Battle Arena Toshinden

Battle Arena Toshinden

11.10.2013 15:43:53

US FAQ Version 1.5
Edited by

Eight travelling fighters brought together by a common destiny now meet at
the techno-rage! Known only to those in the underworld, many years have
pased since this Tournament was last held. Some of the fighters have come
for personal glory. Some have come to fight for those they love. All
will do their utmost to gain victory in the Tournament which will decide
their destiny.

Changes since last version:

1.0 - 1.5
-Added Sho code
-Added instant secret move code.
-Changed metric to conventional method
-Added US weapon types

(Default setting)

L2 = Roll in R2 = Roll in
L1 = Roll out R1 = Roll out

Square=Weak Slash
Triangle=Hard Slash
X=Weak Kick
O=Hard Kick

Select = (While selecting character) Alternate costume colors
Start = (While playing) Pause and Options menu.

In the games option there are many different control settings. If the
game is set on easy or very easy, the special moves can be assigned to the
top buttons. This is especially useful for beginners or friends who dont
know how to play but want to see the moves. It can also be useful for
beginners against advanced players. There are seven basic settings (A-G)
with up to five shift settings for each (1-5).


Dash forward: tap F, tap F
Run forward: tap F, hold F
Backstep: tap B, tap B
Roll sideways: tap D, tap D
Throw/Close attack: (When close to opponent) B + (Hard Slash/Hard Kick)


Normal moves vary depending on your distance from your opponent. Attacks
are executed differently when you are close to your opponent.

Combos work by interrupting normal attack with a Special Move. There is a
short time delay after executing a Special Move before you can perform
another attack. Combos also seem to work best when you chain a few basic
attacks and then end with a special. For Eiji, attack with a late hard
jumping slash, then light slash once, then hard slash twice, then end with
his uppercut for about 7 hit combo.


Normal moves vary depending on your distance from your opponent. Attacks
are executed differently when you are close to your opponent.

Combos work by interrupting normal attack with a Special Move. There is a
short time delay after executing a Special Move before you can perform
another attack.

Under the default control type configuration, the R1 and R2 buttons can
be used to unleash the first two Special Moves of each character
instantly. You can configure the controls to use all four shoulder buttons
(L1, L2, R1, R2) as SPECIAL Move buttons to instantly release any four of
the character's Special Moves.


As with most fighting games, effective defense is the key to victory.
There are a few ways to avoid getting hit - defend, jump away from or
towards the attacker, or roll sideways. Some attacks cover a wide area
which makes dodging difficult.

A good general strategy is, defend, side-step the attack, then return with
a quick combo or Special Move. Make good use of the time lag while your
opponent is recovering from a Special Move.

Another good strategy is to keep on the move, rolling side ways and pull
off quick Weak and occasionally Strong attacks. Remember that you are
highly subceptible to counter-attack if your Special Move, Super Attack or
Secret Move is blocked.

Combos are more complex in Toh Shin Den than most 2D fighting games, since
we're dealing with true 3D fighting. The attack patterns of each
character, their weapon/fireball range and spread, their speed, position
and reaction time all come into play. This is also complicated by the
changing camera angles.

When a character is knocked down, he/she can't be damaged until he/she has
fully gotten up. Hence, it's not easy to take advantage of a downed
opponent since he/she can recover safely and follow with a quick Special

Beginning players can turn the Auto Defense option on, although on NORMAL
difficulty most people still find the game is too easy to beat using the
instant Special Moves and Super Attacks (especially). The use of fireballs
also makes the game simpler against computer controlled players.


Eiji Shinjo - Flaming Yamato Spirit.

Height: 58"
Weight: 140 lbs.
Age: 21
Blood Type: A
Nationality: Japanese
Weapon: Magical Bakko Japanese Sword

A hot-blooded youth overflowing with fighting spirit, Eiji is an avid
adventurer who learned swordplay from his older brother. His travels the
world partly to find his older brother Sho, whose whereabouts is unknown.

Rekkuu Zan: D, DF, F + Slash
Hishou Zan: F, D, DF + Slash
Ryuu Sei Kyaku: (While jumping) D, DB, B + Kick
Ryuu Geki Dan: DF + Kick
Throw: (When close to opponent) B + Hard Slash/Hard Kick
Desperation Move (while energy gauge is flashing red):
Hyakki Moshuu Ken: F, DF, D, DB, B, DB, D, DF, F + Hard Slash
Secret Move: U, D, U, D, F, B, F, B + Hard Slash

Kayin Amoh - Calm Rough Sea.

Height: 59"
Weight: 141 lbs.
Age: 22
Blood Type: AB
Nationality: Japanese-Scottish
Weapon: Excalibur, the Legendary Sacred Sword

Trained under the same roof as his long-time friend and rival Eiji Shinjo.

Calm and cool-headed, his personality is the exact opposite of Eiji's.
As bounty hunter known as Storm, Kayin seeks the killer of his father.

Sonic Slash: D, DF, F + Slash
Deadly Raise: F, D, DF + Slash
Raging Sun: (While jumping) D, DB, B + Kick
Shoulder Crush: D, DB, B + Kick
Throw: (When close to opponent) B + Hard Slash/Hard Kick
Desperation Move (while energy gauge is flashing red):
Hell's Inferno: F, DF, D, DB, B, DB, D, DF, F + Hard Slash
Secret Move: F, DF, D, DB, B, DB, B, F, B + (Weak Kick+Hard Kick)

Sofia - Heart Captivating Whip

Height: 57"
Weight: 111 lbs.
Age: 24
Blood Type: A
Nationality: Russian
Weapon: Whip

A strong woman with a proud air around her, Sofia used to be a top KGB
agent expert in wielding the whip. Now she is a private eye on a mission
to discover her own past.

Thunder Ring: D, DB, B + Slash
Aurora Revolution: F, DF, D, DB, B + Slash
Rattle Snake: D, DF, F + Slash
Laugh Taunt: F, DF, D, DF, F, B, D + (Hard Slash+Weak Kick)
Face Slap: (When close to opponent) B + Hard Slash/Hard Kick
Desperation Move (while energy gauge is flashing red):
Call Me Queen: F, B, F, B + Hard Slash
Secret Move: DF, D, DB, D, DF, B, F, D + (Hard Slash+Hard Kick)

Rungo Iron - Man Who Lives With Nature.

Height: 64"
Weight: 204 lbs.
Age: 30
Blood Type: A
Nationality: American
Weapon: Huge Club

This North American miner is a gentle giant with strange strength. Upon
discovering a Uranium deposit, his wife and kids were kidnapped and
Rungo is forced to fight for their release.

Shima to Daichi no Ikari: D, DF, F + Slash
Daichi no Mezame: F, D, DF + Kick
Daichi no Otakebi: F, DF, D, DB, B + Slash
Daichi no Ikari: D, DF, F, B + Slash
Head Butt: (When close to opponent) B + Hard Slash/Hard Kick
Desperation Move (while energy gauge is flashing red):
Daichi Hyakusai: B, DB, D, DF, F, DF, D, DB, B + Hard Slash
Secret Move: UF, U, UB, B, DB, F, B, D + (Hard Slash+Hard Hick)

Fo Fai - Dark Supernatural Power.

Height: 5
Weight: 106 lbs.
Age: 106
Blood Type: AB
Nationality: Chinese
Weapon: Iron Claw - Konsou Gakka, Assassin Weapon of the Dark Mist

On the surface, Fo Fai is a magician. In truth, he is an assassin who
has tainted his claws with the blood of countless people. Having
supernatural powers and at 106 years old age, his story is shrouded
in mystery.

Don Pappa: F, DF, D, DB, B + Slash
Kappo Re: D, DB, B + Kick
Don Don Pappa: (While jumping) F, DF, D, DB, B + Slash
Don Do Ko Shu: B, DB, D, DF + Slash
Small fart: F, UF, U, UB, B + (Weak Slash+Hard Kick)
Laugh Taunt: F, DF, D, DF, F, B, D + (Hard Slash+Weak Kick)
Claw Flip Throw: (When close to opponent) B + Hard Slash/Hard Kick
Desperation Move (while energy gauge is flashing red):
Do Do Don Pappa: F, B, DB, D, DF, F, B + Hard Slash
Secret Move: Weak Kick, Weak Slash, Hard Slash, Hard Kick, B, F, B, F +
(Hard Slash+Hard Kick)

Mondo - Cold Heartless Devil.

Height: 510"
Weight: 146 lbs.
Age: 42
Blood Type: AB
Nationality: Japanese
Weapon: Spear - Seiryu Yari (Green Dragon Spear)

The strongest warrior from a ninja clan who were hired assassins in their
past. Mondo now fights under the commission of a mysterious organization.

Gou Riki Ten Bu: F, D, DF + Slash
Gou Riki Fuu Jin: B, DB, D, DF, F + Slash
Gou Riki Rai Jin: (While jumping) D, DF, F + Slash
Shitsu Buu Zu Ki (Jyodan): D, DF, F + Slash
Shitsu Buu Zu Ki (Gedan): D, DB, B + Slash
Spear Skewer: (When close to opponent) B + Hard Slash/Hard Kick
Desperation Move (while energy gauge is flashing red):
Choriki Daibutsumetsu: D, DF, F, D, DF, F, B + Hard Slash
Secret Move: F, UF, U, UB, B, F, DF, D + (Hard Slash+Hard Kick)

Duke B. Rambert - Proud Swordsman.

Height: 62"
Weight: 166 lbs.
Age: 29
Blood Type: A
Nationality: French
Weapon: Two-Handed Sword - Dernier Vancour

A French nobleman with a strong sense of chivalry, the Duke had absolute
confidence in his swordplay until he was defeated by Eiji on one of his
travels. Since then he has trained hard with the single thought of
defeating Eiji to regain his pride.

Southern Cross: B, F, DF, D + Slash
Death : D, DF, F + Slash
Helm Crush: (While jumping) D, DF, F + Slash
Ogre Slash: F, DB, D, DF + Slash
Knee Bash: (When close to opponent) B + Hard Slash/Hard Kick
Desperation Move (while energy gauge is flashing red):
The End: DB, D, DF, F, B + Hard Slash
Secret Move: DF, D, DB, D, DF, D, B, F + (Weak Slash+Hard Kick)

Ellis - Wind Dancer.

Height: 51"
Weight: 102 lbs.
Age: 16
Blood Type: O
Nationality: Turkish
Weapon: Dirk

A dancer in a troupe of travelling minstrels, Ellis was told that her
parents had passed away while she was a baby. Now she hears rumours that
her father is still alive. She chose to enter the tournament to confirm
this rumour.

Homing Swallow: D, DB, B + Kick
Soar Window: F, D, DF + Slash
Screw Dancing: (While jumping) D, DB, B + Kick
Arc Slash: (While jumping) D, DB, B + Slash
Ribbon Toss: F, UF, U, UB, B + (Weak Slash+Hard Kick)
Drop Kick: (When close to opponent) B + Hard Slash/Hard Kick
Desperation Move (while energy gauge is flashing red):
French Kiss: F, B, F, B + Slash
Secret Move: DF, D, DB, D, DF, B, F, D + (Hard Slash+Hard Kick)

Gaia - Fearsome Demon Warrior.

Height: 12
Weight: 221 lbs.
Age: 40?
Blood Type: O
Nationality: ?
Weapon: Armor Bastar

The mysterious boss of the Toh Shin Daibukai (Tournament of Fighting
Gods) is also the organization's strongest warrior.

Full Steam: B, DB, D, DF, F + Slash
Sea Slash: F, B, DF + Slash
Arm Blast: F, DF, D, DB, B + Kick
Desperation Move (while energy gauge is flashing red):
F, DF, D, DB, B, DB, D, DF, F + Hard Slash
Secret Move:Next! (Spinning Bastar): DF, D, DB, D, DF, B, F, D +(Hard
Slash+Hard Kick)

Sho Shinjo

Height: ?
Weight: ?
Age: ?
Blood Type: ?
Nationality: Japanese
Weapon: ?

Sho is Eiji Shinjo's long lost brother. He is the *real* final boss of the
game. To fight him, you must defeat Gaia without using any continues, at
NORMAL or higher difficulty. After you defeat him, you will see the game's
real ending and receive Sho's Secret Move.

Double Rekkuu Zan: D, DF, F + Slash
Hishou Zan: F, D, DF + Slash
Shoulder Crush: D, DB, B + Kick
Ryuu Sei Kyaku: (While jumping) D, DB, B + Kick
Raging Sun: (While jumping) D, U + Kick
Throw: (When close to opponent) B + Hard Slash/Hard Kick
Desperation Move (while energy gauge is flashing red):
Hyakki Moshuu Ken: B, DB, D, DF, F, DF, D, DB, B + Hard Slash
Secret Move: D, F, UF, U, UB, B, D + (Hard Slash+Weak Kick)


Play as Gaia - To play as Gaia, at the title screen when the words come
sliding from the sides onto the screen, do a fireball motion towards the
left-(Down, Diagonal Down-Left, Left) and hit Weak slash. Weak slash is
the Square button by default. You will hear
the word "FIGHT!" confirming the code worked. Now on the character select
screen, hold up on Eiji and hit any attack button. You can now play as

Play as Sho - First put in the Gaia code, let the game go to the demo,
press start on controller 2 to go back to the title screen, and as the
words come in, VERY RAPIDLY push up-left and right while tapping the
square button. You should here "fight", and the text will turn blue.
Then go to player select screen, go to Kayin, push down and square.

Selecting Character Colors:
You can select alternate costume colors by highlighting a character and
pressing the Select button.

Camera Options:
There are some hidden camera options which allows you to change the camera
angle as well as scrolling and zooming the view. In the Options screen,
select a control type that does not use any of the top four L/R buttons
(e.g. A2). There will now be a Camera option called YOUR SELF. Go back to
the control type and choose A5-G5. The top four buttons will now control
your camera angles.

1. While playing use the top buttons to change camera angle any time.

2. Pause the game. Hit all four circular buttons + the Select button. The
Options menu will disappear, but you can still control the camera angles.

3. Hit all four circular buttons + Select one more time. The energy gauges
and scores will disappear. The top four buttons now act as scrolling and
zooming features!

4. If you have a 2P controller in port two, the Select button can be used
as a frame by frame advance!

5. If you have set the 2P control type to CAMERA, you can use it to change
camera angles while using the 1P controller to zoom.

NOTE: You can use the 2P controller to set the camera angle to view the
fight from *below* ground level. The floor will be invisible.

This particular camera angle can only be set while the game is paused, but
you can press Start at this moment to continue playing using this unique
view! :)

6. Hit all four circular buttons + Select to get back the Options menu. Or
hit Start to play without the energy gauges and scores!

To fight Sho who is the games REAL last boss, you must go through thegame
without using a continue and you must be on NORMAL difficulty or harder.
Sho has the moves of Kayin and Eiji and then some. You will receive the
games real endings by beating Sho.

When you beat the game on a difficulty below NORMAL, you will only fight
Gaia. If you beat Gaia, you will recieve a "DESPERATION " move. If you
beat the game on a difficulty of NORMAL or harder and reach Sho by not
using any continues, and beat him, you will recieve a Secret Move. It is
alright to continue when fighting against Sho.

Instant Secret Moves: (Anytime)
After entering the codes to play as Gaia and Sho, wait through the demo
until the title screen comes up yet again. Like before, as the options
come in from the left, do DL + Weak Kick. You'll hear the sample
Fantastic! and the option text will turn white. To utilize this feature
change the control type to use L1, L2, R1, R2 as SPECIAL buttons. Now
anytime during a fight, hitting (L1+L2+R1+R2) and the Select button all at
the same time will unleash the character's Secret Move.

Instant Desperation Moves: (When energy gauge is flashing red)
Make sure that your controller is set with all four buttons as special
attacks (i.e. A4). Whenever your character's energy gauge is flashing,
hitting all four top buttons together will execute the character's
Desperation Move.


Q: What are the technical specs of the game?

A: Takara proudly proclaims 90,000 polygons per second on the CD and
booklet cover. In a magazine interview, it was stated that the game runs
at 30 frames per second, so it shifts about 3000 polys in a single frame.
Each character uses about 800+ polys, with texture-mapping, gouraud
shading, multiple light sources and transparency effects.

Q: What about glitches/bugs/slowdowns?

A: Only inevitable but very slight polygon sorting glitches (due to no
Z-buffering) and occasional noticeable slowdown when the characters are
really up close to the camera. Especially so in Kayin's stage where there
is a real-time screen display (picture in picture in picture...)

Q: Is there a View Mode where the computer controls the fighters and the
player act as camera man?

A: Set the Camera option to YOUR SELF and the four top buttons to CAMERA
control type (See Camera Options under HINTS & CHEATS). Now wait for the
demo and you can view it from any camera angle you choose :)

Q: What is the message on the screen in Kayin's stage when the game is

A: Shibaraku o-matchi kudasai - Please wait for a while...

Q: How can I play the black-costumed Eiji and Ellis?
Q: How can I play the Super Deformed Eiji and Ellis with big heads?

A: These modes are not in the game itself but on a special CD that's
included with the Toh Shin Den Perfect Fighting Book strategy guide (from
Tokum Shoten).

Q: Where/When is the tune on CD track twelve used?

A: If you play the Toh Shin Den CD in the CD player, you'll notice that
track number twelve is not used in the normal play. To get that track in
the game, you must play Fo Fai vs. Fo Fai for eleven battles. Track twelve
will be played during the eleventh battle only. Don't ask me why.

Thanks goes to:

Tomwoof AKA Pang Sie Piau ( For the enahanced
Japanese FAQ

Tim Hydelaar ( for creating the original Toh Shin Den FAQ

Ladisla ( for the infamous Sho code!

About this FAQ:

This was basically taken fromPang

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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