World Soccer Jikkyou Winning Eleven 2000: U-23 Medal heno Chousen

World Soccer Jikkyou Winning Eleven 2000: U-23 Medal heno Chousen

15.10.2013 16:52:42

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Copyright protected.2001.All right reserved.This FAQs is written by the
author. No part of this could be reproduced WITHOUT the prior writer's
permission. This FAQs is allowed for individual use but not for
commercial use or publishing. No part of this FAQs could be re-edited
without the writer's permission.Any enquires or additional info about
the game may contact the author through email
This FAQs is original and based on the author's own experiences and
strategies. Any tips and strategies are welcomed to submit.

C o n t e n t s

1. Menu Mode
2. Match Menu
3. Elaborating Strategy Menu
4. Key Configuration
5. Stadium
6. Formation
7. Player Condition
8. Tips and Trick
9. Player with '19' on His Rating
10. Secrets
11. About Me
12. Acknowledgement

1. M e n u M o d e

Main menu
- Friendly match Team friendly match
Team penalty kick
U-23 team match
U-23 team penalty kick
All star match
Load master league team

- League New game
Load game

- Cup New game - Free choice
- European cup
- African cup
- American cup
- Asian cup
- Konami cup
- Load game

- Olympic game Premilinary round (Japan only)
Final round
Load game

- Master league New game
Load game

- Training Team training
U-23 team
Master league team

- Option Memory card utility
Edit mode
Cup gallery
Key configuration
Sound setting
Screen setting

- Information

2. M a t c h M e n u

Match type DAY or night

Costume type / weather SHORT/DRY ; short/rain ; long/dry ;
long rain

Match time 5 ; 10 ; 15 ; 20 ; 25 ; 30 minutes

Enemy level easy ; NORMAL ; hard

Extra time normal NO/yes
Golden goal NO/yes
Penalty kick NO/yes

Stadium 16 stadium + 1 random choice

Costume home/home ; home/away ; away/home ;

* in capital letter is default option

3. E l a b o r a t i n g S t r a t e g y M e n u



Kicker select

Captain select

Formation change Formation type
Defense type
Position edit

Set strategy Strategy edit (professional/normal)
Offense/defense type (manual ; auto defense ;
auto normal ; auto offense)

Formation copy

4. K e y C o n f i g u r a t i o n


Square : shoot (with power gauge) ; head shoot (only in penalty area)

X : short pass ; head pass ; tap to jump (tap 'exactly' when

your opponents press the tackle button, TIMING is important

O : long pass ; crossing (tap twice for mid-air cross, tap 3x
for low cross)

Triangle : through pass

L1 : cursor change ; combination button

R1 : accel ; let the ball through ur feet (when receiving pass)

L2 : hold than press Square or Circle to set ur in game strategy

R2 : hold than press Square or Circle to set ur off/def role


Square : clear a ball ; hold to make the other nearest player to
make a pressing move

X : tackle ; hold + R1 to make your player chase the ball

O : sliding tackle ; clear a ball

Triangle : goalkeeper charge

L1 : cursor change ; combination button

R1 : accel

L2 : hold than press Square or Circle to set ur in game strategy

R2 : hold than press Square or Circle to set ur off/def role


L1 + Triangle : long through pass

L1 + Square : chip shoot (the power of the shoot depends on how
long you press the Square button)

L1 + X : 1 - 2 pass (the most Effective way to score !)

L1 + O : high 1 - 2 pass.

L1 (rapidly) : dribble trick 1 (no use)

Square + X : dribble trick 2


Left : Rewind

Right : Forward

Up : Zoom in

Down : Zoom Out

S : Save Replay (2 blocks acquired)

T : Play

L1 : Rotate camera to the left

R1 : Rotate camera to the right

L2 or R2 : View through other player

select : change camera view

start : end replay

5. S t a d i u m z

there are 16 stadiums in this game, which are :

Sydney Stadium (Australia)
Heizel (Belgium)
Stade de France (France)
Olympia Berlin (Germany)
Wembley (England)
Giuseppe Meazza (Italy)
Olympia Muenchen (Germany)
Amsterdam Arena (Netherlands)
Parc de Princes (France)
Estadio Nacional (Chile)
Hongkong Stadium (China)
Old Trafford (England)
Yokohama Stadium (Japan)
Nagai Stadium(Japan)
Olympic (Japan)
Clubhouse (Konami Headquarter ?)

6. F o r m a t i o n z -----------------------------------------------

4 - 5 - 1
+ : Great defence role, great mid-field.
- : Really bad when it's your turn to attack. you must have a really
good & high skilled player to combine with this formation.
Tips : Maximize your midfielder, either DH OH LH or RH.
Be patient & find the right time to counter attack.

4 - 4 - 2
+ : The most balanced formation. Commonly used.
- : The Sideback (SB) is not that good for defending, can't support
the Centerback (CB).
Tips : Edit all your defender to behind, include SB. Put all of 'em
into your penalty area (on the screen) or you can use 1-3
defender formation. (edit 2 CBs into a stright horizontal line
set the most behind as a sweeper) but beware of attack from
opponent's winger.

4 - 3 - 3
+ : Balanced defense & offence role. Great for attacking role.
- : Since it's harder to score by heading (not like WE 4) it's
rather difficult to cross the ball. Weakness point is on the
midfield area which only has 3 midfielder.
Tips : same as 4-4-2 formation, use 1-3 defender formation. make the
good use of your 2 winger. try to have a good crossing.

3 - 6 - 1
+ : Great midfield area. Promising ! depends on how good you've
edited your player.
- : Weak against counterattack, the 3 defender can't support a good
defense. must be patient sometimes.
Tips : make a good use of your OH. Edit their position 'till u've found
it better.

3 - 5 - 2
+ : Great midfield area, easy to attack cause it's like your player
are everywhere.
- : Weak against counter attack especially wing area.
Tips : Edit your player position. Use a good 1-2 attack. Be creative.

3 - 4 - 3
+ : Great attacking role, the balanced midfielder can sometimes help
to defend.
- : Weak against counter attack & wing attack.
Tips : Make a good use of your winger. Set the defender to behind
(either in awareness or position edit)

5 - 4 - 1
+ : Best defense role, balanced midfield area.
- : Lack of offence role. It's really hard to attack unless you
must be patient (very patient!)
Tips : This formation isn't recommended to use. only use when you
already win & want to keep the score difference.

5 - 3 - 2
+ : Best defense role. more balanced than 5-4-1 formation.
- : Difficult to attack, must be patient. Too depends on counter
Tips : PATIENT ! i saw some expert int this game use this formation.
the counter attack & 1-2 play is KILLING ! so,
make a good use of it.

7. P l a y e r C o n d i t i o n

You can see the player condition by pressing R1 while elaborate your
strategy. the status is shown as an arrow which has different colours.
Every colour effects your player's stats during the game.

Red arrow (Superb)
Body balance +2 ; Stamina +2 ; Accel +1 ; Shoot Acc +1 ; Aggresion +1

Orange arrow (Very Good)
Body balance +1 ; Stamina +1 ; Accel +0 ; Shoot Acc +1 ; Aggresion +0

Green arrow (Good)
all statistics normal

Blue arrow (Poor)
Body balance +0 ; Stamina -1 ; Accel -2 ; Shoot Acc -2 ; Aggresion -1

Grey arrow (Very Poor)
Body balance +0 ; Stamina -2 ; Accel -3 ; Shoot Acc -3 ; Aggresion -3

8. T i p s a n d T r i c k z

- 1-2 . . 1-2 and 1-2 ! the MOST great way to score in this game !
make it short ! not a long 1-2 pass.

- EDIT your player POSITION ! it's a must ! sometimes edited formation
has a better effect to the teamplay.

- Put your attention on STRATEGY. Practice to make a good use of it.
try to find the rite settings depends on your attacking type.

- Make a benefit from deadball situation (free kick or corner kick)

- For Free Kick, above the 30 m, try to shoot directly 'bout 75 or 80 %
of your power bar or sometimes while holding up on your D-pad. make
sure to aim the direction. below the 30 m, try to shoot directly
about 60 or 75 % of your power bar. when it comes near the penalty
kick area, hold down on D-pad, shoot about 40 or 50 % of your power
bar. practice makes it well. and please select the best free kick
taker in your team. (AIM the DIRECTION !)

- For Long Freekick select player who has :
Shoot Power : min 18
Shoot Accuracy : min 17
Curve : min 17 (not really important though)
Recommended : R.Carlos (Brazil), Batistuta (Argentina), Davids
(Netherlands), Beckham (England)

For Short Freekick,
Shoot Power : min 16
Shoot Accuracy : min 17
Curve : min 16
Recommended : Del Piero (Italy), Zidane (France), Rui Costa
(Portugal), Beckham (England), Rivaldo (Brazil)

- For Corner kick, select the kicktaker with Passing : min 17.
you can choose to cross it directly or pass to the nearest player 1st
then have a crossing pass. the ideal powerbar should be at 55 - 75 %.
Tips : try to find out about corner with curving pass ! it rocks !
it's like passing with banana kick. the power should be at
50 - 60 % of your powerbar.

- To AVOID being scored by 1-2 there are some tips,
Don't MARK a player who try to have a 1-2 pass, instead of it use
Square button to have nearest player controlled by computer to chase
than wait the 1-2 ball at behind.

- Play with MANUAL cursor change to block the 1-2 pass. (it's really
difficult though) don't use AUTO. some great WE2000-U23 player
i knew use MANUAL cursor change. Practice makes Best !

more to come . . .

9. P l a y e r w i t h '19' o n h i s r a t i n g


Carew Norway
Schevchenko Ukraine Rocks !
Ronaldo Brazil
Salas Chile


Van der sar Netherlands
Stam Netherlands
Cannavaro Italy
Schemeichel Denmark
Campos Mexico
Chilavert Paraguay
Gammara Paraguay Too bad he is short !

Body Balance

Sol campbell England
De goey Netherlands
Zuberbuehler Switzerland
Pascolo Switzerland
Toldo Italy
Koller Czech
Kahn Germany
Jorg-butt Germany
Schjohnberg Denmark
Sorensen Denmark
Carew Norway
K.Andersson Sweden
Tudor Croatia
Kralj Yugoslavia
Filimonov Russia
Okechuwku Nigeria
Pensee Cameroon
Lawrence Jamaica
Dida Brazil
Chilavert Paraguay
Popovich Australia


Davids Netherlands Great Shot !
Seedorf Netherlands
Di Biagio Italy
Arce Paraguay
Almeyda Argentina


Owen England
Jarni Croatia
Schevchenko Ukraine
Babangida Nigeria
Simo Cameroon
R.Carlos Brazil
Ronaldo Brazil


Giggs Wales


Buffon Italy
Campos Mexico
Blanco Mexico
Dida Brazil
Salas Chile

Jump Power

Thuram France
Davids Netherlands
Babangida Nigeria
Ikpeba Nigeria
Simo Cameroon
Job Cameroon
Campos Mexico
R.Carlos Brazil
Salas Chile
Zamorano Chile

Heading Accuracy

Bierhoff Germany
Sukur Turkey
Simeone Argentina


Bergkamp Netherlands
Boban Croatia
Stoljkovic Yugoslavia
Ronaldo Brazil

Pass Accuracy

Beckham England
Rui costa Portugal
Zidane France
Boban Croatia
Stojlkovic Yugoslavia
Veron Argentina

Shoot Power

Davids Netherlands
Oliseh Nigeria
R.Carlos Brazil Inhuman !
Batistuta Argentina

Shoot Accuracy

Suker Croatia
Batistuta Argentina No need to aim when shooting !


Figo Portugal
Zidane France Freakin !
Del piero Italy
Boban Croatia
Edilson Brazil
Ronaldo Brazil
Ortega Argentina

10. S e c r e t s

Allstars team : finish Int'l cup using any settings

Classic allstars team : finish Olympic mode using any settings

Club House stadium : finish Konami cup using any settings

Gamesharkz Code

loading . . . . .

11. A b o u t M e

Maybe it's too late for writing this Faqs, because by now Winning Eleven
5 has already out. I've already bought the game and I'll try to write
the Faqs soon eventhough there's already one @

Well, my favourite team in WE2000-U23 is obviously Brazil, sometimes i
like to play with Ukraine or France too. When i play using Brazil, i
use 3-5-2 B formation with starting line up :
Goalkeeper : Dida
Center Back : Aldair, Zago, Cacapa/Evanilson
Def Half : Emerson, Conceicao/Cafu
Wing : Denilson, Cafu/Elber
Off Half : Rivaldo
Center Fwd : R.Carlos & Ronaldo
I edit all the centerback to move back near the goalkeeper, than move
the DH to the back too, set Aldair as sweeper & give him a covering
role, after that i set the awareness for CB & DH to behind and the other
to forward.
Set the FK long to R.Carlos, short to Rivaldo
Ck left to R.Carlos, right to Cafu
PK to Ronaldo
Strategy : CB Overlap, Counter Attack, Center Attack, Zone Press.
So, that's it ! the mid-field is very . . very strong, but defending
maybe is the biggest problem (especially when against opponent who has
great wing attack). the 2 striker are very fast & have strong shoot, so
i often use 1-2 pass to score, especially using R.Carlos.
You can attack from second line too, using either Rivaldo, Denilson or
Cafu. How about yours ? tell me ! (

12. A c k n o w l e d g e m e n t

Thankz to :

G A M E F A Q s ( : for being the best source for FAQs

P L A Y S T A T I O N (

K O N A M I ( : for the best soccer game !

C O M P A Q Presario (my notebook) : using it writing this FAQs

Winning Eleven Forum ( : for hacking the WE-2000
into a cool serie A game & providing a lot of info 'bout this game.
Really . . really a great site !

Craig David : I was checking this girl next door when her parents went
out, she'd phone say 'Hey boy, come on rite around'
(From 'Can you fill me in')

Linkin Park : There somethin' inside me that pulls beneath the surface!
(From 'Crawling')

All my friend who really like to spend our time together playing WE
(andrie draven, acuanz, dorie, Evolution IV KT 8 BZ, Estillo B 2428,
Silver KT 2302, NSR Crue ST incl. hendrik, nyanyak, gabau, ahu harta
karun, atho, pendi sate) who let the dogs out ? woof . . woof

All of you who has spending ur time reading this FAQs ; THANKS A LOT !

B y : S t e p h a n L e e (2 0 0 1)

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