Fury of the Furries

Fury of the Furries

15.10.2013 01:28:50
Fury of the Furries

The locations of 47 secret levels in levels 1 - 60.

By Simon "LuDeCk" Burrows
(Thanks go out to Stuart Rae for his help in producing this doc.)


Way back in an early issue of Cheet Sheets I published the
location of 1 secret level! Well, I will admit that this was a
very poor showing since there are dozens of secret levels in the
game as a whole. So, for those of you who are able to progress
through the levels okay, but find it difficult to, or can't be
bothered to, find the many secret levels it hides, here are the
locations of 47 secret levels in the first 60 levels. That's
more like it!

Why not 60 secret levels in the first 60 levels, I hear you ask?
Well, it looks to me very much like the level designers got bored
of the secret-level concept after a while because when you reach
the factory levels, secret levels almost dry up. It isn't that I
couldn't find them, it's that they're not there because I hunted
high and low for ages!! There are also some levels earlier on in
the game which don't have a secret level... It is strange that
there are secret levels in so many of the levels, but not all of
them, but then I guess that's just the way it turned out.

Why bother finding and visiting the secret levels? Well, firstly
because it makes the game as a whole more fun. Perhaps more
importantly, though, is the fact that each secret level reaps
several coins. Collect 100 coins and you have an extra life -
very useful. In addition to this, some of the more difficult
secret levels, (both in terms of getting to, and in terms of
completing), contain extra lives which will prove very useful in
your fight to reach that elusive last level and win the final

Another question which you may have is why haven't I covered
those levels past the first 60. Well, as I've already said,
secret levels almost completely dry up after level 50, and so by
60+ there are almost none. I did find the odd one past this
point (for example, one in the village levels and a couple in
the castle), but there are so few that I don't see the point of
adding them to the list. This way, there aren't many places
where you go through more than a couple of levels without a
secret level, and I reckon it's better that way.

So print out the list and get playing Furries...


Level 1 - The Incredible Desert

1) Jump through the fourth segment of the tree which is
immediately to the left of where you begin the level.
(Segments counted from the bottom). You will be whisked off
to a secret level which contains 20 coins.

Level 2 - The Furry Desert

1) Make your way to the far right-hand side of the level where a
wall from top to bottom stops you going any further to the
right. Use the yellow furry to blast the only block in this
wall which is square. It is 3 blocks up from the bottom.
Now jump into the gap this block leaves and you will go to a
secret level which contains 68 coins!!

Level 3 - The Magic Desert

1) When you get into the water, swim downwards, past the first
two fish, and through the gap in the "floor" into the next
water-filled chamber. In this chamber, first kill the fish,
then swim over to the left-hand wall and count the blocks as
you swim downwards. Blast away the 9th block down with your
bubbles, then swim into the gap which this leaves. You will
be transported into a watery secret level containing 40

Level 4 - The Delirious Desert

There are no true secret levels in this level, although to get at
the coins near to the palm tree at the right-hand end of the
level you should stand at the foot of the palm tree, then munch
your way downwards with the red furry.

Level 5 - The Mystical Desert

(If you don't already know, start this level by digging down with
the red furry just to the left/right (?) of your starting
position. You will dig into a tunnel with time bonuses and
coins, below.)

1) Having got past all of the brambles and reached the home
straight, do not go through the exit. Instead, use the green
furry to carefully swing underneath the palm tree just to the
right of the exit. Be very careful not to touch the exit
sign. When you are right in under the tree, carefully swing
against the fourth segment of the tree (counting from the
bottom). This will trigger a block to the left of the screen
to move away. Now swing back out from under the tree, still
ensuring you don't hit the exit, and walk left to enter the
gap the moving block leaves behind. Finally, turn into the
red furry and munch your way downwards. You will be whisked
off to a secret level containing 44 coins.

Level 6 - The Hair Raising Desert

1) Make your way past all the hazards to the right-hand end of
the level just before the exit. Turn into the yellow furry,
then jump onto the wide platform which moves up and down.
Walk towards the far right-hand end of this platform, then
wait for it to get near to the bottom of its journey. Shoot
a large fireball to the right and, eventually, you will hit
the right block and it will explode. Jump back off the
platform to the left, then turn into the green furry and get
back onto the platform again. Once it is back at the bottom
of its journey, throw your rope up-and-to-the-right so that
you can swing right, into the gap left behind by the block
which was destroyed. You will be transported to a secret
level containing 14 coins. Collect the coins, but do not go
into the exit because...

2) Within this first secret level is a second one. To reach it,
jump through the top block in the right-hand wall. You will
be whisked off to a second room containing three extra lives!

There is another secret level here, but it is very, very
difficult to get to, and almost certainly worth avoiding
considering it only reaps a few coins. You will lose lives,
there's no doubt about it!! However, if you want to try your

3) When you return from the above secret level and are standing
on the moving platform again, ensure you are the green furry,
then jump off to the left so you fall into the pit down the
left-hand wall of it. You must attach your rope half way up
the third block (from the bottom) which makes up the left-
hand wall of the pit with the brambles in. You musn't link
onto any other block, or any further up the block than half
way, otherwise it won't work. Often your rope will break and
you'll fall to your death, but if you make a clean connection
and it isn't too violent, you will stay linked and the block
will move away. Enter the gap then use the red furry to
munch into the left wall, and you will eventually find your
way into a mad secret level containing loads of coins.
(Yeah, you try counting them!!!)

Level 7 - The Stupid Desert

1) From the start of the level, go right, up the hill, and stand
in front of the sign-post. Now switch to the red furry and
munch down into the ground. Three blocks down you will be
whisked off to a secret level containing 41 coins.

2) Make you way right until you are standing on either side the
gap which contains the green dots. Turn into the blue furry
before falling through these dots. Now swim to the bottom-
left corner of the water-pool and use your bubbles to blast
away the corner block. Swim into the gap the block leaves
behind and you will enter a secret level containing 32 coins.

Level 8 - The Psychedelic Desert

1) At the start of the level, munch down with the red furry,
then jump through the shower of green dots below. Continue
right, then double back on yourself onto the upper platform,
back to near where you started. Use the green furry to swing
onto the palm tree and watch the block above (below the
extra life) drop. Now proceed through the level in the
normal way, right to the end, and stop just before the exit

When you are standing just before the exit sign, turn into
the red furry and dig down to the "room" with the extra life.
Collect the extra life, then munch out the block to the
right. Walk into the gap this leaves and you will go to a
secret level with six coins. Collect these coins, but don't
then go into the exit because there is another secret level
here as follows...

2) Take a look at the walls of the enclosure. There are two
blocks which have a blue diamond in them - one in the "floor"
and one in the left-hand "wall". Stand on the one in the
floor, then jump into the one in the left-hand wall so that
you bounce back and land back on the one in the floor again.
This must be done precisely and without hitting the exit for
it to trigger a block to fall from the floor. You will fall
down into a secret area containing 16 coins are 4 extra
lives. Get the lives by lowering yourself on a rope from
above to avoid accidently hitting the exit.

3) On your way to reaching the first secret level, make your way
over to the large cactus with the skull in front of it. This
is at the lower-right corner of the main level. When you
arrive, turn into the red furry, stand in front of the sign
post, then dig down to reach a secret level which contains
28 coins.

Level 9 - The Terrifying Desert

1) At the start of the level, go down and right into the chamber
with the sign pointing down-and-to-the-right. Stand in front
of this sign, then drag out the block to the right with the
green furry. Use the red furry to munch out the crumbling
block, then continue right into the next chamber. Swing up
to collect the coin above, and the two blocks will part to
let you into the next chamber to the right. Enter this
chamber and stand above the gap to the right of the extra
life. Push the double block which is above the secret life
to the LEFT and into the hole. A block will clear from the
right-hand wall leaving a gap. Jump into this gap. Once in
the secret level, you will find yourself falling. Use ropes
to collect coins as you fall, but be quick!

2) When you finish the level and are back in the main level,
munch down to the extra life, then enter the transporter.
This time fall through the gap and go left. Make your way to
the bottom-right-hand corner of the level, then use the green
furry to drag out the block to the right of the sign. You
will now be able to enter the drained pool and munch through
to the transporter. It will take you to a secret part of the
level with 26 coins and a different exit.

The Strange Desert - Level 10

1) Make your way through this most dangerous of levels until you
reach the small palm tree at the left-hand side of the level,
just before you reach the two cactuses. (Note that there is
a secret life above-and-to-the-right of where you jump
through the brown dots.) When you reach this palm tree,
swing onto it, then walk left and you will fall through the
foliage. Take a few steps right and you will be whisked off
to a secret level containing 38 coins.


The Evil Lagoon - Level 1

Although it may appear that there is a secret level in the Evil
Lagoon because it is possible to destroy sections of the pipe at
the bottom-left corner of the screen, it seems that the trigger
to take you to the secret level has been missed out!! Probably
an accident, but I suppose it could be a red herring to get you
puzzled and annoyed, which I was!!

The Horrifying Lagoon - Level 2

1) Make your way through the level until you reach the under-
ground tunnel which fills with water as you swim through it.
Make your way out of the water at the end of the tunnel, and
instead of going right towards the exit, turn into the green
furry and use a rope to wrap around and get onto the upper
platform to the left. Walk along this platform to the left
until you reach the sand castle. Jump up and down on the
sand castle until it completely collapses and a hole appears
in the sand to the right. Walk into this hole and you will
be taken to a secret level containing 32 coins. Do not go
into the exit however, because...

2) This first secret level also conceals a second, but you must
act quickly. Make contact - with the rope or otherwise -
with the fifth, sixth, seventh and eight blocks (counting
from the top) of the right-hand wall. They will all move
out a bit. Now use the rope to get up on top of the sixth
block from the top. From there, push the fifth block to the
right so it drops back behind the two blocks below. Now walk
into the gap left by the block and you will come across a
second secret level containing 8 coins and 2 extra lives.

The Deafening Lagoon - Level 3

1) Make your way through the level right up to the final coin-
strewn rock-pool before the exit. Make your way very
carefully right to the point where you are still in the
water, but you are standing rather than floating. Do not go
too far because otherwise you'll hit the exit. When in
position, switch to the yellow furry then jump and shoot at
half-way up the palm tree to the right. Eventually a hole
will appear in the trunk. Very carefully jump over the exit
and through this gap. This jump is very difficult because
you have to go over the exit. Jump vertically twice, and
then over the exit, but do not make the jump over as soon as
you land from the second jump, go up a bit first. See what I
mean? Anyway, if you manage to get through, you will be off
to a secret level containing 34 coins.

The Sticky Lagoon - Level 4

1) Jump onto the diving board and spring up and down onto it.
When you make a particularly high spring, move right so you
land in the water with the shark in it. Hold down [DOWN] and
[RIGHT] so you "swim" downwards down the right-most hole.
Also press [SPACE] repeatedly because one section of the
right-hand wall can be munched away. It is opposite the
rounded gap in the left-hand wall of the right-most tunnel.
(are you following?). If you manage to completely munch the
gap and get into it, then fine, otherwise you'll have to swim
all the way round, back on to dry land, and make another

When you're into the gap, munch right again and you'll be
whisked off to a secret level containing many coins. Watch
out this one, though, because there's a very tight time
limit. You may well have to run to the exit rather than
swimming to get all of the coins.

The Sensual Lagoon - Level 5

1) Make your way through the level until right at the very end
when you climb out of the water to go into the exit.
However, instead of going into the exit, switch to the red
furry and munch into the furthest-right block of the platform
which the exit is on. You will go to a secret level
containing many coins.

The Joyful Lagoon - Level 6

1) Make your way along the "river", killing the sharks and surf
dude on the way, until you reach the waterfall. Swim up
this, and instead of going right to get to the floating log,
go left and make your way onto the platform with the palm
tree on it. Walk through the base of the palm tree and on to
the left. You will be whisked off to a secret level
containing 38 coins.

The Dangerous Lagoon - Level 7

1) Work your way through the whole level until you reach the
second key just before the exit. (If you can't complete the
level - sorry, this is a secret's guide, not a solution!!).
At the point where you get the second key, switch to the red
furry, then munch into the wall to the left. Munch left a
second "block", then munch down through the blackness and
eventually you will be whisked of to an interesting secret
level containing 22 coins.

The Perilous Lagoon - Level 8

1) Swing your way across the pool of green slime and position
yourself to the left of the two dangerous spikes on the other
side. Turn into the red furry and munch into the middle
block of the wall to the left (the right-hand wall of the
slime pool). Carefully jump into the gap this block leaves
behind, and you will be transported to a secret level
containing 47 coins!!

The Absolutely Fabulous Lagoon - Level 9

There is no secret level to be found here.

The Miraculous Lagoon - Level 10

Nor here.


The Blue Green Forest - Level 1

1) Right at the start of the level switch to the red furry and
jump onto the tiny stump-of-a-branch which sticks out from
the big tree trunk at the left of the level. From there,
jump up and munch left into the main trunk. Enter the gap
left behind and you will be whisked off to a secret level
containing 35 coins.

The Cute Forest - Level 2

1) Make your way, past all the bees, to the platform with the
exit on it. But do not go into the exit. Instead, switch to
the green furry and swing over it. Now switch to the red
furry and munch into the tree trunk at the right. The
position you should munch is about 2/3 of the way up that
part of the tree which you can get at from this platform.
Now enter the gap in the trunk and munch right, then down.
Eventually you will enter a secret level containing 23 coins.

The Dirty Forest - Level 3

1) Make your way past all the spiky dangers to the exit area
where the musical flowers are strutting their stuff. You
will see two branches protruding the tree trunk to the left.
Use the rope to swing over the flowers and onto the lower of
these two branches. Now switch to the red furry and munch
into the trunk to the left. You will be whisked off to a
secret level containing 36 coins.

The Bubbly Forest - Level 4

1) From the start, use the springy leaf to get on top of the
tall tree trunk to the right. Instead of going further up
towards the exit, walk and jump to the right, and then fall
off the right-hand side of this trunk to land on a small
branch below. Walk off this branch to the right to fall onto
the grassy ground, then walk as far left as you can so you
end up in the small gap between the branch and the ground and
up against the tree. If necessary, press [DOWN] so as to
avoid being killed by the flower, otherwise, switch to the
red furry then munch left into the trunk. You will be
whisked off to a crazy secret level containing 45 coins.

The Absolutely Dreadful Forest - Level 5

1) Right at the start of the level, switch to the red furry and,
at the top of a jump, munch into the tree trunk to the left.
Munch in left a little more, then downwards, and eventually
you will be teleported to a secret level which contains an
extra life and some coins.

The Freudian Forest - Level 6

1) Make your way past the brambles, the annoying lion and the
falling nuts (?), all the way to the right-hand side of the
level where your path is blocked by the tall tree trunk.
Switch to the red furry and munch into this trunk at the top
of a jump. Enter the gap and you will be whisked away to a
secret level with many coins but a very tight time limit.

The Disorientating Forest - Level 7

Sorry, no secret level here.

The Sadistic Forest - Level 8

As above, I'm afraid.

The Monstrous Forest - Level 9

1) Right at the start of the level, munch into the trunk to the
left and you will be whisked off to a secret level containing
32 coins.

The Philosophical Forest - Level 10

1) From the start, go right and into the flat area of the level
along which the ants walk. Continue right until you reach
the right-hand end of this ant run, just before you get to
the second ant hill. Switch to the red furry and then munch
into the right-hand wall of the flat section (the block to
munch is at the same height as the ground which the second
ant hill is on). You will go to a secret level with 24 coins
and an extra life.


The Famous Pyramid - Level 1

1) Continue through the level until you reach the platform with
the mummy pacing backwards and forwards on it. Carefully
jump over the mummy to get over to the left-hand wall of that
platform, then switch to the red furry and munch into the
second block up of that wall. Enter the gap as usual and you
will be whisked off to a secret level which contains 42

The Creaking Pyramid - Level 2

1) Make your way through the level until you get back to the
top-left-hand corner and you are about to go past the skull-
and-crossbones danger sign. Watch out because the double
block to the left of that which holds the danger sign is a
fake and you will fall through it. In fact, falling through
is what you want to do, but do so whilst holding down [RIGHT]
so you land to the right-hand side of, and not on top of, the
teleporter below. Having done this, walk right, away from
the teleporter, and to the end of the one-block-high
"corridor". At the end of this "corridor", switch to the red
furry and munch into the wall to the right. You will find
yourself being transported to a secret level containing 31

The Hilarious Pyramid - Level 3

1) Make your way through this most infuriating of levels to the
top-right-hand corner where the exit is situated. Walk up to
the left-hand side of the spike below the exit and carefully
jump onto the block above this spike. Turn into the red
furry and munch right into the perimeter wall of the level
and you will be whisked off to a secret level. This contains
many coins, but I can't tell you how many because you fall
past them too quickly!

The Vicious Pyramid - Level 4

No secret level.

The Mad Pyramid - Level 5

Nope, nothing here.

The Feeble Pyramid - Level 6

Completely lacking in a secret level.

The Bewitching Pyramid - Level 7


The Exciting Pyramid - Level 8

1) Make your way through the level to the locked door. Go
through the door with the key from one of the jugs, then
continue up the tunnel to the sealed compartment which
contains the four coins. Use the red furry to munch down
into this compartment, then again to munch away the inside-
right wall. Enter the gap and you will be whisked off to a
secret level containing 42 coins and a steep time limit.

The Impossible Pyramid - Level 9

1) Make your way past the water and to the bottom-left corner of
the level where the lift takes you up towards the exit.
Instead of taking this lift, however, use the red furry to
munch down whilst standing against the far left-hand wall.
You will fall into a partly-concealed area below containing a
mirror and some deadly spikes. Walk right, into this mirror
and you will be transported to a secret level containing 68

The Refreshing Pyramid - Level 10

Again, no secrets to be found here.


The Striking Mountain - Level 1

1) At the start of the level, get out of the water and switch to
the red furry. Now walk right a little until you are
standing in the middle of the flat piece of snow nearest to
the water. Munch your way down into the snow and you will
be transported to a secret level containing 80 coins!!!

2) When you emerge from the first secret level, switch to the
blue furry then jump into the water in which you began the
level. Swim down and then right along the water-filled
tunnel. Keep going right to the end of the tunnel and you
will eventually be whisked off to a secret level containing a
further 78 coins!!

The Tempting Mountain - Level 2

1) Right at the start of the level move left a little so you are
standing right up against the left-hand edge of the level.
Now switch to the red furry and munch down through the snow.
You will be taken to a secret level containing 41 coins.

The Gothic Mountain - Level 3

1) Proceed through the level to the point where you have to
shoot the log into order to set light to it. When you get to
this point, switch to the red furry, then walk underneath the
teleporter without touching it. Munch down underneath this
teleporter until you get to within one block of falling onto
the sharp ice right at the bottom of the level. Now munch
right several blocks and you will eventually be whisked off
to a secret level containing many coins and two extra lives.

The Inevitable Mountain - Level 4

1) At the beginning of the level, munch into the right-hand wall
of the small cave where you start. Enter the resulting gap
and you will be transported to a secret level containing many
coins. However, do not go into the exit in this secret level

2) Within the first secret level is a second which contains four
extra lives. This can be reached by using the green furry to
swing over the exit, then munching downwards on a spot just
before the right-hand perimeter snow wall.

The Athletic Mountain - Level 5

Nothing here but snow and ice.

The Nice Mountain - Level 6

1) Make your way to the right-hand side of the level above the
exit, then switch to the blue furry and walk down the slope
and into the water. Swim along the water-filled tunnel to
the right, then swim upwards when you reach the second point
where it is possible to get to the surface. You will be
whisked off to a secret level containing 20 coins.

The Adorable Mountain - Level 7

Due to the presence of the lethal hornet, the secret level here
is very difficult to get to indeed. Since there are only an
unimpressive 20 coins up for grabs, I suggest you don't try it,
therefore, but here it is just in case...

1) Make your way towards the bottom-left corner of the level
where you can see a chamber above containing a few coins and
a hornet. (This chamber is the same one you can see below
at the start of the level). Climb up through the gap into
this chamber with one of the green furry's ropes, being
careful not to let the hornet towards the left side of the
chamber see you. Now switch to the yellow furry and kill the
hornet. Collect the coins, then switch to the red furry and
walk to up the right-hand wall of the chamber. Munch into
this wall, one block up, and you will find yourself in a
secret level containing 20 coins.

The Sexy Mountain - Level 8

1) At the start of the level, switch to the red furry, then make
your way, left, across all of the spiky pits and into the
teleporter. When you rematerialise above, quickly munch, one
block up, into the wall to the right. Jump into the gap
which is left behind and you will be whisked off to a secret
level containing 78 coins!!

The Divine Mountain - Level 9

By accident I saw two strange things in the very top-left-hand
corner of this level which I first thought were secret level
triggers. However, I later decided they couldn't be because they
are impossible to get to. I am pretty sure that they are bird
generators - a new bird comes from them each time you kill the
previous one. Other than this, I can find nothing else which is
even mildly secret.

The Swirling Mountain - Level 10

This level hides no secrets whatsoever.


The Catastrophic Factory - Level 1

One of many factory levels without a secret level.

The Breathless Factory - Level 2

And again.

The Gladiator's Factory - Level 3

1) Make your way over to that part of the level where you use
the box to reach the key high up on the ledge. Instead of
falling back off the ledge once you have got the key, stay
standing on the ledge and jump straight upwards. You will be
whisked off to a secret level containing 16 coins.

The Kind Factory - Level 4

1) When you have killed the evil red furry and your passage is
free to the exit, do not go straight into the exit. Instead,
push the block to the right of the exit onto the spikes, then
go down to the bottom. Push the frame into the teleporter if
you have not done so already, then enter the teleporter
yourself. Keep pushing the frame right until you can use it
to reach the key. Now drop down and use the key to open the
iron door. Stand on the spot where the door was, then switch
to the red furry and munch down. Keep munching down until
there is only one block left below you that is stopping you
from falling into the coin-filled area below. Now munch left
two blocks and you will be whisked off to a secret level
containing 23 coins.

When you are out of the secret level you should then continue to
munch downwards where you will find 35 coins and 3 extra lives
which you may or may not be able to get your grubby mitts on!

The Intrusive Factory - Level 5


The Sensational Factory - Level 6


The Delicate Factory - Level 7


The Greasy Factory - Level 8


The Incredible Factory - Level 9


The Furry Factory - Level 10

On a poor note, we end with yet another secret-less level.


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