

11.10.2013 08:12:18

G - P O L I C E

by J bobtheirategerbil@yahoo.com

Version 1.0 Feb.8, 1999

I.The Faq
2.Revision History
1.General Hints
2.Mission Objectives
3.About the Author
I.The Faq

This Faq is being written because, well, no one else seemed to.
I just bought this game at EB for 15 bucks, and since no one else seems to have written
anything about it, I suppose I will. This game is a really rocking futuristic helicopter
fighter. So, without further ado...

2. Revision 1.0 You're lookin' at her. The A #1 G-police FAQ IMHO.
II. Overview


In the future, namely 2089, The Governing council established the Government Police,
or G-Police, to maintain order on Earth and its protectorates. The natural resources on Earth
were tapped, so man had turned to the stars. In doing so, they created colonies that then
turned to chaos. After a series of debilitating wars, only the corporations were left.
They formed the Governing Council.
You are Paul Slater, ex-military and general badass. Your sister was a G-Police on Callisto.
After cracking a big case, she committed suicide. You don't buy it. Travelling out to Callisto
on the cruiser Hermes, you join Elaine's old unit and begin active duty...


Henschel AAG-53E 25mm
A rapid-fire vulacan cannon-style machine gun. Can be doubled up on the Venom funship. Smaller
shells with less firepower. Has Infinite ammo, but will overheat.

Lavochkin GSh45-80 30mm
Standard issue on all Havoc gunships. Fires at a high rate, similar to the Henschel, but cannot
be double-mounted. Has Infinite ammo, but may (and will) overheat.

IR Seeking Air-to-Air missiles
Air missiles that lock on to target using R1. Can be fired as a "dumb" missile if no object is
currently locked on. Fire in groups to make them effective.

Hyper-Velocity Missile
Dumb missiles with no lock-on capability. Travel fairly quickly, very effective on a slow
moving target. Can be fired rapidly to achieve best results.

Henschel HS38 Firestreak Missile
Less powerful than its IR counterpart, this is a better tracker. A Faster,
more manuverable missile that can really chase those baddies.

MATRA 973 Unguided Rocket
Dumb rocket, with the neato-cool capability of firing 3 rockets for every ammo pack.
Pretty nifty for finishing off that last guy.

Henschel Starburst Dispersion Missiles
Fires in a pack of eight missiles, which can be overkill in certain

Cluster Bombs
Wow, a weapon that is EXACTLY what the name says. This is a cluster bomb. It falls, in a
cluster, then bombs. Wow. Use with the prediction targeting device.

500kg Bomb
Heavy bomb that causes heavy damage. Must be used in conjunction with that groovy HUD bomb
predictor targeting device thingy.

1000kg Bomb
Now THIS is THA BOMB. Massive damage. Massivemassivemassive. Use this bad boy with the
prediction device.

Rothbart Optics BW26M 80GW Military Laser
Nasty pinpoint weapon that will whoop on whatever it's pointed at. Note: Will cause Havoc to
Souffle if used incorrectly. Will overheat.

Villenuve Industrie Plasma Launcher
Charged weapon that will, once again, do severe damage to the poor sap on the other end. Hold
X to charge, then let go to let loose.

Rothbart Optics Electronic Pulse Paralyzer
The EEP is used to freeze the vehicle's onboard computer. Necessary in some missions to catch
criminals. Will blow up civilians.

Ground Deployment Beacon
Used to direct ground units to the location the beacon is currently burning. Those chode
ground units will roll up eventually, but don't hold your breath.

On many missions, you'll have a wingman to help you. Selecting the wingman is like other
weapons. Really handy against those stupid robots in Mission 5.


The only Vehicle I have discovered so far is the DASA-Kamov Havoc gunship. The "Venom" is
mentioned in the description of the Henschel 25mm, but I haven't hit it, mission-wise, yet.
The Havoc is an air-support gunship that is currently being used by the G-police to suppress
urban disturbances. It functions something like an Apache gunship, famed in the 20th century
for its capabilities. Though outdated, the Havoc continues to be the prime weapon in the
G-Police arsenal.


Down-Dip the Nose of the Havoc
Up-Raise the Nose of the Havoc
Left-Swing Left
Right-Swing Right
Triangle-Go forward Note:Need not hold to continue acceleration. Double
tap and hold to use after burn.
Square-Go backwards. Use same as Triangle.
Circle-Switch weapons. Use up and Down in conjunction with Circle to switch.
X-Fire weapon. Plain and simple.
L1-Increase Altitude straight up.
L2-Decrease Altitude straight down.
R1-Lock on. Also used to scan objects.
R2-Air Brake. Used with directional buttons.
Select-Cycle through the Viewpoints.
Start-Confirm choice.


1.General Hints

Every time you climb into your Havoc, remeber this: YOUR CANNON IS YOUR NUMBER ONE FRIEND.
Especailly in the early missions, if you can line up an enemy in your crosshairs and let
loose. The cannon does not overheat quickly at all, and cools down relatively quickly, so
that isn't much of a pain in the butt. There is something REALLY satisfying in bringing down a
bogey with nothing but skill.
Don't fire guided missiles at close range, the enemy tends to turn a trifle too quick for
them to catch up. When firing dumb missiles, fire in groups of two or three and they will take
a hunk out of their armor.
Use your altitude increase to quickly get out of trouble. They won't be able to aim too well
if you're 300 feet in the air.
Keep the sound up. You'll constantly be recieving updates from HQ and wingmen, so it's
worthy to listen. Besides, the music is pretty decent.
That's it for now, I'll be adding more as soon as I get farther.

2.The Missions

Mission 1-
Primary Objectives-
*Scan Crates for Illegal Arms
*Seek out and Destroy Smugglers
Secondary Objectives-
*Protect Ground Team Epsilon
*30mm Cannon
*10 IR Missiles
*20 Matra Rockets
*No Wingman
*Ground Team Delta
Notes: Fairly Straightforward mission. Scan the crates using R1 and follow the trucks. The last
one you scan will be the one you have to destroy. There are various flying enemies about, but
you should be able to shut 'em down without much trouble.

Mission 2-
Primary Objectives-
*Escort Ground Team Delta
*EPP Escaping Suspects
*Protect disabled Vehicle
Secondary Objectives-
*Destroy all Gang Units
*30mm Cannon
*10 IR Missiles
*20 Matra Rockets
*No Wingman
*Ground Team Epsilon
Notes: Escort mission. Exactly the kind I hate. Try and keep eveyone alive while you progress
through the domes. There are 3 ambushes, one after another in the first dome. Don't listen to
the Ground Team, just pursue and kill without mercy. Hunt down all the units as fast as
possibile. You'll be facing some turrets in dome 2, so bust out the heavy janx. EPP and defend
the criminals, but try to catch them before they get into the next dome.

Mission 3-
Primary Objectives
*Follow Rogan
*Eliminate Gang Fighters
*Protect Ground Team Gamma
*Eliminate Rogan Edwards
Secondary Objectives
*Destroy all gang units
*30mm Cannin
*10 IR missiles
*20 Matra Rockets
*5 Beacon
*No Wingman
*Ground Team Gamma
Notes: Just keep Rogan in sight. As you go through the second dome, you'll be ambushed by
two fighters. Skirmish a bit, but keep after Rogan. In the 3rd dome, Rogan will set down
at a factory-type building, after a minute or so, that weenie back at headquarters will tell
you to set down a beacon. After Gamma gets there, they will be attacked. Follow Rogan to his
next destination, where he'll sit until you go off to defend ground team. As soon as you
eliminate the threat to ground team, go back to where Rogan sat down. You'll have to drop
another beacon. Then follow Rogan to the warehouse. Eliminate Rogan after the barrels explode
and the fighter pop out. Beware: these guys are quite a bit faster and can turn on a dime.
Kill everyone and mission complete.

Mission 4-
Primary Objectives
*Rendez-vous with Tachikawa
*Protect Presidental Shuttle
*Seek out and destroy vehicles attacking shuttle
Secondary Objectives
*Destroy all gang untis (sense a theme? :)
*30mm Cannons
*15 IR Missiles
*20 Matra Rockets
*No Ground Team
Notes: Another one of those tedious escort missions. Destroy as much as fast as possible. Nuke
those trucks REALLY fast. They can put a damper on your day if you aren't watching you radar.
The Prez climbs into her limo after wandering around the dome for a while (sightseeing?) and
the mission is over.

Mission 5-
Primary Objectives
*Escort President's limo to Krakov HQ
Secondary Objectives
*Rendez-vous with President's limo
*Destroy Roadblock
*Destroy Roadblock 2
*30mm Cannon
*15 IR Missiles
*20 Matra Rockets
*No Ground Team
Notes: Woo-hoo. Love those escort missions. This time, your ground support is pretty good, so
you really shouldn't have to worry a whole lot about severe damage to the limo. If you see a
big white line of enemies on the ground, that's one of the roadblocks. Try to get to the
turrets first as to prevent the most damage. You have some heavy fire from the air, but you can
probably handle that now, can't you?

Mission 6-
Primary Objectives
*Destroy Robots attacking civilians in Nar Dome
*Destroy Robot In Loni Dome
*Destroy Robots outside GPHQ
Secondary Objectives
*Minimal Civilain casualties in Nar Dome
*Minimal damage to Nanosoft compund
*All GP fighters survive
*30mm Cannon
*6 IR missiles
*40 Matra missiles
*6 Firestreak missiles
*Ground Team:None
Notes: Now THIS is what I'm talkin' about. Seek and destroy! Wait a sec, that's a pretty
powerful laser...Those robots can be a serious headache, so here's how I do it. Lock on
using R1. Now get high enough and far enough away that you can just pick up the crosshairs.
Now go to town, and pick off as much armor as possible. They may fire back, and their aim is
relatively good, and those lasers can hurt!!! You'll encounter a few air units in the Nanosoft
compound, but nothing to get excited about.

Mission 7
Primary Objectives
*Disable Krakov Shuttles in Tinor Dome
*Protect shuttles in Tinor Dome
*Disable Krakov Shuttles in Nar Dome
*Protect shuttles in Nar Dome
Secondary Objectives
*All shuttles survive
*30mm Cannon
*8 IR missiles
*40 Matra rockets
*8 Firestreak Missiles
*12 EPPs
*Ground Team:None
Notes: This is where a nice large arsenal begins to develop. This is a fairly simple mission,
I got through it this first time. You have to get to those shuttles fast. Make gratuitous use
of you afterburners. Once captured, the shuttles will be attacked by evil, evil men. Three
and four ships will be coming at you at once, so remember your wingman and just destroy as fast
as possible.

Mission 8
Primary Objectives
*Destroy Gang bikes laying Explosives
*Protect the yard from continued attack
*Destroy Gang Base
*All buildings must survive
*30mm Cannon
*10 IR missiles
*40 Matra Rockets
*10 Firestreak Missiles
*5 500kg bombs
*Ground Team:None
Notes:This one is pretty cool. The only problem I had was constantly scraping my belly on the
ground as I chased those stupid bikes. Kill everything on the ground first. There'll be a lot
of Air-to-Air going on, but take out those ground units first. There's gonna be a lot of planes
flying around, but just take them out, one at a time. The gang base is NOT well-hidden (or well
defended for that matter.) Drop a few bombs and BAM!, you're done.

Author's Note: I realize there are more missions, and I'll be writing them up as I go on,
but here's the first part anyway.


None yet


3.About the Author
I'm just a guy who had too much time on his hands on a Sunday night. I attend high school,
get more sleep there than I do at home, and generally live a normal life. When not plotting
the death of his spoiled step-sister, the author enjoys soccer, reading, computers, writing,
and just chillin'.

Copyright info-
This Document Copyright 1999 Jeff Brust. This is for personal and private use only.
This document MAY be reproduced on the World Wide Web, as long as it is reproduced in its
entirety. This MAY NOT be used on a CD-ROM, in a magazine, or in any other format
without the express permission and consent of the author.

Footnote: If you decide to do something stupid, like put your name on this, remeber, my friend
Guido can make some nice conversaiton pieces out of your kneecaps.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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