Eye of the Beholder 3

Eye of the Beholder 3

17.10.2013 22:28:56


Eye of the Beholder III Hex-Liste
von Marc René Delhalle
Exklusiv für den DLH

Alle Offset-Adressen sind Dezimal, das erste Byte der Datei hat die
Nummer 0. Die Byte-Werte sind hexadezimal angegeben (wie man leicht

¨===============================¨ ¨========================¨
| Offsets der Charakter-Namen | | Gesinnung |
¨===============================¨ ¨========================¨
| 1. Spielercharakter 832 | | Lawful Good 00 |
| 2. Spielercharakter 1459 | | Neutral Good 01 |
| 3. Spielercharakter 2086 | | Chaotic Good 02 |
| 4. Spielercharakter 2713 | | Lawful Neutral 03 |
¨-------------------------------¨ | True Neutral 04 |
| 1. NPC (Bug) 3340 | | Chaotic Neutral 05 |
| 2. NPC (Father John) 3967 | | Lawful Evil 06 |
| 3. NPC (Tabitha) 4594 | | Neutral Evil 07 |
| 4. NPC (Isharn) 5221 | | Chaotic Evil 08 |
| 5. NPC (Delmair) 5848 | ¨========================¨
| 6. NPC (Rex) 6475 |

| Beruf | Rasse |
| Fighter - 00 | Human male - 00 |
| Ranger - 01 | Human female - 01 |
| Paladin - 02 | Elf male - 02 |
| Mage - 03 | Elf female - 03 |
| Cleric - 04 | Half-Elf male - 04 |
| Thief - 05 | Half-Elf female - 05 |
| Fighter/Cleric - 06 | Dwarf male - 06 |
| Fighter/Thief - 07 | Dwarf female - 07 |
| Fighter/Mage - 08 | Gnome male - 08 |
| Fighter/Mage/Thief - 09 | Gnome female - 09 |
| Thief/Mage - 0a | Halfling male - 0a |
| Cleric/Thief - 0b | Halfling female - 0b |
| Fighter/Cleric/Mage - 0c | Sprite male - 0c |
| Ranger/Cleric - 0d | Sprite female - 0d |
| Cleric/Mage - 0e | Saurial male - 0e |
| | Saurial female - 0f |

| Charakterwerte (Offsets zu den Namen) |
| Gepäck (Rucksack) -56 bis -29 |
| Rüstung -28 / -27 |
| Handschuhe/Bracers -26 / -25 |
| 1. Hand -24 / -23 |
| 1. Ring -22 / -21 |
| 2. Ring -20 / -19 |
| Schuhe -18 / -17 |
| 2. Hand -16 / -15 |
| Gepäck (Gürtel) -14 bis -9 |
| Medaillon - 8 / -7 |
| Helm - 6 / -5 |
| Pfeile im Köcher - 2 / -1 |
| Rasse 20 |
| Beruf 21 |
| Bild 22 |
| Gesinnung 25 |
| Level Beruf 1 26 |
| Level Beruf 2 27 |
| Level Beruf 3 28 |
| Hitpoints aktuell 34/35 |
| Hitpoints maximal 36/37 |
| Essen 40 in %, voll=64h |
| Erfahrungspkt. Beruf 1 42-45 |
| Erfahrungspkt. Beruf 2 46-49 |
| Erfahrungspkt. Beruf 3 50-53 |
| Strength Grundwert 54 |
| Strength Bonus 55 |
| IQ 56 |
| Wisdom 57 |
| Dexterity 58 |
| Constitution 59 |
| Charisma 60 |
| aktive Spells (Invisib.) 62 |
| Lernbare Spells (Mage) 282-365 |
| Lernbare Spells (Cleric) 382-443 |

Hier die vorberechnete Tabelle für die Spielereigenen Charaktere:
| 1. PC | 2. PC | 3. PC | 4. PC |
| Rucksack | 776---803 | 1403---1430 | 2030---2057 | 2657---2684 |
| Rüstung | 804 , 805 | 1431 , 1432 | 2058 , 2059 | 2685 , 2686 |
| Bracers | 806 , 807 | 1433 , 1434 | 2060 , 2061 | 2687 , 2688 |
| 1. Hand | 808 , 809 | 1435 , 1436 | 2062 , 2063 | 2689 , 2690 |
| 1. Ring | 810 , 811 | 1437 , 1438 | 2064 , 2065 | 2691 , 2692 |
| 2. Ring | 812 , 813 | 1439 , 1440 | 2066 , 2067 | 2693 , 2694 |
| Schuhe | 814 , 815 | 1441 , 1442 | 2068 , 2069 | 2695 , 2696 |
| 2. Hand | 816 , 817 | 1443 , 1444 | 2070 , 2071 | 2697 , 2698 |
| Item im Gürtel| 818---823 | 1445---1450 | 2072---2077 | 2699---2704 |
| Medaillon | 824 , 825 | 1451 , 1452 | 2078 , 2079 | 2705 , 2706 |
| Helm | 826 , 827 | 1453 , 1454 | 2080 , 2081 | 2707 , 2708 |
| Pfeile | 830 , 831 | 1457 , 1458 | 2084 , 2085 | 2711 , 2712 |
| Name | 832---841 | 1459---1468 | 2086---2095 | 2713---2722 |
| Rasse | 852 | 1479 | 2106 | 2733 |
| Beruf | 853 | 1480 | 2107 | 2734 |
| Bild | 854 | 1481 | 2108 | 2735 |
| Gesinnung | 857 | 1484 | 2111 | 2738 |
| Level Beruf 1 | 858 | 1485 | 2112 | 2739 |
| Level Beruf 2 | 859 | 1486 | 2113 | 2740 |
| Level Beruf 3 | 860 | 1487 | 2114 | 2741 |
| Hitpoints akt.| 866 , 867 | 1493 , 1494 | 2120 , 2121 | 2747 , 2748 |
| Hitpoints max.| 868 , 869 | 1495 , 1496 | 2122 , 2123 | 2749 , 2750 |
| Essen | 872 | 1499 | 2126 | 2753 |
| EP Beruf 1 | 874---877 | 1501---1504 | 2128---2131 | 2755---2758 |
| EP Beruf 2 | 878---881 | 1505---1508 | 2132---2135 | 2759---2762 |
| EP Beruf 3 | 882---885 | 1509---1512 | 2136---2139 | 2763---2766 |
| Strength Grnd | 886 | 1513 | 2140 | 2767 |
| Strength Add. | 887 | 1514 | 2141 | 2768 |
| IQ | 888 | 1515 | 2142 | 2769 |
| Wisdom | 889 | 1516 | 2143 | 2770 |
| Dexterity | 890 | 1517 | 2144 | 2771 |
| Constitution | 891 | 1518 | 2145 | 2772 |
| Charisma | 892 | 1519 | 2146 | 2773 |
| aktive Spells | 894 | 1521 | 2148 | 2775 |
| Mage-Spells |1114--1197 | 1741---1824 | 2368---2451 | 2995---3078 |
| Cleric-Spells |1214--1275 | 1841---1902 | 2468---2529 | 3095---3156 |

Mage-Spells (Offsets zum Namen)
| Spells (FF=nicht erlernbar, 00 = lernbar, xx = xx mal gelernt) |
| 282 Armor |
| 283 Burning Hands |
| 284 Detect Magic |
| 285 Magic Missile |
| 286 Shield |
| 287 Shocking Grasp |
| 292 Blur |
| 293 Detect Invisibility |
| 294 Improved Identify |
| 295 Invisibility |
| 296 Protection from Paralysis |
| 297 Melf's Acid Arrow |
| 302 Dispel Magic |
| 303 Fireball |
| 304 Haste |
| 305 Hold Person |
| 306 Hold Undead |
| 307 Invisibility 10' Radius |
| 308 Lightning Bolt |
| 309 Slow |
| 310 Vampiric Touch |
| 311 Water Breathing |
| 312 Fear |
| 313 Ice Storm |
| 314 Improved Invisibility |
| 315 Remove Curse |
| 322 Cone of Cold |
| 323 Hold Monster |
| 324 Wall of Force |
| 332 Death Spell |
| 333 Disintegrate |
| 334 Flesh to Stone |
| 335 Stone to Flesh |
| 336 True Seeing |
| 342 Acid Storm |
| 343 Finger of Death |
| 344 Mordenkainen's Sword |
| 345 Power Word, Stun |
| 352 Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting |
| 353 Bigby's Clenched Fist |
| 362 Energy Drain |
| 363 Meteor Swarm |
| 364 Power Word, Kill |
| 365 Time Stop |

Cleric-Spells (Offsets zum Namen)
| Spells (FF=nicht erlernbar, 00 = lernbar, xx = xx mal gelernt) |
| 382 Bless |
| 383 Cause Light Wounds |
| 384 Cure Light Wounds |
| 385 Detect Magic |
| 386 Protection from Evil |
| 387 Turn Undead |
| 388 Lay on Hands |
| 392 Aid |
| 393 Flame Blade |
| 394 Hold Person |
| 395 Resist Fire |
| 396 Resist Cold |
| 397 Spiritual Hammer |
| 398 Slow Poison |
| 402 Create Food and Water |
| 403 Dispel Magic |
| 404 Magical Vestment |
| 405 Negative Plane Protection |
| 406 Prayer |
| 407 Protection from Fire |
| 408 Remove Paralysis |
| 412 Blessed Warmth |
| 413 Cause Serious Wounds |
| 414 Cure Serious Wounds |
| 415 Free Action |
| 416 Neutralize Poison |
| 417 Poison |
| 418 Protection from Evil 10' Radius |
| 422 Cause Critical Wounds |
| 423 Cure Critical Wounds |
| 424 Flame Strike |
| 425 Raise Dead |
| 426 Slay Living |
| 427 True Seeing |
| 432 Harm |
| 433 Heal |
| 434 Heroes' Feast |
| 435 Sol's Searing Orb |
| 442 Fire Storm |
| 443 Resurrection |

Falls jemand Probleme mit Türen oder störenden Wänden hat,
Offset 253 enthält die Y-Koordinate (Y einen runter = ein Schritt
nach Norden), Offset 252 enthält die X-Koordinate (X einen runter =
ein Schritt nach Westen).

Die Itemliste enthält NICHT absolut alle im Spiel auftauchenden
Gegenstände, da einige Items (wenn sie in das Gepäck editiert werden)
nur als "cursed" angezeigt werden und das Programm aussteigt, wenn man
sie mit "remove curse" behandelt und in die Hand nehmen will. Die
Items der 3'er-Serie (xx 03) sind scheinbar für die Übernahme von
Partys aus Beholder II gedacht. Unten in der Liste stehen die Items,
die im Gepäck erscheinen, wenn man sie direkt am Start in der
"Quick Start Party" einträgt. Hat man seine Party aus dem Vorgänger
übernommen, so werden beim Eintragen dieser Werte (je nach Party)
andere Items erscheinen. (Nicht die schlechtesten - probieren lohnt
sich!) Wenn die Items mit der betreffenden Party nicht zugänglich sind,
erscheint meistens nur `Cursed Item' beim anklicken. (siehe oben)

Sollten eingetragene Items erstmal nur als leeres Fach angezeigt werden
(unsichtbar), einfach anklicken. Wird ein Gegenstand mit einem
falschen Icon angezeigt, einfach das Teil auf den Boden legen und
dann wieder aufnehmen.

c8 00 Apple
c9 00 Apple
ca 00 Apple
cb 00 Apple
cc 00 Apple
cd 00 Apple
ce 00 Apple
cf 00 Apple
39 01 Apple
ac 00 Arrow
ad 00 Arrow
ae 00 Arrow
af 00 Arrow
b0 00 Arrow
b1 00 Arrow
22 02 Arrow +1
23 02 Arrow +1
24 02 Arrow +1
25 02 Arrow +1
26 02 Arrow +1
27 02 Arrow +1
28 02 Arrow +1
29 02 Arrow +1
99 00 Arrow +2
9a 00 Arrow +2
9b 00 Arrow +2
9c 00 Arrow +2
9d 00 Arrow +2
9e 00 Arrow +2
21 01 Arrow +2
22 01 Arrow +2
77 01 Arrow +2
78 01 Arrow +2
01 02 Arrow +2
02 02 Arrow +2
63 02 Arrow +2
64 02 Arrow +2
65 02 Arrow +2
66 02 Arrow +2
67 02 Arrow +2
68 02 Arrow +2
69 02 Arrow +2
6a 02 Arrow +2
6b 02 Arrow +2
6c 02 Arrow +2
6d 02 Arrow +2
6e 02 Arrow +2
6f 02 Arrow +2
70 02 Arrow +2
71 02 Arrow +2
8d 01 Arrow +3
8e 01 Arrow +3
c5 01 Arrow +4
c6 01 Arrow +4
da 03 Axe +1
16 02 Axe +2
59 02 Axe +2
69 01 Bag of incense
6a 01 Bag of incense
6b 01 Bag of incense
6c 01 Bag of incense
75 01 Bag of incense
76 01 Bag of incense
86 01 Bag of incense
87 01 Bag of incense
ab 01 Bag of incense
b0 01 Bag of incense
c0 00 Black Hammer +3
79 01 Black Holy Symbol
7a 01 Black Holy Symbol
7b 01 Black Holy Symbol
bf 00 Blessed Holy Symbol
be 01 Blue Gem
04 01 Book "The Elemental Seasons"
05 01 Book of Tobriand
97 00 Bow
48 02 Bracers of Protection +1
5e 01 Bracers of Protection +2
76 02 Bracers of Protection +2
ff 01 Bracers of Protection +4
c0 01 Brass Key
7f 00 Captain Fflar's Nameplate
1a 02 Chain Mail
db 03 Chain Mail +1
e2 03 Chain Mail +1
20 02 Chain Mail +2
98 00 Chain Mail +4
e3 01 Chrystal Key
4d 01 Cleric Scroll of 'Aid'
55 01 Cleric Scroll of 'Cause Critical Wounds'
4c 01 Cleric Scroll of 'Create Food & Water'
99 01 Cleric Scroll of 'Cure Critical'
dc 00 Cleric Scroll of 'Cure Light Wounds'
84 00 Cleric Scroll of 'Cure Serious Wounds'
da 00 Cleric Scroll of 'Cure Serious Wounds'
db 00 Cleric Scroll of 'Cure Serious Wounds'
84 01 Cleric Scroll of 'Cure Serious Wounds'
cc 03 Cleric Scroll of 'Cure Serious Wounds'
e3 03 Cleric Scroll of 'Cure Serious Wounds'
a9 01 Cleric Scroll of 'Fire Storm'
58 01 Cleric Scroll of 'Heal'
59 01 Cleric Scroll of 'Heal'
5a 01 Cleric Scroll of 'Heal'
4f 01 Cleric Scroll of 'Neutralize Poison'
54 01 Cleric Scroll of 'Neutralize Poison'
8b 00 Cleric Scroll of 'Prayer'
4e 01 Cleric Scroll of 'Prayer'
6f 00 Cleric Scroll of 'Raise Dead'
75 00 Cleric Scroll of 'Raise Dead'
92 01 Cleric Scroll of 'Raise Dead'
71 00 Cleric Scroll of 'Resist Fire'
ba 01 Cleric Scroll of 'Resurrection'
4b 01 Cleric Scroll of 'Slow Poison'
56 01 Cleric Scroll of 'Sol's Searing Orb'
b7 00 Cloak of Protection (+?)
0f 01 Cloak of Protection +3
97 01 Cloak of Protection +4
23 01 Club
76 00 Club +1
77 00 Club +1
78 00 Club +1
b1 01 Coin
a5 01 Copper Key
a6 01 Copper Key
aa 01 Copper Key
af 01 Copper Key
da 01 Copper Key
00 02 Copper Key
0e 02 Crimson Key
ec 00 Crystal Key
b3 01 Crystal Key
b7 01 Crystal Key
c3 01 Crystal Key
9c 01 Cup of Good Cheer
9d 01 Cup of Good Cheer
9e 01 Cup of Good Cheer
9f 01 Cup of Good Cheer
57 01 Dagger
e8 01 Dagger
5a 02 Dagger +1
5b 02 Dagger +1
5c 02 Dagger +1
f1 01 Dagger +2
f2 01 Dagger +2
18 02 Dagger +2
19 02 Dagger +2
64 00 Dagger +3
5b 01 Dagger +3
41 01 Dagger +4 "Ocnor"
42 01 Dagger +4 "Ronco"
f8 01 Dart +1
f9 01 Dart +1
fa 01 Dart +1
fb 01 Dart +1
31 01 Dart of Hornet's Nest
45 01 Diamond
74 02 Elven Chain Mail +2
c7 01 Elven Chain Mail +3
a1 01 Ember of Hope
a2 01 Ember of Hope
a3 01 Ember of Hope
a4 01 Ember of Hope
8a 00 Everburning Torch
6f 01 Fire Key
a7 01 Flail +4 "Mourning Star"
6e 01 Fountain Spout
8c 01 Frost Key
b2 00 Gauntlets of Fire Giant Strength
f3 01 Gauntlets of Hill Giant Strength
90 01 Gauntlets of Hill Giant Strength
96 01 Gold Key
7f 01 Golden Cup
bc 01 Grappling Hook
c1 01 Green Gem
c2 01 Green Gem
ad 01 Halberd +4
b4 01 Hammer of Throwing +3
08 02 Helm +1
ee 01 Helm +2
e5 00 Helm of Underwater Breathing
04 02 Helm of Underwater Breathing
65 00 Holy Key
68 00 Holy Key
69 00 Holy Key
6b 00 Holy Key
7e 00 Holy Key
7c 01 Holy Symbol
7d 01 Holy Symbol
7e 01 Holy Symbol
44 02 Holy Symbol
4e 02 Holy Symbol
7b 02 Holy Symbol
cd 03 Holy Symbol
e4 03 Holy Symbol (Paladin)
ac 01 Iron Key
a3 00 Iron Rations
a4 00 Iron Rations
a5 00 Iron Rations
a0 01 Key of Faith
f7 01 Leather Armor
b3 00 Leather Armor +3
1d 01 Leather Armor +4
cf 01 Leather Armor +4
eb 01 Long Bow
21 02 Long Bow
62 02 Long Bow
f0 01 Long Sword
50 02 Long Sword +2
96 00 Long Sword +3
72 02 Long Sword +3
6d 01 Long Sword +4
e5 01 Long Sword +4
ca 03 Mace +1
e6 00 Mace +2
ed 01 Mace +2
1b 02 Mace +2
47 02 Mace +2
77 02 Mace +2
74 01 Mace +4
c9 01 Mage Scroll of 'Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting'
47 01 Mage Scroll of 'Acid Storm'
c8 01 Mage Scroll of 'Bigby's Clenched Fist'
07 01 Mage Scroll of 'Cone of Cold'
09 01 Mage Scroll of 'Death Spell'
0a 01 Mage Scroll of 'Disintegrate'
93 01 Mage Scroll of 'Disintegrate'
b2 01 Mage Scroll of 'Disintegrate'
ca 01 Mage Scroll of 'Energy Drain'
d3 01 Mage Scroll of 'Energy Drain'
d7 01 Mage Scroll of 'Energy Drain'
82 00 Mage Scroll of 'Fireball'
87 00 Mage Scroll of 'Fireball'
b8 01 Mage Scroll of 'Fireball'
d4 03 Mage Scroll of 'Fireball'
48 01 Mage Scroll of 'Fist of Death'
d8 00 Mage Scroll of 'Flesh to Stone'
0b 01 Mage Scroll of 'Flesh to Stone'
d7 00 Mage Scroll of 'Hold Monster'
08 01 Mage Scroll of 'Hold Monster'
ed 00 Mage Scroll of 'Hold Person'
ef 00 Mage Scroll of 'Hold Person'
d9 00 Mage Scroll of 'Hold Undead'
f0 00 Mage Scroll of 'Hold Undead'
f8 00 Mage Scroll of 'Improved Invisibility'
fc 00 Mage Scroll of 'Improved Invisibility'
f5 00 Mage Scroll of 'Invisibility 10' Radius'
d5 03 Mage Scroll of 'Magic Missile'
cb 01 Mage Scroll of 'Meteor Swarm'
d4 01 Mage Scroll of 'Meteor Swarm'
d8 01 Mage Scroll of 'Meteor Swarm'
cc 01 Mage Scroll of 'Power Word Kill'
d5 01 Mage Scroll of 'Power Word Kill'
fc 01 Mage Scroll of 'Power Word Kill'
4a 01 Mage Scroll of 'Power Word Stun'
70 00 Mage Scroll of 'Protection from Paralysis'
ee 00 Mage Scroll of 'Protection from Paralysis'
f9 00 Mage Scroll of 'Remove Curse'
fd 00 Mage Scroll of 'Remove Curse'
f6 00 Mage Scroll of 'Slow'
0c 01 Mage Scroll of 'Stone to Flesh'
88 01 Mage Scroll of 'Stone to Flesh'
d2 01 Mage Scroll of 'Time Stop'
d6 01 Mage Scroll of 'Time Stop'
fd 01 Mage Scroll of 'Time Stop'
46 01 Mage Scroll of 'True Seeing'
0d 02 Mage Scroll of 'Wall of Force'
f7 00 Mage Scroll of 'Water Breathing'
10 02 Mage Scroll of 'Water Breathing'
20 01 Magic Staff +1
bb 01 Magic Stuff +4
80 00 Medaillon of Friendship
49 01 Mordenkainen's Sword
9a 01 Morning's Light
a2 00 Necklace of Adornment
62 01 Necklace of Fireball
63 01 Necklace of Fireball
14 01 Necklace of Magic Missile
15 02 Plate Mail +1
a0 00 Plate Mail +2
e9 01 Plate Mail +2
4f 02 Plate Mail +2
e2 00 Plate Mail +3
51 01 Polearm +3 "Zymoks"
81 00 Potion of Giant Strength
8c 00 Potion of Giant Strength
10 01 Potion of Giant Strength
e6 01 Potion of Giant Strength
07 02 Potion of Giant Strength
6e 00 Potion of Healing
74 00 Potion of Healing
0e 01 Potion of Healing
85 01 Potion of Healing
ae 01 Potion of Healing
f5 01 Potion of Healing
f6 01 Potion of Healing
05 02 Potion of Healing
06 02 Potion of Healing
12 02 Potion of Healing
13 02 Potion of Healing
14 02 Potion of Healing
ce 03 Potion of Healing
d6 03 Potion of Healing
dd 03 Potion of Healing
e5 03 Potion of Healing
2c 01 Potion of Invisibility
2d 01 Potion of Invisibility
36 01 Potion of Poison
37 01 Potion of Poison
38 01 Potion of Poison
95 01 Potion of Speed
d9 01 Potion of Speed
6c 00 Rations
6d 00 Rations
72 00 Rations
73 00 Rations
83 00 Rations
85 00 Rations
88 00 Rations
89 00 Rations
a6 00 Rations
a7 00 Rations
a8 00 Rations
a9 00 Rations
aa 00 Rations
ab 00 Rations
11 01 Rations
1e 01 Rations
1f 01 Rations
0a 02 Rations
0b 02 Rations
1c 02 Rations
1d 02 Rations
1e 02 Rations
1f 02 Rations
cf 03 Rations
d0 03 Rations
d7 03 Rations
d8 03 Rations
de 03 Rations
df 03 Rations
e6 03 Rations
e7 03 Rations
bd 01 Red Gem
0f 02 Red Gem
e1 00 Ring of Feather Falling
51 02 Ring of Feather Falling
f1 00 Ring of Fire Protection
df 01 Ring of Protection +1
dd 01 Ring of Protection +2
e1 01 Ring of Protection +2
19 01 Ring of Protection +3
ce 01 Ring of Protection +3
db 01 Ring of Protection +3
0c 02 Ring of Protection +3
46 02 Ring of Protection +3
dc 01 Ring of Protection -1
e0 01 Ring of Protection -2
e2 01 Ring of Protection -2
de 01 Ring of Protection -3
2f 01 Ring of Sustenance
12 01 Ring of Tobriand
b6 00 Ring of Wizardry
3c 02 Ring of Wizardry
d3 03 Robe
17 02 Robe (magisch, Wirkung :?)
24 01 Rock
25 01 Rock
26 01 Rock
27 01 Rock
8f 01 Rock
3b 01 Rock +4
3c 01 Rock +4
3d 01 Rock +4
3e 01 Rock +4
79 00 Rod Fragment
7a 00 Rod Fragment
7b 00 Rod Fragment
7c 00 Rod Orb
7d 00 Rod of Restauration
cb 03 Scale Mail +1
f4 01 Scale Mail +2
18 01 Scroll
8a 01 Scroll
d0 01 Scroll
d1 01 Scroll
06 01 Scrying Glass
e4 00 Shield
70 01 Shield
71 01 Shield
72 01 Shield
73 01 Shield
94 01 Shield
ea 01 Shield
c9 03 Shield
09 02 Shield +1
d9 03 Shield +1
e0 03 Shield +1
c1 00 Shield +3
b9 01 Shield +3 "Sun Mask"
a8 01 Shield +4
8b 01 Short Sword
73 02 Short Sword +1
e1 03 Short Sword +1
66 00 Short Sword +2
40 01 Short Sword +3
cd 01 Short Sword +3
eb 00 Short Sword +3 "Frostbite"
bf 01 Silver Key
89 01 Sling
b5 01 Spear +4
3a 01 Spellbook
3a 02 Spellbook
45 02 Spellbook
d1 03 Spellbook
c2 00 Splint Mail
58 02 Splint Mail
d2 03 Staff
b6 01 Staff of Life
68 01 Statue arm
ef 01 Stone Key
b4 00 Thieve's Tools
dc 03 Thieve's Tools
86 00 Trident +3 "Revko"
a1 00 Two-handed Sword +3
9b 01 Two-handed Sword +5 "Dhauzimmer"
49 02 Wand of 'Acid Storm'
9f 00 Wand of 'Cone of Cold'
5f 01 Wand of 'Cone of Cold'
60 01 Wand of 'Cone of Cold'
61 01 Wand of 'Cone of Cold'
50 01 Wand of 'Fear'
13 01 Wand of 'Fireball'
2a 02 Wand of 'Fireball'
2e 01 Wand of 'Flesh to Stone'
e7 01 Wand of 'Ice Storm'
fe 01 Wand of 'Lightning Bolt'
b5 00 Wand of 'Magic Missile'
3b 02 Wand of 'Magic Missile'
2b 02 Wand of 'Magic Missile'
67 00 Wand of 'Wall of Force'
ec 01 Yellow Gem


Eye of the Beholder III Hex-Liste
from Marc René Delhalle
exclusive for the DLH

All Offsets are decimal, the first Byte has the number 0.

¨===============================¨ ¨========================¨
| Offsets of the Names | | Alignment |
¨===============================¨ ¨========================¨
| 1. Playercharacter 832 | | Lawful Good 00 |
| 2. Playercharacter 1459 | | Neutral Good 01 |
| 3. Playercharacter 2086 | | Chaotic Good 02 |
| 4. Playercharacter 2713 | | Lawful Neutral 03 |
¨-------------------------------¨ | True Neutral 04 |
| 1. NPC (Bug) 3340 | | Chaotic Neutral 05 |
| 2. NPC (Father John) 3967 | | Lawful Evil 06 |
| 3. NPC (Tabitha) 4594 | | Neutral Evil 07 |
| 4. NPC (Isharn) 5221 | | Chaotic Evil 08 |
| 5. NPC (Delmair) 5848 | ¨========================¨
| 6. NPC (Rex) 6475 |

| Class | Race |
| Fighter - 00 | Human male - 00 |
| Ranger - 01 | Human female - 01 |
| Paladin - 02 | Elf male - 02 |
| Mage - 03 | Elf female - 03 |
| Cleric - 04 | Half-Elf male - 04 |
| Thief - 05 | Half-Elf female - 05 |
| Fighter/Cleric - 06 | Dwarf male - 06 |
| Fighter/Thief - 07 | Dwarf female - 07 |
| Fighter/Mage - 08 | Gnome male - 08 |
| Fighter/Mage/Thief - 09 | Gnome female - 09 |
| Thief/Mage - 0a | Halfling male - 0a |
| Cleric/Thief - 0b | Halfling female - 0b |
| Fighter/Cleric/Mage - 0c | Sprite male - 0c |
| Ranger/Cleric - 0d | Sprite female - 0d |
| Cleric/Mage - 0e | Saurial male - 0e |
| | Saurial female - 0f |

| Characterabilitys (Offsets to Names) |
| Backpack -56 bis -29 |
| Armor -28 / -27 |
| Gauntlets/Bracers -26 / -25 |
| 1. Hand -24 / -23 |
| 1. Ring -22 / -21 |
| 2. Ring -20 / -19 |
| Boots -18 / -17 |
| 2. Hand -16 / -15 |
| Belt -14 bis -9 |
| Medaillon - 8 / -7 |
| Helm - 6 / -5 |
| Arrows in quiver - 2 / -1 |
| Race 20 |
| Class 21 |
| Picture 22 |
| Alignment 25 |
| Level Class 1 26 |
| Level Class 2 27 |
| Level Class 3 28 |
| Hitpoints act. 34/35 |
| Hitpoints max. 36/37 |
| Hunger 40 in %, voll=64h |
| Experience pts Class 1 42-45 |
| Experience pts Class 2 46-49 |
| Experience pts Class 3 50-53 |
| Strength Ground-value 54 |
| Strength Bonus 55 |
| IQ 56 |
| Wisdom 57 |
| Dexterity 58 |
| Constitution 59 |
| Charisma 60 |
| active Spells (Invisib.) 62 |
| Lernable Spells (Mage) 282-365 |
| Lernable Spells (Cleric) 382-443 |

Here is the precalculated tabular for the player's Characters:
| 1. PC | 2. PC | 3. PC | 4. PC |
| Backpack | 776---803 | 1403---1430 | 2030---2057 | 2657---2684 |
| Armor | 804 , 805 | 1431 , 1432 | 2058 , 2059 | 2685 , 2686 |
| Bracers | 806 , 807 | 1433 , 1434 | 2060 , 2061 | 2687 , 2688 |
| 1. Hand | 808 , 809 | 1435 , 1436 | 2062 , 2063 | 2689 , 2690 |
| 1. Ring | 810 , 811 | 1437 , 1438 | 2064 , 2065 | 2691 , 2692 |
| 2. Ring | 812 , 813 | 1439 , 1440 | 2066 , 2067 | 2693 , 2694 |
| Boots | 814 , 815 | 1441 , 1442 | 2068 , 2069 | 2695 , 2696 |
| 2. Hand | 816 , 817 | 1443 , 1444 | 2070 , 2071 | 2697 , 2698 |
| Blelt | 818---823 | 1445---1450 | 2072---2077 | 2699---2704 |
| Medaillon | 824 , 825 | 1451 , 1452 | 2078 , 2079 | 2705 , 2706 |
| Helm | 826 , 827 | 1453 , 1454 | 2080 , 2081 | 2707 , 2708 |
| Quiver | 830 , 831 | 1457 , 1458 | 2084 , 2085 | 2711 , 2712 |
| Name | 832---841 | 1459---1468 | 2086---2095 | 2713---2722 |
| Race | 852 | 1479 | 2106 | 2733 |
| Class | 853 | 1480 | 2107 | 2734 |
| Picture | 854 | 1481 | 2108 | 2735 |
| Alignment | 857 | 1484 | 2111 | 2738 |
| Level Class 1 | 858 | 1485 | 2112 | 2739 |
| Level Class 2 | 859 | 1486 | 2113 | 2740 |
| Level Class 3 | 860 | 1487 | 2114 | 2741 |
| Hitpoints akt.| 866 , 867 | 1493 , 1494 | 2120 , 2121 | 2747 , 2748 |
| Hitpoints max.| 868 , 869 | 1495 , 1496 | 2122 , 2123 | 2749 , 2750 |
| Hunger | 872 | 1499 | 2126 | 2753 |
| EP Class 1 | 874---877 | 1501---1504 | 2128---2131 | 2755---2758 |
| EP Class 2 | 878---881 | 1505---1508 | 2132---2135 | 2759---2762 |
| EP Class 3 | 882---885 | 1509---1512 | 2136---2139 | 2763---2766 |
| Strength Grnd | 886 | 1513 | 2140 | 2767 |
| Strength Add. | 887 | 1514 | 2141 | 2768 |
| IQ | 888 | 1515 | 2142 | 2769 |
| Wisdom | 889 | 1516 | 2143 | 2770 |
| Dexterity | 890 | 1517 | 2144 | 2771 |
| Constitution | 891 | 1518 | 2145 | 2772 |
| Charisma | 892 | 1519 | 2146 | 2773 |
| active Spells | 894 | 1521 | 2148 | 2775 |
| Mage-Spells |1114--1197 | 1741---1824 | 2368---2451 | 2995---3078 |
| Cleric-Spells |1214--1275 | 1841---1902 | 2468---2529 | 3095---3156 |

Mage-Spells (Offset to Names)
| Spells (FF=not available, 00 = available, xx = xx times learned)|
| 282 Armor |
| 283 Burning Hands |
| 284 Detect Magic |
| 285 Magic Missile |
| 286 Shield |
| 287 Shocking Grasp |
| 292 Blur |
| 293 Detect Invisibility |
| 294 Improved Identify |
| 295 Invisibility |
| 296 Protection from Paralysis |
| 297 Melf's Acid Arrow |
| 302 Dispel Magic |
| 303 Fireball |
| 304 Haste |
| 305 Hold Person |
| 306 Hold Undead |
| 307 Invisibility 10' Radius |
| 308 Lightning Bolt |
| 309 Slow |
| 310 Vampiric Touch |
| 311 Water Breathing |
| 312 Fear |
| 313 Ice Storm |
| 314 Improved Invisibility |
| 315 Remove Curse |
| 322 Cone of Cold |
| 323 Hold Monster |
| 324 Wall of Force |
| 332 Death Spell |
| 333 Disintegrate |
| 334 Flesh to Stone |
| 335 Stone to Flesh |
| 336 True Seeing |
| 342 Acid Storm |
| 343 Finger of Death |
| 344 Mordenkainen's Sword |
| 345 Power Word, Stun |
| 352 Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting |
| 353 Bigby's Clenched Fist |
| 362 Energy Drain |
| 363 Meteor Swarm |
| 364 Power Word, Kill |
| 365 Time Stop |

Cleric-Spells (Offset to Names)
| Spells (FF=not available, 00 = available, xx = xx times learned)|
| 382 Bless |
| 383 Cause Light Wounds |
| 384 Cure Light Wounds |
| 385 Detect Magic |
| 386 Protection from Evil |
| 387 Turn Undead |
| 388 Lay on Hands |
| 392 Aid |
| 393 Flame Blade |
| 394 Hold Person |
| 395 Resist Fire |
| 396 Resist Cold |
| 397 Spiritual Hammer |
| 398 Slow Poison |
| 402 Create Food and Water |
| 403 Dispel Magic |
| 404 Magical Vestment |
| 405 Negative Plane Protection |
| 406 Prayer |
| 407 Protection from Fire |
| 408 Remove Paralysis |
| 412 Blessed Warmth |
| 413 Cause Serious Wounds |
| 414 Cure Serious Wounds |
| 415 Free Action |
| 416 Neutralize Poison |
| 417 Poison |
| 418 Protection from Evil 10' Radius |
| 422 Cause Critical Wounds |
| 423 Cure Critical Wounds |
| 424 Flame Strike |
| 425 Raise Dead |
| 426 Slay Living |
| 427 True Seeing |
| 432 Harm |
| 433 Heal |
| 434 Heroes' Feast |
| 435 Sol's Searing Orb |
| 442 Fire Storm |
| 443 Resurrection |

If somebody has problems by doors or walls blocking his way, at offset
253 you can find the Y-coordinate (y lower= one step north) and an
offset 252 stands the X-coordinate (x lowe= one step west).

The following itemlist does not contain EVERY item in the game,
because some items (especially all "xx 03"-items) are only available by a
party which was converted from "Eye of the Beholder II", in a new party
they appear as 'cursed', by removing them the program crashes.
The Listed items can be hacked into a new generated party at the
beginning of the game.

Sometimes Items appear with a funny icon or are invisible. Just click
on the box, where the item should be. An invisible item becomes now
visible. An item with a funny icon is layed on the ground and picked up
again. The Program then corrects the icon automatically.

c8 00 Apple
c9 00 Apple
ca 00 Apple
cb 00 Apple
cc 00 Apple
cd 00 Apple
ce 00 Apple
cf 00 Apple
39 01 Apple
ac 00 Arrow
ad 00 Arrow
ae 00 Arrow
af 00 Arrow
b0 00 Arrow
b1 00 Arrow
22 02 Arrow +1
23 02 Arrow +1
24 02 Arrow +1
25 02 Arrow +1
26 02 Arrow +1
27 02 Arrow +1
28 02 Arrow +1
29 02 Arrow +1
99 00 Arrow +2
9a 00 Arrow +2
9b 00 Arrow +2
9c 00 Arrow +2
9d 00 Arrow +2
9e 00 Arrow +2
21 01 Arrow +2
22 01 Arrow +2
77 01 Arrow +2
78 01 Arrow +2
01 02 Arrow +2
02 02 Arrow +2
63 02 Arrow +2
64 02 Arrow +2
65 02 Arrow +2
66 02 Arrow +2
67 02 Arrow +2
68 02 Arrow +2
69 02 Arrow +2
6a 02 Arrow +2
6b 02 Arrow +2
6c 02 Arrow +2
6d 02 Arrow +2
6e 02 Arrow +2
6f 02 Arrow +2
70 02 Arrow +2
71 02 Arrow +2
8d 01 Arrow +3
8e 01 Arrow +3
c5 01 Arrow +4
c6 01 Arrow +4
da 03 Axe +1
16 02 Axe +2
59 02 Axe +2
69 01 Bag of incense
6a 01 Bag of incense
6b 01 Bag of incense
6c 01 Bag of incense
75 01 Bag of incense
76 01 Bag of incense
86 01 Bag of incense
87 01 Bag of incense
ab 01 Bag of incense
b0 01 Bag of incense
c0 00 Black Hammer +3
79 01 Black Holy Symbol
7a 01 Black Holy Symbol
7b 01 Black Holy Symbol
bf 00 Blessed Holy Symbol
be 01 Blue Gem
04 01 Book "The Elemental Seasons"
05 01 Book of Tobriand
97 00 Bow
48 02 Bracers of Protection +1
5e 01 Bracers of Protection +2
76 02 Bracers of Protection +2
ff 01 Bracers of Protection +4
c0 01 Brass Key
7f 00 Captain Fflar's Nameplate
1a 02 Chain Mail
db 03 Chain Mail +1
e2 03 Chain Mail +1
20 02 Chain Mail +2
98 00 Chain Mail +4
e3 01 Chrystal Key
4d 01 Cleric Scroll of 'Aid'
55 01 Cleric Scroll of 'Cause Critical Wounds'
4c 01 Cleric Scroll of 'Create Food & Water'
99 01 Cleric Scroll of 'Cure Critical'
dc 00 Cleric Scroll of 'Cure Light Wounds'
84 00 Cleric Scroll of 'Cure Serious Wounds'
da 00 Cleric Scroll of 'Cure Serious Wounds'
db 00 Cleric Scroll of 'Cure Serious Wounds'
84 01 Cleric Scroll of 'Cure Serious Wounds'
cc 03 Cleric Scroll of 'Cure Serious Wounds'
e3 03 Cleric Scroll of 'Cure Serious Wounds'
a9 01 Cleric Scroll of 'Fire Storm'
58 01 Cleric Scroll of 'Heal'
59 01 Cleric Scroll of 'Heal'
5a 01 Cleric Scroll of 'Heal'
4f 01 Cleric Scroll of 'Neutralize Poison'
54 01 Cleric Scroll of 'Neutralize Poison'
8b 00 Cleric Scroll of 'Prayer'
4e 01 Cleric Scroll of 'Prayer'
6f 00 Cleric Scroll of 'Raise Dead'
75 00 Cleric Scroll of 'Raise Dead'
92 01 Cleric Scroll of 'Raise Dead'
71 00 Cleric Scroll of 'Resist Fire'
ba 01 Cleric Scroll of 'Resurrection'
4b 01 Cleric Scroll of 'Slow Poison'
56 01 Cleric Scroll of 'Sol's Searing Orb'
b7 00 Cloak of Protection (+?)
0f 01 Cloak of Protection +3
97 01 Cloak of Protection +4
23 01 Club
76 00 Club +1
77 00 Club +1
78 00 Club +1
b1 01 Coin
a5 01 Copper Key
a6 01 Copper Key
aa 01 Copper Key
af 01 Copper Key
da 01 Copper Key
00 02 Copper Key
0e 02 Crimson Key
ec 00 Crystal Key
b3 01 Crystal Key
b7 01 Crystal Key
c3 01 Crystal Key
9c 01 Cup of Good Cheer
9d 01 Cup of Good Cheer
9e 01 Cup of Good Cheer
9f 01 Cup of Good Cheer
57 01 Dagger
e8 01 Dagger
5a 02 Dagger +1
5b 02 Dagger +1
5c 02 Dagger +1
f1 01 Dagger +2
f2 01 Dagger +2
18 02 Dagger +2
19 02 Dagger +2
64 00 Dagger +3
5b 01 Dagger +3
41 01 Dagger +4 "Ocnor"
42 01 Dagger +4 "Ronco"
f8 01 Dart +1
f9 01 Dart +1
fa 01 Dart +1
fb 01 Dart +1
31 01 Dart of Hornet's Nest
45 01 Diamond
74 02 Elven Chain Mail +2
c7 01 Elven Chain Mail +3
a1 01 Ember of Hope
a2 01 Ember of Hope
a3 01 Ember of Hope
a4 01 Ember of Hope
8a 00 Everburning Torch
6f 01 Fire Key
a7 01 Flail +4 "Mourning Star"
6e 01 Fountain Spout
8c 01 Frost Key
b2 00 Gauntlets of Fire Giant Strength
f3 01 Gauntlets of Hill Giant Strength
90 01 Gauntlets of Hill Giant Strength
96 01 Gold Key
7f 01 Golden Cup
bc 01 Grappling Hook
c1 01 Green Gem
c2 01 Green Gem
ad 01 Halberd +4
b4 01 Hammer of Throwing +3
08 02 Helm +1
ee 01 Helm +2
e5 00 Helm of Underwater Breathing
04 02 Helm of Underwater Breathing
65 00 Holy Key
68 00 Holy Key
69 00 Holy Key
6b 00 Holy Key
7e 00 Holy Key
7c 01 Holy Symbol
7d 01 Holy Symbol
7e 01 Holy Symbol
44 02 Holy Symbol
4e 02 Holy Symbol
7b 02 Holy Symbol
cd 03 Holy Symbol
e4 03 Holy Symbol (Paladin)
ac 01 Iron Key
a3 00 Iron Rations
a4 00 Iron Rations
a5 00 Iron Rations
a0 01 Key of Faith
f7 01 Leather Armor
b3 00 Leather Armor +3
1d 01 Leather Armor +4
cf 01 Leather Armor +4
eb 01 Long Bow
21 02 Long Bow
62 02 Long Bow
f0 01 Long Sword
50 02 Long Sword +2
96 00 Long Sword +3
72 02 Long Sword +3
6d 01 Long Sword +4
e5 01 Long Sword +4
ca 03 Mace +1
e6 00 Mace +2
ed 01 Mace +2
1b 02 Mace +2
47 02 Mace +2
77 02 Mace +2
74 01 Mace +4
c9 01 Mage Scroll of 'Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting'
47 01 Mage Scroll of 'Acid Storm'
c8 01 Mage Scroll of 'Bigby's Clenched Fist'
07 01 Mage Scroll of 'Cone of Cold'
09 01 Mage Scroll of 'Death Spell'
0a 01 Mage Scroll of 'Disintegrate'
93 01 Mage Scroll of 'Disintegrate'
b2 01 Mage Scroll of 'Disintegrate'
ca 01 Mage Scroll of 'Energy Drain'
d3 01 Mage Scroll of 'Energy Drain'
d7 01 Mage Scroll of 'Energy Drain'
82 00 Mage Scroll of 'Fireball'
87 00 Mage Scroll of 'Fireball'
b8 01 Mage Scroll of 'Fireball'
d4 03 Mage Scroll of 'Fireball'
48 01 Mage Scroll of 'Fist of Death'
d8 00 Mage Scroll of 'Flesh to Stone'
0b 01 Mage Scroll of 'Flesh to Stone'
d7 00 Mage Scroll of 'Hold Monster'
08 01 Mage Scroll of 'Hold Monster'
ed 00 Mage Scroll of 'Hold Person'
ef 00 Mage Scroll of 'Hold Person'
d9 00 Mage Scroll of 'Hold Undead'
f0 00 Mage Scroll of 'Hold Undead'
f8 00 Mage Scroll of 'Improved Invisibility'
fc 00 Mage Scroll of 'Improved Invisibility'
f5 00 Mage Scroll of 'Invisibility 10' Radius'
d5 03 Mage Scroll of 'Magic Missile'
cb 01 Mage Scroll of 'Meteor Swarm'
d4 01 Mage Scroll of 'Meteor Swarm'
d8 01 Mage Scroll of 'Meteor Swarm'
cc 01 Mage Scroll of 'Power Word Kill'
d5 01 Mage Scroll of 'Power Word Kill'
fc 01 Mage Scroll of 'Power Word Kill'
4a 01 Mage Scroll of 'Power Word Stun'
70 00 Mage Scroll of 'Protection from Paralysis'
ee 00 Mage Scroll of 'Protection from Paralysis'
f9 00 Mage Scroll of 'Remove Curse'
fd 00 Mage Scroll of 'Remove Curse'
f6 00 Mage Scroll of 'Slow'
0c 01 Mage Scroll of 'Stone to Flesh'
88 01 Mage Scroll of 'Stone to Flesh'
d2 01 Mage Scroll of 'Time Stop'
d6 01 Mage Scroll of 'Time Stop'
fd 01 Mage Scroll of 'Time Stop'
46 01 Mage Scroll of 'True Seeing'
0d 02 Mage Scroll of 'Wall of Force'
f7 00 Mage Scroll of 'Water Breathing'
10 02 Mage Scroll of 'Water Breathing'
20 01 Magic Staff +1
bb 01 Magic Stuff +4
80 00 Medaillon of Friendship
49 01 Mordenkainen's Sword
9a 01 Morning's Light
a2 00 Necklace of Adornment
62 01 Necklace of Fireball
63 01 Necklace of Fireball
14 01 Necklace of Magic Missile
15 02 Plate Mail +1
a0 00 Plate Mail +2
e9 01 Plate Mail +2
4f 02 Plate Mail +2
e2 00 Plate Mail +3
51 01 Polearm +3 "Zymoks"
81 00 Potion of Giant Strength
8c 00 Potion of Giant Strength
10 01 Potion of Giant Strength
e6 01 Potion of Giant Strength
07 02 Potion of Giant Strength
6e 00 Potion of Healing
74 00 Potion of Healing
0e 01 Potion of Healing
85 01 Potion of Healing
ae 01 Potion of Healing
f5 01 Potion of Healing
f6 01 Potion of Healing
05 02 Potion of Healing
06 02 Potion of Healing
12 02 Potion of Healing
13 02 Potion of Healing
14 02 Potion of Healing
ce 03 Potion of Healing
d6 03 Potion of Healing
dd 03 Potion of Healing
e5 03 Potion of Healing
2c 01 Potion of Invisibility
2d 01 Potion of Invisibility
36 01 Potion of Poison
37 01 Potion of Poison
38 01 Potion of Poison
95 01 Potion of Speed
d9 01 Potion of Speed
6c 00 Rations
6d 00 Rations
72 00 Rations
73 00 Rations
83 00 Rations
85 00 Rations
88 00 Rations
89 00 Rations
a6 00 Rations
a7 00 Rations
a8 00 Rations
a9 00 Rations
aa 00 Rations
ab 00 Rations
11 01 Rations
1e 01 Rations
1f 01 Rations
0a 02 Rations
0b 02 Rations
1c 02 Rations
1d 02 Rations
1e 02 Rations
1f 02 Rations
cf 03 Rations
d0 03 Rations
d7 03 Rations
d8 03 Rations
de 03 Rations
df 03 Rations
e6 03 Rations
e7 03 Rations
bd 01 Red Gem
0f 02 Red Gem
e1 00 Ring of Feather Falling
51 02 Ring of Feather Falling
f1 00 Ring of Fire Protection
df 01 Ring of Protection +1
dd 01 Ring of Protection +2
e1 01 Ring of Protection +2
19 01 Ring of Protection +3
ce 01 Ring of Protection +3
db 01 Ring of Protection +3
0c 02 Ring of Protection +3
46 02 Ring of Protection +3
dc 01 Ring of Protection -1
e0 01 Ring of Protection -2
e2 01 Ring of Protection -2
de 01 Ring of Protection -3
2f 01 Ring of Sustenance
12 01 Ring of Tobriand
b6 00 Ring of Wizardry
3c 02 Ring of Wizardry
d3 03 Robe
17 02 Robe (magisch, Wirkung :?)
24 01 Rock
25 01 Rock
26 01 Rock
27 01 Rock
8f 01 Rock
3b 01 Rock +4
3c 01 Rock +4
3d 01 Rock +4
3e 01 Rock +4
79 00 Rod Fragment
7a 00 Rod Fragment
7b 00 Rod Fragment
7c 00 Rod Orb
7d 00 Rod of Restauration
cb 03 Scale Mail +1
f4 01 Scale Mail +2
18 01 Scroll
8a 01 Scroll
d0 01 Scroll
d1 01 Scroll
06 01 Scrying Glass
e4 00 Shield
70 01 Shield
71 01 Shield
72 01 Shield
73 01 Shield
94 01 Shield
ea 01 Shield
c9 03 Shield
09 02 Shield +1
d9 03 Shield +1
e0 03 Shield +1
c1 00 Shield +3
b9 01 Shield +3 "Sun Mask"
a8 01 Shield +4
8b 01 Short Sword
73 02 Short Sword +1
e1 03 Short Sword +1
66 00 Short Sword +2
40 01 Short Sword +3
cd 01 Short Sword +3
eb 00 Short Sword +3 "Frostbite"
bf 01 Silver Key
89 01 Sling
b5 01 Spear +4
3a 01 Spellbook
3a 02 Spellbook
45 02 Spellbook
d1 03 Spellbook
c2 00 Splint Mail
58 02 Splint Mail
d2 03 Staff
b6 01 Staff of Life
68 01 Statue arm
ef 01 Stone Key
b4 00 Thieve's Tools
dc 03 Thieve's Tools
86 00 Trident +3 "Revko"
a1 00 Two-handed Sword +3
9b 01 Two-handed Sword +5 "Dhauzimmer"
49 02 Wand of 'Acid Storm'
9f 00 Wand of 'Cone of Cold'
5f 01 Wand of 'Cone of Cold'
60 01 Wand of 'Cone of Cold'
61 01 Wand of 'Cone of Cold'
50 01 Wand of 'Fear'
13 01 Wand of 'Fireball'
2a 02 Wand of 'Fireball'
2e 01 Wand of 'Flesh to Stone'
e7 01 Wand of 'Ice Storm'
fe 01 Wand of 'Lightning Bolt'
b5 00 Wand of 'Magic Missile'
3b 02 Wand of 'Magic Missile'
2b 02 Wand of 'Magic Missile'
67 00 Wand of 'Wall of Force'
ec 01 Yellow Gem

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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2022-07-24 00:28:10... - Ulrich

เว็บไซต์เกมสล็อต Betflix betflik ทุกเว็บออนไลน์ ทดลองเล่นสล็อต สล็อต PG แจกเครดิตฟรีได้แล้ววันนี้ บนเว็บไซต์ พวกเราได้แจก 100 เครดิตฟรีให้กับนักการพนันออนไลน์


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