Tenchu: Stealth Assassins

Tenchu: Stealth Assassins

11.10.2013 13:18:56
Stealth Assassins
U.S. Version
Basic moving
Stealth moving
Killing from the Shadows
Bonus items

Key ~ (these are the default control settings for the
f = forward ~ b = backward ~ l = left ~ r = right ~ s =
square ~ x = x t = triangle ~ o = circle ~ L1 = top left
button one ~ L2 = top left button two ~ R1 = top right
button one ~ R2 = top right button two
+ = press buttons or directions simultaneously ~ * = hold
button or the direction indicated (ex. *L1 & press any
direction = look around) ~ ,= press buttons or directions
right after the previous ones (ex. f,f = quick step forward)

Basic moving ~ (All moves are based on DEFAULT control
f = move forward ~ b = move backward ~ l = turn left ~ r =
turn right ~ f,f = quick step forward
b,b = quick step back ~ l,l = side step left ~ r,r = side
step right ~ b+l = quick turn left
b+r = quick turn right ~ s = slash ~ x = jump ~ t = use item
~ o or R1 = stealth ~ L1 = look around
L2 or R2 = item select

Attacks ~ (All moves are based on DEFAULT control settings,
some moves only Rikimaru can do and there are moves only
Ayame can do, they are labeld so later on)
s = slash ~ s,s = double slash ~ s,s,s = triple slash ~
s,s,s,s = quad slash(Ayame)~ l+s = slash left ~ r+s = slash
right ~ l+s,r+s = slash left then right(Rikimaru)~ r+s,l+s =
slash right then left(Rikimaru)
l+s,s = slash left twice(Ayame) ~ r+s,s = slash right
twice(Ayame) ~ while jumping + s = slashing in air
f, b+s = turn around slash ~ *o+s = slash while crouching
*b = block

Jumps ~ (All moves are based on DEFAULT control settings)
x = jump ~ f+x = jump forward ~ b+x = jump back ~ l+x = jump
left ~ r+x = jump right ~ f,f+x = long jump forward, b+x,x =
double jump back(2nd x must be pressed right when they touch
the ground, very hard to do every time and not very useful)
~ b,f+x = twisting jump forward(lands facing opposite way)
hitting x when jumping next to a wall = double jump off of
the wall

Stealth ~ (All moves are based on DEFAULT control settings)
*r1 or o = stealth ~ *o+f = crouch step forward ~ *o+b =
crouch step backward ~ *o+l = crouch step left ~ *o+r =
crouch step right ~ *o+f,f = roll forward ~ *o+b,b = roll
backward ~ *o+l,l = roll left
*o+r,r = roll right ~ *o+x = turn around roll(rolls foraward
stops facing opposite way)
*o+next to wall = stand against wall(you may move forward or
back along the wall depending on which way you are facing it
can change between being left or right or forward or back.
You may also roll while standing against a wall by tapping
twice in the direction you want to roll. By pressing and
holding the direction away from the wall you will crouch
down next to it and by pressing toward the wall u will stand
against it) When crouching and moving on roofs you will not
step off or drop off the roof. Only when you are running or
rolling will u drop off a edge.

Extra ~ (All moves are based on DEFAULT control settings)
Pressing up or jumping up to a low topped wall or roof you
may grab on to it or by jumping across and barely making it
you will automaticaly grab the ledge. You may move along a
ledge while hanging by pressing left or right. By pressing
up you will climb up the ledge or by pressing down u may
drop down from the ledge. Pressing and holding triangle will
allow u to aim certain items (shuriken, grappling hook) if
you decide you do not wish to throw an item while aiming
press the R1 button to cancel.

Rikimaru ~ Riki is stronger then Ayame and has a longer
reach with his sword. He only has a 3 part forward slash
combo but the ending slash is very powerful and at time will
break through opponents defense even if they are blocking.
His left- right and right- left slash are very good when
fighting more than one opponent and when your opponent is on
your side. His slash to the left then right not only slashes
to the sides but covers a large space behind him, very good
for when opponents get in behind you. His crouch slash is
his very strong and will knock them on the ground and give
you few vital seconds for health restore or even retreating.

Ayame ~ Ayame is fast and agile. Her forward slash combo has
four parts but you can get more than four hits due to her
two weapons and her circle slashing motions. And the fact
that she has 2 weapons and from her slashing many times when
attacking she is actually slashing forward & backward
simultaneuosly which is very helpful for multipule
opponents. Her slash twice to the side is good. Her crouch
slash also has more parts the Rikimaru's. But her reach is
shorter and you must slip in close for attacks. And her
final slash to her four part combo leave her WIDE open for
counter attacks. So unless you catch the third part you
normaly would want to stop there and not continue on to the
forth slash.

Attacking ~ One of the most important things to remember the
way of shinobi is to assassinate or to kill without being
seen or even knowing you were there. shinobi or ninja are
not samurai not meant to straight out fight every enemy that
he comes across. but there are times when you will have to
fight one on one.Always remember the mission is paramount.
You can go through the entire mission without killing
someone and if u are not seen you will get GRANDMASTER. But
for those times you do have to fight always remember to
block. But also remember you have more than your sword. If
you need to use grenades or smoke bombs or health, USE THEM.
Use your surroundings as well, if there is a building get on
the roof and either throw shuriken or hide until its safe.
Water is a very good ally to have as you can swim and NO
enemy can. Not even BOSS's. If u can force them into the
water you can relax while you watch them uselessly fail
around for their lives. Watch there swings. All basic guards
only have two parts combos. Watch for side swings and turn
around swings as well. Counter attacking can be very
effective, but make sure they are in range. The computer
tends to attack in then reatreat out of your reach,
espcially the pike men,(spears) And watch your back and
sides, the computer will try to get around your defenses to
your undefendable sides. You can not block to the side or
back. The twisting somersault is very good. You can jump
over them and land facing there back and they are wide open
to your attacks, but make sure you are close enough that you
jump OVER them and do not land in front of them with your
back to them. Crouching and rolling can be good to
considering you roll farther than you side step (very
effective against dogs when they jump you can roll under
them or to the side) and not to mention you can crouch slash
which is very strong after the roll. But be careful when
attempting this as you can not block from a crouch. Shuriken
are effective in fight too. But don't stop to aim as they
will try to dodge them ,& will dodge them when you attempt
it, just stand striaght toward them and throw the star.
Watch there blocking, if you are attempting a combo, watch
if they block all he slash's before the final and decide
weather its worh the risk to attmept the final slash and a
counter attack against you. And always try to fight your
enemies one at a time. Much easier to dodge one spear then
dodging the spear to have a sword thrust in your back. And
dont be to ashamed to run away, you are a ninja, a stealth
assassin not an army soldier. You can run and return when
things are calm and unsuspecting to your silent blade.

Items ~ (all basic items)
shuriken = (throwing stars) Very good for dogs, kills them
in one hit. Not too effective for men unless they have
already seen you due to the fact no matter where you are
when you throw it they will spot you for a second or two.
and you can pick them back up if you miss.
health restore = Very good for levels with boss's, for in
levels without them you arent suppose to be seen, hence you
shouldnt need it, but they are alway helpful to have along.
But if using in a boss fight remember to get away to a safe
distance for it take 2-3 seconds use it.
calthrops = Good if you are being chased, but if you are in
such need of these from being chased all the time I
dont think being a ninja is quite the job for you. I havent
found a level that these where very helpful on. Do not step
on them and you cannot pick them back up.
gernades = Very helpful mid range weapon. Definatley good
for knocking boss's on their ass for a quick health restore
or to just take a chunk of life away. Not to good for a
stealth weapon as the are pretty nosiy and tend to make a
big fire show.
smoke bombs = Good weapons to distract or in a straight
fight as the tend to make your opponent hack and cough up
their lungs while you can easily disembowel them.
land mines = Good for beginning levels stages as they kill
most guards on the spot but later on the gaurds hit points
tend to raise and take more then one to kill them. but make
sure you dont step on them yourself, you cannot pick them
back up. (setting the game to hard also raises enemy hit
poisoned rice = Very, very good item. Men and dogs alike
will take to this tasty treat. Not only will they leave
there post but they will choke on it for about 8 seconds
after they eat it. But a cute trick is while they are
walking to pick it up you can kill them before they even get
to it. therefore u can keep your rice to kill again.
colored rice = I havent found this item to helpful, unless
your map skills are so useless you cant find your way
around, I would recommend an easier game. One where you dont
have to do more then hit a button or two.

Killing from the Shadows ~ The way of the ninja, killing
without being seen or heard. there are many tricks to learn
on this subject many I will try to teach you now but alot
will come from practice and playing on your own and more
than anything be PATIENT. Patience will be your most deadly
weapon of all in this game. Wait until your enemy has his
back turned or wait until he is closer or no one else is
around. Sometimes it will take time just stay clam and don't
fret over alittle waiting. Use your KI METER. You will
almost always sense someone before you see them. And even
when you can't see them you can use the meter to tell
weather they are close or far, walking toward you or away,
or even if they are walking at all. There is a interesting
effect to your location tp your eneimes and their actions.
As in they dont move and really aren't even there until you
are close enought to see or sense them. They dont move
unless your there for them to perform for really. So if you
leave a body behind no one will see it until you get close
enough to them to allow them to provide action. So remember
if kill someone that is close to another enemy, if you leave
before he sees the body, he wont see it until you come back
and let him. So don't expect him to act as if he knew that
corpse was there all along when you return, give him time to
see it and react. Then wait until things are safe to move
again. Stealth... your stealth mode will be very helpful as
you can get closer without being seen when crouching or
standing against a wall than when you are standing
regularly. The roofs are your best friend, any high place
you can get to is good as most gaurds dont tend to look up
unless you alert them to your presence. Watch thier patrols
from a safe vantage and move when you know they will not be
ready or can see you. And as soon as u dispatch an enemy,
LEAVE! get away quick to a safe place as if another enemy
should happen to see the dead guard they will sound the
alarm and start searching for you. And scout the entire area
around your victim before attempting to kill him, make sure
he is alone and if he isn't decide which is the best way to
meet all the threats without being detected. And never
foreget the mission is all that matters. Killing is only
needed if it cannot be avioded or if you just like watching
the cinematics of throat slices or skull crushes. But
killing can have a good value as to give you more points to
make up for anyone that has spotted you. The more you are
spotted the harder it will be to make grandmaster and get
the secret item. And dont always try to get close to do the
special kill, for it takes a few seconds to do when you
could be spotted and you have to be very close. When you are
in doubt of the safety of the area go for a quick slash and
run. Posioned rice is one of the most helpful items I have
found for silent killing. As it can get them to walk away
with their back to you, or divert their attention while you
kill somone else. Yet even better to get them to walk to a
secluded place where their body wont be easily seen. If you
run into dogs and have shuriken, use them. You can kill a
dog with one star from a very safe place, even if someone
sees the dead dog you can be far enough away to hide until
things calm down. And dogs can see farther than men, use
caution when they are near. Always try to be as close as you
can while not being seen before you strike, less of a chance
for them to turn around on you or for you to be seen. Always
try to go for the high ground. But in the event the enemy
has the high ground use the LEDGE. You can hang and shimmey
your way aross to them from the ledge and they will never
see you. Just aim your grappling hook lower as so you wont
jump up the ledge but just grab and hang from it. And the
most dangerous place for you to be is inside a building as
there are hardly anywhere to run or hide without being seen.
Use extreme caution when entering buidlings. Watch the
water. It can be very useful to sneak up to your prey but
they will hear the water splash if you are too close when
entering the water, and if you are in their line of sight
they will spot you immediately. And listen closely. You will
able to hear gaurds walking your yawning or even yell if
they see you. Pay attention to everything around you. Know
your enemies and where they are. And watch where you are,
for a missed step and a short fall off a roof can be

Bonus weapons ~ (dont read this if u dont want to know all
the secert items)
Super shuriken(iron darts) = i havent found much usefulness
from these items, for you cant really aim them. you can
point them in the right direction and let them go but thats
about it.
Lightfoot scroll = very cool item but i havent really found
a level that this made a major difference on, you can run
very very fast for a short time thats it. but fun to play
Fire-eater scroll = very good to use on strong opponents,
such as boss's. its good that u can slash them while they
scream and are on fire. fun to play with but you can only
carry 3 have limited range, i would recommend gernades over
Amulet = good for boss's that u straight out fight without
the use of gernades or extra weapons but I would perfer the
ninja armor and some gernades over this.
Sleeping potion = can be useful for putting to sleep gaurds
that dont want to turn the one direction you need, or can
even be used in a fight for a free slash combo. but once
alert guards do not stay asleep for more than a few seconds.
ninja armor = a very, very good item, reduces damge by 30
percent. good for boss fights or just those unavoidable
fights and also changes the outfit of your ninja for a new
shadow decoy = a good idea for an item but i perfer the rice
over it, for one they actually walk to the rice and will eat
it and gag, as the decoy just just get there attention.
ressurection leaf = a very good item for the 2nd to last and
definatley the last level, will bring u back to life as soon
as u die, you dont even hit the ground.
chameleon suit = this item is the 1nd most helpful bonus
item, you can just run past or up to anyone and they never
know unless u swing at them or do a jump flip or some other
ninja action that give u away, very easy to sneak around
with this item. but take note it does not work on dogs, they
can smell you i suppose or something.
dog bone = kinda neat to have your on little attack dogn but
not to helpful as they give u away and dont take off much
damage, but i suppose can give you they feeling to be
galford with poppy (samurai showdown) but i didnt find it
very helpful
decoy whitsle = this is the MOST helpful item there is, make
distracting noises to fool your enemies into thinking your
something else. as if they see u but not definately (! or
!?) use this and they go right back to ?, even if they find
a dead body blow this once and they go right back to there
business a definate must have for every mission.

Codes ~ (execute these codes while at the item selection
increase items ~ hold L2 & press left, left, down, down,
square, square, triagnle, x
99 item carry ~ hold L1 & press left, left, down, down,
square, square, triangle, square
bounus items ~ hold R1 & press left, left, down, down,
square, square, tirangle, circle
all missions ~ (may need to be done on the misson select
screen, not sure as i have not needed or tired it) hold R2 &
press left, left, down, down, square, square, triangle,
health restore ~ (during game) hit pause then press left,
left, down, down, square, square, triangle, triangle. (you
will hear a sound effect when dont correctly)

That concludes about what u can learn from reading. You
really just have to play it learn for yourself and get the
feel for being a true shinobi. Just remember what you are...
a ninja, not a samurai, & not a mercenary. Kill without
being seen, and the mission is what truly matters!! And if u
dont learn anything atleast learn this you have to be
patient to be a ninja, and have fun.

I can give a detailed guide to each level in the game if you
really want it, or if your having that much trouble, email
me at wingchun79@aol.com and tell me which level you want
or for any questions.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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