Galactic Civilizations (1998)

Galactic Civilizations (1998)

17.10.2013 17:32:57
The Galactic Civilizations Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Document. Jan 11, 1995

By Mark Anderson
Some editing by Brad Wardell (just an itty bitty tiny little
bit). (actually, if there is something that sounds real
authoritative and deals with some of the intricacies of OS/2 and
GalCiv, it's Brad's fau... handiwork.)

Please Feel free to contribute to this document!
My internet address is:

Send in all your wishlists, cheats, questions, etc.!

Copyright and Distrubition - type Notice

This document can be freely distributed as long as you
give credit where credit is due. Please carry forward
any attributions from work done by those mentioned in
this document.

The following may or may not be mentioned, but if they are,
they are copyrights of the appropriate companies. I may have
missed one or two. Sorry.

Galactic Civilizations, Drengin, Drengin Empire, Yor, Altarians,
and Torian Confederation are trademarks of Stardock Systems, Inc.
SDS is the abbreviation for Stardock Systems, Inc.

AIMs and AIMsBBS are trademarks of Advanced Idea Machines.

OS/2, REXX, MMPM/2 and IBM are trademarks of IBM Corporation.

Windows 3.1 is probably a trademark of Microsoft, Inc.

Civilization, Masters of Orion are trademarks of
MicroProse Software, Inc.

Empire is probably a trademark of ... just guessing...
New World Computing.


This document is broken into the following areas:

[1] The Game
1.1 Description
1.2 Hardware Requirements

[2] Frequently Asked Questions
2.1 Questions, Answers and other tips
2.2 Where is/are the ????
2.3 Strategies from Front
2.3.1 The John Martz Strategy
2.3.2 The Brad Wardell Stategy (Draginol)
2.3.3 List of Various Stategy Hints
2.4 Reference to Shaun Burnett's Walk-thru

[3] Cheats and Other Black Holes

[4] Insights into the AI of GalCiv

[5] Data and Numbers (incomplete)
5.1 Technology Tree
5.2 Projects
5.2.1 The BIG List
5.2.2 Project Comparisons - level 1
5.3 Galactic Achievements
5.3.1 The Achievements and Super Projects
5.3.2 Strategies Associated with the Above
(rather empty right now)
5.4 Technology and Ships

[6] Wishlist

[7] Where can I get GC?

[8] Where do I report problems? Get help? Praise the
glorious designers of this truly astounding game?
Get the updates and bugfixes?

Chapter 1.1

GalCiv is an interstellar strategy game that puts humanity in the
position of getting a fresh start with chance to re-direct the
path of humanity for good, evil or shades thereof. The premise
of the game has an interstellar colony ship from Earth jumping to
some other galaxy via a freak wormhole. This forms the core of
humanity. The new galaxy is already inhabited by one to five
(player selectable) other space-faring races. The
"personalities" of the races can be determined randomly or they
can be chosen by the player, but the range of variation is less
if this is done. The human player (the actual "alien" in this
setting) directs the research paths of humanity, the planetary
construction and the ship building endeavors of the planets.
More importantly, various "events" occur that require the player
to make distinct choices between good, evil or neutral. These
choices can affect planetary production or budget levels, but
they also affect how the various alien races interact with the
human player. The game is allows the player to win by either the
classic, total conquest mode or a more cooperative mode of
allying with all of the factions of the galaxy.

One of the greatest appeals that the game has over other strategy
games is that the multi-threaded, multi-tasking architecture of
OS2 permits the use of real (whatever that means :) AI. In play
terms, it means that your opponents actually use better strategy
at the harder play levels, rather than relying on various
"cheats" to give them enough advantages to make the game a
challenge. The level of "smartness" is adjustable for each race
in the game and varies from "brain-dead" to "incredible" in 6
steps. The smartness levels less than "genius" are actually
handicapped. Brad Wardell's discussion of this feature is
detailed below.

The game features economic and population growth models that take
into account the level of taxation and the level of happiness of
the people. The level of happiness is related to the level of
social amenities on the planet as well as the degree of freedom
that is availible within the type of government. The game
designers admit to being influenced by "supply side" economics,
so your strategies in the game should take this into account.
The more democratic forms of government (Star Democracy and Star
Federation) have a senate that has elections every decade. Your
level of popularity determines your level of support in the
senate. The senate has the power to reject declarations of war
_or_ changes of governmental form. They actually vote on these
decisions and are not a rubber stamp for or against your

Hardware Requirements
Chapter 1.2
SDS recommends at least a .... (i will look this up), about 14 MB
hard disk free (plus the swap space requirement of about 8 MB,
but remember that this is a SYSTEM swap space, not just for
GalCiv), 8 MB of RAM and all the speed you can get. (not that
you need the speed to run GalCiv, it's just that it's more
interesting to drive a Lotus than a Yugo.) This is, more or
less, the full installation with .avi files, sound and help.

******** QUESTIONS, ANSWERS and OTHER HOT TIPS **********
Chapter 2.1

How do I ????
The on-line help files actually make some of this faq a bit
redundant. Most of the button, menus, windows, etc. appear to
be nicely arranged in a hypertext file. Since this is an OS/2
program, help is just another window you can consult during
the game. Play with it, it's informative. This is not to say
that the help is complete. It is missing some of the "Data
and Numbers" stuff I've outlined below, and has two large
sections wherein it explains that something goes in this spot.
{this was the original on-line docs, there is a new release of
the help docs that i've not seen, so this may have changed}

How do I find the best planets?
Scouts seem to be the best way of locating any planets of
worth. Sometimes, if the geometry of the situation is
right, you might be able to predict where another race's
colony ship is headed and beat them to the spot.

John Martz suggests using 2 scouts to block another race from
colonizing a choice planet before you do. This strategy works
until impulse when you need 3 scouts. There are seldom any
planets left to colonize once you get Warp Drive.

Other than this, send your scouts out on an ever increasing
spiral and send out the colonists. The scout can be sent on
a diagonal sweep through a quadrant to pick up >50% of the
area in one pass or send it on a U-shaped course to pick up
100%. The path of the "U" can be adjusted to have the
scout adjacent to the next target quadrant when it finishes.
Two scouts could be used to map a quadrant in one pass.

OK, I've found a planet, how do I colonize it?
First, build a colony ship, then plot a course for near the
system. Upon getting to the system, move the colony ship onto
the system/star marker. The planet window pops up and then
you can pick which planet to colonize. It used to be that if
you had chosen autopilot and marked the actual system as the
destination, it would automatically colonize the "best"
remaining planet. This may be what you wanted, but I would
use a colony ship to rename my planets so I had to plot the
final move manually.

A minor warning here: don't use autopilot to land directly on
a star system, especially if you're trying to boost the
population of that system. Land _near_ the system. Sure, you
might lose some of your movement, but that is better than
colonizing what you don't want to or putting a ship in orbit
around the wrong planet.

What about the uninhabited planets in a system? I want to use
Actually, you do, but not directly. The "unused resources" in
the system are used as part of the calculations that determine
the productivity of the inhabited planets in the system. This
is most easily seen in how much a resource allocation icon is
good for when flipped between various projects.

How does the economic system function?
There are four factors that affect the economy directly.
1) the tax-n-spend icon [$]: This icon gives you access to two
sliders that control the taxation rate and the spending rate.
Each represents the percentage of the availible that you are
tapping into, be it taxable income or spending capacity. Set
the % at 100 for taxes and you're taking all of the peoples'
money. They will not like this. Set the % at 100 for
spending, and you are spending at your maximum ability to
spend. If you take in more money than you spend, it builds up
in a treasury. Aside from overt taxation, your government
sponsors inter-galactic traders that give you a cut. This
helps fund your ambitious goals of ....inter-species alliance
or galactic conquest. It should be noted that Dean Iverson
first proposed a model similar to this one to Brad and
company. Continuing effors on the part of Steve Lamb, one of
the beta testers, helped convince SDS to implement this model
in the game. This is a compliment to Dean and Steve since the
previous one was a bit...less flexible.

2) the allocation icon [three horizontal sliders]: This icon
gives you access to three slider that control the % of your
spending that is going into military projects (star ships,
including colony ships and freighters), social projects
(entertainment centers, antimatter plants) and research
(technology advancement).

3) the planets [planets]: Each planet can handle building one
project or one ship at a time. If no planets are actually
building something, then you are not actually spending any
money and any reserve goes into your treasury.

4) the individual planets on the view window have local
resource allocation buttons. The four types of buttons are
social projects (the cornucopia), military projects (the
open-end wrench),research (the OS/2 terminal), and morale (the
microphone). By default, the morale icon is chosen whenever
the another icon becomes available (this may change in a
future release). These buttons are the best control one could
have over the spending of your galactic funds. An important
note: the microphone is "free", but the others require extra
funds to support. Also, the planet's morale is reduced most
by choosing the military or social allocations, and less
reduced for chosing research. And finally, morale and
research allocations cause the least amount of pollution.

How do I allocate my funds?
Funding is divided between ships (military), research and
social spending (planetary construction). In the early game,
I've tried pumping out the colony ships as fast as possible
with a 60/30/10 split on resources, plus setting my spending
level at 80% and keeping taxes at 28%. Observations: it's not
a sure-fire plan. I seem to spend too much time playing
"catch-up". I need to catch-up in research, social spending
and despite the high spending on colony ships, planets. I'm
now trying a more even split. Any comments on this would be

A more successful approach that I have been using lately was
suggested by John Martz. Set the the resource sliders to a
25/50/25 split. In John's strategic view, this game is driven
by technology. He with the best tech wins, or at least has a
good shot at winning. Getting to Impulse as fast as you can is
paramount. Now, pump out the colony ships and use you're
hopefully superior movement rate to compensate for your lack
of omniscience. Remember, the other races start with a
galactic map with the star colors already known. On the
technology front, shoot for Universal Translator and then
Galactic Trade. (as a note, John has said he's been trying
a 20/58/22 split and it seems to work just fine, if not

Since we're talking economics at this point, what do mean by
"supply side economic model"?
In one of the phases of the beta, Brad Wardell, one of the
project programmers at SDS (and all around decent guy), posted
this information in an info file. He has further defined this
in the following way: there is an optimum tax rate at which
you can get money from the population. The way to get to this
value is to realize that (in this game, maybe life?) people
are happier keeping their money. That would mean, no
taxation, but that is a bit hard on game play. Therefore,
there is a level of taxation at which the population is
willing to pay taxes and still remain happy. In the game, a
happy population grows more quickly, does more work, which in
turn, makes a larger base available for taxation. Therefore,
at certain levels of taxation, you can actually get more money
(after an initial hit) by _lowering_ the taxation rate. If
you tax too heavily, you will get an initial revenue increase,
but you will eventually get less than you had before you
instigated your increased tax rate.

How often do these "Allocation Buttons" pop up?
Aside from a statement like, "when you have enough people", it
is related to the type of government. For the Imperial
government, you get a second icon at 300,000 people and one
more each 300,000 until you reach 9 icons and 240,000 people.
For a Star Democracy, you get your second icon at 200,000
people and one more for each 200,000 until at 160,000, you
get your last one. The Star Federation get its second icon
at, surprise, 100,000 people and one more for each 100,000.
One the planet that I worked this out, each icon was worth
4.33 bc. This amount will vary with the quality of the
planet, whether or not it suffered a production hit due to
an event, and the number of unused planets in the system. I
have had class 10 planets that had more resource points than
a class 13 just because of the unused resources in the system.

How do I increase the population of my planets?
Make happy people. Happy people do happy things, and one of
those things is to increase the planet's population. One main
influence is taxation. If the tax rate is too high, then the
population does not grow, and in fact, even decreases. It is
not so much that you're taxing your people to death but that
instead of staying in your little settlement, they've joined
the Inter-stellar Posse Commitas. A planet is a very big
place, and a few hundred thousand, spread out, would be real
hard to find. However, be careful about lowering the tax rate
since the population gets even more unhappy about raising
taxes once they've been lowered than if you had kept them the

Taxation aside, another method is to increase the moral of the
people through various social programs. Planetary programs
have primarily three functions: increase moral, increase
production or other. Most programs have mixed benefits but
some target one aspect in particular. Example: Entertainment
Networks. They do not help research or starship attacks, but
your people are much happier.

If your people are unhappy living where they are, ship them
somewhere else; off to war, for example. I've been known to
stick them in orbit, waiting for the next war. Reducing the
population of a planet is one way to make the remaining people
happy. It's best not to speculate why.

Reduce pollution. Polluted planets are unhappy planets.
Although Earth First! would not be a good name for unhappy
people in this situation, the projects your planets are
building may have to be put on hold to prevent widespread
revolt. Consider building pollution abatement projects.
Consider changing your resource allocations to morale and

And lastly, reform your government. The increased freedoms of
the Star Democracy and the Star Federation can generate
happier people. However, if you already have low morale (40%
or less), going to these forms of government may actually
foster widespread revolt. While I've not tested it
personally, I am under the impression that Imperial
Governments do not suffer revolts. Or, at least, it has to
get a _whole_ lot worse than under the other two forms.

The details window of the planet can let you fine tune the
amount of resources you spend on various aspects of your
planet. (Either hit the [Details] from the View section
which is either by hitting [View] on the system window or
by a double-click LMB or use the RMB from the systems window.
You can vary the allocations between social projects
(the cornucopia), military projects (the open-end wrench),
research (the OS/2 terminal), and morale (the microphone).
Consider allocating resources at the local level instead of
doing it galactically with the sliders. (thanks, John)

I used to have a tougher time facing the more challenging
opponents (I was getting creamed!), but with more diligent
monitoring of the local resources, it has been a very
different story. The Allocation Resource Buttons can make or
break a campaign!

How do I reduce pollution?
Basically, you have two choices. Either don't spend as much
money on military and social (i.e.-putting more in research)
or build pollution abatement projects. If the planet in
question has Resource Allocation buttons assigned to military
and social projects, switch them to research or morale.

Which research path should I select?
The beginning is easy. Take General Cold Fusion, followed by
Impulse Drive, then Universal Translator and Galactic Trade.
Start your trading empire since money is the key!!!!! Then,
pick up Galactic Diplomacy and race for Warp Drive (via
Antimatter) and Shields (via Deflectors). Then, grab
Battle Tech I. Above all, trade, trade, trade. Tech and
goods. However, don't trade Battle Tech unless it's with
an ally! John Martz first articulated this strategy in
several of his posts to Of course, there
are lots of ways to play the game, this is one that works for
many. As a side note, I've lately been going for Cloaking via
Planetary Defense. This also appears to work quite well. It
also can give you jump on building Tur-Ahn Training which is a
very nice Galactic Achievement.

What's the best way to conduct a war?
Aggressively! Given the design of the game, being the
attacker is _the_ bonus. What I mean by this, is that you
should _attack_ incoming, enemy vessels, rather than letting
them attack your systems and using the planetary defense bonus
as your protection. Aggressively does not mean stupid! As
John Martz put, "I rarely start a war, but I always finish
them." Cover your home systems with one (maybe 2) ships and
have a fleet nearby to attack incoming, enemy vessels. It can
also be handy to leave one planet unguarded to act as a trap
for enemy transports. Some of the personalities in the AI do
not see ships sitting in space as a vicious threat, which they
are. They only occasionally attack them. Beware of Draginol.
This military commander was tweaked just a bit to counter this
strategy and makes extensive use of stealth cruisers.

How do I make friends and influence enemies?
Trade. Other routes of influence are the "secretly declare
war" option and the "destablize" option under the GIA.

How do I select the best trade routes?
Rich planet to rich planet, I think. I must admit to not
being very quantitative on this one, but that is what I think
I've been seeing, and net posts agree with this observation.
Do note, that as your planets improve, you will need to send
out new freighters to take advantage of your increased planet
wealth. New technology begets new products for trade that in
turn require new trade routes to be established.

How do I bargain with those dirtba.... the customers?
In general, there are three basic characteristics for the race
with whom you are attempting to bargain. The first is their
"greed" level. I guess this affects how quickly they are
satisfied with a deal. The second characteristic is how
ethical they are. I suspect this governs whether the initial
bid will be reasonable or not. The last racial trait is
guillibility, which is easily tied to how tough it is to just
plain bargain with them. As a note, your fifth bid is your
last bid. If that bid is not accepted, you have lost the

One bidding method
First bid--bid as high as slider permits.
Second bid--only slightly lower than your previous bid.
Often, the AI will settle for a bid much higher
than its original bid.
Third bid--slightly higher than the AI's bid (the AI's third
bid). This bid is a more "realistic" bid in the
"mind" of the AI, and it will usually take it.
Warning: occasionally, the AI will break off trade
at this point and start a trade war.
Fourth bid--match the AI's bid (the fourth bid). If they
don't like your offer after this round, they will
almost certainly start a trade war. If their last
offer isn't to your satisfaction, DON'T BID--break
off negotiations.
The above is from John Martz.

My experience with this is not so hot. Probably because it
conflicts with my normal bidding system of matching increases/
decreases, which seems to get me into a few trading wars now
and then.

More on bidding and trading
The trade system is something that really doesn't fit with the
"strategic" nature of the game but is fun (at least, a
majority of the play testers thought so) and gives a bit of a
break from the general flow of conflict in space. In the
bidding process, you can end up with one of three results.

1) you make the deal, the preferred outcome. However, the
deal you make will affect how the AI deals with you in the
future. If you were an easy sell, that is what they will
expect later.
2) you start a trade war. This result is one designed to add
some cost and risk to the bartering. Sure, it's a bit
unrealistic, but since this is only a hand-wavy trading
system, this is probably one of the best compromises
available for adding some tension to the negotiations. One
advantage to a trade war is that it does hurt the both you
and your victi... prospective customer. I've not tried
this as a war strategy (seems mildly self-destructive, to
say the least) but it does seem to make the more
recalcitrant trading partners a bit more pliable in future
3) you break off. This has the effect of preventing you from
trading with that system for some period of time, it does
save you from a trade war and it saves your freighter for
some other deal, but it doesn't seem to influence the other
race's bargaining pattern. Again, the penalty is a method
to encourage you to -deal- with your trading partner. It
may not be realistic, but then again, this arbitrary idea
that you would just pack up and try a whole new planet just
because you couldn't turn a high enough margin fails to
take into account the cost of the ship, the crew, the

Which planets should be doing what construction?
Obvious suggestions: always opt to increase production on a
planet, but other than that, chose military projects for the
frontier planets and social/research projects for the interior
planets. Beyond this, any planet I've colonized has built
"Soil Enhancement" followed by "Schools" and then
Entertainment Network". The strategy of building Schools and
then Soil Enhancement was proposed also. Dave Chaloux
generated a quick-n-dirty project comparison table that
indicated Soil Enhancement should be of better use for
research than Schools.

To investigate these schemes, I did some testing on a class 16
planet with one resource unit allocated to social projects. I
selected either Schools (S) or Soil Enhancement (SE). I ran
this until I was tired of it, about 4 pairs of trials. Other
conditions: spending was 68%, tax rate was 28%, social/
research/military was 24/50/26, research path was Gen Cold
Fusion (GCF), Impulse Drive (ID), and Universal Translator
(UT), no ship building, build Entertainment Net (EN) after the
other two where finished, time span - 2179-2202. Results:
Soil Enhancement by a nose. After SE was completed, all other
projects and research finished 1 year faster than for S.
Population growth was a bit faster, about 3-5%, and final
population (year 2202) was always higher, by as much as 13k
(303k vs. 290k). Another note, population only increases on
even numbered years. Last result, the system has a bit of
randomness in it. Population growth can vary a few percent,
but even when the SE population was initially behind the S
population, it always surpassed it once SE was completed.
While either project is good, SE may have just that slight bit
of edge in a tight race. Hopefully, your strategy doesn't
rely on such a narrow margin!

OK, I go out and test this little aspect of the game, and
somebody (by the name of Mark Manville), goes and gums up the
works by suggesting spending at the rate of 100% (looking at
it solely from the research/social project end), building SE,
S, followed by University (U) and then going gung ho on the
research. I added the alternative test of building EN instead
of U, and just going straight for all research and then
building. Some things are very clear. While you do get the
techs very fast spending all your money and resources on
research, you end up lagging so far behind in population that
it is not a good strategy. The rest of the results in a
nutshell are that U is a wrong choice of project, EN is
better. Population stays happier longer and has a higher peak
(100%!). Because EN takes 3 less years to build, research is
started much earlier and gives you impulse drive by 2194. U
gets it by 2198. These dates may be +/- one year, but not
four, or even 2. The quickest path to ID is to build SE, S
and _then_ go hog wild on research. You can get ID by 2191.
By contrast, the first paths mentioned above give you ID by
2194. Building SE, S and then going for research and then
attempting to build EN leaves you bit strapped for reserves,
so it doesn't get built by 2202. However, this route does
push your population in 2202 to as high as 394k. Using EN as
the last social project and then doing research pushed the
population to 432k. All of these scenarios were simplified by
my not including ship building. I also kept forgetting to
change that new resource unit that popped up at 300k people,
but that happened long after the 200 bc reserve had been
depleted so the affect would have been minimal. My take?
100% social to EN, then slam into research until you pick up
Galactic Trade and Galactic Diplomacy. As for ships, build
what you need. They are a distraction/money sink away from
these projects but you _have_ to build them, so do it. And,
thanks, Mark!

Aside from a Battlestar, are there really any better ships than a
Yes, there are. From reading the net posts, the most
commonly used ships for offense are Battle Hammers,
Interceptors, and Battle Ships. Interceptors, with their
superlative speed, are good for scouting out what, if any,
enemy ships are approaching the area. Use the interceptor as
a lure to drag the enemy ships away from the vulnerable
system. Interceptors are just good enough to try and whomp
the occasional transport. However, they will often take
damage from these attacks, so caution is advised. Battle
Hammers are a poor man's battle ship. Yes, they can take out
a Battle Ship now and then. But, they will often take damage
from such an encounter. The AI will usually not attack a ship
at full strength but seldom lets a wounded foe escape. The
Battle Ship (and its off-spring) is the queen of the battle
field. Keep one or more handy near the home worlds for defense
and send the rest out on conquest. Watch the damage they
accumulate. If one takes too much, send it home for repairs.
They cost too much to try and rebuild from scratch. In
addition, Battle Cruisers are a good ship when you can't build
Battle Hammers. They are cheaper than Battle Axes, with a
better defense and higher speed.

For defense, the Defender, in orbit, is a good ship. If you
opt to be a good player (or you manage to trade for it), the
Corvette is an excellent ship on defense. In orbit, it can
take the occasional Battle Ship. This is definitely worth it!
As for the other ships, one of the most important is the
transport. Although I have yet to use this strategy, it would
seem that building some transports on a planet when it's not
doing any other projects is a good idea. You can blast the
opposing star fleet to radioactive debris but you've done
nothing unless you can invade! Note that all ships in orbit
are considered to be defending that planet/system so that you
can lose those ships if that system is attacked.

And for completeness, the colony ship is, of course, without
peer for being important! Next, try the freighter. Without
enough revenue from trade, your dreams of empire will most
likely come to naught. I would suggest holding a few
freighters in reserve for the inevitable lose of a trade or
two during a conflict.

OK, I built my silly transport, how does it work?
First, load up the transport with enough troops. A transport
can hold up to 500 legions. When clicking the RMB on a
transport in orbit, one of the options is to [add troops].
Note that troops come from you planets population. Next,
Ground combat! Take the transport to the enemy system and
move it onto the system marker. If there wasn't a shield
attached to the lower right corner of the system marker, then
the Ground Combat window pops up. The window is divided
between you and your opponent, each showing the number of
troops involved and a flashing pair numbers that represent
some sort bonus factors. When the moment is opportune (i.e.-
you have a higher bonus than the enemy), click the LMB in the
window or hit the [enter] key. The bonus range is influenced
by your technology advantage over your opponent. It also
reflects the fact that you control the space over your
opponent's planet. The actual casualty ratio reflects the
ratio of the combat bonuses and how well the planet was
defended by projects such as the Military Academy, Ground
Defense, etc.
(as a note, some people are finding that a fully-laden
transport appears to be a fairly potent attack vessel. don't
count on this. this was a problem in one of the rounds of
the beta, and it was generally believed to have been fixed.
it will doubtless get "fixed" again soon. Supposedly, any
ship with a 0 attack should lose a combat if it attacks.)

What about the other ships?
(this is also a request for experience)
The destroyer looks interesting. Faster than a battle
cruiser, but not as defensible, slower than an interceptor but
better it worth it? I'm trying them out and we'll

Stealth for defense, but packs a whollop and
is fairly cheap. plus, the enemy CAN'T track them! Good for
sneaking around and whompin' the back country or ambushing
that marauding battleship. They appear to be worth their
cost. In fact, coupled with the Phasing Dread, they can make
a potent attack force for an invasion. A Phasing Dread can
take out a Battleship in orbit. Of course, it does lose now
and then, but at 130 cost to 600, it's a bargain!

I'm getting some crazy swapper growth. What did you guys do?
Can't you write a simple video game? Where's my lawyer???

Swapper growth was one of the most trying problems we had
with GalCiv. Because there are few large scale games (at the
time of GalCiv, there are no others that we know of), many of
OS/2's more obscure API calls were not well tested. As a result,
tiny leaks in OS/2 never got caught. Lucky for us, GalCiv uses
those calls a lot and those tiny leaks add up. There are,
however, some solutions to the problem (if you are getting it).
#1 Make sure you have GalCiv v1.01c or later. It
works around most of OS/2's leaks.
#2 MOST IMPORTANT: Set your swapper file size to default
to at least 8 megabytes. This can be done by going to
the config.sys and changing the second number in the
swapper path statment to 8092. We do not know why
this works but in my experience, this completely
eliminates swapper growth. I theorize that once your
swapper starts to grow in OS/2 (particularly OS/2
3.0) it will just grow and grow and grow. By the
way, this advice applies to every OS/2 app, not just
#3 If you are still getting growth, try turning off the
sound and making sure Fastload (Windows) isn't
#4 If none of the above work, contact IBM or SDS or

I haven't bought GalCiv yet. What other games is it like?
It is most like Civilization with respect to the fact that you
are trying to create a civilization. It is like Empire in
terms of how you work you strategy. Each ship is its own unit.
It also combines some elements of Masters of Orion since you
can win the game by forming a united galaxy and diplomacy is a
much more important aspect of the game than in Civilization or

I really like GalCiv but I miss the feature in Masters of Orion
where I could design my own ships. Is there any way to make
GalCiv more like Masters of Orion?
REAL SOON, 1995, SDS will be releasing Shipyards for GalCiv
which will be an add on that lets you do just that. When
Shipyards is installed, a new button will appear on the icon
bar that will let you create new ships. Your opponents will
also be able to build their own ships. You can even choose how
your ship will look like. One added feature is that you can
"steal" ship designs from your opponents.

Is it easier to win by being good or evil? Where's the payoff for
being a good guy?
Being a nice guy has never meant that you get rewarded. It
works like this though, good guys are treated better by other
nice civilizations. Being a bad guy offers a lot of short
term benefits but good civilizations will likely come after
you while other evil civilizations won't lift a finger to help
you. There are about a dozen technologies available only to
good guys (there are also about 10 technologies only available
to evil players too).

I've been hearing a lot about GalCiv but where I live there are
no stores that carry OS/2 software. How can I get GalCiv?
The best thing you can do is to try to get your store to carry
it. However, if that doesn't work, you can order it from
numerous sources including SDS. SDS's number is (313)782-2248
(FAX: 313-782-9868). All you need is a credit card (or you can
order it COD). They'll need your name, address, city, zip,
credit card number and expiration date. A distributor called
Micro Central will be the place to tell stores that they can
get it from.

I don't have OS/2, just Windows 3.1. Will there be a Windows 3.1
version of GalCiv?

How do I repair my ships?
Take them home. A ship can only be repaired by placing it in
orbit about its home-WORLD, not system, nor any other planet
in that system. The easiest way to do this is to hit the
[GO HOME] button on the bottom of screen in the ship status
display window.

What does it mean that this game has a configurable set-up?
For me, it means that I can move the quadrant map to the left
hand side of the screen, move the button bar to the middle and
over-draw the graphs and button bar with my star map. If I
need the other two, I use the RMB to pop them up.

Who the hell is this John Martz guy??? Some GalCiv god-wannaby
or what?
Actually, John's just someone that was willing to engage in
a few rounds of e-mail discussions of strategy and tactics
for GalCiv. Since he's said the most to me about strategy
and such, he appears here quite frequently. If you want to
have your name in here (i could remove it too, if it's here
and you don't want it.) just give me some faq stuff. Besides,
this way I can't be blamed for anything other than typos and
such 8).

What is the "Dynamic Mapping" option that I find?
Simply enough, "dynamic mapping" means that your star map
only grows in size as you explore more area of the map. This
can be very handy in a large or huge galaxy when the initial
star map would then be a more managable size while you're
trying to explore it. This also works to your psychological
disadvantage (if you don't use quadrant #s) as you might not
have a good idea as to your position in the galaxy and where
you will probably find your nearest neighbors.

However, it does have the disadvantage of making it awkward
to send a ship to someplace that you have yet to explore since
since you can't just click on the star map for that far away
quadrant and then just use "autopilot" to send your ship

How do I start an alliance with another race?
First, you must be friendly with them. On the GIA window,
their feelings toward you must be all the way over to the
right. Second, you must have the technology of alliance.
If these two conditions are met, then a GIA option will
appear win the window when you ask to talk to one of the
races. It will be the final option on the list. Sometimes,
one of the races will actually ask you to ally with them.

How do I end an alliance with another race?
There are two ways to do this. Both involve using the GIA
options. The obvious way is to talk with your ally and then
tell them that "you're not doing your part". This will end
the alliance. If you choose to destabilize your ally, then
they will tell you that they have discovered this and that
if you don't stop, they will consider this a provocation for
war. Whether you stop or not is irrelevant because the
alliance has ended.

How does one STEAL technology? I am spying like crazy, when do I
get to steal tech?"

Once you have stolen enough data from the civilization to have
all 6 info categories filled, you will begin to randomly steal
technology from time to time. The reasoning is that before
your spies can rip off tech, they have to know everything
there is to know about the civilization to blend in enough to
steal ultra-high-tech stuff.

***************** WHERE IS/ARE THE xxxx? *********************
Chapter 2.2

note of chapter 2.2 content: if there is something you had a
devil of a time finding, and think someone else could be spared
lots of pain because of your insight, tell me so i can stick your
hint in this section.

- autopilot on/off?
Under the floppy disk icon is the setup button. This button
pops up that function and other useful functions such as sound,
avi, etc.

- background process control?
Under the floppy disk icon is the setup button. This button
pops up that function and other useful functions such as sound,
avi, etc.

- place to reform my government?
Under the icon up from the floppy disk icon is the reform gov't
button. It's the "Reports" icon that looks like a sheet of

- reports of how I am doing?
There are four types of "how am I doing" information. All of
this information resides under the "Reports Icon" (the sheet of
paper). The first option is the "Top Five Planets" listing. One
should strive at all times to keep this free of alien riff-raff.
A second option is the "Demographics" listing. This is a screen
of statistics such as % of galactic population, absolute and %
production values, etc. A third option is the button that
compares humanity to all of the other races in the game. It's a
relative scoring that shows how much you're pumping into R&D
relative to your competitors. The fourth option is the score
button which also gives you a good/neutral/bad ranking.

- listing of my ships?
The icon with the Earth over a triangle is the fleet icon.
From here, you can click on a ship and then either pull up the
ship display window (if it's in orbit) or it will plop you into
the quadrant that the ship occuppies and highlight that ship.

- place to find out how much damage my ship has taken?
There are 3 ways to find this out. One, use the RMB to pull up
the ship control menu. Two, look at the strength number at the
bottom of the screen. Three, look at how many black smudges are
smeared across the ship menu at the bottom of the screen. The
more smudges, the worse off the ship is.

- that planet that was preparing to rebel?
Click on that planet in the GNN window when it appears. You
will then be flipped over to the planet menu to deal with the
problem. For getting to a planet in a more general way, use the
icon with the planets on it to pull up an alphabetical listing of
all of your planets.

- the listing of all of the trade routes I have?
Click on GIA and then you will find a small button at the
bottom of the window. Once in this menu, you can prune away
trade routes that you don't want. This can be especially
important if you're trying to improve trade with one race but
don't want to lose trade with a different one. You would then
kill a route with your intended partner just to be sure the new
route is a replacement for that race. The danger is, of course,
that you may actually bargain for a worse deal than you already
had. That's life.

******* Strategies from the Front *******
2.3.1 John Martz (my paraphrasing of his stuff)
(soon to be released by SDS as "Martzian")

John has two main elements to his strategy (and I hope he
corrects my mistakes!) 1) a strong research program, and 2) an
aggressive military strategy _used_ _when_ _needed_!

The research plan is a race to acquire Battle Tech I so
that the military option is viable. The basic outline is to
research Gen. Cold Fusion, Impulse Drive, Universal Translator,
Galactic Trade, and Galactic Diplomacy. Once you have achieved
this base, you can start your trade empire to fund more research
and you can start to trade tech with the other races. I'm not
clear if the next choice is Deflectors then Shields or Anti-
matter and then Warp Drive. My guess is that it would depend
upon whether or not you needed techs to trade. If the other
races already have your level of technology, you will need
something fast, so Deflectors and Shields can give that to you.
What you want to trade for would be Phasors (to build
Interceptors), Star Democracy (to improve your government and get
the chance to build the Galactic Stock Exchange), and Nano-
Electronics (for Environmental Controls to help reduce
pollution). This is not to say that you should turn down a deal,
just that you will most likely get this stuff as trade rather
than having to research them yourself. If you get trapped in an
early war, by all means, deviate from "the plan" to pick up
something like Phasors so that you can defend yourself. Note, of
all of the tech trading that you do, don't trade Battle Tech I
unless it is to a really friendly race or an ally. Even then, be
aware that once they have, it can be given away to someone else
and you won't have a say in it. After Battle Tech I, it's your
call. There are lots of branch points, but this should be a
strong base from which you can start.

The military plan centers around the game mechanic that the
attacking ship has a large advantage over the defender. This
means that an Interceptor (3/3) can often take on a Battle Ax
(8/2) and win! Therefore, once you have a planet with some ship
in orbit to "cover" it, make sure that you have one or more ships
nearby to pick off incoming enemy vessels _before_ they attack
your planets. In the earliest phases of the game, the
Interceptor can fulfill this role. Later, you'll want a
Battleship back there. Once you have the techs, the Battle
Hammer (the "poor man's battleship") is a good auxillary ship as
can be a Battlecruiser. Use Interceptors to spot enemy vessels
far enough out that you can plan your moves. Sometimes, the
enemy vessels will chase the interceptor. Use it as a lure!
Either to distract the enemy until you have enough defenses or to
lure it into an ambush. IMPORTANT NOTE: keep an eye on the
damage that a ship has accumulated. Send it home for repairs
once it's taken a few whacks (<50%?). It is very much cheaper to
repair the ship (free, except for maintenance costs) as compared
to building a new one from scratch (say, 600 for a Battleship).
Use Defenders and Corvettes to cover the systems. A Corvette in
orbit can take on the occassional Battleship and best it! An
additional nasty thing to do is to leave one system undefended -
i.e.- no ships in orbit. This will lure enemy transports
(usually, UNESCORTED!) to the planet. Take the sentry ships and
have your own version of the Marianas Turkey Shoot. Not only
does this shoot up the enemy's ships, but it also drains down the
populations of his planets - tax base included!

Avoid fighting a multi-front war. Consider asking for peace
and if the costs aren't too steep (don't be proud!), accept them.
Send marauders deep into the enemy's territory. Don't ever let a
freighter escape from you!

As always, TRADE-TRADE-TRADE! This is both techs and for
freighters. On the tech side, never forget to offer for trade a
new tech as soon as you've completed it! It is also good to go
on the occassional fishing trip between times. You never know
what you might get. As for your merchantile fleet, be sure to
watch with whom you are trading. If you're going to go to war
with a race, make sure you don't have any lucrative trade routes
with them from which you've grown use to having the income.
Always keep a freighter or two ready to open up a new route if
you lose one directly by going to war with that race or if one
that you had with someone else is captured by an enemy race. Try
to make your trade routes to internal planets of your stellar
empire. This lessens the chance that you lose them by a quick,
surprise assault. Try to trade with a race that has good planets
but doesn't border one of your suspected foes. You can also use
your trade routes to make another potential enemy hesitant in
attacking you. As always, keep an eye on the other races via
GIA. Don't attack someone without first finding out if they have
an ally with which you don't want to get in a war. Try to play
one alliance off against another. Again, make sure that you
don't ally into a war, unless that is what you really want to do.

For the care and feeding of your planets, note that there
are pretty much two classes of planets (unless your are very
unlucky), interior and front. All planets get the following
projects built, in this order - Schools and then Soil
Enhancement. Then, planets on the front get Ground Defense while
the interior planets get Entertainment Network. In general, the
planets on the front will concentrate on military porjects and
those in the interior will get social and research oriented
projects. Of course, never neglect production, since you need a
good base on which to build more stuff faster. Also, don't
forget the Resource Allocation Buttons! The only time you would
leave them in moral is to stave off a revolt or try to clean up
some pollution (but you could also opt for research). Otherwise,
the front planets are geared towards social, and military when
those ships are needed for the war, and the interior is pretty
much committed to social allocation. If you have a system with
two or more planets in it, consider committing the weaker of the
two solely to research. Use the larger one as the major player
in the defense of the system.

I hope this covered the major points of John's strategy.

2.3.2 Brad Wardell (this is included with minimal editing at
this point)

There are a lot of ways to do well in GalCiv and
even more ways of doing poorly. I read John Martz's strategy
which is a very good one for doing well at the game but there are
some things you should know. The SDS/AI v1.01 which is the AI
included in the retail version does have the AI personalities at
a disadvantage so that users wouldn't get trounced by it too bad.
Judging by the volume of posts talking about the AI and their
reviews of it, I think it safe to say that most people are
finding it very challenging. But like any game, the longer you
play, the better you get and weaknesses found. As the FAQ of
GalCiv mentions, there are a couple of things we didn't let any
of the personalities in the 1.01 AI do. Such things include:

o Buying ships via purchase now
o Changing their planetary resources
o Resource penalities (not only does the AI play by the same
rules but it doesn't even get as many resources as you do until
the Genius Level)
And a number of other minor traits. In v1.02 of the AI which is
in gcfix02 and the soon to be released via BBS/FTP gcfix03 (aka
GalCiv v1.02) has the new SDS/AI v1.02 in which we allowed ONE of
the 6 personalities to be able to do the above 3 things. The
results are almost alarming. We only let them do those things on
"Smart" or above so that new users aren't discouraged by being
creamed by the AI over and over.

As mentioned in AIMS product literature, once users have
gotten good enough to beat the game on the most difficult level,
SDS (Stardock Systems) will enhance the AI further.

The number of strategies of winning the game are too many
to count. Let me tell you the way I play the game.

I usually play in a Medium sized galaxy and set the players to
all being "Smart". I don't race for technology or even planets
so much. I choose Cold Fusion and then Impulse Drive to get my
ships faster. I try to pick very very nice planets or stars
which have a lot of decent planets.

Once I colonize, I immediately go for Univeral Translator and
then Galactic Trade. I then begin a great trading empire with
all of the players. You can have 10 trade routes max and I give
2 very profitable ones to each player. I should point out that
you will probably want to continually update your trade routes
because as the planets grow, your deals with the local star
system merchants will be more profitable. At first, deals of $20
will have to be acceptable. But once everyone has gone to a
democratic form of governmetn and populations for star systems
explode, you will want to start killing off trade routes and go
back and re-negotiate your trade route. Deals of $150 to $200
per route are not uncommon. If you do 2 of those with each
player, that's a good $300 to $400 per player. However, I
usually, at this point, don't evenly divide it (only early in the
game). I choose the most powerful military powers to trade with
since you usually have 2 power houses and the other 3 are
relatively weak, that comes out to being nearly $1000 with each
of the two power houses. This puts you in a situation where they
cannot economically afford to go to war with you and the AI knows
that. Keep your fleet relatively powerful and have Battle
Hammers or Battle Ships patrolling your quadrants space so that
if someone should be unwise enough to go war with you, you can
help take out their forces.

During this time, I'm getting about $2000 from trade (assuming
I'm not at war). I pump that money into espionage. Once you
learn the 6 categories of a particular empire, you will begin to
steal technology. It comes in spurts. Don't be surprised if you
pick up a good 3 to 5 technologies in a single turn when you hit
the spying jackpot! This way, I don't have to spend tons of
money on Research but can put it into social programs and keeping
a decent miltary which I can fund with the $2000 in trade I get.

Another important point is that I play as a NEUTRAL player. This
is important because if you are a goody-goody, the bad guys will
come after you no matter what since they know that good guys will
go after evil guys. Moreover, if you play as an evil
civilization, the good guys will come after you even if they know
they'll get blown to bits because it's, well, "the right thing to
do". Playing as a neutral allows me to stay out of the wars and
watch the empires trash each other. I can take sides and put
money into destabilizing. Since the tough empires trade so much
with me, I can get away with destabilizing for a long time and
watch their empires fall apart due to rebellion in which I
quickly send in the troops to capitalize on their loss.


It is a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTTTT easier to conquer a star
system controlled by rebels/pirates because they are
disorganized. If I were simply to go to war with one of the
other empires, I would take massive casualties. Anyone who's
played the game long enough knows that when star systems have
populations of 4 million people, it's a major undertaking to
invade them. But a population of 4 million in a rebel star
system where the defenses are scattered and in disarray, I can
take them over with less than 2 million troops easily.

In contrast to John Martz's strategy, I believe that MONEY is the
key to winning GalCiv, NOT technology.


The different AI's rely on commerce to different degrees.
Denethor is the trading nut of the pack and will finaance wars by
trading with friendly empires during war time. Make sure that
you destroy his freighters if you are at war with him. It's a
lot worse to have a few freighters get by then a few battle axes.


If you are in a quadrant with lots of other empires in them,
make it your #1 priority to control that quadrant so that you can
get the benefits of controlling a quadrant (tourism). Build
wahtever improvements, achievements, super projects, whatever to
get your population high enough in that quadrant to control it.
Make sure you have a chance at doing so before you do that since
you don't want to fail and send more money to an enemy.

In Conclusion:

There are lots of strategies in GalCiv that will let you be
successful. I choose CF, Impulse, Univeral Trans, Trade, Dip.,
Star Democracy, Photons, Instant Comm., Federation and then go
for more weapons. I trade as much as I can and in TWO stages. I
wipe out my early trade routes once the stars have reached
critical mass so that I can estabilish very profitable NEW trade
routes with empires that are more powerful than I am militarily.
Once I do this, I can effectively control them (depending on the
difficulty level) via economic pressuring. Let the others wipe
each other out and deplete their resources and then turn on the
destabilizing with civilizations that displease me and take over
rebellious planets with minimal casualties and no warfare

I'd be interested to hear other strategies. With 6
different AI personalities and the options available in the game
itself, I imagine there are a LOT of different ways of being good
at the game.

2.3.3 List of Various Strategy Hints

----from Will Herrera
I have found one particular strategy that
works very well in preventing invasion in most cases when money
is available (and I keep a thosand or more in reserve:

1. Post sentry ships in EACH quadrant you control and in every
quadrant between and adjacent to the ones you control. Use fast
ships with good attack; you can partially ignore defense
capability in the sentry ships, although the Phoenix and other
high-level attack ships tend to be too expensive and too
under-defended to just sit on sentry duty when one or two
Interceptors or a Battle Hammer can often do the job. Use
Interceptors first, then Battle Hammers, then Avatars, etc. These
ships are your early warning system, since they tell you when
ships come through and let you take out passing enemy vessels
before they reach your plantets. In many games, you can _always_
prevent invasion of your planets in this way; destroy enemy
transports before they reach a defenseless world.

2. Post Defenders (two or more) on each world. If these are taken
out by enemy vessels, immediately buy new ones. Usually the AI
will send troops in a wave AFTER the star is defenseless. By
then, you have a new Defender, and your sentry ships will have
remove much of the invaders (expect some ship casualties if the
enemy has better ships than you do).

And a tactical note:

3. If a planet is beyond hope, abandon it just before it is
succesfully invaded. No technology will be stolen by the enemy,
and if it is a planet with few remaining resources it may sit
ignored by the enemy AI and can be re-colonized later (is this a

---- from John Altstadt
Here are some additional strategies that people can try out while
waging war:

1) Surround the stars of defenceless enemy systems to prevent
anybody from poaching while you are bringing in troop transports
for the ground war. Of course, you will want to poach on the
conquests of other races.
2) The Mongolian Hordes: (I found a couple of bugs in the last
beta doing this.) This works best in a huge galaxy any you must
start your civilization on an edge or corner. Build enough ships
that you can make a wall around each star system at least one
layer deep + spares. Expand the walls until they meet and you
eventually have a wall that runs from one edge of the galaxy to
the other. Slowly sweep across the galaxy, taking over any star
systems that you come across. Transports will be able to move
around in the cleared area with no fear of being attacked. Note
that this is _very_ costly in the early stages due to high ship
maintenance costs vs. the low number of planets under your

I am amazed at how well you can simulate classic infantry
manuvers with GalCiv. This could be a good primitive (as in
historical) war games tool if you could get two large fleets of
battle stars up against one another.

****************** WALK-THRU **********************
Chapter 2.4 The Galactic Civilizations Walk-Thru

Shaun Burnett (residing at or has put together a walk-thru
for beginning players, especially those with no experience
with other strategy games. The walk-thru is not in the faq
because Shaun and I decided it would be better to keep them
separate. This is nice because maintaining this thing is
enough work! I did learn some stuff from the walk-thru, I
hope I managed to incorporate the appropriate information
into the other sections of this faq.

You can find the walk-thru at all fine ftp sites....well, most
likely at and, if I understood things correctly,
at the AIMsBBs (see the bottom of the faq for info on how to
get to that board).

************* CHEATS and OTHER BLACK HOLES *************
Chapter 3

There are at least two little "holes" in the game for
unscrupulous players to exploit. Or frustrated players.... Or
those days you just wanna trash the galaxy and you don't care how
you do it....Or....

1) "REAL" Warp Drive
If you move your ship out the corner of a border quadrant at
the border, your ship will appear in the next quadrant in the
same square you attempted to "leave". This is obviously a way of
moving REAL FAST (done in a Dave Barry voice).

2) Population Growth via "Shore Leave"
If you remove all the troops from a transport, leave and then
return that ship to its homeworld, it will instantly gain another
20,000 troops (20 legions). Repeat as needed. As a note, this
is also a bug. In the bug state, your transport full of legions
gets "repaired" to the 20 level. (this may not be true in the
GA, i need to check this out more closely)

3) Prescience
You can always save the game after it starts and then map out
the universe. It would probably be easiest to do a screen> and then annotate the print-out. Then, restart.
Since the AI doesn't cheat, you can be a true prophet and
know exactly what is going to happen.

4) Lease to own
If you suddenly find that you need a big ship, buy it in
parts. Start with a cheap ship, buy it, and then just
incrementally increase the cost of the ship to a different
design, buy it, etc. This will work out to be much cheaper than
paying for the full cost in one fell swoop.

******** Insights into the AI of GalCiv *******
Chapter 4

The following is courtesy Brad Wardell of Stardock Systems,
Designer of GalCiv. Brad hides at I did
some editing.

The AI:

The AI is split into two modules: SDSAI.DLL which is a general
artificial intelligence engine that we'll be using in other
products and GCAI.DLL which is specific to GalCiv.

The key thing to remember about the AI in GalCiv is that it does
not make a distinction between you and the computer players. It
uses the same code as the human players does for moving ships,
building projects, etc. It plays by the same rules except for a
couple of important differences:

#1 The Computer players are NOT currently allowed to purchase
ships. We felt that it would make the game too difficult if the
computer players were allowed to (like you can) just use their
treasury and buy a ship every turn. If people are able to beat
the AI regularly on the higher levels then we may reconsider this
but for now, this human advantage is in the GA.

#2 Human players cannot send the AI nasty messages like the AI
can to you. This is obviously for entertainment value. Human
players also can't ask for help from friendly players in the form
of "give us ships". This may be added in a v1.1 or something.
#3 The computer players start out with a planet whereas you start
out in a space ship. This is for plot reasons. Unlike the
betas, in the GA you will have the possibility of having type 16
planets in your starting quadrant (in the betas, you only got
class 12 planets guaranteed).

#4 The Aliens already know what color all the stars are in
surrounding quadrants.. This is a huge advantage since yellow
stars almost always have a nice planet in them. This was put in
for plot reasons (beta 1 testers complained that it didnt' make
any sense for the AI not to have mapped out most of the galaxy
(afterall, we earthlings have in our native galaxy over the

Other than that, the AI follows the same rules. If you find that
the AI is doing something you deem unfair, email me with a bug
report because that is what it would be, a bug. The AI doesn't
distinguish between you and other players for among other things,
the possibility of adding modem/network play in later versions
(should the game do well in the market).

The GCAI is what we could call the politicians. IT
decides when to go to war, how to talk to you, how to approach
you in dealing with things. It takes into account when dealing
other playres (including you):
Their good/evil alignment.
Their relative military strength.
Trade agreements and how nice things went.
Their aggression level.
Their cooperation level
Their ethical level
Their greed level
Their insanity level* (the computer looks only at its
own. It doesn't know the other
players' insanity level)

(all of these they look at their own level and the other

* note, the AI may not KNOW all of these about a player,
they go with what information they have available.

All of the above information is available to the human
player either directly or from spying. In fact, none of the
above things require you to even spy on them, since you can find
this information in the GIA window and under the
espionage/military window under the GIA.

Good guys tend to bond with other good guys. They don't worry
about how tough or powerful the other good guy is (in general).
Keep in mind, only REALLY good guys will totally neglect your
military or trade with them when deciding to be nice to you or
someone else. There are 20 shades of Good.....EVIL (You can
select 5 differenet level of Good or evil for them but if you let
it randomly choose, it will have a finer granularity).

Really bad guys will look a bit more favorably on other really,
really bad guys but they don't tend to bond as well as good guys
do. Bad guys may not declare war on each other but they will
also not ally together quite as often. Still though, the end
result can be a game with Good vs. Evil if you select extremists.
The down-right neutrals (shade 10 out of 20) only care about
trade. You want a Ferengi-type race, choose a neutral. The
EXACT neutral type has extra logic to make it a fence sitter.
There's, of course, a lot more detail in this but I don't want to
spoil the game too much !


The GCAI are the politicians, the SDSAI are the generals.
The GA version of GalCiv has 5 different release level
Personalities or Advisors. You can imagine each personality
being a separately programmed entity. They share some common
code for things such as dodging obstacles and finding undefended
star systems that they know of, but most of what they do is
unique. This is important because if people say, "The AI was
dumb, it chased my scout all over the place while I trashed the
rest of them, heh heh", they really should say "Advisor N is
dumb, they did ..." because the others may not (and do not) do
things the same way.. Some Personalities go for having a large
trading fleet, others will play vulture and will quit colonizing
quickly and then build trasnports (gee, I bet none of you guys
did something as low as that, eh?).

The Advisors Code names can be found by looking in the
Espionage Window under "Military".
The names are:

Not all of the personalities will use Terror Stars, for
example, because of their destructive value. People who die as a
result of being killed on a transport (when you destroy a
transport) or on a planet due to a terror star are now counted as
part of the overall casaulty list. So if you get Terror Stars (or
the AI uses them), you'll know how many troops (in legions: 1
legion = 1k troops) have been destroyed.

End submission by Mr. Wardell

TECHNOLOGY TREE (or "Can I get Artificial Life if I can't Phase
Chapter 5.1
**** under construction ****
**** please bear with us ***

-> Nano-Frequencies -> Brainwave Mapping
-> Instant -> Cure for Depression
-> Star Federation
-> Nano-Metal Composition -> High Density Metals (destroyer)
-> Tri-Strontium Alloys
-> Large Scale Building
(battle hammer)
Brainwave Mapping
Large Scale Building
-> Terra Computers
-> Advanced AI's
-> Hyper-Computers
-> Interspecies Philosophy

General Cold Fusion (small fighter)
-> Impulse (transport)
-> Anti-matter
-> Warp Drive
-> Hyperspace
-> Hyperwarp (if a good race)
Phasor (interceptor)
-> Turbo-phasor (battlecruiser)
-> Advanced Phasor (if a good race) (corvette)
-> Mega-phasor
-> Antimatter Weapons

Photon Weapons (star fighter)
-> Sensors (battle ax)

Organic Manipulation
-> Genetic Mapping
-> Transporters

Universal Translator
-> Galactic Trade (freighter)
-> Galactic Diplomacy
-> Alliances
-> Star Democracy

and there's more...
BIG NOTE! missing the evil technologies! there are lots of
them, such as Galactic Collusion, Distruptors, Master Race,
Thought Control, Clever Chip, and more!

PROJECTS - (or "Gee, we need 0-G porta-potties.
What does it do and how do we do it?)
Chapter 5.2.1 The BIG List

The following is an alphabetized listing of the various projects
that can be built on a planet if the technology is available.
The project names were, in some cases, abbreviated to near
obscurity. I was attempting to get enough room on the right-hand
side to put in the technology necessary to achieve the project.
They didn't fit, so I duplicated the list and used full names.
The various abbreviations for effects (first list) are as
follows: TI = Trade Increase; Mor = Morale; Ship A = Ship
Attack; Ship D = Ship Defense; Gnd Def = Ground
Defense; Res = Research; Env = Anti-pollution Effect;
Maint = Maintenance; Cost = Cost in bc.

It should be noted that since I usually play the good-guy role,
the projects here include many of the projects that only "nice
guys" can get to such as Advanced Hospitals. In GalCiv, what
technologies are available to you depends on whether you are good
or evil. In a future round of the faq, I'll either list them
separately, or mark them as good and integrate the evil techs
into the list.

Production Ship Gnd
Project Name | TI Mor| A D |Def|Res|Env|Maint|Cost|
Adv Hospital | 15 05 10 | -- --|-- | 05| | 4 | 900|
Adv Mil Trn | 15 -- 10 | 35 --|60 | --| | 0 |1100|
Adv Poll Ctrl | 30 10 20 | -- --|-- | 01| 10| 3 |1500|
Antimtr Plant | 83 33 50 | 02 --|-- | 02| | 4 |1000|
Cont Environ | 30 30 -- | -- --|-- | --| | 0 |2000|
Currency Sys | 25 15 10 | -- 01|-- | 01| | 3 | 500|
Defense Sys | 06 01 05 | 10 15|45 | 01| | 5 |1100|
Entertain Net | 37 02 35 | -- --|-- | --| | 4 | 100|
Environ Ctrl | 05 -- 05 | -- --|-- | --| 3| 2 | 500|
Fusion PP | 35 25 10 | 10 --|-- | 05| | 3 | 500|
Gal Curr Exc | 72 20 52 | -- --|-- | --| | 5 |1000|
Gal Ent Ntwk | 35 -- 35 | -- --|-- | --| | 4 | 500|
Gal Info Net | 22 10 12 | -- --|-- | 30| | 4 |1000|
Gnd Defense | 04 -- 04 | 03 03|50 | --| | 3 | 200|
Hydroponics | 30 10 20 | -- --|-- | 10| | 3 |1100|
Im Poll Ctrl | 15 05 10 | -- --|-- | --| 5| 5 |1000|
Info Net | 10 02 08 | -- --|-- | 10| | 2 | 100|
Int Security | 06 01 05 | 02 08|-- | --| | 1 | 300|
Mil Academy | 10 -- 10 | 15 05|50 | --| | 2 | 380|
Mutat Ctrl | 40 10 30 | 01 01|-- | 02| | 1 | 900|
Multimedia | 20 05 15 | -- --|-- | --| | 4 | 800|
Phasing PP | 40 20 20 | -- --|-- | 20| | 10 |1000|
Planet Poll | 10 -- 10 | -- --|-- | --| 3| 1 | 500|
Schools | 06 02 04 | -- --|-- | 15| | 0 | 50|
Soil Enhan | 32 02 30 | -- --|-- | --| | 2 | 50|
Treat Ctr | 17 05 12 | -- --|-- | --| | 3 | 600|
University | 10 05 05 | 02 --|-- | 20| | 2 | 200|
Virt R Ctr | 60 10 50 | -- --|-- | --| | 5 | 900|

Evil Projects - I have yet fully to map out evilness.
Collusion Mgm | 20 20 -- | -- --|-- | --| | oops| 600|
Comp Surveill | 21 01 20 | -- --|-- | 02| | 6 |1200|
Elite Gnd For | -- -- -- | 05 05|55 | --| | 5 |grrr|
Secret Police | 25 -- 25 | -- --|30 | --| | 5 | 700|

Advanced Hospitals - Viral Elimination [good]
Advanced Military Training - Terror Star
Advanced Pollution Control - Planetary Destruction
Antimatter Plant - Antimatter Weapons
Computer Surveil. - Adv. Surveillance (via Terra Computers)[evil]
Collusion Management - Galactic Collusion [evil]
Controlled Environment - Replication
Currency System - Star Democracy
Defense System - Planetary Defense
Elite Ground Forces - Master Race (via Genetic Mapping) [evil]
Entertainment Network - (given)
Environmental Controls - Nano Electronics
Fusion Power Plant - General Cold Fusion
Galactic Currency Exchange - 4D Phasing
Galactic Entertainment Network - Star Democracy
Galactic Info Net - Terra Computers
Ground Defense - (given)
Hydroponics - Organic Manipulation
Improved Pollution Control - Planetary Destruction
Info Net - Terra Computers
Internal Security - Sensors
Military Academy - Shields
Mutation Control - Evolution Control
Multimedia Center - 1D Phasing
Phasing Power Plant - 3D Phasing
Planetary Pollution Control - Artificial Planets
Secret Police - Thought Police (via Brainwave Mapping) [evil]
Schools - (given)
Soil Enhancement - (given)
Treatment Center - Advanced Pain Treatment
University - (given)
Virtual Reality Center - 3D Phasing

5.2.2 Project Comparisons - level 1

This was contributed by Dave Chaloux

There has been talk by various people around here of developing
planets in different ways. For example, you might develop some
planets to concentrate on research. Using the info in the FAQ, I
created the following table that tries to show how much benefit
you get from the various improvements per 100bc spent. You will
note that there are a few key improvements that are MUCH better
than average. Note that research is the sum of research benefits
+ production. This may not be the right formula as I maybe
should have multiplied. I really can't tell without seeing the
code which is right. Either way, it wouldn't affect the order
given very much. I could add in evil improvements if I had the
data for it. This should help you decide what to build first.

(i have one comment to add to this, and that being the
maintenance costs of a project should also factor into the
analysis is some way. as an example, Controlled Environment
has a 0 maint. even though it costs 2000, over a long game,
it becomes a very cheap investment because of this. why harp
on the maint. costs? easy, in a long game, they are your
major expense, be it either from planet projects or ships.)

Production: Trade: Morale:

Soil Enhance 64.0 Fusion PP 5.0 Soil Enhance 60.0
Entertain Net 37.0 Soil Enhance 4.0 Entertain Net 35.0
Schools 12.0 Schools 4.0 Schools 8.0
Info Net 10.0 Antimtr Plant 3.33 Info Net 8.0
Antimtr Plant 8.3 Currency Sys 3.0 Gal Ent Ntwk 7.0
Gal Curr Exc 7.2 University 2.5 Virt R Cntr 5.56
Fusion PP 7.0 Entertain Net 2.0 Gal Curr Exc 5.2
Gal Ent Ntwk 7.0 Info Net 2.0 Antimtr Plant 5.0
Virt R Cntr 6.67 Gal Curr Exc 2.0 Mutat Ctrl 3.33
Currency Sys 5.0 Phasing PP 2.0 Mil Academy 2.63
University 5.0 Cont Environ 1.5 University 2.5
Mutat Ctrl 4.44 Virt R Cntr 1.11 Fusion PP 2.0
Phasing PP 4.0 Mutat Ctrl 1.11 Currency Sys 2.0
Treat Cntr 2.83 Gal Info Net 1.0 Phasing PP 2.0
Hydroponics 2.73 Hydroponics 0.91 Treat Cntr 2.0
Mil Academy 2.63 Treat Cntr 0.83 Gnd Defence 2.0
Multimedia 2.5 Adv Poll Ctrl 0.67 Planet Poll 2.0
Gal Info Net 2.2 Multimedia 0.63 Multimedia 1.88
Adv Poll Ctrl 2.0 Adv Hospital 0.56 Hydroponics 1.82
Gnd Defence 2.0 Im Poll Ctrl 0.5 Int Security 1.67
Int Security 2.0 Int Security 0.33 Adv Poll Ctrl 1.33
Planet Poll 2.0 Defence Sys 0.09 Gal Info Net 1.2
Adv Hospitals 1.67 Adv Hospitals 1.11
Cont Enviro 1.5 Environ Ctrl 1.0
Im Poll Cont 1.5 Im Poll Ctrl 1.0
Adv Mil Trn 1.36 Adv Mil Trn 0.91
Environ Ctrl 1.0 Defence Sys 0.46
Defence Sys 0.55

(Production + Research) (just Research)

Soil Enhance 64.0 Schools 30.00
Schools 42.0 Info Net 10.00
Entertain Net 35.0 University 10.00
Info Net 20.0 Gal Info Net 3.00
University 15.0 Phasing PP 2.00
Antimtr Plant 8.5 Fusion PP 1.00
Fusion PP 8.0 Hydroponics 0.91
Gal Curr Exc 7.2 Adv Hospital 0.45
Gal Ent Ntwk 7.0 Mutat Ctrl 0.22
Virt R Cntr 6.67 Antimtr Plant 0.20
Phasing PP 6.0 Currency Sys 0.20
Currency Sys 5.2 Defense Sys 0.09
Gal Info Net 5.2 Adv Poll Ctrl 0.67
Mutat Ctrl 4.67
Hydroponics 3.64
Treat Cntr 2.83
Mil Academy 2.63
Multimedia 2.5
Adv Hospitals 2.22
Adv Poll Ctrl 2.07
Gnd Defence 2.0
Int Security 2.0
Planet Poll 2.0
Cont Environ 1.5
Im Poll Ctrl 1.5
Adv Mil Trn 1.36
Environ Ctrl 1.0
Defence Sys 0.64

GALACTIC ACHIEVEMENTS (or "Inter-stellar Merit Badges Made
Chapter 5.3.1

A general note on these descriptions: they do _not_ include any
definitive strategy hints. The "worth it" and "what if my
neighbors build one" notes are quick and dirty hints but should
not be used to make a real stratigic plan. The game is probably
too new for any suggestions on _the_ best achievements or _the_
ones to avoid or restart, etc. Occasionally, I did say something
to that effect, but that was only if you absolutely had to have
that achievement to make your game.

Cloaking Device - need: Cloaking
cost: 2000 bc
expiration date: NONE!
bonus: 30% ship attack, 1% defense
worth it????: yes, plus the big bonus of all ships
that are built are now equiped with
cloaking tech so they can't be tracked!
what if my neighbors
build one?: don't worry, every one has secrets.

Controlled Wormhole - need: Spatial Rifts
cost: 1400 bc
expiration date: ...forgot...
bonus: +50% trade! and 10% research
worth it????: maybe...depends upon if you're racing
for the tech that ends its useful
what if my neighbors
build one?: I don't know.

Crystalai - need: Advanced AI's
cost: 4000 bc
expiration date: none
bonus: adds +1 to all inhabitated planet class
worth it????: it's a LONG project! But it is
worth the increased population growth.
One thought, you might delay finishing
this one until after you've settled all
the planets you wanted to settle using
the Terraforming tech.
what if my neighbors
build one?: anyone can improve their homes through
their local Planets-R-Us dealer!

Dinosaur Park Wonder: Replication
cost: 2000 bc
expiration date: Artificial Planets
bonus: +50% production
worth it????: if you're racing for Artificial
Planets, then this is not the project
for you.
what if my neighbors
build one?: sorry, only one per galaxy. Copyright.

Deep Thought - need: Terra Computers
cost: 2200 bc
expiration date: Omni Computers
bonus: +40% research for _ALL_ planets.
worth it????: Definitely one of the Wonders for which
to strive. The 40% research boost is
wonderful. (what? me? pun? nyah.)
what if my neighbors
build one?: The galaxy can only have one Deep

Eyes of the Universe: Sensors
cost: 1000 bc
expiration date: none
bonus: none
worth it????: in a huge universe, probably so,
especially if you push straight for
it and gain its use for colonization.
Otherwise, it's of limited use.
what if my neighbors
build one?: you're blind.

Galactic Stock Exchange: Star Democracy
cost: 920 bc
expiration date: NONE!
bonus: +50% trade
worth it????: Without a doubt! The only drawback
is the pollution it can create on a
very productive planet. Poor baby.
what if my neighbors
build one?: too late. you lose. start over.

HyperSpace Project- need: Hyperspace
cost: 1000 bc
expiration date: none
bonus: none
worth it????: if you're at war, the +2 move can be
a real nice advantage. If you're foes
have it, you are at a real
disadvantage, so you'd better get
what if my neighbors
build one?: read the above carefully.

Life Creation - need: Artificial Life
cost: 2600 bc
expiration date: oops!
bonus: +25% morale, +30% research
worth it????: the morale and research bonuses are
nice. The project is a bit expensive
but if you want to stay ahead...?
what if my neighbors
build one?: don't know that one either.

Nano Robot Wonder- need: Nano Electronics
cost: 500 bc
expiration date: Terra Computers
bonus: none
worth it????: sure, why not? not much more expensive
than a fusion plant and gives more
output. But, if you're after those
info nets in a big hurry, don't bother.
what if my neighbors
build one?: no problem, build your own!

Peace for a time- need: Interspecies Philosophy
cost: ????
expiration date: ????
bonus: ????
worth it????: no clue. I've never had a chance to
build this project. Wild speculation?
It can only be built by alien races.
That would be a way.
what if my neighbors
build one?: You're assuming you can.

Trison Ring - need: Large Scale Building (I'll say!)
cost: 1200 bc
expiration date: none! ha, ha, ha, ha
bonus: +40% trade, +1% defense, +10% research
worth it????: YES! Just like the Galactic Stock
Exchange, build it!
what if my neighbors
build one?: too late.

Tur-Ahn Training- need: Planetary Defense
cost: 1100 bc
expiration date: Replication
bonus: +40% attack, defense, +100% ground def.
worth it????: if you are at war, want to go to war,
or fear being at war, don't hesitate.
what if my neighbors
build one?: hope they are your friends.

Utopia Colony - need: Utopia
cost: 6000 bc (ouch!)
expiration date: there is one.... I think.
bonus: +20% trade and morale
+5% attack, defense and ground def.
+20% research.
worth it????: it gives a lot of bonuses. It costs
a lot! It comes very late in the game.
More experience is definitely needed.
what if my neighbors
build one?: I hope everyone can have a utopia!

There will be other evil Wonders (Super Projects/
Galactic Achievements) you can build too but those are not
mapped out.

5.3.2 Strategic Planning with Super Projects

I want to get some more discussion as to the virtues and
deficits of the various projects. The easiest is Tur-Ahn
Training, but what of the others? (Help me, Mr. Wizard!)

A couple of quick suggestions:
If there is an Achievement that you REALLY want to build, but
don't have the tech for yet, start one that you can build
and then switch to the project you want. One warning, DON"T
FORGET ABOUT IT! Nothing worse than accidently building what you
didn't want and then having someone else scoop you on what you

Don't be too concerned about building the generic Achievements.
You can always pick up the generic ones when you feel you really
need them, but once a unique one has been built.... Tur-Ahn
Training, the Trison Ring and the Galactic Stock Exchange come to

**** TECHNOLOGY AND SHIPS (or "something clever goes here")
**** Chapter 5.4

(currently COSTS are prone to errors, i'm doing it from memory)
(mainly trying to rough it out)

Name | A D S V M Cost | Technology
Avatar | 20 20 11 3 20 800 | Avatar Tech
Battle Axe | 8 2 6 1 2 180 | Sensors
Battle Cruiser | 5 3 8 2 2 150 | Turbo Phasors
Battle Hammer | 9 3 12 2 2 220 | Large Scale Building
Battle Ship | 12 6 20 2 10 600 | Battle Tech I
Battlestar | 50 50 100?| Near Omniscience
Colony Ship + | 0 2 50 1 0 35 | {given}
Corvette | 3 6 6 2 3 100 | Advanced Phasors [good]
Defender | 2 4 5 1 1 50 | Galactic Diplomacy
Destroyer | 5 2 5 3 4 135 | High Density Metals
Dreadnaught | 14 7 20 2 12 650 | Battle Tech II
Excaliber | 30 20 60 20 12 | Excaliber Tech
Freightor ++ | 0 1 10 1 2 80 | Galactic Trade
Interceptor | 3 3 5 5 2 55 | Phasors
Paladin | 16 10 40 3 18 700 | Ranger Tech (?)
Phasing Dread **| 10 1 12 2 4 130 | 4D (?) Phasing
Phoenix | 12 1 5 | Disruptors [evil]
Ranger | 15 10 30 3 14 700 | Ranger Technology
Scout | 0 0 0 5 1 18 | {given}
Sensor Bouy | 0 0 0 1 0 10 | {given}
Small Fighter | 1 1 1 1 0 25 | General Cold Fusion
Star Fighter | 3 1 6 3 1 30 | Photon Torpedos
Stealth Cruiser*| 9 1 4 2 3 100 | Cloaking
Terror Star *** | 10 10 20 0 250 12k?| Terror Star
Transport +++ | 0 1 20 1 1 60 | Impulse Drive

A - attack factor. A ship with a 0 attack should not win a
conflict if it is the aggressor.
D - defense factor. A non-zero defense means that a ship could
survive an attack and the attacker could be destroyed when
S - strength. More or less, how big, massive, strong, etc. the
ship is. Note that colony ships and transports have a
variable strength to reflect their varying size. In combat,
a high strength can sometimes "overcome" a superior A and D.
V - velocity. Because I already used S for strength. Base speed
to which improvements in movement technology are added.
Note, you don't have to rebuild the ship to get the improved
speed. The new designs are faxed to the ship and implemented
M - maintenance. How much it costs to keep that ship functional.
Maintenance costs are not optional. The only way not to pay
the money is to decommission the ship.
Cost - What it costs to build it in the first place.
Technology - What you have to know to build that type of ship.

* Stealth Cruiser - This ship "cloaks". Basically, this means
that it cannot be tracked once it is spotted.
** Phasing Dread - Same as Stealth Cruiser, I believe. I really
need to check on this one.
*** Terror Star - Terror Stars are unique among the combat ships
in that they _eat_ star systems. Great for
that wiping out that pesky outpost that is not
worth gaining control of but is a nuisance
none-the-less. Also good for really cutting
into the enemy's capabilities in a big way.
Note, Terror Stars are very vulnerable to
attack and make lousy ship-ship attackers. Use
them to simplify the star map, not whomp an
incoming star fleet.

+ Colony Ship - Base strength is 50. This represents not only
the size of the ship, but the number of colonists
on-board. More colonists can be added if a larger
starting population for the colony is desired.
Note that each time you build a colony ship, it
requires 20k colonists from the home planet. The
additional 30k are a freeby (busy, busy).
++ Freighter - Nothing fancy, this is just the ship you must have
to set up a trade route. It contains "goods" and
once you establish a trade route, the ship is no
longer under your control. Loss of the trade
route for any reason does not make the ship
+++ Transport - Base strength is 20. This represents not only
the size of the ship, but the number of soldiers
on-board. More soldiers can be added if a larger
starting population for the colony is desired.
Note that initial 20k soldiers are "free", they
don't subtract from the colony's population.

********************* Future Wishes *****************************
Chapter 6.0

(as a general note, if someone thinks some of these ideas are
bogus (especially mine, since i only sorta thought about
them), feed back would be nice!!!!!)

Player Options (those changes affecting the player only)

- let the player ask for aid from the other races (net)

- the windows for fleet display and the planet display should be
sortable on any of the columns in the display. (i.e.- ship name,
planet name, production, location, ship class, etc.) (net)

- let the player choose the military advisors of the alien races.
Go for the ultimate punishment of chosing the nasty AI for all
the opponent races (or the opposite). (John Martz. The
masochist! (ok, he's says he's not a masochist, just wants the

- the naming of the star ships should allow for the place of
origin to be displayed _without_ having to pop-up a window. This
is vital information! (John Martz) {this is pretty much taken
care of by the [GO HOME] button on the bottom of the screen.}

- there should be an increased number of options availible for
the player under the GIA button. These should include, but not
be limited to, requests by the player for aid; requests for
territory and/or money as a settlement for stopping a war (this
should include lump sum and "leases"); mutual treaties (ie - in a
2-on-1 war, you _and_ your ally would negotiate an end to the
fighting); "giving" technology to another race; foreign aid to
another race; treaties such as non-aggression pacts, warship size
limitations, planetary colonization agreements, etc.; and any
other options we can imagine! (net)

- there needs to be notification given when a new planetary
resource icon becomes available. Maybe this could show up on the
Planetary Resource window? (Greg Stewart)

- Create an automatic trading routes. Many times one may want all
trader ships created on one planet go to A SPECIFIC planet
without having to get the ship out of orbit and then select auto
and point to the planet where it is to be sent. This is a real
pain and the most fun in the game is making decisions not
worrying about moving ships. (

- A smarter secretary of the treasury would nice. Instead of
warning you that your treasury is low when it dips below 50, it
would be much more useful if it warned you that at the present
rate of loss (say 200/turn), you will be broke next turn. On
such nasty occasions, the treasury would slip from >50 to <0,
obviously without warning. (

Alien Options (those changes affecting the other races only)
- each race should have its own grammer. It should not
necessarily be tied to any given race all the time. (me)

- more races for opponents with pretty pictures. Obviously, this
is a CD-ROM option given all the various resolutions that this
game supports. Maybe have the format for the pictures and their
number known, so that anyone can edit a race. (net)

Both (ah, obvious)

- multi-ship movement such as escort, fleet movement, and have
this reflect in the combat in some way. A fleet of ten
starfighters should be more of a force than ten individual
starfighters. Escorting ships should be attacked first, or maybe
even get first attack? (net)

- projects should have variable affects on the different planet
classes, possibly at different times in the planet's history.
Examples: Entertainment Networks should be more effective on poor
planets than better planets. As the pollution level increases,
the effectiveness of an Entertainment Network should get better,
but not enough to offset the pollution losses. (me)

- mining outposts, or resource allocation outposts should be
availible as either projects or military ventures. These should
be used to exploit other systems that don't have "habitable"
planets. They should increase production without pollution but
should create more unhappiness at the home system. (net)

- espionage should give the alien trade route table as one of the
possible outcomes. From here, the player could use "destabilize"
money to indirectly disrupt trade (a steady decline in income or
maybe an abrupt ending of the route) or assign ships to play
pirate on one or more trade routes. Conversely, a player should
be able to pull ships off the "line" to guard trade routes,
either directly or maybe in a "Q"-ship role. (me)

Game Characteristics (changes that affect game play and
environment more than any particular race characteristics.)

- reduce the amount of "vacuum-effects". What I mean by a
vacuum-effect is the Trison Ring description. In this
description, it claims that the three planets were consumed in
making the Ring. If this is a real effect, then the Trison Ring
should only be built in systems that have three or more planets
of the type that can be used to build the Ring and the system
display should remove those planets once the Ring is complete.
In the best of all possible worlds, the system display should
include a separate graphic for a Trison Ring.

- the rebel planets need more personality. It should be possible
to negotiate with the rebels. Possible results would be trade,
non-aggression, chance to join the player's government. (net)

- related to the rebel planet personality is the idea that if
enough planets go into rebellion in a particular race, than those
planets can form a new, independent government with its own
personality with a possible minor shift in the race personality.

- GIA espionage information needs to be expanded. The current
information, while interesting, is not all that useful. If the
above treaty suggestions are added, then better intelligence is
necessary to check those treaties.
Examples of needed additions would be production/project/
population read-outs on individual planets; number of ships in
the fleet and a listing of types of ships with maybe the addition
of rough estimates of numbers (%s +/- 10?, based on GIA spending
levels, tech level differences?); estimates of planetary defense
fleets; etc. It should be possible to target a given planet to
discover specific information about that planet. It would also
be good to tie the reports of racial standing with the other
other races to only those races of which you have intelligence
data. (net)

- wars should have more effect on the population than just a draw
on the economy. There are two main paths this idea takes, one
for democracies and one for totalitarian governments. However, in
both governments, the longer the war, the stronger the needs and
desires for peace. First, the democracy: if the democracy is at
war with a neutral or good race, then the rising tide to stop the
war should be much stronger. Only evil governments should be the
targets of sustained conflicts, and then only if the race has
engaged in genocide should there exist strong enough support for
a really sustained and nasty war to the bitter end. This assumes
the democracy is winning. If it is losing, then the population
should have some sort of siege mentality and be able to "tough it
If the government is totalitarian, then the population's will
is much more ignorable, but there should be some chance for the
creation of "rebels". Recall that a planet in rebellion does not
necessarily mean that the population of that planet has had a
change of heart. It most likely means that the local government
has declared its independence from the central authority for its
own needs. (me)

- to stay on the topic of war, I find it a bit disconcerting that
it is so painless to go to war with a former ally. Maybe it's
just my altruistic viewpoint. Consider that after making an
alliance, fighting other races for decades (if not a century or
so!), you just tell them, "You're not doing you're part" and then
the alliance ends and you go about declaring war on them and then
trashing them (that was the goal of that, wasn't it?). Somehow,
this seems akin to me of the US deciding to invade Canada or
Great Britain in this day and age. Even ignoring the general
moral/support hit the government would take for this action, the
economic devastation alone would raise a hue and cry that would
sink the leader attempting such a plan. Remember, such an
action would most likely come from someone playing the "good"
path of the game. I think that there should be some mechanism to
make alliance breaking reflect more the _type_ of government the
person is attempting to play. (me, obviously)

- not all technologies are equally good for all races. Again,
this follows the idea that good and evil races have different
needs. For a good race, the building of Collusion Management
should have a negative effect on citizen happiness. The same
should be true for evil race but for different technologies. The
Info Net is one example of a technology that should increase the
chance that a planet goes into rebellion if the race is evil
since this Net would allow the local cronies to be more able to
band together, ignore the far-off central government and exploit
the local resources. (me)

- there need to be some technologies that are present for the
"neutral" races that would benefit their particular needs. (net)

- there need to be more options for government types. Suggestions
would be the space equivalent of a merchantile government
(obviously one for a neutral race), a socialist variation
(happiness as the democracy but resource allocations as the
dictator?). (net)

(attributions: if the item was plucked off of the net and I
cannot recall the source, I appended "net" to it. Otherwise, the
suggestion will have one or more names associated with it. Why
all the bother? I believe in giving credit where credit is due.
This game was programmed by real people (Brad, too) and has had
lots of input from us, the beta group and the growing list of new
admirers (everybody just loves this game, right?!). I think this
tradition should continue! I would also like to point out that
all of the (me) attributions are due mainly to A LACK OF
INPUT....that's not too subtle, is it?)
(it is getting better, though:)

***** Places to buy Galactic Civilizations *****



You can get GalCiv (Galactic Civilizations) from a number of
sources. This handy document will help you find a place to get
it. This list is by no means complete and more places will or are
carrying it than this list mentions. Timur Tabi is compiling a
list of sources which this list borrows from.

Galactic Civilizations is an OS/2 strategy game written
from the ground up to take advantage of OS/2. It allows you to
colonize or conquer an entire galaxy filled with alien
civilizations that are controlled by an advanced artificial
intelligence engine that plays by the same rules you do (unlike
most strategy games).
Galactic Civilizations
Price: $59.95 for 1 unit. $54.95 for 3 or more.
Shipping: $5 in USA, $10 outside USA

Package Includes:
GalCiv box
Install Guide
Hypertext Manual Disk
4 HD 3.5 inch floppy disks with Galactic Civilizations game.
System running OS/2 2.x or 3.0 (Warp)
Mouse, VGA or better
Sound Card
486DX processor or higher

Sources for GalCiv:
- Stardock Systems Inc.
Gets revenue to the developers of game quickly which allows them
to get started on more OS/2 games. Offers same day or next day
shipping when units are in stock. Ships outside USA.

Not a retail chain. Stores are looking to see how well GalCiv
sells at retail.


Name: __________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________

City/Zip/Country _____________________________

Daytime Phone:__________________________________

Payment Type [VISA] [Mastercard] [COD] [CHECK]

Credit Card Number (if applicable) ___________________

EXP _________

Stardock Systems Inc.
13405 Addison
Gibraltar MI 48173
PHONE: (313)/782-2248
FAX: (313)/782-9868

Indeliable Blue
Is quick to fulfill orders. Great OS/2 supporter, experienced
with dealing with OS/2 software. Ships outside USA.

Same as above.

CompUSA: (Special Order Only In Most Cases)
Ordering from them allows them to see that their is demand for
OS/2 games and makes it more likely that they will stock it.
Length of time between order and arrival unknown.

Egghead: (Some places have heard of it, others haven't)
Same as above

May not have heard of GalCiv at all which makes it difficult to
get it.

Software Etc.
Same as Above

None so far.

If you want to add to this list, email

*** Where do I report problems? Get help? Praise the ***
*** glorious designers of this truly astounding game? ***

Not that this is not already in the various documents with GC,
but here it is again, because this is also the spot for bug
reports and updates. AIM is also responsible for the marketing
of GalCiv, such as distribution to various retail outlets, box,
manual and promotional matters.

John Schaeffer
AIMsBBS 801-572-6353 8-n-1 2400 to 14400
Fax 801-571-8625
OS2BBS DEV1024@Hone82
Information: 801-572-4018

In addition, the Usenet group, has a wealth
of experienced and opinionated (meant positively, guys!) people
that can offer advice, help and other useful tidbits. The
newsgroup is also where I announce new versions of the FAQ.

I also recall someone having constructed a Web node for galciv
but I cannot recall the address. sigh.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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