Free DC!

Free DC!

17.10.2013 01:40:19

Note: This is a very non-linear game, so this is only one of many possible
ways through the story. Also, though never mentioned in the documentation, a
blue line at the bottom of the screen indicates a path going down.


Waking up, my body ached all over. A command from the last dream still echoed
in my head, one where I had surgery done by robots and then one of them leaned
down and said I was to find a criminal. As if I didn't get enough of that in
my job as a cop. I GROANed, the achiness went down to the bone. I'd just
starting to become aware that I wasn't on a bed after all when a voice told me
to wake up. Since my last live-in was months ago and had a definite feminine
voice, I jumped up quick and confronted a 'bot. I didn't recognize the model,
but they were still new enough not to be common.

I'm still a bit dazed, but when it tells me I am now home, I get PI**ED. Hey,
my place isn't the Ritz, but it _is_ furnished and inside a building, which I
ain't. Then the bot starts screaming about something called a Red Knight; the
'bot that shows up and blasts at me definitely isn't a robo-buddy. Not
grasping what's going on yet, but figuring the little 'bot knows the score, I
let the robot take me out of there by heading to the right.

As soon as the tin trigger is out of sight, I jump off and get some answers
from the 'bot -- Wattson, by name. I'm pretty EDGY, but then who wouldn't be
waking up in what looked like the Amazon, but with buildings in the distant
that look like those in D.C.? Wattson tells me I'm in something called the
Human Zoo. Telling Watson to GO AHEAD and spill his databank, I find out I've
been dumped in the zoo to find a human that is terminating local robots. I've
been given a laser pistol, so at least I have something to work with. Then
Wattson tells me there is a bomb embedded in my body to "motivate" me, and
I've got only 12 hours to find the guy. Lovely.

Still, Wattson says there are only 7 people in the zoo -- zoo maintenance
personnel? The prime suspect is Valerion, hiding out in the Stone Man Shelter
(weird name!). Looking at the paper map, that would be building 1. To get
there, I head down until I hit the red laser fence, then left until I come to
the capped corner of the fence, then down again. Wattson is good enough to
remind me that I don't have much time left: what a bud.

I'm at the southernmost part of the gate, in a corner of the gate around
building 14. Heading left I come to a view of a building that must be the
Stone Man Shelter. I head for it and take a left at the blue/gray lake.

In addition to the paper map, it sure helps to USE MAP that Wattson had on
his console; shows me exactly where I am. Sometimes I run into a Red Knight,
but I quickly learn that Wattson can move fast enough to simply outrun them.
Those Knights would never make it on the force: their aim is terrible.


I go left across the meadow and come to the Lincoln Memorial! But what is it
doing in a jungle? I head into it. (Notice that you come out of the blue line
on right). The statue looks funny; I move closer for a better look and realize
the statue is starting to decay from age. What's going on? Wattson is yapping
about a door, but I don't pay any attention until a beam comes out and seems
to freeze him. Then I'm knocked out and wake up with a man that I assume is
Valerion standing over me. I CURSE my own stupidity at getting caught.
Valerion talks like a doctor; he mentions someone named Johnnie (an
accomplice?). He claims to have disabled a bug in Wattson and releases me.

I get up cautiously. He wouldn't set me free unless he had the upper hand.
This is the first human I've seen today, so I decide to TALK to him and get
some answers. I identify myself; it's a relief to know that he's also disabled
my bomb, but then Valerion tries to recruit me to join him in destroying
robots. Hey, I don't like robots, either, but they are someone's property.

Not knowing which way this guy will jump, I play it FACTUAL and let him know
I am a cop. His claims make him sound like a nut case, yet the Lincoln statue
and the jungle outside start raising doubts, so I STAY to hear more. Wattson
butts in and confirms that the Great Freeze took place centuries ago. I get a
bad feeling about all this. Valerion, or rather Dr. Valerion, goes on about
rebellion against the robots. Wattson interjects that Interface would have us
all killed. I'm not buying any of this yet, so I try to COOL the idea; one guy
with a pistol is not about to take on the world...or a zoo.

So Doc whips out a 10Mv laser rifle. He then tries to goad me by mentioning a
much stronger weapon, claiming I'd be too weak to use it. I'd used that kind
of line myself to motivate someone, so I blew it off with a WITTY response.
Sure enough, he gave me more information on this Detectron weapon. He claims
to have a piece of it. Wattson claims the doc is mad and I have to AGREE.

I decide to look around a bit while I try to work out what to do next in this, in D.C., supposedly. The 'bot seems to have some information, so I
TALK WATTSON. I learn about Atom Guards, Red Knights, and Funnelheads. Great,
a planet of 'bots!


I USE WATTSON and head to building 8. I get off Wattson and head toward a
huge door, then realize it's a video screen. Wattson asks how I'm doing; this
whole thing is CRAZY and that's how I answer; I don't care at the moment.
Suddenly, the screen comes to life and I get to meet another denizen of the
Zoo, Edsel Binkley. WRIER than I should, perhaps, I make a crack about his
name. The guy flares up like a punker's hair on an electric blowout; he claims
the library is his, even though the 'bot says it's the Natural History museum.
The screwy 'bot is a great straight man. I give it a STUDLY answer to its
question about fear.

Binkley is a heck of a lot more antisocial and whines at me to go. Sounds
like a good idea to me, but he's someone I might get information out of, so I
CAJOLE him. I tell him he's a great guy, ABSOLUTELY, BLUFFing him by telling
him everyone talks about "his" museum. The kid's starting to tick me off, so I
try pushing him by telling him Valerion thought he was an idiot. Yup, that
works. He spills about the things he knows. I ask about the UNDERGROUND, but
Mr. Social gets his nose out of joint because he knows something I don't and
shuts off the display. Smug little twerp.


I head into building 3, but quickly head out when I encounter some kind of
mobile plant that attacks me and seems to ignore the laser.

Moving on, I come to a lake with building 4 off in the distance. It's a nice
day, so I ride over to it by going around the lake. I'm amazed by the decay
inside. Wattson cries out when this robot body there starts moving; it looks
kinda like a Red Knight, so my training kicks in and I FIGHT it. It falls over
after a few shots and it's then I notice it's labeled "Detectron," part of the
device that screwball Valerion was talking about.

I barely stop myself from shooting when the robot starts moving again, and
jump when a small kid crawls out of the shell! Never been very good with kids,
but I try and TALK with her. I learn about a lady named Candy who appears to
be friends with the, Cy, and another lady named Memo who is definitely
not Cy's friend. I'm still a cop, so I tell her I'll HELP HER. The kid still
seems worried -- but satisfied -- and crawls off. With the Detectron body
in front of my, I'm starting to have second thoughts about Valerion; I grab
the Detectron body and head out.


I head back around the lake and enter building 10. I hear machinery in the
distance, coming from the left door. Following the sound through about six
rooms, I come to what looks like a control center. I notice what looks like
building 12 on the screen as I head down the left stairwell. A woman orders me
to stop. She appears a bit militaristic, so I decide to identify myself
PROFESSIONALly. This is Memo, the lady Cy is afraid of. Taking a FIRM stand on
Cy's defense, I get INCENSED when she insists it was her right to use the
child. This isn't my world and I could just back down, but I'm a cop and that
kid needs help so I PUSH IT. Not too surprising, I get kicked out -- Avery
Zed: Diplomat!


Wattson and I head to building 12, but can't seem to find an accessway in
front of the building. Best to case the building and look for another way in.
I head right, enter the left path in some brush, take the left path up, and
then go right. Taking the right path again, I come to the laser fence. Heading
left a while, I find a door at the back of the building (look for the blue
line at the bottom of the screen). Odd, the same sounds as in Memo's place are
here. Following essentially the same route, I come to what looks to be the
same room, except the building on the screen is building 10 and there appears
to be no one here. But then a woman, like a much younger Memo, pops up from
behind a chair and starts spewing abuse like a spoiled brat...or my ex-wife
with her lawyer.

I try to be NICE and she responds with more abuse. Well, it's usually best to
deal with folks at their own level, so I get ANGRY and a bit abusive myself. I
try to explain that I wasn't with Memo, when another vitriolic stream comes
out of her mouth. She seems to prefer crudity and emotionally seems like a
young teenager. I SPIT and she seems to approve. She identifies herself as
Candy Larko, a Memo clone. The distance in centuries between us becomes
obvious as I use a slang term that confuses her. I make some flippant comment
about FLORIDA that she seems to enjoy, and Wattson seems to think I'm on her
good side now. Just as we seem ready to get a dialogue going, she screams and
cowers. I admit I was caught flatfooted; I just babble "Whaaa...?" as she
screams of being attacked. Wattson suggests we leave and I have no problem
with that idea.


Ending up back in front of building 12, I decide to head down to building 11,
going around the jungle and walking near the blue lake. Problem is, there
isn't an entrance for this building. Looks like the robot keepers didn't want
humans playing with anything inside. With no way in, we head over to building
9. Once inside, going left through several rooms I come to what looks like a
full life-support unit. Wattson (bless his little tin heart) contradicts me;
this bozo is in a VR computer gaming machine, preferring to interact with a
computer than deal with the real world. Wattson feels he'd be useless to us
and I tend to agree, but he's been living here longer than I have, so I try
talking to him, and get brushed off. I'm AMUSED when he tells me to scram; so
he tells the nearby Atom Guard to attack -- I gotta learn to keep my trap
shut. Fortunately, the robot looks like its warranty expired a few centuries
ago -- it's just so much junk. This must have traumatized the clown, for he
flips back on the machine and is oblivious to us again.

Wattson points out that nerds like this guy think more of machines than
humans. This guy wants to BE a machine. I have to admit that with that
reasoning, Wattson would be SURE to do better than me, so I BITE when Wattson
offers a proposal. We do a little role-playing where he's the boss and I'm his
servant. I even SHAM a bit to keep in character, though I decide that later
I'd make sure the 'bot knew who the boss really was. The nerd seems to accept
this situation, but then gives us the bum's rush.

Rather HEATEDly, I jump on Wattson, but Wattson assures me that next time
I'll find him ready to talk. I have a better idea. If this guy was like the
hopheads I had to deal with, he has no clue about time. Exiting the room and
then coming back, the guy thinks days had gone by and is willing to answer a
question. Asking Zapman about RED KNIGHTS, I learn that a disrupter can stop
them. He clams up again, so I repeat the process and get a description of
INTERFACE. It's a rather CONFUSED dialogue and I decide I've had enough.


Once outside, we go over to building 7. Eventually (go right, enter the right
back door, go right), we find a girl and an Atom Guard. Real pretty, too, the
girl, not the guard. She was quick and cool, and her guard lost no time
grabbing me. I have a hunch, and make a WITTY remark; she makes a decision and
has the guard let me go. I follow my hunch and make an offhand remark about
Emily Post. Bingo! She's one of the good-lifers. I make another WITTY remark
and there is a brief smile, then she turns on the no-nonsense mode and puts
the pressure on. I tell her my name is AVERY and that I'm a D.C. cop. She
seems totally unimpressed and has Bruno, her robot, escort us out. Wattson
proves the difference between humans and robots when he gets the idea she
likes me. Come to think of it, I wish he was right.


Between #7 and the gate, there are some ruins; I decide to check them out.
But as we enter them, the floor collapses and I fall, along with about a ton
of dirt and debris. Regaining consciousness, I try to MOVE, feebly at first,
then stronger. When my head clears, I find myself free of the debris. I thank
Wattson for getting me out, but he tells me someone called Harry the Subhuman
got me out. Uh-huh. Anyway, I seem to have found the Underground, even if it
is merely an old subway tunnel instead of a group of people. We head left.


Eventually, the tunnel leads back to Dr. Valerion. We drop off the Detectron
body. Valerion mutters to himself "I just hope it fits," which makes me
suddenly SUSPICIOUS about what or _who_ he intends it to fit. Both he and his
answer make me JUMPY. He tries to blow me off. Obviously not impressed with my
risking my life out there, I get TOUGH; it does no good and Valerion leaves. I
head out, but realize I want to ask Valerion something. So, I head back to the
statue. Of all the PEOPLE he knows, I want to ask about Johnnie, but when I
hear there really is someone called HARRY, I ask about him. Valerion is
surprised that I even know his NAME. I learn a little, make a JOKE, and leave.

I get away from the statue, think about it for a second, and decide, "What
the heck?" go back, and ask Valerion about JOHNNIE. I admit, YES, I've met
Johnnie, which seems to annoy Valerion. Looks like the doc has a crush on her.
I TWEAK him about it (hey, I'm easy to amuse). I may not be a SCIENTIFIC type,
but I understand Valerion's description of her, and he obviously knows I
understand from the comments he makes.

Me, I just play the INNOCENT. Wattson and I head out and (taking the _left_
blue line) go back into the tunnel. Eventually, I come across an odd, shaggy,
man-like creature: Harry. I ask him for INFORMATION about the CONES I met back
in building 3. Harry gets on my case about killing them; I start to get mad
but then realize that Harry might feel he has more reason to like the cones
than me. It's possible. I make a CONTRITE answer and he seems mollified. I ask
for his help, but he says the child Cy is the one to go to. The damndest thing
happened then. Maybe it was the warmth of the place or the long hours since I
awoke, but I fell asleep while talking to Harry. When I woke up, he was gone.


Of all the people I've met so far, only Johnnie seems like a normal -- albeit
suspicious -- person, so I decide to meet with her again. As I enter, the
guard comes charging toward me. I consider shooting it but don't for two
reasons: 1) it seems likely that the Atom Guard is protecting Johnnie and that
she'll call him off; 2) from what I've learned, nothing would even dent an
Atom guard. So I decide that it's best if I DON'T DRAW any weapons, but
instead take it casually. She seems to appreciate that, so I continue to be
FRIENDLY. I ask her about DETECTRON, but she really doesn't know anything.
When I don't immediately have another question, she has Bruno escort me out.
All business, she is. Still, considering who she's had to deal with before
this, I guess I don't blame her...too much.


I still don't know how to deal with the cones, so getting the head is out for
now. I head back to the Underground to talk to Harry. I find him at the right
end. I tell him I'm doing WELL, but still looking for Detectron parts. When he
asks, I tell him that YES, I still need the head. Seems Harry, or rather a
friend of his, has it. I'm very GRATEFUL to Harry for giving it to me and I
tell him so. In my book, there's nothing sub-human about Harry.


With this wonderful start to the day, I decide to let things go downhill and
visit Zapman again. We do our little routine for him and ask about the
FUNNELHEAD robots -- scavengers that pick up anything that comes in their
path. It's likely that one of them has come across a Detectron part. They
seem to stay mostly in the dense foliage like the jungle or the scattered
groups of trees and shrubs. The laser rifle will destroy them, but wish I had
a water gun too.


I decide to continue reversing my path, checking up on Candy Larko's
condition. When I find out why she was warring with Memo, I tell her it is
DISGUSTING: now I'm really worried about Cy! Candy doesn't understand my PROSE
comment, but it is appropriate. Like so many dark-haired folks, Candy seems to
despise the idea of changing over to blonde. I tell her that NO, I don't think
it's silly, myself...but nicely. Getting worried about Cy, I decide to talk to
Memo again.

Memo tries to blow me off, but I am FIRM, yet telling her "NO" when she feels
I am mocking her. I work hard to make her believe there is NO WAY I am lying
about this deal, and convince her (I think) that I will try to get rid of the
robots, but only if she lays off the kid, she agrees.


I have to admit, I am quite PROUD as I inform Cy of the agreement, even
laughing when she makes me say "YES, I promise" twice; cute kid. Cy surprises
me when she offers to tell about the cones without me asking. Remembering what
Harry said, I ASK MORE questions. I'm a bit LACONIC when her information is
that they "hurt bad," but when she mentions that Memo says they hate
slime-goo, I decide to LISTEN some more. The kid surprises me again and asks
me if I want her slime-goo gun. I give her an OKEY DOKEY and a grin.


After that I head us back to Binkley Manor. Heading up to the screen gets no
response, so Binkley is still pouting. I get the feeling he didn't turn the
microphone and viewer off at his end, so I tease him out. Telling Wattson a
RIDDLE -- one of those TIMELESS Chicken jokes -- I intentionally mess it up,
knowing an insecure type like Binkley will have to show his vaunted
"superiority" by correcting me. It works, yet when I ask about the Detectron
HELMET INFO, I have to SOFT SOAP the guy, try to butter him up. Like most, he
doesn't give anything away. I try using the FREEZE INFO and bingo! Seems the
dope doesn't even know anything about history after all. He must think I'm an
idiot when he wants me to give my info first: of course he'll then renege on
the deal. I INSIST HE GO FIRST and I learn the helmet is in the Natural
History museum. Just to throw him a curve, I tell him Memo knows about the
Freeze. I'm sure she's old enough and intelligent enough to know about it, and
the concept of the two of them dealing with each other amuses me.


I realize I hadn't been to building 2, so I head there. I find a robot that
I try to TALK to. Sounds like a tour robot: I let Wattson attempt to link up
to see if the robot has acquired any useful info, after Wattson tries to
EXPLAIN what the link does. However, once Wattson does establish the link, the
robot just walks into the next room. We follow and I try to TALK to it again.
I keep following it and trying to talk to it through each room. Eventually,
the tour has to end. In a dead end it seems to run down. I QUERY the robot and
it admits it can't go any farther, and that it has some information.

I ask about DETECTRON and it mentions that two people know about pieces: the
one in the Old Human Junk Center and the one in the Place For Exhibiting Trash
(see paper map). We head out.


I head back to Memo and ask her about the FENCE, wondering if there is any
way past it. She mentions that there is a weak spot and I press her for MORE
INFO. Despite her obstinate and obnoxious attitude, I find out there is a gate
leading to building 13. At this point she tries to clam up, so I goad her by
saying, extremely sarcastically, "SO?" then make a JOKE to take the edge off:
this is one woman I DON'T want as an enemy.


After Memo, I can use a little civilization (or at least that's how I
rationalize it), so I head back to Johnnie. At least my off-hand comments get
a smile out of her; YES, I enjoy talking to her. She admits to being upscale
society, but hey, I won't hold that against her. You don't work as a D.C. cop
without learning the rules: she's the type that one uses the light touch on,
keep everything amusing. I tell her I dropped by in case BRUNO needed
practice. She opens up a bit and mentions the Underground. I know about it
already but I'm pleased she mentions it. For the first time she invites me
back as I leave. Yup, it's a good day.

I realize I'd forgotten to ask her about Detectron, so I head back inside
the building. I'm surprised that Bruno isn't around. Johnnie seems rather
wistful -- odd after our banter earlier -- and I wonder if she is homesick. A
little 21st Century banter helps. When I mention food, she comments on those
cruddy food pellets that she detests. ME TOO. We talk about old-time social
dining for a bit, then the light in her eye dies, wistfully calling it all a
dream. I tell her I DISAGREE: I plan on trying to see that light in her eyes

I got back to business. The closest Detectron part that I know of is the one
in the Natural History museum, but Johnnie doesn't know about it. I knew that
with the slime gun I had now, I can go in but I really don't want to wade in
through all those cones; I want another way in if possible. I am disappointed
that Johnnie is no help, but I stay RELAXED and don't show it. She must have
sensed it, though; she suggests that maybe Harry can help. I take her advice.


Back in the tunnels, I go right until I find Harry. Once again, I stay
RELAXED during the conversation, as Johnnie suggested. I ask him if there's
another way to BREAK IN, like a window or skylight. I think my cool breaks a
bit when I yelp "WHAT?" when he casually mentions a secret passage. Boy, was I
GRATEFUL to Harry; it pays to be nice to folks.


I change guns so I'm using the slime gun, then, walking to the right, I find
myself in building 3. Eventually (go down, right, right, up), I find the
Detectron Brain amidst the cone bodies. It surprises me that Wattson thinks so
highly of the brain. He compares it to his own, but I guess things haven't
progressed much with robots running things. I retrace my steps and get back
into the tunnel.


Quickly, I change back to one of the laser rifles and take the tunnel all the
way back to Doc Valerion to deliver what I've got. I figure I've been hard on
the old guy, so I modestly tell him 'TWAS NOTHIN' to get the parts I've got.


Deciding it might be a good idea to check on Cy, I take the scenic view from
Valerion's place, around 14 over to building 4. She's cheerful enough, kinda
making me think of Johnnie. And _that_ reminds me of COFFEE. I ask Cy if she'd
seen some, thinking Johnnie would really appreciate some. No luck.


Since I'm checking my charges, I swing by Candy. She is in a good mood, good
enough that I say "YOU BET!" when she proffers a joke. Umm...yeah. Anyway, I
ask her about the FENCE, faking ignorance by saying NO when she asks if I know
about the weak spot. She tells me about the spot I already know about, but
then mentions the number of guards. My response sounds a lot TOUGHER than I
feel, but what the hey? Wattson, of course, ruins the entire attempt at


After discussing it, Wattson and I decide to start searching the forest and
zoo shrubbery to look for funnelhead stockpiles in case there is a Detectron
part there. It's long and tedious, but does turn up some surprising things:
laser pistols and rifles of varying strength, a disrupter, and a watergun that
works well on the funnelheads but not on robots or poodles. As we search, I
realize that since the funnelheads are such packrats, if I come back later,
the items I've found would be gone and dropped somewhere else. (In essence, it
appears that the placement of items in the bushes and trees, including the
Detectron part, is randomly generated when the game starts.) I finally find
the Detectron weapon in some bushes at the northeast corner of the lake that
is to the right of the jungle -- the last place we were going to check.


With only one piece of the Detectron system left, I feel good even though I
don't know where the last part is. Success is close and Valerion can put
finish and start up the Detectron robot. In fact, I feel good enough to drop
by and see Johnnie again, strictly socially this time.

But as I head over there, I decide to stop by and try to get more information
from Zapman. I remember the head robot, the one called INTERFACE. Zapman
informs us that Interface is on the other side of the fence in building 13. A
lot of what Zapman says doesn't make sense and Wattson obviously notices my
CONFUSED look as he explains further. Looks like getting out of here means
going through the zoo's head, 'bot.


Even after Zapman, I'm in good spirits. Dropping in on Johnnie, I kid around
and make a REQUEST. She's got her stiff upper lip on again, but I persevere,
keeping the banter FRIENDLY and continuing with the dining memories. She
finally smiles when I give her the BRITISH "Ruggles the butler" routine.
Keeping the conversation light and FUNNY, we have a good time with a
make-believe dinner. She really seems to enjoy that. As I leave, she asks me
to escort her to the cotillion. Hot damn!

Then, she hands me the last remaining Detectron part: the servo! One way or
another, I'll make sure she has her cotillion, and that I'm her escort!


Taking the Underground because it's quicker, we bring all the remaining
pieces to Valerion. I must be in good spirits if the frivolous "YIPPEE!" I
make in response to Valerion's praise is any indication. So naturally, life
has to dump on me in the form of some comments from Valerion. I get SUSPICIOUS
when he hesitates to kick the Detectron into gear. I'm STUNNED from the news,
then get RED HOT with anger at him when he says why. I GIVE IN to his
reasoning only when he points out the alternative.

Still, I'm impressed by Detectron and turn back into a YUKSTER once I'm
wearing it and have a chance to look it over. But, I'm quickly PUZZLED when I
can't seem to fire the weapon. Doc Valerion gets pretty testy; I try to
lighten things up with a NYUK or two; doesn't work. I figure he's the doctor,
and a few hours in the lab should fix it, but he says he can't. When I ask
WHY, he claims someone damaged the Detectron brain beyond repair. After coming
so close and the recent emotional rollercoaster I've been on, it's impossible
to keep the BITTERNESS away, and I get rather ANGRY. When Wattson comments on
how similar Detectron's brain is to his -- again -- the doc and I both get
CURIOUS about _how_ similar they are. Even for a 'bot, Wattson's no dope: I
have to be pretty SUBTLE and SOOTHING with him trying to get him to let the
Doc experiment.

Poor little guy, guess I can't really blame him but the Doc gets his
way...again. After attaching Wattson to the Detectron system, I tell Wattson
to be PHILOSOPHICAL about the whole thing. Actually, once the test starts he
gets so excited I have to CHUCKLE.


I run through the tunnels, heading back to Johnnie. I got to admit, even I
get a kick out of the feeble effects caused by any Red Knights or Poodles we
encounter. But when I get back to Johnnie's place, she isn't there! It just
doesn't feel right; I don't think she is very happy about leaving the building
and Bruno's protection. A nasty suspicion grows in my stomach that I might be
too late with the suit or that the suit caused her disappearance. Leaving the
building, we head toward building 13. I have to search the fence facing the
building while battling Atom Guards to find the gate, but they aren't a
problem. I finally find the gate (a gap in the fence) and enter the building.

With Detectron's heightened senses, I hear machinery running and charge
toward the sounds through the deserted Capitol building (go back, right, back,
back), ending up in a room with a Keeper holding Johnnie. Seeing her held by
that tincan makes me churn inside, but I drop back into the RELAXED
negotiation method that I learned as a cop and bide my time.

Once I see my opportunity, I don't hesitate and FIRE. Johnnie is a bit mad,
but I can tell it is basically stress; our stress levels raise considerably
when the electronics panel next to us starts talking. This junk panel is
Interface? What can I say? I throw it an INSULT. Ya know, the way it talks
reminds me of some of the creeps from the old days. When it offers me a bribe,
I act SLOW on the upswing to stall for time: keeping Johnnie safe is
paramount. It gives me the usual "join-or-die" offer. I have no choice and
REFUSE. The subsequent shootout is no contest. Finally, the only LATIN phrase
I know is appropriate.


Well, Johnnie and I talked about a CARIBBEAN vacation which I was all for,
but then she agreed when both Valerion and Wattson butted in that there was a
world to save. Those two are the biggest killjoys! Can a robot have a human

FREE D.C.! is published and distributed by Cineplay Interactive, Inc.

This walkthru is copyright (c) 1992 by Dave Timoney.

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