Eye of the Beholder

Eye of the Beholder

12.10.2013 06:21:09


Eye of the Beholder I Hex-Liste von
Marc Rene Delhalle
für den DIRTY LITTLE HELPER September 1996

Offsets der Charactere:
1. 2
2. 245
3. 488
4. 731
5. 974
6. 1217

Erst einmal die Charakterwerte (Offset ab Namensbeginn) :

Offset *Bedeutung
11/12 *Kraft Grundwert aktuell/normal
13/14 *Kraft Zusatz (in Prozent)
15/16 *Intelligenz
17/18 *Weisheit
19/20 *Geschicklichkeit
21/22 *Kondition
23/24 *Charma
25/26 *Hitpoints
27 *AC (als vorzeichenbehaftete Zahl)
29 *Rasse
30 *Beruf(e)
31 *Gesinnung
32 *Bild
33 *Essen (in %, voll=64h)
34-36 *Level der Berufe
37-39, 41-43, 45-47*Erfahrungspunkte der Berufe
53-111 *Wenn vorhanden, gelernte Spells
113-116 *Angabe der lernbaren Spells (Tip: ef fa bf 01)
117/118 *1. Hand
119/120 *2. Hand
121-148 *Gepäck im Rucksack (14 Items)
151/152 *Rüstung
153/154 *Bracers
155/156 *Helm
157/158 *Medaillon
159/160 *Stiefel
161-166 *Gürtel (3 Items)
167/168 *Ring 1
169/170 *Ring 2

* Beruf * Rasse *
* Fighter - 00 * Human male - 00 *
* Ranger - 01 * Human female - 01 *
* Paladin - 02 * Elf male - 02 *
* Mage - 03 * Elf female - 03 *
* Cleric - 04 * Half-Elf male - 04 *
* Thief - 05 * Half-Elf female - 05 *
* Fighter/Cleric - 06 * Dwarf male - 06 *
* Fighter/Thief - 07 * Dwarf female - 07 *
* Fighter/Mage - 08 * Gnome male - 08 *
* Fighter/Mage/Thief - 09 * Gnome female - 09 *
* Thief/Mage - 0a * Halfling male - 0a *
* Cleric/Thief - 0b * Halfling female - 0b *
* Fighter/Cleric/Mage - 0c * *
* Ranger/Cleric - 0d * *
* Cleric/Mage - 0e * *

Die Items:
Taucht ein Wert in der Tabelle nicht auf, so hat er nichts sinnvolles
ergeben. Meistens ist es dann ein Mouse-Pointer, der wie jedes andere Item
abgelegt und sogar als Waffe (bringt bei einer Kraft von 22 einen Schaden bis
hin zu 16 Hitpoints) benutzt werden kann.
Adamantite Darts sind zwar nicht magisch aufgeladen, ziehen aber wesentlich
besser rein als normale.

Werte für die angewählten Spells (Magier)

02 - Burning Hands
04 - Magic Missile
0a - Acid Arrow
12 - Lightning Bolt
15 - Ice Storm
16 - Cone of Cold

Diese Werte kvnnen auch unter einem anderen Level eingesetzt werden,z.B
Cone of Cold in Level 1 .... :-)
Bei den 4 Werten,die die generell verfügbaren
Spells definieren , kann man ff ff ff 00 einsetzen, wodurch man alle Spells
zur Verfügung gestelllt bekommt. Stinking Cloud und Killing cloud
blieben bisher ohne Erfolg, Burning Hands gefällt mir ...
Aber man bekommt auch die Spells "READ MAGIC" und "KNOCK" angeboten,die
den Computer zum Absaufen bringen ! Die korrekten Werte für die Spell-
Angaben lauten ef fa bf 01 (ohne die Cloud-spells).

Anmerkung zu den Werten: Die stimmen bei den häufig auftauchenden Sachen
nicht immer, da manche Werte pro Level einen anderen Gegenstand darstellen.
So gibt es in Level 6 viele Staffs, aber in 7 viele Adamantite Longswords.
Um das Problem zu umgehen,haben die Programmierer die Bedeutung mancher Werte
etwas flexibler eingerichtet, als mir lieb ist. Trägt man ein solches
Item jetzt ein, hängt es von dem aktuellen Level ab, was man hinterher
im Gepäck findet. Die wirklich wichtigen Sachen klappen aber immer.

1a 00 Adamantite Dart
27 00 Adamantite Dart
b4 01 Adamantite Dart
b5 01 Adamantite Dart
b6 01 Adamantite Dart
b7 01 Adamantite Dart
b8 01 Adamantite Dart
b9 01 Adamantite Dart
ba 01 Adamantite Dart
bb 01 Adamantite Dart
bc 01 Adamantite Dart
bd 01 Adamantite Dart
1b 01 Adamantite Longsword
22 01 Adamantite Longsword
2c 01 Adamantite Longsword
2d 00 Adamantite Longsword
40 01 Adamantite Longsword
44 01 Adamantite Longsword
4c 00 Adamantite Longsword
4c 01 Adamantite Longsword
51 01 Adamantite Longsword
56 01 Adamantite Longsword
67 00 Adamantite Longsword
68 00 Adamantite Longsword
6a 00 Adamantite Longsword
7c 01 Adamantite Longsword
86 00 Adamantite Longsword
88 00 Adamantite Longsword
8e 00 Adamantite Longsword
8f 00 Adamantite Longsword
90 00 Adamantite Longsword
99 00 Adamantite Longsword
9f 00 Adamantite Longsword
a0 00 Adamantite Longsword
a9 00 Adamantite Longsword
ac 00 Adamantite Longsword
b0 00 Adamantite Longsword
1c 01 Arrow
1d 01 Arrow
1e 01 Arrow
37 01 Arrow
38 01 Arrow
49 00 Arrow
4b 00 Arrow
5d 00 Arrow
63 00 Arrow
66 00 Arrow
6c 00 Arrow
75 01 Arrow
76 01 Arrow
77 01 Arrow
7b 00 Arrow
7f 00 Arrow
83 00 Arrow
98 00 Arrow
db 00 Arrow
e3 00 Arrow
e4 00 Arrow
e5 00 Arrow
e6 00 Arrow
ed 00 Arrow
ee 00 Arrow
ef 00 Arrow
24 00 Axe
45 00 Axe
50 00 Axe
54 00 Axe
60 01 Axe
ae 00 Axe
70 00 +3 Backstabber
4a 01 +3 Banded armor
ec 00 Banded armor
13 00 Blue Gem
55 00 Bow
d1 00 Bracers
58 01 +2 Bracers of Defense
e8 00 +3 Bracers of Defense
29 00 Chainmail
2d 01 Chainmail
61 00 Chainmail
64 00 Chainmail
d7 00 + Chieftain Halberd
69 01 Cleric Holy Symbol
b2 01 Cleric Holy Symbol
34 01 Cleric Scroll of Cure Critical
fd 00 Cleric Scroll of Cure Critical
21 01 Cleric Scroll of Cure Serious
4d 01 Cleric Scroll of Cure Serious
c6 00 Cleric Scroll of Cure Serious
19 01 Cleric Scroll of Detect Magic
a2 00 Cleric Scroll of Detect Magic
20 01 Cleric Scroll of Dispel Magic
c5 00 Cleric Scroll of Dispel Magic
23 01 Cleric Scroll of Flame Blade
33 01 Cleric Scroll of Flame Blade
3c 01 Cleric Scroll of Flame Blade
75 00 Cleric Scroll of Flame Blade
d5 00 Cleric Scroll of Flame Blade
9b 00 Cleric Scroll of Hold Person
3e 01 Cleric Scroll of Neutral Poison
fc 00 Cleric Scroll of Neutral Poison
24 01 Cleric Scroll of Protect-Evil '10
0b 01 Cleric Scroll of Raise Dead
42 01 Cleric Scroll of Raise Dead
46 01 Cleric Scroll of Raise Dead
3d 01 Cleric Scroll of Remove Paralysis
dd 00 Cleric Scroll of Remove Paralysis
91 00 Cleric Scroll of Slow Poison
de 00 Cleric Scroll of Slow Poison
23 00 Commission and Letter of Marque
a6 00 Commission and Letter of Marque
02 00 Dagger
04 00 Dagger
25 00 Dagger
50 01 +5 Dagger
67 01 Dagger
6c 01 Dagger
70 01 Dagger
73 01 Dagger
79 00 Dagger
7d 01 Dagger
c1 01 Dagger
c2 01 Dagger
c3 01 Dagger
da 00 Dagger
31 00 + Dagger "Gunsoo"
0f 01 Dart
10 01 Dart
13 01 Dart
18 01 Dart
26 00 Dart
43 00 +2 Dart
4e 01 Dart
6b 00 Dart
6d 00 Dart
6f 00 Dart
71 00 Dart
73 00 Dart
7a 00 Dart
82 00 Dart
be 00 Dart
dc 00 Dart
f7 00 Dart
fb 00 Dart
28 01 Drow Boots
8c 00 +3 Drow Cleaver
21 00 Dwarf Bones
2b 00 Dwarf Helmet
62 00 Dwarf Helmet
95 00 Dwarf Helmet
5e 00 Dwarf Helmet / Axe
96 00 Dwarf Shield
c0 00 Dwarfen Key / Spear
ce 00 +1 Dwarfen Shield
0a 01 Extra Healing
7b 01 Extra Healing
a5 01 Extra Healing
38 00 Fancy Robe
12 01 Flail
1f 01 Halberd
28 00 Halberd
39 01 Halberd
3f 01 Halberd
52 01 Halberd
63 01 Halberd
6b 01 Halberd
71 01 Halberd
bd 00 Halberd
bf 00 Halberd
f5 00 Halberd
40 00 Halfling Bones (Tod Uphill)
2a 00 Helmet
3f 00 Helmet
44 00 Helmet
5e 01 Helmet
08 00 + Holy Symbol (Cleric)
53 01 Human Bones
54 01 Human Bones
55 01 Human Bones
3a 00 + Igneous Rock
0a 00 Iron Rations
1e 00 Iron Rations
37 00 Iron Rations
8c 01 Iron Rations
8d 01 Iron Rations
8e 01 Iron Rations
8f 01 Iron Rations
92 00 Iron Rations
93 00 Iron Rations
94 00 Iron Rations
9c 00 Iron Rations
a1 00 Iron Rations
a3 01 Iron Rations
a8 00 Iron Rations
11 00 Jeweled Key
b3 00 Jeweled Key /Spear
22 00 Key (Gold)
01 00 Leather Armor
59 01 Leather Armor
62 01 Leather Armor
66 01 Leather Armor
6a 01 Leather Armor
09 00 Leather Boots
09 01 Leather Boots
4e 00 Leather Boots
61 01 Leather Boots
b5 00 Leather Boots
06 00 Lockpicks
17 01 Lockpicks
65 01 Lockpicks
2f 00 Longsword
7d 00 Longsword
a4 00 Longsword
41 01 + Luckstone Medaillon
e1 00 + Luckstone Medaillon
2e 00 Mace
48 00 Mace
4d 00 Mace
52 00 Mace
57 00 Mace
58 00 Mace
59 00 Mace
68 01 Mace
80 00 Mace
87 00 Mace
d0 00 +3 Mace
25 01 Magic Scroll of Armor
3b 00 Magic Scroll of Detect Magic
c0 01 Magic Scroll of Detect Magic
ea 00 + Magic Scroll of Fear /Adamantite Longsword
d6 00 Magic Scroll of Fireball
f1 00 Magic Scroll of Lightning Bolt /Adamantite Longsword
5b 00 Magic Scroll of Shield
bf 01 Magic Scroll of Vampiric Touch
8a 00 Medaillon
fe 00 Medaillon
16 00 Message-Scroll
1b 00 Message-Scroll
1c 00 Message-Scroll
1d 00 Message-Scroll
d9 00 Necklace
85 01 Necklace (nichtmagisch)
33 00 Orb of Power
45 01 Orb of Power
7e 01 Orb of Power
7f 01 Orb of Power
80 01 Orb of Power
87 01 Orb of Power
89 01 Orb of Power
8a 01 Orb of Power
8b 01 Orb of Power
5c 01 Ornate Shield
fa 00 Ornate Shield
1f 00 Paladin Holy Symbol
5f 01 Paladin Holy Symbol
30 01 Plate Mail
5b 01 Plate Mail
ab 00 Plate Mail
11 01 -3 Plate Mail of Great Beauty
89 00 Potion of Cure Poison
ae 01 Potion of Cure Poison
af 01 Potion of Cure Poison
b0 01 Potion of Cure Poison
b1 01 Potion of Cure Poison
36 00 Potion of Extra Healing
69 00 Potion of Extra Healing
6e 00 Potion of Extra Healing
82 01 Potion of Extra Healing
83 01 Potion of Extra Healing
29 01 Potion of Extra Healing
3b 01 Potion of Giant Strength
51 00 Potion of Giant Strength
12 00 Potion of Giant Strength
be 01 Potion of Healing
30 00 Potion of Healing
4f 00 Potion of Healing
f3 00 Potion of Healing
91 01 Potion of Invisibility
92 01 Potion of Invisibility
95 01 Potion of Invisibility
96 01 Potion of Invisibility
1a 01 Potion of Poison
31 01 Potion of Poison
a7 00 Potion of Poison
74 01 Potion of Speed
88 01 Potion of Speed
93 01 Potion of Vitality
94 01 Potion of Vitality
5a 00 Rations
98 01 Rations
a0 01 Rations
a1 01 Rations
a2 01 Rations
a4 01 Rations
df 00 Rations
78 01 Rations / Robe
32 00 Red Gem
81 01 Red Gem/Rations
84 00 Ring (blau,nichtmagisch)
18 00 + Ring (blau,wahrsch. Featherfall)
84 01 Ring (grün,nichtmagisch)
17 00 + Ring (grün,wahrsch. Protection)
19 00 + Ring (grün,wahrsch. Protection)
3a 01 + Ring of Featherfall
b1 00 + Ring of Featherfall
4b 01 + Ring of Featherfall)
57 01 +2 Ring of Protection
81 00 +3 Ring of Protection
e2 00 +2 Ring of Protection
e9 00 + Ring of Wizardry
d4 00 Ring,rot,nichtmagisch
ff 00 Ring,rot,nichtmagisch
14 01 Robe
27 01 Robe
2b 01 Robe
4f 01 +5 Robe
6e 01 Robe
72 01 Robe
8b 00 Robe
a3 00 Robe
b2 00 Robe
b6 00 Robe
2e 01 Rock
35 00 + Rock
39 00 Rock
42 00 Rock
47 00 Rock
53 00 Rock
60 00 Rock
76 00 Rock
77 00 Rock
79 01 Rock
7a 01 Rock
7c 00 Rock
85 00 Rock
97 00 Rock
9a 00 Rock
aa 00 Rock
c4 00 Rock
cf 00 Rock
f8 00 + Rock
47 01 +2 Rock (versifft, Magie wird durch Detect Magic nicht gezeigt)
48 01 +2 Rock (versifft, Magie wird durch Detect Magic nicht gezeigt)
04 01 Ruby Key
ad 00 Scale Mail
15 01 Scepter of Kingly Might
26 01 +3 Shield
4a 00 Shield
65 00 Shield
72 00 Shield
05 00 Shortsword
64 01 Shortsword
2c 00 Silver Key
14 00 Skull Key
90 01 Skull Key
a5 00 Skull Key
5c 00 Sling
af 00 Sling
0c 01 Spear
0d 01 Spear
0e 01 Spear
16 01 Spear
2a 01 Spear
2f 01 Spear
3c 00 Spear
41 00 Spear
5a 01 Spear
9d 00 Spear
b4 00 Spear
b9 00 Spear
c1 00 Spear
c2 00 Spear
c7 00 Spear
c8 00 Spear
c9 00 Spear
ca 00 Spear
cb 00 Spear
cc 00 Spear
cd 00 Spear
d3 00 Spear
d8 00 Spear
e0 00 Spear
eb 00 Spear
f0 00 Spear
f2 00 Spear
f4 00 Spear
f6 00 Spear
07 00 Spellbook
6d 01 Spellbook
b3 01 Spellbook
6f 01 Spellbook / Dart
3d 00 Staff
46 00 Staff
5f 00 Staff
74 00 Staff
b7 00 Staff
b8 00 Staff
ba 00 Staff
bb 00 Staff
bc 00 Staff
03 00 Staff (Stock)
03 01 +1 Stone
9a 01 Stone Dagger (Portal Key)
56 00 Stone Dagger (Portal key)
9e 01 Stone Holy Symbol (Portal Key)
36 01 Stone Holy Symbol (Portal key)
9b 01 Stone Medaillon (Portal Key)
3e 00 Stone Medaillon (Portal key)
78 00 Stone Medaillon (Portal key)
9c 01 Stone Necklace (Portal Key)
9e 00 Stone Necklace (Portal Key)
9f 01 Stone Orb (Portal Key)
43 01 Stone Orb (Portal key)
9d 01 Stone Ring (Portal Key)
c3 00 Stone Ring (Portal key)
99 01 Stone Scepter (Portal Key)
8d 00 Stone Scepter (Portal key)
5d 01 +5 Sword "Severious"
49 01 +4 Sword "Slasher"
e7 00 +3 Sword "Slicer"
f9 00 Wand (leuchtet bei Detect Magic,zeigt aber keine Funktion)
86 01 Wand of Fireballs
32 01 Wand of Frost
35 01 Wand of Frost
15 00 Wand of Frost (ohne Anzeige des Namens...)
7e 00 Wand of Magic Missiles
97 01 Wand of Magic Missiles
d2 00 Wand of Magic Missiles
20 00 Wand of Silvias
34 00 Wand of Silvias


Eye of the Beholder I hex list by
Marc Rene Delhalle
for DIRTY LITTLE HELPER September 1996

1. 2
2. 245
3. 488
4. 731
5. 974
6. 1217

First the character abilities (Offsets to the character's name) :

Offset 3Meaning
11/12 3Strength actual/normal
13/14 3Exceptional Strength(in percent)
15/16 3Intelligence
17/18 3Wisdom
19/20 3Dexterity
21/22 3Condition
23/24 3Charisma
25/26 3Hitpoints
27 3AC (as signed Byte, 80h = -1)
29 3Race
30 3Class(es)
31 3Alignment
32 3Picture
33 3Meal (in %, full=64h)
34-36 3Levels of the Class(es)
37-39, 41-43, 45-473Experience Points of the Class(es)
53-111 3if available, learned Spells
113-116 3Spells which can be learned (Tip: ef fa bf 01)
117/118 31. Hand
119/120 32. Hand
121-148 3Inventory: Backpack (14 Items)
151/152 3Armor
153/154 3Bracers
155/156 3Helm
157/158 3Medaillon
159/160 3Boots
161-166 3Inventory: Belt (3 Items)
167/168 3Ring 1
169/170 3Ring 2

3 Beruf 3 Rasse 3
3 Fighter - 00 3 Human male - 00 3
3 Ranger - 01 3 Human female - 01 3
3 Paladin - 02 3 Elf male - 02 3
3 Mage - 03 3 Elf female - 03 3
3 Cleric - 04 3 Half-Elf male - 04 3
3 Thief - 05 3 Half-Elf female - 05 3
3 Fighter/Cleric - 06 3 Dwarf male - 06 3
3 Fighter/Thief - 07 3 Dwarf female - 07 3
3 Fighter/Mage - 08 3 Gnome male - 08 3
3 Fighter/Mage/Thief - 09 3 Gnome female - 09 3
3 Thief/Mage - 0a 3 Halfling male - 0a 3
3 Cleric/Thief - 0b 3 Halfling female - 0b 3
3 Fighter/Cleric/Mage - 0c 3 3
3 Ranger/Cleric - 0d 3 3
3 Cleric/Mage - 0e 3 3

The Items:
If a Value is missing, it did not create a correct Item. In most cases,
it will be a Mouse-Pointer, which can be treated as any other Item
and can even be used as a Weapon (a Character with strength 22 causes
a damage up to 16 Hitpoints with it). Adamantite Darts are non-magical,
but are nevertheless more effective than common darts.

Hex-Values selecting the LEARNED spells (Mage)

02 - Burning Hands
04 - Magic Missile
0a - Acid Arrow
12 - Lightning Bolt
15 - Ice Storm
16 - Cone of Cold

This values can be used at a different level of difficulty, e.g. Cone
of Cold as a level-one spell ... :-)
The 4 Bytes, which represent the available spells, can one insert
ff ff ff 00, which would make all spells usable. The spells Stinking
Cloud and Killing Cloud don't do anything, but Burning Hands is great!
But then you'll get the spells "Read Magic" and "Knock" too, which
will crash your computer!

To use all Spells, which do not crash the computer, use ef fa bf 01.

Additional Information: The listed Items are not always correct, because
some Values represent different items in different levels of the game.
So you can find a lot of staffs in level 6, and in level 7 a lot of
adamantite longswords. So if you hack one of these values in, it
will be the item, which is very common in the actual level.
The really important items work fine.

1a 00 Adamantite Dart
27 00 Adamantite Dart
b4 01 Adamantite Dart
b5 01 Adamantite Dart
b6 01 Adamantite Dart
b7 01 Adamantite Dart
b8 01 Adamantite Dart
b9 01 Adamantite Dart
ba 01 Adamantite Dart
bb 01 Adamantite Dart
bc 01 Adamantite Dart
bd 01 Adamantite Dart
1b 01 Adamantite Longsword
22 01 Adamantite Longsword
2c 01 Adamantite Longsword
2d 00 Adamantite Longsword
40 01 Adamantite Longsword
44 01 Adamantite Longsword
4c 00 Adamantite Longsword
4c 01 Adamantite Longsword
51 01 Adamantite Longsword
56 01 Adamantite Longsword
67 00 Adamantite Longsword
68 00 Adamantite Longsword
6a 00 Adamantite Longsword
7c 01 Adamantite Longsword
86 00 Adamantite Longsword
88 00 Adamantite Longsword
8e 00 Adamantite Longsword
8f 00 Adamantite Longsword
90 00 Adamantite Longsword
99 00 Adamantite Longsword
9f 00 Adamantite Longsword
a0 00 Adamantite Longsword
a9 00 Adamantite Longsword
ac 00 Adamantite Longsword
b0 00 Adamantite Longsword
1c 01 Arrow
1d 01 Arrow
1e 01 Arrow
37 01 Arrow
38 01 Arrow
49 00 Arrow
4b 00 Arrow
5d 00 Arrow
63 00 Arrow
66 00 Arrow
6c 00 Arrow
75 01 Arrow
76 01 Arrow
77 01 Arrow
7b 00 Arrow
7f 00 Arrow
83 00 Arrow
98 00 Arrow
db 00 Arrow
e3 00 Arrow
e4 00 Arrow
e5 00 Arrow
e6 00 Arrow
ed 00 Arrow
ee 00 Arrow
ef 00 Arrow
24 00 Axe
45 00 Axe
50 00 Axe
54 00 Axe
60 01 Axe
ae 00 Axe
70 00 +3 Backstabber
4a 01 +3 Banded armor
ec 00 Banded armor
13 00 Blue Gem
55 00 Bow
d1 00 Bracers
58 01 +2 Bracers of Defense
e8 00 +3 Bracers of Defense
29 00 Chainmail
2d 01 Chainmail
61 00 Chainmail
64 00 Chainmail
d7 00 + Chieftain Halberd
69 01 Cleric Holy Symbol
b2 01 Cleric Holy Symbol
34 01 Cleric Scroll of Cure Critical
fd 00 Cleric Scroll of Cure Critical
21 01 Cleric Scroll of Cure Serious
4d 01 Cleric Scroll of Cure Serious
c6 00 Cleric Scroll of Cure Serious
19 01 Cleric Scroll of Detect Magic
a2 00 Cleric Scroll of Detect Magic
20 01 Cleric Scroll of Dispel Magic
c5 00 Cleric Scroll of Dispel Magic
23 01 Cleric Scroll of Flame Blade
33 01 Cleric Scroll of Flame Blade
3c 01 Cleric Scroll of Flame Blade
75 00 Cleric Scroll of Flame Blade
d5 00 Cleric Scroll of Flame Blade
9b 00 Cleric Scroll of Hold Person
3e 01 Cleric Scroll of Neutral Poison
fc 00 Cleric Scroll of Neutral Poison
24 01 Cleric Scroll of Protect-Evil '10
0b 01 Cleric Scroll of Raise Dead
42 01 Cleric Scroll of Raise Dead
46 01 Cleric Scroll of Raise Dead
3d 01 Cleric Scroll of Remove Paralysis
dd 00 Cleric Scroll of Remove Paralysis
91 00 Cleric Scroll of Slow Poison
de 00 Cleric Scroll of Slow Poison
23 00 Commission and Letter of Marque
a6 00 Commission and Letter of Marque
02 00 Dagger
04 00 Dagger
25 00 Dagger
50 01 +5 Dagger
67 01 Dagger
6c 01 Dagger
70 01 Dagger
73 01 Dagger
79 00 Dagger
7d 01 Dagger
c1 01 Dagger
c2 01 Dagger
c3 01 Dagger
da 00 Dagger
31 00 + Dagger "Gunsoo"
0f 01 Dart
10 01 Dart
13 01 Dart
18 01 Dart
26 00 Dart
43 00 +2 Dart
4e 01 Dart
6b 00 Dart
6d 00 Dart
6f 00 Dart
71 00 Dart
73 00 Dart
7a 00 Dart
82 00 Dart
be 00 Dart
dc 00 Dart
f7 00 Dart
fb 00 Dart
28 01 Drow Boots
8c 00 +3 Drow Cleaver
21 00 Dwarf Bones
2b 00 Dwarf Helmet
62 00 Dwarf Helmet
95 00 Dwarf Helmet
5e 00 Dwarf Helmet / Axe
96 00 Dwarf Shield
c0 00 Dwarfen Key / Spear
ce 00 +1 Dwarfen Shield
0a 01 Extra Healing
7b 01 Extra Healing
a5 01 Extra Healing
38 00 Fancy Robe
12 01 Flail
1f 01 Halberd
28 00 Halberd
39 01 Halberd
3f 01 Halberd
52 01 Halberd
63 01 Halberd
6b 01 Halberd
71 01 Halberd
bd 00 Halberd
bf 00 Halberd
f5 00 Halberd
40 00 Halfling Bones (Tod Uphill)
2a 00 Helmet
3f 00 Helmet
44 00 Helmet
5e 01 Helmet
08 00 + Holy Symbol (Cleric)
53 01 Human Bones
54 01 Human Bones
55 01 Human Bones
3a 00 + Igneous Rock
0a 00 Iron Rations
1e 00 Iron Rations
37 00 Iron Rations
8c 01 Iron Rations
8d 01 Iron Rations
8e 01 Iron Rations
8f 01 Iron Rations
92 00 Iron Rations
93 00 Iron Rations
94 00 Iron Rations
9c 00 Iron Rations
a1 00 Iron Rations
a3 01 Iron Rations
a8 00 Iron Rations
11 00 Jeweled Key
b3 00 Jeweled Key /Spear
22 00 Key (Gold)
01 00 Leather Armor
59 01 Leather Armor
62 01 Leather Armor
66 01 Leather Armor
6a 01 Leather Armor
09 00 Leather Boots
09 01 Leather Boots
4e 00 Leather Boots
61 01 Leather Boots
b5 00 Leather Boots
06 00 Lockpicks
17 01 Lockpicks
65 01 Lockpicks
2f 00 Longsword
7d 00 Longsword
a4 00 Longsword
41 01 + Luckstone Medaillon
e1 00 + Luckstone Medaillon
2e 00 Mace
48 00 Mace
4d 00 Mace
52 00 Mace
57 00 Mace
58 00 Mace
59 00 Mace
68 01 Mace
80 00 Mace
87 00 Mace
d0 00 +3 Mace
25 01 Magic Scroll of Armor
3b 00 Magic Scroll of Detect Magic
c0 01 Magic Scroll of Detect Magic
ea 00 + Magic Scroll of Fear /Adamantite Longsword
d6 00 Magic Scroll of Fireball
f1 00 Magic Scroll of Lightning Bolt /Adamantite Longsword
5b 00 Magic Scroll of Shield
bf 01 Magic Scroll of Vampiric Touch
8a 00 Medaillon
fe 00 Medaillon
16 00 Message-Scroll
1b 00 Message-Scroll
1c 00 Message-Scroll
1d 00 Message-Scroll
d9 00 Necklace
85 01 Necklace (non-magical)
33 00 Orb of Power
45 01 Orb of Power
7e 01 Orb of Power
7f 01 Orb of Power
80 01 Orb of Power
87 01 Orb of Power
89 01 Orb of Power
8a 01 Orb of Power
8b 01 Orb of Power
5c 01 Ornate Shield
fa 00 Ornate Shield
1f 00 Paladin Holy Symbol
5f 01 Paladin Holy Symbol
30 01 Plate Mail
5b 01 Plate Mail
ab 00 Plate Mail
11 01 -3 Plate Mail of Great Beauty
89 00 Potion of Cure Poison
ae 01 Potion of Cure Poison
af 01 Potion of Cure Poison
b0 01 Potion of Cure Poison
b1 01 Potion of Cure Poison
36 00 Potion of Extra Healing
69 00 Potion of Extra Healing
6e 00 Potion of Extra Healing
82 01 Potion of Extra Healing
83 01 Potion of Extra Healing
29 01 Potion of Extra Healing
3b 01 Potion of Giant Strength
51 00 Potion of Giant Strength
12 00 Potion of Giant Strength
be 01 Potion of Healing
30 00 Potion of Healing
4f 00 Potion of Healing
f3 00 Potion of Healing
91 01 Potion of Invisibility
92 01 Potion of Invisibility
95 01 Potion of Invisibility
96 01 Potion of Invisibility
1a 01 Potion of Poison
31 01 Potion of Poison
a7 00 Potion of Poison
74 01 Potion of Speed
88 01 Potion of Speed
93 01 Potion of Vitality
94 01 Potion of Vitality
5a 00 Rations
98 01 Rations
a0 01 Rations
a1 01 Rations
a2 01 Rations
a4 01 Rations
df 00 Rations
78 01 Rations / Robe
32 00 Red Gem
81 01 Red Gem/Rations
84 00 Ring blue,non-magical
18 00 + Ring blue
84 01 Ring green,non-magical
17 00 + Ring green
19 00 + Ring green
3a 01 + Ring of Featherfall
b1 00 + Ring of Featherfall
4b 01 + Ring of Featherfall
57 01 +2 Ring of protection
81 00 +3 Ring of protection
e2 00 +2 Ring of protection
e9 00 + Ring of Wizardry
d4 00 Ring,red,non-magical
ff 00 Ring,red,non-magical
14 01 Robe
27 01 Robe
2b 01 Robe
4f 01 +5 Robe
6e 01 Robe
72 01 Robe
8b 00 Robe
a3 00 Robe
b2 00 Robe
b6 00 Robe
2e 01 Rock
35 00 + Rock
39 00 Rock
42 00 Rock
47 00 Rock
53 00 Rock
60 00 Rock
76 00 Rock
77 00 Rock
79 01 Rock
7a 01 Rock
7c 00 Rock
85 00 Rock
97 00 Rock
9a 00 Rock
aa 00 Rock
c4 00 Rock
cf 00 Rock
f8 00 + Rock
47 01 +2 Rock
48 01 +2 Rock
04 01 Ruby Key
ad 00 Scale Mail
15 01 Scepter of Kingly Might
26 01 +3 Shield
4a 00 Shield
65 00 Shield
72 00 Shield
05 00 Shortsword
64 01 Shortsword
2c 00 Silver Key
14 00 Skull Key
90 01 Skull Key
a5 00 Skull Key
5c 00 Sling
af 00 Sling
0c 01 Spear
0d 01 Spear
0e 01 Spear
16 01 Spear
2a 01 Spear
2f 01 Spear
3c 00 Spear
41 00 Spear
5a 01 Spear
9d 00 Spear
b4 00 Spear
b9 00 Spear
c1 00 Spear
c2 00 Spear
c7 00 Spear
c8 00 Spear
c9 00 Spear
ca 00 Spear
cb 00 Spear
cc 00 Spear
cd 00 Spear
d3 00 Spear
d8 00 Spear
e0 00 Spear
eb 00 Spear
f0 00 Spear
f2 00 Spear
f4 00 Spear
f6 00 Spear
07 00 Spellbook
6d 01 Spellbook
b3 01 Spellbook
6f 01 Spellbook / Dart
3d 00 Staff
46 00 Staff
5f 00 Staff
74 00 Staff
b7 00 Staff
b8 00 Staff
ba 00 Staff
bb 00 Staff
bc 00 Staff
03 00 Staff (Stock)
03 01 +1 Stone
9a 01 Stone Dagger (Portal Key)
56 00 Stone Dagger (Portal key)
9e 01 Stone Holy Symbol (Portal Key)
36 01 Stone Holy Symbol (Portal key)
9b 01 Stone Medaillon (Portal Key)
3e 00 Stone Medaillon (Portal key)
78 00 Stone Medaillon (Portal key)
9c 01 Stone Necklace (Portal Key)
9e 00 Stone Necklace (Portal Key)
9f 01 Stone Orb (Portal Key)
43 01 Stone Orb (Portal key)
9d 01 Stone Ring (Portal Key)
c3 00 Stone Ring (Portal key)
99 01 Stone Scepter (Portal Key)
8d 00 Stone Scepter (Portal key)
5d 01 +5 Sword "Severious"
49 01 +4 Sword "Slasher"
e7 00 +3 Sword "Slicer"
f9 00 Wand
86 01 Wand of Fireballs
32 01 Wand of Frost
35 01 Wand of Frost
15 00 Wand of Frost
7e 00 Wand of Magic Missiles
97 01 Wand of Magic Missiles
d2 00 Wand of Magic Missiles
20 00 Wand of Silvias
34 00 Wand of Silvias

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