NHL '99

NHL '99

16.10.2013 00:44:10
http://www.gamefaqs.com ----------------------------------- Version 0.2

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NHL ¹99 (PSX) Guide v0.2
By Steve McFadden (SMcFadden)
E-Mail: webmaster@wrestlingcolumns2000.com
Home Page: http://www.wrestlingcolumns2000.com
First Created: May 29, 2000
Last Updated: December 19, 2000

------------------------------------- (C)2000-2001 All Rights Reserved.
This guide is copyright to the author, and may never be distributed for
Any purposes without the permission of the author, which must be gotten
directly from the author. All of the contents within this document were
Compiled by the author, or the respective contributors. If you wish too
You any of the information they have contributed separately, then it is
Up to them, but permission must still be received. This guide may never
Be altered in any way, and the following sites are banned forever from
The use of this guide: magegames.com, videogaming.net. No other type of
Magazine, book, publication or any other form of distribution will make
Use of this guide or its contents without the author's permission. Don't
Ever add a banner or advertisement to this guide, or change anything in
The credits, that is hereby forbidden with this disclaimer, which can't
Ever be removed from this guide either. Please abide by this copyright.

If you need to contact the author of this guide for any reason(s) which
Has something to do with this guide, please email me at the email that's
Shown at the top of the guide. Usually, if you have a question about it
And it isn't already in the FAQ, probably means that I don't know to, I
Will try to answer all questions to the best of my ability though. It'd
Be appreciated if all of the email regarding this game had Anthology in
The subject, so I will know what to expect. Also, when you send us them
Please try to make your question as easy and simple to read as possible
And t will help us to respond quicker. Last but not least, if you would
Like to contribute something to this guide, please feel free to send it
To either of us and we will be glad to put it in, assuming its correct.
------------------------------------- (C)2000-2001 All Rights Reserved.

- Dingo Jellybean for giving me the great idea of putting the credits on both
the top and bottom of the page
- EA Sports for making such a great series like the NHL Sports series
- Me, for writing this FAQ
- GameFAQs, for (hopefully) posting this FAQ
-Prima Strategy Guide for the official bio
-GameFAQs for posting this guide
-Dingo, Sunshine, and other cool guys at GameFAQs
-THQ for making WWF Smackdown
-Al Snow: What does everybody want?
-Stephanie McMahon: love ya!!!
-Triple H and Test: my 2 fave wrestlers.
-X-Pac: for keeping it real, DX style!
-Buh Buh Ray Dudley: just for powerslamming Moolah through the table.
-D-Von Dudley: just for letting Buh Buh Ray do that
-D-Lo Brown: yeah you are the real deal now
-WWF: for providing great entertainment
-WCW: for providing a great sleeping pill (called Thunder and Nitro)
-And finally, me, for typing this guide up!

Table of Contents -----------------------------------------------------
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Revision History
1.2 Author¹s Information
1.3 My Review of the Game
1.4 Types of E-Mails I Accept and Do Not Accept
2.0 Basic Controls
3.0 Game Modes
4.0 Frequently Asked Questions
5.0 Team Rankings
6.0 Other Information
7.0 In Conclusion

1.0 Introduction ------------------------------------------------------

Hello, and thank you for reading my guide for NHL ¹99 for the Sony Playstation.
The NHL series has always been one of my favorite sports series of all time,
NHL ¹99 is one of the best, in my opinion. Therefore, I have decided to write
this small guide to help some newbies to the NHL series out. This guide will
hopefully grow eventually, but for now it will just concentrate on the
teams and what I think their strengths and advantages are. Also, I hope to
provide detailed information about the various game modes of the game.
But for now, enjoy the guide! And if you have any questions about the game,
sure to email them to me at webmaster@wrestlingcolumns2000.com Thanks, and
my guide to NHL Œ99!

1.1 Revision History --------------------------------------------------

v0.2 (December 18, 2000): I fixed all the errors and updated the guide to my
current format. Expect me to add lots of information to this guide eventually.

v0.1 (May 29, 2000) First version of this guide, basic information that
my rankings of the teams. I will get to the strengths and weaknesses of the
teams, along with my descriptions of the teams, at a later time and date.

1.2 Author¹s Information ----------------------------------------------
Name: Steve McFadden
E-Mail: mcfaddensteve@netscape.net, webmaster@wrestlingcolumns2000.com

My Web Pages Links: http://gamereviewers.cjb.net

GameFAQs Contributor Page Link:

GameFAQs alias: DaLadiesMan (formerly known as SMcFadden, I changed it
Yahoo Messenger: nicklacheysnightmare, mcfaddenvg or ilovestephmcmahon
(same account, different profiles)
AOL/AIM: McFaddenDaMan
MSN Messenger: neverforgotaboutdre@hotmail.com

TOTALS as of 12/19/00
Reviews: 372
FAQs: I now have 63.

Feel free to message me on any of my messengers.. just tell me you are
messaging me about my FAQ and I will definitely answer you as quick as I
possibly can!

1.3 My Review of the Game ---------------------------------------------

Wow, EA Sports sure does know how to make those sports games. Every year EA
produces game after game, and each one of them are great. One of the most
popular EA series has always been the NHL series because it has always been a
very good series, with the exception of the NHL 97 fiasco. As a matter of fact,
I still say that NHL 95 for the Sega Genesis is the best hockey game of all.
Regardless, NHL 99 is a very fun game and goes right up there as one of the
hockey games of all time. But, with NHL 2000 and 98 out also, is there enough
here to warrant a purchase?

Graphics (8.4/10): The graphics are actually very good for a hockey game. The
best thing about the graphics in the game are not the wonderful character
models, but the fact that the ice looks very smooth, realistic, and is not
distracting in the least. I hate hockey where the ice is so bright you can't
seem to concentrate on what's going on. Overall the graphics in NHL 99 are
pretty good.

Music/Sound (9.1/10): The commentary in the game is smart, witty, and funn.
Usually before a faceoff, if a player just made a big play, the announcer will
talk about the player that made the big play. Its pretty cool. Also the detail
to the sound is great as between periods a PA guy comes on and announces the
sale of stuff at the concession stands... its great!!

Gameplay/Control (9.2/10): Yeah, it's a hockey game. The control is really good
as it is really easy to both shoot and pass the puck while on the go. The
gameplay is as solid as ever and features fighting, which is really cool. The
problem is if you lose them fight, and penalties are turned on, you go to the
box for five minutes for fighting while the opposing team usually gets two
minutes for roughing.

Replay Value (7.7/10): if you have NHl 2000 you probably wouldn't play this
much at all, but I still do anyways.

Challenge (6.1/10): Its very easy on the rookie setting, put it on All Star and
get a very good challenge.

Overall (9.1/10): one of the best hockey titles ever, but with NHL 2000 out the
choice is yours.

1.4 Types of E-Mails I Accept and Do Not Accept -----------------------

*Type of E-mails I accept*
-Information about the Game
-Constructive Criticsm
-Comments about the game or guide
-Questions for me about the game
-Fan Mail (hee hee)
-Suggestions about the Guide

*Type of E-mails I trash*
-Asking me to post this guide on your website.
-Blatant flaming or advertising
-Questions already answered in the Guide
-Hate Mail (hee hee)

Questions regarding posting this guide on your site: I am sorry but I do not
have enough time or resources to keep track of all the different sites that
my guides. So I cannot accept any more requests at this time.

2.0 Basic Controls ----------------------------------------------------

NOTE: These are the default button commands and can be changed.

Skate; Choose Pass/shot Direction D-Button
Pass; Draw the Puck X
Shoot Square
Speed Burst Circle
Special Move Triangle

Skate D-Button
Control Player closest to puck X
Block shot triangle
Speed Burst Circle
Hook, Hold Square
Block Shot Triangle

Control Goalie R2
Skate D-Button
Save Attempt Square
Cover Up (Draw Faceoff) Circle

Call Line Change L2
Call defensive strategy L1, then X, Square, Circle,
or Triangle
Call offensive strategy R1, then X, Square, Circle,
or Triangle


******* ****** ******** ***********
Command Pre Fight Fighting Clinch
******* ****** ******** ***********
X Shove Jab Punch
Circle Drop Glove Avoid Break Away
Triangle Taunt Grab Pull
Square Shove Haymaker Punch

Highlight Menu Item D-Button Up/Down
Cycle Menu Items D-Button Left/Right
Select Menu Item X
Return to Previous Menu Triangle
Accept/Advance to next screen START
Access on screen help Square
Toggle Control Between Columns Circle

3.0 Game Modes --------------------------------------------------------

Your basic one on one mode, where you choose a team and go against another
There are one and two player options for this mode.

You can play a 21, 42, 63, or 84 game season in this mode. I recommend that you
do the 42 game season, because any higher and you could get very bored, very

Basic playoff setup here. You can choose any team and go up to the Stanley Cup
Playoffs without having to complete the Stanley Cup Mode beforehand. Very
useful, and the mode is very fun too.

NHL 99 tournaments are structured like most formally sanctioned ice hockey
tournaments. Tournaments begin with a round robin, continue through single-
elimination rounds, and end following the medal games.

In a shootout, the members of the Power Play 1 line from each team go one-on-
one against the opposing goalie. Each player gets one shot, and chances
alternate between teams. The team with the most goals at the end of the

In Coaching Drills, you can practice a number of plays or specific game
situations with, or against, any team or player.

4.0 Frequently Asked Questions ----------------------------------------

COMING SOON! If you have any questions about the game, please email me and Ill
answer the question here!

5.0 Team Rankings -----------------------------------------------------

NOTE: In upcoming versions of the guide I will give detailed information about
the teams, as well as each team¹s strengths and weaknesses, but for now just
enjoy my rankings of the teams!

1. Team Canada
2. North American All-Stars
3. Eastern Conference
4. Western Conference
5. World All-Stars
6. Team USA
7. Dallas Stars
8. Detroit Red Wings
9. Colorado Avalanche
10. Buffalo Sabres
11. Pittsburgh Penguins
12. Philadelphia Flyers
13. Chicago Blackhawks
14. Washington Capitals
15. New Jersey Devils
16. New York Rangers
17. Phoenix Coyotes
18. Los Angeles Kings
19. Carolina Hurricanes
20. St. Louis Blues
21. Montreal Canadians
22. Team Czech Republic
23. Team Russia
24. Toronto Maple Leafs
25. Vancouver Canucks
26. San Jose Sharks
27. Ottawa Senators
28. Edmonton Oilers
29. Boston Bruins
30. New York Islanders
31. Mighty Ducks of Anaheim
32. Florida Panthers
33. Team Sweden
34. Calgary Flames
35. Nashville Predators
36. Team Finland
37. Team Slovakia
38. Team Germany
39. Team Kazakstan
40. Tampa Bay Lightning
41. Team England
42. Team Switzerland
43. Team Italy
44. Team Poland
45. Team Austria
46. Team Belarus
47. Team France
48. Team Norway
49. Team Japan

6.0 Other Information -------------------------------------------------
Name: Steve McFadden
E-Mail: mcfaddensteve@netscape.net, webmaster@wrestlingcolumns2000.com

My Web Pages Links: http://gamereviewers.cjb.net

GameFAQs Contributor Page Link:

GameFAQs alias: DaLadiesMan (formerly known as SMcFadden, I changed it
Yahoo Messenger: nicklacheysnightmare, mcfaddenvg or ilovestephmcmahon
(same account, different profiles)
AOL/AIM: McFaddenDaMan
MSN Messenger: neverforgotaboutdre@hotmail.com

TOTALS as of 12/19/00
Reviews: 372
FAQs: 63

Feel free to message me on any of my messengers.. just tell me you are
messaging me about my FAQ and I will definitely answer you as quick as I
possibly can!

- Dingo Jellybean for giving me the great idea of putting the credits on both
the top and bottom of the page
- EA Sports for making such a great series like the NHL Sports series
- Me, for writing this FAQ
- GameFAQs, for (hopefully) posting this FAQ
-Prima Strategy Guide for the official bio
-GameFAQs for posting this guide
-Dingo, Sunshine, and other cool guys at GameFAQs
-THQ for making WWF Smackdown
-Al Snow: What does everybody want?
-Stephanie McMahon: love ya!!!
-Triple H and Test: my 2 fave wrestlers.
-X-Pac: for keeping it real, DX style!
-Buh Buh Ray Dudley: just for powerslamming Moolah through the table.
-D-Von Dudley: just for letting Buh Buh Ray do that
-D-Lo Brown: yeah you are the real deal now
-WWF: for providing great entertainment
-WCW: for providing a great sleeping pill (called Thunder and Nitro)
-And finally, me, for typing this guide up!



Reviews: 372
FAQs: 62

WWF Smackdown! 2 (PSX) Guides
Complete Guide
D¹Lo Brown
Stephanie McMahon

WWF Royal Rumble (DC) Guides
Complete Guide
Al Snow
Big Show
Chris Jericho
DLo Brown
Kurt Angle
Triple H

WWF ATTITUDE Character Guides
Al Snow
D-Lo Brown
Triple H

WWF Wrestlemania 2000 Character Guides
Big Show
Blue Meanie
Complete Guide
Gerald Brisco
Jerry Lawler
Jim Ross
Pat Patterson
Paul Bearer
Stephanie McMahon

WWF Smackdown Guides
Al Snow
Buh Buh Ray Dudley
Complete Guide
D-Von Dudley
Dudley Boyz
D-Lo Brown
Finisher Move Guide
Hardcore Holly
Triple H

Nintendo Entertainment System
Dragon Warrior
Fester's Quest
Yo! Noid

Nintendo 64
The World is Not Enough

Sega Genesis
Phantasy Star 4 Shop Guide

Super Nintendo
Sony Playstation
Final Fantasy 5 Boss Guide

Sony Playstation
Final Fantasy 6 Complete Guide
Final Fantasy 9 Complete Guide
Final Fantasy 9 Boss Guide
NHL '99 Complete Guide
Parasite Eve Boss Guide
Parasite Eve Complete Guide
WCW vs. the World Complete FAQ/Move List

My Guides will only be found on
The only sites allowed to use this FAQ are:

1. GameFAQs (http://www.gamefaqs.com)
2. Game Winners (http://www.gamewinners.com)
3. Video Game Strategies (http://vgstrategies.about.com)
4. Cheat Code Central (http://www.cheatcc.com)
5. Happy Puppy (http://www.happypuppy.com)
6. Game Revolution (http://www.game-revolution.com)
7. Gaming Planet (http://www.gamingplanet.com)
8. PlayStation Pit (http://www.psxpit.com)
9. X Cheater (http://www.xcheater.com)
10. Phat Games (http://www.phatgames.com)
11. The Cheat Empire (http://home.planetinternet.be/~twuyts)
12. http://www.psxcodez.com
13. http://www.hype.se
14. http://www.supercheats.com
15. http://www.psxgamer.com
16. Game Castle (http://gamecastle.virtualave.net/main.html)
17. http://gamereviewers.cjb.net
18. http://stephaniemcmahon.freeservers.com
19. http://www.geocities.com/ultimaweapon2k : Final Fantasy Chamber
20. http://www.psxpower.com
21. http://smcfadden.freeservers.com/faqs
22. http://www.neoseeker.com

If ANY other site has a copy of this FAQ, it is an illegal copy. So, if
you happen to see this at another site, please notify me immediately. if
you see this guide on a site like Cheat Code Central, let me know ASAP,
especially Cheat Code Central, because they have not earned the right to
host these guides, especially after hosting some of my other ones
without my permission!


-Parasite Eve 2 (PSX) Spoiler-Free Walkthrough
-Legend of Legaia (PSX) Complete Guide
-Legend of Dragoon (PSX) Spoiler-Free Walkthrough
-WWF Smackdown 2 (PSX) Complete FAQ and Move List
-Character Guides for WWF Smackdown 2 (PSX) and WWF No Mercy (N64)
-Updating a lot of my older FAQs, especially the WWF Smackdown Complete
guide, FAQ, and move list.

-Updating more of my review contest reviews
-Mario Tennis, Tales of Destiny, Chrono Cross, Parasite Eve 2

-Some here and there, not much though.

Guides for Deadly Towers (NES), Sonic Blastman 2 (SNES), Ninja Gaiden 2
(NES), and an update to my FF9 guide!

7.0 In Conclusion -----------------------------------------------------
Thanks for reading!

The Shortest Copyright Line Ever

Unpublished Work Copyright 2000 Steve McFadden (SMcFadden)

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-Steve Saunders

------------------------------------- (C)2000-2001 All Rights Reserved.
This guide is copyright to the author, and may never be distributed for
Any purposes without the permission of the author, which must be gotten
directly from the author. All of the contents within this document were
Compiled by the author, or the respective contributors. If you wish too
You any of the information they have contributed separately, then it is
Up to them, but permission must still be received. This guide may never
Be altered in any way, and the following sites are banned forever from
The use of this guide: magegames.com, videogaming.net. No other type of
Magazine, book, publication or any other form of distribution will make
Use of this guide or its contents without the author's permission. Don't
Ever add a banner or advertisement to this guide, or change anything in
The credits, that is hereby forbidden with this disclaimer, which can't
Ever be removed from this guide either. Please abide by this copyright.

If you need to contact the author of this guide for any reason(s) which
Has something to do with this guide, please email me at the email that's
Shown at the top of the guide. Usually, if you have a question about it
And it isn't already in the FAQ, probably means that I don't know to, I
Will try to answer all questions to the best of my ability though. It'd
Be appreciated if all of the email regarding this game had Hydlide in
The subject, so I will know what to expect. Also, when you send us them
Please try to make your question as easy and simple to read as possible
And t will help us to respond quicker. Last but not least, if you would
Like to contribute something to this guide, please feel free to send it
To either of us and we will be glad to put it in, assuming its correct.
------------------------------------- (C)2000-2001 All Rights Reserved.

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