Bishi Bashi Special

Bishi Bashi Special

06.10.2013 20:01:30
Bishi Bashi Special - PAL version
For Sony Playstation
Basics FAQ
Version FINAL
By chandlerbing

This Basics Guide was started on: 24 July 2001
This Basics Guide was updated on: 5 May 2002


This Basics Guide is the sole property of chandlerbing and may not be
reproduced unless it is in its whole form. This FAQ may not be used in
commercial/promotional/profitable transactions. If you wish to post this
guide on your website, please e-mail me for permission first and you may do
so only if I give the permission and as long as nothing is changed.

Bishi Bashi Special is copyright 2000 by Konami
This guide copyright 2001 chandlerbing



Version 0.1 posted - General controls, Tips for 20 mini-games, credits. FAQ
size 16k.


Version 0.2 - 7 more mini-game game tips added, credits updated. FAQ size


Version 0.8 - 19 more Super Bishi Bashi mini-game game tips added, updated 2
Super Bishi Bashi mini-games, minor corrections. Section 4 on Hyper Bishi
Bashi has begun, 11 Hyper Bishi Bashi included. Added Credits to the
contents section. FAQ size 40k.


Version 1.1 - Minor corrections to mini-game titles, added a new section
'Differences Between SUPER and HYPER Bishi Bashi'. 10 new Hyper Bishi Bashi
mini-game tips added. FAQ size 47k.


Version 1.2 - Revised the Introduction section. Corrected mini-game name
from 'Drive Thru 1 to 9' to 'Step on 1 Thru 9'. 3 new Hyper Bishi Bashi
mini-game tips added. Differences Between SUPER AND HYPER Bishi Bashi
updated. Credits updated. FAQ size 51k


Version 1.8 - New section added 'General Game Help', 17 new Hyper Bishi
Bashi game tips added. Differences Between SUPER and HYPER Bishi Bashi
section updated. 4 Super Bishi Bashi mini-game tips updated. Correction made
to 'Shake The Can To Outer Space' mini-game. Minor grammar corrections.
Credits updated. FAQ size 68k.


Version 2.0 - Altered the section divisions slightly to make for easier
reading. Fun Ratings included for each mini-game. Other general alterations
to the guide to make for easier reading. FAQ size - 85k.


Version 2.1 - Minor update to FAQ format and credits. Re-allocation of
information for easier info access. Updated the credits section.


Version FINAL - Finished the last mini-game strategy. Whoo!


Legal Info
Revision Updates

1. Introduction
2. General Game Help
3. General Controls
4. Basics Guide to Super Bishi Bashi
5. Basics Guide to Hyper Bishi Bashi
6. Differences Between SUPER and HYPER Bishi Bashi
7. Credits



1. Introduction

Welcome everyone to my guide to the ultimate party game on the Playstation.
As you may know, Bishi Bashi Special is a unique yet bizarre party game
created only by the imaginative minds of Konami. This compilation consists
of two games in one disc. Super Bishi Bashi and Hyper Bishi Bashi. Both of
which were sold separately in Japan, so we are getting quite a value for our
money here! And now that the game has been re-released in the budget range
'Value', there's no reason not to experience this game! It'll be the
highlight of any party I guarantee it.

The purpose of this Basics Guide is to help beginners get started and
acquainted with Bishi Bashi Special - how it is played and how to get the
most out of each of the mini games offered in this pack. Obviously, there's
nothing quite like first-hand experience of your own, but this guide points
out what you should also be aware of, the traps, the functions and so on.

2. General Game Help

- It may seem obvious but watch the DEMOS! Note that the demos do not run
indefinitely so do replay the games again and watch the demos again if you
have to. For some games, this may actually be necessary. Playing the game
first time in the arcade version is quite daunting as you'll find yourself
losing and wasting money. Fret no more with this Bishi Bashi Special

- If you are new to this game, you may want to start practicing on the EASY
setting. But I would recommend starting on NORMAL setting though, as this
will perhaps be the setting you want to use when playing against a friend.
It's more fun in my opinion.

- Go to the toilet first before you play! This isn't as weird as it seems
because in Bishi Bashi Special, you CANNOT PAUSE. So if it is your turn to
play, and you need to go to the toilet, then it's tough luck. You're also
pretty much stuffed if the phone rings or someone knocks at your house and
no one else (who isn't playing the game with you) is there to pick it up or
answer the door.

- Use the Pick Any Game to play option to practice the mini-games. Keep
playing the games that you are not confident with. This is present in both
SUPER and HYPER so take advantage of this option. Alternatively, choose this
option to select your favourite games to play for the sake of it.

3. General Controls

Many of the mini-games in Bishi Bashi Special do share common controls. So
don't worry about having to learn different controls for different games!
However, there are some mini-games that do have unique control systems.
These shall be covered during the guide to the games itself.

3.1 Multiple Choices

Controls: Square (Left choice), Cross (Middle choice), Circle (Right choice)

A lot of the mini-games do consist of this method of control and includes:


Dice, Dice, More Dice
Facing Which Way
No Cheating
Is That A UFO?
Me Find Mistake!


Dice, Dice, Even More Dice
Facing Which Way
What's Different?

3.2 Button Bashing

Controls: All Buttons (except START and SELECT)

NOTES: Your LEFT thumb should cover the directional pad (left, right, up,
down) and you LEFT fingers covering both the L1 and L2 buttons. Your RIGHT
thumb should cover the circle, square, cross, triangle, and you right
fingers should cover the R1 and R2 buttons. The button bashing games usually
involves hitting the buttons as quickly as possible but there are variations
to the rules however.


Burst The Balloon
Shake The Can To Outer Space
Mechanical Pencil Basher


Building Tear Down
Flower Bloomer

MAJOR TIP: For any RPG fans out there, you may want to play the Hippaul's
Racing Mini-Game in Final Fantasy 9. This involves button bashing to some
extent and really does help you get used to these button-bashing games and
actually improves your skills. I mean, after playing Hippaul's Racing for a
long time trying to raise Hippaul's levels, I then played Bishi Bashi
Special and played 'Shake The Can To Outer Space' and for the first time got
the can all the way to the moon!

3.3 Racing Controls

Controls: Triangle - accelerate the car

Do not keep hold of the accelerate button for longer than necessary. This is
essentially important in the mini-games such as 'Knock 'Em All Off' and
'Race Or
Fall' because you may find yourself falling off the cliffs or building tops
if you don't slow it down!


Race Or Fall
Mega Speed Race
Knock Down The Pins
Knock 'Em All Off
Shoot The Tank

4. Basics Guide to SUPER BISHI BASHI

The games will be placed in alphabetical order.

Note on Fun Ratings:

These may be a useful indicator as to how fun the mini games are compared to
one another. PLEASE NOTE that these ratings are based on my own opinion.
Your own opinions of the games may differ to mine so don't take it
seriously. Think of these ratings as my mini review of each game. Disagree
or agree? It's up to you.

Most 7/10 ratings are given to mini-games that are basically the same but
under different visual disguise. This is still a very good rating in terms
of fun but there is perhaps a slight lack of variation.

Most 8/10 ratings are given to mini-games that are original and more varied.
The amount of competition against another player influences this score.

9/10 and 10/10 ratings are my personal favourites. A mix of originality and
competitive edge is what sets this score to those mini-games. I'm sure you
would say they're pretty good too.

Any ratings from 6/10 or below are my least favourite of the bunch.


HOW TO PLAY: Press LEFT/RIGHT or L/R buttons over and over to rev up and
speed up your racing car to reach the finishing line within a certain time.

For this game, It would be far easier to use the left/right buttons on the
directional pad because your left thumb will be able to alternate between
left and right in a flash. You should press really quickly because it is
very easy to fail this mini-game. You can use the L/R buttons if it suits
you better but is more difficult in my experience. To prepare, press the
buttons before the game itself starts so you can warm up your fingers for
the task.


HOW TO PLAY: Press LEFT/RIGHT or L1/R1 over and over to move your super hero
up the building and to reach the top.

To qualify, you must be able to reach the top of the building within the
allocated time. The points earned depend on how long it takes you to reach
the top. It would be far easier to use the left/right buttons on the
directional pad because your thumb will be able to alternate between left
and right in a flash.
You can use the R1/R2 buttons if it suits you better.


HOW TO PLAY: Using the LEFT/RIGHT directional buttons, catch the falling
ingredients to make up each burger. There are 5 phases.

Now this game shouldn't be hard at all. However do be aware of phase 3 as
the ingredients will fall down closer to each other and going for one side
may mean you have to move fast to the opposite side or risk missing the


HOW TO PLAY: Bash all buttons (except START aand SELECT) over and over, as
quickly as possible to burst the balloon in the time allocated.

Your LEFT thumb should cover the directional pad (left, right, up, down) and
you LEFT fingers covering both the L1 and L2 buttons. Your RIGHT thumb
should cover the circle, square, cross, triangle, and you right fingers
should cover the R1 and R2 buttons. The button bashing games usually
involves hitting the buttons as quickly as possible but there are variations
to the rules however.

If you manage to burst the balloon in less than 3.10 seconds, you are
guaranteed top marks of 10 points.


HOW TO PLAY: Using you bat located at the bottom of the screen, move LEFT
RIGHT to hit the ball towards the moving targets.

This mini-game regurgitates the classic game Arkanoid and involves using a
bat and ball to destroy the floating targets. Except that in Car Destroyer,
the targets are moving too. There is no penalty if your ball falls below the
screen but remember that time is precious and there is a slight delay for
the ball to reappear on the screen. As you hit more targets, you will earn
an extra ball on the playing field to help you to hit more targets.


HOW TO PLAY: Press the LEFT/RIGHT directional buttons to tilt the car
downwards, collecting stars on the way.

The quickest way to progress in this mini-game is to alternate between the
left and right buttons really efficiently. By this, I mean that you should
NOT tap the buttons lightly but HOLD them down to make sure the car moves
off each ledge with power and speed. If you miss any star, IGNORE them, just
focus on moving the car downwards because there are more stars to collect as
you move further down.


HOW TO PLAY: Using the buttons SQUARE (left dice), CROSS (middle dice) and
CIRCLE (right dice); select the dice with the highest value each turn.

Example: If you see the following: 2, 3, 4. Press the CIRCLE button.

All I can say is that you should be familiar with the dice format. This will
definitely save you time...except for the numbers 7, 8, and 9. This game is
a first-come, first-served basis so only one player can select the highest
value in a round. However, make a mistake and your points will be deducted
by the amount shown on the die that you had wrongly selected! This is very
costly especially if you are nearing the end of the mini-game.

DODGE OR DIE!! Fun Rating:

HOW TO PLAY: You must help a businessman reach the end of the course. You
may use the left and right directional buttons and CIRCLE to jump) to dodge
the many obstacles going against you.

You cannot jump over rockets, boulders or crates. You will lose far more
energy if you bump into these than if you bump into cats or logs, and
ultimately affects the number of points earned at the end of the round. For
example, if you bump into a boulder just ONCE and nothing else, then you may
earn between 6-7 points (depending on the difficulty level) if you reach the
end of the round. But if you bump into a cat just ONCE and bump nothing
else, then you are most certainly going to earn 9 points.

NOTE: The character has a secret move that is not explained in the demo
It is basically a cartwheel that you may use to dodge obstacles. This move
is difficult to pull off and the exact button presses to activate this move
is unclear. I found that pressing LEFT, DOWN-LEFT, DOWN, DOWN-RIGHT, RIGHT
in a semi-circular motion followed by any button pulls off this move more
often than not, but I don't recommend using it though.

EAT-O-RAMA Fun Rating:

HOW TO PLAY: Just bash all the buttons!

Follow the advice given in section 3.2 on how your hands should be
positioned for maximum result. The height of the plates stashed on top of
each other can be a useful indicator as to how far ahead (or behind) you are
to your opponent.


HOW TO PLAY: Pressing any button (example - X), stop each on the three
machine slots to the face shown on the top of the screen.

This is difficult and there is no easy way to approach this. A word of
DON'T on any account rely on pressing the buttons randomly hoping to stop at
the correct combination. The chances are you may not succeed. Keep a careful
out on each of the slots and time it carefully. If in one slot the same face
follows the required face, the task may be a little easier. Be patient.


HOW TO PLAY: A picture will be shown and covered. Then the picture will be
flipped about in various directions before stopping. You are then given 3
choices. Using the controls for the multiple choices format as detailed in
section 3.1, select the correct picture.

If you are in any doubts about which is the correct choice, just copy your
friend's choice (If he/she is reliable, that is) because fortunately, this
is not a competition to see who gets to the correct answer first.


HOW TO PLAY: Press TRIANGLE, CIRCLE and CROSS buttons that corresponds to
the colour of the fireworks that appear on screen.

Note that if there are 3 fireworks of the same colour at the same time on
the screen, for example green, all you have to do is press the TRIANGLE
button to cover all three of the fireworks. 1 point will be lost if you
press a wrong response to the fireworks on screen.

I AM THE LAW Fun Rating:

HOW TO PLAY: Press the buttons corresponding to the colour of the men that
pops up on the screen. These colours can be RED, BLUE and GREEN. Don't shoot
the ladies! (Also colour-coded)

Take advantage of preparing yourself to shoot the first man that is already
shown on screen. The rate that the men/women pops up on screen gradually
increases further into the game so do not rely on looking down at your pad
at any time. Shooting women results in losing points for each one shot so be
careful not to be too impulsive with the pressing.

IS THAT A UFO? Fun Rating:

HOW TO PLAY: In playing this game, you are presented with three choices at
the bottom of the screen. In the middle of the screen, a random picture will
When this picture appears, press SQUARE (left choice), CROSS (middle
CIRCLE (right choice) that is identical to the picture presented to you.

This is perhaps the easiest of the multiple choice mini-games offered in
BISHI BASHI. The targets will start off moving slowly so you can very easily
see which of the three choices turn up. Note that there will be a penalty of
-1 each time you select the wrong choice and remember if you missed which
target appear once, they will appear again. So don't feel pressurised if you
couldn't remember which target appeared. It'll be a different story if you
are playing against a friend practice this game by yourself
over and over until you can pinpoint the target when the target is partially


HOW TO PLAY: Moving your bar at the bottom of the screen (LEFT/RIGHT), catch
the coins that fall from above.

The most important thing to do in this mini-game is to catch the random item
dropped towards the end of the round. This item will immediately boost your
coin count by a lot and can determine whether you qualified or not. It is
essential if you are aiming for the maximum 10 points.


HOW TO PLAY: Press a button (any button will do) when the man bounces ON the
ground. This will increase his jumping height each time you succeed. To
qualify, he must jump high enough to grab the meat.

There is a bar to the left-hand side of the screen imitating the man's
jumps. It is easier to calculate when to press the button if you look at
this bar. Note that the man will jump EXTRA if your timing is PERFECT. It is
essential to have a few of these EXTRA'S if you want the top score of 10


HOW TO PLAY: Drive the car into the pins (TRIANGLE to accelerate) knocking
down as many as possible.

You must swerve your car if you want a chance to score a strike. Do so, by
pressing and holding the LEFT or RIGHT buttons on the directional pad when
you drive close to the pins. You can press the TRIANGLE button to
accelerate, but this is not necessary to score strikes.


HOW TO PLAY: Using the TRIANGLE button to accelerate, knock down the rival
cars off the building.

Yes, and this does include your friend as well if you feel like being mean.
There are no point penalties if you fall off the building, but there are
time delays between falling and reappearing on the arena. The rival cars do
like wandering near the edges, so pushing them off will be a breeze. They
rarely attempt to knock you off at all so count yourself lucky on this


HOW TO PLAY: Using the buttons, SQUARE (Left), CROSS (Middle) and CIRCLE
(Right), you must move the girl in either of the following sequences (she
starts in the middle) - right, middle, left, middle, right OR left, middle,
right, middle, left. For whichever sequence you use, it must be repeated to
score as many jumps as possible.

Okay, take you right thumb and place them any of the following buttons -
CROSS, CIRCLE. When the game starts, press your thumb right-left, right-left
over and over as quickly as you can! This is the easy way to play this game
and if you do it correct, you can reach and pass 100 jumps.


HOW TO PLAY: Bash all buttons to get as many lead out of the pencil as

Your LEFT thumb should cover the directional pad (left, right, up, down) and
you LEFT fingers covering both the L1 and L2 buttons. Your RIGHT thumb
should cover the circle, square, cross, triangle, and you right fingers
should cover the R1 and R2 buttons. The button bashing games usually
involves hitting the buttons as quickly as possible but there are variations
to the rules however.

Aim for a score of about 12-13 within this game as this will guarantee you a
top score of 10 points no matter which difficulty level you are playing at.


HOW TO PLAY: Using the controls for the multiple choices format as detailed
in section 3.1, select the picture that is the odd one out!

Note that this game relies on a first come first served format in that only
one person can select the correct answer in each round. This means that you
must spot the 'odd one out' before your opponent does in order to receive a
Like many other multiple choices mini-games, you will lose points for
mistakes so don't bother pressing all the buttons at random, it's not worth


HOW TO PLAY: Drive your car using LEFT and RIGHT directional buttons to
dodge the rival cars and TRIANGLE to accelerate through a race. To qualify,
you must reach the finishing line within the allocated time.

Don't hesitate to let go of the accelerate button (Triangle) if things get a
little too fast. It is far better to drive fluently and cautiously than very
fast and banging into cars every few seconds.


HOW TO PLAY: Using LEFT/RIGHT directional buttons to change mouse movement
directions to eat as much cheese as possible. Points may be double, tripled,
quadrupled...depending on how many consecutive cheese you eat in a round.

Do note that the CPU mouse is quite ferocious and is willing to bump your
mouse away from your targeted cheese so it can eat it. If your friend is
also playing, hope that the CPU mouse chases him/her so you can go in the
opposite direction and the cheese in your area of the arena.


HOW TO PLAY: Press the SQUARE, CROSS, CIRCLE buttons in the correct order
according to the sequence.

You need to rely on your memory skills here because it will get difficult as
the sequence extends. You could always look at your friend's sequence but
this is risky because they may have made a mistake. Luck may be needed
because some sequences are extremely easy and some are extremely hard.


HOW TO PLAY: Using LEFT/RIGHT directional buttons to change car movement
directions to catch the flag that appears on the arena.

The game play is precisely like 'Mice Paradise' with the exception that
there is only one flag on each round rather than several flags. Try to keep
away from the CPU or your friend as possible. If a flag appears near them,
let them get it and aim for the next flag. This way, you won't lose out to
ferocious bumping competition from your rivals.


HOW TO PLAY: Press the buttons CIRCLE (red), TRIANGLE (green) and CROSS
(blue) that corresponds to the colour of the tank that appears on screen.

Note that this game relies on a first come first served format in that only
one person can select the correct answer in each round. Like many of the
multiple choice/colour-coordinated mini-games, you will lose points if you
press the wrong button that corresponds to the wrong colour shown. There are
times in this game that the same colour, such as green will crop up several
times in a row.
Take advantage of this and respond quickly.


HOW TO PLAY: In playing this game, you are presented with three choices at
the bottom of the screen. In the middle of the screen, a random word will
When this word appears, press SQUARE (left choice), CROSS (middle choice),
CIRCLE (right choice) that is identical to the word presented to you.

Without a doubt, this mini-game is more difficult than 'Is That A UFO?' even
though the same rules apply to both games. If you are playing on your own,
take your time and watch each word pass by more than once, this applies
especially to the HARD setting where the words will literally zoom by at
rapid speed! Note that like 'Is That A UFO?' you will be deducted points if
you make a mistake.


HOW TO PLAY: Using the buttons SQUARE (left column), CROSS (middle column)
CIRCLE (right column), select the letters in alphabetical order from A to Z.

The required letter to select will be flashing so you do not need to do any
thinking or recall the alphabet at all. Because the targeted letter will be
flashing, there is no excuse really not to pass this mini-game.


HOW TO PLAY: Press the CROSS button between 1-3 times before pressing the
CIRCLE button to pass the bomb to the next player. The bomb will explode as
soon as someone hits zero. The game will resume until only one player is
left on screen unexploded.

At the start of the game, press the CROSS button 3 times and then pass it on
because you cannot form a strategy at the point of the game. However, when
the number reaches about 7. Prepare. Have your friend help if possible so if
you are holding the bomb at 7, press the CROSS 3 times to make the number
drop to 4, then your friend presses it 3 times to drop the number to 1, then
passes it to the CPU. The CPU player will be forced to press the button and
will be blasted!
Leaving it to the two of you...


HOW TO PLAY: Using the buttons (Square = Tomato), (Triangle = Lettuce), and
(Circle = Meat), press them in order to prepare the burgers to the picture
shown from bottom up. Example: Meat/Tomato/Meat = press Circle/Square/Circle

The key to practicing for this mini-game is to take your time first. Get to
know which button represents which ingredient until you can press the
buttons without having to look down at your pad and only at the screen. I
urge you to do this.
If your opponent prepares the burger first, then you may not be able to
complete yours in time and the picture will change to a different one.
However, do note that this is not a first-come, first-served basis because
if you both prepare the burger in more or less the same time, you will both
score points.


HOW TO PLAY: A series of mental arithmetic questions or random set of
numbers will appear on the blackboard. Moving left and right between
numbers, type in the correct answer to the question presented. Each question
allocates a limited time for you to type in the correct answer.

How good are you at arithmetic questions? Don't worry, most of them are not
difficult at all but you should always be careful. Below are the lists of
how I rank the difficulty of the task.

Simply typing in the numbers shown: 123, 999, 321 and so on.
Short mental arithmetic: 1+2, 10X10, 7 divide by 7

Longer mental arithmetic: 10+12, 8+7+5, and 3X3X3

Longer mental arithmetic: 56+107
What question is this? - Note: This is not a mathematic question and really
just tests your memory skills. Chances are you might not remember which
question number you are on, but do note that this task will NEVER appear on
the first, second or third question into the mini-game.

Note: There are rare moments where the decimal is used. But you don't need
to worry about this.

None of the above is difficult if you just do them with all the time in the
world. But this is Bishi Bashi, time is crucial here so adding 56 to 107
takes you more time to figure out, even if it is a split second, than 1+1.
This is especially important if you are playing against a friend and would
want to beat him or her to the answer first.

RACE OR FALL Fun Rating: 9/10

HOW TO PLAY: Using the TRIANGLE button to accelerate, guide you car through
a maze to the finishing line trying not to fall off the edge.

When you start your very first game, you might want to take some time to
learn the layout of the course. Don't worry; the course will always be the
However, what makes this game challenging is that to succeed, you must not
be too slow. You have to be quick, reliable and careful all at the same time
and that is something you can only do with confidence if you know the ins
and outs of this game. Beware also if you are playing against a friend,
because they can very easily knock you off the edge (deliberately) and speed
ahead. Of course, you can do the same to them.

ROACH SPRAY Fun Rating: 7/10

HOW TO PLAY: Using the LEFT and RIGHT directional buttons to change
directions, spray as many roaches as possible with the spray using the CROSS
button within the time allocated.

Try to spray every single roach that appears, but keep an eye out
particularly for gangs of roaches appearing at once. You will earn more
points in a faster time if you spray every single roach in a group. However,
what you must not do is to keep pressing the spray (X) button constantly,
this WILL restrict the movement speed and the rate of changing directions.
Consequently, you will miss more than a few roaches.


HOW TO PLAY: Just bash all the buttons as quickly as possible. To qualify,
the can must reach to outer space at least.

Your LEFT thumb should cover the directional pad (left, right, up, down) and
you LEFT fingers covering both the L1 and L2 buttons. Your RIGHT thumb
should cover the circle, square, cross, triangle, and you right fingers
should cover the R1 and R2 buttons. The button bashing games usually
involves hitting the buttons as quickly as possible but there are variations
to the rules however.

The can will hit the moon if it manages to reach about 38000Km and you will
earn a full 10 points for doing so.

SHARK JUMPER Fun Rating: 7/10

HOW TO PLAY: Press the correct colours corresponding to the shark sequence.
The colours used in this mini-game are GREEN, BLUE and RED.

Like many of the other colour-coded mini-games, you should try to memorise
the buttons on your pad without having to look down at it. You could be
careful and cautious so you do not press the wrong colour, fall into the
water and waste valuable seconds. But doing this is likely to waste a lot of
your time and you might not reach the end of the course in time if you are
not confident of the colour positions at all.

However there is some leniency on this mini-game. You might see a row of
colours like, RED, BLUE, RED, BLUE, RED, BLUE, RED, BLUE in which case you
can press the buttons to these colours with rapid speed without having to
think. Note that GREEN is the colour used least in this mini-game so use
that knowledge to your advantage. GREEN is generally used to cut off a
sequence of RED, BLUE, RED, BLUE but not always.


HOW TO PLAY: Using the following controls: LEFT/RIGHT directional buttons to
alter direction, TRIANGLE to accelerate and CROSS to shoot, try to shoot and
destroy your rival tank within the time allocated. (Or damage more of your
opponent's tank than they do on yours)

If you are quick enough, at the start of the round, immediately turn left or
right (depending on your positioning) and blast away, the chances are you
can deal them a lot of damage or even defeat them before they can react.
However, as your rival gets smarter and does the same thing back to you, you
may find yourself in a stalemate position (until one of you runs out of
bullets). In which case, you should run away. But do not try to approach
them from a corner, as they will blast you easily as you turn to aim your
tank at them. Let them come to you!


HOW TO PLAY: Press the CROSS button when the dot hits the CENTRE of the

Whatever you do, don't panic. The dot starts at the middle and will follow
the downward curve first, then to the upward curve, then downwards and so
on. When the dot closes into the centre, press CROSS. Don't press the CROSS
if the dot is already on the centre because you will miss it. Take a look at
the picture below for a visual idea of what I mean.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| |
| |
| - - - - - - |
| / \ / \ / |
| _/_ _ _ \_ _ _ _/_ _ _ \_ _ _ _/_ _ _|
| / \ 0 \ / |
|/ \_ _/ \_ _/ |
| |
| |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


HOW TO PLAY: Using any button, press the button in rhythm to the music. A
mini demonstration instructing you of the rhythm will be shown in each

For each note of rhythm (as represented by fruits) that you hit correctly,
you will score 1 point. This is good news because there is no need to get a
whole rhythmical pattern completely correct.

STEP ON 1 THRU 9 Fun Rating:

If you are playing this game against the computer, don't think for a second
that you can earn a full 10 points because they WILL step on a few numbers.
If you see your rival head towards a particular number, don't follow them.
Head towards the next required number. You can try and bump the opponent
away from the target number but this is not advised unless you are
desperately losing.


HOW TO PLAY: In playing this game, you are presented with three choices at
the bottom of the screen. In the middle of the screen, a picture of a face
appears; one of the features is missing. When this picture appears, press
Square (left choice), Cross (middle choice), Circle (right choice) to select
the missing face feature.

Be careful with this mini-game. It isn't easy. The missing face features
are: LEFT EYE, RIGHT EYE, NOSE and MOUTH. Only the mouth is easy to
distinguish, the most difficult are the eyes because you may mistake the
right eye for the left eye and vice versa especially if you are competing
against a friend.


HOW TO PLAY: Pressing SQUARE (left), CROSS (middle) and CIRCLE (right), you
need to guess where the heart will land. There are horizontal lines that may
cross over to another side that changes the route in which the heart will

The start to the game will be very easy. If the heart starts on the left
hand side, and no horizontal lines connects the left line to the middle
line, then the answer to press is SQUARE because the heart cannot change
course. If the heart starts on the left, and there is a line that connects
this left line to the middle line BUT no lines connects this line to either
RIGHT or LEFT, then the answer to press is the CROSS button. As more
horizontal lines are added, things will get a little complicated. But don't
rely on guessing though, observe and follow the lines as to where the heart
will fall to.


HOW TO PLAY: Press ALL buttons rapidly to move your character from left to
right. A number sequence from 1 to 10 will start. When the number hits 10,
the soldier will turn around. If you are still moving, he will shoot you.

The demo to this mini-game suggests you use the buttons, SQUARE, CROSS and
CIRCLE to move the character. But I find it much easier and quicker if you
bash all the buttons rapidly and you will complete more rounds this way.
Keep note of a flicker above the soldier's head, this informs you that he
will turn around in a second and encourage you to stop. You will lose points
each time he shoots you, so be careful.


HOW TO PLAY: Press the colours corresponding to the layer sequence. The
colours are GREEN, RED and BLUE.

Like many of the other colour-coded mini-games, you should try to memorise
the buttons on your pad without having to look down at it. Like 'Shark
Jumper', You might see a row of colours like, RED, BLUE, RED, BLUE, RED,
BLUE, RED, BLUE in which case you can press the buttons to these colours
with rapid speed without having to think.


HOW TO PLAY: A word will appear on screen. Move left/right between letters
to type in the letters corresponding to the word shown.

To move between letters quickly, press and HOLD onto the left/right
directional buttons. This method is actually essential because you don't
have enough time to set in the required number of words especially if you're
playing on HARD mode.
If you make a mistake, there is a cancel option after the letter Z.


HOW TO PLAY: Pressing UP/DOWN to raise/lower the height of the cannon, and
pressing X to shoot, try to shoot as many men onto your plate as possible.

First thing to do is to adjust the height. Shoot some men out to see if
you've raised the height so the men will land on the plate. Once you figured
it out,
KEEP SHOOTING! Oh, and don't shoot towards your opponent's plate, or it will
count as their point instead.


HOW TO PLAY: A 4 digit number will appear on screen, press LEFT/RIGHT
directional buttons to move between numbers and press the CROSS button to
select the numbers corresponding to the 4 digit number.

If you want to move between numbers quickly, hold onto left/right until you
reach the targeted number. Be aware though that you cannot move from 9 to 0
or 0 to 9 by pressing left or right, so you would be forced to go the long
way round!
The mini-game has a knack for throwing in some horrible number combinations
such as 1919 which wastes a lot of time going back and forth, back and forth
the long way round. Remember HOLD on to left/right if want to move quickly.


The tips and help for all of the Super Bishi Bashi mini-games have now been
completed. BUT this doesn't mean there won't be any more updates for this
section. If I find new strategies for the games and improve on the existing
tips, then I will update this section daily. If anyone has additional tips
they want to share, feel free to e-mail and I'll place your tips in this
guide and you will be added to the credits section.

5. Basics Guide to Hyper Bishi Bashi

The games will be placed in alphabetical order.

Notes on Fun Ratings:

(I have included the same notes here as in the Super Bishi Bashi section for
easier access.)

These may be a useful indicator as to how fun the mini games are compared to
one another. PLEASE NOTE that these ratings are based on my own opinion.
Your own opinions of the games may differ to mine so don't take it
seriously. Think of these ratings as my mini review of each game. Disagree
or agree? It's up to you.

Most 7/10 ratings are given to mini-games that are basically the same but
under different visual disguise. This is still a very good rating in terms
of fun but there is perhaps a slight lack of variation.

Most 8/10 ratings are given to mini-games that are original and more varied.
The amount of competition against another player influences this score.

9/10 and 10/10 ratings are my personal favourites. A mix of originality and
competitive edge is what sets this score to those mini-games. I'm sure you
would say they're pretty good too.

Any ratings from 6/10 or below are my least favourite of the bunch.


HOW TO PLAY: There is a sequence each with 2 sets of arrows. What you must
do is to use your control pad to press the sequence shown.

Okay, this is a little complicated to explain so I present here examples of
what is set and what you must press in response.


Instructions such as TRIANGLE/CIRCLE means that you must press both at the
same time.


HOW TO PLAY: Press the LEFT/RIGHT buttons to move your character. You must
take the blobs from the left and move RIGHT to make a bridge to get across
to the other side.

Quickly tap the LEFT or RIGHT buttons in quick bursts in order to make your
character move faster than your opponent. When you move left to grab another
blob, make sure you tap the left button all the way, otherwise you may miss
grabbing it and move right without holding the blob.


HOW TO PLAY: Just bash all the buttons!

Your LEFT thumb should cover the directional pad (left, right, up, down) and
you LEFT fingers covering both the L1 and L2 buttons. Your RIGHT thumb
should cover the circle, square, cross, triangle, and you right fingers
should cover the R1 and R2 buttons. The button bashing games usually
involves hitting the buttons as quickly as possible but there are variations
to the rules however.


HOW TO PLAY: Using the LEFT/RIGHT directional buttons (for the left hand)
and SQUARE/CIRCLE (for the right hand), catch the falling ingredients to
make up each burger.

Now if you thought 'Burger Girl' in Super Bishi Bashi was easy, you'll think
twice about this one. Without practice, this mini-game can be a nightmare
because both your eyes must be focused to do two things at once to make up
two burgers instead of the one in the prequel. All I can say is to practice,
over and over. You may like to first just focus on the left hand first, then
replay the mini-game and focus on the right hand. Replay and try to use both
character hands to catch their burgers. It's tough but with practice, things
may become easier (or not.)


HOW TO PLAY: The clock pointer will spin. You must press the CROSS button to
stop the pointer as close to 12.00 as possible. The person who stops their
pointer closest to 12.00 will win a point. The game continues until the time
runs out.

The pointer will start off pretty slow to begin with but the speed will
gradually increase dramatically. You must leave yourself enough time between
observing the position and actually pressing the button. Do not press the
button at 12 exact or the stopper will stop way past twelve, and this is
certainly applicable to when the pointer moves at fast speed.


HOW TO PLAY: Arrows will move up from 4 columns. There is a fixed arrow at
the top of the 4 columns. You must press the correct arrow response at the
exact moment when the arrows that are moving up the columns are inside the
FIXED arrow at the top. You may get the following messages per arrow
depending on your performance - PERFECT, GREAT, GOOD, MISS. The controls:

Now it is a necessity to be used to pressing both the directional pad
buttons AND the SQUARE/TRIANGLE/CIRCLE/CROSS buttons. This is because at a
later part of the stage, arrows will come up simultaneously. For example, if
the LEFT arrow and RIGHT arrow come up at the same time, you can't press
both RIGHT and LEFT on the directional pad, so you must press either LEFT
and CIRCLE or RIGHT and SQUARE in order to succeed this one.


HOW TO PLAY: Press the buttons LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN using the left hand,
and TRIANGLE, CIRCLE, CROSS, and SQUARE using the right hand in a circular
motion to keep your character on the moving conveyor belt. A nasty professor
or whoever controls the direction and the speed of the conveyor belt. Do not
fall off either edge or you will lose.

The key to succeeding this mini-game is to try and keep the character in the
centre of the conveyor belt. When pressing the buttons, even though it is
essential to do this to prevent yourself from falling off the back of the
conveyor belt, do not however keep pressing the buttons or your character
would probably fall off the front. Remember that the mad man can change the
direction at any time and may catch you in surprise if you are on either
edge of the belt. Towards the end of the round, the mad man will make the
conveyor belt move VERY FAST and towards the left! Here you should
frantically keep pressing the buttons non-stop and quickly or you may find
yourself falling off.


HOW TO PLAY: Using the buttons SQUARE (left dice), CROSS (middle dice) and
CIRCLE (right dice); select the dice with the highest value each turn.

This mini game plays EXACTLY like 'Dice, Dice, More Dice' in the Super Bishi
Bashi selection. Except it looks like the dice has more spins to it. If you
see the following: 2, 3, 4. Press the CIRCLE button. All I can say is that
you should be familiar with the dice format. This will definitely save you
time...except for the numbers 7, 8, 9.


HOW TO PLAY: Press the colours that correspond to the colour of the dynamite
blocks. The colours are: GREEN, RED, and BLUE.

You need to be pretty timely and observant at this mini-game. Each string
colour has several blocks to it so you need to press a specific colour
multiple times. But do not overdo it though as if you press the wrong
colour, you will lose valuable seconds. Look at the picture below for an
example of what I mean.

\ // \
\ // \
\ //
\_ _ _ _ _//
- - - - - -

| | | | |



HOW TO PLAY: A picture will be shown and covered. Then the picture will be
flipped about in various directions before stopping. You are then given 3
choices. Using the controls for the multiple choices format as detailed in
section 3.1, select the correct picture.

This game plays more or less the same as 'Facing Which Way' from the Super
Bishi Bashi collection. If you are in any doubts about which is the correct
choice, just copy your friend's choice (If he/she is reliable, that is)
because fortunately, this is not a competition to see who gets to the
correct answer first.


HOW TO PLAY: Press TRIANGLE, CIRCLE and CROSS buttons that corresponds to
the colour of the fireworks that appear on screen.

This game is played almost identically to 'Fireworks Craze'. Note that if
there are 3 fireworks of the same colour at the same time on the screen, for
example green, all you have to do is press the TRIANGLE button to cover all
three of the fireworks. Unlike 'Fireworks Craze', no points will be lost if
you press a wrong response to the fireworks on screen.

FISH CRAZE Fun Rating:

HOW TO PLAY: Using the buttons SQUARE (left rod), CROSS (middle rod) and
CIRCLE (right rod); select the rod that shakes.

To proceed quickly and score more points, press the correct button the
moment you see a rod shake. Remember that this is a first-come, first-served
basis, which makes it essentially important to catch the fish faster than
your opponent.


HOW TO PLAY: Just bash all the buttons!

Your LEFT thumb should cover the directional pad (left, right, up, down) and
you LEFT fingers covering both the L1 and L2 buttons. Your RIGHT thumb
should cover the circle, square, cross, triangle, and you right fingers
should cover the R1 and R2 buttons. The button bashing games usually
involves hitting the buttons as quickly as possible but there are variations
to the rules however.


HOW TO PLAY: Horizontal lines will move up from 2 columns. There is a fixed
horizontal line at the top of the 2 columns. You must press and hold LEFT to
prepare and press CROSS at the exact moment where the horizontal lines on
the left column crosses ON it. For the right hand side, you must press and
hold RIGHT to prepare and press CROSS at the exact moment where the
horizontal lines on the right column crosses ON it. Your performance and
accuracy will be displayed on screen with the words PERFECT, GREAT, GOOD, or
MISS after each line.

Your timing should be above average if you want to succeed against the
computer or a friend. When you see lines coming up from the left hand side
first, press and hold onto LEFT, and wait for the lines to move onto the
fixed horizontal line before pressing CROSS. Don't wait until the lines are
on the fixed horizontal line before you press and hold the LEFT button
because you will end up missing.


HOW TO PLAY: Press SQUARE (left) and CIRCLE (right) and CROSS to accelerate,
dodge between the horses and reach the finishing line.

For a beginner, it is still important that you accelerate to reach the
finishing line quickly but do not overdo it. Pressing CROSS too many times
may speed up your horse incredibly but you will have a difficult time
dodging the horses and may spend more time crashing into time. But for now
though, press the CROSS button about 3-4 times to speed up your horse
moderately and progress with little trouble. You will need to keep renewing
your acceleration every now and then, but this should be no problem.


HOW TO PLAY: To try and throw the pie as far as possible. Press CIRCLE and
SQUARE alternatively over and over, as quickly as possible to gain speed.
Once you reach the distance of your choice, hold down on the CROSS button to
raise the angle of the shot, let go of the CROSS button at the angle of your
choice and the bride will throw the pie.

"Personal High-Score: 47m"

Note that you have two chances to redo your shot (but that's only if you
trip over the edge or threw too early that it hits none of the audience)
before you are disqualified. Try to gain as much speed as possible and try
to stop near the edge of the platform end. Ideally the angle you should be
aiming for is between
45-47 for a really far throw.

KARATE MAN Fun Rating:

HOW TO PLAY: Press SQUARE to hit the left villain, press CROSS to hit the
middle villain and press CIRCLE to hit the right villain.

If more than 1 villain runs towards you, you must hit more than one button
at the same time. For example:

LEFT and RIGHT villain runs towards you = Press SQUARE and CIRCLE at same

Note that the speed in which they run at you increase as you advance through
the stage. Hit 50 villains to end the game automatically.


HOW TO PLAY: Bottles will fall from the sky to the LEFT and RIGHT of your
character. Press RIGHT to throw the left bottles, and press SQUARE to throw
the right bottles.

Don't just press the buttons non-stop because you can and most likely miss
many of the throws. When the items fall NEAR your character's hands, this is
when you press the necessary button to throw the item and score a point.
When you see two items (one on the right, one on the left) fall
simultaneously, press both RIGHT and SQUARE at the same time to chuck them


HOW TO PLAY: You will be asked a series of questions. You are then presented
with two choices. Move the directional pad in the CIRCULAR motion to circle
the left choice. Press/move the TRIANGLE, CIRCLE, CROSS, SQUARE buttons in a
circular motion to select the right choice.

Let me tell you straight out that it is MUCH easier if you are using an
analogue pad to play this. This is because moving the analogue stick in a
circular motion is simple, pressing TRIANGLE, CIRCLE, CROSS, SQUARE buttons
in a circular motion is very difficult and you may end up disqualifying the
question (even if you chose the correct answer) simply because your circle
is sloppy. So don't use the buttons, use the analogue stick instead.

Examples of set questions:

Which one is red?
Which one is male?
Which one is facing right?


HOW TO PLAY: Press LEFT or RIGHT to line each block into the CENTRE to
complete the girl.

As soon as a block is pushed into the correct centre position, the game will
automatically give you the next block to push so there is no need to
manually move to the next block.



______ ______

------ ------
| | | |
------ --- ------
| | | |
------ ------ ------
| | | |
------ ------
______ ______


HOW TO PLAY: Press SQUARE to flip the left flipper and press CIRCLE to flip
the right flipper, hit the ball at the aliens, hitting as many as possible.

As you progress and hit more aliens, you will gradually be given more balls.
Use these to your advantage to hit more aliens in less time. When starting
on the stage, try not to let the ball fall, as you will obviously need to
hit more aliens to be given more balls. Once you have an overwhelming amount
of balls, it is okay to let a few drop (but they will come back though,
don't worry). Hit 50 aliens to end the mini-game automatically and win.

MAZE RACER Fun Rating:

HOW TO PLAY: Press RIGHT/LEFT/UP/DOWN directional buttons to guide your car
through the maze.

Before the game actually starts, keep tapping DOWN, so when the game starts,
you should have a bit of a head start. Always observe ahead of yourself to
see which direction you need to turn next so you can prepare tapping the
directional button corresponding to that direction.


HOW TO PLAY: Using LEFT/RIGHT directional buttons to change mouse movement
directions to eat as much cheese as possible. Points may be double, tripled,
quadrupled...depending on how many consecutive cheese you eat in a round.

This game plays exactly like 'Mice Paradise', so the same rules apply. Note
that the CPU mouse is quite ferocious and is willing to bump your mouse away
from your targeted food so it can eat it. If your friend is also playing,
hope that the CPU mouse chases him/her so you can go in the opposite
direction and the food in your area of the arena.


HOW TO PLAY: Press the buttons in order from 1 to 8.

In this game, you must use all buttons - the LEFT/RIGHT/UP/DOWN buttons and
the SQUARE/TRIANGLE/CIRCLE/CROSS buttons. The numbers on the screen will be
placed within the format of the buttons on your pad.

-- --
| 2| | 1|
-- --

-- -- -- --
| 3| | 5| | 8| | 6|
-- -- -- --

-- --
| 4| | 7|
-- --

| |

Use directional pad buttons Use SQUARE/TRIANGLE/CIRCLE/CROSS

So using the example above, you would press TRIANGLE, UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT,


HOW TO PLAY: A list appears at the top of the screen of the order in which
you should put the ingredients into the pan. Moving LEFT/RIGHT to move
between ingredients and press the CROSS button to put the ingredient in.

Don't take your time; tap the left or right buttons quickly to scan through
the ingredients. It is hard to miss the ingredient you're looking for so
that is why you should be quick about it.

PERM MANIA Fun Rating:

HOW TO PLAY: Using any button, press the button in rhythm to the music. A
mini demonstration instructing you of the rhythm will be shown in each

This is a variation of the mini-game 'Stay With The Rhythm' and is one of
the toughest games in the entire package. Unlike 'Stay With The Rhythm'
where you get a point for each fruit unit scored and not having to complete
a whole round,
'Perm Mania' REQUIRES you to get a whole sequence correct to earn a single
point. Your progress with each beat will be marked with words like GOOD or
You will get a point (and your character's hair grows a bunch) if you make
it through a sequence with AT THE MOST ONE MISTAKE! Some of the sequences
are cruelly difficult but it can't be helped.


HOW TO PLAY: Moving LEFT/RIGHT, use the CROSS button to hit the blinking,
yellow piano key.

If you like, you can keep pressing the CROSS button as you make your way
over to the blinking key because the next blinking key may be next to the
one you just hit. There's no penalty for hitting the wrong key so you may as
well take advantage. Keep tapping LEFT/RIGHT quickly to make your way in as
much haste as possible.


buttons, rotate them in a circular motion to make your character run after
the paper plane, then press UP and TRIANGLE at the same time to make your
character jump up to try and catch the plane.

Try not to run too far ahead of the plane (reduce or stop rotating the
buttons) and when you see that the plane is preparing to dive downwards, it
is your cue to jump in time or the plane will float back up to the sky a
bit. There's the added pressure of having a second player trying to catch
the plane also, good luck!


HOW TO PLAY: Move your pad UP or DOWN to reflect the ball back towards your

This is basically a game of ping pong. When you play, try not to simply
bounce the ball direct to your opponent. Try moving UP/DOWN as the ball
heads towards you so you can cause the ball to zig zag its way towards your
opponent, so as to confuse him a little. By doing this also, you can speed
up the ball too making it harder for your rival to respond with any


HOW TO PLAY: Get more punches on your opponent than them on you. You will
get 1 of 2 messages above your character's head. Either PUNCH or NO! For
player one, If PUNCH is shown, press RIGHT quickly to punch your opponent
(they can dodge), if NO is shown press LEFT quickly to move back and dodge
your opponent's punch. For player two, if PUNCH is shown, press LEFT quickly
to punch your opponent (they can dodge). If NO is shown, press RIGHT quickly
to dodge your opponent's punch.

Your observation needs to be sharp to win this. The reason for this warning
is because you may misread the message and press the wrong button. Note that
if you press the wrong button, for example you press RIGHT when the message
says NO, then your go is forfeited and your opponent will punch you. To get
a punch (or a dodge) in, tap the correct buttons repeatedly for a chance to
perform the necessary move.


HOW TO PLAY: Your character will put their hands up or down in which you
must respond by pressing the correct buttons. The character's left hand
represents the DIRECTIONAL PAD BUTTONS (left hands up = Press UP, left hands
down = press DOWN). The character's right hand represents the 4 BUTTONS
(right hand up = press TRIANGLE, right hand down = press CROSS). An item is
on the conveyor belt and will be drifting towards your character and the
opponent depending on how quickly you respond to the character's hand
position. The game ends when the item falls on either your character's head
or your opponent character's head.

To summarise into key points, the only buttons you need to use are: UP,
DOWN, TRIANGLE, and CROSS. None of the others are needed.

The only combinations are as follows:

Hand movement Buttons to press

Left UP, right UP = Press UP, TRIANGLE
Left UP, right DOWN = Press UP, CROSS
Left DOWN, right UP = Press DOWN, TRIANGLE
Left DOWN, right DOWN = Press DOWN, CROSS

Note that the conveyor belt speed increases during the game so you must
press the responding button combinations as quickly as possible.


HOW TO PLAY: Using SQUARE (eat left dish), CROSS (eat middle dish) and
CIRCLE (eat right dish), eat the dishes in the order they arrive on the
dinner table.

The thing to do here is to look ahead. If you see a sequence of
left/right/left/right dishes with no middle dish in sight (yet), then all
you need to do is to press SQUARE/CIRCLE/SQUARE/CIRCLE rapidly to save time
and to speed up the process of reaching the end of the course. Be prepared
and look ahead.


HOW TO PLAY: Press the right colour corresponding to the robot part from the
top. The colours used are BLUE, GREEN and RED.

You will earn a point for each robot you fix up (3 parts to a robot), try
and be familiar with the button positioning because if you make a mistake,
you have to redo the robot all over again which needless to say wastes time.
You might wish to see it this way: BLUE button BOTTOM, RED button RIGHT,
GREEN button ??? so your fingers may automatically press the button without
you thinking about it.

ROD SHAKER Fun Rating:

HOW TO PLAY: Press RIGHT as soon as you see your character's rod shake to
catch the fish.

This mini-game is very much like 'Fish Craze.' You should try and outpace
your opponent in this one because (unless one of you is very fast) only one
of you will catch the fish. If you press the button before the rod shakes,
you will lose the turn.

SHOOT 'EM UP Fun Rating:

HOW TO PLAY: Pressing the LEFT/RIGHT/UP/DOWN buttons to move your character
in the desired direction and pressing CIRCLE to shoot, shoot as many aliens
as possible to score as many points as possible. Defeat the end-of-round
boss at the end.

Yay! The good old shoot-em-up game is included! When you see angels carrying
square packages, shoot them and collect the item. Try and grab the L item,
as this will give you a massive laser weapon that covers quite a large range
and is guaranteed to kill off the smaller enemies in a shot.


HOW TO PLAY: Press the SQUARE and CIRCLE buttons to dribble forward and the
CROSS button to jump over tackles, reach the end of the course and press
CROSS button to shoot at the goalie. (Don't worry; he won't be able to save

Keep pressing the SQUARE and CIRCLE as quickly as you can to move faster.
There is no need to worry about opponent slides because you can see them
coming a mile off! Simply press CROSS as soon as they come near you.


HOW TO PLAY: Press LEFT/RIGHT/UP/DOWN to move around the maze to eat as many
sushi as possible.

Try to cover your section first (the left side) and slowly make your way up
and to the right towards your opponent's side. Make sure you grab the
special items as these will make you grow and move faster, thus enabling you
to eat more sushi in less time.


HOW TO PLAY: Press the LEFT/RIGHT directional buttons to tilt the car
downwards, collecting stars on the way.

This game is a replica of 'Collect A Bunch 'O Stars'. The quickest way to
progress in this mini-game is to alternate between the left and right
buttons really efficiently. By this, I mean that you should NOT tap the
buttons lightly but HOLD them down to make sure the car moves off each ledge
with power and speed. If you miss any star, IGNORE them, just focus on
moving the car downwards because there are more stars to collect as you move
further down. It is slightly easier and faster to reach the big star at the
bottom of the arena than 'Collect A Bunch 'O Stars'.


HOW TO PLAY: Press the colours corresponding to the layer sequence. The
colours are GREEN, RED and BLUE.

This game plays EXACTLY the same rules as 'Totem Shrinker' in the Super
Bishi Bashi selection. Read the tips given above for 'Totem Shrinker.'


HOW TO PLAY: Moving LEFT and RIGHT between numbers, type in the telephone
number that is displayed on top of the screen.

The rules for control is the same as that of 'Punch In Those Numbers', you
can only move left and right, you cannot press up or down. If anything, this
game is even simpler than 'Punch In Those Numbers', you only have one
telephone number to type in. The first person to type in the whole number
first wins. It's as simple as that.

UNCLE BEAN Fun Rating:

HOW TO PLAY: Coloured beans will be thrown up in the air, press SQUARE
(purple bean), CROSS (blue bean) and CIRCLE (red bean) to aim the man's
mouth towards the corresponding colour of the beans thrown. 50 beans eaten
is the maximum.

The difference between this colour-coordinated mini-game to the others is
that the SQUARE button is used instead of the TRIANGLE. At the start of the
game, the rate at which the beans are thrown into the air is slow, but the
speed gradually increases. Fortunately, missing beans won't penalise you in
any way.


HOW TO PLAY: Using the controls for the multiple choices format as detailed
in section 3.1, select the picture that is the odd one out!

This game is a more or less a replica of 'Me Find Mistake'. Note that this
game relies on a first come first served format in that only one person can
select the correct answer in each round. This means that you must spot the
'odd one out' before your opponent does in order to receive a point. Like
many other multiple choices mini-games, you will lose points for mistakes so
don't bother pressing all the buttons at random, it's not worth it. What
makes this mini-game easier than 'Me Find Mistake' is that the differences
or odd one out are more clear-cut and is not camouflaged in any way.


HOW TO PLAY: You must get 3 of a kind. Press SQUARE to select the left slot,
press CROSS to select the middle slot and press CIRCLE to select the right

This game is more lenient than 'Facial Slot Machine' in the sense that there
is not a specific three-some you must get. Any 3 of a kind will do, whether
it is three chickens, 3 omelettes, it's your choice. Whichever three you
successfully choose, a nice little picture of the cooked result will show up
on the screen. Like 'Facial Slot Machine', you shouldn't rely on random
pressing to get you through, but since this mini-game is less strict, you
may want to try pressing randomly and see what happens.

6. Differences Between SUPER AND HYPER Bishi Bashi


Endurance Mode = Play ALL 46 mini-games and try to score high points by the
end of the 46 rounds. A second player can participate at any time. This is
an awesome mode to play that is unfortunately not in Hyper Bishi Bashi. This
is the ultimate test to see if you have become a master in all the
mini-games. At the end, all the points accumulated will be added together to
make up the grand total. The number of credits used will also be shown.
Theoretically, you can score up to 460 points (46 multiplied by 10) but in
practice, it is actually impossible to score this maximum. For example, in
'Step On 1 Thru 9', it is impossible to step on all numbers without the CPU
stepping on at least some.

Time Trial = Play 11 time-trial mini-games. A second player can participate
at any time.

End-of-mini-game points = You can score points between 0 and 10 for each and
every mini-game. This is applicable to all the modes in SUPER Bishi Bashi.
In Tournament mode, be aware that the points will determine whether you get
a gold, silver or bronze medal (or if you did particularly badly, no medals
at all.)


Hyper Mode = Play 20 random mini-games.

Crazy Mode = Play 27 random mini-games.

Roulette Option = A roulette of mini-games will select the games you play.
You can press the CROSS button to stop the roulette and begin a game.

Tie Breaks = When you are in a draw against a friend or the computer, you
will be presented with the tiebreak mode. Here you must spin the directional
pad buttons and the TRIANGLE, CIRCLE, CROSS and SQUARE buttons in a circular
motion as quickly as possible (any direction will do). You can use the
analogue sticks if you want. The person who spun the quickest will win that

Very Easy/Very Hard difficulty settings = To make things more easier and
accessible for newcomers in VERY EASY or to make things more challenging for
experts in VERY HARD.


Thank you to:

GameFAQs - For posting this guide on the website -

Neoseeker - For posting this guide on the website -

Psxcodez - For posting this guide on the website -

Cheat Code Central - For posting this guide on the website -

Konami - For making and releasing this fantastic party game in the UK.
The official website for Bishi Bashi Special is

My sister - For being a brilliant rival at this game. Her competitiveness
allowed me to formulate the help given within this Basics Guide.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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