

16.10.2013 20:55:05
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night FAQ
Sony PlayStation
Version 1.0
Made by Exdeath

Exdeath’s Castlevania: Symphony of the Night FAQ

This is the Castlevania: Symphony of the Night FAQ. This copyright
belongs to me and may not reproduced in any way without consent
of me. This is freely distributed as long as the copyright remains.
You may use this Strategy Guide or parts of it, but give me full credit
where it is due.

If you would like to help me with this Strategy Guide, or need to clear
something up with me, E-Mail me at . I would really
appreciate your help if you can give it to me. If you see any mistakes
that you wish for me to clear up, also mail me.

Version 1.0 - I just started out, made Richter's moves, Spell List,
Frequently asked questions,


You start out in the prologue as Richter Belmont, son of Trevor Belmont,
who fought along side Alucard in defeating of his father, Vlad Tepes

Richter's Moves:

Slide: Down + X.
Super Uppercut Jump: Down, Up + X.
Fire Whip: If you have no secondary weapon, push
Black Flip: X, then X again (in the air).
Slide Kick: Down, X, then X again during the slide.
Blade Attack: Up, Down to Forward, Up + Square.
Dash: Tap forward twice.

In the beginning, there is a small switch above the first overhang. This
leads up to a small room with various treasures. Although this room is
useless right now, it's good to remember when you come back here as

Note: When you play as Richter, you can't press the Start button to
bring up the menu. Thus, Richter cannot equip things or use

Spells for Alucard:

Hellfire: (MP: 15) Up, Down, Down-Right, Right + Square.

Summon Spirit: (MP: 5) Left, Right, Up, Down + Square.

Soul Steal: (MP: 50) Left, Right, Down-Right, Down, Down-Left,
Left, Right + Square.

Dark Metamorphosis (MP: 10) Left, Up-Left, Up, Up-Right,
Right + Square.

Tetra Spirits: (MP: 20) Hold up for 2 seconds, then Up-Right, Right,
Down-Right, Down + Square.

Wolf Charge: (MP: 10 -You must have "Skill of Wolf" and be in Wolf form.)
Down, Down-Right, Right + Square.

Sword Brothers: (MP: 30, must have Sword Familiar) Down, Down-Right, Right,
Up-Right, Hold Up for 2 seconds, then Down + Square.

Wing Smash: (MP: 8, must be in Bat form) Hold X, Up, Up-Left, Left, Down-Left,
Down, Down-Right, Right and release X.

Things You Can Do Once You Can Double Jump:

-Visit the clock face in the Marble Gallery to check two of the three
passages above the clock. The left one leads you to the Colosseum,
where you can get the Bat form item.

-Smash the urn inside the door between the Marble Gallery and the
Outer wall.

-Visit the Save Point and the second half of the library. (With Soul
of the Bat)

This You Can Do Once You Can Fly:

-Explore the enterance courtyand outside the castle.

-Fly under the door between the Entry Hall and the Marble Gallery.

-Fly up to the pool room of the Entry Hall and go through the passage
to the Save Point.

-Go to the Alchemy Lab and up through a hole to a barrage of secondary

-Go to the upper-right passage after beating the boss in the Alchemy

-Get the urns across the Chapel staircase.

-Fly up the drop to the Groundwater Vein and into Nightmare.

-Get the candles along the boatman's ride in the Groundwater Vein.

-Check the room across the waterfall in the Groundwater Vein.

-Fly around in the area above the broken bridge and go in between each
column on the top.

-Go through the area above the Chapel's staircase.

-Follow the passage from Orlox's quarters to the courtyand, and to Orlox.

-An open space in Castle Keep.

-The secret rooms in Orlox's Room and the Colosseum.

-The upper platform in the library.

Things You Can Do Once You Get Mist Form:

-Go through the door above the Observation Deck at the bottom of the
Outer Wall.

-Go into the room left of the Colosseum boss room.

Things You Can Do With The High Jump Boots:

-Go to the small room directly beneath the Librarian and do the High
Jump maneuver. (Down, Up + X) to get the Life Max Up bonus under
his chair.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Question: Is the USA version different than the import?
Answer: No, as far as I can tell, it's all the same, except for two minor
things. The Fairy 2 Card and the Demon 2 Card were not
included in the USA version for one reason or the other. As
far as I have seen, those familiars don't do much anything
different than their original familiar counterparts, Fairy and

Question: What is the highest possible percent to get with Alucard?
Answer: The highest I’ve gotten and seen is 200.6%. For this 200.6%,
I have 1890 rooms uncovered and I’ve seen every enemy in the
entire game. I’ve never seen evidence of someone getting over
200.6% with more than 1890 rooms visited.

*Note: Using a glitch, I have managed to get 210.1%! To do this glitch,
you must first go to the normal castle's confessional, at the
bottom of the bell tower. Here, turn your Sword Familiar card on
and get ready to do the Bat transformation. Stand over to the
left enterance, and do the "Sword Brothers" spell with the Sword
Familiar. When the sword is spinning around, use the Bat form
and go outside of the enterance. The screen will not change as
normal, and you can fly around outside of the castle! You can
also do this in the Inverted Castle as well.

Question: How can I play as Richter Belmont?
Answer: To play as Richter Belmont, you need to beat Dracula in the
Inverted Castle with Alucard with at least 170%. After you’ve
beat Dracula with at least 170%, your game save on your slot
should say "Clear". Now, start a new game, and enter your name
as "Richter".

Question: Is it ever possible to get outside of the Castle?
Answer: Yes, but only with Richter… at the VERY start of the game, where
Richter starts out beside the gate that closes to the castle, dash or
do his slide move immediately to the left, and you can sometimes
get out before the gate closes. Once you’re outside, there are a few
very weird places, and a save point. Once you’re outside though,
you can’t get back in, but this is fun to try.

Question: How do I get the Spikebuster Armor?
Answer: To get the Spikebuster Armor, you must first go into the Catacombs.
To get here, you must go to the groundwater vein right above a
wooden platform with both a Life and Heart Max Up right below.
Move over to the left slowly, and you will find an ape with a barrel.
Lure the ape slowly over to the wooden plank by walking, and when
he’s close, close the gap between him and the plank, and he’ll throw
the barrel right over you, hopefully breaking the wood. Go down, and
you’ll eventually right your way around and to the Spikebuster Armor,
which is on the right side of the Catacombs, around a twist.

Question: How do I get to the Inverted Castle? When I beat Richter, I just get a
crappy ending.
Answer: To get to the Inverted Castle, you need to get the Green Goggles (Holy
Glasses) from Maria. To do this, you need the Gold and Silver Rings.
You can acquire the Gold Ring after you beat Succubus in the Nightmare
area, and you can get the Silver Ring after getting the Spikebuster Armor
(See above). Now, go into the Clock room where you first met Maria,
wearing both of these rings. The floor will open, and you will go down to
see Maria again, she will give you the Green Goggles. Now, go fight Richter
again, but this time, you’ll see an orb floating above Richter’s head. Keep
attacking only the orb, and you will release Shaft from Richter’s mind.
Alucard will then venture into a whole new castle-The Inverted Castle.

Question: Where is the Mist form?
Answer: To get the Mist form, you must first get into the Coliseum. When you're
there, go up and around a red elevator shaft platform. Once on top of it,
do a double jump over to the Mist form, without touching the switch. If
you touch the switch, the bottom will open, making it harder to grab the
Mist form.

Question: What regular enemy gives you the most experience points?
Answer: Guardians, the Yellow Knights to the left or the right of the Inverted Castle
clock room, give about 2000 experience points per fight. This is a great way
to gain levels, you can gain a few levels in a matter of minutes. I found it
especially easy to beat them with the Alucard sword, using it’s special attack
(Down, Down-Right, Right + Square).

Question: Where is the best place to level my familiars up?
Answer: I’ve found the best place to raising familiar levels to be in the
Inverted Castle Library. Most of the enemies here give around
25 experience points each battle. This is a good way to get most
of your familiars up to level 50, where most of them gain special

Question: What is the best equipment in the game?
Answer: Well, this is a very opinionated question, but I’ve found my favorite
combo of equipment to be: Alucard Sword, Alucard Shield,
Dragon Helm, Alucard Mail, Twilight Cloak, Moonlight Stone,
Many people like the Sword Familiar Sword, because it's more
powerful than the Alucard Sword, but it hits much slower, so I
prefer the Alucard Sword. Also, an Excellent Two-Handed Sword
is the Yurasame, which can be gotten from the Werewolves in the
Coliseum of the Inverted Castle. It makes many slices as fast as you
can push the button. Also, a VERY important piece of equipment, the
Duplicator, can be bought from the librarian in the normal castle later
in the game. This Duplicates any item you use, making you have
infinite of that item!

Question: Is there anything to do with the Telescope on the bottom
of the Outer Wall?
Answer: Well, after you get the Snorkel (Holy Symbol), the fish is gone…
maybe it’s trying to tell you that you need the mermaid to summon
the boatman. There is a strange thing that happens in this room,
though... if you use the Wolf form, and crash into the wall on the
right, it makes a weird noise, unlike crashing into other walls. I have
no idea of what this has to do with anything, but it's interesting.

Question: Help! I’m in the Inverted Castle, and the Gold and Silver
Rings won’t open the way to Dracula! What do I need to do?
Answer: You can pretty much forget about the Gold and Silver Rings
after the normal castle, because they aren’t used to get to Dracula
in the Inverted Castle. What you need to collect in this castle are
Dracula’s body parts. They’re scattered around the castle after you
beat various bosses.

Question: Where are these Fairy and Demon 2 Cards I’ve been hearing about?!
Answer: The Fairy 2 Card and Demon 2 Card were taken out of the North
American version, for reasons I cannot say. Ask Konami. It doesn't
really matter, though, because as far as I could tell, the Fairy 2 Card
and Demon 2 card were exactly like the first, except for the fact that
the Demon 2 couldn't open switches that the Demon 1 could.

Question: Is there ANY way I can see these other familiars in the North American
version of the game?
Answer: With the use of some special GameShark codes, look in the GameShark
section of this FAQ.

Question: Where is the Sword Familiar?
Answer: You have to break through a section of Orlox's Quarters, using either
the Bible, or something that hits the whole room. You can also jump
up and hit it. This is located in a room with a white arch at the top,
and nothing else.

Question: How do I get Maria?
Answer: Maria was going to be put in the game, but was cut back, due to time
restraints. Konami says that they plan to put Maria in the Saturn
version of this game, but I doubt that the Saturn version will come to
North America. However, I have found out that Maria's voice tracks
are permenantly stored in the game's RAM, confirming that she was
going to be playable.

GameShark Codes:

These codes work on both the import and USA version of Castlevania:
Symphony of the Night.

Alteration Codes

Max Attack: 800F4BF6 1400

Max Guard: 800F504E 1400

Max Hit Points: 80097BA0 270F
80097BA4 2704

Max Magic Points: 80097BB0 270F
80097BB4 270F

Max Hearts: 80097BA8 270F
80097BAC 270F

Max Strength: 80097BB8 03E7

Max Constitution: 80097BBC 03E7

Max Intelligence: 80097BC0 03E7

Max Luck: 80097BC4 03E7

Max Experience: 80097BEC 423F
80097BEE 000F

Max Gold: 80097BF2 0FFF

Special Weapon Select Codes

Special Weapon Select: 80097BFC 000x

Replace x with:

1: Dagger
2: Axe
3: Holy Water
4: Cross
5: Bible
6: Watch
7: Diamond
8: Bibuti
9: Agunea (This is the Lightning weapon)

Familiar Select Codes

Familiar Select Code: 8006CBC4 000x

Replace x with:

1: Bat
2: Ghost
3: Fairy
4: Demon
5: Sword
6: Fairy 2 (Not available regularly in USA version without GameShark)
7: Demon 2 (Not available regularly in USA version without GameShark)

Simple Codes for Alucard and Richter

Infinite Hearts: 80097BA8 00FF
Infinite Magic: 80097BB0 00E0
Infinite Life: 80097BA0 0050

Special Items Codes

All Special Items:

80097982 8180
80097984 8382
80097986 8584
80097988 8786
80097964 0303
80097966 0303
80097968 0303
8009796A 0303
8009796C 0303
8009796E 0303
80097970 0303
80097972 0303
80097974 0303
80097976 0303
80097978 0303
8009797A 0303
8009797C 0303
8009797E 0303
80097980 0303
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12.Oktober 2013

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engl. FAQ

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engl. FAQ

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Symphony of the Night

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Alucard und alle Vertrauten auf Level 99. Großartiges Equipment und Items.

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Alucard auf Level 70, alle Vertrauten auf Level 99 und alle Gegenstände.

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200% komplett

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Symphony of the Night

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Symphony of the Night Richter Time Trial

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Symphony of the Night Monster List

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Symphony of the Night Boss

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Dracula X Boss

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16.Oktober 2013
Symphony of the Night
engl. Cheats

02.Oktober 2013
Dracula X

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FAQ und Walkthrough
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