Bushido Blade

Bushido Blade

12.10.2013 18:43:05
DC's Bushido Blade Guide v0.62

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Legal Stuff

This entire FAQ is copyright DC 2000-01. The only sites that can use
this without asking are:


If you want to use it on your site, please e-mail me at dc3131@yahoo.com.au
The latest version can always be found from

http://www.gamefaqs.com or http://vgstrategies.about.com

Note, that if you've asked me for permission but don't see your site on the
list above, don't worry about it, as it's a real pain to update each time
everyone asks me to use this guide on their site. So as long as you've
asked me, yes, you can put it up on your site. The sites above are the
ones that don't have to ask to use them.

Bushido is copyright Squaresoft 1996/7. Please do not leech any
of this to make your own FAQ out of it. Unless you have MY permission DO
NOT take anything at all from this guide. Don't edit, don't do anything to
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print it out, but only for personal use, no selling this! Summing it
up, do anything for your own personal benefit (apart from reading it)
without asking me, AND YOU'LL BURN IN HELL!!!!!
To get in touch, e-mail me at dc3131@yahoo.com.au
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My MSN contact is dcmagus@hotmail.com, but any email sent to that
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Be warned that I'm only on the net twice a week, don't expect replies
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1.Make sure you put the title of the game you're asking about in the
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2.If it's an FAQ, make sure that it's not already in the guide!!! If
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3.Ask nicely. So far, most people have, but if your mail goes along
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That's it. Sorry for being a pain, but it had to be said.
Version History

v0.5-Listed some moves, and how to get to the well.
v0.51-Copyright Notice changed.
v0.52-Copyright Notice changed.
v0.53-Copyright Notice changed.
v0.54-Seems like a waste of time, but I like ASCII art headings =)
v0.55-Copyright Notice changed.
v0.56-Copyright Notice changed.
v0.57-Copyright changed.
v0.58-Copyright changed.
v0.6-Removed unneccessary stuff.
v0.61-Added some guidelines on e-mails.
v0.62-Name change!

2)How to Get to the Well
3)The Bushido Code of Honour
4)Characters + Moves


Yes, it's a bit strange writing up a guide for a game which was out
yonks ago, but this game deserves the effort. With another quality
fighting game to their name, Tobal, Square decided to release this
excellent game. For once, you could say it's realistic fighting. Instead
of taking damage and adding it all up, if you get hit in the arm,
it falls off. Get a leg chopped off, and you'll limp for the rest of
the battle. It's very fun.



General Moves:

T - High Attack
O - Medium Attack
X - Low Attack
S - Block
S,R2 - Roll Backwards
F+R2 - Kneel, pick up weapon
F+R2,R2- Throw Dirt
F+R2,R1- Jump
U/D - Sidestep
B,B - Jump back
Select - Surrender
L1 - Run
R1 - Higher Stance
R2 - Lower Stance

When crouching:

T - Lunge
O - Slash
X - Sweep
S - Block
R1 - Stand
R2 - Fall
F+R2 - Throw Dirt
F+O - Throw Weapon

2)How to Get to the Well

There's two endings for each character: one is achieved by defeating
all your enemies normally, the other is achieved by going to the
well and fighting in there. Here's how to get there:

*You must wait for your enemy to show up before going on to the next
area, and follow the Code of the Bushido*

-Run all the way up the road and through the tunnel.
-Go across the bridge, turn left and climb up.
-Go forward, into a new area.
-Go forward, turn right and past the building.
-Drop down into a new area.
-Climb into the bamboo.
-Get up the ledges.
-Jump over the fence, into the mud.
-Go forward, drop into the water/ice.
-Cilmb up, head left.
-Jump/climb the stairs.
-Head up the path, exit via the corner.
-Climb up into the new area.
-Jump into the well.

You'll get it downpat after a couple of times.

3)Bushido Code

Being a bushido game, you have to observe the code when fighting.
This means:

1. No smacking your opponent when he's lying on the ground.

2. No whacking your opponent in the back.

3. No slicing your opponent when they are climbing a wall to get away
from you. Sucks, huh.

4. No beheading your opponent before they are ready. Why are their
speeches so long anyway?

5. No blinding yout opponent by throwing something at them (dirt,
snow, etc.)

4)Characters and Moves

I've just named the moves after what they look like =)

Red Shadow

She is the second fastest character in the game. She is best used with
the lighter weapons such as the saber and the long sword. Her agility
is her main weapon, and use that to the full.

High Stance
TT - Double Chop
TT,X- Reverse Double Chop
OO - Double Cross
XX - Reverse Chop

Middle Stance

OO - Double Slash
OO,X- Double Slash and Sweep

Low Stance

XT - Reverse Upswing
Back OT- Slash and Chop
TT - Double Chop Lunge
OO - Twirl Cut and Stab

High Stance
TT - Double Smash
TT,T - Triple Smash
TT,T,T- Quadruple Smash
OO - Smash Smash

Middle Stance

OT - Crush Smash
OT,O - Double Crush with pause
TT - Double Smash

Low Stance

XT - Sweep and Smash
TT - Lunging Double Smash

Long Sword
High Stance
TX - Double Assault
TXT - Triple Assault
OO - Double Stab
FFF - Defense
BBB - Defense

Middle Stance

OO - Sidestep Double Cross
OO,O- Sidestep Triple Cross
TX - Reverse Chop
BFO - Lunging Cut
FFX - Roll and Sweep
FT - Somersault Slash

Low Stance

XT - Reverse Upswing
XT,T - Bigger reverse upswing
TO - Drum
Back OT - Cut and High Lunge
Back OO - Cut and Lunge Stab
FFX - Sidestep Sweep
BBB - Defense

Any Stance

FR2R1X - Flying Upswing
BB -Somersault
BBB-Double Somersault

High Stance
TT - Double Chop
TT,FT - Triple Chop
OO - Dropping Double Cross
XT - Sweep and charge
TX - Reverse Chop

Middle Stance

OO - Double Chop
OO,FT - Double Cross and Chop
BFOO - Upswing + Chop

Low Stance

XT - Reverse Upswing
TX - Chop and sweep
OO - Double Cross

High Stance
TO - Quick Chop Cut
OT - Cross Cut and High Strike
XT - Sweep and Chop
BTT - One-step Pass

Middle Stance

OO - Double Cross
OO,FO- Triple Cross
TO - Chop, Slash
TO,T - Chop, Double Slash
BTT - One-step Pass
BFOO - Bat and Stab
BFOT - Bat and High Strike

Low Stance

TX - Chop and Sweep
OO - Quick Double Cross
XO - Underhand Chop and Lunge

Any Stance

F+R2 R1X - Rising Strike
F+R2 X - Crouching Sweep

High Stance
TT - Double Chop
TT,T - Triple Chop
OO - Double Cross

Middle Stance

OX - Slice and Sweep
AO - Chop, Poke

Low Stance

BFTO - Double Stab
BFTOX - Triple Stab
OO - Slash, Stab
TX - Reverse Double Chop
XO - Sweep and Lunge

High Stance
TO - Slash and Stab
OO - Double Stab
XO - Low Stab, Chop

Middle Stance

TX - Double Stab
TX,T - Triple Stab
TX,T,O - Triple Stab, Lunge
TX,T,O,O - Triple Stab, Lunge and Chop

Low Stance

XO - Trip and spin
TT - Double High Strike

High Stance

TO - Chop, Slice
TOO - Chop, Double Slice
OO - Double Slash
OO,T - Double Slash and Chop
FFF,O - Rolling Cutter

Middle Stance

XT - Stab and Spin
XT,O - Stab and Double Spin
OO - Double Slash
OOT - Double Slash and Chop
OOT,X - Flip Mania

Low Stance

TT - Twisting Double Chop
FXO - Double Slash
FXOT - Triple Slash
OX - Easy Rolling Cutter

Any Stance

F+R2X -Somersault Chop


Utsusemi's son is very, very quick and agile (he's the fastest
character available), but he lacks power. But when using the saber
and the rapier, he's so fast that you won't need much power at all.

High Stance
TT - Double Chop
OO - Double Cross
XX - Reverse Chop

Middle Stance

OO - Double Slash

Low Stance

XT - Reverse Upswing
TT - Double Chop Lunge

High Stance
TT - Double Smash
TT,T - Triple Smash
TT,T,T- Quadruple Smash
OO - Smash Smash
FFT - Somersault Smash

Middle Stance

OT - Crush Smash
OT,O - Double Crush with pause
TT - Double Smash

Low Stance

XT - Sweep and Smash
TT - Lunging Double Smash
BFO - Crashing Spin

Any Stance

F+R2T - Somersault Smash

Long Sword
High Stance
TX - Double Assault
TXT - Triple Assault
OO - Double Stab
FFF - Defense
BBB - Defense

Middle Stance

OO - Sidestep Double Cross
OO,O- Sidestep Triple Cross
TX - Reverse Chop

Low Stance

XT - Reverse Upswing
XT,T - Bigger reverse upswing
TO - Drum
Back OT - Cut and High Lunge
Back OO - Cut and Lunge Stab
BBB - Defense

Any Stance

FR2R1X - Flying Upswing

High Stance
TT - Double Chop
TT,FT - Triple Chop
OO - Dropping Double Cross
XT - Sweep and charge
TX - Reverse Chop

Middle Stance

OO - Double Chop
OO,FT - Double Cross and Chop
BFOO - Upswing + Chop

Low Stance

XT - Reverse Upswing
TX - Chop and sweep
OO - Double Cross

High Stance
TO - Quick Chop Cut
OT - Cross Cut and High Strike
XT - Sweep and Chop
BTT - One-step Pass

Middle Stance

OO - Double Cross
OO,FO- Triple Cross
TO - Chop, Slash
TO,T - Chop, Double Slash
BTT - One-step Pass
BFOO - Bat and Stab
BFOT - Bat and High Strike

Low Stance

TX - Chop and Sweep
OO - Quick Double Cross
XO - Underhand Chop and Lunge

High Stance
TT - Double Chop
TT,T - Triple Chop
OO - Double Cross

Middle Stance

OX - Slice and Sweep
AO - Chop, Poke
FFT - Lunging Upswing

Low Stance

BFTO - Double Stab
BFTOX - Triple Stab
OO - Slash, Stab
TX - Reverse Double Chop
XO - Sweep and Lunge

High Stance
TO - Slash and Stab
OO - Double Stab
XO - Low Stab, Chop

Middle Stance

TX - Double Stab
TX,T - Triple Stab
TX,T,O - Triple Stab, Lunge
TX,T,O,O - Triple Stab, Lunge and Chop

Low Stance

XO - Trip and spin
TT - Double High Strike

High Stance
TO - Chop, Slice
TOO - Chop, Double Slice
OO - Double Slash
OO,T - Double Slash and Chop
BFOOOO- Stab Mania

Middle Stance

XT - Stab and Spin
XT,O - Stab and Double Spin
OO - Double Slash
OOT - Double Slash and Chop
OOT,X - Flip Mania

Low Stance

TT - Twisting Double Chop
FXO - Double Slash
FXOT - Triple Slash
XT - Flip and Stab

Any Stance

F+R2X -Somersault Chop


Mikado is a well balanced character. At first glance you'll probably
think, hey, she'll do well with the Katana/Long Sword, but she really
canes with those bigger weapons, especially the Naginata and Nodachi.
She's pretty fast with those weapons, so she's a great choice.

High Stance
TT - Double Chop
TT,X- Reverse Double Chop
OO - Double Cross
XX - Reverse Chop

Middle Stance

OO - Double Slash
OO,X- Double Slash and Sweep

Low Stance

XT - Reverse Upswing
Back OT- Slash and Chop
TT - Double Chop Lunge

High Stance
TT - Double Smash
TT,T - Triple Smash
TT,T,T- Quadruple Smash
OO - Smash Smash

Middle Stance

OT - Crush Smash
OT,O - Double Crush with pause
TT - Double Smash

Low Stance

XT - Sweep and Smash
TT - Lunging Double Smash

Long Sword
High Stance
TX - Double Assault
TXT - Triple Assault
OO - Double Stab
FFF - Defense
BBB - Defense

Middle Stance

OO - Sidestep Double Cross
OO,O- Sidestep Triple Cross
TX - Reverse Chop

Low Stance

XT - Reverse Upswing
XT,T - Bigger reverse upswing
TO - Drum
Back OT - Cut and High Lunge
Back OO - Cut and Lunge Stab
BBB - Defense

Any Stance

FR2R1X - Flying Upswing

High Stance

TT - Double Chop
TT,FT - Triple Chop
OO - Dropping Double Cross
XT - Sweep and charge
TX - Reverse Chop
FFT - Short Lunge and Chop

Middle Stance

OO - Double Chop
OO,FT - Double Cross and Chop
BFO - Bat
BFOO - Bat, Slash

Low Stance

XT - Reverse Upswing
TX - Chop and sweep
OO - Double Cross
XX - Double Slice

Any Stance

F+R2 - Leap and chop

High Stance
TO - Quick Chop Cut
OT - Cross Cut and High Strike
XT - Sweep and Chop
BTT - One-step Pass

Middle Stance

OO - Double Cross
OO,FO- Triple Cross
TO - Chop, Slash
TO,T - Chop, Double Slash
BTT - One-step Pass
BFOO - Bat and Stab
BFOT - Bat and High Strike

Low Stance

TX - Chop and Sweep
OO - Quick Double Cross
XO - Underhand Chop and Lunge

Any Stance

F+R2T - Leaping Chop

High Stance
TT - Double Chop
TT,T - Triple Chop
OO - Double Cross
FFTO - Lunge, Chop, Slice
TT,O - Double Chop + Slice

Middle Stance

OX - Slice and Sweep
AO - Chop, Poke
FOO - Double Stab
BFO - Shaking Stab
FFT - Lunging Upswing
FOOO - Triple Stab
BFTX,R1X - Mikado Special

Low Stance

BFTO - Double Stab
BFTOX - Triple Stab
OO - Slash, Stab
TX - Reverse Double Chop
XO - Sweep and Lunge
FFT - Spin Strike
BFO - Flying Upswing
BFTOXO- Four Points Stab

High Stance
TO - Slash and Stab
OO - Double Stab
XO - Low Stab, Chop

Middle Stance

TX - Double Stab
TX,T - Triple Stab
TX,T,O - Triple Stab, Lunge
TX,T,O,O - Triple Stab, Lunge and Chop

Low Stance

XO - Trip and spin
TT - Double High Strike

High Stance
TO - Chop, Slice
TOO - Chop, Double Slice
OO - Double Slash
OO,T - Double Slash and Chop
FFF,O -Rolling Cutter

Middle Stance

XT - Stab and Spin
XT,O - Stab and Double Spin
OO - Double Slash
OOT - Double Slash and Chop
OOT,X - Flip Mania

Low Stance

TT - Twisting Double Chop
FXO - Double Slash
FXOT - Triple Slash

Black Lotus

He is the most balanced male in the game. He's got great speed and
is pretty powerful. Now, you probably think he's great with the
Nodachi and Naginata. Well, think again. His power lies in the Long
Sword, Broadsword, and the Rapier.

High Stance
TT - Double Chop
TT,X - Reverse Double Chop
OO - Double Cross
XX - Reverse Chop
F+R2 - Leap and Chop
F+R2X- Rising Cut

Middle Stance

OO - Double Slash
OO,X- Double Slash and Sweep

Low Stance

XT - Reverse Upswing
Back OT- Slash and Chop
TT - Double Chop Lunge
OO - Twirl Cut and Stab
XT,O - Reverse Upswing, Spin

High Stance
TT - Double Smash
TT,T - Triple Smash
TT,T,T- Quadruple Smash
OO - Smash Smash

Middle Stance

OT - Crush Smash
OT,O - Double Crush with pause
TT - Double Smash

Low Stance

XT - Sweep and Smash
TT - Lunging Double Smash

Long Sword
High Stance
TX - Double Assault
TXT - Triple Assault
OO - Double Stab
FFF - Defense
BBB - Defense
FFT - Deep Stepping Chop

Middle Stance

OO - Sidestep Double Cross
OO,O- Sidestep Triple Cross
TX - Reverse Chop
BFO - Twist and Slash

Low Stance

FFX - Lunging Sweep
XT - Reverse Upswing
XT,T - Bigger reverse upswing
TO - Drum
Back OT - Cut and High Lunge
Back OO - Cut and Lunge Stab
BBB - Defense

High Stance
TT - Double Chop
TT,FT - Triple Chop
OO - Dropping Double Cross
XT - Sweep and charge
TX - Reverse Chop

Middle Stance

OO - Double Chop
OO,FT - Double Cross and Chop
BFOO - Upswing + Chop

Low Stance

XT - Reverse Upswing
TX - Chop and sweep
OO - Double Cross

High Stance
TO - Quick Chop Cut
OT - Cross Cut and High Strike
XT - Sweep and Chop
BTT - One-step Pass
FFO - Lunge and Cross
FFX - Sweep
FFTT,O- Blitz

Middle Stance

OO - Double Cross
OO,FO- Triple Cross
TO - Chop, Slash
TO,T - Chop, Double Slash
BTT - One-step Pass
BFOO - Bat and Stab
BFOT - Bat and High Strike

Low Stance

TX - Chop and Sweep
OO - Quick Double Cross
XO - Underhand Chop and Lunge

Any Stance

F+R2R1X - Rising Strike
F+R2T - Leaping Chop
F+R2XT - Duck, Sweep, Chop
F+R2X - Crouching Sweep

High Stance
TT - Double Chop
TT,T - Triple Chop
OO - Double Cross

Middle Stance

OX - Slice and Sweep
AO - Chop, Poke
FFOO - Double Stab

Low Stance

BFTO - Double Stab
BFTOX - Triple Stab
OO - Slash, Stab
TX - Reverse Double Chop
XO - Sweep and Lunge

High Stance
TO - Slash and Stab
OO - Double Stab
XO - Low Stab, Chop
FFT- Step Spin and Dodge
BFO- One-Step Pass

Middle Stance

TX - Double Stab
TX,T - Triple Stab
TX,T,O - Triple Stab, Lunge
TX,T,O,O - Triple Stab, Lunge and Chop
BFO - Rushing STab

Low Stance

XO - Trip and spin
TT - Double High Strike
FFTO - Lunging Double Stab
FFTOX - Lunging Triple Stab
FFTOX,O - Lunging Quadruple Stab
FFTOX,OO- Lunging Quintuple Stab
OO - Lightning Strike
OO,O - Double Lightning Strike

Any Stance

F+R2X - Uppercut
F+R2R1X - Head Smash

High Stance
TO - Chop, Slice
TOO - Chop, Double Slice
OO - Double Slash
OO,T - Double Slash and Chop

Middle Stance

XT - Stab and Spin
XT,O - Stab and Double Spin
OO - Double Slash
OOT - Double Slash and Chop
OOT,X - Flip Mania
BFOOOOO - Stab Mania

Low Stance

TT - Twisting Double Chop
FXO - Double Slash
FXOT - Triple Slash
XT - Flipping STab

Any Stance

F+R2X -Somersault Chop


The master. He is one of the most powerful characters in the game, and
shows it while using the Katana and Nodachi. While using weapons like
the saber and rapier though, he becomes a bit vunerable, and is at
home using the power weapons.

High Stance
TT - Double Chop
TT,X- Reverse Double Chop
OO - Double Cross
XX - Reverse Chop

Middle Stance

OO - Double Slash
OO,X- Double Slash and Sweep

Low Stance

XT - Reverse Upswing
Back OT- Slash and Chop
TT - Double Chop Lunge
OO - Twirl Cut and Stab

High Stance
TT - Double Smash
TT,T - Triple Smash
TT,T,T- Quadruple Smash
OO - Smash Smash

Middle Stance

OT - Crush Smash
OT,O - Double Crush with pause
TT - Double Smash

Low Stance

XT - Sweep and Smash
TT - Lunging Double Smash

Any Stance

F+R2X - Duck and sweep
Long Sword
High Stance
TX - Double Assault
TXT - Triple Assault
OO - Double Stab
FFF - Defense
BBB - Defense

Middle Stance

OO - Sidestep Double Cross
OO,O- Sidestep Triple Cross
TX - Reverse Chop

Low Stance

XT - Reverse Upswing
XT,T - Bigger reverse upswing
TO - Drum
Back OT - Cut and High Lunge
Back OO - Cut and Lunge Stab
BBB - Defense

High Stance
TT - Double Chop
TT,FT - Triple Chop
OO - Dropping Double Cross
XT - Sweep and charge
TX - Reverse Chop
FFT - Lunge Chop

Middle Stance

OO - Double Chop
OO,FT - Double Cross and Chop
BFO - Bat
BFOO - Bat and Slash

Low Stance

XT - Reverse Upswing
TX - Chop and sweep
OO - Double Cross

Any Stance

F+R2T - Leaping Chop

High Stance
TO - Quick Chop Cut
OT - Cross Cut and High Strike
XT - Sweep and Chop
BTT - One-step Pass
BFT - Long Lunge and Chop
FFT - Lunge Underhand

Middle Stance

OO - Double Cross
OO,FO- Triple Cross
TO - Chop, Slash
TO,T - Chop, Double Slash
BTT - One-step Pass
BFOO - Bat and Stab
BFOT - Bat and High Strike

Low Stance

TX - Chop and Sweep
OO - Quick Double Cross
XO - Underhand Chop and Lunge
FFX - Spin Stab

Any Stance

F+R2 X - Crouching Sweep

High Stance
TT - Double Chop
TT,T - Triple Chop
OO - Double Cross
FFTO - Lunge Chop and Slice

Middle Stance

OX - Slice and Sweep
AO - Chop, Poke
FFOO - Double Stab
BFO - Upswing

Low Stance

BFTO - Double Stab
BFTOX - Triple Stab
OO - Slash, Stab
TX - Reverse Double Chop
XO - Sweep and Lunge
BFO - Flying Upswing

High Stance
TO - Slash and Stab
OO - Double Stab
XO - Low Stab, Chop

Middle Stance

TX - Double Stab
TX,T - Triple Stab
TX,T,O - Triple Stab, Lunge
TX,T,O,O - Triple Stab, Lunge and Chop

Low Stance

XO - Trip and spin
TT - Double High Strike

High Stance
TO - Chop, Slice
OO - Double Slash

Middle Stance

XT - Stab and Spin
XT,O - Stab and Double Spin
OO - Double Slash
OOT - Double Slash and Chop

Low Stance

TT - Twisting Double Chop
FXO - Double Slash


This man is a powerhouse. But he's slow. With Kannuki, using the
heavier weapons such as the Broadsword and Sledgehammer are your
ticket to victory.
High Stance
TT - Double Chop
OO - Double Cross
XX - Reverse Chop
BFT - Double Strike
F+R2 - Leaping Chop
F+R2X - Rising Cut
FBTT - Quad Strike

Middle Stance

OO - Double Slash
FFX - Upswing
BBT - Rising Cutter
OO,T- Slash and Chop

Low Stance

XT - Reverse Upswing
TT - Double Chop Lunge
XT,T - Sweep, Double Chop

High Stance
TT - Double Smash
TT,T - Triple Smash
TT,T,T- Quadruple Smash
OO - Smash Smash

Middle Stance

OT - Crush Smash
OT,O - Double Crush with pause
TT - Double Smash

Low Stance

XT - Sweep and Smash
TT - Lunging Double Smash
FBOT - Bat and Smash
FBT - High Smash
OO,O,O- Spinning Frenzy

Any Stance

F+R2X - Ducking Sweep
F+R2T - Lunging Skull Smash
Long Sword
High Stance
TX - Double Assault
OO - Double Stab
FFF - Defense
BBB - Defense

Middle Stance

OO - Sidestep Double Cross
TX - Reverse Chop

Low Stance

XT - Reverse Upswing
XT,T - Bigger reverse upswing
TO - Drum
BBB - Defense

High Stance
TT - Double Chop
TT,FT - Triple Chop
OO - Dropping Double Cross
XT - Sweep and charge
TX - Reverse Chop

Middle Stance

OO - Double Chop
OO,FT - Double Cross and Chop
BFOO - Upswing + Chop

Low Stance

XT - Reverse Upswing
TX - Chop and sweep
OO - Double Cross

High Stance
TO - Quick Chop Cut
OT - Cross Cut and High Strike
XT - Sweep and Chop
BTT - One-step Pass

Middle Stance

OO - Double Cross
OO,FO- Triple Cross
TO - Chop, Slash
TO,T - Chop, Double Slash
BTT - One-step Pass
BFOO - Bat and Stab
BFOT - Bat and High Strike

Low Stance

TX - Chop and Sweep
OO - Quick Double Cross
XO - Underhand Chop and Lunge

Any Stance

F+R2 X - Crouching Sweep

High Stance
TT - Double Chop
TT,T - Triple Chop
OO - Double Cross

Middle Stance

OX - Slice and Sweep
AO - Chop, Poke
FFOO - Double Stab

Low Stance

BFTO - Double Stab
BFTOX - Triple Stab
OO - Slash, Stab
TX - Reverse Double Chop
XO - Sweep and Lunge

High Stance
TO - Slash and Stab
OO - Double Stab
XO - Low Stab, Chop

Middle Stance

TX - Double Stab
TX,T - Triple Stab
TX,T,O - Triple Stab, Lunge
TX,T,O,O - Triple Stab, Lunge and Chop

Low Stance

XO - Trip and spin
TT - Double High Strike

High Stance
TO - Chop, Slice
OO - Double Slash

Middle Stance

XT - Stab and Spin
XT,O - Stab and Double Spin
OO - Double Slash
OOT - Double Slash and Chop

Low Stance

TT - Twisting Double Chop
FXO - Double Slash


Square-For making the game!

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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Players Guide

17.Oktober 2013

12.Oktober 2013
Japanische Version: Alle verschiedenen Enden freigespielt.

17.Oktober 2013
Moves List

13.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013

11.Oktober 2013

12.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
engl. Cheats

17.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor

17.Oktober 2013
engl. Cheats
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30.December 2013
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