Duke Nukem 3D

Duke Nukem 3D

06.10.2013 05:04:38
DUKE NUKEM 3D Cheats, Tips

Version 2.2

What follows are hints, tips, secrets and cheats I have gathered from
this newsgroup. Sorry it took for this latest version but there was
just so much new material to add! You guys are sick (especially the
Stupid Duke Tricks!) ;-)


Here's what you do:

PAUSE (pause key) the game, then type in the cheats. You don't have
to pause the game to type in the cheats, sometimes typing them right
in the game works. However, for some unguessed-at reason, sometimes
they don't work at all and when you get to type the "N" after the
"D", the night goggles are activated. One solution is to redefine
the night goggle key from "N" to another letter not used in the cheat
codes. Also, some codes don't seem to work for me. DNGODLY doesn't
work, I have to type in DNCORNHOLIO. A few others, too, but there's
usually an equivalent.

DNCORNHOLIO or DNKROZ God mode (toggles)
DNWARP: jump to other episode and level
DNSCOTTY: jump to other episode and level
DNAMMO: all ammo full
DNVIEW: "follow" mode.. watch duke from a few feet
behind, like key
DNWEAPONS: all available weapons.. usually 1-6
DNUNLOCK: when in front of a lock door.. unlocks it
DNITEMS or DNSTUFF keys... items...etc.
DNRATE: shows rate (2 numbers top left of screen)
DNSKILL: Re-start level with skill #
DNCLIP: walk-through-walls
DNHYPER: steroids!
DNENDING: ends the episode
DNCASHMAN: Duke throws out some cash w/
DNMONSTERS: what does this do? Remove all monsters?

In the V1.1 patch of Duke 3D you can finally activate the no
clipping mode by typing DNCLIP also if you type DNMONSTERS and then
DNSCOTTY?? to warp to another level the monsters will disappear as
soon as they see you. Running away in fear no doubt :)


I agree with the posts which say that it seems like cheating to be
able to pee and pee and pee and pee (or drink, drink, drink to get
our health back up. Funny thing is, after drinking 60 times, Duke
didn't need to pee!!!

You can drink the water from the toilets, hydrants, etc. to get
health. Shoot the toilet then press to "use" the
resulting fountain.

Security cameras: press to go cycle through the views,
until you get back to the "static" screen, or to exit.

>How do you drop more than one pipe-bomb without blowing the first
>one up? As soon as I drop one, I get the trigger finger.

When you get the trigger finger, hit 6 again. This will give you back
the weapon itself. Keep doing it for lots or pipebombs. Great for
in Dukematch.

Neat stuff and Stupid Duke Tricks

Here's something that might fall under the stupid Duke tricks.
On level four if you can manage to kill one of the pigs while he
is standing under one the the vertically opening doors the door
will come down and squish the body and whenever it opens after
that it a stringy bit of flesh gets stretched between the two
halves of the door. Now that's a nice touch.

On Level 6, the Launch Facility, you start out facing a slow-moving
turbine. Go between any two blades of the turbine, and drop a
holoduke. Step back, and watch its behavior as the blades hit it.
Utterly useless, but interesting.

Level 6 is tons of fun. Try tracking through some blood under the
rocket and leaving footprints...then, after you launch the rocket, the

footprints are still there--hanging in midair. How do they DO that?

Try throwing a pipe bomb through a teleporter. Heh heh.

In the arcade, crouch in front of one of the electric outlets, and
"use" it... you'll be shocked by what happens ;-)...

Ever notice that if you time it just right, you can be 10 feet from
a pig cop but still manage to jump so his shotgun blast goes right
beneath you? I like this! You can charge right up to him, fire off
your first blast, jump his first blast, then land and kill him.

This one is long but good:
I went through level 1/Come Get Some in god mode, cheating in some
ammo when necessary. I killed all the enemies but one with bullet
weapons and left their corpses laying where they fell. (I couldn't
help killing the guy at the movie theater entrance with an RPG shot;
I had to get into the movie theater somehow.)
As I was littering the landscape with corpses, I was careful not
to shoot fire extinguishers, windows, lights, or anything else that
might be better... shall we say "detonated"? ... later on. ;]
Finally the level was clear. Miraculously, all the windows, fire
extinguishers, lights, bombable walls and floors, etc... were still
intact, with a few exceptions like the wall into the movie theater
lobby, the screen, and those walls whose explosion is triggered by
your mere presence.
I hit '6' and started planting pipe-bombs. Ducking is really
helpful for this; it doesn't take several tries to get the bombs
exactally where you want them.
One bomb for each corpse. A bomb at each video game in the
arcade. One at the window behind the movie screen; one at the
window in the projection room; one underneath the self-destruct
panel window. One bomb for each fire extinguisher. One for each
yellow high-pressure tank. One for the TV in the secret. One for
each trash can. One for each toilet or urinal. One under the mirror.
One on the bomb-able section of the cat-walk that leads to the
self-destruct panel. One for the fire hydrant. One on top of the
tree. One at the base of the 'No parking' sign. Just for the hell
of it, strap on the jet-pack and put one on top of the crate at the
start of the level. ;]
Stand back. Hit the button.
Whoah! Have you ever been playing Descent, suddenly after-burned
into a new section of the level, and had the whole machine stop
while the memory manager thrashed madly at the hard drive, trying
to load the new graphics?
That's the sensation I got. After the button went down, a pause
of about a half second occured. The frame-rate indicator suddenly
dropped to "4." And then... KA........ BO...... MM...... I've never
seen a bomb blow up in slow motion before.
I was kinda dissapointed. I guess after all that effort, I
expected one of the buildings to come down, or something. ;]

There are a lot of other things about Duke 3d that have really
impressed me, mostly the attention to detail, like being able to
shoot Pipe Bombs out of the air when people are throwing them at
you. I think I've done this against rockets as well!

If you look up and then throw a pipe bomb, the pipe bomb will
actually be thrown "up" at an angle. They also stay airborn long
enough to allow you to bring up the detonator and set them off in
mid-air. This discovery prompted me to try some fun things:
* Break clocks with bombs.
* Lizard flying after you?
* Here, catch!"
Lizard: "?????"
"Hehehe! What a mess!"
* Palm trees: Nature's torches.

If you shoot underwater (esp. with the chain gun) notice that the
spent shell casings are suspended in the water at first, before
they slowly sink to the bottom. Nice touch.

Most metal trashcans hold a goodie, kick them or shoot them.
The plastic trashcans will "dent" (good old Rubbermaid) but bounce
back into shape with normal shots, but the RPG or pipe bomb will
torch them.

Play pool in the nightclub.

Love the bloody footprints after Duke steps on a body.

Wet footprints left by Duke when he gets out of water/sludge

A pipe bomb will reduce dead bodies to just puddles of blood.

Try opening a door while looking at the detailed map (after
pressing twice)... if there's a light source nearby,
you'll see the floor lightening up.

The first time I played, I was looking around on the first level
for secret doors, and was jumping up in a corner. All of a sudden
I was rising higher and higher. Great, I thought, a secret
elevator! I turned around to see how high i was going, and
suddenly I fell to my screaming death, seeing a monster flash by on
the way down :-)

If running DN3D at 640X480 is just a bit jerky, try 640X400 (edit
DUKE3d.CFG). This mode uses 17% less data per screen than 640X480,
and does not look noticeably different.

If you set your shotgun damage to 150, it kills everybody but the
boss in one shot and kicks your victim backwards about ten feet
(except for the "chokers" and the flying tigers). If you set the
shotgun to 1500, it turns your hapless victims into billiard balls
(they bounce all over the place).

I don't know if this is a "bug" or intentional, but... the Troopers
that can teleport don't always reappear. Or if they do, it's only if
you move to another room or sector. If a Trooper disappears, you can
stand there for 5 minutes and he won't come back. Then as soon as
you walk into another room, he pops in. But sometimes, they just
disappear forever. You'll get to the end of the level and you'll see
one or two enemies not killed, which are the troopers that never came
back. Annoying. (BTW: Notice in the demo for Level 1 that a Green
Trooper teleports out! According to the help file, only the
Red/Orange ones are supposed to be able to do this.)

3) You can flip a light switch through a wall! Try this: In the
movie theater on the first level, where the concession stand is
and the elevator to the arcade, there's a lit poster on the wall
beside doors that lead you to the ticket booth at the front of the
theater. Stand between the doors and the poster, and hit the
open/use key (space bar). The poster should go dark. Do it again,
the poster is lit. If you go through the doors to the other side,
you'll find a light switch right behind where you were.

4) On the second level, if you manage to kill a Pig Cop so his body
drops where the sidewalk and street meet; depending on the angle,
the sidewalk will cover him up partially. Same sort of thing
happens on the third level. If a Pig Cop is standing beside one of
the slopes at the bottom (where the door is that takes you outside
to the turrets) as you walk on it, his body will appear through the

There are several small rooms and teleports that appear when in
multi-player mode. They just aren't accessible solo.

Go to level one, clear out the street area. Cheat with DNKROZ
(invincibility), DNSTUFF (items), and DNCASHMAN (money flies w/ space
bar). Use the jet pack to fly up as far as the game will permit, and
rapidly hit the space bar a dozen times; you should see money flying
away from you. Hit ENTER to shut off the jet pack; you'll live only
if you remembered DNKROZ. Now step back a bit, and look up. You
should be able to see a huge cloud of cash that can take well over a
minute to land. It's especially nice in 640x480 or better. Hey, I
did say this was a "stupid" trick, didn't I?

P.S. When playing death match, Level 6 (launch facility) makes for
some excellent gambits using long elevators and holodukes.

Anywho, another Stupid Duke Trick[tm, pat. pend] is to fly up as high
as you can in the street in level one (or two), turn on God Mode,
hit F7 and turn off your jet pack. After you hit the ground (and the
blood flies), Duke will be thrashing in a spastic fit-o-death until
you crouch, turn on the jet pack, etc. Quite funny.

Variation: I found something the other day in Duke. In god mode, use
your jetpack to go as high as you can. Shut it off and fall. Duke
will scream and everything but he'll be ok. Now go to a mirror. It
only works on certain mirrors--I know the one in the bathroom on the
level with the pool table works. Check it out!

This one is hard to do deliberately, but it happens by accident
once in a while. We all know that if you directly shotgun a "red
alien" as he's teleporting, he'll reappear seconds later, and
collapse. I found that if you launch an RPG at him, and it connects
as he fades out, you'll soon hear (and see, if you're fast) the alien
reappear, and spontaneously burst, sending innards everywhere.

Also, in level one, we've all found the alien sitting on the can in
the bathroom. Instead of opening the stall, try lobbing one or two
pipe bombs over the door. Neat effect. Also, in level two, in the
"peep show" area, two or more of the doors have aliens behind them.
Open each, toss a pipe bomb in, then shut it quickly. Detonate 'em
all at once.

On level 3... type DNKROZ and enter behind the grinding machines.
See yourself squish. the one on level 4? will crash the game

On the final level (1-5) if you give yourself a jet pack and fly up
to the shrink ray that you use to cross under the wall you'll find
a secret message written on the wall. "You're not supposed to be
here. Levelord"

I found a message similar to this on level 4 where right above the
sunken sub I made a very difficult jump to where a turret gun was
shooting at me from and found a secret door in there, and there was
a message saying "How did you get here?"

When you get to the end of E1M2, you know, where the cage come up
and traps you. Instead, use the jet pack and fly across to the
self-destruct switch. You still get your ass fried. Many things
are like this. Teleporters don't work when you're flying. That bit
on level 2 when the pig cops drop through the ceiling doesn't
activate unless you're walking.

Level 1 - Hollywood Holocaust

Secrets/Tips for Level One. (*) = official secret.

1(*)There is an RPG on the ledge below the "Innocent?" sign. Jump up
on top of the crate and jump onto the slanted ledge to the left.
From the slanted ledge jump onto the ledge underneath the
"Innocent?" sign. The RPG will raise up on a platform. (you
don't have to get the RPG to get the secret.

2(*)There are RPG shells in a secret apartment above the slanted
ledge. Either drop down on this ledge from the ledge under the
"Innocent?" sign or else jump up here from the crate. [There is
another way to get here, see #4 below]. Then place yourself
under either the left or the center window and jump + move
forward. Watch out for the ugly around the corner in the
apartment (you can see him on the security monitor). Grab the
RPG shells to get the official secret. (You could exit the
apartment through one of the windows you didn't come in through,
but I'm not sure if you'd get tangled up with the guy in
flaming box (#4))

3(*)There are steroids behind a poster in the apartment. Press
while standing in front of the "Attack of the
Bleached Blonde Biker Bimbos" sign.

4 Out in front of the theater off to the right is a burning box.
There's an ugly, a clip, a health, and another way in the secret
apartment. As you go towards the box a flying ugly will pop up
out of it (maybe if you came out of the other windows in the
apartment you could pick this guy off?) Anyway, remember to
jump just inside the box to get a clip of ammo. In order to get
the health (and another way into the apartment in #2) jump onto
the "No Parking" sign. To do this get right next to the sign
and tap jump and forward in quick succession. To jump from the
sign onto the ledge tap forward, tap jump and then hold down
forward in quick succession. Either of the two rightmost windows
will take you into the apartment. The health is sitting on the
ledge in front of you. (I tried initially entering the apartment
this way and took more damage from the ugly inside than I did
with the other approach to the apartment).

5 Entering the theater. Either you can go through the back
entrance, or else you can blow a hole through the ticket booth
with the RPG. To do this aim the RPG through the window of the
ticket booth and at a 45 degree (or so) angle aimed at the wall
inside the ticket booth with all the cracks on it. You cannot
blow this wall up from the outside. Don't get too close and
don't miss the window and blow the RPG shell up in your face.
(cracks in a wall generally mean that an RPG shell or pipe bomb
will take the wall out).

6(*)There is a full armor and a medkit in a hidden room in the main
lobby. First, go to the cash register in the main lobby and
press , this will open up a section of the wall up and to
your right. To get up there you need to use the hidden lift.
It is off to the left of the "Attack of the Bleached Blonde Biker
Bimbos" poster below the room, and you can't see it. Just press
there and it'll take you up.

7 There is a medkit, pipe bomb and night vision goggles behind a
secret door above the trashcan outside of the arcade. Jump on
the trashcan, press , then jump up and go forwards to
get inside the room.

8 The bathroom (100% medkit) and the ventilation shaft (holoduke).
Remember to snag the clip that is sitting behind the couch in the
bathroom. (And notice that a urinal has "867-5309" next to it
which is the name of an early 80's song by Tommy Tutone). Jump
on top of the stalls to get a 100% medkit. Kick in the cover to
the ventilation shaft. Get in front of it, stand back and send
an RPG into it. Provided you didn't do something silly like miss
and blow the RPG up in your face you will have blown away the
far inside corner wall of the ventilation shaft and will be
able to snag the holoduke -- done right you don't lose any
health. If you really want to try to blow the wall from inside
the ventilation shaft, use a pipe bomb.

9(*)through the ventilation shaft there's a secret room with shotgun
shells and an entrance into the projector room. (alternatively,
you could have gone up the spiral staircase into the projector
room and then hit on the wall directly to the left of
the fire extinguisher, then down the ventilation shaft and into
the bathroom...).

10(*)The projector room has the keycard and there's also a secret
room with an RPG. It's accessed by jumping on top of the
projector. There's also another ugly inside of this room.
It is possible to simply jump up without landing on top of the
projector to get the health bonus on top of it without opening
up the secret room.

11(*)RPGing the movie babe and getting the jet pack. Hit the switch
in the projector room to dim the lights, draw back the curtain
and start the movie. Go down into the theater and fire an RPG
at the babe. This should open up a hole in the screen. On
your way to the hole, make sure you've picked up the ammo in the
seats, near the exit and hidden in the curtains. Through the
hole you'll find a couple box of shotgun shells and the jet
pack. Blowing out the window here will get you back the rear
entrance to the theater.

12 If you want to you can fly upwards from the rear entrance to the
theater past the bridge near the ending. There's a room to the
left with a jet pack and two shotgun shells. There's also two
automatic laser gun emplacements which make this something to
usually pass up if you're not in God mode.

13 When you take the lift up to the arcade, stay on the
lift, fire a shot at the tanks go back down and wait for the
dust to clear. This blows a hole from the arcade into the
theater. It also should take out anyone or anything inside this
room. You don't want to be inside the room when the tanks let
go. It is unhealthy. :-)

14 If you play the Duke Nukem game in the arcade (press
in front of it) a panel will open up for a few moments in the
wall to the right of the game containing a holoduke.

15(*)Getting the chain gun, pipe bombs and shotgun from the hidden
room behind the neon sign above the palm tree. Easiest way to
do this is by using the jet pack. The hidden room is on the
level right above the palm tree and the windows to either side
of the palm tree open into it. You *can* get here without the
jet pack it just isn't easy. First of all you've got to find
the bridge to the final exit and jump off (or just walk off) it
and onto the ledge that runs around the theater. Walk around
this ledge to the palm tree (NB there's a health on this ledge).
Stand directly in front of the palm tree. Line yourself up with
the map so that you are exactly perpendicular to the building.
Slide left/right until you're directly in front of the tree, and
put your back against the wall. Gently tap forward once. If
you're still looking at the map and you suddenly get *big*
you've gone forwards too far and have almost stepped off, try
it again. Now take the map off and *tap* forward, jump,
forward in rapid succession. If you did it right, you're now
on top of the tree (don't be surprised if it takes you at least
half a dozen tries to get this right). Now turn around. If
you jump straight forwards you'll hit a wall. Angle off at
about 30 degrees to your left (use the map). Do the same tap
forwards, tap jump, hold forwards in rapid succession and if
you're lucky you should wind up in the apartment.

Other neat things:

- You can toss a pipe bomb on the bridge to the exit and blow it up.
- You can fly up the ventilator shaft you came down from if you've
got a jet pack. May be useful in death match if you want to hole

Level 2 - Red Light District

There are night vision goggles in the book store bathroom. Press
on the bathroom hand dryer and a panel opens up.

You can also blast open the wall from this bathroom which leads to
the peep show booths

If you shoot wall with RPG in peep show room, it will open a hole to
the bathroom.

After blowing up building toss a pipe bomb on the manhole cover, and
you can drop into the sewer and get mind warped by the flying squid
thingy. After you get into nightclub you can get to the sewer by
blowing up the toilet and the word "unlocked" will appear. Push on
wall and get shot by pigs. You will find night vision, holoduke,

Make sure to watch OJ Bronco chase on TV in bar.

Push space bar when you come up to women. Duke says "Wanna Dance?"
or "Shake it, Baby" The strippers will wiggle and show their

Phones give busy signal when you push space bar.

1. In the porn shop, one of the bookcases along the wall will swing
out, revealing a small cache of weapons.

2. Behind the counter and near the security monitor, there is
another set of bookcases. Jump up on them for a health atom, and
open the corner panel to reveal a Holoduke.

3. Down the dark hallway, there is a pitch black corridor off to
the right of the elevator. Work your way down to a dimly lit
passageway. There, you will get a health atom and possibly a
shotgun, depending on how cordial the welcoming committee is.

4. The well-known sewer is considered a secret area. If you enter
through the bathroom, you must actually go down into the sewer to
get credit for finding a secret.

5. In the actual dance area of the strip joint, stand on the couch
in the corner. This will cause the panel behind two of the strippers
to open. RUN as fast as you can to this, as it will close fairly
rapidly. Besides some ammo, there is a switch that will allow you to
open or close this panel.

6. Strangely, the air duct leading back stage is considered a secret,
though I personally know no alternative way to get back there.

7. At the very end section of the level, there is an illuminated wall
panel right near the two crates. Open this for a health kit.

8. The last secret is the RPG on the platform on the stage. It is to
the upper right of the switch which opens the curtains. You can jump
to it from the platform which leads to the last room with the two

For the record, these actions do NOT count toward the secret count:

1. Finding the RPG in the peep show booth.

2. Finding the keycards anywhere, including under the bar.

3. Entering the air duct that leads from the bar entrance into the

4. Entering the sewer from the bathroom.

The last secret is: Go into the bathroom, use space bar on hand
dryer.. a small door will open on the wall in between the sink and
the toilet. Get the night vision glasses in there.

When you get to the end of E1M2, you know, where the cage come up
and traps you. Instead, use the jet pack and fly across to the self
destruct switch.

>I am on the 2nd lvl of Duke 3d and I am in the Dance/Disco room.
>Killed everything, including the dancers, and can not figure out
>where to go from here.

Look up one the wall to the right of the door. There is an air duct
up there. Go through it, and you should be on your way.

Boxes aren't for opening, they're for jumping on to get elsewhere.
In the bookstore open the big red door by finding the right sequence
of numbers, and go from there down the long dark hallway to a lift
to an apartment. In the apartment is the blue key, go from there to
right beside the bar and use the blue key and some button codes to
blow up the building across the street. Go over there and get the
yellow key, enter the bar. In the bar inside the bar, crouch down
and look for a cabinet and open it to get the red key. It's pretty
obvious from there.

When you enter the bar (there is a TV showing the hunt for O.J.
Simpson...), there is a little door. You have to duck (press Z key)
to open it. There you find the yellow keycard.

>On level 2, I use the blue access card to make the panel drop, and
>somehow, the swtich for detonating the building will appear. I can
>get the switch to appear, but don't know how :). Is there some
>sequence to clicking the buttons, I usually start pressing at
>random, and eventually the switch will come up, but sometimes it
>takes as long a 5-10 minutes of random clicking. What's the correct

The switches to leave on are the two outside ones. Throw the 2 inner
switches and "Presto!", up pops the detonator. Boom!

Level 3 - Death Row

Level 3 tour:

1. The first stop on our tour is the executioner's chair. It's kinda
unhealthy to sit here all day, so the first tip is to move. Now,
you have no guns, no ammo, nothing at all. IF YOU WERE SMART ON
LEVEL 2 you should have come through with 200 health. (Perhaps
steroids can make it through the level transition, too? I haven't
tried this).

2. Pistol. In the control room there's a panel with a pistol and a
clip. If you're playing skill 3+ there's also a pig in there and
you're gonna have fun trying to kill him. The door around the side
is unlocked if that helps.

3*. Shotgun. Inside the control room press the left button. This
the chair to go down revealing a secret compartment behind it. Drop
down behind the chair and get the shotgun. Waste the pig around the
corner, then open the curtains with the right button in the control
room and use that shotgun.

4. Holoduke. In the room behind the curtain on the wall with the exit
there's a secret panel with a holoduke behind it. Grab this, and
forget the medikit down the hall -- remember, you don't have one

5. +50 health. Take the first left off the hallway and enter the
Blow away the hanging monk to get a +50 health. There's also a
couple of health hiding behind the christ image. Stepping on the
dias behind the christ image will summon another monster (turn

6*. +50 health, armor. If you go to the back (near the entrance) of
chapel and stand directly in the middle of the room looking at the
button above the dias you can shoot that button (you *are* playing
v1.1 so that you've got crosshairs, right?). This will cause the
platform that you were standing on to raise up and you'll be able to
get the health and armor from the nook at the top of the room. I
haven't been able to figure any graceful way down off of this other
than just swandiving into the floor and taking a couple points of

7*. Chaingun. Press on the christ image. The cross should invert.
Blow away the mural on the left (incidentally, there's steroids
behind the mural to the right). Enter the mural on the left, waste
the octobrain. Shoot the DOOMed spaceman. Grab the chaingun.

8*. RPG shells. Down the corridor from the chapel there's a prison
cell. Behind the bed is a crawlspace with RPG shells in it. There's
also a hole off to the other side. It has a clip inside it and
if viewed with night vision goggles written on the walls inside is
"Behind the Babe" (presumably referring to the hidden crawlspace
out of the prison cell).

9. Blue Keycard, RPG. Walking down the hallway from the prison cell
be prepared for the wall to your right to explode. Inside there's
a room with all kidns of "machinery." Jump on them to get into the
control room above the machinery were there's the keycard and the
RPG. Off to the right of the machinery is a ledge which has a +50
and also a hidden panel with night vision goggles behind it (IMHO
don't waste too much time trying to get up to the ledge).

10. Beyond the blue keycard you will meet your first laser tripbomb.
The first one you meet you can crawl under without hazard. Going
through it will probably cause enough damage to kill you. To
"defuse" a trip bomb, either fire an RPG at it (and have a healthy
respect for it's blast radius) or toss a pipebomb towards it and
run away.

11. Yellow Key. The yellow key is up the hallway to the room guarded
two laser trip bombs. I'm quite in favor of RPGing them, but if you
must jump over them, it's easiest to edge your way diagonally closer
to them (gives you greater control over the distance between you and
them) then jump and run forwards. Note that prior to this you might
spend some time RPGing the guards behind the forcefield, or using
the pipebombs on them. They're basically helpless since they can't
hit you, but explosions will go through the forcefield. Now, go
into the room with the yellow key, and the way I prefer to do this
(the safe and easy way) is to carefully grab the shotgun shells
stepping on the trigger. Then get lined up so that you can grab the
yellow key and run your ass out of that room before the laser
tripbombs trap you inside. Have the chaingun ready because this
brings some pigs out.

12. Red Key. The yellow key is used to open to door to the north end
of the large, big open room. While you're here, pause for a moment
while you're going down one of the ramps inside of this room. Look
back towards the center of the room and you should notice a catwalk
that ends in a door which has four laser tripbombs guarding it. RPG
the tripbombs, it'll help later. Now go through the yellow door and
into the room with the only viewer that is hooked up to multiple
cameras. When you exit this room you will be in the yard. The yard
is guarded by pigs, a couple of pigs in aircars and four laser
batteries. You've got to figure your way out of this because off
to the left is the area where the red key is. RPGing the laser
emplacements is probably a good idea. If you kill off everyone in
the yard now you might want to skip to some of the stuff in (19).

13. You aren't going to get the other door to the yard open yet, so go
back into the room you just came out of and into the main
room. Use the red keycard to gain access to the stuff in the back
of this room. There's a chamber in here which revolves around 360
degrees. It has two positions, one where you can enter and exit it
"normally" (i.e. the way that you're about to walk into it) and
another position where you have access to various goodies. Watch
out because when you're inside it and try to cause it to revolve
you can get caught in the mechanism and mangled. I'd suggest
shooting the button. In the room there's a chaingun. There's
also a big ugly looking hologram which appears to have no purpose
whatsoever. The venthole can be shot and jumping up will get you
armor. Jumping through the vent will take you back into the
corridor just around from the chapel. Squeezing off to either
side there are the rooms which have the controls to let down the
forcefields. There are also monitors to check the status of the
forcefields -- when they're blue they're down.

14**.Okay, now for that big red door that you've probably been
what it led to. That's the door that had the laser tripbombs on the
other side of it which you RPG'd awhile back. Go across the catwalk
and press on the wall which will open up to show you
a map. Also, to either side of you are two cubbyholes which will have
opened up. These are offical secrets. The one to the left has RPG
shells and the one to the right has a +50 health.

15. Boots. Go back up by the room with the yellow key and go into the
bathroom. Waste whatever you find in there, and get the boots, you'll
need them shortly. Now you can have fun with the cells in the
cellblock. Watch out for the lasers from outside which can shoot
through the windows (but I don't think your RPGs can shoot out -- they
just detonate inside the room (ouch!)). There's also a compression
tank down the hall in the right cellblock -- if you blow this up it
makes a hole almost directly above the laser tripbomb below. Might
be useful in a deathmatch (get someone to chase you down here,
successfully avoid the tripbomb and they either have to risk the
tripbomb or else backtrack...)

16. +50 health. Tangentially, there are also a whole bunch of tanks
the hallway outside of the main room near where you just blew a hole
in the wall. Blow these tanks and you'll create a hole back to the
prison cell that is next to the chapel -- there's also a +50 health
inside this, so it's worth your time. (NOTE: I usually enter this
from the main room, and I have this tendency to kill the pig guarding
the tanks right as he's going through the door -- the doors close and
it goes "squish" and then every time I open the door there's this
ribbon of gore stretching from the top to the bottom =).

17. Where were we? *The secret passage of course*. Okay, go down the
right cell block to the cell at the very end. Inside this cell there
is a poster on the wall -- just walk straight through the poster
and you'll wind up in a secret passage (This is what the "Behind The
Babe" message and the mark on the map was about). Down the secret
passage you'll have to use the pipebomb to blow two walls. (note:
in version 1.1 i can no longer get past the fire without losing at
least a couple points -- i could run around the edge of the fire
in 1.0 and not get damaged). You wind up in the slime river. Nothing
very exiciting in here, follow it until you get to the sub yard. You
might want the chaingun or RPG to clean out this little infested

18*. Nightvision goggles (and the scuba gear). Around the side of the
sub yard there's a door which leads back into the yard with the
laser emplacements -- you can unlock this door. On the same wall
as the lock there's a ramp which you can jump up onto and then
press to open a secret door to get the nightvision
goggles. Also snag the scuba gear while you're here.

19*. 3 x +50. If you go through this door into the yard finish off
enemies that you haven't already killed back in (12). Note that
enemies in the cellblock will be able to fire at you when you're
walking around the yard. Okay, so jump up onto the level with
the lasers by using the ramps next to the door. From the level
with the lasers there's another ramp. Jump up this and go through
the secret corridor to get 3 +50 healths.

20. On the side of the yard towards where the secret passage to the
sub base and the slime river is, the central cell in that block
has a weak wall off to the right of the window. Can be blasted
by an RPG. Perhaps useful in a dukematch? Cannot be blown from
inside (at least i couldn't figure out how).

21*. On the other side of the yard, by where the red key was, all the
way at the end there's a secret hallway which you can find by
using an RPG. It is on the rock wall up and to the left of the
end of the level with the laser emplacements on it. Jump up here
and get the steroids. If you blow the inside wall of this hallway
with a pipebomb you'll create a passageway back into the cellblock
(can't blow it from inside the cellblock, though).

22*. Go back to the sub. To enter the sub enter the water and press
"down" to use the scuba gear to swim under the sub. Yes, there's
a door down there, and no, no one has any clue as to how to
get the thing open. Enter the sub through the bottom. Kill your
greeting party. On the back wall there's a hidden door to the
reactor room and a medikit which is the final offical secret. The
lever at the front of the sub just puts the periscope up. Break
the glass and hit the self-destruct button to end the level.

1) Lower the electric chair and crawl behind it to get shotgun.
2) The place at the top of the prayer room (with the hanging monk)
3) Inside the prayer room (with the DOOMed character)
4) Behind the bed in a prison cell
5) and 6) 2 Small rooms next to the map
7) Above the entrance to the room with water and submarine (healing)
8) Connection between the yard and the corridor (shootable from
outside) (*)
9) Reactor room inside sub
10) The ledge besides the "machinery" (night vision goggles)

(*) Clarification: the two grey pillars that are along side the door
slope on them. The one with the secret room is the one with the
switch on it, closer to the Scuba gear. Simply face the pillar and
press space. If you jump up or look up you will see the door open.
Jump on the slope of the pillar.

>>I can't get to that button above the chapel. Any advice?

>Take your pistol, look up with and shoot the button, then
>press the sort of weird face thing that's below the button. The
>chapel turns into a horrible demonic madhouse; also, a door opens up
>behind the left stain-glass window. Go back there to discover a
>tough beastie and Apogee's little jab at DOOM.

That's not what the button is for. Shoot the button, and then turn
around and look at the back of the chapel, and see what's different.
It raises a pillar between the two doors to give you access to a
secret place. If you're cheating [not that you would of course] and
using DNSTUFF, just fly up between the doors using a jet-pack to
see what I mean.

At the end of the slime river is a teleporter (why?) that will take
you back to the waterfall area. I couldn't look around too much as
to why, because I ran out of air (used that extra tank too early, I

Anyway, the regular exit is at the end of that fast moving slime

>I was wondering if you could tell me how to open the large steel
>door that you come to in the prison courtyard? It is the one with
>the flashing red light above it. I have been everywhere on this
>level except for beyond this door.

You can't from that side. To go to the other side, you need to
take down the force fields.

>How can I shut off the force fields for the prison cells?

Have you gotten the red card yet? If you have, you should go up to the
button that spins it, spin it, and run into the room while it's
spinning. You will see a door to one side(Don't enter yet) and on the
other side, there is a button. On the left and on the right are two
rooms that have switches in them.

If you have the RPG, you should kill the pigs in the cell-block
before lowering the force fields. The RPG can shoot through the force
fields - the aliens cannot.

>Can you help me exit level 3. I've found the map and taken
>down the force fields. Noticed what looked like an arrow on the
>map but can't find anything in that area. What do I do next?

You have to be on the other side of the door to unlock, then open it.
Check the prison cells, go through the picture of the girl in that
one cell. That map you found points out a tunnel there. step into
the poster; it's not a door, just walk right into it.

>How do I get to the sub, I've been in this level for along time and
>still can't find the right door....

Hope in the water at use the Jump and Crouch keys to swim under the
sub. There's an opening underwater that allows you to get into the

Level 4 - Toxic Waste Facility

At the end of Level 4 there's a tunnel with running slime... while
you're going thru the tunnel, use the RPG on the Octabrains. When
I was doing this, a part of the wall blew off and inside was the
secret level entrance. There is a crack on the left side just before
you reach the actual exit. If you blow it open there is another
couple of rooms in there (baddies too!) and the secret exit..

Not true. Yes, the river is fast, but you can get back by using the
Jump key!

While going down the river, blow a hole in the wall. It's on the
left side about half way down. If you just drift, you should get
stuck there anyway. However, don't try to get in then, 'cause you'll
blow yourself up! Watch where it is, and try to shoot it with the
RPG on the way down. It's tricky! (Especially if you're trying to
kill the two octabrains!)

>Can anyone help? The last access card I used just opened up a window
>for something that keeps shooting green globs at me. The nearby
>door won't open. I have no idea what to do.

The green globs are a shrink ray. Let one hit you and run
through the little vent to the right, and stay to the right (hurry
because you wouldn't want to return to your normal size in that
little tunnel). There is a switch in that room that will open it.

ahh the underwater gears.. watch them closely... and you'll see a
blue/grey area... those are the gaps in the gears, time it and swim
into em and you are on the other side of them. But if you are feeling
brave ride the gears all the way around and pick up some goodies.

Walk up to the gears. Turn on your automap . You will notice
two teeth are missing from the gears. Time your steps right, and
you should slip thru the gap made by the missing teeth!

>I have gone through to the second underwater cavern and killed
>everything around there. I pushed the button in the second
>underwater control room which raises up the land above water. I've
>gone up there, killed three creatures but was unable to get anywhere
>else up there. I' ve tried jumping from the land mass I was on but
>couldn't get anywhere. What do I need to do next?

I believe that here all you have to do is get the steroids and then
run and jump off the big rock to the other side.

Level 5 (last)

>There are two areas that I can see but have not found any way to get
>into. The first is the indian hogan that is across the tumble down
>rope bridge. The second is a large room that you walk almost all
>the way around getting to the end of the level. It shows up as a
>large green passageway on the maps, and there are two points where
>you can see it through a crack in the wall. But I can't figure out
>how to get into either one.

To get in to the Indian Hogan, you can:

A)Teleport using the firepit
B)Back up as far as you can, hit CAPSLOCK(For run lock) run until you
are just near the gap, and jump.
C)Use a jetpak to fly

- If you turn on God Mode, and purposely fall from one of the spires
into the toxic sludge, swim around. There's a message on one of the
rock faces! "Dopefish Lives!" :)


>I got stuck in this big room on level 5. It is in the big building
>and there is a patch of lava or whatever going across it. How
>do I get out of here?

That's probably the boss room. You've got to beat him to get out.
Is there a +-shaped window nearby? There's a ledge to jump up on
and a switch that raises another platform...

After falling down the pit into the Boss's lair, (don't forget the
secret ammo on the way down), you land in the room adjacent to the
Boss arena.


1) For some reason, if you don't go across the pool of toxic waste in
the center, he usually stays on the other side -- even if you shoot
him. But eventually he'll come after you. I get in a few easy hits
this way, with RPGs. Chain gun seems to be pretty useless, and
shotgun is too slow.

2) Only direct hits seem to do damage. I tossed something like 50
pipe bombs over the pool and detonated -- the bastard lived! You
have to put a pipe bomb right in his face in order for it to do
damage. RPGs work well . . . if you can stay alive long enough.
Takes about *42* of them to do him in!

3) When he opens up with his chain gun: RUN. There's nothing you can
do while he's shooting this at you. But when he decides to toss his
version of pipe bombs, this is your opportunity to attack. Fire RPGs
or use pipe bombs . . . just make sure you avoid his.

This strategy ALMOST works when I play legit, but I never quite make

Another strategy:

Normally, you would press the wall button to enter the arena, enter,
the door closes behind you and you're trapped inside with the Boss
who is probably going to blast you into bits!

The trick, is to open the entrance door, step into the arena only
briefly, then immediately back up (through the door). If you are
successful at opening AND getting back out of the door before it
closes, you can then open the door a second time, enter the arena
and the door will not close on you anymore.

You can run into the arena, get the ammo, health and stuff, run
like hell and exit into the adjoining chamber and blast away at the
BOSS who will be sitting in the door like a duck!

Pipe Bomb tricks and rocket launchers are so much fun this way!

Yet another...

>There's also another way to kill him if you've ran out of RPGs or
>Pipebombs...just use the 3-barrelled machine-gun. Make him
>stand at the door and get Duke to stand opposite him behind the
>railings. Shoot him at that spot and when he shoots back...duck..he
>won't be able to shoot you since the railings are bullet-proof (I
>wonder why?)...so you just duck and shoot. That's all there is to
>it..Enjoy the ending..(without cheating)

I originally killed him by using the jetpack and peppering him with
RPGs, and then ran around untill he stopped on the other side just
stomping and screaming back and forth. I then found that I could
finish him off with the shotgun as long as I didn't go too high on the
bump in the middle of the room, he didn't even shoot back. That was
really satisfying :^))) Then I heard about the other method.

Secret Level - Launch Pad


1. shootable vent/fan w/ the jetpack
2. the underwater grate (although I don't know how I opened it)
3. behind the wall panels near the very end
4. There is a secret door with armor in the back of the upper level
computer room, just to the right of the computer bank.

I found all the secrets on the above list for level 4, plus one more
shooting a missile underwater to the left of the room with the switch
that raises and lowers the water level. At the end, it says I only
found 13 of 14 secrets and there are two enemies still alive

You can get there from level 4 (the legit way - a secret exit),
use the cheat code "dnscotty16", or start Duke3D up with the
level warp command line parameter (/L6).

When you find the switch to open the big blue doors that let you go
outside to the rocket (guarded by several pigs), if you look at one
of the computer panels... Hmm, that looks familiar! "Stop, Duke.
Please stop, Duke. I'm afraid... I'm a...fraid." :)

>I have teleported into the ship and used the red access
>card. Can I now blast off in the ship? If so, how??

Go instead into the below ground level viewing area. You'll see what
to do from within there.


To those who have been having problems with their .CON files, what I
discovered was this:

Go into your Duke 3D folder, and edit the attributes of all three
.CON files to READ-ONLY. That will eliminate these errors. When I set
these files to READ-ONLY, I haven't had a problem since! The command

3D Realms confirms this fix in an e-mail I received from Joe Siegler.

The problem is (according to 3DR) smartdrive and disk caches.
They corrupt saved games (as they are saving). Win 95 uses this by
default but a DOS boot will fix this. Most 6.x DOS configs also use
it. Disable and problems go away.


Special thanks to Lamont Granquist for
his great Level 1 summary and his level 3 walkthrough.

Claude Marcotte Astronomers moon the universe
Montreal, Canada
e-mail: leia@vir.com
WWW: http://www.vir.com/~leia/caal.html (francais)
WWW: http://www.vir.com/~leia/ecaal.html (english)
The only reason people get lost in thought is
because it's unfamiliar territory.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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Wie beendet man D3D mit DAMN I'M GOOD?
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