Mortal Kombat: Special Forces

Mortal Kombat: Special Forces

05.10.2013 05:52:38

Version 1.4 (6/30/2000)
By Doug Tsao,

I. Version Updates
II. How to Play
III. Author's Notes
IV. Combos
V. Walkthrough
- Warehouse
- Sewers
VI. Credits and Copyright

I. Version Updates

Version 1.4 (6/30/2000)
- Walkthrough for Towers

Version 1.3 (6/29/2000)
- Added section "How to Play"
- Walkthrough for Sewers
- New combos

Version 1.0 (6/28/2000)
- Walkthrough for Warehouse

II. How to Play

I'm sure alot of you out there are going to rent this game rather than
buy it, so you probably won't have the manual with you. In this section
I will go over the stuff in the manual as well as some stuff that I have
found myself that has not been listed in the manual.


-Draw Weapon: L2
-Look: L1
-Fire: Square
-High Punch: Square
-Low Punch: X
-Block: R1
-Inventory: Select
-Perform Action: X
-Turbo: R2
-Climb: Direction + Triangle

Jax's Special Moves:

-Light Ground Pound: R2 + X
-Hard Ground Pound: R2 + Square
-Light Dash Punch: R2 + Circle
-Hard Dash Punch: R2 + Triangle

Bars (not those that sell alcohol!):

-Health Bar: Located in upper right-handed corner, color-coded white
-Special Move Bar: Located beneath health bar, color-coded blue
~When you perform one of Jax's special moves, this bar depletes.
The only way to fill it back up is to perform combos.
-Enemy's Health Bar: Appears when an enemy is close-by (at least it's
~Blue Health Bar: Unarmed
~Orange Health Bar: Armed
~White Health Bar: Boss

III. Author's Notes

Since the game has just come out, I have only had time to get you the
walkthrough of the first 3 levels (there are a total of 8 levels). I
expect to finish the fourth level walkthrough by Monday. The reason it
takes so long is so I navigate each area for powerups and so you won't
miss anything. I play each level like 5 times.

IV. Combos

Note: These combos will only work after you have enough experience to
aquire them. In parenthesis is the amount of experienced needed.

Git Some Suka (253): X, X, Triangle

Super Uppercut (2428): X, X, X, Square, Triangle

Takin Out The Trash (7215): Triangle, Triangle, X

Bear Hugger (12215): Square, Square, Square, Triangle, Circle

Chump Change (17727): Square, Square, Circle

Smash (22215): Circle, Circle, Square

????? (28576):


Level 1: Warehouse

Directly to your left are two guards, so head over there and
dispose of those two. If you take too long, another guard will head
your way and gang up on you as well. If you dispose of them quickly
enough, you will find him up ahead towards your right. (Sometimes, if
the guards keep blocking your attacks, you should just run off for a
second, then come back and start attacking them again. You can also
just use a special move, but that will take away from your special move
meter.) After killing the guard, you should head out the door. The
next room should have about 5 guards around the place. They're a piece
of cake though, so don't worry. Just take them out with the Git Some
Suka combo. If you head to the right you will see a table. Climb on
there (D-Pad and Triangle) and get a small medipak. Now head back
towards the center of the room and go up till you see an elevator. The
power is out, and you need to turn it on. Keep going till you reach the
wall then head left. Go down the stairs, and down there is a guard. If
you head down, you will notice that there is an elevator there as well.
Of course, you can't use that one either because the power is out. Head
forward, then when you have a chance to go right, do so. The power room
key is down there, so go get it. Now go back near the desk that you ran
by, and head straight down that hall, then make a left. In there you
will find a 9mm clip. This will be used for the machine gun that you
will find next. Go back upstairs, pass the elevator, then head right.
When you come across a door, go in there. There's the machine gun. Now
exit the room and head right, where you will find yourself outside.
Outside, there are 3 bad guys. You can either aim and shoot them from
the stair way, or go down there and fight them. They're really easy, so
I would just go down there and beat them up. After that, head forward
towards the room. This is the power room. In the upper left corner is
the power switch, so go there and press X. Checkpoint! Now return to
the elevator. Head up to the 4th floor. Right outside the elevator is
a 9mm clip, so get that. There are two guards, and one is armed with a
machine gun. Be careful. The easiest way to get by is first let the
unarmed one come over there, then head over to the other. After
disposing of him, run by his corpse till you find a 9mm clip. Once you
kill guards that are armed with guns, you can take their ammo. Go to
the room on the left. Right near there is a guard. After taking him
out, go behind that chunk of wall to recieve a large medipak! On the
lower left of the room are two guards as well. Keep heading down then
go right. By the way, I find that it is needless to tell you that
guards are in such-a-such room by now, since you are armed well enough
to take care of yourself. However, if there is one that is partically
difficult or armed, I will say so. Anyway, at the right of this room is
a detonator. I know there is a crack in the wall right in front of the
detonator, but there is no need to break it. It leads right back to the
elevator. So just head back to the elevator the way you came there.
Now head to the third floor. Go ahead and take out all the guards
(around 5) around this area. Now if notice near the elevator is a small
hall with rocks. There happens to be a big crack here, so place the
detonator there (press select, go to items/weapons, then press X on
detonator, duh!). Move back, because the explosion is pretty big. Head
in there, go up then right to find the security keycard. Now go back to
the elevator, then head down, make a right. Now before entering that
room with your security keycard, there is a crack on the upper third
wall. Open that crack up with your detonator to find a large medipak.
Now open the door at the very right, then head up. On the right of the
wall in the room is the fire alarm. Don't be scared, press X!
Checkpoint! Time to go down to the 2nd floor, so head back to the
elevator. If you are low on health, give yourself a small medipak, as
guards will be back in the area that you cleared. Once you have arrived
to the 2nd floor, go up and search the right lower part of the room for
a 9mm clip. Get out and go to the room across from the elevator to get
a medium medipak. Go back to the main room then head down, then make a
right, then go down, then another right! If you head up then right to
the next room, you will find the fire exit ahead. However, there is a
guard with a machine gun in that room, so be careful! Open that door.
It will take a few seconds to load where you are, so don't be afraid
that you are stuck. Head straight up and get the medium medipak. On
the right is the boss' room, No Face. The best strategy for him is to
let him throw all his dynamite while you dodge them. Don't come too
close to him, or he will chase you with a flame thrower. Anyways, after
he has finished throwing those dynamite, he will pull out a flame
thrower and do a pattern of sweeping left, then right, with the flame
thrower. After doing this, he will pause for a second. Here's your
chance to get close, and do your combo. If you want to brawl with him
(and he will fight back), stay there, but I advise that you run away if
you don't want to take damage. He will then chase you for just a second
with the flame thrower, then begin to throw dynamite again. Just repeat
the process. By the way, if you haven't noticed, there is a medium
medipak at the upper right of the arena your facing him in. After
defeating him, exit through the door on the right.

Level 2: Sewers

Before I go through the level with you, I need to warn you about a
few things, concerning the guards on this level. Most of them are
equiped with machine guns, so watch out! It's really hard to see them,
due to the camera angle, and what I call "smog." It's like those
Nintendo 64 games' fog effects, except the fog in this game is coal
black. Even when you aquire the sniper rifle, all it does is zoom up on
the smog. You won't be able to see through it. The best strategy is to
pull out a machine gun and shoot them according to the direction of the
bullets. I know it's really annoying, but I didn't make the game. I've
been thinking of strategies of how to dispose of them with taking the
least amount of damage, and this is what I have came up with for now.
If any readers have found a better way, please e-mail me and you will
get credit. By the way, you'll probably need to use medipaks, but that
is OK, since this level is litered with them everywhere (that's not an
excuse to go crazy though!).
Your mission for this part of the level is to find access codes
from computers and use them to open doors. Don't worry if you forget
one, they're in your inventory under messages. So, head left to get
started. Above is a door you need to open with an access code, so go
down. On your right is a sniper cartridge, for the sniper rifle you
will be picking up shortly. Head all the way left, then go up to pick
up a medium medipak and access a code. Now head down, and keep going
down and you'll enter a room where you have an opportunity to get
another access code. Go back to the beginning where you had a locked
door. Yep, you can open it now. Climb the ladder to enter a room which
contains the sniper rifle and the final, third access code. Go forward.
Here's the part that is annoying, because you can't see due to the fog.
Each hall in the intersection has a guard with a machine gun. Go right
first so you can get a small medipak. Do it quick, so the guard will
still have his back turned. Now you can go to the hall straight or go
left. It doesn't matter, they end up in the same place. If you want me
to decide for you, go left; it may be a tad easier. After going left,
go directly straight and open the door. Drop all the way down. Trust
me, it won't kill you, not even take a portion of your life. Go
straight and open the next door. Navigate the platform, shoot some
guards on the way, and make your way down to the floor below. Once
you're down, you should see a sniper cartridge lying around, so get
that. Now go to the center platform, and press X on the console. Enter
the access code 3129. This comes from the access codes earlier. The
first message spelled 3, the next assembled 12, so on. Head back
upstairs and you will see a big door opened on the center of the wall.
Go through it. Congrats, you beat part one of this level.
Your next mission is to find keycards to get your way around to
the boss' (Tasia) room. Pick up the sniper catridges around and keep
heading straight, till you get to the next intersection. Travel across
the left wing, then go up a little bit so you can shoot the guard over
there ahead of time. Now go all the way down and pick up a small
medipak. Now head back up where you killed the guard and keep going up
till you see a door which you can open. In there will be another hall
until it splits to left and right. It doesn't matter which one you go,
because you have to go both ways anyway. I suggest to go right then,
since there is only one guard there. Open the door at the end of the
hall to get some shotgun shells. Now head all the way to your left,
open the door at the end, and at the lower left of the room is a
keycard. Now exit this place (no, not abort mission!!), assuming you
know how too (backtracking). Now head right till you reach the end, and
right above is the door you needed to open with that keycard. Climb the
ladder ahead, and then you will end up at another intersection. Go to
the left hall first to recieve a large medipak near the end, then go
back to the intersection and enter the hall ahead. Keep going forward
till you have a chance to go right, then do so. When you have a chance
to go straight, go ahead, and keep going till you reach a door. Open it
and get the keycard located on the lower center of the room. Now
backtrack (go down, turn left when you get the chance, etc.) till you
see a door ahead of you. Go there to open it, then you are finished
with this part of the level.
Your next mission is to straighten the bridge at the center of this
area so you can reach Tasia. Go all the way up and go through the
platform till you reach a door and open it. Go through to the next door
on the right. In this area you will run into an enemy which when
killed, you can pick up his shotgun. Anyways, head right, cross the
body of water through the minibridge, then go up the stairs on your
right. At the end (down), is a door. After opening it, navigate your
way to the room which contains the keycard and grab it. Go all the way
back and go down the stairs. Cross the minibridge again and go through
the opening at the center of this area. Keep going straight and open
the door. There are three consoles which moves three parts of the
bridge on this platform. So far, you can only move the first part of
the bridge, which can be done so by pressing X at the first console you
come across. The rest need keycards. Go straight till you see a door
on your left, and open it. Jump down the ladder and go open the door on
your right. Go all the way up and you will find a large medipak. Now
go down and head right, then proceed up. Go past the door till you
reach a dead end. Grab the shotgun shells. Now climb on the blocks on
the left, and walk back. You will run into another shotgun (just incase
you haven't ran into the enemy who had one before). If you already have
one, you'll just recieve some shotgun shells. Now climb down and keep
going back till you run into the door you passed before. Open it and
climb up. Open the next door, and head straight till you reach the end
and open the door on your right, then keep heading right. When you see
a door ahead of you, open it. Inside this area near the end is a medium
medipak. Open the door at the end of this area (down), and pick up the
keycard. Now exit the two doors you just went through and keep going
down a long hall. Eventually you will turn left and see a door. Open
it to get the final keycard. Now go back to those three consoles you
saw earlier (backtrack, and if you need help, just look above). Press X
on the two other consoles you couldn't do so earlier to move the bridge,
then go down and go through the door. Go right and you will see the
bridge you just straighten ahead. Cross it to reach Tasia. There's a
medium medipak in there as well as a detonator, so get them. Defeating
Tasia is somewhat similar to that of No Face. At least that's my
strategy so far. After throwing her purple-exploding grenades, she will
start to chase you. There's 4 orbs around her, one that will chase you.
They will not hurt you, but they will stop you from moving for a second.
It's not much of a problem unless she starting to throw her grenades.
Anyways, when she starts to chase you, try to get to her by the gap
between the three orbs. Open up a combo on her, then run away. She
will dissappear, then reappear and start her pattern all over again.
Repeat till you defeat her. This is the only way I have found to beat
her kind of easy so far. I'm not quite sure how to get that detonator
to use yet. If you have, please email them to me so others can share
the benefit. The screen will blackout as she dies.

Level 3: Towers

Unlike the last level, this first part of the level has very few
guards carrying machine guns. So it won't be as annoying. On to the
Your first mission is to find the keypad codes to gain access to
the elevator leading to the main office. Okay. Exit the room heading
down and look for a car on your left. Walk up to it and check it's
license plate. The access codes come from the license plates, so check
each car. After getting the license plate, head down, then run all the
way left to the door on the lower left. In the upper left corner is a
switch to open the garage door. Do so. Now walk out of the room and
check the cars in the nearby parking lot. Now go through the garage
door and head left, then check the two cars in the nearby parking lot.
Ahead of you is a door which needs an access code, but you are missing a
license plate. Go right, then head down to find the last car. Now come
back and enter the code 82931. This should open the door. In front of
this door is a car, so check that, then head left. There should be
another car on the lower part of the screen; check that as well. The
last one in this place is ahead, and right beside it is a large medipak.
Now head back and go up the parking lot, checking the last car in this
whole place. Be careful, this is the first guy to have a machine gun in
this level. At the dead end is the place to input the access code,
which is 97482. Go in there, and look for a small yellow room. Go in
there to get a red key. Head back the last two garage doors you opened
via access codes, then go right to a room where it has a bunch of glass
windows. Open the door, then go straight and press X at the elevator to
exit this part of the level. In this next mission you are to go up a
gold elevator after meeting a special agent. Note, in this part of the
level, the enemies are usually armed, so becareful. Go up the stairs,
then beat up the guard at the desk. Now head up. On your left is the
golden elevator you will exit this part of the level with. Keep going
straight till you end up with a door on your left. Open it, then head
down the room where there is a rug. There is the C Room Key. Now get
out of here, and go right, then go down, and head downstairs. There's
nothing on your left, so go right. Go past the lockers, then go down
the dark hall. Keep turning directions, and follow it. You will
eventually come up to a door near the end on your right, so go in there
to find a free life and a BR key. Go all the way back and head up
stairs, and go left, till you see the first door. Go in there, then
head left to find a computer. Press X, then check your
inventory/message screen. There's a red-haired agent downstairs waiting
for you, so go back downstairs towards the lockers. She will lead you
to a certain locker, which when opened will contain a rocket launcher.
Now go back upstairs and go all the way left inside the room you opened
earlier till you see another door. Open that and inside on the lower
left is a large medipak. Now head back near to the beginning of the
level and ahead, on the right of the desk, is a door. Open it so you
can reach the computer to grant access to the golden elevator. Now go
there, which I showed you where earlier, to exit this part of the level.
Now you are to find Jarek and kill him. Head down and exit through the
door on your right. Now keep heading right till you find a fenced gate.
Open it, and climb the ladder ahead of you. Keep going straight till
you see a branch to the right, then head that way. Climb down the
ladder, then head left and pick up the detonator over. Next, you are
going to detonate some windows. Go to first person view, and look for a
crack on a window. Detonate it, then jump down the ladder. You should
find a medium medipak. Now climb back up the ladder and go right to the
next set of windows. Put a detonator on the same place you did the last
one, and move. Climb down the ladder and here you will find a bronze
key on your lower right. Go back up the ladder and get back to the main
straightaway. Keep going straight till you see another branch to the
right. Go that way and head down the ladder, then proceed left. You
will find a small medipak. Now go down to get your detonator. Detonate
the glass set on the right, and in there is a medium medipak. Now head
back to the main part of the platform, and keep heading straight till
you reach a dead end. Go and open the door to your left. Access the
computer, then head right to open the gate. This is where Jarek hangs.
He's pretty easy. There's a medium medipak in his area by the way.
First he will throw four sets of blades. Next he will either motion you
to bring it or throw a fire orb. If he tells you to bring it, just keep
pressing X at him, but don't do it too long or he'll start punching
back. He'll do his pattern over again, and eventually it will take
longer for him to tell you to bring it. Just repeat the process and he
will fall.

Level 4: Sinkiang

**************************END OF WALKTHROUGH***************************

VI. Credits and Copyright

If you find anything I have missed, please tell me!! I will add it and
give you full credit right here!!!

Copyright © 2000 Doug Tsao

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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24.September 2013
All Levels and all Cheats are unlocked

10.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

05.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor (100\% PAL Centered) und +3 Trainer für die US NTSC Version.

17.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor und +9 Trainer für die US NTSC Version.

17.Oktober 2013

11.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor und +7 Trainer für die US NTSC Version.

18.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor für die US NTSC Version.

11.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector and +8 Trainer for the European PAL Version.

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