Descent 2

Descent 2

15.10.2013 06:33:05

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Version 2.01pT
Preliminary version

"Sit down, disconnect the phone, and send the kids to bed. You're in
for quite a ride."
-From the README.TXT in Descent II

This document is not a replacement for the README.TXT which ships with
both Descent and Descent II. Please read that first; this document is
intended as a supplement, not as a replacement.

All specific names included herein are trademarks: Descent, Interplay
Productions, Parallax Software, FlightStick, Gravis GamePad, Pentium,
Intel, Cyrix, Id Software, Doom, Quake, Apogee, Wolfenstein 3D, IBM,
OS/2, OS/2 Warp, PC Gamer, CompuServe, America Online, GEnie, Microsoft
Windows, Smartdrive, Return of the Jedi, Star Wars, Death Star, Virtual
I/O, iGlasses!, VictorMaxx, CyberMaxx, Logitech, Wingman Extreme, Windows
95, Prodigy. Any trademarks not mentioned here are hypothetically

This document is copyright (C)1995-96, John D. DeCuir (
All rights reserved.

Last updated 12/23/95.
Editor's Note:

If you're used to the old text FAQ, and you think that this FAQ
looks a lot worse than the old one, you're right. Quite frankly,
I'm putting 95% of my effort into the World-Wide Web version
of the FAQ, which looks and operates many times better than
this text version (which is essentially a text dump of the
WWW HTML pages). The WWW version has hyperlinks, graphics,
and many other features not found in this text document.

You can access the WWW FAQ via a WWW browser to this URL:

Thanks for your understanding.
Table of Contents

* New!
* Introduction
o What is Descent?
o Why is Descent so revolutionary?
o What does Descent II offer?
o When will Descent II, the retail version, be released?
o Will there be a rebate for Descent II for original Descent
o I have System X. Will Descent run on it?
o What are the system requirements for Descent?
o Where can I get Descent?
o How can I contact Interplay?
o Is there source code available?
o Is there a Descent newsgroup on Usenet?
o Does Descent support any VR equipment?
o What are the new weapons in Descent II?
* Strategy
o I think Descent is too easy.
o I think Descent is too hard.
o I'm lost in the maze. Any suggestions?
o I'm having trouble controlling my ship.
o How can I detect cloaked robots?
o The secret resource: lava
o How do I kill the boss robot at the end of level 7?? (Descent I)
o A walkthrough of Level 7 (Descent I)
o How do I get that Helix Cannon in level 2? (Descent II)
o How do I get the Gauss cannon? (Descent II)
o How do I get the Phoenix and/or Omega weapons in the interactive
demo? (Descent II)
o What do flash missiles do? (Descent II)
o What is the guide bot? (Descent II)
o What is the thief bot? (Descent II)
o What is the evil bot? (Descent II)
o Is there a way to get out of level 2 without getting wrecked by
the creation zone near the exit? (Descent II)
* Cheats
o What are the cheat codes for Descent I?
o What are the cheat codes for Descent II?
o Are there any secret levels in Descent II?
* Homebrew
o Will a level editor be released?
o What is DEVIL?
o Where can I find homebrew levels?
o Okay, I've gotten a new level. How do I play it?
* Multiplayer
o Can I play other humans in Descent?
o Does each computer require a distinct version of the software?
o Why do different computers play differently on a multiplayer
o Can I play Descent on the Internet?
o Is there a good place to meet other players?
o A note about networking and Descent
o How can I play those neat Chaos levels by myself? (Descent I)
o What are some multiplayer tactics suggestions?
* Troubleshooting
* Other Links


* 12/23/95: Converted to text. Added table of contents.
* 12/21/95: Added the best method for getting the Helix weapon. Added a
new cheat to Descent II. New question on rebates for original Descent
owners on Descent II.
* 12/19/95: Incorporated Jesse Kornblum's excellent Descent II
interactive demo FAQ. (Thanks to Jesse, Joe Vandeweert, Ted Yang, Ben
Damm, Aaron Teitlebaum, and Steven Cox.) New sections include what
Descent II offers, the release date of Descent II, new weapons in
Descent II, how to get the Gauss weapon, how to get other weapons in
Descent II, what the Flash Missile does, new bots (Guide bot, Thief
bot, Evil bot), how to get out of level 2 in Descent II, and secret
levels in Descent II.
* 12/18/95: Threw out old FAQ 1.x, revised entire FAQ. Result is a new
and improved FAQ version 2.0! Basically everything here is new.

What is Descent?

"Descent is a heart-pounding, gun-wrenching, edge-of-your-seat experience."
-from the README.TXT file in Descent

"The sensation of speed is amazing, and the 3D, texture-mapped graphics
make this game a genuine joy to behold."
-PC Gamer

Descent is a game from Interplay and Parallax Software. It immerses you in
a full 3D environment with 6 degrees of freedom -- you truly have the
experience of weightlessness and zero gravity.

You are a pilot who must rescue hostages and blow up the reactors of
certain enemy mines. However, there are many, many robot drones out to
destroy you before you destroy them. When the reactor blows, you have less
than a minute to get out of there before you go with it!

You are given an arsenal of different weapons. Also, you have finite energy
and shield strength, both of which may be replenished in the course of the

Descent boasts true heightmapping and light sourcing -- the textures and
feel of the game are absolutely real. And the light effects are terrific --
try shooting a missile down a dark corridor and watch it light the walls
along its path, or in Descent II try shooting out a couple of lights on the
ceiling and watch the room get darker.
Why is Descent so revolutionary?

Descent boasts a true 3-D environment with six degrees of freedom. This
means you have three axes of motion and three axes of rotation. In other
words, you can go in any possible direction that you want, not just walk
around the floor. Descent also has 3D texture-mapped polygon enemies, and
unrestricted level design, far surpassing the efforts of other 3D games of
its time.
What does Descent II offer? (jk)

The new features include (but are never limited!) to: ten new weapons,
thirty new levels, thirty new robots, flowing lava and water, a CD
soundtrack featuring Ogre from Skinny Puppy, afterburners, full-map
powerup, ammo rack powerup, energy->shield tranfers, flash missles, guided
missiles, smart mines, headlight powerup. full-motion high- resolution
cinematics, new anarchy levels, SVGA support, blastable lights, and lots of
multiplayer options!

Not all of these features are found in the interactive demo.

As of this writing, Descent II exists only for the PC world. There is no
Mac version of Descent II yet.
When will Descent II, the retail version, be released? (jk)

The official word from Interplay is "First Quarter 1996," which means
"anywhere from January to March in 1996."

According to Mike Kulas of Parallax Software on, the
release date is scheduled to be March 14th. This, however, is unofficial
and still set in Jell-O.
Will there be a rebate for Descent II for original Descent owners?

Mike Kulas writes:

"Back when we were saying that, what is now Descent II was called Descent:
CD-Enhanced. There wasn't going to be a shareware, there were only going to
be about 5 to 10 levels, a few new bots and weapons and cutscenes and
digital music. It turned out to be about three to four times that large and
was worthy of being called a sequel (we think).

I'm not sure if Interplay every publicly stated that they would provide a
rebate, but that's what we were told, so we passed it on. I'm sorry to say
that we haven't heard anything about a rebate in months, so I'd have to say
such plans were scrapped because of the size of the sequel.

It might sound like a copout, but the rebate was promised for buyers of
CD-Enhanced. At that time, we didn't know that that project would be
scrapped in favor of Descent II.

If you're unhappy, and I wouldn't blame you for being unhappy if you paid
$40, please contact Interplay and let them know."
I have System X. Will Descent run on it?

* MS-DOS 5.0 or greater: Yes.
* Windows 3.1: Yes, although it is not recommended. You are better off
exiting Windows and running it from DOS. If you want to run it under
3.1, here are the PIF settings:
o Optional Paramaters: -JoyPolled
o EMS Memory: KB Limit -1
o XMS Memory: KB Limit -1
o Display Usage: Full Screen
o Execution: Exclusive
* Windows 95: Yes.
* OS/2: Increase your DPMI_MEMORY_LIMIT to 8 megs or more. Descent
should run fine with full sound. If your joystick behaves strangely,
try using the "-JoyPolled" command line option.
* Linux: There are no plans for a port of Descent to Linux.
* Power Macintosh: Yes (only Descent I for now)
* Atari 2600: No. :)

What are the system requirements for Descent?

From the README.TXT:


* IBM PC compatible 486-33 or faster
* 8 MB RAM
* DOS 5.0 or later

Strongly recommended:

* Pentium processor
* 16 MB RAM
* stereo 16-bit soundcard with General MIDI support
* a quality joystick
* lots of spare time


* Microsoft compatible mouse
* Sound cards: Soundblaster Pro/16/AWE32/compatibles, ProAudio Spectrum
Plus/16/Studio, Gravis Ultrasound/Max, Roland MT-32/LAPC-1/SCC-1 (MIDI
music only)
* Joysticks: 1 or 2 as well as Thrustmaster WCS/FCS/FLCS/TQS, Gravis
GamePad/Phoenix, Logitech Cyberman/Wingman Extreme, CH Flightstick
Pro/Throttle, Microsoft SideWinder/Pro
* VR support: VFX-1, CyberMaxx, Virtual I/O i-glasses, and 3DMax

Where can I get Descent?

Please see the Other Links section of the FAQ for FTP sites, WWW sites, and
How can I contact Interplay?

Interplay Technical Support can be reached 24 hours a day through their
Automated Customer Service system, with representatives available during
normal business hours. Their phone number is 714-553-6678.

Other ways to get help:

* Interplay Productions
attn: Customer Service
17922 Fitch Avenue
Irvine, CA 92714
* Interplay BBS: 714-252-2822
* America Online: keyword INTERPLAY, or email "IPTECH"
* GEnie: type "M805;1"
* CompuServe: GO GAMBPUB
* Prodigy: email to "PLAY99B"
* Internet: email to
* Interplay also has a World Wide Web site at the following URL:

Is there source code available?

Both Descent and Descent II are commercial products, and hence, no source
code of the game is available, aside from the source code provided in the
official specs.
Is there a Descent newsgroup on Usenet?

Yes! Most sites carry the newsgroup "". Ask your local
news administration to carry it if they don't already.
Does Descent support any VR equipment?

Descent directly supports 3 VR headsets: VictorMaxx's "CyberMaxx", Forte's
"VFX1", and Virtual I/O's "iGlasses".

Descent also directly supports one brand of 3-D LCD glasses: the Kasan
3D-MAX glasses. These are shutter glasses which provide true flicker-free
stereo vision without the resolution loss found in VR headsets. For more
information about the 3D-MAX glasses, look on the WWW page:

Type "descent -help" on the DOS command line for more information on the
switches needed to activate these headsets.
What are the new weapons in Descent II? (jk)

The new weapons are the Gauss cannon, the helix cannon, and the super

Here are descriptions of the weapons.

* Laser Cannon - Yes, this was/is the primary weapon in Descent. It
comes it strength levels, and you can get quad lasers, which doubles
its firing power. The difference is that the laser now goes up to
level six. (In original Descent it only went up to level four.) It
does not go above six. After this, D2ID says "Your laser is maxed
out!" Each level of laser is higher in destructive power, but consumes
the same amount of energy. Therefore, the higher level laser you have,
the better kill/energy ratio you have. Some promotional materials have
mentioned a "super laser". It is unclear whether this means a new type
of laser or just the extra laser levels.
* Gauss Cannon - The Gauss is a beefed up vulcan, and makes cool noises.
It uses Vulcan ammo, so be sure to stock up. It's powerful enough to
destroy most enimies with a single shot. Be careful, though, if you
get too close to a Gauss blast, you can hurt yourself!
* Helix Cannon - A devastating weapon that can fill a room with nasty
fire very quickly. It fires six shots at a time, and rotates 30
degreees per shot. It is the big brother to the spreadfire. Be aware
that it also consumes huge amounts of energy, about one per shot.
* Pheonix Cannon - You can't use this weapon in D2ID, but it should be a
part of the final release. In the mean time, however, some of the
robots carry and use it. The shots will bounce twice before being
destroyed, so stay away from fighting these bots in small rooms.
* Guided Missiles - These missiles are guided by the pilot until
detonated or until the fire key is pressed again. At that point, they
become normal homing missiles. When you fire a guided missile, either
a mini-window will appear or your main screen will be replaced with
the view from the guided missile. (This can be set from the Options
menu). You can use the direction keys (or joystick, mouse, whatever)
to control the missile. Slide keys and eccelleration keys still
control your own ship, so that you can do some basic dodging while
controlling the missile. Although guided missile are VERY cool. There
are two minor problems with them. First, they are hard to control
until you get the hang of them. Try saving your game and playing with
them until you get the hang of it. Secondly, they don't do very much
* Smart Mines - Like a proximity mine, these are defensive weapons that
wait for some poor unsuspecting person/robot to smack into them.
Unlike a standard proximity mine, however, these spew forth globules
of energy that track nearby targets, like a smart missile. It looks
like a gold proximity bomb.

Be aware that these are not all of the weapons that will be available in
the full version of D2. Parallax has also promised a few other weapons and
a few more kinds of missiles.

I think Descent is too easy.

Try the following:

* Don't use any cheat codes
* Increase the difficulty level of your game
* Use only one type of weapon, i.e. use only the normal guns

Descent has many difficulty levels, and should appeal to every gamer.
I think Descent is too hard.

It depends what you mean by "hard". If you're having trouble controlling
the ship, see the section above about controlling your ship. Otherwise, try
the following:

* Decrease the difficulty level of your game
* Try flying around an empty mine tunnel as fast as you can and as
fluidly as you can.
* PRACTICE SLIDING!! This technique will save you many times over when
it comes to enemy fire.
* Learn when to (and when not to) use the different kinds of weapons you
* Practice, practice, practice!

I'm lost in the maze. Any suggestions?

The transition from 2D to 3D is not an easy one. While it can be
challenging, once you're used to it, 2D worlds will just seem, well, flat.

The best advice is to keep checking your map (hit TAB). How the maze is
oriented once you enter the map screen is a view from behind your ship,
with "up" going "up". You can rotate the map around after you realize where
you are to see where you want to go. To zoom in and out, slide up and down.

Also, look for landmarks -- i.e. a room full of monitors, a huge cavernous
room, or a room full of doors. Keep returning to these rooms until you've
explored every branch.

One technique that may or may not work is to simply barrel down tunnels,
not caring where you're going, just to kill enemies. This has two
advantages -- one, a lot of the enemies in the maze will be wiped out so
you don't have to deal with them when you start exploring, and a
substantial chunk of the maze will already be mapped on your automap.

Once you get a large portion of the map, you can start exploring and
looking for keys. Of course, your mileage may vary. Another technique to
keep in mind is to keep the lights of the tunnel to the top of the screen;
this will orient you correctly.

Mike Danseglio writes:

"What sometimes works best is leaving your 'mark' in the maze. Where Doom
had dead bodies, Descent does not leave rubble of destroyed enemies.
Instead, seek out the monitors on the walls and blast 'em. They will
explode and remain broken throughout the game. This really helps with the
"Have I been here before?" problems."

In Descent II, there is a valuable new option: markers. You can leave
markers, place a text label on them, and these are visible from the map.
These can be indispensible in keeping track of where you've been.
I'm having trouble controlling my ship.

This is often the most brought up subject. Like I said earlier, the
transition to 3D is not an easy one.

The predominant opinion is that the best setup is with a fancy joystick,
such as the FlightStick. This has lots of buttons and switches on the stick
itself that will let you control the game. The Logitech Wingman Extreme is
also a moderately priced popular alternative, and Microsoft's SideWinder 3D
Pro digital joystick is another popular alternative.

Failing that, the next best option is to use a normal, ANALOG joystick
together with the keyboard. I personally use the joystick to point where I
want to go and to use Z and X to accelerate and decelerate, respectively. I
don't suggest a digital joystick, such as the Gravis gamepad, because a
large portion of that immersive experience is lost when you can't control
how fast or how slow you want to turn.

The least attractive solution is to use the keyboard by itself, although it
has been known that a lot of players have become quite adept at this
method. The best way is to use the keypad for pointing, sliding, etc. and
other keys (such as z and x) on the other side of the board for
accelerating and firing.

One suggestion that everyone should try, though -- have DEDICATED sliding
keys! For example, use W,A,S and D for slide up, left, down, and right,
respectively. This lets you slide while doing other things, such as
turning, and will improve your gameplay significantly.
How can I detect cloaked robots?

Meghan Mendenhall contributes:

"First, you know you are up against a cloaked robot when you unexplainably
get hit at close range. Turn around (they tend to prefer to attack your
rear) and back up. Try and find a corner or niche to hide in, so you're
only attacked from one side. Launch a few flares, and watch for an
interference pattern against the wall. Cloaked robots look like they are
made out of slightly dirty celophane. Once you see it, blast away!
Spreadfire cannon is recommended because of its fast firing rate and wide
coverage. When the robot explodes it decloaks, so you can see debris."
The secret resource: lava

"I discovered something about the lava by accident, and a fairly costly one
at that: the lava is REALLY explosive - like missiles. This can be

Suppose you're in level 2 [of Descent I] (the one with the very large room
near the start), and you're going to get the red keycard, which is defended
by about 4 or 5 robots. As you may recall, there'a large lava pit in the
middle of the room, which at least one of the robots is always directly
above. Instead of aiming at the robot, aim at the lava right below it and
fire a blast or two. The blasts will cause the lava under it to explode,
and blow the robot above it apart! Also, since the shots are sufficiently
far from the robot, it won't try to dodge the blasts!

The Vulcan can be nice here: it's extremely high rate of fire turns the
lava into an exploding pool of fiery death (what vivid language :).

This also can work well against humans: fire above them so they dive into
the lava, then blast the lava around them. Either you'll kill them, or
they'll accidentally shoot the lava and commit suicide - you get their
stuff either way."
Scott Adams, via
How do I kill the boss robot at the end of level 7??

Adam Pletcher of Parallax Software recommends:

"Here's my method. Once the smaller guys are gone, keep circling the
pillar, always moving forward. When he comes into view, lay on him with the
quad lasers. Keep your nose pointed at him, keep moving forward, and also
slide up or down to avoid his missiles. If the smart blobs from the
missiles are getting too close to you, hug the pillar tighter or duck into
one of the cross tunnels. It should only take 5 or 6 passes like this to
nail him."
A walkthrough of Level 7

BIG thanks to Mike Lorant (, also "Dense" on IRC's
#descent) for writing this section. Obviously, this section contains major
spoilers. Read at your own risk.

1. Getting the blue key

At the start of the level go straight ahead up the ramp and follow the
corridor around to the right. At the room fly thru the far left hand door
and into a large room with a passover bridge in it. Then exit via the
corridor directly above from where you started. The corridor will bend to
the left and then dip down the slope. Fly through the corridor with the
grating on the left hand side and out the other end. Follow the corridor
past a T junction and around through the rechargerator and over to the next
T junction. See diagram 1. Turn left and grab the blue key.

Diagram 1
/ R \
/ ___ \ B = Blue Key
/ / \ \ 1 = 1st T junction
| |_____| | 2 = 2nd T junction
| 2 B 1 | R = Rechargerator
| _____ | E = Entrance
| | | | X = Exit
|==| |==|
| X| |E |

2. Getting to the blue door

Head back to the second T junction and turn left where there should be a
door in front of you. There will be grating on the left hand side with a
door down the end. Continue up the rising corridor and down the other side
until you enter a large spherical area and to the blue door on the southern
side of the room.

3. Getting the yellow key

Pass through the small corridor into the room with a red star shaped
structure and exit straight ahead (upward direction). As the corridor
points upwards watch out for the 2 cloaked Medium Lifters. The corridor
will level out again and continue following it. It will then dip a short
distance away and passes past a yellow grating with lava below it. The
grating that is above you sometimes contains a Class 1 drone so watch out
for its missiles. It is recommended that if it is there you destroy it
because it can be a hinderance when tackling the next enemy. The corridor
will turn left at the bottom and at the end of it will be a Supermech
firing missles that lock on. Level out and grab the yellow key.

4. Getting to the yellow door

Return to the beginning of the level (where you started). There will be a
yellow door on the left hand side, just below and behind the ramp you came
from. See diagram 2. Go through the yellow door.

Diagram 2
| |____
| |R | _Y
__| | | |
__ | S = Start
| | Y = Yellow door
| __ | R = Ramp
| | | |
| | |S |

5. Getting the red key

Pass down the long dark corridor with grating on the left hand side with a
yellow door down the end. There will be a small cavity directly ahead which
you can fly up. Go through there and fly to the top. Watch out for the
Supermech firing missles which lock on. There will be a cloaking powerup at
the top and just over the other side will be the red key. Grab the red key.

6. Getting to the red door

Return to the start of the level and and fly up the ramp that you initially
flew through when getting the blue key. At the end of the corridor go
through the door straight ahead and you will enter a tiny corridor with a
door down the end. See diagram 3.

Diagram 3
___| 2|_
/ \
1 /\ |
\ \/ | E = Entrance
\ ____ / 1 = Go through on way to Blue door
| | 2 = Go through on way to Red door
/ |
/ /
| E|

As you enter the next room there will be a door on the top far left hand
side. After going through that you will find another corridor that will dip
down downwards. However, watch out for two secret doors behind you that
will open when you are halfway down the corridor. Two Automated Scout
Robots will come from those two chambers (left and right side). Continue
down to the end of the corridor into a large arena room. The floor will be
volcano shaped entrance with a red door on the inner northern end. Go
through the red door.

7. Killing the Shareware Big Boss

Note that the red door will be unopenable from the other side so you will
have no escape. Read the preceding section for details on tactics to
destroy him. Good luck!
How do I get that Helix Cannon in level 2 (D2)?
Thanks to Nam Le ("FoKKeR" on #descent) for this

There are many's the first one I discovered...


The Helix Cannon is in level 2 of the demo. If you have played level 2 of
the demo you should already know that it is this blue thingy behind a grid
with a guided missle beside it. In the same room (opposite of the grid with
the Helix) you should see a cloaking device. The cloaking device is also
behind a grid. This is the room where you want to get to. Why? Because in
the same room, there is a switch that opens the door to the HELIX CANNON.

The first thing you should do is shoot the switch that is behind the grid
and is near the Helix Cannon. This switch should open a a small area behind
the grid. But, the Helix Cannon still is not accessible. There is another
switch that you must find,and this, as men- tioned earlier, is in the room
with the cloaking device. Here's how to get to the room with the cloaking

In the room with the grids, there is a door leading back where you entered
and another door that leads to a room where you see the PLASMA gun and two
GUIDED missles. In that room you will find another door that leads to a
corridor. The entrance to this corridor should be beside the door leading
to the rooms with the grids. Enter the door that leads the the corridor.

ONCE YOU get passed the door STOP! Look up at the ceiling and shoot and the
ceiling. If you shot at the right spot you should hear a sound and see a

So how do you get to the room with the cloaking device? Follow the corridor
for a few seconds while shooting at the ceiling. If you shoot in a certain
spot, a SECRET DOOR will open. This is the room with the cloaking device
and the switch! THE SWITCH should be near the place where you entered the
secret room.


Okay you've shot one switch, you know where the entrance to the room with
the HELIX CANNON is, and you are in the secret room looking at another
THAT YOU COULDN'T GO TO EARLIER(the entrance to the room with the HELIX
CANNON). You might need the afterburner to do this but if you go fast
enough, you will be able to reach the room without the help of
afterburners(i've done it!).

LITTLE FURTHER and.....YOU'RE IN! Now all you have to do is pickup the

I hope this wasn't too confusing. If you are familiar with the level,
however, you will soon see what I'm talking about. Keep on trying... it's
hard but you'll get it one of these days....


The other way to do this with a SMART MISSILE or a GUIDED MISSLE. To do it
this method. Shoot the Smart missile into the room with the cloaking device
and hope it hits the switch. With the Guided missile, shoot it and guide it
to the switch. I prefer the other method because it doesn't waste any


The final way to do this is probably the fastest and the easiest. This is
simply to shoot the first switch and then try to hit the door itself . If
you have a smart handy, then just shoot it into the room with the helix.
The shots should scatter and hit the door and open it. You can do this with
a guided missile or even a flare if you are good enough. If you hit the
door you should hear it open. This is your cue to run to it and get the


While you are in the room with the cloak (behind the grid), set a Smart
Mine in front of the switch. Then go to the location of the secret door
leading to the helix cannon. Wait until the mine goes off (about 30 sec)
and then the door to the helix room will usually open. (text by
How do I get the Gauss cannon? (jk)

First, shoot out the control panel in the small hallway where the Gauss
cannon is. This will unlock the blank side panel on the wall parallel to
the small hallway. This leads to small passage which goes to the entrance
of the hallway where the cannon is. (Be sure to get the robot in this
passage. You'll need to shoot open the door to the corridor from the
outside, then go inside the passage and around into the corridor. CAUTION:
The Gauss cannon can hurt you if whatever you shoot is too close to you.
(Such as a door!)
How do I get the Phoenix and/or Omega weapons in the interactive demo? (jk)

You don't. They're not in D2ID. The same goes for the Fusion Cannon.
What do flash missiles do? (jk)

Flash missiles cause a small amount of damage to enemies (and other
players). In addition, they cause your screen to "white out" for a few
seconds, the intensity and duration depending on how good a hit a it was.
If you hit a robot with a flash missile, he will become disorientated and
easy to hit.
What is the guide bot? (jk)

* How can I use the guide bot?

Ben Damm writes: "The guide bot (GB) is your personal slave, and it
helps you in return for freeing it. In order to use the guide bot, you
must locate it's prison, and set it free by blowing up the door. Then
it will automatically start looking for the keys, reactor, and exit.
If you don't follow it, it will stop and come back to you. Messages
from the GB are shown at the top of the screen. Also, the guide bot
can look for an assortment of useful things, such as power ups, energy
centers, hostages, etc. Or, you can tell it to go away. you can issue
commands by pressing shift-F4, which brings up a menu of commands."
* Where is the guide bot?

The guide bot is nearby the starting point on all three levels. On
level one, he is in the little alcove to the right just forward of of
the starting position. In level two, he is in the room directly ahead
of the starting point, on the ground. On level three, he's in a small
chamber, relatively close to the starting point. You need to go
straight one room. Turn left, go into the big room. (Watch out for the
"eagle" bot!) Turn right at the first intersection, and then left.
* Can I kill the guide bot?

Yes! The GB will die if you hit him enough. Hitting directly is
impossible. He either has to be hurt by enemy shots (hard), or by
exploding lava or proximity mines. After the GB dies, he leaves behind
a marker which states: "RIP: Guide-Bot".
Note: If it bothers you, it's easier just to tell it to go away.
Shift-F4 toggles his command list.

What is the thief bot? (jk)

* What does the thief bot do?

Like all thieves and most politicans, the TB robs you blind. He zips
around very fast and erratically. If he touches you, he will steal
some of your weapons. (Get used to it. The full version of D2 will the
same kind of thing, but will also work on your energy and shields.)
* Can I kill the thief bot?

Yes. It takes a good number of shots, which is hard to do because he
zips around so fast. But it is possible. When he dies he gives off
three shield power ups and three energy power ups along with all of
your stuff back. BEWARE: The explosion of the TB is fairly violent and
can hurt you if you get too close!
* What is a good way to kill the thief bot?

One good way I've found is to hit him with a flash missile (a little
difficult, but possible.) This will stun him and make him hold still
for a little while, during which you can pound the snot out of him!
* Hey, I killed the thief bot, but where's all my stuff?

If the TB has your stuff for a while, some of it is "lost" and cannot
be found again. Therefore it is in your best interests to kill the TB

What is the evil bot? (jk)

Nobody is quite sure. EB is described on the web page as "The Guide Bot's
nasty twin." EB does not appear in the interactive demo, but will most
likely appear in the full version of D2. Our *guess* is that EB is a droid
that will attempt to mislead you, impersonating the GB.
Is there a way to get out of level 2 without getting wrecked by the
creation zone near the exit? (jk)

Yes. Just inside the exit tunnel is a control panel. When you shoot it, it
creates a force field over the creation zone, conveiently trapping all the
bad guys inside. No, it's not possible to hit the control panel before you
blow the reactor, although it is possible to trip the creation zone and
simply destroy robots until it stops producing them.

What are the cheat codes for Descent I?

Type the following directly in the game, regardless of your current
keyboard mapping setup.

* GABBAGABBAHEY = Cheats enabled!

Note: You *must* type GABBAGABBAHEY before using any other cheats in the

* SCOURGE = WowieZowie Weapons!
* MITZI = All Keys!
* RACERX = Invulnerability On/Off!
* GUILE = Cloak On/Off!
* TWILIGHT = Shields Recharged!
* FARMERJOE = Warp to Which Level?

***The following cheat codes work ONLY in the registered version***

* BUGGIN = Turbo mode; everything (including enemies) speeded up
* BRUIN = Extra Life!
* BIGRED = SuperWowieZowie Weapons! (includes ALL weapons)
* FLASH = Illuminates a path to the exit
* AHIMSA = Turns off enemy ships' firing

***The following cheat codes work ONLY in reg. Version 1.4 & above***

* POBOYS = Also blows the reactor immediately
* ASTRAL = "Ghost" mode; go through doors, etc. (NOT walls)
* PORGYS = MEGA WowieZowie Weapons! (Must be seen to be believed)
* LUNACY = Robots move fast, fire seldom
* PLETCH*** = When you replace *** by a 3 digit number from 000 to 998,
whenever you fire upon a robot or hit a robot with a flare, it
"paints" the robot with a new texture. To turn off this texture
"painting", type PLETCH999.

You might want to change your "bomb" key to something that won't conflict
with these codes, otherwise you might blow up before you finish typing it.

Note that when you use cheat codes, your score drops to 0. Hence, use these
codes only as practice runs. (Thanks to

You CANNOT use the cheat codes in a multiplayer game, unless you are using
a hacked .EXE file. Please don't send me any mail asking how to do it or
how to get a copy, as I will simply trash it.
What are the cheat codes for Descent II?

* gabbagabbahey -- Takes away your shield and energy until there is one
unit of each
* bittersweet -- Turns the screen into a warped effect.
* ericaanne -- Bouncing weapons! Your weapons bounce off the walls a few
times; but your enemies weapons do too! (jk)

Are there any secret levels in Descent II? (jk)

Yes and no. There is a teleporter to a secret level hidden on level 3, but
when you fly into it, the interactive demo says, "Transporter to Secret
Level Disabled in Demo Version." To find the transporter, go to the energy
zone near the red door. Turn away from the red door, and fly straight until
you hit the first wall. Turn left. Forward and up into the small alcove.
Turn to the right. There is a hidden door in front of you; shoot it to open
it. Inside is a guided missile, some flash missiles, and, of course, the
We're looking for cheats and secrets! If you know any, e-mail me, and
you'll get full credit for "discovering" them.

Will a level editor be released?

A level editor will not be released directly by Parallax Software, but they
have released the specs for Descent levels. This document is in a
preliminary format, currently at version 0.10. You can get the specs from
most of the FTP sites that Descent itself is located.

Descent editors have already started to pop up! The first one, called
DEVIL, is a substantial effort. See the next section.
What is DEVIL?

The most well-known Descent editor is called DEVIL. DEVIL, which stands for
Descent Editor for Vertices, Items and Levels, was created by Achim
Stremplat (

The *official* WWW site for Devil is:

DEVIL is a graphically-oriented Descent level editor. It ONLY works with
the registered version of Descent.

There is also an effort by NCSA to move the DEVIL code to Win32 for use in
Windows 95 and Windows NT. For more information, look at the WWW site:

More level editors are starting to pop up. DTX is a Texture, Sound and
Music editor for Descent. DLE is a Windows-based level editor currently in
beta test. You can find both of these on Compuserve's Action Games Forum
Where can I find homebrew levels?

A good source for homebrew levels is right on the Interplay WWW site at They are sponsoring a homebrew level contest, so
check it out!

Another good source for homebrew levels is Compuserve's Action Games Forum,
which currently has over 135 levels in their Descent library. Type GO
Okay, I've gotten a new level. How do I play it?

Chances are, there is a .MSN file included with the level. If this is the
case, just move the files to your Descent directory and run Descent as
usual and hit "new game". You should see a selection box with the name of
the new mission file. Just select the new mission and play!

If there is no .MSN file, you need to create one. Create a file called
XXX.MSN (where XXX is any name you want) which includes:

name = PutDescriptiveNameHere ;any name you want
type = normal ;can be "normal" or "anarchy". Omitted
means normal
num_levels = 1 ;number of normal levels
FileName.rdl ;level filename 1

The important part here is the FileName.rdl. Replace this with the .RDL
filename. Once you've done this, put the .MSN file in your Descent
directory, start up a new game and you should see the aforementioned
selection box.

If there is more than one level, just change the num_levels to the number
of levels and list the filenames afterwards.

Can I play other humans in Descent?

Yes! Descent is a full MP (multi-player) game as well. You can either link
up with a fellow player via modem, serial cable, or network.

One of the advantages that Descent has over other similar games is that any
player can join or leave the game at any time on a network. For modems,
Descent's setup couldn't be easier. For the vast majority of modems, a
simple ATZ sets things up for Descent, and you're ready to go. You can set
this up in the multi-player setup menu off the main menu.
Does each computer require a distinct version of the software?

No. Each computer on a MP game can be running a copy of the Descent
Why do different computers play differently on a multiplayer game?

When a Pentium and a 386 are playing on a MP game, there is an element of
"unfairness" to the 386-user. In past games, such as Doom, the system
compensated by reducing the Pentium-user's display to match the 386

However, Parallax and Interplay decided not to take this route, and to have
every computer play at the level it can play at.
Can I play Descent on the Internet?

There are two major ways of playing Descent on the Internet. One is
head-to-head, called IHHD, which requires access to a shell account (Unix).
The other is called Kali; it is multi-player, but requires a true TCP/IP
connection (like SLIP or PPP). You CANNOT play Descent over commercial
on-line services, like Prodigy or America Online. (See note on Compuserve


One of Descent's shining points is that it can be played over the Internet
using IHHD (Internet Head to Head Daemon - a program that allows modem
games to work over the internet). It's almost as fast, if not faster than a
modem connection! In order to get started, you need to get the IHHD
software compiled for the unix machine you have your shell account on
(sorry slip users). On IRC in the #descent channel, type /dcc chat
descender. then type /msg descender files. the rest is easy. Once you have
the IHHD Binary for your system, find someone to play. (there's almost
always someone on #descent in IRC who'd like to play). One of you runs
"tcpanswer", the other runs "tcpdialer machine_name_of_other_player". Once
you have connected, each of you should exit your comm programs (leaving
carrier up of course), load Descent and select multiplayer game, then
Establish Null Modem Link. Presto! You've got a IHHDescent game going.
(thanks to Seth Delackner ( for this)


Kali is a program which allows a computer on the Internet to join in any
game in progress on the Internet. It requires a TRUE TCP/IP connection
(either direct ethernet or SLIP/PPP). Note that TIA, the TCP/IP emulator,
DOES NOT WORK with Kali (at least, not yet). However, SLiRP does.

The home page for Kali is at

Pramod Gumpeni ( has written an extensive FAQ on Kali
gameplay. You can find it at the following FTP site: in

It is also posted to and on the IRC #descent QuickBot
server. It is intended for use AFTER Kali is set up. The docs for setting
up Kali itself are available in the same directory.


You can play one-on-one Descent on Compuserve! Go to MTMLOBBY, and type
"CHALLENGE DESCENT". Then, leave your terminal program and run
Descent, choosing null modem link.
Is there a good place to meet other players?

On the IRC (Internet Relay Chat), there is always someone willing to play
in the #descent channel. Of course, they vary in degrees of skill, but you
can often find someone good to play with.

Also, you're bound to find a listing of IP numbers where Kali games are
being played. Also you're bound to find someone who wants to play IHHD.
Just ask!

If you have no Internet access: Interplay has set up a Descent Player's
List. Send mail to with your email address, city,
state, country, phone area code, if you are running the shareware or retail
version and level your of expertise in the text of the message to get put
on the list!

There are also two Descent Ladders out there. A ladder is a device for
measuring relative skills at Descent. To check these out, look at the WWW


A note about networking and Descent

(Thanks to mdmbkr on #descent on IRC for writing this section.)

Like most multi-player games, Descent uses packets to communicate with
other players in the network. Each packet contains information that each
other player in the network uses to determine the coordinates and other
aspects of the players. For example, say you are playing in a 2 player
network game. Your computer will broadcast packets to the other player's
computer, and the other player's computer will broadcast packets to your

Like we mentioned above, Descent allows all computers in the network to run
at their full speed, unlike Doom. Doom slows down the entire network to the
speed of the slowest computer attached. It does this by forcing
synchronized transmission to and from all of the players. Descent, on the
other hand, does not require synchronized transmission. This is why all of
the computers will run at their maximum speed, and that certain delays
(such as those associated with IHHD) do not affect the playing speed of the

However, in some cases, long delays in the reception or transmission of
packets can yield unusual results. Please do not be alarmed; this is
normal, especially if you are using IHHD or Kali.
How can I play those neat Chaos levels by myself?

In registered/retail Descent, there exist 5 new levels called "Chaos
levels". They are intended for maximal enjoyment when playing multiplayer
games. However, if you can't play with other people, don't fret! Load the
CHAOS.MSN file into any text editor; there is one line that says "Type =
anarchy". Change this to "Type = normal". Now when you select "New Game"
under the Descent main menu, it will give you a choice of missions. Select
Chaos and enjoy! Note that this works only in the registered/retail version
of Descent.
What are some multiplayer tactics suggestions?

Carl Gilbert writes in

* If you need to get away from someone, don't forget to use the bombs.
We rarely actually damage each other with them, but they slow the
pursuer down.
* With 3 or more players, make a secret pact with another player and
form an alliance.
* If you're playing at work, get all players on a conference call. After
a few minutes, you'll swear you're using ship radios.
* If you're low on shields, find a good hiding area, kill yourself, and
then return for your loot.
* Recognize when your enemy slides horizontally. Remember The Wrath of
Khan? Horizontal SLIDING is 2D thinking - exploit it.
* Pretend to run out a door, but then do a way cool rotate-while-sliding
maneuver and double back on your opponent.
* If someone blows the reactor, wait in/near the exit doorway.
* Never pick up that useless Fusion cannon.
* Leave some goodies floating in the middle of a room and wait in the
dark (said the spider to the fly).
* Vulcan cannon doesn't have tracers. Helps keep you hidden."

What about specific moves you can use in multiplayer? Dan Gentry writes in

"Since we've been playing against each other, I've noticed several distinct
types of moves that one can do, and I thought I'd share them with you in
hopes of getting some new ideas:

* Ambush Type 1: Basically, hide in a hole in the ceiling/wall/floor and
wait for the other guy to blast by. Pop out and send a missile up his
tailpipe. Also works with secret doors.
* Ambush Type 2: Find a large open space and situate yourself under an
overhang - preferrably in shadow - where you can see all of the exits
to a room. Wait for enemy to flyby and let the fun begin.
* Jousting: In a long corridor, make passes with guns blazing. Repeat as

Darren Pong Lo continues the thread:

* Circle of Death: Especially in two-player battles, I find that a
commonly evolving pattern is that the two players just circle around
and around, guns blazing, until one dies or runs out of energy. Some
opponents like to break out of the circle and try to fly to where the
other person will be, but then what usually happens is that the
circling resumes -- in the opposite direction.
* The Millenium Falcon Evasion tactic: I refer to the scene in The
Empire Strikes Back, where the Millenium Falcon escapes a fleet of
Star Destroyers by plastering itself to the hull of one, and then
flying away with the garbage. Basically, if you glue yourself flat
against the wall near a door, somebody coming out won't see you. Then
you can do one of two things: shoot them, or run through the door
they've so kindly opened for you.
* Guerrilla Warfare: Another behavior that often emerges in two-player
games is that they will get stuck on opposite ends of a short
corridor. They will both pop out around a corner, fill the air with
lasers, then hide quickly. This goes on until one decides to charge.
The second player can then:
o kill the first player (duh)
o back off, at which point the sniping begins again in a new
o try to fly around the first player (so that the positions of P1
and P2 are switched)
o die. :)
* Exit-Guarding (CHEAP): If the reactor on the level is blown, you KNOW
where your opponent will come running..."

Meghan Mendenhall contributes:

"Open the door first, shoot some flares into the room, then go in
BACKWARDS. This will beat most ambush attempts. An awesome tactic, if you
can find a room with a grating, is to fly behind the grate and wait for
your opponent there. If you use the vulcan cannon, they'll never know where
the shots came from! One thing I notice is that when I deal with the class
2 drones they tend to blend in well with the purple walls. If you can find
a spot where the underside your ship blends in, you have a great ambush
spot. Obviously it helps to get to know the level before doing

Check the newsgroup "" for more information along these


This section is different from the rest of the FAQ. It will eventually hold
a comprehensive list of questions and answers.

If you have a question for the FAQ, please e-mail it to me, and I'll do my
best to answer it here. Unfortunately, due to the high number of requests,
personal responses cannot be sent.

Please refrain from asking highly technical questions (i.e. How come
Descent II doesn't run on platform X?) -- instead, save those questions for
Interplay Support.

List is currently empty.


Other sites on the Internet with relevance to Descent:

* Interplay Home page -- home of Interplay Software, the distributors of
Descent and Descent II. (
* Parallax Software -- home of Parallax Software, the creators of
Descent and Descent II. (
* Kali Home Page -- Click here to learn more about Kali, the program to
enable multiplayer games over the Internet. (
* -- Kasan's 3D-MAX 3D glasses home page
* -- Home page for
DEVIL, the Descent Level Editor
* -- Information on
a Win32 Descent editor

Personal home pages:

* Pooterman's Home Page (
* -- Sven's Descent page
* -- Level Alpha Descent Home
* -- CJS's Unofficial Descent WWW
* /descent/descentindex.html --
Phuer's Descent Page
* -- Descent & IPTunnel (on
playing Descent via IPX routers)
* --
Atlantis Cyberspace has some more Descent related links

Usenet newsgroups:

* Discussion on Descent
* Discussion on PC games as a whole
* alt.3d: Discussion on 3D aspects

FTP sites:

* in /pub/msdos/games/interplay: site for shareware
* in /pub/descent: site for shareware
* in /pub/kali: site for Kali & Kali FAQ

If you have a link which you'd like to see on this section, please
e-mail me.

To contact me, send me mail at .

This document copyright (C) 1995-96, John D. DeCuir. All rights reserved.
Users are free to distribute this FAQ freely, providing that its contents
are not changed.

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