Resident Evil 3: Nemesis

Resident Evil 3: Nemesis

11.10.2013 13:22:29

by ROliveira - 05/25/2001


1 - Legal Stuff (READ THIS, IT CHANGED!!)
2 - Intro
2.1 - About me
2.2 - History Review
3 - About Mercenaries
4 - Why I like Mikhail
5 - Walkthrough, finally!
5.1 - Fast Walkthrough
5.2 - Saving People
5.3 - Notes
6 - Acknowledgements

1 - Legal Stuff

Resident Evil (Bio Hazard) 1, 2 & 3, Dino Crisis, Street
Fighter and all related stuff are properties of Capcom Corp., Japan.
KOF and all related stuff are properties of SNK Corp., Japan.
GoldenEye and all related stuff are properties of Rare Corp., USA.
N64 and all related stuff are properties of Nintendo Corp., Japan.
Any other trademarks not mentioned here are still acknowledged.
Everything else that isn't of my own will be in "Acknowledgements".
If you think you have any credits, please e-mail me. I really
apologize for anyone I forgot, so contact me for proper credit.
can make profit with such a scrub guide, anyway. :)
For those Game magazines (coughEGMcough) and Games centers
(coughGameCavecough) who have used stuff from GameFAQs to make money
with them, beware: YOU CANNOT USE ANYTHING FROM THIS FAQ. I did not
spend my time to give you any profit, direct or indirect. Access to
this FAQ must be 100% free: no passwords, charges, conditions, etc.
of any form.
When it changes, you'll know. THIS MEANS: DO NOT ASK MY PERMISSION
It can ONLY be found at:
GameFAQs (
VGStrategies (
Gamers Domain (
PSX Codez (
Absolute PlayStation (
CheatStop (
Survival Horror (

My FAQs are only available for FREE, and only in the above mentioned
sites. If you got'em anyway or anywhere else, e-mail me ASAP!
If you wanna use it for anything other than reading - for
example, in your own FAQ or web site - please give-me the rightful
credit and tell me before. This disclaimer must appear. FAQ auhtors
listed in "Acknowledgements", you are free to use anything written
here at any time, just give me credit.
This is the 1st, unreleased version of the FAQ.
Best viewed with WordPad and/or simmilars, 640x480 or greater.
P.S.: I don't know everything. Don't blame ME if anything here
is wrong! If you have any add-ons, suggestions, etc., E-MAIL me at

2 - Intro

2.1 - About me

I am Brazilian, male, hetero, born 08/19/1979. Please excuse the
errors, this is my 2nd FAQ and my English is very bad.
My 1st FAQ was named "GUIDE FOR OROCHI YASHIRO in KOF' 98",
and is available in the same places this FAQ is:
GameFAQs (
VGStrategies (
Gamers Domain (
PSX Codez (
Absolute PlayStation (
CheatStop (
Survival Horror (http//
In these places you will find FAQs for nearly every game that exists,
no wonder! :)

Resident Evil (in the U.S, or Bio Hazard, in Japan) is one of
the very best games available. It's not as hard as other adventure
games (like Dino Crisis), or so stupid as some others who have
tried, w/out success, the same level of RE (coughTombRaidercough),
and is VERY cool to play. This is possibly my favorite series of
games and, by far, the best of the entire RE series.

This is the twin brother of the "RESIDENT EVIL (BIO HAZARD) 3
BEGINNERS/MISC GUIDE", and I recommend you to read it if you are
a true beginner because this FAQ is intended for more experienced
Why a Mercenaries FAQ? Because with good direction, you can
buy the items faster and easier. Unlike previous RE games, it seems
that this is the only way to get special weapons and infinite ammo. I
usually play it with Mikhail (you'll see later why).
Say NO to drugs and to Tomb Raider series :(
Say yes to Resident Evil series! :D

2.2 - History Review

0.00a - 10/27/1999 - First version, unreleased. Sent to SomaAddict
and FireLite for review.
0.99 - 11/03/1999 - Updated version, unreleased. Sent to
Henry LaPierre & Rann Yong for review.
1.00 - 11/11/1999 - Updated version, unreleased. Removed some
unauthorized data - that is why Copyright
1.00a - 02/25/2000 - First released version (Vacations are over!)
1.50a - 05/03/2000 - 2nd release, minor review. Added "hot spots"
(thanks to DBZ Magus!).
1.51a - 05/19/2000 - Added links to VGStretegies and Gamers Domain
1.55a - 08/28/2000 - Added links to Absolute PlayStation and
PSX Codez
1.60a - 10/25/2000 - Added link to CheatStop and some minor changes.
1.70a - 05/25/2001 - CHANGED LEGAL STUFF! Added link to S. Horror.

3 - About Mercenaries

These men have lost their edge.
They have forgotten what fear and survival mean.
It's time for them to remember...

The rules are simple...
In order to dispose of the bomb implanted in your body, you
must reach the target point. Keep in mind that there will be
various obstacles in your way. So do not be afraid to use
whatever means necessary to reach your goal.
Good luck...

In this secret subgame, you begin in the Cable Car, and you
have to return to the very first Save Point in the game. You start
with some weapons, a certain (and small!) amount of ammo and some
healing items. The time limit is 2 min.. When you kill an enemy (or
a group), your time is increased. You have 3 characters to choose:
Carlos, Nicholai and Mikhail. The amt of time you gain depends on:

1 - The type of enemy you kill. Zombies/Naked Zombies add 3 sec.,
Crows 1 sec., Zombie Dogs 4 sec., Drain Deimos 5 sec., Hunters
(both) 6 sec., Brain Suckers 6sec., Giant Spider 4 sec., Sliding
Worm 1 sec. (group). Nemesis Knockdown: 10 sec. (1st) and 20 sec.
(2nd). If you get in the Bus (near the Parking) with 2min.+ left,
you will fight Mutated Nemesis, that will add 120 sec. (!) when you
KILL it. Dodge adds 1 sec., Dodge then kill varies, so does Drum
Blast Kill. If you check the dead guard (where you get M3S/Lighter
Fluid) it will add 2sec.. Moreover, if you kill your enemy with the
C.Knife, your time gain will be 8 times bigger than normal!!

2 - The number of monsters you kill togheter. E.G.: if you kill 1
Zombie you add 3 sec.; however, if you kill 2 Zombies, you will add
7 sec. to your time. With an Explosive Drum, several Zombies can be
killed togheter, adding several sec. to your time (my personal max
is 92 sec.).

3 - If you kill an enemy and then kill another BEFORE the "+xxx sec"
disappears, you will add time as if you killed them simultaneously.
E.G.: if you kill a Zombie, you add 3 sec. If, with a sec. shot
you kill other, will add an extra 7 sec.. If you then kill a 3rd
Zombie, 14 more sec. will add in your timer. It's better than
killing they all with a single shot, but, unfortunately, you don't
have too much ammo, so you should be very careful when making it.

4 - A Survivor adds 20 sec. to your time, and also gives you ammo.
There are 5 survivors. In order to rescue one, you must get there
with 1min30sec.+ time (I'm not sure) and kill all enemies nearby.
Rescuing all survivors will add about $1000 to your reward. UBCS
will appear if you save 3 before 'em. The UBCS you find depends on
who you are playing with. E.G.: if you are playing with Mikhail, #1
is Nicholai and #2 is Carlos.

Location Survivor Carlos Mikhail Nicholai
Gas Station Dario 60 Bullets 14 Shells 60 Bullets
Raccoon Press Woman Spray 14 Shells 60 B.T.*
Rest. Basement Brad 60 Bullets 12 Rounds 60 Bullets
El. Substation Marvin 60 Bullets Spray 60 Bullets
Sales Office UBCS#1 60 Bullets Spray 60 B.T*
Bar Jack UBCS#2 Spray 14 Sp. Shells 60 Bullets
* - B.T.: Black Taurus Bullets

Weapon/Items start in Mercenaries Mode:

Carlos: M4A1 assault rifle (100%), Eagle 6.0 handgun (15 Bullets),
Handgun Bullets (90), 3x Mixed Herb (Red/Green/Blue).

Mikhail: M3S shotgun (7 Shells), M629C Magnum (6 Rounds), M66 rocket
launcher (8 Rockets), Shotgun Shells (21), Magnum Rounds (18) and a
Mixed Herb (Red/Green/Blue).

Nicholai: SigPro handgun (15 Bullets), C.Knife, Blue Herb, 3x Spray.

Every time you beat the subgame (or die), you gain a certain
amount of money. The bigger the time, the bigger the cash. You can
then buy the following items (description in my Beginner's FAQ):

*Infinite AR $2000
*Infinite Gatling $3000
*Infinite M66 $4000
*Infinite Ammo $9999

These add-ons are available in the normal game only, both for
Jill and Carlos. Except by Infinite Ammo (for all weapons), all
items are in the Chest. Also, these items are only available in the
Mode you beat the game (unavailable for New Game).
NOTE: Henry LaPierre (see "Acknowledgements") says that, after
extensive testing (2 days only in Mercenaries!!) he realizes that the
ranking is semi-random also... :( Well, here we go anyway.

4 - Why I like Mikhail

Mikhail is the one I think is the best of 3 to finish the game.
As speed and resistance are simmilar for all 3, the best will be
that with the more balanced equipment available.
The equipment of Mikhail makes him the easiest to beat the
game, Nicholai the hardest and Carlos an average.
Of course, if you are a hardcore (crazy) gamer, you may take
your chances with Nicholai... good luck!

5 - Walkthrough, finally!

This section is rather short. I divided in 2 parts: Fast is
better suited for beginners, and Saving for pros. The subgame
itself is very short, as are both walkthroughs.
Note that my RIGHT and LEFT notatins are related to your
character, not the point of view. Another good credit goes to
Thomas Wilde (a.k.a. Wanderer, a.k.a. Storyteller). See in
"Acknowledgements" how you can contact him. His "The Code
Veronica Battle Game Walkthrough" is very funny and complete. The
part I liked the most in it is a serious problem for all RE3 and
RECV players: the Ninja Zombies (tm).

"Ninja Zombies (tm) are a problem that affects all of us. A Ninja
Zombie is a zombie that apparently knew truly powerful ninja magic
before his death, and now, as a zombie, can:

1) ...turn around faster than you can. You cannot sneak up on Ninja
Zombies. They will turn around with Ninja Speed (tm) and bite you.
2) ...abruptly dash forward with amazing speed, about as fast as
Wesker can run.
3) ...telekinetically pull you closer to them so they can bite down.
4) ...pull you out of a slash to take a bite.
5) ...somehow avoid injury from knife slashes. A good Ninja Zombie
can wade right in through your knife and sink in its teeth. This
may also have something to do with Wesker being an idiot, as
6) ...take wildly inconsistent amounts of punishment. If you've been
routinely knocking zombies down with three horizontal slashes, the
game may decide to get saucy and have the next few zombies require
four slashes before they fall. Or five. Or six. Or a friggin'
tactical air strike.

These Ninja Zombies can disguise themselves as ordinary zombies, and
tend to appear at random, scattered throughout the zombie population
in the Battle Game. There's nothing you can do about Ninja Zombies
except hope they don't show up too often. They add an annoying
element of luck to Wesker's scenario."

Read his awesome walkthrough at GameFAQs:
NOTE: not even Ninja Zombies (tm) withstand ShotGun Shells in the

5.1 - Fast Walkthrough

This one warrants Ranking C and $900+ if you make correctly.

You begin in the Cable Car. Press Select to begin faster, and
Run button to quit the Map after you check it. Run to the RIGHT and
exit the Cable Car.

Run to the RIGHT. There will be a pile of wood and some bags;
climb the bags (far RIGHT). Get down and ignore Zombies. Open the
door ASAP.

Run touching the RIGHT wall and ignore the two Zombies (the fat
one sometimes grab you). Continue touching the RIGHT wall and ignore
the grounded Zombie. Try to kill the 2 Zombies in front of you with
2 shots (using the M3S), so you will gain more time. Open the door.

Open the door at the far end ASAP or the Crows here will slow
you down.

Hit a Head Shot with the M3S (point up and shoot when close) on
the 1st Zombie here . Run until you reach the bifurcation. Tap
Down + Run to Turn Back and run as far as you can, but still able to
see the Drum. Wait until the Zombies group and blast away the can.
Go straight, and in the bifurcation go to the RIGHT. Open the gate
at the end.

Reload your M3S here. Go ahead until you can see some Zombies,
shoot 3 well placed Shells and enter the door ahead.

Run touching the RIGHT wall and turn RIGHT, ignoring the Dogs
here. Open the door ASAP.

Equip with the M629C and open the very first door ahead.

Run straight, turn RIGHT to the corridor, open the door ASAP,
ignoring Nemesis(!).

Hunters! This part is hard to escape untouched, so kill them
carefully (using the M629C). Equip with the M3S and open the door.

Place 2 or 3 good M3S shots here and you should safely reach
and open the next door. But be sure to reload before exit.

Run to the LEFT to ignore the 2 Zombies here (kill them if you
want). Go straight and blow the Drum carefully. Don't wait too much
or you'll get in trouble. Kill all Zombies ahead and equip with the
M66 before you exit.

You should have more than 2 min. here, so the Nemesis should
appear. Run to the LEFT and shoot as it lands and hold the M66 - BUT
DON'T SHOOT UNTIL IT GETS UP and roars, or you will waste your ammo.
After he is dead, equip and reload your M3S. Open the gate.

3 good M3S shots will kill the Zombies and give you time to use
the M66 and hit Nemesis. Kill the last Zombie far away with the
M629C. Reload both, equip with M66 and kill Nemesis when he gets up
(phew!). Equip with M3S again and open the door.

Go straight, ignore Deimos and open the first gate you find.

Go straight and turn LEFT to annoy Zombies. Turn Back, aim the
Drum and wait until several Zombies are close. A good M3S shot will
blow them up. Go to the LEFT, kill remaining Zombies and open gate.

Ignore Dogs and open the door ASAP.

Equip with M66 only if you have 4 Rockets. If you don't GET OUT
OF HERE! When you reach the bifurcation, turn RIGHT and hit Nemesis.
Run straight as far as you can still see him in the ground. Kill
both Nemesis, go back to the bifurcation, go to RIGHT and open the

Equip with the M3S if you have 5+ shells; if you don't, equip
with the M629C. Seek the LEFT path, and ignore to Zombies coming
from the RIGHT. Be sure to save 3+ Magnum Rounds. Open the door.

Kill Hunters carefully and open the very 1st door you see.

Ignore Crows and open the door ASAP.

If you still have M3S shells, waste as many Zombies as possible
with it, and the remaining with the M629C. Go straight, upstairs and
open the door of the very first Save Point in the normal game.

Yeah! You made it! Congratulations!!

5.2 - Saving Everyone

This one warrants Ranking A and $1500+ if you make correctly.

You begin in the Cable Car. Press Select to begin faster, and
Run button to quit the Map after you check it. Run to the RIGHT and
exit the Cable Car.

Run to the RIGHT. There will be a pile of wood and some bags;
climb the bags (far RIGHT). Get down and ignore Zombies. Open the
door ASAP.

Run touching the RIGHT wall and ignore the two Zombies (the fat
one sometimes grab you). Continue touching the RIGHT wall and ignore
the grounded Zombie. Try to kill the 2 Zombies in front of you with
2 shots (using the M3S), so you will gain more time. Open the door.

Open the door at the far end ASAP or the Crows here will slow
you down.

Hit a Head Shot with the M3S (point up and shoot when close) on
the 1st Zombie here . Run until you reach the bifurcation. Tap
Down + Run to Turn Back and run as far as you can, but still able to
see the Drum. Wait until the Zombies group and blast away the can.
Run straight, and in the bifurcation go to the LEFT. Open the gate
at the end.

Kill all dogs carefully with the M3S or the M629C. Open the

You should hear Dario crying out for help now. Kill all Zombies
here with the M3S - try to kill all 3 near Dario with a single Head
Shot, shooting up when the group is close. Press the Use Button (X,
in control type B) and rescue Dario. Pick up the white case - it
contains 14 Shells, a gift for your kindness. Exit this place.

Return to the gate and open it.

When you get to the bifurcation, go LEFT. Open the gate at the

Reload your M3S here. Seek ahead until you can see some Zombies
on your LEFT, try to ignore them all. If you think you can't, feel
free to waste as many as you wish with the M3S. Beware of crawlers
though. Wheter you waste or ignore them, equip with the M629C and
open the double doors ahead.

Hunters! There are 2 of them: 1 close to the door you just came
in and another in the stairs. Waste both and go upstairs. Open the
door upstairs, with the M3S reloaded and in your hands.

You should hear the Woman's "Help me!" (very cool, indeed). Try
to ignore the very 1st Zombie, wait until 3 or all are grouped and
blow their heads away! Rescue the woman and pick the Shells. Get out
this room and open the door.

Go downstairs and open the door.

Check the door near the Newspaper Office door, for a 2 sec.
bonus (read Note#2, Notes section).

Deal with any remaining Zombies if you didn't make it before. Go
straight, then LEFT and open the door.

Here, go straight. When you reach the bifurcation, go to the
LEFT, ignore Dogs, go upstairs and open the door.

Hunters again! Equip with the M629C and kill 2 of them. You'll
see the basement entrance open. Get down the ladder.

Equip with M3S when you hear Brad's "Help me!". Kill Zombies
with the minimum ammo possible, rescue him and get Magnum Rounds. Go
to the ladder and climb it.

Go to the front door of the Restaurant (not the one you came
from) with your M629C in hands. Kill the Hunter, search the tray next
to the door for a 4sec. bonus (see Note#2) and exit.

Kill all Zombies here with the M3S. Open the door near the post
with the M66 in hands.

Nemesis time! Wait until he is close, or it'll avoid your shot
and you will get in trouble. Wait until he gets up and roars and hit
him again. Equip with M629C, go upstairs and descend the elevator.

Ignore Spiders and open the GATE at far end, to the RIGHT - the
door at left won't open.

Waste the 2 Drain Deimos and open the gate at your RIGHT.

Naked Zombies! Use the M629C or try to use as few M3S Shells as
possible (this means Head Shots). Go straight, LEFT, then front.
Rescue Marvin (be careful with Zombies) and get the Spray. Check the
computer console closer to him (Note#2), return to the gate (the door
won't open) and exit.

Open the next gate and exit.

Ignore Spiders and operate the elevator.

Go downstairs, open the door at your RIGHT with the M629C in

Hunters! This part is hard to escape untouched, so kill them
carefully. Open the next door with the M3S in hands.

Place 2 or 3 good M3S shots here and you should safely reach
and open the next door. But be sure to reload it before exit.

Run to the LEFT to ignore the 2 Zombies here (kill them if you
want). Go straight and blow the Drum carefully. Don't wait too much
or you'll get in trouble. Kill all Zombies ahead and equip with the
M66 before you exit.

You should have more than 2min. here, so the Nemesis shall come
in. Run to the LEFT and shoot as it lands and hold the M66 - BUT
DON'T SHOOT UNTIL IT GETS UP and roars, or you will waste your ammo.
After he's dead, equip and reload your M3S. Open the gate.

Kill 3 Zombies (with 2 or 3 good M3S shots), IGNORE the Nemesis
and open the door.

Go straight, ignore Deimos and open the first gate you find.

Go straight and turn LEFT to annoy Zombies. Turn Back, aim the
Drum and wait until several Zombies are close. A good M3S shot will
cook them. Check the firehose (Note#2). Equip with M629C, get the
RIGHT path and open the door.

Ignore Sliding Worms and open the door.

Kill Brain Suckers and enter the Sales Office.

Try to ignore as many Zombies you can, reach the back door and
open it.

"Don't come any closer!": Nicholai says it to 3 Hunters! What
are you waiting for? Waste them! Rescue Nicholai and get the Spray.
Equip with the M3S and exit this room.

Ignore as many Zombies as possible and exit.

Go to the door and exit.

Ignore Worms and exit.

In the bifurcation, go RIGHT. Kill all remaining Zombies and
open the gate.

Ignore or kill the Dogs, check the dead body where you find
Photo A in normal game (Note#2) and open the door.

In the bifurcation go to the RIGHT. Downstairs, then straight
until you can see the stairs to Bar Jack. See Note #1, in Section
5.3 if you have at least 4 Rockets. If not, ignore both Nemesis (!)
and open the back door - the same way you did in the normal game to
talk with Brad.

Kill all Zombies with M3S and receive the Special Shells when
you rescue Carlos. Get out by the door near the table where you got
the Lighter.

Ignore everyone, go to the LEFT and open the door.

Kill all Zombies with M3S. Go downstairs and check the body
where you find the M3S in the normal game (Note#2).

Equip with M629C and kill all hunters quickly. Equip with the
M3S, reload it (with Sp. Shells, if possible) and open the door near
the stairs.

Ignore Crows and open the door ASAP. (is the body a "hot spot"?)

Kill everyone here. Go upstairs and get in the 1st save point
in the game.

Yeah! You made it! Congratulations!!

5.3 - Notes

I hope I can find a sure way to Ranking S and more cash soon. I
guess that if you kill the "twin Nemesis" (I didn't) you will make
it... I'll check ASAP. Anyway, it seems that the ranking is
semi-random... *sob*

Note#1: Equip with M66 only if you have 4 Rockets. When you
reach the bifurcation, turn RIGHT and hit Nemesis. Run straight as
far as you can still see him in the ground. Kill both Nemesis, go
back to the bifurcation, go to RIGHT and open the door.

Note#2: DBZ Magus (See "Acknowledgements") sent me this
incredible e-mail, and is acknowledged here. You know, RE freaks like
to mess everywhere, but this guy is a GENIUS!!! :)

"You said that if you touch the dead body that gave you the
shotgun/lighter, you get 2 seconds. Actually, there are several
spots like that I've found. Each one is worth double what you got for
the last one.

1) The room just outside the newspaper building. Its full of trash

2) Check the tray in the restaurant. It's just after the last Hunter,
near the front door

3) The computer consol closest to Marvin

4) Touch the firehose on the wall behind the 1st Nemesis with a
Rocket Launcher

5) The dead body near the 3 dogs. It used to have photo A

6) The body that once had the shotgun

If you get them all then the one you found (6) is worth 64 sec, not
just 2, and you get a grand total of 126 seconds!!!"

DBZ Magus, I can only clap wildly for these things you found!!!

6 - Acknowledgements

1 - Capcom Corp (
Capcom is surely the current top softhouse. Street Fighter
was the first true fighting game, Megaman is one of the top action
games since its intro in NES and Resident Evil series is by far the
very best and well balanced Adventure game ever made. And it rocks!

2 - GameFAQs (
VGStrategies (
Gamers Domain (
PSX Codez (
Absolute PlayStation (
CheatStop (
Survival Horror (

For publishing lots of FAQs, including this one. Find here the
answer for that question you didn't find in any other place, in or
out the net! My FAQs are only available for FREE, and only in the
above mentioned sites. If you got'em anyway or anywhere else, e-mail
me ASAP!

3 - DBZ Magus (
For the info about the "hot spots". I've never even wondered
that there are so many spots like this!! Thanks, man!! :]

4 - Storyteller (
For the "Ninja Zombies (tm)" info. Great "The Code Veronica
Battle Game Walkthrough" written by him. Thanks!

5 - Local Games Centers
I don't have money to own a PlayStation, so I couldn't play any
RE games without 'em! Thanks to Virtual Games (arcades/videogames
center) and Lucky Video (videos/videogames center). Thanks to lots
of games centers all around. If possible, the next time you go to
the games center, don't forget to kick and/or spit at any of Tomb
Raider series games (if there aren't any of them in the games
center, it's a good one!). :)

6 - Anna Paula @}-`-,---
My girlfriend! She gives me all the love support I need.

7 - Friends
Friends are among the best things you may have in life! Thanks
to all those who helped me when I was a newbie, and those who help
me today, as an average player. Some names (no order in particular):
Rafael, Bruno, Junior, Max, Jean and Leandro. I'm building a site
about firearms and ammo, in Portuguese (our official language,
rather than Spanish), with my bud Marlon.

8 - You, the reader
I hope I could help you! Thanks for your patience and
confidence to read this FAQ.

9 - FAQ Authors
Those guys that spend hours to put on the net almost all info
we need! All these listed below also revised mine. Their guides and
walkthroughs are so complete that discouraged me to write one (if I
do, that will be a speed guide)! Make it pretty sure you read all of
them! I doubt that you guys mentioned below will ever need to use
anything from this crap FAQ, but if you do, you have my permission
to use it - just give me the righful credit, and no profit, OK?
NOTE: the game has 1 name in the U.S. and another in Japan. The
names listed here will be based in the U.S. name (RE).

SomaAddict & FireFlite -
"Resident Evil 3: Nemesis FAQ"

Henry LaPierre - freeza@ix.netcom.comfor
"Resident Evil 3 - Nemesis - A Walkthrough"

Rann Yong -

If you think your name should be here, please e-mail me.
Thanks for reading!


This doc Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001 by Renato Oliveira, solely.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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