Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2

18.10.2013 02:36:14


Get Everything:
At the main menu hold L1 and enter X,X,X,Sqaure,Triangle,Up,Down,Left,Up,Square,Triangle,X,Triangle,Circle,X,Triangle,Circle. You see a spinning wheel as a confirmation.
Now select the "End Run" option and you will get all cheats, extra levels, bonus skaters and FMV sequences.

Blood Mode:
Pause the game and press while holding L1: Right, Up, Square, Triangle.

Endless Specials:
During gameplay, pause the game and Hold L1 and enter X, TRIANGLE, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, UP, LEFT, TRIANGLE, SQUARE. Do as much Specials as you like to.
Endless specials alternative:
Go to career mode and collect $150,000 for 5 times.
You can use any character, except of Tony Hawk, Spider-Man or Officer Dick.

Faster Speed:
During gameplay, pause the game and Hold L1 and enter DOWN, SQUARE, TRIANGLE, RIGHT, UP, CIRCLE, DOWN, SQUARE, TRIANGLE, RIGHT, UP, CIRCLE.
If done correctly, the screen will rumble and your speed will be 25% up.

Skate Heaven:
To unlock Skate Heaven, you must 100% every level of the game with all of the original characters, Officer Dick, a Custom Skater and Spider-Man.

Special Skaters:
At the Main Menu hold L1 and enter: UP, SQUARE, SQUARE, TRIANGLE, RIGHT, UP, CIRCLE, TRIANGLE. Create a new Skater with any of the following names:
Joel Jewett, Connor Jewett, Mick West, Aaron Cammarata, Chris Rausch, Darren Thorne,
Gary Jesdanun, Jason Uyeda, Johnny Ow, Junki Saita, Noel Hines, Nolan Nelson,
Ralph D'Amato, Ryan McMahon, Scott Pease, Edwin Fong, Jeremy Andersen,
Silvio, Aaron Skillman, Hudson, Kage, Nggdynln, Robert Earl, The Pouncer, Chewbacca,

All Stats at 10:
Pause the game and press while holding L1: X, Triangle, Circle, Square, Triangle, Up, Down.

All Stats at 10 alternative:
Play career mode and collect $150,000 for 6 times.
Do not play with Spider-Man, Officer Dick or Tony Hawk.

Fat Skater:
Pause the game and press while holding L1: X, X, X, X, Left, X, X, X, X, Left, X, X, X, X, Left. You can repeat the code to have more effect.

Fat skater alternative:
Choose any character except of Officer Dick, Spider-Man or Tony Hawk in career mode. Then collect $150,000 for 7 times.

Thin Skaters:
Pause the game and press while holding L1: X, X, X, X, Square, X, X, X, X, Square, X, X, X, X, Square. You can repeat the code to have more effect.

Chopper Drop in Hawaii:
Have all 3 gold medals with every character.

Portly Ripper:
During gameplay, pause the game and Hold L1. With L1 held enter in the following code. X, X, X, X, LEFT, X, X, X, X, LEFT, X, X, X, X, LEFT. This code will make your skater gain a little weight. You can enter this code multiple times to increase there size.

Tony Hawk 80s Video:
Have all 3 gold medals with McSqueeb.

Neversoft Bail Video:
Have a medals with all characters.

Private Carrera:
Excecute ervery gap in gamelevels.

Win the game at 100% with your own created Skater.

Spiderman Video:
Have all 3 gold medals with Spiderman.

Neversoft Making Of Video:
Have all 3 gold medals with Private Carrera.

Bonus Area (Demo):
Skate over to the section where there are trees and grass in the France level. Among the trees is a silver colored pole with a stick holding it up. Skate over the stick. It will fall through the nearby fence, and open a secret area full of bonuses.

MultiPlayer Tag Mode (Demo):
Hold R1 when selecting any game mode to play a limited multi-player tag version.

Fast Spin (Demo):
Hold L1 or R1 in the air to spin faster.

Extras France (Demo):
When you start in France, take a left. You will see a small quarter-pipe with a blue arrow pointing up. If you hit this target just right and with a good combo, it is possible to get thousands of points. A blue "Up, up, and away" message will appear and the sound of a camera flash will be played. To get over a million points in your run, repeat this move multiple times. Note: Some practice may be needed in order to get it to work.
Information in this section was contributed by Patrick Gouin.

Chad Muska Special Moves:
Sal Flip
Press Up, Down, Square.
Press Left, Right, Triangle.
Press Up, Down, Circle.
540 Flip
Press Down, Up, Square.

Tony Hawk's Special Moves:
Press Right, Down, Circle. Note: A lot of air is required.
Christ Air
Press Left, Right, Circle.
Press Up, Down, Circle. Note: This move requires height, but do not hold it too long.

Big heads:
Pause the game and enter while holding L1: Square, Circle, Up, Left, Left, Square,Right, Up, Left.
If done correctly, the screen will rumble.

Big heads alternative:
You have to collect $150,000 for 10 times in career mode by not using Tony Hawk, Officer Dick or Spider-Man.

Kid mode:
Pause the game and while holding L1 press Right, Square, Triangle, Up, Down.

Kid mode alternative:
Play career mode and collect $150,000 for 3 times.
Do not play with Spider-Man, Officer Dick or Tony Hawk.

Skip to restart:
You have to collect $150,000 for 2 times in career mode by not using Tony Hawk, Officer Dick or Spider-Man.

Balance is perfect:
Choose any character except of Officer Dick, Spider-Man or Tony Hawk in career mode. Then collect $150,000 for 4 times.

For the following codes, you have to play career mode with all characters except of Officer Dick, Tony Hawk and Spider-Man. Collect $150,000 for several times, as mentioned below:

Wire frame: 8 times
Slow-Nic: 9 times
Smooth mode: 12 times (no texture maps)
Moon physics: 13 times (low gravity)
Sim mode: 11 times (realistic physics)
Disco mode: 14 times

Officer Dick:
Play career mode and collect $150,000. Do not play as Tony Hawk or Spider-Man.

Moon gravity:
Play as Officer Dick in career mode. Collect $150,000.

Flip level:
Play as Spider-Man in career mode and collect $150,000.
The game level will be mirrored.

Flip level alternative:
Collect $150,000 for 15 times in career mode by not playing as Tony Hawk or Officer Dick.

McSqeeb (80's Tony Hawk):
Play career mode as Tony Hawk and collect $150,000. You will get Tony Hawk's Style C, McSqeeb.

Skater's video:
Win with one of the charakters a gold medal in each of the three competitions, so you get the character's video.
You can get other videos when you play as Spider-Man or McSqeeb.

Hidden object in the 80's Tony video:
Watch the video and you will see a kind of UFO just before the end.

Big head, feet and hands:
Activate the "Thin skater" code and let your skater become as thin as possible.
When his legs seem to disappear, enable the "fat skater" code.
Feet, hands and head will grow and in the end you can only see his head and feet.

Faster game or music credits:
While watching the music or game credits, hold Down.

Easier Rotations:
To rotate, press R2 and do not worry about bailing.

Press 1 time for 180°
2 times for 360°
3 times for 540°
4 times for 720°
5 times for 900°

Hold L1 and press:
X, Square, Square, Square, Square.
Up, X, Square, Square, Square, Square.
Up, X, Square, Square, Square, Square, Up.

Press X to fly and Triangle to stop.
Submission: David K.


Alles freigeschaltet:
Drücke Im Hauptmenu: X,X,X, Quadrat, Dreieck, Hoch, Runter, Links, Hoch, Quadrat, Dreieck, X, Dreieck, Kreis, X, Dreieck, Kreis. Wenn der Code richtig eingegeben wurde seht Ihr ein sich drehendes Rad.

Blut Modus:
Drückt die Pausetaste während des Spiels. Halte die L1-Taste und drücke Rechts, Hoch, Quadrat, Dreieck.

Unbegrenzte Specials:
Drückt die Pausetaste während des Spiels. Halte die L1-Taste und drücke X, Dreieck, Kreis, Kreis, Hoch, Links, Dreieck, Quadrat. Jetzt müsst Ihr mit den Specials nicht mehr geizen.

Höhere Geschwindigkeit:
Drückt die Pausetaste während des Spiels. Halte die L1-Taste und drücke Runter, Quadrat, Dreieck, Rechts, Hoch, Kreis, Runter, Quadrat, Dreieck, Rechts, Hoch, Kreis.

Skate Heaven:
Ihr müsst jedes Level mit 100% beenden. Noch schlimmer: Jedes Level mit jedem Spieler. Dafür gibts aber Officer Dick, Spider-Man und den Bonuslevel "Skate-Heaven" .

Bonus Skater:
Halte die L1-Taste im Hauptmenu und drücke Hoch, Quadrat, Quadrat, Dreieck, Rechts, Hoch, Kreis, Dreieck. Jetzt muss ein neuer Spieler mit einem der folgenden Namen kreiert werden. joel Jewett, Connor Jewett and Mick West.

Ergebnisse bei 10:
Drückt die Pausetaste während des Spiels. Halte die L1-Taste und drücke X, Dreieck, Kreis, Quadrat, Dreieck, Hoch, Runter.

Dicke Skater:
Drückt die Pausetaste während des Spiels. Halte die L1-Taste und drücke X, X, X, X, Links, X, X, X, X, Links, X, X, X, X, Links. Wenn Ihr den Code mehrfach eingebt, werden die Spieler noch dicker.

Dünne Skater:
Drückt die Pausetaste während des Spiels. Halte die L1-Taste und drücke X, X, X, X, Quadrat, X, X, X, X, Quadrat, X, X, X, X, Quadrat. Auch dieser Code kann wiederholt werden um das Ergebnis zu verstärken.

Level "Chopper Drop in Hawaii":
Ihr müsst mit jedem Bonus Character alle 3 Gold Medialien gewinnen um diesen Level freizuspielen.

Portly Ripper:
Drückt die Pausetaste während des Spiels. Halte die L1-Taste und drücke X, X, X, X, Links, X, X, X, X, Links, X, X, X, X, Links. Somit bekommt der Spieler ein wenig mehr Gewicht und Größe. Der Code ist auch wiederholbar.

Im Spiel pausiert man und drückt L1. man lässt L1 gedrückt und gibt ein
oben, oben, oben, oben, Viereck, X,oben, oben, oben, oben, Viereck, X, oben, oben, oben, oben, oben
Übermittelt von: Bastian Hellmann (
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