

16.10.2013 21:29:34

1 Introduction, Getting Started,
Mini-Walkthru, Troublesome Spots
2 Detailed Instructions for
Hordtkhen through Haaggkha
3 Prince of Earth Revisited, Endgame

Part 1


Two common problems can arise when playing this game. The first comes in not
understanding that the game has a linear quality. Some places need to be visited
before others. Some players wander all over, raising the levels of their
characters, but eventually seeming to run out of new places to go, and not being
able to collect the eight gems necessary to finish the game. The second problem
is that the player's party doesn't have enough experience levels to accomplish
certain tasks. This walkthru (which is based on the Amiga version of the game)
will help you solve both of these problems.


Create a Characters Disk. The original disks cannot be copied. Disk 1 will have
to be used to boot the game, but then you will be asked to replace Disk 1 with
the Characters Disk you created (which can be copied freely). Since you save
your game to the Characters Disk, this allows you to have a backup of your saved
position. Boot with Disk 2 to create a Characters Disk. Be patient: You will
have to make a number of swaps between Disk 2 and your Characters Disk after you
create your four characters. This is because in addition to the four character
files, your Characters Disk will contain all the files you will need to play the
game. You will be notified when the Characters Disk is finished.


It makes little difference in game play if the characters are male or female.
The graphic representation of your character changes, however. A good starting
party includes one of each class: Fighter, Scout, Mage, and Priest.

Give your Fighter high strength, your Scout high dexterity, your Mage high
education, and your Priest high intelligence.

High strength is useful for all the characters: Your Mage and Priest can be as
effective with a sword as they are with spells.


Study the Instruction Guide. The Interface is logical but needs to be learned.
For instance, your characters will have weapons and armor, but only in their
packs. You will have to equip your characters. Select the character you want to
equip (right click on the mouse) and the Character sheet will load. Click on the
items you want to equip. They will turn red, and you will see the objects appear
graphically on your character.

The Instruction Guide does not explain the circle near the pit you see on the
Character sheet. This is where the gems you will get from the Dragon Princes and
Princesses are shown. There are eight gems.

Remember, you can only save your position when you're outdoors (in Group mode).


Before casting a spell, you should be a bit familiar with the language. Turn to
"The Book of Spells." The first spell is HEAL MINOR. It is spelled HEALMIN in
Draconian. The Lightning spell is spelled LIGHTNG. Invisible is spelled INVISIL.
Cure is spelled CURE, Light is spelled LIGHT. Knowing the Draconian alphabet
will allow you to translate the various potions you find. Remember that you will
only find abbreviations of the spells on the potions.


This game is classical CRPG. You _must_ develop your characters in order to
defeat monsters along the way. The monsters progressively get stronger;
therefore, your characters need to increase their experience levels, and acquire
better weapons and armor as the game progresses. There is no need to progress
beyond 16th level for any character.

You can pretty much explore at will (if you can survive the monsters); but if
you want to finish the game, there is an order of events to follow.

Generally, the objective of the game is to visit all eight of the Dragon
Princes and Princesses in the game, and get their gems (tears). Then your
characters can perform a final ritual and restore magic (and dragons) to the

The order of events begins near where your characters are placed in the
beginning of the game, on the path to the Prince of Earth's castle. (It has a
shark swimming in the moat.) You must enter the castle and talk to the Prince
(use the "?" icon). He will send you to his sister's castle. You will get a
message there that she has been captured along with a human prisoner.

Go back to the Prince of Earth and talk to him (bearing the tale of this
message), and he will tell you that the Prince of Water has the prisoner. The
Prince of Water's castle has a drawbridge that slams shut when you step on it.
You must find the prisoner hanging in a cage and release him. He will tell you
that the Princess of Air has your sister.

Go to the arctic and visit an Ice Palace near the Weapon Master's hut. You will
receive a message sending you to the second (more westerly) Ice Palace. There,
you can rescue the Princess of Earth, who will give you the first gem, and tell
you to go to the Princess of Water's castle. (It looks like a Chinese Pagoda).

The Princess of Water will give you a weapon and armor and send you to kill the
Prince of Earth. After doing so and getting the second gem, revisit the Princess
of Water. She will give you the third gem, and send you to the Princess of Fire
(the white Minaret in the desert). You can get the fourth gem from Princess of
Fire's, without killing her. Walk into the next room and kill her guards.

You will meet the Prince of Air in the Minaret. He will tell you to go kill his
sister (the Princess of Air). Go back to the Ice Palace and do so. You will then
receive the fifth gem, and after meeting the Prince of Air there, you will get
armor from him as well as the sixth gem.

You will be sent to kill the Water Prince at his Water Palace. Killing him will
get you the seventh gem. Now, you must kill the Prince of Fire in the Pyramid to
get the eighth gem.

Your characters must now perform the final ritual, and step on one of the
firepots to end the game.


THE MAGIC SKILL LINE (BLUE) DISAPPEARS. This only happens when the character
has reached the maximum (about level 21). Since the characters need only go to
level 16 or so, this problem need never come up.

throw away attribute building scepters and rings without first selecting
(activating) them. In other words, if you have a character whose strength is
normally 10, and he has a scepter which raises his strength to 12, make sure you
throw the scepter away (or sell it) when his attribute reads 12; otherwise,
he'll go from 10 to 8!

Disk 1. The game has to reload the magic abilities back into RAM.

YOUR CHARACTER CAN'T MOVE. (1) He may be paralyzed from a spell. You just have
to wait until the spell wears off. (2) The characters are all crowded together
and are stuck. Reload the game. Sometimes pressing the spacebar several times
may unstick the characters.

Part 2


The game starts outside of the Prince of Earth's castle. You are facing east.
Go east and you will see the shark swimming around in the moat. You need to
sneak by the shark to enter the castle. You can wait until the shark swims under
the drawbridge and past your group, or you can have the walking character use an
invisibility spell to get by the shark.

Once inside the castle there are doorways with symbols on them. The symbols are
for Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. You will need to manipulate the earth sign to
de-energize the force field on the door. Don't worry about pressing the wrong
symbol. You're going to need to do that many times, anyway, in order to build up
some experience points. Hunchback type creatures come out, but they are fairly
easy to defeat.

If you win, exit the castle, and save the game. Random factors are built in so
that the hunchbacks can become very powerful; eventually, they will probably
defeat your group. Don't do battle with them more than once or twice before
saving and healing. (By the way, grab the shield on the wall. A new one appears
each time you leave and come back.)

Healing takes time. You can wait outside the castle until you've healed, or you
can speed up the time a little by using a Minor Heal spell. Have your healer
stand at an angle behind the damaged hero. Aim the heal spell at the hero's
knees. You should see a message that the character was healed so many points.
Major Heal is a much better spell. It heals everyone in the group without having
to aim the spell, but it takes a while to get the spell.

When you're bored killing hunchbacks, you can always explore the paths around
the castle. One of them leads to a Tavern where you can pay for some hints. The
more money you have, the more hints you get. There are some huts to the south
and west of the tavern. Remember to go around the hut, and you'll find another
hut further west. You can get information from the inhabitants of the huts.

Back to shark castle. After you have gained a level of experience, enter the
energy door. The monsters will be a little tougher inside, but you should be
able to defeat some of them. To the right you'll find (eventually) a golden
lizard in what looks like a laboratory. (Note on opening doors: I usually used
my scout who had an Unlock spell. You can find keys, however.)

On the floor are two messages that you will be able to read if you step on
them. After reading them, you'll be able to make use of the skull you see in the
room. Turn it until you hear two clicks. This reveals a secret door which you
should find in a room near the Prince of Earth. To find the Prince, go left when
you enter the energy door, and talk to him (with the "?" icon). Have your group
combat icon turned off when you talk to him. He'll tell you to go visit his
sister to the east. Before you leave, check out his room. You may want to come
back a few times. There is a set of armor in a niche in the wall. Grab the
armor, leave the castle, and save the game. When you come back, grab the new
armor that appears. Behind the Prince of Earth you will find the room that
should have a secret door revealed. If the secret door isn't there, go back to
the laboratory, and experiment with the number of clicks turning the skull. Two
is the number that worked for me.

Beyond the secret door is a healing pool, among other things. (You can use one
of the empty flasks you find in the laboratory, and fill it.) The healing pool
restores hit points. Another secret door will be revealed if you have a
character stand on the grate, and keep him there while the others explore.
You'll find a room with sepulchers. They have writing engraved on them. You will
also find a room with four coffins. There are some tough monsters in these
rooms, so be careful, and realize that there's nothing important here. Take a
quick look and get out. You'll have to come back to the sepulchers later, but
not until the end of the game.


After you've been able to kill the golden lizard in the laboratory several
times, you can hunt for the Princess of Earth's castle to the east. The first
time you're in the laboratory, you may want to bring in only one of your
characters (after making him invisible). Let him turn the skull, and grab a

The easiest way to the Princess of Earth's castle is by going west. You'll find
a teleport in a grove of trees in the northwest. The teleports in the game are a
lot of fun. It's like flying over the whole country between teleports. It's
completely visual. Going west is a little tricky. You'll want to go north to
walk around the firepots, then south to pick up the path again. Along the way
you may find the Chinese Pagoda (home of the Princess of Water).

When you reach a castle that looks exactly like the Prince of Earth's castle
(minus the shark), you'll have found his sister; she's not at home. Report what
you find to the Prince of Earth, and he'll send you to the Prince of Water.


The Prince of Water's castle is almost due north from the Prince of Earth's
castle behind a river. You need to cross a bridge and pass by a destroyed city.
His castle has a drawbridge that slams shut when it's stepped on, and crushes
the character doing the stepping. A simple Unlock spell will prevent this.

The Prince of Water's castle is very tough. You need to increase levels before
being able to explore it. I took my group further north into the arctic, which
is quite dangerous; there are lots of experience points to be gained there.

Save before you go, and don't go too far. Win a battle, return to the Water
Castle, and save. Go back to the Arctic, and continue this routine until your
group is at least fifth level. (The Weapon Master is in the Arctic. You can buy
and sell items there, but make sure you pick up the two shields he has for sale.
He doesn't have much else of value. )

When your group is at least fifth level or so, you can try exploring the Prince
of Water's castle. Once inside, go north twice, then west. This should place you
outside the checkered room. This room is dangerous; the birds inside are
magically enhanced and can't be fooled by an Invisibility spell. They can
literally peck you to death as you cross the room. Send your characters across
one at a time. The Mage and Priest can use Haste spells. They will probably pick
up some damage, but they should be able to make it through the exit door in the
center.If they hang around in the room outside, the birds will follow. It's best
to have your scout and fighter cross first, and kill the birds in that room, not
in the checkered room.

After the checkered room, you go through a series of rooms, some of which are
guarded. You don't have to kill the guards if the characters can sneak by them,
but your scout and fighter should easily be able to kill them. Be careful to NOT
have the "Group" icon on when you go through the fireplace rooms. The second
fireplace has a trigger stone in the middle of the room. Do NOT have more than
one of your characters step on that stone. Preferably the last one. You'll hear
a click, and a secret door will be revealed in one of the rooms past this point.

When you find the room with the secret door, enter the door. You'll find a
pool, another room or two, and, finally, a dark room. (Use a light spell or burn
a torch.) In the dark room there is a small fountain. Have a character walk up
to the fountain and examine it; he'll be transported into a Water room. There is
some useful armor on the walls of the Water room. If you have Invisible rings
for the mage and priest and Protection rings for the fighters, it will be
helpful. Water elementals spring up in a never-ending supply in this room. You
may choose to stay for a while and build up levels. (Use a Heal spell whenever
you're running low on hit points.) In the room next to the water room, you'll
find a prisoner in a cage. Manipulate a trigger button near his cage and free
him. He'll thank you if you were successful. You will not be able to enter the
ice palaces without having first freed this prisoner.

After freeing the prisoner, you will find a room with more sepulchers with
writing on them, a very dangerous energy field (use a Shield spell to get the
armor if you want it), and a dangerous undead creature. Beyond this room you
will find the exit out of the castle. (You will need all of your characters at
the exit to use it.)

Upon finishing this part of your explorations, congratulate yourself on a job
well done: It's one of the hardest exercises in the game.


There have been clues telling you that the Princess of Earth was captured by
the Princess of Air. She lives in the arctic; it's time to go to the North
Country again. The green path that leads you to the Weapon Master is also the
path that will lead you to the Ice Palace. Don't take the branch off to the
Weapon Master. Follow the path to the next branch, and take that one. You'll get
a message that indicates no one is at home. You'll have to go to the second Ice
Palace. It looks exactly like the first one, but is much further west, hidden
from view behind a circle of inverted icicles.

In the second Ice Palace you will be able to find and release the Princess of
Earth from her dungeon cell. You can find it by going through the first door to
your right once you are past the energy fields. She will tell you to go to the
Princess of Water's castle (the Chinese Pagoda, remember?), and she will give
you a gem -- the first of eight tears you will get in the game.


It is possible (and useful) to enter the Chinese Pagoda with the aid of a
teleportation spell earlier in the game. (Inside you will find a set of golden
armor and some dragon swords; these will make getting through the Prince's Water
Castle much easier.) You do not need the teleportation spell now, however,
because you are welcomed into the castle. You will find the Princess in her
throne room. She will give you her gem (number 2), some armor, and a weapon.
Then, she'll ask you to kill the Prince of Earth.

Part 3


Killing a prince is not an easy task. It takes lots of levels to do it easily.
If your characters aren't in their teen levels, you may want to go back to the
Water room in the Water Castle, and build them up a bit more. (Above level 16 is
unnecessary; above level 20, your characters may lose their magic abilities.) I
was able to kill the Prince with the dragon sword +2 (given to me by the Water
Princess). My level 12 Mage used it after he boosted his own strength with
strength spells. He was also protected by a shield spell. You may need more
experience levels, or find different strategies that work. After killing the
Prince (and getting the third gem), go back to the Princess of Water for another


The Princess of Water sends you to the desert. You must find the Minaret and
get the gem from the Princess of Fire. It is possible to get the gem much
earlier in the game. The Minaret opens only at dawn. You can kill the Princess,
but the fourth gem you seek is in the next room. You'll have to kill her guards
to get the gem. Explore the Minaret, and you'll find the Prince of Air. He'll
ask you to kill his sister, the Princess of Air. (She's in the second Palace of
Ice, remember?)


The Air Princess is in her throne room. It's a fairly easy battle. You get your
fifth gem, then later you'll meet the Prince of Air (Naakhtkhen). He'll give you
the sixth gem as an additional reward. He'll also send you to kill the Prince of


The Prince of Water is in his throne room. This battle will be very hard. You
may need to have your characters at level 14 (or higher) before you can easily
defeat him. I used a level 14 scout armed with a dragon sword +2 and two Shield
potions. Killing him gives you the seventh gem.


The last gem belongs to the Fire Prince. The battle against him is fairly easy;
getting into the Pyramid isn't either, it's just tricky. Go around to the back
entrance, line your characters up between the two arrow pools, and face the
Pyramid. You'll be able to get in that door.


This is _very_ tricky. The only clue I found was something the old sage that
pops up in various places said. This time, I found him on a path near the
firepots. (Some people refer to this as the "Dragon's Landing Strip.")

Translating what he tells you, you must visit the rooms with the sepulchers
with the writing on them (there are four locations and eight sepulchers). You
must examine each sepulcher (this constitutes reading it), even if you've
examined them all before. The whole ritual reads:

"From Your Humble Servants, To Almighty God, Source of Life and Death, Free The

Having said that prayer (in any order), you can go to a firepot, and divest
your characters of everything they're carrying (e.g., armor, weapons, rings,
scepters, potions, etc.). You must turn off the "Combat" icon, and make sure you
have no spells in effect.

Now, step on a firepot, and you'll be asked to insert Disk 1. Enjoy the
graphics and sound. You deserve them because you've finished the game!

DRAKKHEN is published and distributed by Data East.

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