

11.10.2013 22:46:20
Enigma FAQ
Ver 1.5
by John Cavallaro
12:49 AM 7/24/98

1. Basic Gameplay
2. Controls
3. Combos
4. Common Items
5. Akira's Walkthrough
6. Catherine's Walkthrough
7. Thomas's Walkthrough
8. Extra

1. Basic Gameplay

The Gameplay in this game is very similar to that of Resident Evil. Your
character controls almost exactly as in that game. Items shine so you can
see them like in Resident Evil too. This game is very puzzle based. Most
of the time you have to solves puzzles to get to an area then solve puzzles
to get to another area. The most different part of this game is the fight
system. The fighting in this game is mostly done like a fighting game. You
block and combo enemies. You can use weapons in this game but weapons
sometimes have little or no effect on enemies.

Saving in this game can be done two ways. You can save every time you start
a new dungeon or you save when you find blue symbols on the floors. When
you select save a screen will pop up with 5 empty slots. Choose one and
press o to save. Now one slot will be filled and it will tell you your
characters name, your location, and the total time you've played. Save often
you never know when a powerful enemy will appear.

In game screen
When your playing the game you'll see a blue bar at the top of the screen.
this is your health bar. If you have a magic item equipped another smaller
bar will appear beneath your health bar.

Map screen
When you press start during the game a map will pop up. The white parts are
the wall the red marks are the doors or stairs. Your position is shown by a
blue dot. The rooms you've visited are the ones that are shown. So if you
don't know where to go next check the map and check to see if the area
behind doors are shown. If they're not shown you haven't been there or it
leads to a different area.

Item screen
In the item screen you will see a lot of boxes on the right. These are where
the items you have are at. Use the controller to select an item then press
o to equip an item or use it. There are two boxes on the left of the screen.
The top one is the weapon you have equipped. The bottom is the magic item
you have equipped. Press o to equip an item. Select the same item and press
o again to unequip an item.

Characters Conversations

This game has a lot of talking in it. There is no way I know of to skip them.
Sometimes they ask you questions. Left is yes right is no. I don't know
what difference answering yes or no makes all the time. I've noticed most
of the time if you answer yes they'll give you items. An example is in
Akira's game in the beginning of the Egyptian dungeon if you answer no you
get nothing but if you answer yes you get a Shotgun. I'll have to check more
to try more things. It's hard to figure out because I know very little
Japanese. Always answer yes, unless otherwise noted.

Picking Items or Using Switches
When you pick items up or you search switches a selection comes up. Do you
want to take this item or do you want to push this switch. The left option
is yes the right option is no. The default option is yes.

Finding Items
Items can be found a couple ways. Some can be found left behind when you
defeat enemies and others are laying around in rooms. Most of the items in
the game flash so you can see them but some don't. Check everything because
I did not list the location of everything. I only tell you where to find
the items needed to win.

Blocking is important in this game. When your fighting enemies you should
block at all times unless your attacking or unless your running to avoid
attacks or to get behind an enemy. Some enemies can attack you through your
block and some attacks take damage off even if your blocking. Also if you
are attacked by more than one enemies you can just block and the other
enemies will hit each other trying to hit you. If you are attacked from
behind while blocking you will still be hit. Enemies can block too.

When you find a magic stone in the game and equip it you will gain magic
powers. A magic gauge appears under your health bar. When you use magic the
bar will decrease. The bar recharges slowly. Pressing x multiple times will
increase the power of the magic.

2. Controls

tri = Triangle button
sq = Square button
o = o button
X = X button

Regular Moves
X = Run
o = Search, Pick up item, Open Door
sq = Nothing
tri = Nothing
Select = Item Screen
Start = Map
L1 = Attack Position
L2 = Attack Position
Down+X = Turn Around

In Attack Position
X* = Magic (you have to have an item equipped)
o = Right Hand Attack
sq = Left Hand Attack
tri = Overhead Attack
R1 = Block
R2 = Block
Down+R1 = Turn to face the enemy

*Press X Multiple times to increase magic strength

Menu & Item Screen
O = Choose
X = Cancel

During Conversations
Start = Turn on or off Subtitles (no the subtitles aren't in English)

3. Combos

Akira Yamagata
o, sq, o
sq, o, sq, o
tri, tri,o, *
tri, tri, o, sq, o
tri, sq, tri, *
tri, sq, tri, o ,sq, o
o, sq, tri, tri, *
sq, tri, sq, tri, tri, *

* = o, tri < this can be done forever or end with o, sq, o

Thomas Lindo
o, sq, tri
tri, tri
tri, tri, o
tri, tri, sq
tri, tri, sq, o, sq, tri
tri, tri, tri, sq, o, sq, tri
tri, tri, tri, tri, sq, o, sq, tri
tri, tri, tri, tri, tri
tri, tri, o
tri, tri, tri, o

Catherine Edward
o, sq, o
o, sq, tri
o, tri
o, tri, tri

4. Common Items

Green Potion = Recovers some health
Purple Potion = Recovers all health

Handgun = Weak and hard to aim attack
Shotgun = Shoots a spray of bullets
Machine Gun = Rapidly fires bullets

Handgun clip = Gives you 8 handgun bullets
Box of shells = Gives you 5 shotgun bullets
Machine gun clip = Gives you 100 machine gun bullets

Moon stone = Gives you magic that freezes the enemy
Sun stone = Gives you magic to shoot fireballs
Star stone = Gives you magic that heals a small amount of health

5. Akira's Walkthrough

First search the desk and pick up the book. Now you'll be taken to a
different area. In this area go up the step and look nearby for a flashing
light. Search it and pick it up. It's a box of matches. Now head down and
go in the lower door. It doesn't look like a doors there but use the map
and you'll find it. Now you'll be in a small room. On the floor you'll
see folded black clothes. Pick it up and use it to put it on. Now go back
out that room and down the step. Now go to the left training dummy. Attack
it a couple times and an item will fly off of it. Search the floor for it
and it's a key. Now go up the step and go in the door by where you found the
matches. Look in the corner of that room for a book. Now search the orange
picture in that room and it moves to reveal a door. Use the key on this
door and go in it. Go through the attic until you get to a table with a book
and a unlit candle on it. Use the matches on the candle then search the

China Level
After a sequence you'll be in the China level. Go forward through the first
door and go right and search the vase. Inside you'll find a Green
potion. Now go to the other side of the room to the three doors. Go in the
left one and search the floor for another green potion. Continue through the
other door in the room until you come to double doors in the next room.
Enter that room and go to the top of the screen and search the chair for a
gold key. Now go straight down out of that room and keep going down until
you reach a locked door. Use the gold key on the door and you'll be taken to
three doors again. This time go in the right door and search for a green
potion. Now head back to the room with the chair that had the gold key on it.
This time go in the left middle door and a save point is on the floor here.
Save and head out to the previous room and go in the middle right door. This
is where you'll confront your first enemy. Just keep comboing it and don't
give it a chance to attack back. After he's defeated search the room for a
gray key. Now go in the door at the top of the room and search near the bed
for a book. After that go back to the room with the chair that had the gold
key. Go behind the chair and search the wall to reveal a hidden door. Use
the gray key on the door and go through it and keep going straight through
the next few rooms until you hear a sound. You should now be in a room with
three doors at the top of it. Search near those doors for a bench with two
items on it. the items are a book and some kind of box (does any one know
what this thing does??). Go in the left door now and search the room for
a green potion. Now go to the four orange blocks in this room. Near the
locked door in this room you'll notice a white floor tile with some lines
on it. you have to move the orange blocks so that the lines on top of the
blocks lines up with the lines on the floor tile. To do this first go behind
the left tile and push it towards the locked door until it lines up with the
lines on the floor tile. Now go back to the other blocks and get in the
middle of them and behind the front block. Push the front block towards the
locked door now until it's over the tile and lined up with it. Now go behind
the block on the right and push it towards the locked door so it sits
besides the tile. Then get behind the last block and push it until it aligns
with the tile. The door will now unlock so go in it. In this room are a
couple bats one hit kills them. Now search the two blue screens in the level
and answer yes to the questions and this moves the statues in a previous
room. Now leave this room and go to the room before the puzzle. Now take the
right door and you'll be in a room almost exactly like the other puzzle
room. There is a save in here. Now solve the puzzle like you did before and
go in the locked door. In this room look for a yellow statue that doesn't
match the color of the same statues near it. Push the switch by answering
yes to the question and a box in the room will unlock. Now search the box to
find a dark gold key. Now leave this room and go to the room before the
puzzle. You could go in the middle room but you will be attacked with arrows
as soon as you enter. You could avoid these arrows if you're quick or push a
switch to turn the arrows trap off. To turn the arrows trap off go to the
door at the lower part of the room. The same one you came to this room from.
A monster with three heads is waiting for you there. Get close to it and
block and combo it when it's not attacking. Once it's defeated search the
room for a purple potion and a Gold item. Now go past it to the lower exit.
You'll be in a room where the statues moved to reveal a door and a vase. Go
search the vase and a switch is inside press it then go back to the room
before the block puzzle. Now go in the middle door. The vase switch turned
off the arrows trap. Now search the shelf in the room to find another gold
item. Now go to the room where the vase with the switch in it was. Now go to
the door that the statues moved to allow access to. Use the two gold items
on the door and then use the dark gold key on it. Go through it and you'll
come to a stair case. Go down it and you'll enter a new area. Most levels in
this game have an area like this at the end of them. These areas are always
filled with enemies. First go to the top room on the map. Look around that
room until you find a pillar with an item on it. Take the item and a
sequence follows. Now go to the room on the bottom right of the map. you'll
be attacked by a three headed dog. Block his attacks and attack. Once he's
defeated a save and a green potion appear. Save the game and go into the
next room to meet the first boss. All the bosses in this game fight pretty
much the exact same way. They all shoot projectiles at you when your at a
distance and spin around you when you're close to them. Right when you're
about to score a good hit on them they usually teleport behind you. After
they teleport they stand still for about two seconds. Attack during this.
They also use close range attacks sometimes. The best strategy to use is to
run close to the enemy and when they spin around you use the triangle,
square, triangle combo. It was very hard to hit the enemy when I first tried
but now these bosses are pretty easy. After a while of fighting the bosses
will run away. The enemy for this levels shoots multiple projectiles at the
same time. After he's gone Sho will appear and if you answer yes to his
question he'll give you the Moon stone.

Indo level
Go through the first door and you'll come to a room with a statue blocking
your way. Push it until it's on a switch then go past it to the door. In
this room first go down the steps to the hole in the ground and search to
find a ball of some sort. Now get out of the hole and go to where the room
starts getting dark. You see a pole sticking out of the ground. Use the ball
on it and the room will brighten up. Now head back to the previous room and
push the statue on another switch. This moves a statue in the next room to
reveal a staircase. Now go into the room that was dark and go in the door on
the right side wall (it blends in). Search in this room for a rectangle then
go back in the previous room and go in the middle door. In this room you can
find a green potion on the floor. Now go through the left door. In the next
room go through the first door you see. This takes to a room where you start
at the bottom of a big staircase. Go up the staircase and you'll see a green
potion nearby the top. Now go in the door up there. In the next room you'll
be in a room with big tub of water in it search near the tub of water for a
key. Next go back to the place where the room was dark and you brightened
it. In this room go down the staircase behind the statue. Save in this room
and then go to the door by the side of the staircase and enter it. Now go in
that room until you see a door on the left. It's hard to see it use the map.
Use the key on it and go inside. Now on one of the walls you'll see a blue
symbol go inside of it. Now stand in the middle of the circle in there and
hit o. Choose yes and you'll be taken to the room with the tub of water in
it. Go back out that room and down the big stairs and through the door.
Search in this room for a wall with a symbol on it and go in it. Once inside
this room climb down the stairs and grab the item on the floor. It's some
kind of cylinder. Next go in the symbol on the wall near where you found it.
It takes you near the door that was locked. Now go back to the room with the
save point and go in the unlocked door nearby. Use the map if you can't find
it. Once in that room make your way to the door and look for a hole in the
wall near it. Put the cylinder in the hole and the rocks behind disappears
and a square is there, pick it up. Go through the door nearby. the door up
from here leads back to the save point. Continue through this room and
you'll be attacked by a bull. Block it's attack the attack a few times and
block again. Once he's defeated he'll leave behind a triangle. Take it and
continue until you come to two doors. Go in the upper door for a save and a
green potion. After you save come back out and go in the door on the right.
A spider attacks you. Use the usual strategy (block then attack) on it. Once
defeated go past it to the big object at the end. Use the triangle on it
then, use the rectangle and last use the square stone on it. Now go inside
the door on the right. In the next room Catherine appears. Now go straight
and search the next few rooms until you find Catherine again and she'll give
you a piece of a map. Now find another room with a save in it. Now keep
going and a monster with a club attacks. Try and get behind him or on his
side and attack. Now keep going and you'll meet the level boss. Use the
strategy you used for the last boss. This time the enemy is quicker and
can send projectiles out in different directions around himself.

Egypt level
When you first enter the level a conversation is going on when you are asked
a question answer yes to be given the shotgun. First go through the door and
find a part of the room with a coffin in it search this coffin to find a
staff. Now go through to a room with two boxes in it. Push the left box all
the way up the push the other box all the way up. Now check the upper left
corner for two green potions. Then check the lower left corner chair. Push
the switch on the chair and a staircase appears behind the left box. Go down
the staircase and go down the long hall in the room to a room with a mummy
in it. Fight the mummy and when he's defeated search the dog statue on the
shelf for a crystal ball. Now go out that room and down the opposite sides
hall and in the door. In this room there is a statue attached to a side
wall. Use the crystal ball on this statue and it creates a platform so you
can get to the rest of the room. Two mummies will attack you now. Now go
straight to the middle door and pick up the ankh. Now leave that room and go
in the other door. Now keep going until you see another statue attached to a
wall use the ankh on it. It opens a passage behind you that leads to a
previous area. Check the middle of that passage for a room with shotgun
bullets and a green potion. now go back out to the door near where you used
the ankh. Now search the rooms in the new area for room with a wooden
structure in it. Check the body in that room to find a book. Now go back
all the way to the beginning of the level and search near the table on the
floor to find a book. You can only get this book after you have found the
other book. You need this book or you won't be able to find the hidden door
later. Now go back to the room before where you found the book where
the wooden structure is. Now leave there and go down a similar looking
hallway nearby. You'll be attacked by an enemy with a shield and a sword.
Attack him when his shield is to his side. Once he's dead continue down that
hall and into the next room. You'll find a mummy lying on a table. On the
table next to the mummy you'll see a shining item. Don't take it yet or
you'll be attacked. Instead go around the top of the mummy and use the staff
on it then go and grab the item. It's a red gem. Now head to a room where
boulders will fall and come towards you. If you get hit by a boulder you'll
be killed. To avoid this make your way towards where the boulders are
falling from by going between the statues when you see a boulder coming then
running on the path when the boulders aren't coming. When you make your way
near where the boulders are coming from go in the door on the right. Inside
you'll find a blue gem. Now head back into the room where boulders are
falling. Keep running between the statues on the left until the camera angle
shifts to face the wall. Search the wall there and you'll find a secret
door. Go in there and enter the middle room to find Sho. He gives you part
if a map. Search the table in that room for a key. One of the nearby rooms
has a save in it and the other has handgun bullets in it. Now go back where
the boulders were falling. Go all the way to where the boulders are falling
from and use the key on the door. Enter the room and climb the steps here to
get to a glowing statue. Use the blue and red gems on it. This brings alive
another statue that attacks you when you go down the stairs. Defeat it and
it leaves behind another gem. Take it and use it on the glowing statue. Now
when you go down the steps a staircase appears. Go down these steps and go
through the rooms in the new area until you encounter a monster with an axe.
Try and run behind the enemy and attack him. Sometimes when the enemy does
an overhead attack he'll get stuck in the floor. Attack him during this
also. Once he's defeated search the back wall for an item that looks like a
blue shield. Now go and look for a locked door with a small white box use
the blue shield on the white box to unlock the door. Go in the door and
search the wall for a computer. This takes you to a new screen. The point of
this game is to rotate any of the shapes it gives you up to four times to
match the shapes on the left of the screen. Press the x button to go back
anytime during this. If you did it wrong you'll hear a fire alarm type

Shapes Puzzle
First choose the cylinder and press down twice then press o
Next choose the cone and press up, up, left, left then press o
Next choose the pyramid and press right, up, up and then press o
Last choose the square and press right, down, then press o twice

Now a compartment will open next to you. Search it and take the map piece
and Catherine will appear. Now go in the room before where you fought the
monster with an axe. Go in the other door there (it's unlocked now). Now
you are attacked by an axe monster and another monster at the same time.
After you defeat them a save and a purple potion appears. Save your game
because the boss is next. Use the same strategies that you used on the other

Greece Level
The first thing you want to do in this level is to find the room with a
statue of a goat in it. Then search the statue and you'll find a red gem.
Now find a room with pictures of a couple animals in it. You'll notice that
each picture also has a slot in them. Place the red gem in the picture of a
goat and now all the doors in the level with the pictures of goats on them
are now unlocked. Now search the newly opened rooms for a statue of a bull.
Then search the statue and you'll find a blue gem. Now go back to the room
with pictures of animals in it. Place the blue gem in the picture of a bull
and now all the doors in the level with the pictures of bulls on them are
now unlocked. Now you have access to all of the rooms on the first floor.
Search for a room with statues of humans in it. Search the room for a table
with an item on it. If it's a torch then you're in the right place.
You can't pick it up yet you have to solve a puzzle first. Search the wall
near the door and you'll see a computer on the wall. This takes you to a
different screen. The point of these puzzles is to move the different
colored blocks to the floor tiles of the same color. This itself wouldn't be
hard but when you move one colored block it moves the other block of the
same color. I'll give the instructions on how to solve the puzzles.

When I say move a block up once, I mean move it up a whole square on the
screen not one step. When I say top block I mean the block that's highest
on the screen. When I say bottom I mean the block that's lowest on the

Torch Block Puzzle
This puzzles easy. Just move each block down one square.

Now take the torch off the table. Now stay on the first floor and search for
the second block puzzle. On the table you'll see a weird looking object.
It's hard to tell but the item is a winged shoe. Search by the door for the
computer and here is the solution:

Winged Shoe Block Puzzle
move the bottom red block down one squares
move the top blue block down to the bottom red
move the other blue block left against the bottom red block
move the bottom black block left once, down once, then right once
move the top blue block up once, left twice
move other blue up four squares, and left once

Take the item off the table and head down to the lower floor. Search down
here for a statue of a lion. Search the statue and you'll find a brown gem.
Now go back up stairs to the room with the pictures of animals in it and
place the brown gem in the picture of a lion and now all the doors in the
level with the pictures of lion on them are now unlocked. Now go back down
stairs and search for a statue of a winged horse. Search the statue for a
purple gem. now take the gem back upstairs to the room with pictures of
animals in it and use the purple gem on the picture of the winged horse. Now
all the doors with pictures of winged horses on them are unlocked. You can
now get to all the rooms on the lower floor. Go back down stairs now and
find the block puzzle room with a hammer in it. Search by the door for the
computer and here's the solution:

Hammer Block Puzzle
move the bottom blue block up once, right once
move the bottom black block up once
move the top black block left twice
move the bottom red block left twice, up once
move the top blue block up once, right twice, down once
move the bottom blue block right twice, up once
move the top red block left once

Now take the mallet and search the same floor for the block puzzle room with
a statue of a woman on the table. Search near the door for the computer.
Here's the solution:

Woman Statue Block Puzzle
move the top red block right once, down once
move the top black block down once, right once
move the bottom red block down once, right twice, down once
move the bottom blue block up once, right once
move the bottom black block down once
move the top blue right block once, up three, down once
move the bottom black block right once
move the top black block down once
move the top red block left twice, down once
move the top blue block right twice
move the bottom red block down once, left twice
move the top blue block left once

Now take the statue of a woman and head downstairs. Search here for a block
puzzle room with a spear on the table. Search near the door for the
computer. Here is the solution:

Spear Block Puzzle
move the right red block down nine squares
move the bottom black block down eight squares up once
move the bottom red block up once
move the bottom blue block up twice right three squares
move the bottom red block up once
move the top blue block right once
move the bottom red block down once
move the bottom blue block left once
move the top red block down seven squares
move the top black block down nine squares right once
move the top red block down once
move the bottom blue block right once, down twice, left once
move the top blue block right three squares

Now take the spear off the table and leave this room. Now search on this
same floor for the last block puzzle room with a bow in it. Search near the
door for the computer and here is the puzzles solution:

Bow Block Puzzle
move the top blue block left once down twice
move the top black block down five squares
move the bottom blue block right once
move the top black block right five squares
move the bottom blue block up twice left once
move the top red block left five squares
move the bottom block red up six squares
move the top red block down once

Now that the puzzle is solved take the bow. Now that you have all the items
find the save point on this floor. Save and go into a door here. An axe
demon will attack you in this room. Once defeated it leaves behind a key.
Take the key and use it on the locked door in this same room. It leads
downstairs where a save point is. Save and go in the door behind the
staircase. Keep going until you reach a huge picture. Use the winged shoe
from one of the first block puzzles on it. If you use the wrong item you
will be attacked by a dog. If you use the right item the picture will take
it into it. These rules apply to all the pictures in the next few rooms. Now
that the picture accepted the item go back to the staircase and go in the
door in front of it. Keep going in there until you reach another picture.
Use the hammer on this one and go back into the previous room. A new tunnel
has appeared follow it to a picture of a woman. Use the torch on it and then
go back to the room behind the staircase where a new tunnel has appeared.
Follow this tunnel until you come to another picture of a woman and use the
statue of a woman on it. Now go back to the door in front of the staircase
and go through the new tunnel to a picture. Use the bow on the picture.
Now go to the room behind the staircase and go in the new tunnel until you
reach a new picture. Use the spear on the picture and a staircase appears
next to the picture. Go down the stairs and explore the rooms until you come
to a room with a pillar coming out of the ground. Search it and the boss
will appear. Use the same strategies that you used on the other bosses.

America Level
In the first room you have to push a rock onto a switch. In the second big
room look by the side of the wall for machine gun bullets. When you find the
first save point in this level search nearby for a key. Use the key in one
of the previous rooms. Now you can move two statues around on a cross shaped
pattern in the floor. The position on the cross of the statues controls
where two bridges appears in the next room. First you should only move the
both of statues forward until they click once. Now into the next room where
the bridges appear and make your way to a room upstairs. You'll see statue
next to a hole in the floor. Push the statue into the hole. Now search a
wall with a picture on it and you'll find a brown stone. Now go back
downstairs to the statues that control the bridges. now push one of the
statues until one is all the way up and one is all the way right. Now go
over the bridges and find a room with a statue in it. Walk near the statue
then run away because a big rock crushes the statue. Search around the floor
now for a blue stone. Now go in the previous room and look around for a key
on the floor. Now go to the room where the rock crushed the statue and use
the key on the locked door in it. This door takes you to a previous area.
Now go to the statues that control the bridges and push one of the statues
all the way right and push the other one all the way down. Now go back to
the bridges by going through the door you just unlocked and make your way to
a new room. Search the floor here for a red stone. Now go right of the big
square rock and move out of the way when it comes towards you. When it moves
it reveals a new door. Go in this door. In the room you are in now when you
move in front of the square rocks they will come towards you. Avoid them the
look for a hole in the wall in the room. The hole leads to a area where you
will find a key. Now continue through the room and into the next and use the
key on the locked door. In the room with a save you'll see two colored boxes
on the walls use the colored stones on the boxes of the same color then go
forward and use the brown stone on the statue that blocks your way. Next
find the room with a pillar sticking out of the floor and use the map pieces
on it. Now take it off of the pillar and go into the door nearby. Keep going
and you'll be attacked by Catherine. One good combo and a sequence follows.
No boss here.

Final level
The first thing to do in this level is to go in the left door on the floor
(don't go upstairs yet). You'll see a huge block of ice and above you a low
hanging ledge. Push the ice block into the low ledge and an item will come
off of it. Pick it up it's a green key card. Go back to the previous room
and go in the right door. this time you have to push the ice block so that
it lines up with a square hole in the above railing. After you have it
aligned go to the previous room and up the stairs. Once you're upstairs go
in the right door and search for the hole in the railing go through this
hole and onto the ice block you pushed against it to find a red key card.
Next go downstairs and use the red key card on the middle door. Go inside
and use the green key card on the next door. Go through that door and go to
the lower right door and go in. In this room push the ice block so that goes
in the empty space in the above ledge and it presses on a switch that looks
like a red snow flake. Now go into the previous room and go in the lower
left door. In this room you have to make a bridge from the ledge with an
item on it to the hole in the above ledge. You do this by pushing the ice
blocks so that they line up together. No explanation is needed here. this
is easy to do. Now go upstairs and cross the bridge to find a blue key card.
Now go to the middle door upstairs and you'll have to fight a enemy with two
clubs. Run away from it when it spins then combo it when it stops spinning.
After it's dead a save point appears. Save and go forward through the door.
Search this room and you'll find a purple key card. Now go downstairs and
through the middle door and keep going straight. After a few rooms you'll
be in a room with a save point. Search this room to find machine gun
bullets. Now continue and go down the left stairs for more machine gun
bullets. Go back upstairs and go down the right steps. Next you have to push
a ice block out of your way. When you come to the next locked door use the
purple key card on it. Go in the door and you'll be taken outside. Yes, this
area is as big as it looks! The thing to do first her is to set the machines
to the direction they are in. When you go into the first building you'll
see a machine in the middle of it. When you search it displays a N. If
you answer yes to the question it switches to E then To a weird symbol for
south and then W. Go up from this building and you'll be standing on a
compass. Four buildings surround this compass. Set the machines in these
buildings to the letter for the direction they are in. When they are all
aligned properly you'll here a sound and a door unlock. Go to the compass
and go straight up to the top building on the map and you'll find a weird
item. Now go to the upper left building on the map and search the basement
to find a weird blue shield (you can't use the machines without this). Now
go in the building on the upper right of the map and search for a small room
with two machines in it. Use the weird green item on the bigger machine then
search the smaller machine. The screen will switch to the shape puzzle
screen. Here is the solution:

Shape Puzzle
First choose the square and press down one, left one, then press o
Next choose the cone and press up twice, right twice, then press o
Next choose the pyramid and press left once, up twice, then o
Last choose the cylinder and press up twice, then o twice

Now go to the previous room where a staircase leading down has appeared.
Go down the stairs and then go down the stairs there. Search for a crystal
there. Now go back up the stairs and to the stairs on the opposite side
of the room. Climb these steps and you'll be in a new area. Go to the
center of the map and you'll see the compass here is different. The top of
the compass is the weird S, the middle is N, and the bottom is E. Now go
left from here and set the machine inside to N. No go up to the next
building and set the machine to the weird S. Then go all the way down and
set the machine to E. Now from this room go out the bottom door and you'll
see machine here. Use the crystal on the machine and after a building will
rise. Go in this building and search the pillar in it and take the Moon
coin. Now another pillar rises. Use the pieces of the map on it and a
sequence will follow. Now go upstairs right and down to the lowest right
corner of a map and you'll find a weird blue thing in the building.
Now head up from here until you get to the building that you got to this
area from. Once in that room use the weird blue item on the right machine
and operate the machine on the left for another shape puzzle. Here is the

Shape Puzzle
First choose the square and press down once, left once, down twice, then o
Next choose the cylinder and press up once, left twice, then o
Next choose the cone and press up twice, right twice, then o
Last choose the pyramid and press up twice, right once, then o twice

Now the door in the room will be unlocked go inside of it and go in the blue
door here. keep going this way and you'll fight the boss from the first
level. He's pretty much the same as before except now he has an attack that
blows you away from him and a new charge attack. This time the bosses you
fight will take more hits to defeat because this time they won't run away
after a couple hits. Once defeated he leaves behind the Star coin. Now make
your way back to the room with the different colors doors and go in the
yellow door. Keep going straight and you'll fight the Indo level boss. He
is a lot faster now and hard to hit. Use the moon crystal magic to freeze
him then combo him. Once defeated he leaves behind the Sun coin. Now go back
to the different colored doors and go in the red door. After that keep going
straight and you'll meet the Egypt level boss. Defeat her and she leaves
behind a blue crystal. Now go out of this building back to the place before
the bosses area. Go to the lower right part of the map. Now go left out of
the building and you should see steps in this hall. Go down them and keep
going and you'll come to a room with several pillars in it. Now insert the
Moon coin in the middle pillar, insert the Sun coin into the left pillar,
and insert the Star coin into the right pillar. This raises a pillar from
the floor. Use the blue crystal on this door. Now the door in this room is
unlock so go in it. Keep going and save for the last time and keep going
until you come to a pillar. Use the map pieces on the pillar and a sequence
will follow. Now you will fight the last boss. First he is just like all the
other bosses but after you attack him a couple times a sequence will follow
and he becomes more powerful. He still fights a lot like the other bosses
but he attacks more. He also has two new attacks one is how he can cause
lightning bolts to strike down. His other attack freezes you for a few
seconds. You can't block this but if you are frozen blocking you'll still
block attacks.

The End

6. Catherine's Walkthrough

First go in the door across the hall and search the dresser near the big
picture of Catherine. You'll find clothes inside. Use them to put them on.
Then go back in the room you came from and search for a note on the floor.
Take it and go out the room and up the hall to another room. Search the
clock and select yes twice (the left option) and you'll find a key. Now
leave and head back to the room you came from again. Search the picture of
the man to reveal a door in the book case. Use the key you found in the
clock on the door to unlock it. Go in it and a sequence will follow.

Indo level
Go through the first door and you'll come to a room with a statue blocking
your way. Push it until it's on a switch then go past it to the door. In
this room first go down the steps to the hole in the ground and search to
find a ball of some sort. Now get out of the hole and go to where the room
starts getting dark. You see a pole sticking out of the ground. Use the ball
on it and the room will brighten up. Now head back to the previous room and
push the statue on another switch. This moves a statue in the next room to
reveal a staircase. Now go into the room that was dark and go in the door on
the right side wall (it blends in). Search in this room for a rectangle then
go back in the previous room and go in the middle door. In this room you can
find a green potion on the floor. Now go through the left door. In the next
room go through the first door you see. This takes to a room where you start
at the bottom of a big staircase. Go up the staircase and you'll see a green
potion nearby the top. Now go in the door up there. In the next room you'll
be in a room with big tub of water in it. You'll be attacked by your first
monster here. Blocks it's attacks and then attack it. When he's defeated
search on the ground for a key. Next go back to the place where the room was
dark and you brightened it. In this room go down the staircase behind the
statue. Save in this room and then go to the door by the side of the
staircase and enter it. Now go in that room until you see a door on the
left. It's hard to see it use the map. Use the key on it and go inside. Now
on one of the walls you'll see a blue symbol go inside of it. Now stand in
the middle of the circle in there and hit o. Choose yes and you'll be taken
to the room with the tub of water in it. Go back out that room and down the
big stairs and through the door. Search in this room for a wall with a
symbol on it and go in it. Once inside this room climb down the stairs and
grab the item on the floor. It's some kind of cylinder. Next go in the
symbol on the wall near where you found it. It takes you near the door that
was locked. Now go back to the room with the save point and go in the
unlocked door nearby. Use the map if you can't find it. Once in that room
make your way to the door and look for a hole in the wall near it. Put the
cylinder in the hole and the rocks behind disappears and a square is there,
pick it up. Go through the door nearby. the door up from here leads back to
the save point. Continue through this room and you'll be attacked by a
snail. Block it's attack then attack a few times and block again. Once he's
defeated he'll leave behind a triangle. Take it and continue until you come
to two doors. Go in the upper door for a save and a green potion. After you
save come back out and go in the door on the right. A snail attacks you. Use
the usual strategy (block then attack) on it. Once defeated go past it to
the big object at the end. Use the triangle on it then, use the rectangle
and last use the square stone on it. Now go inside the door on the right.
Now go straight and search the next few rooms until you find a pillar take
it and it's a piece of a map. Now find another room with a save in it. Now
keep going and a snake like monster attacks. Block it's attacks and then
attack. Try and get behind him or on his side and attack. Now keep going and
you'll meet the first level boss. All the bosses in this game fight pretty
much the exact same way. They all shoot projectiles at you when your at a
distance and spin around you when you're close to them. Right when you're
about to score a good hit on them they usually teleport behind you. After
they teleport they stand still for about two seconds. Attack during this.
They also use close range attacks sometimes. The best strategy to use is to
run close to the enemy and when they spin around you use the triangle,
square, triangle combo. It was very hard to hit the enemy when I first tried
but now these bosses are pretty easy. After a while of fighting the bosses
will run away. The enemy for this level is faster than the rest. He can also
shoot fireballs in different directions around himself.

China Level
After a sequence you'll be in the China level. Go forward through the first
door and you're attacked by two monster search a vase in the room to find
Green potion. Now go to the other side of the room to the three doors. Go in
the left one and search the floor for another green potion. Continue through
the other door in the room until you come to double doors in the next room.
Enter that room and go to the top of the screen and search the chair for a
gold key. Now go straight down out of that room and keep going down until
you reach a locked door. Use the gold key on the door and you'll be taken to
three doors again. This time go in the right door and search for a green
potion. Now head back to the room with the chair that had the gold key on
it. This time go in the left upper door and a save point is on the floor
here. Save and head out to the previous room and go in the middle right
door. Here you'll be attacked by another enemy. Block until it finishes it's
combo then combo it. After he's defeated search the room for a gray key. Now
go in the door at the top of the room and search near the bed for a book.
After that go back to the room with the chair that had the gold key. Go
behind the chair and search the wall to reveal a hidden door. Use the gray
key on the door and go through it and keep going straight through the next
few rooms until you hear a sound. You should now be in a room with three
doors at the top of it. Search near those doors for a bench with two items
on it. The items are a book and some kind of box (does any one know what
this thing does??). Go in the room on the left and go to the four orange
blocks in this room. Near the locked door in this room you'll notice a white
floor tile with some lines on it. You have to move the orange blocks so that
the lines on top of the blocks lines up with the lines on the floor tile.
Once you have moved all the blocks to line up with the lines on the floor
the door will now unlock so go in it. In this room you'll encounter a mummy.
Defeat it and then search the two blue screens in the level and answer yes
to the questions. This moves the statues in a previous room. When you use
the left computer the vase is accessible but the door is inaccessible. When
you use the right computer the door is accessible but the vase is not
accessible. First use the left computer. Now leave this room and go to the
room before the puzzle. Now take the right door and you'll be in a room
almost exactly like the other puzzle room. There is a save in here. Now
solve the puzzle like you did before and go in the locked door. In this room
look for a yellow statue that doesn't match the color of the same statues
near it. Push the switch by answering yes to the question and a box in the
room will unlock. Now search the box to find a dark gold key. Now leave this
room and go to the room before the puzzle. Don't go in the middle door just
yet or you will be attacked by arrows. To turn the arrows trap off go to the
door at the lower part of the room. The same one you came to this room from.
A monster with three heads is waiting for you there. Get close to it and
block and combo it when it's not attacking. Once it's defeated search the
room for a purple potion and a Gold item. Now go past it to the lower exit.
You'll be in a room where the statues moved to reveal a vase. Go
search the vase and a switch is inside press it then go back to the room
before the block puzzle. Now go in the middle door. The vase switch turned
off the arrows trap. Now search the shelf in the room to find another gold
item. Now go back to the room where the two blue screens were at and use the
right screen. Now go to the room where the vase with the switch in it was.
Now go to the door that the statues moved to allow access to. Use the two
gold items on the door and then use the dark gold key on it. Go through it
and you'll come to a stair case. Go down it and you'll enter a new area.
First go to the top room on the map. Look around that room until you find a
pillar with an item on it. Take the item and a sequence follows. Now go to
the room on the bottom right of the map. you'll be attacked by a three
headed dog. Block his attacks and attack. Once he's defeated a save and a
green potion appear. Save the game and go into the next room to meet the
level boss. This boss is slower than the other bosses but he can shoot
multiple projectiles one after another. When he's defeated take the Moon
stone off the pillar.

Egypt level
First go through the door and find a part of the room with a coffin in it
search this coffin to find a staff. Now go through to a room with two boxes
in it. Push the left box all the way up the push the other box all the way
up. Now check the upper left corner for two green potions. Then check the
lower left corner chair. Push the switch on the chair and a staircase
appears behind the left box. Go down the staircase and go down the long hall
in the room to a room with a mummy in it. Fight the mummy and when he's
defeated search the dog statue on the shelf for a crystal ball. Now go out
that room and down the opposite sides hall and in the door. In this room
there is a statue attached to a side wall. Use the crystal ball on this
statue and it creates a platform so you can get to the rest of the room. One
mummy will attack you now. Now go straight to the middle door and pick up
the ankh. Now leave that room and go in the other door. Now keep going until
you see another statue attached to a wall use the ankh on it. It opens a
passage behind you that leads to a previous area. Check the middle of that
passage for a room with a save, shotgun bullets, and a green potion. Now go
back out to the door near where you used the ankh. Now search the rooms in
the new area for room with a wooden structure in it. Check the body in that
room to find a book. Now go back all the way to the beginning of the level
and search near the table on the floor to find a book. You can only get this
book after you have found the other book. You need this book or you won't
be able to find the hidden door later. Now go back to the room before where
you found the book where the wooden structure is. Now leave there and go
down a similar looking hallway nearby. You'll be attacked by an enemy with a
shield and a sword. Attack him when his shield is to his side. Once he's
dead continue down that hall and into the next room. You'll find a mummy
lying on a table. On the table next to the mummy you'll see a shining item.
Don't take it yet or you'll be attacked. Instead go around the top of the
mummy and use the staff on it then go and grab the item. It's a red gem. Now
head to a room where boulders will fall and come towards you. If you get hit
by a boulder you'll be killed. To avoid this make your way towards where the
boulders are falling from by going between the statues when you see a
boulder coming then running on the path when the boulders aren't coming.
When you make your way near where the boulders are coming from go in the
door on the right. Inside you'll find a blue gem. Now head back into the
room where boulders are falling. Keep running between the statues on the
left until the camera angle shifts to face the wall. Search the wall there
and you'll find a secret door. Search the table in that room for a key. One
of the nearby rooms has a save in it and the other has shotgun bullets in
it. Now go back where the boulders were falling. Go all the way to where the
boulders are falling from and use the key on the door. Enter the room and
climb the steps here to get to a glowing statue. Use the blue and red gems
on it. This brings alive another statue that attacks you when you go down
the stairs. Defeat it and it leaves behind another gem. Take it and use it
on the glowing statue. Now when you go down the steps a staircase appears.
Go down these steps and go through the rooms in the new area until you
encounter a Griffon. Block when he flies then block and attack. Once he's
defeated search the back wall for an item that looks like a blue shield. Now
go and look for a locked door with a small white box use the blue shield on
the white box to unlock the door. Go in the door and search the wall for a
computer. This takes you to a new screen. The point of this game is to
rotate any of the shapes it gives you up to four times to match the shapes
on the left of the screen. Press the x button to go back anytime during
this. If you did it wrong you'll hear a fire alarm type sound.

Shapes Puzzle
First choose the cone and press up twice, left twice, then press o
Next choose the cylinder and press up twice, then press o
Next choose the pyramid and press up twice, right once, then press o
Last choose the square and press left once, up once, then press o twice

Now a compartment will open next to you. Search it and take the map piece.
Now go in the room before where you fought the Griffon. Go in the other door
there (it's unlocked now). Keep going until you reach a save point. Save
your game because the boss is next. Use the same strategies that you used on
the other bosses.

Greece Level
The first thing you want to do in this level is to find the room with a
statue of a goat in it. Then search the statue and you'll find a red gem.
Now find a room with pictures of a couple animals in it. You'll notice that
each picture also has a slot in them. Place the red gem in the picture of a
goat and now all the doors in the level with the pictures of goats on them
are now unlocked. Now search the newly opened rooms for a statue of a bull.
Then search the statue and you'll find a blue gem. Now go back to the room
with pictures of animals in it. Place the blue gem in the picture of a bull
and now all the doors in the level with the pictures of bulls on them are
now unlocked. Now you have access to all of the rooms on the first floor.
Search for a room with statues of humans in it. Search the room for a table
with an item on it. If you see a winged shoe. It's hard to tell what it is.
If that is the item you see you're in the right place for the first puzzle.
You can't pick it up yet you have to solve a puzzle first. Search the wall
near the door and you'll see a computer on the wall. This takes you to a
different screen. The point of these puzzles is to move the different
colored blocks to the floor tiles of the same color. This itself wouldn't be
hard but when you move one colored block it moves the other block of the
same color. I'll give the instructions on how to solve the puzzles.

When I say move a block up once, I mean move it up a whole square on the
screen not one step. When I say top block I mean the block that's highest
on the screen. When I say bottom I mean the block that's lowest on the

Winged Shoe Block Puzzle
move the bottom red block down one squares
move the top blue block down to the bottom red
move the other blue block left against the bottom red block
move the bottom black block left once, down once, then right once
move the top blue block up once, left twice
move other blue up four squares, and left once

Take the item off the table and head to the room across the hall. Another
puzzle room is here. This time you should see a statue of a baby on the
table. Here's what to do:

Baby Statue Block Puzzle
move the top blue block left three squares
move the top black block left twice
move the top red block left three squares

Now take the statue and head down the stairs. Search down here for a statue
of a lion. Search the statue and you'll find a brown gem. Now go back up
stairs to the room with the pictures of animals in it and place the brown
gem in the picture of a lion and now all the doors in the level with the
pictures of lion on them are now unlocked. Now go back downstairs and search
for a statue of a winged horse. Search the statue for a purple gem. Now take
the gem back upstairs to the room with pictures of animals in it and use the
purple gem on the picture of the winged horse. Now all the doors with
pictures of winged horses on them are unlocked. You can now get to all the
rooms on the lower floor. Go back down stairs now and find the block puzzle
room with a hammer in it. Search by the door for the computer and here's the

Hammer Block Puzzle
move the bottom blue block up once, right once
move the bottom black block up once
move the top black block left twice
move the bottom red block left twice, up once
move the top blue block up once, right twice, down once
move the bottom blue block right twice, up once
move the top red block left once

Now take the mallet and search the same floor for the block puzzle room with
a chain on the table. Search near the door for the computer. Here's the

Chain Block Puzzle
move the bottom red block up half a square
move the bottom black block right two, up a half square
move the top red block up two and a half squares, left five squares
move the bottom blue block down three squares
move the top black block up half a square, right nine squares

Now take the chain and head downstairs. Search here for a block puzzle room
with a spear on the table. Search near the door for the computer. Here is
the solution:

Spear Block Puzzle
move the right red block down nine squares
move the bottom black block down eight squares up once
move the bottom red block up once
move the bottom blue block up twice right three squares
move the bottom red block up once
move the top blue block right once
move the bottom red block down once
move the bottom blue block left once
move the top red block down seven squares
move the top black block down nine squares right once
move the top red block down once
move the bottom blue block right once, down twice, left once
move the top blue block right three squares

Now take the spear off the table and leave this room. Now search on this
same floor for the last block puzzle room with a statue of a Peacock in it.
Search near the door for the computer and here is the puzzles solution:

Statue of a Peacock Block Puzzle
move the bottom red block up three, left four and a half, up one and a half
move the top black block down four and a half, right two and a half squares
move the left black block down four and a half, left one and a half
move the bottom blue block up three and a half, left four and a half
move the top blue block down one, up two and half, right three and a half,
up one square (continued from above line)
move the top black block right two
move the top blue block left two
move the right red block up three and a half, right two and a half
move the bottom red block left two, down one square
move the top black block down two, left one square
move the bottom blue block up one, down one square
move the bottom black block down one, left one, down one square

Now that the puzzle is solved take the statue of a peacock. Now that you
have all the items find the save point on this floor. Save and go into a
door here. An axe demon will attack you in this room. Once defeated it
leaves behind a key. Take the key and use it on the locked door in this
same room. It leads downstairs where a save point is. Save and go in the
door behind the staircase. Keep going until you reach a huge picture. Use
the winged shoe from one of the first block puzzles on it. If you use the
wrong item you will be attacked. If you use the right item the picture will
take it into it. These rules apply to all the pictures in the next few
rooms. Now that the picture accepted the item go back to the staircase and
go in the door in front of it. Keep going in there until you reach another
picture. Use the hammer on this one and go back into the previous room.
A new tunnel has appeared follow it to another picture. Use the chain on it
and then go back to the room behind the staircase where a new tunnel has
appeared. Follow this tunnel until you come to another picture and use the
statue of a peacock on it. Now go back to the door in front of the staircase
and go through the new tunnel to a picture. Use the statue of a baby on the
picture. Now go to the room behind the staircase and go in the new tunnel
until you reach a new picture. Use the spear on the picture and a staircase
appears next to the picture. Go down the stairs and explore the rooms until
you come to a room with a pillar coming out of the ground. Search it and the
boss will appear. Use the same strategies that you used on the other bosses.
After the battle you'll be taken by the enemy to the America level.

???? (America Level)
In the first room you have to push a rock onto a switch. In the second big
room look by the side of the wall for shotgun bullets. When you find the
first save point in this level search nearby for a key. Use the key in one
of the previous rooms. Now you can move two statues around on a cross shaped
pattern in the floor. The position on the cross of the statues controls
where two bridges appears in the next room. First you should only move the
both of statues forward until they click once. Now into the next room where
the bridges appear and make your way to a room upstairs. You'll see statue
next to a hole in the floor. Push the statue into the hole. Now search a
wall with a picture on it and you'll find a brown stone. Now go back
downstairs to the statues that control the bridges. now push one of the
statues until one is all the way up and one is all the way right. Now go
over the bridges and find a room with a statue in it. Walk near the statue
then run away because a big rock crushes the statue. Search around the floor
now for a blue stone. Now go in the previous room and look around for a key
on the floor. Now go to the room where the rock crushed the statue and use
the key on the locked door in it. This door takes you to a previous area.
Now go to the statues that control the bridges and push one of the statues
all the way right and push the other one all the way down. Now go back to
the bridges by going through the door you just unlocked and make your way to
a new room. Search the floor here for a red stone. Now go right of the big
square rock and move out of the way when it comes towards you. When it moves
it reveals a new door. Go in this door. In the room you are in now when you
move in front of the square rocks they will come towards you. Avoid them the
look for a hole in the wall in the room. The hole leads to a area where you
will find a key. Now continue through the room and into the next. A robot
armed enemy is here. Get behind him for an easy win and then use the key on
the locked door. In the room with a save you'll see two colored boxes on the
walls use the colored stones on the boxes of the same color then go forward
and use the brown stone on the statue that blocks your way. Next find the
room with a pillar sticking out of the floor and use the map pieces on it.
Now take it off of the pillar and go into the door nearby. Keep going and
you'll be in a room with two mummies. Attack them and a sequence follows.
No boss here.

Final level
The first thing to do in this level is to go in the left door on the floor
(don't go upstairs yet). You'll see a huge block of ice and above you a low
hanging ledge. Push the ice block into the low ledge and an item will come
off of it. Pick it up it's a green key card. Go back to the previous room
and go in the right door. this time you have to push the ice block so that
it lines up with a square hole in the above railing. After you have it
aligned go to the previous room and up the stairs. Once you're upstairs go
in the right door and search for the hole in the railing go through this
hole and onto the ice block you pushed against it to find a red key card.
Next go downstairs and use the red key card on the middle door. Go inside
and use the green key card on the next door. Go through that door and go to
the lower right door and go in. In this room push the ice block so that goes
in the empty space in the above ledge and it presses on a switch that looks
like a red snow flake. Now go into the previous room and go in the lower
left door. In this room you have to make a bridge from the ledge with an
item on it to the hole in the above ledge. You do this by pushing the ice
blocks so that they line up together. No explanation is needed here. this
is easy to do. Now go upstairs and cross the bridge to find a blue key card.
Now go to the middle door upstairs and you'll have to fight a enemy with an
axe and four arms. Block and attack. Sometimes it does an overhead attack
and gets stuck in the floor. During this attack. After it's dead a save
point appears. Save and go forward through the door. Search this room and
you'll find a purple key card. Now go downstairs and through the middle door
and keep going straight. After a few rooms you'll be in a room with a save
point. Search this room to find machine gun bullets. Now continue and go down
the right steps. Next you have to push a ice block out of your way. When you
come to the next locked door use the purple key card on it. Go in the door
and you'll be taken outside. Yes, this area is as big as it looks! The thing
to do first her is to set the machines to the direction they are in. When
you go into the first building you'll see a machine in the middle of it.
When you search it displays a N. If you answer yes to the question it
switches to E then To a weird symbol for south and then W. Go up from this
building and you'll be standing on a compass. Four buildings surround this
compass. Set the machines in these buildings to the letter for the direction
they are in. When they are all aligned properly you'll here a sound and a
door unlock. Go to the compass and go straight up to the top building on the
map and you'll find a weird item. Now go to the upper left building on the
map and search the basement to find a weird blue shield (you can't use the
machines without this). Now go in the building on the upper right of the map
and search for a small room with two machines in it. Use the weird green
item on the bigger machine then search the smaller machine. The screen will
switch to the shape puzzle screen. Here is the solution:

Shape Puzzle
First choose the cylinder and then press o
Next choose the square and press down once, then press o
Next choose the cone and then press o
Last choose the pyramid and press down once, then o twice

Now go to the previous room where a staircase leading down has appeared.
Go down the stairs and then go down the stairs there. Search for a crystal
there. Now go back up the stairs and to the stairs on the opposite side
of the room. Climb these steps and you'll be in a new area. Go to the
center of the map and you'll see the compass here is different. The top of
the compass is the weird S, the middle is N, and the bottom is E. Now go
left from here and set the machine inside to N. No go up to the next
building and set the machine to the weird S. Then go all the way down and
set the machine to E. Now from this room go out the bottom door and you'll
see machine here. Use the crystal on the machine and after a building will
rise. Go in this building and search the pillar in it and take the Star
coin. Now another pillar rises. Use the pieces of the map on it and a
sequence will follow. Now go upstairs right and down to the lowest right
corner of a map and you'll find a weird blue thing in the building.
Now head up from here until you get to the building that you got to this
area from. Once in that room use the weird blue item on the right machine
and operate the machine on the left for another shape puzzle. Here is the

Shape Puzzle
First choose the square and press down once, right once, down twice, then o
Next choose the pyramid and press down four times, then o
Next choose the cone and press up twice, right twice, then o
Last choose the cylinder up once, left twice, then o twice

Now the door in the room will be unlocked go inside of it and go in the
yellow door here. keep going this way and you'll fight the boss from the
first level. This time the bosses you fight will take more hits to defeat
because this time they won't run away after a couple hits. Once defeated he
leaves behind the Sun coin. Now make your way back to the room with the
different colors doors and go in the red door. Keep going and you'll fight
the Egypt level boss. Once defeated she leaves behind the Moon coin. Now go
back to the different colored doors and go in the blue door. After that keep
going and you'll meet the China level boss. He has two new attacks this
time. He can blow you away from him and charge at you. Once dead he leaves
behind a blue crystal. Now go out of this building back to the place before
the bosses area. Go to the lower right part of the map. Now go left out of
the building and you should see steps in this hall. Go down them and keep
going and you'll come to a room with several pillars in it. Now insert the
Moon coin in the middle pillar, insert the Sun coin into the left pillar,
and insert the Star coin into the right pillar. This raises a pillar from
the floor. Use the blue crystal on this door. Now the door in this room is
unlock so go in it. Keep going and save for the last time and keep going
until you come to a pillar. Use the map pieces on the pillar and a sequence
will follow. Now you will fight the last boss. First he is just like all the
other bosses but after you attack him a couple times a sequence will follow
and he becomes more powerful. He still fights a lot like the other bosses
but he attacks more. He also has two new attacks one is how he can cause
lightning bolts to strike down. His other attack freezes you for a few
seconds. You can't block this but if you are frozen blocking you'll still
block attacks.

The End

7. Thomas's Walkthrough

Egypt level
First check the table in the room and a sequence will follow. Next go
through the door and find a part of the room with a coffin in it search this
coffin to find a staff. Now go through to a room with two boxes in it. Push
the left box all the way up the push the other box all the way up. Now check
the upper left corner for two green potions. Then check the lower left
corner chair. Push the switch on the chair and a staircase appears behind the
left box. Go down the staircase and go down the long hall in the room to a
room with a enemy in it. Fight the enemy and by blocking it's combos and
then attacking it. When he's defeated search the dog statue on the shelf for
a crystal ball. Now go out that room and down the opposite sides hall and in
the door. In this room there is a statue attached to a side wall. Use the
crystal ball on this statue and it creates a platform so you can get to the
rest of the room. One mummy will attack you now. Now go straight to the
middle door and pick up the ankh. Now leave that room and go in the other
door. Now keep going until you see another statue attached to a wall use the
ankh on it. It opens a passage behind you that leads to a previous area.
Check the middle of that passage for a room with shotgun bullets and a green
potion. now go back out to the door near where you used the ankh. Now search
the rooms in the new area for room with a wooden structure in it. Check the
body in that room to find a book. Now go back all the way to the beginning
of the level and search near the table on the floor to find a book. You can
only get this book after you have found the other book. You need this book
or you won't be able to find the hidden door later. Now go back to the room
before where you found the book where the wooden structure is. Now leave
there and go down a similar looking hallway nearby. You'll be attacked by an
enemy with a shield and a sword. Attack him when his shield is to his side.
Once he's dead continue down that hall and into the next room. You'll find a
mummy lying on a table. On the table next to the mummy you'll see a shinning
item. Don't take it yet or you'll be attacked. Instead go around the top of
the mummy and use the staff on it then go and grab the item. It's a red gem.
Now head to a room where boulders will fall and come towards you. If you get
hit by a boulder you'll be killed. To avoid this make your way towards where
the boulders are falling from by going between the statues when you see a
boulder coming then running on the path when the boulders aren't coming.
When you make your way near where the boulders are coming from go in the
door on the right. Inside you'll find a blue gem. Now head back into the
room where boulders are falling. Keep running between the statues on the
left until the camera angle shifts to face the wall. Search the wall there
and you'll find a secret door. Go in the middle door. Search the table in
that room for a key and a save is in the room too. One of the nearby rooms
has a has handgun bullets in it. Now go back where the boulders were
falling. Go all the way to where the boulders are falling from and use the
key on the door. Enter the room and climb the steps here to get to a glowing
statue. Use the blue and red gems on it. This brings alive another statue
that attacks you when you go down the stairs. Defeat it and it leaves behind
another gem. Take it and use it on the glowing statue. Now when you go down
the steps a staircase appears. Go down these steps and go through the rooms
in the new area until you encounter Griffon. Block until he lands then
attack it. Once it's defeated search the back wall for an item that looks
like a blue shield. Now go and look for a locked door with a small white box
use the blue shield on the white box to unlock the door. Go in the door and
search the wall for a computer. This takes you to a new screen. The point of
this game is to rotate any of the shapes it gives you up to four times to
match the shapes on the left of the screen. Press the x button to go back
anytime during this. If you did it wrong you'll hear a fire alarm type

Shapes Puzzle
First choose the square, and press left once, then press o
Next choose the cone, and press up four times, then press o
Next choose the pyramid, and press up three times, then press o
Last choose the cylinder, and press up twice, then press o twice

Now a compartment will open next to you. Search it and take the map piece.
Now go in the room before where you fought the griffin. Go in the other door
there (it's unlocked now). Now keep going and defeating enemies until you
find a save. Save your game because the boss is next. All the bosses in this
game fight pretty much the exact same way. They all shoot projectiles at you
when your at a distance and spin around you when you're close to them. Right
when you're about to score a good hit on them they usually teleport behind
you. After they teleport they stand still for about two seconds. Attack
during this. They also use close range attacks sometimes. The best strategy
to use is to run close to the enemy and when they spin around you use the
triangle, square, triangle combo. It was very hard to hit the enemy when I
first tried but now these bosses are pretty easy. After a while of fighting
the bosses will run away. After she is defeated take the Sun stone off the

Indo level
Go through the first door and you'll come to a room with a statue blocking
your way. Push it until it's on a switch then go past it to the door. In
this room first go down the steps to the hole in the ground and search to
find a ball of some sort. Now get out of the hole and go to where the room
starts getting dark. You see a pole sticking out of the ground. Use the ball
on it and the room will brighten up. Now head back to the previous room and
push the statue on another switch. This moves a statue in the next room to
reveal a staircase. Now go into the room that was dark and go in the door on
the right side wall (it blends in). Search in this room for a rectangle then
go back in the previous room and go in the middle door. In this room you can
find a green potion on the floor. Now go through the left door. In the next
room go through the first door you see. This takes to a room where you start
at the bottom of a big staircase. Go up the staircase and go in the door up
there. In the next room you'll be in a room with big tub of water in it.
Search near the tub of water for a key. Next go back to the place where the
room was dark and you brightened it. In this room go down the staircase
behind the statue. Save in this room and then go to the door by the side of
the staircase and enter it. Now go in that room until you see a door on the
left. It's hard to see it use the map. Use the key on it and go inside. Now
on one of the walls you'll see a blue symbol go inside of it. Now stand in
the middle of the circle in there and hit o. Choose yes and you'll be taken
to the room with the tub of water in it. Go back out that room and down the
big stairs and through the door. Search in this room for a wall with a
symbol on it and go in it. Once inside this room climb down the stairs and
grab the item on the floor. It's some kind of cylinder. Next go in the
symbol on the wall near where you found it. It takes you near the door that
was locked. Now go back to the room with the save point and go in the
unlocked door nearby. Use the map if you can't find it. Once in that room
make your way to the door and look for a hole in the wall near it. Put the
cylinder in the hole and the rocks behind disappears and a square is there,
pick it up. Go through the door nearby. the door up from here leads back to
the save point. Continue through this room and you'll be attacked by a bull.
Block it's attack the attack a few times and block again. Once he's defeated
he'll leave behind a triangle. Take it and continue until you come to two
doors. Go in the upper door for a save and a green potion. After you save
come back out and go in the door on the right. Two mummies attack you. Use
the usual strategy (block then attack) on them. Once defeated go past it to
the big object at the end. Use the triangle on it then, use the rectangle
and last use the square stone on it. Now go inside the door on the right.
Now go straight and search the next few rooms until you find a pillar. Take
the item (map piece) off the pillar and find another room with a save in it.
Now keep going and you'll meet the level boss. Use the strategy you used for
the last boss. This time the enemy is quicker and can send projectiles out
in different directions around himself. Afterwards take the star stone off
the pillar.

China Level
After a sequence you'll be in the China level. Go forward through the first
door you'll fight two enemies. Now search the vases for a green potion.
Now go to the other side of the room to the three doors. Go in the left one
and search the floor for another green potion. Continue through the other
door in the room until you come to double doors in the next room. Enter that
room and go to the top of the screen and search the chair for a
gold key. Now go straight down out of that room and keep going down until
you reach a locked door. Use the gold key on the door and you'll be taken to
three doors again. This time go in the right door and find a green potion.
Now head back to the room with the chair that had the gold key on it.
This time go in the left middle door and fight a enemy here. Once defeated
search for a key then go back out that room. A save and a green potion can
be found in the room on the right. Save and head out to the previous room
and go in the middle right door. This is where you'll confront your first
enemy. Just keep comboing it and don't give it a chance to attack back.
After he's defeated search the room for a gray key. Now go in the door at
the top of the room and search near the bed for a book. After that go back
to the room with the chair that had the gold key. Go behind the chair and
search the wall to reveal a hidden door. Use the gray key on the door and go
through it and keep going straight through the next few rooms until you hear
a sound. You should now be in a room with three doors at the top of it.
Search near those doors for a bench with two items on it. The items are a
book and some kind of box (does any one know what this thing does??). Go in
the left door now and go to the four orange blocks in this room. Near the
locked door in this room you'll notice a white floor tile with some lines
on it. You have to move the orange blocks so that the lines on top of the
blocks lines up with the lines on the floor tile. Once you have done this
the door will now unlock so go in it. In this room search the two blue
screens in the level and answer yes to the questions and this moves the
statues in a previous room. Now leave this room and go to the room before
the puzzle. Now take the right door and you'll be in a room almost exactly
like the other puzzle room. There is a save in here. Now solve the puzzle
like you did before and go in the locked door. In this room look for a
yellow statue that doesn't match the color of the same statues near it. Push
the switch by answering yes to the question and a box in the room will
unlock. Now search the box to find a dark gold key. Now leave this room and
go to the room before the puzzle. You could go in the middle room but you
will be attacked with arrows as soon as you enter. You could avoid these
arrows if you're quick or push a switch to turn the arrows trap off. To turn
the arrows trap off go to the door at the lower part of the room. The same
one you came to this room from. A monster with three heads is waiting for
you there. Get close to it and block and combo it when it's not attacking.
Once it's defeated search the room for a purple potion and a Gold item. Now
go past it to the lower exit. You'll be in a room where the statues moved to
reveal a door and a vase. Go search the vase and a switch is inside press it
then go back to the room before the block puzzle. Now go in the middle door.
The vase switch turned off the arrows trap. Now search the shelf in the room
to find another gold item. Now go to the room where the vase with the switch
in it was. Now go to the door that the statues moved to allow access to. Use
the two gold items on the door and then use the dark gold key on it. Go
through it and you'll come to a stair case. Go down it and you'll enter a
new area. Most levels in this game have an area like this at the end of
them. These areas are always filled with enemies. First go to the top room
on the map. Look around that room until you find a pillar with an item on
it. Take the item and a sequence follows. Now go to the room on the bottom
right of the map. Save the game and go into the next room to meet the level
boss. The enemy for this levels shoots multiple projectiles at the same

Greece Level
The first thing you want to do in this level is to find the room with a
statue of a goat in it. Then search the statue and you'll find a red gem.
Now find a room with pictures of a couple animals in it. You'll notice that
each picture also has a slot in them. Place the red gem in the picture of a
goat and now all the doors in the level with the pictures of goats on them
are now unlocked. Now search the newly opened rooms for a statue of a bull.
Then search the statue and you'll find a blue gem. Now go back to the room
with pictures of animals in it. Place the blue gem in the picture of a bull
and now all the doors in the level with the pictures of bulls on them are
now unlocked. Now you have access to all of the rooms on the first floor.
Search for a room with statues of humans in it. Search the room for a table
with an item on it. If it's a weird purple item then you're in the right
place for the first puzzle. You can't pick it up yet you have to solve a
puzzle first. Search the wall near the door and you'll see a computer on the
wall. This takes you to a different screen. The point of these puzzles is to
move the different colored blocks to the floor tiles of the same color. This
itself wouldn't be hard but when you move one colored block it moves the
other block of the same color. I'll give the instructions on how to solve
the puzzles.

When I say move a block up once, I mean move it up a whole square on the
screen not one step. When I say top block I mean the block that's highest
on the screen. When I say bottom I mean the block that's lowest on the

Weird Purple Item Block Puzzle
move the bottom red block up once
move the bottom blue block up twice, right once
move the bottom black block up once, right once
move the top blue block left twice
move the bottom black block up once
move the bottom red block up twice

Now take the weird purple item off the table. Now stay on the first floor
and search for the second block puzzle. On the table you'll see a weird
looking object. It's hard to tell but the item is a winged shoe. Search by
the door for the computer and here is the solution:

Winged Shoe Block Puzzle
move the bottom red block down one squares
move the top blue block down to the bottom red
move the other blue block left against the bottom red block
move the bottom black block left once, down once, then right once
move the top blue block up once, left twice
move other blue up four squares, and left once

Take the item off the table and head down to the lower floor. Search down
here for a statue of a lion. Search the statue and you'll find a brown gem.
Now go back up stairs to the room with the pictures of animals in it and
place the brown gem in the picture of a lion and now all the doors in the
level with the pictures of lion on them are now unlocked. Now go back down
stairs and search for a statue of a winged horse. Search the statue for a
purple gem. now take the gem back upstairs to the room with pictures of
animals in it and use the purple gem on the picture of the winged horse. Now
all the doors with pictures of winged horses on them are unlocked. You can
now get to all the rooms on the lower floor. Go back down stairs now and
find the block puzzle room with a hammer in it. Search by the door for the
computer and here's the solution:

Hammer Block Puzzle
move the bottom blue block up once, right once
move the bottom black block up once
move the top black block left twice
move the bottom red block left twice, up once
move the top blue block up once, right twice, down once
move the bottom blue block right twice, up once
move the top red block left once

Now take the mallet and search the same floor for the block puzzle room with
a statue of a soldier on the table. Search near the door for the computer.
Here's the

Statue of a Soldier Block Puzzle
move the bottom black block down once, left once
move the top blue block up once
move the bottom black block left four times, down three times
move the bottom blue block down three times
move the bottom red block down four times
move the top red block right three times
move the top blue block right four times
move the bottom red block right all the way
move the bottom blue block right all the way

Now take the statue of a soldier and head downstairs. Search here for a
block puzzle room with a spear on the table. Search near the door for the
computer. Here is the solution:

Spear Block Puzzle
move the right red block down nine squares
move the bottom black block down eight squares up once
move the bottom red block up once
move the bottom blue block up twice right three squares
move the bottom red block up once
move the top blue block right once
move the bottom red block down once
move the bottom blue block left once
move the top red block down seven squares
move the top black block down nine squares right once
move the top red block down once
move the bottom blue block right once, down twice, left once
move the top blue block right three squares

Now take the spear off the table and leave this room. Now search on this
same floor for the last block puzzle room with a Trident in it. Search near
the door for the computer and here is the puzzles solution:

Trident Block Puzzle
move the bottom black block right once, down half a square
move the bottom blue block up until against the black block
move the bottom black block up against wall right three squares
move the top blue block down one and a half squares, right seven
move the bottom block red right once
move the top red block up four squares, right twice
move the top blue block up three squares
move the bottom red block up once left twice
move the top blue block right three squares, up once
move the bottom blue block right three times
move the top blue block up once
move the bottom red block right three times

Now that the puzzle is solved take the trident. Now that you have all the
items find the save point on this floor. Save and go into a door here.
An demon will attack you in this room. Once defeated it leaves behind a key.
Take the key and use it on the locked door in this same room. It leads
downstairs. Go in the door behind the staircase. Keep going until you reach
a huge picture. Use the winged shoe from one of the first block puzzles on
it. If you use the wrong item you will be attacked. If you use the right
item the picture will take it into it. These rules apply to all the pictures
in the next few rooms. Now that the picture accepted the item go back to the
staircase and go in the door in front of it. Keep going in there until you
reach another picture. Use the hammer on this one and go back into the
previous room. A new tunnel has appeared follow it to another picture. Use
the trident on it and then go back to the room behind the staircase where a
new tunnel has appeared. Follow this tunnel until you come to another
picture. Use the weird purple thing on it. Now go back to the door in front
of the staircase and go through the new tunnel to a picture. Use the statue
of a soldier on the picture. Now go to the room behind the staircase and go
in the new tunnel until you reach a new picture. Use the spear on the
picture and a staircase appears next to the picture. Go down the stairs and
explore the rooms until you come to a room with a pillar coming out of the
ground. Search it and the boss will appear. Use the same strategies that you
used on the other bosses.

America Level
In the first room you have to push a rock onto a switch. In the second big
room look by the side of the wall for machine gun bullets. When you find the
first save point in this level search nearby for a key. Use the key in one
of the previous rooms. Now you can move two statues around on a cross shaped
pattern in the floor. The position on the cross of the statues controls
where two bridges appears in the next room. First you should only move the
both of statues forward until they click once. Now into the next room where
the bridges appear and make your way to a room upstairs. You'll see statue
next to a hole in the floor. Push the statue into the hole. Now search a
wall with a picture on it and you'll find a brown stone. Now go back
downstairs to the statues that control the bridges. now push one of the
statues until one is all the way up and one is all the way right. Now go
over the bridges and find a room with a statue in it. Walk near the statue
then run away because a big rock crushes the statue. Search around the floor
now for a blue stone. Now go in the previous room and look around for a key
on the floor. Now go to the room where the rock crushed the statue and use
the key on the locked door in it. This door takes you to a previous area.
Now go to the statues that control the bridges and push one of the statues
all the way right and push the other one all the way down. Now go back to
the bridges by going through the door you just unlocked and make your way to
a new room. Search the floor here for a red stone. Now go right of the big
square rock and move out of the way when it comes towards you. When it moves
it reveals a new door. Go in this door. In the room you are in now when you
move in front of the square rocks they will come towards you. Avoid them the
look for a hole in the wall in the room. The hole leads to a area where you
will find a key. Now continue through the room and into the next and use the
key on the locked door. In the room with a save you'll see two colored boxes
on the walls use the colored stones on the boxes of the same color then go
forward and use the brown stone on the statue that blocks your way. Next
find the room with a pillar sticking out of the floor and use the map pieces
on it. Now take it off of the pillar and go into the door nearby. Keep going
and you'll be attacked by Catherine. One good combo and a sequence follows.
No boss here.

Final level
The first thing to do in this level is to go in the left door on the floor
(don't go upstairs yet). You'll see a huge block of ice and above you a low
hanging ledge. Push the ice block into the low ledge and an item will come
off of it. Pick it up it's a green key card. Go back to the previous room
and go in the right door. this time you have to push the ice block so that
it lines up with a square hole in the above railing. After you have it
aligned go to the previous room and up the stairs. Once you're upstairs go
in the right door and search for the hole in the railing go through this
hole and onto the ice block you pushed against it to find a red key card.
Next go downstairs and use the red key card on the middle door. Go inside
and use the green key card on the next door. Go through that door and go to
the lower right door and go in. In this room push the ice block so that goes
in the empty space in the above ledge and it presses on a switch that looks
like a red snow flake. Now go into the previous room and go in the lower
left door. In this room you have to make a bridge from the ledge with an
item on it to the hole in the above ledge. You do this by pushing the ice
blocks so that they line up together. No explanation is needed here. this
is easy to do. Now go upstairs and cross the bridge to find a blue key card.
Now go to the middle door upstairs and you'll have to fight a enemy with two
clubs. Run away from it when it spins then combo it when it stops spinning.
After it's dead a save point appears. Save and go forward through the door.
Search this room and you'll find a purple key card. Now go downstairs and
through the middle door and keep going straight. After a few rooms you'll
be in a room with a save point. Search this room to find machine gun
bullets. Now continue and go down the left stairs for more machine gun
bullets. Go back upstairs and go down the right steps. Next you have to push
a ice block out of your way. When you come to the next locked door use the
purple key card on it. Go in the door and you'll be taken outside. Yes, this
area is as big as it looks! The thing to do first her is to set the machines
to the direction they are in. When you go into the first building you'll
see a machine in the middle of it. When you search it displays a N. If
you answer yes to the question it switches to E then To a weird symbol for
south and then W. Go up from this building and you'll be standing on a
compass. Four buildings surround this compass. Set the machines in these
buildings to the letter for the direction they are in. When they are all
aligned properly you'll here a sound and a door unlock. Go to the compass
and go straight up to the top building on the map and you'll find a weird
item. Now go to the upper left building on the map and search the basement
to find a weird blue shield (you can't use the machines without this). Now
go in the building on the upper right of the map and search for a small room
with two machines in it. Use the weird green item on the bigger machine then
search the smaller machine. The screen will switch to the shape puzzle
screen. Here is the solution:

Shape Puzzle
First choose the cone, then press o
Next choose the pyramid, and press up twice, then press o
Next choose the cylinder, and press up twice, then press o
Last choose the square, and press left once, up twice, then o twice

Now go to the previous room where a staircase leading down has appeared.
Go down the stairs and then go down the stairs there. Search for a crystal
there. Now go back up the stairs and to the stairs on the opposite side
of the room. Climb these steps and you'll be in a new area. Go to the
center of the map and you'll see the compass here is different. The top of
the compass is the weird S, the middle is N, and the bottom is E. Now go
left from here and set the machine inside to N. No go up to the next
building and set the machine to the weird S. Then go all the way down and
set the machine to E. Now from this room go out the bottom door and you'll
see machine here. Use the crystal on the machine and after a building will
rise. Go in this building and search the pillar in it and take the Moon
coin. Now another pillar rises. Use the pieces of the map on it and a
sequence will follow. Now go upstairs right and down to the lowest right
corner of a map and you'll find a weird blue thing in the building.
Now head up from here until you get to the building that you got to this
area from. Once in that room use the weird blue item on the right machine
and operate the machine on the left for another shape puzzle. Here is the

Shape Puzzle
First choose the cone, and press down four times, then o
Next choose the pyramid, and press up twice, then o
Next choose the cylinder, and press up once, left twice, then o
Last choose the square, and press down once, left once, down twice, then o

Now the door in the room will be unlocked go inside of it and go in the red
door here. keep going this way and you'll fight the boss from the first
level. This time the bosses you fight will take more hits to defeat because
this time they won't run away after a couple hits. Once defeated he leaves
behind the Moon coin. Now make your way back to the room with the different
colors doors and go in the blue door. Keep going straight and you'll fight
the China level boss. He's pretty much the same as before except now he has
an attack that blows you away from him and a new charge attack. Once
defeated he leaves behind the Star coin. Now go back to the different
colored doors and go in the red door. After that keep going straight and
you'll meet the Indo level boss. Defeat him and he leaves behind a blue
crystal. Now go out of this building back to the place before the bosses
area. Go to the lower right part of the map. Now go left out of the building
and you should see steps in this hall. Go down them and keep going and
you'll come to a room with several pillars in it. Now insert the Moon coin
in the middle pillar, insert the Sun coin into the left pillar, and insert
the Star coin into the right pillar. This raises a pillar from the floor.
Use the blue crystal on this door. Now the door in this room is unlock so go
in it. Keep going and save for the last time and keep going until you come
to a pillar. Use the map pieces on the pillar and a sequence will follow.
Now you will fight the last boss. First he is just like all the other bosses
but after you attack him a couple times a sequence will follow and he
becomes more powerful. He still fights a lot like the other bosses but he
attacks more. He also has two new attacks one is how he can cause lightning
bolts to strike down. His other attack freezes you for a few seconds. You
can't block this but if you are frozen blocking you'll still block attacks.

The End

8. Extra

Level Complete
When you defeat a level a screen will appear and tell you the percentage
of enemies you've defeated or the rooms you've explored. You get items
depending on how high your percentage is.

Game Complete
When the game is completed a screen will appear and tell you how many points
you have earned and your game completed time. It also gives you a rating.
I'm not sure how you earn the points but the faster I completed the game the
higher my points got. If you gain a good enough rating you will see a code
on the screen. The only code I have found is below.

Play as Mummy
At the character select screen highlight a character and press:
Now your character will be a mummy!!!

Started 10:04 PM 7/17/98

If anyone has any comments, corrections, anymore info or questions just
write me. Everyone that helps out will be credited. Any story translation
help would be much appreciated!!! If you use this faq anywhere give me full

Deathpoet1's Console Cheats

Enigma is copyright of Koei

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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