

13.10.2013 21:43:42


Walkthrough by CRASH

I make this walkthrough with several parts. They are :

1. Movement
2. The Secret Chambers
3. The Making of Bullets
4. The Old Pirate Ship
5. The Rifle
6. The Skull Pathway
7. The Lost Mines
8. The Marble Cove
9. Inventories
10. Messages
11. Add On

The following walkthrough will definitely ruin your game 'cause I'll explain
it exactly step by step to finish the game. In case you want to take your
own path, just look at the Inventories section. The Inventories section will
explain on where you can find the items in the game in case you take
different path from mine. The Messages section contains all the
message/inscriptions you found in the area. Whenever I told about finding a
message or inscription, I put a number behind it so you can check out what
the message is. And if you find out there's a slight diferent version of
this game, the explanation of the differences can be found in the Add On


First of all I'll explain the movement I used in this hint. S = Straight, L
= Left, R = Right, HL = Half Left, HR = Half Right, B = Back. Sometimes you
can't see or manipulate things if you're not in a correct position. For
example : if you can't open or move some chest from the front, try to open
it from the back or the left or the right side. And the most important thing
is try to look at everything you see in every angles to discover its secret.
I'll name a lot of places with an unique name to make you easy to know the
area. You must eat the keep your health good. You can eat some plant and
wine bottle there to raise your health point ( use it when your life is
under 89 HP )


* S HL S S L : Look wood pile, Take cylinder ( note : you must find five
of these cylinder ), Take the firewood
* B L S S S : Look under bridge, Get fungus
* R : Look waterfall, Take halberd
* L S R S S S L L : Look bucket, Take box, Open box ( in your inventory,
that's a matchbook )
* B L S HR : Look bucket. Read a message (1)
* R : Look Cove ( you'll found the secret chamber here. From now I called
this area as The Marble Cove )
* R S L : Take sledgehammer
* L L HR R R S S : Open wall ( a secret door, you can only open it from
this side not from the other side. Now you enter the Fireplace Area )
* S S L HL S S S HL S S S L : Take crowbar
* R R : Use sledgehammer with walled entrance ( another secret chamber )
* S : Use matches with candle or oil lamp, Look book ( instruction for
jumping )


* R S R S S HR : Move large bell, Take small bell
* S S L : Take cylinder
* R R : Take old scraper
* L : Use large crowbar with heavy rock. From now I call the area behind
this heavy rock as The Pirate Gallery. There are 3 main rooms there, on
the right is The Pirate Puzzle Board, on the left is The Old Chest
Throne, and on the north is The Shooting Gallery ).
* S : Look old tree limbs, Get cylinder
* B R HR : Look plant, take amulet ( note : you must find 11 of this
amulet )
* B : Look copper vase, there's a message ( 2 ) here
* B : Look carved face ( retrieve 3 shells here )
* S S R R : Look barrel, another message ( 3 )
* R HR S S S S L S : Look skull dentures, Take iron key
* S L L S R R S S R S S S S : Look chest, Take big clapper, Take small
clapper, Use small clapper with the small bell ( in your inventory )
* L : Look old vase, Take amulet
* R R S : Look old vase, Take hook
* S HR S S HR : Look plants ( retrieve sickel )
* L L S : Look stalactite, another message ( 4 )
* R S S S : Look rock, another message ( 5 )
* S : Take fine dust, there's a vision about loose bar ( the 4th from the
left )
* R R S L : Move loose iron bar, Take cartridge case
* S R S S S S S R HR S S : Look flatstone, another message ( 6 )
* S S L S R S L : Look cove, Move plants, Use old scraper with solid sand
floor, Take dagger
* B R R : Use dagger with the skull's eye. Voila, and old amulet. Take it
* R R S S HL : Take goblet, Take wooden stick
* L S L S R S L L S HL S S S HL R S S HL HL : Look barrel, Take
gunpowder, Use gunpowder with cartridge case, Use case with shells (
your bullets are ready )

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* B R S S S R : Open door, S : Move stool, Take lens
* S : Use halberd with wooden pillars ( you'll see a map of an old mines,
and when you go Back, you'll see a number on the mirror : 4285 )
* R S R S : Open wooden doors
* S S : Look picture ( that's a skull projector )
* R : Use the number to open the safe, move the arrow R4, L2, R8, L5,
Take the amulet
* B L : Open wooden door
* S L L : Look that strange mirror there ? Take it. Hey, there's an old
key there. Take it
* R R HL R : Use the old key to unlock the old chest there. Look in the
chest. Get the hammer, cup and the goblet. Back again to the door with
the mirror, turn around.
* S S : Move candleholder on the far end wall ( a secret room ), S : Look
at the written number on the book : 1773
* R R S : Move revolving door, R S : Open wooden door
* S : Go the desk with some nails on it. Use the hammer to hammer the
nails. Yes, a magnifying glass will shows up. Take it. Use it with the
lens you got earlier. Go back to the room with the chest. Use
magnifying glass with the old book on the table. 3 shooting sounds will
be heard. It's a clue for the Shooting Gallery later ( 3 shots to the
middle skull ). And you'll be practicing with the robot you'll meet in
the mines later. The "red" dots are it's weakness spots.
* Turn around and open the door to go out from the ship.

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* S S R S S S S HR S R HR S S S R : Use iron key with locked door ( now
you enter The Jail )
* S : Look 3rd hole ( retrieve the rusted key )
* L : Look old chest, Open old chest, Take amulet
* Go to The Old Chest Throne. Use rusted key with chest, Look chest, Take
cylinder, Take dirty tin cup
* Find your way back to The Jail. But when you reach the room with 5
barrels in it, stop at the entrance where you can see the barrels
clearly on the right end side. Open the top left barrel. Look inside
and take the 5th cylinder ( The barrels just in front of The Jail's
door ). Now head into the jail.
* Put the cylinder in the empty slot according to their weight from left
to right ( the lighter is on the left end hole. See the number written
under the hole !!! From left to right : 0.4 0.6 1.1 2.15 6.375 kg ). A
secret compartment will be opened. Look cove. Get the rifle.
* Go to The Candle Altar ( look your map, that's the room with word
"candle" written on it ). Stand in front of the altar. Use hook with
wooden stick ( in the inventory ), Use long hook with candle
* L : Look copper vase, Use dirty tin cup with acid ( you'll have a Holy
Grail )
* Now go to the Shooting Gallery. Use the shells with the riffle. Use the
rifle with the rifle holder. Use the rifle to shoot the middle skull
three times. Bingo, another book with number 1898 on it. Take the

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* Now go to The Pirate Puzzle Board. Enter the room and face the board.
Use the slot to fill it in. Fill this order from top to bottom, left to
right. Color : Blue, green, red, red. Time : 18 hours, 5 hours, 25
hours, and 12 hours. Queen : Anette, Sylvia, Magdalena, and Raja ( you
can arrange the order by reading all the messages and the puzzle board
itself ). The rock will be opened. Enter the room.
* L : look in the broken barrel. Get the survival knife. Open it in the
inventory ( hey, there's an oil in the handle )
* R S S R : get the old amulet behind the stalactite
* L : open the look hook. Use the handle with the sickel. Use the sickel
to cut the bushes. Go through there. Use the bell inside, and a coffin
with number 1452 on it will appear.
* Go back to The Candle Altar. Now go through the pathway on the left.
* R R S S L S L S S : Use candle with candle holder, Use matches with
candle, Take candle
* R S S S S S : That's it now the Skull mouth is open wide to enter

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* S S L S : Look bucket, Take amulet
* B R S S R S L S R S : Look through, Take amulet
* B R : Look through, Take pick axe
* B R S R S S : move the danger glass. Shoot the robot at his "red" dot
rapidly to destroy it.
* S L : Look bucket, get amulet
* B R R : Get shovel, on the wall, go back outside. Now look at the lever
at each room in the mines. Move it until all of them pointing to the
door where the robot shows ( to the right ). After you do this,
suddenly a cart will shows up. It will trigger the secret mechanism to
open all the secret room there. Look at the scale near the cart. Move
it. Use shovel to dig the rock. Get the amulet.
* Enter the room in the opposite of the scale. Inside you'll find the
last amulet in the bucket and a small crowbar in the through. Continue
your journey to the far end door. After you kill the robot. Use the
small crowbar to open the right hatch there. You'll see some wine
bottle. Eat them to restore your energy point.
* Now go back outside and face the door in front of the ladder ( the
glass door with several cove on it ). Put all the amulets in the cove (
arrange it like when you plays a domino, same pictures stand next to
each other ). Move the glass door.
* S S S R : move the cart. Take some ammunitions.
* S L S : move the planks. After you kill the robots, go straight. Read
the book with number 1643 on it.
* Get out from the mines and head to The Marble Cove.


* Before you enter the marble cove, use the Holy Grail to take the warm
water. Use the fungus with the grail of water. That's the magic potion
of life and strength.
* Push the marble according this color : purple, purple, green, green,
blue, blue. The secret hidden door will open.
* Enter, light the lantern and the last number will appear : 1996. Now
head to The Fireplace Area.
* Use the firewood with the fireplace. Use opened knife with the
firewood. Use matches with the firewood to lit it. And....... the light
will open the way. Head through the opening.
* Move the lever from the small number to the big number : 1452, 1643,
1778, 1898, 1990.
* Hey, sorry guys ..... but the ending is SUCKS. They should make it more
interesting after a long game playing.

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* Firewood : in the wood pile
* Cylinder : in the woodpile in front of the skull poles, in the water on
the left of the entrance of The Pirate Gallery, in the tree limb in The
Pirate Gallery, inside the old chest in The Old Chest Throne, and
inside the top left barrel in front of The Jail.
* Fungus : under the bridge in front of the waterfall
* Halberd : behind the waterfall
* Matchbox : in the bucket under the desk near the skull entrance to The
Lost Mines
* Sledgehammer : in The Marble Cove
* Crowbar : in front of The Jail
* Instruction book of jumping : inside the secret room next to The Jail
* Small bell : under the large bell near the entrance of The Pirate
* Bullet shells : inside the carved face in The Pirate Gallery
* Old scraper : behind the stalactite on the right side of the entrance
of The Pirate Gallery
* Dagger : in the cove next to the firewood stack
* Survival knife : in The Pirate Puzzle Board ( in the secret room ).
* Cartridge case : under the 4th bar at the portcullis room
* Rifle : in The Jail ( in the secret cove )
* Gun powder : in the barrel at the entrance to the old pirate ship
* Dirty tin cup ( Holy grail ), iron key : in the chest in The Old Chest
Throne. Use acid on the dirty cup to reveal the Holy Grail.
* Candle : on The Candle Altar
* Lens and Magnifying glass : under the chair and under the nail in the
Old Pirate Ship
* Old rusty key : in The Jail inside the 3rd hole
* Sickel : in the bushes near the entrance to portcullis room
* Hook : under an old vase near the entrance to The Pirate Gallery
* Wooden stick : under the goblet on the altar near skull with a
* Old key : behind the mirror in the same room with the chest ( on the
door )
* Hammer, cup, and a goblet : in the old chest in the pirate ship.
* Book with numbers : behind the doors that unlocked by the amulets in
the mines, at the middle skull in the shooting gallery, behind the
bushes in the Pirate Puzzle Board room ( use bells ), in the secret
room in the pirate ship, and in The Marble Cove.
* Shovel, pick axe, 5 amulets, anchor, small crowbar, pliers, iron saw,
coin, ammunitions : in The Lost Mines
* Other amulets ( 6 ) : in the plant in the Pirate Gallery, inside the
safe at the Pirate Ship, in the hanging skull ( use dagger on it ) near
the cove where you find the dagger, in the old vase near the bell's
chest, in the chest at the Old Chest Throne, behind the stalactite in
the room behind the bushes in the Pirate Puzzle Board.

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1. Message 1 : Water is not water, Cup is not holy grail, Mushroom is not
mushroom, But when thou takest it as one, It hassment the potion of
life and strength ( This tells you on how to make a mushroom soup of
power )
2. Message 2 : One pirat wears a green jacket
3. Message 3 : The pirates wearing red jackets stay next to each other
4. Message 4 : Kun Storbach stays in the cave 13 hours longer than Hook
5. Message 5 : Stortebecker directly stands on the right side of Kun
6. Message 6 : Stortebecker stays in cave 13 hours longer than the pirat
who left the cave first


Should you played the different version of the game, this is the differences
: you pick the small bar instead of the shovel from the lost mines. Use it
to open the hatch in the room behind the scales. You should find a pliers
there. In the lost mines you could find an iron saw in the through also. Use
it to cut loose the bars to get the anchor. Behind the door with the amulets
to open it, you should find a sealed well. Use the pliers to open it. Then
use the anchor to get down to the well. Pick up another amulet and a coin
inside the well. Use the coin with the scale. A number ( 1643 ) will appear
there. That's it. That's the only differences on the game.

Copyright January 1997, CRASH

Thanks for the big help from my friend : Della Stockton. Thanks pal !!!!!

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