Start the game with the command-line parameter 760722. Press [Q]
during the fight to win.
I used a hex editor and did a search in the main game.exe for the value
of 760722 and the result was anch760722.
Next I created a shortcut for the game as folows:
C:\Games\Odium\odium.exe anch760722
After starting the game, the [~] or [F11] brings up a cheat console marked
with X. Whichever character is selected, type in
hit [Enter] and that character will be completely healed. You can even do
this during combat. Also during combat, hit [Q] to win, but you get no
experience points for the fight.
By George K. Ison aka GARR
Starte das Spiel mit dem Commandline-Parameter
Nun gewinnst Du jeden Kampf, wenn Du im Spiel die [Q]-Taste drückst.