

16.10.2013 06:56:30
Solution to Geisha

Do not continue reading this if you want through
Tomahawk's GEISHA all by yourself. It took me some 15-20
hours to get right to the end. Maybe the fun is in the
discovery (in fact the exact goal of this kind of game).
Geisha is smaller than Leisure Suit Larry but is more fun
especially since there are naked women (animated photo
even), and dirty talk. GEISHA is French and it would be
fabulous if I could obtain the French version.

After getting through the introduction you will come to
your hotel room. First thing you do, before clicking at
anything in the picture, is to save the scene into slot #1.
Pick up the bottle of oil (with a click) at the lower right
of the picture. Next click at the bottom drawer of the
closet to open the drawer. There should be an empty box --
take it. Now choose F2 to use Hinoki oil that you have
collected followed by the empty box. While the picture of
the box is still on the screen, move your cusor to the base
of the bonsai stem. Click it when it says "female criket".
Never let the criket run away.

Now press F3 and choose "ADS". Press the right arrow
button until you get to the last page of the ad, "Tsuki
Pastilles", and select it. Then choose F4 "SHEERS" to
enable you to go to the next scene. Save this situation
over the #1 slot. Choose F1 "Mr O".

Press ESC to get rid of the talkative Mr O. Pick up
the cocktail and position over the back of the girl. Move
the glass to and fro and it should tilt over and pour its
contents on the girl's back. She should then swear at you
and it so doing reveal an access pass. If this doesn't
happen, then you got it wrong and have to restart slot #1.
You should now have the five items in your inventory to
complete the game. Even before proceeding, you should save
right now into slot #2.

This is one of the most difficult part of the game. It
is a variation of MasterMind in which you will have to guess
five correct numbers in their correct sequence. Taking
about MasterMind, you should try to get hold of MM.EXE,
MasterMind for Windows.

Concentrate on guessing the correct numbers first.
Once five numbers are correctly picked, juggle the numbers
around each time noting the length of movement made by the
girl. The more the girl moves, the closer you are. If the
girl doesn't move at all, it is really a very good sign
meaning that all five numbers are in their wrong position.

It is probable that you will have to redo this
caressing stage many times before you are able to proceed
into the card game (The Erotic Fight) stage. Unfortunately
you are unable to save before the fight.

You are given five cards and you should logically
choose the trump sign of which you have the most because
trump cards win any non-trumps. Know that Actors > Samurai
> Empresses > Sumotori > Geisha. There is no sure way of
winning but maybe you could practice when you were in the
hotel room with F3 "Games". Some hints I think helped me is
to place a low trump or an Actor card first to exude his
trumps. If he wins this set, it is likely to be his highest
card. If he loses then he doesn't have trumps. You really
have the edge over him by being able to choose the trump

Once you win this stage, you should save immediately
into slot #3. While in the hotel room, click at the left
door of the closet which should open. Double click at the
advertisements and look for the species "OSTREADAE". Note
the number. Press F2 and move into "At Oko".

Oko will speak to you and ask you whether you have
information for her. Say "Yes" and give her the number for
OSTREADAE. This is so that she know the region of the sea
that abounds with black pearls. There is no need to save
since you already have in slot #3.

Shoot the white fishes that comes for Oko. When white
sparkling pearls drift across, dive for it by continuously
pressing space bars. White pearls are useless, but at
random, some of these pearls are black ones. All you have
to do is collect two. If you don't give Oko the zone
number, then you can continue collecting pearls but never
finding any black ones.

I find that a good way, while Oko is still filled with
air, is to destroy any fish at level two and three while
letting them swim at level one while Oko swims at two. This
is because the fishes will thus never touch Oko. Becareful
the if Oko's lungs are half exhausted, she will want to
surface. When this happens, destroy the top level fishes

and press "E" hurry her to re-surface. Incidentally Oko is
allowed to be bitten four times.

When done with this stage and back in the hotel room,
save this into slot #4. Choose F3 "White Willow".

Know that SWORD > FAN > STATUS > SWORD. You pick the
top batch and click the mouse to stop the spin. Everytime
you win you click at her clothes. You must be able to win
seven times.

When you have undressed the girl, click at her crotch
to proceed to the next stage. Save this into slot #5.

First choose F2 and use "Access pass" and then "Tsuki
Lozenge". When you press go into the maze, move right one
step (with keypad arrow) and then diagonally top-right
through the walls into trap door -- forget about the door on
the lower left. You must shoot any of the robots that
drains your energy with spacebar.

At the second level, move down some six steps and then
turn right. Move right and diagonal into the next level.

At the final level, move down one step and diagnally
lower-right to pick up the shield. Notice a trap door to
the top-right. You get to this by moving diagonally through
the wall somewhere at the kissing lips, then over the biting
lips, and then into the trap door.

The next stage is the hardest. You must be very
quick, and even on my 8MHz PC, it is too fast. You need all
the help you can get to slow down your PC.

The object is to arrange 15 panels into a picture of a
dragon. It is difficult to tell you how the picture looks
like in ASCII there are some characteristics I can explain:

1. The dragon has a kangaroo-like body.
2. There are five panels without the image of a dragon --
all four panels on the left and the top right.
3. The bottom left of the picture has no panel

A drawing of the picture may be obtained from me. See below
for order details.

Once you get into the last stage, the temple's gate,
save into slot #6.

There is one thing that you should have done at the
very beginning of the programme. When you first start off,
you remember that there is a part where you can move your
view-finder around in a room to take a snapshot with a click
of the mouse. You should have moved you view-finder to the
top-left where the code letter is printed.

Nevermind, if you have not done this, you can quit the
game now and restart again. The code letter changes for
every session of GEISHA. Before you can position the pot of
bonsai on the square, you must get rid of a male cricket
living in it. First use the Hinoki oil and then the box
with the female cricket. While the picture of the box is
still on the screen, move your cursor to the male cricket
and click. The two insect will run off.

Now, bring the pot onto the square with the code that
appeared in the photograph. The door will open and you will
see Napadmi. You must quickly position your cursor at his
crotch and click it.

The scene freezes and the clothes of his crotch
uncovers. Keep clicking at all parts of his body until his
clothes and mask are fully uncovered.

Thus done, you have ended the adventure and is treated
to the last animated film.

Note: The above file is extracted from a certain BBS in a
certain University. I do not know who the original poster

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