DB Quest

DB Quest

07.10.2013 15:49:37


If you have not completed the game, this spoiler file will probably
ruin it for you, as it contains a walk-through. A list of passwords
for various guards is also included for those who are simply "stuck"
trying to find a password.


Which Guard Password
Demon guard in Sanddale........................voudarl
Guard at entrance to prince's room.............kamilux
Portal guardian................................toklavo
Alliance guard.................................laertia
Guard at entrance to Lord Greydane's bedroom...ridkloh
Skeleton guards in Kulhain's castle............brimsan


This walk-through is designed for those who do not wish to follow
all the side-quests. The pirate's treasure quest is not covered
here, nor are the various subplots. This walk-through contains
exactly enough information to complete the game, but no more. It
is intended only to aid the player who is stuck in a particular
area. It is not intended as a complete guide to the entire realms,
and as such, does not contain any stats, or price guides.

When you start the game, you are equipped with a dagger, and you
are near your house in Brightwood. The first thing you should do
is to enter your house. Go to the kitchen, get the food in the
crate. Go to the bedroom, and get everything from the chest. To
use the map, drop it, then LOOK at it. Be sure to wear your
leather armor and shield before you leave. Leave your house.

Now head north for 5 steps, then east until you come to
Fallenstar castle. Enter the castle. Go north and talk to the
king. When he asks you if you will go on a quest for him, say
yes. He tells you to go to Sanddale. Talk to everyone in the
castle for information. Also go upstairs to the library and read
the books. Now exit the castle.

From the castle, go north through a passage in the mountains. Soon
you will see dry, arid lands. Head east a bit and you will see a
tower. Enter the tower. You are now in Sanddale. Go to the
northeastern-most room of Sanddale and talk to Sabrina. Ask her
about the amulet. Then ask her to join you. She will join your
party. Talk to the others in Sanddale for more information. Now
leave Sanddale.

Go back to Fallenstar Castle. If you need to rest, do so. Now
follow the path from Fallenstar Castle south to Bulford. Enter
Bulford. Go to Smithe's place and buy a RAFT (NOT a skiff!). If
you don't have enough money to buy a raft, exit Bulford and kill
some monsters until you get enough money. After you have the raft,
go to the Inn and talk to Judith. Ask her about her husband.

Exit Bulford and go west. Position yourself 1 square above the pier
and drop the raft. Now use the raft. Go up the river until you see
a cave. Exit the raft and enter the cave. You do not need the raft
any more.

From the cave entrance, go generally southwest. Then go generally
northeast. You will see a corpse along the way if you are going
the proper direction. Eventually, the path will seem to go off the
screen to the east. Follow the path. Then go north. You will see
many demons in a room. If you don't see demons when you go north,
then you are probably in the wrong spot. Go back to a junction and
try another route. Follow the path around until you are at the door
where the demons are. Open the door and kill the demons. Get the
Sunray Amulet and climb the stairs. You are now in Sanddale again.
Look at the blocks to the east, there are two hidden doors there.
Go through them (they are locked, use U (U-for Use) to break the
lock). There is a book in the room. Read it - the password to get
past the demon guardian is in this book. The password is voudarl.
Go south through the door & tell the demon the password (talk to him,
select give password from the menu, then type voudarl).

Walk back to Fallenstar Castle and talk to the king. When he asks
you if you have completed the quest and gotten the Sunray Amulet say
yes. He will be over-joyed and will give you 250 gold and the
password to get you past the guard of the prince's bedroom. Walk
west to the guard and give him the password (the password is
kamilux). Then enter the room he was guarding and talk to the
prince. The prince is quite healthy now, and is grateful to you for
saving his life.

Ask Prince Fallenstar about adventure and then ask him to join you.
After he joins your party, go to the southwest corner of the room.
Look at the walls and you will see a secret door. Bash the lock and
go through the door. Head south through the secret passage, then
east. You will see a chest. Open the chest and read the book
inside. It tells the password for the portal guardian in it. The
password is toklavo. Exit the secret passage the way you came in.

In the castle, stock up on weapons, armor and food. You will not
be able to get back to this world after you go through the portal.
If you want to follow any of the side-quests in this world (like the
pirate treasure, or Judith's husband, or the love-crazy bard at the
castle) then you must do it before you enter the portal.

Exit the castle. Use one of the boats to the south of the castle and
sail north. You will eventually see the demon portal guardian. Tell
him the password (toklavo) and he will let you pass. Step on to the
portal, and you will be teleported to another world. You are now in
Fallentree. Go to the first city that you can see from where the
portal dropped you. It is called Hillberg.

Enter Hillberg. There are many people to talk to here. Talk to all
of them, asking them about their jobs. You will eventually find out
something about a movement called the alliance. Leave Hillberg and
follow the path to the south. You will eventually see a town near
the ocean. This town is called Megony.

Enter Megony. In the eastern farmer's field, Timme knows of the
alliance. He will give you the password to get past the guard at
the alliance gates. The password is laertia. Leave Megony. For
more information on Kulhain, talk to all the people of Megony.

Now go south and board a ship. Sail past Kulhain's Castle. After a
short trek, you will see a tower on the northern shore. Enter the
tower. You are now in Alliance Keep. Give the password to the
guard (laertia) and he will allow you to pass. Go north to Lord
Greydane. when he asks you if you will save his brother, say yes.
He will give you the password ridkloh to get past the guard to the
west. Go west to the Lord's bedroom and give the guard the
password. He will now allow you to pass. Go past the guard, and
walk into the bedroom. Open the southern chest and get the magic
carpet. Exit Alliance Keep.

Drop the carpet, then use it. Now fly north-east over the mountains.
You will see a cave. Exit your carpet, then get your carpet. Now
enter the cave. In the cave, go generally southeast. Eventually you
will come to a room with a teleport gate in it. Enter the room.
Inside, you see a book and two chests. Read the book, and open both
chests. Get the Laertian plate and the Laertian blade. Equip your
main character (you) with these items, then step on to the portal.

You are now at the cave entrance again. Drop and use your magic
carpet and fly southeast to Kulhain's Castle. Enter Kulhain's
Castle. Walk north, then west to the torture chamber. You will
see several rooms. Enter the room that has spiders in it. Kill all
the spiders and talk to the woman there. Her name is Vanissa. Ask
her about the password. She will tell you that the password is
brimsan. Now go out of the torture chamber and head north. You
will come to a locked door. Break the lock and tell the skeleton
guard the password (brimsan). Now go west until you see Kulhain.
Fight Kulhain (he will drain all your magic power). After Kulhain
is dead, you will be able to get to the locked door he was guarding.
Bash the lock and talk to the prisoner inside. The prisoner is
Lexan. Ask him to join you and he will gladly do so. Now leave
Kulhain's Castle.

Drop and use the magic carpet and fly back to Alliance Keep. Enter
the keep, and go north to Lord Greydane. when he asks if you have
brought Lexan, say yes. Lord Greydane will give you a 500 gold
piece reward, and the ending screen will pop up. Congrats! You
have just beaten the game!

Look for DBQuest Two in '96! Download our DBQuest 2 screen shots
from the Official DBQuest Web Site (Web-address below) today!

You can obtain the latest copy of DBQuest and future games by
Futuristic Idea Studios at the official DBQuest FTP site:
users.aol.com/debrayb in the directory dbquest. You can also visit
our fantastic web page to FTP the latest version of DBQuest or you
can simply browse the interesting links. Point your browser towards:
http://members.aol.com/debrayb/index.html and check us out!

Thank you for trying DBQuest version 1.2B.


DeBray Bailey,
Author of DBQuest and
the upcoming DBQuest 2.

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