WWF War Zone

WWF War Zone

14.10.2013 10:55:17

WWF Warzone - PSX Version - TM Acclaim Sports 1998
FAQ Revision 1.01a
Donovan Keith - indigo_twilight_@hotmail.com
i. Legal-sounding stuff:
This FAQ was compiled from numerous sources, including but not limited to
the in-game movelists, various gaming magazines, and hours of personal
trial and error. As such, I claim no copyright or other legally binding
ownership to this document, and present it freely to the public domain to be
used as you wish. This document may be reprinted, transmitted, photocopied,
folded, spindled, and/or mutilated as you see fit. I do ask you to at least
credit me if you use it on your website. I have tried to be as complete and
detailed as possible, so as to differentiate my own FAQ from the others out
there, which are usually just move lists. If you have any comments, additions,
corrections or other games you'd like me to write up, please feel free to
drop me a line at the above email address.

ii. Revision History
12/98 Version 1.01a
OK, this is the first posted version. Still missing a few intros and quotes,
especially for female created wrestlers. Miscellaneous section will be added
to as soon as I can find more info. I'll probably include a full section for
the announcer's dialogue, but that'll take some time. Game basics section
has yet to be added, I'll only add it when it's finished and playtested.
Also, I still need to finish reformatting the character move lists from
alphabetical (as they appear in the game) to ordered by button (see Shawn
Michaels' list).

iii. Credits
This FAQ is based in part on information contained in the FAQ written by
JAY0331@AOL.com, available at http://www.gamefaqs.com. The most current
version of my FAQ will always be available at gamefaqs or you can request
it by e-mail and I'll send it when I can.

Table of Contents:
I. Common moves/game basics
II. Character move lists
a. "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels
b. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin
c. "The British Bulldog" Davey Boy Smith
d. Faarooq
e. Goldust
f. "Triple H" Hunter Hearst Helmsley
g. Mankind/Cactus Jack/Dude Love
h. "The Rock" Rocky Maivia
i. Ahmed Johnson
j. Bret "The Hitman" Hart
k. Owen Hart, "The Black Hart"
l. The Undertaker
m. Ken Shamrock, "The World's Most Dangerous Man"
n. Kane
o. Headbanger Thrasher
p. Headbanger Mosh
q. Sue, the Ring Girl (Hidden wrestler)
r. Trainer (Hidden wrestler)
s. Rattlesnake (Hidden wrestler)
t. Cheesemeister (Created wrestler move list)
u. Pit Scorpion (Created wrestler move list)
v. Colossus (Created wrestler move list)
w. Twist (Created wrestler move list)
III. Reversals
IV. Scoring System
V. Secrets/Bonus Modes
VI. Miscellaneous

I. Common Moves
U,D,L,R = if you don't know these, please stop reading.
Note: most moves have directions which can be reversed, but so far I have
not found an uncomplicated way to express this. For example, most moves
which are executed with L,L,K can also be done R,R,K. However, both of
the directions must be the same, because L,R,K/R,L,K would be a different
move. Also, moves like L,D,K are hard to show: L,U,K/R,D,K/R,U,K don't
always work, because certain moves require specific directions while
others are reversible, and still others mix the 2 (i.e., L,U,P is one
move while L,D,P is a different move). All moves contained in this FAQ
will work as listed, so I don't see a need to confuse you any further.
P=Punch (default=Triangle)
K=Kick (default=Square)
TU=Tie Up (default=Circle)
BL=Block (default=X)
Dodge Left (default=L1)
Dodge Right (default=R1)
Climb (default=L2)
Run (default=R2)

All instructions in parenthesis preceding the moves are the relative position
of the Player unless otherwise indicated.

Opponent standing:
(Standing) Whip into ropes/turnbuckles - L,L,BL/U,U,BL
(this will throw or slam your opponent to the floor if you are near
the ropes or the corners when you execute it.)
(Tie Up) Whip into ropes/turnbuckles - BL
(Standing) Taunt Opponent/Pose and Flex - P+BL/K+TU
(adds +1 damage bonus to next move performed by *either* player, unless
Opponent is stunned when you Taunt.)
Opponent on ground:
(Standing) +Pin opponent - TU (at side)
(Standing) Pick up opponent - TU (at head)
Opponent stunned in corner:
(Behind) Face Smash - P/K/TU
(Behind) Top Rope Belly to Back Suplex - L,TU
(The in-game move list and announcers mistakenly refer to this as
a "Pump Handle Slam".)
Opponent on turnbuckle:
(Standing) Knock off turnbuckle - P or Run into ropes
(Opponent will fall onto turnbuckle if facing the ring, or fly out to
the floor if facing away.)
(Standing) Body Slam off top rope - TU
Player in ring near ropes, Opponent on ring apron:
(Standing) Vertical Suplex into ring - TU
(Standing) Knock off apron - P/K
Player in ring near ropes, Opponent on floor:
(Opp. Standing) Springboard Body Press - P/TU
(Opp. Standing) Springboard Dropkick - K
(Opp. on Ground) Springboard Splash - P/TU
(Opp. on Ground) Springboard Leg Drop - K
Player on ring apron, Opponent on floor
(Opp. Standing/on Ground): same as "Player on turnbuckle", except only moves
with button presses and no direction commands are allowed
Player and Opponent on ring apron:
(Standing) Knock off apron - P/K
(Standing) Climb into ring - Climb
(or hold D-pad towards ring for 1 sec.)
Player on ring apron, Opponent in ring near ropes:
(Standing) Punch - P/K
(Standing) Hip Toss to floor - TU
Player on floor, Opponent in ring near ropes:
(Standing) Drag outside ring - P/TU
(Standing) Climb onto ring apron - Climb
(or hold D-pad towards ring for 2 sec.)
Player on floor, Opponent on ring apron:
(Standing) Knock off apron - P/K
(Standing) Drag off apron - TU
Player on turnbuckle:
(Opp. Standing/on Ground) Pose - P+BL (adds +1 damage bonus to next move)
(note that K+TU does not work in this situation, and you will not
receive the bonus if the Opponent is stunned.)
Player and Opponent near cage:
(Standing) Ram head into cage - L,P
(Standing) Climb up cage - Climb
(Standing) Climb down cage - Down
(you can only climb Down to win when your opponent's life meter is red,
otherwise you will simply jump back down into the ring)
Opponent climbing or standing on top of cage:
(Standing) Shake off cage - Climb (when facing same side Opp. is climbing)
(Standing) Knock off cage - P/K/Run into cage
Tornado Match/Tag Team Match/War:
(Standing) Face new Opponent - Climb
Tag Team Match:
(Standing) Tag partner - Climb
(Standing) Call in partner illegally - Dodge L+Dodge R
(partner has a five-count to leave the ring)
Weapons Match:
(Standing) Pick up/put down foreign object - TU
(Standing) Use foreign object - P/K

Attacks while getting up:
Drop Toe Hold
Rake to the eyes
European Uppercut
Arm Drag

Foreign Objects:
Ring Bell - 3 uses
2X4 - 3 uses
Camcorder - 2 uses
Folding Chair (open or closed) - 2 uses
TV Monitor - 1 use
All weapons have a +2 damage bonus and cause an automatic stun. You cannot
Run or enter/exit the ring while carrying the Folding Chair or TV Monitor,
and cannot climb the turnbuckle with any weapon. As your weapons supply
diminishes, the crowd will throw more into and around the ring.

Damage Multipliers:
Normal damage is x1, with a bonus given for the following situations:
Opponent stunned - +1
Opponent on mat - +1
Behind Opponent - +1
Player on turnbuckle - +1
Player on top of cage - +2
Crowd chanting for Player - +1
Taunt/Pose executed - +1 to next move by either player unless opp. is stunned
Note that these *are* cumulative, so from the top of the cage on a stunned
opponent (standing) would be [1(Base damage)+2+1] = x4 damage. So far the
most I've seen is x6 (top of cage, opponent stunned on mat, crowd chanting).

II. Character Move Lists
Note: Moves marked with 1 asterisk (*) are normal holds which drain the
'Hold' meter, while moves with 2 asterisks (**) are submission holds which
fill up the 'Pain' meter. Moves marked with the 'at' symbol (@) are signature
finishing moves which can only be executed when the opponent's health meter
is in the red. Moves which are preceded by a plus sign (+) end in a pinfall.
Note: All finishers automatically stun the Opponent, except for Shamrock's
Ankle Lock Submission. Also note that the Trainer's Running Powerslam stuns
but does *not* pin the Opponent, unlike the British Bulldog's.

a. "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels
Opponent standing:
(Standing) *Arm Wrench - L,L,P
(Standing) Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex - L,R,P
(Standing) Body Slam - L,D,P
(Standing) Japanese Arm Drag - D,D,P
(Standing) +Crucifix - L,L,K
(Standing) DDT - L,D,K
(Standing) Drop Toe Hold - D,D,K
(Standing) Hurricanrana - L,R,U,K
(Standing) Single Arm DDT - L,U,K
(Standing) Headlock Takedown - L,D,TU
(Standing) Side Belly to Belly Suplex - L,U,TU
(Standing) +Small Package - D,D,TU
(Standing) @"Sweet Chin Music" Superkick - L,D,U,K+BL
(Tie Up) Side Belly to Belly Suplex - P
(Tie Up) Samoan Drop - L,P
(Tie Up) Brainbuster - U,D,P
(Tie Up) Arm Drag - K
(Tie Up) Northern Lights Suplex - L,K
(Tie Up) Double Underhook Suplex - L,R,K
(Tie Up) DDT - TU
(Tie Up) Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex - L,TU
(Tie Up) Piledriver - L,U,TU
(Behind) *Abdominal Stretch - P/K/TU
(Behind) +Victory Roll - L,L,P
(Behind) Pump Handle Slam - L,L,K
(Behind) German Suplex - L,L,U,TU
(Running) Clothesline - P
(Running) Cross Body Block - K
(Running) +Crucifix - TU
(Running) Hurricanrana - P+TU
(Vs. Run) Back Body Drop - P
(Vs. Run) Dropkick - K
(Vs. Run) Hurricanrana - U,K
(Vs. Run) Arm Drag - TU

Opponent on ground:
(Standing) Elbow Drop - P
(Standing) +Standing Moonsault - D,P (at side)
(Standing) Stomp - K
(Standing) Knee Drop - D,K
(Running) Leg Drop - K (at side)
(Running) Elbow Drop - P/K/TU

Opponent on ground, Holds:
(Feet) *Knee to Inside Leg - L,L,K
(Feet) *Step Over Toe Hold - L,R,K
(Feet) Elbow to Groin - U,D,K
(Feet) **Figure Four - L,U,L,K
(Head) *Arm Wrench - L,L,P
(Head) **Reverse Chin Lock - L,R,P
(Head) *Leg Lock Chokehold - U,D,P

Opponent stunned in corner:
(Front) Climb and Pummel - P
(Front) Monkey Flip - L,L,P
(Front) Chest Chop - K
(Front) Flying Head Scissors - L,L,K
(Front) Hurricanrana - L,R,U,K
(Front) Splash - TU
(Front) Swinging DDT - L,L,TU
(Front) Top Rope Superplex - U,D,U,TU
(Running) Avalanche - P/K/TU

Player on turnbuckle:
(Opp. on Ground) Elbow Drop - P/K/TU
(Opp. on Ground) Fist Drop - K+BL
(Opp. on Ground) Splash - P+TU
(Opp. on Ground) Shooting Star Press - U,U,K+TU
(Opp. on Ground) +Moonsault - BL (while climbing)
(Opp. Standing) Dropkick - P/K/TU
(Opp. Standing) Bionic Elbow - P+TU
(Opp. Standing) +Sunset Flip - K+BL
(Opp. Standing) Hurricanrana - L,U,K+TU
(Opp. Standing) +Moonsault - BL (while climbing)

Regular Outfit: Black DX tights
Alternate Outfit (L2): Red tights w/ white hearts

Taunt Pose 1: DeGeneration X salute
Taunt Pose 2: Kneeling bicep flex
Taunt Pose 3: (near ropes) Lays down across top rope
Taunt Phrase 1: "It's time to go to school, Jackson."
Taunt Phrase 2: "I'm gonna dance all over your face."

Ring introductions:
"Love him or hate him, Shawn Michaels can still do it all in the squared circle."
"Shawn Michaels is the most resilient wrestler in the history of the WWF."
"Shawn Michaels is a giant-killer, if you will."
"I think we're gonna hear some Sweet Chin Music tonight."
"Say what you want about Shawn Michaels' attitude, he can still get it done."
"Shawn Michaels may be cocky, but he can back it up."

"HBK - large and in charge."
"Hands off the merchandise!"
"When the Kid speaks, you better listen."
"It's the Heartbreak Kid, live and in your face."

b. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin
Opponent standing:
(Standing) *Arm Wrench - L,L,P
(Standing) Body Slam - L,D,P
(Standing) Clothesline - U,U,P
(Standing) Gut Wrench Power Bomb - L,R,P
(Standing) Samoan Drop - L,U,P
(Standing) Side Belly to Belly Suplex - U,U,K
(Standing) Short Arm Clothesline - L,L,K
(Standing) Single Arm DDT - L,U,K
(Standing) Spinebuster - U,D,K
(Standing) DDT - L,D,K
(Standing) Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex - L,R,TU
(Standing) **Cobra Clutch - L,U,TU
(Standing) Front Back Breaker - L,D,TU
(Standing) *Hammerlock - L,L,TU
(Standing) Vertical Suplex - U,D,TU
(Standing) @Stone Cold Stunner - L,L,U (TU+BL)
(Tie Up) Back Breaker - P
(Tie Up) DDT - L,P
(Tie Up) Brainbuster - L,R,P
(Tie Up) *Hammerlock - K
(Tie Up) Inverted Atomic Drop - L,K
(Tie Up) Vertical Suplex - L,U,K
(Tie Up) Fisherman's Suplex - TU
(Tie Up) Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex - L,TU
(Tie Up) Power Bomb - L,U,TU
(Tie Up) @Stone Cold Stunner - L,L,TU
(Behind) **Cobra Clutch - P/K/TU
(Behind) Side Slam - L,L,P
(Behind) Pump Handle Slam - L,L,K
(Behind) Reverse DDT - L,R,D,TU
(Running) Clothesline - K/TU
(Running) *Vertical Body Press to Punches - P
(Vs. Run) Back Body Drop - K
(Vs. Run) Clothesline - P
(Vs. Run) Arm Drag - TU
(Vs. Run) Powerslam - U,TU

Opponent on ground:
(Standing) Driving Elbow Smash - D,P
(Standing) Fist Drop - P
(Standing) Falling Headbutt - D,K
(Standing) Leg Drop - K (at side)
(Standing) Stomp - K
(Running) Leg Drop - K (at side)
(Running) Elbow Drop - K
(Running) Front Elbow - P/TU

Opponent on ground, Holds:
(Feet) *Step Over Toe Hold - L,L,K
(Feet) *Half Crab - L,R,K
(Feet) **Texas Cloverleaf - U,D,K
(Feet) **STF - U,D,U,K
(Head) *Arm Wrench - L,L,P
(Head) *Rear Chin Lock - L,R,P
(Head) **Reverse Chin Lock - U,D,P
(Head) **Painkiller - L,U,D,P

Opponent stunned in corner:
(Front) Kick to Ribs - K
(Front) Climb and Pummel - P
(Front) Repeated Elbows - TU
(Front) Belly to Belly Suplex - L,L,K/P
(Front) Top Rope Superplex - L,L,TU
(Running) Clothesline - P/K/TU

Player on turnbuckle:
(Opp. on Ground) Fist Drop - P/K/TU
(Opp. on Ground) Double Foot Stomp - K+BL
(Opp. on Ground) Driving Elbow - P+TU
(Opp. on Ground) Splash - L,L,P+TU
(Opp. Standing) Bionic Elbow - P/K/TU
(Opp. Standing) Clothesline - P+TU
(Opp. Standing) Forearm Smash - K+BL
(Opp. Standing) Shoulder Tackle - L,U,TU+BL

Regular Outfit: Black tights, no shirt
Alternate Outfit (L2): Black tights, 3:16 vest
Alternate Outfit (R1): Jeans, 3:16 vest
Alternate Outfit (R2): Jeans, 3:16 t-shirt

Taunt Pose 1: "Come get some" gesture
Taunt Pose 2: Shakes head and points at opponent
Taunt Phrase 1: "I'll drop you on that stack o' dimes you call a neck."
Taunt Phrase 2: "Someone's gonna get their ass whipped."

Ring introductions:
"Steve Austin is the toughest S.O.B. in the WWF."
"Austin doesn't have an ounce of quit in him."
"Austin is cold, calculating, and very focused."
"Steve Austin is one of the most dangerous men in the WWF today."
"Look at the ice-cold stare in Austin's eyes."
"Whether you like him or you hate him, you gotta admire the guts of Steve Austin."
"That man is pure rattlesnake."

"And that's the bottom line, 'cause Stone Cold said so!"
"Austin 3:16 says I just whipped your ass!"
"Don't take this ass-whippin' personally, son."
"Oh, hell yeah!"

c."The British Bulldog" Davey Boy Smith
Opponent standing:
(Standing) Arm Drag - D,D,P
(Standing) *Arm Wrench - L,L,P
(Standing) Bearhug - U,D,P
(Standing) Body Slam - L,D,TU
(Standing) Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex - L,R,TU
(Standing) +Crucifix - L,U,K
(Standing) Fireman's Carry - D,D,K
(Standing) Gorilla Press Slam - U,U,D,TU
(Standing) Hanging Vertical Suplex - D,U,U,P
(Standing) Hiptoss - U,U,K
(Standing) Samoan Drop - L,U,P
(Standing) +Small Package - U,U,TU
(Standing) Snap Mare - L,D,K
(Standing) +@Running Powerslam - U,D,U,P+TU
(Tie Up) Hiptoss - K
(Tie Up) *Top Wristlock - P
(Tie Up) Chest Breaker - TU
(Tie Up) Fisherman's Suplex - L,K
(Tie Up) Gut Wrench Power Bomb - L,P
(Tie Up) Samoan Drop - L,TU
(Tie Up) Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex - L,R,K
(Tie Up) Double Underhook Suplex - L,D,P
(Tie Up) Hanging Vertical Suplex - L,U,TU
(Tie Up) +@Running Powerslam - U,D,TU
(Behind) Russian Leg Sweep - P/K/TU
(Behind) Atomic Drop - L,L,K/P
(Behind) +Victory Roll - L,L,TU
(Behind) Belly to Back Suplex - L,U,R,TU
(Running) Clothesline - P
(Running) +Crucifix - P+TU
(Running) Flying Shoulder Tackle - K
(Running) Spinning Neck Breaker- TU
(Vs. Run) Dropkick - K
(Vs. Run) Clothesline - P
(Vs. Run) Arm Drag - TU
(Vs. Run) Powerslam - U,TU

Opponent on ground:
(Standing) Elbow Drop - P
(Standing) Double Foot Stomp - D,K
(Standing) Stomp - K
(Running) Knee Drop - K/TU
(Running) Elbow Drop - P

Opponent on ground, Holds:
(Feet) *Spinning Toe Hold - L,L,K
(Feet) *Leg Grapevine - L,R,K
(Feet) **Texas Cloverleaf - U,D,K
(Feet) **Boston Crab - L,D,R,K
(Head) *Arm Wrench - L,L,P
(Head) *Rear Chin Lock - L,R,P
(Head) **Stump Puller - U,D,P
(Head) **Camel Clutch - L,U,R,P

Opponent stunned in corner:
(Front) Kick to Ribs - K
(Front) Climb and Pummel - P
(Front) Slap Face - TU
(Front) Oklahoma Stampede - L,L,K
(Front) Belly to Belly Suplex - L,L,P
(Front) Superplex - L,L,TU
(Front) Top Rope Superplex - U,D,L,K
(Running) Clothesline - P/K/TU

Player on turnbuckle:
(Opp. on Ground) Knee Drop - P/K/TU
(Opp. on Ground) Kamikaze Headbutt - P+TU
(Opp. on Ground) Splash - K+BL
(Opp. on Ground) Somersault Senton Splash - U,U,P+K
(Opp. Standing) Torpedo Dropkick - P/K/TU
(Opp. Standing) Body Press - K+BL
(Opp. Standing) +Sunset Flip - P+TU
(Opp. Standing) Clothesline - L,R,TU+BL

Regular Outfit: "Union Jack" tights, red boots
Alternate Outfit (L2): White tights w/ "Bulldog" in red, white boots

Taunt Pose 1: Double bicep flex
Taunt Pose 2: "Come get some" gesture
Taunt Phrase 1: "My bite is worse than my bark."
Taunt Phrase 2: <>

Ring introductions:
"The British Bulldog was the first WWF European Champion."
"The Bulldog has tremendous agility for one of the big men."
"Manchester's own Davey Boy Smith."
"Possibly the most powerful wrestler in the WWF."
"He mixes power and technical skill like nobody else."
"Be ready for anything when you get in there with the Bulldog."

"You shouldn't be in the same ring as the British Bulldog."
"You call yourself an athlete?"

d. Faarooq
Opponent standing:
(Standing) Bearhug - L,D,P
(Standing) Hiptoss - U,U,K
(Standing) Japanese Arm Drag - D,D,P
(Standing) Knee to Face - L,D,K
(Standing) Press Slam - D,D,L,TU
(Standing) Side Belly to Belly Suplex - L,U,K
(Standing) Short Arm Clothesline - U,D,P
(Standing) Shoulder Breaker - L,R,P
(Standing) Sidewalk Slam - L,R,K
(Standing) Spinebuster - U,D,K
(Standing) Spinning Neck Breaker - L,R,TU
(Standing) Choke Slam - L,L,U,P
(Standing) Vertical Suplex - L,U,TU
(Standing) @Dominator - U,U,U,TU+BL
(Tie Up) Hiptoss - K
(Tie Up) Chest Breaker - P
(Tie Up) Side Slam - TU
(Tie Up) Gut Wrench Power Bomb - L,K
(Tie Up) Side Belly to Belly Suplex - L,P
(Tie Up) Northern Lights Suplex - L,TU
(Tie Up) Sidewalk Slam - U,D,K
(Tie Up) Brainbuster - L,R,P
(Tie Up) Power Bomb - U,L,TU
(Behind) *Full Nelson - P/K/TU
(Behind) Atomic Drop - L,L,K/P
(Behind) Belly to Back Suplex - L,U,R,TU
(Running) Shoulder Tackle - K/TU
(Running) Clothesline - P
(Running) Boot to Face - K
(Running) Clothesline - P
(Running) Powerslam - TU
(Running) Sidewalk Slam - U,P

Opponent on ground:
(Standing) Stomp - K
(Standing) Falling Headbutt - D,K
(Standing) Axe Handle Smash - P
(Running) Knee Drop - K
(Running) Fist Drop - P
(Running) Headbutt - TU

Opponent on ground, Holds:
(Feet) *Knee to Inside Leg - L,L,K
(Feet) Elbow to Groin - L,R,K
(Feet) **Inverted STF - U,D,K
(Feet) **Boston Crab - L,D,R,K
(Head) *Arm Wrench - L,L,P
(Head) *Knee to Back - L,R,P
(Head) *Blatant Choke - U,D,P
(Head) **Camel Clutch - L,U,R,P

Opponent stunned in corner:
(Front) Boot Choke - K
(Front) Charging Shoulder - P/TU
(Front) Overhead Press - L,L,K
(Front) Superplex - L,L,P
(Front) Top Rope Superplex - L,L,TU
(Running) Clothesline - P/K/TU

Player on turnbuckle
(Opp. on Ground) Fist Drop - P/K/TU
(Opp. on Ground) Knee Drop - K+BL
(Opp. on Ground) Driving Elbow - P+TU
(Opp. on Ground) Double Foot Stomp - U,L,P+K
(Opp. Standing) Axe Handle Smash - P/K/TU
(Opp. Standing) Forearm Smash - K+BL
(Opp. Standing) Clothesline - P+TU
(Opp. Standing) Shoulder Tackle - L,U,TU+BL

Regular Outfit: Black two-strap singlet
Alternate Outfit (L2): Black pants, no shirt

Taunt Pose 1: "Come get some" gesture
Taunt Pose 2: Nation of Domination salute
Taunt Phrase 1: "You stupid punk!"
Taunt Phrase 2: "Don't make me plant my foot in your ass!"

Ring introductions:
"Faarooq is a former football All-American from Florida State University."
"He seems to be recruiting some of our younger talent."
"Here he comes, the leader of the Nation of Domination, Faarooq."
"The WWF in no way condones Faarooq's actions."
"Faarooq and his pack of thugs usually turn things into a handicap match."
"He has definitely brought the street-gang mentality to the WWF."

"You can't stop me from taking what I want, when I want."
"Faarooq is the man!"

e. Goldust
Opponent standing:
(Standing) *Abdominal Stretch - L,R,TU
(Standing) Body Slam - L,D,TU
(Standing) DDT - L,D,K
(Standing) Gut Wrench Power Bomb - L,R,P
(Standing) Hiptoss - D,D,K
(Standing) Japanese Arm Drag - D,D,P
(Standing) Kneebreaker - U,D,K
(Standing) Neck Breaker - L,D,P
(Standing) Samoan Drop - L,U,P
(Standing) Single Arm DDT - L,U,K
(Standing) **Sleeper - U,D,P
(Standing) Snap Mare - L,U,TU
(Standing) Vertical Suplex - U,D,TU
(Tie Up) Hiptoss - K
(Tie Up) Atomic Drop - P
(Tie Up) Inverted Atomic Drop - TU
(Tie Up) DDT - L,K
(Tie Up) Vertical Suplex - L,P
(Tie Up) Samoan Drop - L,TU
(Tie Up) Brainbuster - L,D,K
(Tie Up) Running Bulldog - L,U,P
(Tie Up) Piledriver - U,D,TU
(Behind) *Abdominal Stretch - P/K/TU
(Behind) Atomic Drop - L,L,P or K
(Behind) Reverse DDT - L,R,D,TU
(Behind) @Curtain Call - L,D,D,TU+BL
(Running) Dropkick - K
(Running) Clothesline - P
(Running) Drop to Knees and Uppercut - TU
(Vs. Run) Dropkick - K
(Vs. Run) Clothesline - P
(Vs. Run) Powerslam - TU
(Vs. Run) Back Body Drop - U,P

Opponent on ground:
(Standing) Leg Drop - K (at side)
(Standing) Stomp - K
(Standing) Double Foot Stomp - D,K
(Standing) Fist Drop - P
(Running) Knee drop - K
(Running) Fist drop - P
(Running) Butt Drop - TU

Opponent on ground, Holds:
(Feet) Elbow Drop to Leg - L,L,K
(Feet) *Knee to Inside Leg - L,R,K
(Feet) *Spinning Toe Hold - U,D,K
(Feet) Headbutt to Groin - L,U,R,K
(Head) *Arm Wrench - L,L,P
(Head) *Rear Chin Lock - L,R,P
(Head) **Stump Puller - U,D,P

Opponent stunned in corner:
(Front) Kick - K
(Front) Chest Chop - P
(Front) Repeated Elbows - TU
(Front) Superplex - L,L,P/K
(Front) Top Rope Superplex - L,L,TU
(Running) Clothesline - P/K/TU

Player on turnbuckle:
(Opp. on Ground) Knee Drop - P/K/TU
(Opp. on Ground) Butt Drop - K+BL
(Opp. on Ground) Fist Drop - P+TU
(Opp. on Ground) Somersault Senton Splash - U,U,P+K
(Opp. Standing) Bionic Elbow - P/K/TU
(Opp. Standing) Forearm Smash - K+BL
(Opp. Standing) Flying Butt Bump - P+TU
(Opp. Standing) Shoulder Tackle - L,U,TU+BL

Regular Outfit: Gold and black bodysuit/facepaint
Alternate Outfit (L2): Green bodysuit w/ lingerie, yellow and red facepaint
Alternate Outfit (R1): "MarilynDust" Marilyn Manson outfit
Alternate Outfit (R2): "DustyDust" Black w/ yellow polka-dots

Taunt Pose 1: "Come get some" gesture
Taunt Pose 2: Blows kisses to the crowd
Taunt Phrase 1: "You know, you really SUCK!"
Taunt Phrase 2: "Don't mess with me, punk."

Ring introductions:
"There's never been as bizarre an individual as the Golden One."
"You'd better be aware of the big picture when you're in there with Goldust."
"This young man can play head games with the best of them."
"The bizarre one - Goldust!"
"You gotta keep your mind on the match when you're wrestling Goldust."
"Don't let looks fool you, he can punch your lights out at the drop of a hat."
"This match may be another Shattered Dreams production by Goldust."

"Ducky ducky, quack quack, whaddaya think of that?"
"Damn, it gets brutal in here!"
"When I'm good, I'm good, but when I'm bad, I'm *really* bad."

f. "Triple H" Hunter Hearst Helmsley
Opponent standing:
(Standing) Arm Wrench - L,L,P
(Standing) Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex - L,R,TU
(Standing) Clothesline - L,D,P
(Standing) DDT - L,D,K
(Standing) Drop Toe Hold - D,D,K
(Standing) *Hammerlock - U,U,P
(Standing) Japanese Arm Drag - D,D,P
(Standing) Kneebreaker - L,U,K
(Standing) Knee to Face - L,L,K
(Standing) Neck Breaker - L,U,P
(Standing) Fisherman's Suplex - L,U,TU
(Standing) **Sleeper - L,L,TU
(Standing) Vertical Suplex - L,D,TU
(Standing) @Pedigree - L,D,R,P+TU
(Tie Up) *Hammerlock - K
(Tie Up) Neck Breaker - P
(Tie Up) Shoulder Breaker - TU
(Tie Up) Fisherman's Suplex - L,K
(Tie Up) Gut Wrench Power Bomb - L,P
(Tie Up) Northern Lights Suplex - L,TU
(Tie Up) Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex - L,U,K
(Tie Up) Double Underhook Suplex - U,D,P
(Tie Up) Power Bomb - L,U,TU
(Behind) **Cobra Clutch - P/K/TU
(Behind) Atomic Drop - L,L,K
(Behind) Pump Handle Slam - L,L,P
(Behind) Neck Breaker - L,U,U,TU
(Running) Dropkick - K
(Running) Clothesline - P
(Running) Cross Body Block - TU
(Vs. Run) Drop Toe Hold - K
(Vs. Run) Back Body Drop - P
(Vs. Run) Clothesline - TU
(Vs. Run) Powerslam - U,TU

Opponent on ground:
(Standing) Leg Drop - K (at side)
(Standing) Stomp - K
(Standing) Fist Drop - P
(Standing) Falling Headbutt - D,K
(Running) Knee Drop - K
(Running) Fist Drop - P/TU

Opponent on ground, Holds:
(Feet) *Step Over Toe Hold - L,L,K
(Feet) *Half Crab - L,R,K
(Feet) **Texas Cloverleaf - U,D,K
(Feet) **Figure Four - L,U,L,K
(Head) *Arm Wrench - L,L,P
(Head) *Rear Chin Lock - L,R,P
(Head) *Knee to Back - U,D,P
(Head) *Blatant Choke - L,D,R,P

Opponent stunned in corner:
(Front) Boot Choke - K
(Front) Chest Chop - P
(Front) Charging Shoulder - TU
(Front) Belly to Belly Suplex - L,L,K
(Front) Superplex - L,L,P
(Front) Top Rope Superplex - L,L,TU
(Running) Avalanche - P/K/TU

Player on turnbuckle:
(Opp. on Ground) Knee Drop - P/K/TU
(Opp. on Ground) Double Foot Stomp - K+BL
(Opp. on Ground) Driving Elbow - P+TU
(Opp. on Ground) Somersault Senton Splash - U,U,P+K
(Opp. Standing) Axe Handle Smash - P/K/TU
(Opp. Standing) Clothesline - K+BL
(Opp. Standing) Shoulder Tackle - P+TU
(Opp. Standing) Body Press - U,L,TU+BL

Regular Outfit: Blue tights, no shirt
Alternate Outfit (L2): Blue tights, DX t-shirt

Taunt Pose 1: Low curtsy with flourish
Taunt Pose 2: Degeneration X salute
Taunt Phrase 1: "I'll beat your ass!"
Taunt Phrase 2: "Two words - suck it!"

Ring introductions:
"Hunter is the only true blueblood in the WWF."
"His arrogance is annoying."
"Triple H - the most obnoxious and arrogant wrestler in the WWF."
"If you take Triple H lightly, before you know it you'll be looking up at
the ceiling listening to the 1-2-3."
"As obnoxious as he is, he can get the job done."
"Triple H has had all the best teachers growing up, including a wrestling tutor."
"He certainly feels he's better than all the other wrestlers."

"Lights out, pal."
"Big mistake, nimrod."
"You're in the wrong place at the wrong time."
"Hit the gym, fat-ass!"

g. Mankind/Dude Love/Cactus Jack
Opponent standing:
(Standing) Body Slam - L,U,TU
(Standing) Clothesline - U,U,P
(Standing) **Cobra Clutch - U,U,TU
(Standing) DDT - L,D,K
(Standing) Front Backbreaker - L,R,TU
(Standing) Gut Wrench Power Bomb - L,R,P
(Standing) Hiptoss - U,D,K
(Standing) Kneebreaker - L,D,TU
(Standing) Leg Drag - U,U,K
(Standing) Neck Breaker - L,D,P
(Standing) Samoan Drop - L,U,P
(Standing) Side Belly to Belly Suplex - U,D,TU
(Standing) Single Arm DDT - L,U,K
(Standing) **@Mandible Claw (Mankind only) - L,R,U,TU+BL
(Standing) @Double Arm DDT (Dude Love/Cactus Jack only) - L,R,U,TU+BL
(Tie Up) Hiptoss - K
(Tie Up) DDT - P
(Tie Up) Side Belly to Belly Suplex - TU
(Tie Up) Samoan Drop - L,K
(Tie Up) Inverted Atomic Drop - L,P
(Tie Up) Vertical Suplex - L,TU
(Tie Up) Brainbuster - L,R,K
(Tie Up) Power Bomb - L,D,P
(Tie Up) Pile Driver - L,U,TU
(Tie Up) **@Mandible Claw - L,R,TU
(Behind) *Nerve Hold - P/K/TU
(Behind) *Cross Face Chicken Wing - L,L,K
(Behind) Reverse DDT - L,L,P
(Behind) Side Slam - L,L,U,TU
(Running) Clothesline - P
(Running) Spinning Neck Breaker - K
(Running) *Tackle to Punches - TU
(Vs. Run) Drop Toe Hold - K
(Vs. Run) Back Body Drop - P
(Vs. Run) Arm Drag - TU
(Vs. Run) Powerslam - U,TU

Opponent on ground:
(Standing) Leg Drop - K (at side)
(Standing) Stomp - K
(Standing) Elbow Drop - P
(Standing) Knee Drop - D,K
(Running) Knee Drop - K
(Running) Fist Drop - P
(Running) Headbutt - TU

Opponent on ground, Holds:
(Feet) Elbow Drop to Leg - L,L,K
(Feet) *Leg Grapevine - L,R,K
(Feet) Headbutt to Groin - U,D,K
(Feet) **Reverse Indian Deathlock - L,R,U,K
(Head) *Arm Wrench - L,L,P
(Head) *Knee to Back - L,R,P
(Head) **Painkiller - U,D,P
(Head) **@Mandible Claw - L,R,U,TU+BL

Opponent stunned in corner:
(Front) Kick to Ribs - K
(Front) Forearm Smash - P
(Front) Charging Shoulder - TU
(Front) Swinging DDT - L,L,K
(Front) Tree of Woe - L,L,P
(Front) Top Rope Superplex - L,L,TU
(Running) Clothesline - P/K/TU

Player on turnbuckle:
(Opp. on Ground) Elbow Drop - P/K/TU
(Opp. on Ground) Splash - P+TU or K+BL
(Opp. on Ground) Somersault Senton Splash - U,U,P+K
(Opp. Standing) Axe Handle Smash - P/K/TU
(Opp. Standing) Bionic Elbow - K+BL
(Opp. Standing) Clothesline - P+TU

Regular Outfit (Mankind): Brown tights and jacket
Alternate Outfit (L2) (Mankind): Black tights and jacket
Regular Outfit (Dude Love): Light blue pants, tye-dye shirt & bandanna
Alternate Outfit (L2) (Dude Love): Navy pants, green tye-dye shirt & bandanna
Regular Outfit (Cactus Jack): Black pants and t-shirt
Alternate Outfit (L2) (Cactus Jack): Brown checkered pants, black t-shirt

Taunt Pose 1 (Mankind): Crouches and stares at the lights
Taunt Pose 2 (Mankind): Points at opponent
Taunt Phrase 1 (Mankind): "Have a nice day!"
Taunt Phrase 2 (Mankind): "My grandmother hits harder than you."
Taunt Pose 1 (Dude Love): Points at opponent
Taunt Pose 2 (Dude Love): Dances the Charleston
Taunt Phrase 1 (Dude Love): "The Dudester's in the house, baby!"
Taunt Phrase 2 (Dude Love): "It's time for the Dude to get busy on you."
Taunt Pose 1 (Cactus Jack): Points at opponent
Taunt Pose 2 (Cactus Jack): Bang-bang!
Taunt Phrase 1 (Cactus Jack): "Cactus Jack, on the attack."
Taunt Phrase 2 (Cactus Jack): "I'll sacrifice my bones to break yours."

Ring introductions:
"I think that Mankind may have left some of his sanity back in the boiler room."
"A most deranged individual, indeed."
"Mankind is one frightening individual."
"Mrs. Foley's baby boy."
"Mankind's Mandible Claw is one the most feared objects of pain in the WWF."
"The most deranged individual in the history of the WWF."
"Mankind is one deranged wrestler."
"I think he may enjoy hurting himself more than his opponent."
"He definitely walks a very thin line between sanity and insanity."
(Dude Love)
"Dude Love is made of twisted steel and sex appeal"
"Dude is hoping to groove his way to victory."
"This is the only guy that can carpool solo."
"Oh yeah, it's the Dudester - Dude Love, breaking hearts and taking names."
(Cactus Jack)
"Cactus Jack is making a surprise appearance tonight."
"You won't see any tassels on this man."
"The king of the deathmatch, Cactus Jack."
"Nothing fancy about this man, just pure toughness."
"This man will take you to the extreme for sure."
"Mrs. Foley's baby boy has returned."

"It wasn't Beauty that killed the Beast - it was my Mandible Claw!"
"Has anyone seen my mind? I think I've lost it."
"Get my fingers out of your mouth!"
"I'd love to put you out of your own misery, but I'm having so much FUN!"
(Dude Love)
"You're killing me, man!"
"Oh man, that hurt!"
"Lighten up, daddy!"
(Cactus Jack)
"Oh-ho-ho, I think that was your liver!"
"Ow, that looked like it hurt!"
"I'll bet that leaves a mark."

Trivia: Once Dude and Cactus are playable, they will also appear in the
wrestler's biographies section and have their own separate theme music.

h. "The Rock" Rocky Maivia
Opponent standing:
(Standing) Front Face DDT - L,R,P
(Standing) Drop Toe Hold - D,D,K
(Standing) Hurricanrana - L,R,U,K
(Standing) Headlock Takedown - L,L,TU
(Standing) Japanese Arm Drag - D,D,P
(Standing) Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex - L,U,TU
(Standing) Samoan Drop - L,U,P
(Standing) Side Belly to Belly Suplex - L,D,K
(Standing) Short Arm Clothesline - U,U,TU
(Standing) Shoulder Breaker - L,D,P
(Standing) Spinebuster - U,D,P
(Standing) Layin' the Smack Down - L,R,U,P
(Standing) @Rock Bottom - L,L,U,P+TU
(Tie Up) Arm Drag - K
(Tie Up) Shoulder Breaker - P
(Tie Up) DDT - TU
(Tie Up) Side Belly to Belly Suplex - L,K
(Tie Up) Inverted Atomic Drop - L,P
(Tie Up) Sidewalk Slam - L,TU
(Tie Up) Double Underhook Suplex - L,D,K
(Tie Up) Brainbuster - L,R,P
(Tie Up) Piledriver - U,D,TU
(Behind) *Cross Face Chicken Wing - P/K/TU
(Behind) Pump Handle Slam - L,L,K
(Behind) Reverse DDT - L,L,P
(Behind) +Victory Roll - L,L,TU
(Behind) Belly to Back Suplex - L,U,R,TU
(Running) Dropkick - K
(Running) Clothesline - P
(Running) +Crucifix - TU
(Running) Hurricanrana - P+TU
(Vs. Run) Dropkick - K
(Vs. Run) Back Body Drop - P
(Vs. Run) Powerslam - TU
(Vs. Run) Hurricanrana - U,K

Opponent on ground:
(Standing) Leg Drop - K (at side)
(Standing) Stomp - K
(Standing) Falling headbutt - D,K
(Standing) Splash - D,P
(Standing) Fist Drop - P
(Running) Leg Drop - K (at side)
(Running) Knee Drop - K/P
(Running) Splash - TU

Opponent on ground, Holds:
(Feet) Elbow Drop to Leg - L,L,K
(Feet) *Spinning Toe Hold - L,R,K
(Feet) **Inverted STF - U,D,K
(Feet) **STF - U,D,U,K
(Head) *Arm Wrench - L,L,P
(Head) *Reverse Chinlock - L,R,P
(Head) **Short Arm Scissors - U,D,P

Opponent stunned in corner:
(Front) Boot Choke - K
(Front) Turnbuckle Punches - P
(Front) Splash - TU
(Front) Flying Head Scissors - L,L,K
(Front) Swinging DDT - L,L,P
(Front) Belly to Belly Suplex - L,L,TU
(Front) Hurricanrana - L,R,U,K
(Front) Top Rope Superplex - L,U,R,P
(Running) Avalanche - P/K/TU

Player on turnbuckle:
(Opp. on Ground) Elbow Drop - P/K/TU
(Opp. on Ground) Fist Drop - P+TU
(Opp. on Ground) Knee Drop - K+BL
(Opp. on Ground) Splash - L,L,P+K
(Opp. Standing) Dropkick - P/K/TU
(Opp. Standing) Clothesline - K+BL
(Opp. Standing) Shoulder Tackle - P+TU
(Opp. Standing) Body Press - U,L,TU+BL

Regular Outfit:
Alternate Outfit (L2):

Taunt Pose 1: Points at opponent
Taunt Pose 2: Slow-motion bicep flex
Taunt Phrase 1: "Smell what the Rock is cookin'?"
Taunt Phrase 2: "Don't sing it, bring it."

Ring introductions:
"Rocky's change of attitude may do him some good here in the WWF."
"Rocky Maivia - the first 3rd generation superstar in the WWF."
"You have to be impressed with this rookie sensation."
"Rocky Maivia is a former college football standout."
"He is a student of the game and he is really learning his craft."

"Layin' the smack-down!"
"You just hit Rock Bottom!"
"So long, gibrone, the Rock is gonna end it quick."

Trivia: If you look closely at the Rock's picture on the TV monitors in the
Challenge mode, you'll notice that the pic is of Rocky Maivia when he was a
face (good guy), before he became "The Rock".

i. Ahmed Johnson
Opponent standing:
(Standing) Bearhug - U,D,P
(Standing) Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex - L,R,TU
(Standing) Body Slam - L,D,P
(Standing) Gut Wrench Power Bomb - L,R,P
(Standing) Hiptoss - U,U,K
(Standing) Kneebreaker - L,U,K
(Standing) Short Arm Clothesline - U,U,P
(Standing) Sidewalk Slam - L,D,K
(Standing) Snap Mare - L,D,TU
(Standing) Spinebuster - U,D,K
(Standing) Choke Slam - L,L,U,P
(Standing) **Torture Rack - L,U,TU
(Standing) Vertical Suplex - U,D,TU
(Standing) @Pearl River Plunge - L,R,U,K+BL
(Tie Up) Backbreaker - K
(Tie Up) Atomic Drop - P
(Tie Up) Gut Wrench Power Bomb - TU
(Tie Up) Samoan Drop - L,K
(Tie Up) Bulldog - L,P
(Tie Up) Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex - L,TU
(Tie Up) Side Slam - L,U,K
(Tie Up) Brainbuster - L,R,P
(Tie Up) Power Bomb - L,D,TU
(Behind) Russian Leg Sweep - P/K/TU
(Behind) Pump Handle Slam - L,L,K
(Behind) Side Slam - L,L,P
(Behind) Belly Back Suplex - L,U,R,TU
(Running) Clothesline - TU
(Running) Flying Shoulder Tackle - K
(Running) *Tackle to Punches - P
(Vs. Run) Sidewalk Slam - K
(Vs. Run) Back Body Drop - P
(Vs. Run) Powerslam - TU
(Vs. Run) Spinebuster - U,TU

Opponent on ground:
(Standing) Splash - D,P
(Standing) Axe Handle Smash - P
(Standing) Knee Drop - D,K
(Standing) Stomp - K
(Running) Leg drop - K
(Running) Fist Drop - P/TU

Opponent on ground, Holds:
(Feet) *Knee to Inside Leg - L,L,K
(Feet) *Leg Grapevine - L,R,K
(Feet) Wishbone Leg Splitter - U,D,K
(Feet) **Leg Lock - L,R,L,K
(Head) *Arm Wrench - L,L,P
(Head) *Squeeze Head - L,R,P
(Head) *Rear Chin Lock - U,D,P
(Head) **Painkiller - L,U,D,P

Opponent stunned in corner:
(Front) Boot Choke - K
(Front) Chest Chop - P
(Front) Charging Shoulder - TU
(Front) Overhead Press - L,L,P/K/TU
(Running) Clothesline - P/K/TU

Player on turnbuckle:
(Opp. on Ground) Fist Drop - P/K/TU
(Opp. on Ground) Double Foot Stomp - K+BL
(Opp. on Ground) Driving Elbow - P+TU
(Opp. on Ground) Kamikaze Headbutt - L,R,P+K
(Opp. Standing) Bionic Elbow - P/K/TU
(Opp. Standing) Clothesline - P+TU
(Opp. Standing) Forearm Smash - K+BL
(Opp. Standing) Shoulder Tackle - L,U,BL,TU

Regular Outfit: Red tights and boots
Alternate Outfit (L2): Black tights and boots

Taunt Pose 1: Crosses arms over chest and looks to the crowd
Taunt Pose 2: Points at opponent
Taunt Phrase 1: "You're...going...down!"
Taunt Phrase 2: "Bring it on, fool."

Ring introductions:
"Look at the size of Ahmed Johnson!"
"He's put together like brick wall."
"Ahmed Johnson stands alone in the WWF, and he stands tall."
"He is awesome, just awesome."

"Get ready for a beatin'!"

j. Bret Hart
Opponent standing:
(Standing) Body Slam - L,D,TU
(Standing) Clothesline - L,U,K
(Standing) +Crucifix - L,L,K
(Standing) Fireman's Carry - D,D,K
(Standing) Drop Toe Hold - D,D,P
(Standing) Hiptoss - U,U,K
(Standing) Kneebreaker - L,R,TU
(Standing) Leg Drag - L,D,K
(Standing) Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex - L,L,P
(Standing) Samoan Drop - L,U,P
(Standing) +Small Package - D,D,TU
(Standing) Spinebuster - U,D,TU
(Standing) Vertical Suplex - U,D,P
(Tie Up) Hiptoss - K
(Tie Up) *Top Wristlock - P
(Tie Up) Atomic Drop - TU
(Tie Up) Neck Breaker - L,K
(Tie Up) Inverted Atomic Drop - L,P
(Tie Up) Northern Lights Suplex - L,TU
(Tie Up) Samoan Drop - L,R,K
(Tie Up) Piledriver - L,U,P
(Tie Up) Side Back Breaker - L,L,TU
(Behind) *Cross Face Chicken Wing - P/K/TU
(Behind) Russian Leg Sweep - L,L,K
(Behind) Atomic Drop - L,L,P
(Behind) German Suplex - L,L,U,TU
(Running) +Crucifix - P+TU
(Running) Dropkick - K
(Running) Hart Attack - P
(Running) Spinning Neck Breaker - TU
(Vs. Run) Dropkick - K
(Vs. Run) Clothesline - P
(Vs. Run) Drop Toe Hold - TU
(Vs. Run) Powerslam - U,TU

Opponent on ground:
(Standing) Driving Elbow - D,P
(Standing) Fist Drop - P
(Standing) Knee Drop - D,K
(Standing) Leg Drop - K (at side)
(Running) Fist Drop - P/K
(Running) Splash - TU

Opponent on ground, Holds:
(Feet) Elbow Drop to Leg - L,L,K
(Feet) *Half Crab - L,R,K
(Feet) Headbutt to Groin - U,D,K
(Feet) **@Sharpshooter - L,L,U,K+BL
(Head) *Leg Lock Chokehold - L,L,P
(Head) *Rear Chin Lock - L,R,P
(Head) *Short Arm Scissors - U,D,P
(Head) **Painkiller - L,U,D,P

Opponent stunned in corner:
(Front) Forearm Smashes - K or TU
(Front) Turnbuckle Punches - P
(Front) Monkey Flip - L,L,K
(Front) Swinging DDT - L,L,P
(Front) Belly to Belly Suplex - L,L,TU
(Front) Top Rope Superplex - L,R,L,K
(Running) Clothesline - P/K/TU

Player on turnbuckle:
(Opp. on Ground) Knee Drop - P/K/TU
(Opp. on Ground) Driving Elbow - K+BL
(Opp. on Ground) Elbow Drop - P+TU
(Opp. on Ground) Kamikaze Headbutt - L,R,P+K
(Opp. Standing) Dropkick - P/K/TU
(Opp. Standing) Bionic Elbow - K+BL
(Opp. Standing) +Sunset Flip - P+TU
(Opp. Standing) Body Press - U,L,BL,TU

Regular Outfit: Black two-strap singlet w/ pink trim
Alternate Outfit (L2): Pink two-strap singlet w/ white trim

Taunt Pose 1: "Come get some" gesture
Taunt Pose 2: Looks at opponent and shrugs
Taunt Phrase 1: "You think you can beat ME?"
Taunt Phrase 2: "You're about to be excellently executed."

Ring introductions:
"Bret Hart is the 5-time WWF Champion, and the leader of the Hart Foundation."
"He's done it all in the WWF."
"This isn't about popularity, he's the king of the hill."
"Bret Hart is one of the most technically sound wrestlers in this sport."
"Without a doubt he is one of the best in the game."
"Once a hero in the WWF, now Bret Hart is despised."
"The leader of wrestling's First Family, Bret 'The Hitman' Hart."

"You're about to get a lesson from the Excellence of Execution."
"Pink and black attack is back."

k. Owen Hart, "The Black Hart"
Opponent standing:
(Standing) *Abdominal Sretch - L,D,P
(Standing) Arm Drag - U,U,P
(Standing) Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex - L,L,TU
(Standing) Double Underhook Suplex - D,D,TU
(Standing) Flying Head Scissors - L,L,K
(Standing) Drop Toe Hold - D,D,K
(Standing) Hurricanrana - L,R,U,K
(Standing) Gut Wrench Power Bomb - L,R,P
(Standing) Japenese Arm Drag - D,D,P
(Standing) Fisherman's Suplex - U,U,TU
(Standing) Side Belly to Belly Suplex - L,U,P
(Standing) +Small Package - L,U,TU
(Standing) Snap Mare - L,D,K
(Tie Up) Arm Drag - K
(Tie Up) Neck Breaker - P
(Tie Up) Side Belly to Belly Suplex - TU
(Tie Up) Gut Wrench Power Bomb - L,K
(Tie Up) Samoan Drop - L,P
(Tie Up) Vertical Suplex - L,TU
(Tie Up) Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex - L,U,K
(Tie Up) Piledriver - U,D,P
(Tie Up) Double Underhook Suplex - U,D,TU
(Behind) *Cross Face Chicken Wing - P/K/TU
(Behind) Atomic Drop - L,L,K
(Behind) Belly to Back Suplex - L,L,P
(Behind) +Victory Roll - L,L,TU
(Behind) German Suplex - L,L,U,TU
(Running) Spinning Heel Kick - K
(Running) Clothesline - P
(Running) Flying Forearm - TU
(Running) Hurricanrana - K+BL
(Vs. Run) Dropkick - K
(Vs. Run) Back Body Drop - P
(Vs. Run) Belly to Belly Suplex - TU
(Vs. Run) Hurricanrana - U,K

Opponent on ground:
(Standing) Stomp - K
(Standing) Falling Headbutt - D,K
(Standing) Elbow Drop - P
(Standing) Splash - D,P
(Running) Knee Drop - K
(Running) Fist Drop - P
(Running) Headbutt - TU

Opponent on ground, Holds:
(Feet) *Surfboard - L,L,K
(Feet) *Leg Grapevine - L,R,K
(Feet) Wishbone Leg Splitter - U,D,K
(Feet) **Reverse Indian Deathlock - L,R,U,K
(Feet) **Inverted STF - U,L,U,K
(Feet) **@Sharpshooter - L,L,U,K+BL
(Head) *Arm Wrench - L,L,P
(Head) *Rear Chin Lock - L,R,P
(Head) *Leg Lock Chokehold - U,D,P

Opponent stunned in corner:
(Front) Kick to ribs- K
(Front) Turnbuckle Punches - P
(Front) Splash - TU
(Front) Flying Head Scissors - L,L,K
(Front) Monkey Flip - L,L,P
(Front) Swinging DDT - L,L,TU
(Front) Hurricanrana - L,R,U,K
(Front) Superplex - U,L,D,P
(Running) Avalanche - P/K/TU

Player on turnbuckle:
(Opp. on Ground) Kamikaze Headbutt - P/K/TU
(Opp. on Ground) Somersault Senton Splash - K+BL
(Opp. on Ground) Splash - P+TU
(Opp. on Ground) Shooting Star Press - U,U,K+TU
(Opp. on Ground) +Moonsault - BL (while climbing)
(Opp. Standing) Forearm Smash - P/K/TU
(Opp. Standing) Hurricanrana - K+BL
(Opp. Standing) Torpedo Dropkick - P+TU
(Opp. Standing) Wheel Kick - L,L,K+TU
(Opp. Standing) +Sunset Flip - P+K+TU

Regular Outfit: Black singlet
Alternate Outfit (L2): Navy blue singlet

Taunt Pose 1: Points at opponent
Taunt Pose 2: Raises arms and looks around at the crowd
Taunt Phrase 1: "Wooooooo!"
Taunt Phrase 2: "Here's the part where I hit my move, are you ready?"

Ring introductions:
"Owen is lightning-like quick."
"He has speed and power - a dangerous combination."
"Pound for pound, Owen is considered one of the greatest technical wrestlers
in the WWF."
"He can do it all - he can take you out from any direction."
"He is so quick, he can change the tide of a match with one move."
"You have got to be careful - Owen can beat you in so many ways."


l. The Undertaker
Opponent standing:
(Standing) Front Face DDT - L,L,TU
(Standing) Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex - L,D,TU
(Standing) Choke Slam - D,D,P
(Standing) *Choke Hold - D,P
(Standing) DDT - L,D,K
(Standing) Gut Wrench Power Bomb - L,R,P
(Standing) Neck Breaker - L,D,P
(Standing) Side Belly to Belly Suplex - L,R,TU
(Standing) Short Arm Clothesline - L,U,TU
(Standing) Single Arm DDT - L,U,K
(Standing) Snap Mare - L,U,P
(Standing) Throat Toss - D,U,TU
(Standing) Vertical Suplex - L,R,K
(Standing) +@Tombstone Piledriver - D,D,D,P+TU
(Tie Up) Back Breaker - K
(Tie Up) Atomic Drop - P
(Tie Up) Sidewalk Slam - TU
(Tie Up) Northern Lights Suplex - L,K
(Tie Up) DDT - L,P
(Tie Up) Gut Wrench Power Bomb - L,TU
(Tie Up) Vertical Suplex - L,D,K
(Tie Up) Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex - L,U,P
(Tie Up) Choke Slam - L,R,TU
(Tie Up) +@Tombstone Piledriver - U,D,TU
(Behind) Neck Breaker - P/K/TU
(Behind) Reverse DDT - L,L,K/P or U,U,P
(Behind) Side Slam - L,L,U,TU
(Running) Clothesline - P/K
(Running) Spinning Neck Breaker - TU
(Vs.Run) Boot to Face - K
(Vs.Run) Clothesline - P
(Vs.Run) Powerslam - TU
(Vs.Run) Spinebuster - L,TU

Opponent on ground:
(Standing) Elbow Drop - P
(Standing) Stomp - K
(Standing) Leg Drop - D,P
(Standing) Knee Drop - D,K
(Running) Leg Drop - K
(Running) Fist Drop - P
(Running) Falling Headbutt - TU

Opponent on ground, Holds:
(Feet) Elbow Drop to Leg - L,L,K
(Feet) *Half Crab - L,R,K
(Feet) *Surfboard - U,D,K
(Feet) **Elbow Drop into Leg Lock - L,R,L,K
(Head) *Arm Wrench - L,L,P
(Head) *Squeeze Head - L,R,P
(Head) **Painkiller - U,D,P

Opponent stunned in corner:
(Front) Boot Choke - K/TU
(Front) Climb and Pummel - P
(Front) Overhead Press - L,L,K
(Front) Top Rope Belly to Belly Suplex - L,L,P
(Front) Top Rope Double Underhook Suplex - L,L,TU
(Front) Top Rope Superplex - U,U,D,K
(Running) Clothesline - P/K/TU

Opponent on turnbuckle:
(Standing) Choke Slam - U,U,TU

Player on turnbuckle:
(Opp. on Ground) Fist Drop - P/K/TU
(Opp. on Ground) Double Foot Stomp - K+BL
(Opp. on Ground) Splash - P+TU
(Opp. on Ground) Driving Elbow - L,R,K+TU
(Opp. Standing) Dropkick - P/K/TU
(Opp. Standing) Axe Handle Smash - K+BL
(Opp. Standing) Clothesline - P+TU
(Opp. Standing) Forearm Smash - L,R,K+TU

Regular Outfit: Black w/ black pads and gloves
Alternate Outfit (L2): Black w/ purple pads and gloves

Taunt Pose 1: Kneels and raises his hand up
Taunt Pose 2: Throat slitting motion
Taunt Phrase 1: "You cannot kill what is already dead."
Taunt Phrase 2: "I'll drop you on your head."

Ring introductions:
"The man from the dark side, the Undertaker."
"The phenom of the WWF."
"You can feel the chill in the air as the Undertaker enters the ring."
"No one can escape the reach of the Reaper."
"The Undertaker is one of the most feared wrestlers in the WWF today."
"That tombstone will seal your doom."
"You know, there is actually a serious debate as to whether the Undertaker
is alive or dead."


m. Ken Shamrock, "The World's Most Dangerous Man"
Opponent standing:
(Standing) Front Face DDT - L,R,P
(Standing) *Arm Wrench - L,L,P
(Standing) +Crucifix - L,R,K
(Standing) Hurricanrana - L,R,U,K
(Standing) Japanese Arm Drag - D,D,P
(Standing) Kneebreaker - L,D,K
(Standing) Leg Drag - L,L,K
(Standing) **Reverse Painkiller - L,D,P
(Standing) Samoan Drop - L,U,P
(Standing) Short Arm Clothesline - U,U,P
(Standing) Sidewalk Slam - L,D,TU
(Standing) Single Arm DDT - L,U,K
(Standing) +Small Package - U,D,TU
(Standing) Spinning Neck Breaker - L,L,TU
(Tie Up) Hiptoss - K
(Tie Up) *Top Wristlock - P
(Tie Up) Sidewalk Slam - TU
(Tie Up) Northern Lights Suplex - L,K
(Tie Up) Gut Wrench Power Bomb - L,P
(Tie Up) Vertical Suplex - L,TU
(Tie Up) Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex - L,U,K
(Tie Up) Double Underhook Suplex - L,R,P
(Tie Up) Side Belly to Belly Suplex - L,D,TU
(Behind) Russian Leg Sweep - P/K/TU
(Behind) Pump Handle Slam - L,L,K
(Behind) Reverse DDT - L,L,P
(Behind) +Victory Roll - L,L,TU
(Behind) Belly to Back Suplex - L,U,R,TU
(Running) *Tackle to punches - K
(Running) Clothesline - P
(Running) Cross Body Block - TU
(Running) Hurricanrana - P+TU
(Vs. Run) Drop Toe hold - K
(Vs. Run) Clothesline - P
(Vs. Run) Belly to Belly Suplex - TU
(Vs. Run) Hurricanrana - U,K

Opponent on ground:
(Standing) Stomp - K
(Standing) Falling Headbutt - D,K
(Standing) Elbow Drop - P
(Standing) +Standing Moonsault - D,P (at side)
(Standing) Driving Elbow Smash - D,P
(Running) Fist Drop - K/TU
(Running) Front Elbow - P

Opponent on ground, Holds:
(Feet) *Leg Grapevine - L,L,K
(Feet) **Texas Cloverleaf - L,R,K
(Feet) **STF - U,D,K
(Feet) **Inverted STF - U,L,U,K
(Feet) *Reverse Fuji Leg Bar - L,U,R,K
(Feet) **@Shamrock Ankle Lock - L,R,U,K+TU
(Head) *Leg Lock Chokehold - L,L,P
(Head) **Reverse Chinlock - L,R,K
(Head) *Short Arm Scissors - U,D,P
(Head) **Painkiller - L,U,D,P
(Head) *Fuji Arm Bar - U,L,U,P

Opponent stunned in corner:
(Front) Chest Chop - K
(Front) Turnbuckle Punches - P
(Front) Charging Shoulder - TU
(Front) Flying Head Scissors - L,L,K
(Front) Hurricanrana - L,L,P
(Front) Superplex - L,L,TU
(Front) Top Rope Superplex - U,D,U,TU
(Running) Avalanche - P/K/TU

Player on turnbuckle:
(Opp. on Ground) Elbow Drop - P/K/TU
(Opp. on Ground) Double Foot Stomp - K+BL
(Opp. on Ground) Kamikaze Headbutt - P+TU
(Opp. on Ground) Splash - L,L,P+K
(Opp. on Ground) +Moonsault - BL (while climbing)
(Opp. Standing) Dropkick - P/K/TU
(Opp. Standing) Body Press - K+BL
(Opp. Standing) Shoulder Tackle - P+TU
(Opp. Standing) Hurricanrana - L,U,K+TU

Regular Outfit: Red tights and boots
Alternate Outfit (L2): Black tights and boots

Taunt Pose 1: Pounds on chest
Taunt Pose 2: Points at opponent
Taunt Phrase 1: "Get outta my way!"
Taunt Phrase 2: "It's time for battle."

Ring introductions:
"Ken Shamrock is the master of submission wrestling."
"He's double-tough!"
"Ken Shamrock's popularity since starting in the WWF is unparalleled."
"The world's most dangerous man."
"He will just focus on a body part, and then try and wear you out."

"I'm in my zone!"
"Get outta my face!"
"Mmmm, that's gotta hurt!"
"I warned you."

n. Kane
Opponent standing:
(Standing) Front Face DDT - L,L,TU
(Standing) Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex - L,D,TU
(Standing) Choke Slam - D,D,P
(Standing) *Choke Hold - D,P
(Standing) DDT - L,D,K
(Standing) Gut Wrench Power Bomb - L,R,P
(Standing) Neck Breaker - L,D,P
(Standing) Side Belly to Belly Suplex - L,R,TU
(Standing) Short Arm Clothesline - L,U,TU
(Standing) Single Arm DDT - L,U,K
(Standing) Snap Mare - L,U,P
(Standing) Throat Toss - D,U,TU
(Standing) Vertical Suplex - L,R,K
(Standing) +@Tombstone Piledriver - D,D,D,P+TU
(Tie Up) Back Breaker - K
(Tie Up) Atomic Drop - P
(Tie Up) Sidewalk Slam - TU
(Tie Up) Northern Lights Suplex - L,K
(Tie Up) DDT - L,P
(Tie Up) Gut Wrench Power Bomb - L,TU
(Tie Up) Vertical Suplex - L,D,K
(Tie Up) Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex - L,U,P
(Tie Up) Choke Slam - L,R,TU
(Tie Up) +@Tombstone Piledriver - U,D,TU
(Behind) Neck Breaker - P/K/TU
(Behind) Reverse DDT - L,L,K/P or U,U,P
(Behind) Side Slam - L,L,U,TU
(Running) Clothesline - P/K
(Running) Spinning Neck Breaker - TU
(Vs.Run) Boot to Face - K
(Vs.Run) Clothesline - P
(Vs.Run) Powerslam - TU
(Vs.Run) Spinebuster - L,TU

Opponent on ground:
(Standing) Elbow Drop - P
(Standing) Stomp - K
(Standing) Leg Drop - D,P
(Standing) Knee Drop - D,K
(Running) Leg Drop - K
(Running) Fist Drop - P
(Running) Falling Headbutt - TU

Opponent on ground, Holds:
(Feet) Elbow Drop to Leg - L,L,K
(Feet) *Half Crab - L,R,K
(Feet) *Surfboard - U,D,K
(Feet) **Elbow Drop into Leg Lock - L,R,L,K
(Head) *Arm Wrench - L,L,P
(Head) *Squeeze Head - L,R,P
(Head) **Painkiller - U,D,P

Opponent stunned in corner:
(Front) Boot Choke - K/TU
(Front) Climb and Pummel - P
(Front) Overhead Press - L,L,K
(Front) Top Rope Belly to Belly Suplex - L,L,P
(Front) Top Rope Double Underhook Suplex - L,L,TU
(Front) Top Rope Superplex - U,U,D,K
(Running) Clothesline - P/K/TU

Opponent on turnbuckle:
(Standing) Choke Slam - U,U,TU

Player on turnbuckle:
(Opp. on Ground) Fist Drop - P/K/TU
(Opp. on Ground) Double Foot Stomp - K+BL
(Opp. on Ground) Splash - P+TU
(Opp. on Ground) Driving Elbow - L,R,K+TU
(Opp. Standing) Dropkick - P/K/TU
(Opp. Standing) Axe Handle Smash - K+BL
(Opp. Standing) Clothesline - P+TU
(Opp. Standing) Forearm Smash - L,R,K+TU

Regular Outfit: Red bodysuit w/ black trim
Alternate Outfit (L2): Black bodysuit w/ red trim

Taunt Pose 1: Raises arms above head and then drops them
Taunt Pose 2: Throat slitting motion

Ring introductions:
"Good God Almighty, it's Kane!"
"At nearly 7 feet and well over 300 pounds, he might well be unstoppable."
"Through fire and brimstone, it's Kane!"
"The sky's the limit for this crimson beast."
"Kane is pure evil!"
"This man is a monster."
"From the bowels of Hell, Kane."
"Oh boy - Kane's here, and there's gonna be Hell to pay!"

None (!)

o. Thrasher
Opponent standing:
(Standing) Front Face DDT - L,R,P
(Standing) Arm Wrench - L,U,P
(Standing) +Crucifix - L,U,TU
(Standing) Drop Toe Hold - D,D,K
(Standing) Fireman's Carry - L,R,K
(Standing) Hurricanrana - L,R,U,K
(Standing) Headlock Takedown - L,D,P
(Standing) Japanese Arm Drag - D,D,P
(Standing) Overhead Belly to Belly suplex - U,D,TU
(Standing) **Reverse Painkiller - L,D,K
(Standing) Sidewalk Slam - L,D,TU
(Standing) Single Arm DDT - L,U,K
(Standing) Spinebuster - L,R,TU
(Tie Up) Hiptoss - K
(Tie Up) Neckbreaker - P
(Tie Up) Fisherman's Suplex - L,K
(Tie Up) Side Slam - L,P
(Tie Up) Samoan Drop - L,TU
(Tie Up) Northern Lights Suplex - L,D,K
(Tie Up) Sidewalk Slam - L,U,P
(Tie Up) Brainbuster - L,U,TU
(Behind) Russian Leg Sweep - P/K/TU
(Behind) Neck Breaker - L,L,K
(Behind) Reverse DDT - L,L,P
(Behind) Side Slam - L,L,TU
(Behind) Belly to Back Suplex - L,U,R,TU
(Running) Clothesline - P
(Running) Flying Forearm - K
(Running) Spinning Neck Breaker - TU
(Vs. Run) Dropkick - K
(Vs. Run) Powerslam - P
(Vs. Run) Spinebuster - TU
(Vs. Run) Hurricanrana - U,K

Opponent on ground:
(Standing) Leg Drop - K (at side)
(Standing) Stomp - K
(Standing) Fist Drop - P
(Standing) +Standing Moonsault - D,P (at side)
(Standing) Knee Drop - D,K
(Running) Leg Drop - K (at side)
(Running) Knee Drop - P/K/TU

Opponent on ground, Holds:
(Feet) Elbow to Groin - L,L,K
(Feet) **Reverse Indian Deathlock - L,R,K
(Feet) **STF - U,D,K
(Feet) **Boston Crab - L,D,R,K
(Head) *Arm Wremch - L,L,P
(Head) *Leg Lock Chokehold - L,R,P
(Head) *Short Arm Scissors - U,D,P

Opponent stunned in corner:
(Front) Chest Chop - K or P
(Front) Splash - TU
(Front) Flying Head Scissors - L,L,K
(Front) Hurricanrana - L,L,P
(Front) Swinging DDT - L,L,TU
(Front) Superplex - L,D,R,P
(Running) Charging Butt Bump - P/K/TU

Player on turnbuckle:
(Opp. on Ground) Elbow Drop - P/K/TU
(Opp. on Ground) Leg Drop - K+BL
(Opp. on Ground) Somersault Senton Splash - P+TU
(Opp. on Ground) Shooting Star Press - U,U,K+TU
(Opp. on Ground) @Stage Dive - L,U,U,P+K
(Opp. Standing) Axe Handle Smash - P/K/TU
(Opp. Standing) Body Press - K+BL (opponent facing towards)
(Opp. Standing) Torpedo Dropkick - K+BL (opponent facing away)
(Opp. Standing) +Sunset Flip - P+TU
(Opp. Standing) Hurricanrana - L,U,K+TU

Regular Outfit: Blue skirt, black Headbangers t-shirt
Alternate Outfit (L2): Green skirt w/ black and white stockings

Taunt Pose 1: "Come get some" gesture
Taunt Pose 2: Slam dancing
Taunt Phrase 1: "I'm gonna enjoy this."
Taunt Phrase 2: "Hey, check ME out!"

Ring introductions:
"Thrasher is really a formidable single opponent...even if he does wear a skirt."
"Thrasher, as you know, is the high-flying member of the Headbangers."
"He definitely walks to the beat of his own drum."
"Real men wear skirts?....Well, if he says so."
"He may not be high class, but he can sure kick ass."
"Thrasher has an opportunity to show off his stuff, wrestling without Mosh
in this match-up."

"Ahh, I just swallowed my tongue ring!"
"Aw, this is gonna hurt!"
"Oh yeah, baby!"
"Ooh, I'd give up after that one!"

p. Mosh
Opponent standing:
(Standing) Front face DDT - L,R,P
(Standing) Arm Drag - U,U,P
(Standing) +Crucifix - L,U,TU
(Standing) Double Underhook Suplex - L,R,TU
(Standing) Flying Head Scissors - L,U,K
(Standing) Drop Toe Hold - D,D,K
(Standing) Gut Wrench - L,U,P
(Standing) Hiptoss - U,D,TU
(Standing) Japanese Arm Drag - D,D,P
(Standing) Knee to Face - U,D,K
(Standing) Kneebreaker - L,D,TU
(Standing) Leg Drag - L,L,K
(Standing) Neck Breaker - U,U,TU
(Standing) **Reverse Painkiller - L,D,K
(Standing) Vertical Suplex - L,L,P
(Tie Up) Hip Toss - K
(Tie Up) Neck Breaker - P
(Tie Up) Gut Wrench Power Bomb - TU
(Tie Up) Sidewalk Slam - L,K
(Tie Up) Samoan Drop - L,P
(Tie Up) Vertical Suplex - L,TU
(Tie Up) Brainbuster - L,U,K
(Tie Up) Double Underhook Suplex - L,R,P
(Tie Up) Powerbomb - L,D,TU
(Behind) Neck Breaker - P/K/TU
(Behind) Pump Handle Slam - L,L,K
(Behind) Reverse DDT - L,L,P
(Behind) +Victory Roll - L,L,TU
(Behind) German Suplex - L,L,U,TU
(Running) Spinning Neck Breaker - K
(Running) Clothesline - P
(Running) *Tackle to Punches - TU
(Vs. Run) Dropkick - K
(Vs. Run) Back Body Drop - P
(Vs. Run) Powerslam - TU
(Vs. Run) Sidewalk Slam - L,P

Opponent on ground:
(Standing) Knee Drop - D,K
(Standing) Stomp - K
(Standing) +Standing Moonsault - D,P (at side)
(Standing) Elbow drop - P
(Running) Knee Drop - K
(Running) Fist Drop - P
(Running) Splash - TU

Opponent on ground, Holds:
(Feet) Elbow Drop to Leg - L,L,K
(Feet) *Leg Grapevine - L,R,K
(Feet) Elbow to Groin - U,D,K
(Feet) Wishbone Leg Splitter - L,U,D,K
(Head) *Rear Chin Lock - L,L,P
(Head) *Leg Lock ChokeHold - L,R,P
(Head) **Painkiller - U,D,P

Opponent stunned in corner:
(Front) Chest Chop - K/P
(Front) Splash - TU
(Front) Monkey Flip - L,L,K
(Front) Belly to Belly Suplex - L,L,P
(Front) Top Rope Superplex - L,L,TU
(Front) Hurricanrana - L,R,D,K
(Running) Charging Butt Bump - P/K/TU

Player on turnbuckle:
(Opp. on Ground) Kamikaze Headbutt - P/K/TU
(Opp. on Ground) Drving Elbow Smash - K+BL
(Opp. on Ground) Splash - P+TU
(Opp. on Ground) Somersault Senton Splash - U,U,P+K
(Opp. Standing) Dropkick - P/K/TU
(Opp. Standing) Body Press - K+BL
(Opp. Standing) Shoulder Tackle - P+TU
(Opp. Standing) Hurricanrana - L,R,K+TU
(Opp. Standing) +Moonsault - BL (while climbing)
(Opp. Standing) +@Mosh Pit - L,R,U,TU+BL

Regular Outfit: Red skirt, black Headbangers t-shirt
Alternate Outfit (L2): Purple skirt w/ black and white stockings

Taunt Pose 1: Points at opponent
Taunt Pose 2: Slam dancing
Taunt Phrase 1: "Come get yourself some."
Taunt Phrase 2: "Hey, come on, bring it on."

Ring introductions:
"Mosh is the power member of the Headbangers."
"There's just no telling what you'll see from this guy."
"The ring is about to become a Mosh Pit."
"Real men wear skirts?....Well, if he says so."
"He may not be high class, but he can sure kick ass."


q. Sue, The Ring Girl (hidden wrestler)
To select Sue, beat the Challenge mode on Medium with Bret or Owen Hart. Sue
will then show up on your list of "Custom" wrestlers. Sue has no alternate
outfits and has Bret Hart's move list.

Regular Outfit: Thigh-high red dress

Taunt Pose 1: "Come get some" gesture
Taunt Pose 2: Looks at opponent and shrugs
Taunt Phrase 1: "Is that all you got?"
Taunt Phrase 2: "You wrestle like a girl!"

"Now someone's *really* gonna get their ass whipped!"
"You go, girl!"

r. Trainer (hidden wrestler)
To select Trainer, simply enter the Training Mode. He will then show up
on your list of "Custom" wrestlers. Trainer has no alternate outfits.
Opponent standing:
(Standing) Arm Drag - D,D,P
(Standing) *Arm Wrench - L,L,P
(Standing) Bear Hug - D,U,P
(Standing) Samoan Drop - L,U,P
(Standing) Fireman's Carry - D,D,K
(Standing) Hiptoss - U,U,K
(Standing) Snap Mare - L,D,K
(Standing) +Crucifix - L,U,K
(Standing) Dropkick - U,K
(Standing) Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex - L,R,TU
(Standing) Body Slam - L,D,TU
(Standing) +Small Package - D,D,TU
(Standing) @Running Powerslam - D,U,D,P+TU (automatic stun)
(Tie Up) Double Underhook Suplex - L,D,P
(Tie Up) Gut Wrench Power Bomb - L,P
(Tie Up) Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex - L,R,K
(Tie Up) Fisherman's Suplex - L,K
(Tie Up) Hanging Vertical Suplex - L,U,TU
(Tie Up) Samoan Drop - L,TU
(Tie Up) *Top Wristlock - P
(Tie Up) Hiptoss - K
(Tie Up) Chest Breaker - TU
(Tie Up) @Running Powerslam - U,D,TU
(Behind) Atomic Drop - L,L,P/K
(Behind) +Victory Roll - L,L,TU
(Behind) Russian Leg Sweep - P/K/TU
(Running) Clothesline - P
(Running) Flying Shoudler Tackle - K
(Running) Spinning Neck Breaker - TU
(Vs. Run) Clothesline - P
(Vs. Run) Dropkick - K
(Vs. Run) Arm Drag - TU
(Vs. Run) Powerslam - D+TU

Opponent on ground:
(Standing) Elbow Drop - P
(Standing) Stomp - K
(Standing) Double Foot Stomp - D,K
(Running) Running Elbow Drop - P
(Running) Running Knee Drop - K/TU

Opponent on ground, Holds:
(Feet) *Spinning Toe Hold - L,L,K
(Feet) *Leg Grapevine - L,R,K
(Feet) **Texas Cloverleaf - U,D,K
(Head) *Arm Wrench - L,L,P
(Head) *Rear Chin Lock - L,R,P
(Head) **Stump Puller - U,D,P

Opponent stunned in corner:
(Front) Top Rope Superplex - U,D,L,K
(Front) Oklahoma Stampede - L,L,K
(Front) Belly to Belly Suplex - L,L,P
(Front) Superplex - L,L,TU
(Front) Climb and Pummel - P
(Front) Kick to Ribs - K
(Front) Slap Face - TU
(Running) Charging Clothesline - P/K/TU

Player on turnbuckle:
(Opp. on Ground) Splash - K+BL
(Opp. on Ground) Kamikaze Headbutt - P+TU
(Opp. on Ground) Knee Drop - P/K/TU
(Opp. Standing) Body Press - K+BL
(Opp. Standing) +Sunset Flip - P+TU
(Opp. Standing) Torpedo Dropkick - P/K/TU

Regular Outfit: Black two-strap singlet w/ yellow trim

Taunt Pose 1: "Come get some" gesture
Taunt Pose 2: Double bicep flex
Taunt Phrase 1: "I'm gonna put your face on a milk carton!"
Taunt Phrase 2: "You're...pissing...me...off!"


s. Rattlesnake (hidden wrestler)
To select Rattlesnake, defeat the Challenge mode on Hard with a created
wrestler ?who has any bonus attribute points?. Rattlesnake will then show up
on your list of "Custom" wrestlers. Rattlesnake has no alternate outifts and
has Steve Austin's move list, as he is Austin with 50 attribute points.

Regular Outfit: Jeans, no shirt

t. Cheesemeister (created wrestler moveset)
Opponent standing:
(Standing) Arm Drag - L,L,P
(Standing) Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex - L,U,TU
(Standing) Body Slam - L,D,P
(Standing) *Arm Wrench - L,L,TU
(Standing) Drop Toe Hold - D,D,K
(Standing) Fireman's Carry - L,D,TU
(Standing) Japanese Arm Drag - D,D,K
(Standing) Hip Toss - U,U,P
(Standing) Headlock Takedown - L,U,K
(Standing) +Crucifix - L,L,K
(Standing) +Small Package - U,D,TU
(Standing) Spinebuster - L,D,K
(Standing) Snap Mare - L,P
(Standing) Dropkick - U,K
(Standing) Running Powerslam - L,L,U,P+TU
(Tie Up) Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex - D,L,K
(Tie Up) Brainbuster - L,U,P
(Tie Up) Hanging Vertical Suplex - D,U,TU
(Tie Up) Northern Lights Suplex - L,K
(Tie Up) Gut Wrench Power Bomb - L,P
(Tie Up) Side Belly to Belly Suplex - L,TU
(Tie Up) Hiptoss - P
(Tie Up) Arm Drag - K
(Tie Up) DDT - TU
(Tie Up) @Running Powerslam - L,D,P+TU
(Behind) Belly to Back Suplex - L,L,K
(Behind) Side Slam - L,L,P
(Behind) Russian Leg Sweep - P/K/TU
(Running) Clothesline - P
(Running) Spinning Neck Breaker - K
(Running) *Tackle to Punches - TU
(Vs. Run) Drop Toe Hold - P
(Vs. Run) Dropkick - K
(Vs. Run) Powerslam - TU

Opponent on ground:
(Standing) Stomp - K
(Standing) Fist Drop - P
(Standing) Knee Drop - D,K
(Standing) Elbow Drop - D,P
(Running) Running Knee Drop - K
(Running) Fist Drop - P/TU

Opponent on ground, Holds:
(Feet) *Leg Grapevine - L,L,K
(Feet) **Texas Cloverleaf - L,R,K
(Feet) **Boston Crab - U,D,K
(Head) *Leglock Chokehold - L,L,P
(Head) **Painkiller - L,R,P
(Head) **Camel Clutch - U,D,P

Opponent stunned in corner:
(Front) Swinging DDT - L,L,K
(Front) Belly to Belly Suplex - L,L,P
(Front) Superplex - L,L,TU
(Front) Kick to Ribs - K
(Front) Chest Chop - P
(Front) Charging Shoulder - TU
(Running) Avalanche - P/K/TU

Player on turnbuckle:
(Opp. on Ground) Knee Drop - K+BL
(Opp. on Ground) Fist Drop - P+TU
(Opp. on Ground) Double Foot Stomp - P/K/TU
(Opp. Standing) Shoulder Tackle - K+BL
(Opp. Standing) Torpedo Dropkick - P/K/TU

s. Pit Scorpion (created wrestler moveset)
Opponent standing:
(Standing) Fireman's Carry - U,D,K
(Standing) Headlock Takedown - L,U,P
(Standing) Drop Toe Hold - D,D,K
(Standing) Vertical Suplex - L,D,TU
(Standing) Kneebreaker - U,U,K
(Standing) Neck Breaker - L,R,TU
(Standing) Samoan Drop - L,R,P
(Standing) DDT - L,R,K
(Standing) Snap Mare - L,D,P
(Standing) Body Slam - L,U,TU
(Standing) +Crucifix - U,U,TU
(Standing) +Small Package - U,D,TU
(Standing) Leg Drag - L,D,K
(Standing) Dropkick - U,K
(Tie Up) Side Belly to Belly Suplex - L,R,K
(Tie Up) Double Underhook Suplex - L,D,P
(Tie Up) Piledriver - U,D,TU
(Tie Up) Inverted Atomic Drop - L,K
(Tie Up) Neck Breaker - L,P
(Tie Up) DDT - L,TU
(Tie Up) DDT - U,TU
(Tie Up) Hiptoss - K
(Tie Up) *Top Wristlock - P
(Tie Up) Atomic Drop - TU
(Behind) Pump Handle Slam - L,L,K/TU
(Behind) Side Slam - L,L,P
(Behind) Atomic Drop - P/K/TU
(Running) Clothesline - P
(Running) Spinning Neck Breaker - K
(Running) *Tackle to Punches - TU
(Vs. Run) Drop Toe Hold - P
(Vs. Run) Dropkick - K
(Vs. Run) Powerslam - TU

Opponent on ground:
(Standing) Stomp - K
(Standing) Fist Drop - P
(Standing) Knee Drop - D,K
(Standing) Elbow Drop - D,P
(Running) Knee Drop - K
(Running) Fist Drop - P

Opponent on ground, Holds:
(Feet) *Knee to Inside Leg - L,L,K
(Feet) *Half Crab - L,R,K
(Feet) Headbutt to Groin - U,D,K
(Feet) **@Sharpshooter - L,L,U,K+BL
(Head) *Arm Wrench - L,L,P
(Head) *Rear Chinlock - L,R,P
(Head) *Short Arm Scissors - U,D,P

Opponent stunned in corner:
(Front) Splash - L,R,TU
(Front) Swinging DDT - L,L,K
(Front) Monkey Flip - L,L,P
(Front) Top Rope Superplex - L,L,TU
(Front) Top Rope Superplex - U,U,TU
(Front) Forearm Smashes - P
(Front) Kick to Ribs - K
(Front) Charging Shoulder - TU
(Running) Clothesline - P/K/TU

Player on turnbuckle:
(Opp. on Ground) Knee Drop - K+BL
(Opp. on Ground) Splash - P+TU
(Opp. on Ground) Fist Drop - P/K/TU
(Opp. Standing) Dropkick - K+BL
(Opp. Standing) Body Press - P+TU
(Opp. Standing) Bionic Elbow - P/K/TU

u. Colossus (created wrestler moveset)
Opponent standing:
(Standing) Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex - L,D,P
(Standing) Gut Wrench Power Bomb - L,U,P
(Standing) Side Belly to Belly Suplex - L,R,P
(Standing) Body Slam - U,D,P
(Standing) Hiptoss - D,D,P
(Standing) Vertical Suplex - L,D,K
(Standing) Snap Mare - L,U,K
(Standing) Arm Drag - D,D,K
(Standing) Kneebreaker - U,U,K
(Standing) Short Arm Clothesline - U,D,TU
(Standing) Neck Breaker - L,R,TU
(Standing) Throat Toss - D,U,TU
(Standing) @Choke Slam - D,U,D,P+TU
(Tie Up) Vertical Suplex - U,D,K
(Tie Up) Piledriver - L,U,P
(Tie Up) Power Bomb - L,D,TU
(Tie Up) Sidewalk Slam - L,K
(Tie Up) Gut Wrench Power Bomb - L,P
(Tie Up) Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex - L,L,TU
(Tie Up) Hiptoss - K
(Tie Up) Atomic Drop - P
(Tie Up) Backbreaker - TU
(Behind) Reverse DDT - L,L,K
(Behind) Neck Breaker - L,L,P
(Behind) Atomic Drop - P/K/TU
(Running) Clothesline - P
(Running) Spinning Neck Breaker - K
(Running) *Tackle to Punches - TU
(Vs. Run) Drop Toe Hold - P
(Vs. Run) Dropkick - K
(Vs. Run) Powerslam - TU

Opponent on ground:
(Standing) Stomp - K
(Standing) Fist Drop - P
(Standing) Knee Drop - D,K
(Standing) Elbow Drop - D,P
(Running) Knee Drop - K
(Running) Fist Drop - P

Opponent on ground, Holds:
(Feet) *Knee to Inside Leg - L,L,K
(Feet) *Surfboard - L,R,K
(Feet) **Leg Lock - U,D,K
(Head) *Arm Wrench - L,L,P
(Head) *Rear Chin Lock - L,R,P
(Head) *Squeeze Head - U,D,P

Opponent stunned in corner:
(Front) Splash - L,L,K
(Front) Top Rope Belly to Belly Suplex - L,L,P
(Front) Top Rope Double Underhook Suplex - L,L,TU
(Front) Boot Choke - K
(Front) Overhead Press - TU
(Front) Charging Shoulder - P
(Running) Clothesline - P/K/TU

Player on turnbuckle:
(Opp. on Ground) Knee Drop - K+BL
(Opp. on Ground) Splash - P+TU
(Opp. on Ground) Fist Drop - P/K/TU
(Opp. Standing) Axehandle Smash - K+BL
(Opp. Standing) Bionic Elbow - P/K/TU

v. Twist (created wrestler moveset)
Opponent standing:
(Standing) Bearhug - U,D,P
(Standing) Sidewalk Slam - L,D,K
(Standing) Vertical Suplex - U,D,TU
(Standing) Kneebreaker - L,U,K
(Standing) Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex - L,R,TU
(Standing) Gut Wrench Power Bomb - L,R,P
(Standing) Snap Mare - L,D,TU
(Standing) DDT - D,D,P
(Standing) Hiptoss - U,U,K
(Standing) Body Slam - L,D,P
(Standing) Neck Breaker - L,L,TU
(Standing) Samoan Drop - L,U,P
(Standing) Short Arm Clothesline - U,U,P
(Standing) **@Torture Rack - R,L,U,P+BL
(Tie Up) Brainbuster - U,D,K
(Tie Up) Piledriver - L,U,P
(Tie Up) Power Bomb - L,R,TU
(Tie Up) Samoan Drop - L,K
(Tie Up) Bulldog - L,P
(Tie Up) DDT - L,TU
(Tie Up) Arm Drag - K
(Tie Up) Hiptoss - P
(Tie Up) Backbreaker - TU
(Behind) Side Slam - L,L,K
(Behind) Belly to Back Suplex - L,L,P
(Behind) Pump Handle Slam - P/K/TU
(Running) Clothesline - P
(Running) Spinning Neckbreaker - K
(Running) *Tackle to Punches - TU
(Vs. Run) Drop Toe Hold - P
(Vs. Run) Dropkick - K
(Vs. Run) Powerslam - TU

Opponent on ground:
(Standing) Stomp - K
(Standing) Fist Drop - P
(Standing) Knee Drop - D,K
(Standing) Elbow Drop - D,P
(Running) Knee Drop - K
(Running) Fist Drop - P

Opponent on ground, Holds:
(Feet) Wishbone Leg Splitter - L,L,K
(Feet) Elbow Drop onto Leg - L,R,K
(Feet) *Half Crab - U,D,K
(Head) *Rear Chinlock - L,L,P
(Head) *Leglock Chokehold - L,R,P
(Head) *Squeeze Head - U,D,P

Opponent stunned in corner:
(Front) Overhead Press - L,L,K
(Front) Swinging DDT - L,L,P
(Front) Top Rope Belly to Belly Suplex - L,L,TU
(Front) Boot Choke - K
(Front) Climb and Pummel - P
(Front) Chest Chop - TU
(Running) Clothesline - P/K/TU

Player on turnbuckle:
(Opp. on Ground) Knee Drop - K+BL
(Opp. on Ground) Splash - P+TU
(Opp. on Ground) Driving Elbow - P/K/TU
(Opp. Standing) Shoulder Tackle - K+BL
(Opp. Standing) Axehandle Smash - P+TU
(Opp. Standing) Clothesline - P/K/TU

w. Created wrestler dialogue
Sue, Trainer, and Rattlesnake all use the generic ring introductions. Sue
and Trainer(?) have their own quotes, while Rattlesnake uses Austin's dialogue.
Female created wrestlers get the same intros as the males. Created wrestlers
who use a real wrestler's moves get that wrestler's Taunt poses but *not*
the phrases; creations that use a 'created wrestler' move list use all the
info below. All created wrestlers use the introductions below, regardless of
move list, gender, etc.

Taunt Pose 1: "Come get some" gesture (Created wrestler move lists only)
Taunt Phrase 1: "I'll floss my teeth with your guts!"
Taunt Phrase 2: "I'm gonna mold you like putty."
Male with 40 attribute points:
Taunt Phrase 1: "I'm going to get medieval on your buttocks!"
Taunt Phrase 2: "This will be messy!"
Taunt Phrase 1: "Is that all you got?"
Taunt Phrase 2: "You wrestle like a girl!"

Ring introductions (Male or female):
"Player 1 is climbing the ladder here in the WWF."
"Player 1 is one tough competitor."
"He's ready and willing to oblige when it comes to a fight."
"Player 1 is every woman's dream and every man's nightmare."
"He's been through so many tough battles here in the WWF."
"He's really made his mark in the WWF."
"Love him or hate him, he has all the tools to make it all the way in
this business."
"Player 1 might look a little weird, but he gets the job done."
"He won't rest until he's wearing the gold around his waist."

"Pack your bags, hoohoohah!"

III. Reversals
All reversals are performed by pressing Block while the opponent is
executing a maneuver. Some moves can only be reversed if your character has
the reversal in his move list. Moves marked with a caret <^> can be reversed
by any character.

Atomic Drop:Headlock Takedown
^Back Body Drop (Vs. Run):+Backslide
^Back Breaker:Belly to Belly Suplex
^Body Slam:Belly to Back Suplex
^Chest Breaker:Belly to Back Suplex
+Crucifix:Samoan Drop
DDT:Northern Lights Suplex
Fisherman's Suplex:Vertical Suplex
^Hammerlock:*Hammerlock or *Drop Toe Hold to Leglock
Headlock Takedown:Atomic Drop
Northern Lights Suplex:DDT
^Piledriver:Back Body Drop
Power Bomb:Hurricanrana
Samoan Drop:+Crucifix
Side Belly to Belly Suplex:Side Belly to Belly Suplex
+Small Package:+Small Package
^Vertical Suplex:Vertical Suplex
^Whip to ropes:Whip to ropes

IV. Scoring System

If you select the 'High Scores' option from the main menu, you will see a
ranking screen for each created wrestler and regular wrestler saved game on
your memory card. The wrestlers are shown from left to right, highest score
to lowest. The scoring system is as follows:

1. W/L vs. CPU: +10 pts per win/-10 pts. per loss
2. W/L vs. Human: +2 pts. per win/-2 pts. per loss
3. Longest Win Streak: +10 pts. per win (this counts human & CPU)
4. Fastest Win: (?) (vs. CPU in Challenge Mode only)
(my fastest time is 1:05, for a score of 405 pts., but I haven't been
able to figure out the math just yet. It seems to be 3 pts per second
up to a certain limit, but I can't prove it. Please e-mail me with ideas.)
5. Blowout Victories: +5 pts. per win
6. Biggest Hit: (?) +5 pts. per point of damage
(I believe this is for the most damaging move you've executed, including
adrenaline/stun/top-rope/etc. bonuses)
7. Belts: +100 pts. each
(this does not count losing a belt in Challenge mode and then winning it
back, but it does count belts won in 2-player Vs. matches)

Trivia: If you look closely at the picture of the High Scores screen in the
manual, you'll notice it's from an earlier version of the game (most of the
categories are completely different).

V. Secrets/Bonus Modes

To see which secrets/modes you've unlocked, press L1 followed by R1 at the
main menu/elevator. You will be taken to the Basement, which lists all the
secrets you've acquired and allows you to turn the bonus modes on/off.

"Cactus Jack" & "Dude Love" (hidden wrestlers)
beat Challenge mode on Medium with Mankind; Cactus and Dude will then appear
on the selection cube between Mosh and 'Custom'.
"Ladies' Night" (create female wrestlers)
beat Challenge mode on Medium with Shawn or HHH
"Sue" (the Ring girl) (hidden wrestler)
beat Challenge mode on Medium with Bret Hart or Owen Hart
"Trainer" (hidden wrestler)
go to Training Room (yes, it's that simple! :P)
"New Duds" (extra outfits for created wrestlers)
beat Challenge mode on Medium with Kane
"Extra Gold" (R1/R2 alternate outfits for Goldust)
beat Challenge mode on Medium with Goldust
"Extra Cold" (R1/R2 alternate outfits for Stone Cold)
beat Challenge mode on Medium with Austin
"Rattlesnake" (hidden wrestler)
beat Challenge mode on Hard with a created wrestler ?that has earned
any of the bonus attribute points? (exact # of points if any needed unknown)

"Beans Mode" (wrestler's sound effects become...ahem...gaseous)
beat Challenge mode on Medium with Mosh or Thrasher
"No Wimps Mode" (disables all blocking; reversals still function)
beat Challenge mode on Medium with Faarooq or Shamrock
"No Meters Mode" (turns off Health and Damage meters)
beat Challenge mode on Medium with Undertaker
"Big Head Mode" (wrestlers have huge heads)
beat Challenge mode on Medium with The Rock or British Bulldog
"Ego Mode" (head increases in size each time the fans chant for you)
beat Challenge mode on Medium with Ahmed Johnson

Bonus Attribute Points for created wrestlers:
Win Hard Challenge mode - 6 points
(you must win both the IC and World titles)
Win ?Hard? 1-player Vs. match - 2 points
Win Hard 1-player Tag Team match - 3 points
(your created wrestler must score the pin/submission)
Win Medium 1-player Cage match - 2 points
Win Hard 1-player Weapons match - 2 points

Outside Interference:
In a 2-player VS. match only, you can call in another wrestler to help you,
and the match will then become a handicap match against your opponent. Your
opponent will automatically win by disqualification at the end of the match,
regardless of the decision. To summon the wrestler, hold L1+R1+L2+R2 and any
direction + any button.

Shawn Michaels - L1+R1+L2+R2+L+P
Steve Austin - L1+R1+L2+R2+U+K
British Bulldog - L1+R1+L2+R2+L+K
Faarooq - L1+R1+L2+R2+U+P
Goldust - L1+R1+L2+R2+R+P
HHH - L1+R1+L2+R2+R+TU
Mankind - L1+R1+L2+R2+U+TU
The Rock - L1+R1+L2+R2+R+K
Ahmed Johnson - L1+R1+L2+R2+U+BL
Bret Hart - L1+R1+L2+R2+L+TU
Owen Hart - L1+R1+L2+R2+L+BL
Undertaker - L1+R1+L2+R2+R+BL
Shamrock - L1+R1+L2+R2+D+K
Kane - L1+R1+L2+R2+D+P
Thrasher - L1+R1+L2+R2+D+TU
Mosh - L1+R1+L2+R2+D+BL
Dude Love - ??
Cactus Jack - ??

View All FMV/Cinema Sequences:
At the 'Press Start' screen, press (U+Triangle,R+O,D+X,L+Square) four times,
then press L1+R1,L2+R2,L1+R1,L2+R2. The word 'movie' followed by a 2-digit
number will appear in the middle of the screen. Press up or down to change
the number, and X to play the movie. After the first movie finishes, the
'Press Start' screen will turn black, so you'll have to remember which
number you were on. Pressing Start at any time returns you to the main menu.

VI. Miscellaneous ***still under construction***

"Time-Out" Dialogue
If you start a match, and do not attack your opponent, the crowd will become
restless and boo & taunt the wrestlers. The announcers will make comments
every 15-20 seconds about how boring the match has become. The comments are
as follows:
"I'd rather watch two old women slap each other."
"I'm outta here. I've seen the chess club get rowdier than this."
"Well, they've perfected the art of NOT wrestling."
"Uh, this is a wrestling match, not a mutual admiration society."
"Hopefully things will liven up. Maybe they'll even bite each other!"
"My daughter's nursery rhymes are more aggressive than this!"
"I wonder if they know the match has started?"
"This IS a wrestling match, fellas."
"I've seen eggs take a tougher beating."
"Wake me up when something exciting happens."
"Any day now, fellas."

"Mirror Match" Dialogue:
If you select the same wrestler twice for a 2-or more-player match, the
announcers will comment about it before the ring introductions. The comments
are as follows:
"Welcome to the WWF Twilight Zone."
"I think I'm seeing double!"
"Talk about double vision!"
"We've got an odd match-up here."


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Faarooq Character Move List FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Ahmed Johnson FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Undertaker FAQ

16.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013
Owen Hart FAQ

13.Oktober 2013
Brett Hart FAQ

11.Oktober 2013
Shawn Michaels Character Move List FAQ

11.Oktober 2013
Triple H FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Kane FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
The Rock FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Goldlust FAQ

11.Oktober 2013
Mankind FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Steve Austin Character Move List FAQ

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Alle Cheats und versteckte Spieler sind freigespielt.

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Characters FAQ

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