Tales of Destiny

Tales of Destiny

14.10.2013 05:18:14
Tales of Destiny
(Version 3)


David Johnson

Welcome to my Tales of Destiny FAQ and walkthrough. This guide
is regularly redone, so check a little further into the guide to see
what has been updated. If any part of this guide is incorrect, or if
there's something you want to add, email me(Dave) at

First and foremost I must give props to the fine folks who have
made this update possible(listed in the order that I got their help).
1. My new best friend, Acel. He's one of the first people who
emailed me about this, and he was the first to tell me what the hell
I did to get unstuck in Cherik. He also is responsible for being one
of the first to tell me about getting different people to take to the
underwater ruins(the first was "sephiros striff", I believe). He also
is the man behind the plant chart, some of the translated F(?) clues,
and the 21 game translation, and some of the cooking info(and a
few other things). And more recently, thanks to him for sending
me a list of gameshark codes for this game. Problem was, my
computer couldn't really view the file, so that will have to wait
until Version 4 when(and if) he sends me a new one.
2. MINH Gilbert(INTERNET:qix@club-internet.fr). He told me
about the rest of the cooking info, what you get from it, and, most
importantly, the BC Rod!!!!!! He also was the first to tell me
about how to get past the teleporter in the final dungeon. This guy
is cool.
3. Suryawan Budiman, for telling me the purpose of the F clues.
4. Johanes Karim, for telling me a little more about cooking, and the
optional sword skills(like the requirements), and the first to tell me
about how to get the golden seed. You can find Gameshark codes
for this game at his website,
www.geocitites.com/TimesSquare\Realm\1946. He, as well as
MINH Gilbert, also gave me Japanese cooking ingredient lists.
5. The Japanese website "Hekiyuu"(or something like that):
www.geocities.co.jp/Playtown/3625/tod. I mainly got the level
requirements for the sword skills here and how to get the one
elusive ingredient for food A, plus complete listings for all of the
characters sword skills(actually, I had an almost complete list of
my own, so this was only used for a few fill-in-the blanks). Also,
although I can't read much Japanese, what I was able to read on
this site was at least able to lead me on the right path to some of
the hidden stuff, mainly bonus dungeon floor clues, and also the
Lilith info.
6. Matu's homepage, http://plaza22.mbn.or.jp/~matu_page. All I got
from here is the steal items chart for the bosses. With both this and
the other Japanese website, I of course couldn't ask for permission
to use this stuff(since I don't speak the language), so I really hope
they don't mind. How else are non-Japanese speaking ToD
players going to get their info? Also, it wasn't that easy to
translate, either.
7. RobAll, who helped me put together the bonus dungeon guide(I
mean a BIG help).
8. Brian Anderson, for giving me English cooking instructions!
To all of you who told me stuff and I didn't credit you, either 1) sorry,
I forgot, I'm an ass hole, or 2)you weren't the first to tell me.
If I update this faq again(which I probably will), and I include
what you said, I'll give you credit.

Version 3:
-made a new section with skill and spell charts, plus some of
the weirder items
-added lots of info to the optional section(like a bonus dungeon
-walkthrough section has been slightly revised
Version 2:
-corrected two stuck points
-revised the optional section(adding lots of info and two cool
charts by Acel)

This guide is divided into four parts: game basics, the
walkthrough, the optional stuff so far discovered, then finally the skills
and items.


Game Basics:
Here are the basics of the game.

Swordians are intelligent swords from an ancient civilization
and are central to the story. Five of the characters in the game can
wield the five swordians(actually, there's a sixth, but it's only for story
line purposes as far as I know). Those five characters and their
swordians are:

Stan: Wields the fire swordian Dimlos.

Rutee: Wields the water swordian Atwight.

Philia: Wields the lightning swordian Clemente.

Lion: Wields the earth swordian Chaltier.

Woodrow: Wields the wind swordian Igtenos(eventually)

The point of Swordians is that they allow your characters to
use magic. For the five characters that can wield them, there are two
slots you can equip your swordian to.
The first one is your normal weapon, you must have the swordian
equipped to this slot in order to use their spells.
The other slot you can equip them to is the next-to-last. If they
are equipped to that slot, the swordians will gain experience and gain
new spells, so always have that characters' swordian equipped. This
way, even if you have another weapon equipped to the top slot, you
can still have their swordians gain new spells.
Also, you can switch character's swordians around so that
other characters can cast other swordian's spells.

The bottom equip slot(only on the characters that have
swordians), is the equip slot for discs. Discs are basically the
equivalent of Final Fantasy 7's materia. They are equipped into your
swordian to give you one to three new spells. Discs can also increase
your abilities while their equipped. Basically, if the name of the discs
is a bunch of numbers, it will enhance your abilities. If it's not, it will
give you spells. So basically, it would be smart to give Rutee(who
wields a water swordian) a fire disc. If you gave her a water disc,
she'd just have duplicates of spells, which would be a waste. Also,
you can only have one disc equipped at a time.

This one is pretty obvious. These are the spells you get when
your swordians go up levels, and, as I said before, a character can only
use their swordian's spells if they have that swordian equipped as a

Skills are more or less techniques that every character has, they
take up TP points just like spells, but you can use them at any
time(don't have to equip swordians), and your characters learn them as
they go up levels. Also, these skills usually involve your weapons.
Since you control Stan, his skills are more than just names
accessed on a menu. You can assign four of Stan's skills to four
button combinations: B, Up+B, Down+B, and Left or Right+B.
Unlike Tales of Phantasia, this game's prequel, there are no short or
long range skills. They all can be used from any range. Also, for all
of Stan's optional skills, you need to have Dimlos equipped in order to
use them.

Food is used for two things:
1. To recover HP while you walk. To do this, you need to just simply
use the item. That will put it in your food sack. Each food has a
numeric value that stands for how much food is in your food sack.
Every time you take a step, your HP increases, but the food in you
food sack decreases. There are three sacks that you get during the
course of the game: the small(holds 200), the medium(holds 2000),
and the large(holds 20,000).
2. Used as ingredients in cooking, which I'll get into later in the
optional section.

You get lenses every time you win a battle. As far as I know,
there's only one main use for lenses: trading them in for a lot of gold
in a lens shop. The only other thing you can do with lenses is near the
end of the game, where you can trade them in for items in a hidden


Tales of Destiny opens on the Flying Dragon airship. Once the
monsters storm the ship and you get control of Stan, the main
character, the first goal is to find the swordian Dimlos in the storage
area. Before you find him though, you'll have to solve the first puzzle
in the game, which is just pushing and pulling some boxes out of the
way(hold down the O button, then move forward to push and back to
Eventually, you'll find Dimlos, and get into your first fight,
which is very easy. After that, you can run into the enemies here, so
be careful. Now, the goal is to head back up to the upper deck where
you were earlier mopping the floors. If you want to, you can first raid
the ship for treasures. You can search one of the toilets for a 30% HP
healer, and there are other visible treasure boxes in the various rooms.
Also, if you find the kitchen, you can get your stats refilled by
searching the stew.

Snow Forest:
You'll escape in the Flying Dragon's escape pod and crash
land in the snow forest. You'll wake up in a cabin, and then Woodrow
will join. You must then exit north of the snow cabin into a little
forest maze(VERY little), and find Chelsea, who'll join.
Then head back to the snow cabin. Chelsea will leave, then you must
exit south from the cabin into another little snow maze. Work your
way through here until you reach the town of Janos.

As soon as you enter, Woodrow will leave. Talk to everybody
in town, then talk to the man upstairs in the inn. He should run off.
Then, once you leave the inn, you'll bump into Mary and she'll join.
Now, you must head back into the snow forest, and when Mary
splits up from your party and says something, you must go to the left
and search the dead end to find the hidden cave.

First Dungeon:
Search the sparkle to open the door. Once in the temple
section, and when you can go in many different directions, go up to
find Rutee. She'll join, then you'll have to find your first boss.
Boss: 3 Soldiers HP: 200 TP: 0 (each)
This is a pretty easy fight, just use Stan's skills to make short work of
After you take care of them, explore the dungeon(find your
first disc), then exit to the south. You'll wind up back in Janos, and
after all the talking is down, exit Janos to the north to get on the
overworld map. Make your way to Harmenz, the second town.

In this town, whatever you do, DON'T talk to the kid in front
of the treasure chest. He'll let you by in order to get the chest, but then
he'll block your way from leaving until you give him ALL your
money. As far as I know, there's no way to get your money back, and
there's nothing really good that comes out of this(except for the
treasure in chest, which I think is a life potion or something).
Anyway, what you need to do in this town is to go to Walt's
mansion at the top of the hill and talk to Walt. He'll give you 10,000
dollars, then you next have to go to the mansion in the middle of town
and talk to the guy behind the counter to spend the night. In the
morning, when you wake up, you'll have to fight eight soldiers, which
is easy than it looks. After killing them, you'll fight Lion, but you'll
be forced to lose this one.

After you lose to Lion, you'll get captured and taken back to
Seinegard Castle, in the city of Darillshade. Once you get control of
your characters, and Lion joins, you next goal is to head to Hugo's
mansion, in the upper right corner of town. After the talking, you'll be
allowed to leave town. Once on the overworld, you can head north to
the village of Armerda, but you don't have to go there. From
Armerda, head east to the forest.

Forest south of Straylize Shrine:
There's nothing difficult about this place, it's just a
straightforward dungeon with no puzzles and no boss at the end. It
will lead into the Straylize Shrine.

Straylize Shrine:
In here, go into the church and talk to the priest in the back
room. Then head into the main building at the north end of this area.
Walk up and talk to the skull at the top of the first room. The idea here
is to go throughout the shrine and kill the five minibosses and the
crystal they guard. Each battle is pretty easy. After all five are
destroyed, go back to the skull to proceed on.
You should get a priest to come with your party after the skull,
once this happens, go back to an earlier part of the shrine(where you
were beating up on the crystals), where the church-looking hall is. The
priest will open up a secret passage. In the area afterwards, you can
either step on all the dark switches or all the light switches to open one
of the two doors at the end, which both lead to the same place, where
Philia joins your party. Once she joins, head back to Darillshade.

There is a complex series of events that must be followed in
order to get on the boat to go to the next area. They are:
1. Talk to Hugo in his mansion.
2. Talk to King Seingard.
3. Talk to the two sailors on the docks.
4. Talk to Hugo.
5. Talk to King Seingard.
6. Talk to Hugo.
7. Then, go to the docks to board the ship.

Ocean Journey:
In the middle of your journey, one of the sailors will come
running up with sweat coming out of his head. You'll then go onto the
deck of the ship and see some sea monster or something. After that,
you'll board the sea monster and get taken down beneath the ocean.

Underwater Ruins:
In the beginning you must pull some of the wreckage
away(hold the O button then walk backwards) to proceed.
In here you will the pick axe special item which will let you
open the final door here. Behind the final door, you'll get Philia's
swordian, Clemente. Once that's done, you can leave. The ship will
continue it's journey to the town of Cherik.

The first thing to do in this town is to go to the building in the
upper-left and talk to Barukk. The next thing to do is head to
Junkland, the town at the end of this island. Along the way you may
pass the town of Kalviora.

After you reach a certain point in here, Philia will split up from
your party and say something. After that's over, I don't think that
there's anything else to do. Actually, I don't even know if you have to
go here at all! Anyway, where you need to go is Cherik.

In the first version of this faq, I had no idea what I had did here
to proceed on with the game. Well, now I do, and it's pretty easy to
figure, I actually don't know how I overlooked it. Well, here goes.
Go downstairs in the inn(the stairway sort of blends in with the
background), and talk to the maid down there. She'll tell you that
Jack(who you're looking for) is at the weapon shop.
Go to the weapon shop, and the shopkeeper will tell you that
Jack is at the docks. So go to the dock at Jack should be in the upper-
right hand corner. Talk to him for an event. Then go back and talk to
Barukk again. The head to Kalviora.

Enter temple in the middle of town. After scene, sleep at inn to
make the scene shift to nighttime. Enter temple through the side
entrance, make your way through and talk to prisoner. After that, go
near the front door, then go right to fight guard, then proceed on to
fight minibosses at the end.
*There's an optional event you can do in Kalviora. To the
right of the Uru Uru bar, there's a little boy. You have to go around
the gate of the town to get to him, and once you do, you'll have to
fight an easy enemy. The boy will then go back to the weapon
shop(where his mom is). If you talk to him again, he'll give you some
item(don't remember what it is).

Go back to the boat here and take it to the land of Fitzgard.
Your boat will dock in the town of Noischtat. Once in there, go to one
of the mansions, and there will be a brief scene with Lion. Then go to
the Lens shop, and talk to Ellen. Then go back to the docks and talk to
her again at the left-hand boat.

Pirate Ships:
You'll encounter a fleet of pirate ships. There will be four
separate scenes. For each one of them, you must traverse one or two
pirate ships looking for the priest miniboss at the end of each. After
you kill the miniboss, you will advance to the next scene. One
warning for this part of the game is that several people have
complained about the game locking up here(although it never
happened to me), so if your game locks up, it's not you don't have a
bad copy, it's just that there's a glitch in probably ALL the CDs.
Anyway, at the end of the fourth ship, there's an actual boss,
one of the game's harder ones.
Boss: Bateista HP: 4500 TP: 0
This was the only boss I actually died on in this game. That was
because I made the mistake of trying to kill his flunkies first, instead of
concentrating on him, which was a big mistake. So the basic strategy
here is to just let loose on the boss, and keep him busy(with Stan), so
that he can't pull off any major attacks. Your other members can
probably handle the flunkies themselves.

Back at Noischtat:
Once back here, there will be a very, very, long scene(one of
the game's longest). You will even go to the coliseum for a fight
against Mighty Kongman, one of the game's characters. You don't
have to beat him(I didn't), so I don't know if it's even possible to win,
or what you get if you do.
Anyway, after the long scene is over, go to docks, and take the
boat to the town of Shiden, in the kingdom of Aquaven.

First talk to the townspeople, then talk to the guy on boat, then
the guy standing at the dock. This will make a cave open up on the
beach on this island. Go down there and enter it.

Limestone Cave:
This cave is pretty straightforward, except that there are some
very hard to see "stairs" leading down into the shallow water. At the
end of this place, you'll have to fight a boss.
Boss: OrgasQueen HP: 2800 TP: 0
Not too hard, this time you might want to kill the flunkies first, or go
straight for the boss. It doesn't really matter, this guy is pretty easy.
After you kill him, exit the cave and walk to Mouryu.

In town, go to the lower right hand corner to fight guards and
get Johnny to join. Then, try to enter the castle in the upper right, and
after that scene, go to the rowboat and talk to the guy. He'll take you
to the back entrance of Mouryu Castle.

Mouryu Castle:
This is the first tricky dungeon in Tales. You'll have to drain
the water in here, then push and pull blocks to cover some gaps so that
you can walk across. At the piano, you'll have to leave Johnny and
one other character. North from there, you must listen to the sounds
emitted when you search the door, then replicate them in that order by
stepping on the switches. The order for the switches is 1, 8, 2, 7, 3, 6,
4, 5. After that, you'll find a handle to put on one of the water
draining switches. So go find the water draining machine without the
handle, put the handle on it, then drain the water to proceed.
Boss: Bateista HP: 6000 TP: 0
Him again. This time, you must take out the flunkies first, because
they can cast the Storm spell, which can really screw up your fight.
Once you take care of him, head for the dock in this town, and take the

Ocean Journey:
In the middle of the journey, you'll have to take out a sea
monster that's boarded the ship.
Boss: Kraken HP: 10,000 TP: 0(I think)
This guy is pretty easy, as long as you relentlessly attack him. The
boat will then dock at the town of Toukei.

Take the boat to a house with a machine in it. Press the switch
to open up a gate in the town's waterway. Then proceed(via boat)
through the town until you get to the mansion.

In the beginning, you can pay the guy 500 gold to go into the
next room, then pay the creature another 500 gold to get out. On top
of that, you have to pay 500 gold to get out of this room!
In this dungeon, you must also drain the water. In the room
with the pit, push the big plant down into the pit, then, in the room
where you knocked it into, push it onto the switch to open a door.
You'll come to a room with 12 doors, each one having a
picture of an animal on it. You have to walk into the doors in a certain
order, and it's pretty easy to solve with just trial and error(if you go
into the wrong door, all doors will flash green). But if you're too lazy
to do just that, here's the order:
Mouse, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Ram,
Monkey, Rooster, Fox, then finally the Pig. After that it's boss time.
Boss: Teiberius HP: 10,000 TP: 0
The important thing to remember in this battle is that Stan's Firestorm
spell(remember, you need to have your swordian equipped in order to
cast spells) can do 1000 damage to this guy. With that in mind, go kill
Once he's dead, go to the dock in this town, then take the ship.

Ocean Journey:
In the middle of the journey, you'll have to fight off a fleet of
ships, and you do that via a cool little mini-game.
The goal is simple: kill all the enemies, and don't get killed
yourself. Press O button to fire your normal gun, or press Triangle to
use your screen clearing bomb.
If you don't care about this mini-game and just want to get on
with the game itself, hit Triangle to use your bomb and automatically
win. This will score you zero points. If you don't use Triangle, just
try to take out as many enemies as possible to get the best score. The
better score, the better the item you get.
After this, you'll head to the snow kingdom of Dhandalia.

Once you arrive in town, the first order of business is to leave,
and head to the snow forest to the south-west. You'll fight an easy
miniboss, then Woodrow, the guy who joined you in the very, very
beginning of the game, will rejoin here. Then, you must head north to
the snow mountain.

Snow Mountain:
The most important thing about this place is that you will
constantly take massive damage every step due to the cold unless you
have the winter coat accessory equipped to all of your characters. You
can buy this in town for 895 gold.
Once you reach the ice block, Woodrow will give you the
Sorsala Ring(a classic item from the first Tales) and tell you to use it
to melt the block of ice. You must equip it to one of your two
accessory slots, then press the Square button to shoot out a laser. This
will melt the ice block.
In the next screen, you must slide across on ice to proceed.
Then exit the dungeon and head to the town right in front of you.

This town is almost totally abandoned. Walk up to the castle to
start an event. You'll be taken to jail, then escape, and eventually fight
a boss.
Boss: Daris HP: 7500 TP: 0
This is a pretty easy battle. No big deal. After he's done for, you'll
escape into the basement of the castle.
*There is an event here that you can do that will determine
whether or Daris(Mary's husband) will live or die. Instead of going
straight to Heidelburg, go south of it to Syril, Mary's home town. If
you enter Mary's house, a scene will take place. After this scene, go
back to Heidelburg and fight Daris as usual. If you don't do this
scene, Daris will eventually die. If you do see the scene, however,
Daris will live(I think you may also have to take his sword off his desk
to get him to live) and later on in the game, when you come back to
this village, the guy is living with Mary, but for some reason you can't
get Mary to join(at least not until the final stage of the game)! If Daris
was dead, however, a little bit later Mary can rejoin! So, what's weird
is that event though it's harder to do, apparently you just get nothing
but bad things from keeping Daris alive, unless there's something you
can get later that I don't know about yet.

Castle Basement:
After a little exploring, you'll run into a boss.
Boss: Ice Golem HP: 6000 TP: 400
This has to be the easiest boss in the game. Just use Stan's fire
techniques to really put a hurting on this guy and finish him off
quickly, or just run up and attack with weapons, for an equally easy,
but slightly longer battle.
Once he bit the dust, push up to get right next to the block that
was behind him, then shoot your Sorsala Ring once to melt the block,
then shoot it again to nail the thing behind it(also, you can melt the
blocks in this area to find treasures underneath).
After this room, you'll find yourself in the main area of the

Castle and Clock Tower:
You must shoot the Sorsala Ring to light some unlit torches to
make a doorway appear.
When you get to the "grid" of torches, light the unlit ones to
open doors.
Once you get to the room where there's a statue of a woman
and a statue of a demon with a flame on it, you must push the statue of
the demon in front of the statue of the woman so that the flame will
touch the woman's orb and open the door. This will lead you to the
clock tower.
First go to the left to push a switch. Later on, you must leave a
party member on another statue. It's best to leave Woodrow, because
at this point in the game, he really sucks. Once someone's on the
switch, go back to the first floor and take the elevator.
When you get to platform where when you step on it a question
mark appears above Stan's head, go to the lead above and shoot your
Sorsala Ring at it to make the platform work. Then take it and get
your character back, then enter the door at the top of the clock tower.
In the room with 3 doors, light up the torches on either side of
the left and right doors so that it won't be dark in those rooms. In the
right room, hit the lever once, and in the left room, unfreeze the chain
by shooting your Sorsala Ring at it. Once all that's done, hit the
switch in room south of there(near save spot), to open up the main
door in the room with the three doors. After that, it's time for a major
boss battle.
Boss: Greybum HP: 13,000 TP: 999
Try to use an enemy-clearing tactic or item(like Ifrit, if you've
managed to come across one yet) to get rid of the flunkies, then corner
Greybum and let him have it. Have Philia have her swordian equipped
so that she can do damaging spells like Ray, etc. After this, you'll find
yourself on the Flying Dragon airship from the beginning of the game!

Flying Dragon:
Go around and talk to the different characters, then sit back and
watch the fake ending(don't worry, you're not even half done yet)!!
After the fake ending, you'll be in Stan's house. You'll eat
breakfast, then you'll have to put the food in the sink. Go around and
talk to the townspeople, then go back to Stan's house and talk to Stan's
sister. Eventually, Philia will rejoin.

Gathering your characters:
Head south to Noischtat. Your goal now is to gather your
characters. To get Woodrow back, choose Woodrow's name at the
boat, then once to boat arrives in the snow town, go southwest through
the forest. Right after that, you'll have to go south through another
short forest, in order to reach the town of Syril, Mary's hometown.
There's a scene that takes place in Mary's house.
Then go north to Heidelburg, and go into the castle to get
Woodrow. After that, go back to the port where you got here from,
and at the boat choose option number 1(Seingard), which will take you
to Darillshade.
From Darillshade, walk south, then east to find Rutee's
hometown, Cresta. In there, you'll get Rutee to join.

Looking for Lion:
The only person left to get for your party is Lion, right? Well,
as far as I know, you can never get him to join again... But you still
have to try to find him!
The first thing to do is to go to Darillshade and talk to the king.
Then go to Hugo's mansion. You should notice a bunch of guys
walking around the main hall. When you enter one of the rooms, Stan
will say something. When that happens, go search the book in that
room. Then go and talk to one of the Oberon guys(the guys that are
walking around the main hall). You'll notice they say something
different now. Once that's done, go back and talk to the King. Then
go back to Hugo's mansion and talk to the head Oberon guy(he looks
slightly different, he's got a small beard and has a blue jewel in his
head instead of a red one). Then go back and talk to the King yet
again, then board the boat in this town to head to the factory dungeon.

Oberon Factory:
If you go left in the beginning of the dungeon, you can fight an
Oberon guy(probably optional). If you go in the left of the two doors
in the beginning, then go to the lower right exit, you'll fight another
Oberon guy and get the blue key card(definitely not optional).
In this dungeon, you must take the conveyor belts to proceed.
Later on in the dungeon, you'll have enter a two number combination,
and every time you fail, you'll have to fight an easy miniboss. The
combination is 3, 4. Once you open the door with that, fight another
Oberon guy to get the red key card. At the end of this factory, you'll
find an elevator which will take you to an underground cave.

Cave beneath factory:
This is a pretty simple cave, once you reach the save spot, you
can go left to get a treasure, or to the right to fight the boss. You can't
go back into this dungeon, so don't miss out on some of the
treasures(like I did). Anyway, at the end of this dungeon you'll soon
find out why Lion will never rejoin, because he's actually one of the
bad guys! And now you'll have to take down your former party
Boss: Lion HP: 12,000 TP: 999
Even though this is a major battle(as far as the story line goes), Lion is
actually a pretty simple boss. Just corner him and constantly hack him
with your sword. He may get an attack or two in there, but it'll
probably be no big deal.
Afterwards, watch the kick-ass anime scene!
After the long series of events, go into Darillshade and talk to
the guy. Then go to the docks and take the boat back to the
underwater ruins(called Radisrou) from earlier in the game. There will
be no enemies in here, all you have to do is go to the final room. At
the end, you will get your first vehicle in the game, some sort of
bizarre sea monster type thing(it's what you saw floating in the ocean
when you first went to this dungeon all that time ago).

Vehicle controls:
You can dock this at any town with a port, and get back on by
going to your special item list and selecting the second one on the
list(can only be used on docks, though).

Gathering even more characters:
Now that you have a vehicle, and now that the world is in
danger, you can collect two more(out of a possible four) characters. If
you go back Syril(in the snow kingdom Dhandalia), you can get Mary
to join(good choice). Also in Dhandalia, and right north of Syril is
Heidelburg Castle, where Chelsea can join(bad choice, unless you like
characters that start on level 2). If you go back to the town Mouryu(in
the kingdom of Aquaven, the little chain of islands with three towns,
Mouryu is the middle town), you can get Johnny to join(not as bad as
Chelsea, but no good either). And if you go to the town of Noischtat,
you can get Mighty Kongman to join(more on that in the optional
section). Mighty is a very good character, I would suggest getting
Once you're done getting your characters, go back to
Darillshade and talk to the King. Then go into the far left door in the
castle courtyard, and talk to the wacky-looking blue-haired guy there.
Now, you must choose between three different guys to get to
come with you to Radisrou. The three guys are:
1. A red-haired guy in a room in the Darillshade courtyard.
2. A priest in the Straylize Shrine.
3. The junkhunter in Junkland.
Once you pick one of these guys up, then take him to Radisrou. After
that, head to the Cave West of Linea.

Cave west of Lienea:
West of the town of Lienea(Stan's hometown) on a beach in
the bay near there, is a cave only accessible by your vehicle.
Once inside, at every door you must leave one of your
swordians(and the corresponding character). If you choose to leave
Stan, your remaining characters will just go in and finish the dungeon
without you(automatically), so if you want, you can make this a very
quick dungeon. If you choose to take Stan all the way back(with the
help of the two non-swordian wielding characters you picked up) you
must fight a very easy boss at the end of this place.
Boss: Dragonknight HP: 2854 TP: 0
This guy's a cinch. After he's done, grab the treasures(most
importantly, the special item disc you'll need to take back to

Once you've gotten the special disc from the beach cave, go
back to the priest who's now in here, and you'll power up this place
and get shot up into the world in the sky.

Sky World:
Once you exit your main base (previously the underwater
ruins), the only thing available for you to go to is that metal tower in
front of you, which is actually the "blue" warp tower(more on that

Blue Warp Tower:
You must find a room in here which has a map of the world in
it. If you get to the room with the save spot in it(the teleporter room),
LEAVE. Don't step in the warp, because you'll get warped around to
places you're not supposed to be yet, and getting back can be a little
Once you've found the room with the world map, the game
will automatically return you to Radisrou. After the talking in there is
done with, go back to the tower you just came from, and NOW go to
the teleporter room.

Tower Teleporters:
The deal here is simple: There are four different colored glass
panels surrounding the teleporter(blue, red, green, and yellow).
Whenever you walk through one of the panels, ALL of the panels will
change into the color you walked through(for example, if you walked
through the green panel, all of the panels will turn green). When you
step into the beam of light in the middle, you will get teleported to
whatever tower the color corresponds to. The tower you start in
corresponds to "blue", so if you ever want to go back here from
another tower, change the color to blue then step into the beam of
Understand? Well, if you don't, then reread the last paragraph.
Anyway, the place you're headed now is the Red Warp Tower(not a
literal translantion, I made up these names). So change all the panels
to red, then step into the beam.

Red Warp Tower:
In each floor here, there are a certain amount of little egg-like
things you must collect in order to advance to the next floor. There are
four floors like this. On the fifth floor, all you have to do is to find the
exit teleporter to leave.
Once you've left the place, head north to get to the red
pyramid(Mech Hall).

Mech Hall:
In the first area(and for the rest of this place, as well) the thing
to remember is that when you step on a platform, it won't just move
the platform you're on, it will also reverse the position of all platforms
of the same color.
Later on in the dungeon(in the part where you're walking on a
grid) you can only walk over blocks if they're full size. If not, you'll
fall through to the floor below.
One of the rooms in here is a big room with lots of switches
and platforms. It's not that hard to get to the exit here(just mess
around with the switches and platforms), but since I pushed so many
buttons and rode so many platforms, I can't remember exactly what I
did here. But it's not like it's hard to solve or anything like that, and
furthermore, to make it even easier, you don't meet any enemies in this
room. So you shouldn't have much(if any) trouble with it.
The final puzzle room in here has a movable block and no
enemies. The trick here is to go to the right side, face up against that
weird looking thing, then pull back to open the door. The only
problem is that as soon as you let go, the lever will slide back up into
place, thus closing the door. So what you must do is to push the
movable block in it's path so that the lever can't close all the way, thus
keeping the door open.
You will then witness a scene involving Rembrandt and Maria.
After the scene is over, don't immediately follow Rembrandt into the
next room, because you'll notice that your HPs and TPs are
dangerously low, so heal first, then take him on.
Boss: Rembrandt HP: 15,000 TP: 0
He's pretty easy, and furthermore, he does come into the battle with
any flunkies, so this fight won't be that difficult at all(unless you
forgot to heal after that last scene).
After Rembrandt's dead, go back to your base(via the warp
towers) and talk to the priest and choose both number one and two.
You now have an optional of going to two different places: the Yellow
Warp Tower, or the Green Warp Tower. Each one of the Warp
Towers has another dungeon following them.

*Hey, there's a fun little bonus event you can do now. If you go to
Armerda, and go the house in the upper-left hand corner, you can talk
to an old woman in bed and get 500 lenses. After that, go to the
Oberon shop in Darrilshade and talk to the pissed-off looking man. If
you choose choice number two, he'll give you the Tricycle and go to
the old woman's house.

Yellow Warp Tower:
There are three mice running around here(they're all in the
same general area). You must chase them down and fight all three of
them in order to get each one's key. Once you have all the keys, you
must then use them to unlock the main door and turn the power
generator on, which will open the door to exit this place. It's dark in
here, and can sometimes be tricky to find the generator, but it's not
much of bother considering the fact that there's no random encounters
in here. Once you leave this place, proceed onward to get to the
garden dungeon.

One important thing in here: don't miss the GC Rod! If you
miss it, once you get to the final stage of the game, you won't be able
to go back here and get it, and it's crucial to opening the game's bonus
This place is very straightforward, until you reach the puzzle at
the end(the one with pushing the orbs into the different holes). The
way to solve it is this: First, go upstairs and push the orb there down
into the left hole, which will shatter it into the left spot below. Then
push the "sun" orb into the top spot. Next, push the "moon" orb into
the bottom spot. Finally, take the little orb, and push that into the ring,
then push the ring(with the orb stuck in the middle), in the right spot.
Once all that's done, shoot your Sorsala Ring at the "sun" orb. That
will let pass in the room with the big tree in it, and let you reach the
Boss: Barukk: HP: 15,000 TP: 0
A very, very, easy boss. This guy is pathetic. I really, really, hope
that this guy doesn't give you trouble. If he did, that would just be
sad. Anyway, once he's dead, don't forgot to search his throne to get
the blue dragon egg, a special item that will come in handy later.

*Remember, this is a non-linear part of the game. You must
beat both this place and the Helios laboratory(which is located beyond
the Green Warp Tower), in order to advance. If you've beaten the
laboratory, skip straight to the Belcrant section. If not, continue on.

Green Warp Tower:
You can see all the enemies here, but it's still pretty tricky to
avoid them because of the narrow passages. Unless, of course, you
use this neat little trick: there are little black machines on these floors.
If you shoot your Sorsala Ring at them, a small explosion will occur.
Now, if any one of the bats happen to fly by and get hit by the
explosion, boom! That's it! They're dead! Unlike the Red Warp
Tower, there's no little trick here to advance from floor to floor. All
you have to do is find the exit, which is a little tricky, but not much.
Once you've exited this place, head over towards the Helios laboratory

Go through the conveyor belt "maze", then go through the
middle of the three doors to fight a miniboss and get a Card Key.
Once you get to the computer terminal, enter the following numbers:
1, 4, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4. You're spelling out the Japanese word
Kakumei(revolution). Then go through and fight the boss.
Boss: Ellen HP: 13,000 TP: 800
Another easy, easy boss(man, these easy bosses sure are a change from
the original Tales). Once she's dead, there's a cool scene in which she
commits suicide by jumping out of the window of this place(you
remember Ellen, right? She's the girl that walked you around the town
of Noischtat, the town with the coliseum, much earlier in the game).
After she's down, you'll go downstairs and power up Igtenos,
Woodrow's swordian, which couldn't be used until now.

*Now, once you've taken care of both of the garden and laboratory
dungeon, go back to your crashed cruiser outside of the Red Warp
Tower. You'll fly it to Belcrant, the big place in the middle of this sky

There are two identical towers that each must be traversed,
then at the end you'll confront Hugo.
Boss: Hugo HP: 20,000 TP: 999
Tough, but if you are relentless and surround him, you can easily nail
him. Once thing to watch out for, though, is that he can teleport at
will, thus, making him able to get out of a corner or something.
After he dies, then the real evil behind this all(or something
like that), Miktran, appears. After Miktran wastes your party, you'll
wake up on a boat and realize that the sky world no longer has any
holes in it, making it a solid crust that is covering the planet, and
making your world dark now because there's no more sunlight.

Darkness World:
Once you arrive in this world, you can choose to go to three
different towns and do one of the three different events there.
Harmenz: Go kill all of the Ogres to get to the top of town, then go
back down and kill the new ones.
Armerda: Just enter, fight the Ogre, and leave.
Cresta: Go to upper-left corner of town, and fight the Ogre.
*All the enemies in all of these scenarios are the easy Ogre
mini-bosses. Here's the stats, if you even need them.
Boss: Ogre HP: 3500 TP: 0
Once your event is done, go back to Darillshade and talk to the King,
then go upstairs to the meeting room. You now have a choice of going
to two different dungeons: the Gas Cave, or the Swordian Cave. The
gas cave is located in Junkland, the swordian cave is located north of

Gas Cave:
The most important part of this dungeon is to watch out for the
gas. Whenever you step through gas, you will lose a lot of HP. So
constantly check your HP, or else you might die without knowing it.
If you search the little cracks in the walls here, the walls will
In the very beginning of the dungeon, you can either go left or
right, go to the left, and crumble the wall there. Once you've
crumbled it, walk through, then crumble the next crack which comes
immediately after. It will lead to a room almost totally filled with gas,
and in that room there are two walls to crumble. Behind one of them
is the Bahamut's Tail, the most powerful weapon in the game that I've
discovered so far(in Tales of Phantasia, it was the sceond-most
powerful weapon in the game, so there's obviously going to be a
stronger weapon in this game, I just have yet to find it). You're going
to want to get the Bahamut's Tail and other hidden things in here as
soon as possible, because you won't be allowed to enter this dungeon
Near the end of the dungeon, you must push rocks into holes in
order to walk over the holes. At the end, get the part for your ship,
then leave.
Go to the Flying Dragon airship that's parked outside
Darillshade, and give the part to the guy standing there.

Swordian Cave:
The posts in here must be shot with the Sorsala Ring in order to
make platforms appear. In the room with many posts and platforms,
don't step on the little skulls, or else they will warp you back to the
beginning of the room.
Near the end, you will reach a mechanical-looking room.
There are 17 "mirrors" in here, and they can be moved into one of two
positions. Also, at the bottom of the room is a switch which will shoot
a laser out, and the laser must reflect off of the switches in order to hit
the statue at the top in order to proceed.
If you look closely at the mirrors, you will notice that top red
part(the part that moves whenever you switch the mirror's position)
has a sort of slash going through the middle of it(you have to look
closely to see it). The slash is either in one of two positions: "/", or
"". So I have made a "map" of the puzzle showing what position the
mirrors need to be in. If the switch is labeled "X", it means that it
doesn't matter what position the mirror is in, because the laser won't
hit that one. Here's the correct alignment:

X X \ \ X
/ \ \ \
/ / \ /
\ \ X X

After the puzzle, you will "power-up" your swordians. Then
go back to Darillshade and talk to the King.

The Three Lenses:
Now, you must get three lenses from three different towns:
Harmenz, Armerda, and Cresta. This can be done in any order.

Talk to Walt, the blue-haired guy in the mansion at the top of
town. He'll sell you the Lens for ALL of the gold you currently have.
But don't worry, because right when you're about to exit the mansion,
he'll feel guilty(I guess) and return the gold.

As there's only monsters in Armerda now, you actually don't
go here in order to get Armerda's Lens. Here's what you do:
First, go upstairs to the meeting room in Darillshade's Castle.
There should only be one man in here now, this is the mayor of
Armerda. Talk to him, he'll tell you about the Lens.
Next, go east of Armerda to the forest dungeon from earlier in
the game. As soon as you enter, head to the right to see an Ogre
standing by the gravestone. You'll have to fight him to get the Lens,
but it's the same old easy Ogre boss you fought in Cresta a while ago.

First, talk to the couple in the house in the top middle of town.
They'll tell you they lost the Lens. To find it, go to the small shed in
the upper left corner of town. If you search in the middle of the shed,
you'll find the Lens(you may have to search the big tree outside this
shed before you can find the Lens. I'm not sure).

Three Lenses Recovered:
After you get all the Lenses, go to the castle courtyard in
Darillshade, and give them to the guy there, then talk to the King.
There will be a very long scene.
Now, you can fly the Flying Dragon airship. When you enter,
there are three commands you can choose:
1. Fly to Dykroft(end dungeon)
2. Fly around this world manually.
3. Leave.

This is the final dungeon in the game. It's not that long, but
there's one tricky part in here that I'm not exactly sure how I solved.
The first part of this dungeon is easy. You'll have to walk into
mirrors to teleport around, but it's nothing major.
After a bit, you'll walk into a teleporter that'll send your
characters to jail. If you have Mary in your party, she'll be teleported
to the same cell as you, besides that, all other characters are in
different cells, so you'll have to explore this small jail area and find
What you need to do here, is throughout this dungeon, there are
four items that you will find in treasure chests. They look like little
yellow, um, things. Anyway, three are throughout the dungeon, and
the fourth is in the jail. Once you have all four, if you go over the
teleporter, you'll get some golden leaf emblem special item that lets
you freely walk over the teleporter.
A bit after this, Stan will get separated from the rest of the
party. What you must do now is run through this crystal area and find
the main crystals and put them in different positions. There are some
things to remember when going through here:
1. There are certain rooms that, upon Stan stepping on certain floor
tiles, will warp him out of the room. But outside these rooms,
there are switches which will make the rooms pitch black, but it
will turn off the tiles which warp you out.
2. If you see your reflection in a mirror here, you will have to fight an
easy clone of Stan. To avoid this, push those blocks in front of the
3. When you get to the big crystal that makes noise as you approach
it, search it to crumble it.
Now, here's the positions that the crystals must be in:
Light Blue: West
Red: East
Dark Blue: Original position(pointing to the middle)
Green: East
Clear: West
Yellow: North
Pink: South
Afterwards, find the room in which you can talk to your party
members, and if the crystals are in their correct positions, you will be
rejoined with all of your party members.
For the final section of the end dungeon, search the crystals
you find. There is also a switch that turns on the power, you have to
turn that on in order to warp through the mirrors.
When you get to the room with the three mirrors, go into each
mirror, and search the crystal. Once all three have been searched,
search the crystal in the main room(the one with the three mirrors).
This will lead you to the end bosses.

The Final Battles:
The end bosses in this game aren't that hard, only the last one
will provide a challenge.
Boss One: Lion HP: 16,000 TP: 9999
Lion(is this even Lion? Or is it a clone or something) is pathetically
easy. Just keep hacking away, and he'll go down in no time.
Boss Two: Miktran HP: 25,000 TP: 999
Also easy, probably slightly more challenging than Lion because he
can teleport, making it harder for you to cancel his spells. But if you
stay on him, and don't let him cast spells, you'll win.
Final Boss: NEO-Miktran HP: 30,000 TP: 9999
This guy IS actually difficult, especially if he gets a spell off. Because
he can cast spells really quickly, so that means that if he gets one spell
off, he's probably going to get a few more off, also. And his spells are
very powerful, new spells that you've probably never seen before. But
if you constantly attack, and make sure he doesn't get a spell off, the
only time he'll damage you is with his laser attack, which isn't that
hard to recover from. Once he goes down, just sit back and watch the


This part is dedicated to Tales of Destiny's optional stuff. This
part of the guide has probably been updated(and will be updated) the

The Coliseum:
You can first enter the coliseum when the floating world
appears in the sky. There will be 8 fights, then a boss fight.
Boss: Mighty Kongman HP: 2935 TP: 272
Not that hard, after you kill him you will have the option for him to
join. He's a pretty good party member, so it's a good idea to pick him
up. You also will get a one-use enlargement item. Now you can re-
enter and fight again to get some more prizes:
1. Flarebasarad: Power fire sword.
2. Flame enhancement disc.
3. Leaf set.
4. Potion set.
Now, whenever you enter, you will just get the potion set. Until, of
course, you get to the final stage of the game, the dark world.
Now, in the dark world, if you enter the coliseum again, there's
a different set of enemies, with the eighth fight being the boss.
Boss: Wyvern HP: 20,000
This guy can be tricky, because a lot of weapons(including your
swordian) will either cure him or do nothing to him. If you have the
Bahamut's Tail or any other axe weapon, you should do fine, though.
Whenever you beat the Wyvern, you will get a prize
afterwards. Here's the list of prizes you get after each time you win:
1st Time: CompuCommand(lets you do every sword skill with fighting
game-like button combinations)
2nd Time: Channel Ring
3rd Time: Jewel Set(a bunch of jewels, not sure what each one does)
4th Time: Some sort of hood accessory for women(not sure of the
5th Time: Potion Set
*Actually, it seems that you only get these prizes when you are
at the end phase of the game. If you do the coliseum earlier, you will
get other prizes.

After you win the fifth time, all other times you win will be the potion
set(I think). However, there's still more you can do with the coliseum.
If you enter it again, there will be three options. They are:
1. Do normal coliseum battle.
2. Play "Knock Down the Monster"
3. Exit

So now there's the game "Knock Down the Monster". Here's how
you play:
There will be a bunch of guys that will teleport into the arena.
You must run up to them and when you're right next to them, press the
O button to swing your sword and kill them. If you're not right next to
them, pressing O won't do anything. If you don't kill one in enough
time, it will disappear. There are 30 enemies. If you kill them all, you
will get a Mystic Symbol. I entered again and won, and got a poison
guard accessory. I think that's all you can get from this, but I'm not

Wacky Kids' Games:
In a tradition started by racing a kid in the first Tales game,
there are now two games that you can play in different towns that
involve children and running around. The first one is in Cherik, the
second in Noischtat.

Cherik: Tag
This is really fun(and addicting). There will be four kids
running after you(two very fast ones, one medium speed and one very
slow), and you just have to avoid them for as long as possible. The
game will count how many seconds you successfully avoided them
for. If you get more then 20(I think), you will get an HP+TP 30%
refiller. If you get more than 50, you'll get an HP+TP 60% refiller.
And if you get more than 100, you'll get the Ifrit summon item. Once
you've won Ifrit, you can't play this again.

Noischtat: The Race
The race with the kid changes throughout the game. Early in
the game, it's a lot easier.
Race One:
This is sort of difficult, but nothing compared to the second
race. At the final staircase, the kid will have one big speed burst, but it
can be blocked by going in front of him, or maybe you'll be so far
ahead of him that the speed burst won't matter. When you win you'll
get a choice of three treasures:
1. Lipstick
2. Red plant that increases max HP.
3. Thief's cloak.
You can only win three times.
Race Two:
This is EXTREMELY difficult, much harder than the race in
Tales of Phantasia. As you race throughout town(follow the arrows),
the kid will occasionally get speed-bursts(these happen on the first and
last stairways in the race). If he gets one of these, he will get ahead of
you, and you WILL lose the race. The only way to win, is to get off to
a fast start so that you can maneuver in front of him to block his speed
burst. If you win, you'll get a choice of 3 items to get:
1. Elixir
2. Charmbottle(not sure what this does)
3. Nome summon item
Once you've gotten all three, you can't race anymore.

Fun n' games in the Mouryu town square:
In the Mouryu town square, there are two main games you can
play. The little kid wandering around the square will charge you 100
gold to play the old battleship game again, but I'm not sure what you
can get from this. The best I got was a score of a little over 10,000,
and a rank of Captain., and I don't remember what I got, but it wasn't
that exciting, if even anything at all. If you get over 100,000,
however, you will get a Mystic Symbol(guess I need to try harder).
The other game you can play is the crazy number game. In this
game, a random number will be choosen(somewhere between about
15-30), and you must subtract that number by either 1, 2, or 3. But
your cat opponent can subtract as well, and so you take turns
subtracting. Anyway, whoever is left with the last number to subtract,
loses. I believe(but I'm not sure) that I got an elixir from this.

You can play a slightly different version of blackjack at the
pub downstairs from the Noischtat inn. Actually, this is totally
different than blackjack, it's just that you need 21 points to win at any
interval, you can't go over. Here are the points of each card:
Air: 1,2,3,4 Sea: 7,8,9,10,12 Mountain: 8,9
Sun: 11 Moon: 1,2 Star: 5,7,8,9
Cat: 3,4 Bird: 7,9,10 Monkey: 2,3
Magician: 1 Justice: 11 King: 9
Strength: 8 Priestestess: 2 Tank: 7
Hanged man: 12 Lovers: 6
The prize is double cash of the 100 gold you pay, and something else(I
think a Mental Ring). Apparently the values of the multiple value
cards change depending on what you do first.
*Special thanks to Acel for this whole blackjack thing here.

The Lens Master:
On a large snow island west of the snow country, there is a hut
hidden in the north forest area there. In that hut lives the Lens Master.
If you have less than 3000 lenses, depending on your increment
of 1000, you'll get selections of different items, such as leaves that
boost your stats, etc.
Now what he'll do is if you have more than 3000 Lenses, he'll
trade them in and you have a choice of getting one of the following
four summon items.
1. Ifrit
2. Sylph
3. Nome
4. Undine
One thing to remember is, even if you have 9999 Lenses, he'll still
take them all and you'll still get the same crappy selection.

The Crazy "Paper-Rock-Scissors" Game:
On one of the empty islands in Aquavern is this hut hidden in
the forest. You can play some wacky game. Here are the controls:
Press O to make a closed first(rock).
Press X to point your fingers(scissors).
Press Square to have an open palm(paper).
Now, whenever you make a certain hand sign, your opponent(Philia)
will also make a hand sign. Certain hand signs beat others. Here's
what beats what(if you've never played paper-rock-scissors before):
Rock beats Scissors
Scissors beats Paper
Paper beats Rock.
Simple, right? Well, it's slightly more complex than that. You don't
automatically win or lose if you have the winning or losing hand sign.
Now, here's where a little bit of action comes into play: if you have
the winning hand sign, quickly press and hold down the O button
whack Philia before she can block. Of you have the losing hand sign,
quicky press and hold down the X button to block before she can hit
There are three levels of difficulty in this game, and the higher
the level, the more money you can bet(as far as I know, money is the
only thing you can get out of this game). On level 1 you can only bet
9 gold, on level 2 only 99 gold, and on level 3, you can bet 999 gold.

Besides the eight sword skills that Stan will learn throughout
his quest, there are also eight bonus sword skills, seven of which can
be gotten from gravestones. In my last version I only said that six
were from gravestones, but I forgot about the one in the Straylize
forest. In order to get them, you must meet four conditions:
1. You have the magic spell for Stan that is part of the technique.
2. You have the sword skill for Stan that is part of the technique.
3. You have Dimlos equipped to Stan.
4. Stan and Dimlos are on high enough levels to learn it.
If those three conditions are met, you will have to answer two
questions(what the two components to the technique are). After the
Heidelburg Castle gravestone(which is usually the first one players
get), you should have the required skills and spells. So here are the
answers to the riddles, plus the requirements(I can't translate the skills,
as they are in Kanji, so I'll just write "SKILL", followed by the
amount of characters in takes up, such as "Skill3".):

Location: Requirements: Stan's Level:
Dimlos' Level:
Limestone Cave Fireball Skill3 20
Heidelburg Dungeon Firewall Skill3 25
Linea Firestorm Skill4 33
Klaudis(Garden) FriaTornado Skill4 38
Swordian Cave Exploder Skill3 40
Darillshade Skill5 Skill5 48
Straylize Forest "Big" Disc Skill(can't remember) 54

Tales of Phantasia Quiz:
Now, you might have wondered that since there are 8 optional
sword skills, yet only 7 gravestones, where is the other? The non-
gravestone optional sword skill is gotten from talking to Kres and
Arche(Tales of Phantasia characters) in the town of Armerda. They
will be there as soon as the floating world appears, maybe even sooner.
But in order to get the technique, you'll have to test your knowledge of
Tales of Phantasia, in a 50 question quiz!
Now, even if you've played the original, these questions aren't
going to be easy to answer, unless you know japanese! So here are the
answers for us non-japanese speaking gaming folk(even though I do
know a little)!

1. 2
2. 1
3. 4
4. 3
5. 3
6. 4
7. 2
8. 2
9. 1
10. 3
11. 2
12. 1
13. 4
14. 3
15. 3
16. 4
17. 2
18. 1
19. 3
20. 4
21. 2
22. 2
23. 1
24. 4
25. 2
26. 3
27. 4
28. 1
29. 3
30. 4
31. 3
32. 1
33. 1
34. 3
35. 3
36. 1
37. 4
38. 1
39. 4
40. 2
41. 4
42. 2
43. 4
44. 1
45. 3
46. 2
47. 4
48. 3
49. 4
50. 3

You still with me? Well, if you get all of them correct, you'll get a
new sword skill and another Channel Ring. If you get more than half
of them correct, but not all, I believe all you'll get will be just the
sword skill.

Growing the plant in Linea:
If you talk to the blue-haired scientist in Darillshade Castle,
he'll sell you some seeds for 50 gold. If you take these seeds to the
guy in the middle of the plants in Linea, you can grow a plant. You
will get a choice of what fertilizer you want to use, then if you leave
and re-enter the place, the plant will have grow a little, you can add
some more fertilizer. You can do this once more, then if you leave and
re-enter again, the plant will be grown and you can get an item from it.
As you can imagine, there are a bunch of combinations. One thing to
remember: if you use the same fertilizer all three times, you'll get a
dead plant. Here are the combinations(special thanks again to Acel, he
worked long and hard on these suckers, for YOUR viewing pleasure):
1,1,2 Apple gummy 2,1,1 Apple gummy
1,1,3 Orange gummy 2,1,2 Squid
1,1,4 Apple gummy 2,1,3 Long bun
1,2,1 Apple gummy 2,1,4 Orange gummy
1,2,2 Apple 2,2,1 Vine
1,2,3 Rotten apple 2,2,3 Short sword
1,2,4 Sanma(Mackerel) 2,2,4 Orange gummy
1,3,1 Rotten apple 2,3,1 Vine
1,3,2 Matatabi(vine) 2,3,2 Saber
1,3,3 Rotten apple 2,3,3 Lemon gummy
1,3,4 Strawberry 2,3,4 Vine
1,4,1 Apple 2,4,1 Pine gummy
1,4,2 Mixed gummi 2,4,2 Lemon
1,4,3 Long sword 2,4,3 White Sillago fish
1,4,4 Apple 2,4,4 Vine

3,1,1 Apple gummy 4,1,1 Apple gummy
3,1,2 Chestnuts 4,1,2 Spoilt milk
3,1,3 Smelly tangerine 4,1,3 Orange gummy
3,1,4 Recure bottle 4,1,4 Cheese
3,2,1 Smelly tangerine 4,2,1 Spoilt milk
3,2,2 Life bottle 4,2,2 Monkey banana
3,2,3 Mackerel 4,2,3 Vegetable
3,2,4 Lemon 4,2,4 Milk gummy
3,3,1 Smelly tangerine 4,3,1 Cheese
3,3,2 Lemon 4,3,2 Spoilt milk
3,3,4 Life bottle 4,3,3 Cheese
3,4,1 Smelly tangerine 4,3,4 Poison guard
3,4,2 Rune bottle 4,4,1 Antidote
3,4,3 Unagi(Eel) 4,4,2 Spoilt milk
3,4,4 Orange gummy 4,4,3 Cheese

More Seeds!
On the coast west of Junkland, there's a hidden seed shop.
You can buy three seeds: the one that you can get from the scientist in
Darillshade, except it costs 1000 here. There are also two other seeds
you can buy, each costing 10,000. I was originally going to make up a
list of every single plant combo, but that would take up a lot of time
and space, plus I saw a complete list recently on a Japanese website
and the rewards weren't all that good.
However, there are a few good rewards. The main one is the
golden seed, which can be traded in for a disc with a cool spell, and
that disc is also part of a sword technique later on. To get it, first you
must go to the seed shop and buy the third item on the list, the
"Ranakearu" seed(5 characters, 10000 gold). Here is the complete
steps to take to get the golden seed(special thanks to Johannes Karim
for this info):
Ranakearu seed: Use fertilizer combination: 3,2,3 to get
Panpan seed(not Pompom).
Panpan seed: Use fertilizer combination: 2,2,2 to get Tyarakk
Tyarakk seed: Use fertilizer combination 1,2,3 to get the
golden seed.
Now, what to do with the gold seed? If you take it to Otto, the
scientist in Darillshade Castle, he'll in return give you the "Big" Disc,
which has a spell which momentarily enlarges your character for an
attack(there's a similar item). What to do with that? Well, look at the
"gravestones" part of this FAQ, because the "Big" Disc helps in
getting a sword skill.
The Gourmet A fish(marusouda):
In order to complete on of the cooking ingredients, you'll need a fish
ingredient. However, the only time in the game to get that is from
enemies in the pirate ship dungeon. But don't give up, because you
can plant a new one!
Once you get the Tyarakk seed, plant it with the combo 2,4,4.
Then, take that seed, and plant it with the combo 4,2,4. Then, take the
final seed, and plant it with the combo 4,4,1, to get the missing

The Development Lab:
East of Linea, in a forest is some weird development lab or
something, and there's like at least 15 people walking around in some
small hut. I have no idea what these guys are talking about, but at
least one(and maybe more) is telling about the three rods(more on that
at the end of this section). Can anyone translate what these guys are
There's a treasure chest behind one of the columns in this place
that contains the Valkyrie call item.

Dock Warehouses:
In each dock in each town, there are warehouses that are totally
empty except for boxes you can push. If you push each box into the
correct position(you will hear a click if you stop pushing or pulling
over the correct spot in the floor), a treasure chest will appear that you
can get an item from. But it's a little trickier than it sounds: in some
warehouses, there are "fake" spots on the floor where you can hear a
click, but that don't play a part in solving the puzzle. You can only get
the item from each warehouse once, but you can still repeat the puzzle
to see the chest appear(big deal).
Sound tedious? Well, it is. Sound rewarding? Maybe a little.
Well, I have just the thing for you! First, I have a list which I made
after hard, hard, work(actually, it took only about half an hour), which
lists what item you get from every dock warehouse, so you can see
beforehand whether it's worth your while or not.
The Warehouse List:
Right W: Hour glass, miracle gummy
Middle W: Miracle gummy, red leaf(Max TP up 10%)
Left W: ????, Elixir
Left W: ????, Elixir
Right W: ????, Ifrit
Right W: Escapeboots, Sylph
Left W: Life Bottle, Elixir
Left W: Pompom Seed, Undine
Right W: ????, red leaf(Max AGL up 2)
Only W: ????, Nome
Left W: "Big" item, ????
Middle W: ????, Shiden Sword
Right W: Life Bottle, Channel Ring
Left W: Lemon gummy, Volt, Luna(the four corner puzzle in
under 21 seconds)
Right W: Technical Ring, Power Hat, Mystical Symbol(forget
which puzzle, under 15 seconds maybe???)
Enjoy that? Well, I have more warehouse news for you. In
floor six of the game's bonus dungeon, the item "Candle" can be
found. This seemingly useless item actually turns out to be very
helpful indeed, as can be seen if you wander into any of the
warehouses after you get it! What does it do? Simple. It shows(via a
little red outline) where every box can be put to make a "click". It
only takes a little experimentation to figure it out(which is why I was
able to make the warehouse list so fast). It can be helpful in figuring
this stuff out, the only problem is, you can't access the Candle until
near the very end of the game, so a lot of these items will have
outlived their usefulness.
Now, if you look in the Snowfria part, you'll see that there are
some treasures that need time constraints to get. Now, for Luna, when
I say the "four corners" puzzle, I don't mean in the four corners of the
room, I mean where you arrange the boxes so that they form four
corners. Now, unless you have the candle, you won't be able to know
exactly where those four corners are, you'll only be able to find this
out with experimentation.

*A note about cooking: contrary to what many people think,
EVERY SINGLE ingredient(except two special ones), can be bought
somewhere in this world, and usually it's pretty close(if not in the
same town), to where the cook is. Trust me. If you still can't find it,
you can look on your world map special item to see the lists of all the
shops and what they sell. Also, you can check the solitary vendors on
the docks(because most of them aren't listed in the shop lists).
If you go to Mary's house in Syril, you can cook. You just go
up to the sink, and she'll tell you the next item you need. Practically
all the items can be gotten from the shop in this town, either in their
original form, or by using a Rune Bottle on them to transform them.
The only hard-to-get ingredient is the Ifrit summon item(and the
Gourmet A fish). From doing this you will get Gourmet B.
Of course, Mary's kitchen isn't the only place where you can
cook. If the kitchen in Darillshade's Castle, a chef will ask you for
different items, most of which are in town.
There are 12 ingredients, which are mainly comprised of fruits and
vegetables. From this, you'll get Gourmet D. The ingredients for
Gourmet D are: apple, prune, strawberry, sweety, aseroga, mango,
suchin, kyohou, blue berry, melon, monkey banana, dorian, and pine.
In Barukk's house in the town of Cherik, a guy will ask you for
more ingredients, most(if not all) of which are seafood type items(fish,
crab, etc.). From this, you'll get Gourmet C. The ingredients for
Gourmet C are: kuruma ebi, zuwai kani, kani miso, and an EGG.
In Shiden, in Johnny's house(the big mansion), a cook will ask
you for ingredients. I found my ingredients in Snowflia(the only snow
town with a dock), and in Toukei. From this, you'll get Gourmet A.
The ingredients for Gourmet A are: marusouda, katsuo, suzuki,
shishamo, carrot, sanma, maguro, vegetable, apple, and jam.
*Gourmet A warning!!! Gourmet A is the gourmet in which
you can't buy the ingredient somewhere in this world(besides the Ifrit
ingredient in Gourmet B, and you can sort buy even that). The
ingredient is marusouda, a 5 character long fish. Now, if you've
searched the world for this sucker, if you swear you've went to every
shop in every town and every vendor on the docks, well, chances are
you can't find it. Why? Because you can only get this item from two
1. The pirate ship dungeon, where you can win it from battles.
2. From planting. To know exactly how to get it, refer back
up to my planting section.
One thing to know about the cooking. Normally, the chefs will
just give you general clues on what ingredients they want. However, if
you have Mary in your party, she'll tell you what ingredients you need,
one at a time. What I mean is that if you're missing an ingredient,
she'll tell you, then once you get it and bring it back to the chef, Mary
will tell you the next missing ingredient. The only problem is that
you'll never know what ingredients you need if you already have that
item in your inventory when you talk to the chef, making it pretty hard
to make a list of cooking ingredients for each Gourmet item.
Well, what does all this do? Read the next section to find out!

The Blue Dragon:
At the end of the Garden dungeon(in the sky), you can get an
Egg on your special item list if you search Barukk's chair. If you take
the egg back to Linea(I did this as soon as the world turned dark), and
give it to your sister, she'll keep it in your house. Now, after a certain
amount of time has passed, you can go back to the egg, and a baby
blue dragon will hatch out of. It can't really do anything except to run
around town. Now, if you get all four Gourmet items(A-D), and feed
them to the dragon, you will get a disc which will let you summon the
Blue Dragon spell.

Summoned Monsters:
If you listen to the voice test in this game, you can her the
voices for the games' summoned monsters. They are: Ifrit, Undine,
Sylph, Nome, Volt, Shadow, Luna, Asga, Gremlin's Lair, and
Chameleon. These are all summoned monsters from the original
Now, I've been able to get the first four from the Lens Master,
and I've gotten Ifrit from two other places: the tag game in Cherik, and
one of the warp towers in the Sky World. That last one was weird. I
stepped onto a teleporter to warp to another room, and when appeared
in the next room, Mary split up from the party, and an arrow pointed
towards the wall. I searched, and found Ifrit(that happened obviously
because Mary is looking for Ifrit to use in her cooking).
I have Undine in my inventory, but I have no idea where I got
her. And as I said earlier, I got Nome from a dock warehouse.
Also, I got Volt and Luna from the same dock warehouse in
Snowfria, for more info on that, go back to my dock warehouse guide.
This of course leads to the question: where the hell are the
other ones? Well, I wish I knew. If you know, please email me. Also,
will they all be one use items, or possibly come on discs to use for
spells(I don't count the Demon's Lance disc as a call spell, since the
voice test groups all the caller spells together, and Demon's Lance
isn't there).

Stan's sister, Lilith, is actually a hidden character in this game,
although it's pretty hard to get her. This may seem like BS, but trust
me, it's in the game, I started over a new game to do this and I have
Lilith in my party, so you have my word that it's true.
1. Make sure you have no more than five party
members(which means you can only get one extra
character, not two).
2. Make sure that your luck for each character is high enough
so that on the status screen it shows a close-up of your
characters' faces instead of the normal picture. To change
your luck, sleep at an inn. Every time you wake up, your
luck will be changed to a new random number.
3. Go to the end dungeon, and get to the crystal area save
point. Save your game, then leave(DON'T go into the
crystal puzzle area AT ALL).
4. Go to the town of Mouryu, and take the boat to a house, the
return, then go to another house until you've been to them
all(there will be NO SIGN of anything happening, but trust
me, I believe you have to do this).
5. Go back to the end dungeon, and beat the crystal area
event(with Stan being all by himself where you have to
arrange the crystals.
Now check your status screen, and Lilith will be there! There's no
event with her joining, there's even no sign of her joining your party.
In fact, if you go back to Linea, you can even talk to her in Stan's
house, even though she's in your party! This may sound like a glitch
or something, but she's actually a super-secret character, you can tell
that because if you look at her stats, it's just a silhouette of her with a
question mark over her, so it was definitely planned this way.
Apparently, there is also a way to get Lion back like this, and when I
mean like this, I mean some weird crap that doesn't change the story in
anyway, and where there's no sign of him joining when he does. But
since it doesn't change the story at all, and you've already had Lion in
your party, what's the point?

The Bonus Dungeon(The Tower of Druaga):
If you go back to the game's very first dungeon, and go to the
room where there are three pedestals(where Rutee joined). If Mary is
in your party(is she involved in like all of the bonus stuff in this game
or something!?), she will say something about 3 rods. So, there are
three pedestals, and she talks about three rods. Simple enough. The
three rods you need to put down on the pedestals are: the GC Rod, the
RC Rod, and the BC Rod. The GC Rod is in the Garden dungeon in
the sky, the RC Rod is found in the Swordian Cave, and the BC Rod
can be found in Walt's house in Harmenz by searching the tall dresser
in the lower-left hand room on the second floor after he gives you his
Lens. Actually, that's not the BC Rod, it's some weird staff, but what
you need to do is either use a Rune Bottle or Philia's skill to turn it
into the BC Rod. Those who read the first version of this faq probably
remember me going nuts over finding this item. Well, enough with the
items. Now on to the dungeon itself!
This is one hell of a weird dungeon. Every floor looks
basically the same(except slightly different layouts), and you can see
the enemies on the screen. The object of each floor is to first collect
the key, then use it to go through the door to proceed on to the next
floor. The locations of the keys and doors are random, but each floor
is pretty small, so it's not much of a challenge. The enemies will get
progressively harder in here, so watch out. In fact, you'll meet
enemies in here that you've never seen before, and also that are far
harder than anywhere else, including the end dungeon. One thing to
know is that you can crumble walls by going up to them and pressing
the O button.
However, this place is far more complicated than you might
imagine. For one, there's a treasure hidden on every floor, and the
things that you must do to get the treasure to appear differs from floor
to floor. Also, there's a boss at the end, and if you scan him, it'll say
he has 1 hp, but he's also invincible. I have no idea how to hurt this
Now, here's my (incomplete)bonus dungeon guide. Hopefully,
by the next update, I'll have complete list, but no promises.

In order to fully understand the clues for each floor, you're
going to have to know what each enemy looks like. So here's the
enemy list.

This is pretty easy, because the slime's names are simply what
color they are, then the word "slime".

Basically, little piles of goo with little "twig-arms" coming out
of the sides. The name of the roper is the color of the twig, then

Will O' Wisps:
Little hovering spheres of energy, the Will O' Wisps come in
two colors, red and blue.

Lizard Man:
There's only one type of these, I think. They look like the
green-faced hunchback guys in armor.

This is a bit more tricky. The blue knights are blue, and the red
knights are red, etc., but there's also a few tricky ones.
Mirror Knights: Light blue
Hyper Knights: Yellow

Spell Casters:
This guys are the most important to know what name
corresponds to what color, because there's no giveaway in the name.
They look like old men in robes, and they have long beards.
Wizard: Orange
Sorcerer: Green
Mage: Purple
Druid: White

Undead Spell Casters:
These guys are basically the same as their living counterparts,
with a few exceptions. Also, on the map screen, they look a little
different, because they have no beard, and their face is totally black
except for two little white eyes.
WizardGhost: Orange
SorcererGhost: Green
MageGhost: Purple
DruidGhost: Light Purple(this one isn't white unlike the Druid).
W. Ghost: White(remember, this IS NOT a DruidGhost).

These are almost like the minibosses of the dungeon. The trick
to killing them, is to use non-elemental attacks only. This means that
all swordians and spells are out, as well as any elemental weapon or
skill. Usually what I do have Bahamut's Tail or some other axe
equipped and take them out that way, because then they're pretty
weak. Stan's 2 TP skill "Majenkin" also works well.
Kuokksu: Since these guys are green, I just refer to them in my guide
as "green dragons".
SilverDragon: They look blue-ish/silver-ish on the screen.
BlackDragon: Looks purple.

A hidden boss in the dungeon(an evil version of Ishtar,
perhaps?), you can fight her on floor 57. She's pretty easy, except for
the fact that she can put conditions on your characters.

The big bad boss of the dungeon, Druaga is probably the
hardest boss in the entire game, including the end boss. First of all,
unless you've re-collected the GC, RC, and BC Rods, he's totally
invincible. You WILL NOT be able to put even a scratch on him.
Now, once you've collected all three rods, he mysteriously can be hurt,
but he's still hard, with 25,000 HP, and the best spells in the game,
including "Big Bang", which you've never even seen until now.
Anyway, as usual, just constantly attack him so that he won't be able
to get his spells off, and hopefully you'll wear him out before he wears
YOU out.

The Guide:
Okay, this guide was put together mainly by me and RobAll,
who literally spent hours down here trying out stuff. A small
percentage of this was figured out by attempting to translate the
katakana from the Japanese website "Hekiyuu"(but not much).

Floor: Treasure: Requirements:
1. Escape boots The easiest to get. They're right there in
the beginning.
2. DashRing Kill 2 Black Slimes.
3. Life Bottle Kill a Green Slime, then a Blue Knight,
don't get key.
4. Paralyze Check Hit the O button at the door, without the
5. Howait Sword Kill 2 wizards, don't get hit by their
6. Candle Kill 2 sorcerers on the top part of the
screen, but don't get
hit by their beam.
8. STR+1 Leaf Get hit by wizard's beam 3 times.
9. DarkSeal Break 2 walls on the left and 2 on top???
10. Gauntlet Get hit by slimes beam, then kill them.
FightSymbol Kill all slimes, don't get hit by
beam(worked for me only).
11. Disc with 1st cure Get hit by 10 beams on the bottom of the
12. Battle Suit Kill a druid on the bottom row of the
screen, don't kill
anyone else anywhere else.
13. R Line Shield Hit the O button at the door, then kill 2
sorcerers, and 2
blue slimes???
14. ?JEWEL(Moonstone) Have the Mage Ghosts warp 5 times.
15. ?JEWEL(Emerald) Kill 1 Blue Knight.
16. "Exploder" Disc Kill Mirror Knight.
"Cyclone" Disc Walk from the left end of the room to
the right.
17. Ribaasdooru Leave 2 MageGhosts alive, kill everyone
most of the time, so obviously there's
something else)
18. Dragon Tooth Walk clockwise 2 times around the
19. Silver Cape Don't get key, kill the dragon when he's
on top of the door,
then get the key and open the door.
20. Elixir Open up the door.
22. Darkseal Don't get the key, kill a sorcerer, then a
green slime on the
top part of the screen.
23. "Indegunation" Disc Kill a Wizard, Blue Slime, Wizard.
24. "Antidote" Disc RobAll got this once, but has no clue
26. HGauntlet Don't get the key, let the Druids knock
down 30 walls, then
kill only the Druids.
27. ?JEWEL(Ruby) Knock down 10 walls.
29. ComboCommand Walk clockwise around the perimeter.
31. Mental Ring Kill a Blue Slime, Will O' Wisp, Blue
Slime, Will O'
Wisp, Blue Slime, and don't let the
Wizards shoot you.
32. Demon'sLance Disc Let the dragon break 5 walls.
33. Woodshield(crappy) Kill Blue Dragon.
B Line Shield Have Stan have 1/10 of his HP, don't
kill the blue dragon.
34. ?JEWEL(Sapphire) Kill one Mirror Knight.
35. ?JEWEL(Topaz) Kill 2 Ropers.
36. Dark Bottle Kill 4 Sorcerers, get hit by their fire.
Princess Cape Kill 4 Sorcerers, avoid the fire.
37. "MeteoStorm" Disc Get key and open door, don't kill
anyone, and let the
Mage Ghosts break several walls(don't
know how many), then kill the Mage
38. GC Rod Kill 2 Will O' Wisps.
39. Sliver Cape Kill a Red Knight???
40. Demon's Seal Kill all enemies, make sure a Roper is
41. Pukurusu Stone Kill the dragon.
42. Star Mace Kill a Red Will O'Wisp, get hit by the
Mage's beam, then
kill another Red Will O'Wisp.
43. Dark Bottle Kill the Green, Black, Red, Blue,
Darkgreen, Darkyellow
slimes in that order.
MysticSymbol Kill the Darkyellow, Darkgreen, Blue,
Red, Black, Green
slimes in that order.
44. Magical Ribbon Kill the Wizard, Sorcerer, Mage, then
Druid in that order.
45. Long Sword(crappy) Chest in there from the beginning.
Excalibur Don't get the Long Sword, then kill the
Lizard Man,
Hyper Knight, Mirror Knight, Black
Knight, Blue Knight
in that order(keep the Red Knight alive).
Then, a new chest
appears. Open it, then go open the
original chest, and
instead of there being a Long Sword, the
chest will contain
the mighty Excalibur, the strongest
46. Aqua Mantle Touch the Upper Left, Upper Right,
Lower Right, Lower
Left corners(order may vary).
47. RabbitSymbol Kill one Roper.
48. RC Rod Step on each corner for 10 seconds.
49. Lipstick Push the O button at the door, then fight
a Wizard.
50. Emerald Ring Walk a step up, down, left, then right???
51. Fire Collection Disc Get hit by the sorcerer's fire, then kill
the Green, Red, then
Blue Roper.
52. Cloak(crappy) Break a certain wall, don't kill any
Gold Armor Break every single vertical wall, and try
to kill the enemies
so that they can't break any of the
horizontal(but the game
allows SOME horizontal walls to be
53. "Cure Spells" Disc From the upper-left go across 9, down 6
or 7?
54. MoonCrystal From the upper-left go across 9, down
57. BerserkArrow Don't get key, hit the O button at door to
turn the rock into
NiseIshtar, a boss. Kill her, then the
Lizard Man.
58. BC Rod Hit the O button on the door, then knock
down every wall
(don't kill any enemies yet), then kill the
Dragon and Red Knight???? (This has
worked 4 out of 5 times, so I'm probably
missing something)
59. Nothing The object of this floor is to make
Druaga appear, then kill
him. To make him appear, kill a few
enemies until a
dragon appears, then kill that to make
Druaga appear. Then
kill him to proceed to floor 60. If you
try to go up the
staircase without killing him, the game
will punish you by
warping you back to an earlier floor.
60. "Big Bang" Disc Talk to Ishtar, then walk around until
your character puts
down all the rods.


This section lists all of the skills and spells for every character,
as well as odd items and equipment. If I ever upgrade the guide again,
I'll probably increase this section the most(like with a skills chart).

Rare or Unusual Items, Accessories, and

Channel Ring:
This is one of the cooler accessories in the game. It lets you
control whoever the ring is equipped to with the second player
controller! In fact, if you have four Channel Rings, and have a Multi-
Tap or some other 4-player adapter, you can have four people playing
at once, each controlling their own character. But one catch: each
position on the status screen corresponds to a certain controller. The
position right below Stan is the one for the second player controller, so
if you have it equipped to another position, you won't be able to
control that person with the second player controller. To do it, once
you have control, you'll have to press select a few times on the fight
scene to get the character out of being computer controlled.

Technical Ring:
This ring lets you manually control your characters. Again,
you'll have to press select a few times on the fight scene to get it to
manual. But the problem with manual is that it instead of just pressing
the O button and your character automatically running up to the
enemy, you have to actually move your character up to the enemy,
then hit the O button to swing your sword(if you tap forward twice,
you can run). Personally, I like the old one better.

Combo Counter:
If you turn it on in your customs menu, it will count up the
number of hits in your combo, and at the end of the battle, it will give
you exp bonuses depending on the best combo you did.

Combo Command:
This lets you perform all your sword skills using button
combinations(like in Street Fighter). I may have a listing of all the
combinations later on if I update this guide. And remember, if you use
this with the channel ring, you can have other characters use this.
Also, I believe there are special attacks that you can do with the combo
command that you can't do normally(for instance, I had Stan do an E.
Honda-style Hundred Hand Slap using his sword)!

Mystical Symbol:
This halves the time it takes to cast spells for whoever has it

Rabbit Symbol:
Raises a character's luck by 30.

If you have this equipped, you won't meet any enemies on the
world map, but you move EXTREMELY SLOW. It can get annoying,

Mental Ring:
Lets you rapidly regain TPs throughout the battle.

Protects you from tractor beam.

Black Onyx:
Raises your max HP by 30%.

Moon Crystal:
Raises your max MP by 30%.

Swordian's Spells:

Here's how the chart works:

Spell Name TP Level


Fireball 5 1
Eruption 16 7
Firewall 23 13
FireStorm 30 19
Fiafullflare 40 28
FriaTornado 50 32
Exploder 60 40


Fyasteado 5 2
IceNeedle 6 5
DeepMist 3 7
IceTornado 14 10
AcidRain 7 12
Antidote 8 13
Barrier 8 15
IceWall 22 17
Recover 18 19
Heal 10 21
Sharpness 12 24
Silence 10 26
Icicle 26 28
Nurse 20 36
Dispell 14 33
Blizzard 38 37
Cure 22 40
RaiseDead 26 45
Maelstrom 70 50
Resurrection 32 55
TidalWave 94 61


Fireball 5 2
WindArrow 6 4
StormBlast 5 6
Lightning 9 8
Storm 12 11
IceTornado 14 13
Tractorbeam 20 16
StoneWall 22 19
Ray 30 22
Thunderblade 33 25
Fiafullflare 40 28
HolyLance 57 31
FriaTornado 50 34
Cyclone 54 37
Indegunation 70 40
Exploder 60 45
Extinction 80 50
BlackHole 88 52
TidalWave 94 54
MeteoStorm 100 68
DivinePower 120 75


WindArrow 6 2
Storm 12 9
StreamArrow 18 12
WhirlWind 25 16
Iaslast(?) 40 22
Cyclone 54 35
ColdBreath 76 40(?)


StoneBlast 5 3
Gravi 10 8
Pocohan 9 10
StoneWall 22 16
Pocohanma 40 21
Press 43 27
Demon'sLance 57 32

Item Steal Chart:
This is the chart of the cool items you can get from bosses if
you use Rutee's "Rob Item" skill.

Enemy: Item:
Bateista(1st) Belberna
OrgasQueen Rubee
Bateista(2nd) Spectacles
Kraken Aquamarine
Teiberius Shiden (Sword)
Daris Moonstone
Greybum MixedGummy
Lion Elixir
Rembrandt SW280280(Disc)
Ellen MentalRing
Barukk Dark Bottle
Hugo Mystic Symbol

Well, I hope you enjoyed this guide. And, if anyone has any
corrections or knows something that I don't please email me at
johnsonr@compuserve.com. Your contributions will be noted.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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FAQ and Walkthrough

17.Oktober 2013
Tower of Druaga FAQ

13.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013

11.Oktober 2013
Debug Guide FAQ

17.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
PAL Patch für die US NTSC Version.

11.Oktober 2013
engl. Cheats

17.Oktober 2013
FAQ und Lösung
engl. Lösung
13.Mei 2008
engl. Cheats
10.Oktober 2008