Breath of Fire 3

Breath of Fire 3

15.10.2013 07:03:31
|| Breath of fire 3 ||
|| Power-up guide v1.4b ||
|| By Angelwingnl ||
|| ||
|| (Sorry, no ASCII Art) ||
|| 01-07-2001 ||
|| ||
|| Check out my site at ||
|| ||
Newest version available at
Any comments, suggestions, questions, ideas or contributions welcome!

---Note to anyone who knows Fritz Fraundorf/Credit to Fritz Fraundorf--------

Well, I used Fritz Fraundorf's FAQ to get through the game myself. I
didn't copy anything from his FAQ, but since I used his twice first, it
is inevitable that much info in this here guide is indirectly coming
from his FAQ. Most of the info about this game in my memory did come
from there. I can't forget this stuff on command, and this guide would
be kinda scarce if I wouldn't put any items or Masters in here at all,
and the two people using it would send me huge amounts of mail with all
the stuff I "missed". I did want to ask Fritz whether he was okay with
this, but the email registered at gamefaqs was not found. So if anybody
knows where to find him, please tell me. When this guide is not okay
with him, I'll remove it immediately. And if it is okay, I'd still like
to know.


Please distribute this guide to your heart's content. Everything is
okay, as long as you keep it in this original form and don't make money
from it directly or indirectly (IE, don't sell it or give it as a "free"
gift with anything you ask money for). Breath of Fire 3 is copyright by

If you send in any information which I use in my FAQ, I will take the
freedom of adding your name and e-mail address to the credits section at
the bottom of this guide. If for some reason, you don't want your
e-mail, name or both displayed there, please tell me.


What this guide is all about
The Dragon Whelp
Mt. Glaus
Robin Hood?
The McNeils
On Your Own
The Catacombs
The Grand Escape
Momo's Tower
The Plant
The Disposal Area
The Ultimate Fighting Champion
The Seaside Town
The Lighthouse
Another Dimension
Mt. Zublo
The Truth
Angel Tower
The Dauna Mines
Back In Business
The Plant Laboratory
Back To Rhapala
Tidal Caves
The Darkside
The Freighter
Walk on Water
Saying Goodbye
No More Turning Back
The Black Ship
Steel Grave & Colony
The Freighter Revisited
The Dragon City
The Factory
The Deserted World
Station Myria
House of Justice
The Clear Game
Getting The Best Equipment
Powering Up
Using Your Power
Ultimate Fishing Gear
The Faerie Village
Skill List
Dragon Transformations
Monster List


Started the guide.
Finished the childhood part of the walkthrough.
Added some walkthrough, Dauna Mines through Reunited sections.
Added more walkthrough, up to The Freighter.
Started first subsection: The Faerie Village.
Created second subsection: Skill List.
Added a bit of walkthrough, until Steel Grave & Colony.
Dragon Transformations section added (something new every time,
Added a little more walkthrough.
I'm slowly (all those leveling up intervals take up a lot of time...)
yet steadily continuing the walkthrough.
finished the skill list.
Finished the walkthrough.
Added the Clear Game section.
I kinda revised the section head layout.
Added Ebonfire skill, and note on getting Bunyan earlier.
Some minor (typos) changes in the walkthrough.
Added the Monster List.
Added Master List.
Added Lavaman trick at Powering Up\Experience section.
Added strategies for the Archmage and Berserker.
Revised the super-scarce Dragon Transformations\Fusion Transforming
Changed the final Masters a bit, Deis and Ladon are probably the way
to go.
Changed the Desert of Death section a bit.
Added my site. That's all.

I have now started work on a second FAQ, for BoF4. This does not mean
that this guide is completely finished. I won't create any new sections,
but I will send in a new update if anyone sends in useful info. So don't
be shy, any information is still appreciated. Updates won't be sent in
that often anymore, though.

---What this guide is all about----------------------------------------------

First of all, BoF3 must be the greatest game of all times for me, being
the only game I ever liked more then ff7 (until now...). I played
through it 3 times, twice using Fritz Faundorf's walkthrough. I found
quite some items and other stuff not mentioned in this faq. It a great
faq, Don't get me wrong, but BoF3 is so rich and complicated that there
is just so much in there that he didn't get everything (read: items,
Masters which could be found earlier in the game than he stated). When
I decided to go through the game one last time, I thought I would just
create a walkthrough of my own in which I would point out everything.
Also, I was inspired by the ff8 power up trick. In BoF3, you could also
be careful with leveling up and use those level ups much better, by
using Masters. This guide makes all of your level ups be under a master
of whom you don't have all abilities yet. Also, for even more stat
boosting, it will point out every stat boosting item you can get. These
are pretty useful in my opinion. Of course, you won't become boosted 90
points in 4 stats like in ff8, and the enemies won't stay low-level
with you. But nobody said it would be easy. Hey, it will be pretty
challenging, but a bit of an extra challenge is only fun when you're
going through the game for the fourth time like me. And if you don't want
to make it more difficult and try this power up method, just use Fritz
Faundorf's FAQ or Henry LaPierre's. Those "normal" FAQ's are easy to
P.S. This is my first FAQ/Walkthrough/Guide ever. What do you think?


///The Dragon Whelp\\

The story starts with Mogu and Gary removing you in dragon form from
the crystal. When the battle starts, just use whelp breath to kill both
of the miners. When you win, inspect one of the bodies to find a Melted
Blade. Then just walk on until you come to the point where you are
knocked out. On the train, just move the D-Pad until the cage falls off.
Now the scene will switch to Rei, hunting. Rei will save you from the
Currs and take you home, where another kid lives, Teepo.

After the dream sequence, You'll be able to walk around again. You can
save with the diary, and loot the houses cupboards for a Worm and a
Vitamin. When you go outside, you'll see an Eye Goo (the blue thing),
and a Goblin, but you'll have to come back later if you want their
simple explanations. Anyway, in this screen you should go to the right
part past the goblin, and you can find a Skill Ink and an Ammonia (for
the latter, use R1 to rotate the camera). Now go out of the forest and
you will be on the world map. Now go in to the village, McNeil. There
you will meet up with Rei and Teepo. Rei will get you some equipment and
then he and Teepo will join your party. In the town, loot all the
cupboards in the houses (you're a thief, aren't you...?) And get the
Vitamin hidden in front of the Inn. Then go to the road to the lower
right and loot the huts there, and the hut on the section to the upper
right from this road. Then, go back to the world map. If you're playing
the game for the first time, you might want to go back to your house to
learn about the game from the Goblin and the Eye Goo. Also, you can get
a Healing Herb from the basement of your house.


In this guide, we're powering up, remember? So don't run of and get into
fights just like that. You'll want to keep Ryu at level 1 until he
apprentices to Mygas. When you're thinking how difficult that will be,
You had better stop using this guide, because the part with Rei and
Teepo in your party is the easiest part. You see, they can level up
without masters as much as you like. So go to the woods and when you get
into battle, kill Ryu (Don't worry, MaxHP loss is NEVER permanent), and
then the monsters. He will be revived with one hp so in the next battle,
kill him again, etc. Never forget to kill off Ryu! Outside battle, you
can use Ryu's healing magic. That way, only Rei and Teepo will get xp,
and Ryu will stay at level one. I'm not sure whether a single point of
xp for Ryu will make a difference in whether Mygas will teach him Frost
at level 2 or 3, so just keep him at zero xp, ok?

Ok, now to the fighting with Rei and Teepo; what should you get? Well,
Rei has Pilfer, which is very useful. You'll want to use it to steal:
-2x Waistcloth from Bossgoblin (maybe a bit hard, try it at the higher
levels of Rei)
-Lots of Healing Herbs from the Goo's
-2x PointedStick from the Man Traps to the North ? area.
-4xBent Sword from the Goblins (you can get one in the
Nue's cave too)
Also, walk through the ? area with the Man Traps now, so you won't have
to do it with just Teepo (Doesn't matter much). You should kick the
small rock in front of the big one to walk through the river and to get
a Weather Vane. As you go on north, you come to the exit. Just right
from here is a stone which Teepo can kick to get a coin. This one is
very important.

Equip Rei with a Waistcloth and Teepo With a Waistcloth and the Melted
Blade. They should become about level 8-9. Don't equip Ryu yet, he is
only going to lie on the ground, remember? Go to McNeil and buy a
Bronze Sword, too. Don't rest to restore Ryu, you won't use him yet,
anyway, and also, DON'T SELL any weapons. Later in the game, you will
need 16 different weapons, and equipped ones don't count. So you should
have 4 Bent Swords, 3 to equip on Rei, Teepo and Ryu, and another one
to count towards the weapon total (I don't mean equip them now, I'll
tell you when).

Now you are ready to go on with the game. Just head to Yraall Road and
go down. You'll be pointed to a bush on the road. Go there and get the
40 Zenny, then go to the bush. You'll have a sequence with Bunyan. Now
Rei and Teepo will decide to go to his house. So go there, It's the
house in Cedar Woods. Once there, Ryu will catch a plate. Then head down
the ladder and get the Beef Jerky from the Cupboard. Rei will go up,
followed by Teepo, and then you can only follow them. Bunyan will punch
you and knock you out. After the sequence, you have to chop wood. It is
not very difficult. Then, you'll have to follow Rei to Mt. Glaus. Teepo
is on his own for a small while.

:::Mt. Glaus:::

If you followed my guide, you can walk straight up to the mountain.
There, cross the bridge, and you can get the Antidote to the left if you
want. When you go ahead, you'll walk into a slope with two ledges on it.
To get the items on them, you should slide down from the top. The high
one is visible from the top, but you'll have to estimate for the lower
one. The items are a Heavy Caro and a Cloth Shield. Go back to the top,
and on to the right and you'll find a cabin where you meet up with Rei.
Side note: when Rei says: "But now I won't be able to use...", he is
referring to a very cool ability he will get much later, the Weretiger.
You will rest, and the next morning, you will fight the Nue. You should
certainly Pilfer it until you get Power Food, your first stat-boosting
item. You might want to keep one of each stat-booster in your possession
at all times, so you can copy them later in the Faerie village.(these
are Life Shard, Magic Shard, Swallow Eye, Power Food, Fish-head and
Protein) You can keep Ryu alive for healing until you get the Power
Food, because you don't want to beet the Nue without getting it. Then
kill Ryu (or what will be left of him), and then scare away the Nue. I'm
not so sure whether it gives you xp yet, but it should be rather easy
with Rei and Teepo at lvl 8+ anyway. After the fight, rest up again and
save at the dragon statuette next to the house. Now go up the mountain.
When you get to the cave, don't go in yet, follow the path to a
Vitamins. After that, go back and into the cave. Follow the blood to an
intersection, the path to the left leads to a Bent Sword. It's value is
low, so if you already have four, leave it there. Go on to a room with a
river. After the short sequence, get the money from the skeleton and go
back to the main path. The path to the right leads to another skeleton
with a bent sword on it. Then go to the left and jump in the water.
Another fight with the Nue will be triggered.
/ \
| First of all, Pilfer it for another Power Food. Kill of Ryu and |
| then attack with Rei and cast Simoon with Teepo. Heal when |
| needed. You should easily win. |

///Robin Hood?\\

You are at home and Teepo wants to go into town. In town, after the
sequence, talk to the cloaked guy and tell him you will help him.
Before meeting up with him in his cabin, go buy lots of stuff (buy a
fishing rod, too.) at the stores, just have at least 1 zenny left. Then
go to the chopped down tree and get your very first Master, Mygas. You
should have very little money left, so give it to him. Apprentice Ryu to
him. You can now start leveling Ryu up a bit. Just gain 2 or 3 levels
with Ryu so leveling him up on his own later will be easier, then go
back to the old routine.

Ryu lv 1 ---> Mygas ---> lv 9

Now you can go fishing. There are two fishing spots, the one to the
right features Manillo, a handy merchant with usually better equipment
than the regular store. Just change the lure to Coin and catch him. Very
handy when you are under-par because you're using this guide. Anyway,
you should get at least one Silver knife from him (you need one of every
weapon you can get, remember?) and probably an Iron Helm too. Some Skill
Inks are useful too, since you'll need them a couple of times in the
future. Finally, you can use the RainbowTrout for replenishing AP, not
that great though.

When you are done, go to the side path in the road from McNeil. Loki
will be waiting in the hut on the next screen. When you talk to him,
it will become night. Go to the wall around the Manor. When you get to
the bad-looking part of the wall, Rei will lean against it and it will
fall. Inside, talk to the guy on the left to get 50 Zenny. Give it to
the guard and he will let you pass. Go up the stairs and get the wallet
hidden to the left and give it to the guard to the right. Go down. Watch
out for the guards with purple armor, those are serious about their job.
Don't step in their light. Go to the lower right to the tower with the
bell. Hit the bell with your sword, the guard will leave. Go up and
talk to the sitting guard. He'll ask you to kill the dog. Go down the
path to the gate and you will fight the dog.
/ \
| Another easy battle. Just kill Ryu and attack the dog. You could |
| Steal it's Vitamin or learn Snap from it, neither is important |
| though. |

After kicking some canine butt, go up to the stairs and through the path
to get a Firecracker. Then go back and to the lower part of the area.
Talk to the woman and the guy next to her, then to the guard in front of
the chicken coop. He'll run off. When you go in there, Teepo will steal
some eggs and piss of one big chicken. Another battle follows.
/ \
| A little tougher then the dog, still no match for Rei an Teepo. |
| Start by stealing it's life shard, that one's important. Then |
| attack with Rei and use Simoon with Teepo, healing as needed. |
| You could learn jump from it but if you fail to, don't worry as |
| the roaches inside the manor can teach it to you as well (you do |
| want to get it). |

Once you beat Rocky, backtrack to where you beat the pooch and go up
from there. You'll come to a point where Rei climbs the roof, and you
and Teepo go inside. Teepo will have to do almost the entire dungeon on
his own.

:::The Mcneils:::

Don't go up the stairs yet. First, head into the door to the right. Talk
to the dude next to the bed to rest. Go past him to get some money from
the cupboard. Go up the stairs below here and search the cupboards for a
Magic Shard, another stat-boosting item, and further up to search the
crates. Now go back through the door and try to head up the stairs. You
will be attacked by a ghost. With Teepo at level 9+, he should be very
easy. Just attack it until it dies (Kill Ryu first, as always). Go back
and heal up. Go further up and head left (there is nothing on the
right). Search all the cupboards for a Gems. Keep going, and you will
meet another easy ghost. Go on right and you will come to a room. Loot
the cupboard, try to go down. Another ghost. After descending, go
through the large hallway and head up first for some money. then go back
and go down. Beat the fourth ghost on the way. Head on to the elevator
and switch it on. You'll be able to rest and save here. Go up the ladder
and you will be on the roof. First go to the upper left, then jump of
the ledge and get the Grappling Hook. You'll meet up with Rei and go on
to the other side of the roof. To the left you will find a Swallow Eye,
yet another stat-booster. You might want to keep a second one of these
because you will need one to get Hachio, a Master, later on. Back all
the way to the right and on the top of the roof, use R1 to locate a
Broad Sword. Back on top, head down the stairs into the house (not the
ladder, that is too far to the right and no, nothing of interest is
there). Here, you will face the final showdown of this dungeon, the
/ \
| As just about every boss, Pilfer it. This time it yields a Magic |
| Shard. After that, just attack it. Since Rei and Teepo should |
| be in great form, they'll easily win again. Enjoy this, it's the |
| last easy boss for a while... |

///On Your Own\\

After the sequence, you're home again. Save your game. Go to the road
from McNeil, and talk to Loki. In his hut, Bunyan will come and explain
your mistake to you. Okay, before you hurry back home like Rei suggests,
De-equip Rei and Teepo, and remove any skills they might have. If you
followed my advice you should have Bent Swords for both of them (no
martial arts in this game, except for Peco). They will leave your party
soon, so if you want to do something with them, do so now. Equip Ryu
with some good stuff now. Also, make sure you have about 6000 Zenny,
because money is hard to get without Rei and Teepo, and you'll need it

Now go back home. Two unicorn-human dudes will come to beat you up.
Don't waste time, energy or items on them, just let them kill you, this
is one of those must-lose battles.

You'll awaken at Bunyan's place. Ryu wants to go to Wyndia, so Bunyan
tells him to go east. (Side note: You can get Bunyan as a Master now, if
you exit the screen and re-enter. However, I think it's best to
apprentice Peco to him, who you don't have yet. So just wait until this
guide tells you to go back to Bunyan's place...)First, go to the inn and
rest to restore MaxHP. Then fight battles until you're level 9 (DON'T
gain any more xp after becoming level 9, you need the space later.), And
get Frost, Meditation, Magic Ball and Typhoon from Mygas (just talk to
him four times). You could quit from him, it doesn't really matter
whether you do.


Now that Rei and Teepo aren't there anymore to gain the xp anymore,
there is only one method to avoid xp: run (just double-press L1 or hold
L1 and press X). You'll be doing this a lot. Don't worry, Ryu has great
AP for healing, and even if that runs out there are always items (you
did get a lot of Healing Herbs, didn't you?). Running has never shown
fatal to me, and I always just kept trying to run and healed outside of
battles. Believe me, avoiding the standard enemies is not a problem, the
bosses are. Also, Don't be afraid of MaxHP loss, It's annoying, but when
no tough boss follows, it is not too much of a problem. You can always
restore it.

When you still need to get something from the Yraall region, do so now.
Make sure you have a fishing rod and at least one of each lure. You
won't be returning here for a while. When ready, head to Yraall road and
go right from there. You will arrive at the foot of another mountain,
Mt.Myrneg. Enter.

Go all the way to the lower right, then to the upper right. Climb up and
go into the seemingly empty intersection to the right, turn the camera
and you'll find a chest with a Bat's Amulet. I'm not so sure, there
might be another item/money bag to the left. Anyway, go all the way up
and you will find Balio and Sunder again. They will assault Ryu again,
and Ryu will change into a dragon. Then the scene jumps to Wyndia
Castle, where you will be thrown into prison. Then Princess Nina will
come to help you (what is this in RPG's with unreasonable kings and
understanding little princesses, anyway?). Balio and Sunder will talk
Nina into helping them out, too. After they take Nina, just ram into the
door twice. You can heal and save in respectively your room and the
unicorn brothers' room. Then go on down to fight Balio and Sunder. This
battle you're supposed to lose, but you *can* win it. Not if you
followed this guide though. Don't worry, they don't yield anything
that's useful for too long. After the fight, Nina wakes you. Head down
into the castle's catacombs. Now, it's dungeon time.


You can now use Ryu's ability accession to turn into a dragon. This is
very useful because you will be much stronger in this form. Being a
dragon costs AP, however, so you will have to choose how much you'll use
for healing and how much for being a dragon. You can choose three dragon
genes for this, but now you only have the Flame gene. You'll find more
during your journey over the land.

:::The Catacombs:::

Running away may cause slight problems here, but remember, if Nina dies,
you can always restore her MaxHP by resting up in your cell. Go up to
all the 7 gravestones and select the green-colored words. Ignore the
stone with uncolored words for now. Then go all the way up, back to heal
when you think it's necessary, and then to the pathway to the left. On
the tombstone here, push 7. You will fall down to a chest containing a
Light Bangle. Jump down and go to the right. Climb up the ladder, get
the Glass Domino, equip it, and jump down. Go back down and up the hill
to the gravestone with uncolored words (The one in the back). Here you
should select all the words that were red on previous gravestones,
namely red, climbing, I, is, look, beneath, this. You will fall down
again. Go to the hole in the ground and you will fall further down. Get
the Wisdom Fruit from behind the gravestone to the left. You want to
keep at least one Wisdom Fruit in your inventory for later. Then go on
into Wyndia.


Here, make sure to get all the items from all the houses and stores.
Make sure you get the Moxa from one of the bread shops. Buy new
equipment. Rest when anyone lost MaxHP, otherwise wait until you're
outside and camp there. Also, buy at least one of every weapon you don't
have yet. You should have two PointedSticks and two Bent Swords for
getting rid of the equipped doesn't count-rule, otherwise you're going
to have to make sure you have one weapon double for Ryu and one for
Nina. Keep about 1500 Zenny remaining for later. Anyway, go down to the
playing kids and play Hide-and-Seek with them. One is behind a tree to
the right, two are at both sides of the buildings to the left, and one
is behind a tree up the stairs. They will tell you about Teepo (or not?
It doesn't really clear up whether it was Teepo later).

Head outside, camp if needed, then go to the forest path leading to the
city wall to get a ginseng there. Then, go to the path around Wyndia to
find Durandal, another Master. Apprentice Nina to her. Time for Ryu to
lie on the ground for another while.

Nina lv 5 ---> Durandal ---> lv 8

Again, you'll have to do this leveling up right away, since you won't be
able to return here a bit later. You can level up wherever you like,
just don't go in the house to the south yet. Once done leveling up, get
Unmotivate, Feign Swing and Backhand from Durandal. Now head for the
road south. In the house Nina points to, just go in and out. Now, the
Balio Bros are back. You will be taken to Genmel.

///The Grand Escape\\

After escaping from Fahl, you're free to wander around Genmel. Before
you go shopping, though, talk to the fishman hiding in the bottom of
town to get a flier for discount. Then, as ever, buy one of each weapon
you don't have yet. You could also get the Scramasax later, but don't
forget the Rippers! If you're short on cash, there is only one way to
make some: fish. Of course, exchanging the fish for items first at
Manillo's gives much more money, but you can't catch him here. Fishing
is not a very efficient way of making money, so hopefully you have the
cash required. BTW, Armor is not really necessary since you'll get some
good armor from Manillo's later. You should also head around the
to the north and walk around it to the ? area, go in and take the Wisdom
Fruit from the cupboard in the house.

When you're done, head right to Mt.Boumore. Go all the way up, searching
with R1 to get two items on your way. On the top, don't talk to the man
just yet, jump down and get the buckler, then go back up. Talk to the
man now. Loot his cupboard, then go rest in the room to the right. The
next morning, try to go back to the room to the left, and Sunder will
come for you. Go the other direction to the elevator. After a sequence,
you'll be on the other side of the elevator. Go down to the gate, then
further down for another item, and then up to Sunder. You will slide
down, gaining the Defender gene in the process.

Back on the world map, fetch the Reverse gene from the ? area. The
reverse gene changes the property of a gene to it's opposite, but this
is only useful until you find the opposite gene itself, which never
takes too long. There usually is a place where you don't have the
opposite yet and where it's pretty useful, though.

Now, head to the fishing spot. From Manillo, you should get one Chain
Cap and two Crepe Capes. Equip Nina and Ryu with these. The remaining
Crepe Cape is for Momo, later. Some Skill Ink and advanced lure wouldn't
hurt, either.

On to Momo's Tower, the grey building past the fishing spot. From the
merchant here, you might want to get a Glass Domino for Ryu. For the
rest you should be better equipped already. Head inside, and go to the
big crystal. Go all the way to the left of it and shoot it with Nina's
magic (same as Ryu's sword), then quickly run up, outside, back down to
the pool and shoot the four small crystals here. If you do it quick
enough, you can get an Ring of Ice from the pond (6.00 or more time
remaining), if not, read the sign or go out of the tower area and come
back to try again. You could get a Wisdom Fruit and a MultiVitamin, too,
but it's too much trouble for my taste. Anyway, go back outside and save
once you have the Ring of Ice.

:::Momo's Tower:::

Head up until you come to a room where you can heal and save. Head
further up until you see Honey (the small brown thing) coming out
followed by an explosion. Go inside. After the sequence, Momo joins you.
You can save - resting goes automatically now. Go on to the next door,
read the sign and solve the simple puzzle. The room will open allowing
you acces to two weapons for Momo, and a Skill Ink. Go on through the
path to another puzzle. Remember the hole you saw here in the sequence?
Just push the buttons on the second one and the fourth one to get past
here. Continue. In the next room you have to use the red and blue
switches to move the platforms. Go into the door to the right and follow
the path to the last door to get 800 Zenny. Return and go to the door on
the far left to find a Moon Tears. Then go back again and take the
stairs leading up. Here, go to the right part of the room to the big
crystal. You have to charge it up with Nina's magic. Shoot it twice for
a Breastplate, six times for an Ivory Dice, and 8+ times to reach the
exit. Go further on, into the first door for a Bamboo Rod, and on to the
upper room. Loot the cupboards, then examine the desk. You'll escape
with a weird rocket. After landing, get the Thorn gene, and go back to
the world map. Phew, that's done.

///The Plant\\

Go on to the Coffee Shop (no, just coffee) and you'll meet Palet, an
aqcuaintance of Momo. Sequence. If you want to rest at an inn, wait
until you're at the plant. Up at the hill here is D'Lonzo, another
Master. She will teach you if you have 16 different weapons in your
inventory, which you should have by now. Equip Ryu and Nina with weapons
you have double, because equipped weaponry doesn't count.

If you don't have the Scramasax yet, you should get it from the Faerie
Woods now. It's to the north in the forest, cut the bushes to get to
a protein and go all the way through the path to the left to get the
Scramasax. A great weapon, BTW.

The weapons are:

Dagger- Initial equip from Ryu or Teepo
Melted Blade- Get it in Dauna Mines from Mogu and Gary
Ballock Knife- Initial from Rei or bought from McNeil
Bronze Sword- Bought from McNeil
PointedStick- Man Traps
Bent Sword- Grab from goblins
Silver Knife- Manillo in Yraall region
Broad Sword- From McNeil Roof or purchased from Wyndia
Claymore- Purchased from Wyndia
Scramasax- Purchased from Genmel or found in Faerie Woods
Oaken Staff- Initial on Nina
Mace- Purchased from Wyndia
Magician Rod- Purchased in Genmel
Rippers- Purchased in Genmel
Flame Chrysm- Found in Momo's Tower
Ice Chrysm- Found in Momo's Tower

Ryu lv 9 ---> D'Lonzo ---> lv 13

I'd advise to gain only two of these levels for now, and get Monopolize.
This way you can use this skill to give all xp from the boss later on to
Ryu, and you won't have to do any weird stuff to avoid xp.


*No xp-gaining trick*
You'll be using this trick a lot later. It allows you to gain no xp
which is handy in unavoidable (boss)battles later. Just have one
character cast Monopolize and then kill him off. That way, the other two
will gain no xp at all! You can also use Monopolize if you need to level
up just one character, you won't need to kill the other two off.

Okay, go to the checkpoint all the way to the right and take all the
items there. You can also go to the fishing spot to the left if you
like, no Manillo though.

Now, head for the plant. You have to go all the way to the center area,
by flicking a lot of switches and riding the conveyor belts. In the
center area, head for the big building and loot all the cupboards there.
Then, talk to Palet. He'll ask you to fix a problem at the disposal area
to the left of the plant. Jump back down, rest if necessary and leave
the plant.

:::The Disposal Area:::

This dungeon is very short, but there is a rather difficult boss at the
end of it. Anyway, head south first and go around to a switch. Flick it
twice, go on to a chest. Then go back to the entrance and further up, to
where you can cross over the crate, and get the High Boots. Go back down
and go on until you come to a passage to the next room. Go down and to
the right to a plant-infested passageway leading to the boss, a mutant
/ \
| First of all, have Ryu use Monopolize so he gets all the xp. |
| As you might notice, the plant keeps healing itself, so use fire |
| magic (Burn, Simoon, or even a Molotov is fine) on it and it |
| will stop after a while. Then just attack it and heal as needed. |
| If it is difficult, you could try accession, I never needed it |
| though. |

After this battle, the random battles in the second room (not the first)
will be gone. After helping the plant with his euthenesia, you'll get
Peco, one of the best characters in the the game. He has the greatest
stats, but is incompatible with most equipment. Also, he regenerates HP
after each round! After he stops yelling, refuse to put him in your
party, we'll do that later on. Get the Magic Shard from across the lava,
then head back to the conveyor controls. Align the crates so that you
can cross them to get an Artemis' Cap. Now head on outside.

///The Ultimate Fighting Champion\\

Don't go back to the plant yet, you'll be forced to continue with the
story if you do. Go to the tree in the forest; this is Yggdrasil. "Talk"
to the tree and agree to give it a Wisdom Fruit (just select "Yes").
Apprentice Peco to him. Also, equip Peco with some stuff. He can't use
much, though.

Peco lv 1 ---> Yggdrasil ---> lv 9

Level Ryu up to lv 13, too. As you should always do, don't gain xp
anymore after going up to the required level, sometimes a bit of space
in your xp is useful. You could swap the skill Monopolize to Peco after
Ryu hits 13, that way Peco won't have to level up on his own. When done,
go get your well-earned skills. Intimidate and Steal (finally, you can
steal again...) for Ryu, Sanctuary, Recall and Shield for Peco. Shield
will prove very useful as well. Don't give it to Ryu though, he will
learn it himself at lv 16.


You should use the Steal skill a lot to get healing items and stuff to
sell. I will only notify you when you can steal something of particular
interest, and when I don't it doesn't mean you shouldn't try it. So
whenever there is a part with xp-gaining, steal a lot!

When you are done, go into the plant and go rest at the inn. You will
fall in the hands of Balio and Sunder again. This time, Nina says she
wants to join the Contest of Champions. So you will, but you have to
leave a hostage. I'd say let em have Peco. He's kind of weak for now
anyway, you'll need Momo. In the Arena, loot all the cupboards in all
the rooms, there's another Coin somewhere. You could buy some new
equipment if you want. You can also go outside and fish, or swap hostage
at Balio and Sunder. Although you can pick to leave Nina there, they
won't allow you to. Man, wouldn't THAT be easy. Okay, go on to the ring
where you will face off against Patrio's team. Equip your Bat's Amulet
and your Ring of Ice for this fight. Use Ryu, just put him in front at
the formation screen.
____ _____ ______
/ \
| First, stealing. You should steal a Dream Ring from Cawer. You |
| could steal a Silver Knife from Claw, and you can steal a Scale |
| Mail from Patrio. I highly advise against trying to steal from |
| Patrio though. If you try, he might use Lucky Strike, then you |
| steal, and he will go first again next turn, with a little luck |
| use Lucky Strike again, and kill you. End of exercise. |
| |
| Note: You are not quick enough to act first. So equip lots of |
| heavy stuff so you will always go last. That is a lot better |
| not knowing whether you will go first or not, believe me. |
| |
| Against Claw, just attack, and heal at about 30- HP. This should |
| be rather easy. Then Cawer comes up. steal his Dream Ring, and |
| then attack. You should ALWAYS heal when your HP is not maximum. |
| Only attack when he has used Frost last turn, or missed. Two |
| Typhoons in a row *might* still kill you, or it might just not. |
| Anyway, when you win, Patrio comes up. He is really annoying, |
| So just use accession and use the Flame an Defender genes. Use |
| regular attacks and you should win. If not, try again. |
| |
| Don't try to win by killing the dodai, you will gain extra xp, |
| which you don't want. |
| |
| P.S. Use protect if you must, but I used it about 10 times on my |
| first try without much result, so it's not worth the effort. |

Whew. That is done. However, the upcoming battle with Emitai is even
tougher. Give Monopolize to Momo. Then go on to the next ring, the
Null Magic Hall. When you choose to begin the battle, Emitai will come
in and try to persuade you to lose on purpose. Then the battle starts.

______ ________
__/Emitai\/Golem x2\______________________________________________
/ \
| First cast Monopolize with Momo and use accession with Ryu. Then |
| Go full out at Emitai. Try and keep Nina and Momo alive a while, |
| But once they die leave them lying. When Emitai dies, the Golems |
| will attack each other. Heal up and steal both their Life |
| Shards. When one of the Golems die, the remaining one will be |
| easy to finish off. This is a very annoying battle to win. |
| |
| P.S. In my game, when I was just about finished and I almost |
| already reset the game, suddenly the Golems attacked own team |
| without Emitai dead. They actually killed him for me! I'm not |
| sure why this happened, maybe it had something to do with the |
| fact that they would have killed me if they would have attacked |
| me? Theories anyone? |

Now, go on to the ring for the final battle against Garr. Don't waste
energy or items on this battle, you can't win. Just try stealing from
him until you kick the bucket. Don't worry if the stealing fails. Once
Garr wins, he will ask you as his prize. You are free now. Keep your
party at Ryu, Nina and Momo. Go over to Maekyss Gorge, where Balio and
Sunder are waiting for you. For the three dudes, have Momo use
Monopolize, she should have the xp-space to take that. Just kill them
off, starting with the guy with the hat. After that, Garr will join up.
You will now fight Balio and Sunder in the Stallion form.
/ \
| Have Momo use Monopolize again, this time let her die to avoid |
| xp. Steal a Life Shard from it. Don't kill her yourself, just |
| don't heal her. Use jump with Ryu if you have it, and have Garr |
| attack. If Ryu doesn't have Jump, don't worry, he will be |
| healing most of the time anyway. Watch out for the UtmostAttack, |
| you should be able to block it if you keep your HP high. |

After beating the Stallion, Balio and Sunder are dead, so they'll
finally stop bugging you. Go on over the bridge and to the house. Get
the Frost gene from the garden and loot the house.

///The Seaside Town\\

Now, you can go everywhere where you have already been on the map again.
First, however let's continue a small bit into the story. This part
contains no fighting anyway, and it gives access to some more things. Go
to Wyndia Castle with Nina in your party, and you'll get some sequences.
Afterwards, you are in control of Nina. Loot the whole castle, then go
talk to the maid who dropped a plate. Head for the basement and find
Honey. Go back up all the way, and you will fall down with Honey. After
some more sequence, Nina comes with you again (like you didn't see that
coming). Go on through the checkpoint and into the Rhapala region. Now,
there are some things you'll want to do.

You could catch some Sea Bass at the new fishing points and get a Holy
Mantle. It is not necessary though, I didn't myself.

Go over to the house on it's own and get the Life Shard from inside and
the Thunder gene from the beach. Go to the beach to the south and get a
new Master, Giotto. Apprentice Ryu to him. You need 2000 fish points to
get him, which you should have if you followed this guide. If not, check
the data about the fish and try re-catching those of which you have
under average length.

Go back to the Faerie Woods and use Peco's ability to get items from
under the stones there.

Go back to Bunyan's place. He is now a Master, apprentice Peco to him.
Then, head back to Genmel and talk to the Bartender, Fahl. He says he
will become your master if you fight 30 battles without resting. Change
your party to Ryu, Garr and Peco, and fight the battles in the Yraall
region. Garr won't gain a level from this puny xp. When done, head back
to Fahl and apprentice Garr to him.

Ryu lv 13 ---> Giotto ---> lv 21
Garr lv 13 ---> Fahl ---> lv 19
Peco lv 9 ---> Bunyan ---> lv 19

Aaaaaah, finally, a good party for a change... Don't rush to these
levels yet though, wouldn't it be nice to fight a boss normally for
a change? Just level Ryu and Garr up to lv 16. Just leave Peco at
whatever level he is then. Now you won't have to fool around in the
coming boss fight.

Now, head on into Rhapala. Buy new equipment, but don't equip Ryu's new
stuff. Talk to the bearded man down the stairs in the inn, Sinkar. Then
go talk to Shadis at the docks, and talk to Beyd, too. They're the
people nearby the buff sailor Zig and the monkey. Shadis will run of,
backtrack and Shadis will apologize to you. Talk to Sinkar again and
leave the town. Nina will decide to talk to Beyd. Go to the docks, and
Nina talks to Beyd. Go after him and talk to him again. Now, you'll have
to train Beyd. The first session, tell him you have no equipment for him
and he'll give you more money. Then give him a Moon Sword and some weak

If you want to get through this training quickly, just use Feign Swing
on Beyd a lot to boost his defense. If you think that is no fun, train
him any way you like. Anyway, when done, give him a Scale Mail and tell
him to go to the Lighthouse. Zig will start a duel with him. In all my
games, Beyd easily won the duel, but I really enjoyed the training and
did it a lot. You can also cast spells on Beyd when Zig is waving to
Shadis like he does before the fight. When Beyd loses, just train him
some more.

After Beyd wins, go back to him and loot the chests for a Chain Cap and
a Flare Sword (You did give Beyd a Moon Sword and a Scale Mail, didn't
you?). Talk to Beyd and you will gain access to the lighthouse.

:::The Lighthouse:::

Go up and get the Coin there. Follow the path, at the thin path after
the stairs, go over it to get a MithrlShield. Go on, and get the hidden
Swallow Eye before the stairs up on the way. Go inside the lighthouse.

Inside, head to the right and all the way down to a door. Flick the blue
switch on the way. Go through and collect the Flame Chrysms from the
chests. Go back and go over the lower path upwards to get a hidden Dream
Ring. Now you have two. Go on the left and into the door. Insert a Flame
Chrysm in the hatch, go to the switch and use it. Now you will see a
graph. Hit the action button when it hits the top in the middle, when
the four points around it light up. Once you succeed, go through the
door to the left and head on up. grab the Skill Ink to your left on the
way. Back at the entrance, you might want to head back to heal and save,
and return here. Anyway, from the entrance, head up and left to a
lizard. Examine it, then go past it and an eyeball will hop onto it.
This is another boss.
/ \
| This should be easy. You won't have to use Monopolize and/or |
| kill anyone, since you can gain xp. Besides, Garr and Peco have |
| great HP and Defense. You should heal with Ryu whenever anyone |
| goes below sixty, to avoid death from the Eyebeam. Also, since |
| Ryu is the only one quicker then gazer, avoid two characters |
| from hitting =<60 at the same time. For the rest, just attack |
| it. You could steal a Wisdom Fruit from it. |

Head further up and collect the Eldritch gene, and flick the switch
here. A faerie will come and destroy the switch and blame you. You will
receive the Faerie Tiara, which will allow you access into the Faerie
Village. Head back outside and out of the Lighthouse area.

Before heading to the Faerie Dimension, you would better level Ryu up
some more, because you have to fight a boss there and you have to do it
with Nina and Momo. So effectively, you'll be doing it with Ryu alone.
Get Ryu up to lv 20 while needing 800-900 xp for the next level (as
close as possible to 900), and Garr and Peco to lv 19 each. You might
have to swap Monopolize around some to achieve this, but you can always
get some extra Skill Ink from Manillo. Remember, gain just enough xp to
reach these levels! Get Risky Blow, Focus, Super Combo and Disembowel
from Bunyan and Charge, Counter and Resist from Fahl.

///Another Dimension\\

Outside, head to the Faerie dimension by standing on one of those flower
rings and pressing the action button. After some sequence there you will
have to fight a dolphin.
/ \
| Well, you have to use Momo and Nina here, who will be swiftly |
| killed by him. Since Momo and Nina will die quickly, reviving |
| them is a waste of energy. And you won't have to use Monopolize |
| if they are dead. First, steal it's Fish-head, then change into |
| a dragon with the Thunder and Eldritch genes. Use Myollnir, it's |
| surprisingly effective. You should have 94 AP, so you can get |
| Myollnir in 5 times. That should kill it, if not just attack |
| regularly some more, while staying healthy. |

Leave the Faerie Dimension. Go to Giotto and get Trump, Berserk an
SuddenDeath. Go back to Rhapala to talk to Beyd and Sinkar. Sinkar will
give you a letter which allows you to go through the volcano route.
Outside, change your party to Peco and Momo. Make sure Momo has

Go back to Maekyss Gorge and head around the mountain. Have Peco hit the
tree and get the Flower Jewel.

Head back to the faerie woods and cut the bushes in front of the small
pond. Run into the stone with Peco, the stone should fall in the pond
and Meryleep will come out. Give her the flower jewel and she will
become a Master, apprentice Momo to her.

Momo lv 10 ---> Meryleep ---> lv 18

When done, get Charm, Shadowwalk and War Shout from Meryleep. Give Charm
to Ryu. change your party back to Garr and Peco and head to the volcano
to the east of Rhapala.

:::Mt. Zublo:::

When you arrive at the volcano to the right, first head right to get the
Protein. Then head up the stairs and past the temple and around the path
towards the cavern entrance.


When you fight a Vulcan who is on his own, you should steal his Protein
before running. He doesn't do anything anyway and extra stat-boosters
are always welcome. Now for the traps in here, avoid the lava as much as
possible, it damages you. Same for the white gas, but it damages your
party members as well. The yellow gas you'll come across later will
confuse you, just put the confused member in front and walk for a while.
You will have to push opposite direction, but this way, confusion will
cure after a while.

Head on right and go inside the first passage you come to. Get the chest
for AsbestosArmor while avoiding the lava as much as possible. Go out
the cave and go a bit more right over the lava for 800 Zenny. Go back
and head left to a new area. Go all the way down here, past the ladder,
get the Ring of Fire from the chest and jump down the ledge. Head back
up and go through the passage. Follow the pathway until the first inter-
section, head left here. Follow the path and you will be able to head
down to the lava filled pit. Go South, while staying tight to the wall,
and get the Miracle gene. Go right to find a Flame Talons. Go back to
the intersection, this time head south. At the next point, head left
first for a Wisdom Fruit, then go right to the boss. You could go back
and heal up if you are low on AP. The boss is not to difficult. You
might want to equip some Fire defense (AsbestosArmor and Ring of Fire)
on Ryu and Garr- not on Peco though. And unequip any fire damage
weapons, such as Flare Sword and Flame Talons.
_______ ______ ______
/ \
| First of all, grab a Power Food from both of the monsters. Then |
| just attack one physically until it goes down, then the other |
| one. Have Peco cast Monopolize. You might want to throw in a |
| dragon transformation, use the Frost and Defender genes and use |
| Frost claw. Don't worry about the old geezer's healing, you |
| should do enough damage and he'll run out of AP anyway. When |
| both the monsters are dead, kill off Peco, and then the old guy. |

Once you win, go on outside, get the hidden Life Shard at the end of the
tunnel, leave the dungeon, and you will be in the Urkan Region.

///The Truth\\

Go into Urkan Tapa. Here, talk to the woman next to the spring, this is
an inn. Rest to restore Peco's MaxHP and save. Go to the door on the
right and talk to the Priest, Hondara. Apprentice Nina to him. Go
further up and push the big rock with Garr. You could look around some
if you want.

Nina lv 8 ---> Hondara ---> lv 16

Swap Monopolize over to Nina for these levels. Head north to Junk Town.
The equipment here is very expensive, you might be able to buy a some
of it though. You could buy the ShotgunShell or the Thunder Rod
("use" it as an item to cast Jolt for free).

You could fish some as well, the Manillo here will sell you Wisdom Rings
and Lion's Belts. Not necessary, but certainly useful.

When you are finished getting everything and leveling Nina up, get
Purify, Kyrie and Benediction from Hondara. Use another skill ink to
give Kyrie to Ryu and Monopolize to Garr. Change your party to Garr and

:::Angel Tower:::

Head up the stairs to the broken part of the stairs and jump down to
the visible chest with Ivory Dice. Go back up and keep jumping down by
the corner until you get to the chest with a Wisdom Seed. Go back up and
jump down to the far right this time. Go up the stairs leading into the
tower. Go up first and shoot through the cracked wall. Get the Moon
Tears and Diamond Ring at the end of the passage, then go back.
Continue, go down the stairs and up the smaller stairs. You'll come to a
hallway with a block on the end of it. Push the block to the first
doorway, and into the gap there (you need to use Garr). Go back, down
the small stairs and up the big. Go right and through the doorway.
Continue over the block to a Mithril Helm. Go all the way back to where
you found the block and head through the door. Head on to the big room,
go through the door here for a Soul Gem. Afterwards, go down the stairs.
Head right and down till you get to another block. Get ready for a game
of... Sokoban! If anybody knows what that is... Well anyway, push the
first one one forward, then to the left. Go right and push away the
block against the wall. Push it upwards, making sure to leave enough
room for Garr (he is 4 squares large), then left against the wall, all
the way back and into the tight hallway, and align it with the first
block. Go back and down to the Skill Ink, and go all the way up to the
next block. Push it against the wall, swap to another character, and
push it all the way right. Go up the stairs and around to the stairs
leading over the blocks, and to stairs down into the next area. Before
heading down, heal Ryu with Momo's magic. Go on and read the blue
blocks. At Garr's block Garr will attack you.
/ \
| Just use Accession with the Miracle gene and use MeteorStrike. |
| He should go down easily. When you're out of AP, use jump or |
| regular attacks. It will be easy as well but it takes a long |
| time and some healing supplies. |

:::The Dauna Mines:::

You have been here before, just head right until you come back to the
room where you got knocked out. Here, head left and up to some chests
with a Life Shard, Magic Shard and a Vitamin. Head on right to over the
wooden bridge to the elevator. Go up to B1, and get the Light Clothes.
Then go to B2 and into the room where you can heal and save. Go on, but
don't take the upper path yet, there's nothing of interest there now.
Instead, go down to the cart on the railroad track. Go on a bit and pull
the first two levers you come across. Go back and push the cart by
walking into it with Garr. go down and around the path over the cart to
get a FeatherSword. push the cart back and pull the second and third
lever. Push the cart again, and when it stops, yet again. Now it's boss
/ \
| All you need to do is have Garr cast Monopolize, steal it's |
| Power Food, and then kill him off, and have Ryu use Kyrie. The |
| problem is, though, the thing will keep confusing you and that |
| means that Garr's Monopolize is cancelled... Still, not tough at |
| all if you have Kyrie. And if you've listened to me you have. |

After kicking some undead ass, you will get both the Shadow and the
Fusion gene. The fusion gene allows you to transform into different
dragons depending on your party members. Go back to the room with the
bed to rest up and save. Go through the passage you just blasted open.
Take the lower passage here. Go on through a door, and then the first
door you come to. In this cave, take both passages for a Lion's Belt and
a Protein. Go back out of the cave and go on to the right. Go on until
the platform, go in the door here and throw the lever three times. Head
on outside. Go to the two buildings to the south and enter the left one.
After the sequence, head back in to rest. Go to the building to the
right and save your game at the diary. Go out of this area to the world

///Back In Business\\

Out on the world map, head to one of those flower rings and go to the
Faerie Dimension. Progress in here is determined by combat and story


The Faerie Village is a very good way of getting some great items.
Later, you'll even be able to copy items here. So developing it fast and
well is pretty important. You should start with three Faeries hunting to
get food up to 99 for maximum birth rate, then keep about 1/3 of the
population hunting and start researching and building. Check the Faerie
Village section for a better guide here.

In the building next to the railroad track you can see Emitai and pay
him 10000 Zenny for being your Master. If you don't have it yet, don't
worry, you want to apprentice Nina to him and she's unavailable now,
anyway. Then, go fishing. There are two spots accessible right now, one
with Manillo. You could get some Laurels and a Katzbalger. If you don't
have the required Black Bass, don't worry, since the people who can
equip them are not back in your party yet, anyway.

Once you are ready to continue, go to the lower left, make a stop at Syn
City if you want to, and go back up a bit and to the lower right to Ogre
Road, the path through the forest.

Follow the path to a small swamp. Cut the bushes here to get
horseradish. Go left from here and follow the path up to the chest,
which contains an hourglass. Then head to the lower right until you bump
into the Weretiger...
/ \
| He is not tough at all. Don't worry about xp, he will escape and |
| thus not give any at all. There's nothing to steal, either. Just |
| attack him and heal if necessary. He shouldn't give you any |
| trouble at all. |

After leaving Ogre Road, check back to the Faerie Village, like you
should after each part of the game, small or big. I won't tell you to do
so anymore but that doesn't mean you shouldn't. The fishing spot here
allows you to catch Black Bass, so when you feel you really have to get
that Laurel/Katzbalger now, you can.

Go on to Mt. Levett. Here, go right and up the mountain and to the left.
Here, slide down the left ledge for 800 Zenny, then head back up through
the cave. Head to the right and take the lower path to drop down and
collect the Gold Hairpin. Go back up and take the upper part to exit the
area. Note that this area will always be have to be totally walked
through when you have to pass it in the future, so fall through the pit
if you come from the right, but don't forget it when you come from the

Skip the single house, everything to be found there is a Healing Herb.
Go on to Yraall Road. Here, you'll find that the village of McNeil is
being investigated. Anyway, go to the Inn and talk to the woman. Rest
inside if you need to.


Head into Cedar Woods and go back to the house you lived in with Rei and
Teepo. Ryu will ask Garr to let him go alone (yeah, like Garr ever COULD
follow him in such a small path...). Here you will find none other then
Rei, the coolest character in the game. Listen to the really cool music
here for a while (could anyone tell me which it is in the Faerie music
select? I can't seem to find it.) He won't rejoin you, but, he will
soon. Go back into McNeil and you will find Loki, wounded. Talk to the
people around him. Go on to the McNeil Manor and you will find that
McNeil is finally getting punished for his crimes. Nina will rejoin you
here (now what the *@!# does she have wings for, anyhow? She can't
actually fly can she? Is she a Faerie or something...?). Now, you should
head all the way back to Syn City. Before you head there though,
apprentice Nina to Emitai (If you don't have the money, try getting some
Katzbalgers and selling them. I know, a bit tedious, but I don't know a
better way, sorry.).

Nina lv 16 ---> Emitai ---> lv 22

While you're at battling, maybe you could grab some Moon Swords from the
Vagabonds for Zenny (Kinda tough, but worth a shot), and also some Life
Shards from Goo Titans (rare enemy). Get Barrier, Mind Sword and
Enlighten from Emitai when done.

Head on into Syn City. Walk around the path into the cave-like house.
Take the Old Painting here and talk to the dudes lying here. Go back out
and to the checkpoint right and up. Pick Nina for the battle here.
/ \
| In the first round, have Nina cast Monopolize and Ryu Raise Dead |
| on Rei. Nina will be annihilated pretty quickly, don't revive |
| her. In the second round, use a Vitamin on Rei and re-equip him |
| a bit. If you make his equipment a small bit lighter he will get |
| EX Turns. What you need to do from now is have Rei be a |
| Weretiger and attack Mikba since it's the only way to do some |
| decent damage. Have Ryu heal, don't attack with him, it's |
| futile. Remember that Ryu is the only character you have control |
| over so keep him alive at all cost. When he and Rei are both at |
| good health have him use a Vitamin on Rei since he will very |
| probably get countered. Spare his AP for Raise Dead. This is |
| pretty tough but it's the best way. |

After kicking some demon behind, go into the checkpoint house and open
the door in here with Rei. Get the Deluxe Rod. Go all the way back to
the plant, watching a sequence underway. In the main area of the plant,
Momo will rejoin you. More chatter. Head for the Yggdrasil Tree and Peco
will rejoin, too.

Head back to Wyndia and talk to the four kids you previously played Hide
and Seek with (They are adults now, mind you). Talk to them and they say
they will play with you again, however, on a larger scale this time. The
first one can be found inside the Castle Dungeon, behind one of those
tombstones. For the second one you are going to have to head all the way
back to the Dauna Mines. Bring Momo with you there. Go back to the room
where you pushed the TNT cart around. Go up the ledge here and into the
room with the cracked wall. Take the MultiVitamin from the chest and
blast the wall for a Coupons, equip it for a discount at any store. Go
further down and go to the room where you got smacked down all the way
back in your youth. Go up and find the second Hide and Seek guy hiding
here. Go back up and return all the way to the plant. Use Peco and Momo
here, give Monopolize to Momo. Head all the way up here and talk to the
guy by the rocks. Push the stones here on the X's and run into them with
Peco to destroy the glass. After that, go in the main plant building and
shoot the machine with Momo to gain entrance to the next dungeon.

:::The Plant Laboratory:::

Head down the ladder. Go right and down, and in the large room head up
the ladder. Search behind the haystacks here for a Skill Ink, and go
back down. Head into the passage to the upper right. Go around the path
and activate the computer with the 1 on the screen here. Momo will input
pelet, which oddly works, since the guy's real name is Palet. Head
through the door in the back here to a bed. Rest up and save. Now, go
all the way back where you came from and further up, through the two
doors marked 1. Go down the stairs, search one of the bookcases for an
Ammonia. Go further down into a purple colored room. There is a time
limit here. Just run to the upper part to a big onion (like Peco) and
read the note on it. Run back. Return to the room with the four
computers and activate the second one. Rest up again. Go back through
the two doors with 1s on them. Activate the computer in here. Go through
the door that opens to the left of it. Take the Silver Mail here.
Go back to the hall with the three numbered doors and take the one with
the 2. Go through the door at your right here. Pull the blue lever and
go back through the door. Go on past the computer with the 3 and down
the staircase. Head on and go through the door at the end of the hall.
Go through under the pipe and read the note. Now walk up the pipe. Pick
up the Force gene at the end of the passage. Go back down from the pipe
and go up with the conveyor. Take the chest behind the crate for a Sleep
Shells and use the second conveyor. Go back to the room with the 4
computers and enter the new password you just got on number 3. Rest up
and save in the room with the beds. Go back to the 1, 2, 3 doors-hall
and go through, you guessed it, door 3. Head around the machines to
another door, which will automatically open if you go near it. You will
fight a sub-boss here.
__/Huge Slug\_____________________________________________________
/ \
| No stealing is necessary here. Cast Monopolize with Momo, and |
| don't heal her. As long as she stands have her heal and Peco and |
| Ryu attack. Use some fire attack item (Molotov, Firecracker) to |
| reduce it's defense. When Momo dies, have Ryu use accession with |
| the Force gene. Use Aura until you run out of AP. Have Peco heal |
| where necessary, otherwise attack. After Ryu returns to his |
| normal form, attack with Peco and have Ryu heal, since Peco does |
| more damage. Should be easy. |

After you dispose of the snail, go out of the room and to the left, and
head up the stairs. Read the book here. It explains the puzzle for the
final password. If you feel like it, you can do it. Anyway, head back to
the computer room and input the last password: 13254. Go into the
bedroom, rest, and save. Go out through the alternate exit (the one you
didn't come from). Follow the path, take the Wisdom Ring in the chest,
and find Palet here talking to himself. This talking sequence might
start to annoy you real bad a bit later, since the upcoming boss is
pretty tough.
/ \
| Don't bother trying to steal it's Wisdom Fruit, it is not worth |
| the trouble. Cast Monopolize with Momo. Just attack for a while, |
| use Super Combo with Peco, until Momo drops (heal the others if |
| necessary!). When Momo is knocked out, use the Miracle gene to |
| transform into a Behemoth. Just use regular attacks in this form |
| until Ryu runs out of AP. After that, attack some more, using |
| Super Combo with Peco. The thing should die of before Peco runs |
| out of AP, otherwise, he is really almost dead. This is very |
| tough, but just keep trying. |

After that, heal with Momo (she has plenty AP left, right?), and go back
to the room with the beds. Rest and save here. Then, go back out of the
laboratory and head out of the plant area.

///Back To Rhapala\\

First, head back to Wyndia. There, the game will take over. After the
sequence, head down into the basement. Honey will come down after you.
Go into the dungeon and open the first prison cell to get the Laurel
there. Go back up and go to Sheila's room. Talk to her. "I hear you
helped Princess Nina... Thank you for your trouble." Okay, you need to
talk to her with NINA. Go back down. After all the sequence just follow
Honey to the teleporter. You will be teleported to Durandal's house. Go
outside and you will have another camping sequence.

Go on to the checkpoint and enter. After Ryu shows the passports, look
behind the left wall to find Lee. Go on to the Rhapala region. Go into
Junk Town. Find Wynn behind a small building here. Too bad you can't go
back into Wyndia yet. Anyway, go up Angel Tower with Garr, and after
that, go to Urkan Tapa and talk to the Patriarch here. He will tell you
where to find Gaist. Take the path south of Mt. Zublo and enter the
Tidal Caves.

:::Tidal Caves:::

Just walk on into the first passageway. Head in the next doorway. Go
right at the next intersection and take the Fish-head in the hidden
chest here. Go back and take the left path. Go down first to find a
Coin. Go back and take the upper path. At the intersection, go right.
Outside, wait for the tide to drop, the raft will take you back almost
to the entrance. I'm not sure, but I believe the tide will drop after a
cretain amount of battles (running away counts). Anyway, when the tide
drops, head down and go to the right to find a Thunder Ring. Go back,
and down another ladder. Ride the raft here. Go in the upper cave, go
left and take the upper path for a Hawk's Ring. Ride the raft again and
follow the path to a Deadly Blade. Return and ride the raft back. Head
into the lower cave now. Follow the path outside, picking up the Gross
gene along the way.

///The Darkside\\

Camp to rest and save, first. Then head into the Cliff village, and go
to the end of it, where Gaist resides. Make sure you have Garr in your
party. After talking to him, go outside and talk to Garr, and go back in
to talk to him again. Make sure you have the Ring of Fire equipped on
_____ ________
__/Gaist\/Torch x2\_______________________________________________
/ \
| This is another fight Ryu has to do alone. You should have the |
| space so he doesn't gain a level, though. The problem is that |
| Gaist has very high defense. First, use Accession to become a |
| Frost-Force dragon. Use Frost Breath until those pesky torches |
| (50 HP seems little, but with Gaist's defense, it is pretty |
| much) die, use Aura once, and keep using Frost Claw. After you |
| return to normal form, attack it some more. You won't do much |
| damage, but he should be nearly dead. Don't go cheap on healing |
| items. Maybe you should change his sword to Deadly Blade after |
| returning to your human form. |

After the battle, check the ashes for a Beast Spear. Then leave the

Keep Garr in your party and head up to Angel Tower. Jump down to the
stairs leading into the tower, but don't go up those. Instead, head down
the other set of stairs here. After the sequence with Deis, head back
out of the tower. Go to the temple at the foot of Mt. Zublo to meet her.
Look at the inscriptions on the wall, you will be sent to Deis. Be sure
to tell her "I like you this way", or you won't be able to apprentice to
her! After she opens your "eye". head back out. Go to Junk Town. Head
south, where you will see Beyd. Follow him. Now you are finally on the
west side of Junk Town. Head to the house on the west. Take the Swallow
Eye from the cupboard and the ??? Gene from behind the curtain. You can
fish if you want. It might be a good idea to develop the Faerie Village
a bit, to do so, just run into random battles and run all the time.
Check back at the Faerie Village every now and then. Check back after
about 5 battles, in this stage of the game, something should happen
after that much battle. It is very handy if you can make a copy of the
Thunder Ring. It is handy to do the battles at Mt. Zublo, you can get
some Proteins from the Volcanos.

Change your party to Momo and Garr. Give Garr the Beast Spear and
Monopolize (that's right, the Beast Spear will kill him for you...).
Give your Thunder Ring to Ryu (a second could be given to Peco, but it
isn't necessary) Head to the Dock. Here you will encounter Beyd. Talk to
him with Momo. Leave the Dock, and change your party to Garr and Peco.
Head into Junk Town and talk to the Machine Guild Master. Go to Steel
Beach and go through. Head all the way right and take the Mutant gene.
Go back a few steps and talk to the buff guy. "You want to go inside the
freighter to look for parts?.........Hmmmm I don't look kind
of scrawny... Don't you have anyone big like me to help you?". Okay, try
Garr. Now it's sub-game time. Oh, brother. After that, you will be
assaulted by one big fish.
/ \
| Have Garr use Monopolize, Ryu steal it's Fish-head, and Peco use |
| Super Combo. After that, continue stealing until you succeed and |
| continue attacking and using Super Combo. Garr should do heavy |
| damage while slowly dying, how convenient. This boss is a bit |
| too easy, if Garr only gets poisoned, and he gutses out of death |
| once, he might still stand when the battle is won, so watch out. |
| If Garr dies of quickly (he gets Thunder clapped or something), |
| use Miracle and ??? to become a Mammoth, and use MeteorStrike a |
| couple of times, it's super effective. |

After this battle, find the 5 parts scattered around the beach and go
outside to rest up in an Inn. Go back to Steel Beach and enter the

:::The Freighter:::

Go on right to the part hidden behind the end of the girder. Go on left
to find another. After picking them both up, head down the stairs. Pull
the lever twice to get the part to the right. Go down and to the left
for another. Head through the opening under the girder to get number 3.
Go on to the end and up for a Robe of Wind in the hidden chest. Behind
the crate below this one is another part, as there is behind the
girder's standard. Align all the girders with the switches and get the
parts. You'll have to go back and re-align a girder to get the last

///Walk On Water\\

Head over to the Dock and give Momo all the parts. Talk to all your
friends and you will arrive in Rhapala (after some sequence). Sail away
with Zig now. When Zig can't get the ship any further, head to Parch,
the village left of Rhapala. Talk to the Mayor and now you are going to
have to cook him a meal. Head back to Maekyss Gorge and talk to the
woman in the house here. You have to cook Shisu now, and you need four
ingredients for it. Get the Shaly Seeds by bopping the tree in the
house's back yard with Peco a while. Catch a Mackerel in the newly
appeared fishing spot near the house. Get Vinegar from a dude by the
well at the Coffee Shop. Horseradish is gotten from Ogre Road, but you
should already have some. After all these annoying sub-games (you can
like them if you want, but they annoy me, okay?), you have to make
Shisu. You can get good items if you do well, but you will have to make
great Shisu. I didn't. Return to the woman and she'll show you how to
make Shisu. Try to pay attention a bit. You don't need the item, but
when you just throw some ingredients together, the mayor won't like it.
Anyway, head back to Parch and bake the mayor a nice meal. Talk to the
man next to the mayor for an item. Now you just need to prepare for your

///Saying Goodbye\\

Go back to Deis at Mt. Zublo and she will become a Master. Apprentice
Ryu to her.

Head back to Wyndia. Go back into the castle with the alley in the
back of Wyndia on the World Map. Take Garr with you. Head up to the
kitchen and talk to the cat-like chef with the big cleaver. Give him
Martian Squid, Angler, Swallow Eye and Beef Jerky. Apprentice Garr to
him. Then, go back into Wyndia and talk to the guys whom you played Hide
and Seek with. These are four masters. I would say Lee is most useful,
since she gives Int, which you can't get the statbooster for from random
battles. Anyway, apprentice like so:

Nina lv 22 ---> Wynn ---> lv 25 ---> Lee/Deis/Emitai ---------> lv 99
Garr lv 19 ---> Hachio ---> lv 23 ---> Bais/Ladon ---------> lv 99
Peco lv 19 ---> Bais/Ladon ---------> lv 99
Momo lv 18 ---> Lang ---> lv 21 ---> Lee/Deis ---------> lv 99
Ryu lv 21 ---> Deis ---> lv 36 ---> Lee/Deis ---------> lv 99

Well, all the other Masters give way less then these guys if you add the
stats up, really, so these guys are pretty much the best you can get.
Deis is a good alternative as well, the stats she diminishes are easy to
refill by stealing the respective boosters from Goo Titans and Volcanos.
Do get all them up to their "final" master, that way you can gain as
much xp as you like (finally...). Not Ryu though, getting him to lv 36
would take way too long (feel free if you must). Also, note that Rei
still has to get one Master, so he can't get to his final Master yet. So
don't use Rei until then.

If you do choose to apprentice your characters to Deis and Ladon, make
sure that you steal enough Proteins/Life Shards and maybe Magic Shards
to cover for the penalties, or you will find your characters very low on

Also, if you want to boost Nina/Momo's Defense/HP a bit, you could
apprentice them to Fahl for a short while (4 or 5 levels should do it),
but I prefer stealing Life Shards/Proteins myself (stealing them is


Since you have to gain a whole lot of xp, you can use a trick to gain a
lot fast. Go to Mt. Zublo. When you encounter a Vulcan, first steal it's
Protein (your defense is really getting high, isn't it?), then use a
fire attack on it. It will "start to move". Kill it off for 900 xp. You
could also try and get some skills from the various monsters, check the
skill list to see what skills you would like.

When you get 3 levels under any of the Hide and Seek guys, you can get a
Formation/Item from them. Get Mighty Chop and Demonbane from Hachio.
Before leaving, also get Ryu anything Deis will give him.

///No More Turning Back\\

Head back to the wharf of Rhapala, and board the ship. Head to the north,
where the border between the Inner and Outer Sea is (where the water
changes from light to dark). At the right part of this, you will see two
rocks, head there. Now another sub-game comes, you have to get the three
items here. Use the run button for short speed bursts. note though, that
when the engine bar is empty, you will stand still for a while, and that
while speeding up, you can't turn. To get an item, you have to be turned
towards it. The items to get are: Heavy Dagger, BlizzardMail, and
Ice Shield. After getting all of them, head to the house, where you will
find the Legendary Mariner. After some sequence, you have to talk to all
your party members again, and you have to ram the Black Ship. You could
still return to shore, btw, but that shouldn't be necessary. Ram the

///The Black Ship\\

After ramming the Black Ship, you will be able to enter it. You have to
take Momo along with you. I would suggest Peco as your second
teammember. Oh yeah, since your level is no longer stuck at a certain
value, I will give you my own level at all the dungeons/bosses from now
on. This is in no way a recommendation, most things can easily be done
with a lower level (or higher of course). My levels: Ryu 26, Momo 24,
Peco 22.

Head on into the door to the left. Head down the stairs, and through
the left door. Activate the control panel here and pick program 4. Go
off and back on, at the next stop go through the door to get an ID Card
from the control panel there,, then you go down, get the Skill Ink.
After that, go back to the control panel. Pick program 3 and you will go
into the other hole. Switch the Main Switch to on here and go back. Head
back through the door, down the hall, and up the stairs. Go through the
door to the left. Go on left and operate the crane with the control
panel next to it. It is sub-game time again... Pick up all four the
crates once, three will make a bridge, and the fourth will reveal an
item. Go back out and back in, and use different crates to build the
bridge. Take the last crate and a different item will be given. The four
items you can get this way are: Protectors, Wisdom Fruit, Ascension and
Light Bangle. Go over the crates and into the door to the left. Head on
and walk over the larger crates to get a Flash Shells. Go back through
the doors and go right, through another door. Flick the blue switch here
to activate a bridge back to your ship. Go back to heal and save. Head
back over the bridge. The door to the right leads to a dead end outside,
so go up the stairs. Go through the door to the south, and all the way
through the passage to get a Skill Ink. Go back and into the hallway to
the upper left. At the first two doors, take the one to your right for
an Ammonia in the cupboard. At the next two doors, take the one to the
left and pick up the 2400 Zenny in the right corner. Go up the stairs
at the end of the hall. Use your ID Card in the ID slot to use the
elevator. Go up the stairs and activate the large computer with Momo.
Now you have to go down and use the Booster Counter, the machine in the
room from the last right door in the hallway you just came from. You
have to count the blips up from the number you see here, and talk to
Momo when it reaches 100. Oh man. I wish you luck with this.

When you have succeeded, you will get a load of sequence, and there will
be an alarm. Head up to Momo. After she explains the problem to you, go
down to the conference room (the one opposite the room with the Booster
Counter). Save your game with the diary here. Head on back through the
hallway and go through the door to the south. Go through the door at the
end of the hall. Head right here and into the doorway for an Ivory Dice.
Go further up and down the ladder, follow the path, and go into the
door. Go up the right stairs, and follow the path. Don't go down the
stairs yet, go on for a Soul Gem, then go down the stairs. Follow the
path outside. Go a bit further to the left, and two monsters will show
up. This running sub-game should be played carefully, winning it helps
substantially in the upcoming battle.
__/Ammonite x2\___________________________________________________
/ \
| If you make it to the middle of the deck, these things will use |
| a skill that damages themselves. Good, because the damage helps, |
| and it will cost them their turn. You could steal Moon Tears |
| from both of them if you want. It is very handy to equip Ice |
| Ring and Balance Ring on everybody, if you have those. If you |
| have a Balance Ring for Ryu, he could transform, otherwise just |
| use his AP for healing. Keep your HP up and you should make it. |
| Electric attacks do good damage, and the Tsunami skill you can |
| learn from them works very well on them, too. |
| |
| About the skill the Ammonites use, I didn't make it to the |
| Middle Deck the last time, and I can't remember the skill's |
| name. I believe it is called BoardGun or something, but could |
| someone tell me the actual name? Thanks in advance. |

After the battle, go back down the ladder and you will get some more
sequence. Now you arrive on the other side of the Outer Sea.

///Another World\\

Walk north, into the city. Talk to the robot hidden between the two
crates behind the house to the right. Choose the third option for a
Homing Bomb. Buy some new stuff if you want to, then head out of the
city, and you will have a camping scene. Afterwards, you are out on the
world map.

First, go up to the Flower Ring and check up on the Faeries. Then, head
a little to the right of here to another Yggdrasil tree. Pick up the
Trance gene here. You could go fishing to complete your fish collection
and get the great equipment from Manillo, but it's better to wait just a
short while until you get the new Spanner Rod, which will make the
fishing a bit easier. After attending to any other things you might want
to do here (learn some skills?), go on to the Steel Grave.

///Steel Grave & Colony\\

Bring Momo here, you need her to get the Spanner Rod. Take the left path
first to get the UV Goggles in the chest up the ladder. Go over the
deck to the right. Climb down the ladder leading inside the ship, and
use Momo to blast open the door here. Get the Spanner. Go over to the
right and slide down the ledge. Get the Speed Boots hidden behind the
ledge, to the right of it. Go north and head up the ladder, back onto
the deck. Go up with the right path, and follow it out of the Steel
Grave. If you want to fish, do so now. The fishing spot is to the right
of Kombinat. To get the equipment, you will also need some Barandy, so
if you don't have any, you will have to come back later.

You have to bring Momo here again. Head up the stairs and continue until
you get to a room with a teleporter. Get the key here. Go down to the
left and jump down the ledge. Take the Failure gene lying here. Head
south with the left path (don't head down the stairs), and keep going
until you get to a ledge above a round blue window. Head on and take the
Wisdom Fruit, then jump down through the blue window. Read the panel
next to the lever with Momo, insert the key. Push the switch by the
front mirror once, then the right one three times. Now activate the
laser by pulling the lever, and you will hit those four pillars.
Go back up to the teleporter, and use it. You can't go any other
direction then after honey, so follow her. After a lot of dialogue, you
will be back at the Freighter. Check back at Deis', maybe Ryu will get
some new skills.

///The Freighter Revisited\\

My levels: Ryu 28, Momo 25, Peco 24. Not that it matters, this dungeon
is pretty easy. You can steal Magic Shards from the Reapers here.

Backtrack into the freighter until you reach the intersection, go right
this time. Head up the small stairs to the left, and continue up into a
new area. Go right to the four levers. Pull the lower right lever and go
under the girder that rises, and follow the path to a LacquerStaff. Go
back and pull the upper right lever, and follow the path to an
Hourglass. Read the stone block to the north of the levers to reset, and
pull the levers like this: upper left, lower left upper right. Go left
through under the lower left girder, head up the stairs and follow the
path. There are two passages downwards here, take the rightmost first
for a hidden bag with 4000 Zenny, then the other. Now you will come to a
room with a pit with some platforms. Head to the rightmost platform and
go on it from the left. Now ride the lower one. Ride the left platform
twice to get it to the right corner. Go back to the left corner and ride
the right platform here. Ride the leftmost one into it. Now use the one
in the middle of the lower ledge to get to the platform in the middle.
Go back and through the door that just opened. Head up one set of
stairs, and go right for a LacquerShield. Go up the next set of stairs.
Go right first for a Barbarossa, then go left. Go on to another door
that leads outside (you can tell from the light emitting from it), get
the Skill Ink down here first, then head outside. Go right and head back
inside through the other door. Just head on until you are up the ladder
by the satellite dish. Activate it and use the D-Pad to set it upwards
and some to the left (a bit more up then left, but not much. There
should be only the high tone and no other noise.). Press X. If you did
it right, the game will tell you. Head all the way back to the
teleporter (where you came in from the Other World). This is the central
teleporter for the other world (this is a ship from the Other World,
remember?), Relay point B is Wyndia Castle, the central point for the
world you are from. Teleport to the Container Yard (use the panel to
pick your destination). Take the Radiance gene here and go back.

///The Dragon City\\

Teleport to Dragnier now. Here you will have a lot of sequence. After
all that, you are in some tent. Take the Skill Ink from the bookcase to
the left. The small yellow tent to the left is a shop. You can save in
a tent to the north, at a dragon statuette. What you have to do is talk
to Garr on top of the teleporter building. After that, rest up in the
tent to the south with the beds. Save at the dragon statuette. Go
outside first and swap your party to Garr + Nina. Now go back into
Dragnier (you could check out what is happening in the Faerie Village),
and down into the well. In the hall with the three doors, head in the
right one first to get an Ivory Dice from the cupboard. Then head in the
right door. Ryu will talk to the Elder. Talk to the Elder with Garr
then, and after that with Nina (go up with Momo for a laugh). Now you
have to talk to him with Ryu again, but that will trigger a fight, and
you should go outside to change to your desired party first. I used:
Ryu lv 28, Momo lv 26, Peco lv 24. Equip all Fire and Thunder Rings you
have(if you have only one each, equip them on Ryu). Equip Ryu either
with the Royal Sword, if you have it yet, or with the DamascusSword
bought in the shop here.
/ \
| If you don't have 3 Thunder Rings and 3 Rings of Fire yet, this |
| will be a pretty tough fight. The Elder has a lot of HP and very |
| damaging elemental attacks. Without the elemental rings, you |
| should not try this fight at my level, either gain some more or |
| get those rings copied (whichever comes first). When you go and |
| fight, just keep your HP above about 120 (150 for those without |
| any elemental rings), heal with Momo/Ryu/Nina, and attack with |
| normal attacks, jump, Magic Sword (if you use Nina), and Super |
| Combo. You could also use War Shout, Might, or Shield. |

After the battle, you will receive the last gene, Infinity. Go back up.
Now that you have the Infinity gene, you can go up to the smooth plate
in front of which Garr was standing a while ago, and you can get Ladon
as a Master. Apprentice Rei to him (to get him in your party, just head
outside. Horis will talk to you about going to the desert, but you will
appear on the world map and you will be able to change party members and
go back in Dragnier, so that is not a problem.

Rei lv 20 ---> Ladon ---> lv 29 ---> Bais/Ladon ---> lv 99

Well, Ladon is also a reasonable Master to keep as final Master. You
should do the leveling up inside the factory. You can steal Power Food
from the Hobgoblins and learn Spirit Blast from them, and they give good
xp. The other enemies here are also better then what lives outside. Get
Mind's Eye, Holy Strike, Ward of Light, and Aura from him. Also get all
the skills for Ryu, he should be lv 35 by now. If you don't have the
Royal Sword yet, get it now! Also, if you intend on using Rei and
keeping him apprenticed to Ladon (and you should), you'll have noticed
that in 9 levels, Rei has gained only ONE HP. So you'll have to get him
some Life Shards. Steal them from the Goo Titans in Mt. Levett (west of
Yggdrasil). It will take a while, but it's worth the trouble, trust me.
I never used any of the copied/stolen stat-boosters for the sake of
strategy-writing (which is tough when your stats are all 20 higher than
average), but without these Life Shards for Rei you are basically toast.
Anyway, get Rei up to 160 HP at least (that costs 48 Life Shards, I
know). You might wish to get him some Proteins too, but I didn't. I did
get some Life Armor for him, though. Once you are all done, you are
ready to go through the factory.

Just a little note on Life Armor(I didn't know where else to put it):
Not only does it have almost the best defense in the game and does it
restore 1 HP per turn, it also refills your HP while walking! You should
really get some for all characters you intend to use.

///The Factory\\

My stats when I was finally ready to go on with this dungeon:
Ryu lv 37, Rei lv 35 with 160 HP, Momo lv 27 (you have to use Momo to
get the Aries Spear in here).

At the first intersection, take the upper path and follow it for a
Wisdom Seed. Go back and take the lower path twice. Go on and take the
lower path at the next intersection. Go on for a Skill Ink. Go back
until you reach the last intersection. Take the path up and turn around
to the upper left path. Follow this path for an Artemis' Cap.

Go back, and this time, take the lower path to the right. Keep going to
a door leading inside. Inside, take the stairs up for an Ammonia. Go
back down and go through the door. Head right, and take the hidden
ladder leading down. Take the Rockbreaker here. Go back outside and head
down the sandy path. At the intersection, take the left path first, and
shoot the cracked wall with Momo to get the Aries Spear. Go back to the
intersection and take the path right. Head up the stairs. Go further up
and outside for a Fish-head, and go back down the stairs. Flip the
switch and head through the door. Now you will get to another puzzle.
Remember to be careful not to hit the electricity, it will damage you.

Flip the switch near you, run on to the second one, flip it, and run
back to the first one and flip it again. Run over both the brown blocks,
and head down the small stairs here. Go through the door. Follow the
path, ignore the ways blocked by electricity, and head into the first
door you come to. Follow the path here and get the Sage's Frock. Go on
to the second door, and head right. Flip both the switches and head up
to the blue ground. Activate the computer here. This is another puzzle,
the robot will make the same movements as you. You have to get it to all
three the switches. To do so, you can use the crates to block the
robot's movement, in effect: you move but the robot doesn't. Use Momo's
cannon to activate the arm of the robot, which will activate a switch
when the robot is in front of it.

Go back down the stairs and head up the ladder to the left. Go on. At
the small stairs, go down and flip the switch for a Homing Bomb. Go on
and head left at the intersection. Go past the door and follow the path
for an Hourglass, and go back and through the door. Go up the long
stairs, and shoot the yellow panel with Momo, or slash it with Ryu. The
door will open, allowing you to go outside.


On the world map, walk on a little bit to get to the desert screen,
where Horis is. Talk to him to learn about traveling through the desert,
and be sure to get a full water supply from the jug here. Now it's time
for the odyssee through the desert. I changed my party back to Rei and
Peco, and my levels were: Ryu lv 37, Rei lv 35, Peco lv 36.

Go to the edge of the area and pick "Go into desert". You can identify
the North Star by the fact that it's red, and the False North Star is
a bit pinker. Anyway, the only stars that glow (twinkle) are: the three
blue stars on a straight line, the Evening Star (multiple colors), the
North Star (red), and the False North Star (pink). Also, if you check
the sand, you will be able to see your direction from that, too! You
will see lines in the sand, that always point to the west, no matter
where you are (because of this, the only star you really need is the
Evening Star!). When the game says your characters need water, use the
Water Jug immediately. Not doing so might result in permanently losing a
point of HP. No very big deal, but you have plenty of water, and being
careful is really better. Only walk at night. Check every so often to
see how much progress you are making, and whether it is time to change
direction yet. Oh yeah, after a random location or after camping, always
make sure you are facing the right direction again.


You can find a Royal Sword and Life Armor in this desert. I'd say it's
much easier to get them from fishing (you *should* have them by now!),
but if you must get them, you could check Fritz Fraundorf's FAQ for

First, head north, and keep doing so until the Evening Star is straight
to the west. Then head east, until you can no longer see the Evening
Star behind you. Go north again. After you headed north long enough,
you'll be attacked by the Manmo.
(that is, when those three blue stars, which will slowly head left,
reach the edge of the screen where you look directly at the North Star.
By the way, how can they head left? I would think that they would have
to go right when you walk forward. This makes me think of the sequence
in Wild Arms where the shadow of a robot being pulled upwards becomes
smaller, which makes no sense either...)

My levels for this boss fight were: Ryu lv 38, Peco lv 37, Rei lv 36.

/ \
| You could steal it's Power Food. You probably already got a lot |
| from the Hobgoblins, but extra never hurts, right? If you do, |
| watch out, it almost always does a reprisal Anyway, after |
| stealing or not, just use the Miracle and ??? genes to become a |
| Mammoth. Keep using MeteorStrike until the Manmo kicks the |
| bucket. It should be rather easy. In the rare event that you |
| change back, just transform again. |

After that thing dies, Nina is ill. Go outside and slash the Rakda with
your sword. After some more sequence, you will be in the Oasis. Go to
the house to the right of where you are and take the 800 Zenny there.
You can buy some stuff in the shop if you want, and rest in the inn if
needed. Head up the path to the north and go out back to the world map.

///The Deserted World\\

Since there is no Flower Ring here, you'll have to teleport back to
another area to find one. Go to the ? area to the right and head inside
the building. Push the block with Garr, it will break. Head up and
teleport to point A. from here, go to wherever you like, they all have
Flower Rings anyway.

Once done, head back and go into Caer Xhan. The building directly to
your left contains a Protein, but you'll have to walk around the path to
get to the entrance. You can buy some better equipment here, you should
have a lot of money to spend. For the rest, this place is just a
collection of deserted buildings. Head to the building all the way to
the north. There will be a Honey-like thing lying on the ground here.
Head down. Follow the path. There is a chest here on a blue/white
squared grid. Don't touch the grid. Head to the left, down the stairs
here and through the door. Pull the lever here. Now you will be able to
see the lasers that hurt you the first time. Take the Moon Tears from
the chest, and go on. You will have to go past some more lasers. Head
through the door at the end. Go through the other door and use the
computer terminal to deactivate emergency mode. Select yes, and then
okay. Go back outside and jump down. If you head south, you can go back
into the city. If you head north, you will find another building to your
right. Use the terminal here to open the doors, and go through them. Get
on the lift platform to go into Station Myria.

:::Station Myria:::

Head right and down the stairs leading inside. Follow the path to the
first intersection. Go up the stairs and pull the lever here. Go back
down, and head down here, and outside you will find a Gas Shells. Head
right, and take the lower path to another doorway. Follow the path up,
but don't head right, it's a dead end. Instead, head left over the small
ledge for a Life Shard. Go back to the intersection, and activate the
elevator with the panel there. Head for the Arrival Platform, where you
will find a Wisdom Fruit. Now head for the Maintenance Deck. Follow the
path, and you will find another elevator. This one only goes to the
Worker's Area. At the first intersection, head right first and use the
panels here to release both the locks. Head back and go left and up.
Head into the first door you come to after going up. Search the cabinets
here for 800 Zenny, Napalm and an Hourglass (you can search the rear of
the cabinets, too!). You can rest and save here.

Go on north, and up the stairs. Search the left cabinet for 400 Zenny,
and go on. In the next large area, head down and to the right, and
search the cabinet behind the counter to find a Life Shard. If you want
to go back to Caer Xhan, you can use the door in the glass hallway. If
you just want to heal, head back to the healing room.

Anyway, when you are ready to continue, head up the right stairs, and on
to the right, and through the door. Use the conveyor to get to the other
side. Head a bit down, and follow the path below the conveyors to 10000
Zenny. Take the door outside here. You will pass through a room which
fully heals you. Go on through the passage, and you will come to two
doors. Take the Holy Robe from the chest in the upper room, and take the
lower door after that. Head left until you come to the corner of the
passage, take the door her, and you will have a small sequence. Get the
Swallow Eye from the cabinet here, and go back out of the room. Go back
to the right, and in the first door you come to. Take the Ammonia from
the cabinet here, and you can use the panels to re-align the electricity
on the floor you are about to walk over. As you can see, the one which
causes the most electricity is the one to the right, which is controlled
from the other room. Head right to the next room. I'm not sure, but I
believe + is electricity, - is electricity, and neither or both means
none. Just run over the grid, the electricity poisons you and does very
minor damage. Go down with the elevator. The right passage here leads to
a Skill Ink. Go back and take the other passage. Follow it past a door
to an Ivory Dice, and head back to the last door to an elevator. Go up,
and take the Slicer in the chest. Go through the door here to fight the
Chimera. Equip the Rings of Ice and Fire on everyone (If you don't have
those yet, what have you been doing in the Faerie Village? I would
suggest stealing some from the RedDrakes and Icedrakes, do it close to
the healing room so you can heal.). My levels: Ryu lv 39, Rei lv 37,
Peco lv 38.

/ \
| Use Chain formation with Rei in the lead, it works great. Throw |
| in a Myrmidon (Force and Trance genes), and Ryu should get an EX |
| turn. Use Aura a couple of times, it does tremendous damage. The |
| Chimera should become extinct after about 6 Auras. |

Take the card. Go down the elevator and through the hallway, to a large
room. Take the HE Shells from the chest here. Head right, and through
the door. Pick the lock here with Rei, for a GiantShield, a
DragonShield, and a Dragon Helm. Now, head all the way back to the
healing room, and further to the room with the bed and diary.

Change your party to Rei and Momo, you need both of them (You can use
the diary to change your party). Head back out of the room and go south.
Activate the panel to the right of the first door here to open it with
the Card Key B. Take the Demonsbane from the chest here. Go back
upwards, heal and rest, and go back up the stairs. At the large hall,
head up the left set of stairs, and up with the escalator. Head through
the green-light room. Head to the right and you will come to a door
which is surrounded by some vegetation. Kill it off by shooting it with
Momo, equipped with the HE Shells. Go through the door.

The FoulWeeds in here will give Power Foods if stolen from. Go left and
up for a chest with a Protein. Go back and take the right path. On the
hill, take the small northern path down. Get the Magic Shard from the
chest, and follow the path over the next hill. Go all the way to the
lower corner of this area, where you will be back on the grey walkway.
Follow the path to a door. Open it with Rei in the lead, since it's
locked. Take the Ginseng and Wisdom Fruit from the cabinets here. Don't
step on the green vegetation, it's poisonous. Take the upper exit
outside, and head south. Take the Silver Tiara in the chest barely
hidden behind the tree. Go on and over the hill, and follow the grey
path to a door. Go through the door and take the Dragon Spear in the
chest there. Head back over the hill and up the stairs. Go through the
door here. Take the elevator up to Eden.


Head south here for a Force Armor. Then head all the way north to a
chest with a Soul Gem. Go left a bit to a small bridge. Cross it. You
will have a long sequence. After the sequence, you will be in your
subconsciousness. Go left and up. You'll see some Nina monologue. Go on
to the Ladon statuette and talk to it. It will tell you to go back, do
so. Now you will see some monologue of Rei. You can save at the Ladon
statuette afterwards. Go up and left, and you will come to yet another
Ladon statuette. Read the left inscriptions, try and go to the chest,
and you will fall down. Answer the statuette down here with Yes, and
take the Shaman'sRing from the chest. Go back up with the weird
elevator, or whatever it is, and head back to the statuette with the
inscripted stones. Talk to the statuette, and wait a while until it lets
you go on. Head on north. You will get some more monologue, Momo this
time. After Momo finishes, head right and then down to get the gems from
the chest here. Now, head back and all the wayto the left. Go down again
for an Hourglass. Head back to the main path and further up. You will see
some more Momo monologue, and then you can head on to another "elevator".
Take the lower path and follow it to a yellow teleporter. Go east from
here. More monologue, Garr this time. Use the blue teleporter. Take the
right path and then the left one, and use the green teleporter. Now Peco
will talk to you. Go north to another elevator. Now you have some
dialogue with yourself (Ryu and Peco talk to Ryu directly, while the rest
doesn't even seem to notice Ryu). Anyway, equip a Dream Ring and an Ice
Ring on Ryu, and go on up to Teepo. More dialogue, and then another boss
/ \
| With the Dream Ring and Ring of Ice equipped, he should be a |
| piece of cake. Ryu should be moving first, so heal below 100 HP. |
| Watch out once it starts using Chill, though, it lowers your |
| speed, and you might suddenly move last. If so, heal sooner. For |
| the rest, just attack. He'll fall after a while. |

After this battle, another one will come, with Teepo. I'd say change
your party back to Rei and Peco, the best team. My team was: Ryu lv 41,
Rei lv 38, Peco lv 39. When you are using Chain Form, put Rei in the
lead (you should, Chain Form is the best formation). I'd say equip
everyone with an Ring of Ice and a Balance Ring.
/ \
| Use the Force and Trance genes with Ryu. Use Super Combo with |
| Peco and just attack with Rei. Heal when needed. Use Aura with |
| Ryu a couple of times. As you will notice, it does massive |
| damage on Teepo (I think D.Lord is a shadow type, hence weak to |
| holy type attacks). You will have to use some Ammonia, as |
| getting killed a few times is almost inevitable. |

Take the Card Key A Teepo drops. Go back out of Eden. Head all the way
back to the room with the bed and diary. Go past it and use the Card Key
A on the slot for the door to the right, and get the Light Bangle here.
Head back to the room with the bed and diary, and heal up and save.

:::House of Justice:::

Go back to the large room, and go slightly to the south of where you
enter. Activate the panel here and head through the door. Head on to the
end of the hall, take the right turn, then the left, and head on. Go
left at the end. Go through the blue door at the end of this passage. In
this area, you have to fight some bosses you have beat before. Most are
easy, some easier then the fights outside, but they give reasonable
experience. They are also a great opportunity to get some stat-boosters
(read: Life Shards).

Head through the left door first. In this room, take the left door
again. Go on to the end of the passage, and through the door there. Here
you will encounter the first set of samples.
__/Sample 8: Rocky x5\____________________________________________
/ \
| Pretty simple. Steal their Life Shards, it almost always |
| succeeds to steal from them. After that, just kill them off. |

Head on to the upper right, where you will encounter the only difficult
set of samples, the Stallions.

__/Sample 10, 11 and 12: Ice, Fire and Lightning Stallion\________
/ \
| First, make sure everyone is equipped with some elemental rings |
| (preferably Thunder). Steal the Life Shards from all three of |
| them. Then kill them off, first kill the one whose element you |
| aren't protected against. While they are tougher then the |
| average sample, they shouldn't be too much trouble. Actually, |
| with the rings, they can't even harm you... |

Go through the door to a save room. You can heal in the room to the
left. Get the Cupid's Lyre there, too. Now that you are all healed up,
take the ladder up, and take the Hourglass hidden in the small path
here. Now it's time to head back into the Sample area. Head back through
the three rooms. Head all the way back right to where you started. Now
Take the upper door, and you will encounter another Sample set.
__/Sample 1: Nue x3\______________________________________________
/ \
| Really easy. Grab all their Power Foods, then just kill them off |
| with regular attacks. |

Take the upper door here, and you will be in a reasonably large hall.
The left room here is fully empty, so go in the right one. Here, another
battle is triggered.
__/Sample 3: Mikba x2\____________________________________________
/ \
| All you can steal is two Silver Mails, so don't. These guys |
| reprise almost always, so magic is a good choice. True, their |
| attacks don't do lots of damage, but avoiding it is always good. |

After beating these samples, head up the ladder here. Go through the
only door you can reach on this roof, and take the Moon Tears inside. Go
on and you will be back at where the ladder from the save room led. Go
back to heal and save. Go back to the room where you killed the Mikba
clones. Go on through the door to the right. You will get to Sample 9.
__/Sample 9: Gaist\_______________________________________________
/ \
| Have Rings of Fire equipped. If you remember well, Ryu killed |
| this one on his own once, when he was still at a lower level, |
| and Gaist had two torches to help him out. In other words: piece |
|of cake. Oh yeah, nothing to steal. |

Since you can still only go in one direction, just keep on going. You
will be back at the save room, which is a good opportunity to heal and
save. Head back through where you came in, and go back to the room with
the ladder. Head back through the door to the left, and further down.
In the next room (where you fought the Nues), take the upper left door.
Here you will find two more doors with red lights above them. Take the
right one. You will encounter two slugs.
__/Sample 2: HugeSlug x2\_________________________________________
/ \
| Nothing to steal. Fire works amazing on them, plus it reduces |
| their defense, so use Peco's Firebreath at least once. For the |
| rest, they are easy. |

Go up with the ladder. There are two doors, take the right one.

__/Sample 6: Ammonite x2\_________________________________________
/ \
| Again, nothing to steal. Note that this is your last chance to |
| learn the skill Tsunami, since no regular enemies use it. Equip |
| Rings of Ice and Balance Rings on everyone, and just kill them |
| off. |

The ladder in this room leads to a roof from where you can't reach
anything, so don't bother. Take the left door here and go back to the
save room. I know, you save and heal a bit often, but all those paths
lead here, and better too much than too little, right? Anyway, go back
to where you fought the Ammonite clones, head back through the bottom
door, and go through the left door.
__/Sample 5: Angler\______________________________________________
/ \
| Equip Thunder Rings. Nothing for stealing... Easy to beat... |
| You know the procedure, right? |

The path leads back to... The saving room! Surprise! Anyway, you will
notice there is only one path leading to the save room roof left. So
head back down through the Angler room, follow the path down to the
ground level, and out through the bottom left door. Take the upper right
door here, and go up the ladder there. There are two more doors up here.
Take the left one for a Swallow Eye. Go back and take the right one to
fight Sample 4.
__/Sample 4: ???\_________________________________________________
/ \
| If you are wondering where you have seen this guy before, you |
| haven't. He's tough too, and your elemental rings won't save you |
| this time. You could skip him, but he isn't THAT tough, if you |
| ask me. Oh yeah, nothing to steal... |

Head on through the door for the last clone.
__/Sample 7: Manmo\_______________________________________________
/ \
| Nothing to steal. Well, he's pretty tough, and reprises a lot. |
| You'll probably want to use a transformation for him. Use a |
| Myrmidon or Mammoth or whatever. Two to three Myrmidon-Auras is |
| enough to send him out of this world. |

Head on to find the last passage to the save room. Heal and save. Now
it's time for the final boss fight with Myria. Just head down the ladder
here, and follow the path to the elevator. You can talk to those women
down here for the story of Myria. When this is your first time through
the game, hear them out. Otherwise, just go past them, it's quicker.
There is still some sequence you have to go through, though. At the end,
you will encounter Myria. You get two choices, surrender your power, or
fight Myria. You could try the surrender option to seen some extra
storyline, but it's not worth it if you ask me. So fight her. She will
change into one big, ugly... thing. My levels: Ryu lv 43, Peco lv 42,
Rei lv 41.
/ \
| Equip Rings of Fire, and Rings of Ice/Ivory Charms. Use regular |
| attacks and your best physical skills at first. Ryu should |
| attack regularly, you need his AP later this battle, but Rei and |
| Peco should use Super Combo and Shadowwalk, if you have them. Do |
| use Celerity and and Bonebreak with Ryu, though. Also resurrect |
| members with Ryu, but you might want to give him a Spirit Ring |
| for that. Anyway, in my game, after casting Celerity, Ryu did |
| about 500 damage with a regular attack, and gained an EX Turn. |
| The problem is, though, her Sanctuary spell cancels out |
| Celerity's effect. Once Myria starts using Holocaust, her |
| Defense seems to get quite a boost. So when that happens, change |
| Ryu into a Myrmidon, and use Aura. Make sure he isn't blinded, |
| that would be a waste of AP. Ryu should regain his EX Turn, and |
| his Aura should do about 1600 damage, So it shouldn't take too |
| much longer from there. |

After the battle, you will see a lot more sequence. You will also get to
see some great-looking versions of the characters in the game, and there
is some great music at the credits. At the end of all the credits you
can make a clear savegame. Do so, it's not over yet.

THE END (Well, officially...)

---The Clear Game------------------------------------------------------------

Note that while I conserved all stolen and copied stat-boosters up to
now so I could write boss-strategies better, I used them all on Ryu
(except the Life/Magic Shards/Moxa, I used some of those on Rei, too.)
right after beating Myria. I had quite some, namely:

Life Shard x22
Magic Shard x18
Power Food x73
Protein x43
Fish-head x 7
Swallow Eye x52
Moxa x11

--Getting The Best Equipment--

Okay, now that you want to get the strongest party ever, let's start off
with equipment, shall we? Some equipment has multiple options, that's
because the first one listed is very tough to get, and the second/third
is almost as good, and a good alternative. In the case of Garr's Spears,
it's more a case of preference.

= Getting Money =

To get some money to buy your equipment with, you should go to The
Factory and kill some Gold Eggs. Every time you use a regular attack on
them, the 20000 Zenny you normally get from them decreases, so don't use
regular attacks. Instead, use Shadowwalk, Aura and Super Combo. If you
are in chain formation, with a high Agility person in front, it should
kill them before they can even do anything, including running away.

= Ryu =

Weapon: GooKingSword- It's rarely dropped by the Goo King at certain
areas of Station Myria. Steal it's Green Apple
(or it will run) and use charm to increase your
Royal Sword- Get it from the Manillo at Lost Shore for 1x
Whale, 3x Spearfish, and 1x Barandy. You can also
get it from the Desert of Death, but fishing is
easier if you ask me.

Shield: Aries Gloves- Steal them from the Berserker.
DragonShield- Use Rei to pick a lock at Station Myria, and get
it from a chest there.

Helmet: Dragon Helm- Use Rei to pick a lock at Station Myria, and get
it from a chest there.

Armor: Life Armor- Get it from the Manillo at Lost Shore for 1x
Whale, 1x Spearfish, and 3x Barandy. You can also
get it from the Desert of Death.

= Rei =

Weapon: HolyAvenger- You get it when you beat the Archmage.
Lifestealer- Rarely dropped by Vampire. Steal it's BurglarGarb
first, and then charm it for a better chance.
Slicer- Get it from station Myria, just before you beat
the Chimera.

Shield: Aries Gloves- Steal them from the Berserker.
Mind Shield- Buy it in Caer Xhan.

Helmet: Divine Helm- Dropped by Gold Eggs and Wraiths. Steal from them
first and use charm for a better chance.
Sun Mask- Buy it in Caer Xhan.

Armor: Life Armor- Get it from the Manillo at Lost Shore for 1x
Whale, 1x Spearfish, and 3x Barandy. You can also
get it from the Desert of Death.

= Nina =

Weapon: Ouroboros- Buy it from the Faerie Village Weapon Shop.

Shield: Aries Gloves- Steal them from the Berserker.
SpikedGntlts- Buy them in Kombinat.

Helmet: Silver Tiara- At station Myria. If you want to use Momo and
Nina, copy it (I don't see why you would want to
use either, though).

Armor: Diana'sDress- Dropped by Revenants.
Holy Robe- At station Myria.

= Momo =

Weapon: Atomic Bomb- Buy it in Caer Xhan.

Shield: Aries Gloves- Steal them from the Berserker.
Mind Shield- Buy it in Caer Xhan.

Helmet: Silver Tiara- At Station Myria.

Armor: Mist Armor- Dropped by Mist Man.

= Peco =

Weapon: Dragonfang- Dropped by Ice Drake/Red Drake.
Death Claws- Get it from the Desert of Death, see Fritz
Fraundorf's FAQ if you want it.
Brass Claws- Buy it in Caer Xhan.

Shield: Aries Gloves- Steal them from the Berserker.
LaquerShield- Buy it in Kombinat.

Helmet: Tiger's Cap- Buy it from the Faerie Village Weapon Shop.

Armor: Amber BPlate- Buy it in Parch, east of Rhapala. You can also
get it from the Ability Weapon Shop in the Faerie

= Garr =

Weapon: Beast Spear- Get it from Gaist's ashes after beating him.
Rufad'sSpear- Dropped by the Berserker. Feeling lucky?
Dragon Spear- Found in Station Myria.

Shield: Aries Gloves- Steal them from the Berserker.
Giant Shield- Found at Station Myria.

Helmet: Divine Helm- Dropped by Gold Eggs and Wraiths.
Sun Mask- Buy it in Caer Xhan.

Armor: Life Armor- Get it from the Manillo at Lost Shore for 1x
Whale, 1x Spearfish, and 3x Barandy. You can also
get it from the Desert of Death.

= Accessories =

Ring of Ice x3- Get one from Momo's Tower, copy it to get three. You can
also steal it from an IceDrake.
Ring of Fire x3-Get the first from Mt. Zublo, copy it until you have
three. You can also steal it from RedDrakes.
Thunder Ring x3-Get the first from the Tidal Caves, copy it so you get
Spirit Ring x3- Get it from the Faerie Village Gift Shop, and copy it.
You might get one from exploring first if you are lucky.
Ivory Charm x3- You can only get it from having Faeries explore. Copy it
so you have three.

--Powering Up-----------------

Here I will explain the best method of powering up each statistic. When
you are still below lv 50, experience is a good way to become stronger,
but past that point, you are better off using stat-boosting items.

You can also get more of all stat-boosting items by copying, exploring,
use of the Gift Shop, and very rarely from the Random Locations (The ?
areas on the map, where you find a usually crap item).

= Experience =

To get major experience, kill Goo Kings, Berserkers and Archmages. You
could also throw in some Ivory Dice, because they double your
experience. This means for one Ivory Dice you get 2x xp, for two you get
4x xp, and for three you get 8x xp. Three is the maximum, as is 65535

You could also use the Lavaman trick (I found it at the gamefaqs message
board, but sorry, I can't remember whose idea it was...). Whenever you
use fire magic on a Lavaman, he'll become stronger, and give more xp.
You can get the xp up to 65535 (the maximum for a single battle), but he
will be mad strong... equip Rings of Fire to counter his spells, but his
physical attacks are still powerful. So don't make him too strong!
Killing him off is easy, just use Blizzard, or Ice Breath. Doing this
trick is also a nice opportunity to steal some Proteins from the
Vulcan's. Note that you have to be real strong to get serious rewards
from this, as getting wiped out here is easy. The lavaman will do damage
around 500 when he gives 2000 xp. Luckily, he can easily be killed in a
single Blizzard/Ice Breath attack.

= Hit Points =

To get more HP, you need Life Shards. You can get these by stealing them

- Ice Toads at Momo's Tower (Skip em, Goo Titans are better).
- Goo Titans at Ogre Road/Mt. Levett.

= Ability Points =

To get additional AP, you need Magic Shards. Steal them from:

- Reapers in The Freighter.

= Power =

For Power, you need Power Foods. You can steal them from:

- Hobgoblins in The Factory.
- FoulWeeds in the area in Station Myria with the grassy hills.
- Night Bats in other areas of Station Myria.

Which you want to steal from will depend on what else you want to do.
If you want to get money as well, head to The Factory. When you want to
get xp/try to get the GooKingSword, go to Station Myria. When neither is
the case, head for The Factory, it's easier to get Power Foods there.

When you are stealing from FoulWeeds or Night Bats, Charm them as well,
for a chance to get a Protein. The chance is not high, but hey, it's

= Defense =

For Defense you need Proteins. You can steal them from:

- Vulcans in Mt. Zublo.

= Agility =

For Agility you need Swallow Eyes. You can't steal these, so getting
them is a bit trickier. You do need them though, because against the
Archmage and Berserker, you have to get an EX Turn, and you need about
130 Agility for that. So copy them a lot. They are also dropped (not the
same as stolen from) by Rippers and Slashers, but very, very rarely.

= Intelligence =

You need Fish-heads for Intelligence. These can not be stolen, and are
also not dropped. I don't suppose you really need them, though, since
you'll use mostly attacks that depend on Power, not Intelligence.

= Willpower =

This is increased by Moxas. These are even more rare then Fish-heads,
but you could copy some. You don't need a lot of them, though.

--Using Your Power------------

With your newly gained strength, there are three enemies you can beat.
First of all, you could go fight Myria again. I'm not going to give you
a new strategy for that, she should be very easy. There are two others,
the Archmage and the Berserker, who are far tougher. You can meet them
by walking around in the Container Yard (The Teleporter to station Myria
is positioned in this small area, it's slightly to the right of Caer
Xhan, and is a ? Area). I'm not sure whether you need a Clear Game to be
able to meet them.
__/The Berserker\_________________________________________________
/ \
| If you want to beat the Berserker, you will need about 130 |
| agility. I had 132 with Ryu (unless you want to copy a very big |
| lot of Swallow Eyes, you'll want to use Rei for the 130 agility |
| instead.), and I gained an EX Turn, but I'm not sure exactly how |
| much you need. Use the Chain Form so everyone gets an EX Turn. |
| |
| Equip all your characters with a Fire Ring. As your second |
| accessory, use either a Soul Gem (if you have lots), or a Spirit |
| Ring (no Soul Gem for Ryu, give him a Spirit Ring always). Make |
| sure your characters have high power, so they can dish out some |
| damage. |
| |
| Once you are standing in front of the Berserker, start off by |
| having Ryu become a Myrmidon, and the others use strong attacks |
| (Shadowwalk, Triple Blow. Skip Super Combo, the Berserker is |
| immune to it.). The next turn, have Ryu use Aura, the others |
| repeat. If you have Rei, you could use Weretiger, but only near |
| the end of the battle, or he will attack you. |
| |
| If anyone dies, just re-transform to Myrmidon, re-equip a Soul |
| Gem, or use an Ammonia. If you are strong enough, he should |
| actually be quite easy... |

__/The Archmage\__________________________________________________
/ \
| For this guy, you'll want to use Soul Gems, because Ammonia |
| doesn't cut it. He has only 2500 HP, but regenerates 1500 each |
| turn. For the other accessory, use a Thunder Ring. This time, |
| have Ryu use the Thunder and Force genes (Myrmidon can't get |
| Thunder immunity, which is bad. It also hasn't got the Focus |
| ability.). |
| |
| Have Ryu use Focus two turns in a row. The others might make |
| themselves useful be using Ginseng or something (I believe that |
| Ginseng's 2x power max is not the same as Focus', IE, together |
| they have the max 3x/4x -NSS-). Just hope that that big meanie |
| won't use Mind Sword on Ryu, because that would kill him, |
| cancelling all of his powering up (again, -NSS-, does reverting |
| back to normal form cancel temporary stat increases?). When |
| done, use Aura with Ryu, and some strong skill with the others. |
| If that doesn't kill the Archmage, use your EX Turn to repeat |
| that. If THAT won't kill him, then how weak are your |
| characters...? |

--Ultimate Fishing Gear-------

If you want to do some serious fishing (not that you need to, you
already got all the stuff from there), you should head to Junk Town,
and go to the house on the peninsula to the northwest. There, talk to
the dogfaced man (Many people say that it's Bow from BoF2, but I don't
know... For as far as I know, this isn't really confirmed or denied
anywhere in the game.). If you have a clear game, and 7000 or more
fishing points(Master of Angling+), he will give you a Ding Frog, bait
that catches any fish. On 9000 or more, he will also give you the Master
Rod, the best fishing rod in the game.

---The Faerie Village--------------------------------------------------------
Since the Faerie Village is so important, I am starting a guide through
it here. I will give advise on how to build it up quickly and how to
make the most profit out of it.

First, some tips on efficiency here:

-Go here often. It doesn't matter how little you did, when the story
progressed somehow, or you have battled just a bit (running away counts
here!), the Faerie Village will have progressed too. This doesn't
necessarily mean something happened, but it usually does, especially
after a while when the village starts to flourish.

-The faerie has 4 statistics: Red for hunting/exploring
Green for Building
Dark Blue for Merchant
Light Blue for Intelligence (Scholar/Copy

-The statistics are less important with the basic jobs such as clearing
land and hunting. When your Faerie is in a room, it will make more of a

-When you are not sure whether a Faerie is effectively working, just
talk to it. It will let you know when it is unable to do anything. Note
that "hmmmm... there is no more room to build houses." refers to
clearing land and "There is no more room to build houses!" refers to
building rooms.

-As long as you don't change a room, everything built up in there will
stay. That means that if you have, for instance, two fully developed
stores and a fully developed Music Select, you could have just one
Faerie run them all. This is very handy, since rooms are usually there
in abundance, while the Faeries are scarce. Have one room switch
between Inn/Antique/Casino, three Copy Shops and two Explore Rooms,
which fully use all the Faeries, and you have two rooms left to store
music and items (you should just temporarily remove faeries from
hunting to run any of the empty rooms when you need them).

-Once your village has Culture level 7, you can feed your full
population with only 5 faeries with full Red skill hunting.

Okay, how to start. First, just have all your Faeries hunt. When new
ones get born, have them hunt too, unless they have no Red skill
whatsoever. If that is so have them use a room to research Culture or
Clear Land/Build houses. Eventually your food supply will hit 99, the
maximum. Keep about 1/3 of your Faeries hunting (one less can be done
if the others have good Red skill, I believe). The rest should help
researching Culture level to 7, the maximum, and the good green ones
should build and clear. You need to clear three times and then you are
done with that. The rooms are finished when no more rooms are blacked
out. When Culture hits lv 7 you should start researching jobs instead.
In the end you should have:
-99 food
-lv 7 Culture
-all the rooms
-all the jobs (you know you have this when you have the Copy Shop)
-20 Faeries

Keep 6 Faeries with good Red skill hunting for a steady food supply.
Now, your slave colony.., err, Faerie Village is ready to start being
productive. There are 9 jobs available for you (Scholar has lost it's
use). The jobs and how to use them will be explained below.

(((Job 1- Merchant)))

The merchant has some reasonable stuff. I'll give you a list so you know
what you can get:

Green Apple 5 PointedStick 1 Berries 5
Vitamin 50 Waistcloth 210 Beef Jerky 50
Panacea 100 Bronze Sword 240 Taser 200
Ammonia 200 Crepe Cape 1300 Tiger Claws 3800
High Boots 3000 Flame Talons 3300 Angling Rod 2000
Lion's Belt 3000 Amber BPlate 6100 Lion's Belt 3000
Napalm 800 PiercingPike 7400 Bell Collar 10000
Dream Ring 1000 Katzbalger 9200 Soul Gem 3000
Balance Ring 1000 Protectors 11000 Holy Mantle 10000
Barrier Ring 3000 Tiger's Cap 5300 Molotov 10
Diamond Ring 3000 Ouroboros 22000 HiddenDagger 7000

Green Apple 5 PointedStick 1 Berries 5
Vitamin 50 Waistcloth 210 Beef Jerky 50
Panacea 100 Bronze Sword 240 Clothing 50
MultiVitamin 300 Buckler 1100 Flame Chrysm 500
Ammonia 200 Wind Cutter 2200 Napalm 800
Talisman 500 Crepe Cape 1300 Bell Collar 10000
Life Sandals 500 Flame Talons 3300 Angling Rod 2000
High Boots 3000 Laurel 1800 Belladonna 200
Titan Belt 3000 Royal Dagger 6200 Royal Dagger 6200
Dream Ring 1000 SpikedGntlts 6800 Holy Mantle 10000
Balance Ring 1000 Ice Halberd 12500 Soul Gem 3000

Since you don't want the stores to clutter up your rooms for too long,
you should only get equipment that remains useful. What you should get
is: Weapon/ability to the max, Item/ability up to Diamond Ring, and
Handyman/ability up to the Angling Rod. If you have loads of Zenny, you
can upgrade it a little further to buy a lot of Soul Gems, which are
useful. When the shops are upgraded, buy:
-Amber BPlate if you didn't get it from Parch
-Tiger's Cap
-Angling Rod
-all the Rings from the Item shop
-Any other stuff you want. If possible, you could upgrade some
other equipment, but there is better available (the above are the
only "best" equipment in the village).
After that, just remove the shops. You don't need them anymore.

(((Job 2- Inn)))

Pretty much useless in my opinion. Okay it's cheap. But aren't most Inns
affordable? Well a save spot before checking at the Copy Shop sounds
convenient, but it takes a room and a Faerie which can be used better.
Also, the copy success is determined upon entering the village, so
saving at the Inn means saving that, too.

(((Job 3- Gift)))

You can get items here by just creating the room, putting a Faerie in,
and waiting. You can get some stat boosters but you can more efficiently
create those in the Copy Shop. The only real reason to make this room is
the Spirit Ring. The Spirit Ring is a very long wait, but the only other
way to get it is the expeditions or the casino, and they are very rare
there, too.

Ok, her is what Jedd told me about the Gift Shop:

/ Like...i think when you have done about 30 or 40 battle the faiery
/ will give you a item to boost your max Hp by 1 (arrgg i can't even
/ reemember that SIMPLE item name!! i see it everyday... and 10 battle
/ more gives you a magic shad (LIfe shard, that's it!!) then 10 more a
/ power food, i think, then 10 more, a protein, then 10 more, a swallow
/ eye, then again 10 more , a fish-head, then 10 more a wisdom fruit,
/ and some times after, a shaman ring, and afteer another LONG time, a
/ SPIRIT RING! I'm trying right now to see if ther's something more
/ after the spirit ring.

Well, there is nothing beyond the Spirit Ring. I've waited like 5x as
long as you needed to wait for the Spirit Ring, and nothing. I also had
a clear game , so that won't work either. The Teleporter Dice are just a
rumor. Come to think of it, the name "Teleporter Dice" wouldn't even fit
in the game, it would have had to be something like "TeleportrDce"...

(((Job 4-Fortune Teller)))

Another pretty useless job. This store will give you some tips and
useless comments about the game. Don't use it, you don't need it.

(((Job 5-Explorer)))

Now THESE are useful. Use them for getting many good items. Send Faeries
with good Red skill, exploring. Always use the distant option, you'll
die more but you will get better items. You should also send Faeries
that are not good at anything. I'll make a list of what I find myself
here. I always use distant, btw.


HiddenDagger Spirit Ring Dragon Tear Wisdom Fruit
Force Armor Artemis' Cap Clay Vase Wisdom Seed
Mind Shield Ivory Charm Old Painting Moon Tears
Ghostbuster Marbles Life Shard
Lacquer Helm Beads Protein
Flame Shield Lithograph Power Food
AP Shells Dirty Rags Moxa
Magma Armor Moldy Vase Swallow Eye
Rare Book Fish-head
Tea Cup Magic Shard
Myria Icon
Dragon Tear

(((Job 6-Antique Shop)))

Here you can sell all those "appears valuable" items for better prices,
either same or 100x more. If you have junk to sell off, just create an
Antique Shop, sell what you have, and switch it back to what it was.

(((Job 7-Music)))

This has no use in the game whatsoever. However, you will be able to
play all the game's music here. Develop it if you want, if you feel you
can put a room with a Faerie to better use, feel free.

(((Job 8-Casino)))

Here, you can play two games, Hi-Lo for money, Number guessing for
items. I will make a list of the items here.

3 guesses: Lion's Belt Ivory Dice
4 guesses: High Boots Vitamins Wisdom Seed
5 guesses: MultiVitamin Napalm Vitamins
6 guesses: MultiVitamin Panacea Ammonia
7 guesses: Healing Herb Vitamin
8 guesses: Bread Rice Ball

(((Job 9-Copy Shop)))

This is the best available job, if you ask me. Just fill two/three rooms
with max-intelligence Faeries, and copy away. Remember to save before
entering the village to avoid failure. You should make copies of these
-Ring of Fire, Ring of Ice, Thunder Ring x3 each
-Spirit Ring (if you have it) x3
-Otherwise Shaman's Ring x3
-Ivory Charm (again, if you have it) x3
-Life Armor x3 (or get three from fishing. See for yourself.)
-The best armor you have for Momo/Nina x2
-Aries Gloves (Once you get it from the Berserker. Don't worry, that
will be after clearing the game)
-Silver Tiara x2
-Divine Helm (when you get it) x2
-Maybe some Soul Gems
-For the rest, stat-boosters! I'd say Swallow Eye, Moxa and Fish-head,
since those are the only ones you can't get from battles.

---Skill List----------------------------------------------------------------

A little guide on learnable skills. In order of appearance. In the usage
section I will explain what it does, and what it might be useful for. I
never assume you have a certain skill in the guide unless I told you to
get it, and that doesn't happen often. Skills are fun though, so feel
free to get a lot and try your own strategy against a boss. This list
will also be useful if you want to get all the skills (like me).

Name |AP |Learn from: |Usage
Unmotivate | 0 |Goblin, |Cancels target's action. Must be faster then
| |Durandal |it for any effect.
Blind | 0 |Ripper, Lizard, |Attempts to blind target, attack with half
| |Claw, Bully 3, |attack power.
| |Tricker, |
| |Bolt Archer, |
| |Clone |
Influence | 0 |Boss Goblin |Makes certain enemies attack the chosen
| | |target. Always works, but only on very few
| | |enemies.
Burn | 1 |Mage Goo, |Does very minor fire damage. Only useful for
| |Lava Man, |events that require fire damage for something,
| |Goo Titan |such as the Huge Slug or Volcano.
Snap | 0 |Pooch, Charyb, |Attack for half attack power and reduce enemy
| |Scylla, |defense. Useful only for boss fights, try and
| |Were-Tiger, |get it for an easier time with high-defense
| |Dragonfly, |bosses.
| |Plant 42, |
| |Sample 4 |
Jump | 0 |Rocky, Roach, |Random damage attack; might do much less
| |Giant Roach |damage then a normal attack, might do much
| | |more. Very useful against a lot of bosses.
| | |When you use it you are a little bit faster
| | |than normally, like when using healing Magic.
Charge | 0 |Volt, Armorbot, |It does damage based on your defense. If your
| |Goo King, |defense is high it will be pretty effective,
| |Mad Gong, Fahl |but most bosses seem to be immune to it, so I
| | |didn't find it too useful.
Frost | 2 |Mygas, Vampire |Does very little ice damage. Just like Burn,
| | |only useful for when you need to deal ice
| | |damage for something, like the Tarman.
Meditation | 0 |Mygas, Adept |Raises your Intelligence. I never use it much
| | |but it is an okay skill.
Magic Ball | 2 |Mygas, |This is a pretty damn good skill in my
| |Egg Gang, |opinion. It deals reasonable damage and is
| |Nitemare |handy against high evade enemies. The only
| | |problem is that most bosses seem to have
| | |innate protection against this.
Typhoon | 7 |Mygas |Just a wind spell that affects all enemies.
| | |Pretty useful if you give it to someone who
| | |doesn't have any affect all spells of his own
| | |yet.
Double Blow | 2 |Nut Troop, |This skill is most useful for a high power
| |Claw, |character, who has nothing to spend his AP on.
| |Lizardman, |It can also be useful for enemies with high
| |Giant Crab, |evade rate, but almost no HP, for two tries to
| |Elder Dragon, |hit them.
| |Scorpion, |
| |Sample 7, |
| |Sample 4 |
Feign Swing | 0 |Durandal, Manmo |Does absolutely nothing. Can be used for
| | |training Beyd.
Backhand | 0 |Durandal |Normal physical blow, but will always leave
| | |at least 1 HP remaining.
Last Resort | 0 |Orc |Increases attack, sets Defense to 0. Use it
| | |against enemies with no physical attacks.
Blitz | 0 |Hyperbot, |Halves user's HP, half damage attacks against
| |Shroom, |random targets. As annoying this attack is
| |Giant Orc |when it is used against you, it isn't very
| | |useful.
Monopolize | 0 |D'Lonzo |Very useful for not gaining xp. You can't
| | |follow this guide without it. It kind of loses
| | |it's use later in the game though.
Intimidate | 0 |D'Lonzo, |Cancels targets next move. It seems a bit more
| |Dolphin, |effective then Unmotivate, but I still don't
| |Hobgoblin |really think it's useful.
Steal | 0 |D'Lonzo |This one is very useful. With stealing, you
| | |can get all kinds of different items. Chance
| | |of success is determined by agility. I believe
| | |that it has better chance for success then
| | |Rei's Pilfer skill.
Air Raid | 3 |Bomber, |Attacks with decreased hit rate, cancels
| |Pipebomb, |target's next move. Only effective when you
| |Magmaite, |move before the target. Give it to someone
| |Hopper, |with high agility, so you move first and the
| |Sample 8 |chance to hit is still good.
Rest | 0 |Eye Bulb |Restores 5 HP and 1 AP. This is really too
| | |little to be useful.
FrostStrike | 4 |Patrio, Bolt, |Attacks for ice damage with power statistic,
| |Armor |puts enemy to sleep.
Spirit Blast | 0 |Golem, |Attack that ignores defense. I believe that
| |Hobgoblin |your power is about halved for this, so it's
| | |only effective if your enemy has pretty high
| | |defense. Against those super-defense enemies,
| | |it is really handy to have, though.
Sanctuary | 5 |Yggdrasil, |Removes all support magic. It sounds useful,
| |Gaist, Myria |but there aren't many occasions for it.
Recall | 2 |Yggdrasil |Casts a random spell. Usually crap. Not worth
| | |casting. Spells I have seen: Burn, Flare,
| | |Rejuvenate, Iceblast, Steroids.
Shield | 4 |Yggdrasil, |This is a pretty useful spell, but Ryu will
| |Lizardman, |get it innate. You could give it to someone so
| |Newt, Vileweed |Ryu can use his turn for something else, or
| | |so you can cast it twice in one turn. You can
| | |only learn this skill from Yggdrasil, the
| | |enemies only cast it.
Resist | 2 |Stallion, |It cancels all damage in the current round
| |Fahl, Mikba, |after casting. If you have an EX Turn, it is
| |Gold Egg, |very useful (and very cheap, mind you).
| |Sample 12, |
| |Sample 3 |
Barrier | 4 |Stallion, |Raises magical defense. The only way I know to
| |Emitai*, |get any non-elemental defense against magic I
| |Sample 10, |know of. Can be useful against bosses with
| |Sample 11, |magical attacks.
| |Sample 12 |*Emitai can't teach you any skills in the
| | | fight against him, but he'll become a Master
| | | later.
Flying Kick | 0 |Tricker, |Does damage based on agility. It misses rather
| |Codger, |often, though, even with super-agility Rei.
| |Magmaite |Still, good skill.
Trump | 0 |Giotto |Casts random spell, only at 0 AP. Since you
| | |are almost never at 0 AP, this skill is pretty
| | |useless.
Berserk | 2 |Giotto, |It raises your power and kills you after 3
| |Berserker |rounds. Never used it.
SuddenDeath | 1 |Giotto |It kills a random target. Never used this
| | |either.
Counter | 0 |Fahl |Allows you to counter all attacks, after using
| | |it only. I don't think that it is very good,
| | |since you are almost always with 3 characters,
| | |and the chance that it will increase your
| | |amount of attacks is pretty small.
Risky Blow | 0 |Bunyan, |Critical damage if enemy is hit. Might be
| |Gaist, |useful if your enemy has high defense.
| |Armor, |
| |Sample 9 |
Focus | 0 |Bunyan |Increases attack power. I didn't use it much.
| |Were-Tiger, |
| |Reaper, |
| |Manmo |
Super Combo | 12 |Bunyan |This skill is very useful. It does great
| | |damage if you have quick fingers. If you
| | |don't, it is only useful while Peco has no
| | |alternative to use his AP on.
Disembowel | 0 |Bunyan, |Reduces target to 1 HP, reduces your MaxHP.
| |Assassin |It doesn't work on bosses (duh...), and it is
| | |to much trouble to use otherwise for me.
Wind Strike | 1 |Lizardman |Does wind-elemental damage based on Power.
| | |Useful if you want a warrior to do some wind
| | |damage.
Tsunami | 8 |Dolphin, |This spell is pretty useful, it halves all
| |Ammonite, |enemies' current HP. It works well on bosses,
| |Sample 6 |too.
Charm | 0 |Meryleep |Increases chance of target dropping item. It
| | |seems more effective then steal, but it won't
| | |affect one target more then once. Also, if you
| | |steal first, then use Charm, you get a much
| | |better chance to get the secondary item.
Shadowwalk | 8 |Meryleep |Attack with increased damage.
War Shout | 6 |Meryleep |Increases all party members' power.
Lavaburst | 7 |Volcano, |Fire attack on all enemies. It is a pretty
| |Shroom, |standard skill.
| |Magmaite |
Wall Of Fire | 4 |Charyb, Scylla, |Fire attack on a single target.
| |Multibot |
Purify | 4 |Hondara |Removes poison status.
Kyrie | 5 |Hondara |Kills off all undead.
Benediction | 20 |Hondara, |Revives all allies.
| |Archmage |
Bone Dart | 3 |Ghoul, |Physical attack, causes confusion.
| |ZombieDr |
Douse | 1 |Giant Roach |Makes target receive more damage from fire.
Timed Blow | 0 |Goo Titan, |Deals damage equal to your HP-1 to you and to
| |Trasher |target.
Mind Flay | 0 |Slasher |Attacks for half attack power and reduces
| | |intelligence.
Mind Sword | 2 |Emitai, |More powerful (but same cost) version of Magic
| |Archmage |Ball.
Enlighten | 2 |Emitai |Raises your intelligence. I think it is more
| | |effective then Meditation.
Multistrike | 0 |Mikba, |Does 1-3 attacks at half attack power. Sounds
| |Ammonite, |like a lottery to me. Well, it might be useful
| |Reaper, |to get rid of those high-evade rate enemies
| |Revenant, |which will die after one hit anyway.
| |Sample 3 |
FlameStrike | 1 |Fly Man |Just another elemental/physical attack.
Sacrifice | 1 |Bombseed, |Reduces all enemies to 1 HP, but kills of
| |Tankbot, |user. Very annoying against you, to costly to
| |Pipebomb |use yourself. Don't you hate such skills?
Snooze | 0 |Sleepy |Restores 20 HP and 4 AP to you. Puts you to
| | |sleep. Use it with a Dream Ring equipped.
Thunderclap | 4 |Angler, |Does lightning damage to a single target. You
| |Multibot, |have much better innate skills by the time you
| |Sample 5 |can get this.
Mighty Chop | 0 |Hachio, Newt |Physical attack that ignores defense. Good
| | |for attacking high defense enemies with low
| | |intelligence characters.
Demonbane | 1 |Hachio |Does additional damage to demons. I don't
| | |believe there are any demonic bosses after
| | |you get this skill, though.
Inferno | 10 |Deis, Myria |Strong fire attack on all enemies.
Blizzard | 10 |Deis, Ammonite, |Strong ice attack on all enemies.
| |Thanotos, |
| |Dragon Lord, |
| |Myria |
Myollnir | 10 |Deis |Very powerful lightning attack on one target.
Sirocco | 12 |Deis, Goo King, |Strong flame/wind attack on all enemies.
| |Dragon Lord, |
| |Myria |
Celerity | 0 |Deis |Raises abilities, must recharge after use.
Transfer | 10 |Tankbot |Gives target 10 AP. If used with Shaman or
| | |Spirit Ring, you can use it to increase your
| | |AP. The Dream Ring/Snooze combo is better in
| | |my opinion though.
Target | 0 |Assassin |Raises your hit rate at cost of attack power.
| | |Yet another skill that is useful mostly
| | |against low HP high Agl enemies.
Bad Back | 0 |Codger, |Does nothing...? I guess the only reason you
| |Elder Dragon |could want to learn it is completeness...
Mind's Eye | 0 |Ladon |Raises chance to hit. Useless if you ask me.
Holy Strike | 2 |Ladon |Another strike ability. Use it against shadow
| | |property enemies.
WardofLight | 5 |Ladon |Raises defense and counter rate. Useful if
| | |your enemies attack normally mostly.
Aura | 20 |Ladon |The most powerful attack skill in the game,
| | |without a doubt. It does a Holy Attack for
| | |double attack power (the double attack power
| | |is NOT permanent; it only lasts for that
| | |single Aura attack)
Cure | 18 |Drak(unparalyze |Cures status and heals on a single target.
| |him first!) |Very useful, since it's the only healing skill
| | |there is, as well as the only ability that
| | |heals and cures status.
Triple Blow | 5 |Deathbot, |Three physical attacks in a row, damage is
| |Vampire, |reduced by about 1/3. Better version of Double
| |Dragon Lord |Blow.
Evil Eye | 7 |Vampire, |Paralyzes a single target. Not worth it if you
| |Sample 4, Myria |ask me.
Gloom | 1 |Nightbat |Turns one target undead, so healing magic
| | |harms it. Healing magic is too expensive, but
| | |try Kyrie for some effect.
ThundrStrike | 4 |Mistman |Damage calculated with power, electric
| | |elemental, and chance to paralyze target.
Chill | 7 |Revenant, Arwan |Ice attack on all that lowers agility. Pretty
| | |useful since it's the only spell that lowers
| | |agility on multiple targets.
Ebonfire | 5 |Codger(Magic |Non-elemental attack on a single target. It's
| |Shuffle), Gooey |pretty good, but you probably have better
| |(Clear Game |skills by now, especially since in the Clear
| |only) |Game, you don't need to spare AP so much
| | |anymore.

---Dragon Transformations----------------------------------------------------

--Dragon Form list------------

The abilities are always granted to these forms, but more may be added
by certain genes. Every Dragon Form also receives the Restore Form

Name |Genes |Abilities
Whelp |Any single elemental |Whelp Breath, Blind
|or support gene. |
Dragon |Two or three elemental |Dragon Breath, Snap
|and/or support genes. |
|Gross/Reverse/Trance/ |
|??? don't count toward |
|this total. |
Warrior |Force gene. |Gambit, Aura, Focus
Behemoth |Miracle gene. |MeteorStrike, Blitz, Charge
Kaiser |Infinity gene. |Kaiser Breath, Bonebreak, Howling
Trygon |Flame, Frost and |Dragon Breath, Flame Breath, Frost Breath,
|Thunder genes. |Thunder Breath, Snap
Wildfire |Miracle, Thorn and |Whelp Breath, Charge
|Reverse genes. |
Mammoth |Miracle and ??? genes. |Giant Growth, MeteorStrike
Pygmy |Mutant and ??? genes. |Dragon Breath, Snap, Magma Breath
Tiamat |Shadow and Trance |Doom Breath, Shadow Breath, Venom Breath
|genes. |
Myrmidon |Force and Trance |Gambit, Aura, Flame Strike, Thunder Strike,
|genes. |Frost Strike, Wind Strike, Holy Strike,
| |Aura Breath
Kaiser (no |Infinity gene. |He only attacks random targets.
control) | |
Kaiser |Infinity and Failure |Kaiser Breath, Bonebreak, Howling
(control) |genes. |All Ryu's normal abilities can still be used.
Kaiser |Infinity, Radiance and |Kaiser Breath, Bonebreak, Howling
(Ultimate) |Trance genes. |All Ryu's normal abilities can still be used.

Don't ask me which Dragon Form is most powerful, I don't know. Some say
it's the Myrmidon, others say it's the Ultimate Kaiser (not the official
name, it has none, it's always just called "Kaiser"). The Ultimate
Kaiser is immune to all status change, but Myrmidon has Aura... Oh, and
while you could just give Ryu the Aura skill from Ladon and have him
use that in Ultimate Kaiser, it does about 25% less damage then Myrmidon
does with it, and it is much more expensive. Using Aura with the Kaiser
is really not a great idea.

--Fusion Transforming---------

For the fusion section, I really have to thank DarkStorm. My list
comsisted of nothing more than a list of the abilities given with each
character. But with some info from DarkStorm, this section actually has
some useful info!

How to fuse with who:

Rei + Momo or Nina: Tiger
Peco + Garr or Rei: Onion
Momo + Nina or Peco: Knight
Nina + Garr or Peco: Avian
Garr + Momo or Rei: Whelp

The second line shows the extra abilities you get when you add the gene
noted at "Special Gene" (for instance, use Fusion and Force with Rei and
Momo in your party to get the extra powerful Rei fusion). There is an
extra powerful form for all of them. The Special Gene also increases the
stats of the dragon.

Party |Special |Abilities
Member|Gene |Special Abilities
Rei | |Shadowwalk, Dragon Breath, Tempest
|Force |Hurricane (replaces Tempest)
Nina | |Typhoon, Lightning, Inferno, Blizzard, Temptation
|Eldritch|Sirocco, Myollnir
Momo | |Speed, Protect, Might, Restore, Remedy, Combustion
|??? |Vitalize, Ragnarok
Peco | |Dream Breath, Venom Breath, Dragon Breath, Geo Breath
|Shadow |Gaea'sBreath (replaces Geo Breath)

--Gene list-------------

The AP cost for a dragon is the sum of it's genes, the AP subtracted
each turn is half of that, rounded up. The three types of genes are
elemental, support and special.

Grants elemental properties. Opposite elements cancel each other out,
including everything the gene does, abilities and properties. The only
exception to this are the forms, IE flame + frost still grants a dragon.

Support genes give certain bonuses, such as better defense or magic.
They are quite similar to elemental genes, with the exception that they
don't give any properties, but stat-boosts.

These are genes that grant certain Dragon Forms. The only way to cancel
them out is another Special gene.

To determine what form is granted with multiple Special genes, here is a
list, from most priority to least priority (with more than one Special
gene, the gene with the most priority form will be given). Also note
that forms granted by combinations of two genes will always get priority
(this only goes for special forms, the dragon is not one of these).

Failure- Whelp
Fusion- Hybrid
Miracle- Behemoth
Force- Warrior

Also, with Shadow, Trance, Force, you get a Tiamat, not a Myrmidon, and
with Miracle, Mutant and ??? you get a Mammoth, not a Pygmy (why do the
worst forms have priority here, anyway?)

Name |AP |Found |Grants
Flame | 5 |Storyline, can't |Flame property, Flame Claw and
Elemental | |miss it. |Flame Breath abilities.
Frost | 5 |In the house by the |Frost property, Frost Claw and
Elemental | |Maekyss Gorge. |Frost Breath abilities.
Thunder | 5 |Deserted house in |Electric property, Thunder Claw
Elemental | |the Rhapala region. |and Thunder Breath abilities.
Shadow | 5 |Storyline, can't |Shadow property, Shadow Breath and
Elemental | |miss it. |Chlorine abilities.
Radiance | 5 |Inside the |Radiance (holy) property, Divine Breath and
Elemental | |Container Yard. |Shining Claw abilities.
Force | 8 |In the Plant Lab |The Warrior form. If the Warrior form is
Special | |dungeon. |cancelled out by another gene, it grants the
| | |Focus ability.
Defender | 8 |Storyline, can't |Better Defense, Counter ability.
Support | |miss it. |
Eldritch | 8 |Inside the |Better Intelligence, Remedy, Restore and
Support | |Lighthouse. |Vitalize abilities, and the following in
| | |combination with the elemental properties:
| | |Frost-Blizzard; Flame-Inferno;
| | |Thunder-Myollnir; Shadow-Death;
| | |Radiance-Resurrect
Miracle | 16 |In the Mt. Zublo |Grants the Behemoth form. No effect if
Special | |dungeon. |cancelled out.
Gross | 8 |At the end of the |"Enhances abilities". Increases some stats,
Support | |Tidal Caverns |differs per form. Doesn't grant a dragon with
| | |another elemental/support gene.
Thorn | 8 |Pick it up at the |Increases your Power. Doesn't grant any
Support | |spot where Momo's |abilities.
| |Rocket "landed". |
Reverse | 3 |At the foot of Mt. |Swaps genes' properties. Frost and Flame,
Support | |Boumore. |Shadow and Radiance, and nullifies Thunder
| | |(no AquaDragon or something???). Also changes
| | |the properties of some other genes.
Mutant | 3 |At Steel Beach. |Acts as a random gene. Only exception is when
Unknown | | |you use it with the ??? gene for a Pygmy.
??? | 8 |At the house to the |No direct effect, only for Dragon Forms.
Support | |south of Junktown. |
Trance | 8 |Yggdrasil tree at |No direct effect, only for Dragon Forms.
Support | |the Lost Shore. |
Failure | 1 |At the Colony |Overrides all but Infinity and changes to a
Special | |dungeon. |Whelp with no extra abilities. With Infinity,
| | |makes Kaiser controllable.
Fusion | 16 |Storyline, can't |Grants Hybrid Form, depends on party members.
Special | |miss it. |
Infinity | 40 |Storyline, can't |Grants powerful Kaiser form. Only
Special | |miss it. |controllable with Failure or with Trance and
| | |Radiance.

---Monster List--------------------------------------------------------------

This list is in order of appearance. A * marks all the skills that can
be learned. The upper item is the stolen item, which is also dropped
sometimes, and the lower is only dropped, and more rare.

| |Stolen Item/ |Exp given, |
Monster Name |Skills Used |Dropped Item |Zenny given |Notes
Goblin |Unmotivate* |Bent Sword |2 xp |Only casts Unmotivate when
| |Old Popper |5 Z |BossGbln is killed.
Ripper |Blind* |Berries |7 xp |
| |Swallow Eye |5 Z |
BossGbln |Influence* |WaistCloth |12 xp |Will run when it's alone.
| |Brass Helmet |10 Z |Never attacks itself.
Eye Goo | |Healing Herb |2 xp |
| |Vitamin |4 Z |
Mage Goo |Burn* |Healing Herb |6 xp |
| |Wisdom Seed |20 Z |
GongHead |Giant Growth |Vitamin |8 xp |
| |Life Shard |10 Z |
Puff Goo | |Healing Herb |15 xp |
| |Vitamin |7 Z |
Gooey | |Marbles |9 xp |
| |Nothing |4 Z |
Man Trap |Devour |PointedStick |24 xp |
|Dream Breath |Panacea |40 Z |
Curr |Chlorine |Antidote |7 xp |
| |Nothing |4 Z |
Bat | |Berries |8 xp |
| |Nothing |0 Z |
Zombie | |Clothing |8 xp |Starts the battle confused.
| |Bracers |8 Z |
Nue (boss) |Nue Stomp |Power Food |96 xp |
|Jolt |??? |50 Z |
|Chlorine | | |
Pooch (boss) |Snap* |Vitamin |57 xp |
| |??? |10 Z |
Rocky (boss) |Jump* |Life Shard |87 xp |
|Ovum |??? |0 Z |
Roach |Jump* |Healing Herb |10 xp |
| |Vitamin |0 Z |
Guard |Healing Herb |Healing Herb |12 xp |
| |Iron Helmet |24 Z |
Volt |Charge* |Taser |84 xp |Powers up and learns Jolt
|Jolt |Nothing |6 Z |when a Lightning spell is
| | | |cast on it.
Torast (boss)|Sleep |??? |32 xp |
| |??? |8 Z |
Kassen (boss)|Drain |??? |38 xp |
|Leech Power |??? |20 Z |
Galtel (boss)|Blunt |??? |36 xp |
|Weaken |??? |4 Z |
Doksen (boss)|Flare |??? |46 xp |
| |??? |24 Z |
Amalgam |Sleep |Magic Shard |210 xp |
(boss) |Astral Warp |??? |200 Z |
|Frost | | |
Balio (boss) |Jolt |??? |- |
| |??? |- |
Sunder (boss)|Jolt |??? |- |
| |??? |- |
NutTroop |Double Blow* |Berries |15 xp |High evade, low HP
| |Broad Sword |16 Z |
Nut Mage |Flare |Molotov |17 xp |High evade, low HP
| |Berries |18 Z |
Tarman |Tarbaby |Clay Vase |70 xp |Ice spells paralyze it, and
| |MultiVitamin |15 Z |reduces it's Defense.
Balio 2nd |Jolt |??? |- |You CAN win this battle, but
time (boss) | |??? |- |I never did. If somebody
-------------|-------------|-------------|------------|could tell me their stats,
Sunder 2nd |Jolt |??? |- |I'd be grateful.
time (boss) | |??? |- |
Thunder |Jolt |Taser |16 xp |
| |Nothing |18 Z |
Ghoul |Bone Dart |LeatherArmor |22 xp |Starts battle confused.
| |High Boots |20 Z |
NutArchr |Lucky Strike |Berries |25 xp |High evade, low HP
| |Panacea |14 Z |
Lizard |Blind* |Panacea |28 xp |
| |Nothing |25 Z |
Gonger |Venom Breath |MultiVitamin |30 xp |
| |Life Shard |27 Z |
Orc |Last Resort* |BronzeShield |58 xp |
| |Titan Belt |62 Z |
Protobot | |Marbles |30 xp |
| |Cuirass |0 Z |
Ice Toad |Ice Breath |Life Shard |63 xp |
| |Soul Gem |45 Z |
Armorbot |Charge* |Breastplate |45 xp |
| |Marbles |0 Z |
Hyperbot |Blitz* |Cuirass |120 xp |
| |Ginseng |0 Z |
RankWeed |Weaken |Bat Amulet |57 xp |
| |Nothing |40 Z |
PainWeed |Weaken |Bat Amulet |57 xp |
| |Nothing |40 Z |
Slug |Chlorine |Nothing |35 xp |
| |Nothing |20 Z |
Fireslug |Fire Breath |Panacea |94 xp |
| |Moxa |50 Z |
Bomber |Air Raid* |Vitamin |102 xp |
| |Ivory Dice |45 Z |
Eyebulb |Silence |Mandrake |80 xp |
|Rest* |Vitamins |42 Z |
Mutant (boss)|Venom Breath |Nothing |600 xp |Regains 300 HP each turn,
|Dream Breath |??? |300 Z |until you use Fire magic on
| | | |it.
Claw (boss) |Blind* |Silver Knife |150 xp |
|Double Blow* |??? |200 Z |
Cawer (boss) |Protect |Dream Ring |165 xp |
|Speed |??? |70 Z |
|Cyclone | | |
|Frost* | | |
|Heal | | |
Patrio (boss)|Lucky Strike |Scale Mail |200 xp |
|Frost Strike*|??? |120 Z |
Emitai (boss)| |Mage's Robes |200 xp |
| |??? |340 Z |
Golem (boss) |Spirit Blast |Life Shard |- |
| |??? |- |
Garr (boss) |Lucky Strike |Scale Mail |- |Can't win.
|Pyrokinesis |??? |- |
|Flare | | |
Bully 1 | |Beef Jerky |80 xp |
(boss) | |BallockKnife |120 Z |
Bully 2 |Flare |Beef Jerky |80 xp |
(boss) | |BallockKnife |115 Z |
Bully 3 |Blind* |Beef Jerky |80 xp |
(boss) | |BallockKnife |115 Z |
Stallion |UtmostAttack |Life Shard |801 xp |
(boss) |Resist* |Holy Mantle |500 Z |
|Jolt | | |
|Barrier* | | |
Tricker |Flying Kick* |Gems |70 xp |
|Blind* |ThievesKnife |120 Z |
LizardMn |Rejuvenate |Broad Sword |160 xp |That's right, no * at
|Shield |Flame Shield |102 Z |Shield. You can't learn it
|Double Blow* | | |from this monsters...
|Wind Strike* | | |
Bloodbat |Syphon |Berries |55 xp |It will run in the second
| |Nothing |30 Z |turn, after casting Syphon.
Ghost |Sleep |Wisdom Seed |90 xp |
|Jolt |Buckler |80 Z |
|Cyclone | | |
Spectre |Depress |Wisdom Seed |150 xp |
|Leech Power |Barrier Ring |75 Z |
Gazer (boss) |Eye Beam |Wisdom Fruit |1500 xp |
|Hypnotize |??? |1000 Z |
Dolphin |Tsunami* |Fish-head |900 xp |
(boss) |Intimidate* |??? |200 Z |
Lavaman |Burn* |Vitamin |90 xp |If you do fire damage on it,
|Fireblast |Firecracker |75 Z |it will become stronger, and
|Flare | | |will yield more xp. This is
| | | |cumulative, IE, more fire
| | | |damage will make it more
| | | |strong and yield more xp.
Vulcan |Lavaburst* |Protein |180 xp |It will only defend, until
| |Magma Armor |300 Z |you do fire damage on it,
| | | |then it will attack and use
| | | |Lavaburst, and yield 900 xp.
Charyb (boss)|Wall Of Fire*|Power Food |500 xp |
|Snap* |??? |333 Z |
Scylla (boss)|Wall of Fire*|Power Food |500 xp |
|Snap* |??? |333 Z |
Gisshan |Vitalize |Magician Rod |500 xp |
(boss) |Sleep |??? |334 xp |
|Confuse | | |
Cerebus |Howling |Beef Jerky |72 xp |
| |Vitamins |45 Z |
Phantom |Lucky Strike |Belladonna |115 xp |
|Death |Crepe Cape |200 Z |
Garr, 2nd |Lucky Strike |Nothing |400 xp |
time (boss) | |??? |0 Z |
GntRoach |Jump* |Healing Herb |85 xp |
|Douse* |Vitamin |0 Z |
ZombieDr |Vitalize |Multivitamin |80 xp |
|Bone Dart* |Vitamins |215 Z |
D.Zombie |Bone Dance |Power Food |1000 xp |
(boss) |RottenBreath |??? |300 Z |
BlueGbln |Jolt |Beef Jerky |95 xp |
|Rejuvenate |Scramasax |75 Z |
Vagabond |Healing Herb |Moon Sword |88 xp |
| |MithrilArmor |80 Z |
Slasher |Mind Flay* |Berries |95 xp |
| |Swallow Eye |70 Z |
GooTitan |Burn* |Life Shard |660 xp |
|Timed Blow* |Protectors |200 Z |
Weretigr |Snap* |Nothing |runs |
(boss) |Focus* |??? |away... |
Mikba (boss) |Quake |Silver Mail |3000 xp |
|Multistrike* |??? |1500 Z |
|Resist* | | |
|Venom Breath | | |
ToxicFly |Chlorine |Antidote |70 xp |
| |Nothing |20 Z |
Fly Man |Fire Breath |Scale Mail |160 xp |
|Flame Strike*|Flame Spear |140 Z |
Big Bulb |Pollen |Mandrake |100 xp |
| |Life Shard |75 Z |
HugeSlug |Syphon |Vitamins |2100 xp |
(boss) |Molasses |??? |300 Z |
Shroom (boss)|Head Cracker |Wisdom Fruit |3900 xp |
|Lavaburst* |??? |300 Z |
|Ragnarok* | | |
|Blitz* | | |
|Restore | | |
Spiker |Giant Growth |Antidote |240 xp |
|Venom Breath |Soul Gem |125 Z |
|Rejuvenate | | |
BarbBulb |Steroids |Croc Tear |125 xp |
| |Ginseng |110 Z |
BombSeed |Sacrifice* |Vitamin |212 xp |
| |Ivory Dice |150 Z |
Sleepy |Snooze* |Baby Frog |95 xp |
|Hypnotize |Fat Frog |66 Z |
Gaist (boss) |Corona |Nothing |1000 xp |
|Howling |??? |500 Z |
|Risky Blow* | | |
|Sanctuary* | | |
Torch (boss) |Flare |Nothing |- |Flare is cast on Gaist,
| |??? |- |which heals him. As long as
| | | |the torches are alive, Gaist
| | | |also has better intelligence
| | | |(more damage from Corona)
Angler (boss)|Thunderclap* |Fish-head |3000 xp |
|Venom Breath |??? |300 Z |
|Bone Dart* | | |
Bolt |Frost Strike*|Berries |160 xp |High evade, low HP
| |Royal Dagger |85 Z |
BoltArch |Lucky Strike |Berries |190 xp |High evade, low HP
|Blind* |Panacea |100 Z |
BoltMage |Jolt |Berries |185 xp |High evade, low HP
|Silence |Robe of Wind |180 Z |
|Iceblast | | |
KingToad |Ice Breath |Healing Herb |280 xp |
|Influence* |Life Shard |150 Z |
GntCrab |Death |Belladonna |230 xp |
|Double Blow* |BlizzardMail |150 Z |
BoltLord |Heal |Berries |320 xp |
| |Lacquer Helm |550 Z |
Ammonite |Tsunami* |Moon Tears |9000 xp |If you reach the middle deck
(boss) |Multistrike* |??? |1000 Z |before fighting it, it will
|Confuse | | |use a Skill that damages
|Blizzard* | | |itself. I don't recall the
|*Board Gun* | | |name, though. Could anyone
|(forgot real | | |tell me if they find out?
|name...) | | |
Multibot |Thunderclap* |Silver Mail |300 xp |Cast thunder magic on it to
|Wall Of Fire*|Barrier Ring |0 Z |make it cast Thunderclap,
| | | |and fire magic for Wall Of
| | | |Fire.
Tankbot |Transfer* |Wisdom Seed |500 xp |
|Vitalize |Wisdom Fruit |0 Z |
|Sacrifice* | | |
Audrey |Pollen |Green Apple |330 xp |
|Absorb |Mandrake |310 Z |
|Devour | | |
Trasher |Watch Enemy |Wisdom Seed |185 xp |
|Timed Blow* |Nothing |110 Z |
Assassin |Disembowel* |Lgt.Clothing |225 xp |
|Target* |Katzbalger |380 Z |
Codger |MagicShuffle |Rare Book |380 xp |It's MagicShuffle will
|(* Ebonfire) |Skill Ink |230 Z |rarely cast Ebonfire, which
|Flying Kick* | | |you can learn.
|Bad Back* | | |
ToxicMan |Chlorine |Clay Vase |225/325/335 |There are three different
|Venom Breath |Nothing |25 Z |versions of this enemy.
Reaper |Focus |Magic Shard |420 xp |
|Multistrike* |PhantomDress |270 Z |
Insector |Tornado |Beef Jerky |520 xp |
|Typhoon* |Gale Javelin |220 Z |
Dragnfly |Snap* |Panacea |250 xp |
|Chlorine |Nothing |60 Z |
Elder (boss) |Inferno* |Dynamite |6000 xp |
|Sirocco* |??? |0 Z |
|Myollnir* | | |
|Bad Back* | | |
|Double Blow* | | |
PipeBomb |Protect |Vitamin |495 xp |
|Air Raid* |Ivory Dice |180 Z |
|Sacrifice* | | |
Egg Gang |Ovum |Beads |560 xp |
|Magic Ball* |Ivory Dice |420 Z |
Hobgbln |Spirit Blast*|Power Food |800 xp |Will attack Bossgbln if one
|Intimidate* |Nothing |300 Z |is in it's party.
Gold Egg |Ovum |Diamond Ring |100 xp |Will run easily. Normal
|Resist* |??? |20000 Z |attacks will reduce Zenny
| | | |dropped.
Gnt Orc |Protect |Titan Belt |480 xp |
|Magic Belt |??? |260 Z |
|Blitz* | | |
Scorpion |Tornado |Antidote |620 xp |
|Chlorine |Protein |320 Z |
|Double Blow* | | |
Magmaite |Flying Kick* |Napalm |1300 xp |
|Air Raid* |Royal Armor |300 Z |
|Lavaburst* | | |
Cacti |Pollen |Croc Tear |510 xp |
| |Ginseng |210 Z |
Drak |Cure* |Titan Belt |850 xp |Unparalyze it with Remedy or
| |Mind Shield |350 Z |a Panacea, or it won't do
| | | |anything (and you won't be
| | | |able to learn Cure).
Manmo (boss) |Feign Swing* |Power Food |6000 xp |
|Focus* |??? |1500 Z |
|Howling | | |
|Quake | | |
Adept |Meditation* |Holy Robe |650 xp |
|MagicShuffle |Shaman'sRing |550 Z |
Armor |Frost Strike*|Claymore |1220 xp |If you hit it three times,
|Risky Blow* |Gideon'sGarb |100 Z |it's armor will crack, and
| | | |it's Defense will drop.
Deathbot |Barrier* |DamascusMail |960 xp |It will use it's three
|Protect |Atomic Bomb |100 Z |support Skills first, and
|Might | | |then attack. Focus on other
|Triple Blow* | | |enemies first.
Nitemare |Syphon |Hawk's Ring |850 xp |
|Sleep |Burglar Garb |220 Z |
|Magic Ball | | |
IceDrake |Frost Breath |Ring of Ice |2050 xp |
|Howling |Dragonfang |250 Z |
RedDrake |Flame Breath |Ring of Fire |2050 xp |
|Howling |Dragonfang |250 Z |
Newt |Shield |Heat Shotel |1550 xp |
|Simoon |Mind Shield |350 Z |
|Mighty Chop* | | |
Hopper |Air Raid* |Fat Frog |380 xp |
|Watch Enemy |Balance Ring |120 Z |
|Hypnotize | | |
Clone |Blind* |Vitamin |320 xp |
| |Bell Collar |255 Z |
Chimera |Blizzard* |Firecracker |9000 xp |
(boss) |Inferno* |??? |2000 Z |
|Paralyzer | | |
|Restore | | |
Plant 42 |Snap* |Mandrake |1200 xp |
|Pollen |Vitamins |0 Z |
|Absorb | | |
Wraith |Depress |Soul Gem |1250 xp |
|Typhoon* |Divine Helm |275 Z |
|Iceblast | | |
|Fireblast | | |
|Lightning | | |
FoulWeed |Quake |Power Food |1700 xp |Starts the battle asleep.
|Devour |Protein |250 Z |
|Absorb | | |
Goo King |Ragnarok* |Green Apple |15000 xp |When you steal it's Green
|Sirocco* |GooKingSword |1000 Z |Apple, it won't run anymore.
|Tornado | | |It might still run in the
| | | |turn in which you steal.
Vampire |Frost* |Burglar Garb |12000 xp |As long as Nightbat's are
|Flare |Life Stealer |1000 Z |with it, it will regenerate
|Evil Eye* | | |500 HP each turn.
|Death | | |
|Triple Blow* | | |
NightBat |Gloom* |Power Food |350 xp |
| |Protein |58 Z |
Mist Man |Thunderstrk* |SeekingSword |5200 xp |If you hit it three times,
| |Mist Armor |400 Z |it's armor will crack, and
| | | |it's Defense will drop.
Revenant |Multistrike* |Belladonna |1500 xp |
|Chill* |Diana'sDress |500 Z |
Sample 1 |Nue Stomp |Power Food |96 xp |
(boss) |Chlorine |??? |50 Z |
Sample 2 |Syphon |Vitamins |2100 xp |
(boss) |Molasses |??? |300 Z |
Sample 3 |Multistrike* |Silver Mail |2000 xp |
(boss) |Resist* |??? |1500 Z |
|Venom Breath | | |
Sample 4 |Snap* |Ring of Fire |6000 xp |
(boss) |Evil Eye* |??? |500 Z |
|Double Blow* | | |
Sample 5 |Thunderclap* |Nothing |3000 xp |
(boss) |Venom Breath |??? |200 Z |
|Bone Dart* | | |
Sample 6 |Tsunami* |Nothing |6000 xp |Your last opportunity to
(boss) |Iceblast |??? |1000 Z |learn Tsunami, which is a
|Confuse | | |good Skill.
|Blizzard* | | |
Sample 7 |Double Blow* |Nothing |6000 xp |
(boss) |Quake |??? |1000 Z |
Sample 8 |Air Raid* |Life Shard |85 xp |
(boss) |Ovum |??? |0 Z |
Sample 9 |Corona |Nothing |2000 xp |
(boss) |Howling |??? |500 Z |
|Risky Blow* | | |
Sample 10 |UtmostAttack |Life Shard |7500 xp |
(boss) |Iceblast |??? |800 Z |
|Barrier* | | |
Sample 11 |UtmostAttack |Life Shard |7500 xp |
(boss) |Fireblast |??? |800 Z |
|Barrier* | | |
Sample 12 |UtmostAttack |Life Shard |7500 xp |
(boss) |Lightning |??? |800 Z |
|Barrier* | | |
|Resist* | | |
VileWeed |Molasses |Rice Ball |750 xp |Can also use Sirocco, Death
|Watch Enemy |??? |0 Z |and Myollnir, but with no
|Shield | | |effect.
|Simoon | | |
|Heal | | |
Mad Gong |Charge* |Ginseng |850 xp |
| |??? |0 Z |
Thanatos |Blizzard* |Clothing |755 xp |
|Drain |??? |0 Z |
|Leech Power | | |
Arwan (boss) |Blizzard* |Nothing |5000 xp |
|Sleep |??? |0 Z |
|Chill* | | |
D.Lord (boss)|Blizzard* |Dragon Blade |15000 xp |I believe it always drops
|Inferno* |Dragon Armor |3000 Z |both the Dragon Blade and
|Sirocco* | | |the Dragon Armor.
|Howling | | |
|Triple Blow* | | |
Myria (boss) |Blizzard* |Napalm |- |This battle is never
|Inferno* |Nothing |- |officially ended, so you
|Sirocco* | | |can't get any xp, Zenny or
|Venom | | |dropped item from her.
|Sanctuary* | | |
|Evil Eye* | | |
|Holocaust | | |
|Restore | | |
Berserkr |Fire Whip |Aries Gloves |45000 xp |
|Berserk* |Rufad'sSpear |3000 Z |
Archmage |Myollnir* |Soul Gem |48000 xp |
|Benediction* |Holy Avenger |2000 Z |
|Mind Sword* | | |


Some people have sent me notes on Masters, telling me they used
different Masters then me, and notes on how to get certain ones earlier
than my guide suggests. In my, guide, I've waited with certain Masters
on purpose, because you don't have the right character yet. Anyway, for
any who wish to use different Masters for different characters than this
guide, I've created this list, so you can just do what you like. A *
marks all the skills that can be learned from enemies, too.

Name: Mygas
Requirements: Talk to him once it's spring (after slaying the Nue), and
give him all your Zenny.
Location: He's sitting to the north of McNeil.
Stats: AP +1, Intelligence +2, Power -1, Defense -1
Skills: Frost* lv 1
Meditation* lv 4
Magic Ball* lv 6
Typhoon* lv 8

Name: Bunyan
Requirements: Once you have fought Balio and Sunder for the first time,
you can return here at any time for him to become your
Master (if you want him right away, just exit the screen
and re-enter).
Location: In his house, in the forest northwest of McNeil
Stats: HP +2, Power +2, Defense +1, AP -2, Intelligence -3
Skills: Risky Blow* lv 2
Focus* lv 5
Super Combo lv 8
Disembowel* lv 10

Name: Durandal
Requirements: Just talk to him.
Location: He's got his home at the end of the path around Wyndia.
This is also the location of one of the teleporters.
Stats: none... I think that I made a mistake, and Durandal just
doesn't give any stat-changes at all...
Skills: Unmotivate* lv 1
Feign Swing lv 2 (Can also be learned from Manmo, but
Backhand lv 3 Manmo is a boss)

Name: D'Lonzo
Requirements: Have 16 different weapons in your inventory (equipped does
not count here...).
Location: At the coffee shop.
Stats: Power +1, Agility +1, HP -1, AP -2
Skills: Monopolize lv 2
Intimidate* lv 3
Steal lv 4

Name: Yggdrasil
Requirements: Give him a Wisdom Fruit.
Location: There are two Yggdrasil trees, one near the coffee shop
and the Plant, one north of there, by the Faerie Woods.
Stats: AP +1, Defense +1, Intelligence +2, HP -1, Power -2
Skills: Sanctuary* lv 2 only bosses (Myria and Gaist), but you
Recall lv 5 can fight Myria as much as you like.
Shield lv 8 NSS- I don't believe you can learn this
skill from enemies, even though they
cast it...

Name: Fahl
Requirements: Fight 30 battles in a row without resting. You can do this
anytime after finding Peco (NSS).
Location: In Genmel, at the pub.
Stats: HP +4, Power +1, Defense +3, Agility -3, Intelligence -3
Skills: Charge* lv 2
Counter lv 4
Resist* lv 6

Name: Giotto
Requirements: Have 2000 fishing points
Location: At the beach south of Rhapala.
Stats: HP +4, AP +3, Power -1, Defense -1, Agility -1, Intelligence -2
Skills: Trump lv 2
Berserk* lv 5
SuddenDeath lv 8

Name: Meryleep
Requirements: Kick a stone in her lake, give her the Flower Jewel.
Location: At the Faerie Woods, in the lake.
Stats: Agility +2, HP -1, Power -1, Defense -1
Skills: Charm lv 2
Shadowwalk lv 5
War Shout lv 8

Name: Hondara
Requirements: Have the Backhand skill Durandal teaches you.
Location: At Urkan Tapa.
Stats: AP +1, Intelligence +2, Power -2
Skills: Purify lv 2
Kyrie lv 5
Benediction* lv 8

Name: Emitai
Requirements: Give him 10,000 Zenny to pay his mortgage.
Location: In his house to the south of Dauna Mines. Also the
location of one of the teleporters.
Stats: AP +4, Intelligence +4, Power -2, Defense -2
Skills: Barrier* lv 2
Mind Sword* lv 4
Enlighten lv 6

Name: Wynn
Requirements: Win hide and seek from her and her friends.
Location: In Wyndia, where they also were as kids.
Stats: HP +1
Skills: Refuge Form lv 3 (not a skill, a formation)

Name: Lee
Requirements: Win hide and seek from her and her friends.
Location: In Wyndia, where they also were as kids.
Stats: Intelligence +1
Skills: Magic Form lv 3 (not a skill, a formation)

Name: Bais
Requirements: Win hide and seek from him and his friends.
Location: In Wyndia, where they also were as kids.
Stats: Power +1
Skills: Chain Form lv 3 (not a skill, a formation)

Name: Lang
Requirements: Win hide and seek from him and his friends.
Location: In Wyndia, where they also were as kids.
Stats: Defense +1
Skills: Cupid's Lyre lv 3 (not a skill, an item)

Name: Hachio
Requirements: Give him a MartianSquid, a Angler, a Swallow Eye, and
Beef Jerky.
Location: In Wyndia Castle.
Stats: HP +2, Power +2, Defense +2, AP -2, Agility -2, Intelligence -2
Skills: Mighty Chop* lv 2
Demonbane lv 4

Name: Deis
Requirements: Tell her "I like you this way" when she speaks of her
snake form.
Location: In the temple at Mt. Zublo.
Stats: AP +3, Power +1, Agility +1, Intelligence +3, HP -3, Defense -3
Skills: Inferno* lv 2
Blizzard* lv 5
Myollnir* lv 8
Sirocco* lv 11
Celerity lv 15

Name: Ladon
Requirements: Just talk to him with Ryu after beating the elder.
Location: The plate at Dragnier, above the teleporter.
Stats: Power +2, Defense +2, Agility +1, Intelligence +2, HP -6, AP -6
Skills: Mind's Eye lv 3
Holy Strike lv 5
WardOfLight lv 7
Aura lv 9


>Fritz Fraundorf of course, for his FAQ which guided me through the game
my second and third time through.
>Capcom for making the first RPG which I ever liked better then FF7.
>Jedd ( for the tip on the Eldritch gene in the
fusion with Nina, and the list of the Gift Shop.
>XPinion ( for telling me about the Ebonfire skill,
and about getting Bunyan earlier.
>Nightwind ( for some Masters info.
>DarkStorm ( for a very large amount of info about
Dragon Forms. You should check out his incredibly detailed Dragon FAQ,
it contains far more info on Dragon Forms than this guide. His FAQ is
found at (just like mine :).
>Brendon Stariha ( for making me think about
>Aya Brea ( for quite a big email with various

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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