Megaman X4

Megaman X4

14.10.2013 07:10:29
Written by Jonathan

I hope this guide will help all of you in your quest to complete Megaman X4.
If you wish to use this guide on your site, please e-mail me at This FAQ may be distributed freely but may NOT be changed
in any way without my permission. If there's something wrong with this
walkthrough and it needs to be changed, please e-mail me.

1. Controls
2. Items
3. Characters
4. Mech Armors
5. Enhancements
6. Megaman X's Weapons
7. Zero's Techniques
8. Walkthrough for Megaman X
a. Sky Lagoon
b. Volcano
c. Snow Base
d. Jungle
e. Bio Laboratory
f. Memorial Hall
g. Cyber Space
h. Air Force
i. Marine Base
j. Military Train
k. Space Port
l. Final Weapon
9. Walkthrough for Zero
a. Sky Lagoon
b. Volcano
c. Snow Base
d. Jungle
e. Bio Laboratory
f. Cyber Space
g. Air Force
h. Marine Base
i. Military Train
j. Space Port
k. Final Weapon
10. Secrets


Up Key - Up
Down Key – Down
Right Key - Right
Left Key- Left
C Key - Attack/Confirm/X Buster/Zero Saber
X Key – Jump
ESC Key – Cancel
Z Key - Dash
F Key – Giga Attack
V Key - Special Attack (Zero Only)
A or S Key - Weapon Select (Megaman Only)
ENTER Key – Start
TAB Key – Select
F4 Key – Switch Between "Window Mode" and "Full-Screen" Mode
F5 Key – Select Resolution
F6 Key – Select Display Colors
F7 Key – Select Display Size
F9 Key – Stop Title Screen, Exit Game


Energy Pellet – Recharges Lifebar (Large/Small)
Weapon Pellet – Recharges Weapon Energy (Large/Medium/Small), if no weapon is
selected or current weapon is full, energy will be added to
the W-Tank or the weapon with the lowest energy.
Full Energy Restore - Recharges Lifebar to the max.
1-Up – Extra Life
Heart Tank – Increases the Length of Lifebar
Sub Tank – Stores Surplus Energy
W-Tank – Stores Surplus Weapon Energy
Ex-Tank – Allows Zero/Megaman to start with five lives


Megaman X – Reploid leader of the 17th Unit, Maverick Hunters. Created by Dr.
Light and was found by Dr. Cain. X is famous for defeating Sigma
and leading to his ultimate demise.

Zero – Megaman X's best friend and partner. He sacrificed himself to protect
X, but was revived to help X in his journey. Zero was originally part
of the 17th Unit, Maverick Hunters, but was appointed to his own
Special #O Class Unit.

Colonel – Youngest high-ranking officer in new Maverick regime.

Iris – Colonel's younger sister. Devoted to stopping the battle between her
brother and Zero.

General – Highest commander of the new Maverick regime. Triggered the new
Maverick outbreak.

Double – Dr. Cain's latest creation. Assistant to X.

Magma Dragoon - He betrayed the irregular hunters and hid himself inside a

Frost Walrus - He protects the secret weapon which lies inside the snow base.

Web Spider - He protects the secret weapon of the jungle.

Split Mushroom - He occupies the laboratory and will attack whoever visits

Cyber Peacock - He lives in cyberspace and wants to destroy the network

Storm Owl - He left with a space fortress to conquer the air.

Jet Stingray - He destroyed the city and escaped to the sea.

Slash Beast - He defends the military train to protect the supply of goods.


The Eagle Armor is found in the Air Force Base and in Final Weapon. It will
allow you to basically hover forever. But each time it's shot, its altitude
will decrease. You can also power up its blaster to shoot a more powerful

The Ride Armor is found on the Military Train and in the Volcano. It's
designed for hand to hand combat. It can smash crates and rocks. It can also
cause trains to fall apart.

The Land Chaser is found in the Marine Base. You can ram enemies when you
push dash and you can fire its blaster.


There are four enhancements for X in the game, none for Zero. Instructions to
find the enhancements are in the walkthrough of the particular stage it's
found in.

The Leg Module is found in the Jungle (Web Spider Stage). When you press the
jump button twice, you can float in the air for a while. You can also air

The Helmet Module is found in Cyber Space (Cyber Peacock Stage). Now when you
use special weapons, it doesn't decrease the bar, unless you use powered up

The Arm Module is found in the Air Force (Storm Owl Stage). You have two
options: you can have the X Buster that shoots 4 powered up shots, or you can
have the Plasma Shot, which shoots a powered up shoot with a ball of plasma
that will remain at the impact spot and continue doing damage. (I highly
recommend the plasma shot.)

The Armor Module is found in the Volcano (Magma Dragoon Stage). The armor
gives you more protection and now you can use X's Giga Attack, Nova Strike.
You can only use it once until you have to charge it up again by absorbing


When you press the C Button, X will fire a small shot from the X-Buster. Hold
the C Button for a while and you can let loose with a bigger green shot or an
ever bigger blue shot.

Rising Fire
Gained From: Magma Dragoon
Shoots fire energy vertically. Effective against all airborne enemies. Some
objects may be burned by this attack as well. When use charge this weapon and
shoot the charged Rising Fire, X will do a fire uppercut and the fire will
rise vertically.

Frost Tower
Gained From: Frost Walrus
Generates a huge ice block that acts as a shield. May also be used to trap
enemies before dissipating. When charged, it'll generate huge icicles that
drop on your enemy.

Lightning Web
Gained From: Web Spider
Fires a spider net charged with electricity. Can be used to attack, wall
jump, or double jump. When charged, it creates a network of webs to damage
your enemy.

Soul Body
Gained From: Split Mushroom
Accumulates energy and generates an illusion. Enemies will sustain damage if
struck by the soul energy. Requires high energy expenditures however and will
eventually dissipate in time or if it sustains heavy damage. When charged,
it'll create a clone, which can move around and shoot. You will not take any
damage during this time.

Aiming Laser
Gained From: Cyber Peacock
Move the cursor to lock onto enemies. Attacks the enemies with the aiming
laser. When charged, it'll shoot out a huge laser.

Double Cyclone
Gained From: Storm Owl
Fires vacuum cyclones left and right. Most effective when surrounded by the
enemies and against skyborne enemies. When charged, X shoots out two powerful
cyclones horizontally to his left and right.

Ground Hunter
Gained From: Jet Stingray
Fire mini stingray drones that race across the ground. Effective against
enemies on walls and floors. Push down while the stingray drones are flying
to command them to fall. When charged, X shoots a huge stingray drone

Twin Slasher
Gained From: Slash Beast
Shoots Twin Slashers forward in two directions. This weapon has wide range
capabilities making it easier to hit enemies. When charged, X shoots many
Twin Slashers, and it can break boulders and crates.


Zero's Saber is very powerful. On the ground, if you press the C Button very
quickly, Zero will slash his saber three times to form a combo. When in the
air, you can slash at an enemy multiple times if timed correctly.

Gained From: Magma Dragoon
Up + Special Move Button on the ground
A powerful attack that burns enemies with flames. Some objects may be burned
with this technique.

Gained From: Frost Walrus
Down + Special Move Button while jumping
A dive attack. Effective against surface enemies.

Gained From: Web Spider
Special Move Button on the ground
Lightning Attack. Effective against distant enemies.

Gained from: Split Mushroom
With the correct timing, higher and further jumps are possible while airborne.
Kuuenzan may be activated while attacking in the air.

Gained From: Cyber Peacock
Giga Attack Button on the ground
The ultimate special attack that channels all stored energy into one blast.
Use this move selectively as it consumes energy.

Gained From: Storm Owl
Enhanced Z Saber! You can cut enemy energy shots with your saber.

Gained From: Jet Stingray
Dash Button while jumping
May be executed in the air.

Gained From: Slash Beast
Special Move Button while dashing
You can execute a powerful dash blade attack. Approach your enemy with
Shippuuga and perform a combo.



Items: N/A
Enhancements: N/A
Final Boss: Green Dragon
Weapon Received: N/A

After watching the movie, you will be warped to the Introduction Stage, Sky
Lagoon. This shouldn't be much of challenge. In area one, just blast through
everything. You will find a green dragon trying to attack you. You can
attack it if you want, but if you don't, nothing will happen. Just ignore it
for now and keep blasting through the walls until you reach a door. Enter and
Magma Dragoon will tell you that a Maverick destroyed the power reactor and
Sky Lagoon will fall. X will then teleport away to the city below.

Area two is no problem, just make sure not to make any silly mistakes. You
will come to the introductory boss, the dragon that was trying to attack you
in area one.

It has a couple of attack patterns: (1) Try to shoot fireballs at you (2)
Slash at you (3) Fly to the other side and hit you in the process (4) Fire a
wave of fireballs at you.

It's pretty easy. Just shoot at its body and it should be done in no time.
After defeating it, Colonel will talk to you and X will ask him to come back
to the headquarters with him. Colonel refuses and teleports away. It seems
like X doesn't know anything and he warps back to base. Now you will meet
Double, your partner, and will be given your assignment. (My walkthrough
covers the way I beat the game, but you can beat the bosses in any order you


Objective: Dragoon of the 14th unit is a traitor. Locate and bring him back
to hunter H.Q.
Items: Heart Tank
Enhancements: Armor
Final Boss: Magma Dragoon
Weapon Received: Rising Fire

Once you start descending the slope, you'll see that a bunch of fireballs are
chasing you. Just dash quickly and they should be no problem. The rest of
the first area is pretty easy, just make sure to not get hit by fireballs
while jumping from ledge to ledge.

Once you start area two, you'll be jumping ledges again. This time, the
fireballs can destroy the ledges, so make your way out of there quickly. Now
you'll come up to a guy in a Mech Armor. Destroy it and go to the top, where
fireballs are shooting again. Make a good dash jump to the left and you'll
find a Heart Tank. Now make your right and down and you'll come up to a Mech
Armor. Get in and proceed. If you have the X-Buster Enhancement and the Twin
Slasher, use the dash jump with the Mech to the right and jump out. Climb the
ledge and use a powered up Twin Slasher shot, and you'll get the Armor
Enhancement. Try not to take a lot of damage and soon enough you'll come to a
fork in the road. Both paths lead to Magma Dragoon. You can either go up, or
go down. You can only down if you have the Mech Armor, so if you still have
it, go down. Smash through the rocks and you'll fight Magma Dragoon (With the

Now you see why I told you to take as little damage as possible? This is the
one battle where you can use the Mech Armor on a boss. You can actually
defeat him without losing the armor, but your actual goal is to take down at
least 50 to 75 percent of his life. He has a few attack patterns: (1) He can
shout out Ha-do-ken! and let loose with a high fireball or a low fireball
(like in Street Fighter) (2) He can do a Flaming Dragon Punch (Again like
Street Fighter) (3) He'll jump up and kick you. (4) He'll send a fireball to
one side of the screen and lava will burst up from that side. (5) He'll stand
there and charge up a horizontal lava shot. (6) He'll stand and fire a lava
shot vertically.

If you have the Mech Armor, just dash around and hit him until your armor
explodes. If he's charging the horizontal lava shot, just dash behind him and
pummel him. If your armor explodes, hopefully you've already taken down much
of his life. Use the Double Cyclone if you have it or the X-Buster will do
just fine. If you have the Double Cyclone, just use it and he'll jump to the
other side. Do this again, and he'll jump to other side. Keep doing this
until he's dead.

If you just have the X-Buster, just jump and blast him when he shoots
fireballs at you. If he charges the horizontal lava shot again, hang on to
the wall and jump behind him and shoot at him. Try not to die, or you'll
reappear outside of Magma Dragoon's lair without the Mech Armor.


Objective: We've discovered a hidden snow base. Halt production of their new
Items: Heart Tank, Weapon Tank, Ex-Tank
Enhancements: N/A
Final Boss: Frost Walrus
Weapon Received: Frost Tower

Right at the beginning, climb up the wall and jump to the right ledge. You'll
find plenty of power-ups. Go back down, the way you came, left, not right.
You'll soon see a Heart Tank floating up above. Use Rising Fire on the ice
and the Heart Tank will drop to you. Next go right and up. Now go right with
the ice slopes. Don't be careless, or you'll drop right into the pit of
spikes and die. Once you get to the wall, climb up it. You can see the Ex-
Tank. If you have the Lightning Web, use it to jump to the Ex-Tank. Now make
your descent and you'll fight a Mini-Boss. It's not too hard, just use Rising
Fire on it and it'll be done in no time.

When you start area two, destroy the ice blocks, go right, down and then
right. Once you get out of the area with the ice blocks, look to the left,
and destroy the block with the W-Tank with it. Now you can pick it up.
Continue to the right, and make sure you destroy the birds, or else they'll
turn the area into pure ice. The rest of the level should be no problem.
You'll soon arrive at Frost Walrus's lair.

Frost Walrus has a couple of attack patterns (1) He starts walking towards
you, and if you don't use the Rising Fire on him, he'll jump up and slide
towards you. Then when he's done sliding, he'll shoot small icicles at you
that will stick to the floor and deal damage to you if you run into them. (2)
If you use the Rising Fire on him, he'll slide towards you and repeat the same
pattern for a while. (3) When you've taken down half of his lifebar, he'll
stand there and make a huge icicle that will explode into many smaller

Frost Walrus is extremely easy if you have the Rising Fire. When he starts
walking towards you, use a charged X-Buster shot on him. When he starts
snorting, use the Rising Fire. Then he'll get mad a slide towards you. Hang
on to the closest wall and jump dash off it. Repeat this until he starts
making the huge icicle. Just get close to him and pummel him with the Rising
Fire. If you used up all of your Rising Fire, then use your X-Buster.


Objective: Infiltrate enemy-occupied jungle and destroy the weapon under
Items: Heart Tank
Enhancements: Leg
Final Boss: Web Spider
Weapon Received: Lightning Web

This stage is pretty simple. There are a few things to watch out for. As you
descend the ladders, keep to the right. Keep an eye for a passageway. Go in
and you'll find Dr. Light's Capsule, with the Leg Enhancement. As I said
before, the rest of area one is pretty simple.

Area two is a little bit tougher, but still not hard. Watch out for the
spider webs. Look out for pieces of wood that look rotten and stand out. Use
the Rising Fire on one of them, and a heart tank will be revealed. Use Rising
Fire on the next one, and it'll reveal a shortcut to Web Spider's lair.

Web Spider has three attack patterns. (1) He'll descend from the top of the
screen and fire a homing web at you. (2) If you're caught in the web, he'll
come down and hit you himself, causing massive damage. (3) After you depleted
half of his life, he will create a big network of energy webs, where he'll
crawl around and shoot homing webs at you or he'll shoot out small spiders.

If you have the Ultimate Armor, just Nova Strike on him to avoid the webs. If
you have the Twin Slasher, use it on him. But if you don't make sure you have
a charged X-Buster when you come into the lair. Shoot the charged X-Buster
shot at him, begin charging another powered X-Buster shot, and wait for him to
shoot the web at you. When it's about to come at you, jump over it and
towards him and you might be able to get in another powered shot. This takes
a lot of timing, but if you master it, it'll be no problem. When he creates
the web network, just make sure that Spider Web doesn't hit you himself or
with the webs. If you have the Leg Enhancement, jump up and float in the air,
while shooting the X-Buster or the Twin Slasher. If he shoots out a web,
quickly stop hovering and get out of the way. You might need a Sub-Tank to
finish this battle.


Objective: The abandoned lab is now operational. Investigate and destroy the
Items: Heart Tank
Enhancements: N/A
Final Boss: Split Mushroom
Weapon Received: Soul Body

Area One is not too hard, but the Mini-Boss can be a little tough. When it
comes up, dash away and let loose an X-Buster Shot. With a little timing and
practice, it'll be done in no time.

Area Two is basically like Area One, except a little harder. After going
through the first teleporter, you warp to another area. Here you can see the
Heart Tank above. Quickly jump on to the crumbling platform and hang on to
the wall. Then jump up and you'll get the Heart Tank. You can also use a
Lightning Web and jump off it to get the Heart Tank. After ascending on the
elevator you'll reach Split Mushroom's lair.

Split Mushroom has a couple of attack patterns: (1) He hangs on the wall and
makes holograms of himself to bother you. (2) He creates a hologram of
himself that follows him when he dashes at you.

This is one of the easiest bosses ever! When he jumps onto the wall, just hit
him with a Lightning Web before he lets loose with the holograms. Then he'll
jump to the other wall. Then let him have another Lightning Web. Continue
this process until he dies.


Final Boss: Colonel

You'll come here after beating four bosses in any order. Colonel has two
attack patterns: (1) Teleporting right next to you and slash you OR (2) Shoot
three beams at you in a high-low-high pattern from the corner of the stage
with his saber.

He's easy if you have the Frost Tower from Frost Walrus or you have the
Ultimate Armor. If you have the Ultimate Armor, then use Giga Attack on him
and he'll be done in no time. When he teleports, time your jump over him so
that when he slashes at you, he'll miss. At the same time, drop a Frost Tower
on him. Sometimes, even if you miss, he'll dash right into it. When he fires
the three beams you can take a hit or avoid them all and then get right next
to him to give him a Frost Tower. If you don't have either, then you'll just
have to use your X-Buster. When he teleports, dash away and when he shoots
his waves, let loose a powered shot.


Objective: A bug has corrupted the network. Dive into cyberspace and
exterminate it.
Items: Heart Tank, Sub Tank
Enhancements: Helmet
Final Boss: Cyber Peacock
Weapon Received: Aiming Laser

Remember the old Megaman games where you can just take your time to get
through levels? Well in Area One of Cyber Space, this doesn't apply.
Basically, you have to rush through Area One. My suggestion is: just dash!
Who cares if you hit enemies? Just don't hit the yellow circle things. Use
Soul Body on it and it'll disappear. But don't use it unless you need it to
proceed. If you get through all the "races" with a S Rank, then you'll be
rewarded with something. If you get through with an A Rank, you'll proceed on
with the next race without anything. If you get through with a B Rank, you'll
have to repeat the race again until you get an A Rank.

As X, just make sure you don't use unnecessary Soul Bodies, you'll need them
for later. If timed correctly, you can use one Soul Body to destroy many of
the orbs at a time. If you finish the first race with an S Rank, you'll
receive a Heart Tank. If you finish the second race with an S Rank, you'll
receive a Sub Tank. If you finish the third race with an S Rank, you'll
receive the Helmet Upgrade

Once you finish all three races, you'll proceed to Area Two. Area two isn't
hard, just step on all the buttons and you'll eventually reach Cyber Peacock's

Cyber Peacock has two attack patterns. He'll vanish and appear where you are
to damage you. If you don't use Soul Body on it, then he'll hit you with
multiple energy beams. He'll keep on repeating this for a while. Later in
the battle, he'll vanish and stay up in the air and fire homing feathers at

This battle is relatively easy. Just keep moving. If you do, Cyber Peacock
will appear next to you, right open for a Soul Body. When you use Soul Body
on it, it'll disappear. If timed correctly, you can hit Cyber Peacock twice
with one Soul Body. Repeat this until its dead. When it stays up in the air
and tries to fire homing feathers at you, immediately use Soul Body on it so
it doesn't get any feathers off.


Objective: The Repliforce ship has taken off. Pursue and blast it out of the
Items: Heart Tank
Enhancements: X-Buster
Final Boss: Storm Owl
Weapon Received: Double Cyclone

Area One isn't too big of a problem, just make sure you get the Heart Tank
before the laser beam destroys the platform its on. If you are in the Eagle
Mech, or if you're just plain old Megaman, hurry and jump dash onto the first
platform and get it. Then quickly jump off before the laser beam destroys the
platform. If the platform disappears, hover to the other side with the Eagle

Area Two is a bit harder. Watch out for the laser shooters. Destroy them
before they can let out with a laser beam. Jump onto the moving platform.
Look up and you'll see a space with spikes surrounding it. Use a Electric Web
on it and jump onto it. Then before the web disappears, dash jump to the
left, avoiding the spikes. It might take a couple of tries, but the effort is
worth it. You'll be on a platform with two capsules. The one of the left is
with the Plasma Shot Arm Upgrade. The one of the right is the capsule that
charges 4 powered shots. You can only have one at a time and you can go back
to change your mind if you want. Then descend and make your way right (making
sure you don't hit the spikes), to the mid-boss. Just hit the eye with the X-
Buster (it's great if you have the plasma shot), and destroy the lasers if
you're in their firing range. It isn't too hard. Then go up to Storm Owl's

Storm Owl has many attack patterns. It can come down and grab you. It can
also come and shoot its feathers at you. One horizontally and two diagonally.
It'll basically repeat this until half its life is gone. Then, it might come
and throw around Double Cyclones at you, and then combine into this big

As X, just use the Aiming Laser on it. Let it lock on to Storm Owl, and then
fire away. No problem right?


Objective: Repliforce decimated the city and left. Pursue them aboard a Land
Items: Heart Tank, Sub Tank
Enhancements: N/A
Final Boss: Jet Stingray
Weapon Received: Ground Hunter

You'll go through the entire stage on the Land Chaser. Don't be careless or
you'll accidentally fall into a pit. Near the middle of the first area, there
will be two bridges between the third pit, one up and one down. Don't jump
but fall and you'll land on the lower bridge and get the Heart Tank. Just
blast through everything and you'll be OK.

In area two, you are outside. When Jet Stingray appears, ram him so he won't
through those annoying stingrays at you. Near the end of the second area,
there is a heart tank. You know you're there when you blast through a couple
of crates. Dash jump off the ledge and keep shooting and you'll destroy the
crates hiding the Sub-Tank. Just remember to shoot through the crate in front
of it or you'll die, but still get the Sub-Tank at least. Then jump over the
obstacle and you'll be off the Land Chaser. Enter Jet Stingray's lair.

Jet Stingray has a couple of attack patterns: (1) Coming from above and firing
3 blue mini stingrays at you. Once you've taken half of his life, he'll fire
red mini stingrays at you, which do more damage. (2) He'll drop down and rush
at you in a semi-circular motion. (3) He'll rush from the middle. (4) He'll
rush horizontally. (4) He'll try to pull you in with a vacuum.

Jet Stingray will always descend on the side he goes up. Get right under him
and use the Frost Tower. He'll be frozen and repeat this until he's gone.


Objective: A military train is moving supplies. Cut off Repliforce's supply
Items: Heart Tank
Enhancements: N/A
Final Boss: Slash Beast
Weapon Received: Twin Slasher

Again, Area One is no problem. Just make sure you don't accidentally fall off
the train one the robot destroys the bridge between the two trains. The mini-
boss isn't too hard, with the Plasma Shot X-Buster.

Area Two is also no problem. In fact, this time, you can use a Mech. After
you get the Mech, destroy the outside layers of the trains and there's a Heart
Tank waiting for you in one of them.

Slash Beast is easy if you have the Ground Hunter for Jet Stingray. Use it on
him and then hang on to the wall when he dashes back and forth. Repeat this
until he dies.

Once you've beaten all eight bosses, Double will tell you that Repliforce has
headed to Space Port to blast off into space. You'll make your way to Space


Final Boss: Colonel

Space Port is just another simple level, with a couple of hard jumps here and
there, but everything else is easy. You'll find the entrance to Colonel's
lair. But if you're low on life, look at the left wall with the green block.
It's fake so climb up and get healed. Then you'll find Colonel and have a
talk with him. He's not cooperating, so you'll fight him.

Colonel is the same as the first time except with two new attack patterns: (1)
He'll stand in the middle of the field and put his sword up. Electricity will
flow through it and it'll shock the whole ground and walls. (2) He'll jump
and fire a big wave at you with his sword.

Colonel is not too hard. I say he's easier this time, since you have the
walls to help you. Jump up on the wall to avoid the beams. Jump up high
enough on the wall to avoid you when he slashes you. When he does, drop a
Frost Tower on him. You can also just simply use the Nova Strike on him.
When he stands in the middle, it makes him more vulnerable to attacks. So let
him have it and take the damage from the lightning if you have two full Sub
Tanks with you.

You'll see a movie and you learn that Double is a traitor! O well... just
remember that X still doesn't know this...


Final Bosses: Double, General, 8 Bosses (again), Sigma

Double will tell you that Repliforce has flown up to space. He tells you that
you've been given the order to scramble. X will have to go to Final Weapon.

I highly recommend refilling your Sub Tanks before proceeding! Refill them
every chance you have!

The first area isn't too hard, just make sure you're at close to full energy
when you begin to fight Double and that you have a full Sub Tank with you.

Double has a few attack patterns: (1) He'll dash around the room trying to hit
you in the process. (2) Toss energy discs at you. (3) Fire two consecutive
beams of energy. (4) If you use Double Cyclone on him, small things pop out
of him to follow you.

If you have the Ultimate Armor, use the Nova Strike on him to finish him. If
you don't, that's OK. You can use the Double Cyclone, but it'll result in
more enemies for you to fight. You can just use Plasma Shot. When he starts
bouncing around, climb up the wall, wait for him to dash towards you and then
dash off the wall and blast him with the Plasma Shot. He can easily avoid the
discs and waves.

Once you've defeated Double, Double will tell you that he was a spy and he'll
explode into thin air. X will proceed to the next part of Final Weapon. When
you come to the fork in the road, I suggest taking the top path, since it's
easier. Either way, you'll come to General's lair.

General is really big and takes up a bunch of the screen. General basically
floats around the room trying to stomp you or will fire at you with rocket
punches and energy rings. You can only hit his head to deal damage to him.

When he floats toward you, climb up the wall. Slide down the wall and use the
Twin Slasher. When he fires the energy rings and punches, avoid the rings on
the ground and jump up to the highest fist. When he comes into sight, fire
away with the Twin Slasher. If he tries to stomp you, just get out of the way
and use the Twin Slasher.

After defeating General, you'll find out that someone else is controlling the
malfunctioning weapon. X will warp out of there.

When you continue, you'll find yourself at an empty area with a couple of
power-ups. Retrieve them and jump down. You'll appear in an area with nine
teleportation capsules. Eight of them are operational. Each one will
teleport you to a certain boss. You'll also find an Energy and a Weapon
power-up. Make sure to grab them each time you beat a boss. I'll tell you
the order of the bosses.

The Left Column (In Descending Order): Web Spider, Cyber Peacock, Jet
Stingray, and Split Mushroom.

The Right Column (In Descending Order): Magma Dragoon, Storm Owl, Frost
Walrus, and Slash Beast.

You can fight them in any order, but alternate between hard and easy bosses to
keep yourself from dying. Don't use any Sub Tanks. If you're about to die,
just die. You'll have another opportunity to take the energy. This time, you
can't fight Dragoon with the Mech, so he's a little harder. Everybody else is
just the same. Use the same strategies as you used to beat them before. When
you're done, grab the remaining energy before using the golden teleportation
capsule. You'll arrive to face your final enemy, Sigma (duh, who else?).
Enter the room, power up, and prepare to face Sigma.

Sigma (1st Form)

Sigma will appear above you. If you don't hit him with Rising Fire, he'll
shoot little orbs at you. Every third attack, he'll come from either side of
the room and try to hit you with his scythe horizontally.

When he appears above you, immediately use Rising Fire on him to make him
vanish. When he's about to use his scythe, dash to the side he's on to be
next to the wall. Don't climb up the wall. If you did this right, he'll go
right past you. If you've depleted half of his life. Charge up the Rising
Fire to full power and use it on him, and he'll fall. Don't do it if he has
more than half life, or else it won't make him disappear and he will shoot the
orbs at you. You should still be at full life.
Sigma (2nd Form)

He has three patterns, two of them depending on what you do. (1) He'll jump
from the middle of the lair and throw his scythe in counterclockwise motion.
(2) He'll throw his scythe again, aimed at you. If you don't make it stick to
the wall, he'll send out four invincible and undodgable boomerangs (unless you
have the Ultimate Armor) from his back. His scythe will stick to the floor,
sending out bolts of electric energy horizontally. (3) He'll throw his scythe
again, aimed at you. If you make it stick to the wall, Sigma will jump to the
opposite side of the room and fire lasers from his eyes across the floor. His
scythe will send out bolts of electric energy vertically.

Well, this isn't too hard if you play it right. First, equip the Lightning
Web. When he jumps up the first time and throws his scythe in the
counterclockwise motion, avoid it and shoot a Lightning Webs at him when you
can. Next, climb up the wall. This time when he throws his scythe, drop off
the wall a split second before it hits you. You'll make him fire the lasers.
Quickly follow him and cling to the wall. If you can get in a shot while
clinging to the wall, (you might not be able to do it with Lightning Web, so
use a powered Plasma Shot) try to, just make sure you don't get damaged on the
way. He'll repeat his first attack again. Repeat this procedure until dead.
If you don't make the scythe stick to the wall, prepare to take heavy damage.
If you have the Ultimate Armor, just Nova Strike him until dead (it doesn't
matter what he does, since you're invincible when you use Nova Strike). You
should have about half your life left and two Sub Tanks if you did this right.

Sigma (3rd Form)

There are five parts to Sigma's third form: (1) Yellow Head (2) Red Head (3)
Blue Head (4) A Huge Head sticking to the bottom left of the screen (5) A Huge
Robot with a laser gun. The Huge Head and the Huge Robot each have a lifebar.

Altogether, these five parts have seven attack patterns: (1) The yellow head
appears, with the other two heads to its left and right. It will shoot out
lightning on the floors which later travels up the walls. This is the hardest
attack to avoid. (2) The blue head appears to your right, with the other two
heads to your left. It shoots out ice vapor. (3) The red head appears to your
left and the other two heads to your right. It shoots out four fireballs
horizontally at you four times. (4) The huge head sticking to the bottom
appears, sucks you in, damages you, and spits out debris at you. (5) The huge
head sticking to the bottom appears and tries to blow you towards the spiked
wall (you'll just take damage if you hit the wall). (6) The huge robot will
appear to your right and shout out "The End!" It will then shoot its laser
gun counterclockwise, in a semi-circular motion. (7) The huge robot will
appear to your right and shoot its laser at you, or at least where you were.

If the yellow head appears, try to avoid the lightning. Just move around and
use the other heads to your advantage. You can also try to Nova Strike it so
it'll stop. If the red head appears, avoid the first three waves of fireballs
by jumping up the other heads and then when the fourth wave comes, drop down
so you'll avoid the fireballs. You can also Nova Strike it so it'll stop. If
the blue head appears, just climb up the other heads and wait until it

When the huge head appears, make sure you stand a fair distance away. Have a
charged Plasma Shot ready. If it sucks and spits debris, fire the shot. Also
fire some Ground Hunters. If it blows you towards the wall, keep trying to
get as close to it as you can and use Ground Hunters when you can.

When the huge robot appears and says, "The End!", immediately equip the Soul
Body. Climb up the heads as fast as possible and if you're really skilled Air
Dash off them and land a hit with the Soul Body on Sigma's head, the target.
If you can't just stay on the heads and don't get hit. If it doesn't do this
and does the other attack, avoid the laser fire. Keep jumping off the heads
and use the Soul Body on Sigma's head, while avoiding all his shots. If you
do this correctly and have two full Sub Tanks with you, you should be fine.
I'll leave the ending to you.



Items: N/A
Enhancements: N/A
Final Boss: Green Dragon

After watching the movie, you will be warped to the Introduction Stage, Sky
Lagoon. This shouldn't be much of challenge. In area one, just slash through
everything and get used to Zero's attack patterns. You will find a green
dragon trying to attack you. You can attack it but it doesn't affect the
game. Just ignore it for now and destroy the walls in your way until you
reach a door. Enter and Magma Dragoon will tell you that a Maverick destroyed
the Power Reactor and that Sky Lagoon will fall. Then, he'll teleport away.
Zero will also teleport away to the city below.

Area two is no problem, just make sure not to make any silly mistakes. Just
before you come to the end, you'll meet up with Iris, and she'll thank you for
saving her. Then, you will come to the introductory boss, the dragon that was
trying to attack you in area one.

It has a couple of attack patterns: (1) Try to shoot fireballs at you (2)
Slash at you (3) Fly to the other side and hit you in the process (4) Fire a
wave of fireballs at you.

Just jump and slash at its body and it should be done in no time. After
defeating it, Colonel will talk to you and thank you for saving his sister.
Zero asks him to come with him, but Colonel refuses. Now you will warp back
to base and Iris will give you your assignment. (My walkthrough covers the
way I beat the game, but you can beat the bosses in any order you want.)


Objective: Dragoon of the 14th Unit is a traitor. Locate and bring him back
to hunter H.Q.
Items: Heart Tank
Final Boss: Magma Dragoon
Technique Received: Ryuenjin

Once you start descending the slope, you'll see that a bunch of fireballs are
chasing you. Just dash quickly and they should be no problem. The rest of
the first area is pretty easy, just make sure to not get hit by fireballs
while jumping from ledge to ledge.

Once you start area two, you'll be jumping ledges again. This time, the
fireballs can destroy the ledges, so make your way out of there quickly. Now
you'll come up to a guy in a Mech Armor. Destroy it and go to the top, where
fireballs are shooting again. Make a good dash jump to the left and you'll
find a Heart Tank. Now make your right and down and you'll come up to a Mech
Armor. Get in and proceed. Try not to take a lot of damage and soon enough
you'll come to a fork in the road. Both paths lead to Magma Dragoon. You can
either go up, or go down. You can only down if you have the Mech Armor, so if
you still have it, go down. Smash through the rocks and you'll fight Magma
Dragoon (With the Armor!!!)

Now you see why I told you to take as little damage as possible? This is the
one battle where you can use the Mech Armor on a boss. You can actually
defeat him without losing the armor, but your actual goal is to take down at
least 50 to 75 percent of his life. He has a few attack patterns: (1) He can
shout out Ha-do-ken! and let loose with a high fireball or a low fireball
(like in Street Fighter) (2) He can do a Flaming Dragon Punch (Again like
Street Fighter) (3) He'll jump up and kick you. (4) He'll send a fireball to
one side of the screen and lava will burst up from that side. (5) He'll stand
there and charge up a horizontal lava shot.

If you have the Mech Armor, just dash around and hit him until your armor
explodes. If he's charging the horizontal lava shot, just dash behind him and
pummel him. If your armor explodes, hopefully you've already taken down much
of his life. Slash him and dash around and you should be fine. If he charges
the horizontal lava shot again, hang on to the wall and jump behind him and
slash away. Try not to die, or you'll reappear outside of Magma Dragoon's
lair without the Mech Armor.


Objective: We've discovered a hidden snow base. Halt production of their new
Items: Heart Tank, Weapon Tank, Ex-Tank
Final Boss: Frost Walrus
Technique Received: Hyouretsuzan

Right at the beginning, climb up the wall and jump to the right ledge. You'll
find plenty of power-ups. Go back down, the way you came, left, not right.
You'll soon see a Heart Tank floating up above. Use Ryuenjin on the ice and
the Heart Tank will drop to you. Next go right and up. Now go right with the
ice slopes. Don't be careless, or you'll drop right into the pit of spikes
and die. Once you get to the wall, climb up it. You can see the Ex-Tank. If
you have Kuuenbu, double jump to the Ex-Tank. Now make your descent and
you'll fight a Mini-Boss. It's not too hard, just use Ryuenjin on it and
it'll be done in no time.

When you start area two, destroy the ice blocks, go right, down and then
right. Once you get out of the area with the ice blocks, look to the left,
and destroy the block with the W-Tank with it. Now you can pick it up.
Continue to the right, and make sure you destroy the birds, or else they'll
turn the area into pure ice. The rest of the level should be no problem.
You'll soon arrive at Frost Walrus's lair.

Frost Walrus is extremely easy if you have the Ryuenjin. When he starts
walking towards you, slash him a couple of times. When he's about to slide,
use the Ryuenjin. Hang on to the closest wall and jump dash off it. Repeat
this until he starts making icicles. Just get close to him and pummel him
with Ryuenjin.


Objective: Infiltrate enemy-occupied jungle and destroy the weapon under
Items: Heart Tank
Final Boss: Web Spider
Technique Received: Raijingeki

This stage is pretty simple. The first area is really easy. Area two is a
little bit tougher, but still not hard. Watch out for the spider webs. Look
out for pieces of wood that look rotten and stand out. Use the Ryuenjin on
one of them, and a heart tank will be revealed. Use Ryuenjin on the next one,
and it'll reveal a shortcut to Web Spider's lair.

Web Spider has two attack patterns. First, he'll descend from the top of the
screen and fire a homing web at you. Lastly, after you depleted half of his
life, he will create a big network of energy webs, where he'll crawl around
and shoot homing webs at you or he'll shoot out small spiders.

Well, this battle is a lot harder with Zero. You might need a Sub-Tank.
Slash away at him when he comes down and avoid the webs by jumping over them.
Do this until he creates the network of webs. Just jump and slash away at
him. If the spiders become a nuisance, just destroy them with your saber.


Objective: The abandoned lab is now operational. Investigate and destroy the
Items: Heart Tank
Final Boss: Split Mushroom
Technique Received: Kuuenbu

Area One is not too hard, and with the Raijingeki, the Mini-Boss is a piece of
cake! When it comes up, dash away and let loose a Raijingeki.

Area Two is basically like Area One, except a little harder. After going
through the first teleporter, you warp to another area. Here you can see the
Heart Tank above. Quickly jump on to the crumbling platform and hang on to
the wall. Then jump up and you'll get the Heart Tank. You can also use
Kuuenbu after you beat Split Mushroom. After ascending on the elevator you'll
reach Split Mushroom's lair.

Split Mushroom has a couple of attack patterns: (1) He hangs on the wall and
makes holograms of himself to bother you. (2) He creates a hologram of
himself that follows him when he dashes at you.

This is one of the easiest bosses ever! When he jumps onto the wall, let him
make a couple of holograms or so, and let loose with a just hit him with a
Raijingeki. Then Raijingeki the next couple of holograms. If you timed this
just right, Split Mushroom will fall right into the attack! He'll jump to the
other side, where you'll repeat this process until he dies.

Once you defeat four straight bosses, Iris will inform you that her brother
wants to meet you at Memorial Hall. You won't fight him. You'll just see a
cinema movie showing Zero fighting Colonel and then Iris stopping the fight.
Then you'll proceed on.


Objective: A bug has corrupted the network. Dive into cyberspace and
exterminate it.
Items: Heart Tank, Sub Tank
Final Boss: Cyber Peacock
Technique Received: Rakuhouha

Remember the old Megaman games where you can just take your time to get
through levels? Well in Area One of Cyber Space, this doesn't apply.
Basically, you have to rush through Area One. My suggestion is: just dash!
Who cares if you hit enemies? Just don't hit the yellow circle things. Use
Kuuenbu on it and it'll disappear. If you get through all the "races" with a
S Rank, then you'll be rewarded with something. If you get through with an A
Rank, you'll proceed on with the next race without anything. If you get
through with a B Rank, you'll have to repeat the race again until you get an A

As Zero, don't worry about the first race, unless you really want an Extra
Life. Just make sure you get an A Rank. If you finish the second race with
an S Rank, you'll receive a Heart Tank. If you finish the third race with an
S Rank, you'll receive a Sub Tank. Just Kuuenzan like crazy and you should be

Once you finish all three races, you'll proceed to Area Two. Area two isn't
hard, just step on all the buttons and you'll eventually reach Cyber Peacock's

Cyber Peacock has two attack patterns. It'll vanish and appear where you are
to damage you. If you don't use Ryuenjin on it, then it'll hit you with
multiple energy beams. It'll keep on repeating this for a while. Later in
the battle, she'll vanish and stay up in the air and fire homing feathers at

This battle is relatively easy. Just keep moving. If you do, Cyber Peacock
will appear next to you, right open for a Ryuenjin. When you use Ryuenjin,
then it'll disappear. Repeat this until its dead. When it stays up in the
air and tries to fire homing feathers at you, immediately Ryuenjin it so it
doesn't get any feathers off.


Objective: The Repliforce ship has taken off. Pursue it and blast it out of
the air.
Items: Heart Tank
Final Boss: Storm Owl
Technique Received: Tenkuuha

Area One isn't too big of a problem, just make sure you get the Heart Tank
before the laser beam destroys the platform its on. If you are in the Eagle
Mech, or if you're just plain old Zero, hurry and jump dash onto the first
platform and get it. Then quickly jump off before the laser beam destroys the
platform. If the platform disappears, hover to the other side with the Eagle

Area Two is a bit harder. Watch out for the laser shooters. Destroy them
before they can let out with a laser beam. Jump onto the moving platform and
dash left to the Mid-Boss. Use Ryuenjin on the eye and destroy the lasers if
you're in their firing range. It isn't too hard. Then go up to Storm Owl's

Storm Owl has many attack patterns. It can come down and grab you. It can
also come and shoot its feathers at you. One horizontally and two diagonally.
It'll basically repeat this until half its life is gone. Then, it might come
and throw around Double Cyclones at you, and then combine into this big

As Zero, use Rakuhouha. You'll only have a limited amount of it, so make sure
it hits Storm Owl. You can let it hit you so it recharges your weapon energy.
You can also slowly slash away at it, but if you do this, you should try to
have an extra Sub Tank handy.


Objective: Repliforce decimated the city and left. Pursue them aboard a Land
Items: Heart Tank, Sub Tank
Final Boss: Jet Stingray
Technique Received: Heinkyaku

You'll go through the entire stage on the Land Chaser. Don't be careless or
you'll accidentally fall into a pit. Near the middle of the first area, there
will be two bridges between the third pit, one up and one down. Don't jump
but fall and you'll land on the lower bridge and get the Heart Tank. Just
blast through everything and you'll be OK.

In area two, you are outside. When Jet Stingray appears, ram him so he won't
through those annoying stingrays at you. Near the end of the second area,
there is a heart tank. You know you're there when you blast through a couple
of crates. Dash jump off the ledge and keep shooting and you'll destroy the
crates hiding the Sub-Tank. Just remember to shoot through the crate in front
of it or you'll die, but still get the Sub-Tank at least. Then jump over the
obstacle and you'll be off the Land Chaser. Enter Jet Stingray's lair.

Jet Stingray has a couple of attack patterns: (1) Coming from above and firing
3 blue mini stingrays at you. Once you've taken half of his life, he'll fire
red mini stingrays at you, which do more damage. (2) He'll drop down and rush
at you in a semi-circular motion. (3) He'll rush from the middle. (4) He'll
rush horizontally. (4) He'll try to pull you in with a vacuum.

Jet Stingray will always descend on the side he goes up. Double jump next to
him and while you're in the process of the second jump, use Hyouretsuzan and
he'll be frozen. Repeat this until he's gone. If the stingrays come out, just
use your regular saber to destroy them.


Objective: A military train is moving supplies. Cut off Repliforce's supply
Items: Heart Tank
Final Boss: Slash Beast
Technique Received: Shipuuga

Again, Area One is no problem. Just make sure you don't accidentally fall off
the train one the robot destroys the bridge between the two trains. The mini-
boss isn't too hard. Jump on to the left train and use Ryuenjin on it.

Area Two is also no problem. In fact, this time, you can use a Mech. After
you get the Mech, destroy the outside layers of the trains and there's a Heart
Tank waiting for you in one of them.

Slash Beast is easy for X, but not for Zero. You'll just have to use your
trusty old saber. When he jumps up, he's gonna land where you were, so dash
away. Just use regular old saber attacks. If he dashes at you, just hang on
to the wall. Be sure to take a Sub-Tank or two into the battle just in case.

Once you've beaten all eight bosses, Iris will tell you that Repliforce has
headed to Space Port to blast off into space. You'll make your way to Space


Final Boss: Colonel

Space Port is just another simple level, with a couple of hard jumps here and
there, but everything else is easy. You'll eventually find the entrance to
Colonel's lair. But if you're low on life, look at the left wall with the
green block. It's fake so climb up and get healed. Then you'll find Colonel
and have a talk with him. He's not cooperating, so you'll fight him.

Colonel has four attack patterns: (1) Teleporting right next to you and slash
you (2) Shoot three waves at you in a high-low-high pattern from the corner of
the stage with his saber (3) He'll stand in the middle of the field and put
his sword up. Electricity will flow through it and it'll shock the whole
ground and walls OR (4) He'll jump and fire a big wave at you with his sword.

When he teleports, time a double jump so that he doesn't hit you and at the
same time Hyouretsuzan him. Avoid everything he shoots at you and try to
slash at him when you can. When he appears in the middle, let him have a
Hyouretsuzan! It'll hit him multiple times, causing big damage. Repeat until


Final Bosses: Iris, General, 8 Bosses (again), Sigma

When you return to base, Zero will find out that Iris left with the Repliforce
to Final Weapon. You go after her.

I recommend refilling your Sub Tanks before proceeding! Refill them each time
you get a chance.

The first area isn't too hard, just make sure you're at close to full energy
when you begin to fight Iris.

Iris has a couple of attack patterns: (1) When you attack her, bombs will pop
out of he Armor and follow you. (2) She'll shoot her laser cannon
horizontally. (3) After the crystal pops out, she'll dash backwards and charge
her cannon and fire it horizontally, while the crystal fires vertically where
you last were.

When the battle begins, start slashing at Iris with Z Saber combos. Destroy
the bombs with Kuuenzan and double jump over her laser. Do this until the
crystal appears. Then use Ryuenjin on it. Keep doing this until she dashes
backwards and prepares to fire at you. Destroy as many bombs as you can and
wait until she fires at you and cling to the wall. Just make sure not to be
pinned to the wall, or else the crystal will fire at you from the wall. You
hopefully have avoided the lasers. When the horizontal laser stops, quickly
drop down and use Z Saber combos on the crystal before it rises. As it's in
the air, just Ryuenjin it. This might take a while, but with practice, you'll
finish her easily.

After watching the cinema scene, Zero proceeds on. When you come to the fork
in the road, I suggest taking the top path, since its easier. Either way,
you'll come to General's lair.

General is really big and takes up a bunch of the screen. General basically
floats around the room trying to stomp you or will fire at you with rocket
punches and energy rings. You can only hit his head to deal damage to him.

When he floats toward you, climb up the wall. Slide down the wall and slash
at his head if he's under you. When he fires the energy rings and punches,
avoid the rings on the ground and jump up to the highest fist. Jump and
Kuuenzan him and land back on the fist. Avoid the rings and when he comes
into sight, Kuuenzan him again and this time drop to the floor. If he tries
to stomp you, just get out of the way and then double jump to Kuuenzan him.

After defeating General, you'll find out that someone else is controlling the
malfunctioning weapon. Zero will warp out of there.

When you continue, you'll find yourself at an empty area with a couple of
power-ups. Retrieve them and jump down. You'll appear in an area with nine
teleportation capsules. Eight of them are operational. Each one will
teleport you to a certain boss. You'll also find an Energy and a Weapon
power-up. Make sure to grab them each time you beat a boss. I'll tell you
the order of the bosses.

The Left Column (In Descending Order): Web Spider, Cyber Peacock, Jet
Stingray, and Split Mushroom.

The Right Column (In Descending Order): Magma Dragoon, Storm Owl, Frost
Walrus, and Slash Beast.

You can fight them in any order, but alternate between hard and easy bosses to
keep yourself from dying. Don't use any Sub Tanks. If you're about to die,
just die. You'll have another opportunity to take the energy. This time, you
can't fight Dragoon with the Mech, so he's a little harder. Everybody else is
just the same. Use the same strategies as you used to beat them before. When
you're done, grab the remaining energy before using the golden teleportation
capsule. You'll arrive to face your final enemy, Sigma (duh, who else?).
You'll see a cinema where you'll find out a little more about Zero's past.
Enter the room, power up, and prepare to face Sigma.

Sigma (1st Form)

Sigma will appear above you. If you don't hit him with Ryuenjin, he'll shoot
little orbs at you. Every third attack, he'll come from either side of the
room and try to hit you with his scythe horizontally.

When he appears above you, immediately use Ryuenjin on him to make him vanish.
When he's about to use his scythe, dash to the side he's on to be next to the
wall. Don't climb up the wall. If you did this right, he'll go right past
you. Do this until he's done. You should still be at full life.

Sigma (2nd Form)

He has three patterns, two of them depending on what you do. (1) He'll jump
from the middle of the lair and throw his scythe in counterclockwise motion.
(2) He'll throw his scythe again, aimed at you. If you don't make it stick to
the wall, he'll send out four invincible and undodgable boomerangs from his
back. His scythe will stick to the floor, sending out bolts of electric
energy horizontally. (3) He'll throw his scythe again, aimed at you. If you
make it stick to the wall, Sigma will jump to the opposite side of the room
and fire lasers from his eyes across the floor. His scythe will send out
bolts of electric energy vertically.

Well, this isn't too hard if you play it right. When he jumps up the first
time and throws his scythe in the counterclockwise motion, avoid it and
Kuuenzan him without getting hurt. If you can use Raijingeki when he falls
back down, but make sure to cling to the wall before he throws the scythe
again. This time when he throws his scythe, drop off the wall a split second
before it hits you. You'll make him fire the lasers. Quickly follow him and
Double Jump, use Kuuenzan over him, and cling to the wall. Slide down the
wall and slash him repeatedly until he stops. He'll repeat his first attack
again. Repeat this procedure until dead. If you don't make the scythe stick
to the wall, prepare to take heavy damage. You should have about half your
life left and two Sub Tanks if you did this right.

Sigma (3rd Form)

There are five parts to Sigma's third form: (1) Yellow Head (2) Red Head (3)
Blue Head (4) A Huge Head sticking to the bottom left of the screen (5) A Huge
Robot with a laser gun. The Huge Head and the Huge Robot each have a lifebar.
The heads will come out in a particular pattern: the colored heads, then the
huge head, the colored heads again, and the huge robot. The pattern will
repeat over and over unless you destroy either the huge robot or the huge
head. Then it'll just be the colored heads, the huge robot/head, the colored
heads, etc.

Altogether, these five parts have seven attack patterns: (1) The yellow head
appears, with the other two heads to its left and right. It will shoot out
lightning on the floors which later travels up the walls. This is the hardest
attack to avoid. (2) The blue head appears to your right, with the other two
heads to your left. It shoots out ice vapor. (3) The red head appears to your
left and the other two heads to your right. It shoots out four fireballs
horizontally at you four times. (4) The huge head sticking to the bottom
appears, sucks you in, damages you, and spits out debris at you. (5) The huge
head sticking to the bottom appears and tries to blow you towards the spiked
wall (you'll just take damage if you hit the wall). (6) The huge robot will
appear to your right and shout out "The End!" It will then shoot its laser
gun counterclockwise, in a semi-circular motion. (7) The huge robot will
appear to your right and shoot its laser at you, or at least where you were.

If the yellow head appears, try to avoid the lightning. Just move around and
use the other heads to your advantage. If the red head appears, avoid the
first three waves of fireballs by jumping up the other heads and then when the
fourth wave comes, drop down so you'll avoid the fireballs. If the blue head
appears, just climb up the other heads and wait until it disappears.

When the huge head appears, make sure you stand a fair distance away. If it
sucks debris, use Kuuenzan and Z-Saber combos on it. If it blows you towards
the wall, keep trying to get as close to it as you can and use Kuuenzan and Z-
Saber combos on it. Also try to use Shipuuga on it when you can.

When the huge robot appears and says, "The End!", climb up the heads as fast
as possible and if you're really skilled Air Dash off them and land a hit on
Sigma's head, the target. If you can't just stay on the heads and don't get
hit. If it doesn't do this and does the other attack, avoid the laser fire.
Then destroy the Red Head with Raijingeki. Then double jump and Kuuenzan away
at Sigma's head until it disappears. If you do this correctly and have two
full Sub Tanks with you, you should be fine. I'll leave the ending to you.



On the character select screen, go to X and hold the Down Key when you select
him. When you start the introductory stage, you'll see that he's not his
usual blue, but purple. Now you can find the Ultimate Armor in any of the
Enhancement Capsules, but I recommend going to the one in Spider Web Stage,
since it's the easiest to obtain. X's armor looks a lot better, he can use
all enhancements, and his Giga Attack, Nova Strike, can be used an unlimited
number of times. It destroys basic enemies with one hit and can dash right
through attacks. It can destroy bosses with 7 hits. After receiving the
armor, you can't get any of the enhancements (duh! you have them all already)
and you can't change the Plasma Shot to the other X-Buster Enhancement.


On the character select screen, go to Zero and hold the Up Key when you select
him. When you start the introductory stage, you'll see that Zero's armor is
black, rather than red, just like the Evil Zero in Megaman X2. His hair is
lighter blond and the color of Saber changes. Now floating capsules
containing energy pellets will occasionally drop by whenever you're low on
energy. You'll also start with the Tenkuuha you would usually obtain from
Storm Owl.

This document is ©aznjon623, Jonathan Wong; 2001

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Engl. Lösung

17.Oktober 2013
3 Verschiedene Speicherstände kurz vor dem Raumhafen: 1. X mit Giga Rüstung und Energy, Waffen und EX Tanks. 2. X mit Ultimate Rüstung und Energy, Waffen und EX Tanks. 3. Zero in Schwarz mit allem.

16.Oktober 2013
Alle Gegenstände und alle 8 Bosse sind besiegt.

14.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Alle Level.

16.Oktober 2013
Alle Waffen.

14.Oktober 2013
Japanische Version: Alle Waffen und Level.

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
Meest populair
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01.December 2014
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