

14.10.2013 10:57:31

Created November 17, 1999
by Greg Moriarty ( )
Version 1

1. Description
2. Mini-FAQ
3. Walkthrough
4. Codes
5. Legal notice


In the game of Glover, you play the role of a wizard's magical glove. The story
goes that the wizard is mixing potions one day when an accident occurs. The
potion causes an explosion. One of his magical gloves is thrown out the window
while the other falls into the potion and is transformed into an evil glove
named Cross-stitch. The explosion also causes the kingdom's six magic crystals
to fall from their towers. The good glove, named Glover, quickly transforms
these crystals as they fall into rubber balls. These six balls bounce to far
away locations throughout the kingdom.

You must rescue all six crystals in six different realms of the kingdom:
Atlantis, Carnival, Pirates, Prehistoric, Fortress Of Fear, and Out Of This
World. Each realm has three regular levels, a boss level, and a bonus level that
only opens when you collect all garibs in the three regular levels. Once you do
so, the wizard, who has been transformed into a water fountain at the bottom of
the castle, will be rescued and order will be restored to the kingdom.

This game is extremely easy and straightforward. Few levels present difficult
puzzles and extra lives are more than plentiful. It is almost undeserving of a
walkthrough, but I made one nonetheless. I'm guessing that if you downloaded
this walkthrough, it is because you either cannot figure out how to kill a boss,
or cannot finish a bonus level, or cannot find all the garibs in a certain
level, or wish to know the secret codes.


Q. Can you kill the shark?
A. No. You can only stun it.

Q. What happens if I eat a bug when playing as Froggy?
A. You get an extra life!

Q. What happens if you solve all levels, including the bonus level?
A. Nothing. There is no Yoshi awaiting you as in Super Mario 64. The final
screen before the credits will simply say "Congratulations!" with no "But you
missed..." after it.

Q. How long are those credits anyway?!
A. Yes, Glover might have the dubious honor of being the game with the longest
credits in the history of video games. I timed it at eleven and a half minutes.
They thank everyone from the company's website support person to those that
contributed one line of code. If you like watching the Academy Awards, you'll
love this ending!

Q. Is there anything worthwhile at the end of the credits?
A. No. Don't bother waiting for the end.


In this walkthrough, I have provided a description of how to complete each level
and the locations of all the garibs. However, I may have skipped some extra
lives. Garibs are enumerated in parenthesis followed by a dollar sign, e.g.

Atlantis Realm
Level One (50 garibs)
Start off by going to the far corner of the waterfall to get an extra life.
Then, grab your ball and collect the nine (9$) garibs near the shark. Beyond
this is a pool of water surrounded by five (5$) garibs. On the floating
platforms are eight (8$) garibs. Beyond the pool is a black and white checkered
floor. Two (2$) garibs are visible. Two (2$) more are underneath the boxes (fist
slam to break them) and one (1$) can be gotten from killing the bull. To the
left of the checkered floor is a column. Jump against this several times to
knock it over. This will reveal three (3$) garibs and an extra life. Bounce or
throw the ball through the save point, and collect the twelve (12$) garibs on
the second set of floating platforms. Once on the other side of the second pool,
fist slam the star button to open the doors to the exit. Two (2$) garibs are on
each step, while the final six (6$) are on the top platform. Double jump to get
these. Finally, jump on top of the archway and double jump to get the third
extra life. Then exit.

Level Two (60 garibs)
Break the boxes next to the pool of water. This will empty the pool and raise a
platform. Before jumping on it, break the vases next to the shark to collect two
(2$) garibs. Between the four columns in the wall, you will see a cracked wall.
Transform the rubber ball into a bowling ball and slap it against the wall. This
will reveal a secret room with a pyramid. Nine (9$) garibs surround the pyramid,
with one (1$) on top of it. Exit the room and return to the elevator platform.
Maneuver Glover and the ball on to it. Once at the top, collect the three (3$)
visible garibs. Break the vase for a fourth (1$) and kill the purple enemies for
three more (3$). Behind the wall are five (5$) garibs and on the brown roof
above are five (5$) more. Bounce the ball through the save point. Before going
onto the orange and green checkered floor, walk around to the left to find four
(4$) hidden garibs. Return to the checkered floor to get ten (10$) visible
garibs and three (3$) by killing the three bulls. Beyond the checkered floor is
a pool. Have Glover cross this and fist slam the star button. Return to the
newly emptied pool and put the ball onto the target button. This will open the
door to the exit. Bounce the ball through the save point. On the narrow ledge
are five (5$) garibs. Below it are two (2$) more. Find the red potion to make
Glover big and strong. This will allow you to move the ledge with the arrows on
it. Move it all the way towards the exit. Before exiting, you will need to get
the seven (7$) final garibs on the blue area above the arch. To get up there,
position the ball near the star button. Have Glover stand on top of the ball,
jump, and then fist slam. This will give you the height needed to reach the top
of the arch. Once you get these final garibs, exit.

Level Three (80 garibs)
As you start out in this level, there will be an island to the left with eight
(8$) garibs. On the sand bar are four (4$) garibs, and a fifth (1$) can be
gotten by killing the purple enemy. Before climbing the stairs, enter the water
and go through the tunnel. Turn right and walk around the fortress wall. A
purple enemy will give you one (1$) garib. Beyond it is a water fall with four
(4$) garibs behind it and an extra life. Three (3$) more are just a little ways
further. Return to the tunnel and this time go to the left. Follow the fortress
wall to find four (4$) garibs. Now, return to the stairs. On the stairs are five
(5$) garibs and a save point awaits you at the top. Release the ball and follow
the arrow to the left. Beyond the spikes in the ground are four (4$) purple
enemies and a speed potion. Consume the potion and quickly run back to your
ball. Follow the new arrow and cross the rapidly flowing water. Once on the
other side, you can relax and wait for the potion to wear off. Continue along
this ledge and cross the stream to the target button. Place the ball on top of
it to start the plus shaped obstacle rotating. Return in the direction you came
from. Below the rapidly flowing water is a ledge with six (6$) garibs on it.
Grab these and then return to the plus shaped obstacle. Jump onto it to get to
the other side. In the tunnel beyond are five (5$) visible garibs, three (3$)
purple enemies, and a second save point. In the pool with the fish in it are
nine (9$) garibs. Beyond this are some stairs and a shark walking on a black and
white checkered floor. Before walking onto this floor, go to the left around the
fortress wall. Eight (8$) garibs are around the corner. Return to the shark and
this time take your ball and go to the right. Place the ball on the target
button around the corner. This will eject some platforms below you. Jump on them
to the alcove below where you will find five (5$) garibs and two (2$) purple
enemies. Also in the alcove is a black monolith (perhaps an homage to the movie
2001: A Space Odyssey?). Behind the monolith is an extra life. Jump into the
monolith to be transported to a secret room. In this secret room, fist slam the
star button to reveal another extra life. Grab the sticky feet potion and climb
to walls to the ceiling to grab eight (8$) garibs. Return to the checkered
floor. Cross it and climb aboard the fish hot-air balloon to exit the level.

Boss Level
At the top of the screen is the boss power meter. You will need to hit the blue
fish three times, the red crab once, and the orange fish once. Start off by
transforming the ball into the bowling ball. Slap the bowling ball against the
blue fish three times to kill it. Then, slap it against the crab once to kill
it. The flying orange fish will remain. When it slams the ground, avoid the
shock wave and fist slam it to finish the boss. Grab your ball and exit via the
newly revealed target spot. Take the ball to the fountain under the castle and
it will transform into a crystal and take its place in one of the six

Bonus Level (25 garibs)
This is certainly the most difficult level in the entire game. I once concluded
it was impossible and gave up on it. However, after finishing every other level
in the game, I returned to it and spent a considerable amount of time trying to
solve it (on the order of 50-100 attempts). Eventually, I developed a technique
that allows me to solve it at will. However, even after developing the
technique, it is still a very annoying level to solve. If you become frustrated
at all with it, I suggest you don't bother and move on. Finishing all levels in
the game, after you have rescued the wizard, will grant you no additional bonus.

There are no secrets to solving this level. It is all in the technique. Continue
reading for valuable advice.

In this level, you are a frog. You have six minutes to collect twenty-five
garibs grouped in sets of five. However, time is the least of your concerns.
What makes this level so difficult is that it is VERY unforgiving. One wrong
jump will land you in the water and you'll have to start over.

To begin with, learn your moves. The A button gives you a long jump, while the B
button gives you a short hop. The Z button will be very valuable as it releases
your rather lengthy tongue that will be used to gather garibs as you pass by

You will start off by going to the left. Whenever you jump on a lily pad, it
will begin to sink in a matter of a second or two. Thus, NEVER remain still on a
lily pad for longer than a second! As soon as you see it sinking, it may be too
late to jump off of it. The logs, fortunately, do not sink, and you can remain
on them as long as you wish. For this reason, stay off the lily pads and on the
logs as much as you can. In fact, THE LILY PADS SHOULD REALLY ONLY BE USED TO
ADVANCE FROM ONE SET OF LOGS TO THE NEXT. In addition, always jump onto the last
pad. You will need to jump forward onto the front pads as each one sinks.

Anytime you jump onto a lily pad or log or a safe point, CENTER YOURSELF by
short hopping. I cannot stress this enough: ONLY use the A button to jump from
one pad to another, or from a pad to a log, or any object to any other object.
Once on an object, move around by using B. The exception to this rule may be the
logs, where you can hop up or down it with A. But, even here, you'll want to use
B to get yourself close to the edge to jump from one log to the other.

The garibs alternate. There are five (5$) on the left, followed by a safe point.
Then there are five (5$) on the right, followed by a safe point. Five (5$) more
are on the left, followed by a safe point. You will then have to backtrack on a
log from this fourth safepoint to get the fourth set (5$) of garibs. Along the
way to the fifth safepoint, you will see the exit that you will have to return
to. Once at the fifth safepoint, you will receive an extra life. The five (5$)
remaining garibs are nearby.

Carnival Ream
Level One (65 garibs)
Find your ball, killing the red enemy (1$) along the way. Go to the red target
on the wall and throw the ball against it. This will reverse the direction of
the moving sidewalk. Climb the sidewalk to the top, where you will find four
(4$) garibs. Release the ball and do a cartwheel through the bars. Fist slam the
star button to lower the bars. Immediately to the left past the two tents is a
yellow ramp that leads to an extra life. Continue on and you will find eight
(8$) garibs and a save point. Go up the green ramp. Jump against the purple
bridge several times to cause it to fall. Cross the bridge and go up to the
trampoline. Bounce the ball and then throw it onto the middle platform. Have
Glover jump onto the platform as well and use the save point. Place the ball
onto the target button to open a door. Return to the trampoline. Release the
ball and have Glover jump onto the right platform. Fist slam the star button.
This will open a second door. Return to the trampoline and take the ball and
Glover to the third platform on the left. Fist slam the star button to open the
blue and white door. Go down the slide collecting eight (8$) garibs as you go.
Once at the bottom, get onto the elevator to take you back to the first save
point. Go through the opened blue and white door. On the other side, ride the
elevator, and climb the long and winding green ramp. Use the save point near the
top. Place the ball on the red target and have Glover go by himself onto the
moving platform. At the other end will be a whack-a-mole game with eight (8$)
red enemies popping in and out of eight holes. Fist slam each one as the come
up. A star button will then appear. Use it and return to your ball. Go back down
the green ramp and descend the pink stairs. At the bottom is a plinko game.
Transform the ball into the ball bearing and place it on the red target. Fist
slam the stop button. This will activate the magnet. When the magnet reaches the
top, you will need to use the left and right buttons to move the magnet back and
forth. Pound the stop button a second time to release the ball. There are four
exit points in the plinko game. You will need to play the game several times to
pass all four exits. The right three give you three garibs each for a total of
nine (9$). The left-most exit gives you two (2$) garibs and an extra life. In
addition, it will reveal a star button. Use it. Walk around the carnival grounds
to find seven (7$) free garibs. Go to the slot machine. Using the check mark
buttons and the Go button, spin the slots until you get three crowns. This will
grant you a potion to make Glover big and strong. Go to the strong man contest.
Throw the ball bearing onto the hammer and then go get the potion. Fist slam the
star button to get four (4$) garibs and an extra life. Now go find Dennis (the
blue bouncy blob guy). Jump onto him and ride him around. To jump high, hold
down the A button. Next to Mr. Tip there are shadows of four (4$) garibs. Jump
high to reach them. Go back to the slot machine and spin it until you get three
garibs pictures. This will reveal ten (10$) garibs for you to collect. Do not
spin the slots to get the question mark. This will reveal a bee enemy. Now fist
slam the star button next to the slot machine. This will open the top to the
rocket. Climb the ramp and exit the level.

Level Two (80 garibs)
As you start off this level, grab the single (1$) garib behind the tent. There
is also an extra life on top of it. Then walk on the yellow and orange checkered
platform to get ten (10$) garibs. Kill the red enemy (1$) and collect the four
(4$) garibs nearby. Slam the star button to summon the carriage. Place the ball
in the back seat and have Glover get in the front. You will be whisked away to a
platform with a save point, a red enemy (1$) and four (4$) free garibs. Jump
onto the blue rotating flower. Four (4$) garibs are near the center. Jump over
the hole in the center if you want the extra life. After the rotating flower are
a half-pipe and a save point. Right before the clown face, you will notice the
shadows of four garibs (you may need to zoom in with the C up button to see the
shadows). Remember this spot; you will need to return here later. Transform the
ball into the bowling ball and grab the star shaped potion. Slap the ball into
the clown's teeth to break them. Walk through the mouth. Stop on the checkered
platform and wait for the potion to wear off. Slap the bowling ball into the
water. When it sinks to the bottom, it will be transported to another place.
Jump onto the rotating teacups and collect the six (6$) garibs. Then, jump into
the water and be transported. Kill the two (2$) red enemies and follow the
arrow. Slip your way down the three pivoted checkered platforms collecting the
six (6$) garibs along the way. Once at the bottom, step on the blue and light
blue rotating disk and collect the eight (8$) garibs positioned around it. In
the middle is a Ferris wheel. Climb on it. At the top you will be sucked into a
transparent tube and hit a save point. Twelve (12$) garibs are nearby. Place the
ball on the target button to stop the fan. Slip your way down the three red
pivoted platforms collecting the six (6$) garibs along the way. Go to the fan
and use the save point. Slab the rubber ball into the water and jump in. Eight
(8$) garibs are at the bottom as well as a helicopter potion. (Two garibs are
superimposed on one another, so it looks as if there are only seven.) Use it and
quickly fly back to the clown's face to collect the four (4$) garibs and an
extra life high up in the air. Return to the pool. The floating elephant will
have consumed your ball by now. Grab the helicopter potion again and follow the
arrow to the hovering platform with the bee on it, collecting the three (3$)
garibs along the way. Grab the frog potion and transform the bee into a frog.
When the elephant is safely above the platform, transform it as well and your
ball will be released. Go down the blue striped slide to the exit.

Level Three (80 garibs)
Start this level by jumping onto Dennis. Before jumping over the wall, turn
around. There is a platform hovering off in the distance. Gain some height with
the blue guy and jump over to this platform for four (4$) garibs and three extra
lives. Return to the beginning and jump onto the tent to the left of the
revolving door. In the air above are three (3$) garibs and another extra life.
Jump off the tent to the area beyond. Kill the two (2$) red enemies and pound
the star button to activate the revolving door. Retrieve your ball and go up the
green ramp. Collect three (3$) garibs and pass the save point. Work your way
past the swinging ships and onto the blue platform. Go down the slide collecting
thirteen (13$) garibs and two extra lives on the way. At the bottom is a pool of
water with eight (8$) garibs around it and a save point. Work your way past the
black and white checkered seesaw (don't worry, you won't slide off it as it
pivots). After this is a funnel with nine (9$) garibs in it and an extra life in
the middle. Fall through the funnel. On the other side of the green wall are
four (4$) garibs. Past the next wall is a target button. Place the ball on it
and the blue and white hands will open. Past the final green wall are four (4$)
more garibs and a swirling teleporter. Walk through it. You will return to the
newly opened blue and white hands. On the other side is a red enemy (1$) and a
save point. Beyond this is a merry-go-round inside a blue disc. Three (3$) red
enemies circle this merry-go-round, and twenty (20$) garibs are on it. On one
side of the disc are blue and white uneven steps. At the top, you will see the
shadow of a sticky feet spell. Place the ball on the shadow and have Glover jump
on top of the ball. First jump and then fist slam. At the top of your jump,
double jump to reach the spell. Leave the ball and enter the tumblers. As you
spin around, one extra life awaits you at the top of each tumbler. Retrieve your
ball and pass the tumblers. Avoid the holes in the blue and white checkered
floor, gathering the six (6$) garibs as you do. An extra life is above the last
hole. Exit.

Boss Level
This time you face a giant clown in a circular swirling room. You will need to
damage the clown three times. Throw the ball against the target on the wall and
a bomb will come out of the door with the question mark on it. After the clown
is hurt, another target will appear on the wall. Throw the ball against it again
and this time a boxing glove will come out of the other question marked door and
hit the clown. Finally, throw the ball against the blinking red light above the
door. A piano will fall on the clown killing him for good. Exit the level and
return the ball to the fountain below the castle.

Bonus Level (20 garibs)
In this bonus level, you command a cannon. You have one and a half minutes to
hit all the targets. Concentrate on the garibs first, and then knock out the
targets. Essentially, this is just a button-mashing event, and you should clear
this with no problem.

Pirates Realm
Level One (70 garibs)
Jump off the plank to get your first four (4$) garibs. If you miss some, don't
worry; you'll have another opportunity to grab them. As you splash into the
water below, walk to the other side of the sunken ship to the left. There are
four (4$) garibs between the ship and the wall. Then walk to the beach and exit
the water. Turn back towards the water and jump across the floating crates and
planks to get to the left side of the tall building you jumped off of. Your ball
is there as well as a star button. Slam the button. Jump back into the water and
walk on top of the ball toward the sunken ship. Place the ball on the target
switch. At this point, if you missed any of the garibs at the beginning, you can
use the newly activated elevator to get to the top of the building. Go to the
beach again, and this time enter the other side of the beach. There is an extra
life under the plank leading into the water if you want it. On the opposite side
of the water is a raised platform with eight (8$) garibs and a yellow enemy
(1$). Throw the ball against the target switch on the wall to open a treasure
chest underwater. Transform the ball into the ball bearing, so it will sink, and
enter the water. Grab the extra life in the treasure chest. Walk counter-
clockwise around the island and kill the crab (1$). Follow the sign to the jet
stream. Get as near to the wall as possible and enter the stream so that the
ball will pass over the target switch. This reveals another target switch by the
other jet stream on the opposite side of the treasure chest. Go to it and
activate this switch too. This second switch activates a waterspout on the
island. Go to the island and ride this spout. On the platform at the top is a
save point. Beyond are two set of four garibs (8$). At the lighthouse, walk to
the left behind the house. There are six (6$) garibs hidden behind it. Go back
to the lighthouse and break down the door with the bowling ball to get an extra
life. Kill the crab (1$) and yellow enemy (1$) patrolling the corner. If you
wish to kill the annoying treasure chest enemy, you can do so by using Swish
(the walking sword). See Mr. Tip for help. At the back of the lighthouse is a
target switch. Throw the ball against it and steps will pop out of the
lighthouse. Put the ball in a safe place and climb these steps. Six (6$) garibs
are on the steps. At the top of the lighthouse is a star button. Slam it.
Descend the lighthouse and jump onto the swinging boats. There are five (5$)
garibs on the first and four (4$) on the second. After the ships is a slanted
path. Avoid the spikes while grabbing the four (4$) garibs and passing the save
point. When you reach the crates, break them and all the others beyond for seven
(7$) garibs. There are also four (4$) free garibs behind the house. Under one of
the crates you break is a target switch. Place the ball on it. Go down the ramp,
collecting six (6$) garibs as you go. At the bottom is a swinging ship and the

Level Two (60 garibs)
Take the elevator up. Next to the hut are three (3$) garibs and an extra life is
behind it. Kill the yellow enemy (1$) and take the next elevator up. Kill the
crab (1$) and work snake your way around the tree. At the split, there are four
(4$) garibs on a falling platform on the left fork. A save point is directly
past this. Work your way past the slicing swords until you reach another hut. An
extra life is behind this one as well. Past the hut are four sets of three
garibs (12$) on falling platforms. Keep going and you'll pass a save point. On
the steps directly beyond are four (4$) garibs. At the bottom is a moving
sidewalk with a yellow enemy (1$) on it. After this are three elevators with
three garibs on each (9$). At the pool, grab the extra life behind the hut,
transform the ball into something sinkable, and activate the target switch at
the bottom of the pool. Exit the pool and to the left is a yellow enemy (1$).
Continue down this path and jump onto a revolving platform to reach the star
button. Slam the button, kill the yellow enemy (1$), and grab the four (4$)
garibs. Return to the pool and grab the four (4$) garibs by the treasure chest
enemy. Follow the arrow to the large moving platform. Kill the two yellow
enemies (2$) and grab the eight (8$) free garibs as you ride this platform. At
one end is a target switch that you will need to activate to open the exit door.
A crab (1$) protects this switch. Before you exit, there are four (4$) more

Level Three (80 garibs)
Jump over the two rolling barrels, grabbing the four (4$) garibs as you do. When
you reach the green patch, take the elevator down and take the two (2$) garibs.
At the bottom of the elevator, jump into the alcove and walk against the back
wall. This will teleport you to the other side. Grab the sticky feet potion and
walk the walls to the ceiling. Eight (8$) garibs and an extra life are at the
top. Return to the green patch and continue to the right. At the top of the
ramp, you can jump back onto a ledge to get an extra life. Jump over the gap to
the save point. Fall down to the two (2$) garibs below and back up to the six
(6$) around the corner. Climb the ramp to the four (4$) garibs in front of the
house. Cross the bridge and avoid the cannonball enemies. Pound the star switch
and say goodbye to the cannonballs. Double back and follow the sign down to the
star switch. Pound it to lower the net under the bridge. Jump onto this net and
kill the bouncing crab (1$). Grab all sixteen (16$) garibs. On the far end is a
ledge with an alcove. Enter the alcove to teleport you back to the bridge. Cross
the bridge again and follow the sign (who changes these?). Four (4$) free garibs
lead the way to another save point. Follow the sign to the crab (1$) and four
(4$) free garibs. Take your ball with you and descend the elevator, taking the
two (2$) garibs as you go. At the bottom, break the gate with the bowling ball
for an extra life. Descend the ramp to the right. Get on top of the platform
immediately at the bottom. Have Glover jump on the ball. Jump, fist slam, and
double jump to get on to the net, grabbing four (4$) garibs as you do so. Once
on the net, hold down A to gain some height so that you can reach the big and
strong potion above. Use this potion to move the large crates down below. This
will reveal a target switch on the wall. Throw the ball against it and return
back up the elevator. Climb on top of the house and climb the new stairs to the
other house. Run across the bridge. Four (4$) garibs await you on falling
planks. Beyond is a save point. Jump across the rolling barrel. Jump against the
vertical wood slab to cause it to fall. Two (2$) garibs are underneath it. Cross
the bridge and place the ball on the target switch. This activates an elevator
back by the rolling log. Take it to the top where a yellow enemy (1$) and four
(4$) free garibs are. Go to the right. Past the smoking chimneys are three (3$)
garibs. Three yellow enemies (3$) patrol the steps beyond. On the other side of
the steps are three (3$) free garibs. Right before the arch, have Glover jump on
top of the ball. Jump, fist slam, and double jump to reach the top of the arch
where two (2$) garibs and an extra life are. Cross the bridge and exit.

Boss Level
In this level, you must damage the swinging monkey three times. To do so, you
must first throw the ball against the monkey while it is swinging. To do this,
get close to it, bounce the ball, and then hold the B button to hover in the
air. Aim and release. When you hit the monkey, it will swing all the way around
the branch really fast until it falls off onto its back on the ground. When it
is on its back, fist slam its belly to damage it. You will have to do this
sequence three times. However, each time the monkey is damaged, it will grow
smaller, so that it becomes more difficult to hit it. Note that if you get too
close, the swinging monkey will come down off the branch and chase you around.
Thus, the trick is to get close enough to hit the monkey, but not so close as to
cause it to come down and chase you. This will be particularly difficult for the
third and final damage.

The two monkeys running around on the sand are merely there to impede your
progress. If they grab your ball, simply fist slam the ground next to them to
knock them out.

When you damage the swinging monkey three times, the treasure chest behind it
(which looks more like a rock) will open and the exit will appear.

Bonus Level (50 garibs)
In this bonus level, you have three minutes to grab all the garibs, raise the
water level to the top, and exit. At the bottom of the pool is a jet stream
pushing water up. This will give you a needed boost to jump onto the barrels.
Once on a barrel, fist slam it to break it and the water will rise to the next
barrel. You will definitely want to start off by killing the fish so that it
doesn't bother you. To do so, you must jump off a barrel and fist slam it.

There isn't too much strategy I can help you with on this level. It is mostly a
matter of skill and speed. Generally, your primary concern should be with
raising the water. Only attempt to grab the garibs as you fall or are waiting
for the water to rise.

When you use the jet stream, you will need to sink a while outside of it. That
way, you can build up speed and gain some height when you shoot out of the
water. As you sink, you can also grab any garibs you have missed.

There are eight barrels to smash. At the top, you will have to jump onto your
ball and grab the remaining garibs that are above the high water mark before

Prehistoric Realm
Level One (80 garibs)
In this level, you explore a snowy wonderland. As you roll your ball on any
snowy surface, it will gather snow and grow into a large snowball. When your
ball is covered in snow, it will not bounce and is more difficult to throw. As a
result, you must constantly bounce your ball to shake off this snow.

Start off by killing the brown furry enemy (1$). Collect the three (3$) free
garibs. Jump up the steps to the three (3$) garibs above and fist slam the ice
cube to rescue your ball. Jump off of this ledge and break the icicles with the
bowling ball. On the other side are two (2$) garibs leading down to an icy pond.
On one island in this pond are five (5$) garibs and on the other are eight (8$).
Frozen in the ice on one side of the pond are three (3$) garibs. Fist slam to
break the ice and grab them. On the other side of the pond are three (3$) more.
Past the pond are some ledges. Underneath them are three (3$) free garibs. Jump
onto the first ledge for two (2$) more. Avoid the snowballs that occasionally
pass between the ledges and jump to the second ledge for two (2$) more garibs.
Once you reach the top, go to the right and slide down the small icy ramp. Three
(3$) garibs and a save point are at the bottom. Slap the ball back up the ramp.
To the right of the sign is an alcove covered with ice. Break the ice with the
bowling ball to get the eight (8$) garibs and the extra life inside. Next, you
will have to ascend a zigzag trail. This can be very annoying, because if you
get touched by the snowballs that roll down the path, you will be absorbed by it
and roll all the way back to the bottom. Anyway, the trick is to move up one
ramp, bounce the ball (perhaps twice if it has snow on it), and then hold the B
button to hover in the air at the top of your bounce. Then wait for the snowball
to pass and quickly go up the next ramp and repeat. After the third resting
spot, you may wish to run the rest of the way up, since for some reason you
usually cannot get enough height at the fourth resting spot. When you do
eventually reach the top, gratefully use the save point and grab the four (4$)
garibs. Past the save point is a slippery ice bridge. Wait for the snowballs to
pass and then follow them. Eight (8$) garibs are on this bridge. On the other
side is a roaring dinosaur protecting six (6$) garibs. The far wall is
breakable. Slap the bowling ball against it until you discover the secret room
hiding twelve (12$) garibs and an extra life. Return to the ice barrier and
break this with the bowling ball as well. Collect the two (2$) garibs, break the
next ice barrier, and collect two (2$) more before exiting the level.

Level Two (80 garibs)
Follow the arrow down the ramp to five (5$) garibs. Bounce across the lava to
the roaring dinosaur. Grab the twelve (12$) garibs and continue on. Past the
lava waterfall is a step leading up to another level. Behind the step are two
(2$) garibs. Climb the step to the higher level and follow the sign. Right
before the furry enemy is collapsible wall. Jump against it several times to
cause it to fall. Five (5$) garibs and an extra life are on the other side.
Return to the furry enemy and kill it (1$). Descend the ramp with four (4$)
garibs. Jump past the blue pivoted platforms for the save point. Then work your
way down the blue platforms gathering five (5$) garibs as you do so. Follow the
sign past the roaring dinosaur to the target switch. Place the ball on the
switch and grab the single (1$) garib next to it. Turn around and pass the
dinosaur again to a second sign. Four (4$) garibs are next to this sign. Jump
onto the new island in the lava and on to the other side. Five (5$) garibs are
on the other side. Place the rubber ball next to the wall. Have Glover stand on
the ball. Then jump, fist slam, and double jump your way to the top. Grab the
extra life and pound the star button. This will lower the ledge you are standing
on. Retrieve your ball and place it on the target switch. Return to the second
sign and follow the new direction it is pointing in. On the large island are
four (4$) garibs. Once you pass the lava there will be four (4$) garibs
surrounding a lizard lady. In addition, there is a single (1$) garib in-between
the two palm trees. A furry guy (1$) circles a save point. On the other side of
the skull is a single (1$) garib. Beyond this location is a path leading up with
boulders rolling down it. Avoid the boulders and collect the three sets of three
garibs (9$) on the path. At the top is a save point. Jump across to where the
sign is and kill the furry enemy (1$). In the depression beyond are eleven (11$)
garibs and two extra lives. Avoid the boulders rolling down this depression. On
the other side are four (4$) free garibs. Follow the narrow path down to the
exit. Grab the extra life in the alcove before you finish.

Level Three (80 garibs)
Start off by collecting the sixteen (16$) garibs that surround the lounge lizard
lady. As she chases you, run behind the palm tree with the heart carving in it.
As she hits this tree, eight (8$) garibs will magically appear as well as an
extra life. You can also use the death spell if you wish to rid yourself of your
lizard stalker. Right next to the palm tree are ten (10$) garibs on the border
of a lava lake. Follow the sign to the star button. Instead of pushing it, take
the path to the left into the water. Walk in this stream until it U-turns. In
the wall and under the water is a secret entrance to a room with seven (7$)
garibs and an extra life. Consume the speed potion and head back to the star
button. Pound the button to activate the rotating stone slabs. With your ball,
ascend the ramp to these slabs and work your way past them. As you do so, you
will collect five (5$) garibs. After the save point is a Stonehenge like
monument. Kill the two furry enemies (2$). Throw the ball into the liquid
rectangles on each of the four megaliths. Each time you do so, lightning will
strike and the stone in the middle will lower. Place the ball on the target
switch to lower the lava pool. Return to this pool. Taking the ball with you,
jump up the stairs of pads to the top. You will pick up three (3$) garibs as you
do so. At the top are a save point and a target switch. Place the ball on the
switch and return back down to the starting point. To the right is an island in
another lava pool. Jump onto it and grab the eight (8$) garibs. Pound the star
button to raise the platforms beyond. Climb these until you hit the save point.
Kill the furry enemy (1$) that patrols this area and grab the fifteen (15$)
garibs that are found around the ring. In the middle of this ring is a platform
that rises and falls. Place the ball on the target switch on the platform to
activate an elevator. Use this elevator to reach the first ledge which has two
(2$) garibs and an extra life and the second ledge which has three (3$) garibs.
At the top floor is the exit.

Boss Level
This is perhaps the easiest of all levels in the game. Your object is to damage
the dinosaur three times. Simply slap the ball onto the incline. It will gather
snow as it rolls and damage the dinosaur when it reaches the bottom. Whether you
miss or hit the dinosaur, your ball will be magically returned to you at the
top. Avoid the fireballs the dinosaur spits at you and avoid sliding down the
hill yourself at all costs.

Bonus Level (60 garibs)
In this bonus level, you control the rubber ball. You have one minute to collect
all the garibs you can while staying ahead of the wall of lava. There are no
secrets or strategy to employ. Simply try the level several times and memorize
the path. At the very beginning, start by pushing directly down on the joystick
since the first two garibs are in the air and you'll need to be bouncing when
you reach them. Of course, ignore the extra lives. There will be two obstacles
to jump over and a few lava pools to avoid, but in general this level is
relatively easy to solve.

Fortress Of Fear Realm
Level One (60 garibs)
The ball is on the ledge to the left of you. Retrieve it and grab the first four
(4$) garibs in-between the streams of electricity. Place the ball in-between the
two streams and stand on top of it. Jump, fist slam, and double jump to reach
the top level. One (1$) garib and an extra life are hidden up there. Jump back
down and continue across the bridge. Turn right and descend the ramp. Jump to
the platform below which has four (4$) garibs on it. To get back up, stand on
the ball, jump, and fist slam. Then consume to star potion to summon your ball.
Go back up the right and cross the bridge with the three (3$) garibs on it. By
the star button are two (2$) garibs. Pound the button to raise two coffin
elevators. Jump across them, collecting the six (6$) garibs in the air above the
second coffin. Past the second coffin is a save point. Jump across the third
coffin and grab the three (3$) garibs. Consume the helicopter potion and fly
directly up. On the floating platform are four (4$) garibs and two extra lives.
Consume the helicopter potion here to get safely back down to the ground. Climb
the ramp. Avoid the walking shoes and get the six (6$) garibs. As you turn
right, there is a potion to transform your ball into a beach ball. The beach
ball bounces really high and floats slowly back down. Use it to get the five
(5$) garibs that are in the air. Past these is a foggy area with a green enemy
(1$). Eight (8$) garibs form a circle on the ground. On the near ledge are three
(3$) garibs and three (3$) more are on the far ledge. One target switch can be
found on the wall on each side of the door. Throw the ball against both to lower
the door. Once you pass through the door, use the save point to the left. To the
right, there is a vertical wood plank. Jump against it to tip it over. Collect
the five (5$) garibs as you cross this bridge. On the other side is some
pipework. To the far right is a building with a ledge around it. Walk around the
building to grab a single garib on opposite sides (2$) and an extra life. Return
to the pipework. Next to the three enemies with maces are three blocks. Push
each one into the gap between the pipes. You may wish to knock the enemies out
before pushing the block. After all three blocks are in place, lightning will
strike the sarcophagus, revealing a star button. Pound this button to lower the
drawbridge. Cross the drawbridge to the exit.

Level Two (60 garibs)
The first five (5$) garibs are against the wall. Next to the door is something
that looks like a stained glass window. Get on the left side of it and push it
towards the door. This will reveal a target switch on the wall. Throw the ball
against it. Seven (7$) garibs and an extra life will fall from the sky. Next,
stand on the ball and double jump your way up to the ledge. Five (5$) garibs are
on it. If you walk around the top of the wall, there is an extra life as well.
Jump back down to the floor. Avoid the swinging blade and exit this room. In the
next room are tiles that fall when you stand on them. Quickly move around the
room collecting all six (6$) garibs and the extra life. After you exit this room
there is a save point. Jump across the swinging platforms and gather the three
(3$) garibs. On the other side of the swinging platforms are two sets of five
garibs (10$). Release the ball and continue on, avoiding the spikes. You will
encounter a jumping stick of dynamite. When you hear him start to hiss, find a
safe location, duck, and wait for him to explode. Then take the five (5$) garibs
organized in a circle. Jump up onto the ledge directly above and pass Mr. Tip to
two (2$) garibs and an extra life. Jump back down and get the three (3$) garibs
on the other side of the carpet. To the right of the gate is a small hole in the
wall. Have Glover jump through this hole to the other side. Push the large lever
you find on the other side to raise the gate. Retrieve your ball and use the
save point next to the lever. In the adjacent room is an object with two
electrified trapezoids revolving around it. Avoid the electric streams and
gather the ten (10$) garibs. Kill the green enemy (1$) on the other side. Bounce
your way past the moving platforms to the final platform. Grab the three (3$)
free garibs. Then fist slam the mummy. This will knock it on its back. Then,
fist slam it again to kill it. The gate will open and allow you to exit.

Level Three (70 garibs)
Start off by jumping across the gap. Ascend the ramps and collect the two (2$)
garibs on the falling triangle. Collect three (3$) more on the wooden platform.
Collect another three (3$) underneath the guillotine. Beyond this is a block
revolving around an electrified centerpiece. Avoid the electric stream and grab
the eight (8$) garibs. Kill the green enemy for one (1$) more. On the other side
are two green enemies (2$) guarding two (2$) free garibs. Immediately beyond
this is a save point. Continue on until you come upon two sliding coffins. Four
(4$) garibs are above the first coffin. On the other side of the coffins are ten
(10$) garibs surrounding a square hole. Past this is a save point. If you really
want the extra life in the middle of the spikes, release the ball and have
Glover sacrifice a heart to get it. Continue to the left, past the swinging
platform and up the ramp. Grab the two (2$) garibs in front of the gate and
release the ball. Return back down the ramp and across the swinging platform.
Grab the four (4$) garibs and consume the beach ball potion. Quickly return to
your ball. Bounce the beach ball, and at the top of your jump, throw the ball
over the gate. The gate will then open for you. Ascend the ramp and jump onto
the swinging platform, where you can gain four (4$) garibs. Continue on to the
platform where the cannonball enemy is. On the other side is a sliding castle
wall platform. Ride it. Place the ball on the target switch to lower the spikes.
Return to where the spikes were and touch the dark wall in the alcove. You will
be teleported. Walk down the path to the save point and five (5$) garibs. Jump
across the rising and falling coffins to the roof. On one side of the roof are
three (3$) garibs and on the other are three (3$) more. Jump across the rotating
wooden wheel to another roof. This roof is a four-sided pyramid. On each side
are two garibs for a total of eight (8$). Avoid the electric streams and collect
the garibs. Beyond this is a jaw-like structure that opens and closes. Grab the
extra life while jumping across this structure. On the other side is another
roof. Three (3$) garibs are on one side and three (3$) more are on the other.
Jump down off the roof and run away from the bouncing stick of dynamite. To the
left of the two rolling barrels is a save point. Past the barrels are three
spiked death traps. Quickly run past these. At the top of the wooden ramp, you
can jump onto the walls on each side. Two extra lives are on one wall and three
are on the other. Two spinning cannonball enemies guard the exit.

Boss Level
This level is fairly easy, once you figure out what you need to do. But it can
be time consuming, especially the annoying intro! Anyway, your goal is to reach
the target switch, which is on the ledge high above on the wall against which
you start. To do so, you must pound each stack to form a stepping stairway. But
each time you pound a stack down, the stack on the opposite end moves up. You
also have a Frankenstein inspired monster walking around in the middle. He will
occasionally electrocute a stack. While a stack is alive with electricity, you
cannot be on it or else you will be hurt.

To begin, leave the ball safe in a corner. Then jump onto the lowest stack near
the starting point. Jump your way around to the opposite side. Pound this stack
twice. Then jump to the stack left of it. Pound it twice. Then jump twice to the
right. Pound this stack twice. Jump left and pound twice. You should now have a
nice stepping stairway to climb. Grab your ball, and go to the lowest stack (the
last one you pounded). Work your way around the left side by bouncing your ball
from one stack to another. When you place the ball on the switch, electricity
will arc out of every stack, killing the monster.

If you ever mess up, you can also reset all stacks by pounding the star on the

Bonus Level (56 garibs)
In this bonus level, you control the rubber ball and must navigate a maze.
Collect all garibs and exit before your one and a half minutes are up. There is
no strategy or secrets. You must simply work fast and will probably have to try
this several times. Work up a pattern if needed. The maze is symmetrical, so
anything you do on one side, you should immediately repeat on the other.

Out Of This World Realm
Level One (50 garibs)
Start off this level by descending the hill directly in front of you to the neon
sign. Hidden behind this is a single (1$) garib. Next to the sign is a star
button. Kill the blue enemy (1$) circling it and slam the button. This will
activate the jet streams. Patrolling each of the four jet streams is a blue
enemy to kill (4$). Enter each jet stream and fly to the top for three garibs
each (12$). Next, follow the signs and ascend the ramp in the sea of green goo.
Near the top are two (2$) garibs. At the top are a save point and a target
switch. Place the ball on the switch and a platform will descend. Bounce the
ball onto this platform and collect the garib (1$) there. Place the ball at the
center of this rotating platform and stand on it. Jump, fist slam, and double
jump your way to the second rotating platform. Another garib in on this one
(1$), as well as the third (1$) and fourth (1$) rotating platform. After the
fourth platform are some green ledges against the wall. Jump onto these to reach
the star button. Pound this button and return to your ball. Descend the ramp and
jump onto the new floating platforms. Jump across them and onto the stairs. At
the top of the stairs is a target switch. Place the ball on this to summon the
flying saucer. On the top of the saucer is a window. Fist slam this to smash it
open and enter the saucer. Inside are sixteen (16$) garibs. Pound the star
button to launch the rocket that will break open the door to the exit. Exit the
saucer by touching the red pad. Once outside, collect the ten (10$) garibs
around the saucer. You may now exit. However, you may wish to explore a secret
room hidden in the wall to the left of the exit. Jump up onto the green path
against the wall. Find the spot with the discoloration and break the wall with
the bowling ball. Behind this wall is a room with hieroglyphics. Fist slam the
block in the middle of this room to reveal some floating platforms. Jump up on
these to the top where an extra life is. Back outside, there is also an extra
life on top of the crashed spaceship.

Level Two (50 garibs)
Start off this level by turning around. Follow the path around the corner for
three (3$) garibs. Return to the starting point and pass the target switch. Kill
the four blue enemies (4$). Up to the right is a level platform. Climb the slope
to get up there and grab the single (1$) garib on the platform. Place the ball
on the target switch. This activates a pair of spiked horizontal crushers.
Leading down the slope to the crushers are three (3$) garibs. Pass the crushers
and continue down the blue path. Next is a set of three vertical crushers.
Carefully pass these and kill the two blue enemies (2$) on the other side.
Leading up the slope on the right to the arch above the vertical crushers are
three (3$) garibs. Walk across the arch and collect the three (3$) garibs. At
the end of this path is a target switch. Place the ball on it to raise a bridge
across the green goo. Past the switch towards the green goo is another arch.
Jump and cross this arch to get five (5$) garibs. Return to the area in-between
the horizontal and vertical crushers. On one side of the canyon is a ledge with
spiked horizontal pushers. In-between these two pushers are three (3$) garibs.
Jump on top of the pusher with a flat surface. Jump from this onto the arch over
the vertical smashers. Take the five (5$) garibs on this arch. Now return to the
first target switch. Jump up the canyon wall to a narrow ledge. Walk along this
ledge past the speed potion. Grab the six (6$) garibs on the bridge. Return to
the speed potion and consume it. Step on the square next to the potion. This
lowers a secret door on the opposite canyon wall. Quickly run across the bridge
and turn right and jump through the door before it closes. Follow the path to
the pyramid. Collect the twelve (12$) garibs surrounding the pyramid. When you
do so, the pyramid will lower and reveal an extra life. Take this extra life.
Gladly surrender yourself to the evil robot and have him throw you off the edge.
After you reincarnate back at the starting point, place the ball on the target
switch. This opens the doors to the exit. However, this exit is on the far end
of the canyon and the doors only stay open for a short time. Thus, you must roll
your ball down the blue path as fast as you can. The blue surface you are on is
very slippery, your time is limited, and speed is essential to making the jump.
Thus, never slow down. Beating the smashers will most likely be just a matter of
luck. So, you will probably have to try this several times. Unfortunately, you
must kill the four blue enemies at the starting point each time you make a new
attempt. When you do manage to pass all the obstacles and beat the closing
doors, you will be able to exit the level.

Level Three (80 garibs)
Turn around and go to the fence. Release your ball and leave it there for
safety. Turn back around and walk through the tunnel. On the other side is an
enemy. Fist slam the area next to it to knock it out temporarily. You will need
to push the enemy through the tunnel to the danger area with no fence, and then
off the edge. If it wakes up, you will loose ground, so continuously fist slam
to keep it unconscious while you push. Once the enemy is disposed of, retrieve
your ball. Place the ball on the target switch and have Glover get on the star
button. Pound the star button and the door will open. On the other side is a
ramp with seven (7$) garibs and a save point. On the blue ramp past the windmill
are two sets of five garibs (10$). Get onto the conveyor belt. After the second
belt is a floating platform to the right. Jump on this and grab the three (3$)
garibs above the red pad. Get back onto the conveyor belt moving the opposite
direction. To the right is another floating platform with a star button on it.
Pound this button to lower the sign with the blinking lights. Get back on the
conveyer belt and take it to the end. Stay to the left so you will hit the
platform at the end of the belt. Jump across the red rotating plus-shaped
obstacle to the platform beyond. Collect the twelve (12$) garibs and the extra
life. Then jump off the edge and plummet to your bloody death. Get back on the
conveyor belt and this time go in the original direction past the two office
buildings. On the right side of the slowly moving fan is a ramp leading down to
a green teleporter. When you materialize, there will be a red button to the
right. Pound this button to turn on the fan. Walk off the edge and ride the
wind. Gather the nine (9$) garibs and step to the other side. Use the save
point. Take the ramp leading up to the red button. Bounce the ball to the
gondola. Release the ball and return to the red button. Pound the button and
quickly jump onto the gondola and rejoin your ball. Ride it to the other side.
With ball in hand, jump off the gondola to the red grate below. This will bring
together the two jigsaw shaped platforms. Leave your ball here and double jump
to the closest platform. Take a left and gather the eight (8$) near the star
potion. Consume the potion to summon your ball. Return in the direction you just
came from and continue on past the evil robot. You will come upon a target
switch. Place the ball on the switch to open the glass doors. Beyond is a ring
with six (6$) garibs on the right edge and seven (7$) garibs on the left edge.
In-between the buildings to the right is some pipework enclosed in glass. Jump
on top of this and to the ledge containing the six (6$) garibs on the other
side. Return to the ring and continue on to the save point. Past the save point
is a series of three conveyor belts. Each has four garibs on it (12$). On the
other side of the belts is a ramp leading down to a glass plane. Break this
plane with the bowling ball and exit.

Boss Level
This is the final battle in the game. Beat Cross-stitch and the wizard will be

You start off facing a giant robot. Your goal is to get in between its legs and
enter the door marked by the two arrows. Once inside the robot, you will face
Cross-stitch who commands his own robot. You have to damage Cross-stitch three
times. This is essentially just a button-mashing event and is horrendously easy
for the final battle of the game.

When you defeat Cross-stitch, return the final crystal to the fountain and watch
the closing cutscene.

Bonus Level (50 garibs)
You have two and a half minutes in this level to pilot the Glovercopter around
the room and collect as many garibs as you can. To get all fifty garibs, follow
a pattern. Start off with the outside columns. Choose the closest one and move
around until you hit the top garib. Then let go of the button and glide down to
get all the garibs in the column. Move on to the next column and this time start
at the bottom. Use your shadow as a reference and center yourself in the middle
of the fan. Then press the A button and climb to the top of the column. Repeat
for the remaining four outer columns. Then move on to the center columns. Again,
use your shadow as a reference. The columns are on each corner of the hexagonal

Since running out of magic is essentially a death sentence, grab every potion as
you pass by it. This includes the ones on the ground as well as the ones at the
very top of the outer columns.

When you have all fifty garibs, find the exit near the top of the room.


These codes are given during the final credits. To use the codes, pause the game
and then enter the code using the yellow buttons.

Call Ball (instantly obtain the ball by pressing L button)
Checkpoints (opens all checkpoints for quick movement through a level)
Infinite Lives (no decrease in lives upon dying)
Powerball (turns ball into a small pink super bouncy ball)
Control Ball (Glover disappears and you instead control the ball)
Infinite Energy (no decrease in hearts upon being hit)
Enemy Ball (turns ball into cannonball enemy)
Low Gravity (creates low gravity conditions)
Big Ball (makes the ball big!)
Fish Eye (turns on wide angle lens)
Camera Rotate Right (tilts camera ninety degrees clockwise)
Camera Rotate Left (tilts camera ninety degrees counterclockwise)
Mad Garibs (turns garibs into Douglass Adams Don't Panic guy)
Death Spell (gives you the death spell)
Frog Spell (gives you the frog spell)
Hercules (makes Glover big and strong)
SpeedUp (gives you the speed spell)
Boomerang Ball (gives you the star shaped boomerang spell)
Vanish Ball (ball disappears)
Froggy (turns Glover into a frog)
Secret Cheat (unknown)
All Cheats Off (turns all cheats off)
Level Select (unknown)
Open Portals (opens all realms)
Open Levels (opens levels in all realms)
Locate Garibs (allows you to locate garibs in normal mode by pressing the R


This walkthrough was authored by and is copyrighted 1999 by Greg Moriarty
( for the use by Any other reproduction or
distribution without the author's permission is prohibited. If you wish to
improve upon this walkthrough, I may very allow you to. However, you must
receive permission from me first.

Glover is a trademark of Hasbro, Inc. The game is copyrighted 1998 by Hasbro,
Inc. and is licensed by Nintendo.

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14.Oktober 2013

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PAL/NTSC Selektor und +3 Trainer für die US Version.

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