Allied General

Allied General

16.10.2013 06:56:12
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| A L L I E D G E N E R A L | FAQ
Author: Matt Hulbert
Date Created: 9/23/00
Last Updated: 9/30/00
FAQ Version: 1.1

/ Introduction \
You have just been given the top military command of one of the largest
political powers in the world. What you choose to do with it, is up to you of
course. You will fight against Germans and Italians, as well as the Japanese in
all of the epic fights that won World War II. You will be able to buy new
units, custom name them and choose their strategic positions to counter your
enemy. However, you will only have a certain number of moves, and a limited
supply of money, so can you defeat the odds and reclaim Western Europe, North
Africa, Eastern Europe and more!
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This document may not be distributed in any way shape
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permission, it is not my responsibility. This guide -
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without the expressed written and legal consent given
by the author. This FAQ is for your own personal, and
private use, and cannot be sold nor given away for an
profit or not. Breach of this disclaimer is a against
the law and a lawsuit can be pursued, author willing.

(c)2000 Matt Hulbert, All Rights Reserved.

\ Table Of Contents /
1.) Axis/Allied Powers
2.) Menus/Options
3.) Equipment/Weapons
4.) New Campaigns
5.) Unit Commands
6.) Using Map/Other


The Americans
The Americans are the strongest force in the war besides the Germans. They have
very good troops, and above average tanks and artillery. I think the Royal Navy
has a little bit on them in the Naval Department, their Fighters and Bombers
are unmatched. If you are playing as the American Commander, try to use your
excessive force to just run straight over and through your enemy. Now, the
Germans will put up a little bit of resistance, but just keep on trucking.

The Russians (Soviets)
The Russians are an average war time power, they aren't as strong as Germany or
even the British for that matter but there Navy is pretty good. They do not
have the best of tanks or anti-aircraft weapons, but if you take command of one
of their outfits, you are really going to have to try to be a tactician,
because you won't be over powering much of anyone. Use your Naval strength as a
large advantage and play it.

The British
The British are not as strong as the Americans, but it is very possible to
still beat the Germans on land. In the Naval battle, her majesties aviators and
ships are great, they have a major advantage when they are at sea, which is
really the only place you want to command them if you have a choice. In a few
of the campaigns, you will not have a choice for a land battle, so make due
with what you have.


The Germans
The rise of Nazi Germany, and the beginning of the Holocaust, well we are going
to see about that, when you fight the Germans, use every force you have
available to you, and do not yield to there forces unless you have too. Your
tanks and there Blitzkrieg attack will clash, and the winner will not be the
strongest, but the best tactician.

The Italians
The Italians, are the second strongest axis power, only second to the Germans.
Their ground troops aren't very strong compared to the American forces, and
their tanks are weak, unlike the Germans, they are somewhat comparible to the
Russians. When fighting them, however you have to keep an eye on their big
artillery guns which have a habit of finding their way where you don't want
them to be.

The Japanese
The Japanese, the weakest of the 3 axis powers, is purely a Naval force,
because they border the pacific as does the United States. They were
responsible for the bombing of pearl harbor, and we are responsible for the
atomic bombing at Hiroshima, go figure. You will not be commanding them, but
when you are fighting them, use your larger weapons and strength to your


Main Menu:
Scenario - Here, you can access different set scenarios built to test your
skill in your new command. When you highlight a different scenario, its
description will appear at the top of the box it is viewed in. Difficulty can
be set for these as well, and they can also be customized to fit your liking.

Campaign - Here is the part of the game, this is where you basically take an
army, or a couple different nations, through World War II, and each battle must
be completed before you go to the next, the difficulty can be set for this as
well, and these really count, so be careful.

Load - Load previously saved game off of your controller pak, note that to save
on this game it requires 3 blocks of memory from your controller pak, which
must be inserted in slot 1, to be able to load anything.

Information - From here you can access information such as the game and World
War II glossary, which is a good idea to look at to sharpen up your skills and
speed. You can also get into the ship statistics, study them so that in battle
you will know what type of weapon you want and when.

Battle Menu:
Purchase Unit - With this option you can purchase and strengthen already
existing units, or have your new detachments split off and create a separate
striking group. Your purchases are bought with prestige points.

Transport - This is a quicker way of getting men and whole units around to
where they are supposed to be. When you want the truck symbol to go away and
leave the unit, disband them, and then they will appear ready to fight.

Main Options:
Set Difficulty: Set the difficulty on easy, medium or hard, or you can
customize your own level settings. You can adjust your enemies prestige points
and experience levels in the custom mode, and you can turn on the CPU's AI or
artificial intelligence.

Hidden Units - ON/OFF - You change the view of your tactical map, having all
the enemies show up at once, or have it divided into certain spotting levels.

Animation - ON/OFF - You can turn the battle sequences on or off, but it is not
the same feeling of war if you turn them off. But then on the other hand if you
turn them off, the game will go that much faster which may be to your liking.

Weather - ON/OFF - realistic weather conditions or no weather period.

Supply - ON/OFF - can take away the need to have supplies.

Music Volume - The music can be turned off or on, or you can just adjust the
level of volume the music is heard at, it is boring with no music though.

Sound Effects - ON/OFF or adjustments - Change the level of volume the sound
effects are heard at, or just turn them off completely.

Hide/Show Strengths - ON/OFF - shows or takes away each units strength info.

Hide/Show PC Move - hides or allows you to view the computers move.

Move Speed - NORMAL/FAST - decides how fat the enemies move will take.

Score - This is a list of casualties each side has obtained, it is a good way
to see who is winning, although it is not how the game is really kept.

Load/Save game - Save a new file, or load up an old one.

Basic Controls:
Use your D-Pad to move the highlighted units to where you want them to be
moved, or to the hex of the unit that they are to attack, only the lit up hex's
are the ones that your unit can move to, and if you are not bordering and enemy
hex, you can not attack them, except in special circumstances that sometimes

The O button is used to go to your battle option menu, when you are not
selecting a movement for a unit. If you wan to go here, but are on selection
mode, hit square and you will switch off of it.

In menus, O is the confirmation button, and hit X to be able to highlight
things, especially scrolling menus to be able to change its settings.

These are really the only controls you need to know at the beginning of the
game, and you will figure out the rest as you go along very easily, so there is
no need for me to waste space and list them all here.


Also known as AA, there primary use is to quickly and effectively shoot down
air attacks. Unlike air defense, these are not air to air fighters, just heavy
artillery guns used to shoot the plains down. They can also be used against
infantry if in the correct position, but on the other hand they are very
valuable and will easily be over taken by enemy tanks and anti tank weapons so
make sure that you take good care in the protection of these devices.

Air Defense
These weapons cannot be used to attack once they have moved, but they are a
great way to keep enemy air traffic down in a section containing a lot of your
infantry and valuable artillery. They are much better for guarding a stationary
area than they are for moving along with the troops, but they cannot attack
ground troops anyway, so it doesn't really matter.

There are 2 types of equipment classified as anti tank weapons, one has to be
towed by a truck, and the other is a self propelled vehicle with a larger gun
than the one which must be dragged. These are not actually that great at
fighting tanks in the attack position, but put them in places to make the enemy
attack you, and they will fire first. Because of the armor and gun size, these
are great for attacking enemy infantry as well, just be careful of artillery.

Artillery cannot attack after being moved either, there real use is to back up
infantry and give tanks extra support from a distance, so they are not exposed
to the harsh enemy fire the tanks that have much better armor are. Do not
attack head on with artillery unless the infantry is already chopped up pretty
bad, or you have a really big gun, and the infantry has been cut off from there

This is where wars are really won, on how fast your infantry moves, and whether
not they are in good position. The best way to really use infantry against your
enemies infantry, is to surround it, and then pounce like a tiger and crush
your enemy. How ever, if you allow your infantry to be divided into a ton of
smaller groups instead of one large battalion sized unit, they can be picked of
one by one, by a tank unit at full strength or by artillery fire.

If you are using real spotting rules which are turned on in the options menu.
If not, you can take the chance of being snuck up on, and then ambushed. This
is a very important type of equipment, which a lot of people forget about. They
are not armed very heavily in weapons or armor, so you need to keep a tank or
something with them to make sure they don't get over taken by artillery.

Tanks are the second most important type of weapon, especially when you are
fighting against the German Blitzkrieg attack, which if your not careful will
cost you a lot lives. Use your tanks to surprise and overpower infantry and
then to combat other tanks and infantry to try to clear the way for your
advancement of infantry to liberate the area.

Trucks are simply used as transports for moving men, or to tow infantry. They
are kind of a waste of money, so I would suggest you just have your men walk
and use self propelled infantry, but if it an emergency, use the truck to carry

These jet planes carry twin heavy mm guns, one mounted on each wing, and are
great for scraping over infantry, and taking out Recon and other weak vehicles
such as trucks, because the jets can hit them harder and much faster than
infantry, there escape is much faster and easier as well.

Level Bomber
These are your average bomber that are just here to drop bombs into a general
area. These will do great damage to airfields and infantry, but heavy enemy
artillery can take these down much easier than the fighters. Use these in
general areas that aren't artillery packed.

TAC Bomber
These are used for the bombing missions that don't just require someone pushing
a button that says bomb. This is the plane you want to use that will have to
evade or dodge enemy artillery. They are also a bit faster than the average
bomber, so you can get in, bomb, and out quicker.

Capital Ship
This is a more wide ranged category, consisting of Cruisers, Battleships and
Heavy Cruisers. They can be used support infantry and ground troops against a
soft attack, and are the best thing to use to defeat an enemy fleet. They can
shoot or move in either order, so they are very easy to use. How ever, they are
super slow to repair, so don't even bother with replacements.

These ships are very vulnerable to Naval attacks, but are good spotters. They
are used as a mobile airfield in the ocean for planes, jets and bombers, but
can only attack things in the same hex, so it's a good idea to make sure it has
an escort. They are super slow to repair and are very expensive, so guard it!

These ships are very easily killed by Capital ships, but are the only ship that
can attack submarines on hand and get the first shot in. This class of vehicle
ships are usually, Destroyers, Torpedo Boats, Escorts and other minor boats.
Use them as escorts for carriers and to tag along behind a sub for extra anti
sub protection.

Sea Transport
These are very important in any type of Naval transaction, especially in
Norway, where they are basically a must have. They are expensive, so keep a
guard, not just a Destroyer either, I like to keep a Capital ship with them
whenever it is possible, because if you lose them the down time can be hard.

When a sub is attacked it can usually get out of the way, and always gets to
shoot first when it attacks, and most of the time when being attacked in a lot
of situations. Subs are deadly for Carriers which are big vulnerable, capital
ships are not happy to hear subs are in the area either, because they can sink
those too! Now, just because you have them doesn't mean you don't have to watch
out for those nasty little German U-Boats.

Setting Up:

Choosing an Ally:
Most people like to choose there national command based on where they are from,
but it is really funner if you try playing from all the different points of
view, even the axis powers in some circumstances, seeing what it is like to
Take over the world of Playstation is kinda stressful.

Which Region:
When picking which beginning campaign you want, it really doesn't matter
because you will end up doing all of them, so just what picks interesting to
you then.

Campaign Tips:
When on a campaign, never get cocky, and make sure you look at every unit and
soldier you have on the board twice to make sure you don't pass the turn on to
The CPU and then get bombed for making a dumb mistake. Try to make use of every
soldier and equipment you have, because if you are not careful you will wish
you till had some later. Never sacrifice men, if you are planning something and
it goes wrong, that happens to all of us, but never, ever let men die just to
create a diversion, that is a sign of being in command for ego reasons. DO not
and I repeat do not buy things you don't need just to have them, that is pretty
dumb because I guarantee you will need the prestige points later in the game.


Unit Commands

These are just replacement parts or things for stuff that was either destroyed
or broken combat. The speed of repairs would depend on the kind of equipment it
is, so don't expect super fast repairs for carriers and stuff.

Supply Unit:
Each type of equipment needs fuel and ammo, so when you use them once, you use
a point of each. Unless you are in snow which takes away 2 fuel points. Make
sure you keep all of these up to date so you will work at full efficient

This will allow the unit to be rapidly transported, which is faster than the
usual style of transport.

Name Unit:
Using capital and lower case letter you can name your own units.

Unit Info:
Most of the time there is no unit info, but this is just the average statistics
of the unit, such as casulaties and fuel and ammo and stuff like that.

Allows you to change the type of unit it is, and add transport if it is needed.
You can only do this when you are in a friendly city or when deploying.

Embark Disembark:
Allows you to use Naval transport, infantry and most light artillery can do so.

Elite Replacements:
They do not experience away, but there price in x4 the usual.

Disband Unit:
Units can be disbanded in order to create new ones.

Show Score:
Show each sides (allies and axis) casualties.

Undo/Abort Move:
Go back before last move was done.

Unit Stats:

Current Fuel: how much fuel a vehicle/ship currently has.

Maximum Fuel: the max amount of fuel a vehicle/ship can carry.

Maximum Ammo: the most ammo that can be carried with that vehicle.

Exp./Battle Honors: These are points earned from battle to battle.

Entrenchmant: This is when troops dig in to have tough fight.


Class: The type equipment they are (ex. Artillery)

Cost: how many prestige points it will cost you.

Max Ammo: how much ammo it can carry.

Spotting: it's spotting capabilities.

Range: its shot range, longer is better.

Iniative: the vehicles main iniative.

Soft Attack: soft attack level of points.

Hard Attack: hard attack level of points.

Air Attack: efficiency against air attack.

Naval Attack: efficiency against Naval attack.

Ground Defense: efficiency to ground attack.

Close Defense: how well it is in very close fighting (ex. Artillery is low)

Target Type: the type of target figure it has.

Transport: if it is self propelled or must have towing vehicle.


Using the Map:

Move Distance: You can only move within your certain equipment's range. This is
how far the lit up hex appear because that's as far as you can go on the map.

Weather: If turned on the weather can effect the outcome of a battle and how
fast your unit moves, and eats up more fuel points per turn.

Prestige Points: These are awarded for winning battles, and are spent when you
buy new things to add to your units, such as tanks and transports.

Here is a little tip, do not buy things that you don't need, because they will
be wasted and you will need the prestige points later. Make sure that when you
do buy something that you put it somewhere that it can go to good use. DO not
put it way behind everything, make sure there is space befor eyou buy it.
Eventually over time you will learn where and when to place things, but until
then here are a couple little rules: IF you have the enemy out populated 3 to 1
do not add a battalion sized purchase just to look cool, yes I have seen it
done before. Next, and last, spend carefully, and never ever just buy something
to be destroyed so you can escape.

(c)2000 Matt Hulbert, All Rights Reserved.

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