Quake 2 - The Reckoning

Quake 2 - The Reckoning

18.10.2013 00:37:06

Quake 2 Mission Pack 1 - The Reckoning [Secrets]
Enemies disappear in The Reckoning: Medic, Mutant & Strogg Drone

Under ~ console, type viewpos to see player's position (X Y Z) : DIRECTION

Unit 1 Level 1 - Map XSWAMP "The Swamps" (3 Secrets)

1. At the cave where a Machine Gun [(-224 -2127 4) : 117] is located, dive
into the water deep and swim across the cave to surface shore. Up the
stone stairs, run and jump past a cone pike to the opposite side. Enter
the cave and get the "Silencer" [(-1650 1543 46) : -116].

2. After shooting the cracked gate, turn around and ascend to the inclined
stone stair. Cross bridge to the cave, dive into the pool and get the
"Adrenaline" [(-617 407 91) : -19].

3. Press the keyboard of computer console to extend the upper sentry bridge
and deactivate the red laser fields, immediately a technician will then
fly out of the top of computer console. Do not shoot the explosive barrel,
jump on it and climb to the upper corner. Jump back to the top of computer
console and get the "body armor" [(3143 840 -129) : -1].

Unit 1 Level 2 - Map XSEWER1 "Sewers" (3 Secrets)

1. Under a flickering light, there is a crack [(1737 -1378 318) : 94] on the
wall. Shoot it to reveal a pool and get the "Bandolier".

2. To deactivate the green laser fields, press and shoot the two sparking
panels at each side in the chamber. Under the pool with three green laser
beams, shoot the brown grid until it explodes [(2951 -1242 110)) : 0].
Swim through to get shells, adrenaline and super shotgun.

3. After the security bridge is raised, dive under it and rise up to get the
"body armor" [(950 65 -81) : 7].

Unit 1 Level 3 - Map XSEWER2 "Waste Sieve" (4 Secrets)

1. In the center of rotating drum under water, there is a flame switch which
is located on the ceiling. Shoot it to reveal the nearby secret area. Move
forward and crouch down to get the "Adrenaline" [(1311 -1021 342) : -179].

2. Swim through the locked floodgate and climb up twice, turn around and
shoot the large panel with two wings to open. Jump twice to get super
shotgun and shells [(1217 -817 654) : -90].

3. Stop before the end of access valve B, shoot the sparking crack on the
upper pipe wall and get out. After a button [(-1084 -2364 686) : -177]
which displays "A door has opened" is pressed, turn around and jump to
the opposite area of 3 large pipes (2 - inclined, 1 - horizontal). At the
end of horizontal pipe, crouch down to get the "body armor"
[(-597 -2495 662) : -176].

4. Almost at the end of this level, there is a chamber room (where two
berserkers originally stand) which has a floorplate to open the EXIT
door. Stand on the edge of this chamber room, look down and find another
large panel with two wings. In front of it is a "DualFire Damage". Jump to
either side of inclined pipes, go upwards and drop to the edge of the
large wall [(816 -1597 654) : -3].

Unit 2 Level 1 - Map XCOMPND1 "Outer Compound" (4 Secrets)

1. In the room of red laser fields, there is a "DualFire Damage" located on
the ceiling of stairs. In the middle of stairs, turn around and shoot the
flame switch to open a secret passage. Immediately turn around again, rush
up to the stairs and jump down to a rectangular hole. Enter the nearby
passage (opened from a darker and inclined wall panel) before it is closed
again by the release of just-shoot switch. Climb up the ladder and reach
the secret area [(1227 2287 510) : -73].

2. Leaving the room of two hidden gunners with 3 buttons (only 1 can be
chosen to press), there is a flame switch with two shells at the upper of
a slope floor. Shoot it and move up to get the shells. Return to previous
position, shoot the same flame switch again and run down before the slope
floor reaches the upper. Immediately turn around and enter the lower
passage before the slope floor falls down. Get cell and power shield in
this secret area [(673 992 190) : 1].

3. There is a hidden button behind two explosive barrels, press it to reveal
a secret area at opposite side. Get an adrenaline and two armor shards
[(968 -700 46) : -89].

4. At the same room with last secret 3, there is an inclined bar. Shoot the
cracked ceiling on the top of it such that 2 boxes (1 large and 1 small)
will fall down. Use these 2 boxes to jump on the long bar, move up to
another secret area [(1460 -94 280) : 88]. Get grenades and grenade
launcher. Shoot the dark box until it explodes which contains a First Aid.

Unit 2 Level 2 - Map XCOMPND2 "Inner Compound" (5 Secrets)

1. Before any mechanism in the red laser room is activated, climb up to the
top of a server machine through its bench and two boxes (one large
explosive and one small ordinary). Step on the floorplate to reveal a
nearby secret area [(341 1738 222) : 159] and get the "Quad Damage".

2. For another server machine (its top does not have a floorplate of last
secret 1), after its button which displays "Moving the laser" is pressed,
a laser turret will rise up. Drop to the hole under the turret and a
secret area [(988 2062 -217) : -3] will be revealed. Get shells and two

3. Press the button of server machine in secret 1 twice to toggle a path of
red laser. Secondly press the keyboard of computer console to adjust
mirror. Thirdly press the button of server machine in secret 1 twice again
to destroy two explosive boxes. Proceed forward and press another keyboard
of computer console to unlock the security door. At the next area after
rising from an elevator, stand under a flashing light and jump to touch it
such that the nearby stairs will disappear. Run down to the secret passage
before the stairs reappears and get the "Adrenaline" [(527 516 382) : -1].

4. Before crossing the main bridge at the outside, step on the right side
bench of stairs and jump to the inclined stone stair. Climb up the stone
stairs and pass through another side bench to get the "Mega Health"
[(1019 189 606) : 87].

5. Under the main bridge, swim to the right direction until the end is
reached in a small pool. Rise up to get the "Silencer"
[(-718 329 166) : 88].

Unit 2 Level 3 - Map XREACTOR "Core Reactor" (3 Secrets)

1. Up to the first stairs, in opposite of a large explosive box, there are 4
large ordinary boxes which have an "Adrenaline" [(492 -2071 14) : -85] at
the top. Rocket jump to get it or climb up from the boxes at nearby
platform to the pipe for a return drop to get it.

2. In the chamber room of rotating power shaft, push the nearby lever to get
a power cube. Under the stairs of the chamber room, crouch down to get the
"Mega Health" [(1888 -2185 -89) : 91].

3. There is an elevator for descending to the lower level of second power
cube. Near the elevator, there are 3 large ordinary boxes which have a
"Bandolier" [(-27 -1747 22) : -178] at the top. Rocket jump to get it or
climb up from the boxes at nearby platform to the pipe for a return drop
to get it.

Unit 2 Level 4 - Map XWARE "The Warehouse" (2 Secrets)

1. Press the keyboard of computer console to deactivate force fields. On the
elevator, there is a flame switch which is located on the ceiling. Shoot
it to reveal the nearby secret area. Use the elevator to reach this secret
passage, drop to a bench and get the "body armor" [(1525 -335 462) : -3]
behind the 4 red laser beams.

2. In the platform of 4 red laser beams, press a button to grant the
ventilation access. In the next room, there is a crack on the wall. Shoot
it to enter the pipe. Do NOT shoot the red bar yet, use the wind from the
moving fan and fly to the upper passage which has a gate. In the secret
area [(2316 104 490) : -90], pass through another fan to get an
adrenaline, shells and rockets.

Unit 2 Level 5 - Map XINTELL "Intelligence Center" (1 Secret)

1. After the location of Strogg strike fleet is downloaded in the computer
chamber, climb up the ladder and turn around. Jump up to get an
environment suit. Back to any corner of the computer chamber, dive into
the slime and get the "Adrenaline" [(1535 -476 174) : -3].

Unit 3 Level 1 - Map INDUSTRY "Industrial Facility" (5 Secrets)

0. There is not counted as a secret. At each side of the first main door,
there is a button to open it. Press either button to a total sum of 7
times will reveal a secret area behind the main door. Get a trap and three
armor shards [(-1352 -1968 174) : -93].

1. After start from the first main door, turn left and move along the edge.
Jump to a higher platform and repeat again until the last platform to
reach a secret area [(-2611 0 238) : -178]. Get a Phalanx particle cannon
and two mag slugs.

2. Enter the entrance to Refinery using security pass, go to the left room
& and turn around. There is a large explosive box. Shoot it to explode a
3. flame switch. Shoot it to reveal a secret area where the floor opens and
stairs appear. Get the "Bandolier" and "Silencer". Do NOT leave this
secret area yet, shoot the flame switch again to reveal another secret
area where the floor closes and stairs disappear. Get the "Quad Damage".
[(-1985 462 46) : 1]

4. Right in front of Outer Base door (must be unlocked by a green key), there
is a pit at the end of the edge. Drop to the pit (there is a light on its
floor) and shoot the wall to reveal a secret area. Get the "Mega Health"
[(-881 1492 366) : 175].

5. After return from Unit 3 Level 3 "Refinery", press the keyboard of
computer console (behind a deactivated blue force field) to unlock the
nearby door. Enter the room of 3 large boxes touched the ceiling in
vertical. Jump to the top edge of the light on the left wall and then get
the chaingun. Turn around and jump to opposite side. Get the "body armor"
[(474 118 270) : -89].

Unit 3 Level 2 - Map OUTBASE "Outer Base" (3 Secrets)

0. There is not counted as a secret. Across the main bridge and enter the
first large door, there is a hidden button behind a explosive barrel under
those boxes. Press it to drop down a box and get the "Hyper Blaster"
[(-807 102 50) : 2].

1. Crouch down to enter the pipe, before drop down to the floor, there is a
flame switch on the ceiling. Shoot it to reveal the nearby secret area
after drop down and get the "Mega Health" [(-161 -1476 -41) : -2].

2. When the room with a grid floor above lava is first reached, you are at
the upper floor, shoot the corner wall panel in the middle of corridor to
reveal another secret area [(-1312 -3414 78) : -155]. Enter the secret
passage and climb down the ladder, get an adrenaline and a body armor.

3. Use the elevator to go up, then press the button to just let the elevator
itself go down. Jump on the roof of elevator to get the "Quad Damage"
[(-896 -2663 0) : -146].

Unit 3 Level 3 - Map REFINERY "Refinery" (3 Secrets)

0. Start from Unit 3 Level 1 "Industrial Facility"

1. In the first room, there is a large explosive box at upper-left corner.
Shoot it to explode a button, jump to press the button such that a floor
will appear to cover the acid pool at right. This leads to a tunnel where
you can crouch down to get an environment suit. Dive into the acid pool at
left and follow the oil pipe to get the "DualFire Damage"
[(447 -1172 -17) : 84].

2. In the room of door locked by blue key, climb down the ladder and dive
under the acid pool and rise up to another secret area with 3 armor
shards [(-941 509 -9) : -95]. At the end of secret passage, climb up the
ladder and turn right to run along the path. Get a body armor and a trap.

3. After return from Unit 3 Level 5 "Badlands", before the area of blue key
is reached, there is a rising platform. At the opposite of the platform,
jump on a pipe and turn right to 3 large pipes. There is a crack at the
end of middle pipe. Shoot it to explode a hole, drop down and run to
another platform. Rise up and follow the pipe to get the "Adrenaline"
[(-1309 1870 622) : 87].

Unit 3 Level 4 - Map W_TREAT "Water Treatment Plant" (7 Secrets)

0. Start from Unit 3 Level 1 "Industrial Facility"

1. At the end of left path from start, there are some small stone stairs.
Jump up to discover a secret area, get a Ion Ripper and two cells
[(-2190 -111 350) : -101].

2. In the room of a broken button (disfunctioning button), there is a
"Quad Damage" located at upper-left corner on top of boxes before a large
gate. Rocket jump from edges of boxes to get it [(-457 -1455 286) : 117].

3. In the same room of a broken button, there is a red lamp vertically
located at lower-left corner under boxes on bottom floor. Shoot it to
reveal the red bar (maintenance hatch), shoot again to destroy the red bar
(override enabled). Retreat and rocket jump on boxes to climb up a ladder
hanged from ceiling in the middle of air. At the end of secret passage,
there is a "body armor" located in middle of the ceiling square.
[(-723 -756 374) : 89]

4. Passed through the first door, turn right and run downwards. Dive into the
& water and search two large pipes (sealed by gate bars) in the middle.
5. There is a crack on the left gate, shoot the gate grid until it explodes.
Dive along both pipes for two secret area. Get a backpack (heavy ammo
pack) [(-1424 -1431 -281) : -154] and an invulnerability
[(-2143 -1743 -225) : -81].

6. After leaving primary flood gate, swim right to get the "Adrenaline"
[(-795 -3100 -225) : -177] at the bottom.

7. At the end of level (secondary flood gate entered), shoot the water gate
until it explodes. Swim through this tunnel to get the "body armor"
[(2429 -651 -135) : -87].

Unit 3 Level 5 - Map BADLANDS "Badlands" (4 Secrets)

0. Start from Unit 3 Level 4 "Water Treatment Plant"

1. When first climb up from ladder out of the large tube to enter the Gekk
lair, swim around the pool. For the external square of the large tube,
there is a brown grid at opposite side of the ladder. Shoot it to explode
a flame switch. Shoot it to open the maintenance hatch and climb down to
the bottom of large tube. Dive into the pool and get the "Adrenaline"
[(504 1952 206) : 85].

2. When arrived a platform above the large tube, there are some small stone
& stairs at both left and right sides. Jump to the upper platform From each
3. side to get a quad damage [(447 1605 1198) : -95] and a body armor
[(705 2664 1198) : 75].

4. At the end of level (alternate entrance to Unit 3 Level 3 "Refinery"),
there are some small stone stairs at left of the exit door. Jump up to the
upper platform and get the "Adrenaline" [(2637 2527 1310) : 76].

Unit 4 Level 1 - Map XHANGAR1 "Lower Hangars" (5 Secrets)

0. Start from Unit 3 Level 3 "Refinery"

1. In the room of a clamped box in middle air, there is an inclined upper box
at a corner. Under the box is a "Mega Health" [(-47 -1583 110) : -140].

2. Before entering the area of the first elevator, turn around and shoot the
numbered wall to reveal a secret area. climb up two ladders and drop down
the hole to get the "body armor" [(829 385 430) : 0]. Drop further (before
reaching the ground) to get a rocket launcher and two rockets.

3. After the keyboard of computer console is pressed to deactivate the red
force fields, use the elevator to go up. There is a stair next to the
elevator. Next to the stair, shoot the nearby wall marked a rectangular
sign (with inclined black lines) until it explodes. Crouch into the secret
passage and get the "Adrenaline" [(510 -2016 342) : -90].

4. In the same room of secret 1 but at upper floor, jump on the bench and
there is a large explosive box at the corner. Shoot it to explode a flame
switch. Shoot it to reveal a secret area where the wall opens. Turn around
and get the "Bandolier" [(136 -960 366) : 178]. Also at upper floor, press
the button to move the clamped box such that its drop down will explode a
large hole at lower floor. Crouch into the hole and get a backpack (heavy
ammo pack) [(22 -1534 22) : -3].

5. Passed through the red force field, there is a large explosive box under
the corner of stair. Shoot it to explode another secret area. Crouch down
to get the "Combat Suit" [(-1287 -1259 46) : 167].

Unit 4 Level 2 - Map XHANGAR2 "The Hangars" (3 Secrets)

0. There is not counted as a secret. At the room (an explosive barrel on top
of a pallet) before leaving the first large warehouse from start, there
are two dark brown grids on the ceiling. Shoot them until both explode to
get 2 stimpacks [(71 -1071 -1) : 90].

1. Before the force field locked by red key, use the red platform to go up.
In the next room with a corner platform, you are at the upper floor. Do
not go down yet, jump on the top of pink ordinary box. Turn around and get
the "body armor" [(815 -1559 174) : -4].

2. After passed through the door locked by blue key, there is a large room
with a blue security force field. Crouch under its inclined door to get
the "Mega Health" [(-87 -3233 86) : -2].

3. After passed through the force field locked by red key, there is a corner
room. Press button to open the conveyor belt maintenance hatch. Next to
the unlocked red force field, enter the hatch. Under a horizontal ladder,
shoot the nearby wall marked a rectangular sign (with inclined black
lines) until it explodes. Enter the secret passage and get the "Combat
Suit" [(1453 -2849 46) : 3]. Climb up the ladder and jump to a shipping
container (pink tall box) to exit this level.

Unit 4 Level 3 - Map XSHIP "Strogg Freighter" (3 Secrets)

0. Shoot the top of box until it explodes. Jump out to start this level (note:
sv_gravity = 400, not default 800).

1. Next to the short conveyor belt from start, jump on the top of pink
ordinary box. Crouch down to get the "Quad Damage" [(1513 0 -553) : 0].

2. Climb up the first ladder to a chamber room, shoot the central large panel
with two wings to open. Get the "body armor" [(-238 -1 46) : 177].

3. Press two keyboards of computer console to get the blue key. Turn around
and press button to deactivate security force fields. Do not move and look
up, there is a flame switch which is located on the ceiling. Shoot it to
reveal the nearby secret area. Get a BFG10K and two cells
[(1657 -257 46) : 86].

Unit 5 Level 1 - Map XMOON1 "Cargo Bay" (5 Secrets)

0. sv_gravity of this level = 400, not default 800.

1. When you first reach the room of top cyan windows, turn right and jump to
the top of several ordinary boxes. Turn around and jump down to get the
"Combat Suit" [(-7 167 46) : -160].

2. In the next room to secret 1, there are several ordinary boxes at the end
of large stairs. Jump from the top of boxes to the bench, walk along its
zig-zag path to the end of benches that is above the beginning of stairs.
Shoot the large panel with two wings to open. Jump down and get the
"Adrenaline" [(-276 -688 302) : -93].

3. When you arrive at the upper floor opposite to first door from start, go
to the corner and jump to the top edge of yellow ordinary box. Move
forward and turn left to get the "Quad Damage" [(-857 1797 270) : -94].

4. From the middle bridge at the upper floor, jump through boxes to another
side. Shoot the wall panel marked like "CS: BCQUNA P" to reveal a secret
area. Get two med kits for health [(0 1122 270) : -179].

5. Between the door to Command Center and the force field to Cargo Bay, there
are two flame switches located at very top. Shoot them to reveal a secret
elevator, rise up to a platform. Jump from either side of bench to the
middle bench and get the "body armor" [(933 384 758) : 83].

Unit 5 Level 2 - Map XMOON2 "Command Center" (2 Secrets)

0. sv_gravity of this level = 400, not default 800. The final boss is the
Strogg commander Makron in Quake II, again ...

1. There is a yellow laser bar in vertical from start. Before the entrance to
elevator, you can see there is a flame switch on top of the laser bar.
Shoot it to reveal a secret area. Turn around and get a backpack (heavy
ammo pack) [(-2265 0 -449) : -94].

2. At lower cave, there is an ice pool contained with a combat suit. Shoot
its top layer until it explodes. Dive into the pool as another secret
area [(-413 -79 -721) : -61].


Thanks for your kind attention.

Yours sincerely,
Richard Sy.
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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