and jump. Go
through the door and jump yet again. Get into the elevator and pick up the First Aid Kit, rifle
shells, hand bullets, and shotgun shells. When you finally get to the bottom, get out and
there's a Save Point next to the door. Go through the door.


The interesting thing about this area is that you don't have a first. James will draw
the map as you go in this place, which is still better than no map at all!! And this place can
get a little tricky, as there's so many ladders and stuff. Good luck!

You can't get past the wired door yet. Continue down the corridor until you get to 2 ladders
on each side of a fork. Go down one of them and around the circular room until you find a
branch that leads to the center of the room. Go inside the door and you'll find the Great Knife
and 2 boxes of shotgun shells. Now go back up the ladder. Head south on the map and go to
the ladder where the floor ripped out. Go down and find another ladder leading up. Go up.

Rotating Face and Rotating Room Puzzle:

You have to get the entrance and exit open at the same time for this to work. The face on the
cube will rotate the way you press the D-pad or analog stick. Turn the face to the red eyes,
facing right side up. Now turn the face to the left. Now you'll be able to leave the room.
This works on Easy and Normal Puzzle Modes.

Hard Puzzle Mode: The puzzle is always randomized. Go inside and look around and try to
find the 2 doorways that are directly across from each other (entrance and exit doors) and try
to figure out which way to rotate the face so that the doors line up.

Go into the next room that opens up. Oh my! It's Maria! She doesn't seem to remember what
happened. What's this videotape? Go back to the room with the rotating face room and
there's a wire cutter that's stuck in the circuit breaker. Go back to the beginning of the
labyrinth (you can save here if you want) and to the wired door. Cut the wires with the wire
cutter and go down the ladder.

Go through until you reach a ladder and climb it (Note: Only go up the first ladder, the other
one doesn't lead anywhere special) then go to the south end and climb down the ladder. Go
around until you get to another ladder leading up. Climb up and go south and around to the
east to another ladder leading down. Climb down that ladder and go around to the south
leading up. There are handgun bullets next to the ladder. Go down the corridor to the ladder
leading down. Go to the western ladder and climb up to get 2 boxes of handgun bullets. Go
back down and to the eastern stairs leading up to a Save Point. Go out the door and run a bit
until James goes off on his own.


Equip your shotgun and blast him away! Try to stay away from him, because if you get too
close, he'll grab you. If he does grab you, hit your shoulder buttons and the D-pad until he
lets you go. You might want to use your menu to reload, it's much better than having James
do it himself, as that would leave him vulnerable. It should only take 10 or less shotgun hits
to finish him off...well, Angela totally finishes him off...

ALTERNATE STRATEGY: Another way you could do this is a great little hint I got: "You
have to do this quickly. Turn right and get your butt facing the wall and pull out your GREAT
KNIFE. Slap him with it once and then get out your shotgun, run to the other side of the
room, and shoot him twice. Then run around him again to the other side and blast him twice
more and he's DONE! Its great to save ammo!"

Angela doesn't sound too good...and she's not very greatful, is she? Well, leave the room and
go down the corridor until and go through the north door. Go through the left door and go up
to the hanged men and press "X" on each of them to find out their crimes. Now go out and
into the door on the left side of the hallway (a little further north). Check out the empty
nooses and read the signs next to the door.

Hang Man:

You have to find the innocent man. Reading the sign is a clue to who is the innocent man.
When you figure out who it is, you go into the room with the hanging men, look at where he
is positioned in the room, and then go back to the room with the empty nooses and pull the
corresponding rope. On Easy: The Kidnapper On Normal: The Arsonist On Hard: The

Go back to the room with the hanged men and in place of the innocent man will be a Key of
the Persecuted. Now go out to the corridor and out the door to the north. Go around to the
gate that's locked with handcuffs and use the Key of the Persecuted to unlock the handcuffs.
Now go all the way to the end of the hall and through the door to Maria's cell. What

Head back out and to the hall that branches off from the main corridor and through the gate,
then up the stairs. Pick up the First Aid Kit here and go around to the treasure trove up here
in the cemetary! You'll find an ampoule, 3 shotgun shells and a Save Point. Read the
tombstones and jump into your grave. Equip your shotgun!! Run down the long corridor
until you run into Eddie in the room.


As soon as that cut scene is over, raise your shotgun and blast the crap outta him! Think of it
as kinda an old-fashioned western! Eddie's gun has only 6 shots, so when he has to reload,
take this opportunity to blast him away. When he's sustained too much damage, he'll run off.
Pick up the rifle shells and shotgun shells. Reload your weapon and heal if needed, because
Round 2 is just about to begin! Follow him to a meat freezer type place. After that cut scene,
shoot him!! I'd fight him close up, because all he'll do is try to punch you and not really shoot
you. You can usually knock him back with your shotgun blasts before he even gets a hit off.
After all this, he'll finally keel over.


Go out the door to the outside. Turn to your right and there's a Save Point on the barrel.
Continue down the pier to the rowboat. How to maneuver the rowboat: Press the D-pad up to
go up, down to go down, right to turn right, and left to turn left. On Hard Puzzle Mode,
though, you have to row the boat using the analog sticks, which is a serious pain... When you
get in, turn right until you see a light shining in the distance. Now row toward that light.
You'll dock at the Lakeview Hotel. Run up and go to the left of the stairs. Go up to one of
the fountains for "Little Mermaid" Music Box. Now go back to the stairs and go inside.


There's a Map of the Hotel to the left of the entrance with a point on it marked "Waiting for
you". Go to Restaurant "Lake Shore" and examine one of the tables for Fish Key. Now
check out the piano and see Laura again! You'll finally be able to read Laura's letter too. Go
back out and west down the corridor to the last door on the south side (the area is grayed on
the map). Go into the open door for 3 boxes of handgun bullets and rifle shells.

Go to the stairs and go down to level B1F. Go past the Venus Tears Bar and into the elevator
for paint thinner. Go back up and into the Lobby. Check the front desk for a note and behind
the counter, in the mail slot, is a key to room 312. There's a giant music box in the center of
the room. You can place the "Little Mermaid" Music Box inside. There's also a Save Point in
this room.

Head up the Lobby stairs to 2F. Enter the door to the west. Go into the Cloak Room for a
First Aid Kit, 2 boxes of shotgun shells, and two boxes of handgun bullets! Unlock the bag
here with the Fish Key for Key to the Hotel Room 204. Go into the Reading Room for a
Health Drink and 2 boxes of shotgun shells and right outside the room to the south are 2
boxes of handgun bullets. Go to Room 204. On the desk is an Employee Elevator Key.
There's a hole in the wall to Room 202. Look at the photos on the bed. Use the paint thinner
on the photo with an "X" on it so you can find out the combination to unlock the briefcase
lock. You'll get the "Cinderella" Music Box.

Just outside the Elevator is a Health Drink and rifle shells. Go to the greyed area and use the
Employee Elevator Key to go inside. There's 2 Health Drinks on a table and a Save Point on
the wall here. Try to go into the open elevator in this room and an alarm will sound. Read the
weight limit on the elevator buttons. Put all of your items and weapons on the shelf just
outside the elevator. Ride the elevator down to 1F and get the Map for Employees on the
bulletin board. Go down to the Pantry for a "Snow White" Music Box on the shelf. Go into
Office for a videotape and can opener. Go in the Employee Lounge for 2 boxes of rifle shells
on top of the fridge. Go through the blue door in front of the office and head downstairs to
the basement. Dodge past the mannequins (since you don't have any damn weapons) and
enter the Boiler Room. Get the Bar Key and First Aid Kit. Now go in the kitchen for 3
Health Drinks. Use the can opener on the large can in the middle of the counter. Get the light
bulb. Ever hear of a can of light bulbs??

Now go into the bar. Try to unlock the door. Use the light bulb on the lamp on the counter of
the bar across from the door. Now unlock the door and go back up to 2F by the Lobby stairs
and then go in the Employee Elevator Room. Retrieve all of your much needed stuff and save
if you wish. Go back to the lobby and put the remaining 2 music boxes in and turn it on. Get
the Hotel Stairway key from the music box.

Go back up to 2F and up the stairs across from the Cloak Room and use the key on the gate
there. Go to Room 312 and play the videotape on the VCR (next to the TV). You'll find out
some disturbing information...


Go back outside and there's now a Save Point on the door of Room 313. Go back down to 2F.
((Ending alert!! If you want the "Water" ending, go to the Reading Room and listen to the
headphones on the desk. If not, don't even bother!)) Go to Room 202 and you'll end up in
Room 219. Go outside and get the 2 boxes of handgun bullets. Go to the elevator, just
outside on a table are 2 ampoules. Ride the elevator to basement.

Go in Venus Tears Bar (kill demons in water) and behind the counter are 5 Health Drinks!!!
Now go to the kitchen and get the 2 boxes of shotgun shells, 2 boxes of rifle shells, and a First
Aid Kit!! Is that all?? Now go to the stairs next to the Store Room. You'll see Angela
again!! Now she thanks you, huh? Go back out the door and for some reason, you'll end up
in the stairs again...huh? Oh well...

Go up the steps to 1F. Go to the Women's Room and outside there's 2 ampoules. Go to the
Managers Office for 2 boxes of rifle shells. Go out the east door next to Security Office. Go
through the corridor, run the whole length past the underhangers and through the door to the
Wall of Nine Save Points. I maybe this is just me...but maybe we should save?
Are they trying to tell us something? Now you're right next door to the Hotel go


Ok, yeah, you have to fight two of these guys...yuck. Equip your much needed Rifle, I hope
you've been saving it for these last two boss fights!! Now a good way to do this part is to
stand in a corner and blast the hell out of these guys until they get close, then run around to
another corner and blast them again. It doesn't matter which one you hit, because I guess they
both take damage with each hit. After a few hits, they'll walk into the center of the room. Do
not follow them. They will impale themselves with their spears.

ALTERNATE STRATEGY( Probably an easier strategy. Run
between the two monsters, wait a second and then run away! They will hurt themselves, and
their attacks are more powerful than James', so they are seriously damaged after a few hits, do
this about 10 times and give just one shotgun shot, and that's it!

Save again if you wish, and then go up to the Pyramid Heads and get the Rust-Colored Egg
and the Scarlet Egg. Put one egg in the left Lobby door and the other in the right Lobby door
on the south end of the room. It doesn't matter which egg you put in which slot. Now leave
the Lobby and leave the Hotel altogether.

((Ending alert!! If you stick around and listen to the goings on, you're likely to get the
"Water" or "Leave" endings. If you don't and run as fast as you can to the door on the other
side, you're more likely to get the "Maria" ending.))


I'm not telling you any secrets, just strategy. Now, this boss flys and will shoot moths at you.
You have to run around the room and shoot it with your rifle and dodge the moths. That's it.
Until it falls to the ground, then deliver the final blow...

ALTERNATE STRATEGY ( The final boss only releases the
moths when you look at her. If you don't turn to where she is in the camera she want release
them. Also, I like to get up close once the moths have been released and they head across the
room. I take out the great knife and after a couple slices she is a goner. She may grab me once
or twice but I don't die.

ANOTHER ALTERNATE STRATEGY ( Right after the fmv of
the monster, run under her to far corner just stand and unload rifle on her, all you need to do is
hold the fire button, even though it takes longer for James to reload the rifle himself it makes
no difference, just keep firing til she nears, run to another corner and repeat once more and
she'll die, with this method she never even realeses any moths so as long as you don't just
stand under her and wait for the tail thing to hit you, you shouldn't get hit at all.

8. Endings

These are all the endings we've gotten thus far and though following the details will get you
more likely to get these endings, we've found out that there will be an occasion where you'll
get a totally different ending than what you've previously hoped...


-Always go where Maria tells you to go, don't make her repeat herself, please!
-Try to be around her a lot in the town before you get to the Hospital and inside the Hospital
before you get to room S3.
-When she's accompanying you, make sure she suffers as little as possible...don't let her get
-In the last corridor right before the Final Boss, run as fast as you can, don't listen to the
-When Maria has to "Lie Down", check on her a lot!!!
-After leaving her cell in the Labyrinth, reenter the room.

"In Water"

-Don't heal yourself right away, try to stay low in health a little while before healing.
-Examine Angela's knife in your inventory when you recieve it.
-Listen to the whole message in the last corridor before the Final Boss Fight.
-Listen to the headphones in the Reading Room in Dark Side Hotel
-Read the diary on the Hospital roof top.


-Try to stay at full life as much as possible and try not to fight a lot or get hit a lot.
-Try to avoid the "Maria" ending with all your strength!!
-Listen to the whole message in the last corridor before the Final Boss Fight.
-Meet Maria in the Park, don't make her remind you how to get to the hotel.

"Dog Ending"

After you've beaten the game three times and have the "Leave", "Maria", and "In Water"
endings, play until you've found Maria in the park, then go towards the gas station. In
between the gas station and the bowling alley will be a chainlink fence with an open section,
then go inside and you will find a doghouse. Search in front of the doghouse, and you will
find a "Dog Key"(the doghouse may be to the left of the gas station, I'm not sure. It is close
by, however).

Now, play the game until you've finished listening to Mary's voice after watching the
videotape. Go out of the doors, turn right, and go to the Observation Room. The Dog Key will
fit its set of doors, and inside you will see a cute/funny ending with a dog. I won't give
anything away after that.

"Rebirth Ending"

If you're trying to get this ending, DO NOT get the Dog Key in addition to the White Chrism,
Obsidian Chalice, "Lost Memories" book, and Angela's knife. (Find out how to get these
items in the secrets section)

9. Secrets

In the options menu, if you press R1/L1, you can uncover more options! And after you beat
the game, more options open up still. You'll find information on saved games, game time,
and you'll even be able to modify how many bullets you pick up in each pick up!!

Extra Puzzle Mode: On your 4th time through (after completed Easy, Normal, and Hard
Puzzle modes), there's a 4th difficulty level!!! Choose Hard Puzzle Mode again, but the
puzzle solutions will be much different and much much more challanging...we haven't really
gotten far on this puzzle mode yet...

Not exactly a secret, but if you wait a few seconds at the title screen, you'll see a little intro

Hyper Spray is available after you've beaten the game twice. It can be found in the
motorhome on Saul street.

Chainsaw is available after you've beaten the game once. In the beginning, as you're running
down that really long path through the woods, you'll hear it along the path.

White Chrism is in the Blue Creek Apartments in room 105 on the kitchen counter after
you've beaten the game.

"Lost Memories" book is in the newsstand right outside of the Texxon Gas Station after
you've beaten the game.

Obsidian Chalice is inside of the Silen Hill Historical Society, in a display case thing after
you've beaten the game.

More to come later!

10. Credits

Thank you to my husband for playing for me so I wasn't too scared. Thanks to my daughter
Allie for watching DVDs on the computer so we could play on the PS2.

Thank you to for the tip about James's head turning!! And thank you
to for the "Option Menu" Secret!! Thank you to
for the Pyramid Head Duo alternate fight strategy! And to for the
Final Boss alternate strategy!

Thanks to for the alternate Door Man strategy!! And to for the intro movie (he sent it in first). Thanks for the other alternate end boss strategy.

Special thanks to for helping me get the last two endings!!!

Thank you for everyone who posted this walkthrough on their site. And thank you for the
readers of it! :)

If you have something to offer, send an email to or and we'll give you full credit! Thank you for using our walkthrough
and don't miss our Shadow of Destiny walkthrough if you haven't played the game yet.

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