Vandal Hearts

Vandal Hearts

17.10.2013 06:20:24

Vandal-Hearts (PlayStation Strategy RPG by Konami)
A guide to the game by Richard Uyeyama
V1.1 7/30/97

Copyright 1997 by Richard Uyeyama. Permission granted by author to
duplicate this document in its entirity for non-profit purposes only.
All other rights reserved.

Vandal-Hearts(tm) is a trademark of Konami Co., Ltd. Konami is a
registered trademark of Konami Co., Ltd. Copyright 1997 Konami Co., Ltd.
All rights reserved.

Comments, corrections, additions, etc. may be sent to Richard Uyeyama at:
Updates to this guide may be found at Chronicles of the Vandal Heart:

Table of Contents:

PR. Document History
0. Various Notes
1. The purpose of this guide
2. About the game
3. Note on terminology
4. Note on map coordinates
5. Note on class abbreviations
6. Note on the Trials of Toroah
7. Note on experience
8. Note on experience "cheating"
9. Note on translation discrepancies
10. Note on useful in-battle functions
11. Note on missing info
I. A premonition of war
0. Valley of Thieves
1. Dover District, Capital Shumeria
2. Palace Ruins
3. Rhine Bridge
4. Sand Dunes of Sea
*T1. Nova Trial of Toroah
5. Gadar Sea
II. Island of madness
0. Village of Yuzu
1. Ygdra Canyon
2. Loris Beach
*T2. Earth Trial of Toroah
3. Castle Ruins (outside)
4. Castle Ruins (inside)
5. Castle Ruins (outside 2)
III. Escape to tomorrow
0. Plain of Sorrow
1. Plain of Sorrow (2)
2. Terasu Village
3. Basil Gate
4. Reed Highway
5. Prison Fortress
6. Prison Fortress (2)
IV. The successor
*T3. Mana Trial of Toroah
1. Khanos City
2. Great Masai Forest
3. Old Town Warehouse, Trade City Kerachi
4. Railroad (via Magic Train Station, Trade City Kerachi)
*T4. Chaos Trial of Toroah
5. Fort Dain
V. The legacy
0. Wart Bay
1. Torog Mountains
2. Tsukue Plains
3. Smoking Bones Cave
*T5. Logos Trial of Toroah
4. Frontier Village
5. Orome Lake
VI. A fool's epitaph
*T6. Heaven Trial of Toroah
1. Fort Gareth
2. Cobalt Beach
3. Capital Shumeria
4. Capital Shumeria (2)
EP. The End
AA. Spells
AB. Non-Spell Items
AC. Character Names

Prologue - Document History

- Notes added and expanded
- Rough (not necessarily accurate) "standard" levels added
- Board "dimensions" added for each battle
- More enemy info (classes, stats, spells & spell points) added
- Missing coordinate info (chests, hidden items) added
- Hidden items listings now complete (1 addition)
- Endings section added
- Spell listings added (Appendix A)
- Non-purchasable items (incomplete) listings added (Appendix B)
- U/C / J character name correlations and ages listed (Appendix C)
- Various other editings
- Battle info (Section #, location name, Victory/Defeat conditions,
participants, maximum gold)
- Enemy info (quantity, name, level, HPs)
- Board info (treasure chest contents, hidden items, and coordinate
info (incomplete) for both)
- Various notes (including experience, experience cheating, Trials of

0. Various Notes

1. The purpose of this guide:
This guide is not a walkthrough for the game, nor does it detail any
actual strategy for any of the battles. Rather, this guide is meant as an
informational resource for players of Vandal-Hearts, that they may get as
much out of the game as they wish, in whatever manner suits their own
personal style of play.
This guide was based on the U/C version of the game, so if you are
playing another version, note that there may be some differences (a few of
the differences between the U/C and J versions of the game are actually
mentioned herein, but there are a lot more which aren't, so...).

2. About the game:
Vandal-Hearts is what I would classify as a Strategy RPG. Which means
that it's not really like the standard RPG games, being that you don't get
to wander about on your own, encountering things and exploring and such.
Vandal-Hearts is pretty much a linear storyline, in which one gets to play
the battle scenes. So it's kind of like an RPG-based (as far as character
classes, buying equipment, and such) combat strategy game. It does still
have some of the small RPG-ish touches to it, though (like the "So-and-so
has joined the party!" music, for example). In my experience, it's a
fairly unique game.

3. Note on terminology:
While the game calls each of the 6 parts the game is divided into
"Chapters", I shall be calling them "Acts" for the purposes of this guide,
since semantically, that seems more fitting...

4. Note on map coordinates:
For the treasure chests and hidden items, I've implemented an (x,y)
notation to specify exact locations, where x is the number of squares East,
and y is the number of squares North you go from the SW corner.
The map "dimensions", detailed after the location name, are indicated
similarly, so do note that these are not proper dimensions, since the
starting square (the SW corner) is not counted... and so if you're looking
for proper dimensions, the coordinates I give will be exactly one square
short in each direction...

5. Note on class abbreviations:
I've decided to use the following 2-letter abbreviations for the seven
character/enemy classes:
Kn - Knight
Ar - Armor
*Bo - Archer
Ai - Airman
Ma - Mage
Pr - Priest
Mo - Monk
Pretty simple. I've just used the first two letters of each class,
with the exception of the "Archer" class, which has the same first two
letters as "Armor". So I'm using "Bo" instead, which, as you may have
perceived, are the first two letters of "Bowman"...

6. Note on the Trials of Toroah:
Completing all six Trials of Toroah allows Ash to advance from Paragon
class to Vandalier class. Besides the stat bonuses and new equipment he
gets as a Vandalier, Ash will also be able to use every single spell in the
game (including item spells). This includes Plasma Wave (damages every
enemy on the board) and Life Orb (restores all HP & MP; costs nothing to
cast). I'm sure you can see the potential for abuse... ^^; Anyway...
The Trials of Toroah are not like regular battles. One does not gain
any normal experience during these battles. The only experience one can
get is by casting spells (certain item effects count as spells) on party
members (healing spells, defensive spells, etc.). Also, the amount of Gold
one gains from completing a Trial is, well, quite small. And lastly, the
difficulty of the enemies one faces in the Trials has not been preset, like
in every other battle in the game.
As it turns out, the level of experience of the enemies in the Trials
of Toroah is determined solely by Ash's level. So if you're trying for all
the Prisms, it actually helps (as counter-intuitive as it may seem) if Ash
is actually the *lowest* ranked character in your party. In other words,
whenever possible, don't use Ash at all in battle, and let all the other
characters gain all the experience. Remember that experience is given
according to how far below (or above) the "standard" level for that battle
the character is (see experience note, below), so if Ash has been sitting
out for several battles, and then accidentally strikes an opponent, or uses
magic, or whatever, he'll gain a huge amount of experience at once... so be
Note that, since in Act III, Section 1, you only have four characters
(including Ash) to guard four towers with, you'll probably have to involve
Ash in this battle at some point... I've played through the game before by
leaving Ash at level 10 or 11 up to this point, after which he was at level
15 (from having involved himself in this battle) pretty much for the rest
of the game (i.e. until all six Prisms were acquired).
Lastly, note that unlike normal battles, one has some freedom to
choose when one wants to undergo one of the Trials. I've listed each of
the Trials in this guide at the first spot one is capable of undergoing it,
but if it suits you, you can wait until a later point in the story before
entering a Trial (this has some advantages, especially for the earlier
Trials, since your party will become larger (and more experienced) later on
in the story, and money won't be as tight as it is near the beginning). If
you choose to wait before undergoing a Trial, just make sure you remember
to complete the necessary actions in order to obtain the Key (these are
listed at the beginning of each Trial section in this guide) before you
leave a section of the story you won't be able to get back to...

7. Note on experience:
For each regular battle, there is a "standard" level of experience
your characters should reach. The further below this standard level a
character is, the more experience he/she will get for each successful
attack or attack spell. Similarly, the further above the standard level a
character is, the less experience he/she will get...
I've included rough "standard" levels for each of the battles (right
after the Section number). These are *not* all completely accurate, btw,
as I haven't actually gone through and mathematically checked every single
battle against an experience constant (Spellbind would probably serve for
this purpose). So don't treat them as veritable fact or anything. For
now, though, they should serve as basic guideposts of a sort...
Oh, yes. As an exception to the standard experience rule detailed
above, do note that when you cast a spell (certain items like herbs, mage
oil, etc. also count as spells for these purposes) on another party member,
the amount of experience you get is not determined by how far above or
below the "standard" level you are, but rather how far above or below the
*target's* level you are.

8. Note on experience "cheating":
Interestingly enough, as a minor side effect of the above "casting a
spell on a party member" rule, whenever you cast a spell on yourself, you
always get the "at-standard" amount of experience, since your level is
neither above nor below the level of the target. In other words, by
repeatedly casting spells on yourself, you can raise your level as far
above the "standard" level for the battle as you want, limited only by the
number of spell points you have... or in the case of a level with a regen
tile, limited only by the maximum level in the game (49). Your healers can
repeatedly cast Mystic Shield or Bless Weapon on themselves, getting 16 or
17 experience points each time (so it generally takes 6 rounds to gain a
level), and once they're at a high level, another character can use Mage
Oil or something on one of them and gain a huge amount of levels all at
Of course, if you do this to all your characters, it sort of takes the
fun out of the "strategy" aspect of this Strategy RPG, so in order to get
the most out of the game, you'll probably want to play through normally at
least once...

9. Note on translation discrepancies:
I've actually spotted a couple translation discrepancies in the U/C
version of the game which I thought should be mentioned, in order to stave
off any potential confusion:
"Vandal Heart"? - In the U/C version of the game, while the title of
the game itself is "Vandal Hearts", the sword from which the title is taken
is named "Vandal Heart". No such discrepancy exists in the J version of
the game, in which both are called "Vandal Hearts". Well, it only makes
sense that if one was named after the other, they should probably have been
translated the same (i.e. call both VHeart, or call both VHearts), right?
"Ice Prism"? - A similar discrepancy exists in the U/C version between
the "Earth Key" and the "Ice Prism". The J version has them both as
"Earth", which suggests that in one of the two cases, "Earth" was
mistranslated as "Ice"...
"Logo Prism"? - Similarly, there is a "Logos Key"/"Logo Prism"
discrepancy. Since the J version has them both as "Logos", it can be
assumed that in the case of the Prism, a minor mistranslation (or maybe
just a typo) of the name has occurred.

10. Note on useful in-battle functions:
Triangle button - top view quick map.
Square button - jump cursor to next available unused character.
O button - check range of movement for enemy or expended character on
your side. Checking enemy range of movement can be extremely useful for
planning your own characters' movements...
X button - check status (skills, spells, items) of a single unit
(including enemy units). Very useful, especially for keeping track of
enemy spells and spell points. Holding down the X button also allows you
to speed up the cursor movement on the map, which could be useful on some
of the larger/longer maps (like the 6th Trial of Toroah!).

11. Note on missing info:
Lots of stuff has been added for V1.1, but there are still some things
which can be added/done for future versions...
- Mathematical accuracy check on the "standard" levels...
- Organize and complete non-purchasable items list
- Fill in missing character last names in character names section
- More info on regen tiles (including which battles have them)
- CD and OP/ED info

Enemy info key
Class # Name (Lv/HP,MP) (AT,DF,AGL) (SPELL NAME: cost)

Act I - A premonition of war

I. Section 0 (Lv.5)
Valley of Thieves (15e,15n)
VICTORY = Defeat of Zoot Gach
DEFEAT = Death of Ash
Ash(5), Clint(4), Diego(4)
Kn 1 Zoot Thief Lord (1/14,2) (11,10,10) (SELF HEALING: 2)
Kn 3 Brigand (1/14) (11,10,10)
Bo 2 Hunter (1/12) (10,8,9)
Hidden items: (14,15) MAD BOOK (NE corner, dirt hole)
(15,1) L.SWORD (SE corner, tile w/splotch of color)
700 G total

I. Section 1 (Lv.6)
Dover District, Capital Shumeria (23e,11n)
VICTORY = Arrival at Church
DEFEAT = Death of Ash
Ash, Clint, Diego
Bo 2 Hunterimp (3/25) (16,13,5)
Ai 4 War Ghost (2/22) (18,14,14)
Treasure chests: SW (1,1) HERB
NE (22,10) HERB
Hidden items: (4,3) L.BOW (SW region, grass circle)
(12,0) MUSHROOM (SE of southern house, cracked tile)
660 G total

I. Section 2 (Lv.7)
Palace Ruins (17e,17n)
VICTORY = Destruction of Enemies
DEFEAT = Death of Ash
Ash, Clint, Diego
Ar 9 Clay Golem (6/56) (34,37,20)
Treasure chests: S (8,1) ELIXIR
NE (15,16) HERB
Hidden items: (14,0) FIRE GEM (SE corner, dirt hole)
810 G total

I. Section 3 (Lv.8)
Rhine Bridge (23e,11n)
VICTORY = Destruction of Enemies
DEFEAT = Death of Ash
Ash, Clint, Diego, Eleni(7), Huxley(7)
(+Kira(8), after 2 rounds)
Kn 6 Brigand (5/42) (26,23,23)
Bo 2 Hunter (5/37) (23,18,22)
Ai 4 Hell Bat (5/45) (32,25,24)
1560 G total

I. Section 4 (Lv.9)
Sand Dunes of Sea (17e,17n)
VICTORY = Defeat of Monster
DEFEAT = Death of Ash
Ash, Clint, Diego, Eleni, Huxley, Kira
Ar 1 Death Ant (10/88) (51,55,30)
Mo 6 Ant Arm (1/13) (9,8,11) (inf.; max 6; up to +4/round; 0 Exp./G)
900 G total

1st Trial of Toroah (I.Sct.5)
*Tavern, Port City Minato - talk to Woman, get KEY OF NOVA
Give KEY to Ash, enter Dojo (any), then select Leave option
Nova Trial (18e,15n)
VICTORY = Destruction of Enemies
DEFEAT = Death of Ash
(Ash, Clint, Diego, Eleni, Huxley, Kira, Grog(9))
Kn 4 Buccaneer
Bo 4 Hunterimp
Ar 2 Dark Golem
Ai 2 War Ghost
Ai 2 Sparkie
Treasure chest: (7,8) NOVA PRISM
140 G total

I. Section 5 (Lv.9)
Gadar Sea (20e,20n)
VICTORY = Defeat of Hassan
DEFEAT = Death of Ash
Ash, Clint, Diego, Eleni, Huxley, Kira, Grog(9)
Ar 1 Hassan Madcaptain (8/72,9) (43,46,25) (HEALING: 3)
Kn 8 Buccaneer (6/49) (30,26,26)
Bo 4 Corsair (6/44) (26,21,25)
2380 G total

------------------------------------------------------------- End, Act I

Act II - Island of madness

II. Section 0 (Lv.10)
Village of Yuzu (23e,11n)
VICTORY = Destruction of Statues
DEFEAT = Death of Ash and [or] Villagers
Ash, Clint, Diego, Eleni, Huxley, Kira, Grog
Ma 7 Evilstatue (5/33,12) (15,12,28) (PIERCING LIGHT: 3)
Mo *9 Villager (1/13) (9,8,11) (Don't kill the innocent villagers!)
Treasure Chests: Center area (9,6) HERB
E (22,6) MAGE OIL
Hidden items: (10,2) MOON PIE (S side, by gap in fence, dirt crater)
(11,11) MUSHROOM (N side, dirt hole)
1330 G total

II. Section 1 (Lv.10)
Ygdra Canyon (23e,17n)
VICTORY = Destruction of Enemies
DEFEAT = Death of Ash or Dolan
Ash, Clint, Diego, Eleni, Huxley, Kira, Grog, Dolan(10), Amon(9), Sara(9)
Kn 10 Madsoldier (8/63) (38,33,33)
Mo 5 Guarddog (6/45) (24,22,30)
Treasure chests: SE (22,2) MOODRING
NE (22,16) ELIXIR
Hidden items: (1,0) MAD BOOK (SW corner, dirt crater)
(1,17) *MACROMAN (NW corner, dirt hole) (Chaos Key item!)
3150 G total

II. Section 2 (Lv.11)
Loris Beach (13e,27n)
VICTORY = Destruction of Enemies
DEFEAT = Death of Ash
Ash, Clint, Diego, Eleni, Huxley, Kira, Grog, Dolan, Amon, Sara
Kn 6 Madsoldier (9/70) (42,36,36)
Bo 3 Shooterimp (9/63) (36,29,34)
Ar 3 Dark Golem (9/80) (47,51,27)
Ai 3 Bloodghost (9/75) (51,40,38)
Hidden items: (8,1) *BANANA (S edge, middle of cross-shaped swamp)
3600 G total

2nd Trial of Toroah (II.Sct.3)
*Tavern, Village of Yuzu - If you got BANANA from II.2, talk to Young Man
and get KEY OF EARTH
Give KEY to Ash, enter Dojo (any), then select Leave option
Earth Trial (23e,15n)
VICTORY = Destruction of Enemies
DEFEAT = Death of Ash
(Ash, Clint, Diego, Eleni, Huxley, Kira, Grog, Dolan, Amon, Sara)
Bo 3 Hunter
Bo 3 Hunterimp
Bo 3 Corsair
Bo 3 Shooterimp
Bo 2 Grenadier
Bo 2 C.Archer
Treasure chest: (12,7) ICE [EARTH] P. (Earth Prism)
160 G total

II. Section 3 (Lv.12)
Castle Ruins (outside) (31e,15n)
VICTORY = Arrival at Entrance
DEFEAT = Death of Ash
Ash, Clint, Diego, Eleni, Huxley, Kira, Grog, Dolan, Amon, Sara
Kn 6 Madsoldier (11/84) (49,43,43)
Bo 4 Shooterimp (9/63) (36,29,34)
Ar 2 Dark Golem (11/96) (56,60,32)
Ai 3 Bloodghost (11/90) (60,47,45)
Ma 2 Evilstatue (11/66,12) (28,23,52) (PIERCING LIGHT: 3)
Treasure chests: S (15,1) MAGE OIL
N (15,14) MOODRING
Hidden items: (7,7) IRONBOOT (Archer guard area, western edge)
(23,15) CHAIN (Mail) (NE, main island, X marks the spot)
4590 G total

II. Section 4 (Lv.13)
Castle Ruins (inside) (14e,27n)
VICTORY = Defeat of Magnus
DEFEAT = Death of Ash
Ash, Clint, Diego, Eleni, Huxley, Kira, Grog, Dolan, Amon, Sara
Ar 1 Magnus Dark Lord (15/128,18) (73,79,42) (SELF HEALING: 2,
Kn 4 Madsoldier (12/91) (53,46,46)
Bo 3 Shooterimp (11/75) (43,34,41)
Ar 2 Dark Golem (12/104) (60,65,35)
Ai 3 Bloodghost (12/97) (65,51,49)
4200 G total

II. Section 5 (Lv.14)
Castle Ruins (outside 2) (19e,19n)
VICTORY = Conquest Within 6 Turns
DEFEAT = Death of Ash or Time Up
Ash, Clint, Diego, Grog, Dolan, Amon, Sara
Mo 12 Guarddog (1/13) (9,8,11)
Hidden items: (19,0) MAGE GEM (SE corner, dirt hole)
(19,17) GOLDCOIN (NE corner, crater)
3960 G total

------------------------------------------------------------- End, Act II

Act III - Escape to tomorrow

III. Section 0 (Lv.14)
Plain of Sorrow (16e,16n)
VICTORY = Destruction of Enemies
DEFEAT = Death of Ash
Ash, Grog, Sara
Ai 5 Sparkie (8/67) (46,36,35)
1850 G total

III. Section 1 (Lv.15)
Plain of Sorrow (2) (16e,16n)
VICTORY = Defend Towers 5 Turns
DEFEAT = Death of Ash or Towers
Ash, Grog, Sara, Zohar(14) (advance Zohar before this battle!)
* 4 Mage Tower (1/14) (0,5,0) (Protect these!)
Ai 6 Sparkie (8/67) (46,36,35) init.
(10/82) (55,43,42) repl. (infinite; 6 max; up to +4/turn)
???? G total (410 G per Sparkie)

III. Section 2 (Lv.15)
Terasu Village (23e,17n)
VICTORY = Destruction of Enemies
DEFEAT = Death of Ash
Ash, Diego, Huxley, Grog, Dolan, Sara, Zohar, Clive NPC(15) (CPU-run)
Kn 1 Zoot Thief Lord (17/126,4) (72,63,63) (SELF HEALING: 2)
Kn 5 Centurion (12/91) (53,46,46)
Bo 3 Grenadier (11/75) (43,34,41)
Ai 3 Blood Bat (12/97) (65,51,49)
Ma 1 Warlock (14/82,20) (34,29,64) (RAINBOW STROKE: 5)
Pr 1 Deacon (14/75,18) (40,32,65) (HEALING: 3)
Treasure chests: SW (6,1) ELIXIR
Hidden items: (0,7) UNICORN (W edge, crater)
(13,16) GOLDCOIN (N edge, dirt hole)
6750 G total

III. Section 3 (Lv.16)
Basil Gate (15e,19n)
VICTORY = Destruction of Enemies
DEFEAT = Death of Ash
Ash, Diego, Huxley, Grog, Dolan, Sara, Zohar
Kn 4 Centurion (14/105) (61,53,53)
Bo 2 Grenadier (14/94) (53,42,50)
Ai 2 Blood Bat (14/112) (74,58,56)
Ma 1 Warlock (14/82,20) (34,29,64) (RAINBOW STROKE: 5)
Pr 1 Deacon (14/75,18) (40,32,65) (HEALING: 3)
Treasure chests: S (9,4) MEGAHERB
NE (14,18) MAGE GEM
Hidden items: (7,16) IRONBOOT (by N regen square, X marks the spot)
(14,2) *TAROT (SE corner, X marks the spot) (Chaos Key item!)
5000 G total

III. Section 4 (Lv.17)
Reed Highway (47e,11n)
VICTORY = Destruction of Enemies
DEFEAT = Death of Ash / Enemy Escape
Ash, Diego, Huxley, Grog, Dolan, Sara, Zohar
Bo 1 Lando Hitman (19/126,4) (69,55,66) (SELF HEALING: 2)
Kn 2 Centurion (15/112) (65,56,56)
Bo 2 C.Archer (15/100) (56,45,53)
Mo 4 Guarddog (18/123) (60,56,76)
Hidden items: (46,5) M.STAFF
5500 G total

III. Section 5 (Lv.15)
Prison Fortress (23e,15n)
VICTORY = Destruction of Enemies
DEFEAT = Death of Clint
Clint, Eleni, Amon, Darius(14)
Mo *2 Mimic (18/123) (60,56,76)
Ar 8 Juggernaut (13/112) (64,69,37)
Treasure chests: (7,11) *Mimic
(15,12) *Mimic
(17,12) S.STAFF
6000 G total

III. Section 6 (Lv.16)
Prison Fortress (2) (16e,21n)
VICTORY = Defeat of Dumas
DEFEAT = Death of Clint
Clint, Eleni, Amon, Darius
(+Ash, Diego, Huxley, Grog, Dolan, Sara, Zohar, after 1 turn)
Ar 1 Dumas Jailmaster (18/152,6) (86,93,50) (SELF HEALING: 2)
Kn 2 Centurion (13/98) (57,49,49)
Kn 2 Centurion (14/105) (61,53,53)
Bo 3 Grenadier (12,81) (46,37,44)
Ar 2 Juggernaut (14/120) (69,74,40)
Ma 2 Warlock (15/88,20) (36,31,68) (RAINBOW STROKE: 5)
Pr 2 Deacon (15/80,18) (42,34,69) (HEALING: 3)
Ai 3 Blood Bat (16/127) (83,65,63)
Hidden items: (0,15) MANA KEY (outer lower level, fractured crater)
(for easier access, switch opens (3,6-7-8) gate)
(9,1) GOLDCOIN (outer lower level, spiral marked tile)
Loot: Zen Robe (from defeating Dumas)
11880 G total

------------------------------------------------------------- End, Act III

Act IV - The successor

3rd Trial of Toroah (IV.Sct.1)
(Khanos City) - If you got MANA KEY from III.6...
Give KEY to Ash, enter Dojo (any), then select Leave option
Mana Trial (23e,20n)
VICTORY = Destruction of Enemies
DEFEAT = Death of Ash
(Ash, Clint, Diego, Eleni, Huxley, Grog, Dolan, Amon, Sara, Zohar, Darius)
Kn 1 Brigand (Leave Brigand or Mimic alive until you have MANA PRISM!)
Mo *19 Mimic
Treasure chests: (7,4) *Mimic
(7,16) *Mimic
(10,1) *Mimic
(10,7) *Mimic
(10,13) *Mimic
(10,19) *Mimic
(13,4) *Mimic
(13,10) *Mimic
(13,16) *Mimic
(16,1) *Mimic
(16,7) *Mimic
(16,13) *Mimic
(16,19) *Mimic
(19,4) *Mimic
(19,10) *Mimic
(19,16) *Mimic
(22,1) MANA P. (Prism)
(22,7) *Mimic
(22,13) *Mimic
(22,19) *Mimic
200 G total

IV. Section 1 (Lv.16)
Khanos City (19e,27n)
VICTORY = Arrival at Village Exit
DEFEAT = Death of Ash
Ash, Clint, Diego, Eleni, Huxley, Grog, Dolan, Amon, Sara, Zohar, Darius
(Advance Darius before this battle!)
Kn 1 Kane Assassin (22/161,20) (91,79,79) (HEALING CIRCLE(2): 5)
Bo 1 Sabina Valkyrie (18/119,24) (66,53,63) (HYPER HEALING: 8)
Ar 1 Dallas Greatarmor (21/176,15) (99,107,57) (EXTRA HEALING: 5)
Mo 1 Kurtz War Master (21/143,30) (69,65,88) (DAGGER STORM: 5)
Kn 10 C.Knight (19/140) (80,69,69)
Ar 2 C.Armor (19/160) (90,97,52)
Ai 2 C.Hawk (18/142) (93,73,70)
Treasure chests: E (18,15) HOLY H2O
NE (18,21) AURA GEM
Hidden items: (13,26) GOLD AXE (NE area, tile marked by 3 holes)
15840 G total

IV. Section 2 (Lv.18)
Great Masai Forest (19e,23n)
VICTORY = Destruction of Enemies
DEFEAT = Death of Ash
Ash, Clint, Diego, Eleni, Huxley, Grog, Dolan, Amon, Sara, Zohar, Darius
Bo 12 Bugaboo (10/69) (39,31,37)
Kn 10 Wight (11/84) (49,43,43)
Hidden items: (11,5) AURA GEM (S area, spiral-marked tile)
(17,22) KINGFOIL (NE corner, cracked crater)
17160 G total

IV. Section 3 (Lv.19)
Old Town Warehouse, Trade City Kerachi (22e,22n)
VICTORY = Destruction of Enemies
DEFEAT = Death of Ash
Ash, Clint, Diego, Eleni, Huxley, Grog, Dolan, Amon, Sara, Zohar, Darius
Kn 8 Skeleton (16,119) (68,59,59)
Bo 4 Eggworm (13,88) (49,39,47)
Ar 4 Gold Golem (16/136) (77,83,45)
13760 G total

IV. Section 4 (Lv.20)
Railroad (via Magic Train Station, Trade City Kerachi) (63e,7n)
VICTORY = Defeat of Dallas
DEFEAT = Death of Ash
Ash, Clint, Diego, Eleni, Huxley, Grog, Dolan, Amon, Sara, Zohar, Darius
Ar 1 Dallas Greatarmor (21/176,15) (99,107,57) (EXTRA HEALING: 5)
Kn 8 C.Knight (17/126) (72,63,63)
Bo 4 C.Shooter (17/113) (63,50,60)
Ar 4 C.Armor (18/152) (86,93,50)
Hidden items: (11,3) *RAMEN (front car, grate) (Chaos Key item!)
Car release schedule: 1: 2 turns; 2: 5 turns; 3: 8 turns; 4: 11 turns
16920 G total

4th Trial of Toroah (IV.Sct.5)
*Tavern, Trade City Kerachi - If you got MACROMAN (II.1), TAROT (III.3),
and RAMEN (IV.4), talk to Man and get
Give KEY to Ash, enter Dojo (any), then select Leave option
Chaos Trial (19e,15n)
VICTORY = Destruction of Enemies
DEFEAT = Death of Ash
Ash, Clint, Diego, Eleni, Huxley, Grog, Dolan, Amon, Sara, Zohar, Darius
Ar 3 Clay Golem
Ar 7 Dark Golem
Ar 8 Gold Golem
Treasure chest: (13,14) CHAOS P. (Prism)
180 G total

IV. Section 5 (Lv.21)
Fort Dain (22e,22n)
VICTORY = Destroy devices in 8 turns
DEFEAT = Death of Ash or Kira
Ash, Clint, Diego, Eleni, Huxley, Grog, Dolan, Amon, Sara, Zohar, Darius
[Kira(1/14)(0,5,0) marked as an enemy for this battle, but... save her!]
-- 8 Death Dev.(Device) (1/14) (0,5,0)
Kn 4 Skeleton (20/147) (84,73,73)
Bo 2 Eggworm (19/126) (69,55,66)
Ar 3 Gold Golem (20/168) (95,102,55)
Ai 4 Acid Ghost (20/157) (102,80,77)
Ma 2 Deathangel (19/110,25) (45,38,84) (THUNDER BALL: 5,
Treasure chests: NE (21,17) L.MASK
Hidden items: (18,1) MITHRIL (SE corner, spiral-marked tile)
(9,21) KINGFOIL (N side, cracked crater)
16400 G total

------------------------------------------------------------- End, Act IV

Act V - The legacy

V. Section 0 (Lv.22)
Wart Bay (20e,23n)
VICTORY = Destruction of Enemies
DEFEAT = Death of Ash
(Advance Kira before this battle!)
Kn 2 Skeleton (19/140) (80,69,69)
Bo 4 Eggworm (18/119) (66,53,63)
Ar 4 Gold Golem (19/160) (90,97,52)
Ai 2 Acid Ghost (19/150) (97,76,73)
Ma 2 Deathangel (18/104,25) (43,36,80) (THUNDER BALL: 5,
Mo *1 Mimic (21/143) (69,65,88)
Treasure chests: NW (7,22) *Mimic (21/143)
NE (16,22) PLATE (Mail)
17100 G total

V. Section 1 (Lv.22)
Torog Mountains (31e,15n)
VICTORY = Defeat of Kurtz
DEFEAT = Death of Ash
Mo 1 Kurtz War Master (23/156,30) (75,70,95) (DAGGER STORM: 5)
Ma 1 C. Warlock (21/121,20) (49,42,92) (MAGIC ARROW: 5,
Pr 2 C. Priest (21/110,20) (57,46,93) (EXTRA HEALING: 5)
Ar 4 C. Armor (26/216) (121,130,70)
Bo 2 C. Shooter (21/138) (76,61,72)
Ai 6 C. Hawk (23/180) (116,91,87)
Hidden items: (0,7) MITHRIL (W edge, tile w/3 paw prints in the snow)
(29,12) HELSTONE (NE corner, tile w/3 paw prints in the snow)
Loot: P.CLAWS (from defeating Kurtz)
21420 G total

V. Section 2 (Lv.23)
Tsukue Plains (23e,23n)
VICTORY = Destruction of Enemies
DEFEAT = Death of Ash
(save Leena and Villager)
Kn 2 Skeleton (22/161) (91,79,79)
Bo 3 Eggworm (22/144) (79,63,75)
Ar 6 Gold Golem (22/184) (103,111,60)
Ai 2 Acid Ghost (22/172) (111,87,84)
Ma 2 Deathangel (22/126,25) (51,43,96) (THUNDER BALL: 5,
Mo *1 Mimic (23/156) (75,70,90)
Treasure chest: Center (12,12) *Mimic (23/156)
22080 G total

V. Section 3 (Lv.24)
Smoking Bones Cave (23e,19n)
VICTORY = Defeat of Dragon
DEFEAT = Death of Ash
Ai 1 Salamander (26/202) (130,102,98) (defeat Salamander!)
Kn 4 Skeleton (23/168) (95,83,83)
Bo 3 Eggworm (23/151) (83,66,79)
Ar 4 Gold Golem (23/192) (108,116,62)
Ai 3 Acid Ghost (23/180) (116,91,87)
Treasure chest: S side (13,6) D.SPEAR
Hidden items: (15,13) LOGOS K.(Key) (middle of smallest lava pool)
Loot: WYRMFANG (from defeating Salamander)
24320 G total

5th Trial of Toroah (V.Sct.4)
(Pioneer Town Sorbo) - If you got LOGOS KEY from V.3...
Give KEY to Ash, enter Dojo (any), then select Leave option
Logos Trial (19e,19n)
VICTORY = Destruction of Enemies
DEFEAT = Death of Ash
Ar 13 Guardian
Bo 5 Basilisk
Ai 7 Salamander
Tresure chest: (17,2) LOGO [LOGOS] P. (Logos Prism)
270 G total

V. Section 4 (Lv.25)
Frontier Village (31e,15n)
VICTORY = Defeat of Sabina
DEFEAT = Death of Ash
Bo 1 Sabina Valkyrie (28/182,24) (99,79,94) (HYPER HEALING: 8)
Bo 4 C. Shooter (25/163) (89,71,85)
Ar 3 C. Armor (26/216) (121,130,70)
Ar 6 C. Armor (29/240) (134,144,77)
Ma 2 C. Warlock (25/143,20) (58,49,108) (MAGIC ARROW: 5,
Pr 2 C. Priest (25/130,20) (67,54,110) (EXTRA HEALING: 5)
Pr 1 C. Priest (29/150,20) (77,62,126) (EXTRA HEALING: 5)
After 3 turns:
Kn +1 Kane Assassin (29/210,20) (118,103,103) (HEALING CIRCLE(2): 5)
Kn +3 C. Knight (25/182) (103,89,89)
Ai +2 C. Hawk (24/187) (121,95,91)
Hidden items: (10,1) MITHRIL (SW area, by S house, cracked tile)
(31,5) SHIVBOOK (SE area, by SE house, cracked tile)
Loot: RUNE BOW (from defeating Sabina)
44820 G total

V. Section 5 (Lv.26)
Orome Lake (27e,13n)
VICTORY = Move Leena to Entrance
DEFEAT = Death of Ash or Leena
Leena NPC(25)
Ar 4 Guardian (25/208) (116,125,67)
Bo 4 Basilisk (24/157) (86,69,82)
After Leena reaches spell square at (11,2):
Ar +4 Guardian (24,200) (112,121,65)
Bo +2 Basilisk (23,151) (83,66,79)
After Leena reaches spell square at (17,11):
Ar +2 Guardian (24/200) (112,121,65)
Treasure chests: S (18,1) WYRMFANG
NE (21,13) GOLD AXE
29120 G total

------------------------------------------------------------- End, Act V

Act VI - A fool's epitaph

6th Trial of Toroah (VI.Sct.1)
*Tavern, Glasgow City - If you have NOVA, EARTH (ice), MANA, CHAOS, and
LOGOS PRISMS, talk to Weird Man to get HEAVEN KEY
Give KEY to Ash, enter Dojo (any), then select Leave option
Heaven Trial (63e,1n)
VICTORY = Destruction of Enemies
DEFEAT = Death of Ash
Ma 2 Evilstatue (PIERCING LIGHT: 3)
Bo 4 Sabina Valkyrie (HYPER HEALING: 8)
Mo 4 Kurtz War Master (DAGGER STORM: 5)
Ar 3 Dallas Greatarmor (EXTRA HEALING: 5)
Bo 2 Lando Hitman (SELF HEALING: 2)
Ar 4 Dumas Jailmaster (SELF HEALING: 2)
Kn 4 Zoot Thief Lord (SELF HEALING: 2)
Treasure chest: End of path (62,1): HEAVEN P.(Prism)
(obtaining HEAVEN PRISM allows Ash to advance to Vandalier class (at Dojo)
after Paragon class)
270 G total

VI. Section 1 (Lv.27)
Fort Gareth (43e,13n)
VICTORY = Defeat of Kane
DEFEAT = Death of Ash
Kn 1 Kane Assassin * (29/210,20) (118,103,103) (HEALING CIRCLE(2): 5)
Kn 6 C. Knight (27/196) (111,96,96)
Bo 4 C. Shooter (26/170) (93,74,88)
Ar 6 C. Armor (27/224) (125,135,72)
Ma 3 C. Warlock (26/148,20) (60,51,112) (MAGIC ARROW: 5,
Pr 3 C. Priest (26/135,20) (70,56,114) (EXTRA HEALING: 5)
After gate is destroyed, Xeno transforms Kane into:
Kn *1 Kane Blk Knight (30/217,25) (122,106,106) (PLASMA WAVE: 15)
Hidden items: (40,8) NCKLACE (E edge, manhole)
Loot: CALIBURN (from defeating Kane)
48000 G total

VI. Section 2 (Lv.28)
Cobalt Beach (23e,15n)
VICTORY = Destruction of Enemies
DEFEAT = Death of Ash
Kn 7 Centurion (28/203) (114,99,99)
Bo 4 Grenadier (28/182) (99,79,94)
Ai 4 Blood Bat (28/217) (139,109,105)
Treasure chests: SW (3,2) LIFE ORB
E (18,7) HOLY H2O
NE (20,13) RAGNAROK (Axe)
33000 G total

VI. Section 3 (Lv.28)
Capital Shumeria (25e,16n)
VICTORY = Defeat of Xeno
DEFEAT = Death of Ash
Ma 1 Xeno (34/192,45) (77,65,144) (DARK FIRE: 15, EXPLOSION: 15)
Kn 4 Hellknight (29/210) (118,103,103)
Bo 2 M. Cannon (28/182) (99,79,94)
Ar 2 Mega Guard (30/248) (138,149,80)
Ai 4 Bahamut (29/225) (144,113,108)
Ma 4 Dark Mage (29/165,40) (66,56,124) (DARK HURRICANE: 8,
Hidden items: (7,7) MOJOROBE (W of fountain, manhole)
(20,4) GOLD AXE (SE of fountain, manhole)
Loot: RUNEWAND (from defeating Xeno)
43200 G total

VI. Section 4 (Lv.30)
Capital Shumeria (2) (25e,16n)
VICTORY = Defeat of Dolf
DEFEAT = Death of Ash
Ar 1 Dolf Doom Lord (34/280,30) (165,167,90) (HEALING CIRCLE(2): 5)
Ar 3 Mega Guard (30/248) (138,149,80)
Bo 3 M. Cannon (29/189) (103,82,97)
Ai 3 Bahamut (30/232) (149,117,112)
Kn 3 Hellknight (30/217) (122,106,106)
Ma 2 Dark Mage (30/170,40) (69,58,128) (DARK HURRICANE: 8,
After Dolf Doom Lord is defeated:
Pr +1 Dolf Dark Angel (32/165,99) (85,68,138) (DYNAMO HUM: 20)
45900 G total

------------------------------------------------------------- End, Act VI

Epilogue - The End

As it turns out, there are (as far as I can tell) only 2 endings to
Vandal-Hearts, which are, truth to tell, almost exactly the same. First,
there's the standard ending, which goes through the story wrap-up, the FMV
and credits, and the epilogue scene, and finishes up with the END page,
showing Eleni's book, lying open on her desk. To get the other ending, Ash
must be a Vandalier (obtain all prisms, then advance him from Paragon class
to Vandalier class at a Dojo). The game ending with Ash as a Vandalier
seems to be exactly the same as the standard ending, except that the END
page picture is different (I personally liked the Eleni book one, but...),
and as a small bonus, you get a Congratulations screen after the END page,
during which you get to hear an OP theme reprise (it's slightly different).
Oh, the Congratulations screen also hints at a potential sequel...


Appendix A - Spells

Note: Spell info taken from U/C version of game...

Spell Name spell type RNG,FLD cost

Hero Spells
Faerie Light healing magic 0,0 2
Ice Storm attack magic 1,0 4
Rolling Fire attack magic 2,1 8
Faerie Star healing magic 2,0 5
Delta Mirage attack magic 1,0 10

Mage Spells
Dark Star attack magic 4,0 2
Spellbind hold magic 5,0 2
Piercing Ray attack magic 4,1 4
Envenom poison magic 5,0 3
Phase Shift attack magic 0,7 12
Roman Fire attack magic 5,2 6
Poison Cloud poison magic 5,2 4
Spread Force attack magic 0,3 7
Avalanche attack magic 6,0 9
Salamander attack magic 0,10 14

Healer Spells
Healing healing magic 4,0 3
Mystic Shield defense up 4,0 3
Cure cure status 4,0 2
Healing Plus healing magic 4,1 4
Bless Weapon attack up 4,0 3
Holy Lightning attack magic 4,0 7
Ultra Healing healing magic 5,2 5
Magic Charge restores (10) MP 4,0 10
Holy Pressure attack magic 5,1 7
Supreme Healing healing magic inf,inf 30

Monk Spells
Stone Shower attack magic 0,1 10
Cure Wide cure status 0,1 4
Healing Circle(1) healing magic 0,1 6
Perfect Guard protect magic (AGL up) 4,0 15
Thunder Flash attack magic 0,2 12
Healing Wave healing magic 0,2 10
Mystic Energy DEF,AT up 4,0 15

Enemy Spells
Self Healing healing magic 0,0 2
Healing healing magic 4,0 3
Extra Healing healing magic 5,1 5
Hyper Healing healing magic 5,2 8
Healing Circle(2) healing magic 0,1 5
Piercing Light attack magic 4,0 3
Rainbow Stroke attack magic 6,0 5
Magic Arrow attack magic 5,1 5
Thunder Ball attack magic 5,2 5
Dark Hurricane attack magic 6,1 8
Rainbow Storm attack magic 4,2 7
Dagger Storm attack magic 0,1 5
Plasma Wave attack magic inf,inf 15
Dark Fire attack magic 5,2 15
Explosion attack magic 6,0 15
Dynamo Hum attack magic 0,2 20
Rolling Thunder attack magic 8,0 5 (0 for Vandalier)
Harmful Wave attack magic 8,0 5 (0 for Vandalier)
Evil Stream attack magic 9,0 8 (0 for Vandalier)

Item Spells
Herb restores HP 1,0
Megaherb restores HP 1,0
Elixir cures status 1,0
Mage Oil restores 4 MP 1,0
Mage Gem restores 10 MP 1,0
Life Orb restores all HP,MP 1,0
Holy H2O restores party HP inf,inf
Fire Gem attack item 3,1
Moodring attack item 0,2
Aura Gem attack item 5,3
Wyrmfang attack item 0,8
Mad Book hold magic 5,0 (Spellbind)
Mushroom poison magic 5,2 (Poison Cloud)
Moon Pie restores HP 0,0 (Self Healing)
Ironboot protect magic 4,0 (Perfect Guard)
Unicorn attack magic 4,2 (Rainbow Storm)
Kingfoil restores HP 0,1 (Healing Circle)
Helstone attack item 5,2 (Thunder Ball)
Shivbook attack item 0,1 (Dagger Storm)
Ncklace attack item 6,1 (Dark Hurricane)

Appendix B - Non-Spell Items

Non-purchasable non-spell items. This section is still fairly rough. I
haven't checked everything, so some of these may not belong on the list,
and there are definitely some items which are missing...

Item description bonuses sell price

Caliburn legendary sword AT+28 4000
Rune Bow rune bow AT+25 3400
S.Staff spirit staff AT+10 1000
Runewand runewand AT+14 3000
Ragnarok ragnarok (axe) AT+39 4500
D.Spear dragon spear AT+14 4000
P.Claws panzer claws AT+20 1200
Gold Axe golden axe AT+0 4000

L.Mask leather mask DF+11 700
Plate plate armor AT[DF]+32 1200
Zen Robe zen robe DF+20 900
MojoRobe mojo robe DF+26 2590

Goldcoin rare and expensive antique coins 1000
Mithril precious metal used in alchemy 5000

Appendix C - Character Names

In case anybody is interested, here's how the U/C and J version names
correspond (complete accuracy of some romanizations not necessarily
guaranteed...). I'm also including character ages for those characters
whose ages I've been able to find:

U/C version name Age J version name
---------------- --- --------------
Ash Lambert 24 (same)
Clint Picard 27 Keith Bardeaux
Diego Renault 21 Jose Carpas
Eleni Dunbar 19 Elina Sorn
Huxley Hobbes 65 Holx Turner
Kira Wulfstan 22 Leen Shiva
Grog Drinkwater 26 Lador Marx
Dolan ???? 41 Dorman Gallan
Amon ???? 18 Amon Miguel
Sara ???? 17 Celia Larna
Zohar Abu Sa'id 49 Samdera Luce
Darius ???? 66 Gennius Steinhoff

Dolf Crowley 31 Dolf Choir
Hel Spites 57 Hel Shubites
Kane Spites 25 Kane Shubites
Sabina ???? 23 Sabini Doom
Lando ???? 24 Lando Height
Dallas ???? 28 Dallas Magnar
Kurtz ???? 35 Kurtz Morrison
Gen. Magnus Dunbar 47 General Berasco Sorn

Aldor Lambert Uru Lambert
Arris the Sage (same)
Carlo Lisbon Crus Lizmon
Clive Beckett Klaus Beckner
Cnt. Roland Claymore Count Claymore
Hassan the Pirate Red Rum the Pirate
Leena (same)
Orosius Padwin
Xeno Calimani Gamo Zash

Special Thanks:
Thanks go to the Konami Official Guide (PSX) to Vandal Hearts (Secrets
Data volume), a very useful resource I used to check to make sure I found
all the hidden items, and for looking up the Japanese character names and
ages, and some other stuff...
If anybody's interested in obtaining a copy of their own (yes, the
guide is in Japanese), here's the identifying data:
Konami Official Guide (PlayStation)
Perfect Series
Vandal Hearts - ushinawareta kodai bunmei -
Koushiki Guide - Secret Data-hen
hakkou (published by): Konami Kabushiki-gaisha
hatsubai (sold/distributed by): Kabushiki-gaisha Shinkigen-sha
First publication: 1996 Dec 17
1000 (y)en
Lots of info in there. Character (lots of info), enemy, spell, and
item data... hidden item data... Vandalier and Trial data... Ishtaria World
Guide (including shop data and timeline)... interviews... music data... CG
gallery... Lots of stuff.
Lastly, for those of you interested in battle strategy for the game,
there's also a Strategy volume equivalent to this Secrets Data guide, but
as I don't have the ISBN number for that, you'll have to get your local (or
not so local) store to help you out there...

Comments, corrections, additions, etc. may be sent to Richard Uyeyama at:
Updates to this guide may be found at Chronicles of the Vandal Heart:

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Script Guide

14.Oktober 2013
Alle Charaktere auf der best Klasse, Ash auf der Vandalier Klasse und alle auf hohen Level. Gespeichert vor dem letzten Boss.

16.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013
Guide FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Strategy FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
engl. Cheats

14.Oktober 2013
engl. FAQ
13.Mei 2008
engl. Lösung und Strategieanleitung
engl. Lösung
10.Oktober 2008
Engl. Lösung

17.Oktober 2013
Meest populair
30.December 2013
01.December 2014
24.Februari 2018
25.Juni 2019
11.Februari 2016
22.Oktober 2014