Freddy Pharkas - Frontier Pharmacist

Freddy Pharkas - Frontier Pharmacist

15.10.2013 17:51:33


How do I prepare Penelope's prescription?

Consult "The Modern Day Book of Health and Hygiene" that came with the game.
To make pretty Penelope Primm her prescription, go to your lab in the back
office and click the Hand cursor on the lab shelves. Grab the Graduated
Cylinder by clicking the Hand cursor on it and place it on the table. Locate
and click the Hand cursor on the "Pepticlymacine Tetrazole". Click it on the
Graduated Cylinder until it reads the specified amount. Pick up a Medicine
Bottle by clicking the Hand cursor on it and place it on the table. To
finish up, just grab the Graduated Cylinder, click it on the Bottle, grab a
Cork to close the Bottle and you're done! Take the Bottle out to Penelope
and she'll be eternally grateful.

How do I prepare Helen Black's prescription?

Consult "The Modern Day Book of Health and Hygiene" that came with the game.
To make Helen Black's prescription, move the Graduated Cylinder and the
Beaker to the lab table. Then select "Bismuth Enterosalicyline" and put the
specified amount into the Cylinder. Click the specified amount from the
bottle of "Phenodol Oxytriglychlorate" on the Balance. Pick up the Balance
Pan and click it on the Beaker. Click the Graduated Cylinder on the Beaker
and select a Glass Rod. Click the Glass Rod on the Beaker to stir the
mixture. Take the Beaker and click it on the Pill-making Machine. Take an
empty Pill Bottle from the shelf and click it on the spout of the Pill-making
Machine seven times. Now cork it! I mean, get a Cork from the shelf and
click it on the Pill Bottle and take it out to Helen.

How do I read Madame Ovaree's prescription?

The first thing you gotta do is figure out how to read the Prescription. It
was written by Doc when he was looking through a whiskey glass. You'll need
to do the same to read it. Go to the saloon and get the Whiskey Glass from
Doc. Click it on the Prescription. As you slide the glass around on the
paper, you'll be able to read it.

How do I prepare Madame Ovaree's prescription?

Consult "The Modern Day Book of Health and Hygiene" that came with the game.
Go back to your lab and get a bottle of "Bimenthylquinoline Crystals".
Click it on the Balance until it reads the specified amount. Click the
Balance Pan on the Mortar to pour in the Crystals. Select the
"Metyraphosphate Powder" on the Balance until it reads the specified amount.
Click the Balance Pan on the Mortar to put in the powder. Click the Hand
cursor on the Pestle to grind the mixture. Move the Medicine Papers to the
lab table. Move a Prescription Box to the lab table. Click the Spatula on
the Mortar, and then the full Spatula on the Medicine Papers to make the
proper dosage. Click the Hand cursor on the Medicine Paper to fold it. Move
the Paper to the Prescription Box. Be sure to put the correct number of
medicine packages in the box per the prescription. Take the Prescription Box
off the table and exit the lab screen.

What exactly am I supposed to give Smithie?

Smithie needs some "Preparation G" from the front counter on the left.


What am I supposed to do in this Act?

Pay close attention to Willie as he explains a little bit about what's going
on in Coarsegold. You will have to solve this town's immediate problems if
you or anyone else are to survive.

I keep being asphyxiated from the horses! Help.

First thing you have to do is clear the air. For that you will need a gas
mask. Go into Mom's Cafe and pick up the Can of Beans. Then walk down the
alleyway and around to the back of Mom's Cafe. Pick up the Ice Pick and the
Elixir. Click the Ice Pick on the Can of Beans in your Inventory window.
Walk to Smithie's Shop, get some Charcoal out of his fire pit, and the
Leather Strap from his wall. Open your inventory window, click on the
Charcoal and then click the Charcoal cursor on the Can of Beans. Next select
the Leather Strap and click it on the Can of Beans and sure as shootin', you
now have a homemade Gas Mask!

I'm fully equipped to deal with the gas. What do I do now?

To clear the air for the rest of Coarsegold, go to the General Store and
click the Hand cursor on the Paper Bag that's on the counter. Head to your
lab using the Gas Mask as needed to make it through the now tracerusstreets
of Coarsegold. Along the way to the Pharmacy, observe the horses and click
the Paper Bag on them at just the right moment (wait until you see their
tails raise) and collect a sample of air from the horse.

How do I make the horses stop flatulizing?

Consult "The Modern Day Book of Health and Hygiene" that came with the game
to prepare the Deflatulizer. Get the Elixir from outside the back of Mom's
Cafe. You have to have a Bag of Horse Flatulence too. In the lab, click the
Elixir, then the Matches on the Burner. Move the Spectroscope in front of
the Burner. Click the Bag of Horse Flatulence on the Burner. Grab the
"Sodium Bicarbonate" and click it on the Balance until it reads the specified
amount. Click the Balance Pan on the Beaker and move the Graduated Cylinder
to the table. Choose the bottle of "Furachlordone" from the shelf and click
it on the Graduated Cylinder until it reads the specified amount. Click the
Graduated Cylinder on the Beaker. Add the specified amount of Water to the
Graduated Cylinder. Pour the Water from the Graduated Cylinder into the
Beaker. Grab the "Magnesium Sulphate" and click the specified amount onto the
Balance. Click the Balance Pan on the Beaker. Stir the concoction in the
Beaker with a Stirring Rod and place a Medicine Bottle on the table. Click
the Beaker on the Medicine Bottle. Get a Cork from the shelf and click it on
the Medicine Bottle.

How do I use the "Deflatulizer"?

Select the Deflatulizer bottle from your inventory and click in on the
horse's water trough outside your shop.

How do I stop the stampeding snails?

Looks like a good stiff drink is in order... but not for Freddy! To stop the
stampeding snails, go to the Bartender, Sam Andreas, and give him money to
buy a Case of Beer. Walk to the church around the back of the main street
and click the Look cursor on the door on the right. Take the Church Key out
of the lock. Walk to Robertson Cliff. Robertson Cliff is across the old
bridge. Open your inventory window and select the Church Key. Click the
Church Key on the Case of Beer and click the Open Bottle of Beer on the
railroad tracks to fend off the mad herd of stampeding snails.

How do I rescue Srini from the Anthill?

Talk to Srini and walk back to the Schoolhouse. Get the Ladder from the
slide and walk back to Robertson Cliff. Click the Ladder on the Anthill and
you've got a friend for life.

How do I purify the town's water supply?

Consult "The Modern Day Book of Health and Hygiene" that came with the game
to prepare a Water Purification Solution. Go to your lab and click on the
bottle of "Bismuth Subsalicylate". Put the specified amount into the
Graduated Cylinder. Move the Test Tube to the table. Click the Graduated
Cylinder on the Test Tube. Click the bottle of "Orphenamethihydride" and put
the specified amount into the Graduated Cylinder. Click the Graduated
Cylinder on the Test Tube again. Click the Matches on the Burner to light
it. Click the Test Tube on the Burner and hold it in place until the mixture
comes to a boil. Move the Medicine Bottle to the lab table, and click the
Test Tube on the Medicine Bottle. Finally, click the Hand cursor on the Cork
and the Cork on the Medicine Bottle.

How do I get the purification solution into the water supply?

Walk to Smithies' shop. Get the Rope and the Ladder. Go to the Water Tower
and click the Ladder on the Water Tower (with the dripping spigot). Click
the Walk cursor on the top of the Ladder. Click the Hand cursor on the
Ladder to retrieve it for reuse. Click the Ladder on the top of the Water
Tower. Click the Hand cursor on the top of the Water Tower to climb the
ladder. Open your Inventory window and click the hand cursor on the Rope to
create a Lasso. Take the Lasso from your inventory and click it on the top
of the Water Tower. Click the Hand cursor on the hatch on top of the Water
Tower. Click your Water Purification Solution on the open hatch and you're

The Assay Office is on fire! How do I put it out?

Outside the Pharmacy is a delivery of Baking Soda. Get it and walk to the
Schoolhouse. Place the "Baking Soda" on the east side of the teeter-totter
and get onto the swing. Click the Hand cursor on Freddy three times to get
him swinging higher and higher. Your timing is critical here. When Freddy
reaches the highest point in the swing, click the Hand cursor on the roof of
the Schoolhouse. Freddy will climb on top of the roof. Jump onto the raised
end of the teeter-totter and you will catapult the baking soda onto the fire,
dousing it.

Act II won't end. What did I miss?

Walk to the Brothel. The Brothel can be found by going South on the road
from the blacksmith's shop. Listen to the Banker and the Sheriff. Enter the
Brothel. Click the Hand cursor on the French Postcards. Talk to each of the
ladies roaming the Lobby. Madame Ovaree will have a warning for you. Act II
will end.


I need a disguise, I need some guns!

Click the Hand cursor on the Nightstand Drawer. Look at it with the Look
cursor. Take the Desk Key you see there, and walk down to the Lab room.
Click the Desk Key on the roll-top desk to unlock it. Click the Hand cursor
on the desk to open it. Click the Look cursor on the drawer to see the
Letter. Take the Letter from the drawer. Open your Inventory window and
click the Look cursor on the Letter to read it.

How do I get into my safe deposit box?

Go to the Cemetery and click the Hand cursor on the Shovel. Click the Look
cursor on the tombstones to find Phillip D. Graves' grave. Click the Shovel
cursor on Phillip Grave's Grave to dig up Phillip. Click the Hand cursor on
the open grave and get the Safe Deposit Key from your old buddy. Fill the
grave back up by clicking the Shovel on the grave. Walk to the Bank. Once
inside the Bank, click the Safe Deposit Key on the Banker.

What do I need from the safe deposit box?

Once you get a close-up of the Safe Deposit Box, click the Hand cursor on the
Neckerchief and then the Pistols, then the Neckerchief again. Leave the

Where do I get ammo?

Go to Mom's Cafe and click the Hand cursor on the Coffee Pot to get a Cup of
Coffee. Walk to the Sheriff's Office and give the Coffee to the Sheriff.
He'll give you some Ammunition.

Help! My gun keeps exploding!

You need to clean your gun to keep it from exploding. Get the Horse Plop
from the street and drop it on the floor of Mom's Cafe. Go to Mom's backdoor
and steal the Pie from the window. Walk back to the Sheriff's Office. Offer
the Pie to the Sheriff and he will give you the Gun Cleaning Kit in return.
Use the Kit on your guns. Now you're set for target practice.

My shootin' is ok, but I can't figure out how to complete my disguise.

Get Freddy's Gunfighter Clothes out of the Steamer Trunk in his bedroom.
Open the dresser drawer and get out the Boot Claim Check. Give the Claim
Check to the Barber and he will give you your Boots.

I need a new ear.

Get the Silver Medallion hanging from the wall in the Pharmacy. Give it to
Whittlin' Willie. He'll explain what you need to do. Go to the Church, open
the doors, and get some Wax from the burning candles. Go back to the General
Store and get Willie's knife. Click the Knife on the Wax to carve a Wax Ear.
Walk to the Cemetery and get some Clay from good ol' Phillip Graves'
gravesite. Click the Clay on the Wax Ear and you will have a Wax Filled Clay
Mold. Go back to the Lab. At the Lab Table, click the Matches on the
Burner, and then heat up the Clay Ear Mold. This creates an Empty Mold.
Place the Crucible on the table. Put the Medallion in the Crucible. Click
the Crucible on the Burner to melt the Medallion. Click the Empty Mold on
the Crucible and you will have a Silver Filled Mold. Click the hand cursor
on the mold to get your Silver Ear.

Act III never ends. What did I miss?

You need to be in disguise. Click the Silver Ear, the Neckerchief, the
Clothes, and the Boots on Freddy and you're set!


What the heck is going on in this town anyway?

Talk to Chester Field as he parades up and down Coarsegold. He'll tell you
what's happening.

Aces is cheatin' but I don't know how to stop him!

By using careful timing, click the Hand cursor on Aces' third hand as he
raises it. You will catch Aces cheating. Freddy will overturn the Poker
table and dive behind it. To defeat Aces, shoot at the foot railing along
the bar. The bullet will ricochet off and hit the chandelier. The
chandelier will come crashing down on Aces.

Cowhands are shootin' up the town... and me. How do I stop them?

Avoid the main street of town. Exit the Saloon via the back door. Enter the
Barber Shop from the rear entrance. Give the Barber the French Postcards you
picked up from the Brothel and you will get a tank of Nitrous Oxide, or
Laughing Gas. Leave the Barber Shop through the back door. Go up the steps
from the back of the Hotel to the balcony. Place the Nitrous Oxide on the
rail of the balcony. Go back down the stairs. Walk back to the front of the
Brothel. Enter the Gazebo. From here you have a clear shot of the Nitrous
Oxide. Shoot the Nitrous Oxide. The cowhands will laugh themselves silly.

I'm up against the Lever Brothers arcade and can't win.

The object is to shoot the Lever Brothers, Snails, and Vultures while not
hitting innocent bystanders. If you have trouble, select an easier arcade

Kenny the Kid keeps pluggin' me!

When you face Kenny the Kid, you'll be looking down the street from behind
Freddy. As you see Kenny draw his gun, shoot him. Freddy will get his ear
shot off and fall to the ground. There is no way to avoid being shot.

Kenny left me dyin' in the street. Now what?

Click the Neckerchief on Freddy's ear to stop the bleeding. Walk to the
Schoolhouse and talk with Penelope. She will eventually pull a Derringer on
Freddy. Quickly grab the Student Slate from the table next to you and
deflect her shot. You will only be knocked unconscious.

How do I escape from the Schoolhouse basement?

After Penelope leaves Freddy to a fiery doom, click the Hand cursor on Freddy
repeatedly to get him to rock his chair. Once Freddy topples over, click the
Hand cursor on the Silver Ear. Click the Silver Ear on the floor to sharpen
it. Use the sharpened Ear to cut the ropes and watch Freddy dash upstairs.

Penelope keeps slicing me up!

Grab the remaining Saber from the wall and fight Penelope with it. Back her
up as far as you can. If you back her up far enough, She'll lose her balance
and fall, dropping her Saber.

Kenny the Kid showed up again to cut my career as a gunfighter short. How do
I defeat him?

Once Kenny the Kid enters, keep the Saber on Penelope, and use Freddy's
Silver Ear to kill Kenny by clicking it on him.

Congratulations! You've not only finished the game, but you've saved all of
Coarsegold! Good shootin' Tex!

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