Earthworm Jim (Win 95)

Earthworm Jim (Win 95)

16.10.2013 13:01:25
Earthworm Jim for 95 FAQ

Game Faq

By Level:

New Junk City
Andy Asteroids?
What the Heck?
Big Bruty
Down the Tubes
Tube Race
Snot a Problem!
Level 5
For Pete's Sake
Intestinal Distress
About FAQ

New Junk City

There are many different short cuts in the first level. If you jump up
from the beginning you will see a white toilet. That is a warp zone.
To get there, all you need to do is ride the first rail device. This is
just above the cow that was launched. You will see two wires. Ride
the first rail device. Just before it falls, jump to the left, then right
at the top of you jump, whip. You will see a moose head. You should be
able to swing on the moose antler. This will put you on a chain wire
you can cross. Just fallow the rail devices up and to the left. That
will take you to the toilet. You will find about 7 mega plasma
blasters, and an extra worm. After you warp, it might seem you are
trapped in that room. Just walk through the wall to the left. Then
clime up to get out. There you find the sub-boss.

You will be able to jump higher on the tires.

The other short cut comes in the middle of the level. There you will
find another moose with antlers on a plaque. Just swing on the
antler and fallow where that leads you. You will end up where the
first warp does, with the sub-boss 'Tireman'.

This may be confusing but here is a way to get an extra guy.
Right after you launch a cow, try riding the two rail devices down.
When you are on the second wire, jump off in the circle of tires that
have that plasma gun. The circle dips in two places. try jumping in
the dip to the right. You will see a spinning star. This means the
extra guy is now visible. Now, go to the wide moving belt that you
must climb. There are objects that come down that try to stop you.
When you get to the top look up. You should see a wire up to the left.
This is how you get to that wire. Run to the right. You will see a level
that you have to jump up to. Once up there jump back to the left and
whip your body. There is a hook that is barely on the screen. You will
be able to hook and swing across. There is another hook that you must
swing on. Then you will be on the chain. Just get the extra worm.

To kill the sub-boss, shoot him until he comes toward you in tank mode.
Jump over him and quickly turn around. To kill him shoot the light
above his head. Try killing Tireman in the Difficult setting! :)

Right after the sub-boss you must jump to a higher level. Kill the
pesky crow then walk to the right a little. There a sparkly whirly thing
will spin around you. It just means that some items have appeared. Go
back to find them if you need them. This will happen throughout the
game. So make sure you investigate what has appeared.

If you are low on ammo or energy when Fighting the Boss Chuck. While
he is NOT above the spring. Try jumping on
the spring. See where that takes you. What is this? (tip from NJ)

Andy Asteroids?

With the Andy Asteroid levels. Just remember to get 50 fuel pods
to get an extra can-o-worms (continue). When you do pick up those
atomic accelerators, you will NOT get touched by those asteroids.
So for a few seconds you are protected from getting hurt. And all
this time I thought it was my quick reflexes! :/

If you do end up losing to Psycrow in the warp race you will have to
fight him on level ground. Just remember you must shoot him first,
then whip him. Repeat this tell he flies away.

What the Heck?

The Green rolling gem: If its rolling that you must run on top the
opposite direction. This should make the gem rise or either warp you.
If it is rotating back and forth. That means jump on it and let it take
you up. You might have to jump back and forth because of the flames.

The first extra worm comes up as you are walking the first emerald gem
up. You might of seen it as you where walking by it earlier. Just jump
toward the extra guy. There will be a fake wall for you, so just jump to
get the 1-up. Then quickly jump down on the gem and proceed on with
the level.

To kill a Lawyer, whip him then quickly shoot him. He should blowup
and a mega plasma shot and energy should remain. I'll sue!

Just after defeating the snowman and warping on the emerald, walk to
the right to the wall. Don't worry about the spikes. Jump up and look to
the left. There you will see a hook. Swing to the left, then turn around
and swing to the right on the same hook. You will be thrown through
the wall and find 4 mega blasters and an extra guy. After, walk
through the wall and proceed in the game.

Oh, there is a way to avoid fighting the Snowman sub-boss. After
fighting the first Lawyer, you will have to open the gate to get to
the warp gem to the snowman. Don't open the gate. Stand in front
of the wheel that opens the gate. Turn to the right, and duck. Then
whip and hold down the whip button. You will be in the same place
you would of if you had defeated the Snowman. On that same hook
that you where one. Swing on it again to the right. You will find
the above extra worm. (tip from NJ)

If you don't want to have the falling Stalactites, then don't pick up
that 100% energy refiller. That triggers the stalactites to fall.

Next extra worm is easy to get. You might of seen it as you are
riding those two emeralds up. The extra guy is to the left. All
you have to do is to jump from the ledge over the spikes and
toward the extra worm. Then ride the gems up again. When you
get to the first black apparitions with fierce incisors. Kill
them and jump down to the left. There is a continue marker
right under you. If you do die, just go back and get that extra
worm again.

Quick tip about the boss: When you are just Jimmy the worm.
Stand as close to the wall to the right as you can. There just
jump straight up when flames come. Wait for the wall to melt
away. Then jump into the super powered suit. When finishing
off that evil cat look at the center of the screen. You will see
Evil the Cat faster, faster to react and shoot him and his nine
lives. Jump toward the first flame. If they come at the same
time, jump straight up. NOTE: If you dont want to jump over
the flames when Heck the Cat is shooting the flames. Just walk
as far as you can to the left and duck. You will not get hit until
the end. You will get hit once, but it beats having to jump, right?

Big Bruty

Big bruty is a big fat slow guy.

Out run him, out smart him, get him to do the dirty work

Down the Tubes

What no hints? What about the Tube Race

You can skip the 99 sec. Sub in Tube Race by jumping up and down where
the hamster is kept and getting the free man. It will warp you to the
next level.

Ok, YES there IS a hidden airpump in the 99sec pod race.
This is
going to be a bit of an explaination on getting there. Ok, if you are
having problems with this level. The hidden airpump is about 60
seconds into your run (30 seconds left). Now as you are driving
that pod you pass guarder rails. Those criss crossing bars that
are really part of the background. They will not touch you. You
will pass through 5 sets of these. If you reach the 5th one, you
have gone too far. Its halfway between the 4th and 5th set. There
is a section that goes straight down. Right at the bottem there is
will be two circular lights right next to each other on the left

That is where the secret air pump is.
There is a sharp turn to the right. You see
you have hit the bottem of the level. You can go no further down.
Just fly through the two lights. Then you time will be reset to 80.

After the second race of the time pod run. You will end up in a
room where the only way out is through one of the little orange
toughguys. You can kill the Orange toughguys with a Mega blaster.
BUT! Let him pound you into the ground a couple times. Where he
throws you is where the hidden secret is. Jump straight up. There
you will be sucked up a hidden tube. To the left is an extra guy.
Then fallow the tube up the end of that round.

Tube Race: When you are running along the tube race level and you are
low on energy. There is a secret room JUST above the Hamster. It will
refresh you 100%.

Keep your cool, don't hold down the thrust button. Have it on-off-on-off.
Once you get to the part with the lights your almost there.

After the 99second pod race. There is a last part of this level with
three rooms. The second room is larger than the 1st and the 3rd. Jump
in the middle of the second room. There you will find some hidden
specials. Mostly more ammo. Now its time to fight a very tough looking
goldfish (Bob). He might be hard to kill at first, but he is actually
very easy to kill. Try doing a spiral twisting double ninja whoop upside the
gill kick to the bowl. Works every time! :)

There are two extra worms that you may find along the third pod run
(99sec). If you pass a place where there is a small crack in the
wall. Its not even big enough for EWJ, but there is a section where
there is a fake wall. It is on the left side, just after the inlet that
has a mega blaster. There is a crack in the wall, not big enough for
EWJ. The fake wall is above the crack. You might see a bit of the tube
if you are close to the wall. Quickly go through the fake wall to get
the 1-up.

The other extra worm is VERY close to the beginning of the level. They
are on the other side of the first guarder rails (bars that criss-cross
between the two walls that). They are on the start of a curve around
a turn. On the other side of the curve you might see a room. Go straight
left to enter that room.

Snot a Problem!

to make him fall. Here is the rhythm. Go down on the left hand side. THEN
halfway down or before you stop at the bottom. Move over to the right
hand side. When you have stopped for a second at the bottom. You can tap
EWJ as close to the wall as you can. This means EWJ is behind the
protruding rocks. It might not matter, but you want to be close to the
wall. Then when you are slinged upward. Major Mucus will fallow RIGHT
behind you. As close to the wall is, he will be the same. Perfect for
bashing. Just as he is about to catch up to you. Move to the left 1/2
body length. This will make him hit the wall. Then on your way down,
bash Mucus into the wall as many times as you can. Remember you must
be at the left hand side by halfway down. So you can repeat the process.

Rinse, repeat, rinse, repeat.

Level 5

If you are having trouble getting up the section that should have stairs.
You try to walk up it and you just slip and slide right down. Try jumping
onto those energy charger thing-a-ma-jiggy (Objects that shoot energy
from one metal ball to another verticaly). If you keep going right, you
should find a target. Whip that bullseye (ping). Now you will find that
stairs have popped up. Becuase of all that work you did. You dont even
need to walk up them. They will do all the work.

The metal cage: There is a sequence that the cytoplasm creatures come.
With the first group you must remember.

2 3
1 4 <-- The way the cyto creatures may come.

First batch 3-1-2-1-2-3-1-2-3
Second batch 1-2-4-3-1-2-4-3-1-2-4-3-1-2-4-3 (see the pattern?)

There is a secret level within 'Level 5'. Its a level that is totally
dark. The way to get there is through a warp. It is located right
after that sequence with Professor Monkey-for-a-head tries to turn
those blue wheels. If he open up those spheres, he let those eye
creatures out. So shoot him before he has a chance to. You will have
to hit him on 3 different occasions. Once you get to the top
(on the left), you will be standing under two sets of 5 red dots lined
vertically. In the center is one BIG red dot. Jump in and warp to the
hidden level:
You will encounter Professor Monkey-for-a-head three more times.
He will be running along a wire. QUICKLY jump onto the horizontal
wire that you can use your arms to walk across. Then just fire.
The way to make him go away is by hitting him in the back.

You will come across a RED wheel. Try whipping it and see what
you get. I just got 2 extra guys. Sometimes energy comes out,
sometimes ammo. Little green blobs also come out. When that
happens, this means there are no more goodies for you to get.

To Kill the Robot Chicken. Use the whip and hit the red target on
the top of the screen in the center. Make sure when you do that,
the chicken is in the middle. A cytoplasm creature will fall out.
Make sure it touches the Robot Chicken. I believe you have to
hit him 6 times.

While you are falling. You are going to have to shoot the chicken.
One shot will do. What will happen is the chicken will split into
pieces and come back togeather. If you look behind the chicken
you might catch a glimps of a bomb in the backgound. If you shoot
the chicken again, he will stay in one place and get hit by the
bomb blast. So start in the middle of the screen and shoot the
chicken. Then move down a fraction and shoot again. Repeat this
until you can no longer go down. Then do a half circle above the
chicken and repeat the process. When you see those broken eggs
this means he is about the die.

Who Turned Out the Lights?

Room one: Try to make it up to the top of this room. From the door
Jump to the light above you. From there jump to the left and make
your way to the top of the screen. You should be able to walk
straight across the screen. Fall down on the extra worm. Then walk
through the exit.

Room two: Jump from light to light. You might say each light is a
platform. So you might want to jump for the edge of the light if
you want to climb up.

Room three: To get to the extra worm. Jump over the exit. Walk to
the right and see how far you can go. Jump high and to the right. You
should fall down two levels. If not move to the left a little and
repeat. If you do it right, just walk to the left and pick up the 1-up.

Room Four: Remember what sparkles? Hooks right?

Room five: Remember to kill all the little roaming eyes. You may
come to some eyes that you cant kill. RuuUUUUUUNNNNN! Right
when you see them big eyes run to the left as fast as you can.
There will be a point where you cant run any further. In that case
turn around and start running to the right. This will have given
you enough room to JUMP over those big eyes. Then continue
running to the right. You just *might* make it. :)

For Pete's Sake

This level is very straight forward. There is not a lot you can look
for secret wise. There is an extra guy, but you probably have
someone to look after that is more important. That Pete can get
pretty angry if he falls. You can stop him by shooting him. This
will give you needed time. Shoot all UFO's. When you come across
those asteroids. I suggest standing there and just blasting them
until they go away. When you come across those tentacle creatures
that grab Pete. It might be better if you let them grab Pete. Saves
you some time, and it also might save a life. You don't loose that
much when Pete gets angry.

When you come across the teeter-toters
Land on the top end and the smaller end will go up. This
might launch Pete into the abyss.
You want to make sure that if you whip Pete onto one of those
contraptions. You want to jump in the CENTER. this will not
launch Pete. Then quickly whip Pete again to level ground.

To get to the Advanced level of 'for Pete's Sake', just whip him
over his home. Is it really that Advanced? Difficult? Hard?
Impossible? YES!!!!!!!!!

Intestinal Distress

Watch out for the rock spewing geisers.

Try jumping off the intestinal tracks on the left/right upper levels
to manuver yourself to the power-ups, plasma guns specifically.

Right after a continue, there are a series of platforms, if you are
having trouble getting all of the way across, use the helicopter head as
you jump, and Jim can clear it.

Make sure you have a plasma gun to beat the sub-boss


Ok, you made it this far. You can do it! You can actually finish EWJ!
This level is not that difficult. You just have to take it S-L-O-W!

Getting past the spikes is tough. Get a good rythm on the helicopter head
going, and keep it ip all the way down using sharp moves left & right down
the spikes. Get the power-up, its worth the trouble.

You will come across some creatures that are really quite
dangerous. They start as little eyes in the wall. Then as you get near
the pop out with 2 big choppers. If you are in his way, you get
get chopped in half. There is timing involved here as well. He will
go away. Why wait though? Why not whip 'em? They will explode
into lots-a-little green pieces. This will make it easier for you
later on in this level if you remember you can kill these guys.

You will have to do the dreaded whip the hook, in mid-air
turn around and whip back the way you came. You must climb
up a ladder of hooks to get to an upper level. It may be hard at
first, but you will get use to it. Try practicing in the first
set of hooks. The second set, you will be bothered by some
nasty bugs. When you are attacked by bugs, don't worry about
them. You are more concerned with getting up.

You will end up on the back of The Evil Queen Pulsating, Bloated,
Festering, Sweaty, Pus-filled, Malformed, Slug for a butt.
Thankfully there is a continue marker there. Now comes the part
where you must whip those choppers that come out of the wall.
But this time you must also worry about slipping off those balls
that you are standing on. Just make little jumps. Then when those
chopper creatures come out. Whip them. Then move to the other ball.
You will come to a point where you must make a leap of faith to
the right. Do it! You will land on a moving belt of rocks. Look up and
you will see one UGLY butt!

How to get past the Queens butt...
If you just stand there you will end up in the spikes. So this is the
rhythm that you must get into to destroy that nasty butt. Start all
the way to the right. The stand there firing up. You will
hit the butt a couple times. When just past the butt, quickly jump
all the way to the right again. Repeat the process. Soon there will
be spikes that will come as one of the platforms. Just jump over
those spikes. The platforms will also start moving faster. Don't
worry. If you use my technique. You should kill the butt in no time.

You will see another spiraling stars. Walk back the way you came
and pick up 4 of those plasma blasters that just appeared.

You should have at least 2000 shots. That would be enough to
kill the Queen. Here is what you do. You will spin counter
clockwise. If you don't shoot the queen, she will summon creatures
that will kill you instantly. You must shoot the queen at 12 o'clock,
9 o'clock, 6 o'clock, 3 o'clock. Shoot in VERY SHORT BURSTS. 3 shots
at the most will do. You just need to keep the queen off guard. This
will not allow here to summon those creatures. Just keep that up,
and you will beat that queen. You have now won the game!!!! Killer
what happens to the queen, eh?!



FRAMERATE Display Frame Rate
HATMAN Toggle objects into Hatman
IDDQD This ain't Doom
IDKFA Neither is this
ONANDONANDON Maximum continues

Any others?

About the FAQ

This FAQ was written by Pete Booth for the SuperNES.
It was later converted to HTML and rewritten for the
Windows 95 port of Earthworm Jim by Ken Gold


Thanks to the following for their help on the FAQ: (CMG) (Jon Reinberg)



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