Spec Ops: Stealth Patrol

Spec Ops: Stealth Patrol

05.10.2013 04:09:18

Game Walkthrough by xclone@netzero.net
rev 001 28 Aug 00

Table of Contents
[A] Game Setup - Info and Tips
[B] Strategies - Info and Tips
[C] Weapons - Info and Tips
[D] Weapons / Rounds Comparisons Table


Forest in Siberia
[1-1] Mission 1 - Phase 1 Destroy Enemy Ops Radio
[1-2] Mission 1 - Phase 2 Recover Aircraft Data Module

Snowy Mountains in Bosnia
[2-1] Mission 2 - Phase 1 Secure Intel Report, Raid Militia Base
[2-2] Mission 2 - Phase 2 Capture the Serbian Commander
[2-3] Mission 2 - Phase 3 Recapture UN Outpost, Destroy Bridge

Desert in Iraq
[3-1] Mission 3 - Phase 1 Stop Biological Weapons Dispersal
[3-2] Mission 3 - Phase 2 Escort Truck Transferring Captured Weapons
[3-3] Mission 3 - Phase 3 Destoy Secret Chemical Storage Bunker

Snowy Mountains in North Korea
[4-1] Mission 4 - Phase 1 Destroy the Radar Antenna, Tank and Bridge
[4-2] Mission 4 - Phase 2 Raid Airbase and Destroy MIG Aircraft
[4-3] Mission 4 - Phase 3 Destroy Scud Missle Launchers
[4-4] Mission 4 - Phase 4 Destroy Radar Antenna and Pipeline Manifolds

Jungle in Vietnam
[5-1] Mission 5 - Phase 1 Destroy Enemy Weapons Caches
[5-2] Mission 5 - Phase 2 Destroy Mortor Launcher Emplacements
[5-3] Mission 5 - Phase 3 Locate and Rescue the Downed Pilot

Awards Ceremony (if you complete Mission 5 Phase 3)

[ A ] - Game Setup - Information and Tips

I completed all 5 Missions without the aid of a Gameshark, and it wasn't easy.
As of this date, there are no valid cheat codes on the net, except for Gameshark
codes. There are usually several ways to complete each phase, so I tried to
find the easiest path possible. The logic I used to design the routes in this
walkthrough are ranked in this order of importance: (1)Ranger safety and phase
completion, (2)reduce enemy contact when possible, (3)perform only the tasks
or objectives absolutely required for extraction.

Before you start, on the main menu page, go to Game Options and change the
difficulty level to PRIVATE. Default is CORPORAL and it is harder. You cannot
change this after you start a game and you are stuck with it forever. I would
also suggest you maximize the sound effects and stop or minimize the music. If
you want to double check to see what difficulty level you have been playing,
load a saved game, then use the triangle button to go all the way back to the
main menu page and select Game Options. If you want to change the difficulty
level, you have to select the level from Game Options, start over at Mission 1 -
Phase 1, then complete the phase and make a save of it. All missions played
from this new save will be of the same level.

When the game is first powered up, it checks for a Spec Ops save on memory card
1. If one is found, it reads the very first save on the card and loads the
volume and other option settings from that save. Then when you load a saved
game, the option settings are reset to the new values, but they won't take
effect until the mission starts.

When you have finished two or more missions, you can reach any completed mission
or phase lower than the one just loaded from a save. To change to another
mission, use your triangle button to go to the SELECT MISSION page. Then use
your left and right controls to change missions. You can then change phases on
the next page displayed in the sequence. When a phase is started from the save
of a completed mission, it will be initially loaded with 5 fresh rangers.

The game booklet that came with your game is full of good tips. After you have
played a while, reread it. I tried not to repeat the basic operations from the
game booklet.

[ B ] - Strategies - Information and Tips

The rangers seem to shoot all weapons equally well, regardless of their
individual specialties. Also, the type or quantity of explosives you choose,
and the weight of the loadout, and the number of items picked up during the
game, does not seem to effect gameplay. In other words, there is no punishment
for being greedy.

Reducing contact with the enemy leads to a higher percentage of phase
completions. You do not have to clear the area of enemies even though it is
listed as an objective on nearly every phase.

Only one ranger has to board the helicopter for the phase to be successful. If
one ranger boards and time expires before the second ranger can board, as long
as he is not killed, it dosen't count against you. Both rangers will still be
available for future phases of the mission.

The most valuable survival tip I can give you is this: Always at the start of
each phase and throughout the game, make sure your medkit is ready to access.

Anytime you hear gunfire, check your radar for a red dot. Lots of times you can
kill an enemy without ever seeing him. Turn until the red dot is exactly at the
top point of your compass and fire. You can even do this while still running,
as long as there are still rounds in your current clip. You must stop running
to load a new clip.

Enemies only show up on the radar if they are firing at you. So grenadiers
won't show up, and snipers using single shot rifles will only show up for a
couple of seconds at a time.

Enemies carry different weapons too. You can determine the weapon being fired
at you by it's sound. If you hear a loud single shot, that is the most
dangerous weapon, the sniper rifle. Even with full life, two hits from a sniper
and you are dead. If you have less than half a life, one hit can kill you. My
advice is to charge toward the sniper while strafing and hope you get him before
he cocks his weapon again. There are usually one or two snipers in each phase.

Another sound to listen for is the click-----click-click of a grenade pin being
pulled. Is also sounds like a pop can tab being pulled. The enemy throwing the
grenade is usually behind a mound, bunker, or bush and you can only see his head
or feet. The good news is that grenades have a very short range. If you have a
scope then snipe him. If you don't have a scope, stay out of range, run to the
side of the bunker and target him. If a grenade lands near you, run away before
it explodes.
If he is behind a bush, shoot through the bush. Remember grenadiers don't show
up on the radar.

If you ever lose track of where you are, where you are going, or what you are
supposed to be doing, there is some help.
(1) There is a satcom radio in the equipment list accessed by the circle button.
The radio will tell you what the current objective is.
(2) The select button, to the left of the start button, shows a map. With the
map showing, hit the X button and it will give you the list of objectives you
saw before the mission started.
(3) The white dot on the radar is the objective nearest to you, but it may or
may not be the current objective.

When your lead ranger has used his medkit and has less than full life, go ahead
and let him follow. If you find a medkit or flak jacket, you can reactivate him
to go pick it up. The same goes for rounds of ammo. Swap out the lead while he
still has a couple of clips so he can protect your flank. Never let your life
stay below 1/4 unless a medkit or flak jacket is in sight. One hit at 1/8th
life will almost always kill you.
Always have your medkit ready to access. When you are getting shot at from
three directions, you don't have time to fumble with a long inventory list.

Every time you finish a mission, (5 total), you will be given 5 fresh new
rangers. Try to limit casualties in the first phases of a mission so you don't
get stuck having to reuse the same ones at the end. Rangers get tired, as shown
by their fatigue indicators when you select them in the helicopter. After
skipping a phase, they will be rested and ready to use again.

[ C ] - Weapons - Information and Tips

Explosives: The satchel charges are very powerful and relatively safe and easy
to use. Using the L2 and R2 buttons you can change the detonation time from 5
to 20 seconds. The M203 grenade launcher shells are necessary in some
circumstances and are discussed below.

Be careful throwing grenades. Remember the longer you hold the square button,
the farther you will throw. There is a red indicator bar that flashes on the
screen the grows longer as you hold the square button. If you just tap the
square button, the grenade will fall at your feet and may kill you if you don't
run. Throwing grenades to kill enemies rarely works unless you are high above
them. Grenades have a very short range.

You can blow up trucks with some rifles if you expend enough rounds. You can
detonate enemy landmines with an assault rifle with a scope, and it is much more
efficient than trying to hit one with a grenade. Most buildings require a
satchel charge or a M203 grenade launcher shell. The weaker the explosive, the
more direct hits it requires to destroy a target. I usually delete all
equipment and explosives, except for the satchel charges I need, because it
helps to speed up the list search for an item or a medkit during the mission.

Rank of Explosives' Power
1. Satchel Charge - Destroys anything that can be destroyed
2. M203 Grenade Shell - Destroys anything, takes several hits
3. High Explosives - Destoys most things with several hits
4. Claymore Mine - Destroys some things, remote activation
4. Phosphorus Grenade - Destroys some things, starts fires
5. Fragmentation Grenade - A standard grenade, pretty weak
6. Smoke Grenade - To hide from the enemy

Weapons: The number of rounds, caliber and firing range are factors to consider
in weapon selection. Sniper rifles shoot the farthest but take longer to site
on a target. You can easily target by strafing a general area with a machine
gun, but it's range is usually shorter. The exception to this is the M60. It's
large caliber makes easy kills by even shooting near an enemy, and it has a
range equal to the assault rifles. The two drawbacks are that there is no scope
and the rounds are really heavy, requiring you to forfeit most of your

When selecting M60 machine gun, delete all unneeded explosives, select the
number of satchel charges for the phase, then increase the ammo count until you
reach your max weight. For example, with 3 satchel charges, you will max out at
6/8 clips or 7/8 clips of ammo, depending on which ranger you selected.

The H&K G11 is one of the better assault rifles. It has good killing power,
good range, a scope and the most rounds in it's class. If you want to do a
little snipering or carry more weight in explosives, this is the weapon for you.

The M203 machine gun / grenade launcher is required for some phases. The
grenades for this launcher are given to you automatically and they are not
available in the loadout. If you select the M203 you will be given 30 'shells'
at the start of the phase. You must have 'shells' selected on your inventory
list, then when you hit the square button, you will launch a grenade. Hitting
the X still activates the maching gun, giving you lots of firepower at your
fingertips. This launcher has a very good range and is the second most powerful
explosive next to a satchel charge. Launched shells work well against all types
of armored vehicles.

I usually try to have both rangers outfitted with the same weapon. This gives
you LOTS of rounds if your buddy buys the farm, and you are close enough to pick
up his weapon. Another tactic is to set one up with a M60 and the other with
G11, then you can either strafe or snipe. The drawback is that you have to keep
switching rangers back and forth.

[ D ] - Weapons / Rounds Comparisons Table

This table compares weapons by rounds in each clip, total clips, total rounds,
rounds shot on each trigger pull, and total number of trigger
pulls for the rounds available.

rounds x clips = total / rptp = total tp's
----- ----- ----- ---- ----------
M60 90 x 8 = 720 / 3 = 240 machine guns
M249 200 x 5 = 1000 / 5 = 200
RPK 45 x 10 = 450 / 3 = 150
MP5 30 x 12 = 360 / 3 = 120 sub-machine gun
M203 30 x 8 = 240 / 3 = 80 also grenade launcher

G11 45 x 10 = 450 / 3 = 150 assault rifles (scopes)
M16 30 x 12 = 360 / 3 = 120
M4 30 x 10 = 300 / 3 = 100
AK74 30 x 10 = 300 / 3 = 100 <- no scope available

M82 10 x 8 = 80 / 1 = 80 sniper rifles (scopes)
SSG 5 x 10 = 50 / 1 = 50

I-37 8 x 12 = 96 / 1 = 96 shotgun

Note: Both the AK47 and the AK74 were developed by Mikhail Kalashnikov.


Mission 1 - Forest in Siberia

[1 - 1] Mission 1 - Phase 1 : Destroy Enemy Ops Radio

Suggested Weapons: M60 machine guns, and at least 1 sacthel charge per man.

Go west, kill the first enemy on the road, then shoot the truck with your M60
until it blows up. If you are too slow getting to the road, the truck will have
already passed by. Don't bother blowing up the generator, it doesn't add any

The white dot (your next objective) on the radar screen will lead you north on
the road. This route can be completed, but it is pretty tough. If you try it,
be sure to pick up your first medkit behind the next generator.

Detour to end of the phase:

Instead of following the road north, keep going west. You'll have to kill one
man to the left and one to the right. Continue west until you reach the rock
wall. Run north along the rock wall (for a very long time) until you reach the
radio under the tent. Stay close to the rocks to avoid enemy contact, but not
too close or your buddy will get stuck and fall behind.

When you reach the radio area, strafe (shoot in a fan pattern) with the M60 to
clear out the bad guys. Use a satchel charge to blow up the radio. Run back to
the trees and wait on the helicopter for extraction. Strafe while you are
running for the helicopter if needed. You can only enter the helicopter from
it's sides.

If you made it out with both rangers, then save your game.
Otherwise, do it again, it keeps getting easier.

[1 - 2] Mission 1 - Phase 2 : Recover Aircraft Data Module

Suggested Weapons: M60 machine guns or H&K G11 assault rifles. Each ranger
should have 3 satchel charges per man.

As soon as the phase starts, switch from the MODULE KEY to the MEDKIT, because
you'll need it first.

The phase starts with you facing east toward the road. Turn the opposite
direction and go west. As you near the hill, you will see a grassy spot where
you can run up. Just before the top of the hill, turn east to find some
supplies, then you will see a road. Run east between the road and the edge of
the clift. Kill a few enemies. When you reach a rock wall, run down the clift
to your left, and keep going east. Your buddy likes to get stuck on the rocks,
so watch him closely. You will come up to a canyon on your right that goes
south. That is where the anti-aircraft guns are. Don't go there yet, turn and
run north. You'll pass a generator and come up to a road and lots of enemies.
Strafe them with your weapon. Check behind the generator for supplies on your
way to or from the cockpit.

The crashed aircraft is lying in pieces on the road. Run up to the cockpit and
use your MODULE KEY to extract the DATA MODULE. It will make a sound and pop
out somewhere nearby. It is a dark colored box, and it is very hard to see.
Run over it to pick it up. Then be sure to switch from your MODULE KEY back to
your medkit, if you still have one. IMPORTANT: Use a satchel charge to blow up
the cockpit. You must do this to complete the phase.

After getting the DATA MODULE and destroying the cockpit, go due south. After
entering the canyon, strafe the next generator because it has an enemy lying on
the ground behind it. Wait until the fire dies down and go pick up the supplies
behind it, if you need them. Keep going south to the 1st anti-aircraft gun.
Use a satchel charge to destroy it, then turn east to find the 2nd A-A gun.
There is a medkit behind a tree behind the 2nd gun. Destroying this gun should
cause the extraction helicopter to appear. Mission complete, save your game.

Mission 2 - Snowy Mountains in Bosnia

[2 - 1] Mission 2 - Phase 1 : Secure Intel Report, Raid Militia Base

Suggested Weapons: H&K G11 assualt rifles with 4x scope. No explosives are
required for this phase.

The phase starts on a snowy mountain road. Don't use the road, it just runs in
a huge circle. Head west, straight up the hill. The white dot on the radar is
your objective. Kill four or five men, then you will approach some broken down
brick walls. Don't approach too fast or you will get killed by a grenade. Use
your scope (L1) to kill three or four men around the walls. If you hear
gunfire, immediately take your scope off (L1 again) and start shooting. It is
much faster to target without the scope.

When the area is clear, enter the center building and get the Intel
Report from a table in the left (SE) corner and ammo and a medkit in the right
(NE) corner.

Exit the building and keep moving west, making sure your buddy made it past the
buildings. If you see a road, don't take it. Run west down the hill, past the
old truck. Continue up the next hill. At the top is a bunker. Use your scope
on the man in the bunker. Stop on the edge of the hill, just past the bunker,
and clear the area of the enemies. Procede slowly because there are landmines
between the bunker and the fence. They look like plate-sized, off-color circles
in the snow. You can blow them up using your scope, but it's easier just to
avoid them. If you get within about 3 feet (to scale) of the mine, it will
detonate and kill you.

Reaching the white building and clearing the area is your objective. Continue
to the west side of the building and stay still. The helicopter will be sent in
five minutes. If you move around, blow anything up, or try to pick up supplies,
the enemies will just keep coming. There is an enemy hiding behind the truck.
You can use your scope to shoot him in the feet. Do not leave the fenced area
or the mission will abort. Just stay put and the helicopter will land right in
front of you between the building and the truck.

[2 - 2] Mission 2 - Phase 2 : Capture the Commander

Suggested Weapons: H&K G11 assault rifles with 4x scope or M60 machine guns. No
explosives are required for this phase.

Turn around and head eastward, staying next to the rock wall. You will pass a
white building and then some brick walls. When the rock wall stops, you will
come to a road with several enemies. There is a flak jacket (restores life) by
the tree beside the road. Move south toward the bridge. There will be a man
standing on the left and a man crouched on the right. Command your buddy to
hold up in a safe spot somewhere off the road, (L2 X). Stop while still on the
bridge and take out the grenadeir to the left and the enemy lying prone on the

Continue up the road until you see the truck that the commander is using to
attempt escape. Approach it and it will start moving. Let it pass you, then
follow it back past the bridge. To save time, turn left (west) after the bridge
and cut across the field. Command your buddy to start following you again, (L2
square). Be ready for the sniper out in the field. Follow the rock wall all the
way around, past the corn field, to the brick walls where the commander's truck
will stop. Do not shoot the commander even if he points his rifle at you. He
is the one wearing the red beret. Approach him and he will surrender, signified
by the text appearing at the top of the screen. This should trigger the
extraction helicopter.

The objective of clearing the buildings for a base of operations is not required
for extraction. If you want more of a challenge, head west at the start, clear
the buildings then follow the road to the bridge.

[2 - 3] Mission 2 - Phase 3 Recapture UN Outpost, Destroy Bridge

Suggested Weapons: H&K G11 assault rifles with 4x scope, and at least 2 satchel
charges per man.

The white dot on the radar will lead you westward to some buildings. Circle the
buildings looking for supplies and bad guys. One man hiding in a corner nook
will sometimes give up a flak jacket. Head southeast on the road. Use your
scope on the brick bunker on the right.

The road forks east or south. Take a left (east) and stick to the road. When
you get to the bridge, move to the left of the road so you can get a clear shot
at the grenadier. He is the one closest to the bridge. Follow the road to it's
end. Use a satchel charge to destroy the enemy supplies under the tent. Return
the way you came. Blow up the bridge with a satchel charge after you cross it.
This should trigger the extraction helicopter. Save your game. This completes
mission 2. But what was at the end of the south fork of the road?

Mission 3 - Desert in Iraq

[3 - 1] Mission 3 - Phase 1 Stop Biological Weapons Dispersal

Suggested Weapons: H&K G11 assault rifles with 4x scope, and at least 5 satchel
charges per man. Instead of using satchel charges, you can loadout with 20 to
25 HE (High Explosive) grenades per man.

This is a tough phase. There are 5 different clusters of dark green boxes
containing biological weapons materials. Every time you destroy a cluster, it
adds time to the mission clock. It will take about 12+ minutes to complete the
phase. The road runs in a big oval shape. The first cluster is in front of
you, across the road and over to the right. The 2nd and 3rd clusters are down
the road to your left and are side by side. The 4th and 5th clusters are
farther around the oval and are side by side. After the 5th cluster, you will
continue around the oval to the extraction site.

Proceed slowly toward the road, checking with your scope. Kill approximately 2
due east, 2 due south, and 2 southeast. Once they start shooting back, take
your scope off for faster targeting. Move southeast across the road toward the
big dark green boxes. To the right of them, by a tree, is a flak jacket.
Destroy the boxes with a satchel charge or HE grenade.

Do not attempt to follow the road. There are too many mines and enemies. Head
due north across the road and straight up the hill to the rock wall. Follow the
wall to the east. When you finally come to the first chimney shaped rock, there
is a tough enemy to fight. He is lying prone south of you on the other side of
the road. You can't snipe him, you'll have to charge him. You need to turn and
run due south across the road, shooting all the while. Once you've got him,
return to where you came from and continue eastward along the wall. You'll pass
an object that looks like a sandbox and them come to a second set of chimney
rocks. This the site of the 2nd and 3rd box clusters and they are well
protected. There are a few landmines scattered about, so watch your step. The
trickiest mine is placed exactly in between the two clusters of boxes.

Proceed slowly, sniping as many enemies as you can. In between the box clusters
are also some empty wooden pallets. Look here for a flak jacket. There is a
medkit behind a tree, about 20 feet away from the 3rd cluster, on the side that
is away from the road. Blow up 2nd and 3rd box clusters.

Head southwest and cross the road. This will put you on the inside of the oval,
with the road on your left. Don't lose sight of the road because it is easy to
get lost here. When you pass the next set of chimney rocks, which will be on
your right, spin around and shoot the man hiding behind them. Continue
southwest until you see a big buidling. Snipe the area before proceeding. The
building contains the 4th cluster, and the door is on the back side, away from
the road. The 5th cluster is right next door, under the canopy. Blow up 4th
and 5th clusters. Follow the rock wall heading west to the helicopter
extraction site. Save your game.

[3 - 2] Mission 3 - Phase 2 Escort Truck Transferring Captured Weapons

Suggested Weapons: H&K G11 assault rifles with 4x scope. No explosives are
required for this phase.

If you thought the last phase was too easy, you'll love this one. This phase
will test everything you have learned about the ranger buddy system. The
rangers have to escort a transport truck carrying captured biological weapons to
an extraction site. There are lots of mines, enemies and a couple of snipers.

The truck moves slowly and will run by itself. It does not respond to commands,
but only to your physical location. If the person closest to it gets too much
of a lead, it will stop. If it gets ahead of you or your buddy, it will
continue to run as long as one of you stays close to it. It will not run over
you, in fact, you have to stand in front of it to stop it. If it runs over two
mines, it will abort the mission. The best way to move quickly is to put your
buddy in front of the truck bumper. Get in front of him and position yourself
directly between the tire tracks, then command him to follow. Run 5 steps then
stop, run 5 steps then stop. This cadence will keep the entire caravan moving.
Before you try this, you should take a solo run down the road just to
familiarize yourself with the terrain and the enemy positions.

Shooting the green barrels will cause a nice explosion, kill some enemies and
also detonate nearby landmines. Don't run through the toxic fire or let it
touch you. Note: The green boxes in this phase can't be destroyed.

Start the phase and immediately run in front of the truck to stop it. Look
southeast, and you'll see several barrels with an enemy standing to the left.
Shoot the barrel next to him and he, the barrels, and the mines will all blow
up. Use this trick everytime you see barrels through your scope.

Set up your caravan and start rolling. You can tell if the truck is moving by
the engine sound. Turn the corner and pass by the burned up barrels. Turn
south, then east again. Right after the curve is your first mine. Use your
scope to blow it up. The optimal distance is about 20 feet. Farther to the
east on the slope, is a man standing behind some green boxes. This is a good
place to take him out. Restart the caravan and make the next turn. There will
be 2 men behind the tower on the right. Pick up the flak jacket behind the
boxes on the left. Shoot the mine on the next curve. Make the S-curve and you
will come to a mine that will not detonate. Make sure your buddy's positioned
in front of the truck, and command him to hold up. Run off the road to the
south (right). Shoot the mine from in between the trees. Go back to the road
and restart the caravan. The next mine is just after the next S-curve, and it
is very hard to see. On the following curve, there is another mine. Stop on
the road, just past where you blew it up. Looking down the road southeast,
there is a medkit beside the road, and a man on the right side of the chimney
rock, above the little tree. The next mine is near the medkit. Dont' leave the
road to get the medkit and allow the truck to run over the mine.

The medkit is the halfway point of the phase. Heading south after taking out
the next mine on the next curve, face southwest. Use your scope to explode the
barrels on the right. When you get to the 2 barrels on the left, there will be
2 mines on the S-curve. Near the end of the next S-curve, there is a very
deadly, hard-to-see mine. Stop by the green boxes, and snipe the barrels on the
right. Move up until you can see the barrels on the left, and shoot them.
Approach the intersection slowly. There will be a man due southwest and one
farther to the left.

When you reach the intersection, the phase is the about 3/4ths complete. The
truck will not take the northwest road, so go south (left). About 30 feet past
the intersection, on the right tire track, is a very hard-to-see mine. Continue
for 2 curves. Stop the caravan when you get to the mine off the left side of
the road. Detonate the mine. Straight up the hill, due east, is an enemy.
Take him out and run up the hill. Follow the wall east to the line of 3 chimney
rocks. Use your map if you need to see the layout. In the gap between the 2nd
and 3rd rocks will be an enemy. He is easy to kill when you are behind him.
From this position, shoot all the green barrels you can see. Walk a few steps
toward the road, turn a little left, and shoot the grenadier behind the little
tree by the road. Back toward the truck, near the barrels on the east side of
the road is a flak jacket. Go back and restart the caravan.

When you pass the burned barrels with the caravan, stop the caravan again. Work
your way to the west and start shooting barrels. At any time, if you hear a
loud, single-shot sniper rifle, run west. The sniper will be by a building,
near the corner closest to the road. Once you get him, go shoot the last mine
on the road by the tower, in front of the building. If you didn't shoot all the
barrels, check the road for mines as you return to the truck. Restart the
caravan. When the truck passes the building, it triggers the extraction

[3 - 3] Mission 3 - Phase 3 Destoy Secret Chemical Storage Bunker

Suggested Weapons: H&K G11 assault rifles with 4x scope, and at least 1 satchel
charge per man.

Leave the road and turn southwest. Run up the hill to the 5 chimney rocks.
Command your buddy to hold up, and leave him here at the rocks. Continue around
the southern side of the rock wall. Stick to it like glue. The hill is very
steep, but it is easy to climb at an angle. If you get stuck and can't go up,
try going down, then angle up. You will hear gun shots, but don't bother
returning fire unless you are hit. Follow the ledge to the southwest. You will
come upon 4 tall chimney rocks. Stay next to the rock wall and pass the rocks.
Run due southwest, down the hill, and you will start to see the top of the
wooden tower. Run west, past the tower, watching for landmines. Look north and
you will see the secret bunker, which is in a tunnel that runs all the way
through the mountain. Destroy the chemicals with a satchel charge, and exit the
way you came in. Watch out for the landmine between the 2 tall trees. Head
southeast to the helicopter. Take ranger #2 the same route, except at the 4
tall chimney rocks, head straight south. End of mission. Save your game.

If you want more of a challenge, follow the northern side of the rock wall, and
try to find the rear entrance to the bunker or you can always try to follow one
of the roads.

Mission 4 - Snowy Mountains in North Korea

[4 - 1] Mission 4 - Phase 1 Destroy the Radar Antenna, Tank and Bridge

Suggested Weapons: M203 grenade launchers. No other explosives are required
for this phase.

Run northward, following the road. When it turns west, leave the road and
continue north, along the rock wall. Stop on top of the hill when you see the
bridge and use the M203 shells to blow it up. Run 5 steps to the southwest and
take out the tank. Pick up the flak jacket by the tank and continue down the
road. Go inside the fenced area and stop a little past the road. This should
put you in range to take out the radar antenna on the two-wheeled trailer that
is parked in the center of the camp. The extraction helicopter will land right
beside you. Disabling the alarm on the other side of the camp is not required
for extraction.

If you want more of a challenge, take a H&K G11 and 4 satchel charges and take
this route. Run northward, and follow the road around to the fenced area. Blow
up the concrete structure to the east, which houses the alarm generator.
Command your buddy to hold up somewhere safe inside the fence. Use a satchel
charge to destroy the satcom antenna on a 2-wheeled trailer positioned in the
center of the fenced area. Run northwest and get the guy hiding behind the
truck parked just outside the fence. Run in a zigzag pattern up to the tank.
Plant a satchel charge on the back side, grab the flak jacket, and run north
toward the bridge. Use a satchel charge on the bridge and follow the road back
the way you came. The helicopter will pick you up inside the fenced area.

[4 - 2] Mission 4 - Phase 2 Raid Airbase and Destroy MIG Aircraft

Suggested Weapons: H&K G11 assault rifles with 4x scope, and at least 4 satchel
charges per man. The M203 grenade launcher also kills aircraft.

Warning: While this phase is still loading, press both the X button to fire and
the forward button to run. You buddy is under sniper attack immediatley upon
the start of the phase and if you don't respond instantly, he will get killed.

There are two enemies directly in front of you. The sniper is the one on the
left tire track, shoot him first. The other enemy is a little to the right by a
small tree. Stop running forward after you pass your buddy. Advancing down the
road will trigger a bunch of enemies, which will pop out on the left side.

When things calm down, make sure you have your medkit ready and if you are using
a M203, select your grenade shells. Leave the road and head south, then
southeast. Follow the rock wall eastward. When the rock wall starts to end,
turn a little northeast. You can run along the mound, which curves right, or
run along the legde just to the right of the mound. Running on the ledge
greatly reduces enemy contact. Either way, when the curve ends or the ledge
dead ends, you will be at the end of the runway. You will see an enemy standing
on the far side of the runway. Take him out quickly, he is a sniper. After
that, pick up the flak jacket between the end of the runway and the cliff edge.

Run east past the runway, then run northward along the wall. You will pass a
couple of satchel charges about 20 feet apart. Turn west and you'll find a
medkit by the tree closest to the MIG aircraft.

Head back south to the runway. There are 4 MIG aircraft. Use either satchel
charges or grenade launcher shells. There are usually snipers behind the 3
brown rectangle structures. Using the grenade launcher shells on the green
barrels and wooden towers will save save you ammo rounds and kill enemies at the
same time.

There is another satchel charge at the opposite end of the runway behind the
control tower, if you need it. When all 4 MIGs are blown up, the helicopter
lands at about the center point of the runway.

[4 - 3] Mission 4 - Phase 3 Destroy Scud Missle Launchers

Suggested Weapons: M203 grenade launchers. No other explosives are required
for this phase.

You will need to destroy 4 scud missle launchers and 2 tanks. I could not get
through this phase using an assault rifle and satchel charges. The great
advantage with using the M203 grenade launcher is that you can kill the scuds
from outside the fenced area, greatly reducing enemy contact. Be warned that if
you launch a grenade over a landmine hidden just inside the fence, it may
detonate and blow you up.

Head northwest. As you approach the fence, slow down. There is a tent to your
left and a wooden tower to your right. Destroy the tower along with the sniper
and other enemies hiding under it with a grenade launcher shell.

Head back southwest, the way you came. When you reach the cliff, turn west
(right) and run on the ledge. Watching for landmines, turn north around the
corner of the fence. Take out the green scud launcher #1. Any armored vehicles
will turn black when they are destroyed. It will require several direct hits.
Run up to the next fence corner, face east and target scud launcher #2 in the
distance. Run east until you see tank #1 sitting at the gate. Take it out,
then turn north and destroy the 2nd tank on the road.

Run northeast between the tanks and across the road. Cross a second road, then
turn west and run along the rock wall. The rock wall will lead you to the 2nd
fenced area and the 3rd scud launcher. Take out #3, then follow the fence line
to the west, but hide behind the trees. You are approaching another sniper
hiding under a wooden tower. When you get close enough to see the wooden tower,
grenade shell it along with the sniper hiding under it. The last scud launcher
is beside this tower. Return the way you came. The helicopter extraction site
is back on the road between the two tanks you destroyed.

[4 - 4] Mission 4 - Phase 4 Destroy Radar Unit and Pipeline Manifolds

Suggested Weapons: M203 grenade launchers or H&K G11 assault rifles with 4x
scope, and 4 satchel charges per man.

You are required to destroy 2 pipeline manifolds, a radar antenna, then a 3rd
pipeline manifold.

Head southeast. The pipeline manifold is the tall brown structure. Destroy
manifold #1, then turn northeast and follow the pipeline. The pipeline is the
upside down U shaped objects. The pipeline shows up as a dashed line on the
map. Run between the big grey storage tanks to find a medkit. On the other
side to the south is the 2nd manifold.

Head north and you should see a flak jacket about 15 feet off the side of the
zig-zag road. Follow this road to the next cluster of buildings and strorage
tanks. Take out the radar antenna on the two-wheeled trailer, which is parked
behind the buildings to the north.

Keep circling around the back side until you are heading south. You should see
a short straight road. Check your map if you get disoriented. Follow the road
south until it dead-ends at a building. Turn a little southeast (left) and the
3rd manifold is all the way in the back by the wall. If you are using the M203,
you must climb all the way up the hill to get a level shot at it.

Head due northwest to the extraction site, or follow the white dot. The
helicopter lands near the big round building, back by the radar antenna you

Mission 5 - Jungle in Vietnam

Notes for all phases of Mission 5:

During each phase when the new objectives are being typed on the screen, pay
particular attention to the map that flashes briefly in the upper right-hand
corner of the screen. All three phases use different maps. The shapes of the
maps are exact, although the target and drop sites positions shown seem a little
off sometimes. The things to pay the most attention to are the yellow-green
areas. These represent the grassy patches where most of the phase objectives
are completed.

Up until now, I recommended the 4x scope. Because the terrain is so flat in
this mission, the 6x scope seems to work better. You can't see farther with it,
but what you can see is noticeably larger.

[5 - 1] Mission 5 - Phase 1 Destroy Enemy Weapons Caches

Suggested Weapons: H&K G11 assault rifles with 6x scope, and at least 3 satchel
charges per man. Also load 5 fragmentation grenades per man.

You are required to find and destroy 3 weapons caches. A cache consists of a
stack of small grey boxes. The jungle trails lead to open areas containing
square shaped grassy patches, that may have several bamboo huts. The caches are
usually placed between the huts and are always protected by landmines and

There are landmines placed on trails, at intersections, in open areas, and near
supplies or caches. Always run between the tree line and the jungle wall to
avoid mines, and be cautious at trail intersections. The mines in the open
grassy areas are almost impossible to see.

Head northeast and at the intersection, turn east and slow down. Moving east,
use your scope and take out a couple of enemies. Stop when you can see the hut
built on stilts over toward the east. Behind the hut, in between the wall and
the tree, is a sniper. Take him out as soon a possible. As you continue around
the wall, there is a man behind the first bush. Turn north and the 1st cache is
between the huts.

Destroy the cache and run due west, jog south, then due west again. There is a
landmine near the very center of the intersection. When you finally reach the
big grassy area, slow down and try to keep moving due west while scoping the
horizon for enemies that will pop up. If you repeat the same path, they will
pop up in the same spot. When you reach the ditch, turn and head north beside
the top of the ditch to the bridge. Get the flak jacket in the ditch on the
north side of the bridge and cross the ditch going west.

Turn northwest to the rice patties, which appear as a cluster of rectangles on
the map. Towards the northwest corner of the patties is a medkit, protected by
a landmine. Stop in a nearby rectangle and throw grenades at the medkit. When
you see 2 explosions at the same time, the mine has been detonated. Pick up the
medkit an head northwest to the flak jacket. Past the flak jacket is the 2nd
cache. As you approach, there is a landmine near a tree, about 20 feet from the
cache. Use your scope to detonate the mine. After destroying cache #2, head
due south to cache #3. There is a landmine directly in your path, about 10 feet
away from cache #3.

Destroying the 3rd cache should deploy the helicopter, which will land in the
rice pattie.

[5 - 2] Mission 5 - Phase 2 Destroy Mortor Launcher Emplacements

Suggested Weapons: H&K G11 assault rifles with 6x scope. Loadout with at least
20 HE (High Explosive) grenades per man.

You are required to destroy 3 mortor launcher emplacements. An emplacement
shows up on the map as a circular barricade. The 3rd emplacement is in a large
open area, and actually has two circular barricades apart from each other, that
count as one emplacement. The emplacements can be destroyed with satchel
charges, M203 grenade shells, or high explosive (HE) grenades. There is a
sniper inside each emplacement.

There are an unlimited number of routes to the targets using the jungle paths.
The route in this walkthrough is not the most direct, but it makes the best use
of the flak jackets available.

Head northeast straight to the bush and stop. Face north and snipe the man
behind the barricade. Run to the tree beside the barricade and stop. Walk very
slowly due north, stopping with the palm tree on the left and the black tree on
your right. Turn facing northwest and you should see a corridor leading you
downhill with trees on the right and bushes on the left. You can't see it yet
but the first emplacement is straight in your path.

Do not leave this corridor and do not run. Taking 2 or three steps at a time,
stop and run your scope along the grey horizon, killing all enemies before they
see you. When you make it halfway to the grass, you should be see the sniper's
head in the emplacement. Take him out as soon as possible. Don't get in a
hurry, you'll snipe 7 or 8 men before you get to the grass.

Walk a couple of steps onto the grass and re-scope the horizon. From this
position, you should be in range to grenade the emplacement. Be sure to select
your HE grenades, and press and hold the square button for maximum distance. If
you have destroyed the emplacement it will burst into flames and you will see
yellow text at the top of the screen.

Snipe the man at the small barricade slightly to the right of the emplacement.
Run halfway to the emplacement and clear the horizon again. Run northwest and
stop just past the emplacement, turn right and snipe another man at the small

Run northwest all the way to the wall, then continue northwest with the wall on
your left side. Stay between the wall and the tree/bush line.
At the next intersection is a flak jacket and an enemy standing to the
northeast. Zig-zag northeast and stop at the barricade to snipe the man on the
horizon. Stay close to the wall on your right side. Head north, stopping every
5 steps to scope. When the wall suddenly ends, there will be enemies due north
and due east, then a flak jacket due east by the barricade. Command your buddy
to hold up and head due northwest to the 2nd emplacement. Take out the sniper,
then grenade the emplacement from the maximum possible distance. Go in a
straight southeast line back to your buddy. Repeating the same path will lessen
your chances of stepping on a mine. Since you will be returning to this area
later, detonate any landmines you see.

Rejoin your buddy and follow the wall north, then turn east to find another flak
jacket. Follow the light brown colored trail east until it dead ends. Turn
east and follow the wall eastward until you pass a bamboo hut. It shows up as a
small square on the map. As you continue east, you will quickly come into a
very large open area with 3 grassy patches. Two of the patches have
emplacements. Do not enter the open area yet or you will be killed. Face north
to orient yourself, then look at the map. The bamboo hut should be on your
left, and a grassy patch on the right. Exit the map, turn around and go south
along the wall until you are a little south of the grassy patch.

This position is the best possible angle for attack. Looking northeast is a man
by a little barricade and behind them is the next emplacement. Scope the sniper
inside the emplacement as soon as possible. You can hit the emplacement with a
grenade when you get just past the small barricade. There is a landmine halfway
between the barricade and the emplacement. Use your scope on the mine. Moving
forward, pick up the flak jacket and continue northeast past the emplacement.
From here you can scope the sniper in the last emplacement. Grenade the last
emplacement from the trees. This should deploy the evacuation helicopter.

The extraction site is back on the grassy patch where you took out emplacement
#2. Turn to the west and the white dot on the radar will lead you back the way
you came, past the bamboo hut. Stay close to the wall on your return trip.

After you complete this phase, be sure to save your game. Even though there is
one more phase to complete, there are no more save points. >From this save you
will be able to replay any phase of any mission.

[5 - 3] Mission 5 - Phase 3 Locate and Rescue the Downed Pilot

Suggested Weapons: M60 machine guns. No explosives are required for this

When doing the loadout this time, be sure to delete your explosives and maximize
your ammo clips to 8/8. Then you can restock explosives until you reach max

Let's go find the pilot. Turn and run south. You will be forced to curve to
the east. Follow the wall on your right side and turn back to the south as soon
a possible. If you swing too wide around the corner you may hit the landmine.
When you are heading south again, put the wall on your left side. Follow the
long curve southward then southwest the finally west. Always run between the
wall and the tree line to avoid mines.

Behind the very first tree on the grass is a flak jacket. Very slowly, about 5
steps at a time, approach the bushes to the west while shooting at bushes in a
fan pattern. You have lots of rounds so light up those bushes. As you appraoch
the bushes a sniper will appear running at you on top of the ridge. As you pass
the bushes, several enemies will pop in all directions. Since you don't have a
scope, just keep strafing with your M60. Continue moving west along the top of
the ridge. If you have stayed on the ridge, you will come to a flak jacket.
Continue west a little farther and a stone tower will come into view on your
right. On the north side of the tower is a flak jacket.

Now face north and check your map. When you get past the blue patch you are
standing on, the next building to the north is a pyramid with a ramp on the
southeast conner. Wind your way to the very top of the pyramid to find the
pilot. As you approach him, he will run in front of you all the way back down
to the ground. Once the helicopter is deployed you don't really need him. You
can even exit straight down the side of the pyramid to save time. You are only
allowed 3 minutes to make it to the extraction site.

Southwest back towards the ridge is another flak jacket near the jungle wall.
Follow the white dot radar northwest to the extraction site. When you turn the
last corner and see the helicopter, there will be 5 or more enemies to your
right. Light them up with your M60 as you run up the hill, then board the

The objective of finding the UH helicopter crash site is not required for
extraction, but it gives you a good reason to replay the mission.

If your mission was successful, after the statistics page is displayed, you will
see a 15 second video clip of still photos of an awards ceremony hosted by
President Bill Clinton. --- The End.

end rev 001

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