Dracula 2: The Last Sanctuary

Dracula 2: The Last Sanctuary

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Version 1.0 - 1st CD COMPLETED.
Final Version - Complete Walkthrough.

3.Tips AND How to use this FAQ can be easily used!

Hello everyone. Hope you can find this walkthrough a little helpful. Whenever I
decide to write a FAQ of any game, I first check if someone has written it before. Although I saw a
FAQ from Taha Rasuli I decided to write the FAQ for this game
because I simply like it so much!
If you have any questions and/or would like to add or correct something please mail
me at fox_die99@hotmail.com.
This really is a good game with unique puzzles. What I really like about this game
is that it is literally full of FMVs. The story is pretty good as well.
Another good thing about this game is that you can save anywhere you want and have
an inventory that never fills up. All in all it is a good value of money.
If you think this FAQ is good enough to be used some where else then I would like
to be informed and credited.

This game is controlled by a CURSOR. Like you control your computer with the mouse here
you will control your cursor with the directional buttons. You even move with the help with the
help of the cursor. Here is a list of what happens when you see your cursor change into:

<1> An arrow with a circle at the bottom - this means you can go
In the direction to which your cursor is pointing by pressing X.
<2> A circles on top of one another and a sign which looks a bit like
this " ~ " - this means that you can open certain things like a
door, chest, drawer etc by pressing X.
<2> A hand - this means that you can pick up a certain object by
pressing X.
<3> Plus - this means you can increase something by using X.
<4> Minus - means that you can decrease something.
<5> A magnifying glass - this means that you can have a closer look of
<6> A figure similar to eight except that it looks like its lying down
- you can use an object or item here.
<7> A U-TURN sign - means that you can return back to the previous
scene by pressing X.

To combine an object with another you will have to go to your inventory and select (X)
that object which you have to combine. If it's combinable your cursor will shrink the object and
make change it into your cursor. Then you can take it and combine it by another item by going to
that item and pressing X.
To move an object you will have to move your cursor on the object and pick it up (X) and
move your cursor to the place you want it to be kept. If it can be kept there your cursor will
change into the object the press X to put it there.
The X button is used as action button, to select and to pick things up. The CIRCLE button
takes you to your inventory.

-- Always remember that this is not a shooting game. Don't try to blast
off the head of Draculas or whatever you face. It's better to think.
You can use the cross on some of them, some cannot face light, and
Some have to be shot at a particular place.

-- To get some reactions out of people or to get certain scenes you
have to do some crucial things to trigger them.

-- As you might know now that you cannot walk around the room or go
wherever you wish like in many other game so I have given the
numbers in my walkthrough to tell you
exactly how many times you have to go forward before a turn. After
you play the game you should understand

-- Use some of your own sense. (Just joking:-D).

-- Take a look at your inventory. You can see a big circle in the
middle and a straight line outside. All the items have their
particular place no matter when you take them. When you pick an item
look at your inventory if it comes on the outer line it means that
the item can be combined with another item.

-- As I told you above all items have their particular place in the
inventory, so I have given numbers after each item, as you will find
it in your inventory. For example if I tell you the number is 6 in
the circle, count the numbers starting from the very top of the
circle. The 6th one will be the one I told you about. (if you didn't
get a thing don't worry, I have given an example in the walkthrough.

Yup! On to the real thing. I will try to give a map wherever I can.
After you gain control, go forward 1 time, then turn right and move forward 2 times and
inspect the bushes. Press X and take the tile. Now return. Turn around and go forward 1 time. Then
turn to your right. Move your cursor to the nearest tree you can see when you see the microscope
press x and take the OIL and return. Turn to your left and go straight 1 time. Then turn right and
move the cursor to the door and go straight 1 time. When you are on the doorsteps, go to the
inventory (by circle) and move the cursor to the doorknob and press x. now enter.
_Main Hall_. Move your cursor towards the stairs and go straight and up. Enter the door
to your left.

___________| |__________|_______________ SHOULD BE KEPT
| |____| | | ||____|________| |
| | | |____________|_ LOOK FOR THE KEY
| | |____________ | HERE
| DESK _|_
| _____ EXIT
| _ _
| |
|__ |
|__| __|__ CANS / PICTURE |

According to the map, turn right and go straight 1 time. Turn right and inspect the
right corner of the DESK and open the drawer. Take all the things and when the drawer is empty
exit. Turn 180 degree around and go straight 1 time. Turn right and inspect the CHEST. Open it and
take both the things. Then return. Turn 180 degree again and inspect the FILM roll CAN. Check the
one labeled ^STYX^. After you have emptied the can return. Now check the PICTURE on the wall, above
the table. After you get the info turn the photo around by pressing X on the picture and take the
paper. Go straight towards the EXIT. Then turn left. And go inside the place where you will put the
Move the cursor to the bottom and when you see the cursor change into circles go to your
inventory and use the candle stand there (((STARTING FROM THE VERY TOP OF YOUR INVENTORY BOX COUNT
BELIEVE ME IT WILL MAKE THINGS EASY.))). Now use it where you see it available. Go to your
inventory. Combine the matches (((FIFTH ONE ON THE OUTER CIRCLE FROM TOP))) with the candle (14th
in the big circle of circles). When you have it burning use it on the candle stand. Just right of
the candle stand you can pick up the key. Now go to the EXIT. Go to your inventory and use the key
(16th on the big circle) on the doorknob. Now enter.
Go straight one time and check Pibody's pocket for a key (but before that you would like
to save your game cause this will be your first confrontation with an enemy). Check the corpse's
left side and flip the card to reveal a key take it. Saw the monster? (Good looking isn't it?).
Turn around to face the corpse then quickly go to your inventory and combine the bullets (1st on
the semicircle row) with the gun (2nd on the big circle). Select the gun (2nd on the big circle)
now shoot (X) at the doorknob of the door right behind Pibody. Then quickly enter the door. Still
see the time going down? Well don't panic just go straight 1 time, turn 180 degrees around to Face
the door you just came in through and move the side table (its on the left side) by pressing X
button on it. Now RELAX!
Turn 180 degree around again and go forward 1 time towards the fireplace and pick up the
chair from right under your nose and turn to your right. See the blocked window high above? Simply
place the chair under it. Now turn back to the fireplace and inspect. Pick up the TILE and the very
useful POKER (to the very right side of the screen) and return. Now turn all around again and go
forward 1 time. Then turn left. Go towards the chair. When on it move the cursor up, when it is
focused on the window go to your inventory and use the poker (16th, big circle) on the window. Now
go back to the exact spot from where you climbed up the chair and look to the right side of the
door. See the mirrors? (If you don't, go to the right side of the door anyway). Go to the mirrors
and pick the one to your right side. Then place the mirror to the center of the room. If you don't
get the FMV go to the mirror you just placed and move the dresser! (Nice FMV right?) now go and
take the other mirror and exit the room through the same door. Go through the doorsteps of the
crushed door and go forward one time. Then use the other mirror in the middle. Watch another one
turn to dust and exit through the yet another crushed door.
Oh no! Bat Face everywhere. Turn right and go straight and then to your right again. The
time bar appears but it won't hinder your progress so jump on the chalendeir and watch the
FMV.(Yay! Three cheers for light!).
Go towards the main entrance and turn right. Go straight and use the POKER (16th)on the
blockage. Then enter.
Go straight 1 time and then to your right towards the crates. From this view move the
second crate you see. Inspect the place you emptied and take the wire cutter. Now move the crate to
your left and take the TILE. Now go back to the front lawn (the place where you started your game.
Go down the stairs and to your right 1 time. Then turn right again and go straight one
time. Now turn 180 degree and inspect the wall. Take the fourth tile and return. Go straight and
inspect the box you can see to your right.
_METAL BOX PUZZLE_. Cut the chain using wirecutter (15th). Now go to your inventory and
select oil (7th). Now use it on the left hinge and open the lid. Use the sheet you got behind the
picture (13th) on the middle, then use the oil (7th) on the sheet.
Now go to your inventory and use the first tile (3rd) on the bottom left corner. Then
inspect the dial in front of the tile you just placed. Move your cursor to the left of your screen
and press X 3 times.
Now go to your inventory and take the next tile (4th) and put it above (not over) the
top right picture.
Then take the next tile (5th) and place it above the top left picture, then check the
dial and go to the left side of the dial and press X 1 time.
Now go to your inventory and use it above the remaining picture. Inspect the dial go to
the left side of the dial and press X 2 times.
If you have done exactly what I said, you will hear a loud CLANG. Now return from the
top of the box. Inspect just a beneath the top of the metal box and turn the valve.
Now go back to the basement. Go straight and turn left towards the door and enter.

You are now at the sewers. Turn left and go forward 5 times. Then you can see a ladder
to your left. Climb it up. Go through the manhole.
You will find your self at Seward's Asylum. Go towards the door you can see in front and
enter by turning the doorknob.
Here you can see three doors. One to your left, one straight and one to your right. Go
to the door that is straight ahead and enter. After a talk with Seward and Mina ask them about the
ring and the box of matches. As you will go back Seward will give you a key.
When you regain control of Jonathan, go forward 1 time then to your left 1 time and then
straight one tome. Now use the key (18) Seward gave you on the doorknob (left side of the door) and

Go forward 1 time and then take right 1 time. Pick up the ropes to your right and go
forward 3 times then turn right and move your cursor right at the bottom and pick up the valve. Now
go forward 3 times and go to your inventory and combine the ropes (2nd outer row) with the valve
(13th). Then use it on the ladder. Now go forward 2 times and look under your nose, check the
toolbox and take the wrench. Now turn around and go forward 5 times. Examine the wall to your left
and use the wrench (14th) on the valve. Now take the valve. Then return.
Now go forward 4 times and examine the wall to the right. Use the valve (15th) there and
then the wrench (14th). Now turn the valve. Then turn left and go forward once. Now pick up the
ladder. Then use the ladder (16th) on the right side of the original position of the ladder (to the
lower corner of the wall to your right). Then go down.
Pick up the ladder on the left wall and go forward 1 time and use the ladder (16th) on
the wall to your right and go up. Fire on the left side of the cover using your gun (2nd) and go

Turn to your right and go straight 3 times then turn to your left and go forward 1 time.
Turn left and inspect the elevated ground just beside the small stairs. Use the key (11th) on the
chain and pick up the ladder. Now go forward 1 time and turn left then go forward 2 times and then
turn right and go straight 2 times. Now use the ladder (11th) on the door to your left. Then go up
the ladder. Check the bag, right under and take the stake and the cross. Now go back down the
ladder. A Dracula appears. Just use the cross (16th) on it.
Now turn right and go to the stairs right in front of you. Now turn left and go forward.
Use the stake (3rd) on the Dracula's heart. Now examine. Take the notes and the watch. Now go back
to the ladder and climb. Then use your compass (8th) on the sky. Now move your cursor on the NW
point and take a closer look. Now use the watch (4th) there. Then use your telescope (17th) there.
After you see Dracula enter here. You would obviously know that Jonathan has to stick his nose
there as well.
Climb down the ladder. Turn right and go forward 1 time and then go straight (from here
you can get two cursors to go straight one a little to your left and one to your right. Take the
right path.). Now go straight again (towards the nearest stairs you can see). Now turn 180 degrees.
Afterwards turn left and go to the stairs. Examine the head to your right side. Press X once near
its eyes and return. Try to go in there (you will soon know why I wrote try). The poor guy faints.
When he wakes up its already daytime. Then he walks towards the gate (like a zombie) and who knows
how he gets to Seward's Asylum.

When you get control f Jonathan go to Seward's office (middle door if you forgot).
Turn left and go straight. Turn right and go straight again now check the left side
drawer and open it to take the stethoscope.
Turn around and go back to the door. When you are facing the piano, turn left and go
straight towards the desk. Now inspect the picture.
_THE LOCKER PUZZLE_ all you have to do here is check dial one by one. Then use your
stethoscope (6th) at the bottom left corner and turn the dial. When you hear a LOUD CLING it
instead of TIK it would mean that you got the correct number. Continue this with each of the dials.
For the people who didn't understand a word the correct numbers are:
Top Left Dial - the answer is 8
Top Right Dial - the answer is 3
Bottom Left Dial - the answer is 6
Bottom Right Dial - the answer is 4

After doing this correctly open the locker. Check the notes on the top shelf and take
the key. Listen to the NOTES if you want then return. Now check the bag. Take all the four objects
and return. Then take the Dragon Ring (you are now protected against the vamps, congrats. Well it's
not such a big deal is it? Somebody tell Jonathan!)
After that turn 180 degrees around (yeah again). You should see two chairs. Move the
cursor to the chair to the left and look towards the ground to its left (the chair's left). Yes
that's Mina's Ring.
Now go back to the desk. Examine the middle of the desk. Open the box to the right and
pick up the roll you can see in the middle of the machine. Now place it in the box. Then use the
roll (8th) you took from the locker on the machine. Then move the cursor to the small coin you can
see right above the roll. Now after the talk press on the coin again. If your speakers are working
right you would come to know that you have to raise the temperature 5 degrees more to thicken the
solution. Now exit the room through the door.
When out go straight and turn right and enter the door. Go forward 2 times turn right
and go straight. Turn left again and go down the stairs. Turn left and go towards the desk you can
see. Inspect the cup of tea on the desk. Hear a fly? Pick up the sugar cube and go to your
inventory. Combine the matches (5th outer row) with the sugar (5th). Then select the matches (5th)
and place it on the desktop. After the fly comes in the box pick it up then return (if you would
have captured the fly the box of matches would be closed.
Now turn right and go towards the stairs. Turn left and go up the stairs. There are five
doors in a row here but you will go only in the middle one but not now. Keep going straight until
you come to the end. There is another door. Enter.
After the FMV use the cross (16th) on our vampy. After he falls on the wheel chair use
the cross (16th) again on its forehead. After the cry your vampy would have died (as if it was ever
alive after turning into a vamp). Check its pockets and take the key. Then go back to the desk from
where you got the fly and this time inspect the drawer of the table (under the cup). Use the key
(18th) you got from Bill on the drawer. Now open it. Take the syringe and go all the way back to
Go to him and use the syringe (6th) on this right arm. Now turn around and go forward
once. Turn right and examine the desk. Then open it.
_ANTI VAMPIRE POTION PUZZLE_ There is a picture that I have made to make things a little
clear. I will tell you step by step to make things easier:

1. First of all go to your inventory and use green vial (14th) on the flask.
2. Then use the syringe (6th) on the flask.
3. Now use the vial (14th) on the area just beside the flask.
4. After that go to the right of the Bunsen burner. When the cursor changes to the plus (+)
sign press X two times.
5. When the temperature reaches 35 (exactly the middle of the thermometer) go to the left side
of the burner and press X once so that the temperature remains on 35 degrees. If you do it
correctly the thermometer will vanish. Then take the vial. Now return.

| | |
| | ____ THE VIAL IS KEPT |
| _|___________ | __________ |
| / _________ | | | || | 100 |
| / \ || | | || | |
| / \ || | | || | |
| / \ / \ __| | || | |
| \ ______ / / \ | || | |
| \ / | | | ||----|-- 35 degrees |
| \____/ |______| | || | |
| () | || | |
| || | || | |
| ___(-) || | || | |
| | || THERMOMETER ------| || | -30 |
| THE MINUS CURSOR | / \ | | |
| \__/ | |
| |__________| |
Go to your inventory and combine the vial (2nd in outer row) with the gun (2nd). Now
exit this room. Go straight 2 times and move your cursor to the door on your immediate left and use
the key (4th) you got from Hopkins' file and use it on the doorknob. Now enter
Examine Hopkins. After seeing his dazed expression you should know that he need fuel to
speak. Use the box of matches with fly in it (5th) on his face. He speaks for a while and then
stops abruptly. Then just move the cursor to the pistol and press X. Then he makes a bargain and
asks Jonathan to give him the Dragon Ring in exchange with Hopkins' glasses, which he claims to be
special in seeing Vampire traces.
After that you can hear telephone ringing. That's from Seward's' Office. Yup! That's
where you got to go, back to Seward's' office.
Go straight 1 time and turn left. Now pick up the phone from the cradle. Guess who it
is? Yes you're right, Mr. Dracula. After hearing his warnings return to the room where you met
He won't be there neither his wheel chair (maybe he ran with it). Instead of the
armchair you can see a trap door. Go through it.

For some reason that I don't know Jonathan wants to track him. Go forward 1 time and
then turn to your right go straight 2 times and then turn right and go straight 1 time. Now use the
Hopkins' Glasses (14th) on the path. Wow! Now you can see Green Footprints. Follow them and go
forward 7 times. Now turn left and inspect the control box. Pull the left lever (you can pull only
one). Turn right to see Bill the Vampy. Now use the glasses (14th) on him and then the gun to fire
at the red spot you can see on his shirt. Then (oof! So many then now then now then now, sorry I
will try to avoid them) move your cursor to the left side of the control box and go straight 1
time. Go straight 5 times and turn left. The door you can see will be locked so to open it inspect
the right side of the door and open the lid to see a console.
_THE DOOR LOCK MECHANISM PUZZLE_ See the picture underneath for ease.
/ \
/ _________________ \
| | 2|- |- | 1| 3| 4| CIRCLE ______________ |
| |__|__|__|__|__|__| | |
| ________ |
| / \ |
| / \ |
| / \ |
| ________ ________ \ / |
| / \ / \ \ / |
| / \ / \ \________/ |
| / __ \ SUPPOSEDLY / \ || |
| / / \_____\__| THE CODE KEY / SYMBOL______\__ \||/___ |
| \ \__/ / \ / \/ | |
| \ / \ / | |
| \ / \ / ARROW |
| \________/ \________/ |
| |
\ /

As in FIGURE 1 use the code key cylinder (19th) on the socket and note the symbol and
the numbers 2--134. Now take the key back. Now go to your inventory. The code key would have
separated in your inventory into a cylinder (19th) and a key (4th on the outer row). Combine the
key (4th outer row) with the red notebook (18th). You get a screen with the key on the paper and on
a symbol. Pick up the key from the tip and place it on the sign as in FIGURE 1 (that's the sign you
saw to the left side of the key socket). Now press X on the glasses you can see to the bottom right

You now can see the numbers as well. Note the number in the notches. (For the ones that
ones which show two numbers pick the number closer to the handle. Example: like in the first notch
you can see 3 and 5. In this case select 5.) The numbers here would be 510382. Now line up the two
numbers you noted like this:
First no. 2 - - 1 3 4
Second no. 5 1 0 3 8 2
To get the four code numbers you will have to take refer the 1st number with the 2nd one. Like
underneath 1 you can see 3, this means that 3 is the first digit. Like this:
1 is 3
2 is 5
3 is 8
4 is 2
Thus the number is 3 5 8 2. Now return back and examine the cylinder (19th). A screen
will appear. When you move the cursor to above the digit your cursor will change into plus (+)
sign, press X to change the digit. Change the, four 1s(numbers) into 3 5 8 2. Then return and
combine the key (4th outer row) with the cylinder (19th) and use the cylinder on the socket. A
CALNG will open the door if you did exactly what I said. Take the cylinder back before you return
and enter the door.

Go straight through the corridor and exit through the door. Turn right and go down
the stairs. Turn left and go forward 2 times and then (again so many thens and nows) toward the
statue of the Dracula. Now (ooh! I can't help it) turn left and inspect the projector. Use the coin
(10th) you got from Carfax on the slot for the coin. After seeing the movie for free of Mr.Vampy
carrying Mina over the stairs turn left and go forward once. Then turn left again and go straight 1
time. Now (oooh!!) turn right and go forward 1 time. See the organ playing (I', really losing it!
Believe me or not I am doing this on purpose!) I meant hear the organ playing? Take a closer look
at the organ and place the papers (9th) to the left side of your screen. You see a gas coming out
of the organ and it is too putrid for Jonathan to bear.

Jonathan wakes up in a bedroom, in front of him is Mr.Dracula who asks him for the ring
and tells him that he is in transalvania.
When you gain control of Jonathan turn right and go forward then search under the bed to
find your gun. Afterwards go towards the two doors you can see to the corner of the room. Exit (you
can go through only one of the doors).
Jonathan informs you that you have never been at Transalvania! It was just a movie set.
Well that doesn't mean your troubles are over. A Vampy is right ahead but you know what to do
simply use the glasses (14th) on it and then the gun (2nd). Next go forward 2 times to discover
that poor Seward has changed into a Dracula also (tough luck!). now cut a left and go forward. Next
turn left again and go towards the control box. Examine. Pull open the lid and flip the switch. Mr.
Drac is sneaking behind you! Well don't get worried it's only a mechanical statue. Turn left and
take the sword from the dragon statue and use it (10th) on the Wooden Dracula. Turn a little left
and use the sword (10) on the ropes. Turn left and go till the end to get a rope with a hook and a
handle. Now go back and climb up the stairs. Turn 180 degree around and use the handle (8th) on the
hole and turn it. After the FMV go to your right and move the cursor to the ropes to your right
side and use the sword there. Climb up the fallen railing to the air duct right on top of your head
and enter. Go straight once and turn right. Next use the sword (10) on the fan and go forward 2
times and turn left and go forward 2 times and take the key from the grill. Now turn around and go
forward 4 times. After that, use the key (5) you just got on the grill and examine use the ropes
(7th) on the Drac underneath and go down the grill.
Examine its chest and take the U-shaped metal. Now examine its hand. Turn the wrist then
flip the hand over and turn at the rod like figure coming out of its wrist. The key comes out. Take
it and return. Go forward 1 time and then right into the lift. Turn right and inspect the slot. Use
the key (12) from the Drac on the slot.
Turn right go forward 1 time and turn right. Press X on Seward and hear what he has to
say. He takes your gun and gives you a key. He also tells you about a secret passage. Go straight
and inspect the organ. Use the glasses and press X on the darker key. Exit. You see Seward Destroy
the theatre with himself in it (what a guy!).
Exit through the door. Go forward and on the boat then go forward. When off the boat go
forward 2 times and turn right. This door has the same locking or maybe I should say unlocking
system. Do the same process if you want but for a quick answer and not to waste time the code is 8
4 6 2. Take the key again and enter the door.

You are at the basement of Carfax. Go straight but before exiting turn 135 degrees and
take the crates under the cloth. Now exit. Turn left and place the crates (9th) under the stairs.
Examine it and take all the three tools. Now go back into the basement. Turn right and use the axe
on the coffin. Now pick up the remains and exit. Go top of the stairs and enter the room to your
left. Turn right and go straight. Use the hammer on the desk and pick up the remains. Now take the
candle from where you kept it before. Now go to the next room (where you saw the first bat face
creature and turn right towards the window. Next use the gardening shears on the window. Pick up
the remains and go all the way back to crates. Use the each of the remains one on each crate and
return. Next combine the matches with the candle and use it on the crates. Mr. Vampy arrives and
tells you that you will die. Fortunately he didn't notice a key on the wall. Go to the door across
and examine the left side of the door to find the key. Use it (9th) on the doorknob and Exit

Go straight and down the stairs. Turn around to turn the wheel just beside the stairs.
The water fills in the reservoir. SAVE YOUR GAME! As there is a lot of chance of instantaneous
death. Jump in the water. Now dive under water. Quickly turn left towards the rubble you can see
and remove it to reveal a wheel. Turn it. Now turn so that you are facing the wall that was to your
right when you turned the wheel. Move the cursor up toward the surface of the water and press X.
From this position you can see a patch of black on the water, go there and press X for a fresh
breath of air. Now go under water again (from where you just came). Turn right and go straight.
Next turn left and go straight (into the entrance) 2 times.
You find yourself in the SEWERS. Go straight 3 times and turn left to climb up the

Go to the room where you fought Bill and solved the anti vampire potion puzzle. Turn
right and use the key (18th) Seward gave you on the knob. Open.

_THE ANTI VAMPIRE DEVICE PUZZLE_ First of all inspect the area under the shelf. Remove
the covers and use the negative (3rd) you have in your inventory on top of the machine to your
right. Now turn off the lights (it's a small switch to the left of a file). Now go to the file and
press X. now press X on the top of the machine (where you kept the negative). Now press X on the
photo. Then examine the developed photo. Now return.
Inspect the top of the shelf. See the note to the left (under the door of the box).
After hearing the note follow the
following steps (remember that when you have to go to your inventory I will mention it so unless I
don't say that it means that you have to pick up the things on the shelf and place them):
| | |
| _|_ | |
| _/_|_\_ | |
| \_|_/ | ________ |
| | /_\ /| ------ | |
| ___/ \___ | | / || || _____________ |
| | ------- | | | / || . || ()____________) |
| || ___ || | | | || || -|----------|- |
| |-| / ^ \ |-| | | | ||______|| |
| |-| \_^_/ |-| | | |__|________| |
| |-| |-| | | _|______|_ |
| |_| |_| \_/ |__________| |
| |
|___________________________________JUST TO GIVE YOU SOME IDEA________|

1. See the U-shaped piece on the table (FIGURE 1)? It's at the top right side. Pick it up and
place it in the box. Now examine the round dial there. Press (-) two times so that you get it at 8.
And return.
2. Pick up the syringe (FIGURE 2) like figure there to the bottom right. Place it on the
U-shaped piece. Now inspect it. Press (+) 4 times so the number displayed is 4. Return.
3. Pick up the ammeter (FIGURE 3) and place it in the box. Now pick up the rod like metal
piece (FIGURE 4) and place it under the ammeter. Now check it. Press X 7 times so that the needle
rests on 7.
4. Now move your cursor at the top of the box and take the valve like figure and next go to
your inventory and use the U-shaped metal object (4th) you got from the Drac and use it in place of
the Valve.
box. Take the handle and then the device. Return.

/ \
/ | | \
/ | | \
/ | | \
/ \_/ \
/ | \
/ _____|_____ \
| / --------- \ |
| || ___ || |
| || /E_ \ || |
| || \/ \/ || |
| |-| | | |-| |
FIGURE 2 ------- |-----|-|---| | |-|---|----- FIGURE 1
| |-| | | |-| |
| |-| |_| |-| |
| |_| \_/ |_| |
|------------|E |
| ______ | |
FIGURE 3-------|---| | | |
| | . | |
| |______| |
| __E__________ |
| ()____________)---|-- FIGURE 4
| -|----------|- |

Go to the trap door and enter. Go straight and turn right. You can see a line of rats on
the path in front of you.
_USING ANTI VAMPIRE DEVICE PUZZLE_ Go to your inventory and combine the crank (last
outer row) with the device (18th) you just made. Now examine the device.
You see a screen somewhat like this:
| _________ __________ |
| / \___ LEFT METER / \_____ RIGHT METER |
| / \ / \ |
| /|||||||||||||\ /||||||||||||||\ |
| / \ \ / \ \ |
| \ \ / __\_____\ / |
| \ \ / | \ \ / |
| \ \___ / NEEDLE \ \__ / |
| \_ / \_/ (POINTER) \__ / \__/ |
| / \ / \ |
| \ / \ / |
| \____/ \___/ |
| |
| |
| _ |
| / \___ GREEN LIGHT |
| \_/ ___ |
| /\__\ |
| \/ \__TUNING KNOB |
| \___/ T |
| _ _________________ _ _________________ |
| |_| |_______||________| |_| |T = COME HERE TO ||
| |METER. ||
| |_________________||
Go to the LEFT BUTTON and press X. now focus the cursor on the rats and press X. After
the green light comes on go back to your inventory and check the device again. You can see the
needle on the LEFT METER go to 7. Using the TUNING KNOB change the needle on the RIGHT METER to 7
(7 times). Now go to the RIGHT BUTTON and press X. Aim at the rats and fire. The rats will vanish.
Go straight 2 times and turn right. Go straight 10 times and examine the box to your
right. Insert the ventilator key (5th) in the slot below the lever. Inspect the box again and pull
the right lever.
Turn right and go straight 8 times. When at the edge turn around and pick up the stack
of wood from the ground. Now use the wood (10th) on the other end of the path. Go forward 1 time
and enter the hole above.

Go straight 3 times and turn left go forward 1 time and turn right and inspect the
middle row of bricks. Remove the sign to take a note from Hopkins and the Dragon Ring. Return.
You now have to get rid of three sculptures present in the cemetery. For easy lets go
step by step:

< inventory, combine the handle (last outer row) with the device >
< and examine it and press THE LEFT BUTTON (refer to the figure of>
< the device above)and be ready to analyse the frequency of the >
< sculpture. >

1. Turn right and go forward 2 times and then turn right again. ACTIVATE. Next go forward till
you can, then focus on the top of the pillar in front, on right side. When you get the green light
on go to your inventory and give the sculpture the same treatment as you gave to the rats. Its
frequency is 9.

2. ACTIVATE. Turn around to the way from where you came. Go forward once and focus on the top
of the pillar on the wall. Its frequency is 4. Yup! That's the second one. Do refrain from the same

3. ACTIVATE. Turn left and go straight 3 times. Now turn left and go forward 1 time. Turn left
and focus on the pillar. Its frequency is 6. Yes that's the last one.

Now you have to go to the same door through which you tried to go before unsuccessfully.
So turn right and go forward 1 time now turn left. Go forward 2 times. Go straight (as you can get
two straight arrows from here, take the one that is to your right). Go up the stairs inspect the
statue to your right and open the door. Go in.
Examine the locking mechanism. Enter the following numbers:
Top left - 9
Top right - 2
Bottom right - 8
Bottom left - 7
After this press X just beneath the chin of the seemingly unhappy face (or maybe very very unhappy
face would be better). Go straight in and out of DISC A

Well this means half the battle won doesn't it? On the disc two the first thing you see
is the beautiful face of Mr. Vald (Drac.). he informs Jonathan that his luck is up (we'll prove how
wrong he is) and shows regret on the short lifetime of humans. In reply Jonathan says (rather yells
would be a beter choice of words) this "MMMMMMMMMIIIIIIIIIIINAAAAAAAAA" (he says some nice things
as well). You also see Jonathan's journey to TRANSALVANIA and some recall of his last visit there!
Nice and long FMV!

Go straight 3 times and check the door lock, note the tiny half moon (with the dark part
to the right) under the face and go to your inventory and check the brown book (18th). Turn pages 3
times and see the moons. The letter beside the moon you saw is G. use the glasses and note that the
numbers after G are 9426. Now return. Put the numbers like this:
Top left - 9
Top right - 4
Bottom right - 2
Bottom left - 6
And press X on the half moon.
Go forward 2 times and then turn left and go forward 1 time. Turn right and inspect the
crate. Take off the cover and take the things there. Now go back and exit through the door. Go
forward 1 time and go down. Turn right and go straight. Now turn a little left and go towards the
wooden shed. Turn right and inspect the rock. Use the crowbar (2nd) on the rock. Now pull the
thread and take the dynamite blaster. Return. Go back towards the stairs. Next climb the rubble of
rocks from there. Turn right and go to the next rock. Turn right and take the pin and the hammer.
Now return back. Go toward the table at the corner of the area. Examine the drawer and use the
hammer and pin (4th) on it then open it. Take the roll of thread. Now use the hammer and pin (4th)
on the top part (where the drawer is attached to the table). Pull out the drawer. And take the key
(in the now visible area under the drawer). Return. Go to the corner and turn left to inspect a
box. Use the key to open the box and take the dynamite. Now go back to the stairs and climb it. Go
in the door and to the sculpture you earlier saw. Use the dynamite in its mouth. Next use the roll
of thread on the dynamite. Return. Go back to the entrance of the door and use the dynamite blaster
on the thread and press X on it. You see the sculpture throw a jewel. Go forward 1 time and turn
left go straight 1 time. Then turn around and examine the white spot in the ground (just right side
of the wire.) and pick up the jewel. Now enter the blasted doorway. Go straight and enter the
Well this is what I call gross. Turn left and then right. Examine the sculpture. Use the
jewel (8th) you just picked on its eye. When you have entered go straight till you come to a dead
end. Now turn around and go forward 1 time. To your right the bars of the cells seems broken so
enter. Turn left and go straight 1 time. Now look right under to examine a corpse. Remove it and
use your shovel (3rd) here. Take the bone. Return. Go straight 1 time and examine another corpse.
Use the shovel there and pick up the note from a guy named Kazan who wants you to relieve his Lord
Razu. Take the skeleton and return. Go out of the cell from the way you came in and turn right. Go
forward 4 times and turn left to enter an opening. Enter the door to your right. Pick up the
lantern and the crossbow. From the drawer take the necklace. Jump up the table to take bows. Now
return and exit. Use the skull on the ground in front. Then go to your inventory and combine the
necklace with the bone, now use it on the skull. After that go to your inventory and combine the
matches with the lantern and use it a little behind and watch the FMV. The door opens. Enter.
You are in another chamber of cells. Go forward 2 times and turn right. Hear the sound
of the monster? Go to your inventory and combine the bows (3rd outer line) with the crossbow (18th)
and then with the green vial (anti-vampire potion)(2nd outer line). Next use the crossbow on the
roof of the cell to the right side. Next go down the stairs. Turn left then go straight and then
turn left again. go straight 3 times when at the edge jump to the skeleton. Examine the head. Open
the cover and take the amulet. THE SKELETON FALLS TAKING JONATHAN WITH IT. Jonathan makes it in one
piece but the skelly was not that fortunate. Go forward 2 times to exit from the cells.

This game seems all about cemetery! A map of it is below:

| - _____ |
| - | ___ | |
| - || ||___ YOU ENTER |
| - ||___|| FROM HERE |
| - |_____| |
| - H |
| ____________________ |
| | | |
| _ | | __________ _ |
| |_|| - |__________|_| |
| | | | |
| HERE | | |
| | | |
| |____________________| |
| | _ _ _ _ - GLASSES -
| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | - GATE ---
| | | | | | | | | | - -
| |_| | | | | | | | - |
| |_| |_| |_| |_| -____FENCE |
| |_| |_| |_| |_| - |

Go straight 3 times. Turn right and go forward 2 times turn left and take examine the tombstone.
Take the cross that is held by a hand and turn around. Go forward 1 time and look to your right.
Inspect the area near the candles and dig using the shovel (). Take the missing piece of the
picture of St. George. Now go back top the place where you started and go to the tombstone to the
left of the place from where you came and examine. Use the piece of picture (3rd) there. Now go to
the left side of the structure behind you (H IN THE MAP) and use the glasses (14th) in midair
(between the picture on the tombstone and the stone structure or the tree you see from that
position). Use the cross (16th) in between the two waves. The chain surrounding the structure
bursts. (notice that it's suddenly night). Weird!). enter the structure. Turn right and go straight
1 time and turn right to exit through the gate. Yes that's the drac's castle.

This is what I call a Drac's castle! He has tombstones and graves instead of grass in
his yard. Way to go!
Go straight 1 time. Then turn a little left and go straight 1 time. Now turn a little
left again and go straight 2 times. Go down the stairs and enter the door. Go to Dorko and talk.
After that go to the inventory, examine the note (10th) and turn the page. Turn it again and press
X when the hand comes. Show her the note. Next use the amulet (19th) on her face. She tries to
combine the ring and the amulet and finish Mr. Drac but before she could do so she was stabbed by a
demon who also took away the Dragon Ring. The other way of combining them is to do it on Mr.Vampy's
stele that is at his last sanctuary. In the end Dorko transplants (not kidney!) her powers in her
ring and give it to our Jonathan. A summary of what Dorko said is stated below: (SPOILERS AHEAD!!)
Dorko said that Kazan is the chamberlain of Lord Radu (Drac's half bro.). He disappeared
the same evening as Radu. The pentagram surrounding the parchment symbolizes the evil forces
reigning in the castle. The text tells of a Grand Knight of the Order of St. George buried in the
castle cemetery. Gold Cross was cast to commemorate his feast and is a symbol of the divine forces
that can wipe out the pentagram that protects the castle. Kazan supposedly stole the cross to
prevent Dracy (Dracula) getting hold of it.
After all the cool FMVs (fully motion videos) turn around and go back to the door and
climb the stairs and exit. Another FMV (told you this game is full of them) but not a pleasant one.
The demon make a 'visible' forcefield around the graveyard so you cannot enter. Go straight. Turn a
little right and up the stairs. Is the door locked? Well don't quit yet go to your inventory and
use the glasses (14th) on the doorknob. Now use Dorko's ring (16th)on the knob and enter.
Go straight turn right and go till the end. Pick up the ropes in front of the rubble and
exit through the door from where you came in. after you close the door behind you go to the
inventory and combine the ropes (1st outer line) with the crossbow (17th). Now use the crossbow and
fire at the middle window (between the pillar). You will have a very brief FMV if you get it right.
Now go through by climbing the ropes. Enter the door in front.

Go straight at the end of the hallway to a desk. Examine it
_THE LIBARARY PUZZLE_ this one looks very complicated but it is very simple. Open the
top of the desk. Take the chessboard drawn on a paper. Use the crowbar (2nd) to the left side of
the table to reveal a hidden note. Examine the note. Go to your inventory, examine the note (10th)
and turn it so you can see the translation next use it on the note.
What you have to do is press X on each shape one by one. When you place the translated
paper on a shape one of it two square shows a little part of the shape you clicked on and the other
will show either a specific number (in roman) or any other thing. If the other square shows a
number that is I,II,III,OR IV it means that, that is one of the numbers you are looking for. After
clicking on all the shapes you can only find I. So return 1 time and go to your inventory. Examine
the note (10th) again. turn it. now use it on the note. Do the same and you will find II,III,and
IV. Now return 2 times.
Turn around and go forward 1 time turn right and take a closer look at the pillar.
Remove the lid. You have to enter the four shapes in order here. If you do not remember the correct
order do this number the circles clockwise from the very top (like you did to your inventory). Now
press X on the 3rd shape (the 3D cube), then first one (looks like a dome), next the fifth (seems
like a 3D triangle), and then the 4th (looks like a star). If you get it correct the tile will turn
and reveal the gold cross of Grand Knight of the order of St. George. Return. Go back outside.
Go straight climbing the ropes and jump down in the graveyard.
Go forward, turn left and inspect the grave use the crowbar (2nd) to remove the lid.
Take the medal and return. Turn around and use Hopkin's glasses on the ground. Now combine the
medal (last outer line) with the gold cross (9th) and use it on the symbol. Then force field is
destroyed. Go to the door just under the library. Go straight and enter the door of the library.
Go forward 2 times turn around and go straight 1 time. Turn left and examine another
lock face. Use the glasses (14th) on its mouth and then the gold cross (9th) on the symbol. Return.
Go straight into the doorway.
_THE CHESSBOARD PUZZLE_ examine the chessboard. Use the chessboard paper (4th) on the
board. Now check the brown book (19th) and turn the page 1 time. Use Hopkin's glasses and note the
position of the pieces. Return. What you have to do is click on the letters to determine the places
of the pieces, starting from the bottom black piece. If you don't remember press the following:
If you did it correct all the pieces will move to their places themselves. Now pick up
the paper and return. Go out. Turn right and go straight 1 time and then right again to go down the
stairs. SAVE HERE! Cause one wrong move and your game will be over. See the map below:
| | | | | | | | |
| W | B | W | B | W | B | W | B |
| | | | | | | | |
| B | W | B | W | B | W | B | W |
|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____| B= BLACK
| | | | | | | | | W= WHITE
| W | B | W | B | W | B | W | B |
| | | | | | | | |
| B | W | B | W | B | W | B | W |
| | | | | | | | |
| W | B | W | B(7)| W | B | W | B |
| | | | | | | | |
| B | W | B(6)| W | B | W(3)| B | W |
| | | | | | | | |
| W | B | W | B(5)| W(4)| B | W(2)| B |
| | | | | | | | |
| B | W | B | W | B | W | B(1)| W |
| |

Go forward 1 time turn left and click on the second last tile (black). Then the one
right in front of you (white). Now the tile to the left straight (white). Next turn 180 degree and
click on the straightish right (white). Then the one right in front (black). Next straightish right
(black). Now turn right and go to the black tile.
Another cool FMV! The tiles fall down and once again Dracula warns you and reminds you
that you are in his castle.
Use the telescope (17th) on the door (its on Jonathan's eyelevel). And then use Hopkin's
glasses (14th) on the door. Followed by using the Dorko's ring (16th) on the symbol. Go forward.
Again use Hopkin's glasses (14th) on the door and then the cross (9th). Enter.
Turn right and press the X button on the control box. Now walk to the left of the cable
car (thanx to Taha from whose Faq I got this word) and turn left. Pull the lever. Turn left again
and go forward. Just to the left of the car is a console. Press X. now go in the car. Turn left and
pull the lever. Then press the X on the red button to watch yet another FMV. After that go out of
the car. (Spoilers ahead!) you meet Hopkins who tells you that Mina is at Dracula's Last Sanctuary
and offers to take you there but he too wasn't too successful either, as a henchman of Dracula
throws a knife towards Jonathan (who was surprisingly too scared stiff to move) and Hopkins dives
in front to sacrifice his life. Dying in Jonathan's arms he gives Jonathan the key to THE KEEP.
Go back in the car and pick up the ladder. Place it (5th) on the back wall of the car.
Now climb up. Open the trap door (right above Jonathan's head) and go through. Now once again look
right above your head to go up. Go straight 1 time and turn right. SAVE HERE! Now look at the
ceiling to find another trap door.

More henchmen! Go straight 1 time turn right and go straight, then left and straight and
then left and straight 2 times again. Finally turn right and go straight. . Use the crowbar (2nd)
on the head (to your right). That takes care of them. Go down the stairs 2 times and take the wood
to your left. Go forward 1 time and turn left to enter the doorway. Take the bucket to the right of
the cannon. Go back to the stairs and go back up. Go straight turn right go straight. Turn left go
straight 2 times Use the wood (11th) on the broken ground and go straight. Examine the cannon. Push
the cannon to pick up the cannon ball. Return and cross to the other side. Turn around and pick up
the wood. Go down broken ground. Turn around and look between the two big rock (on the ground) to
take a flag with a stack of wood underneath. Climb out. Turn right and go straight 1 time. Turn
left and examine the snow near the statue. Use the bucket (3rd) on the snow and pick it back up.
Return. Go back to the stairs.
Go down 3 times and turn left. Examine the cannon. Place the pail of snow (3rd) on the
right one of the squares, then the cannon ball (8th) on the middle and the flag (4th) on the left.
Return. Next combine the matches (5th outer line) with the stack of wood (5th) and place it under
the cannon. After seeing the henchman blast exit the room.
Go down. Place the wood (11th) on the broken bridge. Turn around and go straight 2 times
and take another wood. Turn back and go straight 3 times. Now use the wood (11th) on the bridge and
go forward. Turn around to pick up the previous wood and place it on the bridge. After that turn
left and examine the henchman and take the metal object. After that turn right. Use the key give by
Hopkins (6th) on the doorknob and enter.

go straight 2 times and in the elevator. Turn right and examine the switch. Press the
bottom button. After the descend down use the metal object (15th) on the slot. Then press the up
button. Next quickly turn up and right and exit the lift. When the lift goes up it reveals a hidden
doorway behind. Go straight and combine the bow (3rd outer line) with the crossbow (18th) and use
it on the rope holding the bridge (top left side of the doorway). See the bridge swing down. Go
straight 1 time and go to the right side of the stand. Check it. open the lid and see that it has
three slots for handles. Return. Now go up the only stairs going up and enter the door to find out
that you cannot exit and therefore are trapped.
_JACOB'S LADDER PUZZLE_ TURN LEFT AND take the skull from the ground. Now return to the
stairs. SAVE HERE! Go down. TURN AROUND to see that each ladder has a Sanskrit number on it. check
the green book (13th) and see that after turning the page 3 or 4 times you can see 6 numbers in
Sanskrit. Note them and return. Then go back up the stairs. Now walk on the ladders with the same
number as you saw in the book. If you don't remember walk on the steps as written below:

Tenth (last).
If you did it correct you hear a 'clung' as confirmation. If you don't then try this
again cause if you do it wrong and step on the clearing below the stairs you game will be instantly

Go forward 2 times and turn left. Attempt to pick the hand as you try the hand closes
and reopens. Afterwards use the skull (7th) on the palm of the hand. After that use the crowbar
(2nd) on the skull. Examine. Now pick up the handle. Return.
Turn around go straight and turn left. Go to the doorway over your head and enter.
You are now at the floor under the stand you examined earlier. Go straight 2 times and
see a lift. Take the right path and enter the door.
_THE CHAIN PUZZLE_ Turn left and pull the chain. SAVE HERE! A bridge appears. Go
straight. See the map below:
|__E__| ()
() _____________________
()<5> |KEY |
______() |==== P = PANEL |
<1>() / \ () | E = YOU ENTERED |
() / \ ()<2> | FROM HERE |
()/ \() | Ex= EXIT |
/ P \ | <1>,ETC.= THE CHAIN |
()\ / | TO BE PULLED |
<3>() \ F /() | IN ORDER. |
() \ \/ / ()<4> | F=DIRECTION WHERE |
\______/ () | YOU ARE FACING |
() <6> | THE BRIDGE. |
() |_____________________|


what you have to do is pull the chains in the correct order. When you cross the bridge
you face a chain do the following:

1. Turn left leaving 4 chains and then pull the next.
2. Turn left leaving 3 chain (not including the one you just pulled) and pull the next.
3. Turn left leaving 3 chains (not including the one you just pulled) and pull the next.
4. Turn left leaving 1 chain (not including the one you just pulled) and pull the next.
5. Turn left leaving 1 chain (not including the one you just pulled) again and pull
6. Turn left leaving 2 chains (not including the one you just pulled) and pull.

GO STRAIGHT. Examine the dragon head and take another handle. Return. A door is
revealed. Enter. Go up the stairs. You are back at the floor with the stand. Now take the only
other stairs going down and enter.

GO STRAIGHT 2 times X in the big egg. Now examine. Try to take the third and the last
handle and see a look alike of Jonathan appear. Turn around and go straight 1 time. Turn left (135
degree)and use Hopkins' glasses (14th) on the root. Combine the bows with the crossbow and then
with the anti-vampire potion. Fire the bow on the mouth of the root. The other root mouth is now
covered with a metal cover. Use the glasses again and combine the bow and the crossbow again on the
lid. Again do the same and this time hit the mouth. Now examine it. I the inventory combine the
potion (2nd outer line) with the syringe (6th). After that inject it in the root. See the egg
explode. Go to the egg and take the handle. Now exit through the door from where you came. Go up
the stairs.

Examine the stand. Place the three handles on their slots. Return. Now examine the base
of the stand. Open the three drawers and take what they have to offer. Return. Now go down the
other stairs and enter.

Go straight turn left and examine the base of the panel. Open the cover and place the
items you just got from the drawers (10th,11th,then 12th). Return. Now examine the top. Remove the
lid to find slots for handles just like the stand. Go back to the stand. Take the handles and
return to the hell fire room.
Go back to the console and place the handles one by one. Close the lid and press X on
the knob. Return. Now examine the base again. take the fourth handle. Return. After that go back to
the stand.
Examine the stand and open the lid. Place the handle (2nd) in the slot. Return. Turn
around, go down the stairs and enter.
You are in the root area. Go straight and exit through the door behind the egg. Go down
the stairs and into the lift.

(SPOILERS!!)As Jonathan goes up the lift Dracula's monsters capture him. The Drac says
that Mina and he are going to marry. Mina says that if there would have been some proof that she is
Jonathan's wife. So, what are you waiting for, give Mina her wedding ring (1st). Mina's mind
finally clears and she remembers everything. Mr. Drac brags about his immortality and stuff and the
monsters close in. According to Dorko the amulet (20th) and the Dragon Ring can cause Vampy's
downfall but you don't have the ring do you? Well you don't need to cause the dragon ring is right
in front of the Drac. Use the amulet (20th) on the ring and see everything go bizarre. The Dracula
cannot believe that it is ending and his evil powers cannot stop it.
but in the end you hear:


What do you think?

AUG 26 2001

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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