

15.10.2013 20:41:13
ERHGEIZ---The Complete ( almost ; ) Faq
Compiled by Alex Roski *AKA* Axel ( 1 / 17 / 1999 )
***be sure to read credit information at the bottom******
******Note: A key and a legend used for some conflicting commands.
h: push h once
s: push s once
l: push l once
g: push g once
H: hold h
S: hold s
L: hold l
G: hold g
+: push buttons simultaneously
M: move hits medium level
H: move hits high level
L: move hits low level
U: unblockable move
FC: fully crouched position
Walk: while walking
Run: while running
Jump: while jumping
Step: while stepping
*: just frame point
g = guard "DODGE"
G = hold guard
d = low attack
D = hold low attack
u = high attack
U = hold high attack
s = USE POWER BAR "the bar coloured pink below your health bar"
+ = push these at the same time
/ = choose anyone
360 = spin joystick one full circle
90 = spin stick down, down/forward, forward
09 = spin stick down, down/back, back
180 = spin stick back, back/down, down, down/forward, forward
g+u = strong high attack
g+d strong low attack
g+s = jump
g+u+d = throw
C = crouching down (hold G and push down)
c = rising from crouching position (let go of G
W = side step / walk (G + any direction)
R = running (push stick in any direction)
() = this move can only be done when your at a higher platform than the
F = move needs person to be facing enemy

Move Name ........................ Input ................Hit Level

Basic Attacks:

Ninja Jab .............h ................................ H
One-Two Slash .........h,h,h ............................ H,H,UM
Ninja Rush ............h,h,l ............................ H,H,L
Ninja Sword Rush ......h,h,h,l,h ...................... H,H,UM,L,UM
Backflip ..............h+l .............................. M
Double Backflip To Slash ...h+l,h+l,h .... (Requires first hit)M,UM,UM
Overhead Slash .............h+s .............................. UM
Cutting Rage ...............h+s,h ............................ UM,UM
Shin Cutter ................l ................................ L
Somersault Rush ............l,h,h ............................ L,H,H
Bamboo Burial ..............s+l .............................. UL,UL
Slash Kick .................h+g .............................. M
Tsunami Kick ...............l+g .............................. L
Hop Kick ...................h+s+g ............................ M
Flip Slash .................s+l+g ............................ UM
Renmenzan ..................Run+h,h,h ........................ UH,UH,UH
***Unknown1*** .............l+g,h ............................ L,M (?)

Executed Attacks:

Kamikaze (when on higher level) ..h+l .............................. UM
Shinobi Cannon ...................Step,l,h ......................... M
Shinobi Sweep ....................Step,l,l ......................... L
Ninja Deception .................Step,l,l,h ....................... L,M
Shadow Moon .....................Walk+h ........................... UM
Low Thrust Kick .................Walk+l ........................... L
Spinning Demon ..................Walk+l,l ......................... L,L
Sliding .......................... Run+l ............................ L
Sunrise .......................... Run+h+l .......................... M
Sunset ........................... Stick in any direction,g,h .... .. M
***Unknown2*** ................... Full Circle with stick,h or l ....

Just Frame Attacks:

Sweeping Earth Slash .........h+s,(before contact) *l .......... UL
Kagehisa .....................h,h,h,*h ......................... H,H,UM
Ninja Juggle .................H,* h,h,h,h,* l .................. H,M
***Unknown3*** ...............l+g,*h ........................... UM(?)


Doormat (Front) ...............h+l+g
Flip Back Drop (Front) ........h+l+g, hold h or l
Double back Drop ..............g (After Flip Back Drop)
Assassination .................g (After Double Back Drop)
Blood Dance (Left Side) .......h+l+g
Leg Stretch (Right Side) ......h+l+g
Meteor Toss (Back) ............h+l+g
Lightning Drop ................Full Circle with stick, h+l+g


Shooting Star .................... s
Ninja Mines ...................... S,l
Heaven Star ...................... S,h
Super Star ....................... S
Ninja Bomb ....................... Jump+s
Katashiki ........................ h+s+l (When white meter is full)
Nap .............................. h+s+l (When white meter isn't full)
Quick Slash ...................... s (When white meter is empty)


(a= Hold back during move to go back to turned position)
(b= Hold left or right during move to cancel sidestep)
:(sorry about being able to read her moves well, hard to fit on one

Basic Attacks:

Slash Knee ............ h ............................. M
Prisoner Kicks ........ h,h,h(a) ...................... M,H,H
Tornado Sweeper ....... h,h,l ......................... M,H,L
Death Sentence ........ h,h,l,h(a) .................... M,H,L,H
Hunting Wolf High ..... h,l,h ......................... M,L,H
Hunting Wolf Low ...... h,l,l(a) ...................... M,L,L
Lightning Somersault .. h+l ........................... M
Fang Kick ............. h+s ........................... M
Illusion Fang ......... h+s,h,h ....................... M,M,M
Fang To Beast Barrage . h+s,l,l(a),h,h(a),h(a) ........ M,L,L,M,M,M
Fang To Beast Rush .... h+s,l,l(a),h,h+l,l(a) ......... M,L,L,M,M,L
Rage Ball ............. h+s+l ......................... L
Gone Postal ........... Press h+s+l rapidly ........... UM
Wolf Claw ............. l ............................. L
Jail Combo ............ l(b),h(a),h,h,h ............... L,M,M,M,M
Arrest Kicks .......... l(b),h(a),h,l ................. L,M,M,L
Detain Kicks .......... l(b),h(a),l ................... L,M,L
Beast Barrage ......... l(b),l,h,h(a),h(a) ............ L,L,M,M,M
Wolf Claw To Beast Rush l(b),l,h,h+l,h+l .............. L,L,M,M,M
Wolf Claw To Beast Tail l(b),l,h,h+l,l(b) ............. L,L,M,M,L
Wolf Pack ............. l(b),l,l,(a),h(a) ............. L,L,L,M
Wolf Sickle ........... s+l ........................... M
Beast Toss ............ s+l,h ......................... M,M
Cyclone Kicks ......... h+g(a),h(a),h ................. M,H,H
Tornado Kicks ......... h+g(a),l(a),h ................. M,L,M
Iron Cutter ........... h+g(a),h+l(a) ................. M,M
Steel Cutter .......... h+g(a),h+g(a),h+l(a) .......... M,M,M
Devil Scythe .......... h+g(a),h+g(a),h+g(a) .......... M,M,M
Death Cutter .......... h+g(a),h+g(a),h+g,(a)h+l(a) ... M,M,M,M
Spin Fang ............. l+g(a),h(a) ................... L,M
Hop Kick .............. h+s+g ......................... M
Falling Scissors ...... s+l+g ......................... M

Executed Attacks:

Moonsault ............. h+l (When on higher level) .... UM
Wild Bow Kick ......... Step,l(with g held),h ......... M
Wild Brand ............ Step,l(with g released),h ..... M
Anger Ball ............ Step,l,l ...................... L,L,L
Wolf Trail ............ FC+h,h ........................ M,M
Break Beats ........... FC+l(a or b),l,h .............. L,L,M
Claw To Beast Barrage . FC+l(a or b),l,h,l(b),h(a),h(a),h,h ..

Claw To Beast Trail ... FC+l(a or b),l,h,l(b),h,(a),h(a),l ...

Claw To Beast Slicer .. FC+l(a or b),l,h,l(b),h(a),l ....... L,L,M,L,M,L

Claw To Beast Rage .... FC+l(a or b),l,h,l(b),l,h,h(a),h(a) ..

Claw To Beast Rush .... FC+l(a or b),l,h,l(b),l,h,h+l,l ...

Claw To Beast Fall .... FC+l(a or b),l,h,l(b),l,h,l,l . ...L,L,M,L,M,M,L

Claw To Beast Grind ... FC+l(a or b),l,h,l(b),l,l(a),h(a) ...

Arrow Kick ............ While getting Up=h ............ M
Kick Away Hop ......... While getting Up=h,h+l ........ M,M
Rage Pounce ........... Walk+h(a),h ................... M,M
Crossbow Kick ......... Run+h ......................... M
Sliding ............... Run+l ......................... L
Lunatic Spin .......... Run+h+l ....................... M,M
Lunatic Scissors ...... Run+h+l,h ..................... M,M,M
Lunatic Dance ......... Run+h+l+l ..................... M,M,L
Escape Kick ........... Joy in any direction+g,h ...... M
Mad Kick .............. Back Turned=h+l ............... M
Dirty Roll ............ Back Turned=l ................. L

Just Frame Attacks:

Dread Combo ........... h+s,l,l(a),h,h+l*,h ........... M,L,L,M,M,M
Surprise Combo ........ l(b),l,h,l,*h ................. L,L,M,M,M
Monsoon ............... h+g(a),h+g(a),h+g(a)*,h(infinite),h+l(a)
....................................................... L,L,M,L,L,M,M,M
Revenge Combo ......... FC+l(a or b),l,h,l(b),l,h,h+l*,h ...

Sonic Ball ............ With back turned=*h ........... M


Fisheman's Hook (front) ........................ h+l+g
Hound Rejection (front) ........................ h+l+g,H
Sliding Supplex (front) ........................ h+l+g,S
Stampede (Left) ................................ h+l+g
Moonsault Knee Dive (Right) .................... h+l+g
Beast Face Brand (Back) ........................ h+l+g
Beast Lift Cannon (Back) ....................... h+l+g,H
Ragnarock .......................................Full Circle with stick,


Beast Transformation ........................ s
Wold Slash .................................. h (during BT)
Wolf Claw ................................... l (during BT)
Wolf Rocket ................................. h+l (during BT)
Wolf Insult Kick ............................ h+l (With back turned
during BT)
Wolf Rush ................................... h+l (While running during
Lunatic Rush ................................ s (When white meter is

*******LEE SHUWEN*******

Basic Attacks:

Straight Knuckle ...... h ............................. H
Hellstorm ............. h,h,h,h ....................... H,H,M,M
ACL Breaker ........... h,l ........................... H,L
ACL To Uppercut ....... h,l,h ......................... H,L,M
ACL To Dagger Punch ... h,l,l ......................... H,L,L
Cold Shoulder ......... h+l ........................... M
Falling Dragon ........ h+s+l ......................... M
Dragon Cannon ......... H+S+L ......................... UM
Tiger Palm Punch ...... h+s ........................... M
Tiger's Fake .......... h+s, then hold left or right .. ---
Tiger's Rush .......... h+s,h,h ....................... M,M,M
Earth Sweep ........... l ............................. L
Tiger's Rage .......... l,h ........................... L,M
Earth Sweep ........... s+l ........................... L
Falling Leaf .......... l,l ........................... L,L
Shadowless Fist ....... H+G, quickly release G,then H . UM
Heel Spin Kick ........ l+g ........................... L
Hop Kick .............. h+s+g ......................... M

Executed Attacks:

Moonsault ............. h+l (When on higher level) .... UM
Tiger's Roar .......... Step+l,h ...................... M
Tiger's Claw .......... Step+l,l ...................... L
Sweep To Tiger's Elbow Step+l,l,h .................... L,M
Tiger Elbow ........... Step+l,h+l .................... M
Guard Breaker ......... Step+l,s,h .................... UM,M
Tiger's Tail .......... While Getting Up=l ............ L
Tiger's Elbow Rush .... While Getting Up=h+l .......... M
Palm Uppercut ......... While Getting Up=h ............ M
Wild Tiger ............ Walk+h,h ...................... M,M
Wild Tiger Strike ..... Walk+h,h,h .................... M,M,M
Wild Tiger Crush ...... Walk+h,h,g,h .................. M,M,M
Double Heave Kick ..... Run+h,h ....................... M,M
Sweep Spin ............ Run+l ......................... L
Tiger Death Fist ...... Run+h+l ....................... M
Reverse Could Shoulder Stick in any direction+g,h .... M

Just Frame Attacks:

Stonewall ............. h+l,L or R *, h ............... M
Tiger's Slaughter ..... Walk+h,h,L or R *,h ........... M,M,M
Tiger Cannon .......... FC,l*,h ....................... M,M
East Meets West ....... Step+l,s, stick l or r*,h ..... UM,M


Mountain Breaker (Front) ........................ h+l+g
Surprise Exchange (Front) ...................... h+l+g,H
Dragon Shoulder (Left) ......................... h+l+g
Stonewall Shatter (Right) ...................... h+l+g
Dragon's Rage (Back) ........................... h+l+g
Thunder Mountain Breaker ........................ Full circle with
stick, h+l+g


Divine Spear ............................... s
Twin Divine Spear .......................... s,s
Heaven Spear ............................... While Holding S, press and
hold H
Earth Spear ................................ While Holding S, press and
hold L
Meteor Fall Spear .......................... s+l+g
Judgement .................................. S
Stun Palm ................................. s (White bar is empty)
Palm Rush .................................. s,h (White bar is empty)



Basic Attacks:

Quick Jab ............. h ............................. H
Cat Scratch ........... h,h,h ......................... H,H,H
Cat's Tail ............ h,h,l ......................... H,H,L
Sleeping Cat .......... h,l ........................... H,L
Slap Dragon ........... h,s ........................... H
Breaking Up ........... h,s,h,h,h,h ................... H,H,H,H,H
Full Moon ............. h+l ........................... M
Snap Dragon ........... h+s ........................... M
Low Kick .............. l ............................. L
High Tide ............. l,l,h ......................... L,L,M
Low Tide .............. l,l,l ......................... L,L,L
Spinning Orchid ....... l,l,s ......................... L,L,M
Welcome Home .......... s+l ........................... Taunt
Dinner Maker .......... s+l,h ......................... H
Can't Touch This! ..... s+l,h+l ....................... Taunt
Half Moon ............. h+g ........................... M
Shadow Moon ........... l+g ........................... ???
Jacob's Ladder ........ l+g,h,h,h,h ................... L,M,M,H,H
Hop Kick .............. h+s+g ......................... M
Inverted Moon ......... s+l+g ......................... M

Executed Attacks:

Moonsault ............. h+l (When on higher level) .... UM
Jack Knife ............ While getting up=h ............ M
Reincarnation ......... While getting up=h+s .......... M
Highway To Heaven ..... While getting up=H+S .......... UM
Nose Gunner ........... While getting up=h+g .......... M
Tail Gunner ........... Walk+h,h,h,h,h,h .............. M,M,M,M,M,M
Double Round-a-bout ... Run+h,l ....................... H,L
Triple Cyclone ........ Run+h,h,h ..................... H,H,H
Sliding ............... Run+l ......................... L
Running Dive .......... Run+h+l ....................... M
Half Moon ............. Run+h+g ....................... M
Reflection Moon ....... Stick in any direction,g,h .... M
Hungry Hawk ........... FC+h .......................... M,M
Shadow Moon ........... FC+l .......................... L
Crescent Moon ......... Step+h ........................ M
Heel Hook ............. Step+l,h ...................... M
Whip Kick ............. Step+l,l ...................... L
Neck Slicer Left ...... Step+l,h,l .................... H
Neck Slicer ........... Step+l,h+l .................... H
Neck Slicer Right ..... Step+l,l,h .................... H

Just Frame Attacks:

Altima Fall ...... h,h*,l,h,h*,h,h,h,h,h*,l,l ........


Flip Dislocator (Front) ........................ h+l+g
Side Dislocator (Front) ........................ h+l+g,L
Bash Closelime (Right) ......................... h+l+g
Flip Toss (Left) ............................... h+l+g
Neck Drop (Left) ............................... h+l+g,L or H
Evil Wheel (Back) .............................. h+l+g
Slapping Neck Cracker .......................... Full circle with stick,
Attack Reversal ................................ h+s+l

Special Attacks:

Yo-yo catch ................................. s
Crazy Marbles ............................... s (In the air)
Advanced Walk The Dog ....................... While holding S, press ad
hold L
Yo-yo Trap .................................. S
Slap Dragon ................................. S (White meter is empty)


Basic Attacks:

Zangan Jab ...................... h ................... H
Zangan One-Two .................. h,h ................. H,H
Avalanche Combo ................. h,h,h ............... H,H,M
Zangan Combination .............. h,h,l,h ............. H,H,L,M
Dragon Claw ..................... h+s,h ............... M,M
Zangan jab To Low ............... h,l ................. H,L
Mythril Claw .................... h,l,h ............... H,L,M
Kaiser Sault .................... h+l,h ............... M,M
Zangan Dragon Upper ............. h+s+l ............... M
Dolphin Blow (Limit Level L) .... H+S+L ............... UM
Zangan Low Kick ................. l ................... L
Tiger Fang ...................... l,h ................. L,M
Grand Glove Kick ................ s+l ................. L
Zangan Dragon Sault ............. h+g,h ............... M
Crystal Glove Kick .............. h+g,l ............... L
Hop Kick ........................ h+s+g ............... M
Water Kick (Limit Level S) ...... l+g ................. L
Motor Drive ..................... l+g,h ............... L,M
Falling Scissors ................ s+l+g ............... M

Executed Attacks:

Moonsault ....................... h+l (When on a higher level) UM
Zangan Arial Rave ............... Run+h,h,h ........... M,H,H
Avalanche Tackle ................ h+l ................. M
Zangan Sliding .................. Run+l ............... L
Crescent Fang ................... g,h ................. M
Power Soul ...................... Run+l+g,h ........... L,M
Shiva Slash Kick ................ Walk+h,h ............ M,M
Diamond Knuckle Kick ............ FC+h ................ M
7th Heaven ...................... Step+h .............. M
Over Drive ...................... Step+h,l ............ M,L
Over Drive Alpha ................ Step+h,l,h .......... M,L,M
Zangan Reverse .................. Step+l,h ............ M
Master Fist ..................... Step+l,h,s .......... M, Special
God's Hand ...................... Step+l,s ............ Special
Metal Knuckle Spin Kick ......... Step+l,l ............ L

Just Frame Attacks:

Zangan Low Alpha ................ l*,h ................ L,M
Mythril Claw Slash .............. h,l*,h .............. H,L,M
Zangan Combination Alpha ........ h,h,l*,h ............ H,H,L,M


Meteodrive (Limit Level 2, Front) ........... h+l+g
Somersault (Limit level 1, Front) ........... h+l+g,H
Beat Rush (Limit Level 1, Front) ............ h+l+g,L
Moonsault Crescent (Left) ................... h+l+g
Zangan Supplex (Right) ....................... h+l+g
Avalanche Drop (Back) ....................... h+l+g
Meteor Strike (Limit level 3) ............... Full circle with stick,

Special Attacks:

Final Heaven (Limit level 4) ................ s
Final Judgement ............................. S
Death Force ................................. S,l
Premium Heart ............................... s (Level in any direction)
Platinum Fist ............................... s (In the air)
Summon ...................................... S (White meter is empty ->
............................................. restore meter)



front throw strecth throw
"holding U" tower bridge
left side throw neck crush
right side throw moon dive
back throw power arm throw
360 throw spinning pile drive

s arm gun
s,s double arm gun
S triple arm gun
hold any direction + s place mine
?? dodge, s rolling set mine
during jumpimg, s grenda throw
360, s suicide grenda
no power gage, s arm hammer

u jab
u,u,u 1-2 kick
u,u,d,u up down comb
u,d,u,u,u,u,u,u,u,u,u, speed punch
u+d raising upper
(u+d) metro breath
u+d+s orge crush
u+s,u double upper
d low kick
d+s hell spin
d+s,u break knuckle
d+s,d homing slide
d+s,u,d boomerang hook left
d+s,d,u boomerang hook right
d+s,u+d stomach crush
g+u heal soul ???
g+d turning low kick
g+d,u turning low high kick
g+u+s,d mirage spin kick
g+d+p shower kick
90 franking upper

In crouching postions

c,u turning high kick
c,u+s satilite kick
c,d low kick

C,u gun straight
C,U bazooka straight

during walking
u,u hammer sword

during running
u,u,u triple black hawk
d slide kick
g+u air raid kick
u+d shoulder tackle
g,u turning back kick

step moves
u divide tile
u,u divide knuckle
u,d divide spin kick
d,u wind god hand
d, u+d lighting god hand
d,d,d abyss spin


Front throw arm lock hold
Left side arm lock elbow crash
Right side arm lock knee break
back back rolling crash
f360 knee break one
after knee break one knee break two
after knee break two finish knee break

Now power gage DEEP

u jab
u,d,u break combination
u,d,d crash combination

u,u,d,u scissors crash combination
u,u,d,d scissors combination
u,u,u,d,u bone crash combination
u,u,u,d,d bone break combination
u,u,u,u,d,u body break crash
u,u,u,u,d,d body break shot
u,g+u,u half killing
u+d jumping knee
u+d+s hurricane straight
u+s hammer knuckle
d,d double low kick
g+u break straight
g+d step tackle low kick ???
g+d+s sky kick
g+u+s back turn kick
90,u left soak crab ???
09,u right soak crab ??
360,u high spin kick
(u+d) flying body attack

In crouching position
f,C,g+u left boomerang hook
f,C,g+u,u left boomerang upper
f,C,g+u right boomerang hook
f,C,g+u,u right boomerang elbow
f,C,g+u,g+u,u,u,d,u crash boomerang
f,C,g+u,g+u,u,u,d,u+d crash boomerang knee
f,C,g+u,g+u,u,u,d,d crash boomerang low
f,C,g+u,g+u,u,u,u,d,u break boomerang
f,C,g+u,g+u,u,u,u,d,u+d break boomerang knee
f,C,g+u,g+u,u,u,u,d,d break boomerang low

C,u knee attack
C,u,u,u triple knee attack

c,u rocket upper
c,U finish upper "hard to block"

Step moves
d,p crash hook
d,d low boomerang hook

While walking
u high kick shot

While running
u death hammer one
u,u,u,u triple death hammer
d slide
u+d cross attack


G+H, G+H, G+H : Art of Flamingo
G+H. H : Rattlesnake Bites
S+H : Piledriver Kick
G+L, H : Double Spin Kick
H,H,H,L : One-Two Reverse RoundKick


G+H : Hammer Chop
H,H,H : Triple Chop
(whilst running) H : Dashing Lariat
(whilst running) L,L,L : Stagger Kick

unofficial addition for Inoba
(whilst running) H+L+G : Tackle
(After Tackle) H,H,H : 3 Body Check
(After 3 Body Check) L : Body Toss
(After 3 Body Check) L, Hold L : Ankle Lock
Hold B, S : Charge Super Power Bomb to Spinning Neck Breaker
(After SPBSNB) S : Crush Sleeper

****Cloud Strife******

Name Input Hit Level(s)

Basic Attacks:

Soldier Jab H H
Soldier High Low H, L H, L
Soldier Chain H, H, L H, H, L
Soldier Smash^ H, H, H H, H, M
Shinra Chain Test Lab H, H, H, H H, H, M, M
Soldier Knee H+L M
Soldier Elbow H+L+S M
Test Lab Shot H+L+S, H M, M
Soldier Hook H+S M
Shinra Chain Wheel H+S, H, H M, M, M
Shinra Genesis Chain H+S, H, L M, M, L
Soldier Low Kick L L
Soldier Double Low L, L L, L
Soldier Original L, L, H L, L, M
Shinra Needle L+S L
Soldier High Kick (G)+H H
Soldier Double High Kick^ (G)+H, (G)+H H, H

Executed Attacks:

Soldier Feint Right QCF+H M
Soldier Feint Left QCB+H M
Moonsault H+L (overhead position) UM
Low Spin Kick FC, L/G+L L
MaaKou Punch Step, then L, H M
Zack's Kick H (when getting up) M
Kaiten Ashibarai (Low Spin Kick)^ L (when getting up) L
Flip Up Attack^ H+L (same as above) M
Windmill^ H+L, H+L? (like above) M, M
Soldier Flip^ G+L+S M
Soldier Axe Kick^ G+H+S M
Deathblow^ Jump, S UM
Jumping Turn (Side) Kick^ Jump, H M
Landing Low Spin Kick^ Jump, L L

Executed Running Attacks:

Escape Back Kick G+H M
Air Slash H M, M
Slide Buster L L
Soldier Tackle H+L M

Just Frame (*=Just Frame point):

Cold Chain H, L, *L H, L, L
Zack's Chain H, H, L, *H, H H, H, L, M, M
Shinra Chain Alpha H+S, H, L, *H, H M, M, L, M, M
Shinra Delta Chain (G)+H, H, *H H, H, H
Zack's Slash FC, L/(G)+L, *H, H L, M, M
Shinra Front L, *H L, M
Cross Slash (Limit Level 1) H+L, H, H, *H UM, UM, UM

Near Wall:

Soldier Elbow Drop^ H M
Triangle Slide Buster^ L L

Executed Throws:

Crescent Suplex G+H+L (front) Throw
Crescent Dive G+H+L, hold L/H (front) Throw
Waist Suplex G+H+L (left side) Throw
Neck Fall G+H+L (right side) Throw
Manhattan Suplex G+H+L (behind) Throw
Soldier Grab^ G+H+L, then: Grab
H, H, H: Face Punch x3, Stun
L, L, L: Hold Kick x3, Stun
Soldier Takedown^ G+H+L, then: Tackle Grab
H/L repeatedly, hits opponents
then a Rolling Leg Toss;
Omnislash 360 degree spin+G+H+L Special Throw

Special Attacks:

Sword Stance S (Draws Sword) N/A
Sheath Sword^ G N/A
Braver (Limit Level 1) H+L, G+H UM
Cross-Slash (Limit Level 1) (see Just Frame attacks)
Climhazzard (Limit Level 2) G+H, H (moving) UM, UM
Meteorain (Limit Level 3) S (3 seconds) UM, UM, UM
Omnislash (Limit Level 4) (see Executed Throws)
Shinra Single Slash H UM
Buster Sword Slash H, H, H UM, UH, UM
Shinra Low Slash L UL
Skull Break L, L, L UL, UL, UL
Sephiroth Combo H+L, H, H, H UM, UM, UM
Rune Blade Combo H+L, L, L, L UL, UL, UL
Beta Chain G+H, H, H (moving) UM, UM, UM
Climb Slash G+H (moving) UM
Climb Mirage G+H, L (moving) UM, UL
? (Shinra Beta Cutter?) 360 degree spin+G+H+L UM
Shinra Beta Cutter S (Special gauge empty) UM

Custom-Made Combos:

Soldier Combo^ H+L, *L, L, H M, L, L, M
Shinra Chain Wheel(er)^ H+S, H, H, *run+L M, M, M, L
Shinra Chain KxK^ L, *H, H, L L, H, H, L
Shinra Chain Kicks^ L, L, *L, L, H L, L, L, L, M
Shinra Smash^ G+L, *H+S, H, H/L L, M, M/L

Custom-Made Special Attacks:

Cool Chain^ H, *L, DB, L/G+L/DT UH, UL, UM,
Zax Chain^ H, H, *L, DB, L/G+L UM, UH, UL,
Cool Shot^ L, DB, L/G+L or DT UL, UM, L/DT
God Chain Alpha^ H+L, H, H, DB, L/G+L UM, UM, UM, L
God Chain Blast^ Climhazzard, DB, DT UM, UM, UM, DT
Zax Shot^ L, L, DB, L/G+L/DT UL, UL, UM,



Seto Punch Up
Seto Combination Up, Up, Up
Titan Header Up + Down
Hades Bite Up + Down + Special
Nanaki Kick Up + Special
Nanaki Combination Up + Special, Special
Seto Low Punch Down
Tail Reversal Up while back facing opponent
Chocobo Kick Down, Down while back facing
Bahamut Kick Guard + Up or Up while standing
Ifrit Bite Guard + Up + Special
Shiva Attack Guard + Down +Special
Django Step D-pad left/right while
Sled Fang Up while Crouching
Chupon Brush Down while Crouching
Blood Fang Up + Down while running
Phoenix Roll Up/Down while getting up

Biting Bahamut Zero 90 degrees
Special Moves

Mega Flare Special
Giga Flare Hold on Special
Knight Round Rolling Jump, Special/Up/Down


? D-pad up + Select
? D-pad down + Select
? D-pad left + Select
? D-pad right + Select




Mystery Jab Up
Mystery High Up, Down
Jenova Linkage BIRTH Up, Up, Down
Jenova Linkage SYNTHESIS Up, Up, Up, Up, Up
Jenova Linkage DEATH Up, Down, Down, Up
Mystery Knee Up + Down
Mystery Low Down
Ancient Piece Down, Down, Up
Mystery High Guard + Up
Chin High Guard + Up, Up
Mystery Slash Guard + Up + Special
Ground Beat Guard + Down + Special
Mystery Hook Up + Special
Sting Low Down + Special
Mystery Elbow Up + Down + Special
Fatal Trap Up + Down + Special, Up, Up
Liberty's Kick Right D-pad clockwise 90 degrees, Up
Liberty's Kick Left D-pad anticlockwise 90 degrees,
Jenova Attack When above opponent Up + Down
Jenova Shoot Step, Down, Up
Jenova Reppa Step, Down, Up + Down
Tornado Kick Down while Crouching or Guard +
Ascend Spiral Up while standing up
Back Turn Kick While running, Guard, Guard +
Rage Doer Up while running
Slide Charge Down while running
Mystery Sting Guard + Up while running
Mystery Tackle Up + Down while running
Just Frame Moves

Jenova Linkage Life Up, Down, J Up
Jenova Linkage Incomplete Down, J Up
Levitation Strike Up + Down, J Up
Playing Reunion Guard + Up, Up, J Up
Desperado Edge Up + Special, J Up
Fatal Trap Complete Up + Down + Special, Up, Up, J
Jenova Rush Step, Down, Up, J Up, Up, Up
Duo Fantasy Draw Sword Stance, Up, J Up
Sephiroth Combo (Special) Sword Stance, Up, Up, Up, J Up

Hanging Slay From Front
Front Suplex From Front, Hold Down or Up
Neck Breaker From Left
Side Suplex From Right
Deadly Suplex From Back
Tragic End 360 degrees
Special Moves

Draw Sword Stance Special
Black Materia Hold on Special
Hilt Attack Draw Sword Stance, Up
Hell's Gate Draw Sword Stance, Down
Flash Draw Sword Stance, Guard + Up
Sword Stance Draw Dword Stance, Special
Sephiroth Combo Complete Sword Stance, Up, Up, Up
Hell Quake Slash Sword Stance, Down, Down, Down
Heaven's Dancing Spin Sword Stance, Special, Up, Up
Sudden Strike Sword Stance, Guard + Up
Fervent Blow Sword Stance, Guard + Up while
Cruel Strike Sword Stance, Guard + Up while
Sudden Cruelty Sword Stance, Guard + Up while
Return to Draw Sword Stance Sword Stance, Up + Down while
Flying Air Strike Special while jumping
Iron Smash Special when guage is empty

Sephiroth Laugh D-pad up / down + select
Brandish Sword D-pad left / right + select


Vincent Valentine


Turks Jab Up
Beast Combo Up, Up, Up
Hell Masker Combo Up, Up, Down, Up
Splatter Combo Up, Down, Up X 9
Rising Claw Up + Down
Turks Low Down
Medium Flat Guard + Up
Feel Flat Guard + Up, Up
Reverse Low Guard + Down
Reverse Low High Guard + Down, Up
Illusion Spin Kick Guard + Up + Special, Down,
Clear Sentiment Guard + Down + Special
High Blow ST Up + Special, Up, Up
Spinning Flame Down + Special
Arm Blow Down + Special, Up
Claw Hook Left Down + Special, Up, Down
Reverse Shoot Down + Special, Up + Down
Spinning Slide Down + Special, Down
Chaos Saber Up + Down + Special
Claw Upper Left 90 degrees clockwise, Up
Claw Upper Right 90 degrees anticlockwise, Up
Giga Dive When above opponent Up + Down
Chopping Arm Step, Up
Chopping Claw Step, Up, Up
Chopping Crusher Step, Up, Down
Wind Kaiser Claw Step, Down, Up
Sniper CR Step, Down, Up, Up
Lightning Kaiser Claw Step, Down, Up + Down
Spin Lightning Step, Down, Down, Up
Spinning Fin Step, Down, Down, Down
Spinning Justice Step, Down, Down, Up + Down
Beast Claw Up while crouching
Chaos Claw Hold on Up while crouching
Fall Kick Up + Special while standing up
Double Flat Up, Up while walking/standing
Hell's Stairway Up, Up, Up while running
Sliding Down while running
Shoulder Charge Up + Down while running
???? Guard + Up while running
Turn ???? Guard, Guard + Up while running
Just Frame Moves

Satan Impact Up, Up, J Up X 11
Neo Satan Impact Up, Up, J Up X 10, Hold on Up
???? Up, Down, Up, Up, J Down, J Up,
J Up
Spinning Flame Elbow Down + Special, J Up, J Up
Claw Hook Right Down + Special, Down, J Up
Chopping Combination Step, Up, Down, J Up, J Up

Hide ???? From Front
Choke Bomber From Left
Hard Pressure From Right
Reverse ???? From Back
Giga Dunk 360 degrees

Special Moves

???? Special
Double Revolver Special, Special
Trick Shoot Jump, Special
???? Hold on Special
Gun Break Special when guage is empty

Brush Shoulder D-pad + Select


Yuffie Kisaragi


Up, Up, Up
Up, Up, Down
Up + Down
Up + Down, Up + Down
Down, Down, Down
Guard + Down
Guard + Down, Up, Up
Guard + Up + Special
Guard + Down + Special
Up + Special
Down + Special
Down + Special, Up
Down + Special, Down
Up + Down + Special
D-pad clockwise 90 degrees, Up
D-pad anticlockwise 90 degrees, Up
Up + Down when above opponent
Step, Up
Step, Down, Up
Step, Down, Down
Step, down, Down, Up
Step, Down, Down, Up, Up
Up, Up, Up when crouching
Down while crouching
Up while standing up
Up while walking
Down while walking
Down, Down while walking
Up, Up, Up, while running
Down while running
Up + Down, Up while running
While running, Guard, Guard + Up

Just Frame Moves

Up, Up, J Down, Up, Up, J Up, Up
Up + Down, J Up, Up, Up, Up Up, J Down
Up + Down, Up + Down, J UP, Up
Guard + Up, J Up X infinity
While standing up, Up, J up
While running, Up, J Up
While running, Up, Up, J Up
While running, Up + Down, Up, J Up, Up


>From Front
>From Front, hold on Up
>From Front, hold on Down
>From Front, G
>From Front, G, G
>From Left
>From Right
>From Back
360 degrees

Special Moves

Hold on Special, Up
Hold on Special, Down
Hold on Special
Special while running
Jump, Special
Special when guage is empty

Play as Kouji Masuda: Beat arcade mode using any male character.
Play as Clair Andrews: Beat arcade mode using any female character.
Play as Yuffie Kisaragi: Beat arcade mode as Cloud.
Play as Vincent Valentine: Beat arcade mode as Tifa.
Play as Django: Beat arcade mode using the eight regular non-Final
Fantasy 7
Play as Zack: Beat arcade mode using all Final Fantasy 7 characters.
Alternate costumes: At the arcade mode character selection screen, hold
Up while
selecting a fighter.

Choose 2P costume. When choosing character, hold up.

Hidden bosses. In an one-player game, if the player clears the first 8
stages and reaches the 9th stage in less than 6'40", the player fights
and Cloud of FF7.

*********Credits for this FAQ: ( Copyright holders:
Square - Dream Factory
Namco )
Ilja J. Sillman aka faust
ICQ: 16455169

"Why be a man when you can be a success? - Bertold Brecht"
Ilja J. Sillman aka faust
ICQ: 16455169

"Why be a man when you can be a success? - Bertold Brecht"
*****second thanks for more character moves.
Name: Danny Duong AKA Dan
Web page:
still in the process of creation
ICQ: None

"Nothing's going to change. All will return to darkness." FFT ~ Reis
********mucho Cloud info.
By Cheow Enping
****for help on FF7 characters
Aaron McKeever
***lotsa help
Compiled by me: Alex Roski *AKA* Axel
note: I take no credit whatsoever for finding the moves on this faq, all
moves were taken from other Erhgeiz FAQs that were not my own. If you
want to place credit, place it with the people listed above. This FAQ
was only compiled to have a better organization of the moves because I
found most FAQs only covered a few characters. Remeber: give credit
where credit is due, to the persons above, not me.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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Ende des Spiels im adventure Modus

15.Oktober 2013
Alle Charaktere, alle Filme und das "Evil Panel" Mini-Game.

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Alle Spieler und alle Kleidung einschliesslich Final Fantasy Spieler Submission: JB MacMullen ( )

17.Oktober 2013

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Alle Spieler und alle Kleidung einschliesslich Final Fantasy Spieler Submission: JB MacMullen ( )

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Guardian Cloud

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Yuffie Guide

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Yoko Guide

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Vincent Guide

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Tifa Guide

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Quest Mode

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