

16.10.2013 21:13:00
EverQuest Baking FAQ
by Rebecca [rebecca@monsterweb.org]

PART 1 - Becomming a Master Baker
PART 2 - Ingredients & Tools
PART 3 - Recipies
PART 4 - Other Trade Skills & Baking
Part 5 - Version History, Legal Notice & Credits


This goal of this is to help get from Level 1 [newbie baker] to
Master Baker with minimal expense. If I recommend that you not make a
paticular dish, it is mostly just something you should do while you
are learning the trade. I recommend starting baking at around
experience Level 1.

Dish 1: Edible Goo
Most other FAQs may tell you to put anywhere between 5 and 20 points,
in a skill to start out...
If you're lucky, there will be both Giant Rats and Fire Beetles in you
newbie area. If this is the case, I'd put only 1 skill point into
baking, and make Edible Goo until it is trivial. Edible Goo is the
only dish that you don't have to spend money on, so you can save those
valuable skill points for more important things. Edible Goo will get
your skill up to the mid 20s.
You should also save all Snake Eggs and Bat Wings that you get.

Dish 2: Clump of Dough
Once Edible Goo becomes trivial, Clump of Dough becomes trivial. Since
Snake Eggs are really hard to come by and Clump of Dough is very
important to becoming a master baker, I do not recommended making
Clump of Dough until after it is trivial, so that you don't waste
ingredients. Put all Clumps of Dough that you make into the bank and
save them.

Dish 3: Steaks & Crunchies
Once Edible Goo becomes trivial, I'd move on to steaks and crunchies.
To minimize expense, I'd recommended making either Bear Steaks or Lion
Steaks. If you can't kill bears or lions yet, stick to making any of
the Crunchies [Batwing, Bixie, or Candied Spider.] Don't make Wolf
Steaks [unless you are making them for an event.] I'd also skip the
Beer Braised stuff, since the alcohol is just an added expense.
Regular steaks should get you skill to somewhere around 50.

Dish 4: Other Races
If you have a decent supply of Dark Elf Meat, Dwarf Meat, Halfling
Meat, High Elf Meat, or Wood Elf Meat, you can use the dishes based
off these races to get your skill up some more. I'd avoid the Gnome
Kabobs, since the skewers are just an added expense. This will get
your skill up to around 60.

Dish 5: Fish Fillets
If you have not done any fishing before, now is a good time to start.
Fill up a backpack full of Jugs of Sauces, buy a Fishing Pole, some
bate, and go fishing. If this is too slow and you don't mind the
extra expense, just buy this fish and sit around making Fish
Fillets. This will get your skill you to the mid 80s.

Dish 6: Fish Rolls
In East Commons, buy a bunch of Bat Wings [or buy stacks of the off of
the newbies] and do some more fishing, to make Fish Rolls. An
alternative, is to make Cookies, but unless there's an important
event where you need cookies, I'd stick to the Fish Rolls. This should
get up to to Master Baker.

Now that you're a Master Baker, it's time to pull out all those Clumps
of Dough you've been saving and start baking the more complicated


Most ingredients can be found on the various animals that you
encounter in the game. Other ingredients can only be bought from
merchants or foraged.

Baking Sprints - Buy at Voleen's Bakery, South Qeynos
Bat Wing - Comes from bats.
Bear Meat - Comes from bear.
Berries - Must be foraged.
Bixie Parts - Comes from bixies.
Bread - Must be purchased from merchants.
Brownie Parts - Comes from brownies [L30+ in Lesser Faydark]
Chunk of Meat - Comes from various animals.
Clump of Dough - Baker created ingredient, see recipies section
Dark Elf Meat -
Dwarf Meat -
Fire Beetle Eye - Comes from fire beetles.
Fish - Can be purchased from merchants or caught by
player fishers.
Flour - Must be purchased from merchants.
Froglock Meat - Comes from Froglocks.
Frosting - Must be purchased from merchants.
Fruit - Must be foraged.
Garnish - Must be purchased from merchants.
Gator Meat - Any type of gator. [Caimen, Crocodlies, etc.]
Gnome Meat -
Halfling Meat -
High Elf Meat -
Jug of Sauces - Must be purchased from merchants.
Lion Meat - Comes from lion.
Lizard Meat - Comes from lizards.
Mammoth Meat - Comes from mammoths.
Milk - Must be purchased from merchants.
Rabbit Meat - Must be foraged.
Rat Ear - Comes from rats.
Rat Meat - Comes from rats.
Shark Meat - Comes from sharks.
Short Beer - Can be purchased from merchants
or made by player Brewers.
Snake Eggs - Comes from snakes.
Spices - Must be purchased from merchants.
Spider Legs - Comes from spiders [not spiderlings.]
Tall Beer - Can be purchased from merchants
or made by player Brewers.
Vegetables - Must be foraged.
Vinegar - Must be purchased from merchants.
Wasp Wing - Comes from Giant Wasps.
Water - Must be purchased from merchants.
Winter Chocolate - Baker created ingredient, see recipies section
Wolf Meat - Comes from wolves.
Wood Elf Meat - Comes from the bandits in Greater Faydark
Woolie Spider Legs - Comes from woolie spiders.

Most tools must be created by potters or smiths. A few can be

Cake Round - Created by potters or smiths.
Cookie Cutter - Created by potters or smiths.
Jar - Created by potters.
Mixing Bowl - Can be purchased from merchants
or made by player Potters.
Muffin Tin - Created by smiths or potters.
Pie Tin - Created by smiths or potters.
Pot - Created by potters.
Skewer - Created by smiths or potters.
Smoker - Created by smiths or potters.
Spit - Can be purchased from merchants for about 2 PP.


Batwing Crunchies
Ingredients: Bat Wing
Preparation: Mixing Bowl
Cookbook: Vanshar's Sweet Treats

Bear Sandwich
This stingy, straggly sandwich has a highly robust flavor that
confuses your mouth so you are never really sure if you have finished
eating it.
Ingredients: Bear Meat
Preparation: Oven or Spit
Tastes Great With: Bug Bites and Ale
Cookbook: Sorin's Treats on the Go

Bear Steaks
Ingredients: Bear Meat
Jug of Sauces
Preparation: Oven or Spit
Cookbook: Bineten's Succulence

Beer Braised Bear
Ingredients: Bear Meat
Short Beer
Preparation: Oven or Spit
Cookbook: Bineten's Succulence

Beer Braised Gator
Ingredients: Gator Meat
Short Beer
Preparation: Oven or Spit
Cookbook: Vanshar's Sweet Treats

Beer Braised Mammoth
Ingredients: Mammoth Meat
Tall Beer
Preparation: Oven or Spit
Cookbook: Xetica's Favored Flavors

Beer Braised Rat
Ingredients: Rat Meat
Short Beer
Preparation: Oven or Spit
Cookbook: Bineten's Quick Treats

Beer Braised Lion
Ingredients: Lion Meat
Short Beer
Preparation: Oven or Spit
Cookbook: Mixxy's Delicacies Vol 2

Beer Braised Wolf
Ingredients: Wolf Meat
Short Beer
Preparation: Oven or Spit
Cookbook: Bineten's Succulence

Beetle Eye Pie
Ingredients: Fire Beetle Eye
Clump of Dough
Preparation: Pie Tin
Oven or Spit
Cookbook: Bineten's Quick Treats

Berry Pie
Ingredients: Berries
Clump of Dough
Preparation: Pie Tin
Oven or Spit
Cookbook: Vanshar's Sweet Revenge

Birthday Cake
Ingredients: Clump of Dough
Winter Chocolate
Preparation: Cake Round
Cookbook: Tattered Note

Bixie Crunchies
Ingredients: Bixie Parts
Preparation: Oven or Spit
Cookbook: Xetica's Hot Pies

Blackend Tier'Dal
Ingredients: Dark Elf Meat
Preparation: Oven of Spit
Cookbook: Chunin's Delights

Candied Spider
Soft and sticky Candied Spiders are known for their swet outsides and
tangy innards. Once a creature has eaten one it's hard for them to not
eat the whole batch.
Ingredients: Spider Legs
Preparation: Oven or Spit
Best Served After: Fish Rolls and a Flask of Water
Cookbook: Mixxy's Delicacies Vol 1

Chocolate Cookies
Ingredients: Clump of Dough
Winter Chocolate
Preparation: Oven
Cookbook: Tattered Note

Chocolate Muffin
Ingredients: Clump of Dough
Winter Chocolate
Preparation: Muffin Tin
Cookbook: Tattered Note

Clump of Dough
Ingredients: Snake Egg
Preparation: Mixing Bowl
Cookbook: Tattered Note
Ingredients: Clump of Dough
Preparation: Cookie Cutter
Oven or Spit
Cookbook: Xetica's Hot Pies

Ingredients: Clump of Dough
Preparation: Muffin Tin
Oven or Spit
Cookbook: Vanshar's Sweet Revenge

Dwarf Chops
Ingredients: Dwarf Meat
Preparation: Pot
Oven of Spit
Cookbook: Chunin's Delights

Edible Goo
Next to pot noodle, Edible Goo is guite possibly one of the worst
tasting dishes a creature would ever be forced to endure. Nicknamed
"don't you dare feed me that crap."
Ingredients: Rat Ear
Fire Beetle Eye
Preparation: Oven or Spit
Taste Great With: No comment
Cookbook: Mixxy's Delicacies Vol 1

Elven Veal
Ingredients: High Elf Meat
Preparation: Oven of Spit
Cookbook: Chunin's Delights

Fish Fillets
This maritime menu is a Rohand classic. Nab the little nibblers
anywhere you find some water, and cook them up to a slimy perfection.
Ingredients: Fish
Jug of Sauces
Preparation: Oven or Spit
Tastes great with: Deadly Medley and Ale
Cookbook: Rohand's Sea Treats

Fish Head Soup
Ingredients: Fish
Jug of Sauces
Preparation: Pot
Oven or Spit
Cookbook: Rohand's Edibles

Fish Rolls
Squishy and squirmy fun. When properly prepared, Fish Rolls just slide
down your throat before you get a chance to chew them.
Ingredients: Fish
Bat Wing
Preparation: Mixing Bowl
Tastes great with: Smoked Wood Elf and Ale
Cookbook: Rohand's Sea Treats

Fruit Pie
Ingredients: Fruit
Clump of Dough
Preparation: Pie Tin
Oven or Spit
Cookbook: Xetica's Hot Pies

Gator Rolls
Ingredients: Gator Meat
Wasp Wing
Preparation: Pie Tin
Mixing Bowl
Cookbook: Rohand's Edibles

Gator Steaks
Ingredients: Gator Meat
Jug of Sauces
Preparation: Oven or Spit
Cookbook: Xetica's Favored Flavors

Gnome Kabobs
Ingredients: Gnome Meat
Jug of Sauces
Preparation: Skewer
Oven of Spit
Cookbook: Chunin's Classical Dishes

Hot'n Spicy Toelings
Ingredients: Halfling Meat
Preparation: Oven of Spit
Cookbook: Chunin's Classical Dishes

Lion Steaks
Lion Steaks are by far the most succulent and juicy; even the tootless
can easily gobble up this delicate meat. But the blandness of this
meat requires massive flavoring.
Ingredients: Lion Meat
Jug of Sauces
Preparation: Oven or Spit
Tastes Great With: Shark Rolls and Ale
Cookbook: Mixxy's Delicacies Vol 1

Lizard on a Stick
Ingredients: Lizard Meat
Jug of Sauces
Preparation: Skewer
Oven or Spit
Cookbook: Vanshar's Sweet Treats

Mammoth Sandwich
Only a fool, or maybe an ogre, would ever think of eating an entire
Mammoth Sandwich by himself, but legends of mighty men who swalled the
beast still put forth the challenge to this day.
Ingredients: Mammoth Meat
Preparation: Oven or Spit
Tastes Great with: Cookies and Ale
Cookbook: Sorin's Treats on the Go

Mammoth Steaks
Ingredients: Mammoth Meat
Jug of Sauces
Preparation: Oven or Spit
Cookbook: Mixxy's Delicacies Vol 2

Meat Pie
Ingredients: Chunk of Meat
Clump of Dough
Preparation: Pie Tin
Oven or Spit
Cookbook: Vanshar's Sweet Revenge

Entertainment while you eat! Muffins are fun and frivolous
accompaniment to any dish. Just toss them across the table and watch
them bounce onto your plate.
Ingredients: Fruit
Clump of Dough
Preparation: Muffin Tin
Oven or Spit
Tastes Great with: Beer Braised Rat and Short Beer
Cookbook: Sorin's Treats on the Go

Pickled Froglock
Ingredients: Froglock Meat
Preparation: Jar
Cookbook: Vanshar's Sweet Treats

Pickled Gator
Ingredients: Gator Meat
Preparation: Jar
Cookbook: Mixxy's Delicacies Vol 2

Rabit Stew
Ingredients: Rabbit Meat
Preparation: Pot
Cookbook: Mixxy's Delicacies Vol 2

Rat Ear Pie
Ingredients: Rat Ear
Clump of Dough
Preparation: Pie Tin
Oven or Spit
Cookbook: Xetica's Hot Pies

Rat Kobobs
Ingredients: Rat Meat
Jug of Sauces
Preparation: Oven or Spit
Cookbook: Bineten's Quick Treats

Rat Sandwich
Usuallly eaten unintentionally when the little critters find their way
into your bread supply. Also known as "I-Should-Have-Bought-Myself-a-
Lantern Sandwich."
Ingredients: Rat Meat
Preparation: Oven or Spit
Tastes Great With: Pickled Snake and Ale
Cookbook: Mixxy's Delicacies Vol 1

Shark Fillets
Wrap your jaws around this one! If you are lucky enough to get your
hands on some shark meat, this dish is a simple yet elegant way to
savor the flavor.
Ingredients: Shark Meat
Jug of Sauces
Preparation: Oven or Spit
Tastes great with: Gator Rolls and Bog Juice
Cookbook: Rohand's Sea Treats

Shark Rolls
Ingredients: Shark Meat
Bat Wing
Preparation: Pie Tin
Mixing Bowl
Cookbook: Rohand's Edibles

Smoked Shark
The ultimate maritime masterpiece. Smoked Shark has a perfect blend of
sea salt, spices, and soot.
Ingredients: Shark Meat
Preparation: Smoker
Oven or Spit
Tastes great with: Snake Rolls and Ale
Cookbook: Rohand's Sea Treats

Smoked Wood Elf
Ingredients: Wood Elf Meat
Preparation: Smoker
Oven of Spit
Cookbook: Chunin's Classical Dishes

Vegetable Pie
Ingredients: Vegetables
Clump of Dough
Preparation: Pie Tin
Oven of Spit
Cookbook: Vanshar's Sweet Revenge

Vegetable Soup
Ingredients: Vegetables
Jug of Sauces
Preparation: Pot
Cookbook: Xetica's Favored Flavors

Winter Chocolate
Ingredients: Brownie Parts
Frosting [2]
Preparation: Mixing Bowl
Cookbook: Tattered Note

Wolf Sandwich
Everyone likes a sandwich, aspecially when its covered with hair! Not
only does the bread stick to the roof of your mouth, but the fine
hairs get stuck between your teeth for added sex appeal!
Ingredients: Wolf Meat
Preparation: Oven or Spit
Tastes Great with: Vegetable Soup and Ale
Cookbook: Sorin's Treats on the Go

Wolf Steaks
Ingredients: Wolf Meat
Jug of Sauces
Preparation: Oven or Spit
Cookbook: Bineten's Succulence

Woolie Spider Crunchies
Ingredients: Woolie Spider Legs
Preparation: Oven or Spit
Cookbook: Bineten's Quick Treats


Blacksmithing can be used to create most of the tools that a baker
will need. Although, it is perhaps one of the most expensive skills to
learn, it does have a decent profit potential [which nicely
complements the low profit potential of baking.]

If you're in a guild with people who have a high alcohol tollerance,
they'd probably enjoy the Beer Braised steaks that you can serve.
Also, a lot of receipies are best served with some time of alcohol. If
you tend to the baking for guild events, spirits can complement the
dishes that you serve.

Fishing is used to catch fish. It's a useful secondary trade skill
among bakers, especially if you have a spit. You can stand around
fishing and if you catch something toss it in the spit and cook some
fish steaks.

A few recipies can only be made with the help of pottery. Pickled
Froglock and Pickled Gator both require a jar, which must be made by
a potter. [Jars become trivial somewhere around skill level 40.]
Dwarf Chops, Fish Head Soup, Rabit Stew, and Vegetable Soup all
require a Pot. Rabit Stew and Vegetable Soup can only be made if you
have the forage skill or are being supplied with the ingredients. The
Mixing Bowl, which is is the most important potter-created item, can
be bought from merchants [at least that's how I got mine.] Cookie
cutters, tins, cake rounds, smokers and skewers can also be made by

It doesn't directly complement baking, but if you're hunting animals
for their meat - tailoring will give you something to do with all
those otherwise useless animal skins.


Version History:
January 8, 2000 - FAQ compiled

Legal Notice:

All rights reserved. Permission to post this FAQ in its entirety on
non-commercial web pages or web sites is granted as long as the
contents of this FAQ, including the entire body of text, the legal
disclaimer, and the copyright information are not altered or modified
in any matter.

Non-electronic reproduction in whole or in part without the express
written permission of Rebecca Colbourn is prohibited. This FAQ is not
to be used for profitable or promotional purposes, which includes the
following: being used by publishers of magazines, guides, books, etc.
being incorporated into magazines, guides, books, etc. in any way or
form, or being used by retailers as an incentive to sell their product.

Updates will be made available at http://www.monsterweb.org

EverQuest Baking FAQ ® 2000 by Rebecca Colbourn, All Rights Reserved
EverQuest copyrighted ® 1999 by Sony Computer Entertainment America, Inc.

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