

08.10.2013 22:46:15
Raptor: Call of the Shadows
Game Guide
by: Billy Lee
Version 1

This document (c)2001 Billy Lee. This FAQ may not be used or distributed for
commercial use. It may be distributed freely as long as it is not altered in
any way and I am given full credit for it. Raptor: Call of the Shadows is
(c)1994 Cygnus Studios.

Version History:
Version 1: You're looking at it, probably the only version there will be.

Most Recent Version of this file available at GameFAQs(www.gamefaqs.com).

Table of Contents /
1. Before you play /
2. Weapons/Power Ups /
3. Levels /
4. Hints and Tips /
5. Acknowledgements \

1. Before you play

Before running Raptor: Call of the Shadows, you first need to run the
setup.exe file in order to set up your controls and audio hardware. If you
are running Windows 95/98 and you do not know what your sound card is, go to:
Start->Settings->Control Panel
Open up "System"
Click on the "Device Manager" tab
Scroll down to the "Sound, Video, and Game Controllers" line
Press the "+" in front of it
You should see the name of a sound card in there, or something called "Sound
Blaster Emulation."
Highlight that and click the "Properties" button below it
Go to the "Resources" tab
Read where it says "Input/Output Range," "Interupt Request," and "Direct
Memory Access" and write those down(if you have a good enough memory that
you don't need to, that's just as good)
When you choose your sound card in the setup.exe, use those values when asked
for them. If you have a soundcard other than one that is selectable, simply
use the Soundblaster option and that should work just as well.

2. Weapons/Power Ups

This is a basic run-down on the various weapons/power ups available for
sale in the shop.

Power Ups:

Energy Module(10000) - Your ships basic shielding, without which you die

Ion Scanner(10000) - Tells you how much life a boss type enemy has

Phase Shield(78500) - Absorb Damage so you don't get killed as fast, you can
only buy 5, but can carry up to 13 if you find them in an area.

Weapons - Special:

Mega Bomb(32250) - Kills all normal enemies and destroys all buildings on the
screen. Deals pretty hefty damage to bosses as well. You can only carry
up to 5 of them at one time.

Weapons - Always Equipped:

Twin Machine Guns(12000) - You start with them, they'll hit anything that can
be hit.

Plasma Cannon(78800) - Not the strongest weapon in the game, but they are
powerful enough to kill weaker enemies in one hit.

Micro Missiles(175600) - They basically work the same as your machine guns,
but they only hit targets, they won't hit buildings like the machine guns

Weapons - Selectable:

Air\Air Missile(63500) - Fairly powerful, they'll only hit air targets tho.

Bomb(98200) - Not really powerful at all, and they only hit ground targets.

Air\Ground Missile(110000) - They work just like Air/Air only they hit ground
targets instead of air. Will kill almost any ground target with one hit,
including buildings.

Dumbfire Missiles(145200) - Although they'll hit both land and air targets,
they're actually quite useless since they are really weak and they don't go
foreward exactly when you fire them. They work like a drop-fire type of
missile, basically when they fire they will first drop back behind the ship
and seperate a little bit, then fire straight foreward. Due to this, you
have to anticipate where the enemy will be when the missiles finally decide
to go foreward.

Missile Pod(204950) - Like the Air\Air Missiles, only a lot more powerful.

Auto-Track Mini-Gun(250650) - This is as powerful as your normal machine guns
but it will automatically aim and hit any enemy, making it quite useful.
The only downside is that the further a moving enemy is from the ship, the
harder it will be to hit with the weapon.

Power Disruptor(300750) - This hardly does any damage to the enemy at all,
but it does disable them for a short period of time, in other words, the
enemies won't fire at you when they're effected by this. Even so it's not
as useful as it sounds. It will only fire foreward and usually the enemy
will be able to fire at you before it gets hit. And also because of its
weakness, you will have to switch to another weapon to be able to finish
the enemy off.

Laser Turret(512850) - Like the auto track mini-gun on steroids. This weapon
only hits air targets, but it will hit any air target no matter where it is
on the screen and will usually destroy the target within 1-3 shots. This
is definately one of my favorite weapons.

Pulse Cannon(725000) - Like every other weapon that hits both land and air
with a fast firing rate, it's not the most powerful weapon in the game, but
it does pack enough of a punch to be a viable weapon. Basically it fires
little purple waves foreward really fast that hit any enemy that gets in
the way.

Deathray(950000) - This is one hell of a weapon. It's not the fastest weapon
in your arsenal, but it makes up for that with raw fire power, killing
almost any enemy in one hit.

Twin Laser(1750000) - The most expensive weapon in the game and for good
reason. This sucker annihilates any and everything that gets in its way,
land or air. It's strong enough to kill just about any boss in less than
10 seconds.

3. Levels

Section TOC:
3-A. Bosses
3-B. Power Ups

3-A. Bosses

Almost every boss in the game is the same, they will fire a lot of weaponry
at the bottom of the screen and have afew auto-aiming guns to go with it.
The differences in them are how many auto-aimers are going after you and what
kind of weaponry is coming down at you. Obviously the bosses early on won't
have hard hitting stuff, while the bosses later on will.
The easiest way to beat any boss is to get either the Auto Aim Mini-Gun or
the Laser Turret and simply go in circles around the boss. If you've got one
of the heavy hitters(Deathray, Twin Laser) then use the same method as before
only switch to them when you are below the boss(when it's in it's "reloading"
period when it doesn't fire for about a second or two) and then switch back.

3-B. Power Ups

Certain ships can be shot down and will leave a yellow star inside a cirlce.
You can pick those up for extra points.

Ship Power Ups Can be gotten in one of two ways inside levels:
1. Shoot a power up container on the ground. They kinda look like side-
ways Energy Modules.
2. Shoot a flying power up container. These are easy to spot sicne they
all look the same, they will not fire at you, and they will fly slowly
from the top of the screen to the bottom of the screen.

Every level will contain at least two power ups, and some have more.

3-B-a. Bravo Sector

Wave 1: Energy Module, Air\Air Missile
Wave 2: Energy Module, Cash
Wave 3: Air\Ground Missile, Energy Module
Wave 4: Mega Bomb, Energy Module, Cash
Wave 5: Energy Module, Cash, Mega Bomb
Wave 6: Dumbfire Missiles, Mega Bomb(2), Cash
Wave 7: Mega Bomb(2), Cash
Wave 8: Energy Module(2), Cash
Final Wave: Mega Bomb(3), Energy Module

3-B-b. Tango Sector

Wave 1: Air\Air Missile, Energy Module, Cash
Wave 2: Mega Bomb(2), Energy Module, Cash
Wave 3: Mega Bomb, Energy Module, Cash
Wave 4: Phase Shield, Mega Bomb(2)
Wave 5: Air\Ground Missile, Energy Module, Cash
Wave 6: Phase Shield, Mega Bomb(2)
Wave 7: Air\Air Missile, Mega Bomb, Cash
Wave 8: Phase Shield, Dumbfire Missiles, Energy Module
Final Wave: Mega Bomb(2), Cash, Energy Module

3-B-c. Outer Region

Wave 1: Air\Ground Missile, Mega Bomb, Energy Module
Wave 2: Air\Air Missile, Energy Module, Mega Bomb
Wave 3: Phase Shield, Dumbfire Missile
Wave 4: Mega Bomb(2), Cash, Energy Module
Wave 5: Mega Bomb, Energy Module, Cash
Wave 6: Cash(2), Mega Bomb
Wave 7: Mega Bomb, Missile Pod
Wave 8: Mega Bomb, Cash(2), Energy Module
Final Wave: Mega Bomb(2), Energy Module(2)

4. Hints and Tips

There are several cheat codes for Raptor, but I am against that sort of
cheating, so I'm not going to list them. However, there is an a exploit to
the game that will allow you to take advantage of a situation without
cheating(for example, the level up/down trick from Final Fantasy Tactics).
Pulling it off is simple, simply start a level where there is an expensive
power up in it, such as Bravo Sector: Wave 3, where the Air\Ground Missiles
are, then hit the "Esc" key on the keyboard and choose to save and exit. You
will still have the weapon, but you won't have completed the level, meaning
you can go back to the same level and get the same power up again. You can
keep doing this until you have the money to buy the weapon of your choice
*hint*Twin Laser*hint*. There is one thing you want ot watch out for though,
that is that if you take damage in the time it takes to get the weapon, you
will still have lost that amount of ship energy. Not that it matters with
your normal energy since you can just buy that, but you have to watch out for
Phase Shields.

My favorite weapons are the Twin Laser and Laser Turret, they are both well
worth the cash you'll need to get them.

It's usually a good idea to keep an Air\Ground Missile in your inventory
until you get the Deathray/Twin Laser since the Machine Gun and Micro
Missiles will take a little while to kill ground targets, which may result in
more pain for your ship.

5. Acknowledements

Mike - My best friend. awwwwwww..........
Cygnus - Making the game
Apogee - They distributed the game(I think, their name is on the box so they
must have had something to do with it).

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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