

17.10.2013 00:30:20
Written by
Version: 1.01 (March 14, 1999)

Part 1: Background:
1 Copyright.
2 Game functions.
3 Basics for the walkthrough.
4 Basics for the game.
5 Acknowledgments.
Part 2: The Walkthrough:
1 Dan's Crypt.
2 The Graveyard, Chalice 1.
3 Cemetery Hill, Chalice 2.
4 Dan's Crypt: Replay.
5 The Hilltop Mausoleum, Chalice 3.
6 Return to the Graveyard, Chalice 4.
7 Scarecrow Fields, Chalice 5.
8 Pumpkin Gorge, Chalice 6.
9 The Pumpkin Serpent, Chalice 7.
10 The Sleeping Village, Chalice 8.
11 The Asylum Grounds, Chalice 9.
12 Inside the Asylum, Chalice 10.
13 The Ant Caves, Chalice 11.
14 The Enchanted Earth, Chalice 12.
15 Pools of the Ancient Dead, Chalice 13.
16 The Lake, Chalice 14.
17 The Crystal Caves, Chalice 15.
18 The Gallows Gauntlet, Chalice 16.
19 The Haunted Ruins, Chalice 17.
20 The Ghost Ship, Chalice 18.
21 The Entrance Hall, Chalice 19.
22 The Time Device, Chalice 20.
23 Zarok's Lair.
24 Endings.
Part 3: Listings:
1 Money.
2 Healing.
3 Special Items.
4 Shields.
5 Weapons.
6 Merchant Gargoyles.
7 Hall of Heroes.
8 Life Bottles.


This work Copyright 1999

This work may be distributed as long as:
1. This work should be distributed intact. Nothing should be
added to it or subtracted from it. Nothing in it should be
2. This work should be distributed freely. No payment of any
kind should be taken for it.

If information you find in this work is common knowledge, I
am not picky about credit. Common knowledge means that if
you were to look in several such works, we all know it.
However, you should still check it in the game itself and
you should put the information in your own words. If you are
going to take my words and quote me directly, then I would
want credit. If you notice anything unique to my work and
wish to mention it in a work of your own, I would appreciate
an acknowledgment.

MediEvil is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment
America Inc. The game, its characters, etc., is Copyright
1998 Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. Thanks to them for
a great game. (It just should have been longer.)

To review the controller functions within a game level,
press Start, highlight CONTROL OPTIONS, press X, highlight
View Controls, and press X.

These are the special moves using Button layout 1. The game
starts with these controls. However, there are two other
possible layouts.

RUN: With the Directional Pad, tap in a direction and then
hold it down in the same direction.
WALKING JUMP: While pressing and holding the Directional Pad
in a direction, press O.
RUNNING JUMP: Tap and hold the Directional Pad in a
direction to run, then press O. (This allows you to jump
DARING DASH: Tap and hold the Directional Pad in a
direction to run, then press Triangle. (This can break down
walls and also gives you a burst of speed if needed.)
Location: Return to the Graveyard.

A main part of understanding this walkthrough is
understanding what direction I mean. To make sure this is
clear, I will explain. No matter what Dan actually looks
like on the screen, think of Dan as being in the middle of
the screen with his back to you. If you are confused, put
Dan in that position and match him up with my descriptions
of the scenery. In other words, the top of the screen is in
front of you. The bottom of the screen is behind you. Right
and left are your right and left as you are looking at the

When I tell you which buttons to use, I am using Button
layout 1 which is the default layout.

Some things are in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. These things are
items you can find, Gargoyles, Merchant Gargoyles, Books,
and other things of importance. This is because these are
important to find and they will stand out if you are looking
for something specific.

In this walkthrough, I numbered the books. They are not
actually numbered in the game. I did this to help keep track
of them. I also did this to make it easier for me to use
them as landmarks.

This walkthrough lists the game levels in the order in
which I prefer to play them. If you find a level too
difficult and you have another possible direction, feel free
to try to play them in a different order.

This work contains everything *I FOUND*, not necessarily
everything in the game. However, I did get the green
checkmark for each area where that is verifiable and I did
find all 20 Chalices. So, all the main items are listed.

The Map: Your face is over your current location. On the
map, you can see the name of your location. To the right of
the name, you can see a Chalice if you collected the Chalice
for that area. To the right of the name, you can see a green
checkmark if you gathered all the important items from that
area. Red arrows are ways you cannot go. Green arrows are
ways you can go by using the Directional Pad. Some red
arrows will change to green arrows as you progress, but most
will not.

Distance Weapons: When you equip any weapon that can be
thrown, it will have a green light hovering around it. That
is its targeting sensor. If the targeting sensor moves to an
object or monster, that means if you throw your weapon it
will hit that target. Otherwise, you will miss. Also,
remember that holding down the button for any throwing
weapon gives you continuous firing.

Losing what is in your life meter: If you fall into deep
water or into a void, etc., you will lose what is in your
life meter. This is only what is in the meter itself and
not what is in the life bottles above your life meter. If
you do lose what is in your life meter, the meter will be
filled with what is in the life bottle on the far left.

The Chalice of Souls: Except for the first level and the
last level, all the other levels have a Chalice of Souls.
You can see it in the upper right. As you kill monsters,
they will fill up that Chalice. Once it reaches 100%, you
can take the actual Chalice that is in the level. Taking
the actual Chalice allows you to visit the Hall of Heroes.
(The only exception to this is the level called, The Ant
Caves. There is a Chalice to that level, but you obtain it

The Hall of Heroes: When you visit this area, look for a
statue that is glowing green. More than one may be glowing
green. Stand on the image of a Chalice, in the floor, which
is in front of that statue. Then you can speak with that
person and receive a gift, if you wish to take it. If there
is more than one person who is glowing green, feel free to
reject items so you can hear what they all have to say
before you choose which one you want. ALWAYS take a gift
when you enter the Hall of Heroes. If you do not, you waste
a Chalice since you can only get each Chalice once. The
Chalice prizes will always be collected in a certain order,
so the prize you actually lose will be a later prize than
the one you would have gotten. (So, if you find your first
Chalice, but you leave the Hall without taking your gift,
you lose the 20th gift.)

After playing through a game myself, I like to look through
the work of others to see if I missed anything important.
These are things I did not find out by myself that I wanted
to include in my work.

1. In a file of codes and cheats, I first learned that it is
possible to smash the hands, in The Graveyard and in Return
To The Graveyard, for two gold coins each. According to that
file, the tip was submitted by (From
there, I figured out I could smash the rats too.)

2. From XARDION's MediEvil Walkthrough/FAQ Version 1.0,
owned by D. Widmer, copyright 1998, I learned that it is
possible to smash the large rocks on the path leading up
Cemetery Hill to find three Energy Vials.


Press Select to bring up your inventory. Once you get more
items, you can use the directional pad to scroll from side
to side and to scroll up and down in your inventory. Here is
where you can use items you find and here is where you can
change your equipment.

You should notice your arm is in your inventory. You can
select your ARM here, or since you have no weapon yet, just
pressing X will cause you to rip it off. You swing your
chosen weapon with the X button. You can throw your Arm with
the Square button.

You start out in your own crypt, built for the hero you are
said to be, but not the hero you are. You died in the first
charge, as one Gargoyle rudely reminds you.

There are two books by the gate. Walk in front of and face
the FIRST BOOK and press X to read it. Then do the same to
the SECOND BOOK. Books can give very helpful information,
so always read them.

Proceed down the hall to the right. You will see a yellow
object within two spinning circles. Walk into it to get the
STAR RUNE. There is the THIRD BOOK to your right. Continue
down the hall a little to find the FOURTH BOOK to the right.

Continue down the hall and into the water. Jump out of the
water to the other side. Walk onto the BAG OF COINS to pick
it up. Break open the chest with your weapon, which is your
Arm at this point. Walk into the round object over the chest
to get the COPPER SHIELD. Press Select to look at it in
your inventory. The 150 on it shows how much it can take
before it breaks. Read the FIFTH BOOK here.

Swing the camera around so the water is in front of you.
Tap and then hold the Directional Pad to make Dan run
towards the water. Just before the water, press O to jump
to do a running jump and clear the water completely. Running
jumps allow you to jump for a greater distance.

As you enter the main room, ahead of you is a sword. Walk
into it to get the SMALL SWORD. This will replace your Arm
as a weapon. It can be powered up with the Square button.

Look at the wall in front of you. A rectangle of it is a
different color from the rest. Remember this for later.

Turn to face the gate, with the yellow hand, and read the
SIXTH BOOK on the left.

Continue towards the gate with the yellow hand. Walk into
the dagger to get THROWING DAGGERS. They can be powered up
with the Square button. There are a limited number of them.
Press Select. You will see you have 100 Throwing Daggers.
It is best to save throwing weapons for hard to reach
enemies and bosses. You can buy more Throwing Daggers from
the Merchant Gargoyles. Equip the Small Sword again and
equip your Copper Shield as well.

You should see a green bottle on the rock. Jump up onto it
to get the LIFE BOTTLE. This adds a bottle above your life
meter. If your life meter runs out, it will fill up with the
life in that bottle which completely drains the bottle, but
the bottle can be refilled. Life Bottles are permanent. It
is just the health that is in them which can run out.

Walk into the yellow hand to use the Star Rune and then walk
up the stairs. Read the SEVENTH BOOK at the top.

You can see a trail of magic slime right next to you, so
follow it to exit the level.

It seems odd to me that you start at the entrance to the
graveyard and not at the exit of your own crypt, but, oh

(You should see hands running around. Later, once you have a
Club or a Hammer, you can squash them for two coins each.)

Walk forward a small distance and go to the right when you
can to pick up a BAG OF COINS. Then return to the path. As
you follow the path, you will find the FIRST BOOK.

As you walk a little farther, you will find your fist
zombie. Remember to use X to swing your weapon. In this
area, take care as coffins can pop up out of the ground
unexpectedly and they always have enemies inside.

As you kill the zombie, you will see a kind of light fly
away from it. Look at the top right of your screen. You
should see an image of a Chalice and a percentage under it.
Every time you kill a monster of Zarok, the percentage of
that Chalice rises. So, kill everything in the way.

As you go up the hill, you pass your crypt and then go down
the hill. You will come to a place where it looks like the
path branches in two directions. Follow it to the right to
walk into the green, EARTH RUNE. Then follow the path

You will see a gate on the right which you cannot open yet.
Continue forward and read the SECOND BOOK that is next to
the FOUNTAIN of rejuvenation. These Fountains can fill both
your life meter and the life bottles above your life meter.
However, they do have a limit.

Go to the left and walk into the green hand to open the gate
with the Earth Rune. Walk through the gate and up the hill
to get the red, CHAOS RUNE. Go to the left to pick up the
BAG OF COINS. Then, go back through the gate.

Walk up the steps and walk into the red hand to use the
Chaos Rune and to open the double doors. Read the THIRD BOOK
along the path.

Continue up the path and through an open gate. You will see
a statue of an angel in front of you. It is facing the gate
you walked through, which is why that gate is open. Hit the
statue with your weapon to turn it. For now, hit the statue
so it faces to the left. That means you should hit it so
that it turns three times. Go to the left.

COINS which are all out in the open. Then, drop down. You
will not be able to jump back up to where you were. As you
battle, you should get a message saying, "The Chalice can
now be collected!" This means you reached 100% and you do
not have to worry about killing enough enemies anymore.

First look to the left. Jump up on the grass then jump up to
the higher level. There is a MERCHANT GARGOYLE here. Press X
to talk to it. Feel free to buy more Throwing Daggers. Also,
get the CHEST OF GOLD.

Drop back down and this time look to the right. Jump up
three times to find the path. At the exit to the circular
area, while you are on the path going down, jump onto the
narrow strip of green grass that is next to the fence. Walk
along it. You will drop down in an enclosed area. Get the
CHEST OF COINS. Jump on the gray block and then jump over
the fence. You will be back at the angel statue. Turn it
twice and walk up to the FOURTH BOOK.

Walk to the left and into the CHALICE to collect it. Leave
and walk up the path the way you just came. You find a large
gate and the FIFTH BOOK near it. You cannot open the gate in
this level even if you get the Skull Key.

Continue to the end of the path. Drop back down to where you
were when you were told you could get the Chalice.

From as you drop down, go to the right to continue along
the dirt path. You should see a Fountain on a raised area.
Jump up on the small patch of ground next to this raised
area, then jump up onto the area itself. Get the BAG OF
COINS. Stand within the FOUNTAIN if you need more health.
Drop down when you are done.

Feel free to walk into the water here. Jump up to where you
see a chest which has a COPPER SHIELD. If your other Copper
Shield is at less than 150, finding another one will restore
it to full. If the Copper Shield you have is still at 150,
this does not help at all. Drop down into the water.

As you approach the bridge, be careful to cross over the
bridge. There is a river under it and you will sink if you
fall into it. Falling into a river or dropping into a
bottomless pit or other such things causes you to lose the
entire contents of your life meter. The meter can be
refilled with the bottles above if you have any life left in
them. If you have no life left in them or your meter, then
the game is over.

You will see the exit. Walk up to the GARGOYLE to the right
of the exit and press X to speak with it. Then exit this

As you enter, if the Gargoyle to your left has anything new
to say, it will stop you. However, if you want to hear the
message again, walk up to it and press X.

Enter the hall and read the FIRST BOOK. Go down to the end
of the hall and go up the stairs. Read the SECOND BOOK

Return to the first book and look to the left to see a
statue is glowing green. Stand on the image of a Chalice
in front of it to speak with Canny Tim. He is the one who
actually did kill Lord Kardok, something you have the credit
for doing. From him, you can get a CROSSBOW. It comes with
150 Crossbow Bolts. It cannot be powered up. You can bounce
its bolts off of the scenery. You can buy more Crossbow
Bolts from the Merchant Gargoyles.

Return to where you entered, near the Gargoyle, to leave.

To make the boulder problem easier, that should be the first
priority. But fist, notice the FIRST BOOK.

Continue on and head for the archway to the left. You will
see a pool of lava. Falling into the lava will drain your
life meter. Carefully walk past the pool of lava and start
up the path.

If you start on this path early, there will be no boulders
on it yet, but they come soon enough. Coming here quickly
gives you a little head start on them. The boulders you saw
before will roll down this path and fall into the pool of
lava. You will see steps in places. You can duck in those
areas to hide from the tan boulders and you can jump up the
steps to move higher. Be careful as the orange boulders may
fall down those steps. You can jump over the boulders, but
sometimes the tan ones come in pairs which means the second
one is more likely to hit you. Your Copper Shield can
protect you, but it also can break. Be careful not to fall
off of the sides of the path and into the void as that will
drain what is in your life meter.

I prefer to rush up this path as fast as possible with a lot
of running and jumping. There are items that could be
considered to be helpful for this along the way, but I make
it through with far less damage if I just ignore them for
now and pick them up when it is safe to do so.

As you start, stay next to the fence as you will be safe
there. (That is more of a concern if the boulders are
already at that point.) Cross over to the first steps you
see cut into the hill. The orange boulders do not fall down
here, so this is a safe place to wait. Jump up the steps and
go to the right. When going from steps to steps, run, press
up against the wall, and jump as the boulders come. Make
your way to the next steps. Jump up them and go to the right
a tiny bit and jump up those steps. Then, go to the left.
Jump up the next set of steps and then go to the right.
Ignore the chest for now. Go up the next steps and go to the
left. You come to the last set of steps. Once up them, just
walk to the two statues which are causing this mess. They
will self-destruct and your boulder problem is over.

The exit is here, but do not leave yet. To the right is a
FOUNTAIN. To the left is a CHEST OF COINS. Also, read the

Walk down the path. Feel free to drop down to lower levels
to make the trip faster. At the pool of lava, go to the
right and up the steps. Go to the left all the way to the
corner, where a chest is located, and then drop down the
slope. Explore this area. In the chest, you will find a

There is a percentage with the Club. This tells you
how much Club you have left before it will break. The Square
button aids you in setting things and enemies on fire if the
Club is lit. To light the club, just stand with the tip of
the Club within a fire, such as a camp fire.

Walk over to the three boulders which block the way out and
smash one with your Club. Then equip your Small Sword from
your inventory.

With the pool of lava to the left and the archway where you
smashed a boulder behind you, go to the right. You will see
a chest with a skull and crossbones on it. Hit it at your
own risk. Inside is a time bomb. If you do hit it, get away
from it before it explodes. Bombs will hurt your enemies
too. Be careful not to walk on the campfire. Hidden off in a
corner you can find a MERCHANT GARGOYLE and an ENERGY VIAL.

Return to the pool of lava, so it is to the left, and go
forward through the arch.

Continue forward and through another arch. You will see a
fire. Do not walk into the campfire as it will hurt you. You
will see a doorway blocked by a boulder. Get the BAG OF
COINS there. Read the FOURTH BOOK.

Use the Club to break the boulder. Equip the Small Sword
again and enter. Talk to the GARGOYLE in the first room.

In the second room, you should see a bookcase in the upper
right. Hit it with the Club to reveal a hidden room. In the
room, read the FIFTH BOOK.

There is a fire in this room. Stand with the tip of the Club
in the fire to light it. Then, leave the room. In the second
room, go up the stairs and enter the room of cells.

The light is not lit in this room. Press Square to hold out
the Club over the structure in the center of the room to
light it with the Club. If the fire on your Club has gone
out, you will need to return to the hidden room to light it

Take care as many monsters will rush out at you. There are
items you can now take from the cells: a COPPER SHIELD, a
VIAL. You cannot use the Witch Talisman in this level.

Walk back to the lava pool and start up the path. Collect
the items on the path leading to the top of Cemetery Hill.

Walk past the pool of lava again and go to the right and up
the steps. Go to the left all the way to the corner and take
the COPPER SHIELD in the chest. Follow the path to the
right, around the corner. Jump over the steps. Jump over the
next steps and continue right to the corner where you find a
BAG OF COINS. Turn at the corner and go to the left to
continue. Jump over the steps. You will find a chest with a
COPPER SHIELD. Move to the left a little and smash open the
larger rock with the Club to find an ENERGY VIAL. Continue
left to the corner to find a BAG OF COINS. Smash the larger
rock near the bag of coins to find an ENERGY VIAL. Turn at
the corner and go to the right. Jump over the steps to find
a COPPER SHIELD in a chest. Continue right to the corner and
smash the large rock with the Club to find an ENERGY VIAL.
Turn at the corner and go to the left. Jump over the steps.
Then, jump up the next steps you find to reach the top. Exit
this level.

The statue the Gargoyle is referring to is the first one on
the right.

Talk to Canny Tim again to get a LIFE BOTTLE.

Replay this area. You will notice that the Small Sword and
Life Bottle are each replaced with a BAG OF COINS. This is
because you can only get them once. The same will be true in
other areas for other such items if you replay those areas.

Get the STAR RUNE. As you come back to the main room, you
will again see the rectangle in the wall that is a different
color. Equip the Club and hit that part of the wall over and
over until it breaks. (If you do this later, you can use the
Hammer or the Daring Dash to break the wall as well.) Inside
the hidden room you will find a CHEST OF COINS, another
CHEST OF COINS and a LIFE BOTTLE. Then exit this level.

The first thing you find is the FIRST BOOK.

You should see coffin lids on either side of the hall.
Ignore them for now. Run all the way to the end of the hall.
In this way, many are opened for you. In the chest, you find
a CLUB. So, the Club you have will be at 100% again. Odds
are, if you find a Club, you can use it for something within
that level.

Go down to the second hole in the floor, from as you walk
down, on the left and drop in to get a BAG OF COINS. Walk
down to the third hole, but use the Club to break open the
coffin lid to your right. Drop in the hole to get an ENERGY
VIAL. Then, go up to the first hole, as I was counting, on
the right and break its coffin lid open with the Club.
(Another way to put that would be, break open the coffin lid
in the upper right.) Drop in that hole to drop to the next
level. Read the SECOND BOOK you find before the glass.

Only the Imps which do not carry a torch will steal. Of course,
they steal your weapon. Kill the Imp and you can get your
weapon back. Make sure you kill such an Imp before it has a
chance to exit the room with its ill gotten gains.

The blue wall is only glass, so smash it to continue. Walk
to the left and break the red glass. Notice the spikes in
the floor. Run down the hall and jump over the spikes as you
run. There are three sets of spikes in this hall. If you
land in the spikes, quickly jump out of them. Pick up the
ENERGY VIAL on the right. Then, get the EARTH RUNE. Be
warned that as soon as you get the Earth Rune, the floor
will start to fall away. Run back up the path you just came
down to keep ahead of the falling floor. If you fall down,
you lose what is in your life meter.

Break the purple glass. Run down the hall and jump over the
two sets of spikes. Walk into the green hand to use the
Earth Rune, and then drop down. Be careful as a thief Imp is
there. Jump to the right to get the BAG OF COINS. Go up the
hall and read the THIRD BOOK.

Go up the stairs. Be careful as another thief Imp is up
there. You also find a FOUNTAIN there. Go to the right.

Here you can pick up the MOON RUNE. Go to the right and
through the doorway. You will find the CHAOS RUNE, an ENERGY
VIAL, and another ENERGY VIAL. You also find a MERCHANT
GARGOYLE. Stock up here. Throwing weapons will be important
later. Read the FOURTH BOOK.

Leave to the left, then go down and out through the gate.
Return to the hole in the floor that leads down. Light is
shining up out of it. Drop into it.

Walk forward and past the book. Go to the right and break
the red glass. The first set of spikes is longer and you
will probably land in it, so be ready to quickly jump out of
it. The next two sets of spikes you can jump over easily.
Then walk into the blue hand to use the Moon Rune. The last
set of spikes is another long set. Get the CHEST OF COINS
and the ENERGY VIAL. Once you take the SHEET MUSIC, the
floor will start to fall and this time it will fall faster
so be ready to run back the way you came. If you fall in
the void, you will lose what is in your life meter.

If you have lost your sense of direction, look for the path
where you can see the book. You need to go the opposite way.
Run down that path and drop out the end. Go up towards the
third book and go up the stairs. Go to the right and keep
going to return to the organ room. Stand close to the
skeleton and face him. Then, bring up the inventory and
select the Sheet Music. In the wall you will find a CHEST OF
COINS, another CHEST OF COINS, yet another CHEST OF COINS,
and the CHALICE. Then go left, left again, and go back down
the stairs.

Run to the bottom of the room and walk into the red hand to
use the Chaos Rune. You will see a fire on a path. You can
push that fire along its set path by walking into its base.
In the chest you will find THROWING DAGGERS. In a niche in
the wall to the left, you will find a COPPER SHIELD. You
have to jump into the niche to get it. Push the fire all the
way under the heart.

Walk the path back out and go back up the stairs to the
Fountain. You should equip either the Throwing Daggers or
the Crossbow ahead of time. Go to the right. You can avoid
the boss by not walking up to the lights. (In other words,
you can still get the Chalice if you have not done so

Once you are ready, walk up to the lights and be ready to
fight the Stained Glass Demon.

When it is on the floor, you should be running. It may try
to land on you, and if you are already moving, you will have
a better change of getting out of the way. If it throws out
spikes, use the Triangle to use your Copper Shield to block
them. Remember, you need the Copper Shield out front and in
the way of the spikes for this to work.

The Demon will float in the center of the room and its heart
will stick out of its body. At that point only, face the
heart, so the green targeting light can lock onto it, and
use your chosen distance weapon by holding down X. In other
words, if you are facing the Demon's back or a wall, you are
not going to be able to hit the heart.

If a stream of spikes comes out of the heart, use the
Triangle to bring up your Copper Shield and run from the
spikes. The stream will follow you. If a beam of energy
goes to you and you are encased in crystal, quickly use your
weapon as fast as you can to break free. (Press X rapidly.)
If it sends out a blast of energy, have your Copper Shield
out and ready, before it does, to protect you. It repeats
these three attacks in that order. If you lose your Copper
Shield, a new COPPER SHIELD will drop down into the center
of the room. This will happen as many times as you need it
to happen.

Once the Demon is dead, pick up the SKULL KEY.

This time, talk to Stanyer Iron Hewer who is in the upper
right. He will give you the HAMMER. You can power up the
hammer with the Square button. The Hammer can smash through
things, like a Club.

Run across the bridge as part of it will fall out and you do
not want to fall into the river as that takes what life is
in your life meter. (If you get caught on that part of the
bridge and you and fall with it, try to jump off of it and
onto the bridge.)

Once that part has fallen, stand at the edge of the hole in
the bridge. You will see coffins floating down the river.
Drop onto one. (As you try to walk off of the edge, Dan will
try to retain his balance, so be ready to push forward again
so that you can drop.)

As you come out into view, just before the underpass you
cannot pass, there is a place that you can jump onto if you
jump towards it. It helps to be facing that way already.
Press up on the directional pad an instant before you jump
to make sure you jump far enough. Here, you find an ENERGY

Walk over to the right, go up the stairs, and follow along
the fence. You find a BAG OF COINS. Stay next to the fence
and walk off of the edge to drop down.

You should notice hands running around. You can smash them
with the Club or the Hammer. They are worth two coins each.

Walk up to continue. You can jump onto a small ledge to jump
up to a higher area where you will find a BAG OF COINS. Then
jump back down and continue upward. As the end of this path
comes into sight, to the left you can find a chest with a
skull and crossbones on it. It has a time bomb. Jump up to
the area to the right to get a SILVER SHIELD from a chest
and a BAG OF COINS. The MERCHANT GARGOYLE is still here.
Drop back down. At the very end of this path, there is an

Then, jump up to the left to go that way. As you exit the
circular area, jump up onto the strip of grass on the other
side of the fence and follow it until you can drop down. It
leads you to a FOUNTAIN. Jump on the gray block and jump
over the fence. Get the BAG OF COINS. Walk back up the path
to the Skull Gates. The SECOND BOOK says the same thing as
it did in The Graveyard.

Face the Skull Gates and use the Skull Key from your
inventory. Enter this area. You will find a building
marked, "Undertakers". Read the THIRD BOOK there.

Walk around on the right. Inch your way across a thin strip
of land to get a CHEST OF COINS. Notice the bridge is out.
Go up the hill to find the STAR RUNE. Return to the
"Undertakes" and walk into the yellow hand to use the Star
Rune. Get the BAG OF COINS on the left and the ENERGY VIAL
on the right. Then, go inside.

You will find the Chalice, but you are not ready to claim it
yet. It does not matter which way you go first. From as you
entered the room, go to the right. Walk into the stream of
light and jump up.

Go to the right. Take the higher path. Jump toward the niche
to get the BAG OF COINS. You can push the block along to the
right. Jump toward the niche to get the ENERGY VIAL. Push
the block all the way off the edge, then drop down. Go to
the left to find a MERCHANT GARGOYLE. You will also find
another block. Push it to the right and all the way off the
edge as well. Then, go to the left, do a walking jump over
the hole, continue to the left, and jump back inside.

Run back to the original entrance and get the CHALICE. Then,
go to the left which is the other path. In the beam of
light, jump up. Push the block to the left. Jump up towards
the niche to get the ENERGY VIAL. Push the block off of the

Now, what you do depends on what you think you can do. From
here, you can make a running jump towards the Fountain and
you will make it. This makes moving the blocks totally
unnecessary. This could have been done from the other side,
where you dropped in the first block, as well.

If you want to use the blocks, go back to the right and jump
back inside. Run to the original entrance and leave this
structure. Go around the hill and go to where the bridge is
out. You should see the blocks in the water. Why they float
and you do not, I do not know. Do walking jumps to jump from
block to block until you can cross over to the other side.

Either way, you will be at a FOUNTAIN. Do not walk forward
from the Fountain until you are sure you are done because
the gates will close behind you.

You will then fight the Guardians of the Graveyard. They are
two wolves. Run around to try to keep out of their way. They
alternate attacking. When they attack, they target you and
run at you. For a brief moment after the lunge, the
attacking wolf will be completely visible. It is at that
moment only that you can hit it. After it attacks, it will
run back to circling, so do not get in its way as it is
doing that. Both can hurt you if they walk into you.

Whether distance weapons or your Small Sword is best is a
personal preference. I would rather use a distance weapon,
such as the Crossbow. Then, you just need to be facing the
wolf when it is vulnerable instead of right next to the

When they attack, they can only run so far before becoming
visible. So, make sure you are very far away from the wolf
that will attack you next. That way, it will be visible
before it reaches you which gives you room to try to hit

Defeat them and you can then use the "Daring Dash". While
running, press the Triangle button. On the way out, talk to

Talk to Stanyer Iron Hewer once more. You will be given TWO

As you enter, you will find the FIRST BOOK.

Normally, books give good advice. This advice, however, is
bad. If you want to fill your Chalice, you need to kill the
scarecrows. To do so, I suggest not standing still and
allowing yourself to be a punching bag. Walk or run, while
you swing, to dodge. I like to walk in circles around the
scarecrow while it is trying to hit me.

Beware of the crows that the scarecrows produce as they can
hurt you. You can kill the crows, but they do not count
towards your Chalice percentage.

You will find two scarecrows at the start of this area.
Then, you will find a haystack. Wait for all the enemies to
come out of the haystack. A cart blocks the way here. Stand
in front of the cart, face it, and hit it to move the cart
out of the way.

Notice that to the left there is a house and the SECOND

Walk towards the next haystack. Wait for all the enemies to
come out of it. Then, face the campfire. (You can light your
Club on the campfire. Using the Square button, you can then
set the haystack on fire, but that does not help. You can
also set enemies on fire.) From the campfire, go to the left
to find a BAG OF COINS. From the campfire, go to the right
to find an ENERGY VIAL and a MERCHANT GARGOYLE. Stock up on
distance weapons.

Return to the second haystack. You should see an open gate
near it. You should also see a metal machine. Enter the gate
and go to the right to start the battle. Run between the
metal machine's legs so you are at the back of it. You need
to use a distance weapon. I like to use the Crossbow. You
will first target the head of the machine, which you can hit
from the front or the back. Once the head is destroyed, you
will target the machine's operator which you must hit from
the back. Inch up behind the machine as you fire so that you
stay in range. If it backs up, run all the way back and
wait. Then, repeat the process. Pick up the MOON RUNE the
machine leaves.

Return to the house near the second book and walk into the
blue hand to use the Moon Rune. Enter the house. Inside are
bats. You can kill them since they will hurt you, but they
do not count towards your Chalice percentage. Inside you
find the EARTH RUNE and a CLUB in the chest. Then, leave
this house.

Return to where you fought the metal machine and walk into
the green hand to use the Earth Rune. This leads you towards
a windmill. Be careful as the blades of the windmill can
hurt you, so time your passage well. Behind the windmill you
will find a FOUNTAIN.

Follow the path and you will find two more scarecrows. You
will also find a SILVER SHIELD in a chest.

You should see another metal machine. This one is harder
than the last one. The head will shoot out fire. You can use
your shield to block the fire, but I prefer to move from
side to side to avoid it completely. Again, you can target
the head from the front or the back, but I prefer the back.
Run between its legs so that you can also target the
operator of the machine once the head has been destroyed.
Stay close enough to the machine so that you are in range to
hit it with your distance weapon. I prefer to use the
Crossbow. If the machine backs up rapidly and it still has
its head, run all the way back and wait for it to move

After you destroy the head, be careful of its legs. While it
is walking forward, if you are between its legs, it will
spin and hit you. This means that when it backs up all the
way, if you are back there, it will spin and hit you. You
can safely run between its legs while it is backing up, but
then you need to run between its legs while it is moving
forward so you can be behind it to hit it. So, either way
you will be hit. It is better to kill the operator before
this becomes an issue, if possible. Once you have destroyed
it, pick up the CHAOS RUNE.

Walk into the red hand to use the Chaos Rune. Follow the
path to the barn. Read the THIRD BOOK there.

Walk to the left and you will find part of the corn field.
Do not ever walk into the corn itself. Once in the corn, you
will be slowed down. Evil creatures live within the corn. If
one of them reaches you, your life meter will be drained.

Walk up and then left to find another scarecrow and the

Turn around completely and then walk forward. You should
come to a haystack. Wait for all the enemies to come out of
it. Read the FIFTH BOOK near it.

Walk up to the chest with the skull and crossbones. Break it
open to free KUL KATURA. For a limited time, Kul Katura will
move around of itself and kill any enemies in its way. It
will not harm you, but it cannot be controlled by you.

Walk to the right, onto the path and into the corn, to find
a BAG OF COINS. Return to the barn.

Stand between the fifth book and the cart, then hit the cart
to move it. This clears the way to the entrance of the barn.
Two scarecrows are there if Kul Katura did not reach them.
Enter the barn to the right.

Inside the barn are some bats. Read the SIXTH BOOK.

In the upper right area of the barn is a bale. Stand to the
right of it and push it all the way to the left by walking
into it. Jump onto the bale. Then, jump onto the stack of
two crates. Then, jump onto the suspended walkway. Up there,
you can get a BAG OF COINS as well as a COPPER SHIELD from
the chest. Also, hit the lever to lower the Harvester. Leave
the barn.

Return to the haystack near the barn. With the haystack on
your right, take the first path through the corn on your
right. You will see the last haystack in front of you. Wait
for all the enemies to come out of it. With the haystack in
front of you, at a bit of a distance, go to the left. Go as
far as you can. Then go to the left and onto the path in the
corn to get an ENERGY VIAL.

Return to the last haystack. With it on your left, walk to
the right and onto the path in the corn to get a BAG OF
COINS. Then, go towards the windmill.

One blade of the windmill is missing. Time running through
so that you run through within that gap. You then find the
last scarecrow.

Next, you approach several traps. The first has a grinding
wheel. If you are caught under it, you will lose what is in
your life meter. Feel free to jump into the holes you see
within this trap. Run and jump your way through, following
behind the grinding wheel, until you can exit to the right.

The second trap has thrusting beams of wood and turning
spikes. Walk between two sets of spikes and proceed slowly.
If a beam of wood blocks you and a set of spikes is almost
upon you, jump over the set of spikes and wait for the beam
of wood to move. Follow the movement of the trap so you can
exit by going up. You find a FOUNTAIN before the next trap.

The third trap is a grinder. If you fall into the middle,
you will lose what is in your life meter. Push up against
the wall of the trap and run as you make your way to the
left. The holes in the wall blow out corn to be ground and
can blow you to the center if you are walking.

The fourth trap has turning sets of spikes, but they are
higher than you are when you are standing on the ground.
They will only hit you if you are jumping or standing on one
of the obstacles. As you jump over the obstacles, time your
jumps to avoid the spikes. It looks like there should be
four sets of spikes, but there are only three. That leaves
one larger gap which gives you more time for your jump.

The last trap has a moving floor. So, you have to keep
walking or jumping on it or you will be pushed backwards.
Walk to the center of the trap and run to the right while
keeping close to the center. Jump if necessary to avoid the
spikes. Ignore the exit to the right. You want the exit at
the top. There you will find a CHEST OF COINS and the

Go back through all the traps. In the trusting beams trap,
as you walk around in the direction of the trap, pick up the
BAG OF COINS. In the grinding wheel trap, as you follow
after the grinding wheel, jump into the hole with the BAG OF

Return to the barn and enter it. Stand behind the Harvester
and face it, then enter your inventory and select the
Harvester part. Follow the Harvester out of the barn.

You will be at a new path in the corn. A branch of that path
leads you to a FOUNTAIN. At the end of the path, you will
also find a MERCHANT GARGOYLE. Do not drop down or you will
lose what is in your life meter.

Return to the traps. At the very last trap with the moving
floor, exit the trap on the right. Talk to the GARGOYLE,
then leave.

In the upper left, speak with Mister Woden the Mighty. He
will give you a BROAD SWORD. This sword is stronger than
your Small Sword. It can be powered up with the Square
button and it can be Enchanted by the Merchant Gargoyles.
The Enchantment is represented by the percentage given with
the sword as the Enchantment is not permanent.

As you walk along, be careful of the pumpkin bombs. They
swell up and explode. Some are stationary, but some bounce
along. They also do not count towards your Chalice
percentage if you destroy them.

Not far along the path, you will see a cave entrance to the
right. As you enter it, be careful of the roots above the
entrance. You can hit them to subdue them. Walk just close
enough to be able to hit them. You will find more such roots
throughout this area.

Within this tunnel, you will find the MOON RUNE. You will
find a chest with a CLUB. You also find a MERCHANT GARGOYLE.
There is more to this part of the tunnel, but that is for
later. At the end of the tunnel, you will drop back onto the
path. Continue forward on the path.

Remember you can use the Club or the Hammer to smash
boulders, so get them out of the way. Right behind the pair
of boulders is a BAG OF COINS. Follow the path and it will
open up and you will find a house.

Go over to the left. You should see a pumpkin bomb bouncing
down an incline. Walk up that incline to drop into the
hidden house. Inside you find a CHEST OF COINS, another
VIAL. Exit the hidden house in the upper left.

Go back to the main house here. Walk into the blue hand, to
the right of its entrance, to use the Moon Rune. Once inside
the house, drop down. You should be on a circular floor. If
you run counter-clockwise on this floor, it will move down.
You need to be higher, so run clockwise on the floor until
it is at the top. You can then reach the ENERGY VIAL and the
CHAOS RUNE. Leave the house.

Make sure you check everywhere for monsters. Then, to the
right of the incline that leads into the hidden house, walk
into the red hand to use the Chaos Rune and go through
that gate.

Off to the left, as you first enter, you find a FOUNTAIN.
You can run full circle around the circular wall of the
middle structure to search this area. You cannot do anything
with that middle structure yet. On the outer wall, you will
find two doors. One is shut and has no visible way to open
it. The other will open itself when you approach it. Go
through that one. It is left of a wheelbarrow. Just inside
is the FIRST BOOK, which is also the only book in this

If you fall into the green liquid, you will lose what is in
your life meter. So, jump carefully. As you do a walking
jump onto the first large mushroom, you will notice it goes
up and down of itself as long as you are standing on it.
Do a walking jump onto the next large mushroom. It will do
the same. At the high point, do a walking jump to the right
to land on a wooden platform where you can get a BAG OF
COINS. Walk to the end of the platform and do a walking jump
down onto another large mushroom. This allows you to do a
walking jump onto the wooden platform on the left when you
are at the high point of the mushroom's movement. Walk down
the platform and them do a walking jump onto the last
mushroom. From here, there are two ways to go. At the high
point, do a walking jump to the right onto the narrower path
which is cut into the rock.

That path will open up and you will find the EARTH RUNE.
Continue to the roots that attack you and go out the door to
return to the previous area.

Go to the left, along the fence, until you find the green
hand. Walk into it to use the Earth Rune and then follow
its path upward. At the very top, you will find an ENERGY
VIAL, the STAR RUNE, and a SILVER SHIELD in the chest. Use
the Hammer or Club to smash the boulder and enter the
doorway for a quick exit back to the bottom.

Return to the doorway near the wheelbarrow. Jump on the
magical mushrooms again, but when you reach the last one,
jump onto the wider path this time. Walk into the yellow
hand to use the Star Rune. As you enter this area, you find
a kind of root monster. Tentacles will come out of the
ground. Hit the tentacles, not the trunk, to lower the main
trunk until it is all the way back down. Then, jump onto it
to take the TIME RUNE. The gray hand is right here, so walk
into it. This will open both gates.

It does not really matter which gate you choose to use, but
for the sake of directions, I will say to go right. The path
to the right will open up and you will find another root
monster. Do not bother trying to kill it. Here you find an
ENERGY VIAL and another ENERGY VIAL. When you come to a
crossroads, go to the left. Three boulders block your way.
Use the Club or Hammer to break them. Take the CHEST OF
COINS and the ENERGY VIAL and then break the next set of
three boulders. This will put you back where you found the
Time Rune.

Exit through the gate that required the Star Rune. Go back
across the swamp with all the magical mushrooms. (You just
have align yourself with the first magical mushroom and walk
off the edge of the path to land on it.) Exit through the
gate that required the Chaos Rune. Run back down the first
path until you come to that first tunnel. Walk into the
tunnel until you find the Merchant Gargoyle.

While facing the Merchant Gargoyle, look at the right wall.
There is a rectangle of it that stands out a little bit. Use
the Club or the Hammer or the Daring Dash to break down that
part of the wall. Remember, if you are hurting the wall, it
will flash when you hit it. This reveals a new tunnel.
Proceed down this new tunnel and you will find the CHALICE
with a CHEST OF COINS. At the very end of the tunnel, you
find an ENERGY VIAL. Drop out of the exit.

Return to where you used the Time Rune and go through the
gate on the left. When you come to a crossroads, go to the
left. Jump on the magical mushroom at the end of the path
and jump onto the higher path. Speak to the GARGOYLE, then
leave this area.

Speak with Mister Woden the Mighty in the upper left. You
will get TWO CHESTS OF COINS for your trouble.

As you start on the path, you soon find the FIRST BOOK.

As you walk out farther, you soon see a POD SACK. You should
see a thick vine with a swelled up part. The swelled part is
a lighter color and it pulsates. Attack that fat part until
it is dead. That is one pod sack down and eight to go. Walk
forward and behind the house to pick up a BAG OF COINS.

With the first dead pod sack near you, look around for the
SECOND BOOK. It lets you know that here is a place where you
can use your Witch Talisman.

Attack and subdue the roots above you and walk to the
Cauldron. Use the Witch Talisman from your inventory to
summon the Pumpkin Witch.

Near the second book, you will see roots growing out of a
round, wooden object. Remember this location. Kill the POD
SACK that is next to it. Walk to the right to find a BAG OF
COINS. Then, walk through the arch.

As you enter the next area, another POD SACK is right in
front of you. Then proceed to the left to find a POD SACK
that is protected by roots. Attack and subdue the roots so
you can reach the pod sack and the BAG OF COINS. Be careful
of the pumpkin bombs.

Turn around as you walk out of that part and you should see
the Pumpkin King. He is a huge, rotten pumpkin. You can find
TWO POD SACKS near him. Be careful of his tendrils. Both
chests, with the skull and crossbones, near him have time
bombs in them.

With the Pumpkin King in front of you and the arch behind
you, go to the right. Watch out for the pumpkin bombs. Drop
down to where the flopping fish are found and kill another
POD SACK. Jump up onto the middle section to stand in the
FOUNTAIN. There is also a SILVER SHIELD in a chest off to
the side.

Run back to the arch and face the Pumpkin King, then run
towards and past him. Attack and subdue the roots above you.
Here you find the last TWO POD SACKS. You also find the exit
to the level, but it is currently blocked with roots.

As you kill the last pod sack, the Pumpkin King will awaken.
Prepare a distance weapon. I like to use the Crossbow. As
soon as you are in range of him, just stand there and fire.
He tries to throw pumpkin bombs your way, but just ignore
them. He dies quickly.

Now, there is a constant supply of pumpkin enemies to kill.
Be sure to fill up your Chalice.

Go back through the arch and return to the Cauldron. If you
summoned the Witch earlier, she will automatically appear.
Otherwise, use the Witch Talisman. You will be given the
DRAGON GEM for killing the Pumpkin King.

As you leave from the Cauldron, notice the round, wooden
structure near there no longer has roots in it. As long as
your Chalice is full, feel free to drop down into it.

You will be in shallow water. You find an ENERGY VIAL, a
GARGOYLE. You find rats as well. You can smash them with
your Club or Hammer for two coins each. Walk up the tunnel
to find the CHALICE. The tunnel will drop you out near the
Pumpkin King. Run past him to the exit and leave.

Run all the way to the end of the hall and up the stairs.
You will see the stairs to the left and right are now solid.
The upper floor goes in a circle, so it does not matter
which way you choose to go.

You will notice you have two choices. You can listen to what
both have to say since you do not have to accept the item.
Once you have listened to both of them, then choose.

Near the stairs on the left, you find the warrior queen,
Imanzi Shongama. From her you can get the SPEAR. (I like to
take the Spear first.) It comes with 30 throwing Spears. You
can buy more from the Merchant Gargoyles. It cannot be
powered up.

At the far end of the hall, upstairs, you find the centaur,
Ravenhooves. From him you can get a LONGBOW with 100
Standard Arrows. You can buy more Standard Arrows from the
Merchant Gargoyles. It cannot be powered up.

Of major importance is the fact that your Chalice starts off
at 59%. That is for the people of the town. They are
innocent. If you kill them, it will detract from your
Chalice percentage which can cause you to not be able to
collect the Chalice. In other words, do not kill the people
of the town even though they will try to kill you. The
people of the town are the little girls with axes, the men
with axes, and the women with pans. At first, they are the
only ones in this town.

As you walk forward, a GARGOYLE speaks to you. You should
notice some rats in the street. Squash them with the Club or
the Hammer for two coins each.

Walk down the street. On the left, you will see a doorway
with a cross on the side of the entrance. Enter that church.
Here, there is a FOUNTAIN. There is also the FIRST BOOK.
Read it as it is important.

Those are your basic instructions for now. Leave the church.
With the church to your left, walk up and then turn left
and go up that street. You should hear a door open as you
see a street on your right. Walk a little bit onto that
street and enter that house.

In this house is a woman who will try to hurt you. Pick up
the MOON RUNE. Then, leave the house. From as you leave the
house, continue to the right.

Keep going all the way to the end of the street where some
steps lead down to a switch. Do not fall into the water or
you will lose what is in your life meter. Hit the switch at
the bottom of the steps. This turns off the water fountain
in the middle of town.

Walk back up the steps. Start back the way you came with
the steps behind you. Keep your eyes open to the left,
where some stands are, for a MERCHANT GARGOYLE. Continue and
look to the right for an open doorway which you should

You will see barrels. You can smash them with the Club or
Hammer to get a BAG OF COINS. If you smash all the barrels,
leave and return to restore them, though you can only get
the money once. You should notice a square that sticks up
out of the floor. Stand on it and a way will open, but the
way closes if you move. So, walk up against a barrel to push
it onto the square that is sticking up out of the floor.
This will keep that square pressed into the floor. Walk into
the blue hand to use the Moon Rune. Walk through the next
part of the room and ignore the barrels while avoiding the
woman. Walk down the stairs.

Once downstairs, smash the barrels to get a BAG OF COINS and
another BAG OF COINS. Get the CLUB from the chest. Remember,
you can squash those rats for coins. Exit the room on the

Avoid the man and run up the stairs. You are within the
"Troll's Head" as you can see from the sign. Read the SECOND
BOOK near the sign. You can jump over the counter to reach
the book more easily.

Equip your Club or your Hammer. You should see a wire cage
in the corner. Break the barrels in front of it and enter it
to get the EARTH RUNE. Be careful of the man in the cage.
Go back downstairs.

Walk into the green hand to use the Earth Rune. Get the
ENERGY VIAL. Smash the barrels to get a BAG OF COINS and
another BAG OF COINS. Hit the switch here to lower the bust.
Then, go back upstairs.

You should see the bust near the second book. Go up to the
pedestal and jump towards it to get the LANDLORD'S BUST. Go
back downstairs. Exit on the left and go upstairs and then
leave the building. As you exit, you finally find that
monsters you can kill are coming into town. Make sure you
search all around town for them. This is also nice because
the little girls are no longer roaming the streets.

As you leave the house, turn so the steps are behind you and
the doorway is to your right. Walk up the street until you
see a street to the left. Go to the left and read the THIRD
BOOK by the "Troll's Head" sign.

Approach the fountain and pick up the CHAOS RUNE, which is
down because you shut off the water. Look around and you
should see a building with a red hand. Walk into the red
hand to use the Chaos Rune, then enter the library.

Inside the library, be careful of the man as you read the
history of this land. Start at the bottom end of the room
and work your way up the wall as you read the many books.
are on the history of Gallowmere. In the upper corner, you
find the EIGHTH BOOK which tells you about the people in the
Hall of Heroes. By the bookshelves, you find the NINTH BOOK,
and the TENTH BOOK which are tourist guides.

Between the two tourist guides, you can break the
bookshelves with the Club or the Hammer or the Daring Dash.
There you can get the CRUCIFIX CAST and a BAG OF COINS.
Also, read the last book in this building, the ELEVENTH

Leave the library. As you emerge on the street, go to the
left and up a little to find a gate. Go to the right to find
an ENERGY VIAL. Go back to the library entrance so the
fountain is in front of you and the library is behind you.
Walk forward, past the fountain, and through the arch. Keep
going to return to the church entrance.

With the church on your right, go to the left. You should
see a building with a horseshoe sign on the front of it.
Enter that building.

This brings you to the forge. Smash the barrels with your
Club or Hammer to get a BAG OF COINS and another BAG OF
COINS. Get the SILVER SHIELD from the chest. Read the

Stand at the foot of the large, rectangular structure. Use
the Crucifix Cast from your inventory. Then, use the
Landlord's Bust. Stand on the bellows, which are to the
left. Jump up and down on the bellows. Make sure you press
all the way down before jumping again. Keep a good rhythm
as you jump. This will heat up the forge. The bust will
melt into the cast and create the CRUCIFIX. Take it. Return
to the church.

Stand behind the altar, near the book, and face the cross on
the wall. Use the Crucifix from your inventory. A hidden
area will open up for you. Take the SAFE KEY from there. As
you take it, notice a gate opens. Read the THIRTEENTH BOOK.

Leave the church. With the church entrance on your left, go
to the right and all the way down the street to a lake. Be
careful of the man. Go to the right, around the lake, to
find a BAG OF COINS and an ENERGY VIAL. Falling in the lake
will drain your life meter. Go back to the entrance to the
lake and go to the left. Enter the gate that opened earlier
when you found the Safe Key. This brings you up to the
higher level.

You should find some blocks piled on each other. Jump onto
them so you can jump onto the lowest structure with a roof.
Then, jump onto the next structure with a roof. Then, jump
onto the roof of the house. Jump down the chimney to enter
the house.

Jump onto the table to get a BAG OF COINS and another BAG OF
COINS. Hit the switch to open the last gate. In the upper
left, you should see a blue and gold safe. Stand in front of
it and use the Safe Key from your inventory. Then you can
take the SHADOW ARTEFACT. Leave the house by walking up and
through the doorway.

With the entrance to the house above you, go to the right
and through a hole in the wall. You will find an ENERGY
VIAL, a CHEST OF COINS, and the Chalice which you cannot
collect yet.

Go back to the entrance to the house and follow the path
through the gate. You will be back at the water fountain.
Face the library and walk towards it, but walk to the left
of it and beyond it. Go through the now open gate.

You face four soldiers. I like to run in circles around
them, or at least from side to side, and hit them with the
Broad Sword. Once they are dead, the exit will open. Only
now can you collect the Chalice. Read the FOURTEENTH BOOK

Do not exit this level. Go back to the house which has the
safe inside of it. With the entrance to the house before
you, go to the right and through a hole in the wall to get
the CHALICE. Return to the exit and leave.

Run all the way to the end of the hall and up the stairs.

You must choose whichever one you did not choose the last
time you were here.

Near the stairs on the left, you find the warrior queen,
Imanzi Shongama. From her you can get the SPEAR. It comes
with 30 throwing Spears. You can buy more from the Merchant
Gargoyles. It cannot be powered up.

At the far end of the hall, upstairs, you find the centaur,
Ravenhooves. From him you can get a LONGBOW with 100
Standard Arrows. You can buy more Standard Arrows from the
Merchant Gargoyles. It cannot be powered up.

You start at the gate. Follow the path down to the FIRST

You will walk past a unicorn bush. At a four-way crossroads,
kill the head of the dragon bush. With where the head was in
front of you, go to the right. Walk up to the statue of a
face and press X to talk with Jack of the Green. He will
tell you the first riddle.

Return to the crossroads. Go back to the unicorn bush.
Behind that bush is a green STAR. Hit the star.

Walk back to the crossroads and keep going through, in a
straight line, to the opposite side. You will find a bush
shaped like a person, a closed gate, and a green STAR to the
right of the gate. Hit the star.

Return to the crossroads. Go the opposite way from Jack of
the Green. This brings you into the hedge maze. At the image
of two masks, walk to the right first. It will not be long
before you find a green STAR between two trees. Hit the

Return to the image of two masks, and with them before you,
go to the left. This will lead you to a large, open area
with holes in the ground. Enter this area. Hit the bell to
ring it and bring out more zombies if they have not all come
out on their own. To the left of the bell is a green STAR.
Hit the star. Near the bell, while facing the bell, drop
into the hole on the right to get a BAG OF COINS. Turn so
the bells is behind you. Walk back towards the entrance and
drop into the hole on the right to get another BAG OF COINS.
When you try to leave this area, you will see the hedge has
grown shut. Just cut through it.

With the area with the bell behind you, go left. This will
lead you to a bush which fires at you. To the left of it is
a BAG OF COINS. To the right of it is a green STAR. Hit the
star. Return to Jack of the Green. Speak to him to hear the
next riddle.

Return to the hedge maze. At the image of two masks, go to
the left. Proceed past the area with the bell. You should
notice a way to the left has opened up now. Go that way. You
immediately find a SILVER SHIELD in a chest. Once you find a
clown bush, you also find the SECOND BOOK.

There are five stone slabs around the clown bush. There is a
sad face on one side and a happy face on the other side on
each slab. It takes two hits to move the face from a sad
face to a happy face, but none of them want to stay happy.
After you turn the happy face towards the clown bush, it is
only a matter of time before the slab will turn that happy
face away. However, they do not all turn away at the same

Hit all of them once so they are one hit away from the happy
face. Then, you should hit the one that is slowest to turn
first. Proceed in order until you hit the one that is
quickest to turn last.

The one in the upper right takes about 14 seconds to turn.
The one in the lower left takes about 11 seconds to turn.
The one in the upper left takes about 8 seconds to turn.
The one in the lower right takes about 5 seconds to turn.
The one in the center takes about 2 seconds to turn.

So, that would be a good order in which to hit them. I've
managed a different order, but I strongly suggest the center
one always be last. (I like to hit the lower left one, then
the upper left one, then the upper right one, then the lower
right one, and then the center one.)

Once you make the clown bush happy, return to Jack of the
Green. Talk to him to hear the next riddle.

First, go back towards the bush that looks like a person,
which is opposite the area with the unicorn bush. You
should see the gate is open now. You should also see cats
are roaming around here. Go that way and kill all the
zombies. At the end of the path, you find the Chalice and
an elephant bush. You also find a MERCHANT GARGOYLE next to
the gate. As you go back down the path from the elephant
bush, drop into the second hole along the way to get a BAG

Go back to the hedge maze. At the image of two masks, go
to the left. Go past the area with the bell. You should see
a new way has opened to the right. Go that way. You will
find an octopus bush that will attack you. You may want to
use a distance weapon to kill it. Go through the arch it
protects to find the CHAOS RUNE.

Return to the crossroads. Walk back towards the entrance and
you will find the red hand. Walk into it to use the Chaos
Rune. It opens a gate. Walk onto the BAG OF COINS. Entering
this area also causes a rat to follow you, as the sign on
the wall shows. Walk slowly so the rat can keep up with you.
Proceed back to the elephant bush with the rat. If you get
too close to a cat, the rat will run away and will soon
vanish in a puff of smoke. If that happens, return to the
gate and get another rat. The cats do not move quickly, so
watch which way they are going and adjust your path
accordingly. The elephant bush will react when you are close
enough to it with the rat.

Return to Jack of the Green to hear the last riddle. Then,
return to the elephant bush.

The elephant bush will have opened up a new direction.
Follow it. Where the bell is located, drop into the second
hole to get a BAG OF COINS. The chest with the skull and
crossbones holds a time bomb. Follow the path farther and
to the left you will find a FOUNTAIN. Ignore the way to the
right for now. A gate in the ground has been lifted at the
end of the path. Drop down into the hole.

Walk down to exit the room. You will notice three sources of
light in the larger room. You can move them by walking into
them. On the tree solid walls of the center structure, you
should see a red symbol, which is a window, in the middle of
the wall. Push the fires so that one is pressed up against
that symbol on each of the three solid walls. Then, enter
the original room. The lights will shine in through all
three windows. Stand in the light. You will exit within the
hedge maze.

Return to Jack of the Green. Talk to him. Return to the
elephant bush. Take the CHALICE. Then, enter the passage
that the elephant bush opened earlier.

When you are almost to the end of the path, go to the right.
The head on the arch will fire at you. Use a distance weapon
to kill it. You will come to a chessboard. Here you find an

There are four chess pieces on the board. They each have
their own color. There are four matching colored squares on
the chessboard. You must move all four chess pieces onto the
squares that match their colors. But, you must move them as
chess pieces would really move, though you can only move
them each one block at a time. The King (blue) and Queen
(red) can move in any direction. The Castle (yellow) can
only be moved horizontally or vertically. The Bishop (green)
can only be moved diagonally. Get behind them and hit them
with your weapon to make them move in the direction you
want. Once they are all in place, the center square will
turn into the exit. Jump down into the hole.

Run to the end of the hall and go upstairs. You should see
this time you have three choices. Feel free to speak with
all of them. Just make sure not to accept anything until you
are sure of the one you want.

The fellow holding an axe is Bloodmonath Skull Cleaver. He
will give you an AXE. It normally works up close, but the
Square button allows you to throw it sort of like a
boomerang. So, you do not need to buy more.

If you speak to Ravenhooves again, you will get the FLAMING
LONGBOW. It comes with 100 Flaming Arrows. You can buy more
Flaming Arrows from the Merchant Gargoyles. It cannot be
powered up.

If you speak to the fellow with the large shield, Karl
Sturnguard, you will get the GOLD SHIELD. Even if the Gold
Shield reaches 0, you can have it fixed by the Merchant
Gargoyles. So, you will never lose this shield.

As you drop down, the top gate will open. Kill all those
zombies. Then, both the left and right gates will open. Kill
all those zombies. Last, the trap door will open and you can
drop down to the next room.

Be careful as the two cannons on the wall do aim for you,
so keep moving. The gate on the left will open. Kill all
those zombies. Then, the top gate will open. Kill all those
zombies. Then, the right gate will open. Kill all those
zombies. Then, zombies will come out of all three gates.
Kill them all and the door in the upper left will open.

As you drop into this room, notice the two holes in the
wall. Bats come out of them. You can kill the bats, but they
do not increase your Chalice percentage. At first, the
slower zombies drop into the room. After enough zombies
enter the room, an ENERGY VIAL will drop down for you in the
top of the room. Continue killing the slower zombies. Once
they are all gone, faster zombies drop into the room. Kill
them all. Then, at the bottom of the room, several items
will drop for you to collect: a BAG OF COINS, a CHEST OF
The trap door leading out will also have opened, so drop
down into the next room.

At first, you will be attacked by madmen. Run all around
the room to make sure you kill them all. Then, items will
appear for you. From the double doors, going left, you then
a cell, and another ENERGY VIAL. More madmen and zombies
will appear. Kill them all and the double doors will open.
Stand next to the circle in the middle of the room, press
and hold R2 and L2, then look down to see a picture. Exit
the room.

Be careful of the cannons on the wall as they do aim for
you. Do not fall into the stream of lava or you will lose
what is in your life meter. At first, you must deal with the
madmen on the left. Zombies will start to appear on the
right, and zombies will follow the madmen on the left. Kill
everything on your side, then jump over the stream of lava
and kill the zombies there. Then, madmen and zombies should
rush out on both sides and a chest should drop down for you.
The chest has a skull and crossbones on it. Hit to it
release the time bomb, then jump back over onto the left
side to run away from the time bomb. That time bomb should
kill all the rest for you. Jump back over onto the right and
exit through the doorway that just opened up for you.

On your side, you find a BAG OF COINS on the floor, a BAG OF
COINS on a table, the CHALICE, and the EARTH RUNE. Drop down
and jump up onto the other side to find a FOUNTAIN. Walk
into the green hand of the cell to use the Earth Rune, then
enter the cell. The Mayor should speak to you and then the
exit door will open. Pick up the DRAGON GEM from off of the
table in the cell. Exit this room in the upper left.

Run to the end of the hall and go upstairs. This time you
have the two choices that you did not pick the last time.
Feel free to speak with both of them. Just make sure not to
accept anything until you are sure of the one you want.

The fellow holding an axe is Bloodmonath Skull Cleaver. He
will give you an AXE. It normally works up close, but the
Square button allows you to throw it sort of like a
boomerang. So, you do not need to buy more.

If you speak to Ravenhooves again, you will get the FLAMING
LONGBOW. It comes with 100 Flaming Arrows. You can buy more
Flaming Arrows from the Merchant Gargoyles. It cannot be
powered up.

If you speak to the fellow with the large shield, Karl
Sturnguard, you will get the GOLD SHIELD. Even if the Gold
Shield reaches 0, you can have it fixed by the Merchant
Gargoyles. So, you will never lose this shield.

Since this level is hidden within The Enchanted Earth, you
must first enter that area to find it. The Chalice and green
checkmark that appear beside the name, The Enchanted Earth,
apply to that level only and have nothing to do with The Ant

Make sure you use your shield to deflect the poison from the

Run all the way down to a symbol on a rock. Go to the left.

Use your shield for the projectiles of the plants as well.
You should see a Cauldron and the FIRST BOOK near it. (I
know this book is not part of The Ant Caves, but it is
relevant to it since it reminds you that this is a good
place to use the Witch Talisman.)

Approach the Cauldron, face it, and use the Witch Talisman
from your inventory.

The Witch says she will only offer the quest once. More
specifically, she will only offer it once each time you
enter the Enchanted Earth. In other words, if you decline or
mess up something, you can enter The Enchanted Earth again
and summon her. Then she will, again, offer the quest to
you. She wants seven pieces of amber.

Once inside The Ant Caves, talk to the GARGOYLE. As you
proceed, you will enter a room with a pillar in the middle
of it. Go to the left first. Here you find a chest with a
CLUB. There is a portal that blocks your way. You also find

Return to the room with a pillar in the center, and this
time, go to the right. You find the way is blocked. You can
also hear someone crying out, "Help," from beyond the
barrier. Since you found a Club, you know you need it, so
use the Club or your Hammer to break the barrier. Enter the
room where you will find a fairy. In this room, you also

Leave the room and return to the portal. The fairy will open
the portal for you and will give you three fireflies as
lights. Proceed into the entrance. This walkthrough takes
you through all the passages. It can be helpful to try to
map this area. I numbered the rooms to make mapping easier.

As you drop down several times, you will find yourself in a
tunnel which leads to a large room which is the first room.
Here, you will see ants. These are the smaller, more
lightly colored ants. They will not bother you as long as
you do not provoke them. If you search around the room, you
can see small holes that you cannot enter. These are exits
for the ants. Many more such holes exist in these caves. Do
not worry about killing the ants. There is no Chalice
percentage here.

From this first room, as you enter, there is a way to the
right and a way to the left. Go to the right.

You will walk down a passage and into the second room which
has a couple stalactites. You can attack the larvae. One
leaves a BAG OF COINS. You should also see a glowing
pentagon. From there is another cry for, "Help." Use the
Club or Hammer to break open the pentagon and free the
FAIRY. This fellow is one of six. After you free him,
boulders will drop and larger, darker, and more aggressive
ants will appear for you to fight. You can use the Club or
Hammer to break the boulders in your way. From this room, to
continue, you can go up or left. Go up. This will require
breaking some boulders.

This leads you to room three, which is a small room with an
image of a shell on the floor. A piece of AMBER is there for
the taking. To proceed from here, you can go right or left.
Go to the right. This way is not blocked by boulders.

This brings you into a long passage. You will find an ENERGY
VIAL along the way. As you continue, a couple boulders roll
past you, so try to walk in the middle of the passage to
avoid them.

You will emerge in room four, which is a large room filled
with larvae. You soon find an ENERGY VIAL. Kill all the
larvae to find a BAG OF COINS, a BAG OF COINS, and a BAG OF
COINS. You also find a piece of AMBER. Once you are done
looking around, return to where you entered this room. With
that tunnel in front of you, to the right you find another
pentagon. Smash it to free the second FAIRY. With the
pentagon in front of you, go to the right. The way is
blocked by two boulders. Smash them.

You will be back in room three at the image of a shell. From
your current perspective, go right to return to room two.

From as you enter room two, go to the right and take the
first passage you find. This, steeply, takes you down. You
will enter room five.

As you enter room five, take the ENERGY VIAL. This room is
defined by its stalagmites, which rise up from the floor.
From as you enter, you can go to the right to enter a
passage that steeply goes upward. This will take you back to
room four.

Once in room four, go to the left. As you enter the next
passage, you will see large stalactites. This passage leads
to a small room which is room six.

Room six has red marks on the floor and the wall. From as
you enter room six, go to the left.

This will take you to room seven where you will find a
FOUNTAIN. Kill the larvae to get a piece of AMBER and a BAG
OF COINS. This room has a couple mushrooms in it. From as
you entered, look to the left for the passage.

This takes you to room eight. You can find a piece of AMBER.
Kill the larvae for a BAG OF COINS. (From as you entered, if
you go to the right, you will return to room one. From
as you entered, if you go to left, you will return to room
five.) Just turn and go back to room seven. Room seven only
has two ways into it, so continue on to room six.

From as you enter room six, you can go up or right. You
have been to the right, so go up.

This will lead you into room nine. Kill the larvae for a BAG
OF COINS and a piece of AMBER. You can go left or right. Go
to the right.

The long passage leads to a small room, room ten, which has
an image of a scarab on the floor. Take the ENERGY VIAL. You
can go up or left. Go to the left.

Break the barrier with the Club or Hammer. This allows you
to enter room eleven which is very large. There is a large
pillar in this room. Pick up the piece of AMBER. Kill the
larvae to get a BAG OF COINS, a BAG OF COINS, a piece of
AMBER, and a BAG OF COINS. You can only reach the larvae in
the walls if the way in is already broken. Once you are
done here, break the barrier at the other end of the room
and proceed into that passage.

In this passage, you will find an ENERGY VIAL. You also find
another pentagon. Smash it open with your Club or Hammer
for the third FAIRY. At the end of the passage, you will be
back in room nine. From as you enter this room, go up to
return to room ten. When you enter room ten, go up to

In this passage, you will find another pentagon. Smash it
open with the Club or Hammer for the fourth FAIRY.

This leads to room twelve, which is a large room. You will
see a structure which divides some of the room. To the right
is another pentagon. Smash it open to free the fifth FAIRY.
Also kill the larvae to get a BAG OF COINS, a piece of
AMBER, and a BAG OF COINS. You will find a piece of AMBER on
its own. Then go back, along the other side, to kill the
larvae and get a BAG OF COINS, and a BAG OF COINS. Return to
where you found the piece of amber on its own. Continue into
the cave. To the left, you will see another pentagon. Smash
it to free the last FAIRY. To the right, you will find a
FOUNTAIN. Kill the larvae near the Fountain to get a piece
of AMBER and a BAG OF COINS. At the end of the room is a
barrier. To the left of the barrier is a MERCHANT GARGOYLE.
Feel free to stock up on your distance weapons. To the right
of the barrier is the THIRD BOOK.

Use the Club or Hammer to break the barrier. Drop into that
passage only if you are sure you are done as you will not be

Proceed until you find the Queen Ant. Approach her and she
will begin the battle. Keep on the move as she spits poison.
Keep your distance as you sends out ants to attack you and
you need room to fight them and to see them coming. I would
recommend you keep your Broad Sword, Hammer, or Axe out to
fight the ants. If you are being attacked by them, I would
suggest you kill them first before attacking the Queen Ant,
when she is vulnerable.

Periodically, the Queen Ant will raise herself up and the
room will shake. Boulders from the ceiling will fall down
around you. This also makes her an easy mark. Move close
enough to be in range. Equip your Spear first and throw it
at her. When you run out of Spears, use your Flaming
Longbow. (In short, start with the first distance weapon you
have in your inventory on the far right and then work your
way to the left as you run out of projectiles for each one.)
Make sure you press and hold the X button for rapid fire as
you use any of those.

Once she lowers herself down again, back away and use your
Broad Sword, Hammer, or Axe again to fight the ants that she
sends your way. Wait for her to raise herself up again
before attacking her.

Once you defeat her, you will see the exit. Be careful of
the large, larvae-like thing above you. If you jump into it,
it will hurt you. Drop down into the exit.

For collecting seven pieces of amber, the Witch gives you a
weapon called the CHICKEN DRUMSTICK. You are given 30 of
them. It cannot be powered up. As you use it, you throw it
and enemies near it turn into ROAST CHICKEN. Walk onto the
Roast Chicken to get 20 points of health. The Roast Chicken
will vanish if you do not hurry up and take it. If you want
more Chicken Drumsticks, you can enter The Enchanted Earth
again, summon her again, and find amber for her again and
she will give you more.

For finding all the fairies, you will earn the CHALICE which
sends you to the Hall of Heroes. If you play this area
again, you can still free the fairies but you will not earn
anything for doing so.

Run to the end of the hall and go upstairs. This time you
only have the choice that you did not pick the last two

The fellow holding an axe is Bloodmonath Skull Cleaver. He
will give you an AXE. It normally works up close, but the
Square button allows you to throw it sort of like a
boomerang. So, you do not need to buy more.

If you speak to Ravenhooves again, you will get the FLAMING
LONGBOW. It comes with 100 Flaming Arrows. You can buy more
Flaming Arrows from the Merchant Gargoyles. It cannot be
powered up.

If you speak to the fellow with the large shield, Karl
Sturnguard, you will get the GOLD SHIELD. Even if the Gold
Shield reaches 0, you can have it fixed by the Merchant
Gargoyles. So, you will never lose this shield.

Make sure you use your shield to deflect the poison from the
frogs. Frogs can be killed, but do not count towards your
Chalice percentage. You can see a Merchant Gargoyle behind a
gate, but you cannot reach it yet.

Run all the way down to a symbol on a rock slab. You could
go to the right, but it is blocked by a gate, so go to the

Use your shield for the projectiles of the plants as well.
Plants can be killed, but do not count towards your Chalice
percentage. Ignore the Cauldron area and the book there.
With the Cauldron before you, go to the right. You will pass
a chest behind a gate that you cannot reach yet. Keep going
until you are in a shallow pool of water.

Going left is very painful because of the red energy, so do
not. You cannot avoid the red energy yet. Go to the right.
Read the FIRST BOOK.

Keep going that way and you will find a FOUNTAIN. At that
Fountain, run around that tree to find a CHEST OF COINS and
another CHEST OF COINS which are hidden from view. Then, go
back to the steps in the huge tree stump and jump up them.
Walk onto the elevator. When it comes to a stop, walk onto
the next elevator. Falling down is a bad idea while on the
second elevator as you will lose what is in your life meter.
Once at the top of the track, jump up the ledges that go up
the huge tree to reach the top.

Once in the nest, be careful as the bird will attack. When
it does, use your shield so that you duck down and out of
reach. You need to push the eggs out of the nest. You do
this by walking into them in a direction in which they will
roll. This will break them so that you can take what is
inside of them. In this way you will get a CHEST OF COINS, a
COPPER SHIELD, and the EARTH RUNE. Then, jump back down
using the ledges.

Use the two elevators to return to the ground. Return to the
pool of water. With the red energy trap to your right, go
forward. You should see the Cauldron is ahead of you.
Before you are close to the Cauldron, you will need to go to
the left to go towards a gate. Read the SECOND BOOK there.

Walk into the green hand to use the Earth Rune. Walk past
the gate. I would suggest using a distance weapon to kill
the frog before jumping from point to point across the
water. Walking jumps will work fine. The GARGOYLE will speak
to you. It seems you need a Shadow Artefact. Pick up the BAG

If you do not have the Shadow Artefact, exit the area to the
right. This is the quick exit in case you came here too
early. If you do have the Shadow Artefact, you cannot exit
to the right.

Approach the face with a door for a mouth. Use the Shadow
Artefact, from your inventory, to open that door. Drop
inside. You soon find the THIRD BOOK.

Near the third book, you see a symbol on the floor that
represents air. It almost looks like an abstract tree. If
you go to the left, you find a symbol for water made up of
three waves. If you continue left, you find a symbol for
fire which looks like a simplistic drawing of a camp fire.
The last symbol, the spiral, must be earth as that is the
only element left. Above the symbol for fire, you can see an
image on the wall which tells you what is trapped in the
center of this room.

You need to stand on the four symbols, in the correct order,
to open up the center jail. The combinations possible are
limited, so trial and error works well enough. If you press
them in the wrong order, they will reset.

The combination is: fire, earth, water, and air. That
releases the Shadow Demons. (Aren't you proud of yourself?)
It also opens up the gates. Two of those gates are in this
room. In-between water and air, you can now take the SHADOW
TALISMAN. In-between earth and fire, you find the Chalice,
but you cannot possibly take it yet. Exit from in-between
fire and water. You will find an ENERGY VIAL. There is a
symbol of an eye on the floor. Stand on it to leave.

The GARGOYLE will speak with you. He is not happy with you.
The Shadow Demons will be lurking around this forest now as
well. They do, at least, finally give you something with
which to fill up your Chalice. You will notice the exit to
the level is here, but you need the right rune first.

Kill the three Shadow Demons, in your general area, and the
gates will open up for you. Run out until you come across
the symbol on the slab of rock. This is just before three
plants that block the path. Then, go to the left. Watch to
the right for the MERCHANT GARGOYLE, which you can now reach
since the gate was raised. Return to the symbol on the slab
of rock. With it in front of you, go to the left.

With the Cauldron in front of you, go right. Watch to your
left for the CHEST OF COINS which you can now take since the
gate was raised. You should be back at the shallow pool of

While in the water, face the red energy trap. To the left,
you should see a place in the rock that looks just like the
shape of the Shadow Talisman. So, face it and use the Shadow
Talisman from your inventory. This turns off the red energy
trap. Walk up the steps. Do a walking jump to the block over
the void. Then jump to the patch of floor. Take the STAR

Taking the Star Rune will start a battle. You will be
attacked by two, strong Shadow Demons.

I would suggest starting the battle with the Spear and then
switching to the Flaming Longbow. Make sure you keep an eye
on your targeting sensor so you do not throw away your
weapons without hitting your targets. Remember you have to
face your target to get a target lock. Also remember that it
is hard to maintain a target lock on fast moving targets.

Try to stay in the center of the floor because periodically
the floor will tilt. If it does tilt, try to run to stay on
the floor. If you fall off, you will lose what is in your
life meter.

As they are flying around you, remember you can use your
shield (Gold, Silver, or Copper) to block their blasts.
However, staying on the floor is more important than

As you progress in the battle, one of the Shadow Demons will
hover near you and cause boulders to fall down around you.
This is a good sign as the floor won't be tilting anymore at
that point. If you can get a target lock on it at this time,
you can do a lot of damage.

Once you defeat them, jump off on the right. Follow the
stone path around to the left to find a FOUNTAIN. Then, walk
the wooden path to the right to find another FOUNTAIN, a
CHEST OF COINS, another CHEST OF COINS and yet another CHEST
OF COINS. Continue onto the next wooden path to find an
ENERGY VIAL and another ENERGY VIAL. Then, drop down the
center of this tree trunk. At the bottom, you will find a
BAG OF COINS. (As you walk the wooden paths, be careful you
do not fall or you will lose what is in your life meter.)

Turn around so that where you just fell is behind you and
run past the shallow pool of water. The Cauldron should be
ahead of you, but still in the distance. Then, go to the
left and through the gate where you needed the Earth Rune.
You may want to use a distance weapon on the plants first
before you jump across. Once across, drop back down into the

From in-between the earth symbol and the fire symbol, take
the CHALICE. (If for some reason your Chalice is not full
yet, proceed to the exit of this entire level where you will
find more Shadow Demons to fight. Then, return to the
Chalice.) Leave from in-between fire and water. Stand on the
eye to exit.

Walk into the yellow hand to use the Star Rune. Then, leave
this level.

Run down the hall and go upstairs on the right. Speak with
Bloodmonath. You will be given THREE CHESTS OF COINS.

The biggest danger of this area is falling into the water
which drains what is in your life meter. Be careful as you
walk and jump.

You start off on a decent sized patch of ground. Walk down
to find a BAG OF COINS. Then go up and talk to the GARGOYLE.

Walk across the wooden bridge and find the FIRST BOOK,
which is the only book.

Walk around to the right, or left, so you can jump up the
steps. There you will find an ENERGY VIAL. Follow the stone
path onward. To the right of the path, you should see
something is in the water. As you approach it, it will
become a tentacle that will attack you. You can fight back
if you wish, but such tentacles do not count towards your
Chalice percentage.

When you have a choice, go to the left. The path stops, but
there is a stone platform not far from you. Run towards it
and jump to do a running jump and land on that platform.
(When doing running jumps, try to time it so you jump at the
very last moment so that you can get the most distance.) The
Boat Man will speak to you. You are given your task to
gather eight lost souls.

Do a running jump back to the path. You will notice a zombie
in a large suit of armor. You need to use your weapon to
force such zombies into the swamp where they will sink. They
do count towards your Chalice percentage.

Walk to the corner where you have to go left. You will pass
another tentacle. Jump up onto the round corner. Continue
to a rectangular area with a MERCHANT GARGOYLE at the end of
it. To the right is a path. Do a running jump to reach it.
Walk along it to the ground. Be careful of the tentacle to
the right of that path. Walk forward toward the FOUNTAIN,
and be careful of the tentacle in the pool to the right.

Once at the Fountain, walk to the right. You will notice
gold bridges connect a lot of the land. Take note that each
time you find a lost soul, some of those bridges will
disappear. Once you have all the lost souls, no such bridges
will be left.

You should see a chest with a skull and crossbones. Feel
free to break it open and release KUL KATURA. Remember, you
cannot control this serpent and it will only exist here for
a limited amount of time.

Cross over using the gold bridge to the right. Look around
for another chest with a skull and crossbones and walk
towards it. Be very careful if you hit it as it has a time
bomb. Even if you are at a relatively safe distance from
the bomb when it explodes, it can still push you.

With that chest in front of you, go to the left. You should
see a bag on an island. Do a walking jump to reach the BAG
OF COINS. Then, you may want to try to do a running jump to
return to where you were. (A running jump to that island may
go too far, but a running jump from the island makes it more
likely you will successfully make it across.) You should see
a yellow object. Make a running jump to reach your first
SOUL HELMET. Return to the chest with the time bomb.

This time, with that chest in front of you, go towards the
right and pick up the CHAOS RUNE. Then, look around yourself
until you see the Chalice in the distance. Walk towards the

Very near the Chalice, walk over a gold bridge. This brings
you to a tree with two shields on it. Take the second SOUL
HELMET. Also, take the ENERGY VIAL. Since both bridges are
gone, just to be safe, with the tree in front of you and the
Chalice behind you, go to the left.

Walk towards and then past the Chalice. Ignore any ways to
the right and keep going until you find the third SOUL
HELMET. Then, the bridges vanish. While at the flag, where
you found the Soul Helmet, you should see a path to the
right. This path has a pointed end. With the flag to your
left, do a running jump to jump onto the path. Follow it
back to the stone path which leads back to the Merchant

With that stone path to the left, walk forward and take the
first right. You should see a chest with a skull and
crossbones. In it is a time bomb. Set it off at your own
risk. You should also see the fourth SOUL HELMET, so take
it. (If you walk to the Soul Helmet without going over the
gold bridge, be careful while walking in-between the poles.)

With where you just took the Soul Helmet behind you, walk
forward and walk to the right across the first gold bridge
you find. This leads you onto an oval area with an ENERGY
VIAL. The way is narrow, so proceed with caution. Then,
cross back over that bridge.

You should see an area with a lot of chests that all have a
skull and crossbones on them. You want to take care of them
while the gold bridge for this is still present. Center on
the chest which is near the tree. You should just have to
run in a straight line across the gold bridge to reach it.
Trigger it. Then run back across the bridge. That should
set up a chain reaction which will explode most or even all
of those chests for you. Then you will not have to worry
about them.

With that gold bridge you just ran across in front of you,
go left and up. You should find a SILVER SHIELD in a chest.
Not far away is your fifth SOUL HELMET.

From where you found the Soul Helmet, you should see an
isolated piece of ground. Do a walking jump to it. From
there, do a walking jump to the area with a large tree with
two shields on it. (This is the area with all the chests
from earlier.) You should see the sixth SOUL HELMET in front
of you, so take it.

Keep going to find a gate. Walk into the red hand to use the
Chaos Rune. As you walk forward, the view will shift so the
two chariots are at the bottom of the screen. In this view,
you need to look towards the left. You should see treasure
on the island in that direction. Keep close to the wall and
do a running jump to that island. There you will find a
another ENERGY VIAL, and a LIFE BOTTLE. Be careful of the
tentacle. Again, staying close to the wall, do a running
jump back to the area with the chariots.

Next to the chariots is the seventh SOUL HELMET. Taking it
will trigger some enemies to appear. Walk past the chariots
and down the path. Be careful of the chariots as they will
roll down after you. At the bottom of the path, you will
find an ENERGY VIAL, another ENERGY VIAL, and the eighth and
final SOUL HELMET. When you take it, enemies will appear and
the exit will close. I would advise you deal with the thin
zombies with the throwing weapons first and then deal with
pushing the fat zombies over the edge. Kill them all to
open the exit.

Run back up the path. Last, you need to fill up your
Chalice. Consider using some sort of distance weapon as
flying monsters have appeared. Walk out of the gates that
needed the Chaos Rune. Keep to the right as you walk. Do a
walking jump back to that isolated piece of ground. Do
another walking jump to go back to where you see a broken
chest on the ground, where you got the Silver Shield

Go to the left and then stay next to the right edge to
return to the stone path that leads back to the Merchant
Gargoyle. Keep walking past the stone path, while staying
along the right edge, until you are at the path with a point
at the end of it. There are two other areas near it. Make a
running jump to the one with the square end which has no
grass on it. Once there, walk to the far end of this path
and make a running jump towards an area with a chest, which
has or had a time bomb. With the chest in front of you, go
to the right. Then look around and you should be able to
walk into the CHALICE.

Walk back to the last chest mentioned. With it behind you,
do a running jump onto the next piece of ground. Walk
forward and do a running jump onto the pointed piece of
ground. Then go to the right and keep close to the left edge
until you are back at the stone path. Walk up it. Do a
running jump off of the end of it to return to the Merchant

Walk away from the Merchant Gargoyle. Jump up onto the round
corner. Follow the path to the right. As you turn on the
next corner, ignore the way you see to the side and walk to
the end of the path. Do a running jump back to the platform.
Once at the Boat Man, use the Soul Helmet from your
inventory and he will give you a ride.

Run to the end of the hall and go up the stairs. You have
two choices.

If you go up the stairs on the right, you immediately find
Dirk Steadfast. He gives you a MAGIC SWORD which can be
powered up with the Square button.

Ravenhooves has another gift as well: a MAGIC LONGBOW with
50 Magical Arrows. The X button fires normally and the
Square button fires a single, powerful blast. More Magical
Arrows can be bought from the Merchant Gargoyles.

Walk off of the boat and read the FIRST BOOK.

The watchers sound bad there, but you want them to summon
others if you want a full Chalice. You may come up short

Be careful not to drop into the water here or you will lose
what is in your life meter.

Walk up the stairs and follow the path. You will see orange
creatures. You can kill them to get them out of the way, but
they do not increase your Chalice percentage. Once you reach
the corner, you will notice a wooden lever. You can hit the
lever in order to move the corner so you can access other

For now, just go left and follow that path. At the end of
the path, you will notice a huge eyeball on the building to
your right. That is a Watcher. You can try to kill it only
while the eye is open, but I would suggest letting it see
you to summon monsters. Killing a Watcher does not help your
Chalice percentage. Watchers summon green monsters. Do not
forget to use your shield to block blasts from those

Once on the ground, to the right you should see a dark,
round mass on a wall that periodically spits out venom. You
can kill it, but it will not help your Chalice percentage.
There is also another Watcher on the wall in front of you.

Walk over to the right to find a third Watcher on a wall.
You should also see doorways in a wall. To the left of
those doorways, there is another round mass spitting out
venom. To the right of those doorways, partially hidden
behind the building, is a BAG OF COINS. Walk the path
leading out over the water here to get the EARTH RUNE. Then,
go back to the two doorways in the wall.

Enter either doorway as they both lead to the same room.
Walk towards the Energy Vial and jump into the next room to
take the ENERGY VIAL. Exit the room. Right next to that exit
is a GARGOYLE. Speak with it. You will notice the exit for
this whole area is here, but it is closed for now since you
do not have the rune you need yet.

Turn so the Gargoyle is behind you, then walk forward. You
should see a Watcher ahead. There is also a mass that spits
venom off to the right. Jump into the boat and take the

Go back into the doorway next to the Gargoyle. Jump back
into the shallow water and exit this room through one of
the two doorways. From as you leave that room, go left
and back to the path over there. Follow it back to the
corner with the lever.

Hit the lever twice. With the path you just walked behind
you, go to the left. You will find a BAG OF COINS outside of
a closed gate. If the green monsters fall into the water
from the path, they may jump back out so you can still kill

Return to the corner with the lever. With the path
with the closed gate behind you, go to the left. This leads
you to a winding path which leads to a circular path.

Once you reach the circular path around a whirlpool, start
by going to the left. You will find the first path to the
left leads you to a FOUNTAIN. Continue on the circle. The
second path from the circle leads to a hand that wants the
Time Rune. Here you will also find a Watcher. The third path
from the circle leads to a hand that wants the Earth Rune,
and another Watcher. Walk into the green hand to use the
Earth Rune. The fourth path from the circle leads you to the

The fifth path from the circle leads you to a hand that
wants the Chaos Rune, and a Watcher. Walk into the red hand
to use the Chaos Rune. (You may want to walk around the
whole circle again to make sure you killed all the green
monsters.) Continue and pass where you entered, pass the
path with the Fountain, and approach the gray hand to use
the Time Rune.

Once all three machines are working, the whirlpool will
freeze. Drop down into it. Where you land, you find a SILVER
SHIELD in a chest. Follow the path to find a BAG OF COINS,
and yet another BAG OF COINS.

At the end of the path is a room with the Chalice which you
cannot take yet. Walk up to exit the room. Be careful as you
emerge not far from the water and there is a Watcher just
outside. Once you are back on the ground, notice the mass on
the wall which spits venom. Pick up the BAG OF COINS not
far from that mass.

Walk the wooden path over to the other side. You immediately
find another mass, on the wall, spitting venom. Turn the
corner to find a MERCHANT GARGOYLE. Walk past the Merchant
Gargoyle and past the wooden path until you find a stone
structure on your right. Enter it, but be careful not to
fall in the water. Inside is a CHEST OF COINS.

Walk to the skull of a dead fish. Follow the wooden fence
and walk through to find another mass, which spits venom, on
the wall. (The Watcher can see you here.) Then, on that side
of the fence where you found the mass, walk into the
structure next to the water to find a switch. Hit the
switch to raise the gate on the path leading away from this

Return to the side of the fence with the dead fish. It is
near a doorway in the wall. Enter the doorway to find a
Watcher. Go left from the Watcher to get the STAR RUNE, but
be careful because there are two masses, that spit venom,
on the top wall and one mass on the left wall.

You should have enough for the Chalice. Follow the path near
the Merchant Gargoyle. Enter the house that is close to the
water. Take the CHALICE. Exit the house and follow the path
back to the Merchant Gargoyle. Then, take the path to the

Hit the lever, at the corner, twice. With the path with the
gate behind you, go to the right. Once on the ground, go to
the right. Find the two doorways in the wall and enter one.
Proceed into the drier room and exit the room. Walk into the
yellow hand to use the Star Rune and exit this level.

Run to the end of the hall and go up the stairs. Speak to
whomever you did not speak with the last time.

If you go up the stairs on the right, you immediately find
Dirk Steadfast. He gives you a MAGIC SWORD which can be
powered up with the Square button.

Ravenhooves has another gift as well: a MAGIC LONGBOW with
50 Magical Arrows. The X button fires normally and the
Square button fires a single, powerful blast. More Magical
Arrows can be bought from the Merchant Gargoyles.

Be careful of falling down into the green slime as that will
drain what is in your life meter.

As you enter, follow the path. Be aware that some of the
Shadow Demons are flying around in this room. Once you come
to a choice of directions, notice the Chalice is to the
left, but go to the right. At a cave entrance, you will find
a GARGOYLE. Speak with it.

As you try to enter the cave, you will see two, large
crystals block it. You can smash these open easily. One
holds a BAG OF COINS and the other holds an Imp. As you
enter the cave, you will see you can go in two possible
directions. Go to the right.

Remember you can kill bats, but they do not increase your
Chalice percentage.

The next room has another Imp trapped in a crystal as well
as a thief Imp which is wandering around the room. (Remember
that if an Imp is not holding a torch, it can steal from
you. Kill the Imp to retrieve your item if it is stolen.)
Go to the left. You will notice a spinning crystal. Beware
of its beams. Walk in the same direction it moves, dodging
from side to side as necessary, and pick up the BAG OF COINS
and the EARTH RUNE. Then, leave this room.

With the room where you found the Earth Rune to your left,
go forward. You will find more Imps in crystal, as well as
Rhinotaurs. Take note that the Rhinotaurs will free
themselves from the crystals if you get close to them. You
also will find a chest with a skull and crossbones. Feel
free to open it for the time bomb which will kill a couple
enemies for you.

Walk up onto the path of gray rock. In a crystal with a
Rhinotaur, you find a SILVER SHIELD. Near there, you find a
BAG OF COINS. Drop back down onto the tan colored floor.
Then, go to the right and go up.

You should enter a room with several levels. Go to the left
to pick up a BAG OF COINS. On the next level, to the far
right, you will find a FOUNTAIN. Be careful of the thief
Imp. On the top level, on the far left, you will find a
MERCHANT GARGOYLE. On the far right, you will find the

Walk into the green hand to use the Earth Rune which will
open up the gate. In this next room, smash open a crystal to
the left to pick up a CHEST OF COINS. You should see a
waterfall. Walk into and past it.

This next room has four levels of ground. Mentally, number
them from one to four from left to right. You start out on
level 1. Read the SECOND BOOK there.

On level 1, you also find a BAG OF COINS, an ENERGY VIAL, a
BAG OF COINS, and a CHEST OF COINS. Make a running jump
across to the lowest level over on the right to jump to
level 4. On level 4, you find a BAG OF COINS. Jump up to
level 3 to get a BAG OF COINS, an ENERGY VIAL, a BAG OF
COINS, a CHEST OF COINS and the STAR RUNE. Jump up to level
2 to get a BAG OF COINS, a CHEST OF COINS, and a BAG OF
COINS. Then, drop back down to level 1.

Equip your Hammer and use it on the ground. Notice the
ceiling falls on level 2. This is how you fight the Dragon.
You cannot hurt the Dragon with your weapons. You must cause
the ceiling to fall on his head.

Hit the ground on level 1 to hit level 2.
Hit the ground on level 2 to hit level 3.
Hit the ground on level 3 to hit level 4.
Hit the ground on level 4 to hit level 1.

On level 1, you should see the face of a Dragon on the wall.
Stand in front of it and use the Dragon Gem from your
inventory. You will use one. You then have to use the other
Dragon Gem from your inventory. This will summon the Dragon.

The Dragon sticks just his head out of the holes on the
different levels. He starts on level 2. He moves to level 3,
then to level 4, then to level 1, then back to level 2, etc.
Use the time in-between his attacks to try to move to an
appropriate level so that you can bring the ceiling down
onto his head. Be careful of his fire as it sets you on fire
and you burn for awhile before the flames go out.

Once you defeat the Dragon, you will see he leaves an object
behind. Walk into it to take the DRAGON ARMOR. As he said,
it will protect you from fire. This means you can walk
through fire. It also means if you are set on fire, if you
equip the Dragon Armor, it will put out the fire. It allows
you to attack with fire. It cannot be powered up with the
Square button. When you equip the Dragon Armor, it will
unequip your shield. However, you can still equip your

Return to level 1 and exit. From as you walk through the
waterfall, go to the right. This leads you into a room which
has monsters trapped in crystals. It also has some bats. As
you walk farther into this room, you find a pool of water.
Do not fall into it as it will drain what is in your life
meter. Walk around it to the left, but do not settle on one
spot. You will notice some of the floor sinks as you are on
it. Stay on such places long enough and you will be sinking
all the way into the pool. Pick up a BAG OF COINS. (To be
extra safe, you may want to make walking jumps over those
pieces of the floor. They are visibly different from the
rest of the floor.) At the exit to the room, make a walking
jump to the right to get another BAG OF COINS. Then jump
back and enter the next room.

There are more monsters in crystals here and all but the
last one free themselves. You find a CHEST OF COINS in a
crystal with a Rhinotaur. Walk through this room of crystals
and drop down the slide at the end.

You should see the spinning crystal in front of you. Go left
and into the next room. Then, go to the right. Walk into the
yellow hand to use the Star Rune. The floor should rise so
you can cross. (Dropping down onto the floor before it is
raised is like dropping into a void.) Kill the enemies here
and you should be able to collect the Chalice. Be careful
of the thief Imp.

Walk back to where you used the Star Rune. With the Star
Rune behind you, walk forward into the next room and go to
the right to return to the very first room. Follow the path.
When you reach a choice, go to the right and you will find

Return to where you used the Star Rune. Cross over again and
leave this level.

Run to the end of the hall and up the first set of stairs.
This time, the door there is open. Enter that room and speak
with Megwynne Stormbinder. From her, you can receive
LIGHTNING. You can power it up with the Square button.
However, notice there is a percentage with it. That is how
much Lighting you have left. Once you use it all up, you
cannot get more.

You will notice some impaled zombies in the distance. Be
careful with them as you have to move close enough to them
that they will break themselves free before you can hurt
them. In this level, if possible, I like to kill enemies by
throwing my Axe from a distance. For the impaled zombies,
this may mean running away from them, just after they break
free, and then walking just close enough to be in range.

As you walk forward, notice a closed gate to your right
which blocks a Merchant Gargoyle. Next, you find the FIRST
BOOK on the left.

Continue to find a FOUNTAIN on the left. Then, you will find
another closed gate on the right which blocks the Star Rune.
You find a third closed gate on the right near the SECOND
BOOK. It is hard to see, but this gate blocks a switch in
the floor.

Pick up the BAG OF COINS from next to the dragon neck and
head, made of stone, on the left. Proceed and find another
BAG OF COINS on the ground not far from an exit to this
level. This is not the best exit as it will not allow you
to advance. Read the THIRD BOOK next to it.

Next, go to the right. As you walk, along the right you
will notice a chest with a SILVER SHIELD.

You will then have to go left. You will notice, along the
right wall, two gates. One blocks a chest with a skull and
crossbones and the other blocks a chest of coins. You then
find a gate that needs a rune. You will have to make a left
again, so in other words, you make a U-turn. As you continue
along, keep your eyes open for an area to the right with two
gates. The Chalice is behind one of them and an Energy Vial
is behind the other.

You will come to a gate of fire. Do not walk into the fire
unprotected as that will set you on fire. Read the FOURTH

If you go to the left here, you will return to the exit of
this level which you previously saw.

Equip the Dragon Armor and walk through the gate of fire.
You may want to equip a different weapon once you are on the
other side. You will notice a chest with a skull and
crossbones on it. If you go near it, the Serpent of
Gallowmere will appear. It is like Kul Katura, only it
follows you around trying to hurt you. Next to that chest is

You should notice four switches in this room. You stand on
them to activate them. The one in the lower left opens the
gate with the Energy Vial. The one in the upper left opens
the gate with the Merchant Gargoyle, which at the entrance
to this level. The one in the upper right opens two gates
also near the entrance. They have the Star Rune and the
switch. The one in the lower right opens the two gates at
the U-turn. They have the chest with the skull and
crossbones and the chest of coins. It is possible to stand
on all of these switches without waking up the Serpent of

If you wake the Serpent of Gallowmere, run away from it. If
it keeps chasing you, doubling back can sometimes give you
more time as it slows down to turn around. It may go away

Equip the Dragon Armor again and walk back through the gate.
With the gate of fire behind you, go to the right. As you
walk, you should pass the exit you previous saw, which will
be on the right. Go all the way back to where you first
entered this area. Then turn and walk back.

Keep looking to your right. Through a raised gate, you will
find a MERCHANT GARGOYLE. Continue on and past the Fountain.
To your right, behind a raised gate, you will find the STAR
RUNE. A little farther ahead, to the right and behind a
raised gate, you find a switch. Stand on it to open up the
way to the Chalice.

Walk forward until you can go right and then do so. You will
have to go left once you reach the U-turn. To the right,
behind a raised gate, you find a chest with a skull and
crossbones. In it is a time bomb. Walk forward and look to
the right for another raised gate where you find a CHEST OF
COINS. Then, walk into the yellow hand to use the Star Rune.

Kill enough enemies so that you can collect the Chalice,
then leave this room. With where you used the Star Rune in
front of you, go to the left. As you are walking, look to
the right for a place with two raised gates. One has an
ENERGY VIAL. The other has the CHALICE. Return to where you
used the Star Rune. Enter that room and exit this level

Run to the end of the hall and go up the stairs to the
upper level. Speak with Ravenhooves again to get a LIFE

Notice that you start with a Chalice percentage of 12%. Some
farmers are being held captive. That percentage is for them.
If they are killed, or you kill them, it will reduce your

As you walk forward, you soon find the FIRST BOOK.

You will notice to your left there are a bunch of chickens.
Chase the chickens to heard them out of their pen and move
them forward to a pile of corn. This corn is not far from
a drop into a void, which will drain your life meter so be

As the chickens eat up all of that pile of corn, a switch
will be revealed. This allows the switch to be lifted so the
drawbridge will open for you. Cross over on it.

As you enter the castle, speak with the GARGOYLE on the left
wall. You will find a door with a face painted on it, but
you cannot go that way yet. Jump up the stairs to the left,
but be careful not to fall into the void. This brings you to

Walk all the way to the left to find the CHAOS RUNE. Be
careful not to fall into the void as not everywhere up here
is protected by a fence and the wall is old and worn. Then
return to the second book.

You can see the farmers below you. You cannot jump over the
fence to reach them. Walk to the right a little and you can
kill a Shadow Demon. You can also see the ones on guard
below you. Keep going to the right until you find an opening
in the fence where you can approach the guards. Once you
jump down, be prepared to run after the Shadow Demons as
they will all run to kill the farmers. There are three
guards. Make sure you target the ones in the lead first.
Kill them quickly. (I, personally, like to use the Spear to
kill them. It is possible to use the Magic Sword as well,
but then you have to catch up to them very quickly.)

If you look around the courtyard, near the farmers you find
a doorway. In the room, you find hot oil and you find you
need a rune. Falling into the oil drains what is in
your life meter. Leave this room.

In the courtyard itself, you see two gates and the painted
door. They are all closed. Near the gate, which is near the
switch in the floor, you find a BAG OF COINS.

At the farmers, each one has a fire under him. Equip the
Hammer or Club. Hit each fire three times with the Hammer or
Club to put out the fire. When all the fires are out, stand
on the switch in the floor so the farmers can drop down and
run away from here. Standing on the switch also causes both
gates and the painted door to open.

Follow the farmers through the painted door to return to
where you fed the chickens. Each one presents you with a
chest of coins. So, for three farmers, you get THREE CHESTS
OF COINS. (If, for some reason, you do not save all three,
you get one less chest of coins for each one that died.)

Cross back over the drawbridge and go through the painted
door to return to the courtyard. Go through the gate near
the switch in the floor. To the right you find a pool of hot
oil and the THIRD BOOK. Falling into the oil drains what is
in your life meter.

Go up the steps and up the ramp. This puts you on the outer
wall. Go to the left and up the next ramp to find a BAG OF
COINS, a BAG OF COINS and the Chalice which you cannot
collect until later. Walk down the ramp and continue along
the outer wall while being careful not to fall into the
void. On the wall you will find an ENERGY VIAL. Walk back
and walk down the ramp and down the two steps. Go back
through the gate to the courtyard.

Run to the other end of the courtyard and go through that
gate. As you enter, be careful as there are three cannons
which keep firing. Once beyond the cannons, you find a
closed gate, a MERCHANT GARGOYLE, and a stack of crates.

Jump up the stack of crates so you can reach the wall. Then,
go to the right to find an ENERGY VIAL and a dead end. Go
back and go the other way. You will find another ENERGY
VIAL. Keep going along the wall until you can go down some

Not far from the steps is a small stack of crates which you
can use to jump up onto the wall. This allows you to reach
an ENERGY VIAL and another ENERGY VIAL. Then, drop down off
of the wall and you will be at a GARGOYLE. Do not worry
about the gate there. Return to the steps where you
originally came down into this area.

With the Gargoyle in the distance and in front of you, go
to the right. As you walk, take note of a set of stairs,
with a red hand near them, to the left. But, keep walking as
far as you can. Then, to the left, you should find a chest
with a SILVER SHIELD. Return to that set of stairs and walk
into the red hand to use the Chaos Rune which opens the

Be careful not to fall into the void. Walk across the wooden
bridge while being careful not to be hit with the fire as it
will set you on fire. To the left, you will see the FOURTH

Then, walk into the entrance to the Throne room. Inside, you
will find the FIFTH BOOK.

Approach the throne. The floor will drop out from under you,
dropping you into another level. (The floor will only do
this once.) Follow the path and do not drop into the void.
Once you have a choice of direction, go left and through the

Be careful of the fires in this room as they can set you on
fire. Take KING PEREGRIN'S CROWN. You can also find a BAG OF

Leave the room. Walk the path to the right and keep going
until you can go through another doorway. Here you find a
FOUNTAIN. Walk to the left to exit this room.

This puts you next to the entrance to the Throne room. Go
back into the entrance to the Throne Room. Approach the
throne again and use King Peregrin's Crown from your
inventory to summon him to his throne. Do this only after
you are sure you are done exploring.

You will be dumped into a fighting area. If the castle is
destroyed with you in it, you will return to this point,
though your life meter will be drained. So, in that respect,
it is like falling into a void.

Here you can pick up the EARTH RUNE. To the left, you will
see a switch. Hit it to start the countdown to the
destruction of the castle. You can see the timer in the
lower left. When you hit the switch, you will also activate
the two, stone Golems.

You cannot hurt the stone Golems with your weapons. You need
to use your weapon and you need to walk into the stone
Golems to guide the stone Golems close to the upper edge so
they can fall into the void. Work on one at a time. The
stone Golems can spit a hurtful substance. They turn around
easily, so pushing them is not easy. I like to equip the
Dragon Armor and use its fire breath to push the stone
Golems. You may want to equip a different weapon when you
are done.

Once you defeat them, the gate will open on the right, so
go that way. Pass the cannons and go through the gate to
return to the courtyard. Enter the doorway near where the
farmers were being held. Inside that room, walk into the
green hand to use the Earth Rune. Exit the room. Go through
the gate near the switch in the floor.

Jump up the two steps and run up the two ramps to reach the
CHALICE. Run back down the two ramps and the steps. Then,
run to the right across where the hot oil used to be, but
now is not because you used the Earth Rune. You will find

At the exit, you will find a CHEST OF COINS, another CHEST
OF COINS and yet another CHEST OF COINS. After you take
them, back up and look for a switch to the right. Hit it to
watch the catapult fire a rock. Then, jump onto the end of
the catapult so it will fire you over the wall.

Run to the end of the hall and go up the stairs on the left
to speak with Imanzi Shongama. She will give you TWO ENERGY

Welcome to what is, in my opinion, the nastiest area of the

To your left, you will see a blue hand and the FIRST BOOK.
The first skeletons you fight are ones that do not count
towards your Chalice and they reset if you leave the area
and return. There are more such skeletons.

At first, walk to the right. Look around yourself. Above,
you will see skeletons on the floor and one skeleton, in a
blue coat, walking. The one in the blue coat is the officer.
Kill him and the rest will die, so to speak. Otherwise, the
rest can come back after you kill them. You also need to
kill the officer to get any of them to appear in your

Go left and up a ramp. This allows you to go up a ramp to
the right. Pick up the MOON RUNE. Walk back down both ramps
and return to where you started. Walk into the blue hand to
use the Moon Rune and enter the doorway.

This room also has an officer to kill. Pick up the ENERGY
here. Leave the room.

Walk to the right. Walk up so that you can go right and
approach the trap doors which are opening and closing. If
you want to cross without falling into the holes, time your
jumps for when the door you want to land on is closing.
Also, notice the beams in-between the doors. You can stand
on them. So, try to stay on them if possible. However, feel
free to drop down into one of the holes.

You will drop into a room with rolling barrels. Here you
will find a BAG OF COINS and a chest with a SILVER SHIELD.
Time your passage so that you avoid the barrels. Walk up the
ramp and out of this room. This puts you on the other side
of the trap doors.

You will be back on the top deck again and at more rolling
barrels. You can jump over the barrels as well as dodge
them. Run to the right as far as you can, then run down and
over to the right to get a BAG OF COINS. Go back to the
left, go up part of the way, and go to the right to find a
FOUNTAIN. Continue up all the way and go to the right to
walk into the yellow hand and use the Star Rune. This opens
a doorway. Drop down as soon as you can and kill the
officer. This will open up a way for you in the lower right.

Be careful not to fall off of the side of the ship and into
the void as that will drain your life meter. Here are four
cannons. Walk past them, one at a time, making sure you time
your movements so that they do not hit you. Then, you will
find the CHAOS RUNE. Walk back past the four cannons to
where you last fought an officer. Walk into the red hand to
use the Chaos Rune.

This leads you to some netting. First, drop down to below
the netting.

You land right next to the officer, so kill him. Walk out of
the room on the right. You will find yourself on a suspended
walkway. On this walkway, you will find a BAG OF COINS, an
ENERGY VIAL, and another ENERGY VIAL. While you are here,
press and hold L2 and R2 and look up. You should see the
paddles turning above you.

Return back into the room below the netting. In the left
side of the room, jump on the large crates to go to the
upper left corner. Then, jump into the doorway that leads to
the next room.

There are huge cannons in this room which you must pass. For
the first one, after it fires, run towards it and drop into
the hole in the floor. Wait until it fires again, then jump
out of the hole and run past it. The second one is firing
too high to hit you while you are on the floor. But, you
have to jump over two obstacles, so time your jumping well.
You can pick up an ENERGY VIAL as you walk through here.
There is no help for the third cannon. After it fires, run
and press the Triangle button to do the Daring Dash which
allows you to run faster for a moment. Do the same for the
last cannon. You will then find a CHEST OF COINS. Walk up
the ramp to exit this room.

You will return to where you used the Chaos Rune. This time,
use the netting to cross. Think of the squares of the
netting like trampolines. The more you jump on them, the
higher you will jump. The higher you jump, the more of a
chance you have of making it to the next square. Dan does
cast a bit of a shadow and it can help you tell where he
will land. You want to make your way to the upper square of
netting on the far right. Once there, turn the camera angle
so you can line yourself up with the exit properly. Then,
jump as high as you can and push towards the mast to jump up
onto that level.

(There is more than one way to cross over this next area. If
you fall from the paddles or the swinging boards, you will
either fall into the void and lose what is in your life
meter, or you will fall to the suspended walkway.)

If you go down all the way from the mast, though try to make
sure you do not fall into the void, you will find cannons
which fire outside of the ship. There are doors that open
and allow them to fire. The first door opens and closes
slowly. The middle door opens and closes at a medium speed.
The last door opens and closest quickly. If timed well, you
can do walking jumps from one to the other to make your way
across. (My suggestion is to make sure the first door comes
up first and the middle door is just coming up as you try to
jump across.) This brings you to a FOUNTAIN. From there,
start close to the side near the paddles and do a walking
jump onto one of the turning paddles.

If you would rather not go that way, from the mast, go up
all the way. Then, when the swinging board is close enough,
do a walking jump to the right and onto it. Then, you can
turn the camera angle if it helps. When the first board is
close enough to the next board, do a walking jump onto the
next one. When the second one is close enough to the third
board, do a walking jump to the third one. From here, you
can drop onto one of the turning paddles.

(While on a paddle, you can jump up onto the area with the

You should see an area with steps. From the paddle, walk to
that area. No jump is required. Kill the four skeletons and
the barrier will break allowing you access to another
officer. Kill him and the doorway will open to the boss.
Notice on the level where you killed the first four
skeletons, there is a MERCHANT GARGOYLE.

Go back down the steps and walk onto one of the paddles. On
the other side, the paddles come close to an elevator. Jump
into the elevator. Jumping while inside the elevator will
make it go up and down. With the elevator raised, do a
walking jump to the right and onto a walkway. Run all the
way to the end and kill the officer. Also, pick up the
ENERGY VIAL. Then, you should be able to collect the
Chalice. Do a walking jump back into the elevator. This
time, with the elevator raised, do a walking jump to the
left. You will find an ENERGY VIAL and the CHALICE. Do a
walking jump back to the elevator. With the elevator raised,
do a walking jump to the right. Walk right all the way and
drop off the end.

This puts you back where you were. Read the SECOND BOOK,
then go through the doorway to the boss.

The door will close behind you. In the chest, you find a
CLUB. Stand with the tip of the Club in the fire to light
it. Stand with the fire of the Club at the back of a
cannon to fire the cannon. There are two cannons you can
fire, and you must light them each time you want to fire one
shot. If you just stand there with your lit Club, the cannon
will fire repeatedly. Try to time your shots so that they
hit the Ship's Captain who is walking back and forth. If the
fire goes out on your Club, light it again.

If the skeletons attack, equip the Magic Sword and run
around slashing at them until they are all on the floor.
Then, resume lighting the cannons until they attack again.
Repeat the process until the Ship Captain has been defeated.

Once defeated, the door will open so that you can go back
out into the ship. The blockage will also have been removed
so that you can exit this level by taking control of the

Run to the end of the hall and go up the stairs on the left.
Speak with Karl Sturnguard. He will give you FOUR CHESTS OF

On the right, you find the FIRST BOOK. On the left, you find

As you enter the circular room, make sure you kill all the
Imps before you drop down to the floor. Exit the room by
going down the hall.

When you have a choice, go to the left. You will find a
FOUNTAIN and stairs going downward. Go down the spiral
stairs. At the bottom of the stairs, you will find a
MERCHANT GARGOYLE. Exit this room in the upper right. You
find the exit to this level, but do not leave. Just kill the
Imps. Then, go back upstairs. Run back up the hall, and this
time, go to the right.

After going down some stairs, you will find a room with a
waterfall. Be careful as thieving Imps are here. Such Imps
do not hold torches. If your weapon is stolen, quickly kill
the Imp who took it to get it back as you do not want the
nasty Imp running away and out of the room with it. You
should then be able to take the CHALICE which is here. You
also find the SECOND BOOK and the THIRD BOOK here.

Go back up the stairs and through the hall and go down the
left hall again. Go back down the spiral stairs and exit
this level.

Run to the end of the hall and go upstairs on the right.
Speak with Dirk Steadfast to receive another LIFE BOTTLE.

You start on a path. Be careful not to fall into the void as
that will drain what is in your life meter.

Walk along the path and you will find a butterfly shaped
gate. Hit the switch and the gate will open for you. As you
enter, you find a GARGOYLE.

You will see tiny, gold clocks flying around. Completely
ignore them. Go to the left and do a walking jump over the
hole where a clock hand is moving up and down. Time your
jump so the clock hand does not hit you. I prefer to jump
across when the clock hand is raised.

You should see a path going to the left. You will walk onto
the image of a man. Then, walk onto the image of two fish.
Do not let the clock hands hit you. You can jump over the
clock hands. Next, do a walking jump to the image of a mask.
This path leads you past a pendulum. Notice a part of the
floor is darker where that blade is hitting it. Inch up to
the blade, and as it is rising, walk past it.

This puts you on another image of a mask, only this one has
clock hands. This leads to an image of a crescent moon, with
clock hands. This leads to an image of man where you can
get a SILVER SHIELD from the chest. Finally, the path ends
on the other side of a butterfly gate. Take the TIME RUNE.
Then, hit the switch to open the butterfly gate.

Jump back across the gap where there is a clock hand and
return to the Gargoyle. You should see round brains in the
ground. I like to use the larger one that is on the right,
while the Gargoyle is in front of you. Jump on the brain
repeatedly until you are high enough to land on the master
time clock. The master time clock is a huge clock. The
Gargoyle is on one of its sides.

From the master time clock, walk up the path and into the
gray hand to use the Time Rune. You will come up to another
pendulum blade. Walk under it when the way is clear. As you
approach the butterfly gate, a clock will appear showing you
a time. This time is different from game to game. Take note
of the time it gives to you and return to the master time

There are two switches next to the clock itself. Jump on the
blue switch to move the blue clock hand. Jump on the gold
switch to move the gold clock hand. Move them to the places
shown on the clock at the butterfly gate. Go back up the
path and to the butterfly gate and the gate should be open.

Notice the spinning device in the next area. It has three
prongs. The lowest one bothers you while you first enter.
Make sure you try to stay behind it or jump over it if it
catches up to you. Run in the same direction as the lowest
prong spins until you see a space in the wall with a metal
square on the floor. Stand on that metal square to be raised
up to the next level.

On the next level, you need to jump over the middle prong if
it catches up with you. You need to use your shield to duck
under the higher prong if necessary.

Once up on the higher level, run to the right until you find
a path branching away and take it.

You will find a wide area with two pendulums. You can walk
around them. Go to the left and past the third pendulum. You
may want to equip a distance weapon, the Crossbow will do,
to kill those flying eyeballs before you deal with the
rolling disks. Once the eyeballs are dead, run through an
opening between the disks and take the CHAOS RUNE. Run back
out and walk all the way back to the spinning device.

With the spinning device in front of you, go to the right,
past the first path at the metal square, and onto the
second path you find. Follow it past a pendulum. You will
see a large, gray tube with a metal base. Stand on the metal
base and jump up into the tube. This lifts you up to a
similar tube on a higher level.

Walk up the stairs and look towards the left. You should
see a triangle. Walk onto it and it will move. On the other
side, jump off of it to get a BAG OF COINS and another BAG
OF COINS. Walk onto the triangle again to return back to the
other side where you should jump off of it.

You should see a face on a stone slab. Hit it and it should
turn off the red energy. You have three seconds until the
red energy is restored. To stop the energy, you must break
the circuit. You should see the Chalice in a huge, red
crystal. That red crystal is the source of the red energy.
In this area, you should see four conductors in 90 degree
shapes. Hit the stone slab to turn off the electricity, then
hit one of those conductors and it will turn off the red
energy. This breaks the circuit so all the red energy is

Walk down both sets of stairs and take the EARTH RUNE which
is now free of the red energy. Then, walk up one set of
stairs. Either jump up into the gray tube or drop down on
the right. Both take you to the same place. Walk the path
back to the spinning device.

With the spinning device in front of you, go to the left and
take the path at the metal square. Follow the path to the
end and read the FIRST BOOK, which is also the only book.
Walk into the red hand to use the Chaos Rune. Then enter the

Walk into the green hand to use the Earth Rune. From there,
go to the right. Find the handle of the platform for Train
and walk into it to push the Train a quarter turn to the
right. It should then be facing where you used the Earth
Rune. Do a walking jump onto the platform for the Train.
Jump onto the Train and it will start.

At the end of this track, you find a BAG OF COINS, another
BAG OF COINS, and yet another BAG OF COINS. You also find a
large brain. Jump onto it to reach the higher level. There
you will find the MOON RUNE and the MERCHANT GARGOYLE.

Drop back down and jump onto the Train and it will take you
back to the previous room. Do a walking jump from off of the
Train's platform. Soldiers will start to drop into the room
from the two small doorways. Kill them first. Then, walk
into the blue hand to use the Moon Rune. From there, go to
the right and walk into the handle again to move the Train a
half circle to the right. The Train should be facing where
you used the Moon Rune. Do a walking jump onto the platform
and jump onto the Train.

You are dropped off near a FOUNTAIN. From the Fountain, walk
to the left until you come to a switch. Hit it. Return to
the Fountain. Walk down, then walk to the left until you
find another switch. Hit it. Then, return to the Train and
jump onto it.

The exit is open, but you are not done yet. Take a walking
jump from off of the platform. Then, leave this keep the
same way you entered it.

Walk the path back to the spinning device. With this device
in front of you, go to the right and onto the first path you
find. Walk past the pendulum and jump up into the pipe.

Walk up the stairs. You need to make a complete circuit.
Leave the two conductors next to the red crystal in their
original positions. Hit the two next to the stone slab so
that the four conductors form a rectangle. This will destroy
the crystal so you can take the CHALICE.

Go down both sets of the stairs and walk out onto where you
took the Earth Rune. Press and hold L2 and R2 and look down.
You should see a moon crescent pillar with three chests on
it. Back up and make a running jump so that you jump
towards this pillar and you are close to the right side of
the one conductor as you jump. This is a very difficult
jump. For making this jump, you get a CHEST OF COINS,
another CHEST OF COINS, and another CHEST OF COINS. If that
does not seem worth it to you, return to the master time
clock a safer way.

Once on the moon crescent pillar, you should see a path not
far from you. Make a running jump to that path. Follow that
path either way to return to the master time clock.

With the Gargoyle, at the master time clock, in front of
you, go to the right. Approach the butterfly gate and take
note of the time you are given. The time changes from game
to game. Jump back onto the master time clock and enter in
that time. Drop down and enter through the butterfly gate.
Since the red energy is gone, you can now take the LIFE
BOTTLE. There is also a FOUNTAIN on the right.

Jump back onto the master time clock and enter in the
previous time. Walk back to the spinning device. Stand on
the metal square to be lifted up and take the path which is
there. Return into the keep.

From as you enter, push the handle of the platform a quarter
turn to the right. The Train should then be facing the exit.
Take a walking jump onto the platform and jump onto the

Run down the hall, up the first set up stairs, and into the
room there. Speak with Megwynne Stormbinder for THREE ENERGY

With the acquisition of this last Chalice, you have earned
the best ending. Your statue is now solid. Unfortunately, it
is of what you look like now.

As you walk to the house, do not fall down into the void as
that will drain your life meter.

To the left is a MERCHANT GARGOYLE. Feel free to stock up
on everything. To the right is a GARGOYLE. When you are
ready, enter the building.

After you enter, you find a chest on either side of you. One
has a SILVER SHIELD. The other has GOOD LIGHTNING. It cannot
be powered up. As you use Good Lightning, it will drain your

If Dan's health could use some work, walk around the outer
edge of the room until you find a FOUNTAIN. This Fountain
will not be there if Dan has at least four, full life
bottles above the life meter. I would suggest using the
Fountain up now, if possible. Using a Fountain in the middle
of battle is a bit tricky. (I would more strongly suggest
you come to this area with full health so this isn't an

Walk into the center of the room to use the Chalice of
Souls. Then, your eight skeleton warriors will all appear.

You need to use the Good Lighting to keep your skeletons
alive. When they are bright green, they are in good health.
Their color will change as they are hurt with red being just
before they are totally destroyed. Run around and try to
keep them all alive. You cannot defeat Zarok's warriors.
Your skeletons must do it.

At the end of the battle, each one of your skeletons left
alive will leave behind an ENERGY VIAL. So, the most you can
have is eight Energy Vials.

Then, Zarok will send out Lord Kardok. Equip the Magic
Longbow. When he is riding slowly, you cannot harm him. You
have to wait until he gallops at you. Then, start using the
Magic Longbow. If you want to try to dodge, side to side
dodging and working your way in circles seems to help. I
prefer to just stand my ground and blast him with the Magic
Longbow until he is, once again, dead.

Zarok will appear to be fought. I prefer to do a lot of
running from him with him in view so I can see what he is
doing. Remember to use the Triangle while running to do the
Daring Dash for an extra burst of speed if needed. Keeping
the shield out certainly does not hurt as well. If he shoots
out poison, dodge forward and to the side to keep away from
it. If he starts a huge fireball attack, you should be able
to run and keep well ahead of it.

His underbelly is his weak point. So, you need to hit him
while that is exposed. This happens when he rears up to swat
at you. Start with the Spear. If you have any Magic Arrows
left, use the Magic Longbow next. Then, I prefer to switch
to the Magic Sword. If close fighting is too hard, then
continue with distance weapons. If distance fighting is
taking too long, feel free to use the Magic Sword earlier.

Though there are two possible endings, if you see the best
ending you will see everything.

To see the first ending, find 19 or less Chalices.

The second ending is attained by collecting all 20 Chalices
along with their respective prizes. This adds into the
regular ending a special sequence at the Hall of Heroes.


Running hand, if squashed: 2 coins.
Location: The Graveyard, Return to the Graveyard.
Rat, if squashed: 2 coins.
Location: The Pumpkin Serpent, The Sleeping Village.
Bag of coins: 10 coins.
Location: Many areas.
Chest of coins: 50 coins.
Location: Many areas.

Roast Chicken: 20 points of health.
Location: Use the Chicken Drumstick.
Energy Vial: 225 points of health.
Location: Many areas.
Fountain: 600 points of health.
Location: Many areas.

Witch Talisman: Summons a witch at a cauldron.
Location: Cemetery Hill.
Sheet Music: For the would be phantom of the opera.
Location: The Hilltop Mausoleum.
Skull Key: Opens the Skull Gates.
Location: The Hilltop Mausoleum.
Harvester Part: Fixes the harvester.
Location: Scarecrow Fields.
Dragon Gem (1): Required to summon a dragon.
Location: The Pumpkin Serpent.
Landlord's Bust: Required metal for the crucifix.
Location: The Sleeping Village.
Crucifix Cast: Required to make the crucifix.
Location: The Sleeping Village.
Crucifix: Used in the church.
Location: The Sleeping Village.
Safe Key: Used to open the safe in the Mayor's house.
Location: The Sleeping Village.
Shadow Artefact: Used to find the prison of the Shadow
Location: The Sleeping Village.
Dragon Gem (2): Required to summon a dragon.
Location: Inside the Asylum.
Amber: Needed by the Witch of the Forest.
Location: The Ant Caves within the Enchanted Earth.
Shadow Talisman: Needed to finish The Enchanted Earth.
Location: The Enchanted Earth.
Soul Helmet: Lost Souls to be collected for the Boat Man.
Location: Pools of the Ancient Dead.
King Peregrin's Crown: Used to summon King Peregrin.
Location: The Haunted Ruins.

Copper Shield: Wears down and breaks.
150 maximum.
Location: Dan's Crypt, The Graveyard, Cemetery Hill, The
Hilltop Mausoleum, Scarecrow Fields, The
Enchanted Earth.
Silver Shield: Wears down and breaks.
250 maximum.
Location: Return to the Graveyard, Scarecrow Fields,
Pumpkin Gorge, The Pumpkin Serpent, The Sleeping
Village, The Asylum Grounds, Inside the Asylum,
Pools of the Ancient Dead, The Lake, The Crystal
Caves, The Gallows Gauntlet, The Haunted Ruins,
The Ghost Ship, The Time Device, Zarok's Lair.
Gold Shield: Cannot permanently break. Can be fixed by the
Merchant Gargoyles.
400 maximum.
Location: Chalice 9 or 10 or 11.

Arm: Your own arm. You cannot use a shield with it equipped.
Square: Throw.
Location: Your own body.
Small Sword: Weakest sword.
Square: Power up.
Location: Dan's Crypt.
Throwing Daggers: Distance weapon. Can be replenished from
the Merchant Gargoyles.
Square: Power up.
250 maximum.
Location: Dan's Crypt, The Hilltop Mausoleum.
Crossbow: Distance weapon. Bounces off of corners.
Square: Nothing.
200 maximum.
Location: Chalice 1.
Club: Wears down and breaks. Can be lit to set things on
fire. Smashes boulders, weak walls, barrels, etc.
Square: Set things or monsters on fire if lit.
Location: Cemetery Hill, The Hilltop Mausoleum, Scarecrow
Fields, Pumpkin Gorge, The Sleeping Village, The
Ant Caves, The Ghost Ship.
Hammer: Smashes boulders, weak walls, barrels, etc.
Square: Power up.
Location: Chalice 3.
Broad Sword: Can be temporarily Enchanted by the Merchant
Square: Power up.
Location: Chalice 5.
Spear: Distance weapon. Can be replenished from the Merchant
Square: Nothing.
30 maximum.
Location: Chalice 7 or 8.
Longbow: Distance weapon. Can be replenished from the
Merchant Gargoyles.
Square: Nothing.
200 maximum.
Location: Chalice 7 or 8.
Axe: Close attack and distance weapon.
Square: Throw.
Location: Chalice 9 or 10 or 11.
Flaming Longbow: Distance weapon. Sets monsters on fire. Can
be replenished from the Merchant Gargoyles.
Square: Nothing.
100 maximum.
Location: Chalice 9 or 10 or 11.
Chicken Drumstick: Distance weapon. Turn enemies into Roast
Chicken. Replenished from the Witch in
the Enchanted Earth.
Square: Nothing.
30 maximum.
Location: The Enchanted Earth.
Magic Sword: Most powerful sword.
Square: Power up.
Location: Chalice 13 or 14.
Magic Longbow: Distance weapon. Can be replenished from the
Merchant Gargoyles.
Square: A single, strong blast.
50 maximum.
Location: Chalice 13 or 14.
Dragon Armor: Protects from fire. Shoots fire.
Square: Nothing.
Location: The Crystal Caves.
Lightning: Unreplenishable distance attack.
Square: Power up.
Location: Chalice 15.
Good Lightning: Self-sacrificing, distance replenishment for
your skeletons in the last battle.
Square: Nothing.
Location: Zarok's Lair.

(100%) Enchant Sword: 100G
(100) Repair Gold Shield: 120G
(50) Throwing Daggers: 40G.
(50) Crossbow Bolts: 80G.
(50) Standard Arrows: 60G.
(25) Flaming Arrows: 80G.
(10) Magical Arrows: 100G.
(10) Spears: 100G.

1: Crossbow (Canny Tim).
2. Life Bottle (Canny Tim).
3. Hammer (Stanyer).
4. Two chests of coins (Stanyer).
5. Broad Sword (Woden).
6. Two chests of coins (Woden).
7. Spear (Imanzi Shongama),
or Longbow (Ravenhooves).
8. Spear (Imanzi Shongama),
or Longbow (Ravenhooves).
9. Axe (Bloodmonath),
or Flaming Longbow (Ravenhooves),
or Gold Shield (Karl Sturnguard).
10. Axe (Bloodmonath),
or Flaming Longbow (Ravenhooves),
or Gold Shield (Karl Sturnguard).
11. Axe (Bloodmonath),
or Flaming Longbow (Ravenhooves),
or Gold Shield (Karl Sturnguard).
12. Three chests of coins (Bloodmonath).
13. Magic Sword (Dirk Steadfast),
or Magic Longbow (Ravenhooves).
14. Magic Sword (Dirk Steadfast),
or Magic Longbow (Ravenhooves).
15. Lightning (Megwynne Stormbinder).
16. Life Bottle (Ravenhooves).
17. Two Energy Vials (Imanzi Shongama).
18. Four chests of coins (Karl Sturnguard).
19. Life Bottle (Dirk Steadfast).
20. Three Energy Vials (Megwynne Stormbinder).

1. Dan's Crypt.
2. The Graveyard.
3. Chalice 2.
4. Dan's Crypt.
5. Scarecrow Fields.
6. Pools of the Ancient Dead.
7. Chalice 16.
8. Chalice 19.
9. The Time Device.

*** THE END.

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