Doom 95

Doom 95

11.10.2013 14:18:59
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Doom 95 FAQ
Version 1.0
May 1, 1996

This FAQ is available at


This FAQ is accurate to the best of the author's knowledge.
There is no known incorrect information in this FAQ, but the possibility
exists that some small errors may have gotten through. This FAQ is
simply to aid in informing others about Doom 95 (Doom for Windows 95).
This FAQ is in no way related to id Software or anyone who works there.
It is recommended that you do not question id Software about any
information in this FAQ.


This FAQ is Copyright 1995 by Adam Pavlacka. All rights reserved.
You are granted the following rights in regards to this FAQ:

1) You may make copies of this FAQ so long as:
a) The copies are identical in every way to the original
b) The copies include all legal and copyright notices
c) The copies give credit to the author, Adam Pavlacka
d) The copies are in electronic form ONLY

2) You may distribute this work so long as it is a copy that was made

in accordance with the restrictions above and so long as:
a) It is an original and has NOT been modified in any way
b) You do not charge a fee for copying or distribution
c) The copy being distributed is NOT included in an electronic
magazine, or bundled with computer software of any sort
d) The copy being distributed is the newest version of the FAQ
e) The distributed copy is in electronic form

3) You may NOT distribute this work in any form other than electronic

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newsletters, fanzines, manuals, and speech.

4) You may NOT distribute this work in an electronic magazine, or as
part of a computer software bundle.

The above stated rights are temporary and may be revoked at any
time by the author, Adam Pavlacka. If you would like additional rights
beyond the ones granted to you above, write to the author, Adam Pavlacka,
at "" with "DOOM95 FAQ RIGHTS" in the Subject
line of the email.

Table of Contents

[1] Introduction
[2] About Doom and Doom 95
[2-1] The Doom Story
[2-2] What's so Big About Doom Anyway?
[2-3] The Doom Movie
[3] What are the Different Versions of Doom?
[3-1] Shareware
[3-2] Registered
[3-3] Retail
[4] How Many Different Platforms is Doom on?
[4-1] PC - DOS
[4-2] UNIX
[4-3] OS/2
[4-4] NeXT
[4-5] Mac/Power Mac
[4-6] Sega 32X
[4-7] Atari Jaguar
[4-8] SNES
[4-9] PSX
[4-10] PC - Win95
[4-11] Nintendo 64
[5] What Makes Doom 95 so Special?
[5-1] Direct-X
[5-2] Higher Resolution
[5-3] Can Run Windowed
[5-4] Compatibility
[5-5] Release Date
[6] System Requirements
[6-1] What do I Need to run Doom 95?
[6-2] What do you Recommend to run Doom 95?
[7] Multiplayer Modes
[7-1] Cooperative
[7-2] Deathmatch
[7-3] Modem
[7-4] Network
[8] The Weapons
[8-1] The Fists
[8-2] The Chainsaw
[8-3] The Pistol
[8-4] The Shotgun
[8-5] The Super Shotgun
[8-6] The Chaingun
[8-7] The Rocket Launcher
[8-8] The Plasma Gun
[8-9] The BFG
[9] Cheat Codes
[9-1] What are the Cheat Codes?
[9-2] Can I Cheat in Deathmatch?
[10] Problems With Doom 95
[10-1] Why Can't I Use my Mouse With Doom 95?
[10-2] How Can I Switch to SVGA Mode (60x480)?
[10-3] Doom 95 Gives Me a Messed Up Image. How do I Fix it?
[10-4] How do I Play a Multiplayer Game?
[10-5] I Cannot Run Doom 95 Windowed. Why?
[10-6] Doom 95 Doesn't Work With my Edge 3D. Why?
[10-7] How do I add Extra .WADs to Doom 95?
[10-8] Can I use Programs Such as Dehacked on Doom 95?
[10-9] Will Doom 95 run Under Windows NT?
[10-10] How can I get Ultimate Doom and Doom 2 to run Under Win95?
[10-11] My Monitor Goes Blank and the Power Light Flashes?
[10-12] I Have MS-Plus Installed and Doom 95 acts Funny.
[11] How to Add to This FAQ
[12] Credits

Section [1] - Introduction

This FAQ focuses on the newest releases of Doom, those which are
native for the Windows 95 operating system. Titled Doom 95, it is
basically the same game with some graphical improvements. While the
actual release of the game is still some time in the near future, this
FAQ will attempt to cover questions that you may have about the game and
the beta shareware version. This FAQ will also briefly cover some of
the background on Doom as well as mention other versions of the game.

Section [2] - About Doom and Doom 95

[2-1] - The Doom Story
You are a Space Marine employed by the mega-corporation UAC.
UAC has been conducting secret interdimensional tests on the moons of
Mars: Phobos and Demios. At first all was well, but then test subjects
started going crazy for no apparent reason. Then one day a garbled
message come through from the base about creatures coming through the
gate, and then it was cut off. UAC sent you and your buddies in to
investigate. Being the lucky soul that you are, you got stuck with
guard duty (which means you only get a pistol). Your buddies enter the
base and you hear the sounds of fighting, gunfire, and screams through
your radio. After a few hours everything goes dead; you can't raise
anybody. You figure you are the last one left and its up to you. So
you grab you pistol and head into the base to fight enemies unknown...

[2-2] What's so Big About Doom Anyway?
Why is Doom so popular? Well the simple reason is that its
simple and fun to play. Doom puts you in a virtual 3D environment in
which you can move freely about and interact with your surroundings.
It is up to you to navigate this virtual world, fending off enemies,
and finding things that will help you survive.
Another aspect of Doom's popularity is its multiplayer feature
called Deathmatch. In Deathmatch it is no longer you vs. the computer,
but you vs. one to three of your buds. Up to four players can compete
in a Deathmatch game over a LAN or a dial up BBS service. Up to two
players can compete via modem.
Finally, Doom has an open architecture. This means that extra
levels can easily be added to the game. There are many editors out
there which will assist you in building your own levels. Once created
you can play your level like any other. You can also download (from
various on-line services and BBSes) Doom levels that others have
created. There are literally thousands of levels available.

[2-3] - The Doom Movie
It is rumored that their is a feature film currently in
production based on the Doom games.

Section [3] - What are the Different Versions of Doom?

[3-1] - Shareware

This is the version of Doom that you can find on the internet
and on BBSes. You can download it for free to try it out and see if you
like it. It may also be found on shareware CD-ROMs. The shareware
version of Doom only has the first episode (a total of 9 levels). If
you like Doom you are required to either register it through id Software
or purchase a retail copy. The latest version of Shareware Doom is v1.9.
According to id Software this is the final version.

[3-2] - Registered
This is the full version of Doom. You will get this via mail
order when you register with id Software. Registering requires paying
a registration fee, but you then get the full copy of the game, as well
as technical support and other cool benefits. You may purchase either
Ultimate Doom or Doom 2 from id Software. The latest versions are
Ultimate Doom v1.9 and Doom 2 v1.9. These are the final versions.

[3-3] - Retail
Once again this is the full version of Doom, except that this
is distributed by GT Interactive and can be found nicely packaged in
stores. This version is the same as the registered version except for
the fact that you buy it from a retailer instead of directly from id.
This may also include other versions of Doom and Doom 2 such as those
for the DGMs (Dedicated Gaming Machines, i.e. Super Nintendo,
Jaguar,...). Versions made for the DGMs may differ from the computer

Section [4] - How Many Different Platforms is Doom on?

[4-1] - PC - DOS
This is where Doom premiered. Originally consisting of 3
episodes with 9 levels each, Doom has since been expanded to the
Ultimate Doom which has 4 episodes with 9 levels each. Owners of the
original version of Doom were allowed to upgrade to the Ultimate Doom
free of charge. The Ultimate Doom (v1.9) and Doom 2 (v1.9) are
available for the PC. Supports modem and network play. Coming soon
is Final Doom.

[4-2] - UNIX
After the immense popularity of the DOS version of Doom it
seemed only inevitable that it would be ported to other platforms.
There was never a commercial release of Doom for the many UNIX variants,
rather id ported the executable and made it compatible with the DOS
Doom .WAD file. If you want to play Doom on you UNIX machine you can
download the executable and then copy the .WAD from your registered
copy of the DOS version. (v1.8ish)

[4-3] - OS/2
Yet another port of the game. Users of this version have
reported trouble with getting the sound to work properly. The problem
has not yet been resolved.

[4-4] - NeXT
Similar to the UNIX versions in that the executable can be
downloaded and you must use the .WAD file from your DOS copy of the

[4-5] - Mac/Power Mac
This is a fairly recent release, but is quite impressive.
The Mac versions of Ultimate Doom and Doom 2 play just like their DOS
counterparts. Resolution on the Mac versions of Doom is much higher
than the DOS versions. They are compatible with DOS v1.9. The Mac
versions support network and modem play. They can talk to the DOS
versions of the game so it is possible to have a PC-MAC Deathmatch.

[4-6] - Sega 32X
This was the first port to a DMG. The result was a rather
poor translation. Only the first 2 episodes were included and many of
the textures, enemies, and items were missing. Also, the display was
not full screen, but had a border around it. Recommended only for
Doom addicts.

[4-7] - Atari Jaguar
This is another port to another DMG. The Jaguar, while
supposedly a powerful piece of hardware, also has a very poor
translation of Doom. This version is virtually identical to the Sega
32X version of Doom, except for the fact that its display is
full-screen. The Jaguar version of Doom can have up to 2 players when
used with a Jag-Link cable.

[4-8] - SNES
The Super Nintendo saw one of the first respectable Doom to
DMG ports. While not amazingly excellent, SNES Doom is a worthy
translation. It has many of the items that were missing from the
other two DMG versions. The SNES version of Doom can be played with
2 players over the X-Band network.

[4-9] - PSX
This is the best version of Doom that I've seen, DMG or
otherwise. All of the lighting effects were redone for this version
as well as the sound. The lighting is simply amazing. And the sound
is phenomenal. If you have a PSX this version is recommended. The
PSX version of Doom can play up to 2 players with the PSX-Link cable.

[4-10] - PC - Win95
This is Doom95. Basically the same as the DOS versions and
compatible with DOS v1.9. The major difference is that they run
native in Win95, can be run windowed, and allow resolutions up to
640x480. The DOS versions of Doom and Doom 2 only allow a resolution
up to 320x200. This version, which is still in beta, does not currently
have network support, but will have it upon release.

[4-11] - Nintendo 64
The most mysterious of all the versions. Not much is known
except for the fact that Williams is doing this all-new version of Doom
exclusively for the N64. We'll have to see how it turns out.

Section [5] - What Makes Doom 95 so Special?

[5-1] - Direct-X
Direct-X is Microsoft's new standard for Windows 95 gaming.
Rather than having to program for specific video cards (of which there
are many) in order to get optimal performance out of Windows 95,
developers need only tell their program to talk to Direct-X. The
Direct-X API will take care of speaking to the hardware. The number of
games on the market that use Direct-X is currently quite small, but it
is growing rapidly. Some titles that currently require the use of
Direct-X are Mech Warrior 2 for Win95 and Zork Nemesis for Win95.

[5-2] - Higher Resolution
Doom has always suffered from a somewhat poor resolution.
Because it was running through DOS at standard VGA the graphics were
nothing to write home about. Then when the Mac versions came out with
higher resolutions the PC owners wondered when they'd be able to benefit
from higher resolution gaming. The answer is now. Doom 95 supports
resolutions of 320x200 (original DOS High-Res mode), 320x240, 640x400,
and 640x480. In order to switch between resolutions simply press the
F5 key.

[5-3] - Can Run Windowed
Doom 95 has the ability to run windowed. No longer do you have
to go to a full-screen DOS window to play Doom through Windows 95.
Now you can play Doom while keeping an eye on your other important
applications or maybe just the local BBS. In any case, being able to
run Doom 95 in a window is a very nice thing. In order to switch to
a window you must hit ALT-ENTER.

[5-4] - Compatibility
The openendedness of the Doom games have always been their
greatest advantage. Doom 95 maintains this advantage by being
compatible with all of the .WAD files that are available. Also,
Doom 95 is compatible with the DOS Doom versions 1.9.

[5-5] - Release Date
Ultimate Doom 95 and Doom 2 95 were originally scheduled to be
out on store shelves by now. However they have been delayed again.
You can expect them by June/July if they are not delayed another time.

Section [6] - System Requirements

[6-1] - What do I Need to run Doom 95?
In order to run Doom 95 you will need at least a 486dx2/66 with
8 Megs of RAM and Windows 95. You will also require a video card that
can display a minimum of 256 colors at 640x480 in Windows 95. You will
also need at least 20 megabytes of free space on your hard drive for
the full version of Ultimate Doom 95 and approx. 25 megabytes for
Doom 2 95.

[6-2] - What do you Recommend to run Doom 95?
In order to run Doom 95 optimally, in the highest resolution,
you should have a P90, with 8 Megs of RAM and Windows 95. You should
have at least a 1 Meg video card (2 Meg if possible) and at least a
16-bit soundcard, wavetable preferred.

Section [7] - Multiplayer Modes

[7-1] - Cooperative
Cooperative mode consists of playing cooperatively. You and
up to three of your buddies work together to conquer each of the Doom
levels. In cooperative play it is possible to hurt your buds so you
must watch where you are shooting.

[7-2] - Deathmatch
By far the most popular method of playing Doom. In deathmatch
its you and up to three of your buds, but instead of working together
you are competing against each other. The object is to kill the other
players as many times as possible. Dead players will automatically
reappear on the playing field. You can set it to play with or without
monsters and with or without respawning items. When set to allow item
respawn it is possible to play one level all day. Item respawn means
that when an item is taken, another one will appear in its place 30
seconds later.

[7-3] - Modem
Modem play has a maximum of 2 players. As of yet there is no
modem play available in Doom 95, however it will be in the final release

[7-4] - Network
Network play has a maximum of 4 players. As of yet there is
no modem play available in Doom 95, however it will be in the final
release version.

Section [8] - The Weapons

[8-1] - The Fists
When all else fails you'll always have these. While fairly
weak, they're not gonna run out of ammo, and they are reliable. If you
get the berserk power-up, your fists become extremely powerful.

[8-2] - The Chainsaw
The chainsaw may be one of the most amusing weapons in the game.
Once found you can use it in place of your fists to rip the enemies to
shreds. The chainsaw uses no ammo. It is a moderately powered weapon
and is good in close quarters combat.

[8-3] - The Pistol
This is the weapon that you start off with. The pistol is
fairly weak, but it is a good range weapon and can be used to kill
enemies at a distance. Uses bullets for ammo.

[8-4] - The Shotgun
This weapon can be stolen from certain enemies or found. The
shotgun shoots out a spray which can be very damaging, especially at
close range. The shotgun uses shotgun shells for ammo.

[8-5] - The Super Shotgun
This version of the shotgun only makes an appearance in
versions of Doom 2. The super shotgun is double-barreled, hence
doubling the possible damage it can do, but it takes almost twice as
long as the shotgun to reload.

[8-6] - The Chaingun
The chaingun is a typical gatling gun. It can fire off ammo
rounds very quickly causing much damage and keeping some enemies at
bay. The chaingun uses bullets for ammo. It can be found or stolen
from certain enemies.

[8-7] - The Rocket Launcher
The rocket launcher is the most powerful weapon in the shareware
versions of Doom. The rocket launcher is a very nice range weapon. You
must be careful no to be too close to the rocket when it impacts or you
will be hurt by the blast. The rocket launcher uses rockets for ammo.

[8-8] - The Plasma Gun
This cool gun fires damaging plasma energy at your enemies.
It is rapid fire and can cause a good amount of damage. The plasma gun
uses cell packs for ammo.

[8-9] - The BFG
The BFG (otherwise known as the Big F**king Gun) is the most
damaging weapon in the game. Its only drawback is that it can be slow
in firing. However when the BFG does fire it uses 40 cells per shot
and causes massive amounts of damage, and usually killing the enemy.

Section [9] - Cheat Codes

[9-1] - What are the Cheat Codes?
The cheat codes for Ultimate Doom and Doom 2 are as follows:

IDDQD God Mode
IDKFA All Keys, All Weapons, and Full Health
IDFA All Weapons, Full Health
IDBEHOLD [(A)llmap, (I)nvis, (B)erserk, (L)ight, in(V)ulnerability)]
IDDT Map Mode Toggle (Must be done on map screen)
IDSPISPOPD No Clipping, Doom
IDCLIP No Clipping, Doom 2
IDCLEVxx Level Warp (Doom = episode/map; Doom 2 = level)
IDMYPOS Returns your position in hexadecimal

Simply type in the above codes at any time during the game.

[9-2] - Can I Cheat in Deathmatch?

Section [10] - Problems With Doom 95

As Doom 95 is still in beta, some users are experiencing various
problems with the software. Though none of these problems are life or
computer threatening they can be little annoyances. You can find
answers to some of the most commonly asked ones right here. If you have
a question that isn't listed here send it in per the instructions in
Section [11].

[10-1] - Why Can't I Use my Mouse With Doom 95?
Although there is a option to enable the mouse, it it not
enabled in the beta version. I have tried many different mice and
many different drivers, but none of them work. This feature will be
fully implemented in the final version.

[10-2] - How Can I Switch to SVGA Mode (60x480)?
Simply hit the F5 key to switch between the four resolutions
in order - 640x400, 640x480, 320x200, and 320x240.

[10-3] - Doom 95 Gives Me a Messed Up Image. How do I Fix it?
If your screen suffers from the wrapped around, warped look
and everything is just a mess of color, but you can hear the sound
running, it means that your system cannot support that particular
resolution. I do know that there are some configurations (with video
cards of 1 Meg or less) that will not support 640x480, the highest
resolution. In order to remedy this problem hit the F5 key. This
should bump you to the next video mode. Go through all four to find
out which ones your system supports.

[10-4] - How do I Play a Multiplayer Game?
You cannot on the beta. Modem and network support are
non-existent. These will be fully implemented in the final version.

[10-5] - I Cannot Run Doom 95 Windowed. Why?
Doom 95 will run regardless of your desktop size (640x480,
800x600, 1024x768, etc.). However if your run at a color depth greater
than 256 colors Doom 95 will not run in a window. Rather if you try to
resize it to a window it will give the message "unsupported video mode."

[10-6] - Doom 95 Doesn't Work With my Edge 3D. Why?
Doom 95 requires Direct-X to run. The Edge 3D does not ship with
drivers that support Direct-X, although Diamond does plan on releasing
Direct-X compatible drivers for the card.

[10-7] - How do I add Extra .WADs to Doom 95?
You can only do this in the full version of the game.

[10-8] - Can I use Programs Such as Dehacked on Doom 95?
No, because these were written for the DOS version of Doom.

[10-9] - Will Doom 95 run Under Windows NT?
No, because Windows NT does not currently support Direct-X.

[10-10] - How can I get Ultimate Doom and Doom 2 to run Under Win 95?
Run them in DOS mode or buy Ultimate Doom 95 and Doom 2 95 when
they are released.

[10-11] - My Monitor Goes Blank and the Power Light Flashes?
You monitor has gone into power saver mode. Simply disable
power saver and it should be fine.

[10-12] - I Have MS-Plus Installed and Doom 95 acts Funny.
There is a screen saver/power management feature in Plus that
conflicts with Doom 95. You should disable this feature before running
Doom 95.

Section [11] - How to Add to This FAQ

If you have a question that you would like to see answered send
email to "" with the subject "Doom95 FAQ
Question". If you have something to add to the FAQ mail your
contribution to the same address with the subject line "Doom95 FAQ
Addition". All submissions to the FAQ become the property of the
author, Adam Pavlacka, and may or may not be acknowledged. By
submitting information to the FAQ you are granting permission for it
to be used.

Section [12] - Credits

Adam Pavlacka - Wrote this FAQ
id Software - Made Doom - Made the ASCII Art Header

Elmar Pape

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