Dragon's Lair 1

Dragon's Lair 1

16.10.2013 09:35:14
Dragon's Lair CD-ROM

General notes:
- The CD-ROM version of Dragon's Lair is somewhat forgiving about
timing, but it's still important in some areas. I've tried to indicate
timing in the walkthrough where it's important.
- All movements are given in uppercase: LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN, SWORD.
- Many of the scenes have two versions: one is a mirror image of the
other. I've indicated the ones I know about, but if I've missed any, just
replace the LEFTs with RIGHTs and vice versa.
- The moves I've listed work for me. In some cases, I've probably
included unnecessary moves (particularly at the end of scenes). These
extra moves won't hurt you, in any case.
- The scenes probably won't appear in the order listed: they appear in
a quasi-random order, with a few fixed ones.

When Dirk falls through the bridge and the tentacles emerge from the
moat, SWORD, then quickly move UP. Dirk will run into a room which begins
to crumble around him. When the door on the right opens, move RIGHT.

As soon as the first tentacle slithers out from the hole in the
ceiling, SWORD. Wait until the scene changes (the door will flash), then
move RIGHT. Jump BACK and when tentacles begin to come down the stairs,
jump LEFT and UP through the door.

When you hear the hissing of the first snake, SWORD. SWORD the second
snake, then move RIGHT to release the rope and escape.

This scene, one of my favorite in the game, has two versions. When
Dirk first enters the room, note which side his sword is on. You'll be
moving the direction first. The directions are for the first moving being
to the right. If your scene is reversed, reverse and the LEFT and RIGHT
When the floor begins to crumble, run RIGHT, then UP when the scene
changes. The floor will continue to crumble, so move LEFT, then UP to
jump into the pool. Go RIGHT to exit the pool and UP when Dirk steps on
the pressure plate. A spider will emerge from the ceiling. Quickly SWORD
it, and move UP fast to leave the room.

As soon as the first goon appears, SWORD it, and quickly move RIGHT
towards the stairs. The scene will shift somewhat, then go UP the stairs.
When more goons appear in front of DIRK, SWORD them and go UP through the

This scene MAY have a mirror-image. I'm not entirely sure. The first
move will be the direction Dirk is walking at the beginning of the scene.
When the shot changes to a close-up of Dirk's face, move LEFT (the
direction Dirk was walking). When tentacles emerge from the pit, swing
your SWORD at them, and move left away from the pit. Don't be fooled into
pulling that chain! Instead, move LEFT towards the porthole, then LEFT
again to leave.

This is one of those mirror-image scenes, but there's only one lateral
move in it. As soon as you enter the room, draw your SWORD. An enchanted
sword will fly into the air, SWORD it out of the way. Next, a morning
star will fly into the air. SWORD it, too. Don't attack the anvil,
though, move move LEFT (away from the fire) to avoid it. SWORD the flying
spear out of the way, and SWORD the statue when it begins to move.

Timing is crucial with this scene. Watch carefully as Dirk approaches
the batons. He will extend one of his hands (it's a mirror-image scene so
it could be the left or the right, but it doesn't matter) and begin to
duck deeply. Count the number of times he ducks. As he ducks for the
third time, run UP. The staff at the end of the catwalk will glow: better
SWORD it, and move DOWN quickly. Move UP through the door, avoiding the
thorny branches.

This one is easy. Move UP.

The timing is tricky with this scene. After the bench falls and
ignites, move RIGHT quickly. As soon as (or even just before) the
lightning strikes, move UP then immediately DOWN. Move LEFT to avoid the
fire and LEFT again to leave the room.

This is a mirror scene. The first move will be the OPPOSITE of the
direction the horse is facing when Dirk enters the room. Make one move
very quickly each time the scene changes to avoid fire and walls: RIGHT,
LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, LEFT (or vice-versa).

Aside from Singe's lair, this is probably the most difficult scene in
the game. It's also a mirror-image scene. Note which hand the knight's
sword is in when the scene begins: your first move will be in the
OPPOSITE direction. Make the first move immediately, then make one move
every time Dirk starts to jump: LEFT, RIGHT, UP, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT,
LEFT. SWORD to draw the sword, and SWORD again to destroy the nights.

When the horseman appears, move LEFT. When he appears again, move LEFT
again. The third time he appears, move RIGHT, then RIGHT again to jump
into the hole and escape.

Move UP and UP again to avoid plummeting to your death. When you reach
a fork, move DOWN to duck the bats, and SWORD at the bats. Quickly run
RIGHT, then jump RIGHT to escape.

SWORD at the bats to get them out of your way and run LEFT. When the
stairs begin to crumble, move LEFT to jump across. SWORD the giant bat
which will appear and move LEFT through the door.

Uh oh! Dirk has lost his sword! Better go get it! Move LEFT to follow
the sword, then as Dirk reaches the end of each hallway, move RIGHT,
RIGHT, RIGHT, RIGHT, and RIGHT (there are 5 hallways). Finally, Dirk will
reach the end of the line. Move UP to get the sword, and SWORD to swing
it. Dirk will drop his sword. LEFT to retrieve it, and lunge RIGHT at the
lizard king. Duck by moving DOWN and swing the SWORD to finish the
reptile off.

Don't do it! Move RIGHT.

As soon as the floor begins to vanish, jump DOWN, then UP, UP again
quickly, and immediately go through the LEFT door.

The timing is important here, but there's a pretty good window of time
in which to move. To run past each of the six balls rolling past, move
DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN as the ball passes Dirk, then UP to
jump over the hole inconveniently placed at the end of the corridor.

For the rapids, wait until Dirk enters the light-colored stream in the
center of the screen, then move UP, UP, UP, and UP. For the whirlpools,
move away from danger (obviously): RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT. When the
boat crashes, grab the chain to the RIGHT.

This scene is long, but easy. SWORD at the mudmen as soon as they
appear, then move UP, UP, UP, UP, UP, UP, UP, UP, UP every time the scene
changes. At the end, move UP to jump over the lava.

Dirk's hat and sword are gone and there's electricity all around.
What's a wayfarer to do? Immediately, jump RIGHT. When the scene changes,
jump UP, then RIGHT into the throne. The throne will spin around and
electricity will follow. Run RIGHT away from the electricity.

When the pot boils over, avoid the slime by jumping UP. When it comes
to life, SWORD it. For that matter, SWORD the fellow coming out of the
pot as well. Move RIGHT out of the room to safety.

A cage will clamp down around Dirk and electricity will begin
approaching him. Move UP away from the electricity and UP again through
the hyperactive door. Watch the bridge Dirk approaches. Once lava has
spouted three times, quickly run LEFT.
Look out, Dirk! You've reached...

Take a deep breath. Here we go. After Dirk survey's the room and the
shot cuts back to him, move UP to steady the falling debris. Dirk will
jump around on a few boxes a bit: move LEFT once he reaches the one on
the right, then move LEFT again at the bottom of the pile of gold to
avoid the dragon's fire. The dragon will pretend to go back to sleep and
some pottery will begin to fall: move DOWN to catch it. Listen to Daphne
she really wants to be saved.
Uh oh! The dragon is awake now, and he's pissed! When he chases Dirk
behind the green pillar, move DOWN immediately. When Dirk begins to duck,
duck lower by moving DOWN again. Finally, move LEFT when dirk ducks close
to the ground. When the scene shifts to Dirk running away from behind,
jump UP behind a pile of gold. You're behind another pillar: move DOWN to
run away, then RIGHT when the scene shifts to another behind-shot of Dirk.
There's the magic sword! Get it! Run up to it with SWORD, and remove
it with SWORD as well. The dragon is hot (pardon the pun) on your heels,
so SWORD a third time to deflect the flame. When Singe raises his tail,
move LEFT out of the way, ready the SWORD, and throw it at Singe with a
final fateful SWORD. Whew!
Congratulations! You've slain Singe and rescued Daphne. Give Daphne a
kiss and watch the credits roll: the ending credits are nicely-done and a
commercial for Space Ace shows up at the end.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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