Ring of Red

Ring of Red

13.10.2013 23:01:46
Ring of Red AFW/Troop Formation and Strategy FAQ
Version 1.0
By Lee Seng Wai, Singapore, 1st Sep 2001


1. Introduction
2. AFW & Max Attack Descriptions
3. Soldiers Descriptions
4. Soldier Skill Descriptions
5. General Playing tips
6. Recommended Formations and Strategies
7. Spoiler Type Strategies
8. Conclusion
9. Games of similar genre

1. Introduction
This FAQ is not an in-depth FAQ about the missions in the game. It is just a
general guide of how to use your ground troops efficiently, and place your AFWs
in a formation such that enemies are easily taken care of. General tips for the
game are also provided.

This FAQ is written one day after I completed the game, which took me a
colossal 50+ hours. It is too bad for me that I only finally perfected my
strategy on the final battle.

Finally, there's the copyright stuff. I'm quite a generous (and evidently not
so humble) person, so I do not mind if the FAQ is distributed around, as long
as due credited is given to the author (me).

2. AFW & Max Attack Description

There are five type of AFWs:

Standard AFW
Optimum Range: Medium Range
Capable of shooting and close combat
Has shield HP
Best used for medium range combat, luring the enemy, finishing
the enemy.
Jack of all trades
Light AFW
Optimum Range: Short Range
Capable of shooting only, but can shoot even in Close Combat
Best used for close range combat versus weakened AFWs, or
destroying ground forces
4-Leg AFW
Optimum Range: Long Range
Capable of shooting only, at long ranges.
Base accuracy is really high at long range, and raises at god-
like speed
Best used vs non-4 Leg units. Use at all possible times. ^_^
Optimum Range: Close Combat
Capable of shooting, but specialises in Close Combat
Has Shield HP
BEST BEST BEST used for luring troops out, soaking damage from
the first Enemy rush, obliterating all AFWs, terrorising Light
and 4-Leg AFWs, etc etc etc...(in case you can't tell, I'm an
Anti-AFW fan ^_^)
Boss AFW
Includes Type 3, piloted by Kaiho, and other more headache-
inducing AFWs.
You can't control these.
You have to fight these.
They have max attacks.

Note about Shield HP:
Shield HP is not recoverable HP. Note that when Standard and Anti-AFWs first
start a mission, they are equipped with shields and their HP is yellow. There
is also a yellow segment on the HP bar. This HP is the shield HP. As long as
Shield HP is available, the AFW suffers 30% less damage than normal. However,
as the AFW is hit, the shield HP decreases first, until it is gone. The defence
bonus disappears and the shield is blown away. The AFW is then left with it's
base green HP, which is going to be REALLY LITTLE as compared to what you
started off with. Use the temporary increased defence to your advantage, and
remember that you have to work your way through the enemy shield HP before you
start dealing real damage.

Our AFW Descriptions

Pilot: Masami Weizegger
AFW: "Byakko" or "White Tiger". One of the Four Heavenly creatures in Chinese
Type: Standard AFW
Max Attack:
1. Quick Fire
Instantly loads and fires a shell. This attack CAN miss, but chances of that
happening is low. It deals damage equivalent to a normal attack. This means
that if your normal shell attack does 60-70 damage, your quick attack should
deal the same. Note that the attack damage varies according to how far away you
are from the enemy AFW. The most damage is dealt at medium range. Recommended
when there is insufficient time to load and aim normally, and the enemy is
bound to die if it gets hit one more time. I've only missed once through the
entire game.
2. Straight Punch
Close Combat Attack that punches at the enemy weapon. Can only be done in close
combat. Masami is really terrible at close combat. He deals 70-80 damage at
best. This attack does not increase the amount of damage dealt. It simply
offers a chance to break a weapon, equivalent to that of base accuracy(quite
high). This option is available even if the enemy's weapon is already broken.
Not recommended except in certain special conditions (see strategies at end of
3. Accurate Fire
100% hit attack that does 40-50% more damage than a normal shot. This attack is
one of the best max attacks out there. The downside is that you have to wait
for the shell to load first. Very efficient versus Kaiho. This attack is best
dealt at medium range. Do not hesitate to use it. If the enemy has lowered your
accuracy via smoke shot, or it's night and/or snow fighting conditions..., this
attack is pretty useful. There are more than enough max attacks per character,
so use this!!!
Masami is a shooter. Look at the barrel of his gun... ^_^ He is not meant for
close combat attacks. If he dies, mission is over, so protect him well. He
deals the same damage on average as 4-Leg AFWs at 70-90 damage, and is worthy
of being the lead character in this sense. His accuracy meter also rises really
quickly. Do your best to stay at medium range. Use his max attacks often, about
once a battle. This way, most enemies that meet him are pretty much dead at the
end of the battle. Masami has 300 Hp + 60 Shield HP. Later on, his AFW gets 350
HP + 70 Shield HP.

Pilot: Minakawa Ryoko
AFW: "Sui Hu" or "Water Wolf".
Type: Standard AFW
Max Attack:
1. Quick Fire
Instantly loads and fires a shell. This attack CAN miss, but chances of that
happening is low. It deals damage equivalent to a normal attack. This means
that if your normal shell attack does 60-70 damage, your quick attack should
deal the same. Note that the attack damage varies according to how far away you
are from the enemy AFW. The most damage is dealt at medium range. Recommended
when there is insufficient time to load and aim normally, and the enemy is
bound to die if it gets hit one more time.
2. Rapid Punch
Close Combat Attack that deals about 30% more damage than a usual close combat
attack. Very useful. She should use this attack pretty often, as her CC damage
is not as good as the Anti-AFWs...
3. Check Fire
Fires at enemy legs. This attack always deals damage to the enemy, equivalent
to a normal attack. The chance to cause 1 level of damage to the enemy legs is
equivalent to the base accuracy of the AFW. The shell must be loaded first in
order to use this attack. All in all, I think this max attack is useless. Use
it only if you must get a shot to hit, and the shell is already loaded.
This option cannot be chosen if legs are already destroyed to "broken" status.
Although she pilots a standard AFW, Ryoko is better off as an Anti-AFW pilot.
She shoots for about 50-60 damage at best. Use her for shooting, down standard
and Anti-AFWs. But use her for Close Combat versus Light and 4-Leg. Her CC
damage is at 80-100 points, which is actually pretty decent, but her accuracy
bar doesn't rise so fast. Maybe it's because I like the way Masami fights. ^_^
She has 300 HP + 60 Shield HP.

Pilot: Kenichi Kinasato
AFW: "Jiu Gui" or "Nine Ghosts"
Type: Light AFW
Max Attack:
1. Dodge Action
Allows the AFW to dodge the next normal vs AFW attack against it. This cannot
dodge Special Shells, Soldier Skills and Maximum Attacks. However, this will
allow you to dodge Close Combat Attacks. Since the enemy AFWs NEVER have CC Max
Attacks, this means that you're pretty confident of survival in CC. vs AFWs.
This is the most important skill to a Light AFW, and I use 80% of my Max
attacks on it.
2. Spray Fire
AFW attacks the entire vanguard for about 35-45 damage. Can only be used in CC
or Short Range. You want to use this only if your AFW is concentrating on
obliterating enemy soldiers, or when enemy soldiers are nearly dead, and it
will make your life easier if they WERE dead. I seldom use this, preferring to
use my Max attack on....
3. Suppressive Fire
AFW attacks the entire vanguard for about 30-40 damage, as well as immobilise
the soldiers. This means that the soldiers suffer lots of damage, and are stuck
in the vanguard as long as your AFW is in CC or short range. Suppressive Fire
does not deal any extra damage, and cannot be used again until Suppressive Fire
ends. Suppressive Fire ends when you step into medium/long range, use Spray
Fire, or when you choose to attack the enemy AFW or troops with your AFW main
gun. Suppressive Fire does not end even when you use special shells or Dodge
Action, which result in some very cruel anti-computer strategies ^_^.
Furthermore, enemy troops are unable to use their Special Skills, and are
unable to attack as long as suppressive fire is taking place. Is this skill
cool or what!?!
Kinasato is best vs soldiers, but can hold pretty well vs AFWs too at 35-45
points of damage at short range. His load time is the fastest, and his
suppressive fire will keep enemy troops busy while your own do their job.
Launch your special shells at the enemy while suppressive fire is taking place.
Do your best to stay in CC range vs Light and 4-Leg AFW, or at short range for
standard and Anti AFWs. he has 360 HP.

Name: John Caster
AFW: "Little John" (like the Robin Hood version, it ain't so little)
Type: 4-Leg AFW
Max Attack:
1. Emergency Load
The most useful skill a 4-Leg AFW could get. Allows a shell to load instantly.
Doesn't sound so great but it is, considering that these AFWs suffer from
seriously slow load times. If enemies have flash shot, your AFW is pretty much
screwed too. I use this skill all the time. None of my maximum attacks are used
on the other skills, because they're really useless.
2. Bombardment
Attacks the enemy troops in the vanguard, forcing them to retreat to rearguard.
Deals about 40 damage. I never use this, because John loads so slowly that
every shot is needed to take down the enemy AFW.
3. Creep Fire
Attacks the enemy troop in the vanguard and rearguard. It is useful for taking
down enemy soldiers, but i need the shots on AFWs instead.
John suffers from slow load times, but makes it up with devastating AFW damage
of 85-100 points. Every shot MUST count. Meaning that you need a 80-90%
accuracy. Now do you see the importance of emergency reload? Stay at
medium-long range at all times. If you get caught at short range, you're
screwed. He has 420 Hp.

Name: Hasebe Jun
AFW: Nue
Type: Light AFW
Max Attack:
1. Dodge Action
Allows the AFW to dodge the next normal vs AFW attack against it. This cannot
dodge Special Shells, Soldier Skills and Maximum Attacks. However, this will
allow you to dodge Close Combat Attacks. Since the enemy AFWs NEVER have CC Max
Attacks, this means that you're pretty confident of survival in CC. vs AFWs.
This is the most important skill to a Light AFW, and I use 80% of my Max
attacks on it.
2. Aim Weapon
AFW targets enemy weapon. This attack always hits for normal attack damage, but
chance of destroying weapon is same as that of base accuracy. Use only if enemy
doesn't have fast repair or repair, otherwise it is a wasted shot. Aim Weapon
is infinitely useful compared to Check Fire. This option cannot be chosen if
weapon is already destroyed.
3. Check Fire
Fires at enemy legs. This attack always deals damage to the enemy, equivalent
to a normal attack. The chance to cause 1 level of damage to the enemy legs is
equivalent to the base accuracy of the AFW. The shell must be loaded first in
order to use this attack. All in all, I think this max attack is useless. Use
it only if you must get a shot to hit, and the shell is already loaded. This
option cannot be chosen if legs are already destroyed to "broken" status.
Jun's Light AFW is evidently meant for AFW warfare. It loads slower than
Kinasato, but deals more damage, about 40-50 points on average at short range.
Shoots well at CC too. Irritate enemy 4-Leg AFWs at close range with aim
weapon, which effectively renders them useless for the rest of the battle. If
the 4-Leg survives, it won't last long when the next AFW comes in for the kill.
He has 340 HP.

Kirino Ayana
AFW: Ohbu
Type: 4-Leg AFW
Max Attack:
1. Emergency Load
The most useful skill a 4-Leg AFW could get. Allows a shell to load instantly.
Doesn't sound so great but it is, considering that these AFWs suffer from
seriously slow load times. If enemies have flash shot, your AFW is pretty much
screwed too. I use this skill almost all the time.
2. Bombardment
Attacks the enemy troops in the vanguard, forcing them to retreat to rearguard.
Deals about 40 damage. I never use this, because Ayana loads slowly (though not
as slow as John) that every shot is needed to take down the enemy AFW.
3. Aim Weapon
AFW targets enemy weapon. This attack always hits for normal attack damage, but
chance of destroying weapon is same as that of base accuracy. Use only if enemy
doesn't have fast repair or repair, otherwise it is a wasted shot. This option
cannot be chosen if weapon is already destroyed.
Ayana deals 60-75 damage per shot at long range. Less than Masami. What sort of
4-Leg is this??? On the bright side, Ayana loads significantly faster than
John. Her relatively low damage doesn't make emergency load too useful, but
"Aim Weapon" ensures that she is useful vs 4-Leg and standard AFWs. If their
weapon is broken, you can afford to take your time to shoot. She has 400 HP.

Kirino Ippei
AFW: Kamui
Type: Anti-AFW
Max Attack:
1. Quick Move
THE ULTIMATE MAXIMUM ATTACK!!!! I cannot stress how important this max attack
is without bursting an artery. Maybe this is due to my battle strategy. This
skill will make your AFW move forward by two "ranges". Meaning if you start off
at Long range, you move to short range. If you start at medium, you move to CC.
This skill can be cancelled by adhesive mines halfway through. It cannot be
used when legs are damaged, or when legs are entangled by wire. At the end of
the quick move, all of your troops will be in rearguard, and will take about 2
seconds real time to catch up. There is an advanced section of efficient
anti-AFW handling later in the FAQ.
2. Straight Strike
Close Combat Attack that punches at the enemy weapon. Can only be done in close
combat. This deals normal attack damage of 110-150 points. It offers a chance
to break a weapon equivalent to that of base accuracy(quite high). This option
is available even if the enemy's weapon is already broken. Negates Dodge
Action. Not recommended except in certain special conditions (see strategies at
end of FAQ)
3. Aim Weapon
AFW shoots enemy weapon. This attack always hits for normal attack damage
(which in Ippei's case is quite low) Chance of destroying weapon is same as
that of base accuracy. Don't use this attack unless you have run out of special
shells. Spend it on Quick Move instead. This option cannot be chosen if weapon
is already destroyed.
Ippei is the ultimate Hand to Hand combat AFW. It does about 110-150 points of
base attack damage at CC. When coupled with the right crew, this AFW is
virtually unstoppable. Ippei can't shoot to save his life though. Go CC
whenever possible. His AFW has only 280 HP, and 120 shield HP. Meaning that
more precaution must be taken in the later part of the battle. The huge shield
HP is useful for soaking up damage from enemy Anti-AFWs though.

Pilot: Emilio Panini
AFW: Tempesta
Type: 4-Leg AFW
Max Attack:
1. Quick Move
(For those people who haven't read the Ippei Section) THE ULTIMATE MAXIMUM
ATTACK!!!! I cannot stress how important this max attack is without bursting
another artery. This skill will make your AFW move forward by two "ranges".
Meaning if you start off at Long range, you move to short range. If you start
at medium, you move to CC. This skill can be cancelled by adhesive mines
halfway through. It cannot be used when legs are damaged, or when legs are
entangled by wire. At the end of the quick move, all of your troops will be in
rearguard, and will take about 2 seconds real time to catch up. There is an
advanced section of efficient anti-AFW handling later in the FAQ.
2. Rapid Strike
Emilio doesn't do as much CC damage as Ippei, but this max attack makes up for
it. At CC, rapid Strike becomes available, which deals 125-150 if successful.
Negates Dodge Action. Use if a normal attack will not take the enemy out.
3. Check Fire
Fires at enemy legs. This attack always deals damage to the enemy, equivalent
to a normal attack. The chance to cause 1 level of damage to the enemy legs is
equivalent to the base accuracy of the AFW. The shell must be loaded first in
order to use this attack. This attack is slightly more useful on Emilio than on
Ryoko or Jun. If an enemy AFW legs are damaged to "broken", they can't counter
attack. This option cannot be chosen if legs are already destroyed to "broken"
status. I recommend the other two Max attacks though.
Emilio shoots better than Ippei, but not by much. I use the Anti-AFWs to do CC
damage instead. Emilio only deals 100-125 damage at normal CC, which isn't
fantastic, but better than Ryoko and Masami. He has 300 HP + 80 Shield HP. This
means he shouldn't be soaking up the CC damage first. Ippei should do that.

3. Soldier Description

There are 8 type of soliders:

Soldier: Infantry
Symbol: Helmet
Description: Uses rifles. These are the best anti-soldier units. Send them to
front line, and they do 15 damage to a squad each time they fire. 5-10 damage
vs AFWs. Really dangerous. The computer deploys lots of these. And they come
with skills like Co-operation, Rapid Fire or Focus. Ouch.

Soldier: Shooter
Symbol: LAW Tube (Looks like a vase)
Description: Use LAW (Light Anti-Armour Weapon) tubes. They do 15-22 damage
every time they fire at an enemy AFW. Send them to the frontline quick to wear
away at the enemy AFW. They go a LONG WAY to making your life easier.
Unfortunately, they seem extra weak vs infantry and tend to drop like flies.
Come with skills like grenade, homing shot, and charge fire.

Soldier: Mechanic
Symbol: Spanner
Description: Use Anti-Armour Rifles. They attach Rocket Propelled Grenades to
the end of their rifles and fire at enemy AFWs. They deal about 7-12 damage to
AFWs. Come with skills like repair and fast repair, mines and wires. Putting
these in your team increase your movement range on the map and movement speed
in the battlefield. I place two of these with my Anti-AFWs for obvious reasons.

Solider: Recon
Symbol: Targeting Reticule
Description: Use Pistols. They come with snipe, one of the most devastating
skills out there. Recons are anti-infantry, dealing 7-12 damage each time. They
come with skills like illumination shot, Gas Neut, and a whole assorted sort of
skills. Having one in your team increases your scouting range on the map, and
increases your base accuracy in the battle field.

Soldier: Supply
Symbol: Jerry Can
Description: Use Anti-Armour Rifles that shoot RPGs like the mechanics. Deal
about 7-12 damage vs AFWs. Come with skills like cleanup, mines and wires. They
increase the load speed of your AFW, and are truly indispensable. Every AFW,
esp the 4-Legs should have one.

Soldier: Medic
Symbol: Medical Cross
Description: Use pistols. Anti-Infantry that deal 7-12 damage each time. They
increase the recovery rate of your soldiers. They come with skills like WP
shot, gas mask, smoke shot, Flash shot, Hyper.

In general, all anti-soldier troops will shoot at anti-armour troops. This
means that skills like co-operation and snipe go for any anti-armour forces
first. Infantry are next in priority. You may want to send forces in different
order so that ground troop casualty is minimised. Remember that if troop HP
reaches 0, they are gone forever. If your troops are all in the rearguard,
enemy anti-soldier troops will aim at your AFW, and do about 60% their normal
damage on average. Send your troops up if you want to minimise damage on your

4. Soldier Skills

Vanguard Skills:
These skills are charged up when the troop is in rearguard, and are activated
when the troop moves to front guard after 5 seconds.
All solider skills do more damage when the attacking soldier is nearly at full

Skill: Co-operation
Description: Anti-Infantry Attack that focuses the fire power of all vanguard
units on a single enemy vanguard squad. This attack is devastating if both
vanguard squads that attack are anti-infantry. It can be done if only one squad
is in the vanguard, but that's kind of wasted. I've seen it deal 70 damage on
my shooters before.

Skill: Rapid Fire
Description: Anti-Infantry Attack that fires at all vanguard units. Does 20-35
damage to both squads. This should be done when both enemy squads are at

Skill: Focus
Description: Anti-Infantry Attack that fires at a single vanguard enemy squad.
Does 30-45 damage. Cleans up troops really easily.

Skill: Charge Fire
Description: Anti-Armour Skill. Shooters run to the front line, and do anything
from 15-25 damage. I don't see the usefulness in this skill at all.

Skill: Grenades
Description: Anti-Armour Skill where grenades are thrown. This skill does more
damage when close up. Does up to 35 damage at Short, 12 at Long. Useful when
coupled with light AFWs.

Skill: Homing Shot
Description: Anti-Armour skill where a homing shot is fired. Does more damage
at long range. Up to 45 damage at Long, 15 at Short. Darn useful with 4-Leg

Skill: Wire
Description: Troops fire a wire at the enemy AFW that immobilises it for about
30 seconds. Negated by Cleanup. When wired, AFW cannot move, and cannot
counterattack when hit by a CC punch.

Skill: Electric Wire
Description: Troops fire an electric wire at AFW that immobilises it for 30
seconds, as well as damage the legs by one level. Really evil. Negated by
Cleanup and Repair/Fast Repair. I like to use this twice, so the legs are
totally broken. Especially useful on standard and 4-Leg AFWs.

Skill: Mine
Description: Troops plant Mine Bomb on ground. Enemy gets hit when it steps on
the mine. Normally this happens when the enemy Anti-AFW tries to CC your own.
Useful when put with 4-Leg and Light AFW. This attack causes 1 level of damage
to the enemy legs, and will not cancel the CC attack unless the enemy legs are
broken at the end of the Mine Bomb. To ensure a complete halt, plant the mines
twice. Deals about 40-50 damage.

Skill: Adhesive Mine
Description: Troops plant Adhesive Mine on ground, and is activated when enemy
steps on it. This immediately destroys the legs and damages it to "Broken"
status. Deals 40-60 damage. Better than mine, so use this instead.

Skill: Chain Mine
Description: Troops plant Chain Mine on ground, and is activated when enemy
steps on it. This does one level of damage to the legs, and deals about 40-50
damage to enemy legs, and well as 20-30 damage to all enemy troops. Deadlier
than Adhesive Mine if planted twice.

Skill: Snipe
Description: Troop shoots the enemy troop regardless of whether it is in
vanguard or rearguard. Does between 25-40 damage. If the enemy has this and
your ground troops are nearly dead, then you're screwed.

Skill: WP Shot
Description: Troops fire a White Phosphorous Shot which sends all enemy
soldiers to rearguard for 20 seconds. Ignored by Gasmask, and negated by Gas
Neut after 8 seconds. Useful if you need that small time frame where the enemy
troops can't attack you or use their special skill yet. The people with WP shot
need to have fast charge times to make this useful.

Skill: Flash Shot
Description: Troops fire a Flash Shot. If the targeted AFW is not currently at
the "aiming" screen, the load gauge restarts from 0. Otherwise accuracy is
lowered slightly. Very devastating against AFWs with slow load times, or for
getting that extra time needed to fire another shot without enemy interference.

Skill: Smoke Shot
Description: Troops fire a smoke shot. The targeted AFW's base accuracy is
halved, and it's accuracy rate is 3/4. Lasts for about 30 seconds. Useful vs
everyone, especially gears that are not in their optimum range, like a 4-Leg at
short range.

Skill: Illumination Shot
Description: Troops fire a illumination shot. This negates night time range
penalty for about 45 seconds. You will want to send the troops to rearguard
immediately and let them recharge for a second shot. If they have recharged the
shot but the earlier illumination shot has not expired, it is still ok to send
them to frontline. The troops will fire the illumination shot as soon as the
first one is exhausted. Most useful with 4-Leg AFWs. Using my strategy, these
are useless when teamed with Anti-AFWs. Available only at night.

Rearguard Skills:
These skills activate only when circumstances require them too, and when the
troop is in the rearguard. The skill charges up in rearguard.

Skill: Gas Neutralisation
Description: When hit by a WP shot, the troops will retreat to rearguard. If
gas neutralisation is available, the troops will be ready to move again in 3-5
seconds. Not as good as gas mask.

Skill: Gas Mask
Description: Completely ignores the effect of gas neut. Useful with everyone
except Anti-AFWs.

Skill: Cleanup
Description: Removes 1 enemy mine, or removes wire around AFW legs. Essential
in Anti-AFWs teams.

Skill: Repair
Description: Repairs all Leg Damage, or all weapon damage. A definite must

Skill: Fast Repair
Description: Repairs 1 level of Leg Damage, or all weapon damage. Charges
faster than repair.

Skill: Hyper
Description: Increases troop defences vs all attacks by 30%. This is seriously
useful in preventing the death of your troops.

Crew Skills
These skills are only available when the troop with the skill is in the crew.
They comprise of special shells that can be fired when the load gauge is full.
The number of shells are limited and do not replenish until the mission is

Skill: APC Shell
Description: Deals slightly more damage than a normal shell. Useful when a shot
has to hit when time is insufficient.

Skill: APCR Shell
Description: Deals slightly more damage than a normal shell, but damage
increases at long range. Couple with 4-Leg AFWs for maximum effect. Put a few
with the Anti-AFWs too if you can afford it.

Skill: HEAT Shell
Description: Deals more damage when close or CC range. CC range HEAT shells can
ONLY be fired by Light AFWs. Spare some for the Anti-AFWs if you can. You might
notice I'm constantly talking about the Anti-AFWs, but it is really important
in my strategy.

Skill: Smoke Shot
Description: Fires a smoke shot. The targeted AFW's base accuracy is halved,
and it's accuracy rate is 3/4. Lasts for about 45 seconds. Useful vs everyone,
especially gears that are not in their optimum range, like a 4-Leg at short

Skill: WP Shot
Description: Fire a White Phosphorous Shot which sends all enemy soldiers to
rearguard for 30 seconds. Ignored by Gasmask, and negated by Gas Neut after 5
seconds. Useful if you need that small time frame where the enemy troops can't
attack you or use their special skill yet.

Skill: Illumination Shot
Description: Fires a illumination shot. This negate night time range penalty
for the duration of the battle. Do not couple with 4-Leg AFWs as they need all
the shots they can get. Do not put with Anti-AFWs as they won't need it.

5. General Playing Tips

This is all about tips that cover the broader aspect of the battlefield. They
are tactics that everyone should follow. My own personal strategy, should you
choose to follow it, is at the next section of this FAQ.

--- Obtain all soldiers that can be found in villages or cities. The game ain't
kidding when it says the troops here are better

--- Don't let troops die, unless you know a suitable replacement. Reset if you
just began the fight.

--- Don't let ANY AFW die. Period. You need all the experience you can get.

--- Check the time and movement order. You want to be able to grasp the order
of all of your own and enemy AFW movement so you know which one is able to
attack another AFW first.

--- Recover major troop losses in villages/cities. When a unit begins its turn
in a village or city, it's soldiers get a second turn of recovery. This
effectively means that the troops get to recover twice when the AFW recovers in

--- Take calculated risks. You can't always play safe in the game. Sometimes if
sending an AFW into the frontline may be dangerous attack fails to kill the
enemy. But one extra turn the enemy is alive means that it has one extra turn
to make your life miserable.

--- If damage is great, recover with your AFW away from enemy forces.

--- Move on roads or plains. This way your next turn comes faster.

--- Keep a constant formation. It is evident that 4-Legs should stay behind,
while Anti-AFWs are point.

--- Enemies tend to move backwards as you hit them with shells. This means that
fast loaders like Standard and Light AFWs tend to push their targets backwards.
Make up the distance to optimum base accuracy when possible.

--- Escape if Light AFWs are attacked at Long range by anything.

--- Retreat troops to rearguard when they reach 1/3 life, as it will take a
long time to recover the troop to full life if they suffer anymore damage.

--- When you get hit by a shell while aiming at the enemy, it will drastically
lower your accuracy. Use this to your advantage against the enemy!!!

--- The amount of AFW HP you recover depends on the total HP of all your troops
combined. This means that if all your 3 troops have full life, you can expect
to recover up to 140 HP at one shot.

--- Don't waste maximum attacks. If the enemy has only 50 HP left, it doesn't
make sense to Rapid Strike it, right?

--- If the enemy forces attack with troops that have Wire, you want to have
Cleanup as a rearguard skill. Otherwise, you can afford to let the Cleanup
squad act as crew.

--- If the enemy has IncShrap as a crew Skill, think twice before moving both
troop squads to vanguard together. If you have Hyper morale, it helps.

--- Don't bother using Check Fire and Aim Weapon on Enemy AFWs if it has repair
troops on the ground.

--- Infantry take 5 seconds to change ranks from vanguard to rearguard and
vice-versa. Your AFW can't move at this time.

6. Recommended Formations and Strategies

Like all turn-based strategy games, there's more than one effective strategy
out there. The following is all my own opinion. This strategy has saved my
troops many times, and as I perfected it, less and less AFWs let their HP enter
the red, and enemies seem to drop like flies towards the final battles.

In general, I'm not an anti-troop person. I believe that AFW combat should be
swift and decisive, dealing as much damage as possible to the enemy AFW. As
such, I ignore almost all Anti-troop warfare, and gear my AFWs to be able to
deal as much damage as possible to the opposing AFW instead of the opposing
troops. This means that all all enemy AFW are only supposed to have a life
expectancy of 2-3 battles, inclusive of the battle where they attack.

The downside of this is that if the enemy survives, it will be able to run away
and recover quickly.

Standard AFW strategies
Standard AFWs should have the following setup (in order of priority):

1. Supply Troops
Necessary to ensure quick load times, especially with Masami.
Masami is a good shooter, and you want to exploit that fact.
2. Illumination Shot
Either as a Vanguard Skill or as a Crew Shell, make sure you
have 3-4 of these, as you want to exploit their shooting
skills at all times.
3. Repair and Cleanup
Standard AFWs are good at Melee, and you want to have them be
able to move freely at all times. Broken weapons aren't fun
4. Anti-Gas Warfare
Your troops are really important, as your shots alone won't
take down an enemy towards the later part of the game. You
want them to be able to move, especially if your
illumination shot comes in the form of vanguard skill.
5. APC shells
Whenever your base accuracy has been drastcally reduced and
you need to fire a shot quick, this is a good way to do so
without using max attacks. Good also for firing a shot when
your AFW is loaded but you're not at your optimum range. Or
for firing a shell before going in for a melee strike at the
beginning of a battle. (Furthur details about this situation
is described in the Anti-AFW section)
6. Wire/E.Wires
If you HAVE to go Melee with Anti-AFWs or Standard AFWs, this
skill ensures that they can't counterattack. You will find
this situation occurring more than once, when your
AFWs are getting gangbanged and you need to end the battle
7. Recon personnel
Helps to increase your base accuracy, but not by much.

OK. This is going to be one complicated sub-section, as all sort of battle
strategies for different situations will take place here. There is a separate
usage section for each type of AFW.

Vs Light AFWs
If the Light AFW attacks at close range, rush in with a CC
attack. This ends the battle quick. Picking it off by retreating
to medium range should only be done if the standard AFW can
afford to suffer damage, and have one turn to recover before
facing another enemy. If the light AFW attacks at middle range,
range is on your side, so screw it.
Vs Standard AFWs
Take these out in a firefight. Especially when it attacks. Masami
in the later levels should be able to take down a full health AFW
in one battle through pure shooting. Use a max attack or special
shell to ensure victory. Keep at optimum base accuracy at all
times. Use wires to immobilise it and CC attack only if it's
Ryoko, and you think it's safe.
Vs 4-Leg AFWs
Take these out at Short Range. But do not move forward as they
get pushed back to medium range. You need to ensure they NEVER
reach long range. CC Attack them if you need to end the
battle fast, like when your AFW is dying. If the 4 Leg attacks
you at long range, move into medium range to take it out if you
have the life, or simply escape if you don't.
Vs Anti-AFWs
Take these out at middle range, and don't let up. They can't
shoot for nuts, so keep the bombardment up. Alternatively, wire
their legs and CC attack them (not recommended since you
don't deal much damage) If they hit you at short range. Retreat
to middle range. Never EVER try to melee with a Anti-AFW,
especially when they have their shields up, it's not worth it.

--- Remember that enemy Standard and Anti-AFWs also have shields, and you have
to break through them to cause damage.

--- Quick Fire if you're confident the next shot will kill them and there is
insufficient time for normal shooting. A 1/2 second time slot is ALL you need.
This means that you can fire a shot with 1/2 second left to operational limit.
If the next shot will kill, quick fire.

--- Accurate fire is a devastating max attack. If you use it once a battle,
enemies begin to drop like flies. Choose appropriate times to use it, like when
a smoke shot has been fired on you.

--- Rapid Punch should be used about 2/3 the time Ryoko goes melee. She doesn't
need Check Fire, and she shouldn't be doing much shooting to Quick Fire often
in the first place. Ryoko doesn't shoot for much damage, so her Quick Fire
doesn't deal very much damage, unlike Masami.

--- Keep Standard AFWs near the front line of your map formation. They can only
move two squares, and you want them to be able to reach the enemy.

--- Protect Masami at all times. Can't stress this enough.

--- Your shields don't last very long, so don't waste it on CC counterattacks.

--- Always take 75-85% shots.

Light AFW Strategies
Light AFWs should have the following setup (in order of priority):

1. Supply Troops
Since Light AFWs have fast load times but deal low damage
everytime, the only way to maximise the damage you deal is to
be able to load faster.
2. APC/Heat Shells
Especially important for Kinasato, when his main gun is busy
giving Suppresive Fire. These shells help to maximise the
damage potential of your AFWs, especially the HEAT
shells at close range.
3. Clean-up
Being at such close range to the enemy AFW means that the
possibility of stepping on a mine while entering CC range is
virtually 100%. Clean-up prevents this. Also good for
disentangling wires when trying to escape.
4. Illumination Shell
There is no need to have illumination shot as a vanguard
skill since the AFW loads so quickly. Illumination shot
allows for fast shooting even at night.
5. Anti-Gas Warfare
All troops perform well at CC. This means that you want to
make sure they can stay in the vanguard indefinitely.
6. Mines
Useful vs Anti-AFWs. It is easy for the Anti-AFW to move to
CC and end the battle quick. Immobilise it with multiple
mines or an Adhesive mine.
7. Grenades
The only AFW that uses grenades efficiently is the Light AFW.
If possible, let the Light AFWs have this. They tend to push
the enemy back though, which may not be such a good thing.

These are vulture units, efficient at finishing off enemy forces. Don't think
that these can take down a full life 4-Leg AFW at short range. They won't make
the cut. They're good at killing troops, so use them to weaken Boss AFWs. Never
use these AFWs to start a fight vs full life AFWs. they will get slaughtered,
and consequently gangbanged. The general rule is that any non-boss AFWs these
guys attack MUST DIE.

Vs Light AFW
If attacked, dish out the damage between each other. Use quick
dodge to avoid damage. If your HP is low, retreat while firing
random pot shots at short range, then use a dodge attack at
medium range. At Long range, these guys are nothing to fear, so
walk away in peace. If you're escaping it helps to Aim Weapon
Vs Standard AFW
Almost always retreat if attacked. Unless enemy AFW is on the
verge of dying. Unless the enemy has only 120 HP left. In which
case you should go for the kill. Retreat quickly with Dodge
Action. If the enemy attacks in short range, moving to CC and
activating Quick Dodge will ensure that enemy AFW will try to CC
melee and miss. This ends the round quick. If enemy refuses to
attack your AFW at CC, use this opportunity to deal damage ^_^
Vs 4-Leg AFW
If attacked at long range, ESCAPE!!!! VERY IMPORTANT!!! Use Dodge
action to escape. Break it's weapon. If attacked at medium range,
it's a 50% decision to escape or go for the kill. Smoke shot it
if possible. Attacking a 4-Leg AFW means going to CC and blasting
it as hard and fast as possible. Breaking it's weapon helps.
Suppresive Fire will prevent troops from making your life
Vs Anti-AFW
If attacked at Short range, move to CC and Quick Dodge. The Anti-
AFW wastes a turn that way. Anti-AFWs are always itching to CC if
possible. So Quick Dodge to make it's life miserable.
If you're attacking an Anti-AFW, always plant mines and push it
back to ensure that it does not enter CC, but stays at Short
range. This will be a very delicate operation, but you have
the upper hand as you load faster. Anti-AFWs shoot best at short
range, so don't give them the chance by constantly bombarding
them with shells. This lowers their accuracy while they're

--- Dodge Action is your best friend. Use it to end a battle fast, or make your
enemy's life miserable.

--- Aim Weapon when possible. Since Light AFW combat is a firefight, a broken
enemy weapon makes life easier

--- Light AFWs are best at escaping. Use this to your advantage.

--- Light AFWs are good at point, just like Anti-AFWs. In my strategy, enemies
are NOT supposed to deal significant damage at all when they attack. So using
Light AFWs to escape, or waste a CC attack, is vital in my strategy.

--- Suppresive Fire to immobilise enemy troops. Infantry can take down these
immobilised troops fast, while anti-armour troops can take this opportunity to
deal as much as possible. I recommend having both forces as anti-soldier
forces, with at least one squad as infantry. This ensures that the Suppresive
fire will cause the enemy troops to suffer maximum damage. Even better, have
IncShrap as a crew shell, so that the soldiers will be wiped out in 2 turns
after Suppresive Fire starts. Without troops, an enemy AFW cannot recover it's
life, and is at the mercy of E-wires and Weapon Breaks.

--- Check Fire a enemy Anti-AFW at short Range to damage it's legs to
"damaged", then let it step on a mine when it tries to CC melee.

--- Since your AFW loads so fast, take 80-85% shots on a regular basis to deal
lots of damage. Your base accuracy shouldn't never go below 65% damage.

--- I keep these AFWs just beside or behind the Standard AFWs. As vultures they
hardly get a chance to attack, and only do so when other forces are unavailable
or need to recover. They tend to have the lowest levels.

--- Light AFWs suffer extra damage when hit by shells. Be very careful. They
don't come with the added benefits of bonus defence from shields.

--- Light AFWs should be used to lure ONLY anti-AFWs from their position. If
the enemy Anti-AFW is partnered by a 4-Leg AFW, don't do it.

4-Leg AFW Strategies
4-Leg AFWs should have the following setup (in order of priority):

1. Supply Troops
If you have insufficient Supply troops, make sure these guys
have it. They greatly help in giving the enemy AFW the final
2. Illumination Shot in Vanguard
You need the Illumination Shot up there. But you can't afford
to use a shot on a Illumination Shot Crew Shell. So this is
the best method.
3. APCR Shells
These are the best people to use APCR shells. Great for
dealing insane damage in one battle.
4. Shooters
Shooters are the only troop that perform at long range. Make
sure they are in vanguard for as long as possible.
5. Repair
Won't be fun if weapons or leg is broken. A broken weapon
makes loading really slow. A broken leg makes movement on the
world map excruciatingly slow.
6. Hyper Morale
If your shooters are going to be in frontline, the only way
they can survive is with Hyper morale, otherwise you're going
to have to retreat them halfway through a battle.
7. Recon
Increases base accuracy.
8. Homing Shot
Helps a little, but not by much. Only 4-Leg AFWs can use
Homing Shot well.

These are my destructive AFWs. They pick off all AFWs from a distance. They do
not need to kill. But it would be nice if they do... In my strategy, these are
always at the back of the formation. This means that the computer NEVER EVER
gets a chance to attack them at short range. As such, I wont even bother to
explain the AFW strategies at short range.

Vs Light AFWs
At medium or long range, these things are dead when they entered
the battlefield. Emergency load once a battle, and let them have
it. Push them to long range and beyond. They suffer from poor
defence, and suffer crazy damage with every shot they take. Ouch.
Vs Standard AFWs
Be careful. These still pack a punch at Long range. At medium
range, you want to retreat to Long range ASAP either by
retreating or hitting them with shells. They don't suffer much
damage per shot, so you have to make sure every shot counts.
Vs 4-Leg AFW
I never ever prescribe a long range battle with 4-Leg AFWs. It's
not safe. While you will want to do this if the enemy AFW is
dying, it is not safe to fight a prolonged battle. Enemy
4-Leg AFWs should NEVER attack your AFW at long range, as they
are supposed to go for the point people first, namely the Anti-
AFWs. If you do get into a prolonged battle, Emergency Load to
gain the upper hand.
Vs Anti-AFWs
Certain Anti-AFWs come with quick move. You want to check up on
this before you initiate combat. They have lots of HP and decent
defence, and will take a while to kill with Ayana.
The added bonus defence due to their shields doesn't help either.
However, nothing takes out Anti-AFWs as efficiently as 4-Leg
AFWs. If the enemy does have Quick Move and uses it on you, you
got no one to blame but yourself. This is a STRATEGY game.
Generally, if a 4-Leg gets into short range, you're screwed.

--- Emergency Load often, you'll probably never use other max attacks.

--- Aim Weapon vs 4-Leg AFWs and standard AFWs with Ayana. It helps.

--- Fire APCR shells if you desperately want to lower the enemy accuracy.

--- You may need to recover after every battle you initiate. This is especially
true at the later levels when the enemy throws lots of crew shells at you.

--- Remember to deploy shooters ASAP. Hyper Morale helps too.

--- Set these AFWs at the back. They must NEVER be attacked at short range.

--- Fire only at 82-85% accuracy. You need every shot to count. Make sure you
stay at your optimum base accuracy. This is most important for 4-Leg AFWs

--- 4 Leg AFWs don't come with shields, and suffer damage like crazy.

--- At night, remember it is necessary to fire the vanguard illuminated shot
twice. I recommend firing the first shot, then immediately retreating the troop
for a second charge. The soldier will have it's second charge done quickly, but
the illuminated shot will not have expired yet. Even though you will get the
signal that illuminated shot can be used, the unexpired shot means that the HP
bar of your soldier will not be blinking yet. But since the shot is already
charged, send the troop to vanguard. As SOON as the first shot expires, the 2nd
will be fired if the troop is already at vanguard. You do not want to be caught
in the situation where the illuminated shot has expired but the troop hasn't
fired the 2nd round yet.

--- Use these AFWs to attack troops that have just used their turn.

Anti-AFW Strategies
Anti AFWs should have the following setup (in order of priority):

1. Cleanup and Repair
The game has probably mentioned this before, an immobile
Anti-AFW is a useless AFW. You MUST have this at all costs.
It's also essential that all mines in your path are
removed, if the enemy is able to set them before you knock
their block off.
2. Two Mechanics in Troop.
Mechanics are the only troop that improve your movement range
and speed. A super mobile Anti-AFW can quickly rush to any
map position to attack, and can retreat a respectable
distance to recover. You also need to take less steps to go
from Short Range to CC. This means that the chances of you
being able to melee the enemy AFW before it has loaded a
shell is increased. I cannot emphasise this more. All other
troops are useless.
3. APC & APCR & HEAT shells
I'm not kidding. You WANT these shells. They SUPER maximise
your attack potential. More will be explained in the USAGE
section below.
4. Supply Crew
Increase loading speed. Even Anti-AFWs need to shoot. See why
5. Wires
Although you will hardly use these, they just might come in
handy to prevent counterattack damage.

Finally, this is my favourite and most important sub-section, and is probrably
the only reason why I wrote this FAQ, since I'm so pleased with my strategy.
Here goes:

In my strategy, it is necessary for the enemy to attack me first. Then I
counterattack. However, I want the enemy AFW to deal as little damage as
possible. In fact, I want it to deal no damage if possible. Since the unit has
just moved, it will take a long time to move again. My AFWs will then be ready
to pounce and ensure that the enemy's first move will be it's last. As I said
earlier, enemy AFWs are to have a life expectancy of 2-3 battles, inclusive of
the one it attacks in. And this strategy is only possible due to the important
role that the Anti-AFWs will play.

Anti-AFWs are my point man. They stay in front. They soak the damage that every
enemy deals. They make sure as many enemy attacks it as possible, and itself
almost never suffers any damage in the process. In other words, the enemy AFW
has wasted a turn. And that wasted turn will be it's last.

All damage that the Anti-AFW should suffer is CC counterattack damage from
enemy AFWs, or special shells from elite Light AFWs. In additional, all AFWs
should take only a few steps to move to CC range from Short Range. This is only
possible if the AFW comes with two mechanics.

Vs Light AFW.
When attacked, rush in for the kill. Don't bother to use a HEAT shell
unless you're definite
a HEAT shell/Melee combo will kill. Just make sure the AFW advances as
soon as the battle
starts. In 3-5 steps, the combat range should be at CC. Whack it hard
then with a normal CC.
Some Light AFWs come with Quick Dodge and MAY activate it. Use a CC max
Attack in this case.
When attacking, follow the same procedure.
Vs Standard AFW.
If it attacks at short range, move forward 2 steps, fire a crew shell,
then move in for CC.
This is important as the shell has to remove the shield defence, so that
the melee attack
deals as much damage as possible. If it attacks at medium range, stand
still, fire a crew
shell then use quick move/CC attack. If it attacks at long range, move
forward 3-4 steps to
medium range, fire an APCR, then quick move/CC attack for the kill.
Vs 4-Leg AFW.
My favourite. They attack only at long range, and take a long time to load a
shell. Just
move forward 3-4 steps, fire an APCR, and quick move/CC attack. Never
Vs Anti-AFWs.
A headache. This job should be done by Light AFWs if there are no supporting
4-Leg AFWs. You
simply follow the same instructions as that of the Standard AFW. But be
prepared to suffer
huge counterattack damage. This is where majority of the damage your AFW
should come from. I
normally don't care about the counterattack damage and let the AFW take
the damage anyway

Things your Anti-AFW should adhere to:

--- NEVER shift your infantry. Shifting of infantry means that your AFW has to
stand still for 5 seconds. 5 seconds is a long time if you want the first
strike for CC attacks.

--- If you're at long range, always take a few steps forward before using quick

--- Never quick move as soon as the battle starts if you're at long range. Your
troops will end up lagging behind you and are forced to catch up. You are
forced to wait for them for about 3-4 seconds, which let me add, are 3-4
excruciatingly slow seconds that may cause you to get hit by a special shell.

--- Don't think. Just do. The procedure of what to do must be like a reflex
action. Even a 1/2 second break may give the enemy enough time to wire or mine
you, as well as fire special shells. Your Anti-AFWs are soaking all the damage.
No reason to give them more right?

--- Fire the appropriate shells for different ranges. APCR for Long, HEAT for

--- Never ever use a normal shell attack. Your AFW may hoot decently at short
range, but it truly excels at CC. Staying in short range means giving the enemy
a chance to do damage.

--- Always have someone with Cleanup in the rearguard. You may want to have
someone with repair/fast repair in the rearguard. Just in case mines, wires, or
weapon/leg breaks take place. You want to up and go ASAP. This probably means
that you need two people with cleanup in your Anti-AFW troop formation.

--- Try to move to a location where your next turn comes ASAP when luring the
enemy. You want to get a chance to recover real quick.

--- Make sure that everyone stays in formation, with Anti-AFWs in the front.


OR A = Anti-AFW
A A A A L = Light AFW
4LS SL4 LS SL S = Standard AFW
4 4 4 = 4-Leg AFW

--- When luring, make sure the enemy 4-Leg AFW has to move as far towards you
as possible to hit you. We're luring them out, not presenting ourselves for
target practise.

--- CC every god-damn enemy out there. Give it to them!!!!!

Benefits from everything
As point man, these AFWs will soak up the enemy's initial rush, and probably
have about 220-120 HP at the end of it. However, all other AFWs are at full
life, and can fully knock the block off any enemy wave. Also, since you only
have to recover once, you don't have to retreat to recover. You can recover
standing still.

Your troops accompanying the Anti-AFW will NEVER EVER BE INJURED. This
subsequently means that your Anti-AFW can recover lots of HP when it chooses to

Enemy Light and 4-Leg AFWs will never lay a finger on you. They are effectively
useless for the rest of the game. They will suffer about 130-180 damage at the
end of the battle, and have dealt nothing to you. All at the cost of a shell
and a max attack if it's a long range battle.

You don't have to use max attacks vs Light and Anti-AFWs.

You don't necessarily have to use shells vs Light and 4-Leg AFWs.

The only damage you will ever suffer is counterattack damage, making the total
damage dealt to your entire Shringen team a measly 150-300 HP at the end of the
enemy wave.

The shields of the enemy AFWs will be down when you attack back with your
Light, Standard or 4-Leg AFWs, making for easier kills.

Enemies are weakened already when you attack them. If one or two ally AFW can
take out one enemy AFW, there won't be any enemies left at the end of the

You can recover in peace when the wave ends.

7. Spoiler type Strategies
This section is meant for vs BOSS battles. They are spoilers, so you may not
want to read this.

Pilot Type 3. Capable of Quick Attack, Dodge Action, Aim Weapon.

1st time you meet him, you can't do much. Just chase him but don't bother

2nd time you meet him, you want to use E-wire or Special Shells/Max attacks to
ensure a hit when he uses quick dodge. He has aim weapon, so have someone on
repair. Masami's Accurate Fire won't be available yet though...

3rd time you meet him, you fight him for the last time. Use the same strategy
as above. He stays stuck in a town, and will refuse to come out. You have to
give it to him from long range first...

Cpl. Toba
The bastard who blew up the Karma HQ. Pilots a Standard AFW and is capable of
Quick Load.

He's just a Standard AFW with Quick Load. Show him pain.

Col. Minakawa
Pilots the Demon AFW, a Anti-AFW that super specialises in CC. Comes with Quick
Move. Ouch.

You meet it in Mission 15. Along with Kaiho. Don't send Light AFWs against it.
It uses Quick Move in every battle, and can only use it 3 times (i think) I let
it exhaust it quick moves, then bombard it with 4-Legs... The old man never had
a chance. Deals crazy CC damage though.

A really scary AFW. This AFW has 500 HP + 300 Shield HP. Jun's shots do about
1-10 damage when the shield is up. It has equal battle capabilities at short,
medium and long range. And astounding ability at CC. And the fastest loading
times any AFW could have. Wires and Mines don't work on it. It doesn't have
ground troops...THANK GOD!!!
Don't bother going CC with it. Shoot it down with everyone you got.

1st time you meet this...It will fight only one battle, and escape after that.
Hence, don't bother using any special shells on it. I recommend sending a light
AFW and Dodge Action everything... As soon as it escapes, Kaiho appears, and
you want your other troops to be ready for this. Dora never attacks and leaves
its city. So you're safe even in it's range.

2nd time you meet this is mission 16, the 2nd last mission. It is capable of
artillery bombardment, where it doesn't enter battlefield mode, but attacks a
gear sitting outside it's possible attack range for about 70 HP damage to the
AFW, and 35 damage to all ground troops. Devastating. It still doesn't move out
of it's lookout post. I sent Kinasato and Jun in to lower it's shields (each
person knocked off 120 HP of shield using all special shells), then took it out
from long range. Dodge action is a useful thing. Dora is capable of Dora shot
here , where it deals 125 damage to the AFW, and 40-45 damage to all troops. It
is really easy to lose ground troops vs Dora. Be careful. It deals about 90HP
CC damage. And Ippei only dealt 75 damage.

Russian Commander that pilots a Standard AFW. He has Emergency Load, Aim Weapon
and Rapid Strike. The Gear looks like Type 3 and behaves in the same way. Only
has 300 Hp + 80 Shield Hp though. Will fall really easily. The easiest Final
Boss I have ever met. Ippei took off his shield, and Ayana used up all her Max
Attacks and Shells to finish him in 15 seconds.

8. Conclusion
That's it. I've imparted my knowledge. You may choose to accept it or laugh it
off. I did this FAQ in 8 hours. And I'm frankly quite tired.

Parting Words:
This game is the worst PS2 game I've got in terms of graphics, music and
translation. But no other game has made me think so much since Vandal Hearts 2,
which I have promptly given up. I'm an avid gamer that plays every genre except
sports for PC, PS and PS2. I like the turn based strategy genre...and this is
the most intellectually stimulating and wildly different game I've played for a
while. What a great mental workout.

So anyone with additional suggestions may e-mail me and i may choose to update
my FAQ accordingly. Thank you for reading this...Thank Konami for making such a
mixed bag of a game.....Thank me for typing all this out ^_^

Lee Seng Wai

9. Games of similar genre

Heroes of Might and Magic II and III and expansion packs
Tales of Destiny
Masters of Magic
Civilization Series and ALpha Centuri
Vandal Hearts 1 and 2
Final Fantasy Tactics
Front Mission 3
Ring of Red (so far...)
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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AFW/Troop Formation and Strategy FAQ

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