Alien Resurrection

Alien Resurrection

15.10.2013 17:25:54


Version 1. 12th January 2001
Submitted by: Iain Noble ( )


This game is bloody hard! I was only ever able to complete it on the
Easy difficulty setting and even then I had to use the cheat codes on a
couple of occasions. So please be aware that the location, number and
types of enemies you encounter on Normal or Hard settings may vary.

I used a Dual Shock controller to play the game. It is possible to use a
Dual Shock controller plus a Playstation mouse to control the game. I
tried this combination but found it even more clumsy than just a

As usual read the manual before you start to play the game. I don't
intend to retype the contents of the manual or reproduce information you
can find there.

I thoroughly recommend playing this game in the DARK with the best
source of sound you can provide. I used stereo headphones which added to
the whole atmosphere of the game.

This file draws heavily on the directions found at

I feel there are only so many ways of saying 'turn left' 'go down the
ladder' 'use the switch' etc.


Move slowly and cautiously. This will save you from being ambushed and
you can often surprise enemies sleeping or feeding.

Use your pistol if you need to destroy obstacles such as desks or chairs
and especially for blowing up crates. Use exploding crates wherever
possible. If you must blast a reinforced crate use a single shotgun

Remember the pistol is the only weapon that has unlimited ammunition, so
collect spare ammo whenever possible and don't just keep your finger on
the trigger when firing.

Exploding barrels can hurt you so keep your distance (that said they can
also take out enemies in their immediate vicinity.)

You can use the SELECT key on your controller to lock your crosshairs at
head height. This is the best setting unless the enemy ducks or kneels so
be ready to switch it off when necessary.

Press the right hand control stick to make a quick turn to save you from
a attack from the rear.

When swimming underwater, you can use the air bubbles to replenish your oxygen

When firing at an egg aim at the base if the egg. When it hatches the
facehugger will often jump into your line of fire.

When infected with a facehugger wait until the last possible moment
before using the autodoc. This way you won't run the risk of another
infection and you can destroy any more of the little buggers in the
vicinity. However you won't be able to use any control panels whilst

Also always make sure Facehuggers are really dead if you find
them lying on their backs, or have just shot them.

A note on ladders. I found moving onto and off ladders quite difficult
and often fell depleting my health in the process. Note that it is
easier to move on and off ladders if you don't have the cross hairs
'locked' at head height. Also use the direction arrows at the top of
ladders to see which direction to get off. You can't be attacked when on
a ladder so you can 'perch' at the top of the ladder and pick of any
enemies in your field of view.



Holds 12 rounds per clip and comes with an infinite supply of
ammunition. Christie has dual pistols in the game which fire at twice
the rate of the standard single firearm.


Holds 4 shells per load. A good short range weapon which can blow a
leaping Alien apart with one shot. Watch out for acid if you shoot them
close up.


Holds 100 units of napalm per cannister

You don't get it until Level 4.

Only really useful for destroying eggs and face huggers where it is the
weapon of choice.


Holds 60 rounds per clip

You don't get it until Level 3.

A good general purpose weapon that even works underwater. It can be
fired in bursts or a continuous stream (but watch your ammo.)


Holds 40 units per clip

You don't get it until Level 2 and only Call can use it.

Cuts through targets. Use in short bursts or continous fire. Uses ammo
very quickly.


Holds 100 units per clip

You don't get this until level 9.

Hold down the fire button to charge it up. A full charge will take out
an enemy in one go, a short charge will take out a face hugger.


Holds Six grenades per load

You don't get it until Level 5.

A slow-loading heavy duty weapon that can easily wipe out most
opponents. However, it is highly inaccurate due to it's trajectory - it
can ricochet back at the player if not aimed correctly. Use with


Holds 1 rocket per load

You don't get it until Level 8.

Another heavy duty weapon, the rocket launcher is very slow to reload
but it works underwater. However, it's trajectory is direct - so it is
safer to use than the grenade launcher.



Medikits come in three sizes - the larger the kit, the more effective
healing capability. The small medikits are the most numerous.


This unit can be used to irradiate the chestburster before it
matures and 'hatches'.


The motion tracker is effective at picking up moving targets within a
limited range.


These are only located on Level 2, where they are required to complete
the main objective for that stage.


These will be found around the Auriga - often on dead or live personnel
- and are required to access various sections of the ship. They are
normally used in designated swipecard receptacles.


Crates can be found scattered all over place. Many of them contain
useful items such as ammo or medikits - others are explosive and
therefore deadly. Some even contain live facehuggers. They can accessed
by shooting them, but it is wise to do so from a safe distance just in
case. There are four main crate types : Medical Supply Barrel,
Reinforced Crate, Explosive Crate, and the Standard Crate.


The flashlight is very handy for exploring the darker areas of the ship.
It runs on a limited battery - which must be recharged
when completely spent.


These panels are found throughout the ship and must be used to open
doors, activate lifts, power-on systems, and other related activites.
There are several varieties - some which read hand or retina patterns.
Most will not operate if the player is infected with a face hugger or if
there are aliens in the vicinity.


These are normally found at the end of each level and can be used to
contact other characters. They are also installed with an AutoDoc unit.


Level 1. Detention Block Alpha

Payed as Ripley.

Go forward into the corridor and take the first right to collect the
Cell Block Alpha card and return to the corridor (turning right
as you exit). Head further down and enter the room at the end to collect
the Small Medikit. Return to the corridor and use the Cell Block Alpha
card on the swipe machine to open the locked double doors on the right.
Proceed through.

Head down the corridor and use the eye panel to open the second set of
doors and move through to the cross-junction turn left until you come up
against some dangerous electrical discharges across your path. Move
carefully to collect the Pistol and use it to shoot the generators that
are causing the sparks. Collect the Small Medikit nearby. Once you reach
the balcony, climb down the ladder on your right. Collect the Small
Medikit nearby. Proceed to the wide corridor and approach the corpses
lying on the floor. On one of them, you will find the Flashlight.

Through the next set of doors is an eye panel. Turn left
into the alcove and save your game at the Save Point. After saving, head
back out to the Marine corpses, and continue along the corridor until
you see a bridge to your right. There's a ladder just by the bridge -
climb down it and collect a Small MediKit, a Pistol, and a Warehouse
Alpha Card.

Climb up the ladder to get back onto the bridge. Head across the bridge
and follow the corridor through a pair of doors. Go through the room
into an alcove containing two corpses round a table. Shoot and destroy
the table to get some Shotgun Shells. A Medium Medikit can also be found
here. Return to the main room and turn right - passing another table -
to enter the doors beyond. Collect the Small Medikit. Go back to the
bridge and pass over it until you return to the darkened area.

Now go up the alternative passage in the corridor until you reach the
door. Use the Warehouse Alpha Card to pass through into an elevator. A
white panel can be seen to the left - use this to activate the lift.

Once the lift doors open, and you spot the marine kill him with a shot
to the back of the head. Move round the crates to find the rest of the
marines and use headshots to kill them swiftly. One Marine who will
attack from behind. Search the bodies to locate the Cargo Bay Alpha
Card and the room contains a couple of small medikits.Use the Hand Panel
to turn off the security alarm and the Cargo Bay Alpha Card to pass
through the next doors.

In this new room, you will find a Medium Medikit. Take it and move
slowly forward until you hear an explosion. The first Alien will then
appear. Move backwards and keep at a distance empty your pistol into
it's head until it's dead. You'll need all 12 shots! Go into the room then
turn right toward the flashing light in the floor. Don't go down the
ladder yet - instead open the doors on the left and shoot
the Marines inside. Don't enter the room yet, however. Return to
the ladder and climb down. Take the Small MediKit and head around to the
right. You'll see a steam valve on the wall near one of the corpses.
Turn off the valve then go back to the ladder. Climb back up into the
room, then head to the opposite side (near where you encountered the
Alien) where you will find a second ladder. Climb down to the corpses
and collect a Shotgun with Shells.

Climb back up the ladder and return to the guardroom. Upon entering,
you'll see a technician behind a glass window. Go through the doors on
the left, head around right and use the hand panel to release him. After
the cutscene is over, enter his room to obtain the Engineering Alpha 3
Card - do a quick turn as soon as you pick it up as an alien will attack
you. Take it out with the Shotgun and exit the room. Use the card you
just obtained to open the doors on the right hand side of the room. Go
through and head left until you see the communicator. Use this to
contact Call and finish the level.

L2: Engineering Deck
Played as Call

After saving your position, shoot the barrel to reveal a Medium Medikit,
then collect the Shotgun Shells by the dead body. Exit the room and turn
right to climb down the ladder. Turn round and head over the walkway to
find another ladder on the right: climb down it. Turn round to find a
bridge. Before crossing, shoot the crate obstructing the path, revealing
a Shotgun. Collect it and climb down the ladder.

The doors here are sealed, so blast the barrel to reveal a Small Medikit
and a hidden tunnel. Crouch to enter it. Turning round, head straight
along the tunnel, over the first lit section. Before the second lit
section (and dead end), use your Flashlight to spot an alcove on the
right containing more Shotgun Shells. Turning round, head back along the
tunnel, past the middle lit section. Use your Flashlight to spot a
narrow tunnel on the left. Head along, cornering left to find another
junction. Take a detour right to find a Laser Energy Clip. Return to the
junction and head right to find the exit – and see an alien run past to
the left.

From the tunnel exit, aim left to head-shoot the alien feeding on the
dead body. Head left to where it was feeding, to find some more Shotgun
Shells by the locked doors. Head to the other side of the room and
through the opening doors. Climb up the ladder on the right, then turn
left to find another. Climb up it and turn left.

There’s another alien up here, hiding behind the second pillar on the
right. Proceed to the dead body at the far end for more Shotgun Shells.
Through the doors, you’ll find the way barred by more electricity. Climb
up the ladder on the left, then cross the walkway to enter the doors.
Climb down the ladder. Shoot the chair by the desk, so you can grab the
Small Medikit. Use the computer to shut down the generator. Climb back
up the ladder, quickly turning right to shoot an alien! Climb down the
ladder, turning round… another alien comes through the doors, so be
ready to blast it. Climb up the ladder to the right of the other one and
head round the walkway to find another Laser Energy Clip. Climb back
down and turn right to exit through the doors, to a short corridor.

Go through the next doors and turn right to shoot the crate for more
Shotgun Shells. Go through the other doors, to a longer corridor. Watch
out near the far end, as another alien bursts through! Splatter it and
proceed into the room to find a Small Medikit on the left, and a
flashing save point. Use the Shotgun to blow up the flashing crate for
more Shells. Go through the other doors and along the corridor, through
to the next room. Grab the Small Medikit on the right (the crate is

Head through the right doors to the long corridor. Use the valve wheel
at the far end to open the doors. Go through and use the Shotgun to
blast the flashing crate, to reveal a Laser. Collect it, then open the
next doors and retreat, ready to zap the alien that arrives. Head
through and up to the room. Collect the Shotgun Shells on the right,
then enter the doors there.

Watch out for aliens climbing around the ceiling and walls in this room.
Head round to the left and crawl into the alcove for a Large Medikit,
but immediately quick-turn to shoot the two aliens which arrive. Head
round to the far side of the room to use the valve wheel (to extinguish
a flame-jet in another room). Collect the Laser Energy Clip by the dead
man, turning around to zap another pair of sneaky aliens. Now exit back
to the large chamber.

Enter the opposite doors and blast the flashing crate (with Laser or
Shotgun) to reveal another Laser Energy Clip. Head right through the
doors to a room with a ladder (note the alien clambering down it). Climb
down the ladder and turn left to zap that alien. The doors on that side
lead to a room with a flame jet, so head through the opposite doors to a
corridor. Turn the valve wheel to open the far doors. Go round and
through the next doors to a balcony. Climb down the ladder to a large

Head left at the crossroads and climb up the ladder. Turn the valve
wheel there, before climbing back down. Approach the crossroads, then
retreat and shoot the two aliens which arrive. Head right, back to the
original ladder (the door at the top of the other one is locked). Go
through two sets of doors and use the valve wheel to open the next set.
Go through the opposite doors to the room where the flame-jet was
before, ready to blast another alien. There’s another Laser by the dead
bloke, which gives you extra ammo. Watch out as you approach the far
side of the room – there’s an alien hiding out to the right.

Enter the doors on the far left (to the rear of the extinguished
flame-jet). Head round the corridor to find another flame-jet. Turn the
valve wheel on the right, but quick-turn to zap another alien. Head back
through the doors and enter the opposite ones. Go round the corridor to
find an extinguished flame-jet. Collect the Shells by the dead body,
then turn the valve wheel.

Go back through the doors and enter the opposite ones again, ready to
shoot an alien. Head round the corridor to find the flame-jet has been
extinguished. Shoot the flashing crate for a much-needed Laser Energy
Clip, then flip the switch to open that locked door back at the chamber
with the three ladders. Go back through the doors, ready to zap yet
another alien.

Head right, through the original doors, then through all the sets of
doors to reach the ladders chamber. Climb down and head right at the
crossroads. Climb up the ladder and open the doors, to see some bloke
getting savaged by an alien! Shoot the two aliens, then the crate on the
left for Laser Energy Clip, and the right one for a Small Medikit. Use
the save point on the right wall, then enter the doors to the next
corridor. Turn the valve wheel to open the far doors. You now have just
10 minutes to find the four Detonators.

Head over the bridge, backing off to zap two aliens. Climb down the far
left ladder, to the first Detonator just ahead. Quickly grab it, then
turn round to blast the sneaky alien. Shoot the crate on the left for a
Laser Energy Clip, then crawl into the right tunnel. Head straight down
it (you can take the second left, then left again to find a Laser Energy
Clip in the yellow section, but watch out for an alien) to a large room
with an alien feeding on a dead body. Shoot it, then blast the explosive
crate to reveal the second Detonator, plus Medium Medikit, Shells, and
Laser Energy Clip. While collecting them, turn round quickly to zap two
more aliens!

Head through the hole and up the lit tunnel, back to where you found the
first Detonator. Go round to the right to find another ladder leading up
to a walkway. Climb up and enter the room there to find the third
Detonator by a dead body. Climb down and head back round to the original
ladder, shooting two aliens en route, to climb back up to the starting
bridge. Turn around to head over to the corridor with two sets of doors
(and a Small Medikit on the right). The right one is locked, so head
through the left, ready to zap the alien inside. Head round to the dead
body to find the fourth Detonator and Shotgun Shells – again, quick-turn
to blast a pair of sneaky aliens behind you.

Go back through the doors and climb the ladder opposite – get off to the
right, just before the top to reach the upper room. Place all four
Detonators into the panel on the right, then flip the left switch to
jettison the lifeboat and stop the timer. Climb back down, turn left and
you can now head through those previously locked doors. Turn the valve
wheel and go through the far doors. Access the communicator to contact

L3: Clone Research
Played as Ripley

Exit the room, grab the Shells from the corpse, and head right at the
crossroads. Blast open the right flashing crate (with Shotgun) for
Shells x2, then enter the nearby doors to discover some face-hugger
eggs. Blast them with a Shotgun, but watch out for the hatching
face-huggers: aim down at the floor to splatter them before they can
reach you. If you do get face-hugged, there’s a Portable AutoDoc Unit
found in their room (along with a Shotgun). Watch out for the alien
entering behind you, though.

Return to the large room and head right to find Shells x2 and Medium
Medikit by the dead guys. The far doors are sealed, so climb the ladder.
Shoot more face-hugger eggs and collect the Small Medikit, then crawl
into the tunnel. Be ready to blast an alien, then collect Clone Security
1 card and Shells from the corpse it was feeding on. Crawl back along
the tunnel to the room and use the hand panel to disable the security

Climb down the ladder and go through the previously locked doors nearby.
Use the card-swipe on the right (Clone Security 1). Enter the lab and
shoot the clone on the table. Collect the Motion Tracker and Observation
Balcony card. Exit the room, ready to blast an alien behind you. Two
more arrive as you head back through the room. Return to the crossroads
near the start, ready to blast an alien on the right. Enter the right
doors and kill another that drops down. Climb the ladder, and use the
card swipe (Observation Balcony) to eliminate the force-field. Head
left, grabbing a Medium Medikit from the right corpse. Shoot the chair
and be ready to blast a face-hugger crawling out of the tunnel. Shoot
the second chair (and bloke), then use the computer to turn off the
security lasers. Turn around and head through the doors. Collect a Pulse
Rifle Clip from the dead guy, then use the save point.

For an optional detour (and some useful items), head back to where you
shot the chairs and crawl into the tunnel. Head straight on towards the
light, cornering left into the wider tunnel. Head into the left alcove
for a Portable AutoDoc, quick-turning to splatter the sneaky
face-hugger. Head straight to the far end of the tunnel for Shells x2.
Turn around and blast two more face-huggers before heading right at the
junction. Follow the tunnel round to a T-junction. Head right, then left
to find a Large Medikit. Return to the junction and go straight over to
drop back into the room where you first found face-hugger eggs. Return
to the save point.

Go through both sets of doors and use the hand panel to open the far
ones. Go through them and the next set to find a room with dead bodies.
Go through the far doors, ready to blast an alien in the curved
corridor. Collect the Pulse Rifle Clip from the dead body. Open the far
doors and look up to see an alien hanging from the ceiling. Pump him
full of lead, then use the left white panel to open the far doors, ready
to blast another alien. Watch out for another alien coming from the
right as you enter the room. Grab the Small Medikit near the dead body.

The other doors are locked, so climb the ladder to find a Pulse Rifle
Clip and R&D Security card. Use the hand panel, then go back down the
ladder and enter the previously locked doors. Blast the egg and
face-hugger just to the left, then grab the Pulse Rifle and Clip. Time
your run through the faulty force-field into the lab and shoot the clone
lying on the table.

Grab the Small Medikit, then head all the way back to the save point,
ready to shoot three face-huggers there. Save and go through the far
doors, ready to blast another alien. Go left and down the ladder. Exit
to the crossroads and use the card-swipe (R&D Security) to open the
force-field behind the doors (if it doesn’t work, you must have missed
one of the clones).

Shoot the escaped alien and go through. Use the white panel on the right
to open the far doors. Go through the curved corridor to the room and
shoot the left crate for Shells. Pass through the next two sets of doors
to find a large room with lots of face-hugger eggs at the far end. Blast
them and any face-huggers, collecting Pulse Rifle Clip and Shotgun

Exit through the ‘2’ double set of doors to find a room with an alien
running around. Blast him, then the three eggs on the left, collecting
Small Medikit. Enter the ‘Storage’ double doors, ready to shoot a
face-hugger. Collect Pulse Rifle Clip and Small Medikit, but watch out
for another face-hugger! Shoot crate for Shells.

Exit to previous room and head left through ‘3’ double doors to face a
pair of aliens. Enter right ‘4’ double doors. The doors ahead are
locked, so enter left ‘5’ double doors. Grab the Small Medikit and blast
the eggs at the far end, collecting Pulse Rifle Clip, Portable AutoDoc
and Research Storage card – quick-turning to blast a couple of sneaky
aliens. Use the hand, then prepare to blast another alien arriving
through the ‘4’ doors. Go back through them (the right doors are
blocked) and blast two new eggs. Now enter the previously locked left
doors and shoot the alien. Watching out for face-huggers, blast the left
egg and use the save point. Grab the AutoDoc and exit.

Go back through the ‘3’ doors, ready to exterminate two more aliens. Go
through the far double doors and kill another. Collect the Pulse Rifle
for extra ammo, then use the card-swipe (Research Storage) to open the
doors. Go through to the lift and use the white panel, then turn round
(the near doors open again). Exit and turn left to blast an alien. Go
through the doors and head left, quick-turning to kill another alien.
Blast both barrels open for AutoDoc and Small Medikit, then head back
and through the left doors to a short corridor.

Opening the next doors, aim down to shoot a load of face-huggers. Enter
the far left doors to a lift. Use the white panel, then turn around (the
near doors open again), ready to shoot the three guards who arrive.
Proceed right through two sets of doors. Go through the right doors, and
a second set, to another lift. Use the panel to open the far doors.

Go through and time your run through the alternating force-field. Grab
Shells from the left, then go through the right doors. Shoot the crate
with Pulse Rifle for another Clip. Go through the next doors and shoot
the barrel just to the left for an AutoDoc, then the three crates for
Shells x2 and Clip. The doors are locked, so go round to the far left to
find a feeding alien – kill it, then climb down the ladder.

Turn right and head down the corridor. Take the first right for a Medium
Medikit – but watch out for the alien on the ceiling. Turn around and
head right, shooting another ceiling-walking alien. Cornering right,
climb the ladder and collect Clip, Shells and Small Medikit. Go through
the hole in the wall, ready to blast eggs and alien. Grab Clips and
shoot crate for Shells. Exit back through the hole. The doors are
locked, so climb back down the ladder. Turn around and corner left to
shoot an egg. Ignore first right and head straight on. Shoot aliens and
eggs in room, then use save point on back wall.

Return along corridor, taking first left. Cornering right, shoot the
alien. Round the next corner is ladder: climb it to find a computer
room. Use the hand panel to unlock all the security doors. Shoot the
barrel and crate for AutoDoc and Shells, then enter the doors. Shoot the
far crate (the others contain face-huggers!) for a Medium Medikit. Go
through the left doors (the others only lead back to a previous area
above the ladder).

Through the next doors is a room with lasers barring the way. Use the
hand panel to temporarily disarm them, then immediately run across the
bridge before they reappear. Go through the far doors, and a second set.
Shoot the crates for Clip and Shells. Exit left, ready to shoot a
face-hugger. Shoot the left crate for Shells, then go through the right
hole and blast the egg. Grab the Medium Medikit and shoot the barrel for
an AutoDoc. Go back through the doors (the ladder just leads back down
to the corridors).

The room through the opposite doors has a locked exit, so go back
through the right two sets of doors to the laser room. Climb down the
left ladder, then go through the doors to lift. Use the panel to open
the far doors, revealing a battle between guards and aliens. To save
ammo, you can let them fight it out a bit, then finish off the
survivors. Grab the Small Medikit on the right, then head left to the
next room. The right doors are locked. Beware as you go to the far side
of the room to blast the eggs – there are more aliens there too. Collect
Shells and Small Medikit, then head through the hole.

Through the far hole is a room with another alien crawling around, so
kill it. Shoot crates for Shells and Clip x2. Collect AutoDoc and pass
through the far hole. Blast the egg ahead through the next hole – and
ones just to the left and right. Grab Shells and AutoDoc, but don’t use
the hand panel yet. Open far right doors to blast another egg in the
short corridor. Through next doors, blast another. Watch out for an
alien coming through the doors as you head over to the save point. Shoot
barrel and crate for AutoDoc and Clip. Go through doors for Shells –
that’s just the locked door ahead, so return to the room with the hand
panel, ready to blast an alien. Watch out for another alien arriving as
you head left to the hand-panel – yet more arrive when you use it.

Go through the unlocked hand doors to a lift. Use the panel to open the
far doors to a large room. The left doors are locked, so head right
towards the eggs. Blast them in turn, avoiding the flames and collecting
Small Medikit. Go through the doors straight ahead, and second set, to
the communicator room for a Medium Medikit. The communicator has
insufficient power and the other doors here are locked, so return to the
flames room. Head over to the corner by the hand panel to shoot more
eggs. Use the hand panel and enter the doors to find a power switch.
Flip it, but quick-turn to blast a pair of aliens.

Exit and go back past the flames. As you approach the far doors, an
alien will arrive through them. Go through to find another switch. Flip
it and collect Medium Medikit. Exit and go back past the flames. Turn
right to enter the doors, where the force-field has now vanished. Blast
the clone and grab Large Medikit. Exit and go right to the room, where
you can now use the communicator.

L4: Quarantine And R&D ...
Played as Ripley

Exit right to a curved corridor. Go through to the room with a
force-field – collect Shells x2 by it. The left warehouse doors are
locked, so exit right to a lift. Use the panel, then quick-turn to exit.
Round to the right are locked card-swipe doors, so head straight through
the other doors. Through the next doors is a glass-sided tunnel: as you
approach the end, three aliens sneak up behind you! Quick-turn and blast
them to hell. Collect Shells and use the hand panel to open the
warehouse doors back near the force-field. Exit and watch out for an
alien as you open the far doors. Quick-turn as you approach the lift, to
blast another sneaky alien.

Activate the panel to use the lift, turning round to see two new eggs in
the force-field room. As soon as you fire at them, more aliens come out
of the woodwork. Kill them, aiming at the floor to see off any
face-huggers. Once everything’s splattered, enter the far warehouse

Through the next doors is a large room with more eggs – watch out for
lots of face-huggers as soon as you enter. Grab the Clip x2 by the dead
body, then blast the eggs in the right corners, collecting AutoDoc, Clip
x2 and Medium Medikit. Shoot the far left crate for Shells, then the
near left explosive crates to reveal a tunnel – shoot the face-hugger
that arrives, then crawl in for an AutoDoc. Proceed round the tunnel. As
you head down the long yellow-lit section, an alien arrives. After
shooting it, quick-turn ready for a second one. Continue along the
tunnel. Round the corner, blast more face-huggers. Proceed to the end to
find yourself behind the original force-field. Collect Clip, Shells and
Holding Pen 3Z card. Shoot the flashing light on the wall to turn off
the force-fields.

Return to the lift and use it. Head round to the right and use the
car-swipe (Holding Pen 3Z) to open the doors. Quick-turn as you enter
the next door, to shoot an alien. Head along the corridor and use the
far eye panel to open the doors. Through the next doors, get ready to
shoot an alien climbing round the walls. Time your run left past the
steam jets. Grab the Shells and turn to blast another alien. Use both
hands and go back through the doors.

Head back to the lift, ready to shoot another alien and egg near it. Use
the lift and head through the disabled force-field, then right through
the doors. Go through the next doors and use the far eye panel to open
the doors. Go through them, and a second set, to a round room with more
aliens. After exterminating them, grab the Shells from the right, and
the Clip from the back, then head left to find more eggs. Blast them and
collect Shells.

Through the doors is another force-field: shoot the flashing security
light to its right to remove it. When you do, an alien arrives to kill
the guard, so be ready to kill it. Passing through the force-field, be
ready to shoot two aliens coming from the right. Head round the right
corridor to find a room with a save point – quick-turn to kill another
alien as you approach it! Save your game, then collect Clip and
Quarantine card. Watch out for face-huggers as you head back round the
corridor. Use the card-swipe (Quarantine) and after a short delay, the
force-field is removed. Go through to a corridor.

Use the far eye panel to open the doors. Shoot the left crates for
Shells and Clip. The right doors are locked, so head left along the
curved corridor. Opening the doors, be ready to shoot an alien.
Electricity blocks the route through the right doors, so head straight
on. As you approach the dead body, quick-turn to shoot an alien. Nearer
to the body, look right to shoot a second alien. Collect Shells and
corner right to blast yet another alien. Collect Shells by body, then
enter right doors to find a Medium Medikit. Exit and turn right to enter
the other doors.

Climb the ladder and shoot crate for Flame-Thrower Canister. Through the
doors, shoot alien and grab Clip by body. Ahead is more electricity:
blast the flashing lights either side to remove the first two electric
bolts. Now head round to the right, collecting Shells, to shoot a third
light. However, the last light is protected by a force-field, so you’ll
need to turn off the latter before returning.

Go back to the ladder and climb down. Head back round to the left and
through the doors to the room formerly blocked by electricity. Take the
left double set of doors and blast an alien. Exit right to find a desk
and hand: as you press it, turn left to kill an alien. Go round to the
left to find a small room full of eggs. Destroy them all and collect
Shells, Small Medikit and Clip – but watch out for an alien arriving
through doors. Exit and head right, killing another alien. Go back
through the doors, then through the left double doors to the electricity

Go through the left doors, then left through doors to find another save
point. Use it, then destroy the desk, so you can reach the hand. After
pressing it, quick-turn to shoot an alien. Head along the corridor and
through the doors. Blast the egg and collect AutoDoc. Exit and return
round to the electricity room. Head back through opposite doors, ready
to shoot alien. Head round to the right and through the far doors,
blasting alien. Climb ladder and head round to electricity. Carefully
approach the bolt, so you can aim at the last light – the force-field
has now gone, so blast it. Head in there for Shells x2 and a Small

Return to the ladder and climb down. Head back round to the left to
enter the (former) electricity room. You can now enter the right double
doors to find Medium Medikit and Clip. Go through to corridor and use
far eye panel to open doors. Go through and enter left doors. Blast
crates for Clip and AutoDoc. Head right around corridor and enter doors
to find a hole in the floor. Drop in via pipes.

Grab Small Medikit by body, then corner right to shoot two aliens. As
you proceed, quick-turn to shoot another. Climb the ladder at the end.
Quick-turn to eliminate more face-huggers. Grab the Large Medikit on the
far left and quick-turn to kill two aliens. Destroy the desk and use
both hands, ready to blast another alien. Enter the now unlocked doors
to the lift. Use the panel and exit. Grab Small Medikit by card-swipe
and exit right.

Go through doors, ready to kill two aliens. Collect Shells and Canister
from left alcoves. The far doors are locked, so head round to right,
collecting Clip. Climb down ladder and head round corridor. Through
doors is a large room full of crates – and three aliens. Don’t open
near-right crate (face-hugger) – left one contains Medium Medikit.
Collect Medium Medikit and Clip from far corners. Exit through side
doors, and second set, to corridor. Use far eye panel to open doors.

Enter junction room (with yellow ceiling light) and go through left
doors. Through next doors, shoot alien and egg. Exit left and shoot
face-hugger, the flashing wall lights. Return to junction room and take
other (far left) doors. Enter cell and left doors to find another egg
room: shoot them all, including ones to left and right. Blast the two
wall lights to reset the mains. Head around the corridor and through
doors to another egg room. Shoot alien feeding on left, then eggs. Grab
AutoDoc from barrel, then quick-turn to blast two aliens. Head back to
junction room to shoot another.

Go back through left doors and use far eye panel to open doors. Go
through to large room where crates were, ready to blast two aliens. Head
left through doors and climb ladder. Turn right and head straight over
through formerly locked doors. Turn right to shoot feeding alien. Grab
Shells and go through right double doors (left ones have force-field
behind). Head along left side of large room to enter far doors. Through
next doors, grab Canister from body, then head left and enter left doors
to find a bloke who begs you not to kill him. Shoot him (he’ll
chest-burst anyway) and collect the Security 1 card he drops. Upon
exiting, aliens arrive from the right – kill them. Don’t bother entering
the other doors (alien and egg). Head back along corridor, through two
sets of doors, to large room.

Exit through far double doors, then left and through far left doors.
Enter far right doors, then through next, to return to card-swipe
(Security 1). Use it to open doors. Enter and use far eye panel to open
doors. As you corner right, quick-turn to shoot alien. Enter far doors
and kill another. The way ahead is barred by force-fields. Head round to
the left: the door is locked, but a hand panel to the left will open it.
Go through to find a locked door ahead. Enter the right doors instead,
then the next doors on left to find a room packed with eggs! Destroy
them all, including two hidden round the back. Shoot the barrel there
for an AutoDoc, then the flashing light. Flip the red switch, then exit,
ready to blast an alien. Go through doors and shoot another. Enter right
doors, shooting three aliens. Use save point on left. Shoot crate for
Shells and enter far doors.

There are two aliens lurking in the curved corridor, and another round
to the right. Note the card-swipe ahead before you head right to climb
down the ladder. Crawl along the tunnel, blasting face-huggers round to
left. Get Shells and Clip before exiting at far right. Expect two more
aliens when you grab the Hyord Lv427 card. Crawl back through the tunnel
and climb ladder. Head right to use card-swipe (Hyord Lv427). Enter
doors and use far eye panel to open doors. Go through to the cavern to
meet the alien queen! To defeat here, keep on the move, blasting away at
her head with the Plasma Rifle.

The far middle Holding Pen doors are jammed, so head to the far right
doors, avoiding electricity. Flip the switch and exit, heading back past
electricity. Enter the now unlocked far right doors (watch out for
steam). Grab Canister x2 and Shells, then flip switch. Exit to cavern
and enter far right doors, avoiding steam. Grab the Flame-Thrower and
flip the switch. (Destroying the crate reveals a tunnel back to the
previous room.) Exit to cavern and enter far right doors, avoiding
steam. Grab Canister and Small Medikit, then flip switch. Crawl into
left tunnel and round into glass tunnel, collecting Clip. Get another
Clip and use hand panel to open Holding Pen doors. Crawl through next
tunnel, back to original room. Exit past electricity to cavern, then
take first right through Holding Pen doors. Grab Small Medikit and enter
doors. Use far eye panel to open doors. Collect Pulse Rifle (for ammo)
and use right save point.

Blast alien and enter far doors (others are locked). Follow curved
corridor, opening doors to shoot alien and eggs, including one to right.
Grab Large Medikit and exit right to destroy more eggs and clone in the
tube. Shoot barrel for AutoDoc. Ignore left doors for now and exit right
to corridor. Enter left doors to find clone (protected by glass) and
hand. Use latter to boil clone! Exit to corridor and return right to
room. Enter opposite doors and blast egg. Use communicator to contact
Call and then Distephano.

L5: Military Systems Complex
Played as Distephano

Pick up the Pulse Rifle Clips from the doorways to your left and right
and enter the main corridor opposite the computer. Kill the attacking
aliens and grab the Clip from the corpse in the alcove on the right.
Continue along the corridor and grab the Small Medikit from the small
room behind the crates on the right. In the next section of corridor,
turn right and grab the two Clips next to the corpse. Continue along the
corridor and kill the three guards in the computer room. Search the room
for goodies and flip the red switch on the centre computer console, then
head through the now unlocked door on the other side of the room.

In the next room, drop into the lower area and kill the alien. Behind
the crates on the right is a Shotgun and some Shells. Pick them up and
destroy the egg on the other side of the room. Then climb the ladder
behind it and destroy the next egg by the door. Grab the Small Medikit
and enter the laser corridor. By judging the distance using the side
walls, run under the laser beams when they go up. About halfway along on
the left, there will be a small vent. Shoot the face-huggers and crouch
to enter. Turn left at the first junction and grab the AutoDoc from the
dead end. Return to the main section of vent and head left. Continue to
the next room and shoot the eggs and face-huggers behind the left
crates. Grab all the goodies from the crates and the Shells from the
other end. Disarm the security on the panel on the wall and save your

Head back through the small vent and into the laser corridor, which has
now been deactivated. Turn left and through the door, heading into the
next large room. From a distance, shoot the egg on top of the large
crate in the centre of the room and clear the rest of the area from eggs
and face-huggers. Now climb the ladder at the back of the room and grab
the goodies from the top of the middle crate. Get back upstairs and
shoot the pod for an AutoDoc and deactivate the switch behind you.
Quickly drop down and enter the door on the far left before it closes.
Use the hand panel by the door opposite, then enter the corridor beyond
and kill the aliens that attack. Enter the next room and kill the three
guards. The guy on the far right who hides behind the barricades has a
grenade launcher, so watch out. Search the room for goodies and use the
hand panel to activate the lift. Enter it, operating the control panel
on the right wall.

Walk out into the small corridor and grab the Small Medikit by the two
corpses. As the left door is locked, head through the opposite door and
kill the guard on the walkway. Turn left on the walkway and enter the
small room. Grab the Small Medikit and exit. Just outside the door,
operate the hand panel and kill the guard that promptly attacks. Head
left and enter the next room, operate the green panel and head through
the next set of room, killing the aliens as you go. In the next main
room, kill the aliens and wipe out the eggs at the end of the hall. Head
into the flickering room on the left of the hall and climb up the ladder

At the top, kill the aliens, grab the Small Medikit on the left, and
continue down the corridor. At the end, turn right and when the door
explodes, go into the clone room and destroy Clone 7, lying on the
operating at the back. Grab the Medium Medikit on the right of the table
and operate the hand panel. Exit the room and enter the Research Lab
opposite. Here, kill all the aliens, eggs and face-huggers and grab the
Grenade Launcher from the corpse – lovely!

Save your game on the panel on the wall and shoot the crates at the
other end for some goodies. Continue through the next lot of doors and
corridors until you reach a room with fans on the ceiling. Before
dropping down the ladder, aim a few good grenades down the hole to
destroy the eggs in the room below. Then try and shoot out the laser
control panels in the walls before descending the ladder.

Enter the large corridor and enter the first room on the left with the
three corpses. Kill the aliens and hit the switch in the small alcove on
the left side of the room. Enter the small vent on the right side of the
room and search the area for Shells. Now head back into the room again
and out towards the warehouse – the room on the opposite side of the
corridor. Head through the warehouse and into the corridor beyond. Kill
the alien(s) and enter the lift ahead.

Operate the lift panel and exit into a U-shaped corridor and kill the
guard, then head into the next T-shaped area. There are two curved
halls, one on each side of the corridor. Enter the hall on the right and
enter the first room on the right on the inside. Back out and kill all
the aliens that follow you. Then lob a few grenades into the room, to
destroy the eggs. Enter the room and hit the hand panel on the right.
Exit the room and search all the other rooms on the right wall for some
extras. Now exit the hall, back into the T-shaped corridor and enter the
curved hall opposite. Now search all the left rooms for goodies and
enter the last on the left. Operate the hand panel on the left of the
room and exit. The lasers will now be deactivated so turn left and enter
the new corridor.

Head through the right door into a large room with two levels. Drop into
the lower arena and activate all four panels (two on the central pillar
and two on the walls). Kill the aliens, save your game, and climb back
up to the top and exit where you entered. Then turn left and back into
the curved hall. The force-field on the far side is now deactivated so
you can grab the goodies from the crates. Return out of the curved hall
and head through the door opposite, in the T-shaped corridor. Inside the
next section, there will be a beam of electricity crossing your path:
avoid it by staying on the left and enter the next door. Operate the
hand panel and venture forth into the next large room. Kill the aliens
that attack from all sides and head into the lift at the far end.

Enter the next room and kill the alien and destroy the open egg. Now you
won’t be able to re-enter the lift due to a malfunction, so enter the
door on the far side and head along the walkway in the flashing tunnel
and into the room at the far end. As before, head to the door at the far
end and shoot the open egg. Open the next door onto the walkway beyond
and shoot seven bells of stuff out of the hordes of face-huggers and
continue. Enter the next room and use the hand panel to go through.

Using a grenade, destroy the gun turret on the computer console on the
left side and bomb the egg on the far right, behind the boxes. There’s
another gun turret on the other side of the console – which kills two
aliens for you, Cheers! Edge around the console and throw a grenade near
the turret. When you’ve destroyed it, enter the left door at the end.
Run along the walkway and head through the large room into the main
computer centre. Save your game on the panel on the wall and touch the
hand panel at the far end.

You will now have to head back through the blown open door, where the
aliens came from, and immediately turn left through another opening.
Operate the hand panel to get through into the small corner room and
touch the panel on the right. Now head through the small vent opposite
and turn first right. Keep heading onwards and round the bends. Stay
straight and carefully edge out into the next room. Destroy all the eggs
and hit hand panel (1). Head through the doors to reach computer room 3
(where the gun turrets were).

Return to the room with the vent tunnel in and head back towards the
first hand-panel room. After the S-bends, turn left and then first
right. Again, operate the hand panel (2) in the room and exit through
the doors in computer room 2. Turn right and head all the way back to
the vent room again. This time don’t turn right – continue forward and
go around the bend. Turn left in the next section of vent and head
forward into the last room and touch hand panel (3). Now exit and you’ll
end up all the way back by the lift. Head back to the main computer
centre and touch the hand panel at the far end and enter the lift.

Exit the lift and watch out for security vehicles – blow them up if you
like. This area is a group of corridors and room that surround the
Father Core. Enter the room on the left and use a grenade to blow up the
switch on the wall. Now exit through the other door and enter the room
on the other side of the corridor. Again, destroy the switch and move
around. Repeat this for all four of the rooms in the circle to
deactivate the primary force-fields. Now enter the doors on the inside
of the father core corridors and touch the hand panels to deactivate the
remaining force-fields. Now enter Father Core and hit the two switches
on the walls to reboot. Kill the aliens that attack and exit the only
unlocked door. Make your way through the corridors and rooms to the
other side of the core and enter the room on the left. Kill the aliens
and operate the communicator.

L6: Maximum Security ...
Played as Ripley
Turn right and head down the corridor. There’s no way to avoid the blue
beam, but it only triggers the intruder alarm and won’t hurt you. Grab
the Clip from the end of the corridor and return. Shoot the glass out to
enter the room halfway down on the right and hit the hand panel at the
back. Head through the door on the right and head down the corridor,
into the top of the main hall. Shoot the alien that attacks the guard
and enter the room on the right. Kill the two flame-thrower guards and
bust open the crate for a Flame-Thrower Canister. Now touch the hand
panel on the back wall and quickly exit. Grab the High Level Command 1
card from the far left balcony. Exit through the door nearest you and
activate the eye panel and enter the locker room. Destroy all the eggs
and exit through the other door (not the gym).

Enter the first door on the left and kill the face-hugger. Grab all the
goodies from the crates, save your game and exit. Kill all the
flame-thrower guards and run left along the corridor. At the end, climb
down the ladder on the right and grab the Clip from the centre of the
hall. Enter the door to the left of the ladder and kill the onslaught of
aliens. Follow the corridor around and in the next one, enter the door
on the right. Destroy all the eggs and dodge the electricity beams. Hit
the two hand panels on either side of the central console and head all
the way back, up the ladder, to the gymnasium.

Enter the lift and exit into the gym. Kill all the guards that attack
you and the fight the blue commander, who carries the next card. He’ll
take a few shots but when he’s dead, grab the High Level Command 3 card
and head back, in the lift to the locker room. Make your way back down
to the small hall at the bottom of the ladder and enter the corridor
opposite. In the next room, destroy all the eggs and face-huggers, then
proceed through the door opposite and the corridors beyond.

In the next room, kill the aliens, eggs and face-huggers, then enter the
two side rooms for some goodies. Head to the end door and continue on.
In the next room, don’t bother with the left side room (the other is
locked) – there’s only an alien in there. Head into the lift at the far
end and operate the switch.

Exit out of the lift and activate the two hand panels in the first cell
block to open the cells below. Then head through the next cell block
into the third. Use the hand panels there and then return all the way
into the lift at the end of the first cell block. In the next corridor,
enter the right side room and you’ll think it’s Christmas – there’s all
manner of lovely goodies in the crates. Now head all the way back to the
main hall. On your way, enter the last two side rooms for a Clip and the
High Level Command 5 card.

In the small hall, enter the door on the left and into the cell block.
Ignore the two hand panels and head through, past the security gun room,
into the next block. Head through to the next block into the lift on the
far side. Kill the alien when the doors open and search the two side
cells for goodies – oh, and aliens. Then proceed through the next
corridor, avoiding the steam and into the circular computer room. Kill
the aliens and eggs and hit the switch on the right wall. Then operate
the hand panel next to the door on the other side and enter the next
cell room. Go into the left side cell and kill the alien. Grab all the
goodies from the cell beds, including the essential High Level Command 2

Now head through the cell rooms all the way back to the lift and go up.
Make your way back, through the cell blocks to the main hall and back
through the door to the left of the ladder.

Instead of turning right at the first junction, head forward and into
the large arena with the clone storage door on the right. Kill all the
aliens and input the first four High Level Command cards that you’ve
collected into the console to the right of the clone storage door. Now
head through the other door and through the corridors into the next
area. Shoot all of the eggs behind the examination screen and proceed
past the glass and through the door. Kill the two aliens in the next
room and continue on.

After the cut-scene, kill the guard that comes towards you and turn
right. Take the immediate left and enter the first observation deck.
You’ll notice two patients in the cell below – the final High Level
Command card is in there. Hit the hand panel on the left wall and exit.
Turn left, kill the alien and eggs from a distance, and enter the first
right door you see. Hit the hand panel on the wall and exit. Turn right,
save your game on the wall panel, and enter the left room. Hit the hand
panel and leave. Enter the room opposite and destroy the eggs, then exit
and turn left and enter the first right door. Grab the Canister and
ignore the patient. Exit and follow the corridor all the way to the end.
There are three doors on the right side. Enter the first one (the others
are locked for now) and climb the ladder. At the top, kill the guard and
operate the hand panel. Drop down and exit. Enter the mesh hall (second
door) and kill all the aliens and grab all the ammo that’s scattered
around. Now exit and enter the final door, following through to the dark

Kill the guard and head forward, turning left at the first junction. In
the cell, destroy the eggs and close the door using the hand panel
outside. Now turn left and then left again, kill the alien and secure
the next cell. Now across the next junction and open the cell. Kill the
alien, guard and eggs/face-huggers before closing the door again to
secure the cell. Continue forward and secure the next cell on, then head
towards the door, but turn right. Turn right again at the next junction
and secure the nearest cell. Kill all the nasties that attack you, then
head across the junction to the next cell. Secure the final cell, then
turn around and head for the corridor with lights in it.

Turn left and enter the room with the corpse against the opposite wall
and use the hand panel to disable the security. Now head back out and
follow the corridor around until you come to a junction with two doors
and a left turn. Head through the centre door in the next corridor and
turn right. Enter the door on the left into the operation room and grab
the goodies from the crate. Now exit and head back to the junction area,
turning right along the corridor and into the next. Operate the hand
panel to head through and into the large patient cell. Ignore the two
crazy folks and grab the last High Level Command card (4), then head all
the way back to the clone storage room.

Input the last card into the console on the right and enter the clone
storage area. Head past the first set of barricades and kill the guards
at the next. Now operate the hand panel on the left and continue into
the clone room. Destroy the clone in the centre of the room and head
through the door on the far side. Follow the corridor along to the end.

L7: Mess Hall Complex ...
Played as Ripley

Enter the darkened area and kill the aliens that attack. Watch your
motion tracker at this point and kill anything that moves. Then destroy
all the pesky face-huggers and exit via the left door. Destroy the eggs
and kill the alien before moving on through to the landing above the
kitchen. Search the area to find the lovely Grenade Launcher, then dive
into the water and search the bottom side areas for goodies. Now swim
through the small gap in the end wall and up through the first hatch. At
the top, use the valve handle to open the top hatch and climb out of the
water. On the next landing, kill the alien feeding in the middle and
use the lift on the left. Exit the lift and kill the aliens that attack,
then head around to the left, killing the aliens around the corner.
Smash the windows and drop down into the next area. Blow up all the
boxes and grab the goodies and then head to the door opposite. Quickly
turn the valve handle and exit – before you get caught by the pesky
face-huggers. Grab the Shells from either side of the steps and head to
the opposite side of the area. Now drop down the open hatch found to the
left of the steps.

Swim down the tunnel into the kitchen area. You can use any of the
streams of bubbles for more air. Now search the area for goodies and
head up the central pipe. At the top, launch a few good grenades into
the room above to kill the eggs and face-huggers and then climb out.
Quickly turn the two valves on the walls and swim back down to the
kitchen area. Turn left and swim up pipe at the end. Get out and save
the game before turning the valve on the left.

Now drop down the open hatchway and swim into the next area and up to
the open window about halfway up. Swim down the tunnel: at the end, head
down for some goodies, then up to climb out. Climb up the ladder to the
landing and head around to the left onto the next landing and use the
lift on the other side. Exit the lift and kill anything that moves, then
use the eye panel on the wall behind the glass to reboot some controls
and contact Christie. If you didn’t already pick one up, grab the
Grenade Launcher from the corpse by the console and then use the lift

Exit the lift onto the new area and kill the aliens and face-huggers
that attack you. Head into the side area where the eggs are and, as
before, turn the valve and quickly head in the opposite side area and
down the hatch. Swim along the tunnel and climb out in the next room and
kill the nasties. Make your way around the rubble to the centre of the
room and grab the Shells (x3) from the crate. Now head through the door
on the far side and activate the lift, then enter it.

Lob a grenade into the cluster of eggs in the next room and operate the
communicator on the left.

L8: Warehouse Complex ...
Played as Christie

Turn right and enter the next room. Kill all the face-huggers and aliens
and search the room for goodies including a Shotgun and some Rocket
Shells. Now climb the ladder on the far side and clear the area of eggs
and aliens. Find the sliding switch on the post by the ladder and
activate it. Follow the balcony around and enter the next through the
door on the far side. Follow the balcony to the ladder and climb down.
Destroy all the eggs and grab the Pulse Rifle from the centre of the
room. Quickly activate both switches on the pillars in the middle and
kill all the face-huggers that come from the small holes in the walls.

Now enter the only door and kill all the aliens in the next room. In the
next corridor, turn the valve at the far end and enter the next room.
Walk around the around the central structure and grab the Rocket
Launcher and Medikit, then drop down and clear the area of eggs and
other such nasties. Drop into the water in the middle and swim down and
out into the next area below. Swim around and find the engineering door
– you’ll need to come back to this in a moment. Make your way to the
opposite side of the chamber and enter the small room. Collect the
Engineering Lv1 card, then swim up on the outside of the central
structure to the room with the dismembered limbs in. Climb out using the
ladder and flip the switch in the small room. This will re-route the
power. Now swim into the large room opposite and climb out of the water,
using the ladder on the central section, and turn all four of the valves
on the walls.

Now head back to the engineering door and use the swipe-card panel to
the left. In the next section, swim up and climb out onto the walkway,
exiting through the door. Walk up the slope and into the next corridor,
turning left and heading through the door into the large room. Destroy
the eggs, search the room for ammo and goodies, and climb the ladder at
the back. The door on the right leads to a room full of supplies and
face-huggers. Turn the valve on the back wall and exit. Walk around the
balcony and activate the hand panel to open the door next to you.
Instead of entering, head into the vent on the left and follow it up.
You emerge high up in the room you just opened and there are two gun
turrets on either side of the door. Launch a couple of well-aimed Rocket
shells at the guns before you entering down into the room. Save your
game on the wall panel and grab the Rocket Launcher from the middle of
the room. Use the hand panel on the wall and exit the room, climb down
the ladder, and exit the large room. Head through the now unlocked door
opposite and through the next corridors, pick up the Flame-Thrower, and
continue. In the next corridor, two aliens attack. Kill them and head
into the chamber beyond.

Avoiding the flames, turn all six of the valves on the central walls and
destroy the eggs before they hatch. Enter the room at the end and
quickly use the hand panel on the far side. If the electricity turns on,
you’ll have to lose a bit of health using the hand panel. Now head
through the door on the other side and destroy all the aliens. Search
the room for goodies, then climb up the ladder. Head around the landing
and through onto the next. Make your way around to the door on the far
side and destroy the eggs in the middle of the next room. In the central
part of the room, where the eggs were, flip the switch and exit through
the door opposite where you came in.

Head through the corridor and flickering room to the corridors beyond
where aliens hang from the ceiling. At the end of the corridor, turn the
valve, and head back to the door, but turn left into the corridor that
runs parallel. Kill the blue aliens and proceed along through the end
door to the next corridor. At the end, turn left and destroy all the
unopened eggs before they hatch – a few good rockets will do. At the end
of the corridor, turn the valve, turn around and head through the now
open door at the other end. Shoot the aliens on the ceiling and head
through the corridors and into the circular room with the ladder on the
right. Ignore the ladder and head through the door onto the metal
walkway. You’ll notice a ladder on the right: climb down and into the
water. Swim down the passage and wait for the huge fan around the corner
to slow down before attempting to grab the goodies. Climb back up and
head in to the semicircular room at the end and turn the valve on the
wall to the far left, save your game on the far right and exit again.

Head back to the circular room and climb the ladder, enter the next
large room and clear it of all alien life. As the door at the end is
locked, head into the water on either side of the ramp and swim down the
slope and along the tunnel. Watch out here as huge fans can suck you
into them – fatally. At the first bend, stay on the far left and wait
for the fan to slow down, then turn left and continue along the long
tunnel, using the air bubbles to breath. When you get to the large area,
swim up to the surface and climb out. Turn all the valves on the outside
edge of the room and swim all the way back the way you came. This is a
bit trickier as you’ll have to swim towards the fan and quickly turn
left. At the far end, climb out and enter the now unlocked door.

Make your way through the next corridors and in the next room, avoid the
flames and destroy the eggs before continuing. Head through the next
rooms and enter the large burning chamber. Drop off the ledge and go
down to the central pipe. Turn the valve and quick-turn. Wait for the
flames to die down before climbing the ladder on the left. At the top of
the ladder, enter the door for a Medikit and exit. Climb down the ladder
and about halfway down, climb off to the left and run down to the other
side of the central pipe. Turn the other valve to turn the flames off.
Now climb the ladder to the left and climb off about halfway up again.
Using this technique, search all the rooms at the top until you reach
the room directly on the left of where you first entered. Just on the
right of the door is a ladder: climb down and run along the passage to
the next ladder and climb up. Head through the corridor and destroy the
eggs. Climb down the ladder on the right and kill all the aliens in the
room and note the location of the ladder – this leads to the Engineering

Now head through the door on the right and kill all the
eggs/face-huggers and continue through the many corridors to the large
blue circular room. Head into the left room and destroy the electrical
boxes on the walls at each end of the curved passage. Now head back out
across the blue room and enter the one directly opposite. Again, destroy
the electrical boxes and all the eggs, then return to the blue room.
Head through the door on the right, into the corridor, and grab the
Engineering Lv4 card from the next room. Remember the ladder that leads
to Engineering?: well head back there and climb up. Use the card on the
swipe machine and enter. Head straight and enter the room at the far
end. Kill the aliens and turn the valve on the right wall to turn off
the steam. Now you can enter the room on the left and grab the supplies.
Now head back to the main room and climb up the ladder around the corner
on the far right side. At the top, grab the Engineering Lv2 card and
climb back down. Use the new card on the swipe machine by the door on
the other side of the room and enter. Clear the area of eggs and head
forward. Follow the corridors along until you reach a large room with a
computer console in. Kill all the face-huggers and flick the switch on
the central post and return down the corridors. Turn left when you reach
the open section and head along to the end of the passage. Destroy the
human hosts and enter through the door.

Follow the corridors along and enter the computer room. Unless you’re
desperate for ammo, ignore the Clip by the steam. Turn the left valve
and head through to the junction room. Head through the right door and
turn the valve in the room at the end. Now head back to the junction
room and through the door opposite you. Turn the valve at the end and
kill the nasties. Head back to the junction room and through the door
marked ‘51’. Now follow all the corridors and little rooms to the next
junction room and repeat the procedure, heading through the door marked
‘55’. Follow the corridors along to the next room and operate the two
hand panels on the right to release the docking clamps. Then find and
activate the communicator on the other side of the room.

L9: Mess Hall Complex ...
Played as Ripley

Turn around and run through the corridors and save your game in the next
room. Grab all the supplies in the room that you are in and head left
and grab the Electric Gun. Enter the next arena and charge up the gun
and kill the aliens and eggs. Head into the next room, killing all the
aliens and grabbing the goodies, including the Flashlight from around
the area. Press Select to duck and crawl under the cargo bay door and
grab the Shotgun. Enter the next corridor and use the valve on the far
side to enter through to the main cargo bay.

In here, quickly grab as much of the ammo scattered around the sides as
you can before the Newborn arrives. When it attacks, run backwards and
charge up the Electric Gun. Blast it at the creature and continue
running. Sidestep to avoid its claw attack and keep shooting it. When it
runs off, kill the aliens and exit the cargo bay through the door on the
right. Destroy all the eggs and aliens, then save on the wall panel on
the left and continue.

Duck under the next door and continue around to the far end where the
door won’t open. Now head back and search the left wall for a small
tunnel. Crawl down the tunnel and turn left and head along the long
passage. At the end, quickly stand up and use the hand panel, then
return down the tunnel, heading all the way down to the far end and
around the many corners. Grab Medium Medikit and return to junction.
Exit tunnel where you first entered. Go back to the door that wouldn’t
open and head into the lift.

Head along the balcony and, on the next one, wait for the electricity to
pass before continuing. Run around the long U-shaped corridor and
continue along the next walkways and corridors to the lift at the end.
Exit the lift and kill the aliens. Turn left and destroy the unhatched
eggs from a distance – the Electric Gun serves well. Continue following
the passages around, grabbing all goodies and zapping all bugs and bad
guys. Enter the next cargo bay at the end and face the Newborn again.

Follow the same tactics as before and exit the cargo bay through the end
doors once it runs off. Destroy all the eggs before they hatch and save
your game on the wall. Head through to the next room and shoot the eggs,
then crawl under the electricity to reach the other side. Shoot the
aliens that attack and crawl under the cargo door into yet another cargo
bay. This time you don’t have to face the Newborn: simply exit through
the doors to the left and continue into the lift – watch the
face-huggers as you enter.

Head along the walkways and shoot any pesky face-hugger that comes near.
Follow the next U-shaped corridor around to the next darkened passage.
Make your way around to the far end and use the two hand panels to
unseal the upper doors.

L10: The Betty ...
Played as Ripley

Now on The Betty, it’s the final conflict. You’ll have to get rid of the
Newborn. From the cargo hold, head through the doors, up the ramp and
down the flickering corridor. Head through the door at the end and use
the far hand panel to continue. Turn left and follow the corridor to the
end and head through the right door onto the ship’s bridge. A warning
will sound, alerting you of a hull breech – and now the chase is on.

Head back to the cargo hold and, when you pass the corridor with the
hand panels in, turn right and head through the now open door. The
Newborn should start attacking and chasing you. Keep on the move from
the creature at all times and head all the way through to the room at
the far end of the corridors. You’ll need to smash the glass panels and
turn all four of the valves behind them. To keep the Newborn at bay,
shoot it twice with your Shotgun or once with a fully charged shot from
the Electric Gun. This will knock it over temporarily, giving you a bit
of time to run away or perform a task. With all the valves turned, exit
the room and head through the right-hand door, through to the next
corridor, where the Newborn will bust through the doors.

Head into the right room and turn all the valves behind the glass as
before and exit. Head through the door opposite and turn left, heading
down the corridor. At the end, turn right and head around the corner and
into the next cargo hold. Head through the doors into the air-lock and
crawl through the small tunnel to the right of the air-lock doors.
Follow the tunnel to a corridor where all the doors will be locked. Head
through the next tunnel, which is on the right at the other end of the
corridor. Crawl all the way along, missing the first right path and
continue to the far end. This will bring you out behind the toughened
glass of the air-lock. Simply stand up and use the hand panel to flush
the Newborn out into space.

Once you have beaten the game you will have two additional options

The Cheat Menu allows you set play any level and to set various cheats
on or off.

You can choose to activate 'god mode', all weapons (but only those
available for each level) & infinite ammunition, infinite oxygen (ie. no
drowning), and the ability to disable chestbursting when infected.

You can also activate the cheat menu on the Main Menu screen, press the
following key sequences for cheats: circle, left, right, circle, up, R2.

If you complete the game at Hard Difficulty this will give you access to
the Research Mode in the Options Menu. This will allow you to 'tweak'
aspects of the Aliens & Facehuggers in the game.

To activate Research Mode use square, up, down, circle, left, R1 at the
Mani Menu.

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Weapon/Item/Enemy - guide

13.Oktober 2013
engl. Cheats
10.Oktober 2008

15.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013
PAL Patch für die US NTSC Version.

16.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor für die US NTSC Version.

16.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector and +2 Trainer for the US NTSC Version.

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