Lemmings 3D

Lemmings 3D

14.10.2013 10:26:20

___ _______ ___ _ __ __ __ __ __ ___ __ ____ _____
( ) ( )( \/ \/ )( \/ \/ )( )( \ ( )( ) ( __)
( ) ( ___)( )( )( )( \( )( __) ( (__
( ) ( _)_ ( ) ( )( ) ( )( )( ( )( ) ___ (___ )
( )__ ( )( )__( )( )__( )( )( )\ )( )( ) __( )
( )( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )( ) \ )( )_( )( )
(______)(_______)(___) (___)(___) (___)(__)(__) \__)(_______)(_____)

| __________ ________ |
o /_________/| /______/ \ o
| | || | \ \ |
o |_______ || | __ \/| o
| /_____| || | |__\ || |
o |______ || | |___\ || o
| /______| || | |/ |
o | || | // o
| |__________|/ |________// |

The ultimate guide ever created!
By Armagetz- Copyright 2000

Any kind of copy of this script with no authorization from the author
is strictly forbidden. Please look under the "Legal Information"
section in this script for more details. Rabanos@aol.com
|Introduction /

The little creatures are back! The puzzles are now bigger, more
challenging, but the best thing of all is that lemmings are now in 3D!

When I first got lemmings I was very young, maybe six or seven years
old. I loved the game because of the lemmings. I liked to watch them
walk around following your commands. I could always beat the first
level easily but once I got to level twenty or twenty-one, I was stuck.
I didn't even understand how to use the passwords so every time I
played the game, a had to start from the beginning. Lemming was a game
that I enjoyed since I was very young. As I grew up, I began to
understand more concepts of the game and finally I became a Lemmings

When I thought I had beaten every Lemmings lever that had been made, I
looked forward to the sequel. I became really happy when PSX announced
that Lemmings was going to be one of its first games. I played the game
as soon as I got it thinking it was going to be another easy-to-beat
Lemmings game. Boy was I wrong.

The first problem was the camera. I had a very hard time moving around
but once I got it I had no further problems. The new dimension made the
game much more challenging than I tough. The turners, the springs, the
trampolines, etc. Many things made this game a huge success and an
incredible challenge. Once I beat the practice levels, I had no trouble
beating the first few "real" levels. But finally I was stuck, stuck in
the middle of a "FUN" rated game.

With time and patience I learned more skills, I managed to beat FUN and
TRICKY after a while. But TAXING really got me. There where a few
levels that got me into a lot of trouble, especially the last level of

But then MAYHEM came. I spent more time on the MAYHEM levels than I did
on FUN, TRICKY, and TAXING combined. I spent at least a week on each of
the last ten or fifteen levels. But I finally beat the game. At some
points I really wanted to get just a hint, but there was nowhere I
could look for it. So now I have written this FAQ for those of you who
are really stuck in the game or even for those of you who are just
starting the game!

Let me tell you that this game is hard, very hard. You will need a lot
of patience if you are planning on finishing it. I will provide a
walkthrough for every level but I will also provide three hints before
I write down the solution to the puzzles.

Lemmings 3D is a game that requires skill and a lot of thinking.
Lemmings 3D is also a classic game that should be given a try. You will
not regret it, you are going to be stuck in this game for a long time.

| Old Games /

Lemmings- Well, it was the first game that came out! It had 120 levels.
The ratings were Fun, Tricky, Taxing, Mayhem. The version for NES had
secret levels called the "Sunfot" levels or something like that. Those
where five levels that basically drove you nuts.

Oh No! More Lemmings- This game was just a sequel to the original
Lemmings game. It had 100 levels and the ratings were Tame, Crazy,
Wild, Wicked, and Havoc. The levels in this game were more puzzle-like
and you didn't need that much skill. You actually had a harder time
trying to figure out the solution.

Lemmings 2 – The tribes- This one was very weird! It was so bad I had
to leave it out. It had new commands that made the game very confusing
and extremely pointless.

Christmas Lemmings- Another regular Lemmings game. A few levels and
more challenge.

Lemmings 3- The Chronicles- This game was pretty good! It had some nice
graphics. But yet again, it was just a bunch of more levels.

Lemmings Paintball- This game has nothing to do with saving lemmings.
It is kind of boring but the two player option makes it much more fun.
The lemmings simply shoot at each other with paintball gun. They end up
pretty colorful.
|What are Lemmings? /

Lemmings are tiny creatures with green hair and no brain. All they do
is walk forward unless you tell them not to. All they know is to follow
orders. You must assign the lemmings with a special task in order to
save the entire group before they walk towards their doom. You must be
rally careful when you assign them to do something since a tiny mistake
could lead to a big disaster for the lemmings and for your patience!
|Changes /

Well, the major change is obviously the fact that this game is in 3D!
Here's a list of a few differences that I have found.

Old- The lemmings make a weird sound when you assign them something to

3D- The lemmings say "OK" when you assign them something to do.
Old- The first few levels are easy and are there for you to practice.

3D- The game has a practice mode where you can work on your techniques.
Old- The lemmings are thin and they walk like weird.

3D- The lemmings are e little bit fat and they walk normally.
Old- If you want to take a good look at the level, you go left or

3D- If you want to take a good look at the level, you better practice
those camera controls!
Old- The lemmings dig, bash and mine causing damage to the structures.

3D- The lemmings dig, bash and mine causing the "blocks" to disappear.
Old- When a lemming blows up, it turns into confetti.

3D- When a lemming blows up, it turns into a bunch of little lemmings.
Old- When a lemming falls from a high place, he make a disgusting

3D- When a lemming falls from a high place, he screams in pain!
Old- When a lemming falls into a trap, you see the lemming being
decapitated, tortured, etc.

3D- When a lemming falls into a trap, he turns into an angel and flies
Old- No turner command.

3D- Has the turner command.
Old- When a lemming falls, he either lives or dies.

3D- When a lemming falls, he either lives, dies, or lives but falls
crying in pain.
Old- Annoying music.

3D- The neatest music I've seen in a video game.
Old- Solid black backgrounds.

3D- Neat background with mountains, sky, and even space!
Old- The starting point for the lemmings is large and well-expanded.

3D- The starting point for the lemmings is a cool box.
Old- Gets boring after a while.

3D- You can't stop playing it!
Old- The passwords are long and complicated.

3D- The passwords look like names for lemmings!
Old- When you hit the bomb button, you hear a voice saying: "Oh no!"

3D- When you hit the bomb button, a lemming shouts "AR-MA-GEDDON!"

Those are just a few, I will add some more later.
| Author's Comments /

What? No FAQ for lemmings 3D on GameFAQs? I don't believe it! I must do
something about that! And here it is! A good FAQ which is not finished
but will be updated soon. Believe it or not, that walkthrough takes
forever to write.


| Updates /

Version 1.0- Here it is! The ultimate Lemmings 3D resource! I hope many
of you find it useful. The walkthrough is still not done but I promise
to finish it soon. E-mail me if you are stuck in a level that is not in
my walkthrough and I will tell you how to beat. I will also give you a
clue if that's all you need.
| Table of contents /

I- Story
II- Menus
III- Controls
IV- Commands
V- Options While Playing
VI- Difficulty Levels
VII- Backgrounds and Types of Levels
VIII- Walkthrough
IX- Hints and Tips
X- Credits
XI- Questions
XII- Legal Information
XIII- Contact
| Story /

The camera is on. Checking for trouble late at night. Everything seems

Suddenly, little eyes are looking out from the computer's CPU. The disk
flies out of the slot and goes straight into the trash can. A lemming
pops out, he is completely flat. The camera takes another look. It
finds nothing.

The lemming stands up and starts walking. He stops and falls just as
the camera is looking at his area.

The camera looks away and the lemming presses the "3D" button on the
side of the computer. He pops into his 3D view. But the computer begins
to shake followed by the desk!

The camera looks away and the computer blows up! All the lemmings fly
out and leave the room. The camera takes another look, it scans the
computer site and looks at the door. RED ALERT!
| Menus /

The menu's are kind of hidden. Just look at the film roll on the top
right corner. You go left of right and you select your setting.

Play- You get to start the game in the selected difficulty.

Difficulty- Select your difficulty form practice, fun, tricky, taxing,
and mayhem.

Code- Enter your passwords here.

Options- Come here to mess around with the options. I wouldn't
recommend for you to change the setting tough.

Memory Card- If you don't feel like remembering passwords, then simply
save your advancements here.
| Controls /

These are the default options.

Triangle Button- Move camera forward.
O Button- Move camera to the right.
X Button- Move camera backwards.
Square Button- Move camera to the left.
Start Button- Pause the game.
Select Button- Speed up/slow down the lemmings.
R1 Button- Select. Also used to move up and down along with the cursor
R2 Button- Increment skill.
L1 Button- Mode toggle.
L2 Button- Decrement skill.
Cursor Buttons- Look around.
| Commands /

What are the commands? Well, if you assign a lemming with one of these,
here's what happens.

Blocker- It makes your lemmings bounce back in the direction they came.

Turner- It turns the lemming in a 90 degree angle to the left or to the

Bomber- It blows up after a short countdown.

Builder- Makes a stairway leading up. Uses six little "boards" before
he runs out.

Basher- Brakes trough the wall in front of him.

Digger- Brakes trough the floor beneath him.

Miner- Brakes trough the floor in a diagonal way.

Climber- Gives a lemming the ability to climb walls.

Floater- Use it on a lemming to prevent him from getting hurt if he
falls from a high place.

Athlete- This is a combination of a climber and a floater.
|Options while playing /

Well, besides all the commands, here's some other options that you have
during the game.

Virtual Lemming- Look at the level from the selected lemming's eyes.

Highlight lemming- Use this to highlight a lemming in a crowd and
assign him a command at the right time.

Bomb- Make all the lemmings in a level blow up.

Red Arrow- Make the lemmings go faster or slower. Same effect as the
Select Button.

Camera- Switch around the four cameras to reach a certain place much

Feet- Stop the game. Same effect as the Start Button.

Decrease Release Rate- Make the lemmings come out at a slower pace.

Increase release Rate- Make the lemmings come out at a faster pace.

Rotate Clockwise- Rotate the camera in a clockwise way.

Rotate Counter Clockwise- Rotate the camera in a counterclockwise way.
| Difficulty levels /

Practice- This one is very easy! This is the place for you to learn
everything. It has twenty training levels.

Fun- This is just an introduction to the real game. Most of the levels
are simple and easy to solve tough there are few surprises!

Tricky- Most of the levels here have some hidden trick that solves the
levels. You might need to work on some funny stuff to get the lemmings

Taxing- These levels require mostly skill since the solution is easy to
figure out but hard to follow. The last level is the perfect
introduction for Mayhem.

Mayhem- Warning! These levels are killers! I'm talking a day for every
level here! Do not try to beat these levels unless you are a lemmings
expert and you have tons of patience! Make sure that you have a full
stomach before you play because these levels will keep you from eating
in a long time. Make sure that you have a friend come by after a few
hours to remind you to blink and to make you take a brake!
| Backgrounds/Types of levels /

These are the types of levels you will find and their usual

Army Levels- They usually have regular mountains with green grass at
the bottom. The sky is semi-clear or cloudy.

Circus Levels- They have a stadium full of silly lemmings and a few
clouds in the sky.

Medieval Levels- They have dark mountains and cloudy skies.

Egyptian Levels- The have mountains made out of sand and red skies.

Lemmings Levels- They have mountains made out of colorful blocks and
red skies.

Jelly Belly Levels- They usually have mountains made out of chocolate
and a pinkish sky but sometimes it's all pink sky.

Computer Levels- They vary a lot. Most of the time they have a neat
space background.

Golf Course Levels- They have palm trees and orange skies.

Maze Levels- They have pine forests and semi-cloudy skies.

Space Levels- They usually don't have one but if they do, it's a space
background or a red sky.
| The Walkthrough /

Here it is, the ultimate walkthrough for Lemmings 3D!


LEVEL 1- Take a dive
Rating- Fun
Number of lemmings- 80
Number of lemmings to be saved- 79
Release Rate- 80
Time- 8:00 minutes
Password- None
Type- Army
Background- Mountains and a pretty clear sky.
Difficulty (1-10)- 1
Fun Level (1-10)- 1
Time it took me to figure it out- 2:00 – 3:00 minutes.

Hint #1- Those wooden platforms sticking out of the spiral column are
the key to beating this level.

Hint #2- You need to make the lemmings bounce to their home.

Hint #3- If they dive from a very low place they will die, if they
bounce from a place that's too high they will die also.

Solution- Easy enough, wait a few seconds and let them climb up the
spiral. Then you need to turn them so that they walk over the third
platform and dive with just enough momentum to bounce off the
trampoline reach their home.

LEVEL 2- That's right
Rating- Fun
Number of lemmings- 80
Number of lemmings to be saved- 70
Release rate- 80
Time- 4:00 Minutes
Password- BLIMBING
Type- Lemmings
Background- Lemming blocks and a red sky.
Difficulty (1-10)- 1
Fun level- (1-10)- 1
Time it took me to figure it out- One or two minutes.

Hint #1- Do not gig to the equal sign too soon or too late.

Hint #2- The lemmings need to reach the bottom bar of the equal sign.

Hint #3- You do not need to use blokers to beat it.

Solution- Press the start button as soon as the level begins and put
the pointer on the edge of the equal sign that faces the check mark.
Now move the cursor up as select a digger. Now let the lemmings walk
and as soon as one of them reaches your cursor, make him a digger. A
few lemmings will bounce back while the digger is working, just ignore
those lemmings. Now, all the other lemmings will reach the top bar of
the equal sign. Make another digger in the middle of that bar to beat
the level. You may try to use blokers to save a few lemmings that
wonder off. Here's a map if you are not sure were to dig.
_ __
|S| / /
/ /
/ /
___ /x/
|_ \ / /
\ \___/ /
\_____/ --x--
----- _
S – Start
E – Exit
X – Place to dig

LEVEL 3- Bounce, bounce
Rating- Fun
Number of lemmings- 30
Number of lemmings to be saved- 20
Release rate- 50
Time- 5:00 Minutes
Password- FANAGALO
Type- Circus
Background- Lemming stadium with a semi-clear sky
Difficulty (1-10)- 1
Fun level- (1-10)- 1
Time it took me to figure it out- around six minutes

Hint #1- Take a guess on which trampoline you should use.

Hint #2- The red trampolines bounce more than the blue ones.

Hint #3- Never use the middle trampolines.

Solution- Use your turners to guide the lemmings across the narrow path
to prevent them from running into the mud. You must use the trampoline
that has the highest ramp twice end you will end up with one turner

LEVEL 4- The bean machine
Rating- Fun
Number of lemmings- 30
Number of lemmings to be saved- 20
Release rate- 30
Time- 5:00 minutes
Password- DRICKSIE
Type- Jelly Belly level.
Background- Pink sky.
Difficulty (1-10)- 2
Fun level- (1-10)- 1
Time it took me to figure it out- Around three minutes.

Hint #1- You only use three builders.

Hint #2- You do not go into the bean machine!

Hint #3- this is not a tricked level.

Solution- Make the first lemming that passes the two lollipops a
builder. This will make the lemmings reach the red and white piece of
candy. The lemmings will hit a block made out of bean candy which will
make them turn to the right. Let the lemmings continue and they will
hit a block which will make them bounce back in the same direction.
Wait until one of the lemmings that's going back reaches the spot
between the block that turns lemmings to the right and the block the
block that makes the lemmings bounce back and make him a builder. He
will start making the stairs to reach home but he will run out of
"steps" so make sure that you make him a builder again and they will
all reach their home.

Here's a map if I got you confused.
_ o _______|_|
|S| x |_______ \
o | |
___ |x|
(___) | |

o – Are the lollipops
x – Are the spots where you have to use a builder.
S – Is the start
E – is the exit

LEVEL 5- It's a run around
Rating- Fun
Number of lemmings- 20
Number of lemmings to be saved- 10
Release rate- 50
Time- 8:00 Minutes
Password- KURTOSIS
Type- Medieval
Background- Dark mountains and a cloudy sky.
Difficulty (1-10)- 3
Fun level- (1-10)- 4
Time it took me to figure it out- Around seven or eight minutes.

Hint #1- Don't let the lemmings fall from a high place.

Hint #2- The lemmings will turn when they enter a tower.

Hint #3- Make sure that you use the turner command on the right

Solution- Let the first lemming walk until he enters the tower. Make
him a digger as soon as he comes out. Now they will reach the second
level. Follow the lemming that is in front of everybody else and let
him enter the tower (He will enter from the middle). Do not make him
dig when he comes out, let him enter the next tower. As soon as he
comes out of the second tower, make him a digger. The lemmings will now
reach the third and final level. Line up the camera so that you can see
the exit and get a turner ready. As soon as a lemming comes for the
tower on the left, make him a turner and all the lemmings will reach
their home.

LEVEL 6- It's a blast
Rating- Fun
Number of lemmings- 40
Number of lemmings to be saved- 20
Release rate- 30
Time- 5:00 Minutes
Password- GREGATIM
Type- Maze
Background- Dark mountains and a semi-clear blue sky
Difficulty (1-10)- 3
Fun level- (1-10)- 6

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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14.Oktober 2013

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