Ultima 5

Ultima 5

13.10.2013 03:46:52
Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny

Walkthrough / Solution

By Jacky Swallia - 2001 - 2002

1. Introduction:
-About me
-Guide History
-Credits & Legal stuff
2. History of Britannia (brief):
3. Beginning the quest:
-Choosing your path
4. The Walkthrough (semi non-spoiler)
-Suggestions for the journey
5. The Spoilers
-Mantras & Shrines
-Words of Power
-The Shrines and the Codex
-The Artifacts
-The Shards and the Shadowlords
-The Final journey
6. Spells & Reagents
7. Potions & Scrolls
8. Weapons & Armour
9. The Resistance and the Oppression
10. The Night Sky
11. Items & Services
12. Moongates & Moonstones
13. Party Characters
14. Monsters & Battle
15. Closing thoughts

1. Introduction:
This is my first attempt at a walkthrough and if I do say so
myself, I think it's pretty good. You will find everything here to
complete Ultima V and then some. If you have any questions, comments,
suggestions, corrections, please e-mail me. If you find this guide
helpful and you like it, please let me know also as I need the boost in
self-esteem every once in a while. MightyHamsterX@aol.com

V 1.2: 8/26/02 - It's been a while, but I finally have new things to add
such as suggestions from e-mails and some other stuff.
V 1.1: 8/13/01 - Corrected some spelling mistakes and fixed the
formatting so hopefully it's more readable.
V 1.0: 8/11/01 - My first attempt so cut me some slack! It's as
complete as I can make it right now, but that does not mean in any way
that I won't be adding things in the future.

Credits & Legal Stuff:
Ultima is copyrighted by Origin Systems, Inc. I am not associated
with Origin by any stretch of the imagination and neither is my
walkthrough, but they defiantly deserve their credit where it's due.
This walkthrough is my work and is 100% copyrighted by me, Jacky
Swallia and is protected by International copyright law. I made this
walkthrough so people can have a complete guide to Ultima V, so please
feel free to use it for your personal use as you like, but under no
circumstances may this be reproduced and/or sold for use of any kind
without MY permission! The most updated version of this guide will
always be at www.gamefaqs.com and www.gamewinners.com and
www.neoseeker.com and http://dlh.net also have permission to post my
guide. If you see it anywhere else, please let me know as I am very
poor and I could use the money for a lawsuit.
For the most part this walkthrough is the result of many, many,
many (and I do mean MANY) hours of personal game play, but some sections
simply could not have been possible without the book "Paths of Destiny"
and of course the Book of Lore.

2. Brief History of Britannia:
I am not going to go into a detailed history because basically,
it's not that important. And the first three Ultima games were a little
before my time and I never really got into them anyway. But here is the
story, as I understand it from the Book of Lore.
In the beginning Britannia was knows as Sosaria. At a time long
ago in our world, a young guy was becoming more and more discouraged by
the way things were going (if only he could see what's going on now!).
The guy goes walking one day and finds a moongate and goes through to
Sosaria and meets Shamino. Shamino decides to call the guy British
because he was from the British Isles. Anyway, British became a great
guy and eventually became Lord British.
In the First Age of Darkness, the main baddie was Mondain, a
generally nasty guy. He kills his father, takes his sun gem and tries
to make himself immortal with it. He goes on a terror spree and Lord
British calls on a stranger to come and save Sosaria. A stranger comes,
defeats Mondain, and all is well for a while.
In the Second Age of Darkness Minax, Mondain's apprentice picks up
where Mondain left off. Again Lord British calls for a hero and a hero
answers the call, comes and defeats Minax and again all is well.
So a while passes and Sosaria then falls into the Third Age of
Darkness. An island appears in Sosaria with fire and evil all around
it. You would think people would notice a fiery island just spring up
overnight. Anyway, Lord British again calls for a hero and this time 4
heroes show up. Exodus is defeated and the city-states of Sosaria
become united under Lord British and the land is re-named Britannia.
Now that three ages of darkness have been overcome, the Age of the
Avatar is among us. Nobody is terrorizing Britannia, but Lord British
feels his people need an example of how to live, so he calls on yet
another hero to go on the Quest of the Avatar conquer the Great Stygian
Abyss and the Codex of Ultimate Wisdom.
All that being said, here we are now. All that evil has been
conquered, but the dungeons are still hanging around breeding monsters
and those monsters are just roaming Britannia and that just cannot be.
Lord British assembles the Great Council and they seal off the dungeons
and raise the Codex. Everything is great, right? Wrong! It seems Lord
British has gotten himself in a little trouble. OK, a lot of trouble.
He's gotten himself lost in the Underworld and with him gone, Lord
Blackthorn has taken control of Britannia. That wouldn't be so bad,
except Blackthorn is under the control of the Shadowlords and they do
not have good intentions. So here, you the hero, are again. Hold on
tight because this Ultima V is going to blow you away.

3. Beginning the Quest: Choosing your path
If you've played Ultima IV, then you know how this works. But for
those who have not, here's how it goes. You're walking and you meet the
gypsy who's going to help you choose your path. You are asked a series
of virtue related questions and you are asked to choose between one
option and another. In Ultima IV what you chose determined your
character class and where you started the game, pretty important stuff.
But in Ultima V, you start the game as an Avatar in Iolo's Hut
regardless of what you choose. It's strictly personal preference here
and as far as I can tell, it does not affect your character much what
you choose.

4. The Walkthrough (semi-spoiler free)
I have decided to write a semi-spoiler free walkthrough for a few
reasons. For those people who want to explore on their own, but just
want a hint here and there, for those people who just want to be
reminded of one point in the game and for those people who don't want to
be complete cheaters. For those people who want someone to hold their
hand and tell them every detail, don't get your panties in a bunch. I
have plenty of spoilers later in the guide. Remember, this walkthrough
is only a guide, it's not carved in stone. I am simply presenting all
of the things needed to complete the game. How you go about doing these
things is entirely up to you. You can go any order you want. It won't
hurt my feelings if you want to do things different than I have here.
OK, so here goes.
Probably the most time consuming part of the game is getting your
Avatar up to level 8, which is 6,400 experience points. This takes a
long, long, long time and there are no real shortcuts I have found, so
just battle away.
The next task is not nearly so difficult, but just as time
consuming. This is the task of visiting each shrine and going on a
quest to the codex. You're going to need a ship to even start this one
because the Codex is on the Isle of Avatar and there is no other way to
get there. Before you attempt this you're going to need to find all the
mantras also because the shrines don't appreciate you meditating with
the wrong mantra. The mantras are pretty easy to find, but if you need
help for this task, check the spoiler section on shrines. Once you have
a mantra for a virtue, go to its shrine and meditate. The shrine will
tell you what to do next. Do this for each shrine and when you finish,
you will get an important message revealing a little about what's to
This task is actually a series of small tasks. Not only do you
have to rescue Lord British from the underworld, but you've got to take
him a bunch of stuff he left behind also. This wouldn't be so bad,
except that the stuff he needs is scattered throughout Britannia and
you've got to find it.
The first item you need to find is Lord British's Crown. The crown
is in Lord Blackthorn's castle and if you get it early enough in the
game, it can be very useful to you before you go into the Underworld
The next item you need to rescue is Lord British's scepter from
Stonegate, the keep of the Shadowlords. This is one of the more
difficult items to recover, so good luck.
Next, you need to get the sandalwood box. This is in the top of
Lord British's castle, behind a hidden wall and some magically locked
And finally you need to get Lord British's amulet from the
Underworld. I saved this one for last because you really should not be
roaming the Underworld early in the game anyhow. But remember, you can
do these in any order you want and if you need more help see the spoiler
section on quests.
Something else that should also be completed later in the game is
obtaining the shards from the Underworld. I cannot stress how dangerous
the Underworld is and you should really wait a while to attempt this.
In any case, if you've paid any attention to the NPC's in the game, you
know that each Shadowlord is the spawn of a shard and there are three
shards: Falsehood, Cowardice and Hatred. The shards are the remnants of
the gem of Mondain, if you're familiar with the earlier Ultima games.
Anyway, the shards are in the Underworld and the Underworld is huge and
it's a whole lot of nothing. Plan on spending the majority of the later
part of the game down there. Now, I'm not going to leave you hanging
like that. I spent a long time writing a very detailed walkthrough to
getting each shard so you don't have to suffer like I did. It's later
in the guide under shards & Shadowlords if you need help. Of course,
you're free to try to find them yourself. If you do this, plan on
spending a long, long, long time in the Underworld.
Once you get the shards head back to Britannia and to the three
main keeps. From here go to the flame for each castle and summon the
Shadowlord opposite the principle of the keep by yelling it's name.
Once it appears, cast the shard into the flame and both the Shadowlord
and the shard are gone forever.
The above tasks are the required tasks to complete the game.
There's no skipping any of them. Once you complete them, Lord British
will appear to you in one of those apparitions he's famous for. He will
tell you your time has come and to come and get him.
This next part is just some suggestions for the long journey ahead
and some information on how to get some items and so forth. I promise,
it's still pretty much spoiler-free, but as always more details can be
found later in the guide. This game is pretty difficult to write a
traditional walkthrough for because it's not linear and there are
optional things, so all I'm offering here is suggestions. Take them for
what you will.
You start the game in Iolo's Hut, regardless of what you chose in
the intro. Iolo's hut is south of Yew, so that's probably a good place
to start heading towards. Jaana is here waiting for you underground,
hiding like the rest of your party members will be. It's probably a
good idea to get her right away because you need a magic user. To the
west of Yew is Empath Abbey. Go here next and get the grapple from Lord
Michael right away because this is such an important item and it's often
forgotten. Julia and Toshi here will also join your party, if you want
You're going to want to start making the rounds of the various
cities. There is so much information in each one that you should really
talk to everyone. If you talk to someone and it seems like they're
holding back information, odds are they are. You just have to know what
buttons to push to get people to talk. The guards, however, will not
talk to you except to take your money. Unless you don't mind losing a
lot of money, stay away from the guards in most towns, especially in
Minoc because they will take half your gold there. Really, they're not
too hard to evade, but if you do run into one and you can't or don't
pay, you will be arrested. If this happens, go quietly because if you
try to fight the guards you will probably lose very badly. Either way,
you will be taken to the prison in Yew and it's really not too hard to
escape, but remember when the guards arrest you, they take your keys.
While you're checking out the cities, every once in a while you'll
enter one and you'll get some spooky music and some text that says "An
air of Hatred/Falsehood/Cowardice doth surround thee..." This means that
there's a Shadowlord in town and it's best just to leave. People will
attack you or lie to you or steal from you or overcharge you in stores
and moreover, you'll probably run into a Shadowlord in the middle of
town and they will kill you. (NOTE: I had previously written that it
is impossible to kill a Shadowlord. I have since gotten an e-mail from
Andy who says it is possible to kill them in normal combat [but VERY
hard] and the glass sword also works on them.) The Shadowlord only
stays in town for one day, so the next day it will probably be safe,
unless a different Shadowlord invades, which is entirely possible too.
There is a way to predict the Shadowlord's invasions. The best people
to ask about this would be astronomers, but for more on this, check out
the section on the night sky.
I suggest trying to get to Minoc pretty early because in the
northwest corner of town there is a lone tree and if you search it you
find 5 skull keys. Each day this supply is replaced so you can always
go back for more. Skull keys unlock magic doors and the sooner you get
them, the better. There is also a spell that can unlock magic doors,
but you probably won't be at the fifth circle for quite some time.
After you get the skull keys, you can get the magic carpet, which
is so incredibly useful. It's locked away at the top of Lord British's
castle behind the magic door. The magic carpet can go over poison,
traps and shallow water safely. Getting this early in the game will
make travel so much faster and will increase your range without having
to buy a skiff.
When you do finally get the urge to travel the seas, don't buy a
ship. If you wander around the coast enough, especially the cape around
Minoc, you will run into pirates. The prices for ships are outrageous
and it's not worth it. Once you do get a ship, you're going to need the
HMS Cape Plans from East Brittany. These rig your ship for double speed
and makes sea travel so much easier. Plus, you can outrun sea monsters
I also suggest getting to Jhelom as soon as possible, either as
soon as you get a ship or as soon as the moongates are favorable. Why?
In the southeast corner, outside the city walls, there is a tree stump
and in that stump is a magic axe. You're going to want this weapon.
It's the most powerful and you need a good, ranged, power weapon for
your Avatar and odds are you're not going to have the gold to actually
buy a magic axe for quite a while. So don't pass up this freebie!
If you decide to divulge into the world of the Oppression, you're
going to hear about the Black Badge. This can be a useful item to have.
If you wear it in Blackthorn's castle, the guards will leave you alone.
All they'll do is talk to you once and then you're free to wander the
castle as you please. This is especially helpful in getting back Lord
British's crown. Sounds great, right? Well, it's not called the BLACK
Badge for nothing. You have to get pretty deep into the Oppression and
finally Elisteria in Windmere will give it to you, but it kills your
karma. You can always redeem your karma, but it takes a while, so it's
really up to you. While you're in Windmere you'll run unto another
Oppression higher-up named Thurd. He will give you the jeweled armour
and weapons, which seem like a great deal, but that could not be more
false. The jeweled weapons will never cause any damage to any creature
and the armour couldn't protect you from a little girl's sneeze. And
you can't sell them in any shop, so they are really, completely useless.
Don't take them, they will damage your karma and for no good whatsoever.
The last part of the game involves finally going to bring back the
true and rightful King, Lord British. I'm not going to completely spoil
it here, but I will tell you that once you complete all the tasks and
Lord British ordains you via apparition, you'll need to go to the
dungeon Shame. This is the only dungeon that connects to the Underworld
in the area where you need to be. Once you get to the Underworld you're
going to meet a new challenge in the dungeon Doom. Conquer this and
congratulations! You've just finished Ultima V!

5. The Spoilers
Ok, so here's what you really want. The spoilers. Here is all the
information you need to know, but are too lazy to go and find yourself.
Please note that I have not figured out a way to make the rune alphabet
in Ultima V from Courier New font, so I have translated sextant
coordinates and scrolls and some other things into English. If you
don't have the documentation that comes with the game that has the
alphabet, I understand that it can be found almost anywhere on the
Internet or even in encyclopedias so just look around a little and
you'll find it.

The Mantras:
Interestingly enough, the mantras are the same as in Ultima IV and
so are the locations of the shrines. I should also point out that there
are no runes of entry required to enter shrines in Ultima V. So don't
go looking for them like an idiot like I did. Anyone can just wander
into a shrine anytime.

Virtue City Mantra Ask Shrine Location
Compassion Britain MU Greyson F'M" I'A" - West of Cove
Honor Trinsic SUMM Grumman M'P" F'B" - West of Trinsic
Justice Yew BEH Chamfort A'L" E'J" - North of Yew
Sacrifice Minoc CAH Rew C'N" M'N" - SE of Minoc
Honesty Moonglow AHM Malifora P'A" O'P" - N of Moonglow
Valor Jhelom RA Thorne O'F" C'E" - South of Jhelom
Spirituality Skara Brae OM Kindor Enter moongates at midnight
Humility New Magincia LUM Wartow N'I" O'H" - N of the Codex

Words of Power:
Each of the members of the Great Council, and some other people
know one Word of Power. Respectively, they only know the word of power
for the dungeon opposite the virtue of the town they are found in. For
some of the people, it's like pulling teeth to get the word out of them.
So here they all are for you, completely pain free!

Dungeon Location Word Town Ask
Despise E'D" F'L" - NE Britain VILIS Britian Annon @ the inn
Shame G'G" D'K" - SE Skara Brae INFAMA Trinsic Sindar @ healer
Wrong B'E" H'O" - E shrine MALUM Yew Felspar in jail
Covetous B'L" J'M" - S of Minoc AVIDUS Minoc Sleeping guy
Deceit E'J" P'A" - SE shrine FALLAX Moonglow Malfora NW town
Destard K'I" E'I" - W of Trinsic INOPIA Jhelom Goeth in tower
Hythloth P'A" O'P" - Isle Avatar IGNAVUS New Mag Hassad in prison
Doom The Underworld VERAMOCOR Learned in the Codex

Note on the dungeons: They are not nearly as important here as they were
in Ultima IV. It was imperative to the completion of the game to
traverse the dungeon to find the stone, or you could not complete the
Abyss. Here, dungeons are little more than good places for experience
and gold and a connection to the Underworld. They are in no way
necessary to completing the game, with the exception of Shame to get to
the Underworld and Doom. For this reason, I do not have walkthroughs on
the dungeons here. That is something I am considering working on as an
in-depth FAQ, so look for that in the future, possibly.

There are some things that are *required* to complete Ultima V.
They are presented in no particular order here. You can complete them
in whatever way you find easiest, but they all must be completed. Once
you think you have them ALL completed, hole up and camp. If you've done
everything right, Lord British will appear in one of his famous
apparitions and ordain you to come rescue him. And then the real fun
begins. If you think you've completed all the quests and Lord British
has not ordained you, then you are missing something. Maybe it's an
artifact or maybe you just don't have the experience points yet. I'm
sure you'll figure it out. You're a smart cookie.

The shrines and the Codex:
You will need a boat for this section. Basically how this goes is
like this. Go to a shrine and meditate. The shrine will ordain you on
a quest to the Codex. Get on your ship, sail to south of Moonglow to
the south end of the Isle of Avatar and go to the Codex. You will not
be allowed into the Codex unless you are on a quest from a shrine. See
those blue statues? Those are the Guardians and there is no way around
them unless you are on a quest from a shrine. No, you can't attack them
and even if you could, do you really think you'd win? Anyway, in case
you didn't get it the first time, YOU MUST BE ON A QUEST to enter the
Codex. OK, so you enter the Codex and wow! The page is turned just to
the one you were looking for! Personally, having played and solved
Ultima IV, I would have thought the Codex of Ultimate Wisdom would be a
little more impressive than just a book in an empty room, but such is
life. Anyway, after you drink in the elixir of knowledge that is the
Codex, go back to the shrine that ordained you and ta-da! You've
completed 1/8 of this part. Do this for each shrine and you will get a
final message that goes something like this:

"Beyond Shames egress in the centre of the Underworld there is a place
of darkness. Beyond this darkness lies the gate to the core of the
world. When thou art ready thou must call forth Veramocor to unlock the
gate and venture past ethereal words and stealers of souls. That which
the world hath, dost awaits thy coming!"

Basically what this is telling you that when you do finally
complete everything you need to enter the Underworld through the dungeon
Shame and use the word of power from Ultima IV to get into the dark
place (Doom) where you will eventually find Lord British.

An interesting note on shrines in Ultima V is that they now take
donations. After you complete a shrine's Codex quest, if you go back to
the shrine and meditate, it will ask for an offering and in return your
karma and virtue will improve. I usually only do this once per shrine
because I'm a good Avatar and I usually don't need it, but you can
certainly do it more if your virtue is in trouble from getting mixed up
in the Oppression or something.

NOTE: Since originally writing this guide I have learned that the
shrines may not be required. I have not had a chance to play the game
again and test this, though.

One of the more time consuming tasks to complete is getting your
Avatar up to level 8. This requires 6,400 experience points and will
probably take up the entire game time. You may even find yourself with
all other tasks completed and still working on this one. A tip for
getting this done is in battle set your Avatar as the active player. To
do this, press 1 on the keyboard (assuming your Avatar is the first
character in your party) and your Avatar will be the only one attacking.
This can be done with any character also and it makes getting items from
chests after battle a lot easier also. Also to make this completely
clear, ONLY the Avatar must be at level 8. It doesn't matter what level
the rest of your party is at, although if you plan on them living
through the Underworld and Doom, they should be at level 5 - 6 or
higher. Now you may be wondering, exactly how do you level up? In
Ultima IV, Lord British was always at your beck and call in his castle
to level you up, but since he's lost in the Underworld now, that might
be a bit of a problem, right? Wrong! All you have to do is hole up and
camp and Lord British will appear in your fire as an apparition and
level your party up if they have enough experience, plus he will heal
everyone regardless if they level up or not. Now, Lord British does not
appear every time you camp, even if your people are ready to level up.
You just have to be patient and wait for him. Ghosts take their sweet
time in appearing in your campfire, but he will come.

NOTE: Again, this may not be required. I have received several e-mails
from people who have completed the game with the Avatar at a lower
level. Again, I have not tested this but I would think that if you even
want to survive the Underworld and Doom you'd best be at least level 6
or higher, even if it is not required for the Avatar to be at level 8.

The Artifacts:
Not only do you have to rescue Lord British from the Underworld,
you've got to take him a bunch of his junk he left in Britannia also.
Personally, I find this to be one of the easier quests and I usually try
to complete this one first.

The Crown:
As soon as Lord British disappeared, Blackthorn wasted no time in
swiping his crown. He keeps it locked away in the highest tower in his
castle, but it really is not that difficult to get. If you have the
Black Badge, the guards will pretty much leave you alone and you can
wander Blackthorn's castle unbothered. Work your way to the top, and be
sure you have some skull keys or magic unlock spells because the crown
is behind a magic door. Also, prepare to battle some statues when you
get to the tower. Don't unlock the door until you defeat all the
statues because each time you battle, the door just locks itself again.
Grab the crown and split. If you choose to keep your karma intact and
not get the Black Badge, this task is going to be much more difficult.
There are a lot of guards and they're pretty tough to evade. It's
possible, but difficult to work your way all the way to the top without
getting caught.

The Sceptre:
This can either be one of the easiest or the hardest items to
recover, depending on when you attempt it. Lord British's sceptre is
being held in Stonegate, which is the keep of the Shadowlords.
Stonegate is located in the mountains east of Cove and you need the
grapple to get to it. You cannot blink to it, but you can blink out of
The easy way is to wait until later in the game after you have
destroyed the Shadowlords and you won't have to worry about them. There
is also a daemon in Stonegate named Balinor and he's basically just a
nasty guy. He is there whether or not you destroy the Shadowlords
first. He asks you a question to challenge his intellect. "What is as
tall as a house, round as a cup and all the kings horses can't draw it
up?" I understand the answer is "well" but he will attack you no matter
what you say, but you'll make short work of him. You also need the
magic carpet here because there is no way around the traps and the traps
will kill you instantly.
The hard way is to do this while the Shadowlords are still around.
This is very difficult, but I have done it once before so it is
possible. You've just got to be really sneaky and evasive and it can be
The sceptre is a useful item to have because once you get it you
never need dispel spells again. The sceptre can destroy any type of
magical field, so no wonder Lord British wants it back.

The Sandalwood Box:
This is one of the easier items to recover and can be rescued
pretty early in the game. It's in the top tower in Lord British's
castle behind the same magically locked door as the magic carpet, so you
can get them both at the same time. When in Lord British's chamber,
play a little tune on his harpsichord that goes something like this:
678-987-8767653. If you play it correctly, the ground will shake and a
section of the wall will disappear and the sandalwood box is there.

The Amulet:
This is a pretty difficult item to get because you have to traverse
the Underworld and you should not be doing that early in the game. If
you have the documentation that comes with the game, there is a journal
that documents his path through the Underworld. All you have to do is
follow the same path he took and you will get to their final battlefield
and find the amulet, among other things. If you don't have the
documentation, I have provided an abridged version here. All the
directions you need to easily find the amulet are here. I have only
left out the parts where they record the battles and monsters because it
is really just color commentary and not that important.

"Day 1: At dawn we set off on our skiff down the River Malestrom, east
of Spiritwood. Before the falls, we pause to remember the brave men who
discovered this entrance to the Underworld. Then we cast off and repeat
their plunge into the lightless underground waterway. We land our boat
on the western shore of a great lake. The cavern's low ceilings hang
close over us and the humidity is oppressive."

"We embark again, following a navigable stream south. After a short
distance, a tributary branches to the east, but we continue south."

"Abruptly, the river turns a sharp bend. The roar grows painfully loud
as our skiff careens down a great fall. We row west, past a southern

"The river slows as we arrive at another fork. We continue north,
hugging the water-hewn stonewall on our right. As the river swings back
to the southwest, we hear the sound of approaching waterfalls. We
portage our skiff around the falls with little difficulty and are once
again on our way. The river empties into a calm lake, stretching out
beyond our sight into the murky gloom. We row south by southeast,
following the shore."

"Eventually at the southern shore of the lake, we follow the westernmost
of two identical-looking streams. We explore several land passages
along the way, but they all prove to be dead ends. The river turns
north, flows on for a while, and then perversely turns south. Our first
day's journey ends at this juncture."

"Day 2: Setting upon the waters again, we row south. Scarcely an hour
passes before we come upon another waterfall, one with no opportunities
for portaging around. From the beach, however, we can see the river
resuming only a few yards beyond the falls. With few options, we brace
ourselves and steer over the falls. As soon as we are righted, though,
the coursing water turns abruptly and we plunge down another fall.
Shaken and bruised, the group has barely enough time to secure a firm
grip on the boat before we plunge down a third cascade."

"After a brief respite, we pass over a fourth, though smaller falls.
Finally, we pass into a small, tranquil lake. We land on the south
chore and examine the area. Though a large fissure in the cliff walls
provides a land exit to the south, no navigable waterway leaves the
cavern. There is no choice: we shoulder our remaining provisions and
continue on foot through the fissure. The rough ride over the falls has
eliminated another option: if we ever return to Britannia, it will not
be by retracing our steps."

"The path leaving the cavern is at first swampy and tedious to walk
upon, but the way becomes easier as we leave the lake behind. Soon the
path curves north again and we come upon a great cavern with an uneven
rock ceiling many stories high. We are now walking on yellow grass-like

"We flee together to the north side of the cavern, slipping between
rocks into a passage leading away to the east. Before long the passage
turns and we head south again."

"At the end of the passage, we find ourselves in a massive cavern. The
walls and ceilings extend beyond the glow of our torches. We wait in
vain for our echoes to return. It is difficult to fathom a cavern so
large it stifles echoes. We turn to the right, hugging the southern
wall. The stench of a stagnant river fills the air. As we walk, the
mud gives way to sand. When we have left the river mild behind us, we

"Day 3: We resume our journey eastward along the southern wall."

"After the wall finally curves to the north, we take a passage out of
the cavern to the northeast. The trail is rocky and wide enough for
three to walk abreast. We quicken our pace."

"The passage empties into a large grassy area with a high, earthen

"Day 4: Today the three of us buried the valiant knights here upon the
underground battlefield where they fell. Tomorrow we shall seek our way
back to our own world; our disastrous quest here is finished."

"Day 5: The wraiths came this morning. There were three of them. They
walked through the stone. Their blackness was deeper than the shadows
from which they emerged. Advancing towards Lord British, they ignored
Shaana and myself. Lord British held their gazes, murmuring words of
life, healing and protection. Still they advanced. One raised its
hand, pointing at our lord. Then a silver bolt struck our immortal king
and he fell to the stony earth."

"Shaana was frozen, transfixed. I stumbled forward, but when I touched
that cloak, I shrank back. Foreboding washed over me. They took our
lord with them. I was powerless to stop them. I am afraid we all are."

Now, if that doesn't tell you how dangerous the Underworld, nothing
will! When you get to the battlefield, you'll see a bunch of graves and
the amulet. You just need to get the amulet and then make your way back
to Britannia, either through a dungeon or by casting a gate spell. Or
you could always just get yourself killed, if you don't mind getting
killed in experience points when the Guardians bring you back.
Personally, after I get the amulet I go and get the shards too so I
don't have to make another trip down to the Underworld. This is
detailed below. Something I find interesting about the Underworld is
that you can learn the coordinates for the shards and the amulet and
stuff, but you can't use the sextant in the Underworld because you can't
see the moons down there. So I have not included the coordinates
because I think they're useless.

Those are the artifacts of Lord British's you must find before he
will even ordain you to rescue him. There are no shortcuts through this
part and you must find all of them to complete the game. I KNOW there
are NO exceptions to that part.

The shards and the Shadowlords:
This is one of the more difficult tasks to be completed. I would
seriously consider waiting on this one until later in the game. It
requires a lot of Underworld hopping and the Underworld is a nasty
place. You'll get eaten alive if you take an in-experienced party down
First a little word about the shards and their origin. The shards
are Mondain's way of trying to control Britannia again. When Mondain's
gem was destroyed, it really just split into the three shards:
Falsehood, Cowardice and Hatred. Behind each Shadowlord is it's
respective shard and each one is opposite one of the three principles.
The three shards are now in the Underworld and you have to go and
find them. When I finally go into the Underworld, I like to get as much
done at once as I can. I will present my method of collecting the
Underworld items, which works well for me, but as always, if you have an
easier way, by all means do what you want. When you go down to the
Underworld, you're going to need some stuff. First off, you must, and I
mean MUST, have the magic carpet. A lot of the Underworld is swamp and
unless you have about a bazillion An Nox spells, it's just easier to go
over the swamp with the carpet so you don't keep getting poisoned.
Next, you're going to need a whole mess of torches and gems. It is the
Underworld and there is no light, so you must provide your own. And
gems are useful for obvious reasons. You also must have the grapple.
Oddly enough, there are a lot of mountains in the Underworld and most of
them are climbable and you're going to need the grapple to get to the
most important places. You're going to need In Por (Blink) spells too
because not all of the mountains are passable by the grapple and Blink
will get you over the ones that are not. Make sure you have enough food
for a while also. Depending on how many party members you take, this is
anywhere between 200 and 300, but the more the better. You could also
take a moonstone if you're not at a high enough level to cast a gate
spell, or you could plan on getting killed after you collect the items
to return to Britannia. If you don't want to take a shot to the
experience by getting killed, you could find a dungeon and work your way
back up. Whatever tickles you.
OK, once you've made your pre-Underworld preparations, take your
magic carpet down the river and follow the path for getting the amulet
above. Once you've got the amulet, as detailed above, start working
your way towards the shard of Cowardice. To do this, take the same path
out of the battlefield and back to the cavern. Keep going west and you
will find a river. Follow it north and to the east. If this looks
familiar, it should. It's the same path you took to get to the amulet,
but here's where it changes. Take a path in the rock to the east at the
small lake and you'll meet a maze of rivers. There's no good way to
explain this part. The best I can offer is to follow the rivers south
by southeast. Eventually they'll merge into one river. Keep following
it. When it turns south, use a gem. You should see a cavern to the
east. Blink to it. Go to the east of this cavern and blink east again.
From here, climb the mountains north to another small mountain with a
high peak. Climb west from here and blink over the last set of tall
mountains. In the southeast part of this cavern is the shard of
Now we're going after the shard of Falsehood. From Cowardice,
start climbing north and work your way through the mountains. Again,
the caverns are protected by high peaks so when you reach a point where
you can't climb any farther, blink over the mountain. Make your way
north by northeast through the mountains. You'll come to an east to
west cavern. Climb the walls north and you'll come to a cavern with a
path leading out north. Follow it for a while and you'll come to a
place where you can climb west. You'll come to another muddy path.
Follow this path south and then west and north. You'll come to a small
lake. In the middle of this lake is a small island and the shard of
Two down, one to go. From the isle of Falsehood, make your way
north. You're going to see a bunch of waterfalls. You could try to
navigate upstream and avoid the falls, but one misstep and you've got to
start over. It's much easier to take one of the footpaths to the east
or west. You're going to have to blink over the last mountain peaks ad
you'll end up in an east to west watery cavern. Go west and then south.
Climb south and then blink west when you can see a clear path in a gem.
You're in a maze of passages now. Make your way south until you come to
a big mountain. You're going to make your way in a spiral through the
mountain until you get to a clearing at the top and there lies the final
shard of Hatred. You don't have to climb back down the mountain to get
out. Just blink north.
If all of this looks difficult, that's because it is. The
Underworld is not an easy place, but this is entirely possible to get
everything you need in one trip. It's probably safer that way because
the more you have to go down there, the more risk you take each time.
So now that you've got the amulet and the shards, get out of Dodge.
You're probably already on your deathbed by now so it's not a bad idea
just to let some dragon have you for lunch. You get transported to Lord
British's throne room, fully healed. But if you're anal like me, you're
not going to do that. In this area there are two dungeons to the north,
Wrong and Covetous. Try to get to one of those and just work your way
back up to Britannia that way. You may still die, but at least you went
down fighting.
One side task I have not mentioned in the Underworld is Ararat and
Johne. He was shipwrecked in the Underworld and he's just been hanging
around waiting for some brave person to come rescue him. His ship is in
the northwest part of the Underworld. If you plan to rescue him, make
sure you have room in your party for him. He is a mage and pretty
powerful. And even if you don't intend to rescue him, you might want to
find him anyway and talk to him because he has a very interesting story
to tell.
Another thing you can do in the Underworld if you're feeling brave
is to find the Mystic Armour and Weapons. I have never been able to
find them myself, but I understand they are in the southeast part of the
Underworld and you have to go through some lava to get to them. I also
understand it's best to go through the dungeon Hythloth to get to the
Underworld to find the Mystics. Although they are cool, the Mystics are
not required to complete the game, so I usually don't break my neck
looking for them. But you're more than welcome to give it a shot. I
got a great e-mail from Andy and he offers this tip:

"At the base of Hythloth, view a gem and you can see a
climbing path through the mountains to get to the lava lake. Walk into
the lava and search in the middle of the lava lake. Alternately search
and get to pick up all the mystic armaments you want, assuming you have
the hit points to withstand the lava damage."

Once you have the shards, go to the keeps they represent and find
the flame of the principle. Stand directly south of the flame and yell
the Shadowlord's name. This is the only way a Shadowlord can appear in
a keep, if you yell it's name. The Shadowlord will appear north of the
flame. Pass one turn and it will be directly in the flame. Use the
shard and it will explode and destroy the Shadowlord and both are gone
forever. Do this in each keep and this part is done. One advantage to
this is once the Shadowlords are destroyed, you don't have to enter
towns in fear anymore. And you can just waltz into Stonegate and get
Lord British's sceptre easily.

Keep Principle Shard Shadowlord Ask
The Lycaeum Truth Falsehood Faulinei The Lycaeum
Empath Abbey Love Hatred Astaroth Sin'Vraal
Serpent's Hold Courage Cowardice Nosfentor Lord Malone

The final journey: The Underworld (again) and Doom
All of the above tasks being completed it's time to bring back da
man, Lord British. He's been in the Underworld a pretty long time so
let's go get him and restore peace to Britannia. Before you attempt
this final task, make sure you make appropriate Underworld traveling
preparations. Only make sure you have more spells and food because
you're going to be traversing two dungeons as well as the Underworld.
As you learned in the Codex, you've got to descend to the
Underworld through the dungeon Shame. It's the only one that connects
to the Underworld where you'll need to be. I'm sure it's possible to
get to Doom through other parts of the Underworld, but I don't care to
try personally because it's so much easier to just go through Shame.
Anyway, like I mentioned I do not have walkthroughs for dungeons, but I
will get you past the first part of Shame. When you first enter the
mine, it looks like you're trapped. You can't cast a Des Por spell, so
don't even bother wasting your magic. What you're going to need to do
is attack the southern walls and a secret passage will open. You're
also going to have to climb the rocks on the southern wall to get to the
passage too. Once you're past that, it's just like any other dungeon
and you're going to have to work your own way down to level 8 and to the
Once you get to the Underworld, you're going to need to make your
way east. Do a little climbing and blink a couple of times and you'll
be in the center of the Underworld. Hop of your magic carpet and fly
over the water and in the middle of all this is a big mountain volcano
type structure. Make your way up it and to the center. You're going to
be going through some lava, but that should not be a surprise for those
who played Ultima IV. Anyway, once you get to the center of all this,
do like the Codex told you and call on Veramocor, which is the word of
power for the dungeon Doom.
Now here's a little information on Doom. I don't know how I can
make this clearer: You must have completed ALL THE TASKS before you will
even be allowed into Doom. You MUST have vanquished the Shadowlords,
you MUST have ALL of Lord British's artifacts. If you don't, you're
wasting your time and resources going down there. Got it? Good.
Doom is a tricky place and I wish I could offer more information
about it. You cannot cast Des Por and Uus Por spells here. You must
actually complete the dungeon the real way. So this also means that
once you go down there, there's no going back unless you rescue Lord
British or get killed. I suggest wearing the Crown down there because
there are a lot of daemons and if you wear the Crown, they can't posses
you. In the first level, you're going to have to use the sceptre to
clear out some walls. Use a mapping gem to see where. Once you get to
levels seven and eight, you're going to be going back and forth between
them. It gets really annoying after a while, but there's no way around
it. Eventually you will come to a room in level eight that looks like
it doesn't have any exits. Walk to the mirror and congratulations!
You've just completed one of the more challenging games to grace a
Commodore 64!

6. Spells & Reagents:
I have got to give credit for much of this section on spells to the
Book of Lore. Without it, I'm sure I would have missed stuff and I want
to make this as complete as possible.
In Ultima IV, there was one spell for each letter on the keyboard.
A is for Awaken, B for Blink and so on. In Ultima V, the spells
actually have names that are significant. Each key represents one
possible word in a spell and the words combine to make many more spells
than in Ultima IV. It's actually pretty interesting how it works.

Language of the spells:
Once you know what each word in the spells mean, the spells
actually make sense. Go figure. For example, the spell An Nox
translated means negate poison. In reality, it's a cure spell. Pretty
cool, huh?

Word Meaning Word Meaning
An Negate Nox Poison
Bet Small Por Movement
Corp Death Quas Illusion
Des Down Rel Change
Ex Free Sanct Protect
Flam Flame Tym Time
Grav Energy Uus Up
Hur Wind Vas Great
In Create Wis Knowledge
Kal Invoke Xen Creature
Lor Light Ylem Matter
Mani Life Zu Sleep

There is some significance to what each reagent does and if you
think about it, it actually makes sense why some spells are made of
certain reagents. What's really great about Ultima V is that you can
BUY mandrake and nightshade instead of going out to hunt for them. It's
expensive, but sometimes it's worth it. Of course if you're poor and
can't afford the outrageous prices, there is details on where to find
each one later in the guide under the items section. Here is a list of
reagents and the power each one has.

Reagent Power
Pearl Projection
Moss Movement
Garlic Repellant
Ginseng Healing
Ash Energy
Silk Binding
Mandrake Power
Nightshade Poison

Another difference between Ultima IV and V is that not all reagents
are offered in every town that sells them. Each town only offers
regional reagents. It can be frustrating going to a town and needing a
particular reagent and then not being able to get it, especially since
some of the cities in Ultima IV that had reagents do not in Ultima V and
there are fewer cities in Ultima V that actually sell reagents.
Hopefully this table will help a little. Also know that reagent sellers
in Ultima V don't sell herbs individually. They sell them in bulk, I
guess you would say. I have divided the price by the number offered to
get an individual price, so keep that in mind when shopping around.

Place Reagent Price
Moonglow Ginseng 2
Garlic 3
Silk 3
Nightshade 12
Mandrake 13
Cove Silk 12
Nightshade 30
Mandrake 40
Yew Ash 1
Ginseng 2
Garlic 2
Silk 4
Moss 5
The Lycaeum Moss 12
Nightshade 30
Mandrake 40
Skara Brae Ash 1
Ginseng 2
Moss 5
Pearl 3

The Spells:
So now you know what the words mean and why a certain spell is made
of a certain reagent, here's the spell list. Each circle represents
what level the character must be at to be able to cast that spell.

1st Circle:
Spell Effect Time Reagents
An Nox Cure Anytime Ginseng, Garlic
An Zu Awaken Anytime Ginseng, Garlic
Grav Por Missile Combat Ash, Pearl
In Lor Light Noncombat Ash
Mani Heal Anytime Ginseng, Silk

2nd Circle:
Spell Effect Time Reagents
An Sanct Unlock Noncombat Ash, Moss
An Xen Corp Undead Combat Garlic, Ash
In Wis View Noncombat Nightshade
Kal Xen Call Combat Silk, Mandrake
Rel Hur Wind Noncombat Ash, Moss
In Xen Mani Create Food Noncombat Ginseng, Garlic, Mandrake

3rd Circle:
Spell Effect Time Reagents
In Flam Grav Fire Wall Combat Pearl, Ash, Silk
In Nox Grav Poison Wall Combat Nightshade, Silk, Pearl
In Por Blink Noncombat Silk, Moss
In Zu Grav Sleep Wall Combat Ginseng, Silk, Pearl
Vas Flam Fireball Combat Ash, Pearl
Vas Lor Great Light Noncombat Ash, Mandrake

4th Circle:
Spell Effect Time Reagents
An Grav Dispel Anytime Pearl, Ash, Silk
Des Por Move Down Dungeon Moss, Silk
Uus Por Move Up Dungeon Moss, Silk
In Sanct Protection Combat Ash, Ginseng, Garlic
In Sanct Grav Protect Wall Combat Mandrake, Silk, Pearl
Wis Quas Reveal Combat Silk, Nightshade

5th Circle:
Spell Effect Time Reagents
An Ex Por Lock Noncombat Ash, Moss, Garlic
In Bet Xen Call Insects Combat Moss, Silk, Ash
In Ex Por Unlock Magic Noncombat Ash, Moss
In Zu Sleep Combat Ginseng, Silk, Mandrake
Rel Tym Speed Combat Ash, Moss, Mandrake
Vas Mani Great Heal Anytime Ginseng, Silk, Mandrake

6th Circle:
Spell Effect Time Reagents
An Xen Ex Charm Combat Pearl, Silk, Nightshade
In An Negate Magic Combat Garlic, Ash, Mandrake
In Vas Por Tremor Combat Moss, Ash, Mandrake
Quas An Wis Confuse Combat Mandrake, Nightshade
Wis An Ylem X-Ray Noncombat Ash, Mandrake

7th Circle:
Spell Effect Time Reagents
In Nox Hur Poison Wind Combat Ash, Nightshade, Moss
In Quas Corp Terror Combat Garlic, Nightshade,
In Quas Wis Peer Noncombat Mandrake, Nightshade
In Quas Xen Clone Combat Ash, Slk, Moss, Ginseng,
Mandrake, Nightshade
Sanct Lor Invisibility Combat Moss, Mandrake, Nightshade
Xen Corp Kill Combat Pearl, Nightshade

8th Circle:
Spell Effect Time Reagents
An Tym Stop Time Anytime Garlic, Moss, Mandrake
In Flam Hur Fire Wind Combat Ash, Moss, Mandrake
In Mani Corp Resurrect Anytime Ash, Slk, Ginseng, Garlic,
Moss, Mandrake
In Vas Grav Energy Combat Ash, Mandrake, Nightshade
Kal Xen Corp Summon Daemon Combat Garlic, Moss, Silk,
Vas Rel Por Gate Noncombat Ash, Pearl, Mandrake

7. Scrolls & Potions
Alternatives to casting spells are scrolls and potions. They have
similar effects as spells and they cost no MP to use. Also, you can be
at any level and get the same effect as the spell, even if the actual
spell is a higher circle. Unfortunately, they only have one use each.
They are found in random barrels, bookshelves and other places
throughout the game and often in battles with tougher monsters, the
chest will have a scroll or a potion. Many times I have poisoned myself
because I did not know what a potion did, so I decided to take the
guesswork out of it for you. Credit for this section should be given in
part to "Paths of Destiny".

Scroll Effect Potion Effect
Vas Lor Great Light Blue Awaken
Rel Hur Wind Yellow Heal
In Sanct Protection Red Cure
In An Negate Magic Green Invincibility*
In Quas Wis View Orange Sleep**
Kal Xen Corp Summon Daemon Purple Change form
In Mani Corp Resurrect Black Invisibility
An Tym Stop Time White See through walls

* - Green Potions are great because they make you invincible for a
battle and there is not even a regular spell that does that.
Unfortunately, if you hold a green potion too long, it turns into
poison. Believe me, I learned the hard way. So if you are lucky enough
to find a green potion use it and use it soon! Don't save it for a
later, possibly more difficult battle because odds are you're going to
be drinking poison later.
** - No, this poison does not put one of your enemies to sleep. It puts
whoever drinks it to sleep. I have not found a useful situation in
which to use this yet. If you know one, please let me know.

8. Weapons & Armour
There are some truly spectacular weapons in Ultima V and I have
compiled a table of all the weapons and armor that I know of and where
to buy them. Weapons are often found in chests after battle also, so
you don't always have to buy them. I have found that in battles with
dragons some other tough creatures leave a chest, it will sometimes have
a magic axe in it. The magic axe is by far, hands down, the best weapon
in the game. Any character can use it and its range is the entire
battlefield. Basically, the magic axe rules.
Note: Since I have written this guide I have gotten some e-mails
regarding the halberd as a weapon of choice also. I like ranged weapons
personally, but apparently halberds are fairly nice also. Halberds are
polearms, which means they can attach over objects such as rocks and
they are very powerful, but they are also very heavy.
Also, I was mistaken about level being the determining factor for
whether or not a character can use a weapon. Thanks again to Andy for
these tips:

"Your ability to hold weapons does not depend on your level at all. It
depends purely on your strength. Every armament has a weight and you
simply add up all the weight and check that number against your
strength. If you have the documentation that comes with the game, it
will list the weights of the various armaments. All magic and mystic
weapons weigh zero. If I remember right, the Halberd is something like
16 or 18. Which means that neither Jaana, Mariah, nor Johne will be able
to equip it unless they have gained some strength and are wearing no
armor (except Mystic Armor)."

Weapon Location Price Armour Location Price
Dagger Britain 1 Leather Helm Yew 15
Buccaneer Den 1 Buccaneer's Den 15
Sling Britain 10 Chain Coif British Castle 50
Club Yew 5 Serpent's Hold 50
Flaming Oil Jhelom 5 Iron Helm Minoc 120
Buccaneer Den 5 Trinsic 120
Main Gauche Buccaneer Den 15 Spiked Helm Jhelom 150
Spear Yew 7 Small Shield Minoc 40
Axe Jhelom 3 Large Shield Trinsic 70
Serpent Hold 3 Spiked Shield Jhelom 120
Short Sword Minoc 40 Magic Shield British Cast 2,000
Buccaneer Den 40 Bordermarch 2,000
Mace Minoc 50 Cloth Armour Yew 20
Jhelom 50 Leather Armour Yew 50
Mrning Star Jhelom 60 Buccaneer's Den 50
Serpent Hold 60 Ring Mail Minoc 100
Bow Britain 75 Scale Mail Trinsic 150
Arrows Britain 10 Chain Mail British Castle 300
Bordermarch 10 Serpent's Hold 300
Crossbow Britain 150 Plate Mail Trinsic 700
Serpent Hold 150 British Castle 700
Quarrels Britain 15 Serpent's Hold 15
Long Sword Brit Castle 70
2-H Hammer Bordermarch 85
Minoc 85
2-H Axe Trinsic 150
2-H Sword Trinsic 200
Halberd Trinsic 250
Serp Hold 250
SilverSword Yew 250
Brit Castle 250
Magic Bow Britain 800
Bordermarch 800
Magic Axe Yew 1,000
Bordermrch 1,000

9. The Resistance and The Oppression
Since the disappearance of Lord British, the world has been divided
into two groups: The Oppression backed by Lord Blackthorn and The
Resistance who believe Lord British is still alive, which is treason in
these times. If you want to be a good Avatar, you should join The
Resistance and stay away from The Oppression, but I have found that
joining The Oppression has one benefit, getting the black badge, which
will help you immensely in Blackthorn's castle. Here, I have the chain
of command for both as well as some as the benefits of both.

The Resistance: Password - DAWN
The first in the chain of command in the Resistance is Terrance,
the orchard farmer in Britain. Provided you agree not to turn him in
for treason, he will tell you to ask the owner of the Arms of Justice
for more information. Chamfort in Yew is the man you need to see. He
will then give you the password and tell you to see Landon. He is also
in Yew in the same passages where you find Jaana. He will tell you that
Blackthorn has stolen Lord British's crown.
That's about it as far as getting into the Resistance. Oddly
enough, it's harder to get into the Oppression. There are other times
in the game where you will hear about the Resistance. Thentis in North
Brittany will ask you a bunch of questions and if you answer correctly
he will tell you to meet him by the well at midnight. You will learn
some pretty interesting stuff about the Shadowlords here. Remember, you
have to say the password to them or else you won't learn anything new.
Joshua will tell you to talk to Sutek because he knows how to destroy
the Shadowlords and Leof will tell you to see Sir Sean in the Lycaeum
because he knows about Stonegate. Sutek lives on an island northeast of
Serpent's Hold (the same place where the Bell was in Ultima IV). He
will tell you a long story about the shards and how you've got to get
them from the Underworld. He will then tell you how to destroy the
Shadowlords in the flames of the principles. Sir Sean is the keeper of
the flame of Truth and he will tell you how to get to Stonegate.
The only other characters I've ran into that have anything to do
with the Resistance are a couple of people you learn mantras and words
of power from, but other than that you won't learn any new information
from them. Now on to the bad guys.

The Oppression: Password - IMPERA
The first person you're probably going to run into from the
Oppression is the weapon maker Tactus in Minoc. Basically, he'll tell
you what a great guy Blackthorn is and he will ask you if you agree. If
you say yes, he'll tell you to go see Judge Dryden in Yew for more
information. A corrupt judge. Gee, what a surprise. Judge Dryden will
tell you to go see Archmage Flain. He's in the tower in Skara Brae and
you will need skull keys or unlock spells to get to him. He will
finally give you the password, but you must tell him the name of a
member of the Great Council to get it. After all that is done, he will
tell you to go see Elistaria in Windmere. Windmere is on an island
north of the shrine of sacrifice and you need the grapple to get to it.
Elistaria will give you the black badge and she will tell you to talk to
her buddy Thurd who is also in Windmere. Thurd's a pretty nasty guy and
he will give you the jeweled weapons and armour in exchange for the
password to the Resistance.
I have not found any other people yet that have anything
spectacular to do with the Oppression. Just some people in Blackthorn's
palace, but you would expect them to be involved in the Oppression so I
have not included them here. Basically, the Oppression kills your karma
and your virtues and it's not even worth getting the black badge to
join. It's especially not worth betraying the Resistance for the
jeweled armor and weapons because they are absolutely, completely, 100%
useless. So if you want to be a good Avatar, stay out of the Oppression

10. The Night Sky
Until you recover the shards from the Underworld and destroy the
Shadowlords, you're probably going to get tired of them popping up in
towns. Well, fear no more because there is a pretty accurate way of
knowing where they're going to appear.
In many religions and philosophies and stuff like that, comets have
been significant and Britannia is no exception. So it should not be
surprising that as the Shadowlords appeared, so did three comets in the
sky. There are also eight planets in the sky and it should not be
surprising that each planet represents a virtue either. To check the
sky there are a couple of options. First, you could get the spyglass
from Lord Seggallion in Farthing. Farthing is on the forested island
east of Jhelom. Ask Lord Seggallion about the spyglass and he will ask
you what the eight planets represent. As you already read, they
represent the eight virtues. Anyway, this might be too much trouble at
first because you also need a ship to get there. Fortunately, there are
telescopes in the main tower in Moonglow, on the very, very top of Lord
British's castle and in the tower in Skara Brae. Any of them will work
just fine, just remember don't use them during the day.
Anyway, at night use the spyglass or a telescope and you'll see the
eight planets. They are arranged in this order: Honesty, being the
closest followed by Compassion, Valor, Justice, Sacrifice, Honor,
Spirituality and Humility is the farthest out. You will also see the
three comets and they will be near one of the planets. Whichever planet
they are near, the city of that virtue will come under attack by a
Shadowlord. When you destroy the Shadowlords, the comets disappear.

11. Items & Services
This section is a comprehensive guide to all the various items you
can pick up along the way. Weapons and armor are not included in this
section, with the exception of some special ones that must be found.
For information on how to get the ones that can be bought, see the
section on weapons & armour. I do not consider inns and healers and
stuff like that to be items, so I have listed them as services below.
Prices can vary greatly for this stuff, so shop around!

Item Location Price
Torches New Magincia 12
Paws 11
Buccaneer's Den 20
Keys New Magincia 30
Paws 40
Buccaneer's Den 60
Jeremy in Yew 50
Gems New Magincia 255
Paws 200
Buccaneer's Den 150
Rations Moonglow 10
Britain 15
Jhelom 20
New Magincia 37
Paws 20
The Lycaeum 30
Ale Moonglow 1
Britain 1
Jhelom 1
Paws 1
The Lycaeum 1
Wine West Brittany 1
Rum Yew 1
Buccaneer's Den 1
Mutton Moonglow 3
Britain 4
Jhelom 5
Paws 3
The Lycaeum 5
Wild Boar Yew 3
Buccaneer's Den 42
Snout New Magincia 1
Cheese West Brittany 5
Fruit New Magincia 2
Skull Keys Minoc -
Grapple Lord Michael in Empath Abbey -
Sextant David in Greyhaven -
HMS Cape Plans East Brittany -
Spyglass Lord Seggallion in Farthing -
Magic Carpet Lord British's Castle -
Horse Trinsic 100
North Brittany 130
Paws 160
Skiff Jhelom 200
Minoc 175
East Brittany 125
Buccaneer's Den 100
Frigate Jhelom 600
Minoc 753
East Brittany 650
Buccaneer's Den 700
Mandrake D'G" L'G" at midnight -
Nightshade J'F" C'O" at midnight -
Glass Sword Serpent's Spine -
Black Badge Elistaria in Windmere -
Jeweled Arms Thurd in Windmere -
Jeweled Weapons Thurd in Windmere -
Sword of Chaos Lord Blackthorn's Castle -
Mystic Arms The Underworld -
Mystic Weapons The Underworld -
Lord British's Crown Lord Blackthorn's Castle -
Lord British's Amulet The Underworld -
Lord British's Sceptre Stonegate -
The Sandalwood Box Lord British's Castle -
Shard of Falsehood The Underworld -
Shard of Hatred The Underworld -
Shard of Cowardice The Underworld -

Service Location Price
Inn Britain 2/night per person
Jhelom 3/night per person
Skara Brae 2/night per person
North Brittany 3/night per person
Paws 2/night per person
Buccaneer's Den 3/night per person
Healing Minoc Free!
Trinsic 40
Skara Brae 45
East Brittany 50
Cove 55
The Lycaeum 60
Empath Abbey 65
Curing Minoc Free!
Trinsic 25
Skara Brae 30
East Brittany 35
Cove 40
The Lycaeum 15
Empath Abbey 10
Resurrection Minoc 200
Trinsic 215
Skara Brae 225
East Brittany 237
Cove 247
The Lycaeum 249
Empath Abbey 262

12. Moongates & Moonstones
In Ultima IV, you could always count on that if you stood in front
of where a moongate appeared, it would come. Ultima V has been divided
into night and day and moongates only appear at night. At night a
moongate will appear at each and every spot in Britannia, but they only
go to two destinations a night. For example, if the first moon is a
half moon waxing, no matter what moongate in Britannia you enter, you
will be taken to Jhelom and only Jhelom. At just around midnight the
second moon will change one phase and become a three-quarters waxing
moon. So now no matter which moongate you enter, you will be taken to
Yew and only Yew. If you want to go somewhere else, you'll have to wait
until the next night because the moons only change twice a night.
The moonstones are another new feature in Ultima V. During the day
if you go to the exact spot where a moongate appears and search, you
will find a moonstone. You can take this moonstone and bury it ANYWHERE
you want! The possibilities are endless if you use your imagination.
I've heard of people who take moonstones and bury them in the
Underworld. This is another way to have easy access to the hard to
reach Underworld. The gates still work in the Underworld, but because
you can't see the moons down there, you might be waiting for quite some
time for the gate to appear. Personally, I think it's easier to cast a
gate spell if you're stuck in the Underworld and you're a high enough
level to do that. I like to keep my moongates in Britannia. Remember
if you do decide to do some moonstone swapping, once you dig up a
moonstone and move it, it will not appear in the original location
anymore unless you bury it back in the same spot. Moongates only appear
where moonstones are buried.
Here is a list of the moons and where the gates will take you.

Moon Town
New Moonglow
Quarter waxing Britain
Half waxing Jhelom
Three-quarter waxing Yew
Full Minoc
Three-quarter waning Trinsic
Half waning Skara Brae
Quarter waning New Magincia

13. Party Characters
In Ultima V there are far more characters you can have join your
party than your party can hold. You have to be a little discriminating
and decide what kind of party you want. Fighters are tough and can use
heavier, more powerful weapons, but they lack magic. Mages have the
magic fighters lack, but they are very vulnerable, especially early in
the game and cannot use heavy weapons or wear heavy armour. You would
think Bards would be the most well rounded and the best choice, but in
reality they have more weaknesses of fighters and mages than strengths.
They can use magic, but not much and they cannot use heavy weapons or
wear heavy armor. Personally, I like to have only one fighter, Shamino,
a couple of bards, Iolo and Gwenno, and a couple of mages, Jaana and
Mariah. Johne is actually a better choice, but it's hard to get him.
Later in the game I will usually dump Mariah and when I go to the
Underworld I'll pick up Johne. Saduj is actually one of the more
powerful characters in the game, but no NOT allow him into your party.
He will turn on you in battle and he will steal from you. It's just not
worth it. Anyway, here they all are. Use your best judgment in
creating the kind of party you think is best for your personal style.
You'll find that most of your characters are not as much in towns,
but more in castles. In Ultima IV, there was a character for your party
in every town. But in these times Lord Blackthorn is hunting everyone
who helped you in the past, so it is not safe for them in the towns.
The castles are their only safe haven.

Name Location Class Sex Level HP MP
Hero Start Avatar F/M 2 60 10
Iolo Start Bard M 3 90 5
Shamino Start Fighter M 2 60 0
Jaana Yew Mage F 2 60 18
Julia Empath Abbey Bard F 2 60 5
Toshi Empath Abbey Bard M 1 30 5
Gwenno Britain Bard F 3 90 5
Saduj British's Castle Bard M 4 120 5
Geoffrey Buccaneer's Den Fighter M 3 90 0
Katrina New Magincia Fighter F 5 150 0
Gorn Blackthorn's Castle Fighter M 2 60 0
Maxwell Serpent's Hold Fighter M 1 30 0
Mariah The Lycaeum Mage F 3 90 18
Dupre Bordermarch Fighter M 3 90 0
Sentri Bordermarch Fighter M 2 60 0
Johne Ararat Mage M 3 90 18

14. Monsters & Battle
When the Great Council sealed the eight dungeons, the monsters were
stuck down there also. Because of that, they don't like the light so
you will see most of the monsters in Britannia only at night. Here's a
list of the many baddies you will be running into in order of toughness.
Much credit for this section goes to the Book of Lore.
You'll notice that Ultima V has a newly designed battle engine. In
Ultima IV, you could only attack in a straight line, north, south, east
or west even though most monsters could attack diagonally. I thought
this sucked so I was happy to find that in Ultima V, you can now attack
in any direction also. Also, each individual monster you kill has the
potential to leave a chest and in that chest are all kinds of great
stuff like gold, food, torches, weapons, armour, anything. Generally,
the tougher the monster, the better the rewards. Sometimes the chests
have traps, and if you search them first you can find out if a chest is
trapped or not. If it is, try to jimmy it and you might be able to
evade the trap. Monsters don't always leave chests. If they don't they
will leave a bloodstain splotch and you can search it too. Once in a
while, you might find a bag of gold or some food (but I don't think I'D
personally want to eat that food!) but sometimes you might find plague
too, so be careful.
Dragons are the toughest monsters in the game and they leave the
absolute best rewards. I've found magic axes, bows, shields, plate
armour, and all kinds of great stuff from dragons. But they are tough
and it's really frustrating when you get a dragon down to critical and
it flees before you can kill it. I also like to battle reapers, which
are found only in dungeons. Reapers are not quite as tough as dragons,
but they leave treasure just as good and reapers can't run away. Sea
monsters don't leave treasure chests so I like to shoot them before they
can attack me because it's not worth it to me, but they are good

Land Monsters Sea Creatures Undead Monsters Underworld Monsters
Insects Sharks Reapers Rotworms
Bats Sea Horses Wisps Mongbats
Rats Squids Ghosts Corpsers
Slimes Serpents Skeletons
Spiders Pirates Daemons
Sand Traps

*Normally you wouldn't think of Mages as monsters, but just like in
Ultima IV, Mages sometimes travel with skeletons, but never alone. Go
ahead and kill them, it won't hurt your virtue. If you do run into
Mages in battle, they leave chests with treasures to rival those of
dragons and they're not nearly as hard to beat. I think that's a pretty
good deal.

15. Closing Thoughts
Thus my first attempt at a guide comes to a close. I also want to
write a guide for Ultima IV, but there are already several really good
guides for it. I'm also looking at writing an in-depth guide to the
Ultima dungeons, Maniac Mansion for possibilities. Again, if you have
any questions, comments, suggestions, corrections or just good thoughts
about my guide, please e-mail me. I will give you full credit for
anything new you can contribute to my guide. Just remember, everything
I know about Ultima V is in this guide. I am not hiding information or
cheats or anything. That would defeat the purpose of spending all the
time to write this thing. But I will be more than happy to clarify
anything in the guide. I check my e-mail several times a day and I
always respond to e-mails about my guides. Just make the subject line
clear because I get a lot of junk e-mail and if the subject looks lame,
I delete it. Happy gaming.

Copyright 2001 - 2002 by Jacky Swallia

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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