Version 1.2
1.2 Added X's Damage Chart
1.1 Changed my mind, total revision
1.0- Initial and Only Release, every stage for both X and Zero.
1. Intro/Basics
2. X
3. Zero
4. Space Port/Final Weapon
5. Damage Chart*
1. Intro/Basics
A. Introduction
Mega Man has certainly come a long way since his debut on the NES in 1987.
Since then, he has appeared on the NES, Super NES, Game Boy, Genesis, Game Gear,
Saturn, PC, Arcade, and now Playstation. There are now two series of Mega Man.
The original one reached it's 10th anniversary with the release of Mega Man 8 in
1997. This series has Mega Man taking on the evil Dr. Wily. The X series, set
100 years ahead of the old one, has Mega Man X (created by Dr. Light) and his
partner Zero (created by Dr. Wily) taking on a horde of new age robots led by
the computer virus Sigma (also created by Dr. Wily, I think).
Mega Man X's 4th adventure was released on Playstation and Saturn. This FAQ is
pretty much Playstation exclusive. The only real difference is the controls and
some graphics.
B. Basic Controls
Start Button: Pause, resume, select
X Button: Jump, select
/\ Button: Shoot X-buster
O button: Dash
[] Button: Shoot X-buster or special weapon
L1 & R1 Buttons: Toggle between special weapons
R2 Button: Giga Attack button (Nova Strike/Rakuhouha)
C. Vehicles
Normal Robot Armor: Found in the Magma Dragoon and Slash Beast stages. Use the
[] button to slash and the X and O buttons to jump and dash.
Eagle Robot Armor: Found in the Storm Owl stage and Final Weapon: Area 2. Press
the [] to shoot. Hold the [] button to power up, then shoot three homing shots.
Press the X Button while in mid-air to hover. Press the X Button while hovering
to drop down.
Jet Bike: Found in the Jet Stingray stage. Use the [] button to shoot out
shots. The bike also has a built-in Air Dash (X, then O Buttons).
All boss strategies can be found on my Mega Man X2-X4/8 Boss Guide, also on
2. X
A. Magma Dragoon
Location: Area 2
Requires: Lightning Web
How To Get: After the jumps across the floating blocks, you'll see a cliff on
your left as you ascend. Use Lightning Web to get on top of the ledge and get
the heart.
*Armor Upgrade*
Location: Area 2
Requires: Either Arm Power-Up, Twin Slasher
How To Get: About 1 screen up and to the right of the robot armor, you'll see a
wall. Power up the Twin Slasher to break through it. The armor upgrade will
allow you to store enemy damage and perform the Nova Strike (using R2 button,
invincible dash). You only have one use per full meter, so use it wisely.
B. Frost Walrus
Location: Area 1
Requires: Rising Fire
How To Get: From the start, stay on the ground and pay attention to the ceiling.
Once you see a giant ice cube, use Rising Fire to melt it and your prize will
drop down.
Location: Area 1
Requires: Lightning Web
How To Get: Work your way, from the start, to the part with the disappearing ice
ramps above spikes. Go to the right wall, climb it, and use Lightning Web to
get up to the tank.
Location: Area 2
Requires: N/A
How To Get: In the area with the ice blocks, it's near the end, in the upper
right corner, inside one of the blocks.
C. Jet Stingray
Location: Area 1
Requires: N/A
How To Get: Count off the number of pits you jump over from the start. Jump the
first two, then don't jump at the third. You'll fall under the ledge and to the
Location: Area 2
Requires: N/A
How To Get: After Jet Stingray appears for the second time, you'll see a
platform in the air. Jump on it, then jump and dash at the top of your jump.
You should get it.
D. Slash Beast
Location: Area 2
Requires: N/A
How To Get: If you can't get this heart, return the game. It's sitting right
out in the open, on a boxcar.
E. Web Spider
*Hover Boots*
Location: Area 1
Requires: N/A
How To Get: In the first main shaft, it will be in an alcove in the right wall
near the bottom. This will give you an air dash and allows you to hover in mid-
air for a few seconds.
Location: Area 2
Requires: Rising Fire
How To Get: Have you ever seen those wooden logs blocking shortcuts in some of
the walls? Burn down the second one, and find out what's inside.
F. Split Mushroom
Location: Area 2
Requires: Lightning Web
How To Get: When you exit the staircase, you'll see it high on a ledge. Have the
drills destroy and lower the platform and themselves, then use Lightning Web to
get up to it.
G. Cyber Peacock
Location: Area 1
Requires: N/A
How To Get: In the first of three parts, get an "S" rating. Just go to the
right ASAP and watch out for the orbs.
Location: Area 1
Requires: N/A (but Soul Body helps)
How To Get: In the second of three parts, get an "S" rating. This is a tad bit
tougher. Learn the layout and use Soul Body to get rid of those orbs.
*Helmet Upgrade*
Location: Area 1
Requires: Soul Body
How To Get: In the third of three parts, get an "S" rating. This time, you must
use the Soul Body to bust through the orbs. The Helmet upgrade lets you use
your uncharged special weapons as many times as you want.
H. Storm Owl
Location: Area 1
Requires: N/A
How To Get: There are three ledges in this area that are destroyed by lasers.
It's on top of the first one.
*Arm Upgrades*
Location: Area 2
Requires: Lightning Web
How To Get: Right after the moving ledge, you'll see a spiked shaft in the
ceiling. Position your Lightning Web in the exact spot it needs to be and use
it to clear the spikes. The left capsule gives you the Plasma Shot, allowing
you to shoot a more powerful fully charged shot. The other one lets you charge
and store up to four charged shots. Both let you charge up your special
I. Boss Weaknesses
King Dragon: X-Buster
Magma Dragoon: Double Cyclone
Frost Walrus: Rising Fire
Jet Stingray: Frost Tower
Slash Beast: Ground Hunter
Web Spider: Twin Slasher
Split Mushroom: Lightning Web
Cyber Peacock: Soul Body
Storm Owl: Aiming Laser
Colonel (both): Frost Tower
Double: Double Cyclone
General: Twin Slasher
Sigma #1: Rising Fire
Sigma #2: Lightning Web
Sigma #3:
Head: Ground Hunter
Body: Soul Body
J. Best Order
Web Spider
Split Mushroom
Cyber Peacock
Storm Owl
Magma Dragoon
Frost Walrus
Jet Stingray
Slash Beast
3. Zero
A. Magma Dragoon
Location: Area 2
Requires: Kuuenbu
How To Get: After the jumps across the floating blocks, you'll see a cliff on
your left as you ascend. Use Kuuenbu to get on top of the ledge and get the
B. Frost Walrus
Location: Area 1
Requires: Ryuenjin
How To Get: From the start, stay on the ground and pay attention to the ceiling.
Once you see a giant ice cube, use Ryuenjin to melt it and your prize will drop
Location: Area 1
Requires: Kuuenbu
How To Get: Work your way, from the start, to the part with the disappearing ice
ramps above spikes. Go to the right wall, climb it, and use Kuuenbu to get up
to the tank.
Location: Area 2
Requires: N/A
How To Get: In the area with the ice blocks, it's near the end, in the upper
right corner, inside one of the blocks.
C. Jet Stingray
Location: Area 1
Requires: N/A
How To Get: Count off the number of pits you jump over from the start. Jump the
first two, then don't jump at the third. You'll fall under the ledge and to the
Location: Area 2
Requires: N/A
How To Get: After Jet Stingray appears for the second time, you'll see a
platform in the air. Jump on it, then jump and dash at the top of your jump.
You should get it.
D. Slash Beast
Location: Area 2
Requires: N/A
How To Get: If you can't get this heart, return the game. It's sitting right
out in the open, on a boxcar.
E. Web Spider
Location: Area 2
Requires: Ryuenjin
How To Get: Have you ever seen those wooden logs blocking shortcuts in some of
the walls? Burn down the second one, and find out what's inside.
F. Split Mushroom
Location: Area 2
Requires: Kuuenbu
How To Get: When you exit the staircase, you'll see it high on a ledge. Have the
drills destroy and lower the platform and themselves, then use Kuuenbu to get up
to it.
G. Cyber Peacock
Location: Area 1
Requires: N/A (but Kuuenbu helps)
How To Get: In the second of three parts, get an "S" rating. This is a tad bit
tough. Learn the layout and use Kuuenbu to get rid of those orbs.
Location: Area 1
Requires: Soul Body
How To Get: In the third of three parts, get an "S" rating. This time, you must
use Kuuenbu to bust through the orbs. The Helmet upgrade lets you use your
uncharged special weapons as many times as you want.
H. Storm Owl
Location: Area 1
Requires: N/A
How To Get: There are three ledges in this area that are destroyed by lasers.
It's on top of the first one.
I. Boss Weaknesses
King Dragon: Z-Saber
Magma Dragoon: Raijingeki
Frost Walrus: Ryuenjin
Jet Stingray; Hyoretsuzan
Slash Beast: Raijingeki
Web Spider: Kuuenbu
Split Mushroom: Raijingeki
Cyber Peacock: Ryuenjin
Storm Owl: Rakuhouha
Colonel: Hyoretsuzan
Iris: Ryuenjin
General: Kuuenbu
Sigma #1: Ryuenjin
Sigma #2: Raijingeki/Kuuenbu
Sigma #3:
Head: Kuuenbu
Body: Kuuenbu
J. Best Order
Web Spider
Split Mushroom
Magma Dragoon
Cyber Peacock
Storm Owl
Frost Walrus
Jet Stingray
Slash Beast
4. Space Port/Final Weapon
A. Space Port
Boss: Colonel
Walkthrough: Easy as Zero, hard as X. If you're Zero, just barrel your way
through with Kuuenbu. For X, use Ground Hunter with the Helmet upgrade. Near
the end, there is a very tricky jump to make (the room just below the last
bouncing spiked emenies room). If you're Zero, use Kuuenbu to make it easy. As
X, just dash jump or Air Dash off the right wall. At the end, you face Colonel.
B. Final Weapon: Area 1
Boss: Double (as X)
Iris (as Zero)
Walkthrough: Easy. Just use Kuuenbu or the X-buster (depending on who you are).
At the end, you'll face Double as X or Iris as Zero.
C. Final Weapon: Area 2
Boss: General
Walkthrough: Hard. Since there are two paths, this stage's walkthrough will be
Top Path: Easier. To get over the first wall of spikes, use Lightning Web or
Kuuenbu. For the rest of the area, use the X-buster or Kuuenbu to reach the
Bottom Path: Harder. There are a couple places between the start and the armor
that require using an Air Dash. When you get the Eagle armor, immediately
charge up and shoot. Use the hover move to get across the pits.
At the end of both, you'll face General.
D. Final Weapon: Area 3
Boss: Rematch with 8 bosses
Walkthrough: Easy. Pretty self-explanatory.
E. Final Weapon: Area 4
Boss: Sigma
Walkthrough: Hard. Beat Sigma 3 times, and the game is over!
5. Damage Chart
RF= Rising Fire
FT= Frost Tower
GH= Ground Hunter
TS= Twin Slasher
LW= Lightning Web
SB= Soul Body
AL= Aiming Laser
DC= Double Cyclone
Damage= (normal/charged)
V= Varies
Magma Dragoon 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 2/V 0/V 0/0 4/5
Frost Walrus 4/4 0/0 1/1 1/0 1/V 0/V 0/0 0/0
Jet Stingray 0/0 4/4 0/0 1/2 0/0 1/V 0/0 1/2
Slash Beast 1/0 1/V 4/5 0/0 1/V 0/V 0/0 0/0
Web Spider 1/2 1/V 1/2 2/4 0/0 1/V 0/0 1/2
Split Mushroom 1/1 1/V 1/1 1/1 4/4 0/V 0/0 1/1
Cyber Peacock 1/2 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 4/V 0/0 2/2
Storm Owl 1/2 2/V 0/0 1/1 2/V 1/V 9/V 0/0
Colonel 0/0 3/V 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/V 0/0 0/0
Double 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 5/5
General 0/0 0/0 0/0 3/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0
Sigma #1 6/32 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0
Sigma #2 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 4/V 0/V 0/0 0/0
Sigma #3------------------------------------------------------------
Head 0/0 0/0 2/3 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0
Body 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 3/0 0/0 0/0
